Fill in Each Blank With The Correct Form of The Word in The Brackets

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Exercise 1

Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in the brackets.

It (1) ________" (be) never too early to start (2)_______(train) your children to help
out at home with simple chores because if you (3)_____________ not______________(start)
now, your children may become lazy and irresponsible.

There are a few ways (4) ____________(arouse) children's interests and involvement
in housework. Since children love (5) _______________ (work) in groups, make housework a
family affair. (6) _______________ (start) with something simple, like (7 )_______________
(lay) the table before a meal, clearing it after(8 )_(eat) or even washing the family car.

In this way, one chore (9) _________________(lead) to another. In no time, your child
(10) ______________ (look) forward to (11) __________________(help) around the house
even more. Another way (12) _________________ (be) by teaching them (13)
________________(be) responsible for their own mess. When your child (14)
_________________(take) or moves something, teach him to put it back into its original
position when he (15) __________________ (finish) with it.

Exercise 2

One day, a mother (1) _____________(bring) home a small jar for her little daughter
on her eighth birthday. She (2) _______________ (tell) her little girl that the jar (3)
______________(be) magical. She was to (4) ____________(write) about anything in the
world and put it into the jar. Later, in its place, there (5) ________________(be) a note for her.

The jar soon (6) _______________ (become) a part of their lives. However, as the years
(7) ________________ (pass), the little girl grew into a fine young lady. She (8)
_________________(marry) and started a home of her own. For the first time in many years,
the jar (9) _________________(stand) empty and glum. The mother continued (10)
________________(dust) the jar every day, sometimes looking inside, hoping (11)
_______________(see) a note. She felt sad that the magic jar years (12) ____________(have)
come to an end.

However, when the young lady (13) _____________(give) birth to a baby boy, there
was a note in the jar which now (14) _____________(sit) on a table in the nursery with a blue
bow tied around it. The note read, "Magic jar years never end; they (15)
____________always _____________________(continue)."
Exercise 3

Mel was one of the smartest children in my first grade. She

(I)___________always _____________(watch) my every move and (2)
______________ (listen) attentively to my lessons. I felt uncomfortable like she (3)
_________________(try) to catch me (4) ________________something secretive.

Then one day, it (5) _________ (happen). The bell (6) ________ _(ring) for
recess. I was glad for the short break. But what (7) ____________(be) Mel doing? She
didn't leave the class like her other classmates.

She (8) _____________(stand) at the cupboard where she was not supposed to
be, (9) _____________ (rummage) through the things in it. All the children (10)
_______________(know) they could never open the doors to this cupboard unless
specifically (II)_______________(instruct) by me.

I stood behind Mel and (12) ___________(watch) her. I just could not (13)
_______________ (believe) it. No, not this child. She (14) ____________never
___________ (disobey) any rule before. So, what (15) _________________(motivate)
such behaviour this time?

Exercise 4

Mel was one of the smartest children in my first grade. She (I)________________
always_______________(watch) my every move and (2) _______________(listen) attentively
to my lessons. I felt uncomfortable like she (3) ___________________ (try) to catch me
(4)________________something secretive.

Then one day, it (5) ________________ (happen). The bell (6) _______________(ring)
for recess. I was glad for the short break. But what (7) ____________________(be) Mel doing?
She didn't leave the class like her other classmates.

She (8) _________________(stand) at the cupboard where she was not supposed to be,
(9) _______________(rummage) through the things in it. All the children (10)
_______________(know) they could never open the doors to this cupboard unless specifically
(II)__________________(instruct) by me.

I stood behind Mel and (12) _______________(watch) her. I just could not (13)
__________________(believe) it. No, not this child. She (14)
___________never_____________(disobey) any rule before. So what (15)
___________________(motivate) such behaviour this time?

Exercise 5

There (1) ____________(be) a stopping point in the North Carolina mountains (2)

_____________(call) Pretty Place. If one pulls off the main road and (3) ___________(follow)

a dirt trail to a clearing, there (4) _________________(stand) right before the eyes is an open-

air chapel on the side of the mountain. Simple concrete benches (5) ______________

(surround) a stone pulpit. The area (6) _____________________ (be) open on all sides so one

can see the breath-taking scenery. A feeling of reverence (7) _____________(permeate) the

whole place.

People who (8) _____________ (take) the trouble to make their way there (9)

______________ (talk) quietly, as though in a church, in this wonderful place of solitary

reflection. If one (10) _______________ (go) there in the early morning hours, when the dew

drops (11)_______________(be) still fresh on the leaves, one (12 )____________ (smell) the

earth and pine. The sky(13) ______________(lighten) every day with a glowing orange ball

(14 )________________(rise) out of the earth. One minute there would be a grey canvas and

the next, a glowing sphere of orange, yellow and pink rose, (15) _____________(fill) the sky

all at once.
Exercise 6

I first (1)_____________ (meet) Johnston about four years ago. He (2) ______________
(walk) into my office (3 )_________________ ( complain) of a low back injury he (4)
______________ (sustain) at work. His treatment proved lengthy and as time
(5)_______________ (pass), I began to learn about the real Johnston.

Johnston (6)_(drop) out of school at fifteen

years of age with no plans of ever (7)_(return) to formal education. He (8)_(join) the gangs of

(meet) Johnston about four years (walk) into my office

. (complain) of a low back injury he (sustain) at work. His treatment proved lengthy -(pass), I
began to learn about the

and on many occasions, he (9).


Tired of such a life, he (10)_

for Texas with his wife and two children, (11). himself a decent job and now this.

In many of our sessions together, 1(12).


(decide) to head -(get)


Johnston if he would ever return to school but he (13)_

always _ (reply), "No, I think I

(14 )_ (be) just too old for that." But I

(15_)_not _(believe) it was so.

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