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J Agro Crop Sci (2016) ISSN 0931-2250


Genetic Variation for Salinity Tolerance in Pakistani Rice

(Oryza sativa L.) Germplasm
A. Sakina1, I. Ahmed1,2, A. Shahzad1,2, M. Iqbal1,2,3 & M. Asif3
1 Department of Plant Genomics and Biotechnology, PARC Institute of Advanced Studies in Agriculture, National Agricultural Research Centre,
Islamabad, Pakistan
2 National Institute for Genomics and Advanced Biotechnology, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan
3 Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta Canada

Keywords Abstract
germination stage; hydroponic; rice
germplasm; salinity tolerance; seedling stage; Soil salinity is one of the major production constraints. Development and plant-
SSR marker ing of salt-tolerant varieties can reduce yield losses due to salinity. We screened
185 rice genotypes at germination stage in petri dishes under control, 50, 100 and
Correspondence 150 mM salt stress, and at seedling stage in Yoshida’s hydroponic nutrient solu-
M. Iqbal
tion under control, 50 and 100 mM salt stress. At germination stage, 15 genotypes
Department of Plant Genomics and
including Nona Bokra, Sonahri Kangni, 7421, 7423 and 7467, whereas at seedling
Biotechnology, PARC Institute of Advanced
Studies in Agriculture, National Agricultural stage, 28 genotypes including Nona Bokra, Jajai-77, KSK-133, KSK-282, Fakhr-
Research Centre, Park Road, Islamabad- e-Malakand, Pakhal, IR-6, Khushboo-95, Shahkar and Shua-92 were found salt
45500, Pakistan tolerant. Basmati-370, Mushkan, Homo-46 and accessions 7436, 7437 and 7720
Tel.: 092-346-8980868 were sensitive to salinity at both germination and seedling stage. We further
Fax: 092-51-9255034 screened a subset of 33 salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive genotypes with SSR mark-
ers. Four SSR markers (RM19, RM171, RM172 and RM189) showed significant
association with two or more of the studied traits under 50, 100 and 150 mM salt
First two authors contributed
stress. These markers may be further tested for their potential in marker-assisted
equally to this work.
selection. The salt-tolerant genotypes identified in this study may prove useful in
the development of salt-tolerant rice varieties in adapted genetic background.
Accepted December 15, 2014


crop species is a prerequisite to begin an effective breeding

Salt stress is one of the major abiotic stresses that severely Rice (Oryza sativa L.) exhibits sensitivity to salinity, and
affect crop production throughout the world. More than its response to salinity varies with growth stage. Generally,
800 million hectares of the cultivable land in world is salt- rice shows tolerance to salt stress during germination,
affected (FAO 2014). Plant growth is reduced under salt becomes sensitive during early seedling stage, gains toler-
stress primarily due to water deficiency and osmotic pres- ance during vegetative growth, becomes sensitive again
sure (Hu and Schmidhalter 2005). High salt concentration during reproductive and pollination stage, and exhibits an
in soil makes it difficult for plant roots to absorb water increasing tolerance until maturity (IRRI 1967). Screening
(Munns and Tester 2008). Soil and water management of crops for salinity tolerance has been carried out for a
practices can be used for reduction of soil salinity, but these long time and different methodologies have been used for
are often associated with very high costs. Therefore, sus- this purpose (Khan et al. 1997, Zeng et al. 2002, Ali et al.
tainable crop production on saline soils requires cost-effec- 2007, Salam et al. 2011, Shahzad et al. 2012). Screening
tive alternative approaches such as breeding of salt-tolerant under controlled conditions has given better results because
crop varieties. Crop adaptation to salinity is a great chal- of reduced environmental effects. Germplasm screening at
lenge for plant breeders and geneticists to meet the food seedling stage is simple than at vegetative or reproductive
demands of ever increasing human population (Salam stages (Gregorio et al. 1997). In addition, early growth
et al. 2011). The presence of large genetic variability in a stages have shown better prediction of plant’s response to

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Sakina et al.

