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Coppice with

Coppicing is a traditional woodland management technique
that was practiced extensively until about 70 years ago.
Areas of woodlands, or ‘coupes’, are Woodland management will help you to take
harvested on a rotation of up to 30 years. advantage of the natural products grown
Most coppice woodlands are now classified in your woodland (both timber and game).
as neglected or stored coppice, which You can boost your income through sales of
means that they have not been cut for a timber and woodfuel, commercial shoots,
number of rotations. deer stalking and making the most of tax
benefits for commercial forestry.

Coppice with standards consists of two distinct elements:

1. a lower storey treated as coppice; and
2. an upper storey of standards forming an uneven-aged
crop and treated as high forest A ‘layered’

Standards (widely spaced apart)


Coppiced stools
Harvesting woodlands plays
a crucial role in creating new
habitat for butterflies and
birds. You can generate
additional income through
timber sales.

Restoring coppice Protecting the coppice

With a revival in timber prices and woodland After felling, cut coppice stumps are
industries, many woodland owners are protected to allow them to regenerate.
again cutting coppice coupes. While the Temporary fencing is the most common
market for traditional coppice products has and effective method of protection.
declined, there are buoyant new markets Regenerating stumps may be layered with
for timber and woodfuel – creating more ‘whippy shoots’ pegged down to form new
opportunities to unlock extra income. stools or supplemented by planting trees to
fill up any gaps.
Coppice coupes can be anywhere up to 1 ha.
Coupe size is usually determined by the
overall size of the woodland, the number of
coupes being cut, length of coppice cycle and
local site conditions, such as accessibility.

The role of standards Woodlands with different

Standards are trees that are retained within tree species, ages and
the coupe to reach maturity, including oak, management regimes are more
ash, sycamore and sweet chestnut. Selected resilient to storms, pests, disease
standards are kept to provide quality timber and fire. This can also help
and provide great habitat for other wildlife. reduce the extent of damage
Other species of tree that coppice well are caused by flooding.
hazel, small leaf lime, sweet chestnut, alder
and willow.
Managing woodlands
Woodland management is the long-term Felling also improves timber value and
maintenance of your woodland that delivers creates the diverse edge habitats for our rare
your business and woodland management and declining woodland species. Your local
plan objectives. It can also unlock extra income. woodland officer can also help you to apply
Your woodland is a valuable resource, so for felling licences.
make it work for your business by:
Biosecurity measures: Keep it clean
- Boosting income from sale of timber and
- Think kit – scrape, brush or knock mud
woodfuel, game shoots or tourism.
and debris from your footwear, clothing
- Enhancing the capital value of your estate
and equipment
- Accessing grants and expertise to help
- Think transport – remove any build-up
improve or create new woodland.
of mud and debris from vehicles and
Our woodland experts can help you manage machinery before leaving any site
your woodland, in your own way. Our support - Think trees – source plants responsibly,
ranges from showing you how to access monitor for signs of ill health and report
various grants to helping you produce an suspect plants to FC Tree Alert.
effective UK Forestry Standard compliant
woodland management plan.

Useful links How can I get involved?

United Kingdom Forest Standard: The Forestry Commission and its partners are working hard to bring more woodland
European Protected Species: into active management and provide on-the-ground support and expert advice.
FC Felling Licence Application guidance: Visit, call 0300 067 4000 or email
Managing deadwood in forests and
managingdeadwood The Forestry Commission will consider all
Information on pests and diseases: requests to make publication content available in alternative formats. Call 0300 067 5046
Report ill health in trees: or email
Climate change:

Cover image courtesy of Forestry Commission. Inside right page image Pearl-bordered Fritillary © Forestry Commission/John McFarlane.

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