Critical Reception Gatsby

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Te Gent Gatsby, stephen MaHersera. NacPacllan , (990. Part One Survey ‘The Great Gatsby and My, While Te Grat Gash i « nore rch debated by exis and reader, there has beew a general emsensar that fa vaety of fe novel tain the satu «myth, ea oat Gatsby e+ ort of myths hero "The debate that hae developed sent the ‘Sn of yh Ut Tie Gro Gali. Brey, the etal soe "heer orn Ftagerald was wit my spcibealy about ‘Americ and Atmerean society, orbiter tet Ps Crt ‘uty eanncend such particulars of ve and place, snl atin wide ewan, Below I xt to camine thes Huts, thoogh, the reader should se aware thar ia the 1908 mary Ident writers sa the Htevary posses offered by myth, The mat prominent ff these writers were .S. ot abd Jes foyer The Wate “Land (1922) Hit had vob gene of he stead easing Iesnes of modern existence, party by «seria cf complen co rst vith past of the posit. Inthe une year overs Ue aad made the wanderings of one man through Dublin ect dhe myisie episodes of Homer's Dg, Roth were had ho were eleva t netn search, ng He. P, Scott Fiera begun wt The Gre 922, the yar tt saw the pulsation of Th Wate Land sud Chea was a Frnt adie of ices poem (her are fetioes of in The Ga Gay) Bt the hed of myth etd in FitagceaM'sovel suite dierent, in part sce he doce ot ely on extemal -stablished myths in order to explo hit thee. 2° mrorsar oaneay | rhe American meh \ (One of the commonest crital approaches to The Gra Gat hus een to See tat ase myth of Ameria,» myth partaking ‘tthe avout of the 1920s, hough this view bar not ben who Aisenters In 154 the ee John Bicknell began an say om Te ‘ret Gatly by coufdenly asserting that a last reer were begining to approach Flagerald aot merely as a novela of ve Ja Age, Buta romeons whore wntng tansornded the ‘arrow concern of one particular place o ne (icel, 1954, 556). Even now, this seems rather a prematre judgement, in {hat aany eeaders al regard Ftgerald ae wet Gly voted tn the (820m but the pat made tan portant one, One ofthe ‘qaliter of myth fr that shouldbe tnelen,piatng to dhe Universal and thas no Tied by dhe peice of Line an place ‘Arecea essay by aleaingFitegead seo Matthew Brel tas demonstrated the streges ned by Fitserld eo make the novel transcend ine and place He refaine fom overuse othe Popular vongs of the day; he did ot idem caren celebrities lave easily could have done); and he deliberately used» statey tvagucnes For example, he take ofthe ea whch kills Myre the most famous car in American Iterative ienifed (Bruce, 1985, pp. 6-7). Fi ‘Power thongh these angument ay he wight of eal pinion isi favour af viewing Te Gra Galiy em noel saat the 192s: this sa myth nove, ie inentecebly involved wth ‘one partial time ad plac: furtiermere, ie am examination ot ‘Aieican mayen the twentieth century, Brvcels pot abt ‘aueness aba strategy in the novel nad inet oe benote hy ‘stics. One of sft readers, the noveligg Eth Whaon con lined in 1925 eter o Feral of teat ha Ia very lil o Gatsby’s character. Heczemaina shady igure fo “tomate Gata relly Gret, on ugbtin hae gies his easly eerste ofashortetumne ait (Whar, 125, p10), ‘This sme complaiat had eater been voiced by Fizgerai’s editor Maxwell Fei (Peskin, 1925, pp. 101-2. Bu Kwa ‘ssential for Fitsgeral’s purpose, and forthe enae of Gatsby 2 mythic gut, that he sould remain mysterious Fitgerald hal wtten at some length about oe telling inet Irom Cts ‘hidhood, but then excluded the epsode inorder, he wrote 0 mcesarcamse asa 9 reserve a ‘sent of ystey abot ho (iter 56 509). ‘his excuded ince tame the sot nay Absoao Te sense af mystery and run soreundig, Gatsby is indeed well pescned fs the ame Ni Caray tll os 2 fet deat about Caity, snc we hao the date and place {Chis bi ad sot othe Ccunaancs of i out Bat hy a ever tecigue Fuge a the same ne nates his esenally mysterio utes The tcenlqu i expt vide atthe begining of Chaper 6 Caramays onde {Sek hove isto rete the fits Cais Hes in onde to unter thermore of his cng (p18). Ba the chaper Sctualy adds tothe sense of mytey, glmou mn moarty “at ataches (0 Gaby, since Caray ites hi acl trative wih repent esc eons al sow inaginatve ers of Gata Th strategy smost vinnie flowing example tf, Cary fers octyl shesender Gat ptets were sto wnsacaflan, ‘poops he ioiaton had seer telly sxeped ts Pena