EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment Kevin Virgin Vancouver Island University

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EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 1

EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment

Kevin Virgin

Vancouver Island University

EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 2

No real students were used for the purposes of this assignment. The four students named are all

loosely based on characters from the popular television show South Park. This is why full names

are given instead of aliases. The characters in the show are all in fourth grade so they were aged

to be in grade 8 to fit in with a high school curriculum. The students were also transported from

the fictional town of South Park, Colorado to Qualicum Beach, British Columbia so that the

British Columbia curriculum could be applied to them. The focus student of this assignment is

Kenneth “Kenny” McCormick. His personality has changed a great deal over the course of the

show so in this paper it is based on the most recent episodes. This assignment will look into six

different ways to instruct Kenny and his friends about the Medieval ages.

Kenny McCormick is a grade 8 student at Kwalikum Secondary School. His family is

caucasian, originally from Ireland but immigrated to the United States around the beginning of
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 3

the 20th century. Originally from South Park, Colorado, Kenny moved to Qualicum Beach four

years ago. Kenny’s family is from a lower socioeconomic background compounded by further

issues. Coming from a family with a long history of substance abuse, Kenny’s home life has

been troubled. Both of his parents are frequent abusers of alcohol, spending most of the money

that they are able to collect on drinking. This means that little money is left over to provide

Kenny with access to nutritional food. He has a younger sister whom he cares for deeply. His

family is not engaged in the community; there are rumors that they had to leave their last place of

residence after becoming involved in a cult. Kenny often used to miss large portions of school

because his family would take Kenny to secluded gatherings. This caused his friends to joke that

Kenny had died many times. His parents do not seem to be physically or verbally abusive to

Kenny but they are doing him harm with their lifestyle choices. His parents do not seem to care

what he does in his free time so long as he does not bother them while they are drinking. This

lack of rules at home has made it difficult for Kenny to follow rules that he does not agree with

at school.

Though his parents are able to provide a minimum of sustenance for Kenny, the lack of

nutritious food is beginning to show. Kenny often complains that he is hungry in class and his

stature is much slimmer than most of his classmates of the same height. Though it is unlikely that

his mother refrained from drinking during her pregnancy with Kenny due to a lifelong addiction

to alcohol, Kenny does not seem to fall anywhere on the FASD spectrum. Instead, he is a smart

yet unmotivated student. His lack of focus has gotten him in trouble a few times as he has

skipped school and been caught committing minor crimes like mischief and petty theft when he

was younger. He seems to have grown out of this as he is now a very compassionate person,

often making sacrifices of himself to help out his friends and even those he does not know.
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 4

Kenny has shown interests in a variety of things such as video games, The Lord of the Rings,

samurai, and team based activities such as elaborate games and sports.

His schooling in South Park seems to have been of poor quality; Kenny says that his

teachers spent much more time talking about pop culture references than trying to teach the

students about academic skills. This is reflected in Kenny’s abilities. He is quick to learn when

he is interested in a subject, but his core skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic show that he is

behind other students in the class. It can often be difficult to understand what Kenny is saying;

his friends are able to understand him without issue but to others it seems as if his speaking is

muffled or distorted in some way. Further, his lack of guidance at home has given Kenny the

impression that it does not matter what he does so long as he is not actively getting scolded by an

authority figure. When questioned about any of this, Kenny will usually shut down. Kenny does

better working with a group than he does working on his own. He has a strong sense of right and

wrong and does not wish for others to be hurt because he does not wish to do his portion of a

project. In order to rectify his previous education, time will be spent focusing on getting Kenny

engaged in the lessons. This is a much more important step to him having a successful education

than trying to force content that he is not ready for onto him (Valli & Chambliss, 2007).

