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thrax still epsted, was speak- slstcd once again that banned ton did nut take the

take the threat what the Iraqts were dout

Nicholas Watt, weapons would be found, seriously He added that somethmg h
Richard Nortorf-Taylor mg after thexrrned forces min-
ister, Adam Ingram, declared Downing Street faced renewed Atn:d the fmore, British In- to be fount, rfonly for pott4t
and M :cllael White In Basra p :essure last night when the telligence suffices expressed reasons,to suppo:t Mr Blan
flirt the UN had ptnv :ded
"danlmng" evldence of Illegal hawklsh deputy 71S defence futv at Downing Street's be- Downing Street will al
Ton} Bldn's Iraq crisis deep-
Sara last night as ministers Iraq : weapons secrelary appeared to belittle havrour They were deeply re- struggle to shrug off the I
ti ere accused of drstorttug the Mr B uchanan's rentalks "If the importance of such luctant to allow Dnwnutg marks by Dr Box's office, Mi
findings of the chief' UN undearrione the credibility of weapons Street to use their fit telligtance tsters, who privately rubbish

weapons inspector to support Downing Street, which faced Paul Wolfov~qtz told Vanity assessments because they the chief weapons inspect,
Britain's clamts about Saddaln s evere presstne Ye5lerdavover Fair ma gaLtne that the deci- feared it wmild he nmmpu- when he resisted the rush
Hussern's weapons pro- claims that ir doctored a sion to highlight weapons of lated for political euds . war, have r eceutlvhaded a 17
gtantute dossier on If aq's weapons of firms destr uctton as the main Widespread unease m the page report lie produced I
Amid g :ow:ngange: anmng mass (bl5trIn-Lion to rea_con for invading Iraq was Intelligence comrtmMtv about March to prove that Iraq had
senior intelligence officials slr eogthen the case for war Air taken for"bureaucrat :c" rea- Downing 9h ect's use of their banned weapons pLogiminn
about Downing Street's use of unnamed Intelligence official sons, indicating that Washlng- tnfortnatton in the September Dr Blrx's spokesman, wh
their work for political ends, told the BBC that [he key drum dossier was compounded by a did not directly caito-Ise an
Hans Bltx's offiLe rejected u : last September's dossier - second report m February corn ntmtsters, said the report u
claims by muusters that lie that trail could launch a chem- taln mg secttons plagtansed by dtcated that there was
Mr Campbell's staff John Scar- 11
had provtded wteqmvocal VV- Lcal or biological attichwithill strong presumption" Iraq ch
id core of Itaq's,chearn cal and 45 minutes of an cider -had left, chairman of Whitehall's not destroy illegal substanLe
biological weapons Pro- been inserted, on the inutruc- joint intelligence committee, such as anthrax But M
to amme t :ons of officials at No 10 was reported to be furious at IIuchanan added "We I.=
aAs the prime minister be- Alaskan Campbell, the prinut what a senior Whitehall theyhad anthrax We never al'
.Source descnbcd yestel clay as
Lame the first wesler u leader nuntster's director of eormtuo- serted that lhese tlays they ha :
mcahous, who played a kcy a"setons ettur" them"
visit but sinre the end of
ihe war, Dr Bhx's spokesman : ole fit drawing upthe dossier, Caveats about intelligence Ilowevc,r, Mr Buchauar
~ said thechrefweapons mspec- said yestrrday m Bas:,t that supplied by MIG and GCHQ' made clear that Dt Bltx's re
1! tor had "never asserted" that the BBC was "saying we force(] the government's eavesdrop- pott raised SMOLIS question :
Laq deflnttely had weapons of tire intelligence agencies to ping centt e, we : c swept aside about Iraq ")here are hurt
:nags destruction if, the run- put things m the doss :er that by Mr Blarq egged on by Mr drerls, if not thousands, o
~ up to the conflict we : e colt tie 'I list is wholly Cum pbell, well-placed sources unanswered questions
Lwen Buchanan, who Said imbue, there IS nothing in sakl
tlrete lltat was nut the work of A Whitehall source told the Aftor the wnr-pages -0-6
~ Do Bhx had merely said there
was a `5ttong pi esuwnptton" ebe mtelltgence agenctes" Guardian yesterday "it may Po1lyToynbee,_page27
As the pnnte numster m- Leader comment, page 29 -
~thatbanned items such as an- tako sevctal months to decide

