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Modalities for
Therapeutic Intervention
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Steven L. Wolf, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Editor-in-Chief

Fundamentals of Musculoskeletal Imaging, 3rd Edition

Lynn N. McKinnis, PT, OCS

Pharmacology in Rehabilitation, 4th Edition

Charles D. Ciccone, PT, PhD

Wound Healing: Alternatives in Management, 4th Edition

Joseph M. McCulloch, PT, PhD, CWS, and Luther C. Kloth, PT, MS, CWS, FAPTA

Vestibular Rehabilitation, 3rd Edition

Susan J. Herdman, PT, PhD

Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation

Edelle Field-Fote, PT, PhD
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for Therapeutic
Previously titled Thermal Agents in Rehabilitation, editions 1, 2, and 3

Susan L. Michlovitz, PT, PhD, CHT

Adjunct Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Medicine, Columbia University, New York, NY
Associate Clinical Professor, Faculty of Rehabilitation Science
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
Professor, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, Provo, UT

James W. Bellew, PT, EdD

Associate Professor, Krannert School of Physical Therapy
University of Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN

Thomas P. Nolan Jr., PT, DPT, OCS

Associate Professor, School of Health Sciences
The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Pomona, NJ

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F.A. Davis Company

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tering any drug. Caution is especially urged when using new or infrequently ordered drugs.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Modalities for therapeutic intervention / [edited by] Susan L. Michlovitz, James W. Bellew, Thomas P. Nolan Jr. – 5th ed.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-2391-0
ISBN-10: 0-8036-2391-7
1. Physical therapy. 2. Medical rehabilitation. I. Michlovitz, Susan L. II. Bellew, James W. III. Nolan, Thomas, 1955–
[DNLM: 1. Physical Therapy Modalities. 2. Wounds and Injuries—rehabilitation. WB 460]
RM700.M63 2012

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I would like to dedicate this edition to the

students, clinicians, and faculty who have
supported and had faith in this project since 1986.
— Sue Michlovitz

To my wife Mary Helen and daughters Kate and

Caroline . . . quite simply, you are my everything.
— Jim Bellew

To my wife, Diana, and children, Tommy and

Jennifer, for their love, support, and enthusiasm as
we hurtle through life together.
— Tom Nolan
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“Thou dost make possible things not so held
Communicat’st with dreams.”
(William Shakespeare, The Winter’s Tale, act 1, scene 1)

t a time when the “possibility” of optimally inte- physicians, virtual practice advocates, innovative
grating information about the importance of media experts, nurses, instrumentation designers,
modalities into practice has become obscured by bioethicists, and federal agency employees. They con-
the myriad of other course material that must be cluded that physical therapists must position them-
addressed within constraining curricula, Sue Michlovitz selves to develop and provide leadership in testing and
and Tom Nolan have added Jim Bellew to their team to applications of new technologies and approaches that
create a “dream” that not only inspires appreciation for optimize health-care delivery and that best practices be
the value of modalities but empowers the topic through defined and defended as a vehicle for stemming the
contemporary, creative, and precise presentation of con- tide of constricting rehabilitation services. The recom-
tent. Indeed, as Sue Michlovitz has noted, the idea for a mendations emerging from PASS were endorsed unan-
book on thermal agents was born nearly 30 years ago. imously by the American Physical Therapy House of
Coincidently, this fifth edition of her initial efforts marks Delegates.
not only the 25th anniversary of this text but the quarter Such introspection and its embedded prognostica-
century mark since the birth of the Contemporary tion are compatible with the intent of Modalities
Perspectives in Rehabilitation series. for Therapeutic Intervention (5th edition). Students,
During that time and particularly within the past clinicians, and educators are encouraged to read
decade, what we teach and how we practice within the Dr. Michlovitz’s Preface to this edition and to absorb
purview of the “academic health professions” (a con- the content regarding “How to Use This Book.” The
temporary name that is gaining popularity over the philosophy underlying the reformulation of content is
more obtuse term, “allied health professions”), contin- in synchrony with the direction in which rehabilitation
ues to change dynamically. Such change is driven by health-care delivery is headed, while defining the “pos-
profoundly varied health-care reimbursement policies sibilities” for best practice usage of modalities. The mes-
and by an exponential growth in knowledge. sage is clear. Given the need to rethink and retool how
Information availability and expansion are most diffi- we inform our present and future clinicians, there is an
cult to capture, even for the keenest of web browser undeniable need to integrate the use of modalities
connoisseurs. The importance of tracking information within the context of specific clinical diagnoses and
lies in creating interdisciplinary collaborations on the symptomatology. In fact, Michlovitz, Bellew, and
one hand and contemporizing new data on the other. Nolan delineate curricular areas and courses in which
For example, at the recent Physical Therapy and components of this book can be best used. The point is
Society (PASS) meeting, an external perspective of the clear and inescapable—modality usage is important,
physical therapy profession was offered by experts in at evidence for successful applications abound, and the
least 20 different content areas including: consumers, notion of isolating modalities as a separate entity dis-
engineers, basic scientists, technology advocates, health connected from the realities of comprehensive treat-
lawyers, stem cell researchers, health care, practitioners, ment is no longer a viable option.

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viii Foreword

Accordingly, the possibility which to some may still musculoskeletal and neurological disorders, pain symp-
appear as a dream advocates for total integration of toms and promotion of tissue healing are extraordinary.
modalities within the context of core courses governed Given the realities underlying best assimilation of
by evidence and documentation. In fact, each chapter is new information, the anticipated glut of knowledge
laced with multiple “key points,” which for some stu- governing molecular science, bioengineering, and
dents might be interpreted as the proverbial “what or genomics that are filtering into rehabilitation profes-
why do I need to know this,” clinical decision making sional curricula, the possibility of integrating informa-
examples, invaluable tips for documentation, and clini- tion within problem-based learning can no longer be
cal controversies. The evolution of this text has come a held as a dream. Perhaps when this text is reviewed after
long way since its creation. The book is now expanded another 25 years, we can conclude that Modalities for
from its original 317 pages and 12 chapters to Therapeutic Intervention (5th edition) heralded the
512 pages, 16 chapters, 13 contributors, and 10 review- endorsement of comprehensive, integrative evidence-
ers. Sue Michlovitz has highlighted some of the newest based learning within rehabilitation curricula.
components to this edition in the Preface. The text pro-
vides a comprehensive Introduction and then reviews Steven L. Wolf, Ph.D., PT, FAPTA, FAHA
all modalities relevant to contemporary practice. The Editor-in Chief, Contemporary Perspectives in
importance and practicality of modalities, particularly Rehabilitation Series
neuromuscular electrical stimulation and functional Atlanta, Georgia
electrical stimulation as they pertain to treatment of May 2011
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Preface to the Fifth Edition

lose to three decades ago, the first edition of of modalities. Together, we optimistically look forward
Thermal Agents in Rehabilitation was a concept in to improved and supported use of therapeutic modali-
development. At the time, I felt there was a need ties. Included in this revision is expanded content with
to teach “modalities” and write about them in a way special features that include:
that emphasized clinical decision-making for selection
1. Case scenarios incorporated throughout the text
and application of these techniques. Emphasis prior to
to enhance application of basic principles.
this time was on the “circuitry” and mechanistic steps
2. “Key Points” to indicate clinically important
in application. Of course, these latter points are impor-
content and tips.
tant for safe and effective application, but effective use
3. “Clinical Controversies” to discuss areas of
of modalities depends on a foundational understanding
misunderstanding or disagreement.
of the physiological effects and potential for healing.
4. Expanded discussion of the principles and
The first three editions were well received and used
applications of electrotherapy.
throughout the United States and Canada for entry-
5. Updated evidence from the research literature.
level PT courses. For the 4th edition, Dr. Tom Nolan
6. Discussion and applications of clinical EMG
joined in the venture as we repurposed the text to
include aspects of electrotherapy.
7. A new chapter dedicated to clinical electroneu-
Since the fourth edition was published, there has
romyography examination.
been increasing scrutiny of all techniques used in reha-
bilitation, with more and more evidence suggesting that The reader is encouraged to use the foundational
what was “standard practice” for years may not have the materials in this text to supplement their knowledge
efficacy once expected by the clinicians using those base with new research as it appears. Practice and use
techniques. From this we have learned that modalities with these techniques may be modified or expanded
should be carefully selected for their intended effect to based upon new research findings.
complement and enhance functional recovery.
In this fifth edition, Dr. Jim Bellew joins us for a Susan L. Michlovitz, PhD, PT, CHT
new generation of how we present and teach concepts

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Preface to the First Edition

hermal agents are used in physical therapy and program. A discussion of the proposed mechanisms by
rehabilitation to reduce pain, to enhance healing, which heat and cold can alter inflammation, healing,
and to improve motion. The physical therapist and pain is included in these chapters.
should have a solid foundation in the normal physio- Part II of the text, Instrumentation: Methods and
logic control of the cardiovascular and neuromuscular Application, incorporates concepts of equipment selec-
systems prior to using an agent that can alter the func- tion, operation and maintenance, and clinical applica-
tion of these structures. In addition, a background in tion. The leading chapter in this part is on instrumen-
the physiology of healing mechanisms and of pain tation principles and serves to introduce concepts of
serves as a basis for the rationale of using thermal equipment circuitry and safety as applied to equipment
agents. used for thermal therapy. Physical therapists have
Often, the decision to include a thermal agent in a become responsible for product purchase and making
therapy plan or to have the thermal agent be the sole recommendations about products through the expan-
treatment rendered (as in the case of the frequently used sion of consultation services, private practices, sports
“hot packs and ultrasound combination” for back pain) medicine clinics, extended care facilities, and home
is based on empirical evidence. The purpose of this health care. Therefore, we must be prepared to engage
book is to provide the reader with the underlying in dialogue with manufacturers, product distributors,
rationale for selection of an agent to be included in a and other colleagues about the safety and quality of
therapy program, based on (1) the known physiologic these products. To this end, some practical suggestions
and physical effects of that agent; (2) the safety and use are provided in Chapter 3 to assist with purchase
of the heat/cold agent, given the conditions and limita- decisions.
tions of the patient’s dysfunction; and (3) the therapeu- Chapters 4 though 8 discuss the operation and
tic goals for that particular patient. The authors have application of heat and cold agents. Numerous princi-
been asked to review critically the literature available ples of clinical decision making are included within
that documents the efficacy and effectiveness of each each chapter. There are certain principles inherent to all
thermal agent. A problem-solving approach to the use agent applications: (1) The patient must be evaluated
of thermal agents is stressed throughout the text. and treatment goals established; (2) contraindications
The primary audience for this text is the physical to treatment must be known; and (3) the safe and effec-
therapist. The student will gain a solid foundation in tive use of equipment must be understood.
thermal agents, the clinician will strengthen his or her Chapter 9, on low-power laser, deviates somewhat
perspective of thermal agents, and the researcher is from the overall theme of thermal agents. Low-power
given information that will provide ideas for clinical laser is not expected to produce an increase in tissue
studies on thermal agents. Athletic trainers and other temperature, so its effects could not be attributed to
professionals who use thermal agents in their practice thermal mechanisms. Therefore, this cannot be catego-
should find this text of value. rized as a thermal agent. However, I believe this topic
The text is in three parts. Part I, Foundations for the is worthy of inclusion in this text because (1) the
Use of Thermal Agents, includes information from basic indications for its use overlap those of thermal agents;
and medical sciences that can serve as a framework for (2) laser is a form of non-ionizing radiation, as are
the choice to include thermal agents in a rehabilitation diathermy and ultrasound, which are used for pain
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xii Preface to the First Edition

reduction and tissue healing; and (3) laser would most careful review of the literature reveals that only scanty
likely be included in a physical therapy student curricu- information supports the use of contrast baths for any
lum in the coursework that includes thermal agents. At patient population. It is important for the clinician to
the time of this writing (summer 1985), low-power laser be able to interpret accurately and to apply the methods
is still considered by the U.S. Food and Drug and results that are presented in the literature. The
Administration as an investigational device. Only care- inclusion of a chapter (Chapter 10) on techniques for
fully designed clinical studies will help determine the reviewing the literature and establishing a paradigm for
laser’s clinical efficacy—perhaps contributing to the body clinical studies of thermal agents provides the clinician
of knowledge needed to change the laser’s status from an with such a background on which to build.
investigational to an accepted therapeutic product. Chapters 11 and 12 are devoted to specific patient
Part III, Clinical Decision Making, is designed to populations in which thermal agents are commonly
assist the student and clinician in integrating basic con- used. The chapter on sports medicine is representative
cepts that have been presented throughout the entire of a population with a known cause of injury and pre-
book, emphasizing problem solving and evaluation. dictable course of recovery. The majority of these
Much information has been published in the med- patients are otherwise healthy. On the other hand, the
ical literature on the effects or clinical results of heat chapter on rheumatic disease presents a model for a
and cold application. Oftentimes, the therapist is called patient population that can be expected to have chronic
upon to justify the use of a certain modality. A careful recurrent—sometimes progressive—dysfunction asso-
review of the research literature may be necessary to ciated with systemic manifestations.
provide an explanation for treatment. An appendix is included: temperature conversion
There are many areas that require further investiga- scales (this text uses the centigrade scale).
tion. For example, contrast baths (alternating heat and
cold) are often used in sports medicine clinics. But a Susan L. Michlovitz, PhD, PT, CHT
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t is not possible to produce a modalities text without the support of folks who sell
and distribute such equipment. Thank you to Rich Silverstein of RAS Medical
Systems, Inc. (Old Tappan, NJ) for providing us with much of the equipment we
used in our photo shoots and to our photographer, Mark Lozier of Mark Lozier
Photography (Cherry Hill, NJ) for providing us with clear and precise images. Many
thanks to the crew at FA Davis, Melissa Duffield and George Lang, for working with
us and keeping us on an even track through this project, and to our developmental
editor, Susan Williams, of the Williams Company, Ltd. Thanks to the following
Richard Stockton College physical therapy students for participating as models for the
photo shoot: Jamie Umstetter, Brandon Dooley, Kavita Patel, and Matthew Romen,
and to Sarah Monath for providing illustrations for figures in Chapter 6.

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Sue Michlovitz
Sue Michlovitz, PT, PhD, CHT, has a physical therapy private
practice, Cayuga Hand Therapy PT, in Ithaca, NY. Her clini-
cal interests in hand therapy include arthritis, trauma, and
disorders affecting the wrist. Dr. Michlovitz is an Adjunct
Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Medicine, Columbia
University, where she teaches in the Doctorate of Physical
Therapy Program; an Associate Clinical Professor, Faculty of
Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario; and Professor,
Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, Provo, UT. Before moving to
Ithaca in 2005, she was Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Temple
University, Philadelphia. Her published research has been in determining the effec-
tiveness of therapy interventions and in reliability and validity of examination tech-
niques, mostly related to hand and upper extremity conditions.
Dr. Michlovitz has extensive experience in teaching therapists at the American
Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Combined Sections Meetings, American
Society of Hand Therapists (ASHT) and American Association for Hand Surgery
(AAHS) Annual Meetings, and the International Federation for Societies of Hand
Therapists. She is assistant editor for Clinical Commentaries, Journal of Hand
Therapy, and she serves on the editorial boards of Hand and Techniques in Hand &
Upper Extremity Surgery.
Her volunteer outreach work is spent with Guatemala Healing Hands Foundation
for teaching and patient care in Guatemala City. She lives in Ithaca, NY, with her
husband, Paul Velleman, their bassett hound-beagle, Mr. Baxter, and a somewhat
calico cat named Shayna. She is a wanna-be photojournalist.

James W. Bellew
James W. Bellew, PT, EdD, is Associate Professor of Physical
Therapy in the Krannert School of Physical Therapy at the
University of Indianapolis. Dr. Bellew received his entry-level
Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Therapy from
Marquette University. After several years of clinical practice in
Milwaukee, he received a Master of Science degree in Physical
Therapy and Doctor of Education degree in Exercise
Physiology, both from the University of Kentucky. His research encompasses the use
of electrotherapeutic waveforms, muscle physiology, and control of balance in older

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xvi Biographies

adults. Dr. Bellew has published more than 50 peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts
and abstracts in the areas of exercise training, balance, and muscle physiology. He
teaches in the areas of clinical medicine, therapeutic modalities, and human physiol-
ogy. He has previously served as a manuscript reviewer for Archives of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy Theory and Research, Journal of Pediatric
Physical Therapy, Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, Journal of Women’s Health
Physical Therapy, Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, and Clinical Anatomy. He is a
regular presenter and speaker at APTA’s Combined Sections Meetings and is routinely
sought nationally and internationally for consultation regarding clinical applications
of electrotherapeutic agents. He is a member of the APTA and specialty sections on
Orthopedics and Clinical Electrophysiology and Wound Management. Dr. Bellew
resides with his family in Indianapolis and maintains a regular clinical practice at
St. Francis Hospital Outpatient Services.

Thomas P. Nolan Jr.

Thomas Patrick Nolan Jr., PT, DPT, OCS, is Associate
Professor of Physical Therapy at Richard Stockton College of
New Jersey. Dr. Nolan received his BS in Physical Therapy
from New York University and his MS and DPT in Physical
Therapy from Temple University. He is a certified orthopedic
specialist (OCS) through the American Board of Physical
Therapy Specialties. At Stockton College, Dr. Nolan teaches
physical modalities and electrotherapy, kinesiology of the spine, musculoskeletal
physical therapy for neck and back pain, and pharmacology. He is also the coordina-
tor of physical therapy continuing education courses at Stockton College. His clini-
cal practice is primarily with the Virtua Health Care System in southern New Jersey.
He is a member of the American Physical Therapy Association, including the
New Jersey Chapter, Clinical Electrophysiology and Wound Management Section,
and the Orthopaedic Section. Tom lives in Marlton, NJ, where he enjoys running,
playing volleyball, reading, hiking, camping, and spending time with his family.
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C. Scott Bickel, PT, PhD Ellen Lowe, PT, MHS
Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy Professor, Department of Physical Therapy
University of Alabama at Birmingham Arizona School of Health Sciences
Birmingham, Alabama Mesa, Arizona

Elaine L. Bukowski, Ed Mahoney, PT, DPT, CWS

PT, DPT, (D) ABDA Emeritus Assistant Professor
Professor and Director, Department of Physical Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
Therapy Shreveport, Louisiana
School of Health Sciences
Richard Stockton College of New Jersey Arthur J. Nitz, PT, PhD
Pomona, New Jersey Professor
University of Kentucky
Enrico M. Dellagatta, PT, MEd, DPT Lexington, Kentucky
Maple Leaf Physical Therapy
Hammonton, New Jersey Stephanie Petterson, PT, PhD
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Columbia University
Stacie J. Fruth, PT, DHS Regional Clinical Director, Sports Physical Therapy of
Associate Professor, Krannert School of Physical New York
Therapy New York, New York
University of Indianapolis
Indianapolis, Indiana Sandy Rennie, PT, PhD
Director and Associate Professor, School of
Chris M. Gregory, PT, PhD Physiotherapy
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Sciences Dalhousie University
and Research Halifax, Nova Scotia
College of Health Professions
Medical University of South Carolina Karen J. Sparrow, PT, PhD
Former Director, Transitional DPT Program
Charles Hazle, PT, MS, PhD Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
Associate Professor, Center for Excellence in Rural Richmond, Virginia
University of Kentucky
Hazard, Kentucky

Therese E. Johnston, PT, PhD, MBA

Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy
University of the Sciences
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Karen W. Albaugh, PT, DPT, MPH, CWS M. Alysia Mastrangelo, PT, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy
Neumann University Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Aston, Pennsylvania Pomona, New Jersey

Clarence Chan, PT, DPT James T. Mills, III, PT, MS, ECS, OCS
Associate Professor, Department of Health Sciences Major, Command and General Staff College Inter-
LaGuardia Community College, City University of Agency Fellowship Program
New York Department of Veterans Affairs
Long Island City, New York Washington, D.C.

John DeWitt, PT, DPT, SCS, ATC Carey Rothschild, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS
Assistant Clinical Professor, Division of Physical Instructor, Department of Health Professions
Therapy University of Central Florida
The Ohio State University Orlando, Florida
Columbus, Ohio
Wayne B. Scott, PT, PhD
Burke Gurney, PT, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy
Associate Professor, Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation Husson University
Department Bangor, Maine
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico Andrew J Starsky, PT, BSEE, PhD
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Physical
John Steven Halle, PT, PhD, ECS Therapy
Chair and Associate Dean, School of Physical Therapy Marquette University
Belmont University Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Nashville, Tennessee

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SECTION I INTRODUCTION 1 Peripheral Nerve Effects 30
Muscle Performance Effects 32
CHAPTER 1 Neuromuscular Effects 33
Therapeutic Modalities—A Role in Clinical Indications for Cold Therapy 34
the Patient Care Management Model 3 Acute Musculoskeletal Trauma 35
James W. Bellew, PT, EdD, and Susan L. Michlovitz, Pain and Muscle Spasm 37
PT, PhD, CHT Myofascial Pain Syndrome 38
Therapeutic Modalities: Roles in Rehabilitation 4 Guidelines for Cryotherapy 39
Modalities as Part of the Comprehensive Plan 5 Selecting a Cooling Agent 41
Types of Therapeutic Modalities 5 Contraindications and Precautions
Thermal Modalities: Cold and Heat 6 for Cryotherapy 41
Electromagnetic Modalities 7 Contraindications 41
Mechanical Modalities 8 Precautions 42
Clinical Applications of Therapeutic Modalities 9 Methods of Providing Cryotherapy 43
Modulation of Pain 9 Cold Packs 43
Alteration of Skeletal Muscle Performance: Ice Massage 46
Facilitation and Inhibition 11 Vapocoolant Spray 46
Decreasing Inflammation and Facilitating Tissue Healing 12 Manual and Electric Cold Compression Units 48
Increasing Tissue Extensibility: Flexibility and Cold Baths 50
Range of Motion (ROM) 12 Cold Gel 53
Assessing Clinical Effectiveness of Modalities 13 Assessment of Effectiveness
Using the Right Outcomes? 14 and Expected Outcomes 53
Overview of Contraindications and Precautions 15 Documentation 55
Closing Comments from the Authors 16
SECTION II MODALITIES 19 Therapeutic Heat 59
Sandy Rennie, PT, PhD, and Susan L. Michlovitz,
Cold Therapy 21 Biophysical Effects of Temperature Elevation 60
Stacie J. Fruth, PT, DHS, and Susan L. Michlovitz, Metabolic Reactions 61
PT, PhD, CHT Vascular Effects 61
Physical Principles 22 Neuromuscular Effects 64
Conduction 22 Connective Tissue Effects 66
Convection 25 Physical Principles of Heat 67
Evaporation 25 Heat Transfer 67
Biophysical Principles of Tissue Cooling 26 Conductive Heat Modalities 68
Hemodynamic Effects 26 Convective Heating: Fluidotherapy (Fluidized Therapy) 74
Posttraumatic Edema and Inflammation 28
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xxii Contents

Clinical Application: Principles and Indications 76 Documentation of Ultrasound Treatment 105

Contraindications and Precautions to Phonophoresis: Is It a Viable Option? 105
Thermotherapy 78
Clinical Decision-Making 78 CHAPTER 5
Heat Versus Cold 78 Hydrotherapy: The Use of Water as a
Factors to Consider for Therapeutic Heat Techniques 80 Therapeutic Agent 109
Wet Versus Dry Heat 80 Elaine L. Bukowski, PT, DPT, (D) ABDA, and
Home Application of Therapeutic Heat Modalities 80 Thomas P. Nolan Jr., PT, DPT, OCS

Assessment of Effectiveness and Expected Physical Properties of Water 113

Buoyancy 113
Outcomes 81
Documentation 81 Viscosity and Hydrostatic Pressure 115
Hydrodynamics 115
CHAPTER 4 Thermodynamics: Heat Transfer 115
Therapeutic Ultrasound 85 Physiological Effects of Water 116
Susan L. Michlovitz, PT, PhD, CHT, and Karen J. Sparrow, Hemodynamics 116
PT, PhD Effects of Water on the Respiratory System 117
Physical Principles 85 Effects of Water on Renal Function 117
The Nature of Acoustic Energy 85 Effects of Water on the Neurological System 117
Production of Ultrasound Waves 86 Effects of Water on the Muscular System 117
Characteristics of the Ultrasound Wave 87 Mechanical Effects of Water 117
Frequency: 1 or 3 MHz 87 Aquatic (Pool) Therapy 117
Mode: Continuous Wave or Pulsed 87 Indications, Precautions, and Contraindications 117
Intensity: Watts/cm2 88 Pools and Pool Area 118
Ultrasound Interaction with Biological Pool Care and Safety Precautions 120
Tissues 90 Clinical Applications of Therapeutic Pools 121
Propagation of Ultrasound Waves in Tissue 90 A Word About Hot Tubs and Jacuzzis 122
Factors Influencing Energy Absorption 91 Whirlpools 122
Effects of Ultrasound as a Basis Types of Whirlpools 122
for Therapeutic Use 92 Turbine 123
Thermal and Mechanical Effects 92 Electrical Safety 124
Muscular Effects 93 Clinical Applications for Whirlpools 124
Connective Tissue (Tendon/Ligament) Effects 93 Preparatory Considerations 124
Effects on Joint Pain 94 Whirlpool Duration 124
Hemodynamic Effects 94 Cleaning and Disinfecting Whirlpools 124
Effects of US on Nerve 96 Lower Extremity Techniques 125
Posttraumatic Effects: Inflammation and Tissue Upper Extremity Techniques 125
Repair 96 Full-Body Immersion 126
Instrumentation for Delivering Therapeutic
Ultrasound 100
Contrast Bath 126
Application Considerations 101
Indications for Whirlpool Treatments 127
Musculoskeletal Conditions 127
Application Techniques 102 Circulatory Conditions 127
Keep the Applicator Moving! 102 Psychological Conditions 128
Direct Contact Coupling is Preferred 103 Wound Care 129
Indirect Coupling Methods Are Overrated 104
Nonimmersion Irrigation of Wounds 130
Assessment of Intervention Outcomes 105 Clinical Technique for PLWS 130
Measurement and Expected Outcomes 105
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Contents xxiii

Assessment of Effectiveness and Expected Home Traction 191

Outcomes for Hydrotherapy 131 Cervical Spine 191
Clinical Decision-Making 131 Lumbar Spine 192
Goals and Documentation 131 Patient Outcome Evidence 193
Spinal Decompression 194
CHAPTER 6 Inversion 195
Electromagnetic Waves: Laser, Diathermy,
and Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields 135 CHAPTER 8
Enrico M. Dellagatta, PT, DPT, MEd, and Intermittent Pneumatic Compression 199
Thomas P. Nolan Jr., PT, DPT, OCS Ellen Lowe, PT, MHS, and James W. Bellew, PT, EdD
Electromagnetic Waves 137 Physical Principles 199
Lasers 138 Indications for Intermittent Pneumatic
State of Events 138
Compression 200
History 138 Edema 200
Physical Properties of Lasers 138 Traumatic Edema 200
Physiological Effects of Lasers 142 Venous Stasis Ulcers 200
Instrumentation and Clinical Application of Lasers 143 Stump Reduction in Amputated Limbs 200
Indications for the Use of Lasers 145 Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis 200
Contraindications and Precautions for Lasers 148 Wound Healing 200
Assessment of Effectiveness of Lasers 148 Arterial Insufficiency 201
Diathermy 150 Lymphedema 201
Physical Principles of Diathermy 150
Contraindications 201
Therapeutic Diathermy Devices: Delivery of Radio Acute Pulmonary Edema 201
Frequency Waves to the Patient 150
Congestive Heart Failure 201
Physiological Effects of Diathermy 154 Recent or Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis 201
Clinical Application of Diathermy 158 Uncontrolled Hypertension 201
Indications for Diathermy 161 Acute Fracture 201
Precautions and Contraindications for Diathermy 164 Acute Local Dermatologic Infections 201
Clinical Decision-Making: When Is Diathermy the
Treatment of Choice? 166 General Description and Operation of the Unit 201
Equipment 201
CHAPTER 7 Clinical Parameters 202
Preparation for IPC Treatments 203
Spinal Traction 173
Charles Hazle, PT, MS, PhD Treatment Application Guidelines 204
Possible Complications of Treatment 205
Foundations of Traction 173
Biomechanical and Physiologic Effects Intermittent Pneumatic Compression:
of Traction 173 Evidence of Effectiveness 205
Cervical Spine 173
Lumbar Spine 174 CHAPTER 9

Basic Applications of Clinical Traction 175 Foundations of Electrotherapy 209

James W. Bellew, PT, EdD
Components of the Traction Table 175
Cervical Spine Traction: Procedures and Practice 177 Overview of Electrotherapy 209
Lumbar Spine Traction: Procedures and Practice 182 Principles of Electricity: Making the
Patient Safety 186 Physics Make Sense 210
Indications for Traction 187 Charge 210
Contraindications for Traction 188 Polarity and the Electric Field 210
Precautions 191 Voltage 211
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xxiv Contents

Conductors and Insulators 212 Electrotherapy for Modulating of Pain 258

Current 212 Electrotherapy for Preventing or Reducing Edema 260
Ohm’s Law: Resistance, Capacitance, and Impedance 213 Electrotherapy for Increasing Circulation 263
Currents and Waveforms 214 Electrotherapy for Promoting Tissue Healing 264
The Basic Currents 214 Biofeedback 266
Direct Current 215 Iontophoresis 267
Alternating Current 215 Physiology of Iontophoresis 268
Pulsed Current 216 Application of Iontophoresis 269
Physiological Response to Electrical Current 221 Selecting an Ion 269
Electrochemical Effects 222 Electrode Selection and Placement 269
Electrothermal Effects 223 Dosage and the Iontophoretic Equation 270
Electrophysical Effects 223 Adverse Effects: Current not Drugs 271
Response of Excitable Tissues to Stimulation 224 Recent Advances in Iontophoresis 271
Levels of Response to Electrical Stimulation 227 Iontophoresis Versus Tap Water Galvanism 272

Therapeutic Currents by Name: Variations Precautions and Contraindications 272

of the Basic Currents 227 Safety With Electrotherapeutics: “Primum Non
Russian Current 228 Nocere” 274
High-Volt Pulsed Current 229
Low-Intensity Direct Current (Microcurrent) 234 OF MODALITIES 279
Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Biphasic Pulsed
Currents 236 CHAPTER 11
Electrotherapy for Musculoskeletal
The Bottom Line for Electrotherapy 238
Disorders 281
C. Scott Bickel, PT, PhD, Chris M. Gregory, PT, PhD,
CHAPTER 10 and James W. Bellew, PT, EdD
Clinical Electrical Stimulation:
Rationale for NMES 281
Application and Techniques 241
James W. Bellew, PT, EdD NMES for Muscle Strengthening 282
Examination, Evaluation, and Prognosis 286
Instrumentation for Electrotherapy 241 Intervention 286
Classifying Electrotherapeutic Devices 241
Voluntary Versus NMES Exercise: Differences in
Control of Electrical Stimulation: The Dials Muscle Recruitment 286
and Buttons 242
Selecting a Stimulator 287
Electrodes: Types and Choices 244
Stimulation Parameters 287
Applying Electrodes 246
Electrode Placement 289
Placement of Electrodes 247
Intensity or Dosage 289
Electrode Configurations 249
Monitoring Treatment 290
Electrotherapy Application and Techniques: NMES and Motor Unit Recruitment 292
Why Use Electrotherapy? 253 Limitations of NMES 294
Deciphering the “Electro Lingo Code” 253
Electrotherapy for Activation of Skeletal Muscle: Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)
Strengthening and Reeducation 253 Applied to Denervated Muscle 295
Strengthening: NMES 253 Examination, Evaluation, and Prognosis 296
Reeducation and Retraining: FES 254 Intervention 296
Electrical Stimulation of Denervated Muscle 256
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Contents xxv

Biofeedback 297 Body Diagrams or Pain Drawings 339

Recording and Displaying the EMG Signal 298 The McGill Pain Questionnaire 339
Electrode Type and Electrode Placement Reduction in Pain Medications 339
Considerations for EMG Biofeedback 298
Mobility and Range of Motion
Patient Training Strategies With EMG Biofeedback 299
Assessment 339
Modality Interventions: Use of Modalities
for Pain Modulation 340
NMES and FES in Patients with Cryotherapy 342
Neurologic Diagnoses 303 Thermotherapy 343
Therese E. Johnston, PT, PhD, MBA
Ultrasound 344
Examination Needs 303 Electroanalgesia 345
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Laser Therapy 347
(NMES) 304 Transdermal Delivery of Medications or Other
NMES for Muscle Strengthening 304 Substances 348
NMES for Increasing Range of Motion 307
NMES for Decreasing Spasticity 310 Associated Impairments 352
NMES for Decreasing Urinary Incontinence 311 Use of Modalities to Increase Motion 352
Contractures From Burn Scar 354
Functional Electrical Stimulation 314
FES for Shoulder Subluxation 314 Further Clinical Considerations:
FES for Upper Extremity Function 316 Contraindications and Precautions 354
FES for Ambulation 318 Home Use Versus Clinic Use of Modalities
FES for Exercise 321 for Pain Control and Loss of Motion 354
Selection of the Appropriate Modality for
Biofeedback 324 Pain Modulation or Loss of Motion 355
Pain and Limited Motion 333 Therapeutic Modalities for Tissue
Stephanie C. Petterson, PT, MPT, PhD, and
Susan L. Michlovitz, PT, PhD, CHT Healing 361
Ed Mahoney, PT, DPT, CWS
Clinical Reasoning 333
The Normal Healing Process 361
Sources of Pain Mediation 333
Peripheral Nociceptive 334 Conventional Ultrasound: Therapeutic
Peripheral Neurogenic 334 Ultrasound at 1 and 3 MHz 362
Central Pain 335 Low-Frequency Ultrasound 363
Pain Related to Sympathetic Nervous System 335 Ultraviolet Light 364
Affective Pain 335 Electrical Stimulation 367
Infrared Energy 370
Sources of Loss of Mobility and Range Intermittent Pneumatic Compression 372
of Motion 335 Superficial Heating Modalities 373
Edema and Pain Following Injury 335
Cryotherapy 374
Joint Stiffness Associated With Arthritis 336
Hydrotherapy 376
Joint Contracture Following Injury and
Immobilization 337 Laser Therapy 377
Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy 379
Assessment of Pain and Loss of Motion 337
Pain Assessment 337
Pain Interview 338
Pain Rating Scales 338
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xxvi Contents

SECTION IV ALTERNATIVE Equipment to Conduct ENMG 406

MODALITIES AND Indications: Who Needs ENMG Testing? 407
ELECTROPHYSIOLOGIC Clinical Examples of Diagnostic Dilemma for
TESTING 387 Which ENMG Testing Is Important 408
Precautions 410
CHAPTER 15 Nerve Conduction Studies 410
Alternative Modalities for Pain General Influencing Factors 410
and Tissue Healing 389 Motor Nerve Conduction Study 411
Thomas P. Nolan Jr., PT, DPT, OCS, and Sensory Nerve Conduction Study 414
Susan L. Michlovitz, PT, PhD, CHT Central Conduction and Long-loop Responses
Magnet Therapy 389 (F-wave and H-reflex) 416
Physical Principles of Magnets 390 Coming to Some Conclusions:
Pulsed Magnetic Fields 390 What Do We Know So Far? 418
Proposed Physiological Effects of Magnets 390 Clinical Electromyography (EMG) 421
Review of the Literature on Magnet Therapy 391 What Can Be Learned by Needle EMG That Has
Clinical Applications of Magnet Therapy 393 Not Already Been Determined by the NCS? 422
Insertion 424
Monochromatic Infrared Photo Energy 393
Rest 424
Physical Principles of MIRE 393
Minimal Activation 428
Proposed Physiological Effects of MIRE 394
Maximal Activation (Recruitment) 429
Review of the Literature on MIRE 394
Clinical Applications of MIRE 395 Interpretation of Electrophysiological
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 395 Evaluation Findings 431
Reporting Results 433
Physical Principles of HBOT 396
Proposed Physiological Effects of HBOT 396 Does ENMG Bear Any Relationship to EMG
Review of the Literature on HBOT 397 Biofeedback? 434
Clinical Applications of HBOT 398
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy 398 Glossary 437
Physical Principles of ESWT 399 Index 447
Proposed Physiological Effects of ESWT 399
Review of the Literature on ESWT 399
Clinical Applications of ESWT 400

Electrophysiological Testing of Nerves
and Muscles 403
Arthur J. Nitz, PT, PhD, and James W. Bellew, PT, EdD

What Is Electroneuromyography? 403

Anatomy and Physiology Review 403
Peripheral Nerve Structure 403
Peripheral Nerve Function 404
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How to Use This Book

Therapeutic Modalities as a with strategic course sequencing with content increas-
Curricular Thread ing accordingly in more advanced courses. However,
content in therapeutic modalities often exists in a single
Traditional classroom and lab-based education in the “how to” course or, worse yet, a smaller part of a single
principles and administration of therapeutic modalities course. Few educational programs sequence curricular
has remained a cornerstone in educational programs content in therapeutic modalities in a progressive
within the rehabilitation sciences. The history and evo- manner. Rather, therapeutic modalities are often taught
lution of the clinical rehabilitation sciences have shown separate from the interventions they complement. For
that certain areas of practice, such as electrical stimula- example, orthopedic or musculoskeletal courses include
tion for denervated muscle or ultraviolet treatment for instruction in rehabilitation following surgical repair of
psoriasis, have waned whereas other areas of clinical the anterior cruciate ligament. Incorporation of the use
practice, such as integumentary or wound care and of therapeutic modalities, such as neuromuscular elec-
oncology, have grown immensely over the past few trical stimulation, biofeedback, or cryotherapy, reflects
decades. Consequently, curricular content has accord- the reality of clinical care and better represents the com-
ingly undergone continual change and updating. This plete patient management model than teaching these
flux of curricular content reflects the advancement of elements in a separated or disengaged manner. Because
scientific discovery and application and the mounting therapeutic modalities are too frequently taught in
rise of literature to bolster evidence-based practice. The isolation, students receive a limited “one-time” expo-
fact that curricular content given to principles and sure. It is our intention that this book be used not only
applications of therapeutic modalities has remained in the primary therapeutic modalities course but also in
pervasive in educational programs within the rehabili- courses where therapeutic modalities supplement or
tation sciences substantiates the continued contribu- complement the interventions taught in those content-
tion of this area of practice to the more encompassing specific course areas, such as orthopedics, neurologic
patient management model. rehabilitation, and others.
Although principles and applications of therapeutic At risk is clinical competency when therapeutic
modalities remain foundational content in most pro- modalities are taught in isolation with little to no
grams in the rehabilitative sciences, this content is far carry-through in the curriculum to relate or connect
too often insular or taught apart from other curricular therapeutic modalities to those conditions or impair-
content, such as orthopedics and neurologic rehabilita- ments for which they are advocated. It is our sugges-
tion, integumentary care, patient management, and tion that the content of this book be used throughout
other areas. This is wholly ironic because therapeutic the curriculum where therapeutic modalities offer
modalities represent a group of interventions used to adjunctive interventions. By maintaining continuity
augment or supplement interventions taught in these throughout the curriculum between therapeutic
course areas. Many areas of rehabilitative science, such modalities and the specific clinical areas of their sup-
as orthopedics or neurologic rehabilitation, are taught ported application, a curricular thread is created,

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xxviii How to Use This Book

thereby improving clinical decision-making skills and curriculum to reinforce the supplementary role that is
competency. offered by therapeutic modalities.
The table on the next page represents specific chapter
content in this text and the potential curricular areas Susan L. Michlovitz, PT, PhD, CHT
where use of therapeutic modalities are part of common James W. Bellew, PT, EdD
clinical practice. It is our belief that the content of this Thomas P. Nolan Jr. PT, DPT, OCS
text may be threaded or cross-referenced across the
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Therapeutic modalities for: Cross-referenced courses:
Flexibility/ROM Orthopedics, Neurological
Thermotherapy (Chapter 3) Rehabilitation, Therapeutic
Ultrasound (Chapter 4) Exercise, Kinesiology, Integumentary
Hydrotherapy (Chapter 5) for US and Hydrotherapy
Traction (Chapter 7)
Strengthening Orthopedics, Therapeutic Exercise,
NMES (Chapters 9, 10, 11) Exercise Science/Physiology,
Biofeedback (Chapter 11) Neurological Rehabilitation
Neuromuscular Reeducation Neurological Rehabilitation,
FES (Chapters 9, 10, 12) Orthopedics
Biofeedback (Chapter 11)
Pain Modulation Orthopedics, Integumentary
Cryotherapy and thermotherapy
(Chapters 2, 3)
Ultrasound (Chapter 4)
Hydrotherapy (Chapter 5)
LASER and diathermy (Chapter 6)
Traction (Chapter 7)
Electrotherapy (Chapters 9, 10, 13)
Alternative modalities (Chapter 15)
Tissue Healing Orthopedics, Neurological
Electrotherapy (Chapters 10, 14) Rehabilitation, Integumentary,
Hydrotherapy (Chapter 5) Pharmacology
Cryotherapy and thermotherapy
(Chapters 2, 3)
Ultrasound (Chapter 4)
Compression (Chapter 8)
Alternative modalities (Chapter 15)
Neurodiagnostics Orthopedics, Neurological
EMG and NCV (Chapter 16) Rehabilitation

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Chapter 1
Therapeutic Modalities
A Role in the Patient Care Management Model
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chapter 1
Therapeutic Modalities
A Role in the Patient Care
Management Model
James W. Bellew, PT, EdD | Susan L. Michlovitz, PT, PhD, CHT

ay to go! You just completed a thorough exam-
ination of a patient who sustained a left knee
THERAPEUTIC MODALITIES: ROLES IN REHABILITATION injury with suspected damage to the medial
Modalities as Part of the Comprehensive Plan collateral ligament. You selected accurate clinical testing
TYPES OF THERAPEUTIC MODALITIES tools, applied critical thinking in differentiating find-
Thermal Modalities: Cold and Heat ings, and documented the patient’s impairments and
Electromagnetic Modalities
disabilities. You found (1) decreased passive and active
Mechanical Modalities
range of motion into flexion secondary, in part, to
wearing a long leg immobilizer for the past 10 days;
Modulation of Pain
Alteration of Skeletal Muscle Performance: Facilitation
(2) three-centimeter greater swelling around the joint
and Inhibition center compared to the uninvolved side; (3) decreased
Decreasing Inflammation and Facilitating Tissue Healing strength and ability to volitionally contract the quadri-
Increasing Tissue Extensibility: Flexibility and Range of ceps femoris; and (4) pain rated at 6 out of 10 with pal-
Motion (ROM)
pation of the medial joint line of the knee.
So what’s next? You need to identify an interven-
USING THE RIGHT OUTCOMES? tion strategy to address these findings of the examina-
OVERVIEW OF CONTRAINDICATIONS AND PRECAUTIONS tion and the patient history—and this might be the
CLOSING COMMENTS FROM THE AUTHORS most challenging part. Which limitation of body
function or impairment do you work with first? What
do you choose to do? Do you choose a therapeutic
modality? How do you decide? What information do
you use in your decision-making process? Do you
do what you have seen other clinicians do? Do you do
something that you have experience with and are
comfortable with? Do you choose an intervention
based on convenience for the patient, for you, or for
your clinical environment? Does cost of time and
money play a role in your decision-making? What
about evidence in the literature to support your
choice? When do you decide to switch from one
choice to another? What do you plan to do in the first
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4 Introduction

few weeks of rehabilitation versus the latter weeks? options are viable, but you may not choose all of them!
What are your patient’s goals and expectations? While the effectiveness of each of these treatments will
These questions and others represent the basis of vary between patients, the practitioner is challenged to
clinical decision-making. Competency with clinical identify which patients are more likely to respond to a
decision-making is the basis for effective patient specific intervention. In this manner, sound clinical
outcomes and attainment of goals. decision-making involves the practitioner considering
or judging the probability or likelihood that a given
Therapeutic Modalities: Roles intervention will help a given patient.
in Rehabilitation Clinical decision-making can therefore be thought
of as the process of using information, experience, and
Therapeutic modalities represent the administration judgments to decide which clinical interventions will
of thermal, mechanical, electromagnetic, and light most likely improve the problems identified in the
energies for a specific therapeutic effect (to decrease examination. The bottom line is this: When identifying
pain, increase range of motion, improve tissue heal- and establishing an intervention plan, the focus should
ing, or improve muscle recruitment). Therapeutic be on selecting interventions that will most likely
modalities have long been part of rehabilitation and achieve positive results or outcomes—both quantitative
complement other elements of the more comprehen- and qualitative. When judiciously selected and applied,
sive therapy plan, such as therapeutic exercise therapeutic modalities may play a significant role in
(strengthening, stretching, neuromuscular re-educa- successful patient care.
tion, balance), manual therapy (joint and tissue mobi- We are often challenged by patients who have mul-
lization, manipulation), and patient education (body tiple impairments and dysfunctions. Our role as experts
mechanics, postural retraining, home exercise pro- in rehabilitation is to identify and skillfully provide
gram, risk reduction). interventions to address these impairments, thus pro-
viding optimal recovery of function. Even when facing
KEY POINT!The terms therapeutic modalities and phys-
a seemingly uncomplicated patient case whose therapy
ical agents are often used interchangeably to
plan is clear, the emergence of confounding variables
describe a wide array of treatments and interventions
often impacts the execution of the initial plan of care.
used by therapists to provide a variety of therapeutic
Imagine this happening during therapy: Your patient,
benefits. The term physical agents reflects the use of
who has decreased ROM and strength, is unable to
physical energies such as thermal, mechanical, elec-
complete the appropriate therapeutic activities to
tromagnetic, or light but fails to include the purpose or
address ROM and strength because of underlying pain,
intention of their application. The term therapeutic
or your patient has significant swelling of the knee and
modalities, as used throughout this text, more appro-
is unable to effectively contract the quadriceps second-
priately reflects the ability of these interventions to
ary to effusion inhibition. While increasing ROM and
provide therapeutic benefits in the patient care man-
strength or volitional muscle recruitment are obvious
agement model.
goals in the plan of care, attention may first need to be
For the patient just evaluated, cold therapy and com- given to decreasing the pain or reducing the effusion to
pression may be used initially to limit the swelling and help the patient continue with the therapy plan. In
pain as the patient begins the early phases of rehabilita- their assessment of how therapeutic modalities affect
tion. Ultrasound or heat therapy may be applied to muscle inhibition following knee joint effusion,
improve elasticity of the medial collateral ligament and Hopkins et al.1 reported that effusion-induced inhibi-
joint capsular structures prior to beginning range-of- tion of the quadriceps was temporarily suspended with
motion (ROM) activities after the swelling has sub- application of cold or transcutaneous electrical nerve
sided. Electrical stimulation may be used to increase stimulation (TENS), noting a near complete reversal of
activation and volitional recruitment of the quadriceps quadriceps inhibition. This finding provides a rationale
muscle until the patient can effectively contract the for using therapeutic modalities as complements to the
muscle and begin additional activities. All of these therapy plan.
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Therapeutic Modalities 5

In many patient cases, therapeutic modali-

KEY POINT! have not been studied, which has led to scientific
ties may be used to attenuate or overcome factors inquiry addressing the efficacy of many therapeutic
that hinder continuation of the therapy plan. This modalities. However, it should be noted that many
emphasizes the role that therapeutic modalities play. studies examining the effectiveness of therapeutic
modalities often assess their efficacy when used alone or
Modalities as Part of the in isolation—separate from and counter to the supple-
Comprehensive Plan mentary role that we and the APTA advocate.

Therapeutic modalities have long been used in rehabil- KEY POINT! The American Physical Therapy Association’s
itation, and history of their use is well documented. (APTA’s) position statement on the use of therapeutic
With advancing technology and scientific discovery modalities states that “without documentation that
has come the evolution and emergence of newer justifies the necessity of the exclusive use of physical
modalities that add to the spectrum of interventional agents, the use of physical agents, in the absence of
strategies and that enhance their role in rehabilitation. other skilled therapeutic or educational intervention,
Use of therapeutic modalities has been and will remain should not be considered physical therapy.”2 This state-
a cornerstone to rehabilitation for joint and soft tissue ment reflects the standpoint from which we, the
injury, acute and chronic pain, and impaired muscle authors of this text, attempt to present the use and
function. Whether used only during specific phases of administration of and evidence for therapeutic modali-
rehabilitation or throughout the entire rehab program, ties as supplementary, not stand-alone, therapy.
therapeutic modalities represent a group of interven-
tions that are adjunctive components of a more Types of Therapeutic
comprehensive therapy plan. Figure 1-1 depicts the
complementary role therapeutic modalities play in the
complete intervention plan. Therapeutic modalities are generally categorized as ther-
Clinicians should review current evidence when mal (heat and cold), electromagnetic (electrotherapy,
therapeutic modalities are considered as adjuncts for an diathermy, ultraviolet and infrared light), or mechanical
intervention plan. Many techniques in common use (traction and compression). These modalities are used to
increase the probability of a specific therapeutic effect
(e.g., decreased pain, increased range of motion, tissue
Manual Therapy Therapeutic Exercise healing, or improved muscle recruitment). Therapeutic
Soft tissue massage Flexibility exercise modalities may be procedural, in-clinic interventions,
Manual mobilizations: joints, Strengthening exercise such as ultrasound, or they may be home-based inter-
muscles, tissues Neuromuscular re-education
Manipulation Balance, coordination, ventions, such as ice packs or continuous, low-level heat
Acupressure proprioception wraps; these serve to enhance additional therapeutic
Relaxation exercise
interventions identified in the more extensive plan of
care, such as range of motion or muscle strengthening.
Intervention KEY POINT!The term therapeutic modality can imply a
type of energy used by the modality, a specific range
Patient Education Therapeutic Modalities of that energy, or the method of application of that
Body mechanics Thermal: heat and cold modality.
Pain relief Mechanical: compression,
Home exercise programs traction, hydrotherapy Remember the impairments you found in your eval-
Wellness Acoustic: ultrasound
Risk reduction Electromagnetic: electrical uation of the patient with a suspected knee injury—
stimulation, laser, light
therapy, diathermy
decreased range of motion, decreased strength, pain,
and swelling? These are just a few of the many problems
Fig 1•1 Therapeutic modalities represent a diverse group
of interventions that add to and complement other thera- therapeutic modalities may be used for, but again, in
pies that are part of the comprehensive rehabilitation plan. conjunction with other interventions. In this manner,
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6 Introduction

therapeutic modalities are used to increase the chances In addition, larger pieces of ice held in the hand may be
that certain clinical outcomes are realized. used to provide an ice massage (Fig. 1-3) or may be used
The term therapeutic modality can have several mean- as an “ice pop” (Fig. 1-4). Also used to reduce tissue tem-
ings and is variable based on the context in which the perature are topical, or vapocoolant, sprays (such as
term is used. For example, ultrasound represents both a Spray and Stretch) that result in rapid, superficial, and
form of energy (i.e., sound energy) and a specific range short-lived tissue cooling by means of evaporation.
of energy (i.e., greater than 20,000 Hz). By convention,
ultrasound has come to represent a method or means of
delivering a therapeutic modality. It is prudent to be as
specific as possible regarding the administration of a
modality. When applying ultrasound, for example, it is
recommended that the specific frequency used (i.e.,
1 MHz or 3.3 MHz) be documented in addition to
documenting the form of energy applied (i.e., ultra-
Human hearing can detect sound frequen-

cies ranging from approximately 15,000 to 20,000 Hz.

Thus, ultrasound is named for the frequency range
above human hearing.

Thermal Modalities: Cold and Heat

Cryotherapy (i.e., cold therapy) is the use of cold to
induce the therapeutic and physiological responses that
Fig 1•2 Cold therapy can be applied by use of gel or ice
result from a decrease in tissue temperature. packs.
Therapeutic application of cold will result in reduced
blood flow and tissue metabolism—physiological
responses used to decrease bleeding and acute inflam-
mation following injury or tissue disruption. The appli-
cation of cold also results in a reduction in pain as the
threshold for pain perception is elevated, thereby desen-
sitizing peripheral afferent nociceptors.3 Collectively,
reducing swelling and pain may permit patients to
complete the other components of the therapy plan,
again reinforcing the supplementary role of modalities.
Therapeutic cold can be applied using ice, cold water,
cold gel-filled packs, or vapocoolant sprays. Cold packs
and ice packs are the most common and familiar appli-
cations of therapeutic cold (Fig. 1-2). Ice packs can
easily be made at home and used as part of the patient’s
home program. Commercially made cold packs often
contain a gel-like substance that allows the cold pack to
mold to the affected body part. Cold water may provide
therapeutic benefit and may be applied as cool whirlpool,
cold water baths, or added to ice packs to create a slushy Fig 1•3 Handheld ice cups provide cold therapy during
ice-water mixture that can be molded to the body part. an ice massage.
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Therapeutic Modalities 7

energies. The warmth of the sun’s rays is a well-known

example of heat transfer via ultraviolet energy.
Shortwave diathermy can provide therapeutic heat
through the use of electromagnetic energy, and acousti-
cal or sound energy from ultrasound can be used to
increase tissue temperature. Warm water and hot packs
are used to raise tissue temperature in the skin and the
superficial subcutaneous tissues, whereas continuous-
wave ultrasound and shortwave diathermy are better
suited to raising temperature is deeper tissues (up to
5 cm in depth). Selection of the appropriate form of
therapeutic heat will depend on several factors, includ-
ing the area to be treated, the depth of the tissues to be
heated, the patient’s tolerance to heat, the patient’s
medical history, and the interventions to be used that
are complemented by therapeutic heat. More extensive
detail on therapeutic heat and its application is present-
Fig 1•4 Use of handheld “ice pops” offers quick and effi- ed in Chapter 3.
cient cold therapy to many areas where cold packs may
be less effective. Electromagnetic Modalities
Electrical currents are used for a wide variety of therapeu-
Which application of therapeutic cold is most
tic benefits and for an equally wide variety of needs.
appropriate and most effective will depend on several
General therapeutic benefits of electrotherapy may
factors, including but not limited to the size of the
include strengthening and relaxing skeletal muscle,
affected area, the depth of the tissues to be treated, the
decreasing pain, facilitating neuromuscular reeducation,
patient’s tolerance to cold, and whether the application
augmenting range of motion, attenuating disuse atrophy,
will occur in the clinic or at home. More extensive
promoting tissue and wound healing, reducing edema,
descriptions of cryotherapy and therapeutic use of cold
are found in Chapter 2.

The therapeutic application of heat provides a variety of
benefits that augment the comprehensive therapy plan.
Application of heat may facilitate tissue healing; relax
skeletal muscles and decrease spasms; decrease pain;
promote an increase in blood flow; and prepare joints,
capsular structures, muscles, and other soft tissues for
stretching, mobilization, and exercise.4–7
Heat can be applied in many forms and through var-
ious mediums. Warm water as used in a bath or
whirlpool has long been used in rehabilitation and can
easily be used at home. Use of heat packs, both in-
clinic and at home, have led to the commercial produc-
tion of single-use heat wraps that can be placed on var-
ious body regions (Fig. 1-5). Heat may also be delivered Fig 1•5 Heat wraps are an easy and convenient source
through the use of light, sound, and electromagnetic of heat therapy.
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8 Introduction

increasing local blood flow, and delivering medicinal ions Electromagnetic radiation is used for a variety of
transdermally. The robust and wide-ranging therapeutic therapeutic benefits, both thermal and nonthermal.
benefits of electrotherapy are derived from the selection Classified according to the specific frequency of the
of specific parameters of electrical currents such as ampli- electromagnetic wave, therapeutic electromagnetic
tude, duration, and frequency. radiation includes shortwave diathermy (SWD),
Fundamental to most applications of electrical stim- infrared radiation (IR), and ultraviolet (UVA and
ulation is the depolarization, or activation, of peripher- UVB) radiation. Continuous shortwave diathermy
al nerves. Use of TENS to decrease perception of pain and infrared are used to increase tissue temperature.
is one of the most widely recognized applications of IR increases temperature more in superficial tissues
electrotherapy and its clinical effects have been exten- while SWD heats both superficial and deep tissues
sively researched.8–10 Activation of skeletal muscle is (Fig. 1-7). The therapeutic benefits of tissue heating
used for increasing strength (known as neuromuscular complement soft tissue and joint mobilization,17,18
electrical stimulation, or NMES), or for restoring or muscle activation,19 flexibility,17 tissue healing,20 and
improving use of skeletal muscle during functional pain modulation.19,21
activities such as walking (known as functional electrical SWD has primarily been used as a thermal modality.
stimulation, or FES; Fig. 1-6). Research continues to Nonthermal benefits of therapeutic electromagnetic
delineate the benefits of electrotherapy for actuation of radiation (e.g., UVA and UVB and pulsed diathermy)
skeletal muscle.11,12 remain somewhat unclear but are thought to affect
Use of certain electrotherapeutic currents have also activity at the cellular level, perhaps by altering perme-
demonstrated specific and unique effects on cell popu- ability of the semipermeable phospholipid bilayer,
lations found in wounds and healing tissues.13–16 enhancing metabolic activity of the cell and production
Iontophoresis is the use of electrical current to facilitate of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), or altering the activi-
the delivery of specific drugs and ions to reduce tissue ty of membrane-bound cell proteins.20 More detailed
inflammation, decrease local pain, reduce calcium descriptions of the therapeutic benefits and applications
deposits, and reduce scar restrictions. More extensive of electromagnetic energy are provided in Chapter 6.
descriptions of the principles and applications of elec-
trotherapy are presented in Chapters 9 and 10. Mechanical Modalities
Force, either of a compressive or distractive nature, may
be used for therapeutic benefit during rehabilitation.
Compressive force may come from application of
wraps, stockings, or garments. Compression may also

Fig 1•6 Electrical stimulation can be used to facilitate

functional activities. Stimulation of the anterior tibialis in
patients with impaired activation can assist in dorsiflexion Fig 1•7 Diathermy provides heating of deep tissues and
of the ankle during gait. may precede stretching or other ROM activities.
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Therapeutic Modalities 9

come from compression pumps and even from water functional ability, increase blood flow, and reduce
via the hydrostatic pressure created when a body part is muscle guarding. Manual therapy, exercises for muscle
submerged in water. Compression techniques are strengthening and retraining, and neural mobilization
applied to prevent, attenuate, or reverse swelling that are often incorporated in conjunction with traction as
may follow soft tissue injury or compromise the circu- part of a patient’s care plan.23–26 Devices are available
latory system, or they may be applied to alter formation that allow the patient to perform traction at home as
of scar tissue during the proliferation and maturation part of a comprehensive rehabilitation program.
phase of scarring. The principal mechanism underlying Chapter 7 details the therapeutic benefits and clinical
the use of compression for the management of edema is application of traction, along with the controversies of
an increase in applied external compression on the body proposed effects of these techniques.
or body part to increase hydrostatic pressure in the
interstitial space. By increasing hydrostatic pressure of Clinical Applications of
the interstitial space, a counterpressure is directed at the Therapeutic Modalities
outflow of fluid from the compromised vessels, thereby
reducing the accumulation of fluid in the interstitial Modulation of Pain
space. Compression may also be used during the forma-
Pain may be the most common symptom leading
tion and modeling of scar tissue (e.g., following burn
patients to seek medical intervention. The unique expe-
injury) to minimize scar formation and reduce hyper-
riences of pain among individuals make this a challeng-
trophic scarring. Unlike collagen synthesis, which
ing alteration in body function to manage. The neuro-
requires oxygen, collagen lysis does not require oxygen,
biophysiology of pain generation, transmission, and
therefore compression can be used to limit scar forma-
perception is well described in other sources, and all
tion while not affecting scar lysis22 (Fig. 1-8).
academic programs in rehabilitation sciences contain
Traction curricular content given to the description of pain.27,28
Early discussions of pain modulation centered on
Mechanical or manual traction is the application of
interrupting the ascending pathways of pain (i.e.,
distractive forces to lessen or reduce compression on a
blocking the transmission of pain along the nerve path-
structure and is most commonly associated with spinal
ways to more central centers). Widely recognized as the
traction (Fig. 1-9). By separating or reducing compres-
“gate control” theory of pain, this theory described a
sion of adjacent segments, such as joints, or reducing
relationship between painful sensory input carried by
pressure on anatomical structures, such as nerves,
small myelinated A-delta and unmyelinated C fibers
blood vessels, and joint capsules, traction may be used
to decrease pain, increase range of motion, improve

Fig 1•9 Manual or mechanical traction is used to reduce

the compression on a structure, such as a joint, nerve, or
Fig 1•8 Compression can be used to limit or reduce tissue. Both clinical and home-based forms of traction
swelling that often follows soft tissue damage. are used for therapeutic benefit.
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10 Introduction

versus larger diameter and myelinated A-beta nerve

fibers.29 According to this theory, noxious stimuli car-
ried by A-delta and C fibers are blocked by sensory
input along A-beta fibers. Logically, then, efforts to
treat pain are often directed at stimulating the large A-
beta fibers through various means. Electrical stimula-
tion targeting large afferent nerve fibers is common to
rehabilitation, as is the use of ultrasound, cold, heat,
diathermy, and other treatments to decrease or modu-
late noxious sensory input.
Understanding the neurobiophysiology of pain gen-
eration, transmission, and perception has grown
Fig 1•10 Cold therapy is often used during the initial
immensely since the origination of the gate control the- stages of injury to decrease swelling and pain. The
ory. For a more detailed description of the neurobio- reduction of pain and swelling may allow the completion
of other activities of the rehab plan.
physiology of pain, the reader is directed to other
facilitate formation and organization of collagen
KEY POINT!The attention given to the gate control the- when administered right before soft tissue mobiliza-
ory of pain in the late 1960s and early 1970s tion and flexibility exercises. Likewise, muscle weak-
spurred tremendous growth and development of ness and lack of neuromuscular coordination have
handheld electrical stimulators designed to provide been associated with dysfunctional movement pat-
electrical stimuli to A-beta fibers. This period is con- terns, and practitioners commonly acknowledge that
sidered the birth of TENS and other devices to deliver pain may result from these dysfunctional movement
such currents. patterns. Electrical stimulation and electromyographic
(EMG) biofeedback can be used to increase muscu-
Modulating pain is undoubtedly a central focus of
lar strength and coordination, thus addressing
rehabilitation, both in the initial stages and throughout
the underlying factors related to the movement
the therapy plan. Because the presence of pain may limit
or even preclude rehabilitative efforts to restore or
To reduce pain, therapeutic modalities may act
increase function, attempts to decrease pain often coin-
locally at the site of injury and inflammation to limit
cide with or even precede efforts toward restoring func-
the local chemical irritants; this positively impacts the
tion. Following the initial injury, for example, soft tissue
perception of pain by reducing or attenuating the ini-
insult may result in a cascade of inflammatory and
tial creation and generation of pain. (The local effects
reparative physiological events manifesting in pain.
of therapeutic modalities on tissue’s response to injury
Swelling secondary to vascular damage may result in
are addressed in chapters throughout this text and are
compression of nearby structures, and chemical irritants
a strong focus of Chapter 14.) The activity and direc-
associated with injury (e.g., bradykinin, PGE1, PGE2)
tion of the migration of specific cells associated with
may be released; both of these result in the generation
the healing response of tissues, such as neutrophils
and transmission of pain. Use of therapeutic modalities
and macrophages, can be influenced by applying ther-
such as cold and compression in the initial stages follow-
apeutic modalities such as electrical stimulation. This
ing injury can reduce swelling and limit production and
is further evidence of the enhanced effect on healing
accumulation of pain-associated chemicals, thereby
that can be harnessed with the use of therapeutic
reducing the patient’s perception of pain. This initial
reduction of pain can then allow the patient to initiate
activities as part of the larger therapy plan (Fig. 1-10). KEY POINT!Modalities are used to improve or amelio-
In the later stages of rehabilitation, therapeutic rate alterations in body function, such as loss of
modalities such as ultrasound may be used to range of motion, pain, and other tissue damage.
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Therapeutic Modalities 11

Alteration of Skeletal Muscle

Performance: Facilitation and Inhibition
Therapeutic modalities can be used both directly and
indirectly to influence the activity and performance of
skeletal muscle to increase or decrease levels of muscle
activation for therapeutic benefit. Direct applications of
therapeutic modalities to facilitate skeletal muscle per-
formance may occur, for example, by using electrical
stimulation to depolarize peripheral nerves in order to
recruit more motor units. A patient with decreased abil-
ity to contract the quadriceps after knee surgery may
demonstrate increased muscle recruitment following
application of electrical stimulation.
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) and
functional electrical stimulation (FES) are used to
increase strength, endurance, and functional use of
skeletal muscle for a variety of therapeutic purposes.
Fig 1•11 Neuromuscular electrical stimulation is used to
More recent evidence shows that NMES directly increase strength, prevent or limit atrophy, and reeducate
increases the volume or total number of motor units muscles. Electrical stimulation alters the manner in which
recruited and the duration those motor units are acti- muscle is activated providing a stimulus for positive
vated; these are both fundamental to the positive adap-
tations underlying gains in strength seen with NMES.31
Facilitation of skeletal muscle in patients with compro-
mised ability to activate specific muscles or muscle
groups can be used to assist in functional activities such
as retraining gait; increasing function of the upper
extremity and hand; improving range of motion;
decreasing spasticity; and exercising to prevent muscle
atrophy, cardiorespiratory decline, and bone degrada-
tion32–34 (Fig. 1-11).
Modalities such as heat, cold, or electrical stimula-
tion may also be used to directly inhibit, or decrease,
skeletal muscle activity. By decreasing motor nerve con-
duction velocity and sympathetic activity in the injured
muscles, modalities can play a large role in rehabilitat- Fig 1•12 Electrical stimulation can be used to decrease
ing skeletal muscle. For example, a patient with hyper- the excitability or hyperactivity of skeletal muscle follow-
activity of skeletal muscle following acute trauma from ing injury.

a whiplash injury may benefit from application of elec-

trical stimulation to decrease muscular activity in the
involved muscles, thus permitting range-of-motion radiculopathy (e.g., low back injury with radiating pain
activities (Fig. 1-12). due to nerve irritation) resulting from a lifting injury
Modalities can also act indirectly on skeletal muscle, may report decreased pain after administration of cold
resulting in increased or decreased activation. By modalities. This may allow the patient to complete sta-
decreasing pain, therapeutic modalities may act indi- bilization exercises that he or she was otherwise unable
rectly on muscle and result in increased muscle per- to perform because of pain. Cold application may also
formance. For example, a patient with subacute lumbar act indirectly on muscle activity by decreasing the
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12 Introduction

synaptic activity of peripheral sensory nerves; this, in the period following injury when vascular increases in
turn, may elevate the pain threshold, potentially allow- permeability and the resultant swelling are likely. The
ing improved skeletal muscle activation secondary to analgesic effect of cold modalities also offers palliative
decreased pain. Likewise, altering either blood flow to benefit to the patient after injury. Use of electrical
the muscle or cell membrane transport in muscle tissues stimulation or compression to minimize leakage of
via ultrasound, diathermy, cold or heat modalities may large blood proteins from damaged vessels and to limit
indirectly facilitate improved performance of skeletal agglutination of proteins in the interstitial space can
muscle. minimize duration and residual effects of the inflam-
matory phase.
If you cannot explain the physiological and
The proliferation stage follows the onset of the
clinical reasoning for using the therapeutic modality
acute inflammatory stage and is characterized by the
you select, then perhaps you should not be using the
production, organization, and infiltration of colla-
gen at the site of tissue damage. Collagen serves to
Decreasing Inflammation and repair damaged tissue and represents the first stages
Facilitating Tissue Healing in the formation of new tissue. Cells involved in the
healing process, such as macrophages and neu-
Use of therapeutic modalities often is recommended
trophils, demonstrate unique and specific behaviors
following acute injury and tissue damage. The primary
as they migrate to the site of tissue repair.13,16
goals at this point are to minimize inflammation and
Bloodborne proteins such as fibrinogen and
promote the most expedient and effective healing
fibronectin aggregate in the involved area, acting to
process. While it is critical to keep in mind that the
reinforce collagen in the injured tissue. Modalities
inflammatory stage is the beginning of the process of
such as superficial heat, ultrasound, and diathermy
tissue healing, use of therapeutic modalities can facili-
can facilitate and enhance local blood flow and cel-
tate and augment progression through the stages of
lular activity, thereby promoting the proliferation, or
healing so as to provide expedient yet effective healing
repair, of the damaged tissue.
(Table 1-1).
The third and final stage of tissue healing is the
Cold therapy has long been a standard treatment for
maturation stage. This stage is characterized by the
the inflammation that occurs in the first several days
modeling, remodeling, organization, and maturation
following acute injury. Cold therapy can decrease local
of collagen into new tissue and may last from several
blood flow and metabolic activity in the involved tis-
days to years. Therapeutic modalities such as ultra-
sues. This provides support for using cold modalities in
sound are commonly used to influence the maturation
and organization of collagen. Heating collagen tissue
by applying ultrasound complements stretching and
Table 1•1 Normal Stages, Phases, and mobilization of newly formed, maturing collagen.
Events of Inflammation and This heat-and-stretch aids in restoring functional
integrity to the newly formed and repaired tissue.
Stage Phase Physiological Events
I Inflammatory • Vasoconstriction
• Vasodilation Increasing Tissue Extensibility:
• Hemostasis/clot
formation Flexibility and Range of Motion (ROM)
• Cell-mediated
phagocytosis Efficiency of functional movement depends on flexibil-
II Proliferative • Epithelialization ity, and because disuse, immobilization, and detraining
• Collagen production can negatively impact flexibility, rehabilitation often
• Closure/contraction
• Revascularization focuses on maintaining and restoring flexibility.
III Maturation • Collagen balance: Flexibility in tissue is largely related to the amount,
• Collagen remodeling
organization, and extensibility of collagen—the pri-
mary protein imparting integrity to connective tissue.35
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Therapeutic Modalities 13

Decreased extensibility and organization of collagen Assessing Clinical

can lead to decreased flexibility and can therefore
Effectiveness of Modalities
impair function. This decreased extensibility may per-
sist and perhaps worsen unless the tissues can be exer- Use of therapeutic modalities augments other interven-
cised through full ROM activities. tions, increasing the probability that the collective
Intervention aimed at improving or increasing flex- effect of the therapies will result in the desired out-
ibility must address the viscoelastic and remodeling comes. Consequently, use of therapeutic modalities has
properties of collagen. These properties are enhanced remained a key element of rehabilitation.38 Of late,
by elevating tissue temperature; therefore, heating of however, therapeutic modalities have been scrutinized
collagen facilitates elongation and deformation of col- in regards to outcome measures, the most common
lagen fibers to result in sustained or lasting gains in being modulation or alleviation of pain.10,20,39 While
flexibility. These changes support the rationale for heat scrutiny and examination of efficacy are warranted for
as an effective and appropriate modality. Heating all elements of the intervention plan, much of the
delivered to connective tissues by modalities such as scrutiny given to therapeutic modalities has failed to
hot packs, continuous wave ultrasound, and continu- assess them in their role as complementary interven-
ous shortwave diathermy complement stretching, tions. This point is reflected in a 2009 Cochrane
mobilization, and other techniques and remodel con- Review by Walsh et al.39 that examined and ultimately
nective tissue (Fig. 1-13). Further description of the criticized the efficacy of TENS in acute pain.
use and effect of heat is presented in Chapter 3, and Randomized controlled trials of adults with acute pain
interventions for loss of motion are presented in (injuries that were less than 12 weeks old) were includ-
Chapter 13. ed only if they examined TENS given as the sole treat-
KEY POINT!The reparative processes of tissue heal- ment. To assess therapeutic modalities separate from
ing are dependent on the production, organization, the other interventions they complement is contrary to
and maturation of collagen. Collagen is the most the position of the American Physical Therapy
abundant protein in the body and has a tensile Association and these authors.
strength approaching that of steel. It is collagen Studies, data, and recent statements have imposed a
that imparts strength to the newly formed negative viewpoint regarding the efficacy of TENS in
tissue.36,37 the role of pain modulation. These studies and state-
ments have often assessed effectiveness using more
quantitative methods such as pain scales, overlooking
qualitative measures of improvement in quality of life
and functional ability, reduction in the use of pharma-
cological agents, or simply patient satisfaction.
Examining or assessing the efficacy of therapeutic
modalities outside the context of their complementary
role assumes they have the inherent ability to induce
the desired effect when used in isolation, which is
inconsistent with the fundamental use of therapeutic
Recent Cochrane Reviews examining the effectiveness
of TENS have concluded that such studies are often
plagued by heterogeneity in design, outcomes, chronic
Fig 1•13 Continuous wave ultrasound and other heat pain conditions, TENS treatments, and methodological
modalities can be used to increase tissue temperature. quality. Reporting of methods and results for analgesic
Decreased pain, increased tissue extensibility, and
increased blood flow follow tissue heating and provide outcomes were largely inconsistent across studies and
therapeutic benefit. were generally poor, making meta-analysis infeasible.9,10
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14 Introduction