Kenny has three close friends; Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, and Eric Cartman. They

have been close ever since Kenny moved to the area. Stan and Kyle are both smart, kind students

while Eric seems to be less kind but very intelligent. He seems to care for Kenny a great deal but

has exhibited signs of aggression to others, particularly Kyle whom he does not get along with

well. All three of his close friends have very supporting families. They too seem to have issues

with alcohol but to a much lesser extent than Kenny’s family. Stan and Kyle tend to do very well

in most subjects. Eric is possibly the most gifted of Kenny’s friends. He has an incredible talent
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 5

for story telling, writing, and creating fictional worlds; however, in a similar situation to Kenny,

Eric becomes disengaged on subjects where his interest is not peaked. When this happens, he can

become very disruptive to the class. Though the boys sometimes tease Kenny about being from a

lower socioeconomic background, Kenny believes that they do so in jest and not out of spite.

Their relationship is overall very healthy for Kenny despite the teasing. All three of Kenny’s

close friends are extremely confident in themselves and their abilities.

Based on interests that Kenny has shown, his past success in group work, his need to

catch up on reading and writing, and the fact that this is a grade 8 Humanities class, the teacher

will be teaching about Medieval ages. Kenny has shown interest in this in a variety of ways; he is

very interested in Lord of the Rings which is easily tied in to the Medieval ages. Further, he has

shown interest in samurai and ninjas, an integral part of Medieval Japan. The activities chosen

will often be team based, allowing Kenny’s friends to support his learning while encouraging

Kenny to participate so his friends do well also. The medieval period ran from, in the European

sense, the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 to the start of the Renaissance at roughly the time of

the 13th century. When teaching this, one would need to include things such as societal

hierarchies of the feudal system and the church, what daily life was like for the average person,

comparisons between medieval times and today, the importance of castles, and anything that the

students mention that is relevant and that they find to be of interest.

Learning history is a valuable skill as it allows one to better understand who they are by

being able to see where they came from. It also helps with rational thinking by causing students

to make comparisons between modern and Medieval times. Further, certain activities can be

assigned that will allow Kenny to improve both his reading and writing abilities. Kenny will not
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 6

be able to get support from his parents at home, so it is important to allow enough time for the

activities at school so that his friends may assist him if needed.

Activity One: Medieval Hierarchy

One of the most important things about the Medieval ages that is very different from yet

has a lot of striking similarities to today is the structure of power. Kenny’s interest in the Lord of

the Rings will be used to keep him engaged during this lesson. After presenting what the

traditional hierarchy of King to Lord to knight to serf, one would ask the students if they could

think of anything that a similar hierarchy. After going over some of the common ideas brought

up, such as businesses and schools, the assessment will be based on asking the students to create

their own hierarchy based on something that they are interested in. As soon as the explanation of

what is expected of the students is done, go to Kenny and ask him what he has decided to do his

hierarchy on. If he does not have one picked, steer him towards Sauron from Lord of the Rings;

Sauron would be the king, the ringwraiths would be the lords, the warchiefs would be the

knights, and the orcs would be the serfs. This will connect the material to Kenny in a way that

will greatly increase retention.

Learning Intention Assessment Theorist

The hierarchy is the defining Students will create their own Bandura - Kenny’s peers all
characteristic of the Medieval hierarchy. It will need to have set high goals for themselves.
Ages. Learning about the a similar form to that of the Hopefully, Kenny will follow
hierarchy is essential to Medieval pyramid. It will be their model and set goals for
understanding how everyone based on something that the himself that are higher than
interacted with each other. It student finds interesting. They he would have otherwise.
is also an easy way to connect do not need to be unique Kenny may have felt that he
life in the Medieval Ages to (students in the same group was unable to think of a
life today as there are many may have the same idea) but hierarchy he could work with
similarities in the pyramid each student needs to create by himself. Getting him
structure. their own. The hierarchy will started on the Lord of the
be judged based on creativity Rings hierarchy will give him
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 7

and similarity to the a confidence boost, letting

traditional Medieval power him know that he is able to
structure. accomplish this task. Kenny
has all of the skills he needs
for this and after seeing a
good example and having his
confidence restored he should
be able to create an excellent
version of his own.