salinity (Wang et al. 2011). Although all plant growth were acquired from the Genebank of Plant Genetic
stages are sensitive to salinity, seedling stage is considered Resources Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre,
as foretelling of plant’s growth response to salinity (IRRI Islamabad, Pakistan, and other rice research institutes of
1967). Pakistan. Among the studied genotypes, Nona Bokra and
Hydroponic evaluation is free of soil-related difficulties. Kharai Ganja (Khan et al. 1987) and IR-6 from Pakistan
This method can reliably assess the response of genotypes were salt-tolerant (Gurmani et al. 2006), whereas Basmati-
to salt stress and, therefore, identify salt-tolerant genotypes 370 (Yadav et al. 2008) from Pakistan, Nipponbare (Jiang
(Bhowmik et al. 2009). Evaluation of plant response to salt et al. 2013) from Japan and Azucena (Awala et al. 2010)
stress in different crop species in hydroponics culture has from Philippines were previously reported as salt sensitive.
been well documented (Xie et al. 2000, Zeng et al. 2002, Due to large number of genotypes, screening at germina-
Ali et al. 2004, Akram et al. 2010, Kanawapee et al. 2011, tion stage was carried out in three sets of 33, 76 and 76
Mansuri et al. 2012, Shahzad et al. 2012). Zeng et al. genotypes, whereas screening at vegetative stage was carried
(2002) evaluated 12 rice genotypes for salt tolerance in out in three sets of 70, 55 and 60. Some of the genotypes
hydroponics and found genotypic differences for seedling did not germinate in three sets at germination stage testing
growth and other yield contributing parameters. Djana- and two sets at vegetative stage (complete data given in
guiraman et al. (2003) evaluated four rice genotypes at ger- Tables S2, S3 and S5).
mination and seedling stage and observed the differential
response of genotypes to salinity. They found a decreasing
Screening of rice genotypes for salinity tolerance at
trend in vigour index, shoot and root lengths and germina-
germination stage
tion percentage with increase in salt concentration. Mah-
mood et al. (2000) tested 110 rice genotypes for salinity A random sample of 10 seeds per genotype per replicate
tolerance and found a reduction in tillering and fresh were grown in Petri dish lined with two filter papers soaked
shoot/root biomass with increase in salinity. Their results in either 10 ml distilled water (control) or 10 ml solution
showed that 34 genotypes were highly sensitive, 33 were of 50, 100 and 150 mM NaCl (salt treatments) and incu-
moderately tolerant, and 38 were tolerant to salinity even at bated on a laboratory bench at 25  2 °C temperature and
100 mM salt level. Furthermore, they found that the bio- 10-h light period. The petri dishes were arranged in a com-
mass of tolerant genotypes was significantly higher than the pletely randomized design (CRD) with three replications.
sensitive genotypes and recommended using this trait for Germination of seeds was recorded on daily basis. The
identification of tolerant rice genotypes under salt stress. number of seeds germinated was divided by the days from
Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers have been exten- first germination to calculate germination rate index (GRI)
sively used for the assessment of genetic diversity because using the following formula given by Maguire (1962):
of high efficiency, ease of use, high reproducibility, codom-
Xi Xii Xn
inant behaviour and high polymorphism. SSRs can detect GRI ¼ þ þ ... ;
Yi Yii Yn
high level of allelic diversity (Meti et al. 2013). Rahman
et al. (2010) screened 28 rice varieties with 7 SSR markers where
that amplified a total of 82 alleles. The polymorphism X = number of seeds germinated for the day.
information content (PIC) value of SSRs in their study ran- Y = number of days from the first seed germinated.
ged from 0.76 for marker RM153 to 0.91 for marker i, ii,. . .n = No. of days.
RM335 with an average PIC of 0.86. Fresh weight of 7-day-old plumules and radicles was
This study was carried out to assess genetic variation in a recorded. Plumules and radicles were oven-dried at 70 °C
diverse collection of rice germplasm for salinity tolerance at until constant weight to determine their dry weights.
germination and seedling growth stages and to identify new
sources of salt tolerance in Pakistani rice germplasm for
Screening of rice genotypes for salinity tolerance at
improving salt tolerance in future rice varieties.
vegetative growth stage
Screening at vegetative stage was carried out in a glass
Materials and Methods
house. Two-week-old pre-germinated uniform seedlings of
the 185 rice genotypes were transplanted in foam-plugged
Plant material
holes (one plant per hole) in Styrofoam sheets floating over
The experimental material consisted of 185 rice genotypes 200 l of Yoshida’s nutrient solution (Yoshida et al. 1976)
including commercial varieties, advance lines and landraces contained in a polyethylene lined iron tubs (100 9 100 9
from Pakistan, eight genotypes from India and 1 each from 30 cm). The salt treatments (0, 50 and 100 mM) were
Nepal, Japan and Philippines. Seeds of these genotypes applied in incremental manner (25 mM per day) as soon as

26 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 25–36

Genetic Variation for Salinity Tolerance in Rice

one new leaf emerged. The pH of hydroponic culture was gorized into four groups based on the average STI values
maintained at 5.0 (0.5) and adjusted every day with 1 N for all traits and treatments. As the range of average STI
NaOH or 1 N HCl. The experiment was laid out in a com- values differed for the three set of studies, the range of each
pletely randomized factorial design with three replications. set was divided into four groups and genotypes were
After 30 days of growth, plants were harvested, air-dried assigned into salt-tolerant, moderately salt-tolerant, mod-
and separated into shoots and roots for estimating their erately salt-sensitive and sensitive groups based on their
biomass. average % STI values. Ward’s minimal variance cluster
On the basis of relative performance during vegetative analysis was used to make cluster group rankings on the
growth stage at 50 and 100 mM salt stress, 13 tolerant, 11 means of the STI to group the genotypes according to their
moderately tolerant, six moderately sensitive and three sen- response under salt stress (Zeng et al. 2002).
sitive genotypes were selected of 185 genotypes. These 33 For statistical analysis of SSR data, all scorable bands
selected rice genotypes were tested under higher salinity were considered as single locus/allele. The loci were scored
stress of 150 mM. Screening was performed using methods as present (1) or absent (0). Polymorphism information
described previously. content (PIC) was calculated using the formula (Anderson
et al. 1993):
Molecular analysis using SSR markers PIC ¼ 1  Xi2
Genomic DNA of the 33 rice genotypes was isolated from where
leaf tissues and was quantified following protocols Xi = frequency of the ith allele of a particular locus
described in Shahzad et al. (2012). A total of 35 SSR primer One-way analysis of variance was performed to test the
pairs were used to investigate genetic diversity and to find association of SSR data with STIs of different traits at 50
association of these markers with salt tolerance in the and 100 mM stress.
selected 33 genotypes. These markers were previously used
to study genetic variation for salt tolerance and the Saltol
QTL in rice (Lisa et al. 2004, Mohammadi-Nejad et al. Results
2008). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed
using protocol described by Shahzad et al. (2012). PCR- Screening of genotypes at germination stage
amplified products were separated on 3 % agarose gels
stained with ethidium bromide and then visualized using In the first set of experiments, two-way analysis of variance
gel documentation system. Marker alleles were scored revealed significant (P ≤ 0.01) effects of genotype, treat-
either 1 for the presence or 0 for the absence. The amplifi- ment and their interaction for fresh/dry radicle and plu-
cation products were used for pairwise comparison of mule weights (Table S1). At 50 mM NaCl stress, the STI of
genotypes to measure the genetic similarity by Dice coeffi- fresh plumule weight showed a wide range of variation
cients. Dice coefficients were computed using NTSYS-PC ver- between 113 % for Shadab and 27 % for IR-6 (Table S2).
sion 2.1 software (Rohlf 2000). Similarity coefficients were For fresh radicle weight, the STI ranged between 99 % for
used to construct dendrogram using SAHN clustering accession 7421 and 14 % for Palman Sufaid (Table S2).
based on unweighted pair-group method with an arithme- Some genotypes showed better radicle and plumule growth
tic average (UPGMA) to conclude genetic relationships than other genotypes (Table S2) which may be due to their
between the genotypes. ability to tolerate salt stress. The STI of dry plumule weight
at 50 mM salt stress was maximum (69 %) for Nona Bokra
and minimum (13 %) for Shaheen Basmati, whereas STI of
Statistical analysis dry radicle weight was also maximum (81 %) for Nona Bo-
Data for germination and vegetative growth stages were kra but minimum (11 %) for accession 7443 (Table S2).
analysed using two-way analysis of variance in GLM proce- At 100 mM NaCl stress, the minimum decrease in fresh
dure of MINITAB 13 (State College, PA, USA). Data of both plumule weight (STI = 72 %) due to salt stress was
experiments were expressed as salt tolerance indices (STI) observed for the accession 7423, whereas the maximum
which were measured by the following formula given by reduction (STI = 3.4 %) was found for accession 7461
Zeng et al. (2002): (Table S2). Similarly, fresh radicle weight of accession 7467
was affected the least (STI = 90 %), whereas that of acces-
Observations under Salinity sion 7461 was affected the most (STI = 2.3 %) under salt
STI ¼  100:
Means of the Controls stress (Table S2). Accession 7467 showed maximum toler-
Salt tolerance indices values of all genotypes were calcu- ance to reduction in dry plumule weight at 100 mM salt
lated for all traits and treatments. All genotypes were cate- stress (STI = 58 %), whereas accession 7461 exhibited the

