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Written Assessments

Student 1
Dialogue Assessment

Once upon a time there was a guy named Jack. Jack was just coming home from
school to tell his mom how he got an A on his math test! “Mom!” Jack shouted, “I got an
A on my math test!”
“Way to go Jack!” Mom exclaimed, “Where do you want to go out to eat?”
“I want to go to Burger King,” said Jack
Nathan chimed in, “I want to go too mom!”
“We can all go to Burger King tonight,” Explained Mom, “Their new special is buy
one whopper get one free! That means we can get two whoppers for the price of one!”
So they all got in the car and waited the seven and a half drive to go to Burger King.
“Mom I see it! I see Burger King!” yelled Jack, “Its right over there!”
They all get out of the car and start walking into Burger King.
“I hope the same workers are here from last week,” said Mom, “They’re always
nice here”
They walk inside to a sign hanging from the ceiling that reads, “WELCOME TO
“I need one of those fat, juicy, tasty, delicious whoppers,” said Jack desperately.
Student 2

Once upon a time there was a boy named Billy. Billy loved to go in the forest, but
most of all he wanted to go hunting. Every time his father would go hunting Billy would
say, “Can I come too?”
“No Billy, you're still to young to come with me,” said his father.
“Awwww,” said Billy, “why not, all my other friends go there and they’re all having
fun without me.”
Billy’s father said in reply, “Billy, no means no, and i’m not changing my mind.”
“Ok,” Billy said. Finally when Billy was two years older than he was before his
father let Billy come with him. “YES finally,” Billy screamed.
Billy’s dad said, “ What about a gun, won’t you need one of those to go hunting.”
“No dad, George’s family has two guns can I just borrow one of theirs,” said Billy,
“can George come too, i’m sure he will love it.”
“Sure, George can come, but only if his parents are ok with it.”
Billy said, “ Ok, i’ll ask him.” The next day George asked his family and got
permission to go with on the hunting trip. It took Billy, George, and Billy’s dad a
long,long trip of 3 minutes to get to the forest.
“Here we finally are,” said Billy’s dad. While they were looking for a spot to
become bush wookies, they came across Forest Gump. Forest was the master of being
a bush wookie and even had a bush costume to wear. Forest showed Billy the ways of
the bush wookie. Forest had many years of practice of practice being a bush wookie,
over 20 years in fact. After they taught him the ways of the bush wookie, they finally got
to hunting. They all had epic crossbows and were not very good at using them. Their
aim was so bad that they hit everything except the animal. Billy accidentally hit George
in the foot, so they had to go to the hospital. George was ok though and they never
went hunting again.

The End    
Student 3
One day there was a guy named Joe. He was nice and very funny guy. His
parents both worked for the same company. So when they have to travel he asked if he
can go too. They all ways said no but he always asks.
So one day he was outside and looked over there and said, “Is that their new
car?” Joe then went over and looked at the car and noticed there are people in the car.
Joe said, “Can we get a ride too.”
“Sure get in, “ said the neighbors, “we have room for two.”
So they got in and asked, “Where are we going?”
They responded by saying, “I don't know where do you want to go?”

The neighbors said, “We are going to go to the park.” Joe was so excited to go to
the park! That was his favorite place in the whole town. When they got there Joe
jumped out of the car and went straight to the swing set. He had so much energy he
was swung so high on the swing set. After that he ran to the play set and jumped up and
down then he went down the slide.