Teacher Activity Student Activity Pacing Classroom Management

Let the students know Students will discuss in 5m Kenny is interested in the
that they are going to be their table groups anything Medieval Ages and has
learning about the that they might know about some prior knowledge
Medieval Ages. Ask the Medieval Ages. because of his interest in
students to discuss in Feudal Japan and the Lord
their group anything that of the Rings. This should
they might know about allow him to share
the period. knowledge with his group,
boosting his confidence.

Introduce the concept of Listen to the hierarchy. 5m This part of the lesson
the Medieval hierarchy to does not tie in directly to
the students. Go over the any of Kenny’s strengths,
standard hierarchy of but it also avoids his
King to Lord to Knight to weaknesses and will be
Serf with the students. reinforced in the next
Explain the role of each portion of the lesson.
of the stages, what they
give, and what they
receive as you go.

In order to visual The students will arrange 20m Kenny does not often get
represent the idea of a themselves into a Medieval candy at home due to his
hierarchy to the class, hierarchy as their names are parents financial situation.
draw their names out of a drawn. They will be Rigging the vote so that he
hat or use popsicle sticks required to refrain from is either king or a lord will
with their names on them. eating the smarties until the be a huge boost to
Start off by selecting a appropriate time and be someone from his
king, then three nobles, willing to hand them up the background and will keep
then nine knights, then pyramid. him interested. Stan and
everyone else is a serf Kyle won’t mind where
(divide the serfs equally they ended up but if Eric
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 8

between the knights). is a serf be sure to

Hand out five smarties to reinforce that students are
each serf. This is the not allowed to eat their
produce they have produce without paying
harvested; however, they their lord first or there will
need to pay this to their be consequences.
lord in exchange for him
letting them use his land.
They have to give three
smarties to their lord as
payment. This passing of
resources continues all
the way up the scale so
the king ends up with the
majority of resources
while the serfs have little.

Get the students back to Students will need to think 10m This has been reinforced
their seats. Ask if they critically about their lives many times this lesson.
can think of anything compared to what the social Kenny was given a high
from modern times that structure was like in the role in the hierarchy so he
has a similar structure to Medieval Ages. When they should be engaged. He is
the Medieval hierarchy. come up with a few allowed to discuss with
The usual responses are examples as a group, they Eric, Kyle, and Stan any
businesses and schools. will need to be able to comparisons that may
Draw both of these on the compare roles in today's need to be made so if he is
boards, asking students society (King to CEO, lord unsure of an answer, his
for every rank along the to area manager, knight to friends are there to help
way to keep them local manager, serf to sales him out.
engaged. If engagement is person).
lacking, go table group by
table group and have the
student with the darkest
shirt give an example.

Have the students think Students will create their Rest of Once you are done
about something that they own comparison to the class. explaining what is
are interested in that Medieval hierarchy. expected to students, go to
relates to the hierarchy. Kenny and check in. If he
Have them create their does not have an idea of
own pyramid that shows what he is going to work
the different ranks and on, steer him towards the
explains the comparisons Lord of the Rings
to the Medieval roles. Let Kingdom of Mordor. As
students know that it will he is an avid fan, he
be marked on creativity, should be able to make the
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 9

layout, and relation to the comparisons. His friends

actual Medieval are also fans so they might
hierarchy. take to the idea and turn to
Kenny for answers as he is
the most knowledgeable
about the subject. This
will keep Kenny engaged
as he likes helping out his

Activity Two: The Daily Life of a Peasant

As this is one of the first activities in the unit, it is going to involve a lot of new terms,

phrases, and words that the students will not be familiar with. Students will need to familiarise

themselves with these words in order to be able to complete later portions of the unit. In order to

make sure that students are able to connect these terms to what they meant in the medieval times

and what their current equivalents are, pictures will be put up showing both for comparison