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- . _ - .. . : -. --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ -- --- -

Intelhgenoe rowAgenctes kept quiet on clauns ovei''a1-Qatdahnks and torgeries" to avoid ei~lbart-~issiilg
" _ PM
. , " . . i " . 'li, .  _, . , ; ~. . ._ __ -,
~ - " - - '

gence, nffm :als~°sard jesferdi
wlretlrer the :.laim cein~lrrim`a _
~ .."any.rwasj6edhesuig:r. ,e+~ "MUM
_-"1 :`zl`;s,'s--,"`~ ~
__~T~ - - '-
.. . .,... .e ... . . ------ ~~^C.
soucceThalrlann,like allthr'atlme9m . Thec
. " osetorlraq's'nieNbersofDhCdrupbell'SStaQeudfhc' highly pohholsedagency set it p b y L h e [75
. _
'ft 1 was setzedou by tbeuro :La
the dossier, was based on mtelhgenee' po'sssselon ~r Coahtiou hrfdnriahim Cehtrr; a pmpa- defence srcietary. Donald Rumsfeld ;' Hut IecInvestrarmgahons rnunthsfedeudewhartbclia s,ye'e
b y the h I te'rnatfonal ' rT~18tVVeS ' ' ~ ~demg"fieaddedthat qt I"
asaeesmentew :lhalltile caveatsthin weaponsofmess garrdabody setuphrlheT'orelgnflttlce called tire 0f111,e0fSpecLrIP111I15-Of Al01II1eFile[y sotlictinngbildto'_'
'rmplles .Inthrsdase,7twasbasedunthe~ dastrnetlouwas , Intelligence officials, including John' hNcsbetweeual-QaldaandHaghdnd g AB ellCY, IJIe~](`TsrlIICIeaI 58Id011the ' be found zfoilly for political reasons
m'spechonsbqdgsuondrschveredthat to
assmnptlun-which nowseemshrghly Ixidoutin[hls 3carletl,chalnnauJ(Whlteball'sjoint MrDlucWent fnrtheithink he agenames d ucumenispurportmgfqshowthaLlraq " f12Sf50fa" `'slrpPortMrplnir . ';,:7  S,
'unWcely -that SaddauYS imers had AoeslnrsalAtoha Intelhgenceconlmntee,wereieportedto w :urtedbysuggestmP,toMpsthatsuch _w , In, rssue niceseots the rntelligen :.~el
utrylngtobvyurartluurfrnmNl gm Si ngle agenrles present
dmmsofchemu :alerhrJlaglcalweapons drawnfrornan .Pbe~furmus:ltwasa"Serrouserror ;a links rnuldenst7'heyhadtokeep inum were(ored4vllt - mpqdvrltevtnt,tlterr-
g t cUall of9&ta1S adrqlt . ' source
- e I
dnsetJlulssllebatterles " ". : ~ unca rrehoratad,Cqhttehnllsource said yrsleniap- ~ becausrthrydldrmtlvarittoembaaass lhe y,vrrefotxedDItHlaiqsofar,h,~suot ore dlhlrtyaswellasthegovernrnent's,
" ' _ case
cs au. . !m
. . hut 'source ." : ~ . . ~^_ TheInteW
Intelh g_rncn ercea Y" ---------- ____ _ . . for
. . inn-emptivr
. . _. . . . .gr ._ generes-
.,, to Ihe prrmeddmsLeiTllealsuvrerevnder
' m1IltarY a6troh

