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Protector Aasimar Seraphim Warlock 25 Male

You know who your parents are or were, single father, abandoned by mother (Both Human)

Both parents were humans, their Celestial heritage (Father’s side) dormant until you came

one of 4 siblings, Oldest

Born among people of a different race (Elves)

comfortable lifestyle, lived in a small house

Everyone knew who I was, and I had friends

everywhere I went.

You fought in a battle. Work with your DM to

come up with the reason for the battle and the factions
involved. It might have been a small conflict
between your community and a band of orcs, or it
could have been a major battle in a larger war.

You escaped the battle unscathed, though many of

your Friends were injured or lost.

You fought in a battle. Work with your DM to

come up with the reason for the battle and the factions
involved. It might have been a small conflict
between your community and a band of orcs, or it
could have been a major battle in a larger war.
You committed a crime or were wrongly accused

You acquitted yourself well in battle and are remembered as a hero. You might have received a
medal for your bravery.

Occupation - Adventurer (Fighter)
Alignment Neutral
Status Alive and Well
Relationship Friendly
Other Details -

Occupation Politician or Bureaucrat
Alignment Neutral Evil
Status Missing or Unknown
Relationship Indifferent
Other Details

2nd oldest
Occupation Soldier
Alignment Neutral Good
Status Alive and quite successful
Relationship Friendly
Other Details - Cleric, Male

3rd oldest
Occupation Laborer
Alignment Neutral
Status Alive, but doing poorly due to injury
Relationship Friendly
Other Details Female

Occupation Artisan or guild member
Alignment Neutral evil
Status Alive, but doing poorly due financial trouble
Relationship Indifferent
Other Details Went to search for his mother, ended up being manipulated by her for coin, Male

Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Persuasion

Tool Proficiencies: One type of gaming set, vehicles (land)
Equipment: A uniform of your company (traveler's
clothes in quality), an insignia of your rank, a gaming
set of your choice, and a pouch containing the
remainder of your last wages (10 gp)

STR 10
DEX 12
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 14
CHA 16


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