This can be a lot of new information to take in. To make sure that Kenny and his friends

have a list of the new terms available to them, they will be using the class set of chromebooks to

take notes using the split page method. Once we have gone over the notes as a class, the table

groups will be able to go over their notes and compare what they got down. This will enable

Kenny to listen to what his friends, who may be more able to get the information from the

teacher, and get the information from them instead of from the teacher. Terms to be covered will

be titles such as Duke, peasant work such as chafing, and building terms such as mill. This

information will be used to play a game later in the lesson that will reinforce the information

learned in a more exciting manner. Gamification of what can be a dull subject is an excellent

way to increase participation rate, retention, and teach other valuable skills such as dealing with

losing (Walz & Deterding, 2014).

EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 10

Learning Intention Assessment Theorist

During this lesson, students Once the students have had an Bandura - Kenny will be
will need to create a sheet opportunity to work on their interacting with his friends
with terms that they will notes as a group, they will be throughout most of this
come across during the unit asked to hand in their own activity. This will allow him
on the Medieval Ages. This is copy. This will allow the to learn both from the
possibly new territory and the teacher to make sure that symbolic model of the teacher
ability to understand this everyone has a copy of useful presenting the information
jargon will be crucial. terms at their disposal. and then from his friends. The
learning will largely take
place as a game and his
friends can support his
learning by offering help
during note taking and the
game. This should prevent
Kenny from doubting his
abilities to the point he shuts

Teacher Activity Student Activity Pacing Classroom Management

Point out the picture of With a partner, have a look 5m Kenny will probably want
peasant work around the at the pictures and see if to work with Eric at this
class. Ask the students if they are able to identify any point. Eric’s creative side
they know what they are. of the jobs being done. The should be engaged by
Explain to the students groups of pictures are trying to figure out what
that they are images of labelled. Students will need the pictures are and Kenny
work from the medieval to write down at least three should want to make sure
ages and from modern numbers of pictures and that Eric and he both do
times. Ask them to go what they think is going on. well. If not, use proximity
around the classroom and go through a few with
with a partner and see if them to help Kenny
they can figure out what understand the
work is being done. comparison. As always
when students are moving
around, make sure that
they are not touching each

Have the students get a Get a chromebook, make a 10m Kenny would much rather
chromebook and make copy of the note taking type something onto the
their own copy of a note presentation, and take notes computer than write it out
taking sheet. Introduce about the different terms. by hand. Him, Eric, Kyle,
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 11

terms that students will and Stan are all very

need in order to comfortable with
understand the daily life computers so though they
of a peasant. Introduce might not like taking
them to terms about notes, they are much more
farming (ploughing, likely to do so in this
sowing, weeding, reaping, format. Remind them to
winnowing, scythe, flail, wait until you explain all
etc.) by powerpoint your instructions before
presentation. Let them getting a computer. The
know that the information fact that they will be
gathered here will be used competing should keep
for a game later. Eric and Kyle interested,
which should help keep
Kenny interested.

Have the students work Students will quitely talk to 10m Kenny likes computers
together in their table their partners about what and his typing is much
groups to pair and share notes they have gathered better than his writing, but
what they took down for from the presentation. he might have missed a
notes about the different few things during the
terms. presentation. Allowing
him to work with his
friends will both keep him
interested as he is a very
social person and let him
gain a source of
information he will be
able to use throughout the
remainder of this unit.

