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J Agro Crop Sci (2016) ISSN 0931-2250


Morphological and Physiological Responses of Plantain

(Plantago lanceolata) and Chicory (Cichorium intybus) to
Water Stress and Defoliation Frequency
L. M. Cranston1, P. R. Kenyon1, S. T. Morris1, N. Lopez-Villalobos1 & P. D. Kemp1,2
1 Sheep Research Centre, Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
2 Institute of Agriculture and Environment, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Keywords Abstract
drought tolerance; evapotranspiration rate;
photosynthetic rate; relative growth rate; Plants are often subjected to periods of water stress. There are little data examin-
taproot diameter ing the effect of water stress on the forage species Plantago lanceolata and Cichori-
um intybus. In two pot experiments with P. lanceolata and C. intybus,
Correspondence morphological responses under optimum, dry, and very-dry water treatments
L. M. Cranston
with weekly, fortnightly and 3-weekly defoliation intervals and physiological
Sheep Research Centre
responses under optimum and very-dry water treatments were measured. A third
Institute of Veterinary
Animal and Biomedical Sciences experiment compared the rooting depths of P. lanceolata and C. intybus under
Massey University field conditions. These findings suggest that both P. lanceolata and C. intybus
Private Bag 11-222 can survive and continue to grow under water stress conditions with the main
Palmerston North 4442 differences between the two species being attributable to morphological charac-
New Zealand teristics (root mass, taproot diameter and shoot mass fraction) rather than differ-
Tel.: +64 6 951 85809
ences at a physiological level. Overall, the results suggest plantain may be more
productive under moderate drought due to its greater shoot mass fraction,
Accepted March 2, 2015 whereas chicory may be more productive and persistent under severe drought
due to its greater root mass, taproot diameter and root depth under field condi-
doi:10.1111/jac.12129 tions.

greater understanding of how plants respond to moisture

stress could play a major role in stabilising pasture per-
Plants are often subjected to periods of soil and atmo- formance under drought conditions. Forage chicory
spheric water deficits with drought posing a significant (Cichorium intybus L.) and plantain (Plantago lanceolata
environmental constraint to plant survival and crop pro- L.) are widely used throughout the world as high feed
ductivity (Chaves et al. 2003). This will likely become quality perennial herbages (Sanderson et al. 2003, Lab-
increasingly important as the world is challenged by pre- reveux et al. 2006, Li et al. 2010, Golding et al. 2011,
dicted warmer climates (IPCC 2007). Temperate pastoral Hutton et al. 2011). Both plantain and chicory are tap-
systems in New Zealand are predominantly based on rooted (Stewart and Charlton 2006). The health and car-
perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) with a relatively bohydrate storage of taproots influence the persistence of
minor component of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) plants (Lodge 1991) and also confer a degree of drought
(Kemp et al. 2002). However, throughout summer and tolerance (Nie et al. 2008) through accessing water dee-
autumn production of ryegrass/white clover pasture can be per in the soil profile. Consequently, both chicory and
limited in both quality and quantity, resulting in reduced plantain are relatively tolerant to moisture stress (Mook
feed intake and poor animal performance (Hughes et al. et al. 1989, Nie et al. 2008). However, Nie et al. (2008)
1980, Burke et al. 2002, Moorhead et al. 2002). reported that chicory can tolerate moisture stress to a
The occurrence of morphological and physiological greater degree than plantain.
responses, which may lead to some adaptation to However, overall little is known about effects of
drought stress, can vary considerably among species. A water stress and defoliation frequency and the potential

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Cranston et al.

