Subwavelength Microwave Resonators Exhibiting Strong Coupling To Radiation Modes

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Subwavelength microwave resonators exhibiting strong coupling to radiation modes

Howard R. Stuart, and Cuong Tran

Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 151108 (2005); doi: 10.1063/1.2099524

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Published by the American Institute of Physics

Subwavelength microwave resonators exhibiting strong coupling

to radiation modes
Howard R. Stuarta兲
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Whippany, New Jersey 07981
Cuong Tran
Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Holmdel, New Jersey 07733
共Received 3 June 2005; accepted 25 August 2005; published online 4 October 2005兲
We demonstrate a subwavelength spherical resonator at microwave frequencies designed to mimic
the electromagnetic behavior of a negative permittivity sphere. The structure, which has a radius of
⬃␭ / 12 共where ␭ is the resonant wavelength兲, consists of an axially symmetric array of
noninterconnected conducting elements forming a resonant spherical object. The structure exhibits
many of the properties inherent to negative permittivity spherical resonators, the most notable being
a very strong coupling to radiation modes despite being much smaller than the wavelength. This
characteristic is quantified by the radiation Q-factor, which was observed to be near 1.5 times the
theoretical limit in some of the measured samples, matching the performance achievable in a
negative permittivity sphere of comparable electrical size. These resonators may find application in
the design of electrically small antennas, as well as in the experimental “simulation,” at microwave
frequencies, of nanophotonic device concepts based upon localized plasmon resonances in metal
nanoparticles. © 2005 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2099524兴

It is well known that subwavelength particles with nega- permittivity,8–10 we design the resonator directly. While the
tive electric permittivity have interesting electromagnetic resulting resonator does not exhibit negative permittivity in a
properties; this is understood from the study of metal nano- rigorous sense, many of the salient properties of the negative
particles at optical frequencies. Metal nanoparticles have permittivity spherical resonator are present in the structure.
strong optical scattering resonances, despite being much Our approach has the advantage that the resonator can be
smaller than the wavelength, due to the excitation of local- made quite small with respect to the wavelength, and the
ized surface plasmons inside the particle.1 These resonances shape approximates very well that of a sphere. In contrast to
have been used for a variety of applications, such as surface previous resonator studies conducted within waveguides,11
enhanced Raman scattering,2 enhanced photodetection,3 and our studies are conducted using free-space scattering mea-
as a means of achieving light guiding and manipulation over surements. This is critical for demonstrating the strong cou-
subdiffraction length scales.4 The ability to create effective pling strength between the resonator and the free-space ra-
analogies of negative permittivity particle resonances at mi- diation mode, which is an important characteristic of the
crowave frequencies would be of great interest, both for the negative permittivity sphere. We experimentally demon-
experimental “simulation” of nanophotonic device concepts strate, at frequencies near 1.9 GHz, a spherical resonator
at microwave frequencies,5 and also for potential applica- with a radius of ⬃␭ / 12 and a radiation Q-factor approaching
tions at microwave frequencies, such as electrically small 1.5 times the theoretical limit, matching that observed in the
antennas.6 negative permittivity sphere.
The basic structure and design parameters of the resona-
In this letter, we demonstrate a resonator at microwave
tor are illustrated in Fig. 1. The resonator is constructed by
frequencies designed to mimic the electromagnetic behavior
assembling an axially symmetric periodic array of printed
of the negative permittivity sphere. A previous approach to-
circuit boards 共PCBs兲, each containing identical patterns cor-
wards achieving this goal was reported by Smith et al.7 In
responding to that shown in Fig. 1共a兲 共the two-ring planar
that work, the authors first demonstrated a bulk medium,
consisting of a square lattice of loop-wire structures, exhib-
iting negative electric permittivity below ⬃10.7 GHz; the
parameters of the bulk medium then served as the basis for
constructing a spherical resonator. This approach is limited
by the lattice spacing of the structure 共⬃␭ / 13 in this ex-
ample, where ␭ is the resonant wavelength of the sphere兲,
which places a minimum size on the achievable resonator
radius 共a radius of ␭ / 5 was demonstrated in Ref. 7兲, and
insures that the resonator shape only crudely approximates
that of a sphere for small resonators. Here we present an
alternative approach towards the design of such a resonator:
rather than starting with a bulk medium exhibiting negative FIG. 1. 共a兲 Basic planar building block 共two-ring resonator兲. The conductor
pattern is shown in black. The resonator radius a is defined as the distance
from the center to the outer edge of the circular conductor trace. 共b兲 Six-ring
Electronic mail: spherical resonator formed using three of the planar structures.