On the way home from the park Joe was exhausted. Joe fell asleep on the way
home in their neighbors new car. When he got home Joe said to his mom that they’re
going to go to the park tomorrow. After that he went upstairs and took a shower. Then
he said goodnight to his mom and dad. He fell asleep right after.
Student 4
Once upon a time there were two sisters. Their names were Sarah and Sally. Sarah
was a basketball player, and Sally was a dancer. They normally had games and recitals on
different days, but every year there was one day that they would both fall on. They would
always fight on which parent was going to whos thing.
“Mom is going to my game!” exclaimed Sarah.
“No,” Sally started to say, “she is going to my recital!”
At the same time the both screamed, “Mom!”
The second they said that mom can rushing up stairs, like an emergency just
happened. “What? What just happened?” she questioned.
“Aren’t you coming to my game?” Sarah said.
“No, she is coming to my recital. Right mom?”
Mom replied ever so calmly, “I am coming to both of yours.”
“What do you mean?” Sally was confused.
“This is the first time,” mom said, “that your game and retical fall on the same day
but different times. Sarah your two games are in the morning and Sally, your recital is at
“Awesome!” Sally exclaimed.
The next day was Saturday, game day! Right know, they’re walking into the arena
where Sarah is playing. She went down on the court to start warming up. Sarah was really
good at basketball. She always started in the first five.
Sarah's team won both games and she averaged about 14 points per game.
“That’s incredible,” Sally said, “know on to my reciatal.”
When they walked in the theater, they took their sets while Sally went backstage to
get ready for her performance.”
When Sally performed she was like a swan, so beautiful and graceful. When she was
done she got a standing ovations and so many roses.
“You did great,” replied Sarah.
“Thanks,” Sally bowed while she said it, “so did you!”
“Why don’t we go out for ice cream?” mom questioned.
“Yes!” Both of the girl replied so fast.
Once they got to the ice cream shop they were in love. The whole family loved ice
cream very much. Their mom and dad both ordered the same thing. Double chocolate
Then Sally spoke up and said, “I would like rocky road.”
“Can I have that too?” Sarah asked.
“Definitely,” their dad said.
After they ordered their ice cream, they went outside to enjoy the nice day and eat it.
“This is the first time that I actually get to come t0o both of your guys things on the
same day.”
“Me too!” dad replied, “Maybe we can do this after every game or recital.”
“Totally,” everyone but dad replied.
After that no one would have to argue. And that’s that.

Student 5
It is Sunday, and in my house that is grocery day. My mom usually takes my two
brothers and I to Hyvee, to get everything our family of five could possibly need to
survive the next week.

“I want those halos oranges that are over there,” my youngest brother cries when
we pass the produce aisle.

My other brother quickly responded,“Me too, mom can we buy them, please?”

My mom sighs and turns the cart around to start heading back towards the fresh
produce section.
“I am going to go grab their oranges,” mom tells me,”go get the rice for the soup
When I walk into the grain aisle I see two short women and I noticed that they’re trying
to reach for the box of fettuccine noodles on the top shelf. So I walk over to help them
get it because I am six feet tall and can reach tall stuff easily.

I had the box of noodles to the woman and she says,“Thank you so much!”

“No problem,” I respond.

When I finally came out of the aisle my mom is already checking out at the register, so I
put the box of rice on the table and smile at my mom.

Student 6
It was the ninth of February, when Hailee had woken up in the hospital bedroom.
She was in the baby blue nightgown that tied in the back with a shiny, thin, blue ribbon.
She didn't understand why she was there, then she remembered what happened the
night before. She was riding her bike on the way to her friend maggie’s house. She
was riding on the right side of the street when she saw maggie’s house come into view.
She saw their two dogs running in the yard so excited to see her. They’re so excited to
see her. The dog’s tails were wagging like the speed of lighting. She then parked her
bike outside their house like she always did. She walked up to the massive rusty, brown
door and rang the doorbell. Like always maggie’s family always greeted her with hugs
and smiling faces. She never realized how nice of a family they were.
“Hailee,” maggie’s mother shouted, “it’s so nice to see you again.”
“It’s nice to see you again too Mrs. Cook,” she stated.
Mr. Cook smiled and said, “How has volleyball been going?”
“It’s been great. Thanks for asking,” she exclaimed with a smile.
Maggie and Hailee and went up to Maggie’s room and played on their phones
and watched T.V. The night was getting late and Hailee had to get back home. She
packed up her bag and thanked the Cooks for a wonderful time. She said goodbye to
cookie and hazelnut, Maggie’s dogs, and got on her bike. She strapped on her helmet,
switched the gears and was off. She couldn’t stop thinking about the night she had with
Maggie that she didn’t see the car right in front of her. The car hit her head on and was
flown to the city hospital a few days later. She had a broken rib, arm, and a concussion
from the crash. From that day on she never rode her bike again.