Introduce the cows and One student from each 25m Make sure that you
sheep board game and group will after instructions explain the game and what
hand out the sheets for it. collect a game board, is expected from the
All of the student table pieces, and sheets for their students before handing
groups will have a game table. Students will play the out the game pieces. If
similar to snakes and game and take notes from not, the students will play
ladders to play. If they the cards onto their sheets. with the pieces. Kenny
land on a cow space they Notes do not need to be very much enjoys playing
take a cow card; if they from their cards; they can games with his friends so
land on a sheep space be from anyone in their gamifying the life of a
they take a sheep card. groups. peasant should get him
All of the cards will have engaged in learning about
something related to what life was like for a
peasants on them. peasant. Eric and Kyle’s
Examples would be ‘You competitive nature will
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 12

have to help the lord with make them compete to see

his land instead of yours: who can win the game
miss your next turn’ or while Stan will play
‘Your daughter got peacemaker so that the
married so you have one game does not end with
less mouth to feed: move someone flipping over the
forward two spaces’. The board.
cards are mostly bad so
no one should be able to
win the game. The
students will take the
information from their
cards and use it to fill out
information about the
work around the year,
obligations, rights, and
life of a serf in the
Medieval Ages.

Activity Three: Designing a Castle

Castles are one of the defining feature of the Medieval Ages. They were a residence, a

military installation, and a symbol of power and prestige. Understanding the various uses of a

castle and the role they played in a county is an important part of understanding what the world

was like for people in the Medieval Ages. Terms related to castles and castle life as well as how

castles were built will be covered in this lesson. Students will be required to begin designing

their own castle at the end of the lesson. It will be the seat of their county of which they are

count. This will fit into the next lesson.

Kenny should be very interested in this lesson. He has shown interest in Lord of the

Rings so a tie in to Helms Deep and the city of Gondor will help peak his and his friends’

interest. Showing castles from Japan such as the impressive Nijo Castle will also tie in the

Feudal system of Japan that he's interested in. This will also allow one to show various castle

designs and why they were created in different ways.

EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 13

Learning Intention Assessment Theorist

Castles are an iconic part of Students will be assessed on Vygotsky - Social interaction
the Medieval Ages. All across the layout of their castles. will play a major part in this
the world, they stand as a They will need to include a assignment. Spending time
testament to a time when only source of water, outer walls, discussing ideas about what
a strong stone wall allowed a gates, a church, and various the layout of their castles will
ruler to retain control of a other buildings often found look like with friends that
country. Understanding how a inside castle walls. They will have had a more beneficial
castle worked is an important be graded on their castle’s education will both help
part of understanding ability to withstand a siege Kenny understand the terms
Medieval life. that the teacher will plan out better and also increase his
for each castle. ability of cognitive discussion

Teacher Activity Student Activity Pacing Classroom Management

Have a picture of Helms Listen to presentation and 5m Be sure to make sure that
Deep up on the projector. guess what they are going students are not talking
Ask the students if they to be learning about. while you are talking and
can guess what we will be that eyes are on you when
learning about this lesson. you are talking.
Let them know that it is
going to be castles and
that castles were an
essential part of Medieval

Go over a what life in a Listen and take notes on 15m This is something that
castle was like. Explain castle design so they are Kenny is going to be
the different buildings, ready for when they need to interested in. He likes this
construction of a castle, layout their own castles. period and working
and cost of construction together with his friends
and upkeep, and the which this subject
attack and defence of incorporates. Kyle and
castles. Let the students Eric may not enjoy that
know that they are going they will be required to
to be designing their own aid each other in order to
castles later and they will succeed but their desire to
need to include the win with help from Stan’s
various buildings to make influence should be
sure that it will provide enough to overcome this.
the seige you are going to
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 14

lay on them and their

table groups as they are
going to be part of a

Provide a few examples Listen to the presentation 10m Kenny might be unsure
of castle designs. Show about castles and decide on which design to choose.
the video of the which layout they like the Let the students know that
construction of Guédelon most. They will use the as they are all part of a
Castle in Burgundy, base for this castle to duchy, their designs will
France. This video shows design their own. all need to be of the same
how modern people are style. Students will need
using Medieval to decide in their table
techniques to create an group which design they
authentic castle. Remind find the best. This will
the students that ensure that if Kenny has
Guédelon has already any questions on the
been under construction layout of his castle, he can
for twenty years when ask his table group for
most castles took less support as they are all
than that as they had serfs working on a similar
for a cheap source of design.
labour. Students should
look at the different
designs to see which one
they would like to use for
their county seat.