interaction between these on the morphological and 12–16 °C at night and 20–25 °C during the day. The plants
physiological responses of both plantain and chicory. were cut to 50 mm above media level on 4 April, 18 April
Therefore, the objective of this research was to address and 9 May to ensure all plants were sufficiently established
these issues by studying effects of water stress and defoli- (82 days after sowing).
ation frequency on the herbage production, biomass allo-
cation, persistence and physiological responses of chicory Experimental design
and plantain under glasshouse conditions, and to assess Treatments were imposed on 16 May (Day 1; 82 days
the rooting structure of chicory and plantain under field after sowing). The experimental design was a 2 9 3 9 3
conditions. factorial combination of treatments in a randomised
complete block design with four blocks (19 chicory and
19 plantain pots per block). The three main factors were
Materials and Methods
plant species (chicory and plantain), water treatment
Two glasshouse experiments were conducted in the Plant [optimum (control, 100 % field capacity), dry (63–82 %
Growth Unit, Massey University, Palmerston North, New field capacity) and very-dry (36–55 % field capacity)]
Zealand (latitude 40°230 S). In addition, one field experi- and defoliation frequency (DF: weekly, fortnightly and
ment was carried out at the Massey University Pasture and 3-weekly) over the period from Day 1 to Day 98. Each
Crop Research Unit, 5 km south of Palmerston North, treatment combination was replicated once within each
New Zealand. of the four blocks for each destructive harvest date; Day
1, Day 42 (midpoint of the water treatment period) and
Day 98 (end of the recovery period). This resulted in
Experiment 1
eight pots for harvest at Day 1 (two species 9 four
Plant establishment blocks) and 72 pots for each harvest on Day 42 and Day
The experiment was conducted between 24 February and 98 (two species 9 three water treatments 9 three
22 August 2012. Two plant species, plantain cv. ‘Ceres DF’s 9 four blocks). At defoliation, plants were cut to
Tonic’ and chicory cv. ‘Puna II’, were used. The potting 50 mm above the potting media level. The length of the
medium consisted of 33 % Manawatu silt loam (B Hori- water treatment period (Day 1–84; 12 weeks) was
zon), 33 % coarse sand (3 mm) and 33 % fine sand designed to simulate a severe summer water stress per-
(<0.5 mm) amended with 100 g short term fertiliser mix iod. Each individual pot was weighed approximately
(Woodace, flowering plant special; LebanonTurf; 14 % N, every 3 days, and the amount of water required to keep
6 % P, 11.6 % K + trace elements) and 50 g dolomite for each pot within its water treatment field capacity range
30 l of potting medium as a base start fertiliser. Prior to was calculated and applied. Following the water treat-
seed establishment (17 February 2012), soil samples of the ment period, the plants were given a 2-week recovery
potting medium were taken to determine soil water reten- period (Day 85–98) during which they received optimum
tion and pF curve. Field capacity was reached at a gravimet- water (100 % field capacity) and no further defoliation.
ric water content of 11 g per 100 g.
The pots were 250 mm in diameter and 250 mm in Measurements
depth and were filled with 10.0  0.05 kg of potting med- The volume of water that each pot contained was moni-
ium. Seeds were sown directly into 154 pots (76 chicory tored approximately every 3 days between Day 1 and Day
and 76 plantain), on 24 February 2012, and pots were hand 98, using the time–domain–reflectometry technique (TDR;
watered daily with a sprinkler. After seeds germinated, CS-615; Campbell Sci., Leicestershire, UK) with moisture
seedlings were thinned to six per pot and then to four per probes to a 20 cm depth. Probes were inserted into the
pot when well established on 22 March 2012 (resulting in a middle of the pot at each measurement time.
total of 304 chicory plants and 304 plantain plants). The number of live leaves per plant was recorded at the
An automatic watering system incorporating an individ- time of the pot’s destructive harvest (either at Day 1, 42 or
ual dripper in each pot was established on 5 March 2012. 98). At destructive harvest, taproot diameter at the widest
All pots were regularly watered to maintain 100 % field point and taproot length were recorded and above-ground
capacity between 5 March and 15 May (prior to the water herbage mass was dissected into live and dead material.
treatment period) and 8–22 August (recovery period). The root mass was measured after manually washing off
Between 30 March and 12 May 2012, all pots were watered media. All mass data represent the mass per pot (i.e. mass
daily with Peters professional ‘Allrounder’ water soluble from four plants) and are presented on a dry weight basis
NPK fertiliser (20 %, 8.7 %, 16.6 %) plus trace elements after oven drying at 60 °C for 48 h.
(B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn) at a rate of 1 g l1. Air tem- The shoot mass fraction was calculated as per Hunt
peratures were maintained by heating or ventilation at (1978);