Student 7
There once was a girl named Sue. Sue loved to make forts in the woods.
Her best friend named Lulu, loved to do arts and crafts. Lulu lived two houses
up the street from Sue. The two of them always had sleepovers and playdates.
“Hey,” said Lulu.
“Hello,” said Sue.
“What are you doing tonight?” Sue asked. “Would you want to sleepover at
my house?”
“That would be so much fun!” Lulu responded. “Can we make a fort in the
forest too?”
“Yes! I'm so excited!” Sue shouted.
Lulu asked, “What time should I come down there?”
“5:30 would be perfect!” Sue happily said.
Sue had been patiently waiting for Lulu to arrive. Just when 5:30 hit, Lulu
knocked on the door.
“Lulu is here.” yelled her mom, “Come get the door Sue.”
Sue ran down the stairs as fast as she could.
“Welcome,” Sue said, “do you want to put your bag in my room then we
can go into the woods?”
“Sure,” responded Lulu.
Lulu put her bag in Sue’s room and off they were into the woods to make
a fort.
“Look at them out there,” said her mom.
“Yah they’re playing very well together,” said her dad.
About 15 minutes later their fort was complete. The girls had sticks
stacked on top of each other, and some leaves for decoration.
“Yay,” said Sue.
“We did it,” Lulu said proudly.
Their fort was super cool and no one else was allowed into it!
The End.
Student 8

With Black Knight at his feet, Shovel Knight was ready for some answers. It didn’t take
that long to take down Black Knight, only two smacks to the head with a shovel.
“Where is she?” demanded Shovel Knight.
“Last time I say her,” replied Black Knight, “she was in that tower over there.”
With all the information needed he headed away for the tower. The forest was huge,
might take him some time to get there, but the journey was worth his time. On his way there he
ran into a village. It was decent sized, bigger then most yet not the biggest Shovel Knight has
One of the villagers ran up and asked, “Are you heading to that tower?”
“Yes I am,” replied Shovel Knight.
“I would be careful if I were you,” whispered the villager, “the people in there are very
dangerous, and territorial with their land too.”
“I already heard they’re dangerous, but I’m not afraid,” answered Shovel Knight proudly.
He started walking, but took a quick pause when he heard the villager yell, “Good luck!”
Shovel Knight was out of the town, but it was starting to get dark. He didn’t want to back
track back to the village. So he made a fire and camped for the night. He had a long adventure
ahead of him, he needed to be prepared. With the tweeting of birds, and the movement in the
grass woke him form his slomber. Deers and rabbits were ranning everywhere. Nice to see the
darkness hasn’t reached this far into the forest, thought Shovel Knight. With most of civilization
at his back and the darkness in front of him, he was ready for any challenge that came his way.
Student 9
3 type of THERE
3 types of TO
3 types of quotations

I went there because I was hungry. I went to their house because I had homework to do. I have
to do two questions. They're going out to eat. She was too busy.
This is to hard “Said mason.”
Bob said to mason this is easy “he said,”
Student 10
It was the first week of training and I knew I had to be ready. I was with my friend Lily
and a few other people I didn’t know. Here at River Ridge stables you had to be prepared for
anything. At any moment it could be your chance to be in the spotlight and show the judges what
you got.
“Hey,” Lily said, “It’s going to be fine.
“I know, I’m still nervous though.”
“Don’t be, you’ll do great.” answered Lily.
It was my turn to go out into the arena. The girl before me did dressage, which mean’t I
would be jumping. I got on to my show horse and went out. I bowed to the judges and then got
started. The first jump was clean. But the other, well lets just say it didn’t go very well. My horse
refused to take the jump and bucked me off. I was disqualified. Tears ran down my face. When I
left the arena, Lily hugged me and then it was her turn to go on. She would be vaulting. I
watched for a little and then decided to take a walk.
I took my horse to his stall, untacked him and then went outside. It was nice to get
outside. The air was humid, but there was nice breeze. It was the middle of July and this summer
camp was going ok, but not the best. The camp lasted the whole summer so the riders here got
put in certain classes. Like the more expericenced were put in a different class then the
begginers. I thought that I was a pretty good rider but not the instructors here. Aparently they
think that I’m only capable of going over the smaller jumps. Which mean’t that I was bumped
down a class. I used to be in the experienced class, but now I’m in the middle class. The middle
class is a mixture of different skilled riders.
The next day I was out with a different horse. His name was Ahearn. He was a beautiful
bay Thourgobred. He was tall to. I got him tacked up and joined the class.
“Today, ladies and gentleman, we will be working on our posture wehn trotting.” Ms.
Smith, out instructor annouced.
I started at a walk and waited for Ms. Smith to tell me to go to a trot. She finally told me.
Ahreans trot was nice and smooth, and that made it easy for me to keep good posture. Later after
class Ms. Smith came and talked to me. She said that i have approved and let me do experienced
things in the class.
It was the last day and I had to preform in front of everyone in the camp. I got out in the
arena and jumped like I’ve never jumped before. I did an amazing job. By the end of the day
everyone was finished with their perfomaces. We each got our own t-shirts and left to go home.
Student 11

