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The northbound carriageway of Trunk Road 11/7
(N7) near the Refinery Interchange Bridge (No.
B4247) will be closed on 25 November 2017 be-
tween 06:00 and 16:00 for emergency bridge work.

Traffic will be diverted via the off and on ramps

back onto the N7. Motorists are advised to use alter-
native routes, and are requested to exercise care
and patience.

The Department maintains and upgrades provincial

roads. Please exercise caution during the construction
period. Working towards a safer travelling experience,
Following an incident that occurred on 31 August 2017 where a truck hit
and damaged 3 of the 9 precast beam soffits of the Refinery Inter-
change Bridge No. 4247, emergency repair works are required.

The contract was awarded to Empa Structures in October 2017. The

contract period is 2 months, and will be completed in December 2017,
before the December holiday.

The northbound carriageway of Trunk Road 11/7 (N7) near the Refinery
Interchange Bridge (No. B4247) will be closed on 25 November 2017
between 06:00 and 16:00 to complete a critical component of the
emergency bridge repair work.

It is a provision of the contract that traffic shall be accommodated with

the least delay and discomfort to the public. The safety and conven-
ience of the travelling public are of utmost importance and every effort
will be made to ensure that all temporary road signs, traffic cones, flag-
men and speed controls are maintained and are effective, and that
courtesy is extended to the public at all times. The Contractor is re-
quired to make use of approved methods to control the movement of
his equipment and vehicles so as not to constitute a hazard on public

The public is requested to be patient and exercise caution when using

the road.

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