up ltscase(orwar7TemteWgevecagrn-'oahChung ' looked tobeing used (orPoll head eods 'upgetHrltam'srelahousWrththeIlSV "
11 list artron 11 .8 Widely, pPkok,d III
about in
elhintelligence he was gnen by west- ~
yns'angerwaslieiglrtenedhlPebmary~ ' "could lmtstanduptuMtCetnpbell,le[ Hnttheegenues , andDII6m pattrcvla 5 rrnagenaesdurinKlrsvittf Mlritrhall
:srvora ' s Peter llennesay pier.. . .. . . do,deuti
teuarrolher'SnCelhgence'deasier puC ;,L~~;1, ~ nlvnetothepnme6muster,Thensrhra,were,lhcnrselyesyuWerabletpallegahons Wlutehallsourcrs q
yesterdaydesenbettthe .l hrstoryst Queen Mary and Ivenflem cal,
_ ,G1tyDdsyningStreet contnrnedmfui= ~ hanwasPortlrerwmpbcat,
-~CdU~"'bf" teuslovs . docturld g .n Ymemti alahngmtelh-gdvemmenL's
7 d ossir ?ashasedqaepdrer , lege, rlvlvesrltl of Lnnr7ouanrl a el
"mahonllftedfromacademrEsonrceavd " ' ~ "- wrththemCouqteipalis,itl horU epout_gence :'ibe5e Ie berd`
- i ~ ., . _  ,P,In rrrfarrvahonantlredccdngacurreutvrew
iildutSeda G la B1bk~Isedsectlbuwntteub Y ~ _ , , , r " " theuatureofihetlueatPnsedb
, Y( raq xnd . ttraPtlreres'tasmtelhgencetLatlc q°Uu ,tha4 as'Jneputlt
- . .
, thei"taqas ,uptv,
dnArS"reticdnPhils{vdent:" ~ t . . . , . : ,~, ., . . al-QyldaTIreYStFpn&lycvn[eatedAMer-`~svuehi[heSdnnli" dfdFdm" ,t`~ , .,r . ", - ir~e~cA avivid exiiup9etu e~iot'sE llre iLdIS-
-. .ipp : :emurau5,yyyu:qemer :u,uucu ~ , "., .. .u : -pu..uuoui.uml;r :nYoYwe pevsaliilitynf patrticalib ueulIn) emien
uesoruranrmnrrnmnhrra" .
~ac~ ~q
--?~ --t~-net't- ------------------------ ----------------- ------------