Two knights had been sitting on the far side of the hill. Just high enough so they
could see the castle and make preparations, but not high enough up for the people in
the castle to see them.
“I wonder when we should go over to there to get ready to capture the castle?”
John asked.
Jeff responded, “I think we should leave right now. If we aren’t quick our cover
will be blown, and if that happens, say goodbye to everything.”
Jeff and John were waiting for exactly the right time to make their way over to the
castle walls. The plan was crude, but also effective if executed properly. They were
going to work their way along the walls until they got to the main gate. From there they
would breach the castle gate, and with fingers crossed they would catch the enemy by
“Wait up for me!” called Carl, “I want to come too!”
All of their cover was blown.
“Carl! You have ruined all of our plans to be rich with gold,” said Jeff.
“Ok, Sorry. Where are these people that we are trying to defeat at?” asked Carl.
John replied, “They’re in the castle! Where else could they be?”
Apparently a lot of places. Just seconds after John said that, a volley of arrows
rained in.
Student 12
Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, the alarm clock went. It was bright and early, Billy got
up every day at 5:30 am. He woke up took a shower, combed his hair and got dressed
for school. It was six o clock and he had to eat his cereal by 6:30. Billy ate his cereal,
and then his mom yelled, “Billy, are you almost ready for school?”
“Yeah, I’m almost ready,” Billy bellowed back.
Billy finished his cereal and grabbed his backpack and ran into the car. On his
little ride to school he asked his mom, “What are you doing today?”
“I am,” Billy’s mom said, “going to the grocery store.”
“Can I come too?” Billy asked.
“Sure,” his mother replied.
Billy walked from his car to the school door and said he had to hurry up. He
stopped at his locker so he could drop off his coat and he also grabbed his Social
Studies book he just got into his homebase while his homebase and math teacher, Mr.
Carr called his name, “Billy Clark!”
“Here!” Billy said as he barely made it into their classroom. Second period for
Billy was science with Mrs. Smith, the only thing he learned was that they were going to
have a test on friday. And then he had math where learned what 144 divided by two was
72. After math he had Social Studies with Mr. Decker. Billy wasn’t focused on Social
studies though he was focused on getting over there the other side of the school without
being late for gym. As soon as Mr. Decker’s class got out he sprinted to his locker and
eventually to gym. The rest of the day was completely fine and nothing happened until
the next day.
At the end of the day his mom asked, “How was today?”
Billy replied “Fine, but they’re going to have a test tomorrow in Science.”
“Okay I can help you study for that,” his mom stated.
“Thank you mom,” Billy said.
Student 13

Pete said, “I love movies.”

“My favorite movie is insidious two,” Pete stated.

“I also like that movie.” said James. “If you want you can come to my house to
watch it.”

“Is it fine if I come over there at about 7:00,” said Pete.

“If you want we can watch the first movie too,” said James.

“I’m going to hockey before that but I think I will be back by 7:00,” said James.