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Sakina et al.

minimum tolerance for the same trait (STI = 2.2 %). Dry lowest (0.2 %) for Sugdasi Ratria, Lateefy, Jajai-77 and
radicle weights of the rice genotypes were affected more by NPT-89 (Table S2).
100 mM salt stress, with Swat-1 and 7423 showing the min- In the third set of screening of genotypes at germination
imum decrease in this trait (STI = 25 %), whereas acces- stage, effect of genotype, treatment and their interaction
sion 7436 with maximum decrease in dry radicle weight was highly significant for radicle and plumule fresh and dry
(STI = 7 %) (Table S2). weights (Table S1). At 50 mM salt stress, STI for fresh plu-
At 150 mM salt stress, STI of fresh plumule weight ran- mule weight was maximum (112 %) for accession 7428
ged between 49 % for accession 7421 and 2 % for acces- and minimum (11 %) for accession 7437, whereas STI for
sions 7426, 7443, 7461 and Entry-144, whereas it ranged fresh radicle weight ranged between 108 % for accession
from 22 % for accession 7421 and 1 % for accessions 7443, 7428 and 9 % for accessions 7437 and 7777 (Table S2). STI
DR-82 and Entry-126 for fresh radicle weight (Table S2). for dry plumule weight ranged between 107 % for acces-
STI for dry plumule weight varied from 51 % for accession sions 7428, 7447 and 7452 and 6.5 % for accession 7699,
7423 and 2 % for KSK-282, Entry-144 and accession 7443, whereas it ranged between 120 % for accession 7447 and
whereas it ranged between 23 % for accession 7421 and 5 % for accession 7699 for dry radicle weight (Table S2).
0.23 % for KSK-282 for dry radicle weight (Table S2). The At 100 mM NaCl stress, STI ranged between 107 % for
plumule and radicle fresh and dry weights decreased signif- accession 7429 and 15 % for accession 7437 for fresh plu-
icantly with increasing salinity. However, the reduction in mule weight, whereas it ranged between 91 % for Entry-25
STIs of the studied traits varied among genotypes. For and 10 % for accession 7437 for fresh radicle weight
instance, Palman Sufaid showed the least reduction in STI (Table S2). The STI for dry plumule weight was maximum
for the studied traits at 100 and 150 mM salt stress (95 %) for accession 7695 and minimum (6 %) for acces-
although its STI values were relatively low as compared to sion 7456, whereas the STI for dry radicle weight was high-
the tolerant genotypes (Table S2). Likewise, accession 7423 est (77 %) for accession 7705 but lowest (0.41 %) for
tolerated higher salt stress by showing <50 % reduction in accession 7456 (Table S2). At 150 mM stress level, Entry-
STI for fresh and dry shoot weights (Table S2). 26 showed maximum tolerance to reduction in fresh
In the second set of screening of genotypes at germina- plumule weight (STI = 61 %); accession 7429 showed
tion stage, the effect of genotype, treatment and their inter- minimum tolerance (STI = 18 %) for the same trait,
action was not significant (P ≥ 0.05) for fresh radicle/ whereas Entry-26 tolerated reduction in fresh radicle
plumule weights, but it was highly significant (P ≤ 0.01) weight the most (STI = 57 %) and accession 7458 the least
for dry radicle/plumule weights (Table S1). At 50 mM salt (STI = 6 %) (Table S2). The STI for dry plumule weight
stress, the STI of fresh plumule weight ranged between was the highest (49 %) for accession 7705 but lowest
118 % for Kangni-27 and 18 % for NPT-89. The STI for (0.6 %) for accession 7699. Dry radicle weight of accession
fresh radicle weight ranged between 116 % for Pakhal and 7705 was decreased by more than half (STI = 44 %) under
16 % for NPT-89 (Table S2). The STI for dry plumule 150 mM salt stress, whereas those of accessions 7456 and
weight ranged between 108 % for Purple Marker and 2 % 7699 were only 0.4 % of that of control (Table S2). Based
for Sarshar, whereas for dry radicle weight, it was maxi- on the per cent means of STIs for different growth param-
mum (107 %) for Lateefy and minimum (2 %) for eters such as fresh/dry plumule and radicle weights, the 98
PK-386, NPT-89 and Sarshar (Table S2). genotypes were grouped into four categories; 15 genotypes
At 100 mM NaCl stress, STI for fresh plumule weight were placed into tolerant group, 16 genotypes into moder-
ranged between 118 % for accession 7728 and 9 % for ately tolerant, 27 genotypes into moderately sensitive and
NPT-89, whereas STI for fresh radicle weight ranged 39 genotypes into sensitive genotypes (Table 1). Of the
between 120 % for Sugdasi Sadagulab and 6 % for NPT-89 185 genotypes, 87 genotypes (11 in first set, 27 in second
(Table S2). STI for dry plumule weight was highest set and 49 in third set) did not germinate at the three salt
(104 %) for accession 7726 and lowest (1 %) for Jhona stress levels and were, therefore, not grouped into any cat-
349. The STI for dry radicle weight ranged between 98 % egory. The non-germination of these genotypes under salt
for IR-8 and 0.2 % for Basmati-C622 (Table S2). stress may be due to their higher salt sensitivity at germi-
At 150 mM NaCl stress, STI ranged between 109 % for nation stage.
accession 7726 and 4 % for Mushkan for fresh plumule Germination rate index varied among genotypes and
weight, whereas STI for fresh radicle weight ranged with salt treatments (Table S3). GRI of all genotypes
between 112 % for accession 7719 and 0.7 % for Sugdasi decreased with an increase in NaCl concentration, and the
Ratria (Table S2). For dry plumule weight, the highest STI maximum reduction in GRI was observed for the 150 mM
(102 %) was observed for accession 7703, whereas the low- NaCl treatment (Table S3). GRI was maximum for acces-
est (0.7 %) for Basmati-C622. For dry radicle weight, the sion 7451 (19.7), M3 and Shadab (18.9), accession 7423
highest STI (91 %) was found for Mahlar-346 and the (16.5) and DR-92 (13.5) under 0, 50, 100 and 150 mM salt