Have students design Students will design their Rest of This is a long time to work
their own castle on a own castle. Their castle class on this project so be sure
tabloid sized sheet of must be able to function to keep students on task.
paper. Remind them that independently of the rest of Kenny will need this time
you will be attacking their their country for a period of to work in class as he will
duchy so each castle will time. That means it will most likely not be able to
need to be able to need a source of water, a finish anything at home
withstand a siege and way to store food, a place due to his lack of support.
provide assistance to their to produce tools, defences, Kenny and his friends
allies when able. a place for the injured, and should work well together
a place to sleep. on this. Kenny should be
engaged in this subject as
he is interested and will
want to be able to help his
friends out during the
teacher siege of the
student duchies.
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 15

Activity Four: Duchy Drawing

The Medieval hierarchy can be a difficult concept to understand. Students might be

unclear of how land ownership worked. This activity will help show how the different small

pieces of a kingdom fit together to make a larger, powerful state. This will be relatable to modern

times in that our system of federal government works much the same way; the provinces and

territories all fit together to make the country of Canada. This will allow Kenny to use his

creativity to great effect. Creating his own map and then piecing it together with those of his

friends will increase his retention of the material covered to a much larger extent than if he

simply took notes on the subject.

Learning Intention Assessment Theorist

Duchies are the prerunners of Students will be assessed on Vygotsky - Kenny’s

today’s modern provinces in the drawing of their county. interactions with his friends
our federal system of Their county will fit into a will be vital to his success in
government. Understanding larger framework of their this assignment. Spending
how they work will help table group, which will be time discussing what
students understand how our their duchy. All of the duchies buildings should go where
federal government works as will fit together to form the with friends that have had a
well as providing useful kingdom of the classroom. more beneficial education
information about what life Students will be assessed on will both help Kenny
was like in the Middle Ages. if their county includes all the understand the terms better
buildings and resources it and also increase his capacity
needs to prosper, if they are in for cognitive understanding of
the best location given their the material.
premade geographic layout,
and how easy it is to
understand the map of their

Teacher Activity Student Activity Pacing Classroom Management

Remind students that Listen, get out map of 5m Eric and Kyle will both
yesterday they made the castle, vote for table group want to be duke but
designs for their castle. duke/duchess. neither will support the
This castle is going to be other. This means that it
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 16

the seat of their county will fall to either Stan or

which is going to be part Kenny. Kenny will
of a table group duchy. probably allow Stan to be
Have them vote for who Duke as he will want to
the Duke or Duchess of support his friend. Don’t
their Duchy is going to allow Kyle or Eric to
be. become too heated over
the discussion.

Introduce the different Listen to presentation and 20m Kenny will be allowed to
buildings that will be take notes on the different have a shared drive with
needed to run a county kinds of buildings. If his friends. Make sure that
such as residences for the students wish, they may Eric does not ruin any of
serfs, blacksmiths, bakers, create a shared drive and the parts that Kyle is
and mills. Explain use their chromebooks to working on if he becomes
concepts such as crop take notes as a group on disinterested.
cycling, smithing, and which buildings they will
how a mill works. Go need to include and where
over what the ideal the optimal location for
location for each activity them would be.
is. Let the students know
that they will need to
include all of these
buildings on the layout of
their countys, have them
all in the optimal location,
and have them all labelled
so any visitor to the
county could easily find

Give an example of a Students will design a 10m Make sure that Kenny
drawing of a county from county with their castle understands that he will
a previous students work. from the previous lesson as need to complete his
Explain the criteria that the castle of the county. county as it is a part of
students will be graded They will need to include Stan’s duchy; without his
on. Hand out pre-cut various buildings and farms county, the duchy will not
sheets of paper that have in different locations be as successful. His
rivers and roads on them depending on the layout of desire to make sure that
that all fit together to the map they were handed. Stan is a successful ruler
form a large kingdom. together with the support
of his friends will keep
Kenny working.