James hockey team is really good this year but the team they’re playing is
number one in the state. Washington State West is the name of the hockey team. Their
goalie is the best goalie in the United States and he will be playing for the Olympic
hockey team for the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Rumor has it
that the goalie can stop a puck even if it is going 100 miles an hour.
Student 14
“Hey Jill, they’re going to the store,” Ellie says, “want anything?”
Jill responds, “On your way back could you pick me up Starbucks?”
“Sure,” Ellie says.
“Me too!” Her sister in the other room responds. Handing her two dollars for her
and two dollars for her sister. Ellie put the money in her wallet.
“Come on, Ellie!” her friend shouts.
“Okay, I’ll be right there, just need to grab my phone!” She shouts back putting
her wallet on the counter. She grabbed her phone and raced out the door. She drove to
the store when she saw blue and red lights behind her.
“Uh-oh,” Ellie says in panic. She unrolls her window.
“May I see your license please?” The officer says. She patts down her pockets of
her coat,shirt and pants but can’t find her wallet, she can’t find it.
“I'm sorry-” Ellie starts to say when her friend taps her on the shoulder with her
wallet in her hand.
“Thanks!” Ellie says in relife handing her license to the Officer.
“Okay I’m gonna leave you with a warning,” he says with a smile handing her
license back.
“Thank you,” she says, heart pounding while the officer went to his car, “okay,
well let's go to starbucks,” she says kinda chuckling. She drives to the store, then to
Starbucks. She orders the drinks and the waitress says, “That will be $4.25 please.”
Ellie handed her the money her sisters gave her and then searched for loose change to
hand her.
A bell rang and the waitress said, “Here you are, have a nice day.”
“Thanks,” Ellie replied with a smile on her face.
She got the drinks and left. She pulls into her driveway and went inside handing them
their drinks.
“Thanks!” Jill and her sister said at the same time.
“You’re welcome,” Ellie responded, “and I have a story for you!”
The end.
Student 15
Once upon a time there was a teenager. Her name was Hope She had just
moved to Idaho from New York. Today was Hope's first day starting at Jefferson Middle
School. Hope was walking up to the double doors to enter her new school, When she
tripped and fell dropping everything in her hands including her lunch which was now
splattered all of the cement.
“Are you ok?” asked Ava even though everyone laughed at her.
“I think so,” replied Hope, “thanks for asking.”
“My name is Hope,” added Hope.
“My name is Ava,” Ava replied by saying, “Are you new here?” Hope was thinking
in her head, is she actually being nice to me or am I just imagining it?
Hope then said, “Yes I am.”
Hope then asked, “Are you new here too?”
Ava replied, “I am not.” After about two week they’re best friends.
Student 16
My life has been rough the past three months. Ever since my grandma and grandpa
moved to Florida, all the way across the country life has been depressing for me. My grandma
would always listen to me and completely understood my life. My school life is rough and she
would always listen to my day and give me advice even if she was at bingo. I am bullied at
school for the way I look and the way I learn, slow. My grandma didn’t chose to move to the
other side of the country but my grandpa needed special medical help and that was the best
place to go. They never wanted to leave us they just did what was for the best. At least I get to
call her every two days or so since now she is busier with all the moving in and grandpa and all.
I pick up the phone because it the rights day and time of day when she is actually
available. I dial her number and put the phone to my ear and just pray that she will answer. I
hear the ring once, twice, three times, four times and then half of a ring and hear a faint hello,
my grandmother's voice!
“Grandma, is that you?” I squeal into the phone.
“Yes sweetie it’s grandma,” she replies, “I am so glad to you called it feels like we
haven’t talked in forever!”
She sounds different, I wouldn't say a good different or a bad different, but I would say
“Grandma how are you, grandpa, and piggy doing?” I ask with concern. Piggy is their
dog. She is very old but the sweetest dog you could ever meet. I love that dog so much, I guess
I could say I don’t just miss my Grandma and Grandpa I also miss Piggy.
She replies saying, “We are doing fine just some rough patches here and there wIth the
move and all, but enough about me, how are you sweetie?”
“To be honest grandma life is really hard here without you by my side everyday.”
She says back, “I feel the same way sweetie.”
Our conversation lasts about twenty minutes, but I had to go eat supper so I had to hang
up. Even though I can still talk to her she just feels so far away. I get ready for bed 4 hours later
at 9:30 because I normally stay up on my phone for a while before going to bed. As I climb into
bed my mom comes in with a concerned look on her face.
“Mom, is something wrong? You never come in after I say goodnight to you.”
She replies back with, “Well, I don’t have the best news for you.”
I immediately think the worst, that something horrible happened to either my Grandma or
I ask worried, “What, did something happen to…” Mom interrupts me before I can finish.
“No Grandma and Grandpa are fine, it’s piggy,” she say, “they let Piggy out in the
backyard and the fence had a hole and he slipped through it and ran away.”
“What, no this isn’t right, Piggy would never do that, he loves them.”
“They looked around the neighborhood but couldn’t find him, asked a few neighbors and
still couldn’t find him. Now they’re making posters to post around the city, so that hopefully
someone finds him and they return it to the phone number they put on poster. They are hoping
we could fly down there not only to help them find Piggy but for a mini vacation too,” said mom.
Student 17
One day, Anna had come to school feeling confused and helpless. She had not
understood the homework that was provided from the day before.
There she was right in front of the classroom door looking discouraged.
“Hey Anna,” greeted the teacher, “how are you this morning?”
“Just great!” Lied Anna.
The teacher responded,”Me too!”
The day was a long, stressful day. With classes piling in on homework for the
upcoming weekend. Anna did not have time to realize that it would soon be two o’clock.
Oh no thought Anna, how could this school day have gone so fast. She still had not
done her homework.
Tik, tok, tik, tok.
“Ok class, please get out your homework from last night,” the teacher said.
All her classmates had done their homework and it seemed that she was the only
one who did not understand it. She sunk down in her seat too embarrassed to even look
at the teacher.
“Anna,” said the teacher softly, “can you come out to the hallway with me?”
Anna said nervously, “Ok.” The teacher told Anna that she had noticed her falling
behind in class.
“I want to help you, but you need to let me help you,” the teacher said.
By the end of the day, Anna had gotten caught up in her L.A. class.
Anna thankfully said, “Thank you so much for your help!”
“You’re welcome!” Said the teacher.
That night, Anna had told her parents everything.
“Well I’m glad they’re helping you there at that school,” said her mom.
“I’m happy they noticed and took time out of their way to help you,” her dad said
The End
Student 18
Once upon a time there was a basketball. It was the most beautiful
basketball you could ever get. It had the best grip and everytime you shot the
ball it went in. It was called Dominate. There were two girls who loved to play
basketball and they both wanted it. Their names were Summer and Dani. They
were best friends.
“Bye mom I’m going to the park to shoot hoops,” said Dani.
“Okay.” said Dani’s mom. “Be home by eight for dinner.”
“Okay,” Dani said.
Dani was going to the park to meet up with Summer to shoot hoops. They
needed to practice before their big tournament this weekend.
“I’m over here,” shouted Summer.
Dani asked, “Now should we practice?”
“No,” said Summer.
Dani said back confused, “What?”
“I want to get the new basketball that just came out.” said Summer. “There
is only one left and I want it.”
“Wait a second,” said Dani, “I want it too.”
Summer said, “There is only one of them.”
“I know that,” said Dani, “first one to touch it wins.”
“Your on, ” Summer said.
Summer and Dani were both running as fast as lightning to get the new
basketball. They both wanted it so bad. They were running side by side until
they got to the building the basketball was in.
Dani shouted, “Look!”
Summer asked, “What?”
“They’re going to get the basketball before we do,” said Dani.
“Oh no,” said Summer.
Dani asked, “Do you want to team up?”
“Ya,” said Summer, “then we can share the basketball.”
“Okay,” said Dani, “lets get that ball.”
The girls ran inside and saw the basketball sitting in a glass case. They
went to go grab it when the other girls grabbed their hands.
“We are going to have it, let go of me,” said Summer.
“No,” said the other girls.
“Fine then,” said Summer.
Summer used her karate skills. The other girls ran away and Dani and
Summer got the new basketball. Dominate!
Student 19
Dialogue- 3 types
To, too, two
There, their, they’re