loth wey sex coqunce Una he ise {etalon the nye prochain what ‘the most ot statement of Catioys satay as aad a gt ‘hoy Gatay of Wes Ha, ong lend, pep om his Pile acon hia He van el “Themam-seteral good rtaas why Tugel. wished ‘alsa be mysterio. An vas oe i economy, wich in torn ate tothe sequiement ha te sender sho aot In allowed to become moray el f Gay essen Ane his booting act al ot be play ero omni oterise the en's pty ohm dete oy aay ly ede Dt sgt Deon sense tat oer man as of agents Wi mae Gaty in a ‘nye gure The sentence abvut Galay dcig ‘a sn of Goa i the ines exp freee 103th ste Dut the sary ‘this oa eon nly ste po enen ‘Ton Haran eserves him ase Neb fom Nowe (p36). When {Gay's tater apps the Sa chap, he prayed at an ingen bse hg, tomentose is Shtespare’ V's an fs adapt the Lng hl Pater evidence or Gatsby stata sents comment ees ie : : ~~ PSE bob Date’ elation to Toms i was just peronal” (p38. ‘Galby’s owe lve for Dany and hi trp to fopeat the ps are, then, much nore Usa persona, tiv desires Ta fact, ‘sweats aed a he ling oe (159) ai ‘wtng outside the Buchanan house sacred "ig (p 152). [At one point Hisgerld sably suggests that Cataby’s power fare somehow superhuman, AU dhe begioning of Chapter 3 the ‘epelion ef bi? becomes almost a chorus to Gatsby power teanforming the oray nto the gittering (p83). Later io the ‘Sine chapter, he aioon fe derribed a being produced ke the ‘Supper, no doult, out ofa caterer basket (p19) "There are, of course, teleences 10 Cataby’s place in the “American pst, notably in the novel’ Saal parsgraphs, where Caraway evokes the Dut sailor. Ia seeing Ameren fo the frst tine, they share Gatbys wonder and innocence at the ‘opportunies alfred by America }F. Callahan sites thatthe {Gctober month of love which Daisy and Gataby had shared is a referece to Columbus dacoery of Amerie in October, sd Gasiy’s atempt to recapture that Uine part of 3 eataral desire for oat inocence (Callao, 1572, p20). Cais alo ‘te some of the supposedly “scramental qualities of the novel fer example, Gatsby's shirt wich be shows to Daisy (p90); the ‘ontinual ikig in the nove othe at of ames ot he pope ‘who come to Gatsby's hoase (pp. 67-1). Several rites have ‘emarkel that thelist becomes Mad of ple exaloguy ech, Tse of warors or aipe im the works of Homer and Xenephion (Ele, 177.8). However, lis an wpdated east, refering ‘peel the American stator and relletiog the diverse ‘tigi ofthe stirs who cane to Americ. Another element of the novel relessing myth the eetene of the-ewlsyed man, the recur fuse wo appears one ofthe Tow moter {Gauy's funeral The ovteyed san, who is symbolically Uke. ith hehoatdingf the yer of De TJ-Hehlcburg, speaks Gay’ ‘pitaph, ‘poor soma bith (p 182). Several ees have me sete that thls figures eoinsent ofthe bind prope Tran, ‘iho appears both i Gap and TS. Eis he Wate Land ‘Tiresis possess tragic hnwelge, and hete the owheyed sian Js left at commentator onthe Wagedy of Gasby (eoe Lehan, 166, p. 12) W Gatsby's mythic status har nat boen iil for cis to accep, then some dete sain oer the meaning of the iy iat Te Gt Gey supposedly eepresents. Maris Bowley sees that Gata es eet mh how inated Uesspiratin and the del his ie” (Bewey, 1954p. 43-4) ‘Te implication, generally shared ty ec, tat Catay the sth figure sam eboiment of cerain Aenea and Sacer He epicenter es a American Heras note sia tt, parce to Jines Fenimore Cooper's Naty Bumpoo, aad to Mark Twa ‘Muckeberey Hen. These characters ae supposed mia 4 that they manifest abt Helle ste to Ameen: ‘cron feed, a selena, abl in personal itegrrather than onfrmity- is scl er to eal Jacques arn’ defiion«¢mylil characters as the Ogus who, ‘whether veal or Siayinry=-- express aad embody destinies, scpirationy, or aus pial of indviduats or races (eros, 1965p. 75) tn Feuer Coopers ve ses which male wp the eatherstoking Tales (12-41), Nay ta caretr of cca impotanes Hi ee to preserva tqey iho Compromise drives islet he willcmesy say rom Oe tence ofthe settemens In The Ato ery Pn {1080 Hes sod hear tamper i seclaly feed ‘omclenoe when he detest sabe te slave Jn in epg trom Sse Waton. At the end af the noe ack decide to ght out for (be Teor, reaping the nvnce tat weal esry his inidaiy a sents fs Hla stn hw ome tote conidered an achetypal esteem Ameo entre Gis on The Gn! Getty bave oem placed Gata i ti sralon of