Give the students time to Work on student map 30m

work on their maps.
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 17

Activity Five: Research Project

Most of the assessments have been based on pen and paper activities thus far. This

activity will instead allow the students to choose a variety of different means of expressing their

knowledge. Further, they will be allowed to choose which part of the Medieval world they would

like to focus their research on. This is a large assignment; asking Kenny to show his knowledge

in an essay format would lead to him shutting down. Offering him the option to choose how he

demonstrates his knowledge and to pick his own topic will give ownership of the project to

Kenny and his classmates. They will not be allowed to all work on the same assignment but

could choose similar topics so that their research overlapped, allowing them to share resources

amongst themselves.

Learning Intention Assessment Theorist

There is far too much Students will be assessed on Rousseau - Most of this
information about the their final project. The project lesson is letting students
Medieval Ages to be covered could be a variety of different figure out what they want to
in any class setting. In order things; it could be a formal do for themselves. They have
for students to be able to essay, a poster, a model to do an assignment but they
experience a wide range of a castle, a song, a powerpoint, are in charge of what it is
variety of activities, students or any other countless ways going to be about and how
will be asked to find one topic of expressing ideas. Students they are going to show what
related to the Medieval ages will be assessed on their they have learned.
that is of interest to them, research, the design of their
research it, and present that project, and their project’s
information via a medium of ability to convey information
their choosing. to their fellow classmates.

Teacher Activity Student Activity Pacing Classroom Management

Let the students know Listen and begin to think 2m

that we are going to be about what part of the
wrapping up the medieval Medieval ages they would
unit shortly. There was a like to do their research
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 18

vast amount of project on.

information that was not
covered by the lessons,
including some that they
may have wished they
could have looked into.
They will be provided the
opportunity to do so by
working on a research
project of their own.

Give the students a few Look at the different 10m Listening to what is
examples of things they examples provided and expected of students is
could look into such as begin to think of what kind crucial to their ability to
knights, the role of of presentation would work complete this project in a
women, weapons, feudal best for the subject they are satisfactory manner. Make
systems from other parts going to be researching. sure that students are
of the world, or death listening with their eyes
rites. Give them a few on you so that they know
examples of different what they are meant to do.
project from previous
years such as posters,
models, and Powerpoint

Have resources available Look at the different books, 20m Kenny’s interest in the
for students to look at to models, and credible Japanese feudal system
figure out what subject websites provided for a has most likely not been
they would like to further topic that they are sated by the little
research. Be sure to have interested in. Once they information given during
resources from a variety find a topic that they are the castle activity. Be sure
of texts, not just books. interested in, begin taking to have plenty of resources
notes and laying out a available on the subject
rough idea of what they and guide him towards it.
would like their It is something that he
presentation to look like. should be able to convey
his intelligence of,
boosting his confidence.

Monitor students as they Students will research and Rest of Kenny will not have
begin researching and work on their inquiry class access to resources at
working on their projects. projects. home to work on this
They will require much project. Be sure to provide
more class time than this enough time for him to
one lesson to complete work on this in class. If he
this project. would like, offer to let him
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 19

take home some of the

books he is using for his
research. This will allow
him plenty of time to
practice his reading with
them if he would like.
Make sure that Eric finds
a topic to research early
on so that he does not start
distracting those around

Activity Six: Crusader Kings 2

Crusader Kings 2 is a video game that does a magnificent job of portraying information

about what life was like for a Medieval ruler across Europe, Western Asia, Northern Africa, the

Middle East, and India. It allows players to pick any one of a wide list of family dynasties from a

lowly count to leader of the mighty Byzantine Empire. Playing this game instills the importance

of vassals, the cost and build time of castles, different religious tensions across Christendom, and

a variety of real world events such as the invasion of the Mongols, the Norman conquest of

England, and the spread of the bubonic plague.