0003-6951/2005/87共15兲/151108/3/$22.50 87, 151108-1 © 2005 American Institute of Physics

151108-2 H. R. Stuart and C. Tran Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 151108 共2005兲

large resonant scattering cross sections. The structure in Fig.

1共a兲 共the two-ring planar resonator兲 is one example: finite
element scattering simulations confirm that its peak scatter-
ing cross section is indeed ⬃共3 / 2␲兲␭2, as is likewise true for
many other conductor patterns, planar and nonplanar, exhib-
iting dipole resonances. However, these alternative resona-
tors do not approximate well the behavior of the negative
permittivity sphere in the manner of the resonator illustrated
in Fig. 2. The consequence of this becomes clear by evalu-
ating not the resonant scattering cross section, but rather the
free-space radiation Q-factor of the resonator.
The radiation Q-factor is inversely related to the power
factor,15 defined as the square of the magnitude of the field
coupling constant between the resonator and radiation mode.
It is well known from the study of electrically small antennas
FIG. 2. Electric field of the lowest order resonant mode in the eight-ring that the radiation Q-factor of a small resonator must obey the
spherical resonator. The cross section is taken along a plane bisecting two of following fundamental relationship:16,17
the conductor planes 共the modal profile within the conductor planes is very
similar, but contains strongly enhanced fields near the corners of the con-
ductors兲. The gray scale represents the magnitude of the electric field. 1 1
Q艌 + , 共1兲
共ka兲3 ka
resonator兲. By machining appropriate slots near the center where k is the wave number 共2␲ / ␭兲, and a is the radius of
axis of the individual PCBs, a structure resembling that the smallest sphere enclosing the resonator. Equation 共1兲
shown in Fig. 1共b兲 can be formed, wherein the conductor states that, in the absence of loss, the Q-factor of a resonator
patterns are arranged axially so as to approximate a spherical cannot be less than a certain minimum value, referred to here
object. Note that no electrical connections are made between as the Chu limit.16 For many applications, it is important to
the individual PCBs. In our experiments, we studied spheri- minimize the radiation Q-factor. This insures a wider band-
cal resonators composed of four, six, and eight rings, as well width of operation in microwave antennas,18 while for appli-
as the planar two-ring resonator. In this letter, we present a cations involving metal nanoparticles, a strong coupling to
subset of our experimental results, illustrating the important radiation modes insures that scattering effects dominate over
properties of this new resonator. absorption in the metal.19 A sensible figure-of-merit for small
The electromagnetic properties of the resonators were radiating resonators is the ratio Q / QChu 共the ratio of the reso-
studied using full-vectorial finite element simulation.12 A nator Q-factor to the Chu limit兲, which we refer to here as
three-dimensional eigenmode solver was employed with per- the Chu factor. Ideally, the Chu factor should be made as
fectly matched layers 共PMLs兲 placed at the outer boundaries small as possible, although it must always have a value ⬎1
of the computation region. The PMLs cause the eigenmode for lossless structures. It has recently been shown that the
solver to return complex frequencies f res as eigenvalues; the negative permittivity sphere is characterized by a Chu factor
resonant frequency is determined from Re关f res兴, and the ra- of 1.5 for spheres of radius a Ⰶ ␭.6 The negative permittivity
diation Q-factor is determined from the ratio sphere is therefore a nearly ideal subwavelength radiating
Re关f res兴 / 共2 Im关f res兴兲. The fundamental mode of an eight-ring resonator; any resonator that successfully mimics its behav-
resonator is shown in Fig. 2. In this mode, the currents in all ior should also achieve comparable Chu factor values. A Chu
eight rings oscillate in phase, and the mode is that of an factor near 1.5 is indeed the most difficult performance met-
electric dipole oriented along the central axis of the resonator ric to meet in the design of small radiating resonator struc-
共the z-axis兲. Within the sphere, away from the central axis, tures; as we show here, the eight-ring resonator illustrated in
the electric field is uniform along the z-direction, and oppo- Fig. 2 accomplishes this goal.
site in direction to the field outside the sphere at its poles We have experimentally characterized the fabricated
共strongly reminiscent of the negative permittivity sphere, in resonators using a conventional free-space scattering mea-
which the mode is uniform throughout the entire sphere and surement in a microwave anechoic chamber. The experimen-
opposite in sign to the field at the poles兲. We also note that tal procedure was as follows: source and receiver horn an-
the resonant oscillation, whereby a current flows through an tennas were placed in the chamber and oriented at 90° with
inductive pathway within the sphere and resonates with a respect to each other, minimizing direct specular transmis-
capacitance around the outer edge of the sphere, is reminis- sion between the two. A microwave network analyzer was
cent of recent lumped-element modeling of negative permit- used to characterize the magnitude and phase of the received
tivity spheres.13 signal versus frequency, first without the resonator present
The property that distinguishes the negative permittivity 共giving the background field inside the chamber兲 and then
sphere relates to its strong coupling to radiation modes. This with the resonator present in the transmission beam path,
property is often described in terms of the resonant scattering oriented with its resonant axis parallel to the polarization of
cross section of the sphere, which can be much larger than its the excitation beam. The background field was then sub-
physical size even when the sphere is substantially tracted from the scattered field; the square of the magnitude
subwavelength.1 Recall, however, that all small radiating di- of the resulting corrected field clearly displayed the Lorent-
pole resonators are fundamentally characterized by a peak zian power spectrum indicative of the resonant mode of the
scattering cross section that is 共3 / 2␲兲␭2.14 It is therefore not scattering object. A Lorentzian least-squares curve fit was
difficult to design subwavelength microwave resonators with applied to the data to derive the center frequency and
151108-3 H. R. Stuart and C. Tran Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 151108 共2005兲