myles "or leu Ne ected wth more ony than they shares ther ea of ianecencey escapes, an the purely perianal cade eon? (Chase, 197, p30), that Fltageld treat the mythval stance eciealy, Ahh, Chie is sugeting a nyportane plat abut The Ge ‘aby dat aay of Ameren, en ki sbewt Ames: faletoive opto satel aot pas of ton ak bionesr, While Navy and Hck ad's toni or a teeny o hit ry oat ec, Gatby Bas nowhere; sian the ove he moves st West to Hat ering pen af the hones aad ster, and thereby inating that Ue Sean of Indiv al ietom fo inst utons asta ove, 6 murorearoxnser ‘These Ideas aze_peeent In several ways in the nore, and se alten aubiy reveled he eater Dan Cay, the figure. whu- made a poteye of the young Gatsby, and ose phoiogeaph stl hangs. Gataby’s bedroom (10 Cody's name is derived fom two lneger th fe gues, ot “American histery: the pioneer Dasiel Boone, and Ul Cody the Westerner. Cody is inended to bea ster day relon of these figures dn doping Gatsby, he passes on the ales of freedom, exploration and opportniy However Cosy hima {figure in-decine, with nowhere to explore. Having been past Sf the mining rushes since the 1870, lathe Owetieth een le ete wubject of “tar journal” (106, aa his yacht ‘lls aimlessly around the continent (p 107) Caray hits ‘hat Cody is an unateactve, alent drunken character an anachronism, the ‘pioneer debauched’ who brought back to the Taste seaboard the seage lence of the fron: Brothel al saloon (p 107), Carraway sanages to dstngui the quate oF ‘Gass dream fom Cody’ behaviour, but thraghoat the novel he rethas an oni tude towards the rlevace ofthe pioneet spin to canter porary Aiea society “Thus, Hizgealds myth seoma to be about the deradence ‘ot American yates, and the evidence fo Wageals deliberate ‘ferences to Arseriean culate Is yery stony Ate last ite iageratddhowt ot changing the ee to ‘Under the Ret White and Blue’, cabling Pertne to this fect. He seems to hare ‘etraine only because there oat jst Torenght Yo publication Sn was probably too late fora change(Msene, 1951, p 70). However the fil effect ofthe ovels mythic stat hs een much debated; Iwill see farther below in sections on the ‘ee of Amerie In he novel, and on the hatacter of Gatsby 1s The Gra Gay an attack othe los of American vals? te Gatsby 2 agi gore, or des he gain Kod of triumph the The Naw Ai mth 1 was noted above that while there was great deal of ‘ical consensus about the mythic elements of Th Gr Gat, ‘ue eeu camara seven 7 Are was some debate about the kind of tyth Ftgerald was wtng. Several etiss ave inane tht although te hovel |S very much about specially Aenean teen, te Kd of ‘myth embodies i soueh mote universal In bet this wan ‘one of the points T noted above tbat the tse of myc by Janes Joyce sd ES. Elo: that trough it they attempted to Convey the universal af yt, rath thaw Uni siguanee fad relevance fo oc particular ine al place, Several of the ‘ements cited above as evidence of The Cw Gav's mythic ‘alu ae not relevant to American theme alone. Tor earl, Ire owbeyed man is Tiina, den Ne htetes chat Gaby ‘waged can he considered a aniveral a that of Oedipus, The rt Gat cane read a8 9th of loo inoconce- Gay, the rage Reo, bas attsned a iocent capac To won ad a eli inthe ability wo reaptre past time. Hs age that this innocence makes him a victor of others that The Dcicin covering tine lea uso, Ths ew hasten been ae by erties; or example, “Gatby's eset icon § Hewie’Mizener, 195, p17}. Miner define the mowel “rage pastorl (Mizenet, 1951, 9.15), ight sevloped alge by Sergi Perna in eapter with that ile (Pras, 1065, pp 32-3), ‘Thus, Tor some cree, Te Grol Gaty is about «general ‘unas predicament, sn spite ofits sting in Ameren ele find references to Aneta history. Catrby's dream, sth 4 ally detoye itn aglaly, rates hin above the wer ‘haraciens, giving him, as Caraway fly cgaizes, «dignity tnd worth that the ether characems hove ewer possessed, wont the est thing be says to Gatsby ie "Youre worth the whole damn bunch put togetber”(p. 160) Pac tus", ‘Gauy's seam is much moe than a wleton ofthe Ames ean or bei in bistrial American ideal It ia eam a “unity, smtegration, cohesion between wind and matter sata ‘ture, feds wren ne Belghtens the wot and tus ol ‘exclusively ag American dream (Callahan, 19721). Kenneth ble sates that The Ginat Gatty represents "Pera attempt ‘o-aptue dhe