A free version of this game is readily available to teachers for the reasons of education.

One would have to get permission to install the program onto the class chromebooks but the

program is from a reputable site and should be allowed. Kenny is an avid fan of video games.

This activity would allow him to reinforce information learned in previous lessons while also

letting him engage in one of his favourite activities. Video games have long been used to teach

skills such as reading, typing, and math; it is time for them to be used to teach history in the

classroom as well (Annetta, 2008).

EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 20

Learning Intention Assessment Theorist

A great deal of information is Students will write a story Rousseau - Most of how this
available in this game. about one of the characters lesson will play out is up to
Playing it will help reinforce that they will play as in the each student. They can pick if
the ideas covered in previous game. The story should they would like to be a
lessons; further, it will help mention a few major points in peaceful, benevolent ruler or
students understand that the character's life such as if they would like to be a
different texts can be used to marriage, territory lost or tyrannical despot. How they
understand concepts. gained, births and deaths of play the game will have a
children, or any other major direct effect on how their
event that they found to be stories will turn out; they are
significant. Their story will be also free to include any
assessed on inclusion of these information and write the
events, grammer, and clarity. story any way they would

Teacher Activity Student Activity Pacing Classroom Management

Let the students know Get a computer. 3m Wait until everyone has
that they are going to be their computers and is
playing a game. Ask them seated back down before
to go and get their trying to resume the
chromebooks. lesson.

Explain the rules of Sign into Crusader Kings 2 5m As always with

Crusader Kings. The rules and pick a kingdom to play computers, make sure that
are straightforward and as. students are using them
easy to understand and for the correct activities.
there are hints that pop up Thankfully, they are being
and explain what to do for asked to play a game and
beginner players. Get all should be willing to do
of the kids signed onto that.
the game and playing as
one of the easier
kingdoms, such as
Aragon or Ireland.

Let the students know Play Crusader Kings 2 40m This is a long time for
that after they are done while noting down any students to be asked to
playing, they are going to events they thought were stay on task. Make sure
need to write a story interesting so they could that Kenny is writing
about one of the include them in a story. down points that can be
characters in their used for his story. Show
dynasty. It should be Eric and Kyle the scoring
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 21

someone who ruled for a system; their competitive

long enough time so there nature should keep them
are interesting points to focused as they compete
include in their stories. to see who does better in
Let them know where to the game. Kenny is very
find the chronicle on the good at video games so he
menu that lists important should do well at this
events that happened. activity, giving him lots of
opportunity to learn about
the Medieval world and
note interesting points for
his story.

Have students write a Using notes taken and the 25m Kenny should be in a good
story about the life of one chronicle for their dynasty mood because he enjoys
of their characters. The from the game, students video games; however,
story should include the will write a short story being asked to write a
major events that about one of their more somewhat long story may
unfolded throughout their long lived characters. seem daunting to him. Ask
lives. The story can be him which of his
written either on paper or characters he is going to
submitted online. It use for story purposes.
should be at least 10 good Once he has selected a
sentences long. character, ask him to find
a few important things like
when his character
married, their children,
titles acquired, and have
him write a few lines for
you about that
information. Once he gets
started and understands
what is needed, he should
have no problem with this.
Ask him to ask his friends
for any advice if he gets
stuck on his story.
EDPB 503 Human Cube Assignment 22


Annetta, L. (2008). Video Games in Education: Why They Should Be Used and How They Are

Being Used. Theory Into Practice,47(3), 229-239. Retrieved from


Valli, L., & Marilyn Chambliss. (2007). Creating Classroom Cultures: One Teacher, Two

Lessons, and a High-Stakes Test. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 38(1), 57-75.

Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/4126362

Walz, S., & Deterding, S. (Eds.). (2014). The Gameful World: Approaches, Issues, Applications.

MIT Press. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt1287hcd

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