FIG. 3. Resonant frequency 共left axis兲 and corresponding ka 共right axis兲 for FIG. 4. Measured Chu factor vs ka for the two-, four-, and eight-ring reso-
the two-ring and eight-ring resonators, vs gap size. Circles are for a trace nators. Moving from planar to spherical structures, and increasing the num-
width of 1 mm, and diamonds are for a trace width of 0.5 mm. Solid circles/ ber of rings, dramatically improves performance. In the eight-ring resona-
lines are measured values; open circles with dashed lines are simulated tors, a Chu factor of 1.5 is achieved at the widest gap size, matching that of
values. No simulation was performed for the eight-ring, 0.5 mm trace width the negative permittivity sphere.
structures兲, and further improvement is seen by increasing
Q-factor of the resonance. Because the background subtrac- the number of rings from four to eight. This occurs because
tion is not perfect 共the presence of the resonator perturbs the the greater number of rings results in a resonant mode profile
background兲, there is a small ripple in the data, and likewise that better approximates the full spherical shape. For the
some uncertainty 共typically 10%–15%兲 in the measured eight-ring resonators, the Chu factor reaches a value of ⬃1.5
Q-factors. for the widest gap separations 共6 mm兲, matching the perfor-
In the fabricated samples, the resonators had a radius of mance of the negative permittivity sphere. Although the scat-
12 mm, a center offset of 1 mm, and all conductor patterns tering efficiency has not been measured directly 共scattering
were printed on 20-mil-thick pieces of RO4003 PCB sub- efficiencies less than 100% would cause the measured
strate 共with a dielectric constant of 3.38 and a loss tangent of Q-factor to be lower than the radiation Q-factor兲, there is
0.0021兲. The trace width was set to either 1 mm or 0.5 mm generally a good correspondence between the measured and
in the various samples, and the gap size was varied between simulated Q-factors, suggesting that the scattering efficien-
2 and 6 mm. Figure 3 shows the resonant frequency as a cies are likely high.
function of gap size for the two-ring and eight-ring resona- 1
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