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“ Is Marjorie your tour guide ?” “ yes, ……..”
a. she’s. b. she is c. is d. are
2. Please …………….in your father’s chair!
a. don’t sit.b. Not sit c. don’t you sit d. you sit
3. She is my teacher. …….name is Julia Winters.
a. his b. its c. her d. your
4. This movie …………………..very interesting.
a. not is b. not c. is not d. are not
5. “………………… an artist?” “ No, I’m a teacher.”
a. I am b. Are you c. You are d. She is
6. I think …………….. Geraldo’s sunglasses.
a. these is b. this is c. these are d. there is
7. “…………..your name?” “my name’s Eric Ravelson”.
a. what’s b. what are c. is d. are
8. ………your books to page 63, please.
a. Open b. you open c .opens d. your open
9. your keys are ……………..the computer.
a. Next b. next of c. next to. d. next on
10. “ Where …………… ?” “ It’s in room 632.”
a. is your English class b. your English class is c. your English class
d. are your English class
11. Juanita is ……………… but she lives in the U.K.
a. Spain b. Spanish c. from Spanish d. to Spanish
12. “Is Tommy a nurse?”
“No, .............. . He’s a doctor.”
a. he not b. is not c. he isn’t d. she not
13. We are very happy in Toronto, and …………… new apartment is great.
a. Our b. we c. its d. their
14. The meeting is …………… eleven o’clock . Don’t be late!
a. at b. on c. in d. of
15. “ What does Gloria do ? “ “ she’s ……………”
a. actress b. an actress c. a actress d. actresses
16. Are you free for lunch .................... Tuesday ?
a. at b. on c. in d. of
17. Why ………………… always late?
a. Tim is b. are Tim c. is Tim d. Tim
18. ………………… from Germany.
a. We are b. Are we c. You is d. You
19. How old are you ?
I’m ………………………………………… .
a. 20 years old b. 20year old c. years old d. 20 old year

20. What ………………… your father do ?

a. do b. does c. is d. are
21. “ ........................... live in an apartment ?”
“ No, I live in a house.”
a. Do you b. Are you c. You do d. Is you
22. “ I need some envelopes .”
“ Are ……………………………… envelopes OK?”
a. that b. these c. this d. them
23. Does he …………………………… brothers and sisters in this city ?
a. has b. have c. does have d. do
24. “ Do Lillian and Peter live near you ?”
“ Yes, …………………………………
a. do they b. they live c. they do d. them do
25. I don’t like this sweater, but ………………………… sweater is nice.
a. these b. those c. that d. there
26. When ……………………………… work ?
a. does Walter start b. Walter does start c. Walter starts d. Walter do
27. “ How much are these notebooks ?”
“……………………… $4.95”
a. It’s b. They have c. They’re d. They is
28. “ Would you like ………………………… tomatoes in the salad ?”
“ No, thanks. I don’t like them.”
a. an b. any c. a d. some
29. “ How much ………………………… ?”
“ It’s $25.99.”
a. this shirt is b. is this shirt c. this shirt d. are shirt

30. I always get up late …………………………weekends.

a. on b. in c. from d. of
31. Donna usually has soup and .............................. sandwich for lunch.
a. some b. an c. a d. on
32. Lydian works ……………………………… 6:00 p.m. for days a week.
a. at b. during c. from d. on
33. I would like ………………………………… cup of coffee, please.
a. a b. an c. some d. any
34. “Does Madelyn work with you?”
“No, ……………………………………… . She works with Tim.”
a. doesn’t b. doesn’t she c. she doesn’t d. do not
35. The grocery store closes …………………………………… eight o’clock.
a. at. b. in c. on d. of
36. Katrina ……………………………… with her parents in London.
a. live b. lives c. is live d. are live
37. Donald ………………………………… cake or pie
a. don’t likes b. doesn’t likes c. doesn’t like d. hasn’t like
38. He usually eats ………………………… for lunch.
a. two bowls of soup b. two bowl of soups c. two soups d. two
39. Sylvia can roller skate, but she ………………………………………… ice skate.
a. not can b. can’t c. can’t not d. can be
40. “Call your office, Jim. ………………………………… a problem.”
a. There’s b. It’s c. There are d. This is

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