esent ol tat of the romani vst (Phe 197, Po. ‘One ofthe exits to pursue thie argument at ag x Richard ‘eta, nis book Sot Pega and th Cfo Fin Using he = 8 rwronesr oxrsey aes about Fitagera’s love ofthe Romantic posts, particular eats Lehan argues that much of Figgeral's work ie sbout the survival of Romane vals nthe madera age Leshan specclly fourides the reation between time in Romantic thug ad te ‘hemes of'The Gat Gul. Gaby irate othe other Fitagerad ‘haraters suc ax Dick Diver in Tin the gh aid Monive Sta in The Lst Tar, who poses vison, bt sre destoye by those who act again thir Helin, by Tone Buclanany the ‘ase of Gatsby. While acknowledging the evidence that Tie Gr ‘Gay was itcaded to bes novel about America, Lean poss ‘out that for Tiegeral, the American dream wae vomething le ‘pproaclied on at india and personal level, We uanecesely Tin Te Gat Gat we consider it oly = ove about wee, ‘nee Fieger ‘extended his ovel beyond Bstory to the el of metaphysics, to the sory of man’ Bight agai! the process of time the hidden enemy ovis de Hel? (Lean, 1905, 116) Lchan woul grant mythic status to Gatsby, but Ses bis heroism in his tpt to ely ine, Hven Gaby move foe ‘Weat to Past not nee the ioe reversal of ftir, se ‘ile etc have argued, ut evidence for Gatsby's deine a time, an attempt tovrevere the path of the sun (Lean, 196, pig) if ‘ehan's den about Gatsby's atempe to reer the proces Liye eer back tothe ic uote dala between Gatsby al (Carivay in Chapter 6. Cataway sates that Gatsby shoul ot ‘expe too mack of Days that Greumstancee have changed ber irom the woman she was five years ago and You can't repeat the ast. Gatsby's reply, "Cant repeat he pas.» Why ol course you can (p27) olen cnaisred one ofthe mt revealing {moment in the novel, For Laban He makes Gta fn 9 here Universal finan ine of loss aad pat ine, 9 ‘ctaphysicl adventurer. As Tabal later dca, tne terial ‘he now, aid atay is defeated by its neitable progres as uch a hei defeated by Bachanan. T shall conclude this section by quoing another ofthe pats ‘The Great Gait which ean be used a evidence eter for the ove’ amination of American myth, or fr fs eonseratien ‘t Romanicinn. At the end of Chaper 6, when Catsy hes old of is affair with Daisy, Canvavay inagines = rytho Uehind Gatshy’s actual word Even he conden Gaby’ | ‘HE FoRMALSTAMMROACH 9 “appalling sentimental, the words remind has of something nthe as “Through all he si, evn through hs appalling sentinenaiy, Twos remiaded of something an easve ryt fragment ‘fleet words that [hac heard somevihete «lng dae ag For = soment splat take shape nm mouth aly pe Parte ike dias ae thongh ere was more tugeing pon tem than 2 wisp of aed aie Bat they made nn soso, find what T hed alot remembered was uacomtmusicable for ‘ven. (18) For erg who sce primarily she Ameian deme of the ove, de last words tere wold be the American Declan (of Tadependenc, aed Carraway iabili to real the words Iniates isan lar innecence But, ven the particular content {of Gatsby’ love for Dy, one cond equal se that Caraway’ Tost rhythms ae that of some pote, probly Romane and sibly Keats ‘Od toa Nihtiaga’ Ia ether eae, hee lihe novel a myth sere she continned by sucha paragraph, ‘wile at being decisively lore yi y 5 Gaim / Formalism majrbe defined ot a excl Sppronch in which the tert unde Gseuson considered yay ae stracare of words, That iy te main feat yon the avangement of language, rae: Una atthe mplicions ofthe word, ot {he biographical an steric ofthe wok in question. [A strelly loreal vie woul for exarople,sporosch Tle Gat Gai asa strucute of weds fring te deta of agra’ ‘ead the socal ao Metal sone ofthe now However, fora, o the concepy of ote terry forma, ban oe been stacked by inlialHerary ere reels of ec ‘on the qlounds tht 3 reduoss the text to meting more than eres of woros tefeby UmingIe sneaning. and power Tei {eum atthe Ragan Formal nthe ey yeah of cea teed to ine he test this way, Westen ovat Approaches Jive ted w be mach lee tere. Tprtie, i | £ i t - 36 momarcanay f Aurea Theses es Aves ame ind, seco-tsric oppronch maybe characte a oe by wb he vel theese explored a ston t hie sod ‘sro conten The wupton than th approach ee intrest mater te btay wort in soe ny relents {he prevalng irs and ieee te tne eh Yea This onl be tue even ofa noel whch scream fe character bly any xk For exami, oe of