Examinations of this nature have not demonstrated must be considered whether measurement of pain in
so much that therapeutic modalities are ineffective as and of itself is the best indicator of effectiveness for a
much as they have demonstrated that research examin- given therapeutic modality. Perhaps the answer is yes for
ing the effects may be ineffective and problematic. the first patient, where pain is the primary clinical com-
Effectiveness of therapeutic modalities must be consid- plaint, and no for the second patient, where pain is an
ered in the context of their intended use—as adjuncts to expected consequence and part of the rehabilitation
other elements of the therapy plan of care. To examine process. In other words, the measure used to assess a
the efficacy of modalities when used separately from the modality should consider the role, relevance, or signifi-
interventions they supplement is unfair. It also trivializes cance of the variable to be evaluated.
the adjunctive skill of application and coordination with
KEY POINT! Academic preparation and experience are
other therapeutic interventions that skilled practitioners
fundamental factors related to successful patient
use when selecting and applying therapeutic modalities.
management; however, individuality and differences
Use of therapeutic modalities in unskilled, inexperi-
between patients will always influence the probability
enced hands and, more importantly, in isolation from
that a specific intervention will yield effective out-
other elements of rehabilitation is like placing a scalpel
comes. This simply reflects nature and the natural dif-
in the hands of a novice versus the hands of a skilled
ferences between people. To what extent these can
surgeon—the probability of a successful outcome is
influence our clinical decision-making is questionable
inherently reduced.
and likely equally variable.
Study of the efficacy of therapeutic modali-

ties has not so much shown lack of efficacy for ther- The enigmatic nature of pain makes measurement
apeutic modalities as much as lack of quality precarious, and the effectiveness of interventions to
research performed on therapeutic modalities. address pain is equally precarious. Pain scales, ratings,
and so on, are used, and each practitioner likely has a
Using the Right Outcomes? preferred method of assessing pain. However, pain is
often assessed in a quantitative manner such as a 1 to 10
So what can we use as appropriate measures to assess the scale or a 10 cm line, and while necessary, these fail to
effectiveness of therapeutic modalities? This can greatly consider qualitative matters such as functional ability
determine the attitudes and beliefs associated with clin- with pain, quality of life, and so on.
ical use of these therapies. If we use inappropriate meas- Perhaps, then, assessment of clinical effectiveness of
urements or match techniques with the wrong diagnoses therapeutic modalities should be considered in the larg-
or stages of healing, we are more likely to conclude that er picture of the patient’s overall outcome. For example,
the modality is ineffective. If we do use appropriate pain is an expected part of the clinical course for many
measures, we are more apt to expand our understanding patients. Simply assessing the effectiveness of modalities
of when and to whom the modality is most appropriate. for pain during periods when pain is expected to be
There must also be consideration of whether a specif- present or elevated (i.e., in the acute stages of injury)
ic measure of effectiveness is appropriate for all patients may yield less favorable attitudes toward modalities
or whether the effectiveness of a modality be measured than if pain is assessed in terms of what functional
differently for different patients based on the specific improvements were made when pain was attenuated or
clinical presentation. For example, consider the follow- decreased, permitting other aspects of the therapy plan.
ing two patients: The first patient has cervical pain while Practitioners are encouraged to assess the efficacy of
sitting at work and the second has pain in the knee fol- therapeutic modalities when used with other compo-
lowing surgery. As noted previously, the amount of pain nents of the more comprehensive therapy plan. Many
and the location is often measured and used to assess variables or methods of assessing effectiveness of thera-
efficacy of therapeutic modalities. But pain may be the peutic modalities are available. The astute practitioner
sole dysfunction for one patient whereas for another will select measures that clearly reflect the expected or
patient it may be an anticipated consequence of some anticipated physiological effect of a therapeutic modal-
additional factor, such as surgery. For these examples, it ity. Table 1-2 presents a variety of outcome measures
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Therapeutic Modalities 15

Table 1•2 Measures Used to Assess Effectiveness of Therapeutic Modalities

Measurement Clinical Presentation Therapeutic Modality Rationale
Girth; circumference; Swelling Cryotherapy Cold can reduce swelling and inflammation
Compression Compression can decrease edema and swelling
Goniometric measures Decreased ROM, flexibility Thermotherapy Superficial heating of tissue prior to stretching can
increase ROM
Diathermy Continuous wave diathermy can increase tissue
temperature to allow for increased elasticity of tissue
Ultrasound Thermal ultrasound can increase tissue temperature to
allow for increased elasticity of tissue
Strength tests (MMT, Decreased strength Neuromuscular electrical Electrical stimulation can enhance volitional muscle
dynamometry) stimulation activation
Biofeedback Biofeedback can augment volitional activation of
Tests of function (balance, Decreased functional ability Variable Therapeutic modalities can help increase function
jump height)
Tissue healing (closure time, Compromised integumentary Electrical stimulation Monophasic current can increase rate of healing
wound depth)
Pain (VAS scales) Pain Cryotherapy Application of cold can reduce pain
Thermotherapy Application of heat can reduce pain
Ultrasound Acoustic energy can decrease pain
Electrotherapy Electrical stimulation can attenuate pain

associated with the use of modalities and the physiolog- effect or undesired outcome such as use of mechani-
ical rationale for their use. cal traction to the cervical spine in a patient with
spinal instability or the use of cryotherapy in a
Overview of Contraindications patient with compromised circulation in the area to
and Precautions be treated.
Precautions present a somewhat different aspect to
If a technique can have a positive effect, there is also clinical decision-making. While not outright con-
potential for it to cause harm. For example, a correct traindications, precautions are those findings, cir-
dosage of aspirin may relieve a headache, but too cumstances, or factors presented by a patient that
much may cause gastric bleeding. The same princi- require special consideration. Practitioners need to
ples of dosage and treatment selection apply to assess the risks and potential benefits prior to apply-
modalities. Clinical decision-making involves the ing a specific therapeutic modality. For example, use
judgment and determination of whether to use spe- of ice packs over bony areas presents a precaution
cific techniques and must consider the probability due to the decreased tissue and blood flow in the
that the modality will result in a favorable response. treatment area.
In addition, the practitioner must decide if the The following sections detail the most common con-
patient’s history or current status present any factors traindications or precautions that practitioners are likely
or risks that may render a specific therapeutic modal- to encounter.
ity harmful or disadvantageous to the patient’s
well-being. Compromised, Impaired, or Diminished Sensation
Contraindications are conditions or factors of a Safe administration of most therapeutic modalities
patient that make using a specific modality inadvis- requires that the patient have the ability to feel the
able. Contraindications are against (or contra-) the treatment so that proper adjustments in temperature,
usual indication to use a specific therapeutic modality. intensity, time, position, etc may be made to allow for
This may be due to an increased risk of an adverse optimal therapeutic benefit while minimizing risk for
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16 Introduction

tissue injury. In most cases, compromised or impaired Clinical Controversy

sensation presents a precaution but may become a con-
There continues to be a lack of consensus as to whether
traindication in certain patients.
a history of cancer versus the presence of cancer remains
Compromised, Impaired, or Diminished Cognition a contraindication for some modality applications.
or Communication Because cancerous cells can metastasize and go unde-
tected for periods of time, there is no clear answer.
Proper and safe administration of therapeutic modali-
Thus, there is no point at which a history of cancer
ties requires communication and feedback between the
should not be considered at least a precaution, if not a
patient and the practitioner. An impaired ability to rec-
ognize or communicate the associated sensation of
many modalities makes diminished cognition or
impaired communication a precaution.
Closing Comments from
the Authors
Electronic Implants: Pacemakers, Cardioverter
Defibrillators, Phrenic Nerve Stimulators, This text is written for and directed at those practitioners
and Pain Pumps who recognize the proper role of therapeutic modalities
and understand and embrace their role in the larger con-
Administration of therapeutic modalities that deliver
tinuum of the intervention plan. The authors of this text
electrical or electromagnetic energy near implanted or
encourage the use and application of therapeutic modali-
external electrical devices worn by the patient requires
ties within the context of their biophysical properties. In
special consideration and are largely considered a con-
this textbook we address each modality in this manner. It
traindication by most practitioners. This is mainly due
is imperative and mandatory that clinicians recognize
to the potential for the energy emitted by the modality
how therapeutic modalities can complement their skills
to interfere with the functioning of the electronic
in the interventions used in comprehensive patient man-
device. Application of other modalities such as hot and
agement. Scrutiny and further examination of therapeu-
cold packs, compression, and traction may potentially
tic applications are warranted and encouraged, but only
be used in patients with electronic implants but should
when done so in a manner consistent to actual clinical use
at least be considered precautions.
and in a way that considers and incorporates qualitative
Pregnancy measures of improvement or effectiveness.
Pregnancy is widely considered a contraindication to the
use of modalities if the energies delivered may reach the
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Chapter 2
Cold Therapy
Chapter 3
Therapeutic Heat
Chapter 4
Therapeutic Ultrasound
Chapter 5
Hydrotherapy: The Use of Water as a Therapeutic
Chapter 6
Electromagnetic Waves: Laser, Diathermy, and
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields
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Chapter 7
Spinal Traction
Chapter 8
Intermittent Pneumatic Compression
Chapter 9
Foundations of Electrotherapy
Chapter 10
Clinical Electrical Stimulation:
Application and Techniques
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chapter 2
Cold Therapy
Stacie J. Fruth, PT, DHS | Susan L. Michlovitz, PT, PhD, CHT

he use of cold as a therapeutic agent has a long
history, beginning in Egypt around 2500 BC.1
PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES However, the use of cold for injury management
Conduction and rehabilitation did not become prevalent until the
1950s and 1960s.2–4 While many technological
advances have been made in the realm of therapeutic
modalities in the past century, the use of cold (water,
Hemodynamic Effects
Posttraumatic Edema and
ice, or gel) remains one of the most effective and least
Inflammation expensive modes of acute injury and pain management.
Peripheral Nerve Effects Cryotherapy, defined as the use of cold modalities for
Muscle Performance Effects therapeutic purposes, is used as a first-aid measure after
Neuromuscular Effects
trauma and as an adjunctive tool in the rehabilitation of
CLINICAL INDICATIONS FOR COLD THERAPY musculoskeletal and neuromuscular dysfunctions. The
Acute Musculoskeletal Trauma
basis for cryotherapy is grounded in the physiological
Pain and Muscle Spasm
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
responses to a decrease in tissue temperature. Cold
decreases blood flow and tissue metabolism, thus decreas-
ing bleeding and acute inflammation immediately or
soon after injury or surgery. Muscle spasms and tightness
CONTRAINDICATIONS AND PRECAUTIONS FOR CRYOTHERAPY from myofascial trigger points can be diminished, allow-
ing for greater ease of motion. Cold can elevate a patient’s
pain threshold, facilitating ease of exercises with less
discomfort. Muscle force production can also be tem-
Cold Packs
Ice Massage
porarily altered with tissue cooling.
Vapocoolant Spray Cold can be easily applied through a variety of
Manual and Electric Cold Compression Units means, including cold packs, ice massages, cool baths,
Cold Baths vapocoolant sprays, and cold compression devices.
Cold Gel Caution should be taken, though, to avoid undue expo-
ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS AND EXPECTED OUTCOMES sure to cold in persons with cold-hypersensitivity con-
Documentation ditions, impaired circulation, or hypertension. This
chapter includes discussions on the physical principles,
biophysical responses, and clinical applications of cold
therapy modalities. The use of cryotherapy for ablative
surgery, a topic that often appears in electronic database
searches for literature on cold therapy, is beyond the
scope of practice in rehabilitation and is not included in
this chapter. Chapters 13 and 14 include discussions of
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22 Modalities

the use of cold therapy for pain control and tissue

inflammation. Table 2•1 Methods of Energy Transfer
with Cold Modalities
Conduction Convection Evaporation
Physical Principles Cold or ice packs ✔
Ice massage ✔
Cooling is accomplished by removing or abstracting heat Vapocoolant ✔
from an object, rather than by adding cold. Therefore, Controlled- ✔
when a therapeutic cooling agent is applied, the tem- cold units
perature of the skin and underlying tissues is lowered by Cool or cold ✔ ✔ (with
immersion agitation of
abstracting heat from the body (Fig. 2-1). The principal water via
modes of energy transfer used for therapeutic cooling turbines or
motion of
include conduction, convection, and evaporation immersed
(Table 2-1). body part)

Conduction is the transfer of heat by direct interaction thus making conduction the form of energy transfer by
of the molecules in the warmer area with those in the which cryotherapy works.
cooler area. Internal energy is gained by the slower- The magnitude of the temperature change and sec-
moving, cooler particles from the more rapidly moving, ondary biophysical alterations will depend on several
warmer particles.5 The most common conductive factors (Box 2-1).
methods of cooling in rehabilitation are placing ice or The following equation summarizes the rate of heat
cold packs over an area, immersing a distal extremity in transfer by conduction:
cool or cold water, or applying an ice-water-filled cuff
D = Area ⫻ k ⫻ (T1 ⫺ T2) / thickness of tissue
(with manual or automatic recirculation of the water)
around the affected area. With these cooling agents, the where D is the rate of heat loss (calories/second), area is
body part comes in direct contact with the cold source, the amount of body surface area cooled or heated (cm2),
k is the thermal conductivity of tissues (calories/
second/cm2 °C/cm2) (Table 2-2), and T1 and T2 are the
temperatures of the warm and cool surfaces (°C).
The greater the temperature gradient between the
skin and the cooling source, the greater the resulting tis-
sue temperature change may be. For example, following
a 15-minute immersion of the forearm in a water bath
of 1°C (34°F), subcutaneous tissue temperature
dropped by 24°C (43°F).6 With the same duration and

Refrigerator/ Box 2•1 Factors Influencing Response

Cooler to Cold Therapy
• Temperature difference between cold object and soft tissue

• Time of exposure
Bottled water • Thermal conductivity of area being cooled
• Type and size of cooling agent
• Total body surface area cooled
Coffee • Activity level (increased activity→increased circulation→faster
Fig 2•1 Heat abstraction. All cooling occurs via heat
• Ability of cooling agent to maintain its temperature
leaving one material and going in to another. Cold is
never added to something to reduce its temperature. Note that conversion of a change in temperature differs from conversion of absolute temperature
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Cold Therapy 23

(12.5°F) temperature decrease in muscle underlying

Table 2•2 Thermal Conductivities 1 cm (0.4 in.) of adipose tissue, it took 60 minutes to
(cal/s)/(cm2 ⫻ °C/cm)
achieve the same temperature decrease in the presence
Material/ Thermal
Tissue Conductivity (k) of 3 to 4 cm (1.2 to 1.6 in.) of adipose tissue.11
Silver 1.01
Aluminum 0.50
KEY POINT!Thermal conductivity should be considered

Titanium 0.016 when cooling areas that have cutaneous or subcuta-

Ice 0.005 neous metal present, such as with body piercings,
Water at 20°C (69°F) 0.0014
shrapnel, or joint replacements, and over scars that
Bone 0.0011
have altered circulatory response.

Muscle 0.0011
Fat 0.0005

In addition to consideration of thermal conductivity,
Air at 0°C (32°F) 0.000057
it is important to understand the effects of cold on
blood flow to an injured area and why a cooled area can
take such a long time to return to the precooled tem-
area of immersion at 17°C (63°F), the decrease in tem- perature. In fact, it can take a cooled area longer than a
perature in the subcutaneous tissue was only 6°C heated area to return to resting values. Arterial blood
(11°F).7 See Box 2-2 for temperature conversion from coming from the body core is warmer than the venous
Celsius to Fahrenheit and from Fahrenheit to Celsius. blood returning from the periphery. Arteries and veins
Table 2-3 provides some common temperature conver- course through the body in juxtaposition to each other.
sion values to add perspective. Normally, as warm blood flows toward the periphery, it
Thermal conductivity (see Table 2-2) is a measure of passes by the cooler blood in veins that lie right next to
the efficiency of a material or tissue to conduct heat. the arteries. There is a countercurrent heat exchange
For example, metals are better heat conductors than are between the warmer arterial blood and the cooler
nonmetals. Tissues with high water content, such as venous blood.
muscle, have better thermal conductivity than do adi- After an area is heated, arteriole vasodilation allows
pose tissues. Adipose acts as an insulator, providing cooler blood to rush into the area and carry away the
resistance to heat transfer (gain or loss), and muscle heat. Cold causes the opposite effect—a vasoconstric-
usually underlies varying depths of adipose tissue. tion of arterioles—resulting in a decrease in the amount
Therefore, the presence of adipose tissue can affect the of warm blood flowing into the area. Thus, countercur-
rate of intramuscular cooling and rewarming.8–10 rent heat exchange is reduced, and the area may not
While it took only 10 minutes to produce a 7°C rewarm very rapidly (Fig. 2-2). For example, when ice
packs were applied around a dog’s knee for 1 hour, it
took more than 60 minutes after removing the cold
Box 2•2 Temperature Conversion source before tissue temperature returned to resting
F = Fahrenheit temperature values.12 When hot packs were applied for the same
C = Celsius temperature duration, temperatures rose and peaked within 15 minutes
F = (9/5 × C) + 32 and then began to decline. The elevated temperature
C = 5/9 (F ⫺ 32) from hot-pack application caused a vasodilation, allow-
Δ in C temperature = Δ in F temperature × 0.556
ing cooler blood to flow into the area, dissipating heat.
Δ in F temperature = Δ in C temperature/0.556
As long as the heat being added was greater than that

Table 2•3 Values for Temperature Conversion*

°C ⫺18 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 37 40
°F 0 32 41 50 59 69 77 86 95 98.6 104
*Some values are rounded off to the nearest whole integer.
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24 Modalities

Vasodilated artery carrying very warm blood after heating

Blood flow
Heat exchange

Temperature in °C
Blood flow Muscle (at 4 cm)
Vasoconstricted artery carrying cooled blood after ice application

Blood flow 20°C Subcutaneous

Heat exchange

Blood flow Skin
Fig 2•2 Heat exchange between an artery and a vein
with (A) a vasodilated artery carrying very warm blood
30 60 90 120
following a period of heating and (B) a vasoconstricted
artery carrying cooler blood following a period of ice Time in minutes
application. Fig 2•3 Temperature changes during ice pack applica-
tion to the calf. (Adapted from Bierman W, Friedlander M. The penetrative effect of
cold. Arch Phys Ther. 1940;21:585.)

being carried away, the temperature remained elevated.

After the heat source was removed, heat was rapidly lost be reduced by topical cold application, but additional
by convection and radiation. Clinically this implies that time is required to allow for conduction of energy.
any examination or intervention that challenges a Muscle temperature at a depth of 4 cm (1.6 in.) can be
patient’s muscle force generation should be avoided for lowered by an average of 1.2°C (2.2°F) within 5 min-
a longer period of time following the application of utes when cooled with an agent at 10°C (50°F).10
cold versus an application of heat for a similar duration. However, it can take as long as 30 minutes to lower
In another study, intramuscular temperature of the muscle temperature at a depth of 4 cm by 3.5°C (6.3°F)
gastrocnemius muscle remained lowered for at least using ice packs.16
3 hours following 20 minutes of cold baths at 10°C
Lowering skin-surface temperature to
(50°F), for at least 4 hours following a 30-minute
13.6°C (56.5°F) is sufficient to produce local analge-
cold bath at the same temperature,13 and for at least
sia;17,18 a temperature of 10°C (50°F) can produce a
1.75 hours following 20 minutes of ice packs.14 The
33% reduction in nerve conduction velocity.19
patient’s level of activity can also influence the return
of temperature to precooling levels. If exercise is It is important to keep in mind that many of the
performed following cooling, this will increase studies done on tissue temperature change involved
blood flow to the area, resulting in a faster rate of subjects who did not have an injury or pathology.11,20
rewarming.15 Tissue response to cold in the presence of new epithe-
Cryotherapy is used to lower the temperature of soft lialization, granulation, or capillary budding, as well as
tissues, including subcutaneous tissue, muscle, and scar formation or impaired circulation can only be esti-
joints, for pain and edema control. Since cold modali- mated. One study demonstrated that 1 hour of cooling
ties can lower temperatures in these tissues, the time of with an ice-water/compression device following arthro-
exposure and the presence of dressings or bandages are scopic knee surgery led to an intra-articular tempera-
factors to be considered. The greater the target tissue ture that was 7°C (12.6°F) lower than that of a control
depth, the longer it takes for the cold application to group that had no cooling.21 Compared to presurgical,
lower the temperature (Fig. 2-3). baseline intra-articular temperatures, the control group
Changes in skin temperature will occur very rapidly had a mean 5°C (9°F) increase while the cooled group
(typically within a minute) upon exposure to cold. had a mean decrease of 2°C (3.6°F). This tells us that,
Subcutaneous tissue and muscle temperature can also at a minimum, adding a cold modality after surgery can
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Cold Therapy 25

prevent a rise in intra-articular temperature, which Convection

often leads to increased swelling and pain.
Heat abstraction by convection occurs when there is
Patient comfort should always be considered,
direct contact between the skin and moving fluid par-
regardless of treatment technique selected. Warren
ticles. The principal method of using convection in
and associates22 demonstrated greater intra-articular
cryotherapy is a cold whirlpool; water moves over skin
temperature reductions at 60 and 90 minutes of ice-
via turbines that circulate the water, or the patient
bag application to the knee (12.8°C [23°F] and
moves the body part within the water. Heat abstrac-
15.2°C [27°F], respectively) compared to a commer-
tion occurs at a faster rate with convection versus con-
cial cold-compression device (7.1°C [13°F] and 9.7°C
duction given the same medium (water) at the same
[17.5° F]). However, the ice-bag application was
initial temperature. This is because new (cooler) mol-
more painful than the cold-compression device.
ecules are continually introduced to the skin surface
Similarly, when a continuous-flow cold device was
when movement is occurring; when no motion
compared to two intermittent-flow devices (one man-
occurs, molecules remain in contact with the skin sur-
ually circulated and one automatically circulated),
face and are warmed via conduction. Thus, when a
the continuous-flow unit was able to produce lower
body part is immersed in stationary cold water, the
skin surface temperatures but was more painful than
molecules in contact with the skin begin to warm and
the intermittent-flow devices.23
form a shield around the immersed limb. In addition,
The form in which cold therapy is applied (e.g., ice
the specific heat of water is several thousands times
packs, ice massage, cold-water baths, or continuous-
that of air, and heat loss is 25 times greater in water
flow cold devices) can contribute to the degree of
versus air at a given temperature.26
cooling. The magnitude of temperature change will
Despite the ability of cold whirlpools to effectively
be greater when ice packs are used, compared with
cool body areas, they are usually practical for only dis-
cold-water baths or frozen gel packs. Greater internal
tal extremities (e.g., elbow, wrist, or ankle) and can be
energy is required to melt the ice, which occurs as the
uncomfortable. Cold whirlpools are not recommended
solid bonding forces of the ice molecules are broken
in the acute phase of healing, as this puts the limb in a
apart. Energy is first used to change the ice to water
dependent position, encouraging edema in the distal
before raising the surrounding temperature.5 Four
extremity. However, in later stages of healing, when
common cryotherapeutic agents were compared dur-
edema formation is less of a concern, cold whirlpools
ing a 20-minute application to the gastrocnemius
may be used to reduce pain prior to performing exercises
muscle. Skin surface temperatures were lowered by
that improve range of motion (ROM) and activities
19.6°C (35°F) with crushed ice, 17°C (30.6°F) with
that increase weight-bearing tolerance. Additional
ice-water immersion, 14.6°C (26°F) with frozen peas,
information about interventions using whirlpools can
and 13°C (23.5°F) with a cold gel pack.24 In another
be found in Chapter 5.
study, ice massage was compared to cubed-ice bags
KEY POINT! The rate of heat loss through convection is
during a 15-minute application. The ice massage
reduced the intramuscular temperature by 4.3°C evident to most people after spending time in a swim-
(7.7°F) while the ice bag reduced the temperature by ming pool, in a lake, or in the ocean. Immersion
2.3°C (4.1°F).25 and movement in a cold pool, about 25.5°C (78°F),
causes much faster heat loss than time spent in the
KEY POINT! Although ice massage may be able to cool same air temperature.
a muscle at a faster rate compared to an ice bag, a
prolonged ice massage may not be feasible, as it may Evaporation
take several ice-cup applications to cool the same Vapocoolant sprays are used for temporary pain relief
area an ice bag can cover. Sustaining pressure and prior to stretching muscles with active trigger points
motion on an ice cup for more than 10 minutes may or muscles with local spasm. These sprays use evapo-
be very fatiguing, and an extended ice bag applica- ration as a means of energy transfer. Vapocoolant
tion may be more appropriate. sprays, such as Spray and Stretch and Instant Ice
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26 Modalities

(both a blend of 1,1,1,3,3-pentafluoropropane and using it on the posterior aspect of the thigh could
1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane), are nonflammable, liquid, improve passive and active ROM of the hip with the
aerosol skin refrigerants that are bottled under pres- knee extended. These ROM improvements, however,
sure and are emitted in fine sprays (Spray and Stretch were relatively small (less than 2°).30,31 A well-designed
requires a physician’s prescription while Instant Ice study using this technique to reduce pain from trigger
does not; Fig. 2-4). Both are nonozone depleting, as points is warranted.
opposed to former types of vapocoolant sprays that
contained fluoromethane. As the liquid leaves the Biophysical Principles
pressurized canister, it begins to evaporate. When this of Tissue Cooling
transition occurs, the steam cools and, upon contact
with the skin, extracts heat. The vapocoolant spray Many of the clinical uses of cold are predicated on the
feels colder than room-temperature water sprayed on the physiological changes resulting from reducing tissue
skin, because, like alcohol, it evaporates more quickly temperature. Cold is used in the management of acute
than water. This cold sensation serves as a counterirri- trauma because
tant stimulus to the thermal afferents that overlie the
1. the resulting arteriolar vasoconstriction reduces
target muscle, causing a reflexive reduction in motor
neuron activity and allowing stretch to occur more bleeding;
2. the decrease in metabolism and vasoactive
easily.27 The spray is applied with only a few sweeps
across the skin. The temperature of the spray upon skin agents (e.g., histamine and kinins) reduces
contact is ⫺9°C to ⫺20°C (48°F to 68°F), depending inflammation and outward fluid filtration; and
3. the pain threshold is elevated.
upon the distance of the nozzle to the skin.28
Although skin temperature can drop to about 15°C A reduction in skeletal muscle spasm can be postu-
(59°F) for a few seconds, changes in subcutaneous tis- lated as an interplay of factors, including a decrease in
sue and muscle temperatures are negligible.29 Although pain and a decrease in sensitivity of muscle-spindle
few studies have been published examining the effects afferent fibers to discharge. Muscle performance may
of vapocoolant spray, two studies demonstrated that be temporarily enhanced following short-duration cold,
although this effect may reverse following cold applied
for longer durations. Pain, and perhaps joint inflamma-
tion in certain inflammatory rheumatic diseases, can be
decreased. However, there may also be an increase in
joint stiffness secondary to the effect of cold, which
increases tissue viscosity and decreases tissue elasticity.
When tissue viscosity is increased and elasticity is
decreased, the resistance to motion increases.
KEY POINT! Performing muscle-strength assessment
after different durations of cold may lead to inaccu-
rate findings: After a cold application of less than
5 minutes, a muscle may produce more force than
when in its noncooled state,32 while a longer cold
application may reduce a muscle’s ability to generate
force compared to its noncooled state.33

Hemodynamic Effects
When cold is applied, the immediate response is vaso-
Fig 2•4 Vapocoolant spray. Gebauer’s Spray and Stretch.
constriction of the cutaneous blood vessels and reduction
(Courtesy Gebauer Company, Cleveland, OH.) in blood flow. The amount of blood flow to an area is
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Cold Therapy 27

inversely proportional to the resistance factors that from a resting value of 16 mL/100 mL per minute
impede flow. Vessel diameter is the most significant down to 2 mL/100 mL per minute (Fig. 2-6).37
factor relating to blood flow. Any influence that causes As cooled blood returns to the general circulation, it
vascular smooth muscle to contract will reduce vessel stimulates the heat conservation area in the preoptic
diameter (vasoconstriction). Conversely, when smooth region of the anterior hypothalamus. Stimulation of
muscle tone decreases, as happens with heating, vessel this area will result in further reflex cutaneous vasocon-
diameter increases (vasodilation). striction. If a large area of the body is cooled, shivering
Exposure to cold for a short time (15 minutes or will occur as a heat-retaining mechanism.
less) generally results in vasoconstriction of arterioles Decreases in joint blood flow have also been demon-
and venules. The mechanism of action causing vaso- strated following cold application.39 Ice packs at 0°C
constriction involves a number of factors, including (32°F) applied to knee joints of dogs for 10 minutes
the direct action of cold on smooth muscle,34 a resulted in a 56% average decrease in resting intra-
reduction in vasodilating neurotransmitters,35 and a articular blood flow. The flow returned to precooled val-
reflex cutaneous vasoconstriction. The viscosity of ues approximately 25 minutes after the cold was removed.
blood determines, in part, resistance to blood flow. If When tissue temperatures are reduced below 10°C
viscosity increases, so does resistance to blood flow. (50°F) for a period of time, a cold-induced vasodilation
The increase in blood viscosity resulting from cold may follow the initial period of vasoconstriction. This
exposure contributes to the decrease in blood flow. was first discovered in 1930, when Lewis40 found that
Figure 2-5 summarizes the effects of cold on micro- when fingers were immersed in an ice bath, skin temper-
circulation. ature decreased dramatically during the first 15 minutes,
Blood flow to the skin is primarily under neural con- then cyclically increased (due to vasodilation) and
trol and plays an important role in thermoregulation. decreased (due to vasoconstriction). When skin tem-
Vasoconstriction of cutaneous vessels occurs as part of perature fell below 10°C, a neurotransmitter—termed
the heat-retention mechanisms of the body.36 When “substance H,” which is similar in action to
skin temperature is lowered, cold thermal sensors (free histamine—was hypothesized to be released, resulting
nerve endings) in the skin are stimulated, causing a in arteriolar vasodilation. As warm blood came into the
reflex excitation of sympathetic adrenergic fibers. area and elevated skin temperature above 10°C, the ice
Increased activity of these fibers causes vasoconstric- bath was again effective in causing a vasoconstriction.
tion. This reflex vasoconstriction can also result in a This response occurs predominantly in apical areas
generalized cutaneous vasoconstriction that, to a lesser
extent, may also occur in the contralateral extremi-
ty.37,38 The decrease in cutaneous blood flow is greatest Contralateral hand
immersed in 35°C bath
in the area that is directly cooled. For example, cuta- 15
Hand blood flow (ml/100 ml/min)

neous blood flow in a hand cooled in ice water changed

Histamine & Hand immersed
bradykinin in ice water
( vasodilation)
Smooth Vasoconstriction Blood flow
muscle tone
Dorsal root
stimulation 5 10 15
Time in minutes
viscosity Fig 2•6 Blood flow to the hands following ice water
immersion of one hand. (Adapted from Folkow B, et al. Studies on the reaction
Fig 2•5 Effects of cold stimulus on local blood flow. of the cutaneous vessels to cold exposure. Acta Physiol Scand. 1963;58:342.)
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28 Modalities

where arteriovenous (AV) anastomoses are located in 100

% warm water immersion peak

the skin.40,41
Recently, the occurrence of cold-induced vasodila- 80

Nail bed conductance

tion has been both reproduced and challenged.
Immersion of the middle finger for 30 minutes in
water at 4°C (39°F) produced a rapid drop in finger
pad and nail bed blood flow and temperature, fol-
lowed by an increase in both measures (that remained
well below pre-immersion values) and then a cycling
of small increases and decreases (Fig. 2-7).42 The 0
response appears to be stronger in the fingers than in A
⫺10 0 10 20 30
the toes for cold water immersion43 and does not Minutes
acclimate with repeated cold immersions.44 One of 42
the conclusions from Lewis’s original work was that 41

Nail bed temperature °C

cold-induced vasodilation resulted in an increase in
temperature, at times up to a sixfold increase, which
led clinicians to use cold as a means to increase blood
flow. This theory has since been discounted, however,
as the sixfold increase was measured from the lowest 6

immersion skin temperature of 2°C to the highest of 4

12°C (35.6°F to 53.6°F), while the preimmersion skin 2
temperature was 31°C (88°F).45 Therefore, while rela-
tively small oscillations in blood flow and temperature ⫺10 0 10 20 30
do seem to occur in response to immersion in water Minutes
less than 10°C (50°F), the overriding clinical effect is Fig 2•7 The effects of cold-induced vasodilation on (top)
blood flow and (bottom) temperature of the nail bed dur-
a dramatic reduction in both of these values during ing 30 minutes of immersion in 4°C (30°F) water. Blood
the time of immersion. flow was measured as a percent of maximal blood flow
during warm-water immersion. Note the fluctuations
Posttraumatic Edema and Inflammation (vasodilation and vasoconstriction) in blood flow and tem-
perature that never approach preimmersion values. (Adapted
For the first 24 to 48 hours following injury, cold is with permission from O’Brien C. Reproducibility of the cold-induced vasodilation response.
J Appl Physiol. 2005;98:1334.)
usually the modality of choice for the following reasons:
1. Fluid filtration into the interstitial tissue may be
In most experiments using animal models, trauma
reduced with cold, owing to vasoconstriction
was induced through some type of crushing force,
and prevention of dramatic increases in
resulting in soft-tissue damage or fracture. Cold was
microvascular permeability.46
then applied for varying lengths of time. A summary of
2. Inflammation and pain may be reduced.
findings from studies that measured postinjury edema
3. Local metabolism is decreased, leading to a
formation following the use of cold can be found in
reduction in cellular energy demands and, thus,
Table 2-4.47–49 Figures 2-8 and 2-9 provide the reader
a decrease in secondary hypoxic tissue injury.45
with a graphic representation of some of these findings.
The choice of cold has largely been based on empir- These studies have generally shown a decrease or mini-
ical evidence. The duration and temperature of the cold mization of swelling if less-intense cold was used or if
exposure can have significant effects on tissue swelling. intense cold was applied for several hours or less.
Some laboratory animal studies are discussed in this Prolonged intense cold may result in increased edema
section; clinical reports will be presented subsequently formation.47,49–51 The increase in edema is likely due
under “Clinical Indications for Cold Therapy.” to reperfusion of superficial vessels damaged by
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Cold Therapy 29

Table 2•4 Results of Selected Studies Using Varying Degrees of Postinjury Cold
Type of Cold Length of Temperature/ Clinical
Author Injury Type Application Intervention Other Variables Results Relevance
Matsen et al47 Tibial fracture Cold water bags 24 hours cold 5°C–15°C ↑ edema vs. Exposure to intense
(rabbits) (41°F–59°F) controls cold for a pro-
24 hours cold 20°C–25°C No difference from longed period of
controls time immediately
(68°F–77°F) postinjury may
6 hours cold 10°C No difference from result in greater
(50°F) controls edema formation
24 hours Room temperature — compared with no
water (controls) cold, cold for a
shorter period of
time, or less-
intense cold.
Dolan et al48 Fractured limb Cold water immer- 3 hours cold 12.8°C ↓ edema vs. Application of cold
(Fig. 2-8) (rats) sion (with or without (55°F) controls immediately postin-
high-volt electrical 3 hours electrical ↓ edema vs. jury can reduce
stimulation) stimulation controls swelling compared
to no treatment.
1 hour cold, then 12.8°C ↓ edema vs.
2 hours electrical (55°F) controls
No treatment —
McMaster & Fractured limb Cold water 1 hour 30°C 5% ↑ edema Postinjury applica-
Liddle49 (rabbits) immersion (86°F) tion of intense cold,
(Fig. 2-9) 1 hour 20°C 12% ↑ edema as well as cycling of
cold, may lead to
(68°F) greater edema
1 hour in/1 hour 30°C 11% ↑ edema formation.
out/1 hour in (86°F)
1 hour in/1 hour 20°C 14% ↑ edema
out/1 hour in (68°F)

Change in limb volume (mL/kg)

% Increase in swelling

0.7 10
0.5 5
0.3 0
1 2 4 6 24
0.1 –5
0.0 Time in hours post-crush injury










20°C 20°C cycle


30°C 30°C cycle


Time (minutes)

Cold immersion Untreated Fig 2•9 The effects of cold immersion on postcrush
Fig 2•8 Changes in volume following trauma in treated injury swelling in rabbits. Cycling consisted of 1-hour
(immersion in 12.8°C [55°F]) versus untreated limbs. immersion/1 hour no immersion/1 hour immersion.
(Adapted with permission from Dolan MG, et al. Effects of cool-water immersion and high- Dashed lines indicate areas of missing data points. (Adapted
voltage electric stimulation for 3 continuous hours on acute edema in rats. J Athl Train. from McMaster WC, Liddle S. Cryotherapy influence on post-traumatic limb edema. Clin
2003;38:327.) Orthop Rel Res. 1980;150:283.)
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30 Modalities

cold-induced ischemia, which has also been shown to The combined results of these two studies35,53 sug-
occur in noninjured tissues.52 gest that immediate cooling of injured tissue can reduce
While the presence of edema is of concern in reha- secondary tissue damage by decreasing capillary dys-
bilitation, it is also important to consider how cryother- function, decreasing venule diameter, and reducing the
apy can affect changes in inflammatory exudates. Farry accumulation of leukocytes. The reduction of intra-
and Prentice52 used cold to treat experimentally muscular pressure may also reduce the risk for compart-
induced radiocarpal ligament sprains in pigs. Crushed ment syndrome.
ice packs were applied for 20 minutes, followed by a
Cold reduces the overall metabolism and
1-hour rest period, followed by another 20 minutes of
oxygen demand of living tissues. When an adult tooth
cold—a protocol similar to typical postinjury methods
is knocked loose or if an extremity is accidentally
used by laypersons. Although the cold produced an
amputated, emergency instructions include placing
increase in subcutaneous swelling, there was histologi-
the tooth or lost body part in a container with ice
cal evidence of decreased inflammation. Only one of
(however, the ice cannot touch the vascular tissues).
the 20 treated limbs had signs of a pronounced inflam-
Cooling allows for longer survival of these tissues
matory response (i.e., numerous polymorphonuclear
while they are separated from their natural blood
leukocytes, such as polymorphs, plasma cells, lympho-
supply because of the decrease in metabolism and
cytes, and fibrinous exudate). All others had either no
oxygen requirements.
inflammatory cells or minimal to moderate amounts of
polymorphs and lymphocytes. In summary, although postinjury cold application
Alterations in microcirculation in response to has not been shown to eliminate edema formation,
cryotherapy were studied by Schaser and associates.35 moderate cooling for several hours or less may limit the
Continuous cooling at 10°C (50°F) for 6 hours was extent of postinjury swelling. Intense cold, cycled cold,
compared to no cooling immediately following a closed or cold applied for long periods of time may lead to
soft tissue injury to rats. Measurements taken 24 hours greater edema formation. However, the positive factors
postinjury showed that the rats who received the cold of immediate cold application—including a lowered
treatment demonstrated increased capillary density; oxygen demand and metabolism,45,54 reduced leuko-
narrowed venules with a corresponding increase in ery- cyte and macrophage adherence, and decreased intra-
throcyte velocity; a reduction in adhering leukocytes, muscular pressure—outweigh the negative presence of
macrophages, and neutrophilic granulocytes; and a increased edema, especially considering that edema can
decrease in intramuscular pressure compared to the be better managed with the addition of compression
control group. Constant cooling for prolonged periods and elevation.
of time, as performed in this study, mimics the use of
continuous cooling units that are becoming more Peripheral Nerve Effects
prevalent in hospital and clinical settings. Cold can alter the conduction velocity and synaptic
Similar results were found by Lee and colleagues53 activity of peripheral nerves (Box 2-3). If the temperature
when the effects of 10 minutes of intense cooling (3°C; of a nerve is decreased, there will be a corresponding
37.4°F), moderate cooling (27°C; 80.6°F), and room- decrease in sensory and motor conduction velocities, or
temperature control (37°C; 98.6°F) on microcirculato- even a failure of the nerve to conduct impulses. Synaptic
ry factors were studied in rats immediately following a transmissions can also be impeded or blocked. These
crush injury. Both the intense and moderate cooling
produced a reduction in venule diameter and in leuko-
cyte adhesions, with the intense cooling producing the Box 2•3 Effects of Cold on Peripheral
more dramatic responses. The intense cooling group Nerves
showed a significant reduction in erythrocyte velocity • Increases threshold for depolarization
• Slows nerve conduction velocity
whereas the moderate cooling group showed a signifi-
• Extreme cold can block nerve conduction
cant increase in erythrocyte velocity.
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Cold Therapy 31

factors, in turn, can raise pain tolerance and pain thresh- at 10°C significantly differed from 15°C (Fig. 2-10,
old. The quantity of the change elicited depends on the bottom). Results of this study indicate that application
duration and the degree of the temperature alteration. of cold to temperatures between 15°C and 10°C is
Isolated cat nerves of various diameters and degrees effective in slowing motor nerve conduction as well as
of myelination were found to have different thresholds increasing the sensory stimulus needed to perceive pain.
or sensitivities to cold stimuli.55 In the saphenous nerve
Although the effects of decreased or blocked
(afferent), reductions in nerve conduction velocity were
nerve conduction velocity in sensory (afferent) nerves
observed first in small-diameter myelinated fibers. The
is desired for assistance with pain reduction, sensory
fibers least sensitive to cold were small-diameter
nerves cannot selectively be cooled, and reduced
unmyelinated fibers. Cooling to 12°C (53.6°F) blocked
motor ability should be considered if your patient will
conduction in A fibers, while considerably lower tem-
engage in activity after the application of cold.
peratures were required to block C-fiber conduction.
Further examination showed that conduction in smaller- Cryotherapy has resulted in cases of neurapraxia and
diameter A fibers (A-delta fibers) was affected first, case of axonotmesis in young athletes.58 In each case,
while conduction in nerves with the largest diameter ice packs were applied either over a major nerve branch
(A-alpha fibers) was affected last. When the motor that was superficially located (i.e., over the peroneal
fibers of the sciatic nerve were isolated and cooled, con-
duction was eliminated in the gamma fibers before the
alpha fibers. Nerve conduction velocity (m/s)
Cold can also decrease nerve conduction velocity in
humans. When ice packs were applied over the ulnar
nerve for 5 minutes, motor conduction velocity 25

decreased by 6% followed by a return to precooling 20

conduction within 15 minutes after ice removal.56 In a 15
similar study, ice packs were applied over the ulnar 10
nerve for a longer period of time (20 minutes) with a 5
resulting 29.4% decrease in motor conduction velocity. 0
Thirty minutes after the ice packs were removed, the Pre- 15°C 10°C 15°C
conduction velocity was still 8.3% lower than pre- A
Exp Con
cooled values.57 These studies indicate that longer
applications of cold can progressively decrease motor
nerve conduction velocity, and the longer the cold is
Kilograms of force

applied, the longer it takes the nerve to return to pre-
cooled conduction velocity.
Ice pack application to the tibial nerve also resulted 6

in decreased motor conduction velocity. Algafly and 4

colleagues19 cooled the tibial nerve of healthy subjects 2

to 15°C (59°F) and then to 10°C (50°F) before rewarm- 0
Pre- 15°C 10°C 15°C
ing back to 15°C. There were significant decreases in immersion
conduction velocities at both temperatures compared to Exp-PTH Con-PTH
the contralateral tibial nerve, which served as a control. Exp-PTO Con-PTO
Fig 2•10 Changes in (top) nerve conduction velocity and
At 15°C, motor conduction velocity had decreased by
(bottom) pain threshold (PTH) and pain tolerance (PTO) at
17%, and at 10°C the decrease was 33% (Fig. 2-10, skin temperatures of 15°C (59°F) and 10°C (50°F) com-
top). Pain tolerance and pain threshold were also meas- pared to controls with no cooling. Exp = Experimental;
Con = Control. (Adapted with permission from Algafly AA, George KP. The effect of
ured in this study. Both significantly increased at 15°C cryotherapy on nerve conduction velocity, pain threshold and pain tolerance. Br J Sports Med.
and 10°C compared to the control site. Again, findings 2007;41:366.)
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32 Modalities

nerve at the lateral border of the knee) or around the

thigh for up to 2 hours (in the case of axonotmesis). On
two occasions, 1 hour of cryotherapy around the knee
of a patient following a hamstring strain was reported
to cause axonotmesis of the peroneal nerve.59

Plantarflexion strength in kilograms

Intramuscular temperature in °C
Muscle Performance Effects
Thermal agents can affect the ability of a muscle to gen-
erate tension. The effects of cold applied prior to muscle
contraction or functional activities, and cold applied after
muscle fatigue, have been examined and are discussed in
this section.
Isometric force generation of the quadriceps was
measured before and after 5 minutes of ice massage to
the entire anterior thigh of healthy subjects.32 After
icing, the subjects demonstrated a 2 kg (4.4 lb) increase
in isometric force generation compared to precooling
values. Because muscle temperature was not expected to
be lowered with such a short period of ice massage over
the large muscle mass, the increase in force generation
may have resulted from increased quadriceps blood Time in hours post-immersion
flow via sympathetic nerve activity changes, as well as Fig 2•11 Plantarflexion strength and intramuscular tem-
heightened psychological motivation to perform better perature measurements postcold immersion at 10°C
(50°F). (Adapted from Oliver RA, et al. Isometric muscle contraction response during
posttest. Another explanation for the observed increase recovery from reduced intramuscular temperature. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1979;60:126.)
could have been the effect of short-duration cold on
motor nerve excitability.60 Facilitation of a single motor
unit was seen after 1 to 2 minutes of icing over the effect on subjects’ shuttle run time, vertical jump dis-
biceps brachii muscle of healthy human subjects.61 tance, or a co-contraction test that involved a timed,
When the duration of cold exposure is lengthened, resisted lateral stepping activity. The 10-minute cooling,
muscle temperature will decrease. Following cold however, resulted in decreased vertical jump distance and
immersion of healthy legs for 30 minutes at 10°C to slower shuttle run and co-contraction test times. These
12°C (50°F to 53.6°F), Oliver and associates33 found changes were also seen 20 minutes postcooling.
that muscle temperature and plantarflexion strength A similar study was conducted by Patterson and
decreased. This decrease could have been the result of associates,63 who immersed both lower legs of male and
reduced muscle blood flow at these lowered tempera- female subjects for 20 minutes in a 10°C (50°F) cold
tures or the result of an increase in the viscous proper- whirlpool. Pre- and posttesting consisted of a vertical
ties of the muscle. At 45 minutes postimmersion, plan- jump, a 40-yard dash, and an agility test. Posttesting
tarflexion strength began to increase over pretreatment occurred at 5-minute intervals, beginning 2 minutes
values and continued to do so for the next 3 hours after cooling and ending 32 minutes after cooling.
(Fig. 2-11). Vertical jump height was significantly decreased at all
While findings from these studies may be helpful in posttesting intervals, and the 40-yard dash and agility
understanding the effects of cold on muscle force gen- test times were both significantly slower for at least sev-
eration, the ability of individuals to perform functional eral posttest intervals. No measure returned to precool-
activities following cold application is more clinically ing levels by the end of the 32-minute posttest period.
relevant. Fischer and colleagues62 applied ice bags for The results of these studies are clinically important, in
3 minutes and 10 minutes to the hamstrings of that some form of cold is often applied prior to exercise to
subjects’ dominant leg. The 3-minute cooling had no reduce pain. Because muscle performance is negatively
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Cold Therapy 33

affected with cooling for 10 minutes or longer, caution healthy volunteers, so it is not known if individuals
should be taken if strenuous exercise or athletic activities with acute or chronic ankle instability would demon-
are to be performed following muscular cooling. strate similar results.
The type of cold used in the previous studies varied,
KEY POINT!Because cold can alter muscle force gener-
so it is difficult to compare findings. When ice bags or
ation, strength assessments on patients during initial
cold packs are used, cooling is relatively local and
and follow-up examinations should either be per-
structures that are not cooled likely remain unaffected.
formed prior to or several hours after a cold modality
In addition, as will be discussed in a later section in
has been used.
this chapter, the degree to which ice bags and cold gel
Cryotherapy may affect proprioception by altering packs reduce tissue temperature differs. When limbs
the somatosensory input necessary for reflex integration are immersed in cold water, more tissues are affected,
of neuromuscular control. Therefore, the ability to safe- which may lead to more widespread changes in nerve
ly and efficiently perform functional activities can be conduction, force production, and joint position
hindered by lack of joint position sense. Wassinger and sense. Some studies suggest that proprioception is
colleagues64 measured active joint position replica- reduced immediately following application of cold;
tion, path of joint motion replication, and throwing therefore, patients should be educated to use caution
accuracy before and after a 20-minute ice bag applica- when ambulating or exercising immediately following
tion to subjects’ dominant shoulders. While active joint cold application to the lower extremities. This is par-
position replication was not affected following the cold ticularly important when treating a patient who may
application, which supported findings of previous have an underlying balance deficit.
studies,65,66 both the path of joint replication and
throwing accuracy were significantly decreased. KEY POINT!Any examination or intervention that chal-
In another study, medial-lateral postural sway lenges balance, proprioception, accuracy, or agility
increased significantly following 20 minutes of ice- should be avoided for a period of time following the
water immersion (4°C; 39°F) of recently sprained application of a cold modality due to the reduction in
ankles.67 Medial-lateral sway was greater in involved somatosensory input that these tasks require.
versus uninvolved legs prior to immersion, and this dif-
ference increased following immersion. In the affected Neuromuscular Effects
leg, significant pre- to postimmersion differences were Conditions that result from central nervous system dys-
found immediately after immersion and continued to function, such as multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and
be significantly different up to 20 minutes after the cerebrovascular accident, typically limit a person’s abil-
ankle was removed from the cold. Surenkok and associ- ity to perform functional activities due to the presence
ates68 found similar results when measuring balance of spasticity, muscle weakness, and inefficient move-
after a 30-minute cold gel pack application to the knee. ment patterns that lead to early fatigue. Spasticity often
Single-leg balance was significantly decreased immedi- limits a person’s ability to carry out purposeful move-
ately following removal of the gel pack. However, ments at the variable speeds required to perform activi-
5 minutes after the cold was removed, balance returned ties of daily living. Spasticity is associated with an
to and then surpassed normal levels. increased resistance to passive stretch, increased deep-
Although the aforementioned studies indicate that tendon reflexes, and clonus. Many therapeutic inter-
proprioception may be hindered for short periods of ventions are used to reduce spasticity, including posi-
time following cryotherapy, Berg and colleagues69 tioning, modalities, and pharmacological interventions.
found that application of an ice pack to the lateral ankle In some patients with spasticity, cold application can
for 20 minutes did not alter peroneal reaction time temporarily decrease the amplitude of deep-tendon
when a sudden inversion force was introduced. reflexes (DTR)70 and the frequency of clonus,71–73
Peroneal reaction time and peroneal muscle activity did which may improve the patient’s ability to participate in
not differ between cold and control sessions at 0, 15, therapy programs. Cold facilitates alpha-motoneuron
and 30 minutes postcold application. This study used activity and decreases gamma-motoneuron firing. In
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34 Modalities

order for spasticity to be reduced, the reduction in Grahn and colleagues82 studied the effects of cooling
gamma activity should be proportionally greater than one hand on exercise tolerance in 12 individuals with
the increase in alpha activity. Spasticity reduction with heat-sensitive multiple sclerosis. When one hand was
cold may occur through at least two mechanisms: cooled with a heat-extraction device, described as a
curved metal device maintained at 18°C to 22°C
1. A reflex decrease in gamma-motoneuron activity
(64.4°F to 71.6°F) on which the subjects rested
through stimulation of cutaneous afferents71
one hand, treadmill walking tolerance increased from
2. A decrease in afferent spindle discharge by direct
33 minutes to 44 minutes.
cooling of the muscle72,73
These studies indicate that local or regional cooling
Although the mechanisms responsible for the may be beneficial to individuals with certain neurolog-
changes seen have not been fully elucidated, animal and ical conditions. The presence of spasticity, which can
human studies have been designed to clarify and pro- impede normal movement patterns, may be temporari-
vide a rationale for these observed responses. Some ear- ly reduced, and this may encourage increased use of the
lier studies are referenced for the interested reader but affected limb during functional activities. Also, if cool-
will not be elaborated on in this chapter.70,72–77 ing can improve endurance, strength, and walking effi-
Knutsson78 found that all patients with spasticity ciency, individuals may be encouraged to increase over-
who were treated with 15 to 20 minutes of cold all activity and may feel more confident participating in
demonstrated a decrease in the frequency, duration, recreational and social activities. However, it should be
and threshold of clonus. Two-thirds also demonstrated noted that many individuals with spasticity report a
a decrease in resistance to passive motion and an worsening of symptoms when they become cold!
increase in active ROM. A short-duration application Therefore, the use of cold is not appropriate for all indi-
has also shown effectiveness in reducing spasticity of viduals with a neurological condition.
the masseter muscle in patients with cerebral palsy.79
Significant increases in interincisal distance were found Clinical Indications for Cold
following a 1-minute icing procedure, which indirectly Therapy
implies muscle relaxation.
Cooling vests have been studied for patients who may Most clinicians will agree that in the acute phase (24 to
benefit from cooling on a more global level. One study 48 hours) following trauma, cold should be the modality
examined the effects of a cooling garment on timed walk- of choice and should be administered as soon as possible
ing tests, spasticity, balance, and dexterity in individuals following injury. Even though cold may be uncomfort-
with multiple sclerosis.80 Subjects who wore a cooled vest able for the patient during the first few minutes, pain will
(stored in a freezer at ⫺20°C/ ⫺4°F) for 45 minutes prior ultimately be reduced, and edema, inflammation, and
to performing the tests showed significant improvements muscle spasm will most likely be lessened (Box 2-4).
in the timed walking tests and in several balance measures Beyond the acute phase of injury, heat may be the
compared to those who wore a room-temperature vest. agent of choice for intervention. But in many cases,
Subjectively, wearing the cooled vest led to less fatigue, cold has been a successful part of a therapeutic regimen
spasticity, weakness, and balance and gait difficulties, and to facilitate muscle contractions, reduce joint pain
these improvements were reported to last 2 to 8 hours caused by arthritis, and lessen muscle spasm.
after the vest was removed. In a similar study,81 individu-
als with myasthenia gravis demonstrated improvements
in muscle strength, respiratory measures, and fatigue after
wearing a cooling vest. Box 2•4 Primary Goals With Use
of Cold Therapy
If additional studies are able to demon-
• Limit edema formation
strate consistent benefits from cooling vests for man- • Reduce pain
aging spasticity, these devices may become just as • Facilitate muscle relaxation
• Limit secondary hypoxic tissue injury
common and available as ice packs or cold packs.
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Cold Therapy 35

Acute Musculoskeletal Trauma times per day at 7°C to 10°C (40°F to 50°F) or ice
packs for 15 to 20 minutes, plus elastic bandaging, ini-
The most common applications of cryotherapy are for
tiated early after injury; or (3) cold treatment initiated
acute musculoskeletal trauma or postsurgical swelling
36 hours after injury. Treatment was continued for a
and pain. One of the earliest clinical reports supporting
minimum of 3 days among all patients. The patients
cold therapy for edema control and pain management
treated with early cold (within the first 36 hours)
appeared in 1946.83 A comparison was made between
returned to full activity (running and jumping without
two groups of patients who had undergone a variety of
pain) an average of 8 days before those treated with heat
orthopedic surgical procedures. One group (n = 479)
or delayed cold. Therefore, the time at which cryother-
had no cooling, while the other (n = 345) had ice bags
apy is initiated following trauma can be expected to
over their soft casts for a 48-hour period, replaced every
influence the time course for functional outcome.
4 hours. The group treated with ice packs required
fewer swelling-related splitting of casts (5.31%) com-
pared with the non-iced group (41.3%). The ice-treated Compression and Elevation
group also had less inflammation, as evidenced by a Cold (ice) is most often used in conjunction with rest,
lower white blood cell count and fewer fevers over compression, and elevation in managing acute trauma,
38.3°C (101°F). No subject in the iced group had represented by the acronym RICE: rest, ice, compression,
apparent hematomas or hemarthrosis, compared with and elevation. Several acronyms have been developed
16 of those in the group receiving no ice. Also, fewer since the original RICE, including PRICE (P = “protec-
narcotics were taken by those who were treated with tion”; Table 2-5)87 and RICES (S = “stabilization”).45
ice, indicating that their pain was less. Reduction of These added components have the common theme of
analgesic intake following cold application also has preventing further injury by avoiding harmful activity or
been reported by others.84,85 undue stresses and by using braces, wraps, or casts for sup-
Although intuition might lead us to believe that cold port. Regardless of the acronym used, the goals of cold
rather than heat during the early phases postinjury therapy are to reduce swelling and inflammation, prevent
would lead to a faster recovery, this comparison was not further injury, and return to functional activities as soon
reported until 1982 by Hocutt and associates.86 as possible.
Patients with severe ankle sprain were placed in one of In many circumstances, edema may be lessened with
three groups: (1) superficial heating one to three times immediate application of cold, but results are inconsis-
per day for 15 minutes, plus elastic bandaging, initiat- tent when cold is intense or applied for long durations.
ed early after injury; (2) cold whirlpool one to three In addition, the use of cold does not appear to be

Table 2•5 PRICE (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation and Stabilization)
Intervention Technique Rationale
Protection • Avoid activity that may cause additional harm • Prevention of further injury or harmful stresses on inflamed
• Splints or braces for immobilization or relative immobilization tissues
• Avoid unwanted motion of injured area
Rest • Immobilization, limited weight bearing • Limit irritation of inflamed tissues
• Limited-range active motion • Provides opportunity to ice, compress, and elevate
Ice • Ice packs • Reduce bleeding
• Ice baths • Control pain
• Controlled-cold devices • Reduce microvascular permeability
• Reduce metabolism to limit secondary hypoxic injury
• Limit edema
Compression • Light compressive bandages • Limit edema
• Cold compression devices • Maintain gains in edema reduction
Elevation • Extremity positioned above heart level • Reduce hydrostatic pressure to limit edema formation
Stabilization • Use of splints, braces, wraps, or casts • Provide support to allow surrounding musculature to relax
• Prevent unwanted or unexpected motion
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36 Modalities

effective in reducing edema once it has already formed, commercially available cuff, consisting of an inflatable
so it is imperative to apply cold as soon as possible fol- bladder filled with ice water, was used for one group of
lowing injury.45 None of the animal studies reported subjects; the control group was treated with elastic
earlier incorporated the use of compression or eleva- bandage wraps and ice packs. Knee ROM, swelling,
tion. Compression can help prevent and reduce edema narcotic requirements, and wound drainage were meas-
by increasing external pressure on tissues, which limits ured. There were no significant differences between
fluid loss from vessels. In addition, compression the groups for any of the variables. Both studies90,91
increases the rate and degree of cooling compared to advocated the use of cold-compressive dressings for the
cold without compression88,89 (Fig. 2-12). Elevation postoperative treatment of TKA, but the type of cold-
takes advantage of gravitational forces and decreases compressive dressing did not appear to make any signif-
hydrostatic pressure of capillaries. When this pressure is icant difference.
reduced, less fluid is forced out of vessels, limiting Adding compression to cold therapy can also improve
edema formation. microcirculation and tissue oxygenation.54 When a series
Two groups of researchers investigated cold and of three 10-minute sessions of cryotherapy plus compres-
compression for the postoperative management of sion at the ankle was compared to the same protocol with
patients following total knee arthroplasty (TKA).90,91 cryotherapy alone, superficial and deep capillary blood
Levy and Marmar91 measured pain relief, swelling, flow was greater in the combined group during the
blood loss, and ROM in 80 patients who underwent recovery phases (between the 10-minute applications).
unilateral or bilateral TKA. The patients received either Tendon oxygenation was also greater in the combined
compression alone or combined cold and compression, group during the recovery phases. Postcapillary venous
provided by a commercially manufactured inflatable filling pressures were decreased in both groups during the
cuff filled with ice water. Those patients who received treatment and the recovery phases.
cold plus compression had less pain, less swelling, and
KEY POINT! Although prolonged elevation of an extrem-
a lesser degree of blood loss, while demonstrating a
ity is difficult to achieve while maintaining function,
greater increase in ROM.
continual compression can often be provided in the
Healy and associates90 compared types of cold com-
form of braces, wraps, or cold-compression devices.
pressive dressings applied to 105 knees after TKA. A
This can help to counteract the increases in hydro-
static pressures and reduced venous return that
occur when an extremity is in the dependent position.

35 The duration of cold and the extent of the resultant

temperature drop are important factors to consider
regarding effects on soft tissues. To lessen risk of ther-
Degrees Celsius

25 mal damage or an increase in limb volume during acute

20 or postoperative phases from excessive cold exposure,
the nature of the cold treatment must be taken into
consideration. Less intense cold applied for durations of
10 20 to 30 minutes several times a day, in conjunction
5 with elevation and compression, appears to be a logical
Skin surface Fat ⫹ 1 cm Fat ⫹ 2 cm
Pre-application Control Compression
Cold Application Over Casts and Bandages
Ice Ice ⫹ Compression The presence of casts or bandages should not preclude
Fig 2•12 Temperature reductions at various depths with the use of cold for edema or pain control, although the
ice alone, compression alone, ice plus compression, and
no treatment. (Adapted with permission from Merrick MA, et al. The effects of ice and time to reach a minimum skin temperature is longer
compression wraps on intramuscular temperature at various depths. J Athl Train. 1993;28:241.) than when applied directly to the skin. Okcu and
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Cold Therapy 37

Yercan92 compared skin surface temperatures under

two types of bandages and two types of casts in both Table 2•6 Cooling Under Casts
and Bandages
injured (acute Grade III inversion ankle sprain) and
uninjured individuals. Ice bags were applied over the Thin adhesive dressings
Better Cooling
Plaster casts
casts or bandages. In all cases, skin surface tempera-
Fiberglass casts
ture increased slightly immediately following applica- Standard elastic bandages
tion of the dressing or cast, but then dropped Robert Jones dressing (layered padding* and Poorer
elastic bandages) Cooling
7.3°C to 16.2°C (13°F to 29°F) below baseline. In
both the injured and uninjured groups, the greatest *Typically a blend of cotton, crepe, rayon, or wool

temperature changes were reached with cooling over

a plaster cast (average change 15°C; 27°F), and the
smallest change was seen with the use of a Robert return to function. However, few studies have looked at
Jones bandage (alternating layers of cotton padding the effects of cryotherapy in conjunction with exercise
and gauze); the average change was 7.4°C (13.3°F). or in relation to resumption of functional activities.
The time to reach the minimum recorded tempera- Two systematic reviews point to the need for well-
ture was also shortest with the plaster cast (average controlled studies in these areas.95,96
29 minutes) and longest with the Robert Jones bandage
(average 47 minutes). Pain and Muscle Spasm
In a study by Ibrahim and colleagues,93 the type of As sequela to trauma, muscle spasm and pain often
dressing was also shown to affect cooling. Cold was limit mobility and function. Many therapeutic tech-
applied to the knees of healthy volunteers with a con- niques, including thermal agents, electrical stimulation,
tinuous cooling unit over no dressing, over a thin adhe- and manual therapy, are used with the common goals of
sive dressing (Tegaderm), and over a dressing of wool reducing pain and muscle spasm, thus facilitating a
and crepe. The authors found that the wool and crepe more expedient recovery to normal function. In addi-
dressing prevented the skin from reaching an effective tion, many of these interventions may be used in lieu of
cooling temperature of less than 20°C (68°F), whereas pain medication. Patients can be easily instructed in the
the skin temperatures with Tegaderm and no dressing use of cold packs or ice massage at home for control of
both reached a temperature of 13°C (55.4°F). Similar pain and muscle spasm.
results were found by Shibuya and associates,23 where Cooling the skin can elevate an individual’s pain
effective cooling was achieved with a continuous cool- threshold19,97 and reduce pain.98 One theory for this
ing unit placed over standard postsurgical dressings process is that cold acts as a counterirritant,99 and
with and without one layer of Robert Jones bandaging; stimulation of thermal receptors in the skin (A-delta
effective cooling was not achieved when two layers of nerve fibers) may override pain signals from C fibers.
the bandaging were used. Table 2-6 demonstrates the Another theory involves a decrease in afferent input
progression of most to least effective cooling over vari- via reduced nerve conduction velocity.19 Following
ous dressing and casting materials based on several acute injury or inflammation, severe pain can limit
studies.23,92–94 motion and ultimately lead to joint stiffness in the
absence of intervention. Therapeutic interventions
While studies have shown that cooling can
are aimed at reducing pain and inflammation and
occur when cold is applied over casts, it should be
maintaining or increasing ROM.
noted that it takes longer to achieve the same tem-
Cryokinetics (cold plus exercise) was a technique
perature under a fiberglass cast than it does under a
popularized in the 1960s by Hayden3 and Grant.2
plaster cast, and the presence of postsurgical dress-
Hayden wrote about a group of 1,000 military patients
ings may prevent adequate cooling.
who sustained sprains, strains, and contusions during
One of the underlying reasons for using cold after an training. Ice massage or ice-water immersion was used
acute musculoskeletal injury is to allow a more rapid to provide analgesia before ROM exercises. All but
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38 Modalities

three of the patients returned to active duty within stretch or PNF. Those who received cold had less meas-
2 days, and most required only one physical therapy ured EMG activity. Other studies have shown no sig-
treatment. In Grant’s study,2 of the 7,000 patients with nificant benefit for using cold, either with ice-water
musculoskeletal injury from an army school, 90% had immersion,103,104 ice massage,105 or contrast bath,106 to
no more than three formal treatments with ice massage. reduce DOMS.
Both Grant2 and Hayden3 cite that ice massage and
exercise have the additional advantage of allowing Myofascial Pain Syndrome
patients to be more easily instructed in self-treatment. Myofascial pain syndrome is defined as “the sensory,
The goal behind cryokinetics is that the patient be able motor, and autonomic symptoms caused by myofascial
to perform pain-free, graded, progressive exercise fol- trigger points.”27 There are often accompanying ROM
lowing a period of tissue cooling (via cold immersion, deficits in the area of the myofascial trigger point or
ice massage, or ice bags).45 However, exercise must not area of referred pain. A trigger point in muscle may
be performed to the extent that reinjury or increased result from muscular strain or postural imbalance and
inflammation occurs. may be associated with sensitized nerves, increased
Cold in combination with static stretch or hold-relax metabolism, and decreased circulation. Trigger points
techniques (“cryostretch”) has been recommended for also are thought to be present in skin, ligaments, and
reducing muscle spasm or decreasing exercise-induced fascia.
muscle soreness, thus increasing ROM. Cold is applied The pioneering work in trigger point localization
over the painful muscle using ice massage, ice packs, or and therapy was done by Janet Travell, MD.29
cold packs. Either during or immediately following the According to Travell, active points are associated with a
cold application, the stretch is performed with the idea decrease in ROM and moderate to severe pain that is
of returning the muscle to its normal resting length. relatively constant. Latent trigger points may also lead
Knight45 suggests that when cold is used in conjunction to restricted ROM, but pain is present only on palpa-
with stretching, the area first be cooled until numbness tion. Both active and latent trigger points can be locat-
is achieved, followed by cycles of passive stretch or ed by digital pressure. Trigger points can be treated
hold-relax technique (a proprioceptive neuromuscular using a variety of techniques, including spray and
facilitation [PNF] technique).100 This cycle of numbing stretch, ice sweeps, ice massage, sustained deep pres-
and stretching is then repeated several times following sure, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and low-power
periods of renumbing. laser.107,108 Common areas of trigger points are around
the cervical spine, shoulder girdle, lower back, and
Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness pelvis.107 Trauma, poor body mechanics, and faulty
Despite the positive effects of cold on pain and spasm, posture are likely contributing forces.
there is little research to support its use in reducing A recent literature review highlights the need for
delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Prentice101 well-controlled clinical studies regarding effective
induced muscle soreness in normal subjects through interventions for trigger points and myofascial pain
fatiguing concentric and eccentric contraction of the syndrome.108 It seems that the choice of treatment is
hamstrings. The following day, electromyographic largely based upon empiricism.109 Interestingly, in
(EMG) activity of the exercised muscle was increased spite of claims that vapocoolant spray and stretch
from the pre-exercise measurement. EMG activity was techniques are widely used,31 very few studies exist
measured as an indicator of muscle pain and spasm.102 supporting its benefit in treating myofascial trigger
Following 20 minutes of cold packs and either static points. A depiction of a spray and stretch treatment
stretch or PNF slow-reversal-hold stretch to the ham- for a trigger point in the upper trapezius is shown in
strings, EMG activity was reduced, suggesting a Figure 2-13A, and the spray and stretch technique is
decrease in muscle soreness and spasm. These tech- outlined in Case Study 2-4.
niques were compared with an untreated control group Ice massage has shown promise in reducing pain
and two groups that were given hot packs and static threshold sensitivity of trigger points.110 When
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Cold Therapy 39

levator scapula is shown in Figure 2-13B. Ice is

applied in a small area over the levator scapula trigger
point in circular motions for 5 to 7 minutes. The dura-
tion of the ice application should be sufficient to pro-
duce analgesia and allow for deep-pressure massage over
the trigger point and stretching of the neck muscles.
Clinical trials comparing this technique to others in the
management of trigger points would be beneficial.

Guidelines for Cryotherapy

Cold can be administered by a variety of methods.
Those discussed in this section include ice packs, flexi-
ble frozen gel packs, ice massage, cold baths or
whirlpools, vapocoolant sprays, and manual and
mechanical controlled-cold and cold-compression
units. The choice of which agent to use depends on
accessibility, body part to be treated, whether simulta-
neous compression and elevation are required, and size
of the area to be cooled. For example, the shoulder may
be most effectively cooled using a cold pack wrapped
around the joint (Fig. 2-14A), whereas the foot and
ankle may be best covered by a cold immersion bath
(Fig. 2-14B).
When considering cryotherapy, the practitioner
must be familiar with the patient’s medical status and
how long it has been since the injury occurred.
(Precautions for cryotherapy are discussed in a later sec-
tion.) Before initiating treatment, a small area of skin
should be tested for hypersensitivity.112 If hypersensi-
tivity is apparent, this should be documented and the
cold discontinued. Signs of hypersensitivity include
hives and wheals, the latter of which are raised, red,
sometimes irregularly shaped areas that often burn or
Fig 2•13 Options for myofascial trigger point treatment: itch and can remain for 24 to 48 hours following
(A) vapocoolant spray (and stretch) procedure for the exposure to cold (Fig. 2-15).
upper trapezius; (B) ice cup plus stretch procedure for
the levator scapula.
Following cryotherapy in any form, patients
should avoid stresses for an hour or two that could
potentially reinjure or aggravate the injury for which
compared to sham ultrasound, 15 minutes of ice mas- they were treated. The analgesia produced by the cold
sage produced a significant decrease in trigger point could mask exercise-induced pain, giving patients a
pressure threshold and overall pain levels. Ice massage false sense of security. Lowering of joint temperature
has also been shown to reduce pain pressure sensitivity can increase stiffness,113 thereby decreasing reaction
of trigger points when compared to a menthol-based time and velocity of motion.114 This, in combination
analgesic balm or placebo.111 A technique for using with analgesia, may predispose patients to further
ice massage and stretch for a trigger point in the injury.
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40 Modalities

When cold is applied to the skin, the area will

become red. This occurs for two reasons. First, oxygen
does not dissociate as freely from hemoglobin at low-
ered temperatures; therefore, the blood passing through
the venous system is highly oxygenated, giving a red
color to the skin. Second, after a 10- to 15-minute
period of cooling, or upon removal of the cold stimu-
lus, a reactive hyperemia may occur, bringing a greater
amount of blood to the area.
Patients should be instructed about what to expect
A with application of a cold modality. When cold is to be
applied for longer than several minutes, patients should
be informed that they may initially feel intense cold,
followed by a burning sensation, then aching, and finally
numbness. Streator and associates115 found that provid-
ing patients with information about the sensations they
would likely experience resulted in a lower level of
reported pain than when no information was provided.
The temperature of the cooling agent may influence
the level of discomfort the patient can expect. Galvan
and colleagues116 found that pain ratings during
immersion in ice water at 1°C (34°F) were 43% higher
than immersion in 10°C (50°F) and 70% higher than
Fig 2•14 Cryotherapy options for various body regions: immersion in 15°C (59°F) water. The authors also
(A) ice bag for the shoulder (compression is added with
sequential wrapping of the shoulder); (B) cold-bath
found that pain ratings across days and at the same
immersion for the ankle (use of a toe cap will make temperature decreased, meaning that individuals some-
immersion more comfortable yet allow cooling of the what adapted to the cold sensations. This may also be
entire ankle).
valuable information for patients, especially those who
are reluctant to use cold after an initial uncomfortable
KEY POINT!Informing patients that they will likely expe-
rience uncomfortable sensations (cold, burning,
aching) before numbness with cold application and
that these sensations often decrease in intensity with
repeated applications may be beneficial in putting
patients at ease and gaining their trust.

Generally speaking, conductive cooling is adminis-

tered for 20 to 30 minutes, with longer time periods
recommended for areas covered by significant adipose
tissue.8 Intermittent cold applications (e.g., 20 minutes
on, followed by two cycles of 10 minutes off and
10 minutes on) are more effective in reducing tissue
temperature, blood flow,87,117 and pain with activity118
Fig 2•15 Example of wheals induced by exposure than just one 20-minute application. This cycling of
to cold. cold, rather than repeated prolonged use of cold packs
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Cold Therapy 41

or other cooling agents, is suggested to avoid or reduce within 10 minutes, while the intramuscular tempera-
the occurrence of any adverse responses to nerve or to ture of the subjects who remained at rest continued to
blood vessels. In addition, if a patient remains inactive decline in this same 10-minute period.15
over several hours, repeated applications of cold for
30 minutes every 2 hours may produce a progressive Selecting a Cooling Agent
cooling effect.119
Planned activity before, during, or immediately after When selecting a cooling agent, the clinician should
cryotherapy should be considered in conjunction with consider which body area, and how much of the body
the goals of using this modality. Cardiovascular exercise surface, is to be cooled. For small areas (such as over a
performed immediately prior to ice bag application will tendon, bursa, or small muscle belly), ice massage may
allow a more rapid cooling of muscular tissue due to effectively produce the cooling desired. If a distal
increased blood flow that aids in the removal of heat extremity is to be cooled, as mentioned previously, a
from the cooled area.120 When the goal is to achieve cool bath will most efficiently cover all surfaces. If there
cooling at the level of muscular tissue, patients should is concern about edema in distal extremities, a cold-
refrain from activity while the cold modality is applied. compressive device may be most appropriate.
Bender and colleagues121 demonstrated that, despite When cooling around a joint (such as the knee,
evidence of skin surface cooling, no intramuscular cool- elbow, or shoulder) or a larger muscle mass (such as
ing occurred while subjects walked on a treadmill with lumbar or cervical paravertebral muscles), an ice pack
an ice pack secured to the calf (Fig. 2-16). secured with an elastic bandage or weighted to provide
Based on this finding, wrapping an ice pack over a compression may be the best choice. Comparisons of
target area and then allowing the patient to carry on various types of cooling agents will be presented in a
with functional activities will likely not provide the later section, with most studies showing that ice or ice
desired therapeutic effect. Finally, if the goal of plus water in a plastic bag applied directly to the skin
cryotherapy is to reduce deep tissue temperature for provides superior cooling compared to commercial gel
30 minutes to several hours, activity should be avoided packs or frozen peas, and any agent that requires towel-
after the cold application. Exercise following removal of ing will be less effective than one that does not.14,24,122
ice packs from the gastrocnemius muscle increased sub- Sometimes the decision of whether to use heat or
jects’ intramuscular temperature to precooling levels cold for pain control is not always clear. Cold is always
the appropriate choice in the acute phase of injury,
while muscle spasms may respond to both heat (muscle
36 relaxation) and cold (interruption of the pain/reflexive
Intramuscular temperature °C

guarding cycle). The benefits of cold or heat with

chronic inflammatory conditions are varied and may be
32 patient-dependent. In this case, a trial of either heat or
cold is within reason.

