PBL Modul 3

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Pain is classified based on several things, among others:

1) Based on the duration of the pain:

a. Acute pain: pain lasting less than 3 months, suddenly due to trauma or inflammation,
sympathetic response sign, the patient anxiety while family supportive.

b. Chronic pain: pain lasting more than 3 months, missing or persistent, parasympathetic
response sign, the patient depression while family tired.

2) Based on the etiology:

a. Nociceptive pain: stimuli arise by pain mediators, as in postoperative trauma and burns.

b. Neuropathic pain: stimulated by nerve damage or neurological dysfunction, as in diabetes

mellitus, herpes zooster.

3) Based on the intensity of pain:

a. Scale visual analog score: 1- 10

b. Wong Baker's face scale: no pain, mild pain, moderate pain, severe pain.

4) Based on location:

a. Superficial pain: skin pain, subcutaneous, sharp, located.

b. Somatic pain in: pain originating from muscle, tendo, dull, less located.

c. Visceral pain: pain originating from internal organs or wrapping organs, such as
gastrointestinal colic pain and ureteric colic.

d. Pain over / references: input from internal organs at the spinal level is misinterpreted by the
patient as an input from the skin region in the same spinal segment

Reference :
Soenarjo, Marwoto, Witjaksono, Hariyo S, Uripno B, Abdul L, et al. Anestesiologi. Semarang:
Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Anestesi dan Terapi Intensif Cabang Jawa Tengah; 2013.

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