Inquiry, on Iraq
Blair must follow Thatcher's example
; net e three weeks aftei Butsh troops I Iraq m 2003 Ours is, tr. many ways, a
vomped ii),-o Port Stanley m June 1982, mo,e traasparent and sceplnca-society
NSaigai et Tnarcher told pm li ament that ~ -,bar) '_hat of 19"02 We also need parl ;a-
the government ltad decided to appoint :nentary inquiries - some are alreadv
.all mqu:rv .ntoBtitisl:policvtowardsthe under way-into particular aspects of
Fvi;landislandsmtheperiod leadmgup'theIraq cns's Nevertheless Franks ;sa
to tile invasion There would I good model foran, autnor>",anve mquwrv
he v i d e tei ms of ; eferen ce, she told MPs, I into the government's han dlmg o-`Iraq
co^ermgallrelevant facto;s The eom-, ssawbole Itconsisted ofsemorpeop.e,
tnittee would have access to all relevant , but not exclusive:,, politicians It did not
pspe ;s mch'ding mull ;gencereports It I have anmbu9tgovernment ma7ornI:
wotdd consist of sixpnvyco ;nsellors, two ~ nad access to everything and everyone
of who n ".vei e Co3isen" at .ve e~-camnet , with somethmgto offer, mcludingmte!-
mm,sters two Labotu ei-nunistes, and , ligence sources Within its hrrzrnrs, whicn
two se ;uo : civil se_vaats, one of mhom, { were considerable, it gave a .-easonably
LordFranks,wouidchair themq;.;ry=ae independentac=ountofanation'sult :-
F;anks committee sat in ori,-ate am
mte ;v;e-"vedevervoneofstgs,ficance :-t Tudgmentonagroup ofcensensitive l
,lie sa,qa, firm Mrs Thatc .iet herself, I and
a' potertially damaging suspicions
alongv " ith three forr.ierprime ministers which needed to be autbontatvvely an -
a nd t,mdentttied "members of toe mtel- ' sweredby someone othes than -he primc
hgencccommwi ;tv'down toTamDalyell nnnsteroftneday
Hndmejoin t:altstsThecomm ;tteedidl_ Thecase forasimilar inquurinto Cne
its woilc ,n six months, publishing ~ traqwarhasgrownmuchmoreacutem
,epnitiniannarp1983 recent dayslchasdone sooecauseofthe
7wenn-mievea-son,a :;deven .fthere adrnusionbytheLSdefence secretary,
°" ei e co : rer.t,h no calls for an inquiry, Donald Rumsfeld, that there mav not
ther- v on[d aevettheless be a very !l:acebeen anyweapons o:mass destruc-,
stt un, case for doing m reiat;on to Iraq ~ tron m Iraq all along, and the remarks of ~
" .1 ;: t was cmie in re :aho n to :he Falk- ~ his aeputyFaalwolfov'itzthat the VF-4t
'~ .mds in 1982, taere weie questions ~ were hrghhgl:red for "ou.-eaucrauc rea- I
aboue wnethet British :ntelagencehad ~ sons" Butthe case is also urgent m the
done itslobover tl-;eFalldzndsThere -eare light ofclatmsbltheBBC,quonngmte'--I
s;milac issues over Iraq todav. in 1982, I hgence sources, 'hat the governments
thc-e were qustons about whethcr the ~ September 2002 "dossier" or- .he Iraq ;
Foieign Office had handled the dispute ~ theat had been doctored by Downing I
v.ellorLadl} especrallydn--irgcritical ~Street to make ;t more scary This i
diplor,acA at the United Nations The dossier's truthfulness has already been
camennl,hesovetIraq 6ndthere were challenged over itscla :msofaN:ger-Iraq
questions 21 ; ears ago about `,he role of nscleat eonnectmn Bt .t it ; fla; ;ns he at
thepline nanlater asthed:sp.iteg;ew theheartofthegovernme~t'sen :u~eItaq
°_r~acal Trueo-rerlrar,agam All :hese ;s- poltc.~,';onal
soear" e;ec%sm ;ledmtae :eportFiants They underlie dozens a-, statements bv
cve,i looked atl0assert ;o~-isabout :he TonyB.atr,hisministers ancoffic;als,tn
FalUardccus ;sthat l:adDeenw-idelyd;s- every forurnfromtheUnrtedNat ;onsto
cussed :r the press - assertions like the the House of Commons If tha: dosster
clatmthatmmis?ershadsecretlytold_1r- wasdoctoredorifministers knew that
qc ntin a.that Bt .tam was p-regared to g~=,e I it was false, or knew ;t was not believed '
ap ii ; _ ;slands agamst the v.vs ;es of th=_ i tg' .he US :.mnm ;strat;on, then Mr B.a;r
~~lar.lcrs o. that ihc government ,u I and his team have intsled parLamen_
Buenos Aires inade abu,k pr'rchase m and people r.l :ke If ever there we ;=_ a
Lonoon ol detailed maps and charts of ~ case notiust for a full statementtc pa :-
tl~ePalldzndsshoit]yoefnrrrhemvaston ihamentbutforafullandmdep=_ndent
,l~ator~ neveuepeats itself There are e.var.nnator. of tae truth Vast ?,us s it I
mr, :;? pol ;,ical, leqal and log ;rt;cal dtf- ~I The moment Mr B :vir gets back from his
:me :,^ ;sbctween Britain's decisron to go I trave1s, we need both Ins esplananou I
towarivitbAigentmam19?'2andwitn and hrsannouncementofanmqn- :-y I

133C~ y-~ O2b~

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