26 and Precautions
24 for Cryotherapy
Pre-ice 0 10 20 30
Time in minutes
Resting Walking
Fig 2•16 Intramuscular temperature of the gastrocne- Cryotherapy should not be used when treating patients
mius at rest and while walking on a treadmill with an ice who have specific cold-sensitivity symptoms. These
bag secured to the calf. (Adapted with permission from Bender AL, et al. Local
ice-bag application and triceps surae muscle temperature during treadmill walking. J Athl Train.
conditions include, but are not limited to, cold
2005;40:271.) urticaria, cryoglobulinemia, Raynaud’s phenomenon,
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42 Modalities

and paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria.123 Cold urticaria

can include both local and systemic reactions. In Table 2•7 Contraindications and
Precautions for Cryotherapy
response to local cold application, patients develop
wheals characterized by erythematous, raised borders, Contraindications Precautions
• Cold urticaria • Hypertension
and blanched centers. Mast cell degranulation causes • Cold intolerance • Thermoregulatory disorders
histamine to be released into the area, markedly increas- • Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria • Over a superficial peripheral nerve
• Cryoglobulinemia • Over an open wound
ing capillary permeability and leading to redness, • Raynaud’s disease or • Over an area of poor sensation
swelling, and wheal formation. In severe cases, patients phenomenon • With individuals with poor
• Over a regenerating peripheral cognition
develop generalized swelling involving mucous mem- nerve • In the very young or very old
branes and viscera. Systemic reactions include flushing • Over an area of circulatory • Persons with aversion to cold
of the face, a sharp drop in blood pressure, increased • Over an area of peripheral
heart rate, and syncope.124 vascular disease
Cryoglobulinemia is a disorder characterized by the
presence of cryoglobulins, abnormal blood proteins that
precipitate and form a gel when exposed to low temper-
atures (e.g., below body temperature). This precipitation prior to and throughout treatment. Discontinue treat-
of cryoglobulins results in the aggregation of serum pro- ment if blood pressure rises.
teins, which can lead to ischemia or gangrene. Cold should be applied cautiously for individuals with
Cryoglobulinemia is associated with multiple myeloma; hypersensitivity to cold, impaired circulation, and ther-
certain types of viral and bacterial infections, including moregulatory disorders.129 If, after careful consideration,
hepatitis C; chronic liver disease; systemic lupus erythe- cryotherapy is the treatment of choice for these patients,
matosus (SLE); and other rheumatic diseases.125 it is necessary to closely monitor the patient’s response to
Raynaud’s phenomenon is a vasospastic disorder and treatment and make any adjustments to the treatment
can be either idiopathic or associated with other disor- parameters. Decreasing the duration and adjusting the
ders, such as systemic scleroderma, SLE, thoracic outlet intensity of the cold application may produce the desired
syndrome, and trauma. Smoking and caffeine can also effects without eliciting adverse reactions.
worsen the frequency and intensity of the symptoms. Because cold temperatures may impede wound
Cycles of pallor, cyanosis, rubor, and normal color of healing, precaution must be taken when aplying cold in
the digits may be accompanied by numbness, tingling, the area of a wound. Lundgren and associates130
or burning. Attacks are precipitated by exposure to cold demonstrated a 20% reduction in wound tensile
or by emotional stress.126 strength in rabbits kept at environmental temperatures
Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria can occur follow- of 12°C (53.6°F) compared with those kept at 20°C
ing local or general exposure to cold. Hemoglobin, (68°F). Only innervated animals showed this impaired
which is normally found within red blood cells, is healing response, suggesting a reflex cutaneous vaso-
released from lysed red cells and appears in the urine. constriction (and thus a reduction in blood flow) with
Cold should not be applied over areas of nerve cold application. Until demonstrated otherwise, it is
regeneration or compromised circulation. For patients probably prudent to avoid vigorous cold application
with peripheral vascular disease that affects arterial cir- directly over a wound during the initial 2- to 3-week
culation, the vasoconstrictive effects of cold could period of healing.
potentially compromise an already nutritionally As mentioned earlier, prolonged cold application,
deprived area (Table 2-7). from 1 to more than 2 hours, over an area containing
a superficial peripheral nerve (e.g., around the medial
Precautions epicondyle of the elbow or fibular head) can lead to
Because cold can cause a transient increase in systolic neurapraxia or axonotmesis.58,59 If cold is to be
and diastolic blood pressures,127,128 careful monitoring applied in an area of a superficial nerve, a small pad
should take place when cryotherapy is used with hyper- should be used between the cold source and the nerve
tensive patients. Blood pressure should be monitored for protection.
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Cold Therapy 43

A survey of athletic trainers conducted by Nadler and Cold Packs

colleagues131 found that the most common complications
Cold packs can be inexpensively purchased or easily
from cryotherapy were from allergic reaction. Other com-
made. They are typically composed of ice, ice plus
plications were much less frequent and included intoler-
water, water plus alcohol, gel, or chemicals (Fig. 2-17).
ance/pain, burns, frostbite, and skin rash.
The use of toweling over the skin is recommended for
In addition to certain physiological factors con-
any agent that has the ability to reach temperatures
traindicating the use of cryotherapy, the patient’s psy-
below ⫺1°C (30°F) because of the danger of skin dam-
chological response to this form of treatment should
age. Any use of toweling, however, will decrease the
be taken into account. Some people have an aversion
effectiveness of the cooling agent.132 When toweling is
to cold and thus will not tolerate cryotherapy. This
required, damp towels are superior to dry towels in
consideration is particularly important if cold is being
facilitating energy transfer for thermal conduction.45 If
used to decrease pain and promote skeletal-muscle
the towel is wet with room-temperature or lukewarm
water, the initial contact with the skin will be more
comfortable for the patient.
Methods of Providing Crushed or cubed ice is typically placed in a plastic
Cryotherapy bag to create an ice pack. Ice is the most effective type
of cold because it must undergo a phase change from
There are a variety of methods that can be used to pro- solid to liquid, which causes greater heat extraction
vide effective cryotherapy. The following section than when no phase change is required. Also, the tem-
describes the most common clinical applications of perature of the ice pack upon contact with the skin is
cold, all of which can be used by patients at home with typically just under 0°C (32°F), and this is safe to apply
proper instruction. A case study is presented for each directly to the skin. Water can also be added to the ice
type of cold modality to give the reader a clinical per- in the bag. Dykstra and colleagues14 found that this
spective. Table 2-8 provides information about the method reduced skin and intramuscular temperature to
materials needed and the cost of different modes of a greater extent than did cubed or crushed ice with no
therapeutic cold. water (Fig. 2-18).

Table 2•8 Materials Needed and Average Cost of Typical Cryotherapy Agents
Method Materials Required Average Cost
Frozen peas • Purchased bag of peas, frozen for several hours $1–$3
• Thin wetted or dry towel for skin protection
Homemade ice bag • Medium to large plastic bag (doubled for protection against leaking) <$1
• Ice cubes or crushed ice
• Tap water (optional)
Homemade cold pack (with alcohol) • Medium to large plastic bag (doubled for protection against leaking) $1–$3
• 1 cup isopropyl alcohol
• 2–4 cups tap water
• Thin wetted or dry towel for skin protection
• Place in freezer several hours prior to use
Ice/cold bath • Bucket or basin large enough to immerse the limb $4–$10
• Tap water
• Ice cubes
Commercial cold packs (gel) • Purchased gel pack $7–$50
• Thin wetted or dry towel for skin protection
Cold-compression units • Appropriate sleeve for area to be cooled $60–$150
• Insulated cooler with hose
Continuous-cold compression units • Appropriate sleeve for area to be cooled $140–$280
• Insulated motorized cooler with hose
Controlled cold-compression units • Appropriate sleeve for area to be cooled $2,400–$2,700
• Insulated motorized cooler and compression pump with hose
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44 Modalities




Temperature °C



0 6 10 14 20 25 35 45 65 95 125
Time (minutes)
Cubed ice–Skin Cubed ice–IM
Wetted ice–Skin Wetted ice–IM
Crushed ice–Skin Crushed ice–IM
Fig 2•18 Changes in skin and intramuscular (IM) tem-
perature with three different forms of ice pack during
20 minutes of application to the calf. (Adapted with permission from
Dykstra JH, et al. Comparisons of cubed ice, crushed ice, and wetted ice on intramuscular and
surface temperature changes. J Athl Train. 2009;44:136.)

B bag of frozen peas taken from a freezer (⫺10°C; 14°F)

was too cold for direct application to the skin and
would require a layer of toweling. This toweling limits
cooling by creating a barrier between the skin and the
cold agent.
Commercial gel packs usually contain a silica gel and
are available in a variety of sizes and shapes to contour
the area to be treated (Fig. 2-19A). The flexible gel
packs stored in a standard freezer will typically reach a
temperature of ⫺17°C (⫺1°F), which could cause
frostbite if applied directly to the skin. Therefore, a
C layer of damp toweling is required. Gel packs are not as
effective at cooling skin or intramuscular tissues when
Fig 2•17 Various types of cold packs: (A) ice cubes; compared to ice packs or ice water packs.24,122 This is
(B) ice cubes plus water; (C) crushed ice.
because the gel does not go through a phase change,
and therefore less energy is required for heat transfer. In
A common recommendation for home cold packs is addition, the requirement of toweling may also reduce
the use of bags of frozen vegetables (peas tend to be pre- the cooling effectiveness of this modality.
ferred because they are small, round, and conform well A mixture of water and isopropyl alcohol (2:1 to 4:1
to body parts). While frozen peas may be a convenient, ratio) can also be used as a homemade cold pack
reusable, and low-cost alternative to ice packs, two (Fig. 2-19B). The alcohol acts as antifreeze, which pre-
studies have shown that frozen peas are not as effective vents the water from forming a solid and allows the
in reducing skin-surface temperatures compared to ice pack to remain pliable, similar to the commercial gel
packs or a mixture of water and alcohol.24,122 Kennet packs. This mixture should be stored in the freezer
and associates24 also showed that the temperature of a for several hours prior to application. Because the
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Cold Therapy 45


A 42-year-old male is referred with a diagnosis of are less effective but also appropriate (will use iden-
acute low back pain. Upon examination, he demon- tical application technique except requires a layer of
strates pain and spasm in the right lumbar toweling between the cold pack and the patient’s
paraspinals. Hypertonicity of the musculature is skin to prevent frostbite).
observable and palpable, and the patient is limited in Duration: Twenty minutes or until the area is numb
forward flexion, left lateral flexion, and right rotation as (additional time is required if there is significant adi-
a result of pain and tightness. pose tissue overlying the target tissue). If muscle
stretching is to be performed, this can be done at
the end of the 20-minute period, and then re-icing
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or
should occur for 5 to 10 minutes after the stretch-
problem that can be improved with the use of
ing period (this cycle can be repeated several
Answer: Yes; muscle spasm and pain can be reduced
with cryotherapy, allowing for performance of muscle 6. What are the appropriate and safe application pro-
stretching. cedures for ice packs?
2. Is the patient appropriate for cryotherapy (i.e., do
Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the expect-
any of the general precautions or contraindications
ed sensations of cold, burning, aching, and then
to cryotherapy apply to the patient, or are there any
numbness (analgesia).
specific considerations regarding application of
Preinspection: Inspect the area to be treated for skin
cryotherapy to this patient)?
compromise, and assess for intact sensation over
Answer: The patient should be asked about the pres-
the area to be treated.
ence of any contraindications or precautions for the
Equipment needed: Bag of ice; towels
use of cold. A small nearby area of skin should be
Patient position: Prone or sitting. If sitting, a wrap will
tested with the cold modality to determine if hyper-
be necessary to secure the ice pack to the affected
sensitivity (wheals, hives) is present.
area (this will also add a compressive force).
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the Procedure: Place the ice pack directly on the patient’s
use of cryotherapy? skin over the target area. A small weight can be
Answer: Reduction of muscle spasm and pain to allow placed on top of the ice pack to add a compressive
for stretching of tight musculature. force, which will allow for more effective cooling.
Postinspection: Remove the ice pack and inspect the
4. What specific form of cryotherapy would be appro-
patient’s skin. Redness will be present and may
priate for the patient?
remain for 20 minutes or longer, depending on the
Answer: Ice packs are most appropriate because of
patient’s activity level or exercises performed. If
the surface area to be treated and the desire to cool
stretching or light resistance is to be performed, it
tissues at the muscular level. Commercial cold gel
should be initiated as soon as possible after the ice
packs are also appropriate (but not as effective).
pack is removed (a second or third application of
5. What specific parameters of cryotherapy are appro- cold may be necessary to renumb the area through
priate for the patient? an exercise session).
Type of ice pack: Plastic bag filled with crushed ice,
cubed ice, or ice with water. Commercial gel packs

alcohol/water mixture can reach temperatures colder There are some cold packs that are chemically acti-
than ice, a thin layer of damp toweling should be placed vated by squeezing or hitting them against a hard sur-
between the skin and the pack. This type of cold pack face. These packs are usually marketed for first aid
has been shown to cool as effectively as a crushed ice and designed for one-time use only. The chemical
pack over a 20-minute period (to a temperature of reaction inside some of the packs is at an alkaline pH
10°C; 50°F).122 and can cause skin burns if the package splits open
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46 Modalities

expose the ice. Further peeling can occur as the ice

melts. As an alternative, ice “lollipops” can be made
by putting a wooden tongue depressor in the cup
with the water (Fig. 2-20). The ice pop can be taken
out of the cup and held by the tongue depressor for
application. A 10 cm ⫻ 15 cm area (4 in. ⫻ 6 in.)
can be covered in 5 to 10 minutes.133 The ice is
slowly rubbed over the skin using small overlapping
circles or strokes.

KEY POINT!Styrofoam cups are often used for ice
cups, as they allow for more comfortable handling
of the cup due to the insulating properties of this
material (i.e., the hand holding the ice cup will not
become cold). However, Styrofoam is not biodegrad-
able and therefore is not environmentally friendly.
Wrapping a small washcloth around the base of the
ice cup will prevent the hand from becoming too
cold and is an environmentally friendly remedy to the
handling problem.

During ice massage, the patient will probably experi-

ence the four common sensations of intense cold, burn-
ing, aching, then analgesia. However, the stages of burn-
Fig 2•19 Examples of (A) commercial gel packs and ing and aching should each pass rapidly within about 1
(B) a homemade cold pack using a mixture of tap water
and isopropyl alcohol (3 parts water to 1 part alcohol).
to 2 minutes. A prolonged phase of aching or burning
may result if the area covered is too large or if a hyper-
sensitive response is imminent (see “Contraindications
and the contents spill out. Therefore, these packs are and Precautions for Cryotherapy”). Skin temperature
not recommended for general use. will usually not drop below 15°C (59°F) when the
As mentioned in the “Acute Musculoskeletal ice is continually moved over the skin; therefore, the
Trauma” section, compression and elevation are often risk of damaging tissue and producing frostbite is
used to control edema and improve the cooling ability minimal.
of the cold modality. Ice bags are usually the most read-
ily available form of cold when acute injuries occur, and Vapocoolant Spray
elastic bandages can provide excellent compression over Vapocoolant sprays are used to treat trigger points and
the cold packs on most body regions. to induce relaxation of tight muscles prior to stretching
(the physiological basis is described in the “Evaporation”
Ice Massage section). When treating trigger points, the patient is
Ice massage is usually done over a small area (i.e., over positioned comfortably and the muscle containing the
a muscle belly, tendon, or bursa) or over trigger points trigger point is placed on passive stretch. Spraying is
before deep pressure release or massage. The technique done in unidirectional sweeps along the muscle over the
is simple and can be taught to patients who can reliably trigger point areas and over the areas of referred pain,
follow directions for home use. while maintaining and gently increasing the passive
Water is frozen in paper or Styrofoam cups to stretch. The vapocoolant canister is held 12 to 18 inches
make it easier for the practitioner to handle the ice. away from the skin during spray applications.
Just prior to use, the top of the cup is peeled back to When using the spray to increase muscle length
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Cold Therapy 47


A 17-year-old male is referred with a diagnosis of acute Type of compression: Elastic bandages (4 in. to 6 in.
Grade II right lateral ankle sprain that occurred 12 hours wide)
prior. Upon examination, he demonstrates notable effu- Duration: Twenty minutes or until the area is numb.
sion throughout the right ankle (lateral greater than medi- If ROM exercises or weight bearing is to be
al), decreased ankle AROM (active range of motion) in all performed, this can be done at the end of the
directions, and pain that increases with active or passive 20-minute period, and then re-icing (with compres-
ankle motion and weight bearing. sion and elevation) may occur for 5 to 10 minutes
following the stretching period (this cycle can be
repeated several times).
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or
problem that can be improved with the use of 6. What are the proper application procedures for
cryotherapy? RICE?
Answer: Yes; pain can be reduced with cryotherapy, Answer:
allowing for performance of range of motion within Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the expect-
the patient’s tolerance. ed sensations of cold, burning, aching, and then
numbness (analgesia).
2. Is the patient appropriate for cryotherapy (i.e., do
Preinspection: Inspect the area to be treated for skin
any of the general precautions or contraindications
compromise and assess for intact sensation over
to cryotherapy apply to the patient, or are there any
the area to be treated.
specific considerations regarding application of
Equipment needed: Bag of ice or ice plus water; elas-
cryotherapy to this patient)?
tic bandage long enough to fully cover the ice bag
Answer: The patient should be asked about the
and ankle; stack of towels or other materials to ele-
presence of any contraindications or precautions for
vate the patient’s leg.
the use of cold. A small nearby area of skin should
Patient position: Supine.
be tested with the cold modality to determine if
Procedure: Place the ice pack directly on the
hypersensitivity (wheals, hives) is present.
patient’s skin over the target area. Begin wrapping
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the the elastic bandage around the ice pack and ankle
use of cryotherapy (specifically RICE)? and continue in a distal to proximal direction,
Answer: The use of ice will reduce pain, allowing for stretching the elastic bandage to approximately
initiation of gentle ROM exercises and at least par- 75% of its capacity.45 Elevate the patient’s lower
tial weight bearing. Rest from typical or stressful extremity to a level above the heart and ensure that
activity will allow healing to proceed. Compression the leg is fully supported.
will help control effusion and edema and will Postinspection: Remove the elastic bandage and ice
increase the ice’s cooling ability. Elevation will pack and inspect the patient’s skin. Redness will be
reduce joint effusion and edema. present and may remain for 20 minutes or longer,
depending on the patient’s activity level or exercises
4. What specific form of cryotherapy would be appro-
performed. If ROM or weight bearing is to be per-
priate for the patient?
formed, it should be initiated as soon as possible
Answer: Ice packs are most appropriate because
after the ice pack is removed (a second or third
these will conform well to the area.
application of cooling, compression, and elevation
5. What specific parameters of cryotherapy are appro- may be necessary to renumb the area and reduce
priate for the patient? any accumulated fluid caused by dependent posi-
Answer: tioning).
Type of ice pack: Plastic bag filled with crushed ice,
cubed ice, or ice with water.
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48 Modalities



Fig 2•20 Ice cups and ice lollipops. (A) preparation for freezing; (B) after freezing; (C) using the ice cup on the wrist;
(D) using the ice lollipop on the wrist.

without identified trigger points, the muscle is sprayed cuff by a hose and then elevated, allowing gravity to pull
along its length from the proximal to the distal attach- water into the cuff. Manual recirculation is recommend-
ments. Repeated treatments during the same session are ed every 1 to 2 hours to maintain the cooling effect.
done only after the skin has been rewarmed to avoid However, specific temperature monitoring and adjust-
frosting the skin. ment are not possible with these units. Compression is
achieved by pressure exerted from the filled cuff that is
Manual and Electric Cold wrapped around the joint or extremity and secured with
Compression Units Velcro. One study demonstrated that the Aircast
Cold compression devices (Fig. 2-21) allow for manual Cryo/Cuff device was capable of maintaining a skin sur-
circulation of cold water through a cuff that is applied face temperature between 20.4°C and 28°C (68.7°F and
over an extremity. A variety of sizes and shapes of cuffs 82.4°F) when applied over a standard postsurgical dress-
and sleeves are available to conform to any joint or ing. It should be noted that the authors recirculated the
extremity. To fill or recirculate cold water into the cuff, cold water in the sleeve every 15 minutes, versus every
the insulated ice-water-filled container is connected to the hour as recommended by the manufacturer.23
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Cold Therapy 49


Fig 2•21 Cold compression units. (A) DonJoy ArcticFlow

C and (B) shoulder cuff; (C) Aircast Cryo/Cuff. (Courtesy DJO Inc.,
Vista, CA.)

Continuous-cold compression units (Fig. 2-22) are Because cooling temperatures can be set to levels that are
similar to the devices described previously, except they use unsafe for prolonged skin exposure,23 patient education
an electric pump to circulate cold water at intervals or about appropriate temperature settings is imperative.
rates that can be set by the user, depending on the level of Khajavi and colleagues137 describe a case of severe com-
cooling desired. Water temperatures can be adjusted from partment syndrome that resulted from improper use of a
0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F), and the set temperature is continuous-cold unit set at 0.5°C (33°F) and used contin-
maintained as long as the unit is on. Three studies134–136 uously for 5 days following an arthroscopic procedure of
have investigated the differences in postoperative out- the knee.
comes comparing continuous-cold units and traditional Controlled-cold compression units add the effect of
icing protocols. Although outcome variables differed adjustable levels of compression (typically 5 mm Hg
between each study, pain, edema, range of motion, and to 75 mm Hg) at variable intervals. Thus, these units
medication use were improved to a greater extent in allow the treated area to receive a constant cold
patients who used continuous-cold versus ice packs. temperature along with intermittent periods of
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50 Modalities


A 28-year-old female is referred with a diagnosis of right 6. What are the proper application procedures for ice
lateral epicondylitis that began after she spent 9 hours massage?
painting fence posts 2 days ago. Upon examination, Answer:
there is exquisite tenderness in the area surrounding the Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the expect-
right lateral epicondyle, pain and limitations with right ed sensations of cold, burning, aching, and then
wrist extension, and intense pulling in the right proximal numbness in the treated area.
forearm with passive wrist flexion. Preinspection: Inspect the area for skin compromise
and assess for intact sensation over the area to be
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or
Equipment needed: Ice cup or ice popsicle; three
problem that can be improved with the use of
small towels.
Patient position: Sitting with the right arm in a com-
Answer: Yes; cryotherapy can be effective in reduc-
fortable position that allows easy access to the
ing pain and inflammation.
affected area. Once the patient is positioned, place
2. Is the patient appropriate for cryotherapy (i.e., do two towels on either side of the proximal forearm to
any of the general precautions or contraindications catch water drips.
to cryotherapy apply to the patient, or are there any Procedure: If using the ice cup method, remove
specific considerations regarding application of enough of the top of the cup to expose at least
cryotherapy to this patient)? 1 inch of ice. Make sure to leave enough of the cup
Answer: The patient should be asked about the to hold on to (one of the small towels can be
presence of any contraindications or precautions for wrapped around the bottom of the cup to provide
the use of cold. A small nearby area of skin should insulation for the hand holding the cup). After rub-
be tested with the cold modality to determine if bing the ice briefly to make the top smooth (melting
hypersensitivity (wheals, hives) is present. off any ice spurs or ridges), place the ice on the
patient’s skin over the affected area and begin mov-
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
ing the cup in small, slow circles. Continue for 5 to
use of cryotherapy?
7 minutes or until numbness is achieved. If the
Answer: Reduce pain and allow the patient to per-
patient is to perform any stretching or ROM exer-
form ROM and stretching with less discomfort.
cise, she should do so immediately after the ice
4. What specific form of cryotherapy would be appro- massage. Renumbing may be required after sever-
priate for the patient? al minutes of exercise, but the time required to
Answer: Ice massage (ice packs are also appropriate achieve numbness again should be less than the
but would take longer and would not isolate the first application. This cycle of numbing and exercise
area as well). may be repeated several times.
Postinspection: Remove the ice cup and discard. Dry
5. What specific parameters of ice massage would be
the skin and inspect for any adverse effects.
appropriate for the patient?
Redness will be present and may remain for 20 min-
Answer: Rubbing the ice directly on the skin over the
utes or longer, depending on the patient’s activity
affected area for 5 to 7 minutes or until analgesia
level or exercises performed.
(numbness) is achieved.

compression. These units are most commonly found presence of edema). This approach ensures circumfer-
in sports medicine facilities and can cost several thou- ential contact of the cooling agent. Water tempera-
sand dollars. tures for immersion vary from 10°C to 18°C (50°F to
64.4°F). The lower the temperature range, the short-
Cold Baths er the duration of immersion required for cooling. In
When cooling the distal extremities, immersion of a previously mentioned study,116 it was found that
those parts in a cold bath is most practical (unless pain ratings were significantly higher during immer-
simultaneous elevation is desired, particularly in the sion in 1°C (34°F) and 10°C (50°F) temperatures
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Cold Therapy 51


A 56-year-old female is referred with a diagnosis of of the pain pattern, avoiding direct overlap of each
headaches and right neck pain. Upon examination, spray.107
several active myofascial trigger points are found in
6. What are the proper application procedures for
the right upper trapezius that, upon compression,
vapocoolant spray (and stretch)?
reproduce the patient’s lateral neck pain and
headaches. She also reports tightness and discomfort
Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the expect-
with cervical flexion and left lateral flexion.
ed sensations of cold in the area to be sprayed.
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING Preinspection: Inspect the area to be treated for skin
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or compromise and assess for intact sensation over
problem that can be improved with the use of the area to be treated.
cryotherapy? Equipment needed: Vapocoolant spray; small towel to
Answer: Yes; active myofascial trigger points may protect the patient’s eyes.
be treated with vapocoolant spray to reflexively Patient position: Sitting with the right arm holding the
inhibit the agonist muscle, followed by a stretch edge of a chair and the right upper trapezius on
that is intended to normalize the affected muscle’s slight stretch (cervical flexion, left lateral flexion, right
length. rotation). Because the patient’s head is rotated
toward the spray, a small towel should be held over
2. Is the patient appropriate for cryotherapy (i.e., do
her eyes for protection from the spray.
any of the general precautions or contraindications
Procedure: Place the patient’s right upper trapezius
to cryotherapy apply to the patient, or are there any
on a slight stretch (cervical flexion, left lateral flexion,
specific considerations regarding application of
right rotation), which should be maintained through-
cryotherapy to this patient)?
out the procedure, taking up any slack as the mus-
Answer: The patient should be asked about the pres-
cle relaxes. Begin spraying in the direction of the
ence of any contraindications or precautions for the
patient’s pain pattern with the canister approximate-
use of cold. A small nearby area of skin should be
ly 30 cm (12 in.) away from, and at a 30° angle to,
tested with the vapocoolant spray to determine if
the skin. The first sweep should go directly over the
hypersensitivity (wheals, hives) is present.
primary myofascial trigger point, and the remaining
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the two to four sweeps should be along the referral pat-
use of cryotherapy? tern, in the same direction as the first sweep but not
Answer: Reflexive inhibition of active myofascial trig- directly over it. Once the sweeps are completed,
ger points. apply additional but gentle stretches to the upper
trapezius, holding 20 to 30 seconds before the
4. What specific form of cryotherapy would be appro-
patient returns to normal alignment.
priate for the patient?
Postinspection: The patient’s skin may be slightly red
Answer: Vapocoolant spray.
over the treated area. Observe for any abnormal
5. What specific parameters of vapocoolant spray skin reaction to the spray. Because the spray evap-
would be appropriate for the patient? orates quickly, there is little, if any, rewarming time
Answer: Three to five slow (10 cm/sec; 4 in./sec), required.
unidirectional sweeps of the spray in the direction

versus immersion in 15°C (59°F) water. However, with movement of the body part, will increase the
pain ratings improved during both the 1°C and 10°C speed of cooling. A basin of water or a small
after the first several minutes of immersion, and whirlpool filled with water and crushed ice can be
average ratings never exceeded 4.5 on a 0 to 10 scale used (see Fig. 2-14B). The use of a toe cap will
(0 = no pain, 10 = very, very strong pain) for any reduce the pain sensation in the toes, which tend to
immersion temperature. As discussed in the be the most painful area during immersion.138 Cold
“Convection” section, movement of the water parti- bath immersions can be used by patients at home
cles over the skin, either with water turbulence or with proper instruction.
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52 Modalities


A 32-year-old female is referred with a diagnosis of and swelling has reduced; if ROM exercises are to
acute left knee sprain with suspicion of a torn anterior be performed, they can be done at the end of the
cruciate ligament. Upon examination, she demon- initial period. This cycle of cooling/compression and
strates global knee pain and notable effusion. The exercise can be continued several times (cooling/
patient’s AROM is limited to 10° to 85°, and she compression time can be reduced after the first
ambulates with bilateral axillary crutches at 50% cycle unless more than 30 minutes have passed
weight bearing on the left. since the cold was removed).
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING 6. What are the proper application procedures for a
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or cold-compression device?
problem that can be improved with the use of Answer:
cryotherapy? Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the expect-
Answer: Yes; pain can be reduced with cryotherapy, ed sensations of cold, burning, aching, and then
allowing the patient to perform range of motion numbness (analgesia).
within her tolerance. Preinspection: Inspect the area to be treated for skin
compromise and assess for intact sensation over
2. Is the patient appropriate for cryotherapy (i.e., do
the area to be treated.
any of the general precautions or contraindications
Equipment needed: Cold-compression device, ice,
to cryotherapy apply to the patient, or are there any
water; if elevation is necessary, use a stack of tow-
specific considerations regarding application of
els or other material to elevate the patient’s leg.
cryotherapy to this patient)?
Patient position: Supine.
Answer: The patient should be asked about the
Procedure: Fill the insulated cold-compression con-
presence of any contraindications or precautions for
tainer with ice and then water to the levels indicat-
the use of cold. A small nearby area of skin should
ed on the device. Place the cuff directly on the
be tested with the cold modality to determine if
patient’s skin surrounding the knee and secure with
hypersensitivity (wheals, hives) is present.
the Velcro on the cuff. Position the patient (support-
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the ing the leg in elevation as desired). Attach the hose
use of cryotherapy (specifically PRICE)? from the container to the cuff, and fill the cuff with
Answer: The use of cold will reduce pain, allowing for ice water according to the manufacturer’s instruc-
performance of ROM exercises and increased tions. Once the cuff is full, release the hose. If con-
weight bearing. Compression will help control effu- tinual cooling is desired, recirculate the water in the
sion and will increase the cooling ability of the ice cuff after 15 minutes.
water. Elevation may also be used to help with Postinspection: Remove the cuff from the patient’s
reduction of effusion. knee and inspect the skin. Redness will be present
and may remain for 20 minutes or longer, depend-
4. What specific form of cryotherapy would be appro-
ing on the patient’s activity level or exercises
priate for the patient?
performed. If exercise is to be performed, it should
Answer: A commercial cold-compression unit.
be initiated as soon as possible after the cold-
5. What specific parameters of cryotherapy are appro- compression device is removed (a second or third
priate for the patient? application of cold-compression and elevation may
Answer: be necessary to renumb the area and reduce any
Type of cold: Ice water in the cold-compression unit’s accumulated fluid caused by dependent positioning
container that is manually circulated through a or exercise).
wraparound cuff by raising and lowering the con-
Duration: 20 to 30 minutes (with elevation to maxi-
mize effusion reduction) or until the area is numb
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Cold Therapy 53



Fig 2•22 Controlled-cold compression units. (A) Bledsoe Cold Control and (B) shoulder wrap; (C) DonJoy IceMan and
(D) ankle wrap. (Courtesy Bledsoe Brace Systems, Grand Prairie, TX; and DJO Inc., Vista, CA.)

Cold Gel alone.140 The appeal of these gels is their ease of appli-
cation, ease of portability, and lack of need for refrig-
There are commercially available gels or creams that
eration. However, actual cooling of the skin or subcu-
give the perceived sensation of cold. Most of these gels
taneous tissues does not occur.
have chemicals such as ethanol and menthol as the
active cold-forming agents. These creams or gels are
applied to the skin overlying the area of injury and Assessment of Effectiveness
pain. One study demonstrated a decrease in pain and a and Expected Outcomes
decrease in perceived disability of higher magnitudes
when cold gel was compared with placebo gel for soft- As with any therapeutic technique, the decision to
tissue injuries of the hand, knee, leg, or ankle.139 The use cold modalities in a therapy program should be
gel was applied on the skin four times daily for based on the treatment’s goals. The goals of cold
2 weeks. Another study demonstrated a significant application are determined by the patient and the
reduction in low back pain ratings in a group of practitioner after examinations, including the history
patients who received chiropractic adjustments that of the present problem and subjective and objective
included Biofreeze application versus adjustments measures of impairments and current functional
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54 Modalities


The 17-year-old patient from Case Study 2-2 is now 5. What specific parameters of cryotherapy are appro-
10 days postinjury. His swelling is significantly priate for the patient?
reduced, although still present with prolonged stand- Answer:
ing. He is having difficulty performing some resistive Type of immersion: Basin filled with lukewarm to cool
and weight-bearing exercises without pain. Upon water and ice cubes.
examination, he demonstrates 25% active ROM limi- Duration: 20 minutes or until the area is numb.
tations in all ankle motions, mild to moderate pain with
6. What are the proper application procedures for cold
resistance in the directions of eversion and dorsiflex-
ion, and difficulty completing a normal gait cycle
Answer: Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of
(diminished passive ankle dorsiflexion in the terminal
the expected sensations of cold, burning, aching,
stance phase). The anterior and posterior talofibular
and then numbness (analgesia).
ligaments, the calcaneofibular ligament, and the per-
Preinspection: Inspect the area to be treated for skin
oneal tendons are tender upon palpation.
compromise and assess for intact sensation over
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING the area to be treated.
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or Equipment needed: Basin deep enough to allow
problem that can be improved with the use of water coverage of the patient’s distal tibia; enough
cryotherapy? water to fill the basin to the stated level; ice cubes.
Answer: Yes; pain can be reduced with cryotherapy, Patient position: Sitting in a chair so the feet touch
allowing for performance of ROM, resistive exercise, the floor.
and increased weight-bearing tolerance to com- Procedure: Fill the basin with water and ice cubes
plete a normal gait cycle. to the required level. Placing a neoprene toe cap
over the patient’s forefoot will provide some insula-
2. Is the patient appropriate for cryotherapy (i.e., do
tion to the forefoot and will decrease the patient’s
any of the general precautions or contraindications
discomfort.138 Instruct the patient to immerse the
to cryotherapy apply to the patient, or are there any
ankle into the basin and ensure that the malleoli are
specific considerations regarding application of
below the water surface. The area will cool more
cryotherapy to this patient)?
effectively if the patient moves the limb within the
Answer: Because the patient has received cryother-
water (convection). Once the area is numb, the
apy in the form of ice packs during the acute phase
patient may then remove the limb from the water,
of his injury, he should be safe for other forms of
dry the area, and perform the desired exercises
(ROM, resistance, gait). When the numbness has
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the worn off or when the patient begins to feel discom-
use of cryotherapy? fort, reimmersion can occur for 5 to 10 minutes until
Answer: The use of cold-bath immersion will reduce numbness has again been achieved. This cycle of
pain, allowing for performance of active ROM, light numbing and exercise can be repeated several
to moderate resistive exercises, and walking with a times.
normalized gait pattern. Postinspection: The immersed area will be red for
20 minutes or more following the cooling period.
4. What specific form of cryotherapy would be appro-
Observe the skin for any adverse reactions to cold.
priate for the patient?
Answer: Cold-bath immersion will allow for more
uniform cooling of the affected ligaments and

status. The following outcome measures can be used ● Range of motion—goniometric measures
in assessing effectiveness with cold: ● Functional movements—observation of gait
● Edema—girth measures, volumetrics quality or ease of active ROM
● Pain—quantification via pain scales or question- ● Muscle guarding—reflected in joint ROM and
naires muscle flexibility measures
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Cold Therapy 55

Of course, the decision of which of these measures to 9. Lowdon B, Moore R. Determinants and nature of intramuscu-
lar temperature changes during cold therapy. Am J Phys Med.
use will depend on the body limitation being addressed 1975;54(5):223–233.
by the treatment. 10. Wolf S, Basmajian J. Intramuscular temperature changes
deep to localized cutaneous cold stimulation. Phys Ther.
Documentation 1973;53(12):1284–1288.
11. Otte J, Merrick M, Ingersoll C, Cordova M. Subcutaneous adi-
Accurate recording of the treatment parameters, pose tissue thickness alters cooling time during cryotherapy.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2002;83:1501–1505.
changes in patient response to treatment during and 12. Wakim K, Porter A, Krusen K. Influence of physical agents of
between sessions, and any modifications of the goals or certain drugs on intra-articular temperature. Arch Phys Med.
treatment program should be documented. Specific
13. Johnson D, Moore S, Moore J, Oliver R. Effect of cold submer-
parameters for cold applications include the type of sion on intramuscular temperature of the gastrocnemius mus-
cold agent, treatment duration, site of application, cle. Phys Ther. 1979;59(10):1238–1242.
14. Dykstra J, Hill H, Miller M, Cheatham C, Michael T, Baker R.
patient position, and use of concurrent compression or Comparisons of cubed ice, crushed ice, and wetted ice on
elevation. Further descriptions of changes in skin tem- intramuscular and surface temperature changes. J Athl Train.
perature or appearance, quality of edema, and sensation
15. Myrer J, Measom G, Fellingham G. Exercise after cryotherapy
are also documented. Clinical notes include periodic greatly enhances intramuscular rewarming. J Athl Train.
reassessments of the patient’s overall functional level, 2000;35(4):412–416.
16. Bierman W, Friedlander M. The penetrative effect of cold. Arch
especially in relation to the impairments directly affected Phys Ther. 1940;21:585–593.
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chapter 3
Therapeutic Heat
Sandy Rennie, PT, PhD | Susan L. Michlovitz, PT, PhD, CHT

he use of therapeutic heat (thermotherapy) in the
treatment of various conditions has been around
BIOPHYSICAL EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE ELEVATION for thousands of years. Understanding the physi-
Metabolic Reactions ological and biomechanical principles of therapeutic
Vascular Effects
heat is one of the elements to successful treatment of
Neuromuscular Effects
Connective Tissue Effects
the patient. The clinician must be well versed with the
various conditions for which these modalities are used
Heat Transfer
and aware of the contraindications to using therapeutic
Conductive Heat Modalities heat. This text provides clinicians with the tools neces-
Convective Heating: Fluidotherapy (Fluidized Therapy) sary to have a safe and effective outcome with their
Warmth is associated with tranquility and relax-
ation. Heating of injured tissue has been used for
Heat Versus Cold
centuries for relieving pain and reducing muscle
Factors to Consider for Therapeutic Heat Techniques spasms. In physical therapy, locally applied heating
Wet Versus Dry Heat modalities are used to promote relaxation, provide
Home Application of Therapeutic Heat Modalities pain relief, increase blood flow, facilitate tissue heal-
ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTIVENESS AND EXPECTED OUTCOMES ing, decrease muscle spasm, and prepare stiff joints
Documentation and tight muscles for exercise.1–23 Several studies24–28
have examined the frequency of use of thermal agents
as interventions in physical therapy treatments. These
studies, which are from Australia,24,25 Canada,26,27
and England,28 indicated that the percentage of daily
use of therapeutic heating agents, such as hot packs
and paraffin wax, ranged from 36.5% to 95% in var-
ious practice settings.
The physiological effects of elevating tissue tempera-
ture are included in the rationale for selecting these
modalities as part of a therapy paradigm. Elevating col-
lagen tissue temperature, for example, can alter vis-
coelastic properties, thus enhancing the effects of passive
stretch for increasing range of motion.10–12,15–17,29,30
Many thermal modalities are available for tissue
heating (Box 3-1). Some heating modalities primarily
cause an increase in skin and superficial subcutaneous
tissue temperature. Thermotherapy modalities, such as
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60 Modalities

moist heat packs, paraffin wax, and fluidized therapy To meet therapeutic levels of vigorous heating,
(Fluidotherapy), are used to: study results1,10 indicate that tissue temperature must
be elevated to between 40°C and 45°C (104°F and
1. Heat superficial joints, such as the hand, which
113°F). Within these temperatures, hyperemia,
has little soft tissue covering
which is indicative of increased blood flow, will
2. Cause a heating effect in deeper structures, such
occur. Above this range, there is potential for tissue
as muscle, through reflex mechanisms
damage. Below 40°C (104°F), heating is considered
3. Heat soft tissue (muscle, tendon, superficial joint
to be only mild.1,10,13,14,28 Behavioral regulation, or
capsule) in order to increase its extensibility
how the body responds, and subjective responses
If the goal of intervention is to increase the tempera- associated with surface temperatures are illustrated in
ture of deeper tissues, such as the knee joint capsule or Table 3-1.
the muscle belly of the quadriceps muscle, then another
heating modality is logically selected. Tissue temperature should be elevated to

Heating modalities, including continuous short- 40°C to 45°C for a therapeutic effect.
wave diathermy and continuous-wave ultrasound, can The rate of temperature rise in response to the addi-
increase tissue temperature at depths ranging from tion of thermal energy can influence physiological
3 to 5 cm without overheating the skin and subcuta- responses. Temperature elevation increases local blood
neous tissues. Therapeutic ultrasound is discussed in flow,2,3,10,13,14,32–38 thus cooler blood comes into the
Chapter 4, and shortwave diathermy is covered in area and acts to remove some of the heat produced. If
Chapter 6. the rate of temperature increase is very slow, the
amount of heat added could be balanced out by the
Biophysical Effects of convective effect of cooler blood, so therapeutically
Temperature Elevation effective heating levels may not be obtained. On the
other hand, if temperature rises faster than excess heat
Many sequelae can occur as a result of an increase in can be dissipated, heat may build up to a point that
temperature of body tissues. The occurrence and mag- stimulates pain receptors and may also cause tissue
nitude of these physiological changes are dependent damage. The goal of heating is to achieve a therapeutic
upon several factors,31 including: level of temperature elevation without causing adverse
1. Extent of the temperature rise
Physiological alterations can occur at the site of local
2. Rate at which energy is being added to the tissue
temperature rise and in areas remote from the area of
3. Volume of tissue exposed
heat absorption. Usually, the larger the tissue volume
4. Composition of the absorbing tissue
affected by the addition of thermal energy, the greater
5. Capacity of the tissue to dissipate heat (largely a
the likelihood for reflex, or consensual, changes in other
factor of blood supply)
areas and for systematic alterations. An increase in fore-
arm temperature as a result of hot pack application
could be expected to cause an increase in local blood
Box 3•1 Thermal Modality Options flow, with minimal or no alterations in overall periph-
To increase tissue temperature within 1 to 3 cm depth: eral vascular resistance. On the other hand, immersing
• Moist heat packs (e.g., hot packs) a person in a water bath of 40°C (104°F) could result in
• Paraffin wax bath
• Fluidotherapy systemic changes, such as a decrease in mean blood
• Warm whirlpool pressure, an increase in heart rate, and an increase in
• Microwavable gel packs
• Air-activated heat wraps
pulmonary minute ventilation.1
• Electric heating pads Several physiological responses to temperature eleva-
To increase tissue temperature within 1 to 5 cm depth: tion are important to understand when considering a
• Continuous ultrasound heating modality for therapeutic purposes. The most
• Continuous shortwave diathermy
relevant changes to address include alterations in
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Therapeutic Heat 61

Table 3•1 Behavioral Regulation and Subjective Responses Associated with Surface
Subjective Feeling Associated
Temperature (°C) Body and Environmental Temperatures With Surface Temperatures
50 Tissue damage, burning pain
45 Very hot
40 Normal range of resting Hot
35 temperature of body
30 Warm
25 Neutral
20 Region of thermal Cool
environmental comfort
15 Cold
10 Very cold
5 Behavioral regulation

metabolic activity, hemodynamic function, neural An increase in chemical reaction rate can also have
response, skeletal muscle activity, and collagen tissue’s positive effects on human function. Oxygen uptake
physical properties. These changes, in part, serve as a by tissues will increase.32 Therefore, theoretically,
foundation for the use of heat as an effective therapeu- more nutrients will be available to promote tissue
tic modality. In addition, understanding the adverse healing.5,6
reactions to the addition of thermal energy is impera-
tive for administering a safe intervention. Vascular Effects
Increasing tissue temperature is usually associated
Metabolic Reactions with vasodilation and thus with an increase in blood
Chemical reactions in cells of the body are influenced flow to the area.1,2,6,9,13,14,32–38,40,41 However, this
by temperature. Generally speaking, chemical activity general statement can be misleading. It is important
in cells and metabolic rate will increase twofold to to know which regions have increased blood flow.
threefold for each 10°C (50°F) rise in tempera- The control mechanisms are different for blood flow
ture.35,39 Therefore, energy expenditure will increase to different structures—for example, skin compared
with increasing temperature. With even mild increas- with skeletal muscle. Therefore, responses to temper-
es in tissue temperature, the oxygen-hemoglobin ature change will not always be the same; or if a
dissociation curve shifts to the right, making more response is in the same direction, it may not be of the
oxygen available for tissue repair.6 However, as tem- same magnitude.
perature rises past a certain point, usually 45°C to Skin blood flow has an important role both in
50°C (113°F to 122°F), human tissues will burn nutrition and in the maintenance of constant core body
because the metabolic activity required to repair tissue temperature of 37°C (98.6°F), and it is primarily under
is not capable of keeping up with thermally induced the control of sympathetic adrenergic nerves.42,43
protein denaturation. Vasodilation of resistance vessels of the skin will occur
as a means of losing heat through local or reflex mech-
KEY POINT! Metabolic reactions to heat include the
anisms. The skin is unique in that it has specialized ves-
sels, called arteriovenous (AV) anastomoses, which have
● Cell activity and metabolic rate increases two to an important role in heat loss.43 These shunt vessels go
three times for each 10°C temperature increase from arterioles to venules to venous plexuses, thus
● Increase in oxygen uptake by tissues. bypassing the capillary bed. The blood flow through
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62 Modalities

these anastomoses is under neural control. Activation capillary and postcapillary venule permeability occur
occurs in response to reflex activation of temperature because of the action of these chemical mediators on
receptors or to stimulation of heat loss mechanisms smooth-muscle tone and endothelial cell contractility,
triggered in part by the circulation of warmed blood respectively. Because of an increase in capillary hydro-
through the preoptic region of the anterior hypothala- static pressure and permeability, outward fluid filtration
mus. These AV shunt vessels are found in the hands from vascular to extravascular space is favored.
(palms and fingertips), feet (toes and soles), and face Therefore, heat within the therapeutic range can poten-
(ears, nose, and lips). tially increase interstitial fluid and cause mild inflam-
As mentioned previously, blood flow changes in the mation.
skin can be caused by local1,34,42,44 or reflex41 mecha- A local spinal cord reflex is elicited through heat-
nisms. Vasodilation of the heat-exposed skin can be activated cutaneous afferent stimulation. This reflex
proposed to occur as a result of three factors: results in a decrease in postganglionic sympathetic
adrenergic nerve activity to the smooth muscles of
1. An axon reflex
blood vessels.46 A schematic of the reflex is diagrammed
2. Release of chemical mediators secondary to tem-
in Figure 3-3.
perature elevation
Vasodilatory effects of this reflex response are not
3. Local spinal cord reflexes
limited to the area heated; rather, there will be a con-
Heat applied to the skin stimulates cutaneous ther- sensual (reflex) response in areas remote from the
moreceptors. These sensory afferents carry impulses to application site. When one area of the body (e.g., the
the spinal cord. Some of these afferent impulses are lower back) is heated, increases in skin blood flow
carried through branches antidromically toward skin occur in distal extremities of the body that are not
blood vessels, and a vasoactive mediator is released. directly heated.47–49 This principle of reflex vasodila-
This results in vasodilation through an axon reflex tion is considered to be safe to use with patients who
(Fig. 3-1). have peripheral vascular disease (PVD).47 For example,
Heat produces a mild inflammatory reaction. cutaneous blood flow to the feet could be increased by
Chemical mediators of inflammation, including hista- applying heat to the lower back.
mine and prostaglandins, are released in the area and
KEY POINT! Consensual heating to improve circulation
act on resistance vessels to cause vasodilation (Fig. 3-2).
in persons with PVD is not a usual rationale for using
In addition, temperature elevation causes sweat secre-
heat in clinical practice. In this instance, physiological
tion, and the enzyme kallikrein is released from sweat
response does not equate with clinical utility.
glands. This enzyme acts on a globulin, kininogen, to
release bradykinin.45 Vasodilation of resistance vessels Skeletal muscle blood flow is primarily under meta-
(i.e., small arteries and arterioles) and an increase in bolic regulation and demonstrates the greatest response

To blood vessel

To spinal cord
Fig 3•1 Schematic diagram
of an axon reflex.
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Therapeutic Heat 63

Heat Heat is often used before exercise. Both heat and

exercise can increase blood flow. Greenberg36 compared
moist heat packs alone, exercise alone, and moist heat
packs plus exercise. Heat was applied for 20 minutes.
Prostaglandins Histamine Kallikrein
Exercise consisted of squeezing a rubber ball once per
second for 1 minute. The increase in blood flow from
Vasodilation Bradykinin
exercise was greater than with heat; however, the effects
of moist heat packs plus exercise were additive and
Small arteries Vascular
and arterioles permeability greater than either modality used alone.
Kauranen and Vanharanta51 compared the effects of
Fig 3•2 Metabolic effects of heat.
hot and cold packs on motor performance of normal
hands. The forearm, from elbow to fingers, was placed
to increases or decreases in levels of exercise. When between two hot packs for 20 minutes on three succes-
heating modalities are given, minimal change in skele- sive days, and functional testing followed each heat treat-
tal muscle blood flow is expected. This notion is sup- ment. The same procedure occurred the next week with
ported by two reports on heat lamp (infrared) applica- cold packs, except the application was for 15 minutes.
tion. Crockford and Hellon33 measured venous oxygen Reaction time, movement speed, tapping speed, and
content following 20- to 30-minute exposures of the coordination for upper extremity motor control were
forearm. Superficial venous oxygen content increased, measured. Results demonstrated that cold decreased all
but there was no change in muscle blood flow. Wyper fine motor tasks. Heat decreased simple reaction time;
and McNiven50 reported no change in muscle blood however, finger-tapping speed was increased. The
flow following heat (infrared heat lamp) treatment. authors suggest that patients completing fine motor tasks
Similarly, Robertson et al.15 found that the lesser effect may find it more difficult if cold is applied prior to
of superficial heat compared to deep heat in examining activity, compared to heat.51
tissue extensibility suggests the contribution of any skin Mayer et al.20 examined the use of continuous low-
response or any reflex vasodilation from heating the level heat wrap therapy and exercise in treatment of low
skin is minimal. Draper and Hopkins8 measured intra- back pain. Four treatment groups (heat wrap alone,
muscular (vastus medialis oblique) and intracapsular heat wrap plus exercise, exercise alone, and back pain
(suprapatellar pouch) temperatures of 11 healthy booklet) were examined daily for 5 days. The heat-plus-
human subjects following 2 hours of application of an exercise group had the heat wrap applied for 1 hour
air-activated heat wrap for continuous low-level heat before commencing the directional preference-based
therapy. They found significant differences in skin, exercise program. Results indicated that the combina-
intramuscular, and intracapsular temperatures com- tion of low-level heat wrap therapy and directional
pared to control subjects. preference-based exercise during the treatment of low

Sympathetic ganglion

Heat Spinal cord


Fig 3•3 Heat applied to the skin leads to vasodilation. The

change in activity of postganglionic sympathetic adrenergic
Blood vessel vasodilation fibers secondary to local heating is diagrammed.
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64 Modalities

back pain significantly improved functional outcomes application and at sites distal to the application. The
and pain relief compared with the control groups for clinical correlate is that heat can be a useful adjunct to
either intervention alone.20 Johnson and Park52 found reduce pain before performing stretching exercises,
that the onset of vigorous exercise led to cutaneous joint mobilization techniques, or active exer-
vasoconstriction, which is the body’s method of shunt- cise.1–3,5–7,11,12,16,17,30,42,66–68 Following proper educa-
ing blood to the muscles. This means that during vig- tion, including written instructions, heat can easily be
orous exercise, the patient’s skin may feel cool because used on a home basis prior to exercise.
the blood is being shunted to the skeletal muscles. In Nadler et al.69 and Davis et al.70 suggested that some
general, cold application appears to limit or decrease of the benefits of topical heat therapy may be mediated
functional ability, whereas heat may improve or aug- directly in the brain. Functional brain imaging has
ment physical performance or ability. shown central effects of non-noxious warming of the
skin with increased activity of the thalamus and poste-
Neuromuscular Effects rior insula of the brain, supporting the beneficial psy-
Heat is used therapeutically to provide analge- chosomatic effects of heat.
sia6,9,13,41,42,53,54 and to assist in the resolution of pain Muscle-guarding spasms can result from the overuse
and muscle-guarding spasms.1,9,55–57 Although the of a muscle during exercise or from activation of a pro-
mechanisms of action are not totally understood, the tective mechanism that guards against moving painful
underlying basis for use is heat’s ability to elevate pain joints. Pain can be the event triggering a reflex, tonic
threshold,41,58 alter nerve conduction velocity,59–62 and muscle contraction, thus beginning the pain-spasm-pain
change muscle spindle firing rates.6,9,13,56,63 The cycle.1,5,6,13,14,71,72 The muscle spindle afferents that
increased firing rate of thermoreceptors in cutaneous alter their rate of firing, primarily in response to tonic or
tissue may block input from the primary nociceptive static stretch, are the type II afferents. Elevating muscle
afferents to the dorsal horn (the “thermal gate temperature to about 42°C (107.6°F) will decrease the
theory”).6,9,13,56 Figure 3-4 provides an interesting firing rate of the type II afferents and will increase the
depiction of the mechanisms of pain relief brought firing of the type Ib fibers from Golgi tendon organs
about by heat. In addition, temperature elevation of (GTOs).1,6,13,14,63 Therefore, with decreased firing of
skeletal muscle can temporarily change the muscle’s abil- the type II afferents and increased GTO activity, we
ity to build tension and sustain prolonged activity.64,65 could predict a decreased firing of the alpha motoneu-
Raising subcutaneous tissue temperature using a ron, and thus a reduction of tonic extrafusal fiber
variety of heating modalities has been demonstrated to activity.
alter sensory nerve conduction velocity.60–62 The most Heating modalities, such as moist heat packs, are not
pronounced changes appear to occur during the first likely to elevate muscle temperature to the degree nec-
1.5°C to 2°C (2.7°F to 3.6°F) temperature increase.60 essary to alter type II or type Ib activity. Therefore,
However, the relevance of these findings to therapeutic another mechanism must be postulated to account for
use is not readily apparent. Heating over the area of a the reduction in muscle spasm when the skin overlying
peripheral nerve can elevate the pain threshold. Fifteen the muscle is heated. Heating the skin has been demon-
minutes of high-intensity heat lamp (infrared radia- strated to produce a decrease in gamma () efferent
tion) was administered over the medial aspect of the activity and sensory nerve action potential laten-
elbow—that is, over the ulnar nerve. Pain threshold cies.35,62 With a decrease in  activity, the stretch on the
measurements distal to the site of application, over the muscle spindle would be less, thus reducing afferent fir-
tip of the little finger, revealed analgesia.58 Direct heat- ing from the spindle. This indirect method ultimately
ing over the area where pain was measured also pro- results in decreased alpha () motoneuron firing, and
duced analgesia. Kelly et al.62 found that fluidized thus less muscle spasm. Another theory for the mecha-
therapy (Fluidotherapy) decreased sensory nerve laten- nism reducing muscle tension comes from Kettenmann
cy of the superficial radial nerve after 20 minutes of et al.72 These authors used objective electroencephalo-
application, suggesting analgesic effects at the site of gram (EEG) measurements in patients who had acute
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Therapeutic Heat 65

‘Soften’ scars
Collagen Stretch collagen
extensibility Joint stiffness

Fluid viscosity
Assist healing
Cellular activity
and accelerate
e.g., phagocytosis


Products of metabolism
e.g., CO2, lactate
blood pH
Blood flow
Dilation of hyperemia
arterioles, capillaries,
and venules

Axon reflex
Causing local
rise in temperature

Nerve stimulation Proprioceptors? Muscle spasm RELIEF OF PAIN

of blood Cutaneous heat Analgesic effect
Sedative effect?
General regulation
of body heat
To cortex–
aware of heat
Cardiac effects

 Direct effects

 Therapeutic effect

Fig 3•4 Mechanisms of pain relief due to heat. (Adapted with permission from Wells PW, Frampton V, Bowsher D. Pain Management in Physical Therapy. 2nd ed.
Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann; 1994:154.)

low back pain and found acute therapeutic relaxation eccentric exercise induced DOMS. For the prevention
after wearing a back heat wrap for a minimum of group, they found that 4 hours of wearing the heat
4 hours. The authors believe this reduction of pain and wrap before exercise decreased pain intensity,
muscle tension was due to a decrease in nociceptive disability, and self-reported physical function by 47%,
information load. 52%, and 45% respectively. In the treatment group,
Heating modalities have also been used to help pre- pain relief was 138% greater at 24 hours postexercise
vent or decrease the effects of delayed-onset muscle compared to the cold pack group. Mayer et al.23
soreness (DOMS) after exercise23,55 Sumida et al.55 suggested that the most plausible explanations for the
found the pain of eccentric-induced DOMS was efficacy of heat wraps in preventing and decreasing
reduced 30 minutes after applying hot packs to the low back DOMS are a combination of the heat wrap’s
skin overlying the painful muscle compared to cold thermal effect on muscle tissue, the analgesic proper-
pack and control groups. The authors suggested that ties of topical heat, and the fact that subjects can
the visual analogue scale (VAS) pain rating decreased remain active while wearing the heat wrap.
because heat is soothing and produces feelings of com- Elevating muscle temperature can also alter strength
fort. Using a prevention group, a treatment group, and endurance. In a study of normal volunteers,
and control groups, Mayer et al.23 examined the use of Chastain64 used a deep-heating modality (continuous
a wearable heat wrap to the low back region after shortwave diathermy) over the quadriceps. During the
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66 Modalities

first 30 minutes after terminating the heat, isometric Heat and stretch of connective tissue will result in
strength was decreased, followed by an increase for the plastic elongation.77,78,81,82 Two factors must be consid-
next 2 hours of measurement. ered in determining effective intervention strategies:
Strength and endurance decreases following heating
1. Temperature elevation—site, time, and amount
have also been reported in other studies on
2. Stretch—duration, amount, and velocity
humans.65,73 Immediately after immersion in
whirlpools whose temperatures ranged from 40°C to Greater residual length changes will occur when a
43°C (104°F to 109.4°F), quadriceps strength and stretch is applied during the time the tissue temperature
endurance were reduced.73 Edwards and associates65 is elevated at therapeutic levels (between 40°C and
found similar results following immersion of the lower 45°C [104°F and 113°F]).11,12,15,16,29 For in vivo exper-
extremity in a water bath of 44˚C (111.2°F) for iments on rat tail tendon, temperature was elevated in
45 minutes. The muscle temperature after the a water bath of 45°C (113°F) for 10 minutes; then
45-minute immersion had reached a value of 38.6°C elongation was performed and maintained until cool-
(101.3°F) from a normal mean of 35.1°C (95.2°F). ing to resting values occurred.81 This was compared
with stretch in a water bath of 25°C (77°F). Length
The practitioner should be aware of the
increases were greater in the 45°C (113°F) bath, with
changes in muscle performance following heat (and
less evidence of tissue damage.82
cold) application, particularly when planning strength-
For patients with frozen shoulder, Leung and
ening programs or performing valid assessments of
Cheing11 compared 20-minute superficial (hot pack)
performance such as manual muscle testing.
and deep (shortwave diathermy) treatments prior to
Connective Tissue Effects stretching exercises. They found a significant improve-
ment in all groups in all outcome measures except for
Temperature elevation, in combination with a sus-
shoulder flexion range. The improvement in the shoul-
tained stretch, can alter the viscoelastic properties of
der score index (activities of daily living) and in the
connective tissues.8,10–12,14–17,35,74–77 The viscous prop-
ROM was significantly better in the deep heating group
erties of connective tissue permit a residual elongation
than in the superficial heating group. Similarly, Knight
after stretch is applied, then released. This is referred to
et al.77 compared the effects of superficial heat (hot
as plastic deformation, or elongation.78 An elastic struc-
packs for 15 minutes), deep heat (continuous ultra-
ture will stretch under tension but will return to its
sound, 1.5 W/cm2 for 7 minutes), and stretch alone
original length when the load is removed. The elastic
(control) on the extensibility of the plantar flexors.
properties of connective tissue result in recoverable
They found heat prior to stretch increased both active
ROM (AROM) and passive ROM (PROM) compared
KEY POINT! The effects of heat on connective tissue to the control group, and the deep heat group obtained
include the greatest increases in AROM and PROM.
Three techniques reportedly provide for permanent
● increased elasticity
elongation of collagen tissue:
● decreased viscosity
● decreased joint stiffness 1. Constant load of enough magnitude to over-
● increased muscle flexibility come tissue elasticity
2. Rapid stretch followed by a period of holding in
Connective tissue will progressively shorten, and
that position
joint contractures will develop following injury if full-
3. Constant rate of stretching using a slow, steady
range-of-motion exercises are not performed.80
Adhesions, or the loss of ability of tissue layers to glide
past one another, will also develop. Lacerations and Lower loads of longer duration result in less tissue
crush and burn injuries result in scar tissue and often damage31,78,79,83 and greater increases in joint
limit mobility. ROM.31,78–80,82,84 Lentell and associates31 demonstrated
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Therapeutic Heat 67

an increase in long-term improvement in shoulder flex- heating modalities depend on the intensity of the heat
ibility when their subjects were treated with moist heat applied, the time of heat exposure, and the thermal medi-
packs prior to low-load, prolonged stretch. Two groups um (product of thermal conductivity, density, and specif-
(ice and stretch, and heat and stretch) showed an ic heat) for surface heat.85 The greatest degree of temper-
improvement in shoulder flexibility compared with con- ature elevation with heating modalities occurs in the skin
trols. However, only the heat-and-stretch group showed and the subcutaneous tissues within 0.5 to 2.0 cm from
significant gains in shoulder flexibility compared with the skin surface.86 In areas of adequate blood supply, tem-
those who received stretching alone.30 perature will increase to a maximum within 6 to 8 min-
Joint stiffness is a common complaint among utes of exposure.32,36,58 Muscle temperature at depths of
patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis 1 to 2 cm will increase to a lesser degree and will require
(degenerative joint disease). Joint stiffness has the phys- a longer duration of exposure (15 to 30 minutes) to reach
ical components of elasticity, viscosity, inertia, peak values.32,40,58, 86 At a depth of 3 cm and using clini-
plasticity, and friction. Joint stiffness in normal subjects cally tolerable intensities, muscle temperature elevation
and in patients with rheumatoid arthritis is mainly will be about 1°C (1.8°F) or less.14,16,32,86
attributable to the elastic properties of joint capsular In joints of the hand and wrist or foot and ankle,
structures.7,85 Following immersion of the hands in a with relatively little soft tissue covering, heating modal-
water bath of 43°C (109.4°F) for 10 minutes, there was ities can raise intra-articular temperatures.3,88,89 In fact,
a slight decrease in finger joint stiffness.76 Heating of a 20-minute exposure of the foot to dry heat fluidized
the hand to 45°C (113°F) with a heat lamp (infrared) therapy (Fluidotherapy) at 47.8°C (118°F) was shown
resulted in a 20% reduction in metacarpophalangeal to increase joint capsule temperature in the foot.3 Even
stiffness compared with heating to a temperature of though there can be a reflex vasodilatory response on
33°C (91.4°F).77 the unheated opposite extremity, no reflex temperature
A controlled pilot study involving patients with changes would be expected to occur.89
rheumatoid arthritis was conducted to compare and After the peak temperature is reached, there is a
assess the effects of ice versus heat on shoulder pain and plateau effect, or a slight decrease in skin temperature,
limited mobility.68 The heat-treated group showed a over the remainder of the heat exposure.32,36,40,58 In
greater increase in shoulder abduction and flexion than contrast, a study by Kelly et al.62 using fluidized
the ice-treated group, although this difference was not therapy found that skin temperature remained signifi-
statistically significant. In a systematic database search, cantly above pretreatment levels 20 minutes after com-
Ayling and Marks7 found paraffin wax applications pletion of the treatment. Typical temperature responses
were accompanied by significant improvements in of areas with intact circulation are given in Table 3-1.
rheumatoid arthritic hand function when followed by Fat provides insulation against heat; it has a low ther-
exercise. Similarly, Robinson et al.22 concluded that mal conductivity (see Table 3-1). Therefore, areas under
patients with rheumatoid arthritis can use thermother- adipose tissue are likely to be minimally affected by
apy palliatively or as an adjunct therapy combined with heating modalities. In order to elevate deep tissues to
exercises, and they found that wax baths were therapeutically desired levels without burning the skin
especially helpful in the treatment of arthritic hands. and subcutaneous tissue, a heating modality such as
Clearly, heating can result in decreased joint stiffness continuous ultrasound or shortwave diathermy should
and increased tissue extensibility, thus facilitating ease be selected.
of motion and gains in ROM.
Heat Transfer
Physical Principles of Heat The primary methods of heat transfer for heating
modalities are conduction, convection, and radia-
Heat flow through matter (tissues) varies with the nature tion.1,31,86 Conduction is a method of heat transfer in
of the material (type of tissue) and is called thermal con- which the kinetic motion of atoms and molecules of
ductivity.42 Changes in surface tissue temperature from one object is passed on to another object. This kinetic
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68 Modalities

motion, often described as “atoms jostling one anoth-

er,”42,86 is increased when one object is heated more
than another and occurs more effectively if the objects
are solids.42,86 More details on principles of conduction
are presented in Chapter 2.
Convection is the bulk movement of moving mole-
cules, either in liquid or gaseous form, that transfers
heat from one place to another.42,86 The fluid move-
ment can be pumped, such as blood within the body is
pumped by the heart and warms all the parts to which
it travels, or movement may occur because a heated liq-
uid or gas, being less dense, floats upward.42,86
Radiation is the conversion of heat energy to electro- Fig 3•5 Two commercially available hot packs. These are
heated in a thermostatically controlled unit.
magnetic radiation.42,86 All objects at temperatures
above absolute zero (–273°C) both emit and absorb
radiant energy. Any heated object or element, such as
an infrared heat lamp, gives off radiant heat. If an 70°C and 75°C (158°F and 167°F).1,40,42,86 Moist heat
object or body part is brought close enough to the radi- packs come in a variety of shapes and sizes and should
ant energy source, heat will be absorbed. Radiant heat be chosen on the basis of the size and contour of the
application using infrared lamps is rarely, if ever, used body part(s) to be treated.
today in rehabilitation; therefore, it will not be dis- The hot pack should completely cover the interven-
cussed further. tion area and should be secured in place (Figs. 3-6 and
3-7). The pack should not be secured so tightly that the
Conductive Heat Modalities patient cannot remove it if it becomes too hot. The
pack should be covered with layers of terry-cloth towel-
Moist heat packs and paraffin wax baths are commonly
ing or commercial hot pack covers. While there appears
used heating modalities for clinical use. For home use,
to be no definitive number of layers of toweling for
many patients use electric heating pads, microwavable
wrapping moist heat packs, the consensus is about six
heat packs, air-activated heat wraps, and paraffin wax
to eight layers, depending on towel thickness.
baths. These modalities transfer heat to the body via
Commercial hot pack covers often need another layer
conduction, because they are in contact with the skin
or two of toweling to ensure adequate insulation from
and are at a much higher temperature than the skin sur-
the hot pack.
face to which they are applied. Therefore, thermal
energy is lost from the modality and gained by the
tissues. The quantity of heat gained and the subsequent
physiological responses to it are dependent upon several
factors, including but not limited to:
1. thermal conductivity of the tissues
2. body volume exposed
3. time of exposure.