“Mom!” Stacy yelled. “Can you take me over to Hannah and Rachel’s house for a
sleepover tonight? We would get there at 5:00 if we leave now. Please!” Stacy had
been waiting forever to be able to go to their house. Both Hannah and Rachel were
getting their rooms done and they hadn’t been able to hang out for weeks. She had just
gotten off the phone with them after learning that she could finally come over.
“Sure Stacy. You just need to get your stuff organized. They’re not going to want
you going over to their house being a mess,” her mom replied.
Stacy put two outfits and a brush in her bag. She redid her hair and washed her
face. She was so excited to go.
Eli cried from the other room, “I want to go too!”
“You are not going Eli. It’s for girls only. Plus your too young and Hannah and
Rachel aren’t even your friends,” countered Stacy.
“Fine!” Eli yelled as he stormed back to his room. Eli was 7 years old and had
never had a sleepover before. He was always jealous of Stacy because she got to over
to her friend’s houses a lot.
Once Stacy was ready, she got in the car and her mom drove her over to her
Hannah and Rachel’s house. Stacy was so excited that she wouldn’t stop rambling on
the way there. As soon as they got there, Stacy gave her mom a hug and hopped out of
the car. She had left her phone on the front seat.
Her mom rolled down the window and yelled to her, “Stacy, you left your phone!”
“Oh! Woops. I wouldn’t want to forget that!” Stacy exclaimed. She laughed as she
ran back to the car to get her phone, “This is gonna be great!”
Student 20