14 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 13–24

Responses of Plantago and Cichorium to Water Stress

Shoot mass fraction ¼ four blocks for each measurement group (destructive mea-
Total shoot mass per pot surements and non-destructive measurements).
Total shoot mass + total root mass per pot
The relative shoot and root growth rate between each All physiological plant measurements were carried out
harvest was calculated as per Hunt (1978); during days 1–5 of the treatment period during peak
sunlight hours (between 12 and 2 pm daily). Measure-
lnW2  lnW1
Relative Growth Rate (RGR) ¼ : ments were collected in a block by block manner. The
time photosynthetic characteristics of the plants [photosyn-
where: W1 = weight at time 1; W2 = weight at time 2; thetic rate (Pn), evapotranspiration rate (E) and sto-
Time = number of days between harvest events. matal conductance (Cs)] were studied using a LI–6400
portable photosynthetic system (made by LI–COR Bio-
sciences, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA). One measurement
Experiment 2
was taken per pot (on one leaf of one plant) on the
Plant establishment most recent fully expanded leaf of the set of non-
The experiment was conducted between 7 January and 16 destructive plants. Water potential (Ψw) was measured
March 2013. Two plant species, plantain cv. ‘Ceres Tonic’ using a Scholander pressure chamber as described by
and chicory cv. ‘Puna II’, were used. The potting medium Turner (1988). Ψw measurements were undertaken on
consisted of 50 % sand (3 mm) and 50 % aggregate stones the set of destructive measurement pots (one measure-
(<10 mm) amended with 90 g short term mix (Woodace, ment per pot from one plant). Destructive harvest
flowering plant special; LebanonTurf; 14 % N, 6 % P, measurements on Day 1 and Day 6 were undertaken
11.6 % K + trace elements) and 45 g dolomite for 30 l of as per Experiment 1. The volume of water that each
potting medium as a base start fertiliser. The pots were pot contained was monitored daily using the TDR
250 mm in diameter and 250 mm in depth and were filled technique as in Experiment 1.
with 10.0  0.05 kg of potting medium. Seeds were sown
directly into 40 pots (20 chicory and 20 plantain), on 7 Jan-
Experiment 3
uary 2013, and pots were hand watered daily with a sprin-
kler. After seeds germinated, seedlings were thinned to six Site
per pot and then to four per pot when well established on The experiment was conducted on 11 February 2013 at
12 February 2013 (resulting in a total of 80 chicory plants the Massey University Pasture and Crop Research Unit,
and 80 plantain plants). 5 km south of Palmerston North, New Zealand. January
An automatic watering system incorporating an individ- and February are typically the driest months of the year
ual dripper in each pot was established on 28 January 3013, at this site, and 2013 represented a particularly dry sum-
and all pots were watered regularly to ensure plant growth mer (29 and 34 mm of rain during January and February
was not limited. All pots were watered daily with liquid of 2013 compared to 10-year average rainfall rates of 52
nutrients (1 g l1) (same as in experiment 1) between 27 and 55 mm, respectively). The soil type was a Manawatu
February and 8 March 2013. Air temperatures were main- fine sandy loam (Dystric Fluventic Eutrochrept, Hewitt
tained by heating or ventilation at 12–16 °C at night and 1988), with pH 5.7. An existing paddock with a sward
20–25 °C during the day. mix based on chicory cv. ‘Puna II’ and plantain cv.
‘Ceres Tonic’ was used (Cave et al. 2015). The paddock
Experimental design had been sown in March 2011, and thus, the plants were
The experiment consisted of a 2 9 2 factorial combination in their second growing season at the time of the experi-
of treatments in a randomised complete block design with ment. The paddock had been regularly grazed with sheep,
four blocks. The two main factors were plant species (chic- from a pre-grazing height of 25 cm to a post-grazing
ory and plantain) and water treatment [optimum (control) height of 5 cm.
and very-dry]. The optimum water treatment provided a
set volume of water per pot (same for chicory and plantain) Experimental design
which was based on the level of sunlight and plant growth, Twenty six pairs of plants (one chicory and one plantain,
to ensure soil water content was not limiting plant growth. n = 52 in total) were excavated so that all root material
The very-dry water treatment consisted of the plants receiv- was intact. Plants within each pair were within a 50 cm
ing no water. The water treatment period started on 11 radius of each other. Roots were washed so that all visible
March (Day 1) and lasted for 5 days (days 1–5). Each treat- dirt was removed and cut into 10 cm rooting intervals
ment combination was replicated once within each of the (0–10 and 10–20 cm). No roots were deeper in the soil

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Cranston et al.