Moist Heat Packs or Hot Packs

Commercially available moist heat packs consist of can-
vas or nylon cases filled with a hydrophilic silicate or
some other hydrophilic substance or sand (Fig. 3-5).
Moist heat packs are stored in a thermostatically con- Fig 3•6 Hot pack application to the neck prior to
trolled cabinet in water that is at a temperature between exercise.
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Therapeutic Heat 69

circulation could be reduced through compression of

vessels, thus reducing circulatory convective cooling
(dissipation of the heat). Both factors could cause over-
heating of the skin. Along this same line, the use of
weights, such as sandbags, to hold the packs in position
can potentially create hot spots in the patient’s tissues.
If moist heat packs are to be used at home by care-
givers or reliable patients, adequate instructions should
be provided. There are a variety of methods of using
moist heat at home by patients or caregivers, including
commercial moist heat packs (hydrophilic silicate) and
Fig 3•7 Hot pack application to the lower back before
small water tanks for storage; sand packs, which can be
soft-tissue mobilization and exercise. Note that the heated either in water or in a microwave oven; and gel
patient is in the prone position. If indicated for patient packs, which can also be heated in water or in a
comfort, a pillow may be added under the abdomen.
microwave oven. A common rubber hot-water bottle
covered with moist toweling will also suffice.
All forms of moist heat packs should be inspected
KEY POINT!The quality of the towels used with a heat
regularly for leaks and should be discarded if leaking
pack should be considered. Because air acts as an
occurs. When hydrophilic silicate moist heat packs
insulator, newer, fluffier towels hold more air to insu-
become old and worn, they leak the pastelike material
late, thus retaining heat. Worn, thin towels will hold
within them, and they should be discarded, as should
less heat and thus dissipate it sooner.
gel packs that leak.
As with all forms of heating modalities, the patient Clinically, moist heat packs are used mostly to help
should feel only a mild to moderate sensation of heat reduce pain and muscle spasm and to help improve
during application; the old adage “the hotter the better” tissue extensibility.1,2,4–6,9,11,16,19,29,30,41,42,57,68,78,90 The
could result in skin burns. A significant early change in moist heat from these packs rates quite highly among
skin color may suggest overheating. Fair-skinned indi- patients relative to their comfort, heating ability, and
viduals may turn bright pink-red40 or blotchy red and effectiveness.
white, while darker-skinned individuals may exhibit Compared with other heating modalities, or other
areas of darker and lighter color. Fyfe40 suggests fre- modalities used to treat pain, moist heat packs fare well,
quent monitoring of the patient until about the 9- to although not significantly better. Several stud-
10-minute mark after warmth is first perceived, when ies11,16,22,68,76,77 indicated that while the moist heat
the maximum heating begins to dissipate. If the pack packs decreased pain and muscle spasm and improved
feels too hot to the patient or the therapist detects dis- ROM, they were not significantly better than other
tinct skin color change, more toweling should be modalities. Williams and associates68 found that moist
added, or the hot pack should be removed. heat packs did improve ROM at the shoulder more
than did ice, although not significantly. Interestingly,
The practitioner should monitor the patient
however, most of the patients in the ice intervention
during hot pack application. It is advisable to check
group asked if they could be treated with heat instead
under the hot pack after about 5 minutes to observe
of ice once the study was completed. Leung and
the skin color and the patient’s subjective feelings
Cheing11 found that hot packs did increase shoulder
about the amount of heat being perceived.
function, ROM, and pain relief; however, the short-
Patients should be advised not to lie with full body wave diathermy group fared better in all three measure-
weight directly on top of moist heat packs, particularly ments. Similarly, Minton16 found both hot packs and
when the intended intervention area is on the trunk. ice packs improved straight-leg hip ROM following
Body weight will squeeze water from the pack and may application to the hamstring muscles with no signifi-
accelerate the rate of heat transfer. In addition, local cant difference between them. However, the increase in
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70 Modalities


Your patient is a 65-year-old female with chronic, 4. What specific aspects of therapeutic heat would be
intermittent low back pain (LBP) sustained 14 years appropriate for this patient?
ago during a low-speed motor vehicle accident where Answer: Options for heating include moist heat
she sustained a compression fracture of a lumbar ver- pack, warm whirlpool, electric heating pad, and
tebra. The patient still complains of pain and stiffness low-level continuous heat wrap. Moist heat pack is
most mornings and several days each month when easy to use and may deliver heat to deeper tissues
pain lasts all day and limits her activity. Diagnostic than electric heating pad. Heat wrap can deliver
imaging from 1 year ago shows moderate degenera- heat over a long duration and may allow a person to
tive joint disease/osteoarthritis throughout the lumbar be more active during the treatment. Between 10
and lower thoracic spine without central canal or neu- and 30 minutes for moist heat pack or electric heat-
roforaminal stenosis. Examination reveals approxi- ing pads, and up to 8 hours for heat wrap. Paraffin
mately 50% of expected lumbar motion in all direc- and Fluidotherapy are not practical options for treat-
tions when tested in standing, limited by “grabbing” ing the lumbar spine.
pain in flexion and extension; negative neurological
5. What are the proper application procedures for
screen; pain and mild motion limitation with joint play
therapeutic heat?
testing of the lumbar vertebra; and pain with palpation
Answer: Any position with the spine unloaded and
of lumbar spinous processes and adjacent paraspinal
in a neutral position should be fine. Supine with
muscles, which feel especially taut on the right side.
hips/knees flexed is a good option for most people
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING (comfortable, decreased stress on low back) but
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or requires more frequent skin checks since the body
problem that can be improved with the use of ther- weight can compress the vessels in the back that
apeutic heat? would otherwise dissipate excess heat; prone may
Answer: The patient demonstrates decreased active put the patient’s spine into too much extension,
ROM, decreased passive intervertebral joint play, but this can be corrected with pillows under the
and increased pain with palpation. Application of abdomen. The size of the heating pack, pad, or
therapeutic heat is indicated for all of these and can wrap selected should be appropriate for the size of
be an effective and complementary adjuvant to the the area to be treated. A moist hot pack should be
complete rehabilitation plan. wrapped in a hot pack cover with several layers of
additional toweling used to provide safe and ade-
2. Is the patient appropriate for therapeutic heat? Do
quate heating. More layers of pads or towels are
any of the general precautions or contraindications
needed if the patient is to lie atop the pack.
to therapeutic heat apply to the patient, or are there
Instruct the patient to contact you if the heat
any specific considerations regarding the applica-
increases to an uncomfortable level. Return to
tion of therapeutic heat to this patient?
check on the patient after 5 minutes. If the pack is
Answer: The patient’s symptoms and history are
too hot to the patient, or the therapist detects dis-
appropriate for the use of therapeutic heat.
tinct changes in skin color, more toweling should
Contraindications in this situation include treatment
be added or the hot pack should be removed.
over areas of recent or potential hemorrhage, malig-
Following treatment, always inspect the skin.
nancy, acute inflammation, infection, poor thermal
sensation, or where heat rubs have been recently
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
use of therapeutic heat?
Answer: Goals of treatment include decreasing pain,
decreasing muscle spasm, increasing range of
motion, increasing function without pain.
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Therapeutic Heat 71

ROM following hot pack application was deemed to be controlled stainless-steel or plastic containers. These wax
from the increased tissue temperature, the increased baths come in a variety of sizes; the smaller ones are ideal
extensibility of collagen, and the relaxed psychological for patient use at home (Fig. 3-8).
response of the subjects. It was felt that the cryotherapy Paraffin is most commonly used for the distal
increased ROM because of its inhibitory effect on mus- extremities, including the fingers, hand, wrist, and per-
cle spasm and pain, yet these were all normal subjects haps elbow in the upper limb, and the toes, foot, and
with no known pathology.16 (See Box 3-2 for advan- ankle in the lower limb. There are two principal tech-
tages and disadvantages of using moist heat packs.) niques of application:

Paraffin Wax 1. Dip and wrap

2. Dip and reimmerse
Paraffin wax has several physical characteristics that
make it an efficient source of heat. First, it has a low Dip-and-wrap is the more practical of the two
melting point, around 54°C (129°F). This can be low- options. For both methods, the extremity to be treated
ered further by adding more paraffin oil or mineral oil, should be washed and dried and all jewelry removed
so the wax remains molten at temperatures between from it. If a ring(s) cannot be removed, it should be
about 45°C and 54°C (113°F and 129°F). This molten covered with a piece of adhesive or surgical tape to pre-
state allows for a more even distribution of the wax vent the wax from getting trapped in the ring crevices.
around the part to be treated (usually distal extremi- When treating the hand and wrist, for example, the fin-
ties). Second, paraffin has a low specific heat, which gers should be slightly spread apart, the wrist relaxed,
means that it does not feel as hot as water of the same and the hand and wrist dipped into the wax to a few
temperature; therefore, there is much less risk of a burn. centimeters above the wrist joint. The hand is then
Third, it conducts heat more slowly than water at the removed from the wax and held above the bath until
same temperature, thus allowing the tissues to heat up the wax has stopped dripping and becomes opaque;
more slowly, also decreasing the risk of a burn. This is then the hand is dipped again (Fig. 3-9).
particularly important when treating patients with sen- The patient should be reminded not to move the
sitive skin or diminished skin sensation—for example, hand and fingers so as not to break the seal of the glove
following burns.66,91
The paraffin mixture of a paraffin wax to oil (six or
seven parts wax to one part oil) is commercially available
and is melted and stored for use in thermostatically

Box 3•2 Advantages and Disadvantages

of Using Moist Heat Packs
1. Ease of preparation and application
2. Variety of shapes and sizes available
3. Moist, comfortable heat
4. Relatively inexpensive to purchase and replace (assuming a
tank is already owned)
1. No method of temperature control once applied to patient
2. Does not readily conform to all body parts
3. Sometimes awkward to secure in place on a patient
4. Does not retain heat for longer than about 20 minutes
5. A passive intervention; patient exercise cannot be performed
6. May leak and then must be discarded (hydrophilic or gel
packs) Fig 3•8 Application of paraffin to the foot. (Courtesy of Talcott
Laboratories, Houston, PA.)
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72 Modalities


Fig 3•9 Application of paraffin to the hand. (A) Note relaxed fingers. (B) Note wax glove. (C) After wax removal, the
patient can do light grip exercises before discarding wax.

being formed. This procedure is repeated about 8 to When using paraffin to improve skin pliability over
10 times until a solid wax glove has formed around the healed burn areas, a temperature of 47°C (116.6°F) has
fingers, hand, and wrist. The hand is then placed in a been suggested.66 Paraffin also lubricates and condi-
plastic bag and wrapped with a towel to help retain the tions the skin because of the mineral oil content.95 This
heat. The end of the wrapped towel should be folded can be particularly useful when treating a scarred skin
over to close the end of the extremity. Otherwise, the area. Using wax and stretching, Head and Helms91
wrapped towel essentially makes a chimney and heat demonstrated a maintainable average increase in ROM
can escape. If there is a potential for edema to increase of 7° to 10° in the joints of patients with burn scars. If
secondary to the heat, the part should be elevated above wax is applied over a skin-grafted area, the graft should
the level of the heart until the treatment time is over, be stable and nonfragile, and the application should
usually in about 15 to 30 minutes.86,92,93 occur at least 10 days postgraft.91 Intervention is daily
The dip-and-reimmerse technique is a bit different. for 2 to 3 weeks.
After the wax glove has formed, the area covered by the Paraffin baths are often used as part of an interven-
glove is put back into the wax bath and kept there for tion program in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
the duration of the heat intervention (about 10 to Wax is applied during the nonflare phases to decrease
20 minutes). The most vigorous responses with respect pain and increase tissue extensibility. Dellhag and
to temperature elevation and blood flow changes will associates96 found wax baths to be an effective inter-
occur with the dip-and-reimmerse technique.86,92–94 vention for this population. Although they found no
This technique is not well suited for most patients who significant therapeutic effects with wax bath interven-
are predisposed to edema or who cannot sit comfort- tions alone, there was a significant improvement in
ably in the position required for intervention. This stiffness, ROM, and grip function when the wax
technique also precludes other patients from using the intervention was followed by active exercise. In a
wax bath during that time period. If there are potential Cochrane Review, Robinson et al.22 suggested that
intervention areas that are not amenable to either of paraffin wax baths combined with exercises can pro-
these methods, the wax can be applied with a paint- vide beneficial short-term effects for rheumatoid
brush, using up to 10 coats of wax. arthritic hands.
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Therapeutic Heat 73

Paraffin baths have been used in patients with sys-

Box 3•3 Advantages and Disadvantages
temic sclerosis (scleroderma). Sandqvist et al.97 found
of Paraffin Wax
that after 1 month of daily treatment, paraffin hand
baths significantly improved finger flexion and exten-
1. Low specific heat allows for application at a higher temperature
sion, thumb abduction, wrist flexion, and perceived than water without the risk of a burn.
stiffness and skin elasticity over the baseline values of 2. Low thermal conductivity allows for heating of tissues to occur
more slowly, thus reducing the risk of overheating the tissues.
the nontreated (control) hand. 3. Molten state allows for even distribution of heat to areas like
Relative to other heat modalities, paraffin wax may fingers and toes.
4. First dip traps air and moisture to create more even heat
not be significantly better at decreasing pain or increas-
ing joint ROM. Hoyrup and Kjorvel67 compared 5. Oils used in the wax add moisture to the skin.
whirlpool and wax interventions for hand therapy. 6. Wax remains malleable after removal, allowing for use as an
exercise tool.
They measured hand volume, ROM, and level of pain 7. Paraffin provides a comfortable, moist heat.
immediately prior to and following 3 weeks of inter- 8. Replacing the wax is relatively inexpensive (assuming bath is
already owned).
vention. While all subjects showed significant improve-
ments in ROM and decreased pain levels, no major dif- 1. Paraffin wax is effective only for distal extremities in terms of
ferences were found between the modalities. ease of application.
2. The most effective method of application is the bath, which
Paraffin should not be applied over open wounds
limits accessibility for other body parts to be treated effectively.
because of the risk of burning the tissues. Patients with 3. There is no method of temperature control once applied.
infected skin lesions should not use wax, as it may exac- 4. The heating lasts only about 20 minutes.
5. It is a passive intervention; patient exercise cannot be
erbate the lesion. When contagious skin conditions or performed simultaneously.
warts are present, prior to immersion in the wax bath,
the area is covered with a bandage or some form of plas-
tic skin film to prevent the wax bath from becoming
contaminated. See Box 3-3 for advantages and disad- Box 3•4 Advantages and Disadvantages
vantages of paraffin wax. of Electric Heating Pads
Electric Heating Pads 1. Readily available for purchase at a reasonable cost for long-
term use
A method of applying a low-level heat over a long time 2. A convenient method of at-home heat application to be used
(e.g., hours) has been available for years in the form of prior to exercise
3. Provides a comfortable, dry heat sensation
electric heating pads. The disadvantages of electric heat-
ing pads are the patient must be at the site of an electri- 1. Can cause skin and subcutaneous tissue burns if patient inad-
cal outlet, and some of these pads may heat up enough vertently falls asleep with the pad turned on
2. Patient must be near an electrical outlet during use
to produce superficial burns. 3. A passive intervention; patient exercise cannot be performed
Electric heating pads primarily are used at home for simultaneously
temporary pain relief. They are usually square but also
may be shaped like a cervical moist heat pack. The pads
may have an adjustable intensity control, but they sodium chloride, and water. The disks are spaced
should not be used during sleep in case the pad is inad- throughout the cloth’s application surface; when the
vertently left on. See Box 3-4 for advantages and disad- wrap is removed from its sealed pouch and exposed to
vantages of electric heating pads. oxygen, the disks oxidize, producing an exothermic
reaction, thus producing heat.14 These wearable heat
Air-Activated, Wearable Heat Wraps wraps maintain a temperature of about 40°C (104°F),
Commercially available wearable heat wraps are air acti- elevate tissue temperature, and can be worn during
vated and can be worn for up to 8 hours at a time. activities of daily living, work, and sleep. The wraps are
These heat wraps are made of cloth embedded with available in different sizes and shapes to accommodate
multiple disks made of iron powder, activated charcoal, body size and contour (Fig. 3-10).
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74 Modalities


Fig 3•10 Air-activated heat wrap. (A) Wrap being applied to the wrist. (B) Using the hand with wrap in place.

Improved trunk flexibility, reduced pain, and less found low-level heat wrap therapy was of significant
muscle stiffness in patients with lower back pain were benefit in the prevention and the early phase treatment
reported by Nadler et al.98 in a trial of continuous low- of delayed-onset muscle soreness of the low back.
level heat (e.g., 8 hours of continuous wear) using air- These studies showed that the relief low-level, air-
activated heat wraps (Fig. 3-11). This study showed activated heat wraps provided is based on the length of
that the effects were greater with the heat wrap than application, which varied from 4 to 8 hours, compared
with oral placebo medication.98 Another study showed to the 15- to 30-minute application of hot packs or
similar effects when the heat wrap therapy was com- paraffin wax.23 See Box 3-5 for advantages and disad-
pared with ibuprofen and acetaminophen.99 This study vantages of air-activated, wearable heat wraps.
was performed on patients with acute lower back pain;
therefore, it is unlikely that loss of motion was due to Convective Heating: Fluidotherapy
adaptive shortening of connective tissue. The positive (Fluidized Therapy)
results could be attributed in part to pain reduction and Fluidotherapy is a dry-heat modality that transfers heat
perhaps a reduction in muscle-guarding spasms.99 energy by forced convection. Borrell and coworkers3
These heat wraps have also been effective in low pain suggest that for heating, it is irrelevant whether the
control when used during sleep.100 modality is providing wet or dry heat, provided that
Kettenmann et al.72 examined the impact of low- the skin temperature is raised to the same temperature
level heat wrap therapy on acute low back pain by tak- by both modalities. The Fluidotherapy system uses air-
ing objective electroencephalogram measures in addi- fluidized solids as the heat transfer medium. Warm air
tion to other psychophysical measurements. They is uniformly circulated through the bottom of a bed of
found the heat wrap group had reduced low back pain, finely divided cellulose particles (finely ground corn
a better night’s sleep, a decreased number of daytime cob, dubbed “cellex”) in a container. The solid particles
naps, and everyday situations being less stressful com- become suspended when the stream of air is forced
pared to the control group. Mayer and colleagues20 through them, making the fluidized bed demonstrate
found the combination of low-level heat wrap and properties similar to those of liquids.3 The viscosity of
directional preference-based exercise during the treat- the air-fluidized system is low, allowing a patient to
ment of acute low back pain significantly improved submerge body parts into the fluidized bed and sus-
functional outcomes compared with either interven- pend these parts similarly to a fluid bath, thus permit-
tion alone or with the control group. Patients with ting exercise with relative ease.102,103 The heat transfer
wrist pain due to sprains/strains and arthritis had relief characteristics within the fluidized bed and to parts
with a wrist wrap as compared with placebo medica- submerged in it are similar to those of a mildly agitated
tion.101 Another study by Mayer and associates23 liquid.102 The combination of air flowing around the
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Therapeutic Heat 75


Fig 3•11 (A) Air-activated heat wrap being applied to lower back. (B) Patient can wear wrap under clothing.

high surface area of the finely divided particles and the blown in, the particles become suspended and the
bulk movement of solids produces high heat fluxes and treated body part feels as though it is immersed in a
uniform temperatures throughout, thus providing a moving liquid bath, such as a whirlpool.
strong massaging action, sensory stimulation, and lev- Both temperature and the amount of particle agita-
itation.103 tion can be varied. Temperature ranges are typically
Fluidotherapy units come in a variety of sizes and are between 38.8°C to 47.8°C (102°F to 118°F). The lower
best used for treating the distal extremities. For joints ranges are recommended for patients who have a
and distal body parts, the patient places the body part greater predisposition for edema formation or who are
through the entrance sleeve of the Fluidotherapy unit in beginning programs for desensitization, as they may
(Fig. 3-12). The sleeve is then secured to keep the cel- not be able to tolerate higher temperatures. Agitation
lulose particles from escaping. As the air stream is can be controlled for patient comfort. In addition,

Box 3•5 Advantages and Disadvantages

of Air-Activated Heat Wraps
1. Dry heat prevents clothing from getting wet.
2. Wraps provide a comfortable and low-profile heat source.
3. Wraps can be worn during activity and sleep.
4. Patients can easily be instructed in safe application.
5. Wraps are relatively inexpensive for short-term use.
6. Active exercises may be performed during wear.
7. When used as directed, wraps do not heat up to more than
1. Wraps can be used only one time.
2. If needed for extended periods of time, the expense must be
considered. Fig 3•12 Fluidotherapy (fluidized therapy) to the hand
and wrist.
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76 Modalities

varying degrees of agitation can be used in a program of length of hospitalization (compared with the length of
desensitization for hypersensitive areas. hospitalization by the same patients during previous
Patients can perform exercises while the affected episodes); a major reduction in the dosage of analgesics
body part(s) is within the cabinet. This is particularly previously administered; and a marked improvement in
effective for the distal extremities, such as the wrist, spine, trunk, and extremity ROM and gait. See Box 3-6
hand, fingers, ankle, foot, and toes. If heat and stretch for advantages and disadvantages of Fluidotherapy.
is desired, dynamic splinting can be used during the
time of heat intervention to provide a gentle stretch, or Clinical Application:
stretching techniques can be used immediately follow- Principles and Indications
ing immersion in Fluidotherapy.
If there is an open wound on a body part that needs Heating modalities are used in therapeutic programs to
to be treated, the wound can be protected by a plastic assist in the reduction of pain and stiffness, to alleviate
barrier or bag to prevent any fine cellulose particles muscle spasm, to increase ROM, and to improve tissue
from becoming embedded in the wound and to mini- healing by increasing blood flow and nutrients to an
mize the risk of cross-contamination. area. When heat is applied to the trunk, shoulders, hips,
The effects of Fluidotherapy on nerve conduction or knees, it is usually considered a mild heat. The site of
velocity and skin temperature in normal subjects was dysfunction is often well below the surface, and the heat
examined by Kelly and colleagues.62 They found that will produce desired responses through reflex mecha-
Fluidotherapy (heat plus tactile stimulation) signifi- nisms by stimulation of cutaneous afferents. Mild heat-
cantly elevated superficial skin temperature compared ing usually elevates temperature at the site of pathology
to tactile stimulation alone and no treatment (control to less than 40°C (104°F) and may be thought of as
group). In addition, they found a concomitant decrease having a soothing, counterirritant effect.29
in distal sensory latency of the superficial radial nerve When a higher temperature—for example,
action potential as the skin temperature increased. between 40°C and 45°C (104°F and 113°F)—is
The authors suggest that the higher skin temperatures desired at the involved structure, the appropriate
obtained with Fluidotherapy may be of benefit modality for the intervention must be chosen.
clinically when the aim of treatment is to increase soft Paraffin, for example, may be a vigorous heater of the
tissue extensibility or reduce joint stiffness with active finger joints but only a mild heater of the shoulder.
or passive movements.62 The principles of mild versus vigorous heating are
The effectiveness of Fluidotherapy as a heating modal- summarized in Table 3-2.
ity was compared with paraffin wax and hydrotherapy by
in vivo temperature measurements.3 Joint capsule and
muscle temperatures in the hands and feet were measured Box 3•6 Advantages and Disadvantages
at various depths. Fluidotherapy produced the greatest of Fluidotherapy
increase in tissue temperatures in all areas. The authors’ Advantages
conclusion was that Fluidotherapy delivered more heat 1. Convenient and easy to administer
2. Temperature of application can be controlled.
than paraffin wax or hydrotherapy because higher tem- 3. Agitation of dry particles can be controlled for comfort.
peratures can be tolerated in a dry environment.3 4. Variety of unit sizes allows for most body areas to be treated.
However, this conclusion is questionable, because paraffin 5. Allows for some active exercise to be carried out during
wax in particular allows tissues to be immersed in a bath 6. Provides a dry, comfortable heat
with an operating temperature of 45°C to 54°C (113°F to 7. Can be used for desensitization of hypersensitive hands/fingers
or feet/toes
129°F), compared with the Fluidotherapy range of 39°C
to 48°C (102.2°F to 118.4°F). 1. Relatively expensive modality to purchase
Alcorn and coworkers104 used Fluidotherapy and 2. Some patients are intolerant to the enclosed container
(claustrophobic feeling).
exercise in the management of patients with sickle cell 3. Some patients are intolerant to the dry materials used.
anemia. They demonstrated a marked reduction in the
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Therapeutic Heat 77


Your patient is a 38-year-old construction worker malignancy, acute inflammation, infection, poor
who had his right hand crushed under a heavy thermal sensation, peripheral vascular compromise,
weight at work 3 months ago. He suffered fractures or where heat rubs have been recently applied.
to his second, third, and fourth proximal phalanges
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
and to his second and third metacarpals, and he dis-
use of therapeutic heat?
located the metacarpal-phalangeal joint of his
Answer: The primary goals are to decrease pain and
thumb. His hand was immobilized in a splint for
to increase extensibility of soft tissue in order to gain
6 weeks. He is unable to return to work due to the
more range of motion in the restricted joints. Job-
significant loss of function of his right hand. Your
specific functional goals will be incorporated as
examination reveals decreased ROM of flexion,
extension, and opposition of the thumb; decreased
ROM of flexion and extension of the second, third, 4. What specific aspects of therapeutic heat would be
and fourth metacarpal-phalangeal joints; weakness appropriate for this patient?
of the hand intrinsic muscles; and pain with closing Answer: Options for heating for this case
his hand and grasping objects. include warm whirlpool, paraffin wax bath, and
Fluidotherapy. Whirlpool and Fluidotherapy would
allow for the patient to perform active exercises
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or
during treatment; paraffin wax is a passive treat-
problem that can be improved with the use of ther-
ment. Moist heat packs or low-level heat wrap
apeutic heat?
therapy would not work very well with the hand,
Answer: The patient has significant dysfunction
wrist, and fingers because of their flat surface.
and limitations, including decreased ROM,
strength, and pain that presently keep the patient 5. What are the proper application procedures for
from returning to work. Therapeutic heat can be therapeutic heat?
used as part of the rehabilitation plan to allow the Answer: Several therapeutic heating agents may
patient to complete ROM and hand-strengthening be used for this patient, including warm whirlpool
exercises that will lead to further functional (38°C; 100°F) for 15 to 20 minutes, Fluidotherapy
retraining. (40°C; 104°F) for 15 to 20 minutes, and paraffin
wax using the dip-and-wrap method for 20 minutes.
2. Is the patient appropriate for therapeutic heat?
Because restoring hand mobility is a primary inter-
Do any of the general precautions or contraindi-
est, warm whirlpool and Fluidotherapy are
cations to therapeutic heat apply to the patient,
preferred because active ROM activities can be
or are there any specific considerations regarding
performed while the heat is applied. If restrictions
the application of therapeutic heat to this
from scarring are present, paraffin wax may assist
in softening and mobilizing the restricted scar.
Answer: The patient’s dysfunctions and limitations
are appropriate for use of therapeutic heat.
Contraindications in this situation include treatment
over areas of recent or potential hemorrhage,

Table 3•2 Comparison of Mild and Vigorous Heating1

Mild Vigorous
Temperature elevation Low High
site of pathology
Degree of temperature increase Warmth—up to 40°C comfortable sensation of Near tolerance levels up to 45°C
Rate of rise of temperature Slow Rapid
Clinical examples To cervical area for reducing muscle spasm upper Fluidotherapy at 45°C to the hand to increase
trapezius tissue extensibility before ROM exercises
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78 Modalities

Intervention time with all heating modalities usually when superficial heat is applied over a known
ranges from 15 to 30 minutes. This duration will allow malignancy is unknown, heat may increase
time for maximal tolerable increases in tissue tempera- activation and movement of malignant cells)
ture and blood flow. However, with certain heat modal- ● Application over areas of acute inflammation
ities, such as air-activated heat wraps, a much longer (heat will aggravate and potentially increase
time of application is used. (See the previous section on inflammatory response)
air-activated heat wraps.) ● Application over infected areas where infection
Despite the widespread clinical use of heating may spread or where cross-contamination may
modalities, there are very few well-designed clinical occur (heat may cause infection to spread to
studies that address the efficacy of these modalities in a other areas)
therapeutic regimen. The remainder of this chapter will ● Application over areas where liniments or heat
discuss safety issues and application techniques based rubs have recently been applied (heat will
on purported physiological rationales and the clinical increase risk of burn because vessels are already
experience of the authors. Details regarding specific dilated from the presence of liniment; the vessels
studies related to the use of thermotherapy for pain cannot dilate further to dissipate more heat)
control, reduction of muscle-guarding spasm, and ● Application in any situation deemed unreliable
increasing ROM are discussed in Chapter 13. by the physical therapist (unreliable situations,
such as language difficulties, put patients at risk
Contraindications and because they may not understand the therapist’s
Precautions to Thermotherapy instructions)

Before using heat in therapeutic intervention, the ther- Clinical Decision-Making

apist should determine the status of the patient’s circu-
lation and his or her sensitivity to temperature and The decision to use a thermal modality as part of a
pain. The skin overlying the intervention area should total intervention program should be based on a
be tested for thermal sensation using hot and cold water combination of factors, including the patient’s diag-
in test tubes or with other hot and cold objects, such as nosis and medical status and the objective findings of
spoons. Pain sensation can be determined by using the the physical therapy examination. It is not until this
pinprick versus the blunt test. This information is nec- information is gathered that the intervention goals
essary because determining the safe level of heat are established. The plan of intervention to obtain
requires that the patient be able to perceive when the these goals can include a thermal modality when
pain threshold has been reached. Response of thermal indicated. It should be noted that, in most situations,
receptors in the skin is illustrated in Figure 3-13. it is only appropriate to apply one type of heating
The following is a list of contraindications to the use modality. To include two, such as paraffin and
of heating modalities: whirlpool to the hand in one session, would most
likely be redundant. In certain situations, combining
● Application over areas with a lack of intact ther- two electrophysical agents may be complementary to
mal sensation (risk of burn if patient cannot dis- the treatment goals, such as the use of transcutaneous
tinguish between hot and cold) electrical stimulation (TENS) with a hot pack for the
● Application over areas of vascular insufficiency or treatment of pain.90 Intervention is executed and
vascular disease (risk of burn if circulation is follow-up completed. The procedures for clinical
inadequate to dissipate heat in tissues) decision-making and carrying out the intervention
● Application over areas of recent hemorrhage or are outlined in Box 3-7.
potential hemorrhage (heat will increase
bleeding) Heat Versus Cold
● Application over areas of known malignancy There are clinical situations when either heat or cold
(while the exact nature of what may happen may be selected to meet intervention objectives or when
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Therapeutic Heat 79
Nerve impulse frequency
(arbitraty scale)

Fig 3•13 Responses of thermal

receptors in the skin. (Adapted with
permission from Low J, Reed A. Electrotherapy
Explained: Principles and Practices. Oxford, Butterworth
Temperature (°C) Heinemann; 1990:177.)

one is clearly preferred over the other. Often the choice aggravate inflammation. In patients who can tolerate
between heat and cold is empirical, but before the deci- cryotherapy, this may be chosen for reducing muscle
sion is made, certain factors should be considered: spasm (see Chapter 2). Cold can also reduce pain
around joints before ROM exercises and may be easier
1. Stage of injury or disease
for the patient to apply at home. On the other hand,
2. Area of body treated
heat may be better tolerated psychologically by persons
3. Medical status
with pain or muscle spasm, resulting in increased
4. Patient preference, which may be determined by
patient compliance with intervention programs.
cold or heat hypersensitivity
Temperature elevation will decrease joint stiffness and
5. Decision to use thermal modalities as part of a
increase connective tissue extensibility, so if either of
home program
these is the intervention goal, heat is the modality of
Cold is the preferred modality during the acute choice. In addition, heat to distal extremities seems to
stages of inflammation; heat at this stage may further be tolerated better than cold. The advantages and dis-
advantages of using heat or cold are briefly outlined in
Figure 3-14.
Box 3•7 Procedure for Clinical
Decision-Making and Execution
of Intervention With a Thermal HEAT vs. COLD
1. Assess patient.
2. Establish intervention goals based on results of patient assess- Advantages: Disadvantages:
ment and consultation. Pain May cause swelling
3. Select intervention plan, including thermal modality when appli- Tissue extensibility
cable, to meet these goals. Stiffness
4. Choose thermal modality.
5. Select position for intervention. Cold
6. Apply thermal modality (followed by exercise or other appropri-
ate techniques). Advantages: Disadvantages:
7. Reassess and determine if intervention should continue or be May prevent further swelling stiffness
modified or discontinued. pain tissue extensibility
8. Establish a home program (which can include a thermal
Fig 3•14 Intervention choice: heat versus cold.
2391_Ch03_059-084.qxd 5/20/11 11:42 AM Page 80

80 Modalities

Factors to Consider for Therapeutic As has been previously described,31,77 the use of heat
Heat Techniques combined with low-load prolonged stretch may be
amenable to elongating tissues secondary to contrac-
The decision of which heat modality to select primarily
ture, as heat increases extensibility of collagen tissue.
depends on the location of the involved structure, the
pathophysiology, and the degree of temperature eleva- Wet Versus Dry Heat
tion desired (Fig. 3-15). Generally speaking, deep heat is
Many patients say they have heard that moist heat is
usually selected during the remodeling phase of an
more penetrating, and thus more effective, than dry
injury or a disease when tissue contractures persist or
heat. Few clinical studies that examine the efficacy of
when heat is required deep into a joint.
one versus the other in obtaining functional interven-
When treating a patient with pain, muscle spasm, or
tion goals are available. Cosgray et al.106 compared ham-
both, the patient’s position must be carefully selected
string length treated with moist hot packs and with the
and should be the most comfortable possible, particu-
Pneumatherm, a device that delivers pulsed, dry hot air
larly considering that the patient may need to remain in
to the skin at temperatures of approximately 49°C
that position for up to 30 minutes. If muscle spasm is
(120°F). They found that the dry heat produced greater
present, the muscle(s) should not be in a position of
increases in hamstring length than moist heat or con-
“undue stretch” until some pain relief has occurred. If
trols. It has been determined that dry heat can elevate
the patient has joint pain, the joint should be posi-
surface temperatures to a greater degree but that moist
tioned in an open-packed position, with the ligaments
heat can elevate temperature to a slightly deeper level.107
and joint capsule in a slackened position; this will lessen
the intra-articular pressure105 and the stress on joint Home Application of Therapeutic
structures. Heat Modalities
In most cases, it is desirable to provide a patient with an
at-home means for pain control and for reducing stiff-
ness before exercise. Gel packs, sand packs, and bead
packs are commercially available and can be heated in
either a water container or a microwave oven for short-
duration heat applications (e.g., up to 20 or 30 min-
utes). Both paraffin wax baths and Fluidotherapy units
are available in home-use sizes, which are generally for
Tissue temperature °C

the hands, wrists, and feet. Electric heating pads also

provide relief and are available in various sizes. A
rubber hot water bottle filled with hot tap water and
covered with a moist towel will also provide mild, com-
fortable heat. Adequate, clear, and concise instructions
should be written down for the home patient, includ-
ing the intervention time, method, frequency of appli-
cation, and any special instructions and precautions to
prevent inadvertent burns from excess heat.

Safety of Heat Application

The adverse responses that can occur with heat applica-
Fig 3•15 Curves representing changes in skin, subcuta-
neous tissue, and muscle temperatures obtained during tion primarily include the chance of increasing
and after 30 minutes of wet heat topically applied to the swelling, in the case of acute edema, and the chance of
forearm. (Adapted with permission from Abramson, et al. Changes in blood flow, oxygen
uptake and tissue temperatures produced by the topical application of wet heat. Arch Phys Med
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Therapeutic Heat 81

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18. Chou R, Huffman LH. Nonpharmacologic therapies for acute
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19. French SD, Cameron M, Walker BF, Reggars JW, Esterman AJ.
● Thermal modality used A Cochrane review of superficial heat or cold for low back
pain. Spine. 2006;31(9):998–1006.
● Method of application, including duration
20. Mayer JM, Ralph L, Look M, et al. Treating acute low back
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● Patient position for intervention cise: a randomized controlled trial. Spine J. 2005;5:395–403.
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chapter 4
Therapeutic Ultrasound
Susan L. Michlovitz, PT, PhD, CHT | Karen J. Sparrow, PT, PhD

ltrasound (US) is a therapeutic modality com-
monly used for improving connective tissue
PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES extensibility, including managing scar tissue, pro-
The Nature of Acoustic Energy moting pain relief in musculoskeletal injuries, and
Production of Ultrasound Waves enhancing tissue healing and remodeling in the care of
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ULTRASOUND WAVE tendinopathies. There is clear evidence from well-
Frequency: 1 MHz or 3 MHz designed animal studies that ultrasound (US) has many
Mode: Continuous Wave or Pulsed
positive effects on connective tissue characteristics, pain
Intensity: Watts/cm2
and tissue inflammation, and healing. The same concor-
dance has not been reported in the clinical literature in
Propagation of Ultrasound Waves in Tissue
Factors Influencing Energy Absorption effectiveness studies using human subjects, albeit there is
moderate evidence for some techniques and clinical
Thermal and Mechanical Effects indications. This chapter will discuss the physical prin-
Muscular Effects ciples of ultrasound (e.g., acoustical energy, the trans-
Connective Tissue (Tendon/Ligament) Effects mission and absorption of ultrasound in soft tissues,
Effects on Joint Pain common clinical uses of ultrasound, and safety issues in
Hemodynamic Effects application). We need well-designed clinical trials using
Effects of US on Nerve
ultrasound to determine characteristics of those patients
Posttraumatic Effects: Inflammation and Tissue Repair
Instrumentation for Delivering Therapeutic Ultrasound who could benefit from this treatment and to determine
Application Considerations dosages that would positively affect alterations of body
APPLICATION TECHNIQUES function, such as loss of ROM and pain.
Keep the US Applicator Moving!
Direct Contact Coupling Is Preferred Physical Principles
Indirect Coupling Methods Are Overrated
Measurement and Expected Outcomes
Ultrasound is a form of acoustic, or sound, energy.
Documentation of Ultrasound Treatment
Phonophoresis: Is It a Viable Option? Sound waves are mechanical pressure waves. Unlike
transmission of electromagnetic energy—such as that
delivered by diathermy, in which individual particles
such as photons or electrons may travel unhindered
through a vacuum—transmission of acoustic energy
requires a medium such as a coupling gel when treating
human tissues.

2391_Ch04_085-108 20/05/11 5:34 PM Page 86

86 Modalities

Because US energy requires a medium for

KEY POINT! source, like light leaving a flashlight. The frequencies
transmission, the ultrasound applicator is “coupled” to used for therapeutic ultrasound devices produce a well-
the skin surface via a layer of water-soluble gel. collimated cylindrical beam.
Sound waves travel by mechanically deforming or Due to the collimated beam of US, the

vibrating molecules. A vibrating molecule “bumps” energy can be delivered to a well-delineated and
into an adjacent molecule, transfers energy, and thus focused area. US is not appropriately used over large
sets the adjacent molecule in motion. This chain reac- surface areas like the low back. It is an inefficient way
tion continues to propagate throughout a material until of heating the paraspinal musculature because of the
the energy is dissipated (i.e., absorbed by tissues). small area of the transducer and because of the only
Molecules that are close together collide more quickly moderate capabilities of muscle to absorb US. (Note:
than widely dispersed molecules. This means that Continuous shortwave diathermy is a much better
sound energy travels faster through denser connective choice to heat larger areas and will be discussed in
tissues, such as tendon and bone. Nonetheless, energy Chapter 6.)
is more quickly dissipated, overcoming the greater
resistance to molecular vibration in denser materials. Production of Ultrasound Waves
The number of oscillations a molecule undergoes Sound waves travel in a sinusoidal pattern as they travel
during 1 second defines the frequency of a sound wave through a medium. A positive pressure phase, where
and is measured in hertz (Hz): 1 Hz = 1 cycle/second; molecules adjacent to the energy source are compressed
1 MHz = 1 million cycles/second. Audible sound ranges together, is followed by a negative pressure phase, where
between 16 and 20,000 Hz. Sound energy at frequen- molecules in the same region disperse. As the wave
cies greater than 20,000 Hz is defined as ultrasound. propagates, additional molecules undergo compression
Generally, low-frequency sound waves diverge in all and dispersion. Areas of compression or increased
directions as they leave the energy source, like light molecular density are referred to as condensations, and
from an open flame. At higher frequencies, waves are the areas of decreased molecular density are referred to
more collimated, diverging less as they leave the energy as rarefactions (Fig. 4-1).


Direction of propagation

Fig 4•1 Diagram of a collimated ultrasound beam (B) coming from an ultrasound (US) applicator. The associated pressure
wave is diagrammed; areas of increased molecular concentration (:::) are condensations. Areas of decreased molecular
concentrations are rarefactions (::).
2391_Ch04_085-108 20/05/11 5:34 PM Page 87

Therapeutic Ultrasound 87

In ultrasound, the pressure waves are generated by Characteristics of the

oscillations of a piezoelectric crystal induced by pass-
Ultrasound Wave
ing voltage from a high-frequency alternating current
across its face. Piezoelectricity is a property of many Frequency: 1 or 3 MHz
naturally occurring and synthetic crystals and refers
Ultrasound is characterized by its frequency, mode, and
to the phenomenon in which the crystal generates an
intensity. Most modern therapeutic ultrasound
electric voltage when mechanically compressed. If the
machines in clinical use are dual-frequency units, allow-
crystal is expanded rather than compressed, a voltage
ing the operator to select a frequency of either 1 MHz
of the opposite polarity is produced. Similarly, apply-
or 3 (or 3.3) MHz. At higher frequencies, more fre-
ing voltage to the crystal can induce it to compress or
quent molecular oscillations occur, and increased work
expand. Changes in polarity of the applied voltage
is required for sound waves to overcome molecular fric-
result in expansion of a compressed crystal, and vice
tion. Theoretically, this means that more energy is
versa. This is known as the reverse piezoelectric effect
absorbed in superficial tissues and less is available for
(Fig. 4-2).
transmission to deeper tissues. Generally, 3 MHz is
Repeated cycles of compression and expansion of the
selected when the target tissue is within 1 to 2 cm from
crystal produce the ultrasound pressure wave, with the
the body surface, and 1 MHz is used when the target
frequency of the wave determined by the frequency of
tissue is greater than 2 cm beneath the skin.
the imposed alternating electrical current across the
crystal. Wavelength is defined as the distance between Mode: Continuous Wave or Pulsed
two successive peaks in the pressure wave. Wavelength
Ultrasound waves may be delivered in two modes: in an
is inversely related to frequency and is represented by
uninterrupted stream or in periodic intervals in which
the equation
energy is flowing for a brief duration (in milliseconds,
Velocity = Frequency ⫻ Wavelength or msec) and then no energy is flowing (in msec).


– +
Mechanical compression Voltage



+ Mechanical compression
– Fig 4•2 Piezoelectricity and the
reverse piezoelectric effect.
2391_Ch04_085-108 20/05/11 5:34 PM Page 88

88 Modalities

When the flow of ultrasound is delivered as an uninter- and 50%, but most studies on effects of US on tissues
rupted stream, it is referred to as continuous wave mode, have used duty cycles of 20% or 50%.
and when delivered with periodic interruptions, it is
Intensity: Watts/cm2
referred to as pulsed mode (Fig. 4-3). Pulsed-mode
ultrasound is further characterized by its duty cycle, The strength of the ultrasound wave is determined by
which is the fraction of time during a single pulse the quantity of energy, or acoustic power, produced by
period that the ultrasound beam is present, usually an ultrasound transducer and is measured in watts
expressed as a percentage. It is calculated using the fol- (W). Power emitted is not uniform across the surface
lowing equation: of the ultrasound transducer. The outer edge of the
piezoelectric crystal is cemented to the undersurface of
Duty cycle = duration of pulse (time on)/pulse period a metal end plate; consequently, less vibration occurs
(time on + time off) along the periphery relative to the central portion of
the crystal. In addition, waves emitted from different
KEY POINT!Continuous-wave US is often associated
points across the surface of the crystal interfere with
with its use for heating effects. Pulsed US at 20% is
one another. This means that some regions of the
used for nonthermal effects, and pulsed US at 50%
ultrasound beam will be more intense than others as it
will most likely produce very mild heating effects. But
exits the transducer (Fig. 4-4).
with 50% duty cycle, the peak of the US energy can
The effective radiating area (ERA) of a transducer
have a positive mechanical effect on movement of
is a measure of the actual cross-sectional area of the
ions across cell membranes.
ultrasound beam as it exits the metal end plate and is
Most therapeutic ultrasound machines allow the expressed in square centimeters (cm2). It is deter-
user to select from a range of duty cycles between 5% mined by the size and vibrational properties of the

(2 sec) (2 sec)


Fig 4•3 Continuous-wave and pulsed ultrasound. The duty cycle of the pulsed-wave mode illustrated is
2 ms/4 ms = 0.5 = 50%.
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Therapeutic Ultrasound 89

Fig 4•4 Hydrophone graphic of an ultrasound beam.

piezoelectric crystal and is always smaller than the determined by the quality of the crystal and the con-
cross-sectional area of the metal end plate. Figure 4-5 struction of the transducer. Ultrasound units with
shows two transducers of different cross-sectional lower BNRs are typically more expensive to manufac-
areas. Accordingly, the ERA of each differs and is ture and to purchase. Generally, ratios that are less
smaller than the cross-sectional area. than or equal to 6:1 are considered acceptable for clin-
The term spatial peak intensity (ISP) refers to the ical use. In the United States, the Food and Drug
acoustic power of the ultrasound beam at its highest Administration (FDA) requires that the manufacturer
point (Fig. 4-6). This peak typically occurs somewhere indicate the BNR on the ultrasound unit. This is often
within the central third of the ERA. Spatial average labeled on the coaxial cable of the US applicator.1
intensity (ISA), however, is a measure of the average In pulsed-mode ultrasound, intensity must be fur-
acoustic power across the ERA and is expressed in ther qualified because the duty cycle impacts the total
watts per square centimeter (W/cm2). This measure is quantity of energy generated. The term spatial average
commonly referred to clinically as intensity and is temporal peak intensity (ISATP) refers to the spatial
labeled as such on output meters of ultrasound units. average intensity of the ultrasound beam between
The beam-non-uniformity ratio (BNR) of a transducer
is the ratio between its spatial peak intensity and
its spatial average intensity. Smaller ratios correspond
to a more uniform ultrasound beam. The BNR is Spatial peak intensity

(ISP) 5 W/cm2

BNR 5:1

Spatial average intensity

(ISA) 1 W/cm2

Fig 4•6 The relationship between spatial peak intensity

(ISP), beam nonuniformity ratio (BNR), and spatial average
intensity (ISA). When the BNR is 5:1, the spatial peak
Fig 4•5 Ultrasound machine with two transducers of intensity for the ultrasound beam is five times its spatial
different cross-sectional areas. average intensity.
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90 Modalities

Fig 4•7 A typical pulsing pattern. The total pulse period is 10 msec. The pulse duration on time is 2 msec; pulse off time
is 8 msec. The duty cycle is 0.20 (20%).

interruptions during pulsed ultrasound (Fig. 4-7). In and solid media. With the exception of compact bone,
of itself, this measure has limited usefulness, because it biological tissues behave acoustically as liquids. In
does not quantify the degree to which the energy output bone, ultrasound travels in longitudinal and trans-
is decreased when factoring in the duty cycle. Conversely, verse waves, but in other biological tissues, ultra-
spatial average temporal average intensity (ISATA) does sound travels exclusively in longitudinal waves.
account for the impact of the duty cycle. It is calculated Like electromagnetic energy, acoustic energy can be
by multiplying ISATP by the duty cycle: transmitted, absorbed, reflected, and refracted. What
ISATA = ISATP ⫻ duty cycle
happens to the energy is determined by the specific
properties of the materials in its path and the angle
For example, pulsed ultrasound delivered at from which the energy strikes them. These concepts
2.0 W/cm2 using a 20% duty cycle is documented as dictate how ultrasound interacts with biological tissue.
ISATA = 0.4 W/cm2. In physical therapy practice, partic- Acoustic impedance refers to a material’s ability to trans-
ularly in the United States, use of the term ISATA is mit sound and is related to the molecular density and
infrequent. Instead, intensity is typically described by structure of the material. If acoustic impedance is low,
its spatial average and the duty cycle is noted. The transmission is high and the material absorbs little
advantage of using ISATA is that it allows for easy com- sound. If acoustic impedance is high, the material
parison of energy outputs between continuous and absorbs more of the energy and less is available for
pulsed-mode treatments. For example, assuming that transmission. For example, blood and other body fluids
the duration of treatment is the same, continuous ultra- have low impedance, and bone has the highest imped-
sound at ISA = 0.5 W/cm2 generates the same net ener- ance of all biological tissues.
gy output as pulsed ultrasound at 1.0 W/cm2 using a When acoustic energy travels through a homoge-
50% duty cycle (ISATA = 0.5 W/cm2). But, perhaps neous medium, it does so in a straight line. Reflection
some of the effects of pulsed ultrasound are related to and refraction occur when energy is transmitted
the peak intensity of the pulse. between materials with different impedances. The mag-
nitude of the difference between materials at the
Ultrasound Interaction With boundary determines how much reflection and refrac-
Biological Tissues tion occur (Fig. 4-8). For example, as ultrasound trav-
els from subcutaneous tissue to muscle, some of the
Propagation of Ultrasound Waves in energy is reflected back into subcutaneous tissue. When
Tissue ultrasound travels from muscle to bone, however, a
In gases and liquids, molecular vibration occurs only greater percentage of energy is reflected because of the
in longitudinal waves, parallel to the direction of more drastic change in impedance at the interface
energy flow. In solids, however, molecular vibration between the muscle and bone. When a wave strikes a
also occurs in transverse waves, perpendicular to the boundary that is directly perpendicular to its path, the
direction of energy flow. This is due to the strong angle of reflection is directly back toward its source.
three-dimensional intermolecular bonds present in When a wave strikes a boundary at an angle, however,
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Therapeutic Ultrasound 91

Factors Influencing Energy Absorption

θI θR As ultrasound waves travel through a tissue, all or part of
Tissue interface
the energy may be absorbed, changing into the kinetic
energy of molecular vibration. Energy not reflected,
refracted, or absorbed is transmitted through the tissue
until it encounters a change in tissue density. At the
boundary and in the next tissue layer, energy may be
θI = θR reflected, refracted, absorbed, or transmitted again.
Reflection (non-perpendicular strike angle) Each time some of the energy is absorbed, reflected, or
Reflection (perpendicular strike angle) refracted, less energy is available to transmit through
subsequent interfaces and into deeper tissues.
Fig 4•8 Reflection and refraction. θl = incident angle;
θR = reflected angle. Attenuation is a measure of the decrease in sound ener-
gy as the sound wave travels, either by absorption,
the angle of reflection is equal to and opposite the strike reflection, or refraction. Table 4-1 lists the attenuation
angle. When a reflected wave travels back through its of a 1 MHz ultrasound beam in several biological tis-
original path, it is possible that it will interact with sues. Generally, denser tissues with high protein con-
sound waves traveling away from the energy source in tent, especially collagen, are the most effective
the exact opposite direction. If both waves are in phase absorbers of ultrasound energy.
with each other, the energies from both are added In therapeutic ultrasound, the amount of energy
together, creating an area of more intense energy in the absorbed by the target tissue is dependent on several
tissue. This is known as a standing wave (Fig. 4-9). The factors. As discussed previously, ultrasound frequency
potential for creating standing waves is minimized is one factor that determines depth of penetration. The
when the ultrasound transducer is moved during treat- generalization that 3 MHz should be used for treating
ment, not held stationary. Waves are also bent as they superficial tissues and 1 MHz should be used for deep-
pass from one medium to another in proportion to the er tissues is perhaps an oversimplified guideline.
difference in acoustic impedance. This is known as Several studies, which will be discussed in subsequent
refraction and it is minimized when waves strike directly sections, have demonstrated therapeutic effects in
perpendicular to a boundary between tissues of varying superficial tissues using 1 MHz. In addition, a thermal
collagen densities. imaging study of fresh pig cadaver tissue demonstrated
no difference in the tissue depth of thermal changes
during ultrasound at different frequencies.2 Temperature
increases in tissue result not only from molecular fric-
tion in the region of maximal ultrasound absorption,


Table 4•1 Attenuation of a 1 MHz

Ultrasound Beam
Tissue Attenuation (%/cm)
Blood 3
Fat 13
Muscle 24
Blood vessel 32
Skin 39
Incident wave Tendon 59
Reflected wave Reflecting
surface Cartilage 68
Standing wave
Bone 96
Fig 4•9 Standing wave.
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92 Modalities

but also from conductive heating of adjacent tissues Effects of Ultrasound as a

distant from the frequency predicted region of maxi-
Basis for Therapeutic Use
mal absorption. Also, because not all effects of ultra-
sound are thermal in nature, energy traveling through Thermal and Mechanical Effects
tissue, even with little absorption, may cause therapeu-
When tissues absorb ultrasound and kinetic energy
tic changes.
increases, friction between the molecules results in heat
Intensity of the ultrasound wave is another factor
production. Depending on the intensity and length of
that influences depth of penetration. Since energy is
time ultrasound is applied and the physical properties
attenuated as the sound wave travels toward the target
of the tissue, an increase in tissue temperature may
tissue, either at interfaces or in more superficial tissues,
occur. As described in Chapter 3, increasing tissue
it is logical that the net energy arriving at the target tis-
temperature is associated with potentially desirable
sue will be greater if the initial intensity of the wave is
physiological changes, such as decreased muscle guard-
higher. Logically, the number and nature of interfaces
ing, decreased pain perception, increased tissue exten-
through which the ultrasound beam must pass, as well
sibility, and increased blood flow. Because ultrasound
as the tissue composition of the intervening layers,
is categorized as a “deep heating modality,” these same
affects the net amount of energy that reaches the target
physiological changes are usually considered to be
tissue. Finally, the proportion of arriving energy actual-
effects, albeit indirect ones, of ultrasound treatment as
ly absorbed by the target tissue will depend on its par-
well. However, it is critical to realize that in order for
ticular tissue composition.
ultrasound to produce these effects, specific tissue tem-
Of course, all of the preceding factors affecting
perature increases must occur. Lehman3 and Lehman
energy absorption at the target tissue assume that the
and colleagues4,5 reported that a tissue temperature ele-
ultrasound wave passes into the patient’s body in the
vation of 1°C (1.8°F) increases metabolic rate.
first place. Ultrasound cannot effectively travel
Elevations in the range of 2°C (3.6°F) to 3°C (5.4°F)
through air. At an interface between the metal face-
reduce muscle spasm and pain and increase blood flow,
plate of an ultrasound transducer and air, essentially
and temperature increases of 4°C (7.2°F) or greater are
all of the energy is reflected back toward the trans-
necessary to boost collagen extensibility and inhibit
ducer. A medium that effectively transmits ultra-
sympathetic activity.
sound and is without pockets or bubbles of air is nec-
However, apart from production of frictional heat,
essary (see the “Application Techniques” section). The
therapeutic ultrasound is also hypothesized to cause
ultrasound beam must also be directed exactly over
other mechanical effects in tissue. Ions present within
the target tissue and perpendicular to the surface of
and around cells, as well as intracellular and extracellu-
the skin. If the angle of the ultrasound beam is
lar fluids in tissue exposed to ultrasound energy, are
greater than 15° relative to perpendicular, the beam is
subjected to small-magnitude movements. This flux is
refracted and runs parallel to the skin rather than into
referred to as microstreaming and has been implicated
it (Fig. 4-10).
in altering cell membrane permeability and cellular

Muscle Bone
Muscle Bone

fle 25

US wave Incident cte %

Fig 4•10 Schematic diagram showing
reflection and refraction of ultrasound at a 100% 75%
muscle-bone interface. (A) A wave arriving 25%
perpendicular to the boundary. (B) A wave ve
arriving at an angle of 35° from the perpen- Reflected
US 0% nt
10 ide
dicular. (Adapted with permission from Behrens/Michlovitz. A B Inc
Physical Agents. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: FA Davis; 2006: 62.)
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Therapeutic Ultrasound 93

activity found with ultrasound application at therapeu- depths measured during treatment at either frequency.
tic intensities.6,7 Small gas bubbles that may be present The treatment area was twice the effective radiating
in body fluids exposed to ultrasound are subject to area (ERA) of the sound head. The rate and magnitude
compression during condensations and to expansion of muscle heating depended not only on treatment
during rarefactions. This pulsation of gas bubbles is intensity and duration, but also on frequency. On aver-
called cavitation and may contribute to diffusional age, superficial muscle temperature increased 4°C (7.2°F)
changes across the cell membrane and thus to altered over baseline within 2.5 minutes when treated at
cellular function.8 At high ultrasound intensities, a 2.0 W/cm2 delivered at 3 MHz, but the same tempera-
violent collapse or implosion of gas bubbles resulting ture increase in deeper muscle tissue required 10 minutes
in tissue destruction may occur. This is referred to as to achieve when delivered at 2.0 W/cm2 at 1 MHz. When
unstable cavitation and is very unlikely during ultra- ultrasound was delivered at 0.5 W/cm2 and 1 MHz, the
sound at therapeutic intensities.9 temperature increase never reached 1°C (1.8°F), even
after 10 minutes of treatment. However, at 3 MHz, the
The nonthermal effects of ultrasound are
same treatment intensity resulted in an increase of
produced by both continuous and pulsed modes, but
3°C (5.4°F) over a 10-minute treatment.
generally speaking, pulsed US is used for these
mechanical effects, including stable cavitation and KEY POINT! The implication is that much longer treat-
acoustic streaming. ment times with higher intensities are required to
achieve vigorous muscle heating when the target tis-
Muscular Effects sue is deep and 1 MHz is used than when more super-
ficially located muscle tissue is treated using 3 MHz.
Draper and colleagues10 described the heating effects of
therapeutic ultrasound at various intensities on unin- To date, it appears that no published studies have
jured triceps surae muscle in 24 college students. examined the duration of temperature elevation in
Results are summarized in Table 4-2. Muscle tempera- human muscle following ultrasound treatment.
ture was measured at depths of 0.8 and 1.6 cm beneath
the skin during 3 MHz ultrasound and at 2.5 and Connective Tissue (Tendon/Ligament)
5 cm beneath the skin during 1 MHz ultrasound. Effects
Temperatures did not differ between the two muscle US is used to increase tissue extensibility and alter scar.
Relative to muscle, it appears that larger temperature
increases may be achieved at faster rates when a dense
connective tissue such as tendon is treated with ultra-
sound. Thus, US would be an appropriate choice for
Table 4•2 Mean Muscle Temperature
Increase (˚C) During Ultrasound this goal. One reason that tendon heats faster and more
Treatment of Human Triceps intensely than muscle during ultrasound is because of
Surae at Either 1 or 3 MHz10 its higher collagen content,11 but another likely reason
Intensity is its relative avascularity. In well-vascularized tissues
(W/cm2) Time (min) such as muscle, a homeostatic cooling mechanism of
2.5 5.0 7.5 10
1 MHz 0.5 * * * 0.5 vasodilation and increased local blood flow is initiated
1.0 * 1.0 1.25 1.75 in response to increasing tissue temperature. This
1.5 1.0 1.75 2.5 3.5 response is diminished when fewer blood vessels are
2.0 1.25 2.25 3.25 4.0
present, such as in tendon and ligament.
3 MHz 0.5 0.75 1.5 2.0 3.0 Chan and colleagues12 described the heating effects of
1.0 2.5 3.5 5.0 5.75 3 MHz ultrasound applied at 1.0 W/cm2 for 4 minutes
1.5 2.75 5.0 ** ** over uninjured patellar tendons in 16 college students.
2.0 4.0 ** ** ** When the treatment area was two times the effective
*Temperature increase < 0.5˚ radiating area of the sound head (2 ⫻ ERA), the average
**Treatment terminated due to subject discomfort
Adapted from Draper et al.10 temperature increase within the tendon was 8°C (14.4°F)
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94 Modalities

immediately following treatment, and temperature did regarding blood flow and ultrasound is not as simple.
not return to baseline until 20 minutes post-treatment. Early studies examining the effects of ultrasound on
When the treatment area was 4 ⫻ ERA, the tempera- blood flow employed widely varying and often incom-
ture increase immediately following treatment was pletely described treatment parameters, models, and
approximately 5°C (9°F), and temperature returned to measurement methodologies. Not surprisingly, findings
baseline within 15 minutes. Since temperature were confusing, with some groups reporting changes
increases of 4°C (7.2°F) (or greater are thought to be and others not. More recently, Robinson and Buono13
necessary to improve connective tissue extensibility, it studied the effects of 1 MHz continuous-wave ultra-
stands to reason that therapeutic stretching should sound at 1.5 W/cm2 for 5 minutes on cutaneous and
take place in a treatment session within the “window muscular blood flow in the forearm in 20 healthy
of opportunity.” In this study, at 2 ⫻ ERA, tempera- adults. They reported no significant differences
ture increases greater than 4°C (7.2°F) were reached between treated arms and control arms immediately
halfway through the 4-minute treatment and were following treatment. The treatment area was 16 to
maintained for 4 additional minutes following cessa- 25 times the ERA. In contrast, increased blood flow
tion of treatment. While treatment using 4 ⫻ ERA was demonstrated in the popliteal artery during and
was also able to produce a temperature increase greater after 1 MHz continuous-wave ultrasound over the tri-
than 4°C (7.2°F), it took more than 3 minutes to ceps surae at either 1.0 or 1.5 W/cm2 in 20 healthy
achieve and was only maintained for 2 minutes after adults.14 The treatment area was two times the ERA.
treatment, meaning that the therapeutic window for Changes were statistically similar, and no further
stretching was decreased 50%. blood flow increases occurred with treatment times
greater than 5 minutes. Ultrasound at 3 MHz was not
KEY POINT!If the intent of ultrasound treatment is to
effective at increasing blood flow. The primary differ-
maximize the effect of therapeutic stretching, these
ence between the treatments in the Robinson and
results suggest that stretching should immediately
Buono study and the study by Fabrizio et al.14 at
follow ultrasound treatment or begin concurrently with
1 MHz was the size of the treatment area. Based on
it and continue for at least 4 minutes afterward.
Draper’s work,10 it can be hypothesized that Fabrizio
and colleagues obtained a muscle temperature
Effects on Joint Pain increase of approximately 1.75°C (31.8°F) during the
Ultrasound has been commonly used to reduce joint 5-minute treatment at 1.5 W/cm2 and approximately
stiffness and pain in patients with arthritis. Studies 1°C (1.8°F) during the 5-minute treatment at
for pain control are discussed in Chapter 13, but one 1.0 W/cm2. Given the extremely large treatment
new study is worthy of mention.12a Continuous area used by Robinson and Buono,13 it is unlikely
ultrasound applied at 1 MHz frequency, 1.0 W/cm2 that any change in muscle temperature occurred.
power for 5 minutes was capable of reducing pain in Unfortunately, no single study has directly correlated
the knees of patients with osteoarthritis. In this ran- temperature increase and blood flow response during
domized, controlled study, ultrasound was compared ultrasound.
to sham ultrasound and found to have superior Nonthermal effects produced by US may also be
effects. involved in hemodynamic responses during treat-
ment. Lota15 found increased superficial blood flow
Hemodynamic Effects in the foot during application of ultrasound over the
The theoretical construct that explains ultrasound’s lumbar paraspinal region in humans. He hypothe-
potential ability to increase blood flow is straight for- sized that the increase was due to reflexive vasodila-
ward. As ultrasound energy is absorbed by tissue, tem- tion secondary to a stimulative effect on lumbar
perature elevation occurs. In response to an increase in sympathetic ganglia. Fabrizio et al.14 hypothesized
temperature in healthy tissue, local blood flow to the that changes in cell membrane permeability during
area increases to dissipate heat and restore temperature ultrasound may stimulate local histamine release and
homeostasis. The actual evidence in the literature changes in vascular tone.
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Therapeutic Ultrasound 95


Mr. Swaggle, a 57-year-old male carpenter, has right Answer: Reduce pain during shoulder elevation to
shoulder pain that rates 8/10 with elevation and a 3/10 in 2 to 3 weeks and 1/10 at rest.
4/10 at rest. His pain interrupts his sleep. He has been
4. What specific parameters of ultrasound would be
diagnosed with calcific tendinitis of the supraspinatus.
appropriate for the patient?
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING Answer: pulsed 20 to 50% duty cycle, 1.0 MHz,
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be 1.5 W/cm2 for a total of 10 minutes to the
improved with the use of ultrasound? supraspinatus tendon and immediately surrounding
Answer: Yes, ultrasound can be used to reduce pain tissues. Use a moving applicator with direct
and accelerate resorption of calcium deposits. coupling.
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of ultra- 5. What are the proper (i.e., effective and safe) appli-
sound (i.e., do any of the general precautions or cation procedures related to this case example?
contraindications to ultrasound apply), or are there Answer: Prescreen sensation and circulation.
any specific considerations regarding application of Monitor patient response. He should feel either a
ultrasound to this patient? mild sensation or no warmth in the shoulder. The
Answer: No arm should be positioned in extension and internal
rotation to expose the tendon from under the
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
acromion process of the scapula.
use of ultrasound?


Mrs. Smith, a 75-year-old female with osteoarthritis appear to be intact. The foot is not cold or cool to
and diabetes, has right knee pain that rates 5 out of the touch and there are no sores on her feet.
10 upon walking a block. Her pain has worsened over
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
the past 2 weeks.
use of ultrasound?
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING Answer: Reduce pain during walking to a 2 out of
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be 10 within 2 to 3 weeks.
improved with the use of ultrasound?
4. What specific parameters of ultrasound would be
Answer: Yes, ultrasound can be used to reduce pain
appropriate for the patient?
and joint stiffness.
Answer: CW, 1.0 MHz, 1.0 to 1.5 W/cm2 for a total
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of ultra- of 10 to 15 minutes around the medial and lateral
sound (i.e., do any of the general precautions or knee. Use a moving applicator with direct coupling.
contraindications to ultrasound apply), or are there
5. What are the proper (i.e., effective and safe) appli-
any specific considerations regarding application of
cation procedures related to this case example?
ultrasound to this patient?
Answer: Prescreen sensation and circulation.
Answer: In a woman this age with diabetes, we
Monitor patient response. She should feel either a
would be concerned about her peripheral circula-
mild sensation or warmth in the knee.
tion and peripheral sensation. You screen for distal
pulses and for sensation to the foot and leg. Both

When the treatment objective is to increase blood carefully. Based on the evidence, the treatment area
flow—whether to increase supply of nutrients to an should be limited to 2 ⫻ ERA and the
area, to facilitate tissue repair, or to wash away the noci- frequency should be 1 MHz. Intensity and time param-
ceptive sensitizing by-products of the inflammatory eters should likely be chosen to ensure muscle heating
process—ultrasound parameters should be selected of at least 1°C (1.8°F).
2391_Ch04_085-108 20/05/11 5:34 PM Page 96

96 Modalities

Even though maximal blood flow elevation may In Vitro Research

occur within 5 minutes, longer treatment times may be Several in vitro studies have demonstrated that ultra-
indicated to maintain blood flow elevation. Blood flow sound has a stimulative effect on cells active during
appears to return to baseline levels within 1 minute acute inflammation and tissue repair. Harvey and col-
after treatment ends.14 leagues21 found that 3 MHz ultrasound treatment at
intensities of 0.5 to 2.0 W/cm2 was associated with
Effects of US on Nerve increased protein synthesis by cultured human fibro-
Motor nerve conduction velocities (MNCV) have been blasts. In a study of cultured fibroblasts from neonatal
demonstrated to increase, decrease, or remain rats in a simulated injury model, Ramirez and
unchanged when exposed to ultrasound, depending colleagues22 concluded that 1 MHz ultrasound at
upon the treatment parameters and the particular 0.4 W/cm2 stimulated collagen synthesis and cellular
investigation. Zankel16 found that ultrasound over the proliferation. Macrophages, the dominant cell type pres-
volar forearm at 1 MHz and 1.0 W/cm2 for 5 minutes ent in wounds by about the fourth or fifth day follow-
was not sufficient to alter ulnar MNCV, but when ing injury, secrete factors that stimulate fibroblast prolif-
intensity was increased to 2.0 W/cm2 or treatment time eration.23 Young and Dyson24 discovered that cultured
was increased to 10 minutes, MNCV decreased. In macrophages treated with ultrasound at frequencies of
contrast, Farmer17 found that ultrasound delivered at either 0.75 or 3 MHz at 0.5 W/cm2 had a mitogenic
1.0 to 2.0 W/cm2 over the ulnar nerve decreased effect on fibroblast proliferation. In a study by Mortimer
MNCV, but at higher intensity, MNCV increased. and Dyson,25 calcium uptake, typically reflective of
Sensory nerve conduction velocities (SNCV) appear cellular activity, increased in cultured fibroblasts after a
to increase with thermal doses of ultrasound. Currier 5-minute exposure to ultrasound using a 20% duty
et al.18 reported increased conduction in the lateral cycle, 1 MHz, at intensities of 0.5 to 1.0 W/cm2.
cutaneous branch of the radial nerve following ultra-
sound at 1 MHz, 1.5 W/cm2 for 5 minutes. In a simi- Wound Healing
lar study, Halle and colleagues19 also found increased Young and Dyson26 examined the effects of 0.1 W/cm2
superficial radial SNCV with ultrasound treatment at intensity ultrasound applied for either 5 or 7 consecu-
1 MHz, 1.0 W/cm2 between 5 and 20 minutes. In both tive days at 0.75 or 3 MHz to surgically induced skin
studies, increases in subcutaneous tissue temperature wounds in a rat model. At 5 days post-injury, rats treat-
were noted. It is unclear whether the changes in nerve ed with ultrasound had more new blood vessel forma-
conduction velocity seen with ultrasound are solely due tion, as measured by microfocal x-ray techniques, in the
to increased tissue temperature or whether additional region of the granulated tissue than did sham-treated
mechanisms are at play. controls. However, by day 7, there was no longer a
The relationship between nerve conduction
KEY POINT! significant difference. In another animal study, done
velocity changes and pain perception is unknown. by Byl and colleagues,27 Yucatan pigs’ wounds were
sonicated using a 20% duty cycle, 1 MHz frequency
Lehmann et al. 20 found an elevated pain threshold at an intensity of 0.5 W/cm2 for 3 days and then at
following 0.8 MHz ultrasound at 1.5 W/cm2. It is 1.5 W/cm2 for 2 days. After 7 days total healing time,
important to realize that pain perception may be altered sonicated wounds demonstrated significant differences
not only by direct effects of ultrasound on neurological when compared to sham-treated controls. The treated
tissue, but also by associated vascular and thermal wounds were smaller, and they had increased breaking
changes in the treated region. strength, collagen deposition, and mast cell degranula-
tion. In a follow-up study, the same group found that
Posttraumatic Effects: Inflammation the lower dose (0.5 W/cm2) was more effective than the
and Tissue Repair higher dose (1.5 W/cm2) at enhancing collagen deposi-
The rationale for using ultrasound during recovery tion and breaking strength when applied daily for either
from injury is outlined in Table 4-3. 5 or 10 total treatments.28
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Therapeutic Ultrasound 97

The majority of human trials studying the effects of

ultrasound on wound healing have been limited to Table 4•3 Rationale for Use of Ultrasound
During Healing From Injury
patients with chronic venous or pressure ulcers. A sys-
Inflammatory Phase • US can stimulate release of growth factors
tematic review of randomized controlled trials of thera- – In vitro and animal model work (Level
peutic ultrasound for treatment of pressure sores 5 evidence)
• Angiogenesis promoted by pulsed US
through 1999 found no apparent benefit.29 A 1998 – Animal model work (Level 5 evidence)
meta-analysis of ultrasound therapy for chronic leg • Reduce inflammation by transcutaneous
transmission of drug?
ulceration found a modest effect on healing rate after – Phonophoresis (weak to no evidence)
4 or 8 weeks of treatment in comparison to control, but Proliferative Phase • Angiogenesis promoted by pulsed US
there was no significant difference in number of healed – Animal model work (Level 5 evidence)
• Fibroplasia promoted by pulsed US
ulcers.30 Casual observation might suggest that the data – Animal model work (Level 5 evidence)
from human trials conflicts with the generally positive Remodeling Phase • Use US in CW mode to elevate tissue
Improve connective temperature
evidence from animal research on ultrasound and tissue extensibility • Effects on scar
wound healing. However, it is important to realize that – Common use
– Need evidence
the surgically induced skin wounds treated in the ani-
mal studies are not the same as chronic skin ulcerations.
The former represents traumatic injury of previously
normal tissue, where the predictable cascade of acute the myogenic precursor satellite cells and fibroblasts
inflammation followed by tissue repair is expected. was demonstrated in muscles treated with ultrasound in
Chronic venous stasis and pressure ulcerations repre- comparison to controls, but no difference was seen in
sent the end stage of progressive tissue breakdown actual myotube production. The authors concluded
resulting from prolonged local ischemia. Since the that there was no overall morphological benefit of ultra-
inflammatory response is largely vascularly mediated, sound treatment.
healing is impaired. In a human study where the nature Later work by Markert et al.33 examined a low dose
of the wounds more closely approximated those used in of continuous wave (CW) US at 0.1 W/cm2 for 5 minutes
the animal model studies, ultrasound treatment was per day in a rat gastrocnemius contusion model.
found to be effective. The scientific logic behind the use Exercise was also included, with both being delivered
of US for healing indolent wounds has been demon- separately or together in various iterations. Using their
strated best in controlled situations with laboratory experimental protocol, the investigators could not find
animals. It is not apparent that this success has been any muscle fiber regeneration attributed to either US or
consistent in humans with open wounds and delayed exercise or both in combination. It is unclear if ultra-
healing such as pressure ulcers.31 sound would be an effective treatment to enhance
recovery after muscle contusion. Certainly a well-
Muscle Healing and Contusions controlled clinical trial could be warranted. Pre- and
The effects of low-intensity therapeutic ultrasound posttesting could be done using imaging ultrasound.
treatment on healing of acute muscle injury have been
studied in animal models. This has also been used for Peripheral Nerve Healing
recovery in humans following injury (Table 4-3). Preliminary evidence suggests that low-intensity ultra-
Rantanen and colleagues32 examined the effects of sound may help facilitate healing of peripheral nerve
pulsed ultrasound on myoregeneration following con- injuries. In the rat model, Crisci and Ferreira34 found
tusion with transverse rupture of the rat gastrocnemius. an increased quantity of regenerating nerve fibers,
Beginning 3 days after injury, limbs in the treatment increased myelinization, increased diameter of nerve
group received ultrasound at 3 MHz, 20% duty cycle, fibers, and increased Schwann cell activity following
1.5 W/cm2 (ISATA = 0.3 W/cm2) for 6 minutes, for transection of the sciatic nerve and treatment with
2 consecutive days followed by 1 day off. At 10 days pulsed ultrasound, in comparison to sham-treated
post-injury, a significant increase in the proliferation of controls. The treatment parameters were 1.5 MHz,
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98 Modalities

ISATA=16 mW/cm2, 20 minutes daily for 12 days. They found that dogs treated with ultrasound resumed
Mourad and colleagues35 examined the effect of normal gait earlier, and the treated tendons showed his-
pulsed ultrasound treatment in rats following crush tological evidence of more advanced healing relative to
injury to the sciatic nerve. Ultrasound was delivered at controls, even as long as 40 days after injury.
2.25 MHz, ISATA = 0.25 W/cm2, for 1 minute, three Only one published study to date has examined the
times weekly for 30 days. In comparison to controls, effects of ultrasound on ligament healing in an animal
treated rats showed a statistically significant accelera- model. Takakura and colleagues42 found superior bio-
tion of foot function recovery. mechanical properties in healing rat medial collateral
ligament transections 12 days post-injury, following
Tendon and Ligament Healing
daily treatments with 1.5 MHz pulsed ultrasound, ISATA =
Several studies have examined the effects of ultrasound 30 mW/cm2, for 20 minutes. In spite of the largely
on tendon injuries in animal models. When CW ultra- positive results seen in animal model research on ultra-
sound at 1.5 W/cm2 (frequency not reported) was sound and tendon and ligament healing, a systematic
administered for 3 minutes every other day following review of placebo-controlled human trials on ultrasound
surgically induced partial ruptures of Achilles tendons for treatment of acute lateral ankle sprains did not sup-
in rats, tensile strength was noted to be significantly port its use.43 In addition, a recent randomized placebo-
greater than controls for tendons treated for 3 weeks controlled human trial of adding thermal ultrasound
but not those treated for 2 weeks.36 Treated tendons (1 MHz continuous, ISATA = 1.5 W/cm2, for 10 minutes,
displayed more densely aggregated collagen fibrils with for 15 days) to a multi-modal physical therapy regimen
more parallel orientation. Another study using the same in patients with shoulder soft tissue disorders also found
injury model and ultrasound intensity found signifi- no significant effect.43a In this study, the patients’ dura-
cantly greater breaking strength in treated rat tendons tion of symptoms prior to treatment was at least 4 weeks
following partial rupture, compared to controls at 5, 9, and averaged 8 months. However, it should be noted
15, and 21 days post-injury.37 that human studies of low-intensity ultrasound therapy
In contrast to these two studies, Turner and col- using treatment parameters similar to those found to be
leagues38 found no change in the mechanical strength beneficial in animal models of tendon and ligament
of transected and repaired chicken tendons treated with healing are absent in the literature. Clinical studies are
ultrasound beginning 1 week after surgery and contin- certainly warranted on patients to facilitate tendon heal-
uing for 5 weeks, relative to sham-treated sutured ten- ing not only following tendon repair but also in
dons. The parameters used in this study were 3 MHz, tendinopathies where tendons have gone through a
25% duty cycle, 1.0 W/cm2 for 4 minutes, three times process of angiofibroblastic hyperplasia.
weekly. When comparing this study to the other two,
it’s worth noting the lack of treatment during the first Fracture Healing and Articular Cartilage Repair
postoperative week. Over the past decade, the use of low-intensity pulsed
Enwemeka39,40 led two investigations that examined ultrasound has emerged as an effective treatment for
the effects of continuous underwater 1 MHz ultra- facilitation of fracture healing. Many of the animal and
sound, 5 minutes daily, for the first 10 days post-injury human studies demonstrating effects have used the
on the healing of ruptured rabbit Achilles tendons. The same ultrasound treatment parameters: 20% duty cycle,
first study used an intensity of 1.0 W/cm2 and the 1.5 MHz, ISATA = 30 mW/cm2, for 20 minutes daily.
second used 0.5 W/cm2. Both studies demonstrated Typically, specific ultrasound units designed to deliver
better resistance to tensile loading and higher energy only these fixed parameters were used in the studies.
absorption in tendons treated with ultrasound relative Known as the Sonic Accelerated Fracture Healing
to sham-treated controls, but a treatment intensity of System (SAFHS), these units are commercially available
0.5 W/cm2 was more effective than 1.0 W/cm2. More (e.g., EXOGEN Ultrasound Bone Healing System,
recently, Saini et al.41 confirmed the positive results Smith & Nephew), in the United States (Fig. 4-11).
observed with 10 days of 1 MHz ultrasound at Using these parameters, Pilla et al.44 found that sur-
0.5 W/cm2 following Achilles tendon rupture in dogs. gically induced fibula fractures in rabbits treated with
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Therapeutic Ultrasound 99

fractures confirmed the results of the first two. Mayr

et al.49 found that treatment with SAFHS accelerated
healing time by 31% relative to controls. In addition to
facilitation of fresh-fracture healing, pulsed low-intensity
ultrasound with SAFHS parameters or very similar ones
has been demonstrated to facilitate bone healing in
patients with chronic nonunion fractures who failed pre-
vious treatments50,51 and to accelerate bony fusion fol-
lowing spinal arthrodesis in rabbits.52,53 Recent work
Fig 4•11 Exogen 2000. (Reprinted with permission from Smith suggests that beneficial effects on bone healing may be
& Nephew Orthopaedics, Memphis, Tennessee.) possible with even lower doses and less frequent applica-
tions. Heybeli and colleagues54 demonstrated that heal-
ing rat femur fractures exposed to a diagnostic ultra-
ultrasound demonstrated accelerated healing by a fac- sound device (7.5 MHz, ISATA = 11.8 mW/cm2) for
tor of 1.4 to 1.6 in comparison to contralateral sham- 10-minute sessions once every 5 days were measurably
treated fractures. Also with SAFHS, Azuma and col- superior to controls with as few as three or eight treat-
leagues45 found that the torsional strength of healing ments. Although research to date has been limited to
rat femur fractures treated with ultrasound was superi- experimental animal models, it also appears that low-
or to the strength of contralateral sham-treated con- intensity pulsed ultrasound similar to SAFHS has the
trols, even with no differences in bone mineral content potential to stimulate articular cartilage repair in induced
or fracture callus area between groups. Wang and asso- arthritis.55,56
ciates46 also found a beneficial treatment effect using It is noteworthy that none of the previously referenced
the same fracture model and a very similar treatment studies used conventional clinical ultrasound units. It is
regimen. possible, yet unestablished, that similar results could be
In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled obtained with conventional units as used in physical
trial of patients with tibial shaft fractures, Heckman therapy practice. An example of how the SAFHS param-
and colleagues47 found a 38% reduction in healing eters could be approximated with a conventional thera-
time with SAFHS. In another, similarly designed study, peutic ultrasound unit is illustrated in Table 4-4.
Kristiansen et al.48 found a 38% reduction in healing With the exception of facilitation of bone healing,
times of distal radius fractures with SAFHS. In both most of the evidence supporting the use of ultrasound
studies, fractures were closed and minimally displaced, for posttraumatic inflammation and tissue repair has
and treatment with ultrasound commenced within the been limited to animal models. In the absence of clini-
first week following injury. cal trials, in practice, it is prudent to approximate those
A third trial that was a randomized, double-blind, treatment regimens that resulted in therapeutic benefit
placebo-controlled study on patients with scaphoid on similar tissues in animal models. There is a clear

Table 4•4 Comparison of SAFHS and the Most Similar Parameter Selections
Available on a Conventional Therapeutic Ultrasound Unit
Parameter SAFHS (EXOGEN 2000) Conventional Unit (Omnisound 3000C)
Frequency 1.5 MHz 1.0 MHz
BNR 3:1 2.9:1
Duty cycle 20% 20%
ISA 0.16 W/cm2 0.15 W/cm2
ISATA 30 mW/cm2 30 mW/cm2
ERA 3.88 cm2 5.0 cm2
Treatment time 20 min 20 min
Adapted from technical specifications of EXOGEN 2000 (Smith-Nephew, Memphis, TN) and Omnisound 3000C (Accelerated Care Plus, Sparks, NV).
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100 Modalities

trend suggesting that low intensities are most likely to

be effective and that treatment should begin as soon as
possible after injury. However, it is unclear whether use
of continuous or pulsed mode is a variable that deter-
mines treatment effect. Studies have demonstrated suc-
cessful treatment effects using both modes.
A recent systematic review concluded that the evi-
dence to date to support this technique for fracture
healing is weak.57 More well-designed clinical trials are

Instrumentation for Delivering

Therapeutic Ultrasound
The basic components of therapeutic ultrasound units
are the console, coaxial cable, and transducer. The con-
sole houses a transformer that raises incoming voltage
Fig 4•12 A typical ultrasound unit. Note the
from the power source, which is usually house current varying sizes of the transducers.
(60 Hz at 110 volts). A battery may power smaller,
portable units. An oscillator circuit within the console
modifies the incoming frequency to the designated level options for pulsed ultrasound. Many units have a pause
for ultrasound. A coaxial cable transfers the electrical button that allows the user to temporarily interrupt treat-
energy from the console to the transducer. The trans- ment while retaining treatment settings. Some newer
ducer houses a piezoelectric crystal, where the high- units include contact monitors and thermistors that trig-
frequency electrical energy is converted to ultrasound ger an automatic shutoff in case of inadequate coupling
energy, as previously described. The wafer-thin (2 to or transducer overheating. Figures 4-13 and 4-14 picture
3 mm) crystal is typically made of ceramic and is
cemented to the undersurface of the transducer’s metal
faceplate. The outer surface of the faceplate is in con-
tact with the patient. A wand or applicator handle is
attached to the transducer. Transducers are available in
a variety of sizes for different applications, but the most
frequently used are 5 cm2 and 10 cm2. A typical ultra-
sound unit is depicted in Figure 4-12.
The controls for operating the US equipment are
typically found on the console and often may involve a
series of sequential steps using LED-activated buttons.
A power switch (e.g. on/off ) and treatment timer in
minutes are always included. The intensity control
allows the user gradual, incremental adjustment. Most
output meters are calibrated to read in watts per square
centimeter (W/cm2) (spatial average intensity), but
some read in watts (acoustic power) or allow the user to
choose either. A frequency control is usually present
that allows the user to select from at least two choices.
Frequencies of 1 MHz and 3 MHz are standard. Most Fig 4•13 Demonstrates the dosage used to
contemporary US units include various duty cycle heat over a knee joint.
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Therapeutic Ultrasound 101

may be indicated to facilitate healing. Dosage guide-

lines are included in Box 4-2.