the Stove Det edie tna 19) eit though eens senor om sal est elect ay the ea aa concer of els ontop eo In psig the rove snr he oer oe miles, yelebrating ener, ronal, ed the Sapa p(y, 5, ‘A wuctened hove Inthe seton on myth, The Gat ati ‘can ready be considered aowel about Amen sca paar monet a hi theme oe epi 4h Delos novel. Head ace wt irate {he india ‘nl in hie reo to soled” (Glas 7 Vato soci-storkal approsts to Tle Ge Gly oe Frome eer ave examined Wa 4 tel sett the 198, Aout the American chancter, o abou the Ames at Within these broad pproaies a net oats i ss Te mow bic has ben oexeminc the onl a canoe “Amen ta ump the American det the laf operons, for ll a advance ent in care sci ion end ane rig. he ital was cuba infellson's Deteeinn Leda a iran a opine een was speiealy reac saint the “lose” Heo Sortie, tee power and wealth te teen to bei the hes an anor governing cle ths ben deat of being able o gon to fllest development 2s a wom, uate by the Dares in older evatiens, uaepreed by seal ers wil had developed fr the bevel of eases rather than fer te sp numa ekg of any and every eas. (Adams, 1982, p08) ‘Thus the dream deans those who sc'selE made’ hopped to ‘hose who gain wealth and status though inheritance, Nato, "ri sociouasromica, arrRone 27 1 Tie ra Gay Cataby represent thi selene gore In at, ‘he eseiptin of Gatsby a sprang om bis Paton conception tomlin aloe » comic exaggeration othe es ‘As noted above, the section x The Gat Gatly and myth, these tas ogn se disagreement twee exits who see Sar pr aly boat the myth of Ameria, ade wh gue that {he novel ar aveder ven metal sslerance Howene 7 mong the ents whoagre thatthe aovel about the myths St Amerie, there isa divion. To pati simply, the debate i ‘ver whether Plaga s showing the dene ofthe Amesea ‘tou in the wentsth cot ary or whether ee augesting th rom the begining, te eam asa lslon. “Th wring of the Arian de? Although Fitgerall ie often epresenteas ‘the spokesman fran gc eugestng bathe somehow praised at clebated hemes ‘which he wrote, he Get Gal any eset mec, ff the 192 Whe dix cris sian vio aye ‘ost notably apparent inthe syabels and sugestveness a he Tangage ust The alley o abe" suggest spat sed soe si, aud man, more examples could be cite. Caray, who {bothateaced to and repelled by the Eas at nes reminds ws of bis solauon ‘ft a haunting lontiess ometn, ad elt it {ethers — poor your clerk mo tere fant of windovs ligt wa tin fora aitaryrestaant ner — young Teri ia the dust wasting dhe most poignant monet of Hight ‘nd ie (p63) Uoredo apd loneliness are ever-present a he ove; Day sve and (perhaps wo spt Tom ese be Mf with Gatsby: Myrle Wilom bine her afr cut of faste Yin, and even Nik’ ar wth Jordan seems o have ite vo do wi any muta atuacion. Fiend aio iets the vente fe owen Ih et, Me Guat Goay suite a lent novel, In sharp contrast to Fieger preceding work. Axwell he feat f By andere Gat aed te sue of Wilson, theres Tom's Bloodyng f Myrte's nove, the eztiealy voent behavior of Gatsby's pues, au any ecpeted sets of ven, ‘These nile Wo shee ry abut the anger murders aad ‘exces, rence of Den dys neat behaviour and te Me an sae 28 rweontar casey Viet ed of ome ofthe pope onthe ito Gatsy's sumer ‘sto op. 673). Deals & epenedly menionel tthe ne au at aires sme, appears ome gute: ben Cay atu Carrevay go into New Yor, whens pses ten p79 Glut ct beet eth ca pT) alin cay dial of the sow, Cay sing te ar the fn tin, hints have (Pp 198.31, “The ere George Gare dont pin iat ca xy be frote; that macht The Ga Gly Would have shoe 1 contemporary reader The rial megigene of Tos a Daly got unpunished as dooms aes alsin (Gone, 2885 p19) woul actly Bogut sy for mae ay Years ot to reais thatthe noel act diving proQon Eventhough the boolegeing tan hnportant etre athe soy, {be ray the characters rad ke dking feet oe {0 mae the eaderferge ht moto he dking legal Ta Te Git Gly, te wees ent lamer Th Food etna a at ao nt tn ch ladles rusraton ed ot spd vals ae sed vile ont death sete prsent tn this late he Assen ‘ism tas endably wise (ele. Hk p.) “he Jtenontan eum of «sey open to lan without Server, again conte by the cents tthe novel he Buchatios ipresint a kid of wealhy astute Amoi das tse on ihe money and the mans so tite ha supposedly go wth ie Naterally, they condecend {ovards the paren Gay, wh ia ope a bing lt Sd wey lacs the mason ind