than 20 cm. Roots were then oven dried at 60 °C for 48 h, Experiment 1

and dry weight was recorded.
Water treatment
All water treatments were successfully established by the 31
Statistical analysis May, such that the average soil volumetric contents were
26.7  0.2, 26.3  0.2, 8.6  0.2, 8.2  0.2, 6.4  0.2,
All data were analysed using the SAS mixed data procedure
6.2  0.2 m3 m3 for chicory-optimum, plantain-opti-
(SAS Version 9.2; SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Only
mum, chicory-dry, plantain-dry, chicory-very-dry and
significant interactions (P ≤ 0.05) were presented in the
plantain-very-dry, respectively.
results section. When significant (P ≤ 0.05) effects of treat-
ments were detected, mean separation was conducted by Day 1 – Harvest 1
the PDIFF option in SAS. Chicory had a greater (P ≤ 0.05) taproot diameter (11.9 vs.
In Experiment 1, data were analysed separately each 4.7  0.4 mm) and absolute root mass (4.2 vs. 1.5 
destructive harvest period (Day 1, Day 42 and Day 98) and 0.5 g) than plantain. Plantain had a greater (P ≤ 0.05)
for each parameter (absolute shoot mass, relative shoot root length (174 vs. 148  17 mm), number of live leaves
growth rate, taproot diameter, root length, absolute root per plant (44 vs. 25  3) and shoot mass fraction (83 vs.
mass, relative root growth rate, shoot mass fraction, num- 61  2 %) than chicory.
ber of live leaves per plant and leaf mass). At Day 1 (Har-
Day 42 – Harvest 2
vest 1), the model included the fixed effects of plant species
(chicory and plantain) and the random effect of block. At Above-ground herbage measures. Plantain had a greater
Day 42 (Harvest 2) and Day 98 (Harvest 3), each model (P ≤ 0.05) absolute shoot production, relative shoot
included the fixed effects of plant species (chicory and growth rate (days 1–42), shoot mass fraction and number
plantain), water treatment (optimum and dry and very- of live leaves per plant than chicory (Table 1). Chicory had
dry) and DF (weekly, fortnightly and 3-weekly) and all a greater (P ≤ 0.05) leaf mass than plantain. Absolute shoot
two-way and three-way interactions between plant species, production and relative shoot growth rate were greater
water treatment and DF and the random effect of block. (P ≤ 0.05) under the 3-weekly DF than the fortnightly DF,
In Experiment 2, data were analysed separately each which was in turn greater (P ≤ 0.05) than the weekly DF
destructive harvest period (Day 1 and Day 6) and for each (Table 1).
parameter. At Day 1 (Harvest 1), the model included the
Below-ground herbage measures. There were significant
fixed effects of plant species (chicory and plantain) and the
two-way interactions (P ≤ 0.05) between species and water
random effect of block. At Day 6 (Harvest 2), the model
treatment and between species and DF for taproot diameter
included the fixed effects of plant species (chicory and
(Table 2). Plantain taproot diameter did not differ
plantain), water treatment (optimum and very-dry) and
(P > 0.05) across water treatments but was lower
the interaction between plant species and water treatment
(P ≤ 0.05) than all chicory by water treatment combina-
and the random effect of block.
tions. Chicory taproot diameter was greater (P ≤ 0.05)
The physiological plant measurement data (Pn, E, Cs
under optimum water treatment than under dry and very-
and Ψw) and soil volumetric water content were also
dry water treatments, which did not differ (P > 0.05).
analysed using the MIXED procedure in SAS. Each
Plantain taproot diameter did not differ (P > 0.05) across
model included the fixed effects of plant species (chicory
DF’s. Chicory taproot diameter was greater (P ≤ 0.05)
and plantain) and water treatment (optimum and very-
under three-weekly DF than under weekly and fortnightly
dry) and the interaction between plant species and water
DF’s, which did not differ (P > 0.05).
treatment and included day within block as a repeated
measure. There was a two-way interaction (P ≤ 0.05) between
In Experiment 3, t-tests were used to compare the mass water treatment and DF for absolute root mass (Table 2).
of root within the depth interval within each species. The Under three-weekly DF, optimum plants had a greater
data representing the mass of roots within each depth (P ≤ 0.05) absolute root mass than dry and very-dry plants,
interval between species were not normally distributed and which did not differ (P > 0.05). Whereas under both
were analysed using a nonparametric ANOVA (Kruskal–Wal- weekly and fortnightly DF’s, water treatment had no effect
lis Test). (P > 0.05) on absolute root mass. Chicory had a greater
(P ≤ 0.05) absolute root mass than plantain (4.9 vs.
3.8  0.4 g).
Results Plantain had a greater (P ≤ 0.05) relative root growth
In all sections, interactions are only presented and stated rate (days 1–42) than chicory (0.02 vs. 0.00  0.002
where they were found to be significant (P ≤ 0.05). g g1 day1). Three-weekly DF plants had a greater

16 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 13–24

Responses of Plantago and Cichorium to Water Stress

Table 1 Effect of plant species (plantain and chicory), water treatment (optimum, dry and very-dry) and defoliation frequency (DF: weekly, fort-
nightly and 3-weekly) at Day 42 on absolute shoot mass, relative shoot growth rate (days 1–42), shoot mass fraction (Shoot/(shoot + root) 9 100),
number of live leaves per plant and leaf mass in Experiment 1

Absolute shoot Relative shoot Shoot mass Number of live Leaf mass
mass (g) growth rate (g g1 day1) fraction (%) leaves per plant (g leaf1)

Plantain 14.7 b 0.016 b 57.4 b 35.2 b 0.032 a
Chicory 11.8 a 0.013 a 40.3 a 20.1 a 0.037 b
S.E.M. 0.6 0.001 1.8 1.3 0.002
Optimum 13.9 0.015 45.6 a 30.1 b 0.031 a
Dry 13.6 0.015 52.4 b 28.8 b 0.036 b
Very-dry 12.3 0.013 48.6 ab 24.0 a 0.037 b
S.E.M. 0.7 0.001 2.1 1.4 0.002
Weekly 10.8 a 0.010 a 53.7 b 28.2 0.026 a
Fortnightly 13.2 b 0.014 b 51.6 b 27 0.041 c
Three-weekly 15.7 c 0.019 c 41.4 a 27.8 0.037 b
S.E.M. 0.7 0.001 2.1 1.4 0.002

Data presented as means  S.E.M. Means within columns and main effects having different letters are significantly different at P ≤ 0.05.