Sometimes, increasing tissue temperature, blood flow,
metabolic activity, or cell proliferation in an area is unde-
sirable or perhaps even dangerous. Therapeutic ultra-
sound is contraindicated in such instances (Box 4-3).
Ultrasound waves may interfere with the electrical
circuitry of cardiac pacemakers. Treatment with ther-
apeutic ultrasound should be limited to areas remote
from the pacemaker, such as the distal aspects of
the extremities. Positioning should ensure that the
ultrasound waves are directed away from the patient’s
trunk. Specific effects of therapeutic ultrasound on
the fetus are unknown. Diagnostic obstetrical ultra-
sound, generally considered to be without fetal risk,
Fig 4•14 Demonstrates the dosage used to typically employs very low intensities, ranging
treat tendinopathy at the wrist. between 0.1 and 60 mW/cm2.58
There is no clear consensus regarding the safety of
the panel of one ultrasound machine with setup for therapeutic ultrasound over epiphyseal plates in chil-
pulsed and CW ultrasound. Figure 4-13 is set up to dren. Historically, it was considered contraindicated
demonstrate the dosage used to heat over a knee joint, based on animal research demonstrating retardation of
and Figure 4-14 is set up to deliver ultrasound to the growth and damage to the epiphyseal plate following
wrist. Note the differences in frequency and intensity
for both.
Box 4•2 Ultrasound Dosage Guidelines
Application Considerations During the Phases of Healing
(5 min for 1.5 to 2 times ERA)
With appropriate parameter selections, therapeutic Pulsed 20%
Up to 1.0 W/cm2
ultrasound may be an effective means of temporarily
increasing tissue temperature or blood flow over a small Pulsed 20 to 50%
treatment area (Box 4-1). Low-intensity ultrasound Up to 1.0 W/cm2
CW up to 1.5 W/cm2

Box 4•1 Indications for Therapeutic

Box 4•3 Contraindications for
As a deep-heating modality: Therapeutic Ultrasound
• Joint contracture and scar tissue
• Pain and muscle spasm • In the region of a cardiac pacemaker
• Subacute or chronic soft tissue inflammation (when increased • During pregnancy; over pelvic, abdominal, or lumbar regions
tissue temperature or blood flow is desired) • Eyes and testes
To facilitate healing: • In a region of active bleeding or infection
• Acute injury or inflammation of soft tissue • In a region of a tumor/malignancy
• Acute injury or inflammation of peripheral nerve • In the region of a deep vein thrombosis or thrombophlebitis
• Open wounds • Over the heart, stellate, or cervical ganglia
• Fracture (using specialized equipment) • Over epiphyseal plates of growing bones
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102 Modalities

high-intensity ultrasound delivered using a stationary ultrasound cannot be adequately dissipated. Although
transducer.59,60 More recently, some texts have reported treatment over areas with plastic or metal implants,
that at clinically applicable intensities, ultrasound over such as those used in fracture fixation, joint repair,
open epiphyseal plates should be safe and is no longer and replacement, is not contraindicated, caution is
considered a contraindication61,62 but rather may be warranted. Plastic materials used in joint replacement
used with caution.63,64 components and as bone cement are highly absorptive
However, experiments using animal explant models of ultrasound waves.68 In theory, this means that any
of growing bone have demonstrated that ultrasound heating effects of ultrasound on tissues in the vicinity
stimulates endochondral ossification. Daily 20-minute of a plastic implant may be intensified by conduction
pulsed ultrasound treatments at very low intensity of heat from the implant. Because metals largely
(ISATA = 0.03 W/cm2) for 7 days resulted in significant reflect ultrasound, the potential for creating standing
increases in the length of metatarsal diaphyses relative waves in the tissue between the transducer and a metal
to untreated controls65 and increases in matrix produc- implant is increased. Proper ultrasound application
tion by chondrocytes in the epiphyseal region.66 In con- technique minimizes risk of excessive heating, but in
trast, Ogurtan and colleagues67 recently reported that no case should ultrasound treatment be uncomfort-
5-minute daily pulsed ultrasound treatments at either able. When pain is reported during treatment, thera-
ISATA = 0.5 or 0.2 W/cm2 for up to 20 days had no sig- pists should respond rapidly by decreasing ultrasound
nificant effect on the growth rate of the radius and ulna intensity.
in immature rabbits. However, these results must be
interpreted with caution, because each group consisted Application Techniques
of only five rabbits, and variability within each data set
suggests that statistical power was likely quite low. Keep the Applicator Moving!
Because of the potential for damage to the growth plate A moving sound applicator technique is preferred for
with intense thermal ultrasound and for increased stim- administering therapeutic ultrasound. Because of beam
ulation of bone formation even with very minimal nonuniformity with a high spatial peak intensity in the
ultrasound exposure, it is this author’s opinion that in center of the beam, the distribution of energy beneath
the absence of compelling data to suggest otherwise, a stationary applicator is uneven. Some small areas
application of therapeutic ultrasound at any intensity underlying the transducer may receive a disproportion-
over epiphyseal regions in skeletally immature patients ately high percentage of the emitted energy, and other
is contraindicated (see Box 4-3). areas may receive very little. The potential for creating
standing waves in regions of reflected ultrasound also
Precautions increases if the transducer is stationary. When ultra-
When considering the application of therapeutic ultra- sound is delivered in continuous mode at sufficient
sound, particularly thermal doses, it is important to con- intensity, focal areas of painful, intense heat (often
sider several factors to ensure safety. As with any thermal referred to as “hot spots”) can occur and potentially
modality, the patient’s ability to accurately perceive and cause tissue damage. In contrast, when the applicator is
communicate about changes in pain and temperature moved slowly in a smooth, rhythmical pattern over the
perception is a major safeguard against injury. For this treatment area, a more even spatial distribution of ener-
reason, the therapist must be very cautious when apply- gy occurs. Either longitudinal stroking or overlapping
ing ultrasound over areas with sensory deficits and on circular movements can be used. The US applicator can
patients who are unable to clearly communicate. The also be moved more rapidly without losing any thera-
circulatory status and vascularity of tissue in the treated peutic effects; the key is to maintain good contact with
region must also be considered. If local circulation is the coupling gel on the skin surface.
impaired by peripheral vascular disease, or if the tissue Logically, as the size of the treatment area increases,
has little inherent vascularity, excessive temperature the effective dosage delivered to any one region
elevation may occur because heat generated during decreases, as does the potential for any therapeutic
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Therapeutic Ultrasound 103

heating. As a general rule, the total treatment area

should be 1.5 to 2 times the ERA of the transducer.
Application of very low-intensity pulsed ultrasound
to facilitate fracture healing typically employs a station-
ary applicator positioned directly over the fracture site.
Most units designed for such use incorporate fixed
parameters to ensure patient safety and can fine-tune
US energy better than most units available for tradi-
tional rehabilitation uses.

Direct Contact Coupling Is Preferred

Ultrasound waves do not travel effectively through air; Fig 4•15 The sound head should be propor-
therefore, a coupling medium must be used to transmit tionate to the surface area that is to be treated.
ultrasound energy between the transducer and the The large sound head in this image exceeds
the surface area and will result in poor trans-
patient’s body. When the surface of the treatment area is mission of ultrasound energy.
relatively flat and is at least as large as the transducer face,
the simplest and most convenient method of ultrasound
application is direct contact. Typically, a thin layer of
highly transmissive water-soluble gel is spread on the area
to be treated, and the transducer is applied in direct con-
tact with the gel-covered skin. The purpose of the cou-
pling gel is to eliminate as much air as possible between
the transducer and the skin, thereby maximizing the
amount of ultrasound energy entering the patient’s body.
Adequate coupling is needed because

complete reflection of ultrasound waves will occur at

an interface between the transducer’s metal faceplate
and any air pockets or bubbles present in the gel. Fig 4•16 A smaller sound head is more appro-
priate for the lateral ankle, thus improving trans-
From a therapeutic standpoint, energy emitted from mission of ultrasound energy.
areas of the transducer not in contact with the body is
wasted, but the reflected energy may cause overheating
and damage to the transducer itself. Therefore, thera-
pists should choose an appropriately sized transducer.
Treatment in the region of small bony prominences
(e.g., lateral malleolus of the ankle or medial epi-
condyle of the elbow) and small, irregular surfaces like
the fingers and toes necessitate a smaller transducer
(Figs. 4-15 through 4-19). Commercially available, Fig 4•17 Ultrasound over dorsal wrist prior to
water-soluble ultrasound gel is by far the most com- mobilization to increase wrist flexion.
mon coupling agent used for direct-contact ultrasound
application, but water-soluble lotions specifically also serve as a direct coupling agent. Its transmissivity
designed for ultrasound application are also available. is similar to that of commercially prepared ultrasound
Although less frequently used, now that many com- gel.69 Single-application packages of sterile ultrasound
mercially prepared ultrasound gels and lotions are gel are commercially available for use in treating over
readily available at reasonable cost, mineral oil may open wounds or surgical incisions.
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104 Modalities

In the water-immersion method, the part to be treated,

typically the hand or foot, is submerged in a basin of
water and the transducer is moved over the treatment
area from a distance of about 1 to 2 cm away. Plastic
basins are recommended over metal ones to minimize
reflection. Air bubbles often accumulate on the trans-
ducer’s faceplate and on the patient’s skin during under-
water ultrasound application, decreasing transmission if
they are not quickly wiped away by the operator during
treatment. Two studies have compared tissue tempera-
ture change with ultrasound treatments of equal inten-
Fig 4•18 Ultrasound with small applicator over
sity delivered with either an underwater or topical
lateral epicondyle. aqueous gel technique.70,71 Both found that tempera-
ture increases were 40% to 60% lower using the under-
water technique. Using an in vitro pig tissue model,
Klucinec and colleagues72 found that ultrasound
delivered underwater transmitted only about 32% as
much energy as when delivered using direct contact
with gel. These findings suggest that treatment intensity
should be substantially increased when using an under-
water delivery technique to approximate the same tissue
temperature increases expected from use of a direct-
contact method. Likewise, when clinicians use a direct-
contact method hoping to achieve the same therapeutic
effects demonstrated in experimental studies that
employed underwater treatments, treatment intensity
must be substantially decreased.
Other indirect methods employed for ultrasound
application include use of gel or water-filled bladders or
aqueous gel pads. Although rarely used today, a cush-
ionlike offset, made with either a tied latex glove filled
Fig 4•19 Ultrasound over Achilles tendon using with gel or water or a gel-filled condom covering the
a small sound head. transducer, has been used as an alternative method for
treating highly sensitive areas or areas with irregular
contours. More recently, disposable aqueous gel pads
Indirect Coupling Methods Are designed specifically for ultrasound application have
Overrated become commercially available and are increasingly
With the advent of smaller transducers, there is less used clinically as an alternative to either water immer-
concern about effectively coupling US to the skin sur- sion or bladder methods. The clear, flexible water-based
face. But sometimes, direct-contact ultrasound applica- pads are 2 cm thick and 9 cm in diameter. The pad is
tion may not be the favored choice. If pressure from used as an offset between the skin and the transducer,
moving the transducer on the skin causes pain or if an either as the sole coupling agent or in combination with
appropriately sized transducer is unavailable for treating a thin layer of gel on either side of the pad.
an irregularly shaped or small surface, an indirect appli- In addition to water immersion, Klucinec and col-
cation method, where the transducer does not directly leagues72 examined ultrasound transmission through pig
contact the skin, must be used. skin using bladder methods or a gel pad in comparison
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Therapeutic Ultrasound 105

to transmission using direct-contact application with other hand, with a more chronic condition, reported
gel. Latex gloves filled with either tap water or gel trans- pain levels with resisted testing of the plantar flexor
mitted only 66% and 50% as much energy, respective- muscles, for instance, may be expected to gradually
ly. A gel-filled condom transmitted even less energy. decrease over several treatment sessions when low-
Transmission measured using the gel pad and a thin intensity ultrasound is used for treating an Achilles
layer of gel added on either side of the pad was superior tendinopathy. If ultrasound is used to increase soft tis-
to transmission using the gel alone. Merrick and col- sue extensibility during or immediately prior to stretch-
leagues73 found similar levels of muscle heating in ing, then obviously range-of-motion measurements are
human volunteers using either direct-contact applica- indicated. With ultrasound, like most other physical
tion with gel or indirect application with gel pads, sug- therapy interventions, the ultimate measure of treat-
gesting they are equivalent coupling methods. With the ment effectiveness is seeing an improvement in patient
exception of gel pads, indirect methods of ultrasound function.
application appear to be significantly less efficient means
of transmitting acoustic energy, relative to direct contact Documentation of Ultrasound Treatment
using gel. In addition, treatment involving indirect Treatment with therapeutic ultrasound should be thor-
methods is generally more difficult to set up and admin- oughly documented in the patient record. In addition
ister. Gel pads, while effective, add expense. The avail- to ultrasound parameters, the specific treatment area,
ability of small transducers that can be efficiently cou- patient position, application technique, transducer size,
pled to skin via coupling gel may negate the need for gel and when the ultrasound was sequenced within the
pads in most instances. treatment session should be included. Any adverse
reactions during treatment should be noted as well as
KEY POINT!When the contour of the treatment area
the clinician’s response. For example, “The patient
and availability of appropriately sized transducers
reported an increase in anterior knee pain approximately
allow, direct contact is the preferred method of ultra-
4 minutes into treatment. The knee was repositioned to
sound application.
approximately 60°, and the patient tolerated the rest of
When an indirect application method is indicated, treatment without any discomfort.”
gel pads appear to be the best option. If other indirect
methods are used, clinicians must recognize that trans- Documentation Tips
mission is decreased and must alter parameter selections Treatment area
accordingly. ● Patient position
● Frequency
Assessment of Intervention ● Mode
Outcomes Intensity
● Duty cycle (%)
Measurement and Expected Outcomes ● Treatment duration
Pain assessment is often a useful measure of treatment ● Application technique
effectiveness with therapeutic ultrasound. Changes in ● Transducer size
resting or baseline pain levels may be evaluated during ● Sequence within treatment session
treatment, immediately after treatment, or from one ● Other
treatment session to the next. Likewise, tenderness to • Example:
palpation and level of discomfort with a particular • 1 MHz, 100% duty cycle, 2.0 W/cm2, 2 cm2
movement or resisted test may be appropriate measures, sound head, 10 min
depending on the patient’s condition. For example,
decreased pain during or immediately following treat- Phonophoresis: Is It a Viable Option?
ment may be reported when a thermal dose of ultra- The term phonophoresis refers to the use of ultrasound
sound is applied over a painful trigger point. On the to enhance delivery medication through the skin.
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106 Modalities

Historically, in physical therapy the most common itself, but rather from less ultrasound energy exposure
application has been to treat musculoskeletal inflam- at the target tissue, since the hydrocortisone largely
matory conditions. A steroidal anti-inflammatory med- blocked transmission of sound waves.
ication (e.g., hydrocortisone or dexamethasone) com- Studies have also examined motility of medica-
pounded into ultrasound gel or a commercially tions, either directly or indirectly, following
prepared lotion containing nonsteroidal anti-inflamma- phonophoresis. Benson et al.78 found no differences
tory agents such as methyl salicylate is used as the cou- relative to sham treatment in the amount of benzy-
pling medium. Ultrasound is theorized to enhance damine hydrochloride (a topical nonsteroidal anti-
transdermal diffusion of medications through such inflammatory) left in gel, following either continuous
mechanisms as dilating points of entry (e.g., hair folli- or 50% duty cycle pulsed phonophoresis at a variety
cles, sweat glands), increasing local circulation, increas- of frequencies. Using an experimental animal model
ing kinetic energy of local cells and the medication in which hydrocortisone penetration was indirectly
itself, and increasing cell membrane permeability.74 To assessed by measuring collagen deposition in subcuta-
date, however, the evidence demonstrating efficacy and neous tissue, Byl and colleagues79 found no difference
effectiveness of phonophoresis for treating muscu- between hydrocortisone rubbed on the skin and
loskeletal inflammatory conditions is weak at best. phonophoresis using the same concentration of
The use of phonophoresis in physical therapy has hydrocortisone.
been perpetuated based largely on the results of two Interestingly, in the same study, dexamethasone
studies. In 1967, Griffin and colleagues75 published was found to decrease collagen deposition in subcuta-
results of a double-blind human study comparing neous tissue when applied with phonophoresis but
hydrocortisone phonophoresis to ultrasound, using not when rubbed on the skin. This study may suggest
the same treatment parameters in patients with that it is possible to increase tissue delivery of dexam-
arthritis of various joints. They found that the com- ethasone with phonophoresis. One small clinical trial
bination of ultrasound and steroid was more effec- lends limited support to this hypothesis. In a human
tive at reducing pain than ultrasound alone. In an study of patients with myofascial trigger points,
older study, Kleinhort and Wood 76 compared phonophoresis with dexamethasone and lidocaine
phonophoresis with either 1% or 10% hydrocorti- was compared to sham phonophoresis using the same
sone preparations in patients with a variety of muscu- drugs and ultrasound using the same parameters.80
loskeletal inflammatory conditions. Patients treated Because separate groups treated with only dexam-
with 10% hydrocortisone phonophoresis had more ethasone phonophoresis or lidocaine phonophoresis
pain relief than patients treated with the lower con- were not included, the relative contribution of each
centration. Neither study included a nonsonicated agent is unclear.
control group. In summary, there is a paucity of evidence support-
Cameron and Monroe77 studied the relative trans- ing the use of phonophoresis for musculoskeletal
mission of ultrasound through common media used inflammatory conditions. Most of the topical agents
for phonophoresis and found that hydrocortisone- and medications historically used for phonophoresis
impregnated gels and most salicylate preparations effec- by physical therapists do not effectively transmit
tively blocked transmission of ultrasound waves. Lidex ultrasound. Of those agents demonstrated to be effec-
gel (containing the corticosteroid fluocinonide), Thera- tive transmitters, no published studies have demon-
Gesic cream (containing menthol and methyl salicy- strated enhanced penetration through the skin with
late), and betamethasone 0.05% in ultrasound gel were phonophoresis or, more importantly, added therapeutic
found to be good transmitters, allowing at least 80% benefit. More research in this area, particularly explor-
transmission. The implication of this study is that ing the use of dexamethasone, is indicated. However, at
patients who demonstrated a therapeutic effect from present, there is inadequate evidence to support the use
hydrocortisone phonophoresis in the previous two of phonophoresis as an effective physical therapy treat-
studies likely benefited not from the hydrocortisone ment modality.
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Therapeutic Ultrasound 107

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chapter 5
The Use of Water as a Therapeutic Agent
Elaine L. Bukowski, PT, DPT, (D) ABDA |
Thomas P. Nolan Jr., PT, DPT, OCS


Viscosity and Hydrostatic Pressure Musculoskeletal Conditions
Hydrodynamics Circulatory Conditions
Thermodynamics: Heat Transfer Psychological Conditions
Effects of Water on the Respiratory System Clinical Technique for PLWS
Effects of Water on Renal Function
Effects of Water on the Muscular System
Clinical Decision-Making
Indications, Precautions, and Contraindications
Pools and Pool Area
Pool Care and Safety Precautions

ydrotherapy is a therapeutic intervention that
Clinical Applications of Therapeutic Pools
A Word About Hot Tubs and Jacuzzis uses water to facilitate physiological effects and
enable patients to achieve therapy goals.
Types of Whirlpools Hydrotherapy usually takes place in a large pool or a
Turbine stainless-steel tank known as a whirlpool. The proper-
Electrical Safety ties of water provide treatment options that might oth-
CLINICAL APPLICATIONS FOR WHIRLPOOLS erwise be difficult or impossible to provide with land-
Preparatory Considerations based interventions. For example, in a pool, the patient
Whirlpool Duration can be placed in non-weight-bearing positions—
Cleaning and Disinfecting Whirlpools supine, prone, or sitting—with the use of buoyant
Lower Extremity Techniques
devices. Weight-bearing in a pool can be varied depend-
Upper Extremity Techniques
Full-Body Immersion ing on the water’s depth and the patient’s position.
Hydrotherapy in a pool, often called “aquatic thera-
py,” has wide therapeutic applications for interventions
for pediatric, geriatric, cardiopulmonary, neurological,

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110 Modalities

and orthopedic populations.1–20 Aquatic therapy can be with robust methodological designs and detailed report-
used to promote relaxation, improve circulation, restore ing of temperature, depth, and care setting are needed.27
mobility, strengthen muscles, provide gait training with Hydrotherapy is often combined with exercise for
less stress on weight-bearing joints, stimulate the therapeutic effects. Slow, rhythmic movements com-
vestibular system, facilitate sleep, increase one’s capaci- bined with rotary-type motions may decrease spasticity
ty for stress, and improve psychological and emotional of muscles. For example, a 38-year-old male with cere-
outlook.8,9,21–26 The temperature and buoyancy of bral palsy attended aquatic therapy for gait dysfunction
water, combined with decreased body weight and joint secondary to an adverse reaction to antianxiety medica-
compression, and the psychological effects of partici- tion. He performed slow, rhythmic, and rotary move-
pating in an enjoyable activity, can reduce pain and ments in the pool and had improvement in the tone in
muscle spasms and increase range of motion.1,2 A recent his lower extremities, which resulted in less spasticity
systematic review and meta-analysis on the effectiveness and a more normal gait pattern. Aquatic therapy was
of aquatic exercise in relieving pain in adults with neu- chosen for this patient to increase endurance, improve
rological or musculoskeletal problems concluded that static and dynamic posture, and increase independence
further studies on specific aquatic exercise techniques in ambulation with a walker.28


A 38-year-old male with cerebral palsy is referred for 4. What specific aspects of pool therapy would be
balance and gait training secondary to severe bal- appropriate for this patient?
ance and endurance problems that were the result Answer: The force of buoyancy can be used to resist
of a medication reaction used to treat anxiety. Prior movement and improve endurance, and the slow,
to this, the patient ambulated independently, played rhythmical movements combined with rotary-type
sports, and was active in his community. Upon test- motions promote improved tone in the lower
ing, the patient demonstrated decreased balance extremities and a more normal gait. Seated bicy-
and endurance and inability to ambulate without a cling, and ambulating back and forth and sideways
walker. in different water depths will also promote improved
endurance and balance and a more normal gait.
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or 5. What are the proper application procedures for pool
problem that can be improved with the use of pool therapy?
therapy? Answer: Inform the patient of the purpose and
Answer: Yes, pool therapy can be used to improve procedure, including the schedule of pool therapy
endurance, balance, and gait. sessions and the need for appropriate swimwear.
Assess the patient’s previous swimming experiences
2. Is the patient appropriate for pool therapy? Do any
and his expectations for the sessions.
of the general precautions or contraindications to
Pre-session: Determine the techniques to be used
pool therapy apply to the patient, or are there any
during the session (seated activities versus standing
specific considerations regarding the application of
activities, depth of water to assist or challenge bal-
pool therapy to this patient?
ance, types and speeds of movements to achieve
Answer: None of the precautions or contraindica-
goals of session).
tions applies to this patient. He is able to enter the
Pool session: Monitor vital signs to ensure patient safe-
pool using a ramp and handrails with the assistance
ty. Use safest method for entry into pool. Proceed with
of the practitioner. Pool therapy is an appropriate
activities chosen for session and modify as needed.
intervention for him.
Post-session: Assess balance and gait as patient
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the exits pool, including trying a different method of exit
use of pool therapy? from that used for entry. Assess balance and gait on
Answer: Improved endurance and balance and land and monitor vital signs. Determine progression
decreased use of assistive device for ambulation. of next pool therapy session.
2391_Ch05_109-134.qxd 5/20/11 11:44 AM Page 111

Hydrotherapy 111

Hydrotherapy can facilitate exercises designed to was included as part of his rehabilitation program. The
strengthen muscles. Repetitive exercises in water and use of water provided buoyancy to assist, support, and
swimming strokes can improve coordination, and the resist shoulder exercises. Turbulence of the water and the
warmth of the water can increase blood supply to the mus- speed of movement facilitated exercise to increase ROM
culoskeletal tissues. Kicking exercises in water can stimu- and strength of the involved shoulder while maintaining
late venous return, and the hydrostatic pressure provided ROM and strength of the elbow and wrist joints of the
by deeper water can help move fluids upward, all of which involved side.16,30
can assist with improving circulation insufficiency.29 Hydrotherapy can facilitate exercise programs for
patients who cannot tolerate exercise on land. A
Hydrostatic pressure is present against any
64-year-old female received aquatic therapy for treat-
body part immersed in water; the deeper the body
ment of low back pain because she could not tolerate
part is immersed, the greater will be the pressure.
land-based exercises when she first started physical ther-
A 23-year-old male baseball player had surgery to apy. She was able to exercise her back musculature
repair a rotator cuff and glenoid labrum tear. while moving her lower body in the water.16 A 55-year-
Postoperatively, he was limited to 90˚ of shoulder flexion old female with restricted weight-bearing following
and abduction range of motion (ROM). Aquatic therapy total hip arthroplasty secondary to osteoarthritic


A 23-year-old male is referred for increased ROM and 4. What specific aspects of pool therapy would be
strengthening of the right shoulder secondary to rota- appropriate for this patient?
tor cuff and labrum repair. Upon testing, the patient Answer: The force of buoyancy can be used to
was limited to 90° of flexion and abduction assist the motions of the involved muscles and to
of the shoulder and weakness of the rotator cuff mus- resist movement and improve strength of these
cles and the anterior and middle deltoid. muscles while maintaining ROM and strength of the
elbow and wrist joints of the involved side.
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or 5. What are the proper application procedures for pool
problem that can be improved with the use of pool therapy?
therapy? Answer: Inform the patient of the purpose and proce-
Answer: Yes, pool therapy can be used to improve dure, including the schedule of pool therapy ses-
ROM and increase the strength of the rotator cuff sions and the need for appropriate swimwear.
and anterior and middle deltoid muscles. Assess the patient’s previous swimming experiences
and his expectations for the sessions.
2. Is the patient appropriate for pool therapy? Do any
Pre-session: Determine the techniques to be used
of the general precautions or contraindications to
during the session (seated, standing, prone or
pool therapy apply to the patient, or are there any
supine activities; depth of water to assist motions or
specific considerations regarding the application of
challenge muscle; types and speeds of movements
pool therapy to this patient?
to achieve goals of session).
Answer: None of the precautions or contraindications
Pool session: Monitor vital signs to ensure patient
apply to this patient. The surgical site is healed, and
safety. Use safest method for entry into pool.
there is no opening or drainage that would be of con-
Proceed with activities chosen for session and
cern. Pool therapy is an appropriate intervention for
modify as needed.
Post-session: Assess ROM and strength of
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the involved muscles. Determine progression of next
use of pool therapy? pool therapy session.
Answer: Increased ROM and increased strength of
the rotator cuff and anterior and middle deltoid
2391_Ch05_109-134.qxd 5/20/11 11:44 AM Page 112

112 Modalities

changes experienced decreased body weight and joint Patients with balance deficits can benefit from aquatic
compression during exercises in a pool; this resulted in therapy because hydrostatic pressure and buoyancy help
improved ROM and increased strength of the involved to support the body. Balance in chest-deep water is easi-
musculature.10,11,31,32 A systematic review and meta- er, and practiced recovery from disturbed balance can
analysis on the effectiveness and safety of aquatic exer- facilitate head-righting and trunk control.
cise in the treatment of knee and hip osteoarthritis sug- Aquatic therapy can facilitate a patient’s arousal
gested the need for more studies of clearly defined because of the changed environment when entering a
patient groups with long-term outcomes.20 pool. Splashing, kicking, and turbulence of water can
Patients who have inadequate orofacial control can also improve alertness. Patients with hypersensitivity
benefit from hydrotherapy by working on lip closure and disorders can benefit from aquatic therapy by gradually
bubble blowing, provided there are no problems with immersing one extremity at a time into the pool, and
their swallowing mechanisms. Holding one’s breath in performing enjoyable activities in the pool can help
water, gradually increasing the time in the pool, and decrease hypersensitivity. Aquatic therapy can also be
swimming can improve endurance or respiratory func- beneficial for patients with cognitive impairments,
tion for patients with pulmonary dysfunction.33–36 including perceptual-spatial problems such as neglect of
Impairments and functional deficits, including inade- distance or depth, poor eye-hand coordination, poor
quate sitting and standing balance and ambulatory concept of midline, decreased sequencing abilities, and
dysfunction, can be addressed with pool therapy.33,34 poor socialization skills.37 In addition, psychological


A 64-year-old female is referred for strengthening of the 4. What specific aspects of pool therapy would be
back musculature secondary to low back pain and appropriate for this patient?
inability to tolerate land-based exercises. Upon testing, Answer: The buoyancy can be used to support the
the patient was able to walk limited distances and was body while the muscles can be worked. The buoy-
unable to move the trunk freely during any activities. ancy can assist the motions of the involved muscles
and can resist movement and improve strength of
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING these muscles while improving endurance.
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or
5. What are the proper application procedures for pool
problem that can be improved with the use of pool
Answer: Inform the patient of the purpose and proce-
Answer: Yes, pool therapy can be used to decrease
dure, including the schedule of pool therapy sessions
pain, improve ROM, and increase the strength of
and the need for appropriate swimwear. Assess the
the trunk musculature.
patient’s previous swimming experiences and her
2. Is the patient appropriate for pool therapy? Do any expectations for the sessions.
of the general precautions or contraindications to Pre-session: Determine the techniques to be used
pool therapy apply to the patient, or are there any during the session (seated, standing, prone or
specific considerations regarding the application of supine activities; depth of water to assist motions or
pool therapy to this patient? challenge muscle; types and speeds of movements
Answer: None of the precautions or contraindications to achieve goals of session).
apply to this patient. Pool therapy is an appropriate Pool session: Monitor vital signs to ensure patient safe-
intervention for her. ty. Use safest method for entry into pool. Proceed with
activities chosen for session and modify as needed.
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
Post-session: Assess ROM and strength of involved
use of pool therapy?
muscles and endurance for ambulation on dry land.
Answer: Decreased pain, increased ROM, increased
Determine progression of next pool therapy session
strength of the trunk musculature, and increased
and eventual progression to land-based exercises.
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impairments,38,39 such as depression, lack of confidence, Historically, whirlpools have been used in the care of
or decreased motivation, can be addressed with aquatic open wounds. Whirlpools provide a method of cleans-
therapy. Athletes can also benefit from aquatic therapy ing through the addition of a bactericidal agent or
because water becomes an isophysiological environment mechanically debriding a wound to remove surface
that requires similar functional physiology used in com- necrotic material when the patient is unable to tolerate
petitive sports. Sport-specific movement patterns can be more selective forms of debridement. The mechanical
performed in water, and their intensity can be increased effects of whirlpools may stimulate formation of granu-
over time, depending on the athletes’ functional lation tissue and, in conjunction with the appropriate
improvements on land.25 water temperature, may soften tissues and stimulate cir-
Whirlpools are used for treating a variety of muscu- culation in the affected area. The increase in local circu-
loskeletal conditions (Box 5-1). Cold whirlpools are lation may boost the amount of oxygen, antibodies,
typically used to help control pain and swelling of acute leukocytes, and nutrition supplied to the tissues and
sprains and strains. Warm whirlpools are often used to enhance the removal of metabolites. The amount of
facilitate motion and exercise for subacute and chronic systemic medications, such as antibiotics, available
stages of sprains and strains. Stretching of contractures to the wound area may also be increased by the
may be facilitated by the simultaneous or immediate improved circulation, which helps to diminish or pre-
application of a warm whirlpool. Whirlpools may be vent infection. Whirlpools may also create sedation and
applied following orthopedic surgery (after the surgical analgesia, which may aid in reducing pain caused by
skin wounds are fully healed) to help soften scar tissue, the open wound or surrounding tissues. Unfortunately,
reduce pain, and promote restoration of motion. whirlpools can prolong or prevent wound closure and
Healing bone fractures may benefit from whirlpool are contraindicated for ulcers due to venous insufficien-
once clinical union has been achieved. The fluidity and cy, edema, or lymphedema. Therefore, using a whirlpool
pressure properties of whirlpools assist in removing dry, to treat an open wound must be carefully considered
scaly skin after casts have been removed, and the ther- based on the known advantages and disadvantages of
mal and buoyancy properties of a warm whirlpool assist this modality.
in increasing mobility.40
Patients with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis Physical Properties of Water
may benefit from whirlpool. The water’s buoyancy effects
will help support the affected joints and help to decrease An appreciation of the unique properties of water,
pain and increase mobility. The thermal effects of a warm including an understanding of its static and dynamic
whirlpool may help decrease the pain of arthritis.41–45 properties as they apply to immersion and exercise,
The relaxing effect of warm-water whirlpools is well is important to appropriately and effectively use
known. Anxious patients may benefit from partial or full hydrotherapy for therapeutic interventions. This sec-
immersion in a whirlpool to facilitate cooperation with tion will discuss the physical properties of water,
rehabilitation procedures.38 The patient may use earplugs including buoyancy, viscosity, hydrostatic pressure,
or headphones to blunt the noise of the turbine; this pro- hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, physiological effects,
motes relaxation while in the whirlpool. and mechanics.
One of the most important properties of water is buoy-
Box 5•1 Musculoskeletal Conditions ancy. Archimedes’ principle states that “the buoyant
Treated by Whirlpool
force on a body immersed in a fluid is equal to the
• Sprains and strains weight of the fluid displaced by that object.”46 A body
• Contractures
• Postsurgical repair of joints and soft tissues
or body part immersed in water will experience this
• Healing fractures of bones buoyant force, which in effect reduces the force of grav-
• Osteoarthritis ity on the body. Thus, exercise of the extremities can be
• Rheumatoid arthritis
assisted by the effect of buoyancy. A person standing in
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114 Modalities

water up to the neck can raise an extremity with the at 4°C (39.2°F). Specific gravity is a number without
assistance of buoyancy. Buoyancy can also resist move- dimensions or units. The specific gravity of water is 1.0,
ment. An extremity moved downward against the force whereas the specific gravity of the body with air in the
of buoyancy will encounter resistance to movement lungs is 0.97447 (Table 5-1). Objects with a specific
(Fig. 5-1). Resistance exercises for strengthening can gravity less than 1.0 will displace a proportional
be performed against the force of buoyancy. For exam- amount of water. Therefore, the body will displace
ple, a patient recovering from a surgical repair to his about 90% of water when immersed, and about 2.6%
rotator cuff can use the buoyant force to raise the will float. This enables a person lying supine in water to
extremity from the side of the body to 90° of flexion or keep his or her face out of the water while the remain-
abduction while standing in neck-deep water. When der of the body is immersed slightly below the surface
returning the extremity to the side, buoyancy will be (Fig. 5-2).
used as a resistance. Buoyancy of the body will be affected by the
When a body is immersed or partially immersed in amount of air in the lungs. Fully inflated lungs will
water, it is subjected to two opposing forces: buoyancy increase buoyancy, and deflated lungs will decrease
and gravity. The body will remain balanced, and no buoyancy. Buoyancy is also dependent upon body
movement will take place if these forces are equal and composition. Obese individuals will have increased
opposite of each other. When these forces are unequal buoyancy because fat tissue has a lower specific
and unaligned, as when part of the body is out of the gravity. Individuals with increased bone density will
water while part of the body remains in the water, then experience less buoyancy than those with bones that
the body will tend to move or rotate. This rotary are less dense.
motion may cause instability when an individual is par-
tially immersed in water. The buoyancy of an object in
water depends on its density (mass per unit volume).
Table 5•1 Specific Gravity of Water, Ice,
Objects that are denser than water will have less buoy- and Human Tissues
ancy and will tend to sink. Objects that are less dense Substance Specific Gravity
than water will experience more buoyancy and will tend Water 1.0
to float. The specific gravity of an object is defined as Ice 0.917
Average human body with air in lungs 0.97
the ratio of the object’s density to the water’s density
Average human body without air in lungs 1.1
Subcutaneous fat 0.85
Buoyancy of Bone (femur) ~1.85
water assists Bone (vertebral body) ~0.47
From Hecox, et al.47

Buoyancy of
water resists

Fig 5•1 Exercising with buoyancy assists exercise; Fig 5•2 Floating in a pool demonstrates the effects
exercising against buoyancy resists exercise. of buoyancy.
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Viscosity and Hydrostatic Pressure Therefore, when a patient exercises near the water’s
surface, she will encounter less resistance than when
Two properties of water that add to its therapeutic capa-
exercising at a greater depth. This increased pressure
bilities are viscosity and hydrostatic pressure. Viscosity is
may encourage venous return in a proximal direction
the internal friction present in liquids secondary to the
from the lower extremities. Jamison48,49 advocated this
cohesive forces between the molecules. When an arm or
therapeutic effect of aquatic therapy, combined with
a leg is moved through water, the viscosity of the water
the effect of viscosity, for increasing lymph flow and
will tend to resist this movement. The faster the limb is
reducing edema in patients with lymphedema.
moved, the greater the resistance secondary to viscosity.
However, the dependent position of the body part may
Therefore, varying the speed of exercise will change the
cancel this effect. McCulloch and Boyd50 found that
amount of resistance to exercise.
the combination of heat and the dependent position of
This principle can be applied to the patient with the
an extremity in a whirlpool have the potential to
rotator cuff problem described earlier and to many
encourage lower extremity swelling.
other patients. The viscosity of the water will act as
resistance as the affected upper extremity is moved
through the water: The faster the movement, the
greater the resistance encountered. Therefore, the exer- Water in motion has physical properties known as
cises performed in the pool can accomplish the goal of hydrodynamics. This includes the dynamics of two types
strengthening the shoulder musculature. of fluid flow. Streamline or laminar flow occurs when
Hydrostatic pressure is the force that water exerts on each particle of the fluid follows a smooth path without
the body or body part. This force impacts the body crossover of parts. Turbulent flow is the flow of fluids in
equally from all directions at a given depth of immer- erratic, small, whirlpool-like circles called eddy currents
sion. The amount of hydrostatic pressure will vary or eddies.46 Turbulent water creates more resistance to
depending on the depth of immersion of the body part. movement. Movement of a body part in water at rest
A person standing in a pool of water up to his neck will will encounter minimal turbulence, although the move-
have a greater amount of hydrostatic pressure against ment itself will create some turbulence. Movement
his feet than against his trunk or shoulders (Fig. 5-3). against turbulent water will encounter more resistance
as experienced when moving a body part in a whirlpool
when the water is agitated.47

Thermodynamics: Heat Transfer

Physiological effects of hydrotherapy depend on the
temperature of the water, the amount of the body
immersed in the water, and whether the person receiv-
ing the treatment is at rest or moving. The water’s tem-
perature will affect the temperature of the tissues in the
water. Heat will be transferred primarily by convection
when the patient is moving in the water or when the
water moves across the skin’s surface. When the body
and the water are at rest, some heat will be transferred
by conduction. However, the layer of water immediately
adjacent to the skin may act as a “sealer,” which tends
to inhibit conductive heat transfer. Agitation of the
water in a whirlpool will limit this sealer effect.47 The
Fig 5•3 The amount of hydrostatic pressure against the body will also lose heat by radiation and evaporation,
body depends upon the depth of submersion of the body
part. Smaller arrows represent lower hydrostatic pressure; depending on the amount of the body that is immersed
larger arrows represent greater pressure. and the environment’s temperature and humidity.
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116 Modalities

Radiation is the exchange of electromagnetic energy will cause vasoconstriction. Table 5-2 summarizes the
between the warmer surface of the body and the cooler physiological effects of commonly used water tempera-
surrounding air, and evaporation is the loss of body flu- tures for hydrotherapy.
ids to the environment by sweating. These processes do Immersion of most of the body (with the head out
not occur when the body surface is immersed in water. of the water) or just the face will result in a set of car-
Care must be taken to expose a sufficient amount of diovascular effects known as the dive reflex.53 These
body surface to the environment outside the hydrother- effects include bradycardia, peripheral vasoconstriction,
apy tank or pool to allow for radiational cooling and and preferential shunting of blood to vital organs.
evaporation. The ability of the body to lose heat to help However, these effects are dependent on the water’s
maintain a constant core temperature is limited when temperature. Immersion in warm or hot water increas-
the hydrotherapy environment is too warm or too es heart rate, and immersion in water at body tempera-
humid. The hydrotherapy environment must be kept at ture has a neutral effect on heart rate.54
a comfortable temperature, usually an air temperature Immersion in water may affect blood pressure.
between 18.3°C and 26.7°C (65°F and 80°F) and a Enhanced venous return secondary to a rise in central
lower humidity (between 50% and 65%).51,52 venous pressure with immersion increases cardiac vol-
Another property of water related to heat transfer is ume, which causes an increase in right atrial pressure
specific heat. The amount of heat required to change and increased cardiac output (assuming normal cardiac
the temperature of a given material is proportional to pump mechanics). However, the effect on blood pres-
the mass of the material and to the temperature change. sure may be blunted secondary to the effects of the dive
This can be expressed in the following equation: reflex, resulting in bradycardia.
Q = mc ⌬T KEY POINT!When exercising in water, monitoring heart
rate may not be an accurate reflection of cardiovas-
where Q is the amount of heat, m is the mass of the
cular stress. Therefore, monitoring perceived exertion
material, c is the specific heat, and ⌬T is the change in
is preferred over monitoring of heart rate.
temperature.46 Specific heat is a measure of the amount
of energy (heat) stored in a material and the amount The effects on the cardiovascular system (sudden
of energy required to heat the material. Water has vasoconstriction, decrease in heart rate, and increase in
one of the highest specific heats of all substances heart volume from increased venous return) may not be
(1.00 kcal/kg·C° at 15°C).46 This is evident in the dif-
ference in heat between water and paraffin. Paraffin is
usually applied to the skin at a temperature between
Table 5•2 Water Temperature
45°C and 54°C (113°F and 129.1°F); water at these Classification for Hydrotherapy
temperatures would likely feel too hot and may burn Very cold 33°F–55°F; 1°C–13°C
the skin. Cold 56°F–65°F; 14°C–18°C
Cool 66°F–80°F; 19°C–26°C
Tepid 81°F–92°F; 27°C–32°C
Physiological Effects of Water Neutral 93°F–96°F; 33°C–35°C
Warm 97°F–99°F; 36°C–37°C
Hemodynamics Hot 100°F–104°F; 38°C–40°C
Very hot 105°F–110°F; 41°C–43°C
The hemodynamic effects of hydrotherapy include Expected Physiological Effect of Water Temperatures
local changes in circulation and systemic effects on car- Very cold, cold, cool Vasoconstriction, analgesia, possible
diac function. The water’s temperature will either cause anesthesia
Tepid and neutral Likely no loss of body heat or change in core
an increase in localized circulation secondary to vasodi- temperature or limb size (best temperature
lation or a decrease in localized circulation secondary range for pool exercise)
to vasoconstriction. Generally, warm water tempera- Warm and hot Vasodilation, analgesia, relaxation
Very hot Same as warm and hot temperatures but may
tures, about 35.5°C (95.9°F), will result in vasodilation, cause rapid fatigue and overheating
and cold water temperatures below 27°C (80.6°F)
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tolerated by some, particularly those with cardiovascu- spasm” cycle. Muscle strength may be increased with
lar deficits. To limit the effects on the cardiovascular exercise in water, especially when exercising against tur-
system, it is best to enter the water slowly, wetting the bulence. There is no evidence that muscles at rest will
face and hands first, and avoid full-body immersions in be strengthened by placing the limb in still or agitated
cold water.53 water; however, the relaxing, stimulating, or analgesic
effects of a whirlpool may be helpful preparation for an
Effects of Water on the Respiratory exercise program. For example, a patient with low back
System pain may benefit from the effects of whirlpool agitation
Immersing the body in water may affect the ability to against the back prior to starting an exercise program
breathe. Hydrostatic pressure against the chest will tend on land or in a pool.
to inhibit lung expansion. Also, increased circulation to
the center of the body during immersion will increase
Mechanical Effects of Water
circulation in the chest cavity, further inhibiting lung
expansion. Maximal oxygen uptake is lower during The mechanical effects of water primarily occur during
most forms of water exercise than during exercise on agitation in a whirlpool or with application of a force-
land.53 ful stream to the body such as with a wound-irrigation
Effects of Water on Renal Function device. The force of the water can help débride loose
necrotic tissue in a wound and cleanse the wound of
Water immersion can affect renal function, resulting in dirt and other contaminants. Water has a softening
increased urine output (diuresis), increased sodium excre- effect on tissue, which may facilitate debridement of
tion, and increased potassium excretion. These effects can necrotic tissue. However, water applied to wounds may
be potentiated when the individual is immersed in cold damage new granulation tissue, and prolonged soaking
water. Patients should empty their bladders prior to enter- may cause maceration of intact skin.55
ing a therapeutic pool.

Effects of Water on the Neurological Aquatic (Pool) Therapy

Effects of water immersion on the neurological system Indications, Precautions, and
are primarily temperature dependent. The effects of Contraindications
cold and heat on the neurological system are discussed Most patients will be able to participate in aquatic ther-
in Chapters 2 and 3. Warm water tends to be relaxing, apy; however, there are precautions that should be con-
whereas cold water tends to be invigorating or stimulat- sidered before proceeding with pool therapy. Patients
ing. Whether these effects are secondary to direct effects who are fearful of water may experience increased
on the nervous system or are examples of psychological symptoms, such as muscle guarding or improper tech-
responses is debatable and requires further study. nique during exercises. Some patients may be leery of
losing their balance or sinking to the bottom. In
Effects of Water on the Muscular System instances like these, a gradual orientation to the water
Direct effects on the muscular system are probably sec- may be necessary, including using flotation devices or
ondary to temperature effects, such as increased muscu- starting slowly in shallow water to build confidence.25
lar blood flow secondary to immersion of a muscle in Patients with neurological involvement, such as those
warm water. Clinical use of hydrotherapy for relaxation with multiple sclerosis, may fatigue quickly when exer-
of muscle spasm may in part be a result of increased cising in water greater than 33°C (91.4°F).56–58 Patients
blood flow by immersion in warm water. Agitation of with controlled epilepsy may need to be monitored for
the water, as in a whirlpool bath, may also help relax medication compliance prior to treatment and for
muscle spasms by increasing sensory stimulation of the responses during treatment. Anyone with cardiovascu-
water against the skin overlying the spastic muscle, lar problems, such as high or low blood pressure or a
resulting in analgesia that will help break the “pain/ history of angina, heart disease, or compromised pump
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118 Modalities

mechanics, will require close monitoring during treat- skin infections, menstruation without internal protec-
ment.6,7,59 Meyer and Leblanc60 reviewed selected pub- tion, and patients with isolation precautions are includ-
lications on patients with left ventricular dysfunction or ed in this category of contraindications. A general rule
stable congestive heart failure. They made the following to follow is patients should be free of bowel and blad-
suggestions for rehabilitation and secondary prevention: der accidents for at least 5 days prior to pool therapy.
Patients with a history of uncontrolled seizures during
1. Temporary abnormal hemodynamic responses
the last year, severe cardiac precautions, acute fever,
may be elicited by immersion up to the neck.
upper respiratory infection, severe mental disorders,
2. Water therapy is absolutely contraindicated in
and severe pulmonary conditions, especially with vital
patients with decompensated congestive heart
capacity less than 1,500 milliliters, are considered poor
candidates for aquatic therapy since these conditions
3. Feeling good in water does not equate with left
may be exacerbated by water immersion. Patients with
ventricular toleration of increased volume loading
halo vests are not candidates for pool therapy, because
caused by immersion.
the site of the halo pins’ insertion into the skull is con-
4. If patients with previous severe myocardial
sidered an open wound. See Table 5-3 for a complete
infarctions or congestive heart failure can sleep
list of contraindications for aquatic (pool) therapy.
supine, they may be able to tolerate bathing in a
half-sitting position provided immersion does Clinical Controversy
not exceed the xiphoid process.
Patients with arthritis of the knees, hips, and spine are
5. Patients with Q-wave myocardial infarctions
often prescribed aquatic therapy by their physicians.
older than 6 weeks may exercise in a pool for
There are many benefits of exercise in a pool; however,
orthopedic reasons provided that they do so in
do these benefits justify the cost of resources required for
an upright position and immersion does exceed
aquatic therapy? Can patients with arthritis benefit
the xiphoid process.
equally as well with therapeutic exercise programs in
An algorithm to support clinical decision-making rehabilitation clinics (“land” therapy)? What is the opti-
for prescribing swimming to patients with left ventric- mal number of exercise sessions per week for aquatic
ular dysfunction or stable congestive heart failure can therapy? And how many sessions of aquatic therapy are
be found in the article by Meyer and Leblanc.60 needed for improved patient function? When can
Patients with open wounds may participate in pool patients be discharged from aquatic therapy programs to
therapy if the wound is covered and secured with a pool exercise programs that they can perform independ-
waterproof dressing. Patients with catheters, ently? Does the chronic nature of arthritis justify long-
colostomies, intravenous lines, or other open lines may term aquatic therapy programs? These are some of the
participate in pool therapy; however, they will require questions that practitioners must consider when initiat-
proper clamping and fixation. Similar precautions ing aquatic therapy programs for patients with arthritis.
should be followed for patients who have G-tubes and
suprapubic appliances. These patients should be Pools and Pool Area
observed for any adverse reactions to pool therapy. Therapeutic pools vary in size and shape, depending on
Patients with medically controlled seizure disorders or the patient populations served and the space allocations
fear of water should be monitored for any adverse reac- at a given facility. Traditional swimming pools, special-
tions to the treatment. ly designed therapeutic pools, and self-contained exer-
There are several factors that must be considered cise units can be used for aquatic therapy. Traditional
when deciding whether pool therapy is appropriate for swimming pools are at least 100 feet long and 25 feet
a patient. Any situation that creates the potential for wide, with a bottom that begins to slope at a depth
contamination of the water is considered a contraindi- of 3 to 4 feet and gradually increases to a depth of
cation for aquatic therapy. Open wounds without 8 to 10 feet. This type of pool can accommodate
occlusive dressings, incontinence of bowel or bladder, several groups of patients and the practitioners who are
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Table 5•3 Aquatic (Pool) Therapy Precautions and Contraindications92

Precaution/Contraindication Explanation
Aspiration risk Follow precautions if patient has a history of aspiration.
Bowel or bladder incontinence If this is uncontrolled, patient cannot enter pool because of danger of cross-contamination of other tissues
and other people in the pool.
Tracheostomy Contraindication because of respiratory concerns
Catheters Patients with indwelling catheters require proper clamping and fixation.
Infectious diseases Contraindication for aquatic therapy because of the danger of spreading infection to others in the pool.
Cardiovascular problems Contraindicated in patients with decompensated congestive heart failure. Monitor vital signs of patients
with other cardiovascular problems, such as uncontrolled blood pressure.
Cognitive impairments Concerns with safety when entering and leaving pool. Must be monitored closely while in pool.
Uncontrolled seizures Contraindication because of danger of having a seizure while in the pool.
Tetraplegia or high paraplegia Difficulty with thermoregulation. Monitor patient and temperature of water and air to prevent heat prostra-
tion and hypothermia.
Respiratory compromise, Contraindication if immersion is likely to exacerbate symptoms
vital capacity less
than 1 L
Open wounds Must be covered with waterproof dressing to prevent infection and maceration of periwound tissue.
Fever Exercise in the pool stresses the cardiopulmonary and immune system.
Dry skin or skin rashes or rash Time in pool may exacerbate dryness.
Fear of water May increase symptoms, such as muscle guarding or improper techniques during exercise
Fear of losing balance or sinking Need to gradually orient with use of flotation devices in shallow water or starting in shallow water to build
Neurological impairments May fatigue quickly in water greater than 33°C (91.4°F).
Severe kidney disease during immersion May be unable to adjust to fluid loss
Menstruation without internal protection May contaminate pool

conducting the therapy session (Fig. 5-4). Smaller, self- to permit easier access. Therapeutic pools have a built-
contained exercise pools are designed for individual in filtration and chlorination system. The room in
patient use (Fig. 5-5). These units do not allow for the which the pool is housed needs to be adequately venti-
practitioner to be in the pool with the patient; there- lated to avoid condensation accumulating on walls,
fore, they are not appropriate for patients who have low windows, and floors. Water on floors can cause slippery
functional levels and who require assistance in the pool. conditions that can lead to patient or practitioner slips
Access to a traditional pool is by ramp, stairs, lad-
ders, or mechanical overhead lift. Some specially
designed pools have floors that have adjustable heights

Fig 5•5 Therapeutic hydrotherapy unit. (Photo courtesy of

Fig 5•4 Patients exercising in a therapeutic pool. Ferno-Washington, Inc.)
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120 Modalities

and falls. Immediate drying of wet floors with sponges

or towels is a must. Use of nonslip floor mats or rubber
or plastic grids around whirlpool tanks may help pre-
vent slips and falls. Patients should wear sandals with
nonskid soles or other similar footwear when walking
on therapeutic pool aprons. Careful guarding of
patients during transfers in and out of the pool will also
help prevent falls. A private area for changing clothes,
showering, and cooling down should be available to the
patient following therapeutic exercise sessions.
Access to the smaller self-contained exercise pools is
either via a door and steps located on one side of the unit
or from a stair or two inside the unit. These units usual-
ly have their own filtration system and may include built- Fig 5•7 Patient exercising her upper extremities using
in exercise stations, varying water depths, and integrated paddles in therapeutic pool.

treadmills. Some pools produce adjustable currents that

increase exercise resistance and simulate wave action.
There are many types of equipment that can be used
in pool therapy sessions. These include floats, resistive
paddles, paddle boards, swim fins, flotation vests, paral-
lel bars, treadmills, handrails, weighted stools and chairs,
and weighted walkers. Examples of patients exercising
with equipment can be seen in Figures 5-6 through 5-8.
The type of equipment used during a particular session
is based on the patient’s current functional level and the
goals for the aquatic therapy session.

Pool Care and Safety Precautions Fig 5•8 Therapist stretching cervical spine while patient
uses foam noodles for buoyancy in therapeutic pool.
Regular care and cleaning of therapeutic pools is essen-
tial to avoid the buildup of Pseudomonas aeruginosa,61–63 when used as a bactericidal agent. Frequent use of pools
a bacteria that causes folliculitis infections. Organic con- increases the total organic carbon as well as ammonia
taminants in a pool reduce the effectiveness of chlorine and organic nitrogen found in the pool. Regular care of
therapeutic pools should include at least weekly cleaning
and twice-daily chlorine and pH level tests. Walking
surfaces leading up to and around the pool should be
slip-resistant and kept free of barriers.
Safety rules and regulations and emergency proce-
dures should be established. Rules and regulations
should be posted and observed by both patients and
staff. An obvious danger whenever a patient is
immersed in water is drowning.
KEY POINT! Patients who are immersed in large
whirlpools or therapeutic pools should be monitored
continuously, especially if they have decreased men-
Fig 5•6 Patient exercising using fins on feet for added tal function or drowsiness secondary to the effects of
resistance in therapeutic pool. medication.
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Children must always be closely supervised. Life pre- whose immersion time may last 20 to 45 minutes. A
servers should be available for all therapeutic pools. At patient’s fatigue factor should be considered when
least one staff member who is CPR certified should be choosing therapeutic pool temperatures.58,59
present at all times in case of an emergency. A complete review of specific types of exercises and
exercise programs is beyond the scope of this text. For
Clinical Applications of Therapeutic Pools more information on aquatic exercise programs, see
Practitioners should meet with patients prior to exer- Box 5-2 for a list of references, and see Box 5-3 for
cise in a therapeutic pool to discuss the treatment websites related to aquatic therapy.
schedule and the procedures to be used. The patient’s
previous swimming experiences should be addressed,
including any fear of water and his or her expecta- Box 5•2 References for Aquatic Therapy
tions for the session. Other topics to be discussed Exercises
with patients prior to entering a therapeutic pool Duffield MH, Skinner AT, Thompson AM. Duffield’s Exercise in
include any bowel and bladder problems, use of any Water. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 1983.
assistive or adaptive devices, type of clothing to be Kisner C, Cobly LA. Therapeutic Exercise, Foundations and
Techniques. 5th ed. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis; 2007.
worn while in the pool and after leaving the pool, and
Koury JM. Aquatic Therapy Programming—Guidelines for
medications. Orthopedic Rehabilitation. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics;
Practitioners should have a complete list of
Lepore M, Gayle GW, Stevens FS. Adapted Aquatics
the patient’s current medications and discuss with the Programming—A Professional Guide. 2nd ed. Champaign, IL:
patient any effect these medications may have while Human Kinetics; 2007.
Norm A, Bates H. Aquatic Exercise Therapy. Philadelphia: W. B.
exercising in the pool. Medications that cause drowsi-
Saunders; 1996.
ness or sedation, such as muscle relaxants, require Norton CO, Jamison LJ. A Team Approach to the Aquatic
close monitoring of the patient while he or she is in Continuum of Care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Health Sciences;
the pool.
Rosenstein, AA. Water Exercises for Parkinson’s: Maintaining
The practitioner should be aware of the increased Balance, Strength, Endurance, and Flexibility. Rev ed.
Enumclaw, WA: Idyll Arbor; 2008.
demand placed on the patient’s cardiovascular and pul-
Sova, R. Aquatics: The Complete Reference Guide for Aquatic
monary systems. Core temperature can be increased by Fitness Professionals. Port Washington, WI: DSL; 2000.
the water temperature, and muscular contraction Sova, R. Essential Principles of Aquatic Therapy and
places a greater demand on heat dissipation, the respi- Rehabilitation. Port Washington, WI: DSL; 2003.
Vargas, LG. Aquatic Therapy: Interventions and Applications.
ratory system, and the exposed integument. General Enumclaw, WA: Idyll Arbor; 2004.
considerations should include a maximum immersion
time of 20 minutes for noncompromised cardiopul-
monary patients and less time for elderly, hypertensive,
or cardiopulmonary patients. It may be advisable
Box 5•3 Websites Related to Aquatic
to initiate treatment for 10 minutes and increase as
This website is maintained by the National Center on Physical
Vital signs must be monitored to ensure patient safe- Activity and Disability, based at the University of Illinois. It
ty. Water temperatures vary, and therapeutic pool tem- has definitions of aquatic therapy techniques, a list of condi-
tions in which aquatic therapy is useful, sample programs,
peratures cannot be quickly adjusted. In general, water sample techniques, program modifications, and more basic
temperatures between 36°C and 37°C (96.8°F and information.
98.6°F) are considered high and between 30°C and
This website provides standards and guidelines for aquatic fitness
34.5°C (86°F and 94.1°F) are considered low. High programming from the Aquatic Exercise Association.
temperatures may be recommended for patients with
disease processes, such as rheumatoid arthritis (except This website provides basic instruction on a few simple aquatic
exercises through a short series of slides with accompanying
in the acute stage), while low temperatures may be rec- information.
ommended for patients with spasticity or for those
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122 Modalities

A Word About Hot Tubs and Jacuzzis

Hot tubs and Jacuzzis are popular in many health clubs
and homes. These types of units are not intended for
aquatic pool sessions because of their small size and
high water temperature. Water temperatures are gener-
ally in the 38.9°C to 40.5°C (102°F to 104.9°F) range,
which places a greater demand on the cardiovascular
and pulmonary systems. Regular care and cleaning of
hot tubs and Jacuzzis is required to avoid the buildup of
P. aeruginosa.61–63 The high temperatures and turbu-
lence of the water in hot tubs and Jacuzzis increases the
potential for the presence of pathogens. A good filtra- Fig 5•9 Small portable (ankle/foot/hand) whirlpool.
tion and chlorination system, similar to those found in
therapeutic pools, is an essential requirement for all hot
tubs and Jacuzzis.

Whirlpools are enclosed stainless-steel or acrylic tanks
of various sizes that are used clinically to provide thera-
peutic effects. These tanks have an attached motor,
called a turbine, that agitates the water in the tank to
create the “whirlpool” effect. Smaller tanks can be
portable and filled with a hose; larger tanks are non-
portable and have attachments to faucets to provide
water to the tank. Whirlpools are intended to be used
as single-patient treatments and must be drained and Fig 5•10 Low-boy whirlpool.
cleaned after each use.

Types of Whirlpools
Whirlpools are available in various sizes to accommo-
date either a body part or full-body (with the face out
of the water) immersion. Small whirlpools are
designed to treat distal parts of the upper or lower
extremities. They are often portable, with attached
wheels for ease of movement (Fig. 5-9). Larger
whirlpools can accommodate the entire upper or
lower extremity or partial or full immersion of the
body. Low-boy tanks have low walls that allow for ease
of transfer in and out of the tank (Fig. 5-10). Patients
in a low-boy are usually in a long-sitting position dur-
ing treatment. High-boy tanks, sometimes referred to
as hip tanks, require a chair or lift to transfer in and
out of the tank (Fig. 5-11). Patients in a high-boy tank
are usually sitting on a removable seat attached to
rungs on the side of the tank, or they may sit on a high Fig 5•11 High-boy whirlpool.
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chair outside the tank with their lower extremity dan- Turbine
gling in the tank. Burn tanks are specially designed for
The turbine is the electrical motor pump that creates the
treating patients with burns. They are usually larger
agitation in a whirlpool (Fig. 5-13). A switch on the top
than extremity tanks and require a lift for patient
of the turbine turns the motor on or off. Attached to the
transfer into and out of the tank. Some of these tanks
turbine are two or three tubular metal shafts. One of
are designed without seams; this helps prevent infec-
these tubes is the drive shaft, which contains an impeller
tions by limiting sites in the tank that are more diffi-
housed in a casing at the bottom of the tube. The
cult to clean and disinfect.54
amount of water ejected at the base of the drive shaft
Hubbard tanks are large whirlpools designed for full-
determines the force of the ejected water. Adjusting the
body (with the face out) immersion. The first Hubbard
throttle near the top of the shaft can control the amount
tank was designed in 1928 primarily for underwater
of water ejected. The other tube is called the breather
exercise.66 The wide top and bottom and narrow mid-
tube. The amount of air mixing with the ejected water
dle (Fig. 5-12) allows the patient to exercise the extrem-
(aeration) at the base of the breather tube can be adjust-
ities and provides the practitioner access to the patient
ed by turning the butterfly valve near the shaft’s top.
for assistance with exercise. Patients are typically low-
Agitation of the water in the whirlpool tank can be reg-
ered into the tank on a stretcher by an overhead
ulated by adjusting the force of the ejected water and the
hydraulic hoist. Hubbard tanks are used for patients
amount of aeration. The entire turbine assembly is usu-
who require full-body immersion and who are unable
ally mounted on a spring-loaded adjustable pole on the
to stand or transfer safely into and out of whirlpools.
side of the whirlpool tank. This allows for height and
These tanks usually have two whirlpool turbines that
side-to-side adjustments of the turbine, which enables
can be moved around the perimeter of the tank to
the clinician to direct the ejected water toward or away
direct and control the agitation pattern. Some tanks
from the body or body part in the whirlpool tank.
have a walking trough with parallel bars for gait train-
Near the bottom of the turbine’s middle shaft, on the
ing. A typical Hubbard tank holds over 400 gallons of
side, is a small hole. This hole must be under the sur-
water. The cost of the water, which in most cases must
face of the water whenever the turbine motor is turned
be heated, and the time and personnel required to fill,
on. Care must also be taken to ensure that the turbine
empty, and clean the Hubbard tank after each use
ejector at the bottom of the turbine shaft is not blocked
causes this modality to be more expensive than other
by bandages, wound packing, or patient fingers or toes.
therapeutic alternatives. Some health-care facilities have
removed their Hubbard tanks as a cost-cutting and
space-saving measure. On/off switch

Butterfly valve

Breather tube

Drive shaft



Fig 5•12 Therapist assisting patient as she exercises in

Hubbard tank. Fig 5•13 Turbine attached to a whirlpool.
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124 Modalities

Electrical Safety explained to the patient to reduce anxiety and promote

safety. The patient should be positioned comfortably
Electrical safety is an essential concern for all
using padding or pillows as needed. The whirlpool may
hydrotherapy devices that have an attached turbine.
then be activated and the agitation force set initially at
Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) are required
a minimal level and increased as needed. Be sure not to
for all hydrotherapy outlets. The function of the GFCIs
direct the agitation directly toward any body area that
should be checked, and the condition of the turbine
may cause tissue damage or increased pain. The patient
wire should be inspected for damage prior to perform-
should not be left unattended during the treatment
ing any whirlpool treatments. The attachment of the
session. Patients on a lift chair or stretcher should be
turbine on the adjustable pole should also be inspected
secured by straps when immersed in whirlpools or
to be certain it is tightly secured. An unsecured turbine
secured by straps if sitting in an elevated chair during
could come loose during position adjustments and fall
lower extremity treatment in an extremity tank.
into the whirlpool tank, potentially causing a fatal elec-
trical shock. Patients should be instructed to never Whirlpool Duration
touch the turbine, including the on/off switch, when it
The length of time for treatment in a whirlpool must be
is running.
based on sound physiological judgment and on the
treatment objectives. The duration of treatment also
Clinical Applications depends upon the pathologies being treated. When used
for Whirlpools strictly as a heating modality, the usual duration is
20 minutes, depending on the patient’s medical condi-
Preparatory Considerations tion. Borrell and colleagues67 demonstrated that
Before initiating a whirlpool treatment, the therapeutic 20 minutes was a long enough time to increase skin,
objectives of the treatment should be determined. muscle, and joint capsule temperature in the hand
These may include (1) facilitation of exercise either for and foot.
assistance or resistance, (2) promotion of muscle relax- Abramson and associates68 demonstrated that a
ation and pain relief, (3) mechanical debridement 20-minute application of moist heat increased blood
of wound surface exudates and necrotic tissue, and flow, and further exposure of up to 2 hours had no real
(4) stimulation of circulation for wound care. Next, the effect on increasing the peak response obtained at the
proper temperature should be selected, based on the 20-minute mark. When using a whirlpool to débride
patient’s medical condition and treatment objectives. and clean a wound, the duration will vary from 5 to
(Commonly used temperatures and their correspon- 20 minutes, depending on the amount of necrotic tis-
ding generic names are listed in Table 5-2.) In general, sue and patient tolerance. Niederhuber, Stribley, and
temperatures between 36.5°C to 40.5°C (98°F and Koepke69 found that 20 minutes of agitation in a
105°F) are reasonable when using heat, except in the whirlpool was optimal for removing skin bacteria. A
presence of peripheral vascular disease, sensory loss, or duration of 10 to 30 minutes is recommended for
full-body immersion. With peripheral vascular disease, patients who are exercising in the whirlpool, depending
the skin temperature of the extremity to be immersed on the patient’s medical status.
can be a guideline to help determine water temperature
and should not be greater than 1°F or 1°C above skin Cleaning and Disinfecting Whirlpools
temperature. In the presence of cardiovascular or pul- No chemical additives are necessary in whirlpool water
monary disease, the temperature should not exceed when the skin is intact (use of chemical additives for
38°C (100°F). open wounds is discussed later in this chapter).
The body part to be treated should be inspected for Whirlpool tanks must be drained, cleaned, and disin-
skin temperature, presence of edema, open lesions, fected after each use. Practitioners should wear gloves
color, muscle spasm, and sensation. The treatment pro- and goggles to protect the hands and eyes when doing
cedure and safe operation of the whirlpool should be this. The inside surface of the tank, turbine tubes, and
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drains should first be manually scrubbed with a

cleanser, then thoroughly rinsed with clean water. Next,
a disinfectant should be applied to the inside of the
tank and turbine tubes (following label-recommended
dilutions) for no more than 10 minutes. The tank is
then thoroughly rinsed and dried. Sterilization of
whirlpool tanks is not practical or necessary.70

Lower Extremity Techniques

Lower extremity immersion or immersion to the
midthoracic level can be achieved by using either a
high-boy or low-boy whirlpool tank. The high-boy
tank requires that the patient be able to flex the hip and
knee. The length of this tub does not allow for full
extension of the average adult’s lower extremity and
limits the amount of ROM exercise a person can per-
form while in the whirlpool. However, its depth allows
a greater body surface area to be submerged safely and Fig 5•14 Whirlpool treatment to the hand and forearm.
Caution should be used to avoid a totally dependent posi-
comfortably, including submersion up to the midtho- tion of the hand. If possible, active ROM exercises should
racic region. The low-boy tank is not as deep but has be performed during the treatment to encourage venous
and lymphatic return, thus minimizing edema formation.
greater length than the high-boy, and it affords the
patient the ability to fully extend the lower extremities
and perform full-motion exercises for the knees. When
only the distal portion of the lower extremity has to be Magness and coworkers71 studied the effect of
immersed, either a small extremity tank or a high-boy whirlpool on volume in the upper extremity. They
tank with the use of the whirlpool chair is the appropri- measured upper extremity volume in 20 normal male
ate choice. and female volunteers before and after the immersion
In summary, the high-boy and low-boy afford greater of the same extremity for 20 minutes in a whirlpool
body-surface immersion than a small extremity tank, bath at temperatures ranging from 33.5°C to 44.4°C
while the low-boy may allow for greater lower extremity (92.3°F to 111.9°F). In addition, 20 patients with
extension than the high-boy. If a patient is unable to various upper extremity disorders were treated
safely transfer into one of these tubs, the high-boy or low- by whirlpool in the same manner at temperatures
boy can be fitted with a hydraulic chair lift or “Hoyer lift.” ranging from 37.8°C to 40°C (100°F to 104°F) for
20 minutes. The results revealed a significant increase
Upper Extremity Techniques in volume for the normal subjects, which were direct-
ly related to increased water temperature. There was
When treating the upper extremity, the patient should also a significant increase in volume of the patient’s
be seated comfortably next to the extremity tank, with extremity, and the rise in volume was greater than
a towel or other form of padding on the tank edge to in the normal subjects at the specific temperatures
avoid constricting the circulatory and lymphatic system treated.
(Fig. 5-14). Hoyrup and Kjorvel72 studied the effect of whirlpool
Use of a whirlpool for treating the upper or
KEY POINT! and paraffin dips on hand volume, ROM, and pain in
lower extremity deserves special consideration patients with traumatic hand injuries. The patients
because the dependent position of the extremity in received whirlpool at 43°C (109.4°F) and paraffin dips at
the tank may promote edema, especially when higher 50°C (122°F). One half of each group performed exercis-
temperatures are used. es; the other half did not. A significant reduction in
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126 Modalities

pain and increase in motion were found. There was no

significant change in hand volume during a 3-week
However, daily increases in volume were significant,
and the changes were significantly greater in the
whirlpool group. Therefore, these studies suggest exer-
cising discrimination when choosing to use a whirlpool
to treat upper extremity disorders in patients for whom
edema is a primary concern.

