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India’s Population= 1.

3 Billion

Bangalore Population 12 Million

World population = 7.6 billion

1 million = 10 Lakhs

1 bIllion = 100 Cr

10 million = 1 crore

20 billion US dollars.. India mdia and entertainment industry..TV is 45% contributor

50000 crore ad industry – Ad industry

7500 crore

First- Ask questions about case..Think in a broader way and ask questions

India has ~30% population living below the poverty line.

Age group distribution
0-10 10%
10-20 20%
20-30 20%
30-40 20%
40-50 10%
60-70 10%

Population of delhi 20 Million

Rural – 72% and Urban – 28%

Rich = 10% =10 crore

upper middle class = 30% = 30 crore
lower middle class = 40% = 40 crore
Below Poverty Line = 20% = 20 crore
average household size of India ~ 4

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