(P ≤ 0.05) relative root growth rate (days 1–42) than fort- 0.05) absolute shoot mass grown during the water treat-
nightly DF plants, which in turn had a greater (P ≤ 0.05) ment period than weekly and fortnightly DF plants, which
relative root growth rate than weekly DF plants (0.019 vs. did not differ (P > 0.05). Plantain had a greater (P ≤ 0.05)
0.010 vs. 0.008  0.002 g g1 day1). shoot mass fraction and number of live leaves per plant
and a lower (P ≤ 0.05) leaf mass than chicory (Table 3).
Day 98 – Harvest 3
Below-ground herbage measures. There was a two-way
Above-ground herbage measures. All plants survived the
interaction (P ≤ 0.05) between species and DF for absolute
entire experimental period. There was a three-way interac-
root mass. Within chicory, the 3-weekly DF had a greater
tion (P ≤ 0.05) between species, water treatment and DF
(P ≤ 0.05) absolute root mass than the weekly and fort-
for relative shoot growth rate (days 42–98). Plantain had a
nightly DF’s, which did not differ (P > 0.05) (3.8 vs. 4.7 vs.
greater (P ≤ 0.05) relative shoot growth rate than chicory
7.5  0.4 for weekly, fortnightly and 3-weekly DF’s,
under all water treatment by DF combinations (Fig. 1a).
respectively). Similarly, within plantain, the 3-weekly DF
Under all water treatments, weekly DF resulted in a lower
had a greater (P ≤ 0.05) absolute root mass than the weekly
(P ≤ 0.05) relative shoot growth rate than less frequent
DF, with fortnightly DF not differing (P > 0.05) from
either treatment (1.6 vs. 2.2 vs. 2.8  0.4 for weekly, fort-
There was a two-way interaction (P ≤ 0.05) between water
nightly and 3-weekly DF’s, respectively). Across all DF’s
treatment and DF on shoot mass grown during the recovery
chicory had a greater (P ≤ 0.05) absolute root mass than
period. Very-dry plants under fortnightly and 3-weekly DF’s
had a greater (P ≤ 0.05) absolute shoot mass grown during
the recovery period than dry and optimum plants, which did There was a three-way interaction (P ≤ 0.05) between
not differ (P > 0.05) (Fig. 2). Under weekly DF’s dry plants species, water treatment and DF for relative root growth
had a greater (P ≤ 0.05) absolute shoot mass grown during rate (days 42–98) (Fig. 1b). In the very-dry water treat-
the recovery period than both optimum and very-dry plants, ment, chicory always had a greater (P ≤ 0.05) relative root
which did not differ (P > 0.05). Plantain had a greater growth rate than plantain. However, this pattern was not
(P ≤ 0.05) absolute shoot mass grown during the recovery always observed under the optimum and dry water treat-
period than chicory (Table 3). ment whereby, chicory had a lower (P ≤ 0.05) relative root
Absolute shoot mass grown during the water treatment growth rate under fortnightly DF than plantain.
period did not differ (P > 0.05) between chicory and Chicory had a greater (P ≤ 0.05) taproot diameter than
plantain (Table 3). Very-dry plants had a lower (P ≤ 0.05) plantain (11.6 vs. 5.0  0.2 mm). Water treatment had
absolute shoot mass grown during the water treatment per- no effect (P > 0.05) on taproot diameter (data not
iod than optimum and dry plants, which did not differ shown). Taproot diameter was greater (P ≤ 0.05) under
(P > 0.05). Three-weekly DF plants had a greater (P ≤ 3-weekly DF than under weekly DF, while fortnightly DF

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Cranston et al.