28 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 25–36

Genetic Variation for Salinity Tolerance in Rice

Table 1 Categorization of rice genotypes on the basis of salt tolerance indices under salt stress at germination stage

# of
Category Range of STI genotypes Genotypes

Set 1
Tolerant 40–60 % 4 7467, 7423, 7421, Nona Bokra
Moderately tolerant 30–39 % 6 Fakhre Malakand, Swat-1, 7451, KSK-282, Khushboo-95, Shadab
Moderately sensitive 20–29 % 5 Palman Sufaid, Shaheen Basmati, DR-82, 7426, Entry-126
Sensitive <19 % 7 Entry-144, IR-6, 7422, 7425, 7436, 7443, 7461
Set 2
Tolerant 40–55 % 6 Sonahri Kangni, 7438, 7703, 7704, 7726, 7728
Moderately tolerant 30–39 % 6 Kangni-27, M3, Purple Marker, 7440, 7702, 7719
Moderately sensitive 16–29 % 12 Dilrosh-97, IR-8, Kangni 9 Torh, Mahlar-346, Pakhal, PK 177, Sugdasi Ratria,
Sugdasi Sadagulab, 7720, 7721, 7724, 7727
Sensitive <15 % 24 Basmati-370, Basmati-C 622, Basmati 2000, Dokri Basmati, DR-92, DR-83,
PK-386, Homo-34, Homo 46, Jajai-77, Jhona 349, Kanwal-95, Kasalath,
KSK-133, Lateefy, Mushkan, NIAB-IR 9, NPT-89, Rachna Basmati, Sarshar,
Shahkar, Shua 92, Sugdasi Bengalo, Swat-2
Set 3
Tolerant ≥70 % 5 7449, 7695, 7705, Entry-25, 7428
Moderately tolerant 50–69 % 4 Entry-26, 7424, 7447, 7429
Moderately sensitive 30–49 % 10 7707, 7778, 7433, 7776, 7517, 7465, 7432, 7452, 7693, 7457
Sensitive <29 % 8 7437, 7777, 7699, 7458, 7456, 7720, 7459, 7779