Clinical Controversy
Using the whirlpool for acute sprains allows the practi- Fig 5•15 Contrast bath for ankle sprain. Tub on the
tioner to apply cold water to the entire circumference of right contains warm water; tub on the left contains cold
a joint and allows for active ROM during the treat- water.
ment. The goal is to decrease edema by the effects of
cold and assist active movement of the joint to help
maintain mobility. However, the dependent position of perature ranging from 13°C to 18°C (55°F to 65°F), and
the extremity in the whirlpool tank inhibits venous the other is filled with hot water at a temperature rang-
return, which may limit edema reduction and possibly ing from 38°C to 43°C (100°F to 110°F). The tubs or
exacerbate edema in the joint. Therefore, practitioners basins should be large enough to accommodate immer-
must consider whether other cryotherapy modalities sion of the extremity. A common technique is to first
would be a better choice for acute sprains when the goal place the extremity into the hot water for 3 or 4 min-
is to limit or decrease edema. utes, followed by immersing the extremity in the cold
water for 1 or 2 minutes. This cycle continues for 20 to
Full-Body Immersion 30 minutes, with the last immersion in the hot water if
Large, full-body immersion tanks such as the Hubbard the condition is chronic, cold water if the condition is
tank can be used for the following: (1) a patient with subacute. The specific times for immersion can vary,
arthritis who is in an exacerbation phase and is unable although a hot-to-cold water ratio of 3:1 or 4:2 is typi-
to negotiate transfer into a smaller tank but who cally used. The cycling of immersion of the limb in hot
requires the use of heat and water to help with exercis- and cold water is thought to trigger a vascular pumping
ing, maintaining ROM, and providing pain relief; (2) a action caused by vasodilation (hot water) and vasocon-
patient with paresis of the extremities who is actively striction (cold water). Hypothetically, this will stimulate
able to move his or her extremities in the buoyancy of local circulation in the treated extremity and, to a lesser
water but unable to do so without such assistance; (3) a extent, increase circulation in the contralateral untreat-
patient with extensive burns; (4) an elderly or debilitat- ed extremity. However, any change in circulation that
ed patient with an open wound on the buttocks, hip, or may occur is likely to be limited to superficial vascula-
back. After a full-body immersion, whirlpool patients ture only.
may experience some light-headedness, especially if the Fiscus et al.73 studied the effects of a 4:1 (hot:cold)
water was very warm. This may be avoided by having contrast bath on circulation in the lower legs of 24
the patient rest in a lying or sitting position for 5 to 10 healthy men. Fluctuations in blood flow occurred dur-
minutes before standing. ing the 20-minute contrast bath; however, the authors
believed that these changes were likely secondary to
Contrast Bath changes in cutaneous circulation and not intramuscular
circulation. Several other studies failed to show signifi-
A contrast bath requires two whirlpool tubs or plastic cant changes in muscle temperature in subjects who
basins (Fig. 5-15). One is filled with cold water at a tem- received contrast baths.74–76 A study by Cote and
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colleagues77 found that contrast baths increased edema whirlpools are often used to facilitate motion and exer-
in postacute sprained ankles. The use of contrast bath cise for subacute and chronic stages of sprains and
for edema reduction is not supported by research and strains. Range of motion of stiff or painful joints may
needs further study. be facilitated by whirlpool treatment. Stretching of soft
Contrast baths have been recommended for pain tissue contractures may be aided by the simultaneous or
relief and desensitization. Kuligowski and associates78 immediate preapplication of a warm whirlpool.
found decreased pain perception and improved elbow Whirlpools may be applied after orthopedic surgery
flexion following contrast baths after eccentric contrac- (after the surgical skin wounds are fully healed) to help
tions of the elbow flexors. Vaile et al.79 studied the soften scar tissue, reduce pain, and promote restoration
effect of contrast baths on delayed-onset muscle sore- of motion. Patients with healing fractures may benefit
ness (DOMS). Subjects who received contrast baths from whirlpool once clinical union has been achieved.
following lower extremity exercise had a reduction in The fluidity and pressure properties of whirlpools assist
the physiological and functional deficits associated in removing dry, scaly skin after casts have been
with DOMS, including improved recovery of isomet- removed, and the thermal and buoyancy properties of a
ric force and dynamic power and a reduction in local- warm whirlpool may assist in increasing joint and limb
ized edema. Hamlin80 compared “contrast temperature mobility.40
water therapy” to active recovery in athletes. After run- Patients with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis
ning sprints, subjects were immersed in hip-height may benefit from whirlpool. The buoyancy effects of
cold water for 1 minute, followed by 1 minute hot the water will decrease weight-bearing compression
water showers for three cycles. Compared to the active forces on the affected joints and can decrease joint
postsprint recovery group, the contrast water therapy pain and facilitate exercise. The thermal effects of a
group had a substantial decrease in blood lactate con- warm or hot whirlpool may help decrease the pain of
centration and heart rate. arthritis.41–45
KEY POINT!Contraindications and precautions for the Circulatory Conditions
use of contrast baths are based on the effects of
The use of whirlpools to reduce swelling of an
heat, cold, and water. Patients who have any con-
extremity is controversial. The hydrostatic pressure of
traindications for the use of heat, cold, or water
water and its effects on circulation and renal function
should not receive contrast baths.
may help to reduce postoperative peripheral edema.81
Patients with small-vessel vascular disease secondary The use of a cool or cold water whirlpool will cause
to diabetes, arteriosclerotic endarteritis, or Buerger’s vasoconstriction and reduce vascular permeability.
disease may not be able to tolerate the rapid change in This may also help to reduce edema. However, the
temperatures used in contrast baths. Circulation in dependent position of an extremity required for using
these patients must be monitored carefully. Contrast a whirlpool may inhibit edema reduction. Although
baths may be contraindicated for these patients Dolan et al.82 found that immersing the hind limbs of
depending on the severity of the disease. rats in the dependent position in cold water effective-
ly curbed edema formation, McCulloch and Boyd50
found that placing the lower extremities of humans in
Indications for Whirlpool the dependent position in an empty whirlpool tank
Treatments for 20 minutes increased limb volume. Warm or hot
water is contraindicated, because heat will increase
Musculoskeletal Conditions tissue temperature and intravascular pressure,83 there-
Whirlpools have been used to treat musculoskeletal by increasing inflammation and peripheral arterial
conditions such as sprains and strains. Cool or cold blood flow, which will likely increase edema.71,72,84
whirlpools are typically used to help control pain and The effect of a warm or hot whirlpool on blood flow
swelling of acute sprains and strains, and warm or hot was studied by Cohen and colleagues.85 They reported
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128 Modalities


Six weeks ago, a 72-year-old female with a history of can sit on a chair with her arm comfortably inside
osteoporosis fell while walking in her yard. She sus- the tank (see Fig. 5-14).
tained a Colles’ fracture of her right wrist. She had a
5. What specific hydrotherapy parameters would be
closed reduction and cast application to the right fore-
appropriate for this patient?
arm, wrist, and hand. The cast was removed 3 days
Answer: To decrease pain and facilitate improved
ago, and today she has mild swelling of the wrist and
mobility of the wrist and forearm, the following
significant loss of ROM. She has poor tolerance to
parameters would be appropriate:
passive stretching and joint mobilization of the wrist.
Water temperature: warm (97°F–99°F; 36.1°C–
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING 37.2°C) or cool (66°F–80°F; 18.9°C–26.7°C) if edema
is present in the hand or wrist.
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or
Agitation: Begin with a low setting, with the force
problem that can be improved with the use of
directed at the wrist and forearm if tolerated; grad-
ually increase agitation to maximally tolerated level.
Answer: Yes, loss of ROM secondary to stiffness,
Duration: 15 minutes
contracture, and pain of a joint or joints is an indica-
Frequency: At the beginning of each treatment
tion for using hydrotherapy to help decrease pain
session, either daily or every other day, until pain
and facilitate active and passive ROM.
and stiffness are no longer limiting tolerance to
2. Is the patient appropriate for hydrotherapy (i.e., do stretching, joint mobilization, and exercise
any of the general precautions or contraindications
6. What are the proper (i.e., effective and safe) appli-
to hydrotherapy apply), or are there any specific
cation procedures for hydrotherapy related to this
considerations regarding applying hydrotherapy to
case example?
this patient?
Answer: Inform the patient of the purpose and pro-
Answer: As long as this patient has intact sensation
cedure. Be sure to explain the anticipated sensation
and can sit with her arm in a whirlpool, then she
and effect of the whirlpool and have her immediate-
should be able to safely receive hydrotherapy
ly report any discomfort to the practitioner.
treatment for her right lower arm. The mild edema in
Preinspection: Inspect the area to be treated for
her wrist will need to be monitored, since any
skin compromise and sensation. Measure the
increase in edema following whirlpool will require
circumference of the wrist to determine amount of
discontinuation of this treatment.
edema present.
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the Patient position: Patient should be able to sit com-
use of hydrotherapy? fortably in a chair with her arm in the whirlpool tank
Answer: Decreased pain in wrist; increased tolerance and a towel for padding under her axilla.
for passive ROM, stretching, and joint mobilization; Postinspection: Remove the arm from the water, dry
and increased mobility of the wrist and forearm. the skin with a towel, and inspect the skin for any
signs of irritation or adverse effects. Measure the
4. Do you have the specific type of hydrotherapy that
circumference of the wrist to determine if the
is appropriate for this patient?
treatment increased or decreased wrist edema.
Answer: A small whirlpool on a stand or pedestal
would be best, or a high-boy tank, so the patient

a 21% increase in extremity blood flow after a 38.6°C rather than any mechanical effects of whirlpool
(101.5°F) whirlpool and a 50% increase in extremity agitation.
blood flow after a 42.5°C (108.5°F) whirlpool. There
was no significant difference in extremity blood flow Psychological Conditions
in extremities immersed in whirlpools without agita- The relaxing effects of warm water whirlpools are well
tion and those immersed in whirlpools with agita- known. Anxious patients may benefit from partial or
tion. Therefore, the effect on blood flow is more full immersion in a whirlpool to facilitate cooperation
likely dependent upon the temperature of the water with rehabilitation procedures.38 Partial immersion in a
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cool or cold whirlpool may stimulate drowsy or stuporous systemic medications, such as antibiotics, available to the
patients to facilitate participation in rehabilitation. wound area may also be increased by the improved circu-
lation, which helps to diminish or to prevent infection.
Wound Care Whirlpools also create sedation and analgesia, which
In the past, whirlpools were commonly used to treat may aid in reducing pain caused by the open wound or
open wounds, such as burns and ulcers of the skin. surrounding tissues. However, the force of the water jet
Whirlpools provide a method of mechanically cleansing is difficult to calibrate and may damage new granulation
and debriding a wound to remove surface necrotic mate- tissue, inhibiting wound healing. Immersion of wounds
rial in patients who cannot tolerate more selective tech- in whirlpools may also cause maceration of wound tis-
niques. In addition, the mechanical effects of a whirlpool sue, promote edema of the dependent limb, and cause
may facilitate improved circulation to the wound and cross-contamination of other tissues.86 These disadvan-
stimulate formation of granulation tissue. The increase in tages of whirlpools and the development of pulsed
local circulation may raise the levels of oxygen, antibod- lavage devices for wound irrigation has decreased the use
ies, leukocytes, and nutrition supplied to the tissues and of whirlpools for treating wounds. See Table 5-4 for a
may enhance the removal of metabolites. The amount of list of whirlpool precautions and contraindications.

Table 5•4 Whirlpool Precautions and Contraindications

Precaution/Contraindication Explanation
Malignancies Danger of metastasis due to increased blood flow with warm or hot water temperatures
Sensory impairments Danger of burns if water is too hot
Hypersensitivity to cold Cold urticaria may occur
Incontinent bladder or bowel May contaminate water and cause infection, particularly if receiving whirlpool for an open wound
Pulmonary disease Poor ability to resist hydrostatic pressures with full-body immersion; monitor patient for signs of respiratory distress.
Cardiac insufficiency May have difficulty adapting to maintain thermal homeostasis; limit maximum immersion time to 10 minutes ini-
tially and monitor vital signs during treatment.
Unstable blood pressure Blood pressure problem may be exacerbated with full immersion in hot or cold water.
Impaired circulation Patients with peripheral vascular disease (diabetes, arteriosclerosis): danger of burns; do not place in water
temperatures greater than 35ºC (95ºF).
Thrombophlebitic areas Use of warm or hot water whirlpool is contraindicated because of the danger of dislodging the clot with
enhanced circulation in the area.
Skin infection May cause cross-contamination of the other body parts immersed in the water.
Skin ulcers caused by venous Contraindicated because whirlpool can prolong or prevent wound closure
insufficiency, edema, or lymphedema
Tissue flaps or recent skin grafts May not tolerate the agitation or may not be able to compensate for extremes of heat or cold
Skin conditions such as atopic May exacerbate condition due to removal of natural skin moisture
eczema, ichthyosis, and senile pruritus
Post-op surgical incisions with Contraindicated because may cause dehiscence of incision or contamination resulting in infection
dehiscence, sutures, or staples
Edema May increase edema if warm or hot water is used
Acute febrile episode May exacerbate fever if warm or hot water is used
Acute inflammation May aggravate inflammation if warm or hot water is used
Danger of hemorrhaging May increase bleeding if warm or hot water is used
Thermal regulation impairment Danger of thermal shock if fully immersed in warm or hot water because convection and sweating may be impaired
Rheumatic arthritis (RA) Warm or hot water contraindicated in the acute stage
Multiple sclerosis May increase fatigue and weakness in water temperatures above 31ºC (88ºF)
Uncontrolled epilepsy Full-body immersion contraindicated because of increased risk of drowning during an attack
Confusion or impaired cognition May not be able to report problems or discomfort
Fear of water May refuse full-body immersion or induce panic
Alcohol or drug ingestion Reduced judgment; may enhance a hypotensive response; inquire if patient has ingested alcohol or drugs prior
to whirlpool.
Pregnancy Maternal hyperthermia may harm the fetus; avoid full- or half-body immersion in very warm or hot whirlpools,
especially during the first trimester.
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130 Modalities

Historically, chemicals have been added to whirlpool device that delivers wound irrigation under pressure.86
water to reduce infection and limit cross-contamination. The most common irrigants are saline and tap water.
The most common chemical additives are povidone- Moore and Cowman88 performed a systematic review
iodine (Betadine surgical scrub) diluted to 4 parts per of the literature and found no difference in wound
million (ppm); sodium hypochlorite (bleach) diluted to healing when using either saline or water. Pulsed lavage
500 to 5,000 ppm; and chloramine-T (Chlorazene), provides a controlled pressure of pulsations of irrigants
which comes in prepackaged quantities based on the to the wound. The pressure is maintained between 4
size of the whirlpool.86 These additives have been and 15 psi (pounds per square inch), depending on the
shown to be cytotoxic to healthy tissue and their use is amount of eschar and necrotic tissue in the wound and
discouraged. the patient’s tolerance (Table 5-5). Concurrent suction
applies a negative pressure to the wound bed during
Clinical Controversy treatment to effectively remove the irrigants and facili-
Placing chemical additives in whirlpool water used to tate removal of pathogens.86
treat wounds is controversial, because in addition to PLWS is indicated for the treatment of wounds
beneficial antimicrobial effects, many additives are caused by arterial insufficiency, venous insufficiency,
cytotoxic to human cells. diabetes, pressure, small burns, surgery, and trauma.89
Treatment with PLWS will help decrease bacteria and
Health-care practitioners must carefully consider the
infection in the wound and promote granulation and
advantages and disadvantages of chemical additives for
epithelialization.90 Precautions must be followed when
their patients with open wounds when whirlpool treat-
treating bleeding wounds, facial tissues, and near sensi-
ment is indicated. Wounds contaminated with bacteria
tive tissues, such as major blood vessels and nerves.
and foreign debris, such as animal bites, may benefit
PLWS may be contraindicated on or near recent tissue
from short-term use of chemical additives in whirlpool
grafts, flaps, or surgical procedures (check with the
water.87 Chemical additives are contraindicated for
patient’s surgeon). Use caution when using PLWS on
patients with chemical wounds, very young patients,
patients taking anticoagulants because of the potential
elderly patients, and anyone with hypersensitivity to
for hemorrhage and on insensate patients because of the
these chemical additives.86
danger of unperceived trauma to tissues.
Nonimmersion Irrigation
of Wounds Clinical Technique for PLWS
The use of PLWS for treating wounds begins with
Pulsed lavage with suction (PLWS) is a hydrotherapy preparing the treatment area and the patient. PLWS is
modality for the irrigation and debridement of open best performed in a private room with four walls
wounds. Lavage is the use of an electrically powered and a door to limit cross-contamination. All supplies

Table 5•5 PLWS: Frequency and Duration of Treatment

Frequency Daily Twice Daily 3 Times Per Week Discontinue
Most wounds X
Greater than 50% Necrotic X
Purulent drainage X
Sepsis X
Full granulation base X
NPWT* being used X
No increased granulation for 1 week X
No decreased necrotic tissue for 1 week X
Wound closed X
*Negative pressure wound therapy
Adapted with permission from Loehne, HB, PT. Management of Chronic Wounds, Wound Healing Treatment Interventions. Presented at American
Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD; June 13, 2009.
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Hydrotherapy 131

and the patient’s personal items should be covered, as Table 5-5 for recommended frequency and duration of
should any exposed tubes, ports, or other wounds not treatments.) When the PLWS treatment is completed,
being treated. The patient should be positioned com- the areas of intact skin should be dried with a towel and
fortably and all dressings removed from the wound. all single-use equipment properly disposed. The wound
Towels or water-impermeable padding should be placed should be inspected and the effectiveness of the treat-
in the wound area to absorb any runoff of irrigants. ment documented.
Patients should wear a mask to limit inhalation of PLWS has several advantages over whirlpool treat-
aerosolized irrigants and pathogens. Practitioners must ments for wound care. PLWS is portable and can be
wear protective devices, including gloves, shoe cover- performed in the home. Morgan and Hoelscher91 per-
ings, head coverings that include the ears, protective formed a retrospective cohort study that found treating
eyewear, gown, and mask.86 The United States wounds at home using pulsed lavage effectively
Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health removed necrotic tissue and promoted wound healing
Administration (OSHA) guidelines for infection con- and was more cost-effective than in-hospital whirlpool
trol should be followed during PLWS treatments (avail- treatments or surgical debridement. PLWS requires
able at shorter treatment times and can be used to treat a small
Consult the manufacturer’s recommendations for area rather than an entire extremity and may be less
proper operation of the pulsed lavage device (Fig. 5-16). painful than whirlpool treatments. Disadvantages of
Adjust the pressure between 4 and 15 psi based on the PLWS include the cost associated with single-use
status of the wound being treated and patient comfort. attachments and the inability to treat large surface
Usually lower pressures are used initially to gauge wounds such as extensive burns.
patient’s response and effectiveness of the chosen pres-
sure. Increase pressure for wounds with tough eschar or Assessment of Effectiveness
excessive necrotic tissue. Decrease pressure if bleeding
and Expected Outcomes for
occurs or if directing the irrigants near a major or
exposed vessel, nerve, tendon, bone, or lining of a
cavity. Most treatments require 15 to 30 minutes. (See
Clinical Decision-Making
The decision to include hydrotherapy in an interven-
tion plan should be based upon the evidence for effec-
tiveness. Practitioners must regularly consult the latest
published literature to match their knowledge and
expertise with the needs of the patient. Searches of data-
bases for hydrotherapy enable the practitioner to base
clinical decisions on available evidence of effectiveness.
Key words or medical subject headings (MeSH) are
helpful when searching databases for information on
effectiveness of hydrotherapy.

Goals and Documentation

Goals of hydrotherapy should be clearly documented in
the initial examination of the patient. The effectiveness
of this therapy can be based on these goals and on
response of the patient to each treatment. Outcomes
can be determined by measuring the effect on impair-
ments, which can include pain, joint ROM, strength,
Fig 5•16 Pulsed lavage with suction (PLWS) for treatment wound condition, edema, balance and coordination,
of an open wound. (Courtesy of DAVOL Company, Warwick, Rhode Island.) and the assessment of function. Function may be a
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132 Modalities

longer-term determination of the effectiveness of or cyanosis; or changes in skin appearance such as exces-
hydrotherapy interventions and an important concern sive softening or wrinkling of skin. Open wounds
for third-party payers. Functional inventories or ques- should be closely inspected following whirlpool treat-
tionnaires, such as the Functional Independence ment, and documentation should be made of the
Measure (FIM), SF-36, and the Oswestry Low Back wound’s appearance and surrounding margins and
Pain Disability Questionnaire, may be helpful in assess- of any changes in exudates and amount and type of
ing hydrotherapy effectiveness. necrotic tissue present in the wound. In addition, any
Documentation of hydrotherapy interventions change in the patient’s pain, muscle spasm, ROM,
should include the type of hydrotherapy performed, the strength, joint appearance, edema, coordination, orofa-
parameters of the treatment, and the patient’s response cial control, endurance, functional level, and psycholog-
to the treatment. ical state should be noted. Practitioners should be mind-
ful that warm or hot water temperatures and full-body
Documentation Tips immersion have a tendency to cause transient weakness
Aquatic Therapy during or immediately following hydrotherapy inter-
● Water temperature ventions. Vital signs should be monitored and recorded
● Duration of the treatment during and immediately following hydrotherapy for any
● Goals of pool therapy patient with a history of cardiac or pulmonary disease,
● Movement or exercise techniques performed to determine tolerance to the treatment.
during therapy Hydrotherapy in all its forms can be physically and
● Assistive equipment used during therapy psychologically therapeutic. However, practitioners must
● Means of entry and exit avoid indiscriminate use of this modality. Careful appli-
● The patient’s tolerance to the treatment, includ- cation of the principles of physics of water, knowledge of
ing vital signs the physiological effects of water at various temperatures,
● Any adverse reactions and evidence of this modality’s effectiveness for a given
● Post-pool therapy changes in identified impair- patient is essential for effective treatment. The advan-
ments or functional limitations tages and disadvantages of hydrotherapy, including the
Whirlpool cost of treatment, must be compared to other therapeutic
● Type of whirlpool interventions. Practitioners must be prepared to justify
● Body part immersed in water (partial or full the choice of hydrotherapy as the best cost-effective
immersion) intervention that is indicated for their patient.
● Temperature of the water
● Agitation (mild, moderate, full) and whether REFERENCES
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chapter 6
Electromagnetic Waves
Laser, Diathermy, and Pulsed
Electromagnetic Fields
Enrico M. Dellagatta, PT, DPT, MEd | Thomas P. Nolan Jr., PT, DPT, OCS

he understanding of electromagnetic theory in
the 19th century led to the development of the
ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES wireless telegraph and eventually to the develop-
LASERS ment of radio, television, and cell phones. A whole new
State of Events world of communication evolved that has profoundly
History changed the world we live in. The use of electromagnetic
Physical Properties of Lasers radiation, or waves, for therapeutic purposes began in
Physiological Effects of Lasers
the early 20th century when physicians began using
Instrumentation and Clinical Application of Lasers
Indications for the Use of Lasers high-frequency currents to heat muscles and joints.1
Contraindications and Precautions for Lasers The penetration of electromagnetic waves through
Assessment of Effectiveness of Lasers body tissues enabled deeper heating than did applying
DIATHERMY superficial heating devices such as hot packs to the skin.
Physical Properties of Diathermy Eventually, the development of devices that produce
Therapeutic Diathermy Devices: Delivery of Radio electromagnetic waves popularized what became
Frequency Waves to the Patient
known as diathermy. The use of electromagnetic waves
Physiological Effects of Diathermy
Clinical Application of Diathermy (from the ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spec-
Indications for Diathermy trum) to treat skin problems also became popular
Precautions and Contraindications for Diathermy during the 20th century. During the later part of the
Clinical Decision-Making: When Is Diathermy the century, the development of lasers enabled the use of
Treatment of Choice?
visible light (which is also an electromagnetic wave) for
treatment purposes.
Lasers are a monochromatic beam of light from the
visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum (Fig. 6-1).
High-power lasers are used in surgery to cut and
destroy tissue. Low-power lasers do not cut or destroy
tissue and can be safely used for treating pain and
inflammation and promoting soft tissue healing. Use of
a low-power laser for patient interventions is known as
low-level laser therapy (LLLT). The interest in low-
power laser usage has increased dramatically since
2002, when the United States Food and Drug
2391_Ch06_135-172.qxd 5/20/11 11:45 AM Page 136

136 Modalities

Fig 6•1 Electromagnetic spectrum of

radiations organized by quantum energy,
wavelength, and frequency. (Adapted from Low, J., &
Reed, A., eds. Electrotherapy Explained: Principles and Practice.
Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992:230.)

Administration approved its use for treating carpal concerned that diathermy’s electromagnetic waves pos-
tunnel syndrome.2 sibly posed a hazard for the patient and the practition-
Diathermy is the application of electromagnetic er. Diathermy devices were bulky and difficult to apply
waves to the body from the radio frequency (RF) part of to patients, and there was a lack of evidence of effective-
the electromagnetic spectrum (see Fig. 6-1). It has been ness. The use of ultrasound to heat deep tissues gradu-
used primarily as a thermal modality, although pulsed ally replaced the use of diathermy. Today, new
diathermy or pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) diathermy devices are smaller and easier to apply,
devices produce little or no heating of tissues. The pop- leakage of electromagnetic waves has been greatly
ularity of diathermy as a thermal modality decreased in reduced, and more studies are available addressing
the late 20th century. Health-care practitioners became effectiveness of treatment. It is time for practitioners to
2391_Ch06_135-172.qxd 5/20/11 11:45 AM Page 137

Electromagnetic Waves 137

take another look at diathermy as a possible effective signals. Cellular phones, radar, and microwave ovens
clinical modality for their patients. use higher frequencies in the “microwave” frequency
Ultraviolet (UV) light from the ultraviolet part of range. Diathermy devices produce electromagnetic
the electromagnetic spectrum has been shown to be an waves from either the shortwave or microwave frequency
effective intervention for treating skin conditions and ranges. Lasers produce electromagnetic waves from the
open wounds. Historically, practitioners have used visible light frequency range. Much higher frequencies
portable ultraviolet lamps and booths equipped with are used to produce ultraviolet light and x-rays for
ultraviolet lamps to provide treatments for skin condi- diagnostic purposes.
tions and wounds. The use of ultraviolet treatments by Electromagnetic waves of all wavelengths possess
health-care practitioners has decreased because of certain unique properties. They transport electrical and
advancements in the pharmacological treatment of skin magnetic energy through space. Unlike sound waves,
disorders and the availability of ultraviolet lamps in electromagnetic waves do not require a medium
nonmedical entities such as tanning salons. Ultraviolet through which to travel and can travel through a vacu-
will not be covered in this chapter; those interested are um unimpeded. Electromagnetic waves are composed
referred to Robertson et al.3 of pure energy; therefore, they do not have mass. The
electromagnetic waves themselves do not contain
Electromagnetic Waves matter. However, they do have an effect on the matter
through which they travel. This occurs because matter
Electromagnetic waves are waves of energy that are contains electric charges, which are interacted with, and
propagated through space. Accelerating electric charges influenced by, electromagnetic waves as they pass
produce electromagnetic waves of moving electric and through the matter. The direction of propagation of
magnetic fields. The electric and magnetic field radiant energy is normally a straight line. However,
strengths in an electromagnetic wave are illustrated in these waves of energy can be reflected, deflected, and
Figure 6-2. Notice that the electric and magnetic fields absorbed by the media through which they travel.
at any point of the electromagnetic wave are perpendi-
KEY POINT!Regardless of the type of wave propagation,
cular to each other and to the direction of the wave’s
there is a fundamental relationship between frequency
motion. These waves travel through space at the speed
and wavelength, which is given by the equation c = ƒ,
of light.4
where c is the speed of light,  is the wavelength, and
Electromagnetic waves are grouped according to
ƒ is the frequency of an electromagnetic wave.4
their quantum energy, frequency, and wavelength,
known as the electromagnetic spectrum (see Fig. 6-1). All electromagnetic waves listed on the electromag-
Lower frequency waves are known as radio waves. These netic spectrum travel through space at the speed of light
frequencies are used to transmit radio and television (3.0  108 m/s).4

Fig 6•2 Alternating electric and magnetic fields surrounding an electromagnetic wave. Note that the electric and magnetic
fields are perpendicular to each other and to the direction of the wave. (Art concept by Sara Monath, PT student, Richard Stockton College of NJ.)
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138 Modalities

The human body cannot detect most electromag- laser.6–8 From 1960 to 1963, medical lasers continued
netic waves. Skin molecules can detect infrared waves to evolve with the development of the argon, carbon
because they resonate at infrared frequencies, resulting dioxide (CO2), and neodymium: yttrium-aluminum-
in absorption of energy and warming of the skin. The garnet (Nd: YAG) lasers.9 In 1962, White and Rigden’s
warming of the skin by the sun’s rays is attributed to the discovery of visible red laser output at 623 nanometers
infrared radiation produced by the sun. The eyes can (nm) spawned an ongoing interest in the photobiostim-
detect wavelengths between 4 and 7  10-7 m, which is ulation effect of low-intensity “cold” lasers.10
the visible light range of the electromagnetic spectrum.4 Since the inception of laser use, their utilization has
Electromagnetic waves with frequencies higher than depended on the operator’s understanding of light-
visible light, such as ultraviolet and x-rays, are not tissue interaction as well as the ability of the technolo-
detected by the body and may be harmful to human gy to deliver the light to the target tissue. Early use of
tissues. A common example is sunburn, caused by dam- lasers was limited by prohibitive cost, operational diffi-
age to the skin from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet culties, and machine dependability. Cost, control, and
radiation from the sun. precision of laser use dramatically improved in the
mid-1980s with the development of semiconductor
Lasers technology. Presently, lasers are a mainstay in ophthal-
mology, dermatology, otolaryngology, neurology,
State of Events orthopedics, general surgery,9 and most recently physi-
Since 2002, when the FDA approved the medical use cal medicine and rehabilitation.11
of low-level lasers, laser sales and clinical usage have While the evolution of lasers in physical medicine
increased geometrically. With this has come a gamut and rehabilitation has not paralleled that of the surgical
of professional opinion ranging from perfunctory lasers, the FDA’s approval in 2002 of the 830 nm
acceptance to epistemological skepticism. Recent lab- gallium aluminum arsenide (GaAlAs) laser for the
oratory studies reaffirm the early physiological treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome may prove to be
research that highlighted the ability of laser light to a milestone for physical medicine practitioners.11
amplify cell metabolism. So the question is no longer Figure 6-3(A) illustrates the use of LLLT for treatment
whether therapeutic lasers have biological effects, but of carpal tunnel syndrome.
rather how they work and what conditions are they
best suited to treat. Since it is now clear that thera-
Physical Properties of Lasers
peutic lasers have no undesirable effects in the hands Laser light is created when photons stimulate the emis-
of a qualified health-care practitioner, questions sion of other photons of equal wavelength and direc-
regarding the ability to manifest clinical changes tion of travel. Light is electromagnetic energy that is
linger. transmitted through space either as a propagated wave
or as small parcels of energy called photons. Light
History energy is quantified in two reciprocal forms of measure-
The term laser is an acronym for “light amplification by ment: frequency (ƒ) expressed in Hertz (Hz)—or cycles
stimulated emission of radiation.” Lasers by definition per second—and wavelength (), expressed in metric
generate a monochromatic beam of electromagnetic units of length. The color of light in the visible spec-
radiation.4 Albert Einstein is credited for predicting the trum of electromagnetic radiation is determined by its
potential of stimulated emission in 1917; however, it wavelength.4
was not until the middle of the 20th century that the The addition of an energy source (thermal, electro-
first operational laser was created.5,6 Bolstered by magnetic, etc.) to an atom via the process of absorption
Schawlow and Townes’s work with masers (microwave will excite the particle from its ground state (E1) to one
amplifiers by the stimulated emission of radiation), of several tiers of higher energy (E2). Spontaneous emis-
Theodore Maiman created a ruby laser in 1960 fol- sion of light occurs when a quantum of energy represent-
lowed by the discovery of the helium-neon (HeNe) ing the difference between the ground and excited state
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Fig 6•3 (A) Use of LLLT for treating carpal tunnel syndrome using a handheld wand. (B) Use of LLLT for treating cervical
spine osteoarthritis using a handheld wand.

(E1E2   EΔ) is released (Fig. 6-4). If the difference stimulated emission (Fig. 6-6) will produce a second
between E1 and E2 is the same for multiple particles, the photon whose wavelength and spatial and temporal
output of esnergy and wavelength will be the same. Since orientation are the same. Repetitive collision of pho-
the energy transition of most spontaneously emitted tons with atoms in the excited state E2 and with the
light is different, the output of the light is omnidirec- same spatial and temporal orientation produces light
tional and of multiple wavelengths4 (Fig. 6-5). A precon- that is monochromatic, coherent, and collimated.
dition for laser light known as population inversion is not Monochromatic light is of a singular wavelength and is
achieved with spontaneous emission because the lifetime one color (if within the viewable light spectrum).
of the electrons in the excited state is insufficient to take Because of its wavelength specificity, laser light is char-
them beyond the second energy tier. acteristically pure. Light purity is inverse to its wave-
Laser light is produced when a photon of EΔ collides length, with the shorter wavelengths possessing greater
with an atom already in an elevated state E2. This purity.4

Absorption Spontaneous Emission

Photon Photon energy
energy energy E1
E1 E2 E2



Nucleus Nucleus Nucleus


Ordinary light

Fig 6•4 Spontaneous emission. (A) Atoms, ions, or molecules (E1) while in ground energy state are excited through the
process of absorption and elevated to a higher energy level (E2). (B) The absorbed energy is released in the form of
quantum energy as a function of the difference of (E1) and (E2). (C) Since ordinary light is composed of many wave-
lengths, the excited electrons randomly return to their respective ground state, causing a brief spontaneous emission of
ordinary light.
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140 Modalities

Laser helium-neon (HeNe; low-powered laser). A high-

intensity flash lamp is used to raise the atoms, ions, or
molecules of the medium to their upper energy state,
creating a condition known as a population inversion.
Light is repeatedly bounced between two parallel reflec-
Regular light source
tors arranged at opposite ends of the lasing chamber,
causing the excitation of more photons (amplification).
Light traveling in other directions will escape the cham-
ber and is lost as heat. One mirror is 100% reflective
Fig 6•5 Schematic comparison of laser light to ordinary while the other is semipermeable and reflects a prede-
light. termined quantity of photons. A selected percentage of
photons pass through the semipermeable reflector into
Since laser light is wavelength and frequency specific, a focusing lens where they become “usable output,” or
photons are temporally and directionally coherent. a laser beam. The atomic, ionic, or molecular structure
Spatial coherence allows the light to be directed through of the lasing medium will determine the characteristic
a focusing lens and directly propagated to a target tissue properties of its emitted light relevant to the electro-
because of its directional stability. The high energy and magnetic spectrum (EMS).4
coherency of laser light also pose potential hazards to the Diode lasers are a very efficient means of producing
operator and recipient. When viewed directly, light low-powered laser light. Semiconductors are formatted
beams from visible light lasers or near infrared lasers can by a process called doping—adding a small amount of
cause retinal burns and scarring, leading to vision loss or impurity as a silicon matrix. The valence of the diode is
even blindness.12,13 When interfaced with tissue, laser determined by the charge of the impurities added to the
may be absorbed, scattered, transmitted, or reflected silicon to create the matrix. The charge can be either
(Fig. 6-7). electropositive (p) or electronegative (n). As the elec-
tron crosses from the electronegative region to the elec-
The penetration depth of the laser in a
tropositive region, a photon with energy proportionate
given tissue is proportional to the inverse of the
to the n-p gap is emitted.4 While diode lasers generally
absorption coefficient ().
do not possess the linear power of a gas or solid-state
A shallow layer of tissue with a high  results in high laser, power necessary for surgical applications is
absorption of laser and ultimately intense heat at the generated from diodes that are arranged in linear or
tissue interface.4,9,14 two-dimensional arrays.14
Lasers consist of a few basic but integral components Power is the rate at which energy is being produced
(Fig. 6-8). Laser light is created in a lasing cavity con- and is measured in watts (joules/sec) or as a smaller
taining a medium such as CO2 (high-powered laser) or unit, such as the milliwatt (mW) or 10-3 watts (W).

Absorption Stimulated Emission

Power E2


Fig 6•6 Stimulated emission. If a photon strikes an –
electron in an upper quantum, a second photon of
equal wavelength as well as temporal and spatial
orientation is produced. Subsequent collisions of
photons with excited electrons amplifies the photons
yielding laser light.
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Electromagnetic Waves 141

Absorption Scatter Transmission Reflection






Dermal arteriole
Fig 6•7 Characteristics of light at
tissue interface.

2 3

Energy is absorbed by Light bounces between a 100%

electrons of lasing medium until reflecting mirror and a selectively
atoms, ions or molecules are reflective mirror stimulating emission
elevated to higher quantum of additional protons of identical
(population inversion). wavelength, phase and spatial coherence.

Selectively reflective
Medium chamber mirror allows predetermined
quantity pf protons (laser light)
to pass through mirror into an
output coupler (focusing lens).
Active laser media

Power source 5
Laser light is applied
External power through applicator to
source (pump) releases target tissue.
electrical or optical
radiation into lasing cavity.

Fig 6•8 Components of a gas/optical-powered laser delivery system.

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142 Modalities

Dosage is the average power multiplied by the time of as the energy penetrates the tissues, there is a multiple
the treatment. For instance, lasing continuously over a scattering by both erythrocytes and microvessels; thus,
wound site for 15 seconds with a HeNe laser whose both blood rheology and the distribution of the
output is 1 mW per second would be 15 mW. Energy microvessels markedly influence final distribution of
can also be expressed in terms of power density meas- laser energy.19
ured in W/cm2 or in energy density measured in joules A possible explanation for the conflicting outcomes
per centimeter squared (J/cm2). The same 1 mW may lie in the timing of the applications. In vitro stud-
HeNe laser lasing a wound with an area of 4 cm2 has a ies using low-level radiation at 633 nm and 904 nm
power density of 0.25 mW/cm2 or 1 mW/4 cm2. demonstrated increased cellular ATP synthesis and acti-
Energy density, measured in J/cm2 is power (W) multi- vation of calcium (Ca++) at the cell membrane
plied by time (s) and divided by the area of irradiation level.21–23 The similarity of cellular outcome using both
(cm2). Lasing a 4 cm2 wound at 1 mW for 4 seconds wavelengths of LLLT has led to the speculation that
produces an energy density of 0.001 J/cm2 or 633 nm photostimulation initiates early respiratory
1 mW/cm2.15,16 chain enzyme activity in the mitochondria, while
904 nm photostimulation of Ca++ activity at the mem-
Physiological Effects of Lasers brane level occurs later in the respiratory chain.21,23
Unlike the thermal effect of surgical lasers, the effects Since both reactions are essential for the DNA and
of LLLT are more a function of photochemical acti- RNA synthesis leading to cell proliferation, it is
vation of enzymes that catalyze the processing of thought that there is a latency period between excita-
molecular substrates. Early research describes ATP tion of receptor cells responsible for activating the
synthesis following 5 J/cm2 of HeNe irradiation; oxidative enzymes throughout the electron transport
this indicates a possible effect on the oxidative phos- system. During this period of “low” excitability, absorp-
phorylative component of the mitochondrial mem- tion of photons is ebbing. Since the excitation potential
brane.17 While generally accepted, this notion was of cells may be longer or shorter than the pulse duration
refuted after HeNe irradiation of HeLa cells (a of the beam, optimal stimulation for some cells may be
stable line of human malignant cells first cultured inefficient for others.
from patient Henrietta Lacks) demonstrated protein
KEY POINT!The parameters of laser pulse rate, expo-
sure timing, and simultaneous wavelengths are
KEY POINT!Treatment outcomes for clinical applica- presently being researched to determine the most
tions of low-level lasers may vary, because the phys- effective modes of stimulation for specific tissue
iological effects depend upon wavelength differentia- types.
tion, the timing of the application, and the particular
Early studies on multiple-wavelength, low-intensity
type of cell irradiated.
laser radiation (MWLILR) demonstrated accelerated
It is generally accepted that the absorbing struc- wound healing when compared to single wavelength
tures for the low-level laser wavelengths are hemopro- stimulation.24,25 Using HeLa cells irradiated with
teins. The identity of the photoreceptors responsible monochromatic light of 580 to 860 nm, Karu et al.26
for the physiological conversion of laser light remains demonstrated active wavelength spectra for photother-
undetermined. Several studies have suggested that apy. The authors concluded that there are four active
either elements in the mitochondrial cytochrome sys- regions of phototherapy but that the peak positions are
tem or endogenous porphyrins (intermediate sub- not exact for all spectra.26 Treatment with a combined
stance in the synthesis of hemoglobin) in the cell are wavelength (808 to 905 nm) low level laser for in vitro
the energy-absorbing chromophores in LLLT.19,20 irradiation of two cell types (HeLa epithelial and
Since the tissue penetration of laser energy used in TK6 lymphoblasts) demonstrated a greater prolifera-
LLLT can be in the order of 5 to 10 mm, both super- tion of cells than did treatment with each wavelength
ficial and deeper structures can be affected. However, individually.27 Along with wavelength, cell type has
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been shown to be a determinant in cell growth. Laser- Lasers with power levels of 60 mW or less are
stimulated murine fibroblasts demonstrated greater termed low power, or cold, lasers and produce little to
proliferation than endothelial cells. Maximum cell pro- no thermal response. The effects of low-powered
liferation was observed at 665 and 675 nm while lasers (photobiostimulation) are a direct result of
fibroblastic growth was inhibited at 810 nm.28 radiant energy imparted to the tissue rather than the
small quantity of indirect thermal energy emit-
Instrumentation and Clinical Application ted.14,16 Most contemporary low-powered lasers have
of Lasers multiple diodes and can be applied by stationary
Laser is a special form of electromagnetic energy that direct contact to singular or multiple points based on
is within the visible or infrared regions of the electro- location, depth, and extent of the soft tissue lesion
magnetic spectrum. Lasers are classified based on their (Fig. 6-10).
beam wavelength and power and on their potential for The World Association of Laser Therapy (WALT)
causing fires, explosions, and bodily injury. Lasers fall dosage recommendations for anti-inflammatory appli-
in the range of optical radiation and are termed mid- cations of GaAlAs and gallium arsenide (GaAs) lasers
infrared, near infrared, visible light, and ultraviolet for tendinopathies and arthritis are shown in Table 6-1.
(Fig. 6-9). Thermal or “hot” lasers, such as carbon WALT recommends beginning with the suggested
dioxide (CO2), holmium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet dosages listed in the table followed by a 30% reduction
(holmium: YAG), and neodymium: yttrium- when the inflammation subsides. These dosages were
aluminum-garnet (Nd: YAG), range in wavelength developed from ultrasonographic measurements of the
from 10,600 nm (mid-infrared) to 1064 nm (near depth and volume of the pathological tissue relative to
infrared). Since the power of the laser is wavelength the estimated penetration of the laser types. (It should
dependent, a CO2 continuous wave (CW) laser may be noted that these calculations were based on meas-
produce 100 watts (W) while the superpulsed CO2 urements of a Caucasian population. Skin color may
laser may generate up to 10,000 W. Tissue responses affect laser penetration, and dosages may need to
to thermal lasers are elevation of temperature, dehydra- be increased for patients with darker skin.) WALT
tion of tissue, coagulation of protein, thermolysis, and suggests a therapeutic window of +/- 50% of the
evaporation.9,14,29 suggested values.

Telephone Radio Optical radiation X-rays

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020

3Mm 3km 3m 3cm 3mm 3m 3nm 3Å

GaAs (910 nm)

HeNe (632.8 nm) Excimer
CO2 Holmium (2,100 nm) GaAlAs (830 nm) XeCi (308 nm)
(10,600 nm) Nd-YAG (1,064 nm) Argon (488,514 nm) ArFL (193 nm)

Mid Near infrared Visible light Ultraviolet

Fig 6•9 Visible light and infrared lasers positioned relevant to the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS).
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144 Modalities

Clinical application of LLLT for open wounds often

involves moving the laser over the injury. These tech-
niques are generically similar with subtle variation. The
“gridding” technique is a continuous series of vertical
and horizontal strokes with the laser applicator over the
length and width of a designated area. The aperture of
the laser wand (the opening in the wand that emits the
column of light) is held perpendicular to the wound’s
surface. The wound should be covered with a hydro-
occlusive dressing that is free of convolutions and read-
ily transparent. The wand’s surface is held very close to
or lightly touching the surface of the wound or wound
covering. Each grid should have a surface area ranging
between 1 to 1 1/2 cm2. The suggested irradiation time
for each grid is 20 seconds for HeNe and 10 seconds for
GaAs or GaAlAs lasers.
The wound should be cleaned and debrided as
Fig 6•10 Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome using needed, as eschar will reflect laser light and limit the
LLLT with device strapped to patient’s wrist. Note the absorption necessary for tissue photostimulation. If
protective goggles on the patient. (NMA Duo Light 785 nm laser
courtesy of National Medical Alliance/Current Therapeutics, 111 Canfield Avenue, Randolph, eschar is present, the operator may elect to apply the
NJ 07869.) laser light to the tissues immediately surrounding
the wound. Since wound tissue generally closes

Table 6•1 Recommended Anti-inflammatory Dosage for Low-Level Laser Therapy*

Points or cm2 Tendinopathies Joules (780–820 nm) Notes
2–3 Carpal tunnel 12 Minimum 6 joules per point
1–2 Lateral epicondylitis 4 Maximum 100 mW/cm2
1–2 Biceps tendon under coracohumeral ligament 8
2–3 Supraspinatus 10 Minimum 5 joules per point
2–3 Infraspinatus 10 Minimum 5 joules per point
2–4 Trochanter major 10
2–3 Patellar tendon 6
2–3 Tract Iliotibialis 3 Maximum 100 mW/cm2
2–3 Achilles tendon 8 Maximum 100 mW/cm2
2–3 Plantar fasciitis 12 Minimum 6 joules per point
Points or cm2 Arthritis Joules
1–2 Finger PIP or MCP 6
2–4 Wrist 10
1–2 Humeroradial joint 4
2–4 Elbow 10
2–4 Glenohumeral joint 15 Minimum 6 joules per point
1–2 Acromioclavicular 4
1–2 Temporomandibular 6
2–4 Cervical spine 15 Minimum 6 joules per point
2–4 Lumbar spine 40 Minimum 8 joules per point
2–4 Hip 40 Minimum 8 joules per point
3–6 Knee medial 20 Minimum 5 joules per point
2–4 Ankle 15
*Laser classes 3 or 3B, 780 to 860 nm GaAlAs; continuous or pulse output less than 0.5 W
Note: Daily treatment for 2 weeks or treatment every other day for 3 to 4 weeks is recommended.
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circumference by granulating and differentiating wounds.33 HeNe (633 nm) irradiation of both diabetic
from the outside in, the operator may stimulate the and nondiabetic rats produced less intense inflammato-
tissue at the periphery of the wound. Suggested appli- ry markers (inflammatory cells, vessels, and fibroblasts)
cation times for the “surround” technique is 30 seconds than a control group.34
per 2 cm2 of wound surface area with the HeNe laser In a comparison of animal and human clinical stud-
and 20 seconds per 2 cm2 wound surface area with a ies, wound healing was accelerated in the group treated
GaAs or GaAlAs laser.9,14 with LLLT. Other outcomes included decreased
The “scanning” technique closely mimics gridding dependency on drugs, accelerated functional recovery,
with the exception of the aperture being held less than and earlier return to work.35 Two separate meta-
1 cm above the site. It should be noted that beam diver- analyses indicated positive response to augmentation of
gence will increase when the laser is not in full contact collagen synthesis and increases in wound tensile
with the target surface. Movements are gridlike or anal- strength along with reduced healing time.36,37
ogous to the preferred motion for spray painting.
Another clinical technique is “wanding,” which is simi- Clinical Controversy
lar to scanning in that it does not contact the skin. Evidentiary affirmation of effectiveness of LLLT
However, the irradiating pattern is oscillatory rather remains limited due in part to small study size, short
than the spraylike pattern used when scanning. follow-up time periods, heterogeneity of dosage, and
issues of frequency and duration of treatment.
Documentation Tips Confounding clinical issues such as these may in fact
The following should be documented in the patient’s originate in the laboratory or with in vitro studies,
record when performing interventions with a laser: which indicate that the physiological effects of LLLT
● Location and surface area treated vary with wavelength differentiation, timing of the
● Dosage, expressed in joules/cm2 application relevant to respiratory chain activity, and
● Laser power (watts) multiplied by the treatment the particular type of cell irradiated.
duration (seconds)
Bone Regeneration and Fracture Healing
● Frequency and type of the laser (e.g., HeNe
633 nm) Studies on the effect of LLLT on fracture healing
● Use mode (continuous or pulsed) continue to be equivocal.38–41 A preponderance of
● Patient’s response to the intervention research involving bone healing has come from the field
of dentistry. Pinhiero et al.42 studied the effect of
an 830 nm laser on the repair of standardized femoral
Indications for the Use of Lasers
bone defects of three groups of Wistar albino rats that
Wound Healing were grafted with inorganic bovine bone (Genox). The
Although there has been much research regarding the laser irradiated, Genox group demonstrated superior
use of LLLT to treat chronic and surgical wounds, the bone formation and collagen fibers around the graft site
body of evidence has been inconclusive because of vari- at 15 days postgraft.42,43 Using Wister albino rats,
ability in methodologies, reporting, equipment calibra- Genox, and an 830 nm laser, Gerbi and colleagues44
tion, and design controls. Despite the dearth of system- noted improved collagen formation in the early stages
atic research protocol, increased wound closure, tensile of bone healing (15 days) along with an increase of
strength, and collagen content has been noted with the well-organized bone trabeculae at 30 days postonset.
use of LLLT for soft tissue wound healing. Animals When compared to the conventionally used ultra-
with loose areolar skin, such as rabbits, rats, and mice, sonic therapy, laser irradiation at 780 nm (GaAlAs)
appeared more responsive to LLLT than studies using increased bony formation by proliferation of osteoblast
pigs, whose skin more closely resembles that of quantity, surface area, and volume, whereas ultrasound
humans.30–32 LLLT at 670 nm produced an accelerated enhanced bone repair by promoting bony resorption.
inflammatory, proliferative, and maturation phase of When the bone was stressed, the laser-assisted bone for-
Sprague-Dawley rats with controlled full-thickness skin mation load failure was higher in the laser group than
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146 Modalities

in the ultrasound group.45 In a study by Kazem- at doses of 904 nm (and possibly 632.9 nm) applied
Shakouri and colleagues,46 findings were consistent for directly to the lateral elbow tendon insertions offered
early stage bone healing but were not consistent for short-term pain relief and less disability. These findings
load-bearing capability. Despite the promise of these were consistent for LLLT alone or in concert with an
and other studies, there remains equivocation regarding exercise regimen.
the quality of research.47,48
Herpes Simplex Wounds Bjordal et al.61 examined the anti-inflammatory effect of
Patients with recurring herpes simplex virus (HSV) 904 nm laser on Achilles tendonitis. Patients with bilat-
receiving HeNe (633 nm) and Acyclovir demonstrated eral Achilles tendonitis had both Achilles tendons
reduced frequency and decreased duration of relapse as irradiated at 5.4 joules per point (power density of
compared to patients treated with HeNe LLLT or 20 mw/cm2) in random, blinded order. The test group
Acyclovir alone. The authors concluded that HeNe demonstrated reduced prostaglandin E2 levels along
and Acyclovir produced a therapeutic synergism.49 In a with increased pressure pain threshold. Recreational ath-
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, letes with Achilles tendinopathy treated with 820 nm
patients with perioral herpes simplex irradiated with LLLT and eccentric exercises demonstrated decreased
laser at 690 nm experienced a significantly lower recur- pain on the 100 mm visual analog scale at 4 weeks,
rence of herpes simplex outbreak.50 Subsequent 8 weeks, and 12 weeks postintervention as compared to
research confirms the positive effects of LLLT in the the eccentric exercises/placebo group. A similar pattern
treatment of HSV 1 or 2.51–55 was noted for morning stiffness, active dorsiflexion, pal-
pable tenderness, and crepitation.62 A systematic review
Epicondylitis meta-analysis of 25 controlled clinical trials showed pos-
Several studies evaluated the effectiveness of 904 nm itive effects for an effective window of dosage consistent
low-level laser therapy in the management of epi- with recommended guidelines. Subjects with lateral epi-
condylitis. Lam and Cheing56 noted greater improve- condylitis, treated with LLLT, showed higher grip
ment of mechanical pain threshold, maximum grip strength than those in control groups. Subjects with
strength, and pain at maximum grip strength subjec- Achilles tendinopathy receiving LLLT exhibited 13.6 mm
tively in all but two subsections of the Disabilities of less pain (100 mm VAS) than the control group.63
the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) questionnaire. Studies have investigated the effects of LLLT for sub-
The use of LLLT for epicondylitis has been com- acromial impingement syndrome (SAIS). Evidence
pared to adjunctive procedures, such as counterpressure regarding the effectiveness of LLLT for SAIS remains
bracing or plyometric exercises. In a randomized, con- convoluted because of variability in the designs of the
trolled, single-blind trial, Oken and colleagues57 found studies and characteristics of the subjects, such as age
that LLLT produced longer lasting relief than bracing and activity levels. Michener and colleagues64 reported
alone. Additionally, laser was more effective than the the benefits of laser when utilized in isolation rather
combination of bracing and ultrasound at improving than in combination with therapeutic exercise. Andres
grip strength. When LLLT and exercise was compared and Murrell65 noted inconsistent results with LLLT in
to polychromatic noncoherent light and exercises, both combination with ultrasound and iontophoresis in the
were found to relieve pain and improve function imme- treatment of tendinopathy.
diately following treatment.58 In a randomized study, Stergioulas66 examined the
An early meta-analysis59 “lightly” cited the consider- efficacy of LLLT in patients with frozen shoulder using
ation of LLLT in treating epicondylitis. Bjordal et al.60 810 nm laser. When compared to a placebo group, the
reviewed 18 randomized, placebo-controlled trials of laser group demonstrated a decrease of overall night
which 12 of the RCTs satisfied 50% or more of the pain, decreased shoulder pain index, and Croft Shoulder
methodological criteria. Using Egger’s graphical analy- Disability Questionnaire scores. Post-treatment follow-
sis to filter publication bias, they determined that LLLT up at 8 and 16 weeks using the DASH questionnaire
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A 34-year-old female is a cashier at a local supermar- Answer: Delivery to two points at the lateral epi-
ket. After working a double shift, she noted extreme condyle at a maximum of 100 mW/cm2 (0.1 J/cm2).
soreness (pain rating 77 mm/100 mm VAS) at the lat-
6. What are the proper application procedures for
eral epicondyle of her right elbow. Upon testing
dynamometry, the patient presented with a 50% dis-
Answer: Inform the patient of the purpose of the
parity in grip strength and 35% disparity of composite
procedure. Be sure to explain the difference
(sum of flexion + extension + supination + pronation)
between LLLT and surgical lasers. A brief demon-
elbow strength.
stration may serve to reinforce the benign nature of
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING the procedure. Set the laser to the appropriate
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or dosage. This may be preset on the device or deter-
problem that can be improved with the use of low- mined by setting the device timer for the dosage
level laser therapy? according to the number and power of the diodes
Answer: Yes, symptoms indicate a recently acquired (e.g., 1 diode delivering 100 mW/sec = 100 milli-
acute inflammation of the lateral elbow tendon joules/sec or 0.1 J/sec). Using this diode, it would
insertions. take 1 second to deliver 1 joule. Since most
dosages are calculated in J/cm2, lasing 10 seconds
2. Is the patient appropriate for LLLT (i.e., do any of the
over a 1 cm2 area would amount to a 1 J/cm2
general precautions or contraindications to LLLT
apply to the patient, or are there any specific con-
Pretreatment: Ask the patient to point to the painful
siderations regarding applying LLLT to this patient)?
location and rate the level of discomfort. Next, con-
Answer: The patient is not pregnant, epileptic, or
firm the location of pain by palpation. If necessary,
febrile. She is devoid of hemorrhaging/infectious
retest with Cozen, Mills, and “handshake” tests. The
lesions or cancers. Her elbow has mature epiphy-
patient is requested to wear protective eye glasses
seal plates. Laser stimulation will not be in proximity
during the treatment.
to genitalia, the vagus nerve, or the mediastinum.
During Treatment: Position the patient in a manner
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the that affords greatest access to the affected area as
use of LLLT? well as comfort. Depending on the level of resting
Answer: Initially, pain relief sufficient enough to initi- pain, the position may be with the upper extremity
ate eccentric exercises with elastic band. Once supported with a cushion or pillow in either a supine
exercise has been initiated, LLLT will be utilized to or sitting position. Depending on the nature of the
prevent further bouts of acute inflammation. equipment, the laser diode(s) is handheld or
attached to the application site(s).
4. What specific type of LLLT would be appropriate for
Post-Treatment: Remove the diode(s) and inspect the
the patient?
application site(s). Ask the patient to once again rate
Answer: Gallium aluminum arsenide laser (GaAlAs)
their pain.
at 780 to 820 nm.
5. Can you select the specific parameters of LLLT that
are appropriate for the patient?

were also lower than the control group. Two other stud- (CTS). Effects of LLLT on CTS were believed to be
ies found LLLT did not augment a comprehensive home relief of pain, increased active ROM, increased
exercise program or supervised progressive resistance strength, and improved tolerance of functional activ-
program for subjects with frozen shoulder.67,68 ities. Weintraub69 treated 30 hands with CTS using
the GaAlAs laser. Five points along the median nerve
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome were treated with 8 J/point at 33-second intervals.
The 830 nm GaA1As laser was initially approved by Subjects felt no discomfort or heat sensation.
the FDA for treating only carpal tunnel syndrome Complete resolution of pretreatment symptoms and
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148 Modalities

abnormal physical findings was achieved in 77% Contraindications and Precautions

of the hands.69 Figure 6-3A demonstrates clinical for Lasers
application of LLLT to the carpal tunnel. The usual
The classification of lasers is based on their potential for
dosage is 6 joules per point delivered at 2 or 3 points
causing immediate damage to the eye or skin and for
overlying the median nerve in the carpal tunnel (see
causing fires. Class I lasers are typically enclosed and
Table 6-1).
pose no danger to users. CD players and laser printers
Pulsed (25% duty cycle) ultrasound delivered at
are examples of class I lasers. Class II lasers emit radia-
1 MHz, 1.0 W/cm2 for 15 minutes was more effective
tion in the visible portion of the EMS. The blink reflex
than 830 nm laser delivered at 9 J/point over 15 vis-
(0.25 seconds when exposed to laser light) is sufficient
its.70 In a double-blind, randomized, controlled study
to protect the eye against deleterious effects. It should
by Irvine and colleagues,71 15 patients with CTS were
be noted that chronic exposure to light from class II
irradiated with 6 J/point using a 860 nm GaAlAs laser.
lasers, such as a laser pointer, may cause damage to the
They found no significant difference in functional out-
eyes.13 Class IIIa lasers such as the HeNe laser (not
comes between the test and sham groups. GaAlAs laser
exceeding 5 mW) will not produce injury with momen-
and placebo therapy both improved pain and functional
tary viewing. Class IIIb lasers (HeNe lasers above
hand scores in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and
5 mW but not exceeding 500 mW) may cause injury
CTS.72 In other studies, patients with CTS treated with
with direct viewing of the beam or specular reflections.
LLLT demonstrated significant improvement of sensory
Class IV lasers, which include all lasers with power
and motor nerve latencies, pain assessment, and grip
levels greater than 500 mW, pose eye, skin, and fire haz-
ards. Operators of lasers should consult the American
Arthritis National Standards Institute (ANSI) guidelines.76
Lasers, unlike ordinary light, emit a beam that is
Some studies indicate that there may be beneficial
completely focused on the fovea of the eye. Absorption
effects of low-level laser treatments for arthritis.
of the energy can produce a burn that causes partial or
Basirnia and colleagues156 used an 810 nm pulsed
complete loss of vision.
infrared diode laser on five periarticular tender points
in 29 patients with knee osteoarthritis once per day for KEY POINT!As a precautionary measure, goggles with
a total of 12 sessions. The authors reported significant an appropriate optical density (OD) rating should be
improvement in pain relief and quality of life in 70% worn by practitioners and patients during laser therapy.
of patients following the 12 LLLT treatments. Trelles The goggles should have an obvious imprint of the
and colleagues157 used an 830 nm infrared continuous- optical density and the wavelength (or laser type) for
wave gallium aluminum arsenide diode laser with an which they are to be used. It should not be assumed that
output power of 60 mW to treat 40 patients with knee a single pair of goggles is appropriate for all wavelengths.13
osteoarthritis. They used a power density of 18 J/cm2 LLLT is not recommended for patients with epilepsy,
per session, for two sessions per week for 8 weeks. A fever, malignancy, areas of decreased sensation, or
significant reduction in pain level and increased knee infected tissue. Anatomically, the gonads, epiphyseal
joint mobility occurred in 33 of the patients (82%). plates of children, sympathetic ganglia, vagus nerve,
LLLT may also be beneficial in patients who have and mediastinum should be avoided.
neck or back pain caused by osteoarthritis. Oezdemir Contraindications to LLLT are irradiation during
and colleagues158 applied LLLT to the cervical spine in pregnancy, over the open fontanelles of children, over
60 patients with radiologically diagnosed osteoarthri- cancerous lesions, over the cornea, over endocrine
tis. Pain, paravertebral muscle spasm, lordosis angle, glands, and over hemorrhaging lesions.
and cervical spine ROM improved significantly com-
pared to a placebo group. Figure 6-3B demonstrates Assessment of Effectiveness of Lasers
the use of a handheld wand to deliver LLLT to the cer- The benchmark analytical tool for clinical decision-
vical spine. making for using LLLT is a systematic review or
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Electromagnetic Waves 149

meta-analyses of the literature. In 2002, when the FDA meta-analysis was unable to discern data regarding
approved laser treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome, the effects of wavelength, treatment duration, dosage,
only in vitro laboratory studies were available; blinded, and application site over nerves versus joints.79 LLLT
random, controlled clinical studies were not available. was no better than a placebo in reducing pain or
The rationale for clinical usage of lasers was often pred- morning stiffness or improving the functional status of
icated on the abundance of in vitro studies validating patients with osteoarthritis of the hands.80 The use
the physiological effects of laser-irradiated tissue. Due of LLLT was not substantiated in several reviews of
to its novelty, the same could not be said of clinical out- wound healing.81
comes due to issues of machine quality, study design, The clinical use of LLLT has become more promi-
and user competence. The advent of the semiconductor nent as a physical agent in the treatment of muscu-
diode laser, improved study design, and increased user loskeletal conditions. Laboratory studies continue to
contact time has significantly advanced the volume and substantiate the positive effect of low-level laser stim-
quality of randomized controlled trials during the past ulation on the inflammatory process. More random-
decade. ized, controlled clinical studies are needed to identify
A systematic review with meta-analysis of the use the conditions that respond best to LLLT treatment,
of LLLT for lateral elbow tendinopathy that included those that do not respond, and the optimal dosage
13 randomized controlled trials (730 patients) found and treatment frequency for each condition. More
that pain relief as measured on a 100 mm visual information on laser therapy can be found at websites
analog scale showed a weighted mean difference of listed in Box 6-1.
10.2 mm (95% CI: 3 to 17.5). Negative results were
noted for trials treating acupuncture points as well as Clinical Controversy (LLLT)
laser irradiation using wavelengths of 820, 830, and As with many new therapies in the formative phase,
1,064 nm. Significant pain relief was noted with evidence-based information may be as much a source
irradiation of lateral elbow tendon with 904 nm of consternation as confirmation. Reviews of clinical
lasers (four trials) and with 632 nm wavelength (one studies often cite a lack of valid or robust conclusions
trial). The LLLT doses in this subgroup ranged supporting the use of LLLT. Recently, these evidentiary
between 0.5 and 7.2 joules. Follow-up data from this reviews have come under reverse scrutiny by laser
subgroup 3 to 8 weeks after the end of treatment researchers for a publication bias.82,83 While this
found pain free grip strength, pain pressure thresh- process is necessary and will ultimately improve the
old, and sick leave were significantly improved (p less body of evidence, health-care professionals must evalu-
than 0.02).60 ate current information and decide, beyond the “do no
A Cochrane Review of nonspecific low back pain harm” level of engagement, how effective this physical
was deemed to have insufficient data to determine the agent can be as an adjunct therapy or primary interven-
clinical effect of LLLT for treating low back pain. The tion. The 5th Congress of the World Association of
authors cited the need for “rigorous randomized, con- Laser Therapy has authored study designs for both ran-
trolled trials to establish parameters such as lengths of dom, controlled trials and systematic reviews of laser
treatment, wavelengths, and dosage.”77 Mixed results research literature.84,85
were noted in a systematic review of nonpharmacolog-
ical therapies. Four trials indicated a positive effect of
LLLT (compared to sham treatment) in the treatment Box 6•1 Recommended Websites for
of low back pain. Other trials within the review showed Laser Therapy
no effect or an effect similar to exercise or combined Laser World-Swedish Medical Laser
LLLT and exercise.78 Society
A Cochrane systematic review of LLLT treatment of World Association of Laser Therapy North American Association for Laser
rheumatoid arthritis noted a positive effect for short-
term relief of pain and morning stiffness. However, the
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150 Modalities

Diathermy high-frequency sine wave oscillations emitted from the

PSWD treatment applicator. Each pulse train has a pre-
The term diathermy literally means to “heat through.”1 set duration, or “on time,” and is separated from succes-
Historically, the term has been applied to modalities sive pulse trains by an “off time” that is determined by
that cause heating of deeper tissues such as muscles and the pulse repetition rate or frequency (Fig. 6-11).
joints. This chapter will limit the term to the use of Depending on the device, the pulse frequency can
electromagnetic waves from the radio frequency or be varied from 1 to 7,000 pulses per second and is
microwave frequency ranges of the electromagnetic selected with a pulse-frequency control on the equip-
spectrum. ment-operation panel. Pulsed radio frequency waves,
delivered to the patient at a very low intensity, that do
Physical Principles of Diathermy not create heat in the tissues is often referred to as
Diathermy is the application of electromagnetic pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) or pulsed radio fre-
waves in the radio frequency range of the electromag- quency energy (PRFE).
netic spectrum to the tissues of the body. The most The radio frequency waves produced by diathermy
common form of diathermy in use today uses 27.12 devices will pass through the tissues of the body and
MHz frequency waves from the short wavelength initially are not detected. Gradually, absorption of
range of radio frequency waves and is commonly energy by the tissues may cause an increase in tissue
referred to as shortwave diathermy (SWD). A less temperature, depending on the intensity of the waves
common type of diathermy is microwave diathermy and whether the waves are continuous or pulsed.
(MWD), which uses electromagnetic waves from the Patients may perceive a feeling of warmth as the tissue
microwave range of the electromagnetic spectrum. temperature rises. Generally the closer the diathermy
The frequency most commonly used for microwave applicator is to the patient’s skin, the greater the effect
diathermy is 2,450 MHz. on the tissues.
In response to great demands for the use of various Diathermy can affect deeper tissues of the body than
frequencies for communication purposes in the United superficial modalities such as hot packs, because radio
States, the Federal Communications Commission frequency waves can travel through superficial tissues.
(FCC) has carefully regulated frequencies that can be There is minimal reflection of waves at tissue interfaces
utilized for television and radio transmission, radar, and and on bone, so there is no accumulation of energy at
medical applications. Approved frequencies for these interfaces, such as occurs with ultrasound.
diathermy are listed in Table 6-2.
Diathermy can be delivered continuously or through
Therapeutic Diathermy Devices: Delivery
regular pulses or bursts of radio frequency energy.
of Radio Frequency Waves to the Patient
Pulsed shortwave diathermy (PSWD) uses a timing cir- Shortwave and microwave diathermy generators require
cuit to electronically interrupt the 27.12 MHz waves, an electrical source that provides an alternating current
resulting in bursts of pulse trains containing a series of (available from an electrical outlet). There are two types
of shortwave diathermy: the electric field or capacitive
method and the magnetic field or inductive method.
Table 6•2 Radio Frequencies Approved
by the FCC for SWD/MWD and Capacitive Method
PEMF The capacitive method involves using an applicator sys-
Frequency (MHz) Wavelength Type of EM RADIATION tem that requires making the patient’s tissues part of the
13.56 22 m SWD/PEMF
dielectric of a capacitor (Fig. 6-12). This technique, also
27.12* 11 m SWD/PEMF
40.68 7.5 m SWD/PEMF called the electric field method, affects tissues primarily
915.00 33 cm MWD by applying an oscillating electric field. When perform-
2450.00 12 cm MWD ing the capacitive method of SWD to heat tissues that
*Most widely used frequency for SWD and PEMF are beneath a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, care must
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Electromagnetic Waves 151

off time

Pulse peak power

Mean power

Pulse period

on time
Fig 6•11 Pulsed shortwave diathermy (PSWD). The 27.12 MHz frequency wave is interrupted to create bursts (pulses)
of waves, separated by a period of no bursts (“off-time”). The amount of energy delivered to the tissues depends on the
mean power, which is determined by the pulse peak power, pulse frequency, and pulse duration. (Art concept by Sara Monath, PT
student, Richard Stockton College of NJ.)

be taken when positioning the treatment applicators. therapist’s or the patient’s skin contacts the bare metal
Subcutaneous fatty tissue may be heated considerably plate of the diathermy device. A single layer of terry-
more than muscle when both tissues are exposed to the cloth toweling should be placed between the plate
SWD electric field. One explanation for this is the pres- guards and the patient’s skin to prevent concentration
ence of numerous blood vessels that pervade the thick of the electric field on perspiration that may accumulate
layer of fat tissue. These blood vessels contain blood, on the skin.
which has a high conductivity and is therefore preferen- Most plates are manually movable through a dis-
tially heated. tance of about 3 cm within the guard. In some older
Another factor that must be considered is the super- models, the plate is not movable, but the plate guard
ficial location of subcutaneous fat in relation to deeper can be manually adjusted so the plate-to-skin distance
muscle tissue. Air-spaced plates have a glass or plastic is 1 to 2.5 cm. The guard should be about 1 to 3 inches
guard surrounding each metal plate (electrode) to pre- (2 to 10 cm) from the skin for optimal heating, and the
vent contact between the electrode and the patient’s metal plate should be as far away from the skin as the
skin. A severe electrical burn may occur if either the guard allows (2.5 cm). Proper positioning of the plate
and guard in relation to the skin provides for an
Capacitive increased relative heating depth of the tissues and effec-
electrodes tive absorption of thermal energy. When applied cor-
rectly to patients whose subcutaneous fat layer is less
than 1 cm thick, the capacitive-field technique may be
capable of delivering energy into tissue depths that cor-
respond to the depths heated with inductive applica-
tors. Most SWD devices maintain constant power out-
Body part Electric field lines put with changes in plate-skin distance. Power or
dosage is determined by the patient’s subjective percep-
tion of heat. The closer the plates are to the skin, the
generator greater the heat sensation. Air-spaced plates should
always be positioned so the distance between any part
Fig 6•12 Capacitive method of diathermy. The body part of the two plates is at least as great as the plate’s diame-
is placed between two electrodes and becomes part of ter. As the plate-to-skin distance increases, heat percep-
the electric field. The relative field density is greater
closer to the electrodes. (Illustration by Sara Monath, PT student, Richard tion decreases, allowing for the power output to be
Stockton College of NJ.) increased so more heating can reach deeper tissues.
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152 Modalities

Air-spaced plates may be positioned in two different

arrangements that produce different tissue heating pat-
terns: contraplanar or coplanar. In the contraplanar Induction drum

arrangement, the plates are placed on each side of the Coil

body part so that the body part is between the plates. In Oscillating
magnetic field
this arrangement, tissue heating will be proportional to
the impedance that each type of tissue offers to the oscil- Oscillating eddy
lating molecules. Fat will be heated more than muscle or currents in tissues

bone because it has a higher impedance. A coplanar

arrangement requires that the plates be positioned paral-
lel on the same body surface, rather than placing the body
part between the plates (Fig. 6-13). In this arrangement,
both superficial and deep tissues are parallel to the two
applicator plates. Tissues that receive more heating in a Fig 6•14 Inductive diathermy with monode drum place-
ment over tissues creates a magnetic field that induces
parallel plate arrangement are those with low impedance oscillating eddy currents in the tissues. (Art concept by Sara Monath,
(higher conductivity). Thus, muscle tissue will be selec- PT student, Richard Stockton College of NJ.)
tively heated because the current takes the path of least
resistance in more highly conductive tissue. The coplanar currents alternate in direction with changes of the mag-
method may be more beneficial when treating problems netic field. Thus, the greatest density of eddy current
of the lumbar or thoracic paravertebral musculature. activity, and therefore the greatest amount of heating,
occurs in low-impedance tissues containing the highest
Inductive Method electrolyte content, such as skeletal muscle and blood.
The inductive method involves using an inductive Two types of coil applicators can be used to deliver
applicator in which an oscillating magnetic field induces the magnetic field energy to the patient: drums or
oscillating “eddy” currents in the tissues (Fig. 6-14). sleeves. Drum applicators consist of a coil-shaped cable
This approach is also called the magnetic field method. that is contained within two types of rigid plastic insu-
Because of the high-frequency radio waves used with lator housings. The treatment surface of the plastic
diathermy, the electromagnetic energy can be transmit- applicator serves the same function as the plate guard of
ted through “wireless airwaves” to the patient with an the air-spaced plate applicator—to space the inductive
airspace or insulating material placed between the appli- coil away from the skin.
cator and the skin surface. A monode is a drum used to treat a single body sur-
Once the magnetic field enters the body part, an face and requires a single layer of terry-cloth toweling to
electrical current is induced within the tissues having create additional spacing and moisture absorption from
the lowest impedance. The induced electrical eddy the skin (Fig. 6-15). The diplode is a hinged drum that
allows one or more body part surfaces to be treated
simultaneously. The diplode consists of a rectangular
induction coil contained within an insulator housing
that also serves to space the coil away from the patient’s
skin. Because of the coil’s closer proximity to the treat-
ment surface within the diplode, approximately 1 cm of
terry-cloth toweling is recommended to separate the
applicator from the patient’s skin; this will prevent
excessive surface heating and will absorb perspiration.
The induction sleeve is shaped to fit around a body
Fig 6•13 Coplanar arrangement of capacitive diathermy part such as the elbow and forearm, providing a cir-
electrodes. cumferential treatment effect (Fig. 6-16).
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Electromagnetic Waves 153

directs the electromagnetic field to the body part to be

treated. Microwave ovens used for heating and cooking
food use a magnetron similar to those used for
diathermy. Frequencies allotted for microwave
diathermy (MWD) in the United States are listed in
Table 6-2. In Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, 434
MHz is also approved for medical use.3
Application of MWD to the patient requires proper
alignment of the emitter in relationship to the body
part to be treated. Placing the emitter at a right angle to
the body part ensures microwaves will be applied per-
pendicular to the skin’s surface and will limit reflection
Fig 6-15 Application of induction drum (monode) to the
low back. A single layer of towel is placed between the of waves. Some emitters are placed at a small distance
skin and the surface of the drum. from the skin’s surface with an air gap between the
emitter and the skin. Other emitters are designed to be
placed in contact with the skin.
MWD can be used to treat a more focused area of
the body than SWD can provide. However, the thermal
effects are usually not as deep as SWD. This is because
microwaves are partially reflected from tissue layers,
resulting in standing waves that concentrate the energy
absorption in superficial tissues.3 There is an increased
risk of damage to superficial tissues because of this
greater absorption of energy. Microwaves have a greater
frequency than shortwaves; therefore, a higher intensity
of energy is delivered to the tissues. MWD is used in
Fig 6•16 Induction diathermy delivered by a coil in a
medicine for hyperthermia of malignant tumors.
sleeve shaped to fit the body part. (Rebound System courtesy of However, it is currently not commonly used for thera-
GameReady, 1201 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 200, Alameda, CA 94501. )
peutic rehabilitation purposes.