Table 2 Effect of plant species (plantain and chicory), water treatment Physiological measurements
(optimum, dry and very-dry) and defoliation frequency (DF: weekly, There were three-way interactions (P ≤ 0.05) between
fortnightly and 3-weekly) at Day 42 on taproot diameter, root length
plant species, water treatment and day of measurement for
and absolute root mass in Experiment 1
photosynthetic rate, evapotranspiration rate and leaf water
Taproot Root Absolute root potential. On Day 1, the photosynthetic rate (Pn) within
diameter (mm) length (mm) mass (g) each plant species did not differ (P > 0.05) under optimum
Species 9 water
and very-dry water treatments; however, plantain had a
Plantain-optimum 4.1 a greater (P ≤ 0.05) Pn than chicory (Fig. 4a). Between days
Plantain-dry 4.2 a 2 and 5, the Pn of chicory and plantain under optimum
Plantain-very-dry 4.1 a water treatment did not differ (P > 0.05) and was greater
Chicory-optimum 12.7 c (P ≤ 0.05) than the Pn of plants under very-dry water
Chicory-dry 11.6 b treatment. On days 2 and 4, plantain-very-dry had a greater
Chicory-very-dry 11.1 b
(P ≤ 0.05) Pn than chicory-very-dry. While on days 3 and
S.E.M. 0.3
Species 9 DF
5, the Pn of plantain-very-dry did not differ (P > 0.05) to
Plantain-weekly 4.2 a 239 b chicory-very-dry.
Plantain-fortnightly 4.1 a 257 c On Day 1, the evapotranspiration rate (E) within each
Plantain-3-weekly 4.1 a 284 d plant species did not differ (P > 0.05) under optimum and
Chicory-weekly 11.4 b 135 a very-dry water treatments; however, plantain had a greater
Chicory-fortnightly 11.5 b 140 a (P ≤ 0.05) E than chicory (Fig. 4b). Between days 2 and 5,
Chicory-3-weekly 12.4 c 136 a
the E did not differ (P > 0.05) between species but was
S.E.M. 0.3 8
Water 9 DF
greater (P ≤ 0.05) for optimum water treatment plants
Optimum-weekly 183 a 2.5 a than very-dry water treatment plants.
Dry-weekly 181 a 2.2 a On Day 1, there were no differences (P > 0.05) in the
Very-dry-weekly 197 abc 2.8 ab leaf water potential (Ψw) between species or water treat-
Optimum-fortnightly 188 a 4.6 bc ments (Fig. 4c). Between days 2 and 5, the Ψw of chicory-
Dry-fortnightly 217 d 4.7 c optimum and plantain-optimum did not differ (P > 0.05)
Very-dry-fortnightly 191 ab 4 abc
and were lower (P ≤ 0.05) than the Ψw of very-dry water
Optimum-3-weekly 213 cd 8.2 d
Dry-3-weekly 209 bcd 4.7 c
treatment plants. The Ψw of chicory-very-dry was greater
Very-dry-3-weekly 208 bcd 5.2 c (P ≤ 0.05) than plantain-very-dry on Day 3 and did not
S.E.M. 9 0.7 differ (P > 0.05) on days 2, 4 and 5.
Plantain tended (P = 0.09) to have greater stomatal con-
Data presented as means  S.E.M.; only significant results are shown.
ductance (Gs) than chicory (2760 vs. 982  499 m
Means within columns and treatments having different letters are sig-
nificantly different at P ≤ 0.05.
mol m2 s1). Very-dry water treatment plants tended
(P = 0.06) to have lower Gs than optimum water treat-
ment plants (758 vs. 2985  499 m mol m2 s1).
did not differ (P > 0.05) from either (8.0 vs. 8.3 vs.
8.6  0.2 mm under weekly, fortnightly and 3-weekly
Experiment 3
DF’s, respectively).
Both chicory and plantain had a greater (P ≤ 0.05) root
mass in the 0–10 cm soil depth profile than in the
Experiment 2
10–20 cm soil depth profile (Table 4). The root mass in
Water treatment the 0–10 cm soil depth profile did not differ (P > 0.05)
There was a three-way interaction (P ≤ 0.05) between plant between chicory and plantain. Chicory had an 18 % greater
species, water treatment and day of measurement (Fig. 3). (P ≤ 0.05) root mass in the 10–20 cm soil depth profile
From Day 3 onwards, the soil volumetric water content of than plantain.
the very-dry water treatment was lower (P ≤ 0.05) than the
optimum water treatment and did not differ (P > 0.05)
between species. Within the optimum water treatment, the
soil volumetric water content did not differ (P > 0.05)
Morphological differences between chicory and plantain
between species from Day 4 onwards. Consequently, by
Day 6, the optimum water treatment had a greater The root of chicory consists of a solid deep taproot (Kemp
(P ≤ 0.05) absolute shoot mass than the very-dry water et al. 2002). Conversely, while plantain is technically tap-
treatment (39.4 vs. 29.9  1.3 g). rooted, its root system is more fibrous due to a greater

18 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 13–24

Responses of Plantago and Cichorium to Water Stress



Fig. 1 Effect of species [chicory (black) and

plantain (grey bars)], water treatment [opti-
mum (Opt), dry and very-dry (VD)] and defolia-
tion frequency [weekly (1), fortnightly (2) and
3-weekly (3)] on the relative shoot growth rate
(a; S.E.M. = 0.002) and the relative root
growth rate (b; S.E.M. = 0.003) between days
42 and 98 in Experiment 1.

number of adventitious roots compared to chicory (San- 2010). Furthermore, a deep root system with a high density
derson et al. 2003). Therefore, as expected in experiment 1, of roots at depth is a major trait to sustain a higher shoot
chicory consistently had a greater root mass and taproot yield in water-limited environments (Carrow 1996, Wasson
diameter than plantain. Furthermore, at the end of experi- et al. 2012, White and Snow 2012). Under glasshouse con-
ment 1, under very-dry conditions, the difference in the ditions, the roots of chicory were limited by pot depth and
relative root growth rate of chicory compared to plantain likely limiting its potential advantage for water extraction
was generally greater than that under less severe water compared to plantain. In experiment three, under field
treatments. These root differences suggest that chicory may conditions, chicory had a greater mass of roots in the dee-
have an advantage over plantain under very-dry conditions per 10–20 cm soil horizon than plantain. Under field con-
and may be more persistent in environments which experi- ditions, where root length is not limited Brown et al.
ence severe droughts. Plant survival in drought periods has (2005) found 1-year-old chicory was able to extract water
been shown to be related to root density and depth (Volaire to a maximum depth of 1.9 m. While, Nie et al. (2008)
and Thomas 1995, Bahrani et al. 2010, Wedderburn et al. found 3-year-old plantain had a mean rooting depth of

© 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 13–24 19

Cranston et al.