stress, respectively, whereas it was minimum for accession shoot/root dry weight for the second set of screening at
7446 (0.23), accession 7437 (0.36), Sonahri Sugdasi (0.11) vegetative growth stage (Table S4). The STI for shoot
and accession 7459 (0.06) under 0, 50, 100 and 150 mM salt length at 50 mM NaCl ranged between 101 % for Entry-72
stress, respectively (Table S3). and 51 % for accession 7441. For root length, STI ranged
between 102 % for Entry-167 and 42 % for accession 7439
(Table S5). The STI at 50 mM NaCl ranged between 115 %
Screening of rice genotypes for salinity tolerance at
for accession 7452 and 24 % for accession 7441 for shoot
vegetative growth stage
dry weight, whereas it ranged between 117 % for accession
In the first set of experiment, two-way analysis of variance 7461 and 28 % for accessions 7439 and 7441 for root dry
indicated that effect of genotype, treatment and their inter- weight (Table S5).
action was highly significant (P ≤ 0.01) (Table S4). Seed- The STI for shoot length at 100 mM NaCl ranged
lings grown in salinized conditions showed significant between 84 % for accession 7442 and 47 % for accession
decrease in the growth of shoots and roots of plants. The 7427, whereas for root length, the STI ranged between
STI for shoot length at 50 mM NaCl ranged between 101 % 116 % for accession 7463 and 55 % for accession 7430
for Sugdasi Ratria and 23 % for Basmati-198, whereas STI (Table S5). At 100 mM NaCl stress, STI for shoot dry
for root length ranged between 113 % for Pakhal and 38 % weight ranged between 104 % for accession 7442 and
for Basmati-198 (Table S5). The STI for shoot dry weight 9.5 % for Entry-26, whereas for root dry weight, it ranged
ranged between 86 % for IR-6 and 3 % for Basmati-370, between 115 % for accession 7442 and 9.3 % for Entry-26
whereas that for root dry weight ranged between 29 % for (Table S5).
IR-6 and 0.9 % for Jhona-349 and Basmati-370 (Table S5). The effect of genotype, treatment and their interaction
The STI for shoot length at 100 mM NaCl ranged was highly significant (P ≤ 0.01) for root/shoot length in
between 83 % for Nona Bokra and 19 % for DR-83, hydroponics culture at vegetative growth stage in the third
whereas STI for root length ranged between 127 % for set of screening (Table S4). The effect of genotype, treat-
Nona Bokra and 35 % for Nipponbare (Table S5). At ment and their interaction was also significant on shoot
100 mM NaCl, STI for shoot dry weight ranged between dry weight; however, effects of genotype, treatment and
48 % for Sugdasi Bengalo and 1.4 % for DR-83, whereas their interaction were not significant (P ≥ 0.05) for root
STI for root dry weight ranged between 11.4 % for Sugdasi dry weight (Table S4). The STI for shoot length at 50 mM
Sadagulab and 0.6 % for Sonahri Kangni and Kashmir Bas- NaCl ranged between 114 % for accession 7511 and 34 %
mati (Table S5). for accession 7697, whereas for root length, it ranged
Effects of genotype, treatment and their interaction were between 116 % for accessions 7465, 7510, 7513, 7727 and
highly significant (P ≤ 0.01) for shoot/root length and 7763 and 49 % for accession-7697 (Table S5). The STI for

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Sakina et al.

shoot dry weight at 50 mM NaCl stress ranged between Based on means of STI for root/shoot lengths and root/
125 % for accession 7511 and 2.7 % for accession 7224, shoot dry weights, the 174 rice genotypes were grouped
whereas for root dry weights, it ranged between 112 % for into four categories. Among all the genotypes tested in
accession 7511 and 4.6 % for accession 7447 (Table S5). three sets of experiments at vegetative growth stage, 32
The STI for shoot length at 100 mM NaCl ranged genotypes were placed into tolerant group, 52 genotypes
between 99.9 % for accession 7511 and 19 % for DR-83, into moderately tolerant, 70 genotypes into moderately
whereas STI for root length ranged between 116 % for sensitive and 20 into sensitive group (Table 2), whereas the
accession 7425 and 26 % for accession 7704 (Table S5). At remaining genotypes did not germinate.
100 mM NaCl stress, STI for shoot dry weight ranged Root length was positively correlated with shoot and
between 115 % for accessions 7511 and 7512, and 0.9 % root dry weights in all the three sets of experiments (Table
for accessions 7702 and 7704, whereas STI for root dry S6). Shoot length was also positively correlated with root
weight ranged between 117 % for accession 7426 and length, shoot and root dry weights in all experiments
2.3 % for accessions 7699 and 7703 (Table S5). Salt stress except with root length in third set of vegetative growth
(50 mM) at vegetative stage resulted in a decrease in shoot stage screening at 50 and 100 mM NaCl stress. Correlation
length in all genotypes except Sugdasi Ratria, 7429, Entry- coefficients were highest between shoot dry weight and root
72, 7225, 7464, 7465, 7467, 7510, 7511, 7512 and 7513. dry weight in all the experiments (Table S6).
Shoot lengths of accessions 7511 and 7464 were not On the basis of overall agronomic performance, 33
affected even by 100 mM salt stress. In contrast to shoot genotypes were selected for further molecular analysis. GRI
length, root lengths of most of the genotypes remained the and STI of 33 salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive genotypes are
same under salt stress. However, root lengths increased at presented in Table 3. Among 35 SSR markers, 20 markers
higher salt stress (100 mM) in some of the genotypes such did not show polymorphism. The remaining 15 SSR mark-
as KSK-282, Nona Bokra, 7463, 7425, 7447, 7448, 7514, ers amplified 37 alleles (Table 4). The number of alleles
7516 and 7694. ranged from one to four alleles per locus with an average

Table 2 Classification of rice genotypes on the basis of salt tolerance indices (STI) under salt stress at vegetative growth stage

