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Name: Courtney Hearl

​“The Odyssey”
Part One
Book 1: A Goddess Intervenes
​ hat killed the “children and fools” talked about in line 11
Lines 1-17:​ W

and 13? Why is Odysseus at sea and where has he been?

Book 9: New Coasts and Poseidon’s Son

“I Am Laertes’ Son”
Lines 1-29​:​ Why is the king so interested in Odysseus?

“The Lotus Eaters”

Lines 30-55:​ ​Is lotus a real thing I could find today?

“The Cyclops”
Lines 56-67: ​How big is a cyclops compared to Odysseus?

​ hy does he feel the need to risk his life to explore

Lines 68-115:​ W


Lines 116-210: ​Why did Odysseus and his men steal when they were

trying to get along with the Cyclopes?

Lines 211-281​: I​ s there a reason he lies and says his name is Nohbdy?

Lines 282-346: ​Does Odysseus choose to injure Cyclopes eyeball

because he knows he can live without it?

​ hy does Odysseus show so much pride to Cyclopes?

Lines 347- 419:​ W

Lines 420-484:​ ​Why does Zeus not like Odysseus offering?

Book 10: Circe, the Grace of the Witch

​ hy did she turn them into pigs?
Lines 1-45:​ W

Book 11: The Land of the Dead

​ hese lines talk about what is happening at the dead and
Lines 1-23:​ T

describing the people there.

​Lines 24-73:​ ​How does Odysseus get to the land of the dead if he's not


​ id Odysseus know all of this what happened after

Lines 74-117​: D

putting a spear in Cyclopes eye?

Book 12: The Sirens; Scylla and Charybdis

​ ow do the Sirens kill the sailors?
Lines 1-29:​ H

​ cylla does not seem to be a pleasant sight.

Lines 30-59:​ S

Lines 60-108​:​ If the Odysseus and his men are on their way home, how

did they get by the Sirens before?

Lines 109-149:​ Charybdis is very intelligent to think of the idea to put

wax in Odysseus ears when he goes by the Sirens.

​ hy did Odysseus men want to go to the island of the

Lines 150-205:​ W

sun God?

Part Two
Book 17: The Beggar at the Manor
Lines 1-46:​ Why do the Suitors want to kill his son?

Book 21: The Test of the Bow

Lines 1-40: ​Why does Penelope feel she has to have a husband?

Lines 41-93:​ Eumaeus and Philoetius are helping Odysseus try to win

the bow contest but Penelope doesn't know he is back. Whoever

wins the bow contest gets to be Penelope’s husband. Odysseus is

dressed as an old man so Penelope won't recognize him.

Lines 94-140:​ Will the men suitors ever find out that Odysseus is the

one that shot the bow the best?

Book 22: Death in the Great Hall

Lines 1-59:​ Why does Odysseus only shoot Antinous and not

Notes: Odysseus makes it back home after 20 years. Suitors are

trying to take his wife. Penelope, his wife, does not know he is

back yet. It has been 20 years so she thinks he is never coming

back. She has a bow competition for all the Suitors and

Odysseus is dressed as an old man so he is in the contest too.

He wins the completion.

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