One time in school Katie, Anna, Kylie, Bailey, and Molly were going to the library.
Just like always Anna thought it would be fun to push Molly into a guy in their class or
perhaps her crush. So while they were walking, Molly’s crush just so happened to be in
the hallway too.
“Hey look, there’s you know who,” Anna said mockingly to Molly.
Molly responded with, ”Oh shut up!”
“I think I should push you into him,” Anna said, ”what are the chances that he’s in
the hallway right when we are.”
Anna of course tried to push Molly into him, and this time she was successful.
Anna, Katie, Bailey, and Kylie all bursted into laughs. But suddenly Molly’s crush caught
her, and professed his love for her. For they were all left shook. They were all left
speechless except for Molly who jumped up and down, because she couldn’t believe
what he was telling her. Anna started jumping up and down too.
“You two, stop jumping around in the halls!” Mrs. Sisler said.
Later on when Molly and her crush were older, they got married. Katie, Bailey,
Anna, and Kylie were all jumping around like idiots, because they couldn’t stand how
happy they were. Now they’re all happily married to their middle school crushes.

Student 21
In late July 1969, in dallas Texas, Jimmy B and Frank J were playing on a
seesaw when the two saw a large object grash from the sky a mile away from them!
“What was that!” Jimmy shouted.
“I don’t know,” Frank answered, “but we should go over there and investigate.”
So the boys went over and investigate. Their jaws dropped when they found out
the large objects was the ship that Neil armstrong And Buzz Aldrin road to the moon.
When the astronauts came out of the rocket ship, Jimmy whispered to Frank, “I
think They’re aliens.”
“Maybe not,” Frank said, “I'm going to try to talk to them”
“Ok, I will too,” exclaimed Jimmy.
One of the astronauts took off his helmet, revealing that he was human. After
explaining what happened to the boys, The two spacemen got a ride back to Houston
from Jimmy’s mom.
The NASA workers were surprised at what had happened, but believed the story.
The two boys were praised by the astronauts as heros for finding the ship and giving
them a ride home. Their names will forever be engraved in the wall at NASA
Student 22
Billy's Terror

As Billy walks home with his friend Jerry, Billy sees two nerds walking towards
the library.
Jerry states that, “At least they’re in their happy place.”
“Well I too have a happy place,” replies Billy, “and that's at the couch watching
Happy Gilmore.”
“What about Minecraft,” says Jerry.
“Well that too,” replies Billy.
As they continue to walk they see movement in bushes and noises all around
them. Sometimes seeing what looks like eyes. Both of them hear and see it but they
don't really care for now. When they take a turn onto a different street Billy notices a
large tree looming over them.
“I would really like to go over there,” comments Jerry as he points at a large pool
owned by the neighbors.
As they pass under the tree Billy remarks that he hears like a creaky groan.
“Run, Billy! Run!” Yells Jerry as the tree falls down.
As Billy turns toward the tree everything goes black.
All of a sudden Billy's walking home from school and sees two nerds walking
towards the library again.
Then what really scares him is that Jerry says, “At least they’re in their happy
Billy plays along scared and confused continues to reply, “Well I too have a
happy place and that's at the couch watching Happy Gilmore.”He plays along until they
get to the road with the tree on it.He does the same thing except this time when he
hears the weird noises he runs toward them.As he comes to the back of the tree he
sees some eyes in the bush. Billy turns toward Jerry and gives a confused look. When
he turns back towards the bush he slowly walks toward it.
Then Billy laughs and said, “Look at this bush wookie.”
All of sudden Jerry yells, “Run, Billy! Run!” When Billy looks back at the bush he
sees a large bear with its jaws wide open jumping toward him. Then its all black again.
Student 23
The adventures of billy and the falling trees and two
kids that die from clowns and john
“Did you see what happened over there?” John said.
“No I'm so cool I don't have to look,” Billy said. A tree fell on Billy, and then he
“OMG Billy are you OK?” John said.
Billy replied, “Ya.”
Sike, you thought Billy was dead, but he’s not. He is living and no one knows
“So what happened over there?” Billy asked. “ I wanted to see too but a tree fell
on me.”
“Oh, a clown was shoving twinkies down their throats, it was awful,” John said. “I
think they’re ok though.”
“That sounds bad, should we go see if they’re ok for sure?” Billy asked.
“Sure,” John said.
“Ok,” Billy said.
They went over to see if they were ok and another clown with twinkies popped
out. So in all there was two clowns with twinkies. It was intense now.
“This is fake news,” Billy said.
“ I know,” John replied.
“Omm nomm nomm, I’m going to eat you!” the clowns exclaimed.
A tree fell on the clowns, and they both died.
“Yay,” Billy said, “we defeated the clo-.”
A tree fell on Billy and he died for real this time.
Student 24

“ Mom have you seen my history binder?” asked Gracie.