# of
Category Range of STI genotypes Genotype

Set 1
Tolerant ≥50 % 16 Fakhre Malakand, IR-6, Jajai-77, Kharai Ganga, Khushboo-95, Kasalath,
KSK-133, KSK-282, Nona Bokra, Pakhal, Sarshar, Shahkar, Shua-92, Sugdasi
Bengalo, Sugdasi Ratria, Sugdasi Sadagulab
Moderately tolerant 40–49 % 25 Basmati-385, Basmati-C622, Dehradun Basmati, Dhera-Dun Basmati,
Dilrosh-97, DR-82, IR-8, JP-5, Kangni-27, Kangni 9 Torh, Ludan, Malhar-346,
NIAB-IR 9, Purple Marker, Pusa Basmati-1, Ranbir Basmati, Sada-Hayat, Sathra,
Shadab, Shaheen Basmati, Shandar, Sonahri Kangni, Sonahri Sugdasi, Super Basmati,
Moderately sensitive 30–39 % 22 Azucena, Basmati-217, Basmati-2000, Dokri Basmati, DR-83, DR-92, Entry-126,
Entry-167, IR-36, Jhona-349, Kanwal-95, Kashmir Basmati, Lateefy, Mehak, NPT-89,
NPT-146, NPT-156, Palman Sufaid, PK-177, PK-386, Punjab Basmati-1, Rachna Basmati,
Sensitive <29 % 7 Basmati-198, Basmati-370, Basmati Pak, Homo-46, Mushkan, Nipponbare, Swat-1
Set 2
Tolerant ≥80 % 7 Entry-10, 7428, 7429, 7442, 7451, 7452, 7461
Moderately tolerant 66–79 % 13 Entry-8, Entry-72, Entry-94, Entry-136, 7427, 7431, 7433, 7435, 7443, 7450, 7453,
7454, 7463
Moderately sensitive 51–65 % 22 Entry-25, Entry-144, Entry-167, NPT 89, NPT 160, NPT 174, L3, M3, M5, 7430, 7432, 7434,
7436, 7437, 7438, 7439, 7456, 7457, 7459, 7458, 7460, 7462
Sensitive <50 % 3 Entry-26, 7441, 7440
Set 3
Tolerant ≥90 % 9 7425, 7426, 7464, 7465, 7467, 7510, 7511, 7512, 7513
Moderately tolerant 70–89 % 14 7225, 7254, 7421, 7422, 7423, 7424, 7445, 7448, 7466, 7514, 7516, 7719, 7727, 7781
Moderately sensitive 50–69 % 26 7444, 7447, 7517, 7518, 7520, 7677, 7678, 7693, 7694, 7697, 7698, 7699, 7700,
7701, 7705, 7706, 7708, 7709, 7710, 7722, 7762, 7763, 7773, 7778, 7779, 7782
Sensitive <50 % 10 7224, 7515, 7696, 7702, 7703, 7704, 7720, 7725, 7774, 7780

T, tolerant; MT, moderately tolerant; MS, moderately sensitive; S, sensitive.

30 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 25–36

Genetic Variation for Salinity Tolerance in Rice

Table 3 Average salt tolerance indices of different traits and germination rate indices (GRI) for 33 rice genotypes at vegetative growth stage

Salt tolerance indices

Genotype Group Shoot length Root length Shoot dry weight Root dry weight GRI

Fakhre Malakand T 58.6 97 41.2 10.4 14.2

IR-6 T 50 90.1 46.4 15.7 8.8
Khushboo-95 T 56.1 105.3 48.2 14.4 10.7
KSK-282 T 64.1 108.8 26.1 9 14
Nona Bokra T 89.2 114.8 37.8 18.5 4.5
7425 T 62.5 110 97.2 107 4.4
7426 T 53.5 108 108.8 110.6 14.8
7442 T 90.5 71.3 97 105.8 1.4
7451 T 85.5 84.3 83.5 72 13.1
7461 T 82.8 95.2 88.5 96.4 8.3
7467 T 93.3 107.1 67.4 99.1 13.7
7510 T 93.4 109.3 66.7 93.5 9.7
7512 T 100.1 84.8 117.7 110.3 1.3
Basmati-385 MT 57.6 106 14.3 8 9.1
DR-82 MT 58.2 109 22.2 7.1 13.9
JP-5 MT 48.2 100.8 9.7 3 0
Shadab MT 51.3 100.4 34.7 10.2 15.2
Shaheen Basmati MT 59.9 99.8 13 3.7 8.3
Super Basmati MT 55.1 105.2 23.8 5.7 2.8
7421 MT 51.4 105.5 45.7 107.4 15.5
7422 MT 44 104.6 47.9 104.4 6.8
7423 MT 51.2 103.6 56.8 79.2 15.4
7443 MT 85 75.5 31.5 83 6.5
7445 MT 55.8 99.8 77.5 76.2 0.8
Azucena MS 47.5 89.9 6.1 2 13.3
Entry-126 MS 42.9 74.5 3.5 2.1 11.6
Entry-144 MS 63 63.9 57 52.7 9.9
Palman Sufaid MS 54 72.1 11.2 1.5 13.4
7436 MS 63.9 71.3 46.5 42.9 6.8
7677 MS 51.2 106.4 38.8 31.2 3.8
Basmati-198 S 27.2 61.9 12.7 4.4 8.5
Swat-1 S 36.2 66.2 4.1 1.4 13.4
7696 S 54.9 98.2 19.6 18.5 14.7

STI values are average of 50, 100 and 150 mM salt treatments, whereas GRI values are average of 0, 50 and 100 mM treatments.
T, tolerant; MT, moderately tolerant; MS, moderately sensitive; S, sensitive; STI, salt tolerance indices.