as an adaptive feature for plant survival, because it allows

plants to divert assimilates and energy, otherwise used for
shoot growth, to maintain root growth, improving water
acquisition (Chaves et al. 2003). Therefore, it could be
expected that the slower relative shoot growth rate of chic-
ory compared to plantain would be more pronounced
under the very-dry water treatment, but this was not found
to be the case. This may therefore suggest that chicory sim-
ply has a slower shoot growth rate than plantain.
In experiment one, plantain consistently had a greater
shoot mass fraction (shoot/shoot + root) than chicory, as
found by Cranston (2014). It is well established that chic-
ory allocates a greater energy reserve to root mass com-
pared to plantain which focusses on shoot production
Fig. 2 Effect of water treatment [optimum (black), dry (grey) and very- (Alemseged 2000, Sanderson and Elwinger 2000, Powell
dry (white bars)] and defoliation frequency [weekly (1), fortnightly (2) et al. 2007). Alemseged (2000) reported the shoot to root
and 3-weekly (3)] on absolute shoot mass grown during the recovery ratio in chicory steadily declined over time with growth as
period (days 85–98), in Experiment 1. Vertical lines above the bars rep-
it allocated more energy to root than shoot, probably in
resent S.E.M.
response to localised nutrient depletion. Consequently,
Alemseged (2000) concluded that this high degree of plas-
0.97 m, with a substantially greater root density in the top- ticity may enable chicory to sustain a high rate of resource
soil (0–10 cm) than in the subsoil (10–110 cm). capture by placing its roots in the resource-rich zone of the
In experiment one, plantain consistently had a greater soil profile. Presumably, chicory’s lower shoot mass frac-
relative shoot growth rate than chicory. In a preliminary tion would help it to survive and persist under severe water
experiment, Cranston (2014) also showed plantain had a stress. Conversely, in plantain, it was postulated that under
greater relative shoot growth rate than chicory. Van Andel severe water stress, the greater partitioning of energy to
and Biere (1990) suggested that relative shoot growth rate above-ground growth would not be maintained, or alterna-
is a useful indicator of plant productivity. Previous research tively that plant survival may be negatively affected. How-
under field conditions has shown that plantain has a ever, this was not the case as both species fully recovered
greater herbage yield than chicory under optimum growth following the 12-week period of water stress, in experiment
conditions (Powell et al. 2007). However, when subjected one. This illustrates that both plantain and chicory display
to water stress, slower herbage growth has been suggested a degree of resilience in terms of recovering from soil water

Table 3 Effect of plant species (plantain and chicory), water treatment [optimum, dry and very-dry (VD)] and defoliation frequency (DF; weekly, fort-
nightly and 3-weekly) on shoot mass grown during water treatment period and during recovery period, shoot mass fraction (Shoot/
(shoot + root) 9 100), number of live leaves per plant and leaf mass at Day 98 in Experiment 1

Absolute shoot mass grown Absolute shoot mass Shoot mass Number of live Leaf mass
during water treatment period (g) grown during recovery period (g) fraction (%) leaves per plant (g leaf1)

Plantain 14.8 4.2 b 66.2 b 33.8 b 0.032 a
Chicory 13.7 3.5 a 40.2 a 24.5 a 0.036 b
S.E.M. 0.6 0.3 1.8 0.9 0.002
Optimum 15.7 b 3.2 a 50.3 32.0 b 0.025 a
Dry 14.8 b 3.8 b 54.7 27.7 a 0.035 b
VD 12.2 a 4.6 c 54.5 27.8 a 0.042 c
S.E.M. 0.7 0.3 2.1 1.0 0.002
Weekly 12.5 a 3.8 60.4 b 30.2 0.032 a
Fortnightly 13.8 a 3.7 51.9 a 29.0 0.032 a
Three-weekly 16.3 b 4.1 47.3 a 28.3 0.038 b
S.E.M. 0.7 0.3 2.1 1.0 0.002

Data presented as means  S.E.M. Means within columns and main effects having different letters are significantly different at P ≤ 0.05.

20 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 13–24

Responses of Plantago and Cichorium to Water Stress


Fig. 3 Change in soil volumetric water content (m3 m3) of the four
species by water treatment combinations: chicory-optimum (●), plan-
tain-optimum (○), chicory-very-dry (▼) and plantain-very-dry (M) over
the 5-day treatment period, in Experiment 2.

stress. Previous research has also shown chicory and plan-

tain can survive periods of water stress (Mook et al. 1989,
Brown et al. 2003, Nie et al. 2008).