“ Gracie,” Joey said, “it’s under your bed.”
“ Ok thanks Joey,” Gracie said, “I’m gonna go eat some breakfast do you want anything?”
“No i will be right down to do it myself,” Joey exclaimed.
As Gracie was going down the stairs she notice that there was a little piece of paper on the
counter that said

Gracie and Joey,

I know that you are probably wondering why i’m not there,
I have decided that your father and I need some time apart. I
I’m sorry that this isn’t much information.
Love, Mom

“ Nice try Joey i’m not going to fall for it,” Gracie yelled upstairs.
“ What you you mean Gracie,” Joey said trying not to laugh.
“I know that you put the note on the counter and tried to make it sound like mom and
dad were fighting and mom moved away, and i’m not going to fall for it,” Gracie explained.
Then Joey replied, “I haven’t seen the note yet but does it look like my handwriting?’’
“No, and it wasn’t me so--,” Gracie started.
Joey cut her off, “That means that the note is real.”
“Joey i’m getting on the bus are you coming,” Gracie said trying not to keep the thought
of her mom moving away in her mind.
“Wait, I’m coming too,” Joey exclaimed.
After they were both on the bus Gracie was explaining everything that had happened that
morning to Mona her best friend.
“I will meet you at Mona and Liam’s house after school” Gracie told Joey as she was
getting off the bus at Attaway middle School.
“Wait your going to their house too?’’ Joey asked confused
“Yeah there are two of them we can go our way and you can go yours,” Gracie said, “I will
see you after school”
After Gracie left Joey and Liam were laughing so hard until the girl next to them asked them,
“Why are you guys laughing so much,” she asked
“Because we played the best prank on my sister,” Joey explained
“What was it?” she asked
“We made a fake note that was basically telling both of us that our mom was moving
away,” Joey said dying of laughter.
“That was really rude Joey,” the girl said “I’m going to tell my older sister tonight what
you did and she will tell Gracie.”
“It’s not like I care,”Jjoey explained.
“They’re going to be really mad,” the girl said.

Student 25

Kandra Reece was a kind women of the age of twenty three. Went through the
same schedule as she always did in the mourning; wake up, cook breakfast, get her
two children ready for the day and go to work. Kandra always hoped that things would
go this way until her children went off to college. When she woke up today something
was different about the mourning. ‘Maybe I’m just feeling a bit ill’ Her brain thought “Or
maybe... “, She said out loud. She got up and walked to her children's rooms they
weren't there. Now Kandra was starting to worry. ‘What if they ran away?’ her mind said.
“No” She said scolding herself for thinking that, “They’re probably downstairs already.”
As Kandra was walking down the stairs she heard a crash and she ran down the
last five steps to the kitchen there she saw one of the most strangest scenes she ever
saw. There was her son Aaln and her daughter Marie Their faces looking guilty as they
held a bowl with their hands covered in batter.
Kandra asked quietly, “Now what are you two doing?”.
“We wanted to surprise you with breakfast”, Alan said guiltily.
“Yeah we wanted to do something nice for you too.” Marie quickly added
“Well ain’t that sweet of you two.”, Kandra said “Just tell me before you do
something like this you scared me half to death.”
“Okay Mom.”, Her children answered.
“Now how about I teach you both how to cook.”
With that Kandra cleaned up the mess and pulled her children over to the conter
and began to teach them how to bake a proper pancake.
Student 26
It was the state tournament in Iowa City. The Eagles were playing the
Chupacabras is the state championship.
“They're a very good team,” said coach,” we need to play are best baseball, weve
gone through too much to not win.” We were on their home field, pitching their best
Coach yelled over us,” They have two of the pitchers in the state, and a tall
power hitter. Jack and Patrick go over there for the coin toss.” We won the coin toss,
and picked to take the field first.
“This is the last chance to go out and play baseball, it would be even better if we
win, lets do it,” said coach. We took the field, nobody had scored through the first 5
innings of the game. In the bottom of the 6th inning the Eagles had the bases loaded
and nobody out. With Patrick at the plate, he hit straight up the middle and two runners
scored on the hit.
“This is the last inning, 3 outs and we win the state championship, you can do
this guys,” coach said.
There was two outs and people on 2nd and 3rd, Bryce was just two strikes away
from winning the state tourney. A hard ground ball to the shortstop, was fielded and
thrown to the first basemen to win the state tourney. The celebration was the best thing
they have done in their entire life.

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