Some diathermy devices have external cables that Pulsed Shortwave Diathermy (PSWD)
connect the applicator to the console and deliver the Today, most modern diathermy devices are either
electromagnetic (EM) energy from the high-frequency pulsed shortwave diathermy or have both continuous
oscillating circuit to the applicator. Cables on older and pulsed modes. Most PSWD devices use the induc-
devices may not be adequately shielded and may emit tive method with a drum electrode. Bursts of electro-
radiation in all directions when the applicators are ener- magnetic waves are created by interrupting the flow of
gized. In this case, care must be taken to prevent the continuous waves generated by the device. The burst
cables from directly contacting the patient or any metal (also known as pulse) duration is preset by the device’s
or synthetic materials. manufacturers in a range from 40 to 400 microseconds
(μsec). The practitioner can adjust the burst or pulse
Microwave Diathermy frequency, which usually ranges from 1 to 1,000 bursts
The generation of electromagnetic waves in the per second (also called pulses per second, or pps). The
microwave frequency range requires a device called a peak pulse power (the power in watts delivered during
magnetron. A magnetron generates alternating current a pulse) ranges between 100 and 1,000 W in most
at a high power level that is transmitted to an antenna devices that provide PSWD. If the pulse duration is
housed inside an emitter (drum or applicator) that 400 μs (0.4 ms) and the peak power and pulse frequency
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154 Modalities

are known, the mean power is easily calculated. For

example, at a peak pulse power of 800 W, if the pulse
frequency is 200 pps, then the pulse period (the pulse
on-time plus the pulse off-time) may be calculated as
the pulse period (ms) pulse frequency, or in this case
1,000 200 = 5 ms (see Fig. 6-11). In this example,
the percentage of time during which the pulsed short-
wave output is delivered is 0.4 5 = 8%. This is some-
times called the duty cycle. Consequently, the mean
power is 8% of 800 W, or 64 W. Generally, with most
PSWD devices, the highest mean power output that
can be delivered is lower than the power delivered (80 to
120 W) during most continuous SWD treatments.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF)
There is some confusion in the literature about the use
of the term pulsed electromagnetic fields, or PEMF. Some
publications use this term to indicate application of Fig 6•17 Portable PEMF device for promotion of bone
pulsed shortwave diathermy at an intensity that may healing. (Courtesy of Orthofix Orthopedics North America, 1720 Bray Central Drive,
McKinney, Texas.)
cause heating of tissues. Other publications use PEMF
to describe electromagnetic waves delivered at a very
low intensity and that do not cause heating of tissues. or longer. The pulse duration at 27.12 MHz would only
Bassett112 limited PEMFs to devices that deliver low- be 36 nanoseconds (36,31029 seconds); therefore, exci-
energy magnetic fields that cause nonthermal effects on tation of these tissues, resulting in depolarization, does
tissues, such as promotion of bone healing. In this not occur because the wavelength (duration) of each
chapter, PEMF will be limited to those devices that cycle of the high-frequency alternating current does not
deliver very low-intensity electromagnetic waves that last sufficiently long to cause migration of ions through
do not heat tissues. The use of magnetic fields for ther- cellular membranes of nerve or muscle.
apeutic purposes is discussed in Chapter 15. Electromagnetic waves in the radio fre-
PEMF devices have been in use since the 1950s, quency range are nonionizing radiation, which means
when the FCC approved the Diapulse device for thera- that there is insufficient energy concentration to dis-
peutic purposes.111 These devices generate PEMFs by lodge orbiting electrons from atoms. Therefore, these
an induction coil aerial that is placed on the skin’s sur- waves will not induce mutations.
face. Average power is typically limited to 1 W or less.
There are portable devices available that are battery Electromagnetic energy from the radio frequency
powered and can be worn by the patient (Fig. 6-17). part of the spectrum provides energy that may or may
These devices are primarily used to promote tissue heal- not be perceived by the skin. Regardless of whether it
ing, presumably by nonthermal facilitation of cellular is perceived by the body, radio frequency energy
metabolism and ionic fluctuation. delivers only a fraction of the energy level required to
produce ionization in tissue. For example, the energy
Physiological Effects of Diathermy at a frequency of 100 MHz (in the FM radio frequency
The frequencies of electromagnetic waves used for band) is approximately 300 million times too weak to
diathermy applications are not capable of depolarizing produce ionization.86 Therefore, radio frequency
motor nerves or eliciting a contractile response from electromagnetic waves will not induce mutations or
innervated or denervated skeletal muscle. Excitation of a the uncoupling of DNA single strands that result
nerve or muscle using currents with minimal amplitude from ionizing x-ray radiation therapy used in cancer
requires pulses of about 0.1 ms (millisecond) duration treatment.
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Electromagnetic Waves 155

random motion and heat generation (Fig. 6-18B).

Thermal Effects
Other atoms and molecules that are not electrically
The goal of most diathermy treatments is to increase charged (nonpolar) may have the paths of their orbiting
the temperature of body tissues. The amount of energy electrons shifted by the oscillating electric field, which
delivered to the patient will depend on the type of results in a back-and-forth oscillation of their electron
diathermy (continuous or pulsed); the proximity of cloud. This distortion of the electron cloud allows for
the electrode, drum, or emitter to the patient’s skin; only minimal friction and movement between adjacent
and the duration of the treatment. The ability of a molecules, which in turn results in minor heating
diathermy device to raise tissue temperature depends (Fig. 6-18C). Ward87 believed increased ionic motion
on the device’s power output, measured in watts (W). is the most efficient mechanism for converting high-
The power output range for most SWD devices is 55 frequency current into heat.
to 500 W, which is sufficient to raise the temperature
of most tissues to a range of 37.5°C to 44°C (99.5°F
to 111.2°F). The range of peak (instantaneous) pulse
power for most pulsed shortwave devices is 100 to
1,000 W. However, the potential for producing a heat-
ing effect with these devices depends on the mean
power delivered to the tissues with successive bursts of
pulse trains. The highest mean power that can be
delivered with PSWD devices is lower than the usual
power output delivered during continuous SWD
treatments. A
The thermal effects of diathermy on tissues will
result in similar physiological responses discussed in
Chapter 3. One key difference is the greater depth of
heating that occurs with diathermy compared to super-
ficial thermal modalities. How is heat produced in body
tissues when radio frequency waves from a diathermy
device are directed at a body part? Tissues contain large
numbers of ions, and when these charge carriers are B
exposed to an oscillating electromagnetic field, the ions
are accelerated first in one direction and then in the
other. As a result of the increased ionic motion, ions
collide with nearby molecules, increasing their random
motion, which in turn leads to increased internal
kinetic energy and heat generation in the tissues
(Fig. 6-18A).3 Additional significant heating occurs
because many tissues, especially muscle and blood, are
primarily composed of water. Although water mole-
cules are electrically neutral, they are also polar or have
Fig 6•18 Effects of electromagnetic waves on ions and
polarity because one end of the molecule is positively molecules in tissues of the body. (A) Back-and-forth
charged while the other end is negatively charged. motion (oscillations) of ions results in collisions that
Because it has ends of opposite charge, the water mole- produce heat. (B) Rotation of dipoles (water molecules)
results in increased random motion of adjacent molecules
cule is called a dipole. When exposed to the high- and produces heat. (C) Distortion of atoms and mole-
frequency oscillating electric field, the polar water mol- cules that are not charged results in increased random
motion of adjacent molecules, which may cause some
ecules undergo dipole rotation, and in the process of heat. (Modified from Robertson, Ward, Low, and Reed. Electrotherapy Explained, Principles
spinning, they collide with other molecules, increasing and Practice. 4th ed. Oxford, UK: Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier; 2006)
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156 Modalities

The patterns of heating of capacitive and inductive constant, which is the ratio of the capacity of a material
SWD are different because they introduce electromag- (tissue) to that of free space. Generally, tissues that have
netic energy into tissues differently. Inductive SWD high dielectric constants, such as skin and muscle, are
heating is produced mainly by inducing currents in the good conductors, while tissues with low dielectric con-
tissues (see Fig. 6-14). A strong magnetic field enters the stants, such as fat and bone, have low conductivity
body and generates small, circular electrical (eddy) cur- (Table 6-3). Electrical conductivity is inversely related
rents in the target tissue that alternately change direction to resistance. Fat tissue has low electrical conductivity
with fluctuations of the magnetic field. The magnetic and has high electrical, or ohmic, resistance. Muscle has
field passes easily through the tissues and tends to be a higher dielectric constant than fat; therefore, muscle
more intense close to the treatment applicator and less has greater conductivity than fat tissue. The variance in
intense as the field spreads into deeper tissues. conductivities of the tissues in a given body part tends
Inductive SWD will effectively elevate the tempera- to cause an electromagnetic field to refract when pass-
ture of deep tissues (such as muscle) without causing an ing through various tissue interfaces near the body sur-
unsafe rise in skin or fat tissue temperature.1 There is face and between deeper tissue layers. This spreads the
less heating of subcutaneous fat and more heating of field and the area of heating within the tissues.
superficial muscle.88 The amount of heating will occur Tissues with higher dielectric constants, such as skin
in tissues having the lowest impedance and the greatest and skeletal muscle, have a greater percentage of water,
eddy current density or activity. Inductive SWD is par- which is a polarizable dipole. Tissues with a greater
ticularly effective for heating tissues with high conduc- number of dipoles will hold more charge for a given
tivities and high electrolyte content, particularly those voltage across the treatment applicator plates.
well perfused with blood, such as muscle. High temper- Therefore, one would expect capacitive SWD to have a
atures are also produced in areas surrounding joints. greater heating effect on muscle, since it has a greater
This method of application causes less heating in fat, amount of water dipoles. However, the rate of fatty tis-
bone, or collagen tissues than the capacitive technique sue heating is greater than muscle with capacitive
because these tissues have lower conductivity than mus- SWD, because the field intensity is highest close to the
cle. The amount of heating occurring in a specific tis- electrodes, and fatty tissue is closer to the electrodes
sue is based on Joule’s law and can be calculated using than muscle. Other reasons that the capacitive method
the following equation: does not heat muscle as well as the inductive method is
the vascular system cools muscle by heat transfer more
H = I 2 Rt
efficiently than it cools fat tissue, and the heat capacity
where H is the amount of heating, I2 is the current of muscle is much higher than fat tissue.3 Figure 6-19
squared, R is the resistance, and t is time. shows a comparison of the heating effects of capacitive
Capacitive SWD requires placing the patient’s tis- and inductive diathermy.
sues between the electrodes (plates) of the device. The
plates, intervening air, and body part form a capacitor
that can store an electrical charge (see Fig. 6-12). The Table 6•3 Dielectric Constants and
charge of the high-frequency electric field oscillates Conductivities of Select
from one plate to the other, resulting in tissue heating. Tissues and Materials*
There are factors other than ion oscillation, dipole rota- Tissues/Materials Dielectric Constants (e) Conductivity (s)
0.9% saline/blood 80 11.7
tion, and electron-cloud distortion that explain how Muscle/skin 85–100 0.7–0.9
capacitive diathermy heats tissues. Tissue heating by Bone marrow 7–8 0.02–0.04
ionic oscillation depends on tissue conductivity; how- Fat tissue 11–13 0.04–0.06
Distilled water 80 2 x 104
ever, heating by dipole rotation and electron-cloud dis-
Oil 2 1011
tortion depends on ease of depolarization of polarizable Metals — 104–107
molecules. The amount of depolarization is character-
*Values are given for tissues and materials at 37ºC and 50 MHz. The values are temperature
ized by a property of insulators known as the dielectric and frequency dependent. The unit for conductivity is siemens per meter (S/m).
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SWD than another group that received electric hot


Effects on Tissue Flexibility

Capacitive The combination of heat and prolonged low-load
electrode stretch (PLLS) has been shown to effectively increase
tissue elasticity and facilitate connective tissue flexibil-
ity and joint ROM. Peres and colleagues98 applied
PSWD (800 pps, 400 μsec pulse duration, 48 W aver-
Inductive drum
age RMS power) to the musculotendinous junction of
the triceps surae for 20 minutes, with PLLS added for
the last 5 minutes of the treatment. An ice bag was
applied to the musculotendinous junction for 5 min-
utes following the 20-minute diathermy treatment.
Fig 6•19 Comparison of capacitive and induction
diathermy on heating of tissues. Note that capacitive Subjects who received PSWD, PLLS, and ice had
tends to heat superficial fat tissue greater than inductive, greater immediate and net ROM increases than sub-
and inductive heats deeper muscle tissue greater than
capacitive. (Art concept by Sara Monath, student PT at Richard Stockton College of NJ.)
jects who received PLLS alone.
Draper and colleagues99 found that subjects with
tight hamstrings who received PSWD (800 pps, 400 μsec
The effectiveness of SWD to heat muscle tissue has pulse duration, 48 W average RMS power) to their
been demonstrated by published research studies. hamstrings for 10 minutes prior to and 5 minutes dur-
Draper as well as other researchers89–92 used induction ing stretching of the hamstrings had greater flexibility
PSWD (800 bursts per second [bps], 400 μsec burst (increased knee extension) than subjects who received
duration, 48 W average RMS power) for 20 minutes sham diathermy and stretching. Diathermy may help
and successfully increased muscle temperature as much increase tissue flexibility without stretching. Robertson
as 4°C (39.2°F) after 15 minutes of treatment. and colleagues100 applied SWD for 15 minutes to the
Mitchell93 used the same parameters for PSWD and lower leg by placing two capacitive pads parallel to the
demonstrated an increase in muscle temperature up to leg and close to the skin and perpendicular to the top
2°C (35.6°F) at a depth of 2.5 cm. of a plinth. Subjects did not perform stretching during
Heating of tissues can be demonstrated by monitor- or after the treatment. Ankle dorsiflexion ROM
ing changes in circulation. Millard94 studied the effects increased 5.2% after SWD compared to 2% for sub-
of SWD heating on skin blood flow and showed that jects who received hot packs and 0.4% for the con-
clearance of radioactive sodium increased nearly 150% trol group.
after exposure, resulting in an average temperature rise
of 5.3°C (41.5°F). Muscle clearance rates increased by Muscle Strength
36%, with a muscle temperature rise of 5.2°C (41.3°F). Applying diathermy to muscle tissue may affect muscle
Mayrovitz and Larsen95 demonstrated increased contraction. Currier and Nelson101 compared the
microvascular blood perfusion in a group of subjects effects of exercise (riding an ergometer for 5 minutes)
who received 40 minutes of PSWD (600 pps, 65 μsec and shortwave diathermy (applied to the low back for
pulse duration, 35 W average power) to their forearms. 20 minutes) on motor nerve conduction velocity of the
Harris96 demonstrated a 100% increase in circulation peroneal nerve. Motor nerve conduction velocities
in knee joints following SWD application, based upon increased for both conditions; however, exercise caused
radio-sodium clearance from the joints. Increased mus- a greater increase in conduction rate than diathermy.
cle blood flow following 10 minutes of condenser field Chastain102 used an isokinetic dynamometer to meas-
SWD (80 W) was demonstrated by Karasuno and col- ure the isometric strength of the quadriceps in subjects
leagues.97 They found blood flow increased greater with who received inductive SWD for 20 minutes. Initially,
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158 Modalities

isometric strength decreased an average of 2.15 newton Some pain relief may be secondary to nonthermal
meters (Nm). After 30 minutes, strength increased an mechanisms. Wagstaff and colleagues108 compared the
average of 14.1 Nm, and after 90 minutes the strength effects of inductive SWD, PSWD at 82 pulses per sec-
levels for each subject fluctuated. Practitioners need to ond (mean power 23.2 W), and PSWD at 200 pulses
consider possible changes in muscle strength following per second (mean power 23.4 W) applied to subjects
diathermy treatments and adjust the timing of exercise with low back pain. All three groups had a significant
programs and quantification of muscle strength. The relief of pain, with both PSWD groups achieving more
application of diathermy immediately preceding exer- significant pain relief than the SWD group. The groups
cise may augment exercise performance. Cetin and col- that received PSWD had either no heating or very low
leagues103 found that applying physical modalities, (barely perceptible) heating of tissues, because the mean
including capacitive SWD, before isokinetic exercise in power levels were lower than the usual mean power
patients with symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knees needed to cause perceptible heating (believed to be
led to improved exercise performance and function. around 38 W). PEMF, which does not heat tissues, has
been shown to help control pain in patients with idio-
Pain pathic trigeminal neuralgia109 and to decrease pain and
Reduction of pain by diathermy can most likely be increase mobility of the temporomandibular joint in
explained by the well-known analgesic effects of heat patients with temporomandibular joint arthralgia.110
(see Chapter 3). McCray and Patton104 compared the
Tissue Healing
effects of inductive SWD to moist hot packs on the
sensitivity of trigger points in the neck, shoulders, and Diathermy has been shown to promote healing of soft
back. SWD was more effective at relieving pain at trig- tissues and bone.111–116 Increases in tissue temperature
ger points than moist heat. In a study by Cetin and col- that occur with thermal-level SWD and MWD can
leagues,103 women with pain caused by osteoarthritis of increase circulation, which explains improved tissue
the knees were relieved by a combination of capacitive healing rates. Effects on tissue regeneration were
SWD, hot packs, and isokinetic exercise. Laufer and demonstrated by Hill and colleagues117 using PSWD at
colleagues105 were unable to demonstrate any effect on a mean power of 48 W for 10 minutes. This resulted in
pain in patients with osteoarthritis in the knees who increased fibroblast proliferation, and PSWD at a mean
received either PSWD at 300 pulses per second (300 power of 6 W for 10 minutes increased chondrocyte
μsec pulse duration, mean power 18 W), PSWD at 110 proliferation. In a study by Mayrovitz and Larsen,118
pulses per second (82 μsec pulse duration, mean power evidence for nonthermal effects on healing was demon-
1.8 W), or sham diathermy. Pain was assessed by the strated using PSWD that increased local microvascular
WOMAC arthritis index questionnaire. Interestingly, perfusion around the perimeter of ulcers in patients
the group who received PSWD at 300 pps reported a with diabetes. PEMFs using a Diapulse device have
“comfortable feeling of warmth” despite the low mean been shown to accelerate healing of pressure
power (18 W). ulcers.119,120 Studies by Bassett121 and Sharrad113
In another study, Santiesteban and Grant106 applied demonstrated effective promotion of fracture healing by
PSWD (700 pulses per second, 95 μsec pulse duration, PEMFs. Portable battery-operated “bone stimulators”
pulse peak power of 120 W) to patients following foot are in common use today for promoting healing of
surgery. Individuals receiving PSWD had significantly nonunion or delayed-union fractures and arthrodeses.
shorter hospitalization and fewer analgesic medications
Clinical Application of Diathermy
compared to a control group that did not receive PSWD.
In addition, Balogun and Okonofua107 reported a case Preparation of Patient and Device
study of a woman with an 8-year history of pelvic inflam- The decision to use diathermy requires knowing the
matory disease; nine treatment sessions of SWD deliv- physiological effects of this modality (discussed earlier
ered by electrodes placed on the abdomen and lumbar in this chapter), indications and contraindications
region was effective in relieving abdominal pain. based on published evidence (to be discussed later in
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this chapter), and the advantages and disadvantages of Temperature probes cannot be inserted into patient’s
this modality compared to other devices with similar tissues in clinical practice; therefore, it is not possible to
effects (such as ultrasound). The practitioner should measure the amount of electromagnetic energy trans-
thoroughly explain the effects of diathermy to the ferred from a diathermy device to the patient’s tissues.
patient, including any possible negative effects, and
KEY POINT!Practitioners must use the patient’s subjec-
allow the patient to choose whether to receive the treat-
tive heat-sensation response as a guide for dosage
ment. Steps to follow for preparing the patient and the
during diathermy treatments.
device for treatment are listed in Box 6-2.
Individuals with a documented or a potential senso-
Dosage ry deficit must be tested for pain and temperature sen-
Dosage is a measure of the amount of energy delivered sation before beginning treatment to determine if they
to the body that is absorbed and converted into heat. are capable of reporting changes in cutaneous heat sen-
Dosimetry is the measurement of this energy transfer in sation. Based on Joule’s law, the maximum tissue tem-
calories per unit time. An average value of the energy perature reached regardless of the heat modality
absorbed by the body is called the specific absorption rate depends on the square of the intensity, the tissue
(SAR), which is expressed in watts per kilogram impedance, and the duration of the heat treatment. The
(W/kg). Dosimetry measurements require small tem- amount of tissue temperature elevation depends on sev-
perature probes to be inserted into or through the skin eral factors, including the adequacy of blood perfusion
to measure the heat produced by the energy transfer through the tissues. Poor blood perfusion, such as arte-
that takes place during a diathermy treatment. rial insufficiency of the lower extremities, may not
allow for adequate heat dissipation when heat from any
source is applied directly to the poorly perfused tissues.
Box 6•2 Preparation of Patient and Device When tissues are adequately perfused, the body’s ther-
for Diathermy moregulatory mechanism increases heat removal from
Treatment the local tissue until a new higher-temperature steady
1. Choose appropriate device depending on goals of treatment state is reached, thus avoiding tissue damage from
2. Describe expected effects, including any possible negative excessive heat. It is essential to frequently monitor the
effects, to patient patient during the first 10 minutes of tissue heating
3. Position patient comfortably on a nonmetal table or chair
with diathermy to determine the amount of heating
4. Remove all metal from area to be treated (including jewelry
and body piercings) that is occurring in the tissues and the patient’s toler-
5. Remove clothes from area to be treated ance of it.
6. Inspect skin for color, perspiration, irritation, growths, and
vascularity The extent of biological reactions elicited during
7. Place a cotton or terry-cloth towel on skin to absorb perspira- diathermy interventions depends on the tissue temper-
tion during treatment (not needed for PEMF)
ature reached during and at the end of a treatment. The
8. Position applicator appropriately in relation to patient’s skin:
• Capacitive plates: both must be placed an equal distance practitioner needs to estimate the intensity and dura-
from the skin surface, about 1 to 3 inches (2 to 10 cm) tion (dosage) required to increase tissue temperature to
from the skin, parallel to skin surface
the therapeutic range (between 37.5°C and 44°C
• Inductive drum: directly over tissues to be treated, almost
touching towel on skin [99.5°F and 111.2°F]). This requires knowing which
• Microwave drum: parallel to patient’s skin, about 1 to stage of healing (acute, subacute, or chronic) the patient
3 inches (2 to 10 cm) away
is in, the location of the target tissues, the approximate
9. Choose appropriate parameters for treatment (see text)
10. Tell patient not to move body part during treatment (moving thickness of overlying tissues, and the patient’s toler-
body part will affect distance of skin to plate or drum and ance. The practitioner then chooses the intensity that
may alter delivery of energy to patient)
11. Activate device and adjust intensity based on patient’s will most likely achieve effective tissue heating, which
response may be no heating at all if the choice is nonthermal
12. Instruct patient to inform practitioner immediately if he or she
PSWD or PEMF. Some diathermy devices display
cannot tolerate treatment
intensity on a linear scale of arbitrary units, such as
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160 Modalities

0 to 10. The correlation of this scale with power almost resolved (dose III, a moderate heat sensation).
(watts) may be described in the device manual. The Dose IV (vigorous heating) requires higher mean
amount of power delivered to the patient will be an wattages above 300 W, which may not be possible for
estimate based on the value displayed by the device PSWD devices and may require continuous SWD.
and the patient’s response. See Table 6-4 for a sug- Practitioners should check the patient’s response to
gested dosage scheme based on the patient’s response treatment about every 5 minutes to adjust the dosage
to diathermy. level (if needed) to maintain a comfortable, well-toler-
Continuous diathermy power output is labeled as ated heat sensation.
peak power, and pulsed diathermy power output is
labeled as mean power. Mean power values that are Duration and Frequency of Treatments
greater than 38 W may produce a tissue heating effect There is general agreement in the literature that the
that elicits physiological responses from absorbed ther- treatment duration of a SWD application should be
mal energy. PSWD devices produce heat in tissues the about 20 minutes to achieve effective heating of tissues.
same way heat is produced in tissues by continuous Starkey123 recommends 20 to 30 minutes of SWD for
SWD—that is, by increasing random motion and moderate intensities and about 15 minutes for vigorous
kinetic energy between atoms, ions, and molecules. heating. The treatment duration for PSWD depends on
Whether PSWD induces heat in tissues depends on the mean power output determined by the parameters
three parameters: (1) peak pulse/burst power, (2) pulse/ selected for the treatment and whether the goal is a
burst frequency, and (3) pulse/burst duration. These thermal or nonthermal treatment. Draper and col-
parameters are used to calculate the mean power out- leagues89,91 applied PSWD at 800 Hz and a mean
put. The heating effect of a PSWD device is related to power output of 48 W for 20 minutes to the triceps
the magnitude of the mean power output. Adjusting surae. Peak muscle temperature increases at 3 cm below
the pulse/burst frequency will affect the mean power the skin occurred at 15 minutes and slightly declined at
output and the thermal sensation experienced by the 20 minutes of treatment. Duration for treatments with
patient. Murray and Kitchen122 found a significant cor- either nonthermal PSWD or PEMF vary widely in the
relation between pulse/burst frequency and the ability literature, from 30 minutes124,125 to 3 hours,126
to feel a thermal sensation during PSWD application to although many of these treatments were described as
the thigh. Low mean power values less than 38 W will “magnetotherapy” with intensity measured in gauss or
cause minimal heating of tissues that may or may not micro-teslas (see Chapter 15).
be perceptible. Mean power values between 38 and The frequency of diathermy treatments and the
80 W are appropriate for subacute inflammatory condi- number of treatments needed to achieve a positive
tions and correspond to dose II causing a mild heat outcome are based on the injury’s stage of healing, the
sensation (see Table 6-4). Mean power values between urgency of the need for treatment, the patient’s avail-
80 and 300 W may be used in late subacute conditions ability for treatment sessions, and the availability of
in which the signs and symptoms of inflammation are the equipment and a practitioner to provide the treat-
ment. Acute conditions such as soft tissue trauma can
be treated two or three times daily with either dose I
Table 6•4 Dosages for Diathermy or II for 15 minutes each. This may be possible in
Treatments some clinic settings, such as in-patient care settings or
Dose Response* Suggested Clinical Use sports team treatment rooms, where the patient, prac-
Dose I Nonthermal Acute injuries (sprains, strains, etc.)
Dose II Mild heat sensation Subacute injuries and inflammation titioner, and the equipment may be readily available.
Dose III Moderate heat sensation Pain, muscle spasm, chronic Subacute and chronic conditions are typically treated
inflammation with once-per-day or every-other-day diathermy.
Dose IV Vigorous heating Increase blood flow, heating of col-
lagen fibers for stretching of soft Discontinuation of diathermy treatments is based on
tissues the treatment’s goals. Diathermy should be discontin-
*Based upon patient’s report of perception of tissue heating ued if the treatment goal is met, if no response is
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achieved after one to five treatments, or if adverse The research literature includes many studies that
effects or patient intolerance occurs. It is difficult to support the use of diathermy for therapeutic interven-
judge the number of treatments needed to achieve tions, but some studies found that diathermy was inef-
treatment goals; more research is needed to establish fective (Tables 6-5 and 6-6). Literature reviews pub-
these guidelines. lished since 1995 are listed in Table 6-7.
Heating of shortened tissues may enhance collagen
extensibility in fibrous muscle or joint capsule contrac-
Consistent and accurate documentation of the treat- tures127 when followed by stretching. Muscle guarding
ment parameters and the patient’s response to treatment and pain, which occur as a result of injury to tendons and
is important for justification of continued diathermy joint structures; degenerative joint disease; bursitis;
treatments, insurance reimbursement, and outcomes sacroiliac strains; and ankylosing spondylitis may be
assessment. Practitioners are encouraged to collect and relieved by SWD applications to the muscles in spasm.128
analyze outcomes data and publicize effective and inef- Joint structures may be selectively heated by SWD
fective responses to diathermy interventions. when the joint is covered by a thin layer of soft tissue
(such as the elbow). Vigorous heating of a synovial joint
Documentation Tips
should be done only for chronic conditions, such as a
● Type of diathermy: SWD, MWD, PSWD, or joint contracture or an advanced degenerative (quies-
PEMF cent) stage of rheumatoid arthritis. The goal of treat-
● Method: capacitive, induction drum or sleeve, ment is to improve joint ROM by decreasing stiffness
flexible pads or cables and improving resilience of contracted soft tissues. In
● Body part exposed to the electromagnetic waves the subacute stage of traumatic arthritis, SWD at dose
● Patient’s position during treatment level II may be beneficial in joints that have a thin soft
● Duration of treatment tissue cover to improve blood circulation, thereby aid-
● Peak power in watts (W) for SWD and MWD ing in the resolution of edema and hemorrhage.
● Pulse/burst frequency and duration and mean Very mild heating at dose I using SWD or PSWD may
power for PSWD and PEMF be effective for recurring inflammatory conditions to
● Dosage (I through IV) or type (nonthermal, improve blood flow and facilitate diffusion of oxygen and
mild, moderate, or vigorous heating) metabolite clearance.127 Lehmann and Lehmann and col-
● Other modalities or procedures performed leagues127,128 advocated the use of SWD to induce low
● Patient response (positive or negative comments, heating to produce a mild physiological response for late-
affect on pain, skin color changes, sweating, or stage traumatic arthritis, chronic pelvic inflammatory dis-
other responses to treatment) ease, epicondylitis, degenerative joint disease, ankylosing
● Goals of treatment and outcomes spondylitis, and other chronic arthritic conditions.
Indications for Diathermy Clinical Controversy
SWD, MWD, and PSWD Practitioners often have a range of thermal modalities
Most of the indications for thermotherapy described in to choose for their patients. Superficial thermal modal-
Chapter 3 also apply to SWD, MWD, and thermal- ities are usually readily available and generally easy to
level PSWD. There are two primary advantages of apply; however, their depth of heating is limited to
using diathermy for thermotherapy: Diathermy pro- superficial tissues except in areas of the body that have
vides a greater depth of heating than superficial thermal thin soft tissue covering such as fingers, hands, toes,
modalities, and it can heat a larger area (greater amount and feet. Effective heating of deeper tissues such as
of tissue) than ultrasound. These advantages make muscles and joints in most areas of the body requires
diathermy the best choice for heating large joints such either ultrasound or diathermy. Ultrasound is available
as the knee or shoulder or large areas of muscle such as to most practitioners, but it may not be the best choice
the hamstrings. for heating large muscles and joints. Diathermy may be
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162 Modalities

Table 6•5 Effective Applications of Diathermy98–100, 103, 104, 107, 108, 111, 116, 134, 159–161
Condition Variables Type of Diathermy Reference/Type of Study
OA (knees) Pain disability index scores SWD Cetin et al. 2008 (RCT)
OA (knees) Synovial sac thickness SWD Jan et al. 2006 (RCT)
Calcific tendinopathy Pain, ROM, disability index scores, presence MWD DiCesare et al. 2008 (CS)
of calcium deposits on x-ray
Joint ROM Ankle dorsiflexion PSWD Seiger & Draper 2006 (CSR)
Joint ROM Ankle dorsiflexion SWD Robertson et al. 2005 (RCT)
Joint ROM Ankle dorsiflexion PSWD Peres et al. 2002 (RCT)
Hamstring flexibility ROM of knee with hip at 90° PSWD and long-duration Draper et al. 2004 (RCT)
RA Pain scale joint stiffness MWD Usichenko 2003 (RCT)
Acute muscle injury Pain (VAS) ultrasonography MWD Giombini et al. 2001 (RANC)
Acute ankle sprain Swelling subjective improvement PSWD Pennington 1993 (RCT)
Chronic pelvic inflammatory Pain SWD Balogun & Okonofuna 1988 (CS)
Low back pain Pain (VAS) SWD and PSWD Wagstaff et al. 1986 (RANC)
Painful trigger points Pain and sensitivity SWD McCray et al. 1984 (RANC)
Key: RCT, randomized controlled trial; CS, case study; CSR, case series; RANC, randomized allocation of subjects, no control.

Table 6•6 Ineffective Applications of Diathermy162–167

Condition Variables Type of Diathermy Reference/Type of Study
Neck disorders Pain questionnaire PSWD Dziedzic et al. 2005 (RCT)
Joint ROM Ankle dorsiflexion (retention of gains in ROM PSWD Brucker et al. 2005 (FRM)
following stretching)
OA (knees) WOMAC Index PSWD Laufer et al. 2005 (RCT)
OA (knees) Joint inflammation knee ROM PSWD Callaghan et al. 2005 (RCT)
Hamstring flexibility Sit and reach ROM PSWD and short-duration stretching Draper et al. 2002 (RCT)
Ankle sprain Pain, swelling, time to full weight-bearing PSWD McGill 1988 (RCT)
Ankle sprain Ankle ROM, swelling, gait PSWD Barker et al. 1985 (RCT)
Key: RCT, randomized controlled trial; FRM, 2x4 factorial design with repeated measures.

Table 6•7 Published Literature Reviews: Diathermy Applications115, 168, 169, 170
Type of Diathermy # of Studies Reviewed Conclusions Reference
SWD 3 Less effective than spinal manipulation for LBP; no difference: Chou and Huffman 2007
SWD vs. sham SWD
MWD NS Effective for short-term care of musculoskeletal injuries Giombini et al. 2007
PEMF 2* No clinically important benefit for OA of the knee or cervical spine Hulme et al. 2002
SWD and PSWD 11 Equivocal findings; studies had poor methodological quality Marks et al. 1999
PSWD 9 Effective for ankle sprains only at higher peak and mean powers Low 1995
and longer treatment durations
*A third study included in this review used pulsed electric stimulation, not PEMF.
Key: NS, not specified

the more effective modality for heating deep, large areas significant increase in vascularity and blood flow, which
of tissue; however, the cost of diathermy devices and causes increased cardiac output in women. As a result of
practitioner bias or lack of knowledge of the literature the improved vascularity, antibiotic levels to inflamed
may preclude its clinical usage. tissues may be enhanced.
Continuous shortwave techniques may be used for Allberry129 and Barnett130 reported positive results
selective heating of pelvic organs in chronic inflamma- with SWD in enhancing the drying of blisters from her-
tory pelvic diseases.107,127 This treatment produces a pes zoster and in alleviating the associated pain. Both
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A 21-year-old female field hockey player has a history 5. What specific parameters of PSWD would be
of several right leg hamstring strains. Measurement of appropriate for this patient?
right knee extension ROM with the right hip flexed at Answer: Appropriate parameters for PSWD for this
90° finds 30° limitation from full extension, compared patient are frequency of 800 bursts (pulses) per
to left knee, where extension ROM with the hip flexed second, burst (pulse) duration of 400 µsec, peak
at 90° is 15° from full extension. She has been per- pulse power of 150 W, and mean power of 48 W,
forming frequent stretching exercises for the right for at least 15 minutes.
hamstrings with minimal change in ROM.
6. What are the proper application procedures for
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or Answer: A single layer of terry-cloth towel should
problem that can be improved with the use of PSWD? be placed over the posterior thigh and the induc-
Answer: Yes, the thermal effects of PSWD can help tion drum placed over the proximal or distal ham-
relax the hamstrings and soften tropocollagen strings. Ideally, stretching of hamstrings should
bonds to facilitate stretching of the musculotendon occur during PSWD, for at least the last
complex. 5 minutes of the treatment, and immediately after
the treatment. Prolonged stretching has been
2. Is the patient appropriate for PSWD? Do any of the
shown to be more effective than short-term
general precautions or contraindications to PSWD
apply to the patient, or are there any specific con-
Pretreatment: Determine the type of diathermy
siderations regarding the application of PSWD to
application technique to be used for this athlete
this patient?
and any precautions or contraindications. Inspect
Answer: She had one contraindication: metal jewelry
skin of posterior thigh for any irritation, infection,
piercing of the umbilicus, which she was able to
or broken skin. Explain the treatment to the
remove prior to the treatment. She also had one
patient, including goals of treatment. Instruct her
precaution: menstruation. She was informed that
in proper positioning during the treatment and to
there was a slight chance that PSWD could
monitor heating effects and report any discomfort
increase menstrual flow because of the proximity of
the pelvic cavity to the treatment area.
During treatment: Monitor the amount of tissue heat-
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the ing by asking her to report amount of thermal sen-
use of PSWD? sation and any discomfort. Remind her not to move
Answer: Decrease tightness of hamstrings to facili- her leg during the treatment.
tate stretching. Post-treatment: Inspect skin of posterior thigh (mild
to moderate reddening of skin is normal). Continue
4. Do you have the specific type of diathermy that
stretching of hamstrings and measure any change
would be appropriate for this patient?
in knee extension with the hip at 90°.
Answer: Yes, a diathermy device with an induction
drum (monode or diplode) and pulsed selection is

reports emphasized the importance of applying mild and bone healing (see Chapter 14). A systematic
heating within a few days of the rash’s onset, preferably review published by McCarthy and colleagues131 ana-
on the first day if possible. Daily 20-minute applications lyzed five randomized, controlled trials of PEMF
at the level of the involved dorsal root ganglia are recom- (defined as “electromagnetic fields with on and off
mended until pain is decreased or the scabs fall off. effect of pulsing to produce athermal effects”) and
reported that PEMF does not significantly decrease
PEMF pain of knee osteoarthritis. More studies are needed to
The literature supports the use of nonthermal pulsed determine if the nonthermal effects of PEMF are effec-
electromagnetic fields for promoting superficial wound tive for other clinical problems.
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164 Modalities

Precautions and Contraindications present, if there is a tendency for hemorrhage, if per-

for Diathermy fusion is restricted by vascular compromise, or if the
patient is febrile or has insensate skin that prevents
Practitioners who choose diathermy (including
accurate reporting of heat sensation.
PEMF) for their patients must be aware of precautions
and contraindications for using this modality. (See
Table 6-8 for a list of these precautions and con- Metals
traindications). The thermal effects of diathermy are A unique concern for diathermy is the presence of
contraindicated whenever heating of tissues may cause metal on or in the patient or in the area of the treat-
harm (see Chapter 3 for precautions and contraindica- ment field. Metals are highly conductive, and electro-
tions for heating of tissues). Any significant tissue magnetic waves will take the path of least resistance and
heating should be avoided if acute inflammation is pass through metal more readily than body tissues.

Table 6•8 Precautions and Contraindications for Diathermy

Precaution/Contraindication Explanation
Any metallic object on the patient or within Contraindicated because metals can overheat and burn tissue
the electromagnetic field
Metals in the tissues of the body Precaution for PSWD over small metals, such as screws or metal fragments; contraindication for
Intrauterine contraceptive devices with copper Diathermy may cause slight heating of device but not a contraindication
Cancerous tissues Contraindication because heating of tissues may promote growth and spread of cancer
Impaired sensation Precaution because patient may not be able to recognize overheating of tissues (contraindication
for patients with total loss of sensation)
Impaired circulation Precaution because tissues may not be able to respond to increased metabolic demands caused
by heating of tissues (contraindication for patients with severe circulatory impairment)
Hemorrhage or increased tendency of hemorrhage Contraindication because heating of tissues may exacerbate or cause hemorrhage
Cardiac pacemakers, implanted stimulators, including Electromagnetic waves from diathermy can interfere with the function of these devices and cause
any device with lead wires attached or unattached malfunction and damage to tissues
Acute injury or inflammation Contraindicated for thermal diathermy because heating of tissues may exacerbate swelling and
inflammation and damage tissue
Pregnancy Contraindicated because the effects on the fetus are unknown and may be harmful
Joints or organs containing high levels of fluid, Contraindicated because thermal diathermy can rapidly heat fluids in these structures, possibly
including the eyes or testes causing injury
Synthetic materials such as clothing, pillows, and Contraindicated because thermal diathermy may overheat these materials, which can burn
bed coverings tissues
Head, face, or TMJ for patients wearing contact lenses Contraindicated because thermal diathermy may cause overheating of perforations in lens, which
may damage the eye
Unconscious patients or patients who are Contraindicated because patient is unable to determine amount of heating occurring in tissues;
mentally confused confused patients may not be able to maintain position during treatment.
Over growing epiphyses in children Some authors are concerned about the effect of electromagnetic waves on cell growth of epiphysis;
consider it a precaution.
Obese patients Precaution or contraindication, depending on amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue that may
overheat during diathermy, particularly capacitive diathermy
Over moist clothes, dressings, or accumulations of Thermal diathermy will heat fluids faster, which may cause burns.
perspiration on the skin
Use of diathermy near other medical electrical devices, Electromagnetic waves from diathermy devices may interfere with the function of these devices
especially near patients who have electrodes attached and may exacerbate the intensity of stimulation under electrodes.
to their skin
Over the low back or pelvis in women who are A precaution because diathermy may increase menstrual flow.
Atrophic, infected, or damaged skin Use caution when applying thermal diathermy because of possible sensation and circulatory
impairments of skin, intolerance to heat, or spread of infection. Severe conditions are a
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Electromagnetic Waves 165

Patients receiving diathermy should lie on nonmetallic diathermy.135–137 Applying diathermy to the pelvis
tables or sit on nonmetallic chairs. Metal objects with- or low back of patients who have these devices is not
in the immediate treatment area should be removed, contraindicated.
including metal jewelry or piercings on the patient;
clothing that contains metal zippers, hooks, buttons, or Implanted Electronic Devices
fasteners; or braces or devices that contain metal. The No form of diathermy should be used on patients who
presence of imbedded metal in a patient receiving have implanted electronic devices, such as pacemakers,
diathermy is a precaution but may not be a contraindi- defibrillators, or neurostimulators. Wires attached to
cation, depending on the size and shape of the object. these devices can act as antennas and cause significant
Scott132 explained how metal acts as a “shunt” of the tissue damage. Wires are sometimes left in the body
electric field and produces little or no heating in the after these devices are removed, so practitioners must be
metal but causes great dissipation of the heat in the tis- certain that no wires remain before using diathermy on
sues at the ends of the shunt. Therefore, the metal itself these patients.138
is unlikely to cause burning of tissues; however, the tis-
sues at the end of the shunt may be burned. The longer Practitioner Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields
the metal, the greater the shunting effect and the There is concern about the electromagnetic fields creat-
greater the chance of tissue damage. Small pieces of ed by diathermy devices and their effect on practition-
metal imbedded in body tissues are unlikely to cause ers and others who may be in proximity of the device
tissue burning. The presence of larger metal objects during treatment. There are many factors that deter-
imbedded in tissues, such as screws and plates for inter- mine the amount of electromagnetic field exposure to
nal fixation of fractures and prostheses with metallic practitioners during diathermy treatments, including
components, is common in patients who may benefit type of diathermy, size and placement of electrodes on
from the deep heating effects of diathermy. the patient, output intensity, and the practitioner’s loca-
Draper and colleagues133 performed PSWD (27.12 tion in relationship to the active diathermy
MHz, 400 μsec, 800 pps, 48 W for 20 minutes) using device.139,140 The use of diathermy is not believed to be
a monode induction coil applicator over the elbow of a harmful to practitioners if they follow the safety guide-
39-year-old woman who had an internal fixation with lines for limiting exposure to electromagnetic
metal screws and a titanium plate in the joint. The fields.141–144 The guidelines include maintaining a dis-
patient reported a gentle, warm feeling and no discom- tance of 1 to 2 m (3.28 to 6.56 ft) from active SWD
fort, and the physician who later removed the hardware devices and .5 to 1 m (1.64 to 3.28 ft) from active
reported no evidence that the metal implants had over- PSWD devices.140,145,146
Seiger and Draper134 reported on a case series of Pregnancy
patients with surgical metal implants in ankles that Diathermy should not be performed on pregnant
received PSWD (27.12 MHz, 400 μsec, 800 pps, patients because the effects of maternal hyperthermia
48 W for 20 minutes). All the patients reported a mild and electromagnetic fields on fetal development are not
vibration and no pain or burning, and all had improve- known and may be harmful.138 Female practitioners
ment in ankle ROM without any evidence of harmful who are pregnant must consider the effects of exposure
effects attributable to PSWD. The authors advise cau- to electromagnetic fields on their fetus. Some studies
tion when applying PSWD over metal implants in have found weak correlations between practitioner
peripheral joints. No studies have shown whether con- exposure to electromagnetic fields from diathermy
tinuous SWD and MWD are safe over metal implants, treatments and spontaneous abortions and congenital
so using these forms of diathermy should still be con- malformations.147–150 Ouellet-Hellstrom and Stewart151
sidered a contraindication. Copper-bearing intrauter- found a correlation between MWD and miscarriages
ine contraceptive devices contain a small amount of but no correlation between SWD and miscarriages. At
metal that does not overheat when exposed to this time, because of the uncertainty of the research,
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166 Modalities

female health-care practitioners of child-bearing age diathermy. These patients must be monitored carefully
who are or may be pregnant can set up diathermy during the treatment, or it may be best to avoid
devices for patient treatments but should not remain in diathermy if communication or sensation is significant-
the treatment area when the diathermy device is on. ly impaired.
Diathermy treatments to the low back or pelvis of a
Specific Organs and Tissues female patient during menstruation may temporarily
Organs and tissues with high fluid volume have a increase menstrual flow. This is not a contraindication
higher conductivity and will heat greater than sur- to diathermy; however, patients should be informed
rounding tissues when exposed to electromagnetic that this may occur. If increased menstrual flow is a
fields from diathermy devices. This may result in over- concern, then low-intensity diathermy, such as PSWD
heating and tissue damage, so it is best to avoid expos- or PEMF, can be used. Employing diathermy devices in
ing the eyes, testes or ovaries, fluid-filled joints, and the vicinity of other electronic medical devices (such as
internal organs to diathermy.138 Some references rec- EKG, EEG, TENS, and computer-controlled devices)
ommend not applying diathermy over epiphyseal may interfere with these devices’ function and should
tissues because of the possibility of adversely affecting be avoided.138 This type of equipment should be at
the growth plate; however, this has not been confirmed least 3 to 5 meters (about 10 to 16 feet) away from any
by research using human subjects. Diathermy over can- active diathermy devices.152
cerous tissues is contraindicated because of the danger
of increasing blood flow to the cancer cells and promot- Clinical Decision-Making: When Is
ing malignancy.138,152 Diathermy the Treatment of Choice?
A patient presents with a condition that is an indica-
Synthetic Materials tion for diathermy. How does a practitioner deter-
Practitioners must use caution when exposing any syn- mine which type of diathermy is best? Or would
thetic materials (such as nylon, foam rubber, or plastics) ultrasound be a better choice? Is diathermy a cost-
on or in the patient to electromagnetic fields from effective alternative to other interventions for this
diathermy devices. Synthetic clothing should be condition?
removed from the treatment area, and pillows and table Conditions that may benefit from deep heating of
coverings made from these materials should be tissues will require either ultrasound or diathermy, since
removed. Internal synthetic devices may overheat and superficial thermal modalities will not significantly heat
cause tissue damage. Scott153 warned that electromag- tissues that are more than 1 to 3 cm below the skin’s
netic fields can overheat contact lenses in the eyes. surface. (See Table 6-9 for a comparison of ultrasound
Riambau and colleagues154 reported a case in which a and diathermy.) Ultrasound primarily heats dense col-
patient who had a Vanguard endograft repair of an lagen tissue such as tendons, ligaments, and joint cap-
abdominal aortic aneurysm had a thrombosis of the left sules, and the area of tissue heating is limited to a small
limb of the endograft following a MWD treatment for area about twice the size of the sound head. Diathermy
lumbar pain. heats tissues with high fluid content such as muscle and
will heat a much larger area than ultrasound. The type
Other Concerns of diathermy will depend on the treatment’s goal.
Application of capacitive diathermy to obese patients Vigorous heating of tissues will require SWD (or
must be performed cautiously or not at all because of MWD if available). Inductive diathermy is more effec-
excessive heating of fat tissue that may lead to burns. tive in heating muscle and will heat fat tissue less than
Inductive diathermy is a better choice for obese patients capacitive diathermy. If mild or moderate heating is
because of less heating of fat tissue. Patients who are desired, then PSWD is a good choice. Acute conditions
mentally impaired (dementia, effects of medications) or require PSWD with a mean power intensity less than
who have sensory deficits may be unable to communi- thermal range, or they may require PEMF, which will
cate to the practitioner any discomfort caused by the not heat tissues.
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Table 6•9 Comparison: Diathermy and Ultrasound

Clinical Aspects SWD/PSWD Ultrasound
Type of energy Electromagnetic Mechanical
Depth of tissue heating 3–5 cm 2–3 cm
Type of tissue heated Muscle, fat, skin Mostly dense, high-collagen tissues (tendons, tissue interfaces)
Rate of tissue heating Constant Fluctuates with movement of sound head
Area affected About 200 cm2 (using induction drum) About 2 to 15 cm (depending on size of sound head)
Heat retention Moderate Minimal
Treatment time 15–30 minutes 5–15 minutes
Practitioner attendance during treatment Unattended Attended
Average cost of device* $6,000–8,000 $1,500–3,000
*Based on quotes from three biomedical companies, in U.S. dollars

Today’s diathermy devices are safer, technologically decision regarding the use of this modality for patient
superior, and easier to use than devices used during the treatment.
20th century. Now diathermy can be delivered using a
portable device that uses a sleeve containing an induc- REFERENCES
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chapter 7
Spinal Traction
Charles Hazle, PT, MS, PhD

Foundations of Traction
FOUNDATIONS OF TRACTION The practice of using traction—applying tensile forces to
BIOMECHANICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF TRACTION the long axis of the spine—to treat patients with spinal
Cervical Spine pain has been advocated for centuries. Modern support
Lumbar Spine for traction stemmed largely from the British physician
BASIC APPLICATIONS OF CLINICAL TRACTION James Cyriax, who in the 1940s recommended using
Components of the Traction Table traction to treat patients with disc lesions.1 Practitioners
Cervical Spine Traction: Procedures and Practice
from Cyriax’s time and spanning to the present day,
Lumbar Spine Traction: Procedures and Practice
Patient Safety including Australian physiotherapist Geoffrey Maitland,
Indications for Traction also proposed traction to be of value in treating patients
Contraindications for Traction with spinal disorders.2,3 The rationale for this interven-
Precautions tion may have evolved, but the fundamental concept has
HOME TRACTION remained remarkably consistent over the years.
Cervical Spine However, in the current evidence-guided era, trac-
Lumbar Spine tion has been closely examined for efficacy in patient
PATIENT OUTCOME EVIDENCE care. Many practitioners continue to cite traction as an
essential clinical modality, often based on anecdotal
patient care experiences, even though objective evi-
dence of its value remains in question. In this chapter,
traction will be described in terms of possible physio-
logical and biomechanical effects. We will also discuss
clinical trials, variations on traditional uses, and the
conventions often used by practitioners.

Biomechanical and
Physiological Effects
of Traction
Cervical Spine
One of the purported effects of traction is increasing the
space between vertebrae. The theorized value of inter-
vertebral separation is for normalizing morphology and
the disc’s position and increasing the dimensions of the
intervertebral foramen containing the spinal nerve root.
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174 Modalities

Imaging studies in vivo and with cadaveric speci- evaluated by several investigators. In one study,15 trunk
mens have investigated the effect of traction on the muscle activity in 29 asymptomatic subjects was found
spaces between vertebrae and the intervertebral foramen. to increase initially with the application of traction but
One study using fresh cadaveric human specimens4 and quickly subside to prior levels. Whether traction was
one using live humans5 yielded near identical results. continuous or intermittent yielded no difference in the
The dimensions of the intervertebral foramina were observations of muscle activity.
measured with computed tomography (CT) and radi- More than 60 years ago, Cyriax proposed that nega-
ography, respectively. In both studies, traction with the tive pressure created by traction in effect draws in a pro-
cervical spine in a neutral position significantly truding disc, reducing the extension of disc tissue
increased foraminal size. Combined cervical flexion and beyond the vertebral body margin.1 Intradiscal pressures
traction did not increase foraminal size greater than have been observed to increase during active lumbar
either flexion or traction alone. Other studies have traction (distractive force by the subject’s effort).16 This
documented a decrease in pressure6 and an increase in is consistent with observations that intradiscal pressure
volume7 of the intervertebral foramen with flexion of increases with trunk muscle activation even with con-
the cervical spine; this is often the basis for including current distractive force applied to the lumbar spine.17
flexion when applying cervical traction. Of relevance to possibly decreasing nerve root com-
In live humans, cervical intervertebral disc spaces were pression in radicular disorders arising from disc hernia-
observed to increase with traction of almost 30 pounds tions, a reduction of disc material beyond the borders
when the cervical spine was positioned in neutral and of the vertebral bodies was noted in 21 of 30 subjects as
flexion. Similar changes in the intervertebral disc spaces measured by CT. The reduction effect was greatest in
were not observed while traction was administered in patients with median herniations and lowest among
extension. Separation of the zygapophyseal joints was those with lateral herniations.18 These measurements
achieved only with traction in extension. In this study, the were completed before and during the application of
investigators reported traction in a position of cervical lumbar traction. The investigators did not attempt to
extension was, however, intolerable for many subjects.7 measure the persistence of these changes after traction.
The effect of traction on the disc has been of pri-
mary interest in other investigations. CT was used to
assess cervical disc herniations in 13 subjects before and
immediately following 20 minutes of traction.8 Box 7•1 Biomechanical and
Physiological Effects of Traction:
Following traction, the mean area of the disc herniation Synopsis of Literature
was reduced and disc space was increased. Further, the
Cervical Spine
spinal canal area was increased, and the longitudinal
• There is evidence that intervertebral foramina dimensions
dimension of the cervical spinal column was greater. increase during traction application. Whether this can be further
The duration of these effects was not measured. influenced by positioning in flexion or lateral flexion is not estab-
Multiple studies have examined the effect of traction • Limited evidence suggests that disc herniation extension tends
on the musculature surrounding the cervical spine. to be reduced when measured immediately after traction.
• Evidence is conflicting as to the effects of traction on the activity
Results of these investigations have been varied;
of cervical spine musculature.
elevated9,10 and diminished11,12 levels of muscle activi- • The duration of any observed biomechanical or physiological
ty have been observed, and in some cases the traction effect is not known.
Lumbar Spine
had no effect.13 One study observed an increase in
• During passive traction, intradiscal pressures can reduce or
blood flow in the musculature commensurate with less- become negative. Traction from patient-generated forces may
ening pain associated with the use of traction.14 increase intradiscal pressures. These pressures are thought to
rapidly return to their prior state when traction ends.
• The expanse of herniated disc material is suggested to reduce
Lumbar Spine in some subjects during traction. Most single-observation stud-
ies suggest the effect is temporary. A cumulative effect with
The effects of traction on lumbar spine vertebral align-
repeated traction sessions may occur.
ment and the level of trunk muscle activity have been
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Spinal Traction 175

The disc dimensions of a group of 24 subjects with Components of the Traction Table
confirmed lumbar disc herniations who received trac-
Traction tables allow patients to receive treatment of the
tion for treatment were compared by CT with a control
cervical and lumbar spine in relative comfort (Fig. 7-1).
group of 22 subjects who had disc herniations but did
The table is adjustable in height by a hand or foot con-
not receive traction. Otherwise, both groups received
trol switch. At one end of the table is the traction unit,
the same treatment with physical therapy modalities
consisting of an electric motor and a control panel. The
and medications over a course of 15 sessions. Those
traction unit usually produces the tensile force via a
subjects receiving traction demonstrated a substantially
cable that extends from the electric motor. The cable is
greater reduction of the total area of herniated disc
attachable to the traction harnesses, which directly con-
material as measured by CT.19
tact the patient. With the evolution of computer tech-
The lasting effect of the change in ana-
KEY POINT! nology, the control panels of traction units have become
tomical relationships caused by traction remains in increasingly sophisticated. Many modern models have
question. touch-screen features and the capacity to adjust numer-
ous variables in the delivery of traction (Fig. 7-2).
Prior to use of sophisticated imaging analyses, a
Treatment duration, cycle times, tension levels, and pro-
cadaveric study of traction20 determined the elonga-
gressive or regressive steps in tension can be pro-
tion induced during traction did not continue
grammed into the session with these controls.
beyond 30 minutes after treatment. Similarly, ano-
ther study21 demonstrated that a return to pretraction
relationships occurred after only 10 minutes after
Pain occurring distal to the knee with straight leg
raising (SLR) was measured before and after traction
in a group of subjects with positive SLR below 45° of
hip flexion.22 An increase in SLR was observed imme-
diately following lumbar traction at magnitudes of 30%
and 60% of body weight, compared to no increase in
SLR in subjects who received no traction and traction
at 10% of body weight. Duration of the effect was not
measured (Box 7-1).
Fig 7•1 Traction table.

Basic Applications of Clinical

The application of traction for mechanical neck and
back pain syndromes has many approaches. Individual
practitioner and patient care experiences often serve as
the stimulus for the development of clinical traction
techniques, which are subsequently propagated by con-
vention. The lack of substantial data to support partic-
ular utilization guidelines has allowed for numerous
permutations in the elemental practice of applying ten-
sion to the spine for symptom relief. To adequately
understand traction and its uses, this chapter provides
details on the basic features more commonly available
on modern traction devices. Fig 7•2 Traction control panel.
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176 Modalities

Most traction tables also have a split top. The table

surface, having multiple segments, can be separated to
minimize friction when applying traction to the lumbar
spine. The section of the table nearest the motor can be
unlocked so it glides within tracks that are set on rollers
on the table’s frame (Fig. 7-3). This allows the patient’s
pelvis and lower extremities to be moved while the trunk
is stabilized on the nongliding sections of the table. Thus,
traction can be more accurately administered to the lum-
bar spine by significantly reducing the friction provided
by the patient’s superincumbent body weight. The nong-
liding segments of the table sometimes have adjustable
tilting features to create more options for traction or to
facilitate patient comfort with positioning.
Manufactured traction tables now routinely have a
removable harness unit that allows traction to be
applied to the cervical spine (Fig. 7-4). These harnesses
usually snap-fit or pressure-fit into a latch mechanism Fig 7•4 Occipital harness for cervical traction.
on the motorized portion of the traction table. The
occipital harnesses have mobile and stationary portions.
Adjustable padded wedges on the harness directly con-
tact the patient’s head and neck along with a flat
padded area for the occiput. The wedges fit snugly
against the posterolateral aspects of the patient’s crani-
um and are often capable of being approximated
toward the patient’s midline with a screw knob adjust-
ment to prevent slipping during traction. The padded
wedges are affixed to the movable segment of the har-
ness, which slides along the stationary portion via the
tension produced by the traction motor. Occipital har-
nesses usually have a strap that can be tightened over
the patient’s forehead to secure the head in the harness
(Fig. 7-5). The need to secure the patient’s head firmly Fig 7•5 Securing strap of cervical harness.

is greater with higher amounts of tension, as the poten-

tial for the harness to slip increases. At lower levels of
tension, practitioners often avoid using the strap so the
patient can be more comfortable.
Another feature of traction tables is a patient-controlled
safety switch (Fig. 7-6). Patients receiving traction usually
have intervals of indirect supervision, so their safety is
enhanced with a manually activated switch that allows
them to immediately release the traction while sounding
an alarm for assistance. Patients who occasionally experi-
ence anxiety with an unfamiliar intervention are often
Fig 7•3 Separable traction table surface. comforted by knowing they are ultimately in control of
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Spinal Traction 177

addition to avoiding compressive force through the

temporomandibular joints.
The typical preparatory steps for a cervical traction
treatment session include the following:
● The cervical harness is first attached to the

motorized unit (Fig. 7-7).

● The cable is slackened from the motor and then

linked to the mobile portion of the harness

(Fig. 7-8). Any slack in the cable is then removed
without changing the position of the mobile
portion of the harness (Fig. 7-9).

Fig 7•6 Patient-controlled safety switch.

the traction unit. Similarly, if patients experience dis-

comfort while receiving traction, response time by the
practitioner to render assistance can be reduced or effec-
tively eliminated by activation of the switch.
Traction tables represent significant capital equip-
ment investments for most clinical settings and are
often used for many years. At the time of this publica- Fig 7•7 Step 1: Attachment of occipital-contact-only har-
ness to motor.
tion, the price range for traction tables was approxi-
mately $4,000 to $19,000, depending on the features
and options included.

Cervical Spine Traction: Procedures

and Practice
Essential Elements
When describing the setup of cervical traction, the term
harness may not be an ideal descriptor as current clini-
cal apparatuses are considerably different from older
devices. In the 1980s, the portion of the equipment
directly contacting the patient usually consisted of
straps that encircled the patient’s occiput and chin in
order to gain purchase on the head for a superiorly ori-
ented force. However, practitioners grew concerned
about the force being applied to the mandible and
through the temporomandibular joints, so occipital-
contact-only harnesses became more popular and are
now universally used. These devices are generally Fig 7•8 Step 2: Slackening of cable to allow attachment
accepted as being more comfortable for all patients in of mobile portion of harness.
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178 Modalities

Fig 7•11 Step 4: Opening of the harness to accommo-

date the patient.
Fig 7•9 Step 3: Removal of cable slack.

● Patient comfort and relaxation during cervical Proper positioning of the patient in the harness
traction are promoted as much as possible. For this is important for comfort (Fig. 7-12). If the
reason, practitioners will often place small, well- padded wedges are positioned too high relative
insulated hydrocollator packs against the inferior to the patient’s mastoid processes, slippage may
edge of the harness upon which the patient will lie occur during the traction session. In addition,
(Fig. 7-10). Most patients find the warming sensa- patients become uncomfortable if the wedges
tion from the hydrocollator packs across the upper compress on the posterior cranium from being
thoracic and scapular regions relaxing, although the positioned too high. Careful positioning of the
packs probably have negligible therapeutic value. harness and padded wedges usually allows the
Caution must be taken to prevent the hydrocollator wedges to contact more along the inferior
packs from overheating the patient’s upper back. aspect of the cranium.
This is particularly a concern in older patients who ● The padded wedges are then approximated
perhaps have less ability to dissipate heat. toward the midline to securely fit the harness to
● The harness is opened, and the patient is asked the patient’s occiput (Fig. 7-13). Caution must
to lie supine on the table with the head placed be used to not overtighten this adjustment,
on the flat padded area of the harness (Fig. 7-11).

Fig 7•10 Placement of small hydrocollator pack Fig 7•12 Step 5: Positioning of the patient in the cervical
(optional). harness.
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Fig 7•13 Step 6: Adjustment of padded harness wedges Fig 7•15 Step 7: Positioning the patient’s upper and
to patient. lower extremities for comfort in cervical traction.

which would cause an uncomfortable compressive ● Practitioners will discuss with the patient the
sensation on the patient’s neck. sensations and responses they should expect
● The angle of the traction harness is adjusted, if while receiving traction. The patient should be
necessary, for the relative amount of cervical flex- instructed to notify the clinician immediately if
ion and any desired lateral flexion. This is usually pain increases or if the patient becomes uncom-
accomplished by adjusting the table height rela- fortable in any way during the session. It is rec-
tive to the fixed height motor and control unit ommended to have the patient verbalize his or
(Fig. 7-14). her understanding of these instructions.
● Support from one or two pillows or sometimes a ● The patient is provided with an aid to call for
bolster is placed under the patient’s knees to pro- assistance or is shown the safety switch (Fig. 7-16).
mote comfort. Some practitioners support under ● The settings of the traction unit are programmed
the arms proximally with small rolled towels. into the control panel and traction is initiated.
This enhances patient comfort, particularly in ● The prudent clinician will directly observe the
those with excessive thoracic kyphoses or remark- traction unit mechanics and the patient response
ably protracted scapulae (Fig. 7-15).

Fig 7•16 Step 9: Providing the patient with the safety

Fig 7•14 Step 8: Angle of cervical traction. switch or another aid to call for assistance.
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180 Modalities

when the session begins. A minimum of 2 to

3 minutes of observation is recommended. This
is further opportunity to ensure the patient’s
comfort, assess an immediate response, and rein-
force with the patient expected and unintended
responses during the treatment session.

Mechanical Preparation
In addition to patient comfort, the arrangement of the
table and harness angle is also a variable in the effects of
cervical traction. This is particularly in reference to the
angle of cervical spine flexion as measured by the harness
relative to the horizontal table surface (see Fig. 7-14).
Many practitioners, however, have methods of choosing
the angle of application or the line of pull for the cervi-
cal traction harness, such as selecting the angle depend-
ing on the level of the cervical spine that is most symp-
tomatic. For example, the lower cervical spine levels are Fig 7•17 Positioning of cervical traction with right-side
often treated with greater amounts of flexion while the bias induced by lateral flexion to left.

middle and upper levels may be treated with consider-

ably less flexion. are generally seen in reference to these parameters.
Other practitioners choose a more simplistic Practitioners often view traction dosage as analogous to
approach of asking the patient to report the angle of the grading of manually applied mobilizations to the
greatest comfort and adjust the table height accord- spine.
ingly. In addition to the sagittal plane angle, some As previously described, comfort is a foremost con-
practitioners will elect to use a lateral flexion angle, sideration with patients receiving traction. As a rule, the
presumably to have greater distractive effect on the amount of tension applied to the cervical spine should
side of the cervical spine with greater involvement, in not cause or increase symptoms. In the presence of
the presence of asymmetrical or unilateral symptoms peripheral symptoms, possibly of nerve-root origin,
(Fig. 7-17). Most traction tables now have the option practitioners generally agree that distal symptoms war-
of setting the motor and control unit at angles in the rant particular observation for changes during and
patient’s coronal plane to achieve traction in lateral immediately following traction. If the patient reports
cervical flexion. Whether a particular arrangement of any increase of upper extremity symptoms during a
the cervical harness results in better patient outcomes
has not been validated but remains a convention. The
angle of traction should be based on each patient’s Box 7•2 Variables at Practitioner’s
Discretion in Delivery of
condition and comfort. Cervical Traction
Traction Dosage and Decision-Making • Static or intermittent
• Angle of application
In addition to the angle of traction, several other vari- • Dosage
ables are at the discretion of the practitioner. The • Amount of tension
• Duration of traction
amount of tension, the duration of the treatment, and • Cycle
the timing of the cycle with intermittent traction may all • Total cycle duration
be manipulated by the practitioner. These variables may • Proportion of time of maximum vs. minimum tension
• Inclusion of ascending or descending steps at initiation or
collectively be considered traction dosage (Box 7-2).
Again, the use of accepted, if not substantiated, practices
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treatment session, whether pain or paresthesia, traction With cervical traction applied in the supine posi-
should immediately cease. Similarly, if there is an tion, as opposed to the older practice of seated traction
increase of symptoms after traction, the practitioner with a vertical pull, the weight of the head is less of a
should reconsider the traction dosage or determine if factor in the net amount of tension applied to the cer-
traction is an appropriate treatment option at that time. vical spine. However, the angle of the traction harness
The practitioner’s assessment of the acuity and irritabil- may be a factor in the tension applied. A greater angle
ity of the patient’s condition is part of this reasoning of cervical flexion will increase the vertical force com-
process. Mechanical pain syndromes characterized by ponent of the head’s weight, whereas the vertical com-
pain that is quickly and easily increased with minimal ponent will be negligible with a low flexion angle.
movement or provocation generally suggest very con- Thus, to achieve a comparable net traction on the cer-
servative traction dosages initially. Symptoms not highly vical spine, the amount of tension programmed into
irritable or acute may tolerate greater dosages. Thus, the the traction unit may need to be relatively larger to
practitioner is challenged to find a threshold that has a compensate for a greater flexion angle. The practition-
beneficial effect without applying excessive force or er may elect to increase the tension setting by an incre-
provoking symptoms. ment of 2 or 3 pounds at the greater flexion angle and
then reassess the patient’s response for comfort and
KEY POINT! When the decision is made to use traction,
symptom reduction.
most practitioners will choose a conservative traction
The duration of the treatment session is usually
dosage for the first application; this will establish a
10 to 20 minutes as determined by the overall dosage
favorable, or at least neutral, patient response to the
and the acuity and irritability of the patient’s condition.
initial treatment.
In the absence of well-established criteria, this is arbi-
Within the context of the patient having been recently trary, as is the timing of the cycles with intermittent
evaluated, perhaps with provocative maneuvers, assessing traction. A cycle proportion of 30 seconds at the greater
the patient’s response during and subsequent to the first tension to 10 seconds at the lower tension of intermit-
traction session requires caution. It is common for the tent traction is common, but wide variation of this
patient to report a modest pulling or stretching sensation occurs due to therapist preference. With this propor-
within or immediately adjacent to the spine during treat- tion along with total time being substantial variables at
ment. This is not an indication to stop or alter treatment. the practitioner’s discretion, caution is to be used when
Indeed, frequently patients will describe this stretching or selecting these amounts based on the individual patient
pulling sensation favorably, with the feeling often dimin- characteristics.
ishing over the course of the traction session. Practitioners Patients receiving traction will also occasionally experi-
often hypothesize that the reduction of this stretching or ence a rebound effect, with them feeling better during
pulling sensation may indicate an improvement of soft traction but then having a symptom increase that remains
tissue extensibility. Thus, such a response is generally for minutes or hours afterward. When a rebound effect
viewed as favorable. occurs, detailed communication between the practitioner
Tension amounts will range between 10 and 25 pounds and patient is required for accurate interpretation. A brief,
for the upper limit of intermittent cervical trac- transient increase of centrally located symptoms after trac-
tion.23–26 Although continuous and intermittent tion may be a one-time localized tissue response or may
traction are possible on most tables, the majority of be an indication for less traction dosage while continuing
practitioners will use intermittent traction, cycling with the original plan of care. Conversely, an increase of
between two levels of tension for the duration of the symptoms lasting several hours, particularly including
session. Practitioners often use a lower level of tension distal symptoms, demands the practitioner reconsider
that is approximately one-half that of the upper level. If the decision to use traction. However, when interpreting
continuous traction is chosen, less tension and total this feedback from the patient, the practitioner must also
duration than the upper level of intermittent traction consider concurrent interventions being administered,
are typically chosen. along with the patient’s activities and behaviors following
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182 Modalities

the first traction session. Thus, practitioner-patient com- traction for patients with cervical spine syndromes.
munication is paramount in appropriate decision-making Lumbar traction is commonly used in some facilities;
with traction. however, there is limited evidence for effectiveness and
After a traction session ends, it is common practice lack of agreement on treatment parameters.
to release the tension from the harness, loosen the har- After choosing to use traction, the first thing the
ness from its closure on the neck, and allow the patient practitioner must decide is whether to apply traction
to rest for approximately 5 minutes before rising. The while the patient is prone or supine. No well-developed
patient should also be allowed to rest briefly in sitting criteria exist to guide this decision. Some practitioners
after returning from supine to minimize the effect of have a preference for using one position exclusively,
any positional hypotension. A patient reporting dizzi- unless patient comfort or poor response suggests the
ness or feeling faint during or immediately after trac- alternative. Other practitioners will place patients in
tion or upon returning to sitting demands close obser- their most comfortable position. If the patient’s symp-
vation and a check of vital signs. Such a response toms are less severe when lying prone, then the practi-
requires the symptoms to subside before the patient tioner may use the prone position for traction.
rises from the table. A prolonged response may warrant Alternately, supine traction may be chosen if the patient
a medical consultation for underlying conditions, and gets the most relief from lying supine with hips and
the practitioner should reconsider using traction as an knees flexed. Another factor may be age. For example,
intervention in this particular patient. older patients, perhaps more likely to have mechanical
pain associated with degenerative changes of the poste-
KEY POINT!Among those practitioners who use cervi-
rior elements of the lumbar spine, are thought to typi-
cal traction, there is consensus that it cannot be a
cally respond favorably to a flexed, supine position.
sole intervention for patients with cervical spine mec-
hanical pain syndromes. Use of therapeutic exercise Mechanical Preparation
and manual therapy techniques are clearly supported
Once the patient’s position is determined, the traction
by evidence27 for patients with cervical spine dys-
table and harnesses can be set with the following
function and are often used in concert with cervical
● During supine positioning, well-insulated hydro-
Before deciding to use traction in subsequent ses-
collator packs are often used under the patient’s
sions, the practitioner should carefully interpret the
back (Fig. 7-18). There is no known direct clini-
patient’s response to the prior session. If the patient
cal benefit from the heat application. Because of
reports temporary or lasting symptom relief, particular-
the superincumbent body weight and little
ly with peripheral pain or paresthesia, and greater func-
tion, this suggests a possible benefit. Other objective
evidence indicating favorable responses to cervical trac-
tion can include an increase in cervical range of motion
(ROM), increased ability to complete specific daily
activities (especially involving the upper extremities),
improved upper extremity reflexes, increased upper
extremity strength (i.e., grip), or normalization of pre-
viously observed sensory losses.