of 2.5 alleles. The level of polymorphism among the 33 at vegetative growth stage (Table 4). Alleles of marker
genotypes was detected by calculating polymorphism RM19 showed significant association with shoot length
information content (PIC) values for each of the 15 SSR and root and shoot dry weights at 50, 100 and 150 mM salt
markers loci. The PIC value varied significantly for all SSR stress (Table 4). Similarly, markers RM26, RM29, RM31,
loci and ranged from 0.14 (RM103) to 0.69 (RM143) with RM72, RM103, RM124, RM125, RM150, RM171, RM172,
an average PIC value of 0.51. Cluster analysis grouped the RM185, RM189 and RM208 showed significant association
33 genotypes into four clusters (Fig. 1). Cluster A com- with one or more of the studied traits at 50, 100 and
prised of 10 salt-tolerant/moderately tolerant and 3 salt- 150 mM salt stress.
sensitive/moderately sensitive genotypes, whereas cluster B
consisted of seven salt-tolerant/moderately tolerant geno-
types. Cluster C consisted of five salt-tolerant/moderately
tolerant and five salt-sensitive/moderately sensitive geno- Salt affects growth of crop plants by limiting the absorption
types, whereas cluster D consisted of one salt-tolerant/ of water through roots. Salt stress has an immediate effect
moderately tolerant and two salt-sensitive/moderately sen- on cell growth and enlargement, and high concentration of
sitive genotypes. Analysis of variance showed significant salts can be extremely toxic (Munns and Tester 2008). Rice
association of some SSR marker alleles with various traits is very sensitive to salinity at different growth stages,

© 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 25–36 31

Sakina et al.

Table 4 Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, PIC values and association of marker alleles with different traits at 50, 100 and 150 mM salt stress
given to 33 rice genotypes at vegetative growth stage

50 mM 100 mM 150 mM

RM19 (12) 0.57 RM19a ns ns ns *** ns ns ** *** * ns

RM19b ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
RM19c * ns ns *** ** ns *** *** * *
RM26 (5) 0.59 RM26a ns ns * ns ns * * ns * *
RM26b ns ns * ns ns * * ns * *
RM26c ns ns ns *** ns ns *** *** * *
RM29 (2) 0.41 RM29a ns ns ns ns ns * ns ns ns ns
RM31 (5) 0.48 RM31a * ns ns ns * * ns ns ns ns
RM72 (8) 0.63 RM72a * ns ** * ns ns * ns * *
RM72b ns ns * ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
RM72c * ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ** *
RM103 (6) 0.14 RM103a ns ns ns ns * ** ns ns ns ns
RM103b ns ns ns ns * ** ns ns ns ns
RM124 (4) 0.63 RM124a ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
RM124b ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
RM124c ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
RM124d * ns ns ns ** ns * ns ns ns
RM125 (7) 0.68 RM125b ns ns ns ns ns ns ns * ns ns
RM125c ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
RM125d ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
RM143 (3) 0.69 RM143a ns ns * ns ns * ns ns ns ns
RM143b ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ** **
RM143c ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ** **
RM150 (6) 0.48 RM150b * ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
RM150c * ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
RM171 (10) 0.52 RM171b ** ns ns * * ns ** * ns ns
RM171c ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
RM171d * ns ns ns * ns ns ns ns ns
RM172 (7) 0.32 RM172a * ns ns * * ns * * ns ns
RM172b ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
RM185 (4) 0.47 RM185a ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
RM185b ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
RM189 (9) 0.64 RM189b ** ns ns ** *** ns ** ** ns ns
RM189c ns ns ns ns * * ns ns ns ns
RM189d ** ns ns *** ** ns *** *** ** *
RM208 (2) 0.44 RM208a ns ** * ns ns ** ns ns * *
RM208b ns * * ns ns ** ns ns ns ns

Numbers in parenthesis within the marker column indicates chromosomal location of the marker.
SL, shoot length; RL, root length; SDW, shoot dry weight; RDW, root dry weight; ns, not significant.
Significant at ***P ≤ 0.001; **P ≤ 0.01; *P ≤ 0.05.

especially seedling stage. During germination, rice is more ever, salt-sensitive genotypes showed greater reduction in
tolerant than other growth stages (Khan et al. 1997). fresh and dry plumule and radicle weights. Root length was
Genetic variation for salinity tolerance has been reported in also decreased with an increase in salt stress. Djanaguir-
rice. aman et al. (2003) reported significant decrease in root and
In the present study, salt stress significantly reduced vari- shoot lengths, and vigour index with increase in salt con-
ous growth attributes of rice genotypes studied. However, centration. However, reduction of vigour index in their
the extent of growth reduction under salt stress was depen- study was minimum at all salt stress levels in tolerant geno-
dent on genotypes. Salt-sensitive genotypes showed more types as compared to sensitive ones. Roots have direct con-
reduction in their biomass as compared to tolerant geno- tact with soil for water and minerals uptake, so root
types. Fresh and dry plumule and radicle weights of all characters can effectively be used as selection criteria in
genotypes were decreased with increase in salt stress. How- breeding for salinity tolerance. In present study, shoot

32 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 25–36

Genetic Variation for Salinity Tolerance in Rice

Fig. 1 Genetic similarity among 33 rice geno-

types based on Simple sequence repeat (SSR)
marker data.