Background wich wo atl oblong thas de Tons ner sat Gata’ having atended Ocfondis summe py by sees the ideals otis Gatsby wea "Au Oxon ike heh it le wears pink sai p12) the jer th ae ‘Too represen, Gait’ parts ate menngeries und hi ana “dec wagon” (p15, 14). Tom aly wa Bak Das ot by pening ther love ut to her snobbery, by isang how Gays means of making mony has Uebel its fs tie dae From this perspective, Faget examines the wa in which {he Airc eam of uaty anon ora bythe rise of sure clase wo, wl tc estates, er nd ‘tupsoaomsroncasarrioxt 29 po plays, aps the Burp: artsy. It woth ping ‘ot tha Gatby hel recogaies this ots he art He takes Dany im the knee that he docs ot belong to be easy and hee ory he bt fabian fr Nik an attempt to provide Dims wha ps stable forthe eur cas (pp e371). From these examples, ote could ay that The Gel Gatly ia bout the loving of Araricen society, and about twentet century developments whieh contradic’ and destroy the old Arveriean deat. The presence of Gata points back t the ‘uscornpted American dream, al be isso merocated with the Weat and ie promise. Alttough he i feted the dea ‘ves Oasby a dgaty and «st of ques Icing inthe eer haraters. Carenay carcterzes these as hin optimism ad ‘openness fo dhe promise fle One of deft tinge Cast tei us abt Gataby ie that he bas “one edge entity {o the promises of He {p-8). Nick knows that this quay, of Trving in prosises and in the tue sien 4 hima 20d the people He has mc i the Has Ret on hitb, [Nik toa cokes promic, but in ay fa sfileen rn Cate ‘Taigy™ the prio of decade slnetinsy a thsng Hit of siegle mu Kou, high iene a ents, ining fae (p21. ‘Gata hope aad belie in promise make him somchow the bodiment of se abstract values ofthe Ameren reas and ‘is wnteat death signals the end of that dean. For his elegy to Gatsby ip the sone Saal paragraphs, Caraway cones ‘xamine not Gry pera pony the pat of Americ He Felco the mowent of prerase ft the Dutch sll seg {he extent fs the fist Ue, and Bes an alogy with the ii that inabited Gataby. The aloe besomne repeentare ‘of humanity having “or the las ne” something that matches four ‘pacity for wonder (p 188). This spice of the oemly ‘Uncovered contr ent becomes the Artic dear, wih ia tao reflected Gatsby looting atte gees ight oa Day’ Alek. Cray bueves tht Gataby Is eon spite af al revervatons, becuse le fnde in him Che ede of Ameria he Td eonsideved fost. Thi tex eve Fesones exp, tthe hove’ final pasgeap ed hen Gay talks about his ove for Dey “Through al he stk was remind of something an etsive thy hn agent Lt words that Tha ear a ms eee 30 tw caver carsey somenhere a lng tne ago" (p18). The st won are the Declaration oC Independence, ad Gataby's eho of dem makes ‘im the personal embodiment oftheir alien. OF course Caeraway also recogizes thatthe dream i part of history, mot pat ofthe present. ‘Th let words heve remain slosive fim, at in he closing paragap of the ovel Guraway empharizcs thatthe dream was aged behind i, somewhere hack in tht rast obscurity beyoad the city. Where {he dak fed of he republic rolled on wader the night (py 18). Gy isthe comupted twenteecentury version ete poner Meyer Wollthcim represeots the contemporary viles of ‘he Hast. Something ofthis same idea wa sey signed by array’ writing the names of Gatsby's guests a saree sated 5 July (p67) This isthe day alter lndependenc, nical Jndcaing hat the cutaral lint of te ove ater America ‘eatin. The Grew Guy becomes an Amerson tragedy, bot one ln whet Gatsby's heroism and weal ae consany ale ‘As ely angus The Gia Gatien aiemstion ae ‘he American spit inthe mit oan Aenean world that device {he soul Gatsby exit yao ha 39 p53), ‘Me Disc Dre | These ideas about The Gat Gaily and the witeing of the American dren’ have beste fait standard ba they ave also ben seriou challenge hy sme ses. Thee ae cere Awe then, and inthe Rnd of rence lee im ticle sopprt, For ane thing they depend tngely upon accepting Carrey ‘lation of Gas. Bushee Carrvay ina pee nat, {hen ie ielization cannot be accepted at face value A th Boiive values chat comet be abetted with Gay rm fom Gta’ version af the event sd fn the aio of bs ‘personal and earl analysis, Without the less given to ‘im, the tory of Catby is merely that oa boolegge ied by sagem pt wht Eth Warton eat ‘ie tice Mtge for not showing where te pte ‘Gata a, tout hat pmpedve the noe sat ge uct vec’ or the newspaper (Wharton, 192; . 