Effect of defoliation frequency and water treatment

Carbohydrate reserves in perennial forage plants are an
important source of energy necessary for winter survival (c)
and initiation of growth in spring (Kim et al. 1991, Hen-
dershot and Volenec 1993). Furthermore, they can provide
the necessary energy to support shoot growth following
defoliation (Kim et al. 1993). Li et al. (1997a) compared
three chicory cultivars and found that taproot diameter
reflected total root reserves, suggesting that taproot diameter
can be used as an indicator of root carbohydrate reserves.
At Day 42 of experiment one, defoliation frequency had no
effect on the taproot diameter of plantain; however, the tap-
root diameter of chicory was greater under 3-weekly defoli-
ation than under more frequent defoliation. By Day 98 of
experiment one, defoliation frequency had the same effect
on both chicory and plantain with plants under 3-weekly
defoliation having a greater taproot diameter than those Fig. 4 Effect of species [chicory (black), plantain (white)] and water
under weekly defoliation. These results suggest that chicory treatment [optimum (circle) and very-dry (triangle)] on the photosyn-
and plantain would be more likely to persist in the long thetic rate (a), evapotranspiration rate (b), leaf water potential (c) of
term under 3-weekly defoliation than weekly defoliation, plants during the water treatment period (days 1–5), in Experiment 2.
given their greater root reserves. Furthermore, the taproot
diameter of chicory showed a response to defoliation fre- Experiment one found the relative shoot and root
quency earlier than plantain, suggesting plantain, in the growth rates of both chicory and plantain were reduced
short term at least, might be more resilient to defoliation under more frequent defoliation. This has previously been
frequency than chicory. Somewhat in support of this, Yu reported in chicory under field conditions (Li et al. 1997b,
et al. (2008) reported the taproot diameter of plantain was Belesky et al. 1999, Alemseged et al. 2003, Sanderson et al.
unaffected by defoliation height, whereas that of chicory 2003). In plantain, a 5-week defoliation interval has been
was reduced under severe defoliation (lower residual), indi- shown to produce greater shoot dry matter than a 3-week
cating plantain is less sensitive to defoliation than chicory. defoliation interval (Sanderson et al. 2003, Labreveux et al.

© 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 13–24 21

Cranston et al.

Table 4 Experiment 3: Effect of species (chicory and plantain) on the were lower under very-dry conditions than optimum con-
average root mass per plant (g DM) at 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm, in ditions. However, experiment one showed plantain consis-
Experiment 3
tently had a greater number of live leaves per plant and a
Root mass per plant (g DM) lighter mass per leaf than chicory. This difference suggests
that chicory and plantain have different growth strategies
Soil depth Plantain Chicory
with plantain investing its energy in many smaller leaves
0–10 cm 0.91 b  0.14 1.20 b  0.17 while chicory supports fewer larger leaves. Combined, these
10–20 cm 0.14 a†  0.06 0.20 a¥  0.03 results suggest plantain’s ability to yield more than chicory
under water stress conditions in the glasshouse could be as
Data presented as means  S.E. Means within columns having differ-
ent letters are significantly different at P ≤ 0.05. Means within rows
a result of morphological factors which enable greater light
having different symbols (†, ¥) are significantly different at P ≤ 0.05. interception (a growth strategy suggested by Korner
(1991)) rather than physiological differences between the
2004). While in Treinta y Tres, Uruguay, an area typically two species. However, further research is required to con-
hotter than Palmerston North, New Zealand, Ayala et al. firm this.
(2011) found a 3-week defoliation interval for plantain
produced more dry matter than a 6-week defoliation inter- Conclusions
val. Yu et al. (2008) found the shoot dry matter of chicory
In conclusion, under simulated drought conditions plan-
and plantain increased with decreasing mowing frequency,
tain generally had superior shoot growth, whereas chicory
between one and three weeks. In experiment 1, 3-weekly
displayed superior root growth. Neither chicory nor plan-
defoliation consistently resulted in a greater shoot mass
tain responded well to weekly defoliation and performed
and root mass compared to more frequent defoliation.
best under 3-weekly defoliation. Plantain and chicory dis-
Combined these results suggest for both chicory and plan-
played similar rates of photosynthesis and evapotranspira-
tain, 3-weekly defoliation is likely to produce a greater
tion per unit of leaf area under water stress conditions. In
herbage yield and a more persistent sward than a more fre-
the field, chicory had roots deeper in the soil profile than
quent defoliation regimen.
plantain; further supporting evidence to suggest chicory is
In experiment 1, both chicory and plantain, under fort-
better than plantain for very-dry environments.
nightly and 3-weekly defoliation, subjected to the very-dry
water treatment produced a greater shoot mass during the
recovery period (compensatory growth) than the dry and Acknowledgements
optimum water treatments. While under weekly defolia-
The excellent technical assistance of Kay Sinclair and Bob-
tion, dry water treatment plants grew greater shoot mass
bie Cave as well as PGU staff; Steve Ray, Lindsay Sylva and
during the recovery period than the very-dry and optimum
Lesley Taylor are gratefully acknowledged. The senior
water treatments plants. It is likely that under severe
author is thankful for the financial assistance of MacMillan
drought and weekly defoliation, root reserves are dimin-
Brown Agricultural Research Scholarship, John Hodgson
ished and when the water stress is removed the plant does
Pastoral Science Scholarship, Helen E Akers PhD Scholar-
not have sufficient root reserves to display compensatory
ship, New Zealand Federation of Graduate Women Post-
growth. While under a mild drought (i.e. the dry treatment)
Graduate Fellowship and a Massey Doctoral Scholarship.
and weekly defoliation, the plant maintains sufficient root
P.R.Kenyon was partially funded by the National Centre
reserves to display compensatory growth. Similarly, under
for Growth and Development (Gravida).
less frequent defoliation, the plant should be able to display
compensatory growth following a severe drought. Thus,
these results suggest that both plantain and chicory have the References
potential to produce dry matter, in the short term at least, Alemseged, Y., 2000: The competitiveness, productivity and
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