length was highly affected by salinity than root length. This reduction in plant height and dry matter under salt stress
might be due to the reason that plants, especially those of in 11 rice genotypes.
drought or salt-tolerant species, tend to propagate their Dry matter production is a reliable indicator of perfor-
roots deeper to absorb more water during osmotic stress. mance under salt stress as it is associated with higher grain
These results are in agreement with the findings of Haq yield under saline conditions (Maas 1986). Various plant’s
et al. (2009) who reported differential response of rice traits such as shoot and root fresh and dry weights are asso-
genotypes under salinity stress. They found maximum ciated with salt tolerance at early growth stages and can be
reduction of shoot fresh weight under salinity in Azucena used as selection criteria for salt tolerance (Ashraf et al.
and minimum reduction in shoot dry weight in Moro- 1999). We found strong positive correlation between differ-
berekan. They reported maximum shoot fresh/dry weight ent growth parameters such as shoot/root length and their
ratio in Moroberekan, whereas minimum in Nipponbare. dry weights. Our results are in agreement with the findings
An increase in plant height during stress results in an of Ashraf et al. (1999). They suggested root and shoot dry
increase in plant’s biomass. Fresh and dry biomass, espe- weights as selection criteria in breeding for salt tolerance.
cially at seedling stage, has been found associated with salt Similar results of significant correlation between plant bio-
tolerance in crop plants and can, therefore, be used as an mass and plant height have been previously reported
indicator of salt tolerance or sensitivity. In present study, (Bhowmik et al. 2009, Mansuri et al. 2012). Increase in
total dry biomass showed a greater reduction in sensitive plant height allows plants to produce more biomass (Peng
genotypes than tolerant genotypes. The sensitive genotypes et al. 1999). Zhang et al. (2004) also found that increase in
exhibited various symptoms of salt injury such as yellowing plant height resulted in increased biomass production in a
of leaf, reduction in root and shoot growth and ultimately double-haploid (DH) population.
dying of seedlings at vegetative growth stage. Mansuri et al. Clustering based on SSR marker grouped the selected salt-
(2012) evaluated 15 rice genotypes for salt tolerance and tolerant/moderately tolerant and salt-sensitive/moderately
reported growth reduction, rolling and drying of leaves and sensitive genotypes into four clusters. However, 3 of the 4
reduction in seedling height under saline conditions. They clusters had both tolerant/moderately tolerant and sensitive/
also found reduced root/shoot dry weight under salinity moderately sensitive genotypes. Cluster B had all salt-toler-
stress and reported higher biomass in tolerant genotypes ant/moderately tolerant genotypes, whereas cluster A had 10
compared to sensitive ones. They concluded that biomass tolerant/moderately tolerant and three sensitive/moderately
was positively correlated with salt stress tolerance and, sensitive genotypes. Despite the inability of the 15 polymor-
therefore, can be used as selection criterion for salt toler- phic SSR markers to group salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive
ance (Mansuri et al. 2012). Our results also showed a genotypes into different clusters, these markers were able to
reduction in shoot and root growth of rice genotypes under group 17 of the 23 tolerant genotypes closely. Markers
salinity stress that resulted in reduced shoot and root RM19, RM26, RM29, RM31, RM72, RM103, RM124,
lengths. Bhowmik et al. (2009) also reported significant RM125, RM150, RM171, RM172, RM185, RM189 and

© 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 25–36 33

Sakina et al.

RM208 showed significant association with one or more of collection of Pakistani rice germplasm including commer-
the studied traits at 50 and 100 mM salt stress. Therefore, cial varieties, advanced lines and landraces. We were also
these markers may be further tested either on segregating able to identify rice genotypes that were either tolerant to
populations or recombinant inbred populations derived salt stress at both germination and vegetative growth stage
from tolerant and sensitive rice varieties for their potential or one of these stages. These genotypes offer a valuable
in marker-assisted selection for salt tolerance. Pervaiz et al. genetic resource for local as well as international rice breed-
(2009) assessed genetic variability in 35 Asian rice cultivars ers for use in breeding for salt tolerance. These sources can
using 32 SSR markers. They found considerable polymor- be exploited in a planned manner to widen the genetic base
phism between Basmati and coarse rice varieties as indicated of existing rice varieties against salt tolerance. The SSR
by the amplification of 144 alleles in 35 rice cultivars. Num- markers used in this study could not classify the selected
ber of alleles in their study ranged from 2 (for markers genotypes into different salt-tolerant categories. However,
RM10, RM13, RM19) to 13 (for marker RM70) with an we observed an association between a representative set of
average of 4.5 alleles per locus. In our study, PIC values the studied genotypes with SSR markers. These markers
showed a significant positive linear correlation with the may be useful in screening for salt tolerance in rice germ-
number of alleles at SSR locus. Rahman et al. (2010) plasm. However, the association of these markers with salt-
screened 28 local rice varieties with 7 primer pairs and found tolerant genes/quantitative trait loci needs to be confirmed
82 alleles. Marker RM335 produced the maximum number in segregating populations or any other suitable mapping
of alleles (15) and had the highest PIC value (0.91). Kanawa- populations so that the potential of these markers in mar-
pee et al. (2011) investigated genetic diversity in 30 rice ker-assisted selection schemes can be determined.
genotypes using RAPD and SSR markers and found higher
level of polymorphism in SSR than in RAPD markers.
We classified the studied rice genotypes as tolerant, mod-
erately tolerant, moderately sensitive and sensitive to salt The financial support from Higher Education Commission
stress on the basis of relative shoot and root lengths, and of Pakistan and Pakistan Agricultural Research Council is
shoot and root fresh and dry biomass production. The gratefully acknowledged. The authors also acknowledge and
accessions, which acquired high STI values for the above- appreciate the support of Dr. M. Aashiq Rabbani and Direc-
mentioned parameters, were considered salt tolerant, while tor, Gene Bank of Plant Genetic Resources Program, NARC,
those that had less STI values were considered salt sensitive. Islamabad, for providing rice seeds used in this study.
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varied with growth stage. Some genotypes, such as Nona
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Zeng, L., M. C. Shannon, and C. M. Grieve, 2002: Evaluation of Table S2 Salt tolerance indices of agronomic parameters
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Supporting Information stage.
Table S5 Salt tolerance indices of four traits in rice under
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the different salinity stress levels at vegetative growth stage.
online version of this article: Table S6 Correlation among four agronomic traits in
Table S1 Percent sums of squares for different growth rice at vegetative growth stage under 0, 50 and 100 mM salt
parameters of rice grown under salt stress at germination stress.

36 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 25–36

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