00h *rusoctosmstonteat arntoncy Several crits have goxe to tome Tenge in demonstrating Ccarawvay's unsulubilly as 2 aaraton, and. diese wll be iseunsed further ia the section om carscer. Mere it need ‘uly be sated tat he ‘xmosage’ the truth at cet pointe {Suatinan, 196) p 13), and tht he aatesGaty because of Tis on litauo. Thorne Hamza points cut how fr Caray ‘and Gatsby are comtasting character: Gata itchy altar, Inysteious, obsessed and not bouad by cern lit Caray is relatively por, mes fiends easly guarded in ation and Jhulgement Ganz, 1959, p62. Bathe wel x bing contri thse points con serve asthe baste for why Gatsby character Isso altacive to Nick, and why his account of the summers ‘rents makes aero out ofthe bootleg. Overall recognition ‘of Caraway’ Lawn has mae eter ol aeeptng Galby's Ici Since hihi mercial plain the agunnt that Gatby is gre” because he ebodics the a American dream, Cimat lead wo = revaluation ofthis Men ‘The view that Tie Grant Galay is about ‘the witheing of he American dean” als depends on a juxtaporiion of past fd present. The dent was nec unearrpte, snd i oly Uv eanteererary society thi it his Secae Sethe An ltemative view Is tat Flap exes the Amer dean {elt nas lays casted ine eam lluion that humane cul ‘never have filed Several Lind of eidence eat be presented fot {his view: the we of past ithe novel, the kind af ream tat (Gatsby cmbodize, and the entrant between East and West “The srgumen’ that The Gat Cally concer dh resent compton of the Amedzae dream rlles pon contrast he word between the uoconupted pant andthe cre present ‘ites ear tha Carravay ace the presen a err and hao, several eis hive aac he aggoment that the past onichow ieaived, Dan Cody and Meyer Wollteim en be seen 2 degraded versions ofthe American dean — the “debauched? ‘ers ofthe pioneer, and the gangster who ned the Won’ Serie. Iat boc of them Helped mate Gatsby, sed at ach he ‘ould haaly be the carrent embdinent of te lasting pity ‘the dream, [smo even a8 though Gatsby as broken a3) oven dee inflcaces heal ese alll to Wallen, nad he displays photozraph of Cody in is house Wey are the ‘ebauelel version of the dream, then soi Gatsby. Bat another neh ttaicei tenant 92 nimouear ears Spin could he thatthe dea was says debe. a ‘ligrafrancenentsoays war the Meads of mente Cay a Wala 5 "The othe putin the novel comes fim Casiway’s elegy for Gay, when be evokes the wonder of the Dutch slo Sexing the comin forthe ft ine. Bt a els alse he Iengunge of the yusnge would suggest hae Woe ot ely Gatsby's dream vory mc. As Baw Fusel write, the pasrge fat that ‘atts ental capac fr monde oak ane, inthe modern woo pope jc’ (ssl, 188, p23) “Tat i the sao” are seeing “or the st ine’ someting hich would mate the human cape for wonder. Brething er tng, tbs dam as well jefe’ Deetarton af Independence’ wou be on, ale promise The eam ae indeed lend bind Catsy ain belid even Jeter Some ee of Tie Ga Gay have poate at tha there ae relly we American reama: The one suse so fre shoe ihe dpennens af sce nd th redo fon insta In {86 th Arnrcan wing baat the octence pon thi feet, wich, in te writings of Emerson, embodies also ‘pital Cecio. "The lle dam, bowers mara, {Sh conser with sotcal fteecon in soc ‘epesoed by Benjani rn more chan yay other figure: One ce argues that Th Ga Gat sb the oie Between these two dae Barbour, 173,290), Caay alae srul dur beta naning rhe el gat ad ede, {Eee eae sonfued withthe mee mang of money Bu tno reich i atte dea of petal edo infact osepaae fom that of ater avncmeny nd Unt In American story, the two Boome cnfaed (uae 158, ere "sn iota int eee ha th ne ae conf inGataby imal Alto he dems of pil reunion th Day, his ‘order wat of wet and avant evident the sched of execs and resolutions tht he wrote 1908 {op 179-3) The shee isan cco of piel Bejan Frain ‘etosconcesig thy helen te gal of trance, ‘The mostng, slat, lee and subcquent area of ein, Diy all happen eleven years ae. Even Guay a 8a Goliath eve of vas ug, and meretiou beat? ‘Tesco msToMeNLArHONe {p.105). Moreover, Gatsby continues o bev tha his wealth the hey tos eaailag Dae ated ost tne Hntbows anges that since ches tivo dream arealotay incompatible, Cataby Binevtaly destroyed one cancel oat te other ato, 197, 1. 28M), To por it anther way, Gat leks the sens of history ‘ich Caraway possesses. Caeaway aes that Gate's diet Fs bound to fil because historically the Aaneican dream led ints eas of equality, bert and ppectniy, Tw te novel _eapitlats ths fala, without giving cedenee wor suppor fe the dream. As Callahan pate nthe pages of Gay, gerald tutes he ie eyele of American elle and te syeptonn of seas” (Calin, 1972p 61). The Ameria dream des not Carnway Bd he desn tact but knows ie oud t Gl 'Fitagerald begins BY fxporing the corruption of Wat dessin industrial Ames; be ‘ed by escovering tha the pret univesally sedatives Derpettllydanund (Pussel 1952 245), $a nd a While the approaches to the noel one above are deeply speed, thre fe pln of agreement etree then, Bat epson) spect of the scar hisol spony wih the “hunption tnt The Get Gly ss novel sea he codon Gf American sect at parila te Move spectely, th ses tate for granted” that the nore ie somehow abort the American em the direnee ae. ver Psp tosaueat of. The etal debate tens ent be summatecd at elows staat view at Fingers denstatig re corropton of he team nthe went eaten, prea in {he Hat Vet Saab romans hs becuse he embodis the ‘corrupted ent of thi dest emote whi ie hin 2 Alay Ieking in ths other chaneters, As Caray expresses iu" Gatsby was Gal “al sight as opposed to what preyed os Gaey, wat td dt Botte waa seen {p.8) The alternative view that Paap eal the Aneto de tel sein I a asin af ety ad Soe 4 irenerontsny . Ispennes, but which has always been historically inellctua U war invalidated by te erude ausoiaton with mateo, nd.the career af Gatby rellects historia! tare. The views ‘of Caraway on Gatsby's heroism cannot ultimately be tasted, 4s Carraway fea flawed sarator az well at character easly nprested by lige gestures and ambitions uf which he hina is Incapable Sine both of these approaches coniider the opposition ta the novel between Hast and West ie word casing oh this Toe, pariulry ag Caraway clans ito be one othe ust Felerant fet te the story see now that this hasbeen sory ofthe West. ote postensed some defieney is common which Ina us sbi adaptable vo Eastern Mle”. 1), Tan fluent argment, Mizener claimed that the East-West contrat inthe nove was primarily about values lor ales. ‘Thenovel i's indo ragi astra withthe Eat exempting turin sophisteaton and elture and corruption, and the Middle West... thesaple vies (Mlaene, 195, p. 175-6). This view Eontrbutort tle angument tha Gatsby repre vse of values ‘hich contempecary America, eitomined hy the Eat, ha Tost "smal way, his enti elected in Wert gy and Fast Hg, Since Tomm sud Dairy ive on the fsionable Harter ide while [Nek and Gatsby are on Wert gg But x others have indicted, the issue ls ot so straightforward. Caraway names allo de nove’ leading characters a Westerners not only Gasby- The ‘alr ofthe Wert are not al ne ofp ri; Dan Cy, Torinstance, had brought tothe East the savage Valence of the Hoar broil and salon" (p17). While Tom's extramarital Salasour seems to be tolerated ore ithe East is ae wlth ‘he ebermaid nar out West, i» Santa Basbars (pp 8-1) Furthersore as Ornstein remark, the West evoked lathe novel is searely appealing it represents “Sl rete ond Nek escpes to 4 tthe en of the novel in Bis retreat 1 mora etanty (Omen, 1957, p56) Stallman point ot tat all the “Westerner” ted by Nick are acwally “dishonest (Stallman, 1961, p35). Alb, Gatsby's tragic end Is not brought about by dhe gangsters and the racktees of the East He tthe etm of his awn anull-owe notions of vite and chivaly™ (Gramicin, 1957, p59). Instead of being content to have a wi Dey (accepable behaviour the sat) is senge py dena marge: Moe spoil ehivaiou poco of Diy ey tet of Myrtle Wilson, " aM ‘Arai he cial dsproement pins back 1 the dient ssid ote Ameria def Ge pps been a 3d Wer wens a ape as Menor propa tee oe eta cp tht Flogea i stowing the dee of the Meee drain i the ou Eas Bute nnn comple [lagers sto fhe dreams incl ns Ect withthe bola te orl the opesitig af a and West is suger rather than schematic. Ho of Te et Gas poe to evoke sch deme prt a sal Power ara work ota (Character ot wae ate than arc, see Gate ‘The acct of The Gea Cty haw depend ey ah ov the ay of Pago cnt nase oie ind the Ite, enncnsteatng tha Hat chacters play 2 ‘important part in te movenunt of the nana osster at a a ie Saray popea

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