Lumbar Spine Traction: Procedures

and Practice
Essential Elements
Traction for the lumbar spine of patients with mechan-
ical dysfunction has a longer history of usage than does Fig 7•18 Placement of large hydrocollator pack (optional).
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flexibility for adjustment once traction has distraction to be more localized to the lumbar
begun, particular caution must be employed to spine when the gliding portion of the table is
avoid burning or overheating the patient. Older released.
individuals with less ability to dissipate heat may ● The patient is asked to lie supine on the harness-
require additional layers of insulation and more es, and the lower extremities are positioned for
frequent monitoring during treatment. If used, comfort with the hips and knees partially flexed;
the hydrocollator packs are placed on the table support is placed under the knees. Many practi-
surface, and the pelvic and thoracic harnesses are tioners prefer a “90-90 position” in which a stool
set (Fig. 7-19). Given the lack of clinical benefit is placed under the calves of the supine patient,
and increased risk of thermal injury, this use of resulting in the hips and knees each being posi-
hydrocollator packs is generally discouraged. tioned at approximately 90 degrees of flexion
● The patient’s lumbar spine is positioned over the (Fig. 7-21). Other options include use of a bol-
separation between mobile and stationary seg- ster under the flexed knees to achieve a comfort-
ments of the table (Fig. 7-20). This allows the able position for the patient (Fig. 7-22).
● Precise placement of the harnesses is important
for patient comfort. The traditional pelvic

Fig 7•19 Step 1: Placement of the pelvic and thoracic

harnesses for lumbar traction.

Fig 7•21 Step 3: Positioning for “90-90” lumbar traction.

Fig 7•20 Step 2: Positioning of the target area of traction Fig 7•22 Step 3, alternative: Positioning for traction in
over the table separation. supine with a bolster under the knees.
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184 Modalities

harness with two securing straps requires that the Clothing can sometimes interfere with the function
upper of the two straps securing the harness be of the thoracic harness. Multiple layers of clothing, syn-
placed above the patient’s iliac crests. The lower thetic materials offering minimal friction, or bulky gar-
strap will ideally be below the iliac crests but ments can all compromise the thoracic harness’s posi-
above the greater trochanters. Thus, each strap tion. The straps on both harnesses are clasped and
on the pelvic harness will be seated against a tightened (Fig. 7-25). The extent of tightening is
bony prominence when traction is applied, mini- dependent on the amount of traction tension to be
mizing the likelihood of slipping (Fig. 7-23). The used. Larger amounts of tension require the straps to be
thoracic harness is best placed below the widest firmly secured, whereas more modest traction tension
lateral dimension of the rib cage. Thus, when does not require the straps to be as tight. The goal is
traction is applied, the thoracic harness will also patient comfort while also preventing the harnesses
seat against the bony prominences at the flare from slipping from their optimal placements on the
of the rib cage. Some newer lumbar traction har- patient’s body. For female patients, a rolled towel placed
nesses have only one securing strap (Fig. 7-24). vertically between the breasts before closing the tho-
racic harness may help prevent discomfort from the
● Once the harnesses are secured, slack in the
anchoring straps of the thoracic harness is
removed to minimize any upper body move-
ment. The cable is drawn from the motorized
unit (Fig. 7-26) and attached to the pelvic har-
ness (Fig. 7-27). The sequence of some steps
may vary, depending on the particular traction
unit and harnesses being used. In all cases, the
harnesses are secured first around the patient
before slack is removed from the other harness
Fig 7•23 Step 4: Overlap of thoracic and pelvic harnesses
with both seating against bony prominences.

Fig 7•25 Tightening of harness in preparation for lumbar

Fig 7•24 Traction harness with a single strap. traction.
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Fig 7•26 Step 5: Slackening of cable to allow attachment Fig 7•28 Step 7: Removal of cable slack.
to the harness.

Fig 7•29 Step 8: Release of table lock.

Fig 7•27 Step 6: Attachment of cable to pelvic harness.

● Once the patient is positioned and the harnesses it challenging to secure harnesses enough to
are secured, the slack in the cable between the avoid slippage during traction.
harness and motor is removed (Fig. 7-28).
● Next, the table surface lock is released, allowing With prone positioning, the harnesses are similarly
the segments underlying the lumbar spine and placed on the table such that the lower lumbar segments
pelvis to separate once the traction tension or the lumbosacral junction align with the splits of the
increases (Fig. 7-29). tabletop’s segments (Fig. 7-30). Usually, this allows
● The traction parameters are programmed into the the patient’s face to fit comfortably in the opening of the
control panel and traction is initiated. table’s head segment. The tilt of this segment is often
● The prudent practitioner will closely observe the adjusted for greater patient comfort. The inability to
patient and apparatus over two to three cycles of communicate face-to-face with the patient during prone
intermittent traction, assuring the harnesses are traction requires diligence on the practitioner’s part to
secured and do not slip. Avoid allowing the tho- ensure the patient is not having an unfavorable response.
racic harness to slip up and sit against the axillae. Some practitioners prefer to immediately apply
Some patients may have body shapes that make manual mobilizations to the lumbar spine or encourage
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186 Modalities

is common practice, although this may not occur at

the time of the initial treatment session. Similar to
cervical traction, a cycle proportion of approximately
30 seconds at the maximum tension to 10 seconds at
the lower tension is typical, although this is subject to
practitioner preference. Manipulation of these variables
can significantly increase or decrease total traction
dosage (Box 7-3).
Communication between the practitioner and
patient at the time of the traction session about expec-
tations and responses is a necessity. Further communi-
Fig 7•30 Positioning for prone lumbar traction. cation at the time of the next visit is essential to assess
the patient’s response before beginning treatment again.
A reduction in pain, particularly with lower extremity
the patient to complete extension exercises immediately symptoms, along with increased ambulatory or sitting
after traction and before weight-bearing through the tolerances are indications of a positive response to lum-
spine. This may be accomplished more easily with bar traction. Additional evidence of a positive response
prone traction, as only the belts being loosened and the is increased SLR, along with improvement in deficits in
table surfaces being secured are necessary to proceed. If reflexes or sensation. Assessment of the patient’s
these interventions are chosen to follow supine traction, response to traction must always be made within the
a nearby table can be brought next to the traction table, context of concurrent interventions and the patient’s
allowing the patient to roll prone onto the second table. activities or behaviors.
As described in the section on cervical traction, a rest
period following the release of traction is usually war- Patient Safety
ranted before proceeding with another procedure. Generally, patients will not be directly supervised dur-
With prone or supine positioning, the table height ing the entire treatment period. Therefore, it is essential
and the angle of the traction unit relative to the table patients have a call system they can use if they need
can be adjusted, but these do not appear to exert the assistance during the traction session. Even though the
same effect as in the cervical spine. Without the station- patient safety switch is available, some practitioners
ary arm of the cervical traction harness providing for prefer a bell or similar audible call method patients can
greater angulation of the tension, only minor variation use if they merely need to make minor adjustments or
of the traction tension is possible with lumbar traction

Traction Dosage and Decision-Making Box 7•3 Variables at Practitioner’s

Discretion in Delivery of
The variables in lumbar traction tension are similar Lumbar Traction
to those described previously for the cervical spine.
• Supine or prone position
Additionally, the practitioner must determine whether • Positioning of lower extremities that influences lumbar spine
supine or prone positioning is preferable. Positioning of alignment
the lower extremities may also be a consideration • Static or intermittent
• Angle of application
because this influences the alignment of the lumbar • Dosage
spine during traction. Collectively, total duration, cycle • Amount of tension
• Duration of traction
time, and amount of tension can be considered the • Cycle
traction dosage. Values are usually set conservatively to • Total cycle duration
establish patient tolerance, particularly with conditions • Proportion of time of maximum vs. minimum tension
judged to be highly irritable or acute. Use of tension up • Inclusion of ascending or descending steps at initiation or
to approximately one-half of the patient’s body weight
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if they have a question and do not need to immediately subgroup designation. The presence of symptoms distal
terminate the traction treatment. to the knee, particularly when worsened with extension
The patient and practitioner must communi-
movements, along with a crossed straight-leg raise and
cate about expectations and anticipated responses neurological deficits, were cited in one study as possible
from traction to ensure no harm is done and the indicators for traction.31 Many clinicians will consider
experience for the patient is favorable. traction for patients with lumbar spine syndromes when
peripheral symptoms, including radicular signs, are not
Patients must understand that they should alert the reduced by movement or position testing in a manner sim-
practitioner if there are any undesirable responses dur- ilar to that initially proposed by Delitto et al.28
ing treatment. Questions should be asked and answered Additionally, the reduction of symptoms with manually
before a patient’s first traction experience. The practi- applied traction may be another criterion used in decision-
tioner must ensure the patient understands that trac- making, although this has yet to be validated (Fig. 7-31).
tion should be a comfortable experience, rather than Similarly, a recently published impairment-based
one to be endured for later benefit. If the patient’s classification system for neck pain27 cites traction as a
symptoms worsen, particularly if they are referred or preferred intervention for those patients presenting
radicular in nature, the patient should contact the prac- with radiating upper extremity symptoms. Evidence for
titioner or other clinical staff immediately. Similarly, this designation includes provocation of upper extrem-
the practitioner or other clinical staff must frequently ity symptoms with foraminal compression, such as
assess the patient’s comfort and response during the Spurling’s maneuver (Fig. 7-32); reduction of those
traction session. Patients with highly acute or irritable symptoms with manual traction (Fig. 7-33); and possi-
conditions require meticulous observation to ensure ble accompaniment of neurological involvement with
they are not having an adverse response to the traction. upper extremity sensory, motor, and reflex deficits.
When a lumbar traction session has ended, it is Most recently, a clinical prediction rule for identifying
mandatory to secure the lock for the traction table seg- patients most likely to benefit from cervical traction has
ments immediately after releasing the tension. A sud- been proposed.32 The identifying characteristics included
den shift of the mobile portion of the table while the peripheralization of pain with lower cervical mobility
patient is on it or when rising from it can cause injury testing, a positive shoulder abduction test, age of
or negate the benefit of the traction. 55 or older, reduction of symptoms with manual
distraction, and a positive upper limb tension test. The
Indications for Traction
reported statistical support for this clinical prediction
There are no clearly established indications for using rule was very robust; however, validation of this clinical
traction to treat the cervical or lumbar spine for mechan- prediction rule remains to be completed.
ical pain syndromes. Historically, the trend has been to
use traction more prominently in the overall treatment
plan when patients present with signs and symptoms
consistent with radiculopathies. As classification schemes
for patients with cervical or lumbar spine syndromes
have evolved, some have included a subgroup of patients
for whom traction is a preferred or optional intervention.
The initial proposal of a treatment-based classification
for low back pain contained a subgroup of patients
for whom traction was suggested as the preferred inter-
vention.28 This categorization was largely based on
patients experiencing distal symptoms when they per-
formed movement in any direction. However, more
recent descriptions of the treatment-based classification Fig 7•31 Application of manual lumbar traction during
system29,30 have not as clearly identified a traction examination.
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188 Modalities

Contraindications for Traction

Before using traction on the spine, practitioners must
screen patients for conditions that may cause poor
responses or for which definitive contraindications
exist. Cervical traction is contraindicated in patients
with acute cervical spine trauma, particularly recent
whiplash-associated disorders. Connective tissue dis-
eases or rheumatologic disorders that can result in tis-
sue laxity or joint hypermobility/instability are specific
contraindications for the cervical spine. Foremost
among these is rheumatoid arthritis, which is often
characterized by asymptomatic subluxations of the
upper cervical spine.35–39 Ankylosing spondylitis,
although characterized by rigidity and ossification in
the lumbar and thoracic spine regions, may lead to
upper cervical instability and is also a specific con-
Fig 7•32 Spurling’s maneuver during examination.
Other diseases and disorders known to affect bone
integrity, such as osteoporosis and osteopenia, are also
contraindications for traction. Similarly, traction is
contraindicated in patients with histories of steroid
use or consumption of other medications that tend
to weaken or demineralize bone. Localized hypermo-
bility or instability in the region of interest is also a
Traction is also contraindicated in patients having
received surgical stabilization or decompression of the
spine or in patients having received spine implants or
prosthetic discs. The structural integrity of those
devices or the bone-implant material interface may be
threatened with the traction force.
Fig 7•33 Application of manual cervical traction during
examination. Patients having undergone cervical spine discectomy
often will have also received interbody fusions at the
involved segment and thus would be inappropriate
KEY POINT!Clearly and definitively delineating the cri- to receive traction. Traction may not be strictly con-
teria for who might respond most favorably to traction traindicated in a patient with a remote history of a
has yet to occur. In the absence of clear practice simple lumbar discectomy on a single level, but the
guidelines, practitioner discretion is the largest vari- practitioner should be careful when deciding which
able in traction usage. The evolution of evidence sup- treatment option is appropriate. Given the altered
porting manual therapy and exercise suggests those anatomy following discectomy, the practitioner must
interventions be considered as a concurrent first contemplate the proposed benefit from traction as
option, rather than traction for many patients with cer- opposed to other therapeutic options.
vical and lumbar spine clinical syndromes.27,33,34 For Because of multiple unknowns and the potential
patients who have success with those interventions, risks, lumbar traction during pregnancy is to be avoid-
traction should be considered a second-line or com- ed. Use of cervical traction during pregnancy may
plementary intervention. not be absolutely contraindicated, but consideration
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A 38-year-old male arrives at physical therapy with pri- 3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
mary complaints of left neck, periscapular, and arm use of traction?
pain. He also describes paresthesia distal to the left Answer: The immediate goal for this patient would
elbow, extending into the first and second digits. He is be to reduce the pain, which is theorized to be of
unable to identify a specific event precipitating these nerve root origin. Pain relief would allow the patient
symptoms but noted them gradually increasing the to resume restorative sleep and perhaps return to a
day after moving a household appliance 1 week ago. portion of his job duties. A reduction of pain will also
Upon questioning, he specifically denies any trauma enhance his ability to complete the therapeutic
to his cervical spine. His occupation is manager of exercise and other active interventions planned for
several multiunit apartment buildings. He reports an home and in subsequent clinical visits.
inability to complete both the more physically
4. What specific type of traction is appropriate for the
demanding aspects of his job as well as the desk and
computer-based responsibilities.
Answer: The evidence is limited, but intermittent
Upon clinical examination, cervical active ROM is
traction at the angle of cervical flexion offering the
observed to be severely pain-limited in all planes, par-
lowest level of peripheral symptoms is a reasonable
ticularly with extension, left rotation, and left lateral flex-
starting point from which to begin a trial of traction.
ion. His upper extremity reflexes are 2+, except for the
This may be adjusted during the course of traction
left biceps, which are at 1+. Muscle testing across the
and after the first treatment, based on his response.
upper extremities yields grades of 5/5 on the right. Left
upper extremity muscle tests are all pain-limited to 5. What specific parameters of traction would be
4+/5, except for the left biceps 4/5. Grip strength on appropriate for the patient?
his dominant right side is 105 pounds and the left is Answer: The apparent level of acuity and irritability of
27 pounds. Light touch sensory ability is diminished at his condition demands caution with the initial trial of
the pad of the left second digit. Spurling’s maneuver on mechanical traction. Traction dosage on the first
the right is negative but on the left elicits an increase of day should be modest. As such, a reasonable trial
distal paresthesia. Manually applied traction reduces with intermittent traction may be cycling between
the left periscapular and proximal arm pain. Left upper 12 and 6 pounds for 30 and 10 seconds, respec-
limb tension testing is highly provocative of symptoms tively. The initial total treatment time may be as little
in the arm and forearm with full positioning limited to as 10 minutes. These variables, however, are sub-
30° of full extension during the test. ject to adjustment during the course of the traction
session. Given his level of pain and inability to par-
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING ticipate in daily demands, a follow-up visit the next
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be day may be warranted.
improved with the use of traction?
Answer: Although specific indications for traction 6. What are the effective and safe application proce-
remain unclear, the examination findings are note- dures for traction related to this patient?
worthy. Given that manual traction reduced his Answer: A dramatic improvement with one session of
symptoms, adding it to his treatment regimen may traction is unrealistic. Perhaps the first objective is to
be warranted, particularly since no other position or establish his tolerance to the chosen intervention. It
measure has offered pain relief over the past week. is imperative to assess the patient’s status during
and immediately following the first session of trac-
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of traction? tion. An increase of symptoms peripherally is to be
Do any of the general precautions or contraindications specifically avoided. If this occurs during the traction,
to traction apply, or are there any specific considera- the treatment should stop immediately. His response
tions regarding application of traction to this patient? for the next several hours following traction will be, in
Answer: The patient denies any medical history that part, basis for determining the direction of his care at
would contraindicate the use of traction. The exam- his next visit. A cumulative effect of pain reduction
ination findings and his history since the onset sug- with subsequent applications is expected. Failure for
gest his condition to be highly acute and irritable. this to occur indicates the need for medical consul-
The presence of multiple indications of peripheral tation and diagnostic imaging, particularly if the neu-
neurological deficit requires close observation and rological deficits persist.
careful decision-making.
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190 Modalities


A 46-year-old male arrives at physical therapy with pri- caution will be required. The specific traction
mary complaints of right low back, buttock, thigh, and dosage on the first attempt will be modest to
calf pain of 2 weeks’ duration. He describes the onset assess his tolerance, and he will require close
of these symptoms subsequent to lifting a spool of supervision during traction. Additionally, he will
wire into a truck at his construction job. He reports dif- require close observation in the period immediately
ficulty with maintaining any position for greater than following traction and before he leaves the clinic to
30 minutes duration, particularly sitting. He specifically assess his response for future treatments.
denies any change in bowel or bladder function since
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
the onset of these symptoms.
use of traction?
Upon examination, pain grossly limits his lumbar
Answer: With conditions suggesting radicular pain, a
ranges of motion in all planes with provocation of dis-
reduction of peripheral symptoms is usually an early
tal symptoms at the end of the available range in each
objective. If these symptoms can be decreased,
direction. Side-gliding of his lumbar spine is severely
he will become a candidate for other interventions
limited with distal symptoms in the left and a firm bar-
not currently tolerated, which may accelerate his
rier to the right. He is intolerant of testing the S1 motor
progress. These would include manual therapy,
distribution in standing on the right because of pain. In
self-mobilization exercise, and higher demand exer-
supine, muscle testing across the lower extremities is
cise consistent with his functional demands at work.
particularly remarkable for ankle eversion on the right at
4/5 with no other deficits observed. Muscle stretch 4. What specific type of traction is appropriate for the
reflexes are 2+, except the right ankle 1+. Straight leg patient?
raising on the right causes distal symptoms at 30° and Answer: With his most comfortable position being
is negative on the left. Decreased light touch sensation supine with his hips and knees flexed, the initial trial
is noted for the great toe of his right foot. Attempts at would logically incorporate that positioning.
repeated movement testing of the lumbar spine and He gained relief with the manually applied traction
eliminating the block to right side-gliding result only in as his hips were flexed approximately 45° and his
an increase of the lower extremity symptoms. Upon knees flexed approximately 90°. Thus, replicating
the application of manual lumbar traction, he reports a that position for the first attempt would be logical
modest reduction of his back and lower extremity and could be accomplished with a bolster under his
symptoms. knees. There is no evidence to support either static
or intermittent traction being superior overall or with
subgroups of particular clinical presentations. With
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be
any sustained mechanical stresses apparently
improved with the use of traction?
being poorly tolerated, the preferred initial arrange-
Answer: At the time of this examination, manually
ment is intermittent traction.
applied traction is the only procedure that reduces
the patient’s symptoms, particularly those in his 5. What specific parameters of traction would be
lower extremity. All of the other attempts to central- appropriate for the patient?
ize or reduce his pain worsen his symptoms. His Answer: Given the acuity and apparent irritability
outcome is difficult to project given the acuity and of his condition, the initial trial of traction will require
apparent irritability of his condition accompanying caution. The initial treatment, to assess his
neurological deficits that suggest radiculopathy. response and attempt to establish a tolerance level,
Based on the examination findings, however, a trial will be at 25% of his body weight and for a shorter
of traction to assess his response is the best option than usual period of 10 minutes. With his body
to start his process of recovery. weight at 200 pounds, the traction unit will be set at
50 pounds at the maximum tension and 25 pounds
2. Is the patient appropriate for traction? Do any of the
for the minimum tension. The time settings will be
general precautions or contraindications to traction
programmed for 10 total minutes with 30 seconds
apply, or are there any specific considerations
at maximum tension and 10 seconds at the mini-
regarding application of traction to this patient?
mum tension. Because of his condition’s acuity
Answer: Upon review of his history and overall health
and apparent irritability, two progressive and two
status, there are no indications that traction is inap-
regressive steps are also being programmed into
propriate to use in his treatment. Given the severity
the traction control unit.
of his condition and apparent nerve root involvement,
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Spinal Traction 191

CASE STUDY 7-2 cont. from p. 190

6. What are the effective and safe application proce- lumbar extension orientation. Exercises to activate
dures for traction related to this case example? the musculature supporting the lumbopelvic com-
Answer: Using traction with this patient is only the plex will also be incorporated early in his rehabilita-
first step into what will evolve into a multimodal tion and progressed according to his tolerance and
treatment approach. Provided he responds favor- the quality of his recruitment patterns. He may also
ably to the traction on the first visit, the traction become a candidate to receive manual therapy at
parameters will be progressed at the time of his some point in his treatment. As his distal symptoms
second visit and perhaps subsequent visits to diminish, traction would likely be discontinued. The
greater amounts of tension and longer duration. If overarching concept is that traction in this patient’s
symptoms are reduced, his response to repeated care is an early treatment to reduce pain and facili-
movements will be reassessed with the objective of tate an increased tolerance to other interventions.
advancing his self-treatment regimen to include
self-mobilization procedures, most likely in a

must be given to hormonal influences potentially harnesses and confined on the table may precipitate
affecting tissue laxity. anxiety that will not allow the patient to participate in
If the patient reports pain in the spine that cannot be traction. Similarly, if the traction table is located in a
determined in the initial examination to be of mechan- small room in the clinic, the effect may be magnified.
ical origin, the practitioner should suspect potentially For this reason, many practitioners prefer to place their
serious pathology. The inability to find movements or traction tables in a curtained area within an open part
positions that relieve pain may be indicative of a serious of the clinic. With some patients, the curtain partition,
health condition beyond the scope of physical therapy. perhaps even partly opened, allows enough relaxation
As such, further medical consultation or additional for the treatment to be well tolerated.
diagnostic testing may be warranted rather that using Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
traction as a treatment. Similarly, patients who report (COPD) or other respiratory disorders may also find
histories of cancer should have a thorough diagnostic the harnesses uncomfortable and may be compromised
evaluation, including imaging, before receiving traction by the supine position. Being able to secure the har-
(Box 7-4). nesses adequately while permitting the patient to relax
and breathe comfortably may be difficult. In some
Precautions patients, traction may not be appropriate due to their
Individuals with claustrophobia may not be well suited distress.
to receive mechanical traction, particularly for the
lumbar spine. The sensation of being enclosed in the Home Traction
An outgrowth of the benefit and sometimes transient
Box 7•4 Contraindications for symptom relief of clinical traction is the availability of
Mechanical Traction a variety of home traction units. These units are often
• Acute cervical trauma, including whiplash-associated disorders available over the counter or from some retail outlets.
• Osteoporosis or osteopenia Other more sophisticated traction devices are available
• Use of steroids or other medications that tend to weaken bone
• Rheumatologic disorders affecting connective tissue, including only through health-care providers or upon prescrip-
rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis tion from a physician.
• Joint hypermobility/instability
• Pregnancy (lumbar traction)
• Prior surgical stabilization or decompression
Cervical Spine
• Spinal implants/prosthetic discs Recently, portable equipment closely replicating clini-
• Nonmechanical pain
cal models have become available (Fig. 7-34). These
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192 Modalities

devices usually have an occipital harness capable of Lumbar Spine

gliding on a small, stable frame. The traction is provid-
Home lumbar traction units were largely impractical
ed by a manually operated pneumatic pump that
and of questionable effectiveness until recently, when
includes a gauge for quantifying tension. The patient
the design features successful in home cervical spine
lies supine and is positioned in the harness similar to
traction units were incorporated into lumbar spine
the larger clinical models. Some home models have
units. A similar pneumatic pumping device is used to
adjustable harnesses, where the patient can turn a knob
separate two surfaces on which the patient can lie,
to adjust the pads. Other models have self-adjusting
secured by harnesses (Fig. 7-35). The traction tension is
pads that seat against the occiput once traction is initi-
often considerably less than that produced by clinical
ated. The patient achieves the traction effect by activat-
models, but it may be sufficient to have a modest effect
ing the manual pump, causing the harness to glide
or complement clinical traction. These units are usually
along the frame away from the base. An intermittent
compact and are self-contained in a carrying case.
mechanical traction effect can be achieved by cycling
Patients with high levels of pain may have difficulty
the pressure up to a designated amount (usually repli-
administering home lumbar traction without assistance.
cating the amount found beneficial during clinical
Positioning on the floor is required; thus, the associated
treatment), sustaining that pressure for a time interval
mobility demands and the need to self-tighten the har-
(e.g., 1 minute), then releasing the pressure by a valve
nesses may prove difficult for someone with significant
on the pump. Multiple cycles of this sequence can be
pain-limiting impairments. Lifting and carrying the
completed. Manipulating the variables for home trac-
home lumbar traction unit may offer a similar challenge.
tion on one of these models can closely simulate that
Most of the pneumatic traction units, whether for
achieved on clinical traction tables.
the cervical or lumbar spine, have safety valves to pre-
Perhaps the simplest and least expensive apparatus,
vent potentially injurious tension levels.
improvised many decades ago, is still available for cer-
The usual intent of providing patients with home
vical spine traction. A water-weighted bag attached to a
traction units is to enhance the effect achieved clinical-
cord that courses over a pulley that provides tension to
ly and empower the patient toward recovery. Once
a harness worn on the head can provide a modest trac-
a beneficial dosage is identified in the clinical setting,
tion effect for the cervical spine. These devices, used
tension amounts and durations for home treatment
while sitting, must first overcome the weight of the
usually approximate those used on the automated
head to apply traction to the neck. Additionally, there
equipment. Alternately, individuals may attempt self-
is the risk that pressure through the mandible can cause
treatment at their own discretion or possibly by their
or exacerbate temporomandibular joint dysfunction.
physician’s choice without clinical supervision.
Use of one of these models to achieve intermittent trac-
The practitioner should guide the patient carefully
tion is not easily accomplished, and static traction may
through the process of home traction, completing the
be more practically completed, particularly if the
patient is unassisted during the home traction session.

Fig 7•34 Home cervical traction unit. Fig 7•35 Home lumbar traction unit.
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Spinal Traction 193

steps with the home unit while still under clinical Other studies use traction as the sole intervention,25,43
supervision. Patient education to avoid causing injury which does not replicate the generally accepted standard
with a home unit is important. Instructions detailing of care. In routine clinical practice, patients receiving
traction dosage and frequency should be provided to traction will frequently have complementary interven-
the patient. In addition, instruct patients to take par- tions, such as manual therapy, exercises for key muscle
ticular safety measures, such as using a timer with an recruitment and strengthening, and neural mobiliza-
alarm to avoid falling asleep in the traction unit. tion.23,27,48–50 However, using multiple interventions
Prolonged single-session use from patients falling makes it different to separate the effects of each inter-
asleep during home traction has been known to signif- vention, including traction. To get strong evidence in a
icantly exacerbate pain. To minimize the risk of pain study, the preferred study design is to isolate the inde-
worsening from home traction unit use, practitioners pendent variable of interest. The interaction between
must require patients to verbalize their understanding interventions or synergistic effects of various treat-
and demonstrate appropriate use of home traction ments, however, may not be appreciated in the results
before they initiate self-treatment. Similarly, specific of such study designs.
questioning of the response to home traction and any Perhaps the most frequent methodological issue is
necessary problem-solving are essential in subsequent the heterogeneity of groups receiving traction.
visits. Practitioners have long sought to delineate particular
Home units are usually purchased, although some patient characteristics that would predict those
medical equipment providers will allow rental. The responding best to traction. Despite robust design,
simple water bag home cervical traction units are many studies have combined patients with various clin-
available for as little as $20. Currently, the more sophis- ical presentations in the groups being com-
ticated pneumatic versions emulating clinical models pared.24,43–46,51–53 Thus, potential benefit in subsets of
are approximately $400 to $500. The pneumatic lum- patients with neck or back pain syndromes receiving
bar home traction models are approximately $450 to traction may not be recognized. The effort to identify
$600. Because of this, home traction should not be rec- patients most likely to benefit from traction has been a
ommended for patients unless clear benefit is demon- clear direction in recent research.
strated from clinical use and several sessions are antici- Auto-traction is a form of patient-powered traction
pated for maximum benefit. similar to passive traction that has been used as the
variable of interest in several studies.44,53 Given the
Patient Outcome Evidence well-documented activation of spinal-supporting mus-
culature with simple limb movements and more com-
Despite traction having been a widely used intervention plex motor patterns,54–62 self-traction may be com-
for neck and back pain for decades, strong evidentiary pletely ineffective in achieving distraction of spinal
support for its use is lacking. The many studies evaluating structures. In a previously mentioned study,16 activa-
traction are methodologically deficient and may not offer tion of the patient’s musculature when performing self-
meaningful results. Additionally, many of the studies pos- traction easily precluded any distractive effects on the
sessing the best research design do not correlate well to spine. Further, intradiscal pressures have been observed
routine clinical practice. Thus, the ability to generalize the to increase during self-traction attempts.16,17 Thus,
results in patient care scenarios may be limited. considering auto-traction to be equivalent to passive
Multiple studies have used simulated traction or traction within this review of evidence is probably
traction at presumably ineffective levels of tension for inappropriate.
comparisons against traction at greater and potentially A small number of clinical trials, representative of
therapeutic levels of tension.24,43–47 While such meth- clinical practice, yield conflicting results.46,63 Case
ods allow allocation concealment to a greater degree, series have been published suggesting value in traction,
the actual differences in interventions between the particularly in patients presenting with signs and symp-
groups may be minimized. toms consistent with radiculopathies.23,48,49 However,
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194 Modalities

the absence of control, or comparison, groups limits the spine, while the patient lies supine on a tablelike device
ability to assess the effect of traction as the key variable. with a motorized unit (Fig. 7-36). According to the
The outcomes of patients receiving traction cannot be U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), spinal
easily differentiated from those patients receiving alter- decompression is described differently than traction
native interventions or from the natural history of the largely because of a technicality. In the application
disorders. process for equipment approval, manufacturers must
Recently published systematic reviews and suggested label the equipment according to its presumed effects.
practice guidelines64–66 have concluded there is mini- Spinal decompression is labeled separately from trac-
mal evidence for the use of traction in the treatment of tion on 510(k) applications to the FDA for marketing
neck and back pain. These conclusions, however, must medical devices. Also, decompression has been granted
be considered within the context of the inadequacy of a Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code apart
the research and are generalized for populations, not from traction. These technical differences allow mar-
particular individuals who may respond favorably to keters to distinguish decompression from traction in
the use of traction. media campaigns.
Sound clinical reasoning and problem-
KEY POINT! Advocates of decompression claim physiological and
solving, based on individual patient factors, remain biomechanical effects greater than traction, particularly
incumbent on the practitioner in the application and on the intervertebral disc. Decreased or negative levels
assessment of mechanical traction in a multimodal of intradiscal pressure have been measured in vivo dur-
approach for the treatment of spinal pain syndromes. ing decompression.67 Three case series suggested note-
worthy improvement levels in patients receiving
The cumulative evidence for benefit from cervical decompression and are frequently the sources of statis-
spine traction in mechanical neck pain syndromes is tics used in marketing campaigns.68–70 A systematic
moderately greater than that for the lumbar spine. review of the clinical trials using decompression reveals
While evidence-based practice and clinical guidelines that six of the seven studies report no difference in out-
can guide practitioners in the clinical reasoning process comes with spinal decompression; one investigation
of patient care, this does not minimize the importance reported less pain but no change in disability of the
of personal experience and clinical judgment. subjects.71 Additionally, a preponderance of the studies
Documentation Tips
For documentation of traction treatment, describing
the variables as listed in Box 7-2 and Box 7-3 is
appropriate. Additionally, describing the patient’s
responses to traction during the treatment session
and immediately afterward while still under observa-
tion is recommended.

Clinical Controversies
Spinal Decompression
Spinal decompression has been marketed intensely in
recent years as a new method of addressing back and
neck pain while yielding remarkable results. Popular
media advertising through radio, newspaper, and
Internet sites have often been used to promote decom-
pression as a “novel approach” in the treatment of spinal
disorders. Spinal decompression is performed on equip-
ment that imparts cyclical longitudinal force on the Fig 7•36 Lumbar spinal decompression unit.
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Spinal Traction 195

evaluating spinal decompression has been of relatively are an issue, particularly when these devices are used
poor quality. without assistance.
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chapter 8
Intermittent Pneumatic
Ellen Lowe, PT, MHS | James W. Bellew, PT, EdD

Physical Principles
PHYSICAL PRINCIPLES Compression is the application of external mechan-
INDICATIONS FOR INTERMITTENT PNEUMATIC COMPRESSION ical pressure to the body for therapeutic purpose. It
Edema has been used in rehabilitation for years and for a
Traumatic Edema
variety of reasons. The Guide to Physical Therapist
Venous Stasis Ulcers
Stump Reduction in Amputated Limbs
Practice1 cites intermittent pneumatic compression
Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis (IPC) as an appropriate intervention for a variety of
Wound Healing practice patterns.
Arterial Insufficiency Intermittent pneumatic compression is most com-
Lymphedema monly used to control or minimize edema, but it also
CONTRAINDICATIONS has a variety of other applications. These include reduc-
Acute Pulmonary Edema ing lymphedema, improving venous circulation, heal-
Congestive Heart Failure
ing stasis ulcers, reducing orthostatic hypotension,
Recent or Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis
Acute Fracture
healing wounds, and preventing thrombophlebitis. It
Acute Local Dermatological Infections can also help reduce contractures and control hyper-
Uncontrolled Hypertension trophic scarring. Studies have shown that intermittent
GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION OF THE UNIT pneumatic compression can produce hemodynamic
Equipment alterations in venous flow and systemic circulation.2–15
Clinical Parameters Changes in central venous pressure, pulmonary pres-
Preparation for IPC Treatments sure, and pulse pressure have been noted as a result of
Treatment Application Guidelines
the application of intermittent pneumatic compression.
Possible Complications of Treatment
Tissue compression can increase the pressure of the
fluid in the interstitial spaces to a higher pressure than
that in the blood or lymph vessels. This change in pres-
sure gradient allows the fluid to flow out of the intersti-
tial tissues and back into the venous and lymphatic
vessels for drainage.

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200 Modalities

Indications for Intermittent only when the patient has passed the acute stage and is
in the subacute or chronic stage of healing. Premature
Pneumatic Compression
application of IPC can result in increased bleeding.
Edema KEY POINT! IPC for edema secondary to trauma should
Edema is a local or generalized condition in which the not be applied during the acute stage of healing. IPC
body tissues contain an excessive amount of fluid. It is indicated for the post-acute and chronic stages of
may result from increased permeability of the capillary healing.
walls, increased capillary pressure due to venous
obstruction or heart failure, lymphatic obstruction, dis- Venous Stasis Ulcers
turbances in renal functioning, reduction of plasma Venous stasis ulcers are areas of tissue breakdown and
proteins, inflammatory conditions, fluid and electrolyte necrosis that can occur when venous circulation is
disturbances, or any condition that causes increased impaired. Roughly 1% of the people in industrialized
pressure in the blood or lymph vessels or decreased countries will suffer from a venous stasis ulcer at
pressure in the interstitial tissues. some time. Studies have shown that IPC can be ben-
Edema occurs when the venous or lymphatic vessels eficial in healing this condition.18–21 IPC devices
are impaired. Patients undergoing rehabilitation fre- mechanically increase venous return and are shown to
quently experience this complication. It can produce a stimulate fibrinolysis and increase skin perfusion
variety of problematic effects on patient recovery, such pressure, which may assist tissue oxygenation and
as occupying joint space and decreasing range of promote healing.
motion (ROM). Edema located near a nerve can pro-
duce pain. Edema also decreases the effectiveness of the Stump Reduction in Amputated Limbs
lymphatic drainage system, making a patient more The distal portion of the stump of amputated limbs
prone to infection. If edema cuts off the blood flow to tends to swell following surgery, especially when in a
tissues, as in the case of compartment syndrome, it can gravity-dependent position. This edema can inhibit
lead to necrosis. Therefore, it is important to treat stump healing and delay fitting for a prosthesis. IPC
edema as aggressively as possible to minimize its delete- helps to decrease edema and healing time.
rious effects. Intermittent pneumatic compression is
one modality frequently employed to do this.14–16 Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis
KEY POINT! Inflammation is the body’s initial response Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) can be a serious compli-
to injury or harmful stimuli. It is mediated by histamine cation of immobilization following surgery or pro-
release with an increase in capillary permeability and longed illness. If circulation is poor, the blood may
movement of plasma and leukocytes from the blood move slowly enough to allow coagulation and the for-
volume into the interstitial space. Increased inflamma- mation of a thrombus. The use of IPC has been shown
tory fluid in the interstitial space causes swelling, to reduce the incidence of DVT formation in postoper-
which when accumulated is termed edema. Edema is ative and immobilized patients.5,22–27 IPC assists blood
clinically apparent when there is approximately a 30% flow into deeper vessels and the femoral veins. Venous
increase above the normal fluid volume in the intersti- distension decreases, and the chance of DVT formation
tial space. Thus, edema is an abnormal accumulation is lowered. It should be noted that the use of IPC is a
of fluid in the interstitial spaces. Edema is termed sub- preventive measure. After the presence of DVT is sus-
acute when it persists beyond 2 weeks and chronic pected or confirmed, IPC is contraindicated.
when it persists beyond 3 months after an injury.
Wound Healing
IPC may lead to a more favorable environment for
Traumatic Edema wound healing by promoting small vessel circula-
Trauma is a common cause of edema. When IPC is tion, reducing edema, and oxygenating ischemic
used to reduce traumatic edema,17 it should be done tissue.2,4,6–8,28–31
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Intermittent Pneumatic Compression 201

Arterial Insufficiency from backing up into the lungs. These conditions cause
shortness of breath (dyspnea), fatigue, weakness, and
IPC can augment arterial flow and microcirculation
swelling (edema) of the legs and sometimes the
by contributing to an arteriovenous (A-V) pressure
abdomen. As with acute pulmonary edema, application
of IPC can increase stress on the heart and lungs.
Lymphedema Recent or Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis
Lymphedema can occur when lymph flow is impeded
Deep vein thrombosis refers to the formation of a throm-
or when lymphatic vessels are impaired. If lymphatic
bus (blood clot) within a deep vein, commonly in the
fluid exceeds transport capacity of the lymphatic sys-
thigh or calf. The blood clot can either partially or com-
tem, lymph fluid accumulates in the interstitial tis-
pletely block the flow of blood in the vein. Due to the
sues. This fluid causes tissue channels to increase in
increased venous flow and the intermittent forces
size and number, reduces oxygen to tissues, interferes
applied by IPC, applying IPC to an area with DVT can
with wound healing, and promotes infection. IPC
cause the thrombus to dislodge from a vein wall, travel
has been shown to be effective in decreasing lym-
to the heart or lung, and block an artery.
phedema and increasing fluid movement through the
lymph system; however, protein absorption is not Uncontrolled Hypertension
Compression may elevate blood pressure and increase
The use of IPC for lymphedema, especially in
vascular load to the heart.
patients who have undergone a mastectomy, does have
its opponents.4,33,44 Some feel that scar tissue and KEY POINT!Pharmacologically controlled hypertension
blockage present from surgery or radiation impede the should be considered a precaution to IPC therapy.
flow of lymphatic fluid, and the increased volume of Monitoring blood pressure during and after compres-
fluid driven back into the lymph system can encourage sion therapy is recommended to observe the hemo-
swelling at the site of the injured nodes and cause dynamic response to compression.
trauma to the already damaged tissues.
Acute Fracture
Contraindications In the cases of acute and unstable bone fracture,
changes in pressure could cause movement and delay
Acute Pulmonary Edema healing.
Pulmonary edema refers to the buildup of fluid in the Acute Local Dermatological Infections
lungs caused by back pressure in the lung veins. It is a
Contact with the stockinette or the IPC sleeve as well
complication of several disorders of the heart, including
as perspiration can cause spread of infection.
heart attack and heart valve disease. It can also occur
as a result of exposure to high altitude. As pressure in
the pulmonary veins increases, fluid is forced out of the General Description and
veins and into the air spaces of the lungs (called the Operation of the Unit
alveoli). This affects the lungs’ ability to exchange oxy-
gen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli. Application of Equipment
IPC can return interstitial edema back to the venous Intermittent pneumatic compression is applied using a
circulation—increasing the stress on the heart and device that includes the control box and pump, the
lungs, which are already compromised. hose(s), and the compression sleeve (Figs. 8-1 and 8-2).
The control box varies in equipment. In some models,
Congestive Heart Failure the operator can control the parameters of on:off time
Congestive heart failure, or heart failure, refers to any as well as pressure; in other models, the on:off time is
condition in which the heart is unable to adequately preset. The hoses attach from the control/pump to the
pump blood throughout the body or to prevent blood limb compression sleeve. In single-chamber pumps,
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202 Modalities

there is usually only one hose. The multichamber that the multichamber device using a sequential pat-
pumps have multiple hoses, usually three. They are fre- tern is more effective than the single-chamber
quently color-coded with the controls and the sleeve to device.20,45
ensure proper sequencing of the inflation. A variety of
KEY POINT!Wraps, such as short or long stretch wraps;
sizes of compression sleeves are available. Selection is
gradient compressive stockings, such as JOBST
made by choosing the sleeve whose size most closely
stockings; and certain taping techniques represent
corresponds to the size of the area being treated.
additional forms of compression (Fig. 8-3).
Intermittent pneumatic compression can be applied
using equipment with either a single chamber or mul- Clinical Parameters
tiple chambers. Multichamber pumps inflate chambers
One of the most difficult aspects of applying IPC is the
sequentially, beginning in the distal portion of the
lack of established parameters for treatment.46 This lack
sleeve and then moving proximally. It is believed that
of protocol has contributed to a disparity in outcomes
this sequencing serves to move the fluid proximally
in research literature.
and out of the affected limb. It is frequently reported
The clinical parameters of IPC that can be adjusted
include inflation pressure, on:off time, and total treat-
ment time. As stated earlier, there is little agreement in
the literature as to optimal settings for application. Most
IPC devices are supplied with manufacturer’s guidelines
that usually contain a wide range of options for safe
application. Additionally, many facilities have policies
and procedures that address guidelines for applying IPC.
Inflation pressure is the maximum pressure reached
during the period of inflation. It is generally accepted
that inflation pressure should not exceed diastolic blood
pressure minus 10 mm Hg. Pressures above this limit
are believed to have the potential to collapse blood ves-
sels. It should be noted that 10 mm Hg below diastolic
blood pressure is a maximum, not necessarily the rec-
ommended pressure. In patients with hypertension, the
Fig 8•1 Multi- and single-chamber sleeves for applica-
tion of IPC. “10 mm Hg below diastolic pressure” number might
well exceed recommended pressures.

Fig 8•3 Low stretch and elastic bandages are common

Fig 8•2 IPC pump. clinical forms of compression.
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Intermittent Pneumatic Compression 203

A recent study by Segers et al.47 found significant up to 4 hours. (See Tables 8-1 and 8-2 for treatment
discrepancies between the target pressure indicated by guidelines provided by two of the major manufacturers
the controller on the ICP device and the pressure meas- of IPC units for clinical application of IPC.)
ured inside the cuff chambers. Actual pressure in the
Exercise and the repetitive activation of
most distal chamber was up to 80% higher than that
skeletal muscle act as a pump mechanism for the
indicated by the controller. These authors recommend
venous system. The deep veins of the legs, which are
that IPC devices be used at much lower target pressures
contained within the calf muscle fascia, are depend-
(less than 30 mm Hg) than those applied in clinical
ent upon this mechanism. Low stretch bandages
assist the musculoskeletal pump by causing an
Arterial capillary pressure is generally about 30 mm Hg,
increased pressure against the veins because the
so any pressure above that amount should be useful in
bandages do not yield to the muscle movement.
assisting an arteriovenous (AV) pressure gradient and
encouraging the absorption of edema. Nicolaides et
al.20 found that pressure higher than 35 mm Hg did Preparation for IPC Treatments
not increase venous peak flow of the limbs. Patients will need to remain in one position for the
On:off time sequence refers to the ratio of time that duration of the treatment, so they must be positioned
the machine is inflated and the time the machine is comfortably with maximum access to their environ-
deflated. In some machines, this parameter is preset. ment. Positioning to allow reading, viewing television,
Recommendations in the literature for on:off times or even computer access will occupy patients during
vary significantly; however, patient comfort is the most treatment and help alleviate boredom. Patients should
important determining factor. empty their bladder prior to initiating treatment. Fluid
Total treatment time is the length of time (duration) returning to the circulation is filtered through the
the treatment device is applied. In clinical practice, this kidneys, and urinary urgency is not uncommon. Trips
is frequently a convenience-based time determined by to the restroom can result in delay or interruption of
availability of equipment and space. Total treatment the treatment.
time is usually between 45 minutes and 1 hour. A treatment table with appropriate height and size to
Recommendations in the literature vary from 45 minutes accommodate the area being treated is essential. The

Table 8•1 Treatment Guidelines for IPC Recommended by the Jobst Institute
Indications Pressure (mm Hg) Recommended Treatment Periods Inflation Time (On) Deflation Time (Off)
Postmastectomy lymphedema 30–50 Two treatments per day for 3 hours 80–100 seconds 25–30 seconds
Edema of lower extremities 30–60 Two treatments per day for 3 hours 80–100 seconds 25–30 seconds
Peripheral edema and 85 One treatment period of 21/2 hours, 80–100 seconds 30 seconds
venous stasis ulceration three times per week
Stump reduction 30–60 Three treatment periods 40–60 seconds 10–15 seconds
per day for 4 hours
Hand edema 30–50 Two treatment periods a day Flexed position: Extended position:
of 30 minutes to 1 hour each 5–10 minutes 5–10 minutes

Table 8•2 Treatment Guidelines for IPC Recommended by Huntleigh

Indications Pressure (mm Hg) Minimum/Day Total
Venous ulcers 50 Two 2-hour periods As necessary (not less than 6 weeks)
Edema (venous) 40–80 Two 2-hour periods 4–8 weeks
Lymphatic edema 70–90 2 hours As necessary (not less than 6–8 weeks)
Traumatic edema 50 2 hours As necessary
Stump forming 20–50 1 hour 4–6 weeks
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204 Modalities

patient should feel that all body parts are supported and same examiner using the same measurement technique
will not slide off the edge of the table with minimal for each treatment session. Measurements are generally
movement or position shifting. Pillows, wedges, or taken every 10 cm from the landmark. The same land-
other supports should be used to keep the area being marks should be used before and after treatment and in
treated in a comfortable position and elevated above the subsequent treatments to allow for accurate assessment
level of the heart. An elevated position is an important of changes. Volumetric measurements may also be used.
adjunct to the compression and can encourage venous If there is an open wound in the treatment area, it
return (Fig. 8-4). should be covered with a dressing, such as a sterile
Treatment cuffs or sleeves come in a variety of sizes gauze pad or Telfa pad, and secured in place. The limb
and shapes. When selecting a cuff for a patient, use the to be treated should be clean and dry. The limb’s skin
smallest one that will provide adequate coverage to the sensation and the patient’s mentation must also be
treatment area. Apply a stockinette or a similar product assessed, because patients with impaired sensation or
to the limb to cover the area under the treatment cuff decreased awareness may not realize when there is too
to absorb perspiration. much pressure over a nerve or bony area or be able to
notify staff if there is a problem.
Treatment Application Guidelines Before applying the sleeve to the limb, a stockinette
First, review the patient’s history and check for any con- should be placed over the limb. Wrinkles in the stock-
dition that would contraindicate compression therapy. inette should be smoothed out because these can cause
All jewelry and clothing in the treatment area should be restriction and discomfort. After the sleeve is applied
removed. The entire limb should be exposed to allow over the stockinette, the hose to the pump and the
for a complete examination of the limb prior to apply- sleeve should be connected. In units with multiple
ing the compression sleeve. Measure and record the hoses, be sure that the hose is inserted into the proper
patient’s blood pressure to create a baseline for compar- location to ensure proper inflation sequence in units
ison during treatment and to establish a maximum with sequential chamber inflation. The hoses and
pressure guideline. Circumferential measurements of receptacles are frequently color-coded to avoid confu-
the limb must be determined and recorded prior to and sion. After the hoses are attached, set the appropriate
after each treatment session. These are most easily doc- parameters on the dials on the pump. The patient must
umented and compared if recorded in a chart or table be given a bell or call button to alert the practitioner
format. Select landmarks that can be easily located and during treatment if any discomfort or unusual sensa-
will not change as edema decreases. References to bony tions occur. Monitor the patient’s blood pressure during
landmarks are generally most easily reproducible. treatment, and modify or end treatment if there is a
Measurements are most accurate if performed by the significant change in pressure.
The treatment should be terminated while the limb
is still in an elevated position. To terminate treatment,
turn the pressure dial to the off or “0” position and turn
the power off. Disconnect the tubing from the machine
and treatment sleeve, and remove the treatment sleeve
from the patient. Remove the stockinette and assess the
skin for any pressure or reddened areas. Repeat the cir-
cumferential measurements and record. If indicated,
ROM or other exercises may be performed with the
extremity elevated, if possible. Following appropriate
exercise, application of a compression garment or
elastic compression wrap will help maintain the effects
of the treatment. The intervention session should be
Fig 8•4 IPC for lower extremity with leg in elevated position. clearly documented.
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Intermittent Pneumatic Compression 205

Following treatment, provide assistance as needed to demonstrate that it can decrease venous stasis and treat
help the patient to a standing position. Slight dizziness or venous ulcers—even longstanding, chronic ones—that
unsteadiness is not uncommon because of the circulatory had not healed with other treatment methods.18–21,50,51
changes that may occur with prolonged immobilization. It has also been shown to increase mobility and decrease
If these symptoms are prolonged or severe, another form pain following injury.17,49 The use of IPC has been
of treatment may need to be considered. Also instruct shown to reduce the incidence of DVT formation
the patient in an appropriate home treatment program in postoperative and immobilized patients.5,22–27
(see list of instructions in Box 8-1). Furthermore, patients generally expressed satisfaction
with pneumatic compression devices, and some studies
Possible Complications of Treatment reported higher compliance than with other compres-
● Swelling in other areas may occur as a result of sion methods.52
fluid returning to the circulation. This is often con- Although the effectiveness of intermittent pneumatic
trolled with elevation and gentle active exercise. compression has been demonstrated, there is a lack of
● Stiffness of joints within the treatment area research to document ideal treatment protocols.
sometimes occurs as a result of prolonged immo- Parameters vary widely among studies. Questions per-
bilization in one position. This generally resolves sist regarding the required treatment time, frequency,
quickly and is not a cause for concern unless it pressure, and on:off ratio. Time and frequency range
lasts longer than about 15 to 30 minutes. If stiff- from treatment five times per week for 45 minutes51 to
ness persists, try an alternative, better-supported daily treatment for 4 hours.53 Protocols regarding pres-
position. sure and on:off times are also lacking. Although man-
● Shortness of breath may indicate fluid overload ufacturers provide recommendations, they vary widely
in the lungs or pulmonary embolism. Monitor and fail to provide reliable data to support their recom-
shortness of breath closely and contact the physi- mendations. A prospective, randomized study to eval-
cian if this persists. uate these parameters has not been reported. Until
● Numbness or tingling in the distal extremity these studies are available, clinicians will need to use an
may indicate DVT or nerve irritation or nerve empirical approach to determine the protocols they
damage. Stop treatment and assess immediately if will use.
your patient complains of numbness or
tingling.48 Documentation Tips
The following should be documented with application
Intermittent Pneumatic of IPC, preferably in a table format for ease of compar-
Compression: Evidence ison of response to each treatment session:
● Blood pressure taken before, during, and after
of Effectiveness
each treatment session
● Circumferential measurements before and after
Considerable evidence to support the effectiveness of
IPC is found in the literature. IPC has been shown to treatment
● Limb sensation and mobility
improve lymph return and reduce edema.20,49 Studies
● Area treated

● Size and description of wound (if present)

● Position of patient during treatment

● Inflation pressure
Box 8•1 Post-IPC Treatment Instructions
● On:off ratio
After treatment, instruct your patient to do the following:
● Total treatment time
• Note return of edema (time, location, amount)
• Elevate the extremity as much as possible ● Response to treatment
• Apply compression (compressive wrap or garment)
• Engage in active movement as possible
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206 Modalities


Harold is a 61-year-old male with chronic venous 4. Do you have the specific type of intermittent
insufficiency. He presents to the clinic with swelling of pneumatic compression that is appropriate for the
both lower extremities and complaints of pain with the patient?
swelling. He has a history of hypertension that is con- Answer: A mechanical intermittent pneumatic
trolled by medication and painful osteoarthritis in both compression pump will be used.
hands. The patient’s blood pressure as recorded
5. What specific parameters of intermittent pneumatic
today is 140/75. Patient has been referred for reduc-
compression would be appropriate for the patient?
tion of edema.
Answer: For venous insufficiency of the lower
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be Pressure: 30 to 65 mm Hg (not to exceed diastolic
improved with the use of intermittent pneumatic BP minus 10 mm Hg). The distal pressure will be
compression? the greatest and set around 30 mm Hg, decreasing
Answer: Yes, the patient has venous insufficiency in the chambers moving proximally.
with bilateral swelling in the legs. On:off times: A 3:1 ratio. In this case, a 90-second
on time and a 30-second off time will be used.
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of IPC (i.e.,
Duration: 45 to 60 minutes per session
do any of the general precautions or contraindica-
Frequency: Two sessions per day
tions to IPC apply, or are there any specific consid-
erations regarding application of IPC to this 6. What are the proper (i.e., effective and safe) appli-
patient)? cation procedures for intermittent pneumatic com-
Answer: The patient has hypertension that is con- pression related to this case example?
trolled by medication. Nevertheless, as a precaution, Answer: Harold should be positioned supine with his
it is prudent that the maximal pressure not exceed legs elevated approximately 30°. Stockinette or an
10 mm Hg less than the diastolic pressure (i.e., not to IPC sleeve should be placed on the patient’s leg
exceed 65 mm Hg in this case). However, this is a prior to applying the compressive sleeves. Attach
maximal pressure and not necessarily the optimal the hoses, select the appropriate compression for
pressure to be used. A lesser maximal pressure is each chamber, and observe at least one cycle.
recommended for the initial applications. Monitor the patient’s blood pressure during and
after the application.
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
use of IPC?
Answer: Sequential intermittent compression reduces
edema by increasing circulation. It moves excessive
fluid from the tissues into the normal drainage pattern.

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chapter 9
of Electrotherapy
James W. Bellew, PT, EdD

Overview of Electrotherapy
OVERVIEW OF ELECTROTHERAPY Electrotherapy may seem challenging and difficult to
PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRICITY: MAKING THE PHYSICS MAKE SENSE comprehend. This chapter will set the foundations to
Charge make electrotherapy understandable and, more impor-
Polarity and the Electric Field
tantly, clinically useful. Although there are many uses of
Conductors and Insulators
electrotherapeutics across the many areas of rehabilita-
Current tion, there is but one shared purpose: stimulation to
Ohm’s Law: Resistance, Capacitance, and Impedance elicit or facilitate some desired therapeutic response.
CURRENTS AND WAVEFORMS Whether electrical stimulation (ES) is used to activate
The Basic Currents skeletal muscle for strengthening or improving volition-
Direct Current al movement, relaxing skeletal muscle to facilitate func-
Alternating Current tional activity, decreasing pain, improving circulation,
Pulsed Current
or facilitating tissue healing, all are based on the stimu-
PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE TO ELECTRICAL CURRENT lation of tissues via electric current.
Electrochemical effects
This chapter will delineate the steps to learning ES
Electrothermal Effects
Electrophysical Effects
in a way that will be user-friendly, trying to minimize
Response of Excitable Tissues to Stimulation confusion as you develop new terminology. This can be
Levels of Response to Electrical Stimulation likened to learning to drive a car; if you are taught to
THERAPEUTIC CURRENTS BY NAME: VARIATIONS OF THE BASIC drive in one brand of car, you are likely to be successful
CURRENTS if you use those same skills when driving a comparable
Russian Current vehicle; therefore, effectiveness is based on a competent
High-Volt Pulsed Current
knowledge and application of basics.
Interferential Current
Low-Intensity Direct Current (Microcurrent)
The overall purpose of this chapter is to address
Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Biphasic Pulsed Current the fundamental principles of electricity and electri-
cal charge that underlie the therapeutic effects for
which electricity is used. This chapter and the follow-
ing will present not only the “how,” but the “when,”
“why,” and “what” of electrotherapy. Chapters 11 and
12 present more specific applications of clinical

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210 Modalities

Principles of Electricity: ⫺ ⫺

Making The Physics

Make Sense
⫹ ⫹
⫹⫹ ⫹⫹
To discuss clinical applications of electrotherapy with-
out first addressing the fundamentals of electricity is ⫺ ⫺ ⫺ ⫺
like asking someone to play a game without telling
them how. Without some prior knowledge and under-
standing of the basic rules and strategy of the game, it force
may look like someone is playing the game, but the
outcome will eventually reveal the lack of knowledge.
So it is with clinical electrotherapy—without an under-
⫺ ⫺
standing of the fundamentals, clinical effectiveness is
less likely. A functional and useful understanding of
⫹ ⫹
electrotherapy must include and begin with the basics. ⫹⫹ ⫹⫹

Charge ⫺ ⫺
⫺ ⫺
Charge is the fundamental property of electromagnetic
force and serves as the underlying mechanism by which Fig 9•1 “Charge” is conferred by transfer of electrons.
living cells communicate with one another. Charge is Addition of electrons results in net negative charge,
obtained by the addition or removal of electrons and is whereas loss or removal results in net positive charge.
measured in coulombs (C) or microcoulombs (μC). A
net gain of electrons results in a negative charge, where-
Clinical Principles in Practice:
as a net loss of electrons results in a positive charge.1
Principles of Charge in the Clinic
Although atoms are composed of positive protons and
negative electrons, the concept of charge is specific to Clinical application of the fundamental properties of electrical
charge is seen during iontophoresis. A clinician chooses to treat
the net gain or loss of electrons (Fig. 9-1). An atom that a patient with dexamethasone sodium phosphate, a negatively
becomes positively charged does so by the loss of elec- charged anti-inflammatory drug that is delivered transcuta-
neously via electrical current (e.g., iontophoresis). Knowing that
trons, not by the addition of protons. A positively like charges repel, the practitioner attaches the negative end
charged body has lost electrons, whereas a negatively of a circuit to the electrode containing the drug. The force of
charged body has gained electrons. An atom that has electrical charge will “push” or repel the negatively charged
medicine away from the negative electrode and into the tissue
gained or lost an electron is termed an ion, and the requiring treatment.
process of changing the electrical state of an atom or
object is termed ionization.2
Four fundamental properties of electrical charge object. In a simple circuit, one electrode is the positive
explain how charge is used for therapeutic purposes: pole and one is the negative pole. The pole with net
1. There are two types of charge—positive and negativity is termed the cathode, and the pole with net
negative. positivity is the anode.1 A common household battery
2. Like charges repel while opposite attract. serves as a simple example of charge and polarity
3. Charge is neither created nor destroyed. (Fig. 9-2). One pole has a concentration of electrons
4. Charge can be transferred from one object to and the other has a deficiency.
another.2 Keeping in mind the second fundamental concept of
electricity—that like charges repel and opposite charges
Polarity and the Electric Field attract—the force created by the separation of charge
Charge is either negative or positive and is described by may be one of attraction, or repulsion and represents
polarity, with polarity referring to the net charge of the the electrical field. Magnets offer a good example of a
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Foundations of Electrotherapy 211

The force of attraction or repulsion created by an elec-
Deficiency of ⴚ ⴚ
electrons: ⴚ tric field represents potential energy. The greater the
net charge: ⫹ ⴚ ⴚ 10 force, the greater the potential energy. This force is
0 20
termed voltage and represents the driving force that
ⴚⴚ ⴚ ⴚⴚ ⴚⴚ moves electrons.1 The unit of electrical force is the volt
Excess of ⴚ ⴚⴚ
electrons: ⴚⴚ
ⴚ ⴚ ⴚⴚ ⴚⴚ (or millivolt).
net charge: ⫺
ⴚⴚ ⴚⴚ ⴚⴚ ⴚ Amp meter A voltage force is best explained when considering
ⴚ ⴚ the interaction of two magnets or two charged bodies
Fig 9•2 A common household battery. The separation
as one approaches the other. When a larger magnet or
of charge creates a concentration gradient. When charged body with a greater polarity or charge
connected, current flows between the poles. approaches another stationary magnet or charged
body with the same but smaller polarity or charge, the
force field exerted by the larger body on the smaller
force field. If the north pole of one magnet and the body increases as the distance between the two
north pole of another are slowly brought near each decreases. At some point, the repulsive force over-
other, the magnets begin to repel each other (Fig. 9-3). comes the inertia acting on the smaller body, and the
If you attempt to join the magnets, the resisting force is smaller body is repelled away from the larger. The
an example of a force field. The larger the magnets, the force of the electrical field that caused the smaller
larger and stronger the force field is. For the clinician in body to move is the voltage force. Voltage may also be
the “Clinical Principles in Practice” example earlier, too referred to as the electromotive force or electrical poten-
little charge may limit the amount of dexamethasone tial energy.1
delivered to the patient. And too much charge could
KEY POINT! Electricity produced by a power plant is
result in adverse effects.
delivered to homes miles away. This requires a con-
siderable amount of work. To deliver electricity over
this distance, a large amount of voltage is required.
This is why you often see warning signs reading
“High Voltage.”
⫺ ⫺ The change in electrical potential energy and the dis-
tance charges are moved represents the effects of a volt-
age force. Voltage can be thought of as the force that
pushes charge. Keeping with the fundamental principle
of electrical charge, voltages are created whenever oppo-
sitely charged particles are separated or when like charges
⫹ ⫹ are brought closer together. In terms of conventional
electricity for purposes of power, these charged particles
are the electrons that are moved within a powered
machine and wires. In our biological system, however,
voltage forces are created by the uneven distribution of
charged particles, resulting in regions that are more or
⫺ ⫹ less negative or positive to adjacent regions. In tissues,
these charged particles are ions, such as sodium (Na+),
potassium (K+), and chloride (Cl–).3 In conventional
Fig 9•3 Like charges are repelled away from each other.
Opposite charges are attracted to move closer to each circuits and electrical generators used to deliver power
other. to our homes and electrotherapeutic devices, the
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212 Modalities

charged, flowing particles are electrons. This text focuses

on the electrophysiological and therapeutic effects of
electrical stimulation on the human body, thus the
terms ions and electrons will be used in place of charged
particles (Box 9-1).
In our bodies, voltage forces are created when a sep-
aration of ions creates a concentration gradient.3 The
separation of charges across the phospholipid cell mem-
brane is an ideal example of a voltage force. The greater
concentration of sodium (Na+) outside the cell versus
inside the cell reflects a separation of charge and a con-
centration gradient. Because this concentration gradi- Fig 9•4 Current flows between electrodes by passing
ent separates charged ions (i.e., Na+), the gradient is through biological tissues, which serve as conductors.
also referred to as an electrochemical gradient. It is this This allows current to reach the peripheral nerves and
separation of charge across the cell membrane, and thus
electrical potential, that sets up the ability for the cell to
together both in everyday life and in biological exam-
depolarize and initiate or transmit electrical signals.
ples. Take, for instance, an extension cord used in our
Conductors and Insulators homes: The metal wire inside conducts current to our
appliances while the plastic coating insulates the cur-
For ions or electrons to move freely, they require materi-
rent, preventing it from entering our body and shock-
als that permit such movement. Materials in which ions
ing us. In the human body, fat is an insulator and does
or electrons move freely are termed conductors. Metals
not allow ions or electrons to move freely.
and water are examples of conductors. In the human
body, tissues such as muscle, nerve, and bodily fluid serve Current
as conductors (Fig. 9-4). In part, this reflects the high
The movement of ions or electrons in a conductor in
water content and presence of ions in these tissues.
response to a voltage force is termed current. The flow
Materials in which charged particles are not free to
of current is directly proportional to the magnitude of
move or do not move easily are termed insulators.
the driving force (i.e., the voltage). Current is the quan-
Rubber and plastic are typical materials considered to
tity or amount of ions or electrons flowing at a given
be insulators. Often conductors and insulators exist
time and is designated by the universal symbol I.1 The
international unit for current is the ampere (amp or A),
but most therapeutic applications of current
Box 9•1 Hands-On Learning use milliamperes (10–3; mA, thousandths of an ampere)
To better understand the role ions have in the creation of electri- or microamperes (10–6; uA, millionths of an ampere).
cal current, place the lead wires of an electrotherapy device into a See Box 9-2.
small bowl, making sure the leads are separated and do not
touch. (Do not submerse the device in the water!) A device with a
visible amp meter or output for monitoring current flow is pre-
ferred. (Note: A volt meter is not the same as an amp meter and Clinical Principles in Practice: Human
may not work in this example.) First, pour distilled water into the Tissue as Conductors and Insulators
bowl. After turning on the device, increase the amplitude. What
happens? Nothing! Note that the meter does not move, indicating While treating a patient with low back pain, a clinician chooses
that no current is flowing. If your device lacks a meter, you may electrical stimulation to help activate the lumbar muscles in order
hear a warning beep indicating the lack of a complete circuit and to lessen the pain. The patient is obese with a large amount of
no current flow. Why is this? The answer: Distilled water has had lumbosacral adipose tissue that does not conduct current well. For
all ions removed, so there are no charged particles to move in the current to penetrate deep enough to stimulate the nerves of the
bowl. Now add salt to the water and watch the amp meter regis- lumbar muscles, the clinician increases the intensity of the current.
ter flow of current. This occurred because the salt (NaCl) dissoci- Because adipose tissue is a better insulator than a conductor, it
ated into sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl ), allowing charged parti- resists the current and results in an uncomfortable stinging sensa-
cles to move. The movement of ions represents flow of current. tion at the electrodes as the high current activates nociceptors.
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Foundations of Electrotherapy 213

al current
ntion flow Resistance to Current Flow
o nve Box 9•3
Resistance to the flow of current varies but comes from many
biological sources:
• Skin
• Hair
• Fascia
⫹ ⫺ • Ligament
• Callus
• Fat
• Bone
• Tendon
• Scar

vem ns
ent of electro
The relationship between resistance and the flow of
Fig 9•5 Flow of current versus flow of electrons.
current is given in Ohm’s law: I = V/R, where current
(I in amperes) is directly proportional to the voltage
force (V) pushing the current and inversely proportional
Ohm’s Law: Resistance, Capacitance, to resistance (R) to the voltage force.2 The standard
and Impedance international unit of resistance is the ohm. From a more
So far, we have described current as the free or unresist- clinical view, Ohm’s law tells us that the more resistance
ed flow of ions or electrons in a conductor in response there is to the flow of current, the less current there will
to a voltage. The magnitude of current flow is directly be. Being aware of factors that affect biological resist-
proportional to the voltage force and quantity of charge ance is important when applying ES for therapeutic
moving. Rarely, if ever, does current flow in biological use. Calloused skin, for example, presents high resist-
tissues without some kind of resistance. Resistance is ance, so the flow of current through an area such as the
opposition to the flow of current and comes in many heel may be greatly reduced. This knowledge can
forms in the body (Box 9-3).1 impact applications, such as iontophoresis, when trying
to move ions across the skin into the plantar fascia.
Capacitance and impedance are properties of current
Box 9•2 What Direction Does Current flow and are related to resistance. Capacitance is the
Flow? degree to which electrical charge is stored in a system
containing conductors and insulators, such as the
By convention, flow of current is designated as flowing from posi-
tive to negative. However, the astute student may notice that this human body.1 Capacitance arises from the storage of
is inconsistent with the laws of mass action and concentration charge in an insulator that is within a field of current.
gradients. If current is the movement of electrical charge and
electrical charge is defined by gain or loss of electrons, the law
Because current does not pass freely across an insulator,
of mass action tells us that movement should occur from high the electrical potential across the insulator increases the
concentration (areas of more electrons or negativity) to low con- electrical potential energy of the molecules of the insu-
centration (areas of less electrons or more positivity; see Fig. 9-5).
Then the flow from a greater concentration of electrons to one of lator. This storage of electrical energy in the insulator
lesser electrons must be from negative to positive. But this is reflects capacitance. When current flow ceases, the
opposite. Indeed, this is how electrons move, but it remains that
current is designated as flowing from positive to negative despite
energy stored in the insulator flows back through the
being contrary to scientific law. The details underlying this incon- conductors (Box 9-4). The clinical significance of
sistency are varied, but scientific lore has it that scientists study- capacitance is seen in some devices that have a capaci-
ing electrical charge noted movement of “electric fluid” but were
uncertain as to what exactly was moving, how, and in what direc- tor. Most modern stimulating devices linearly decrease
tion. Out of attempts to describe their observations, they were the flow of current once the application has ended. This
forced to designate a direction of the movement and to arbitrarily
designate the place from which flow seemed to originate as “pos-
gradual decrease in current allows the capacitor to dis-
itive” and the place to which flow appeared to go as “negative.” charge stored charge. If the clinician abruptly termi-
This designation of the direction of current flow remains despite nates the application by unplugging or turning off the
device before the current has decreased, the current
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214 Modalities

stored in the capacitor can freely flow through the elec-

trodes. This is often perceived as a very brief and often
uncomfortable surge in the stimulation’s intensity.
Impedance is a form of resistance to the flow of
current but is frequency-dependent. Impedance more
accurately reflects the voltage-to-current ratio, as
it incorporates both the properties of resistance
and capacitance. In simplest terms, impedance is
the resistance to the flow of alternating current,
whereas resistance is specific to direct current.
Clinically, gels and adhesive conductive agents on
electrodes serve to decrease impedance between the
electrode and skin.

Currents and Waveforms

Terminology used to describe electrotherapy can seem Fig 9•6 Electrons are transferred, resulting in accumula-
confusing; however, most of this is due to inconsistency tion of charge and flow when a circuit is completed.

in the terms and language used to describe electrother-

apy and procedures. Greater understanding and or pulsatile current, and this is the terminology we
increased comfort with the language of electrotherapy is will use in this text. In regards to applied science,
readily achieved if some basic fundamental terms are pulsed current is the third major class of electrical
used. In addition, a clinically competent understanding current. (Terminology and descriptions used in this
of the terminology of currents and waveforms is easily text are consistent with the American Physical
obtained if you keep in mind that these currents and Therapy Association, or APTA, and section on
waveforms are merely modifications of the two most Electrophysiology and Wound Care.1)
fundamental electrical currents: direct current (DC)
and alternating current (AC). The Basic Currents
From the standpoint of electrophysics (a branch of Understanding electrical currents is easy when visualiz-
physics from which electrotherapy comes), there are ing their specific parameters. Consider a graphical
only two types of electrical current: direct current and depiction of each current and the specific ways in which
alternating current. While these currents can be used each would be described or drawn. When you begin to
for therapeutic purposes, the most common form of use terms to explain the shape, magnitude, and dura-
current used in electrotherapeutics is pulsed current, tion of currents, you are describing the current wave-
form. The waveform is simply a depiction of the
characteristics that represent a given current. A good
example of a waveform can be shown on the Etch A
Box 9•4 Static Shock: Why Does It
Sketch (Fig. 9-7).
All currents have parameters in the vertical (y coor-
When acted upon by external forces, such as heat, friction,
dinate) and horizontal (x coordinate) directions
chemical, electrical, or other physical forces, the number of elec-
trons may be altered. Rubbing your feet on the carpet results in a (Fig. 9-8). Parameters in the horizontal axis are used
transfer of electrons from the floor to your body via friction. These to describe and quantify time or duration characteris-
electrons are temporarily stored in your body, which acts as a
capacitor. When you touch a metal object, it acts as a conductor, tics of current (in milli- or microseconds), whereas
creating a circuit, and the stored electrons flow freely from you parameters in the vertical axis are used to describe
into a metal object (see Fig. 9-6). The physical effect is a surpris-
or quantify magnitude or intensity (in milli- or
ing shock!
microamps or milli- or microvolts).
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Foundations of Electrotherapy 215

⫹ Direct current
⫺ (DC)

Current amplitude

⫺ Interrupted DC

Reversed DC
Time ⫺

⫹ Interrupted
⫺ reversed DC

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig 9•7 An Etch A Sketch® shows the basic x-y compo- Time (seconds)
nents of waveforms representing time and amplitude of Fig 9•9 Direct current (DC) comes in many forms with
current. conventional DC most commonly used.

y-axis direction of flow ceases after 1 second before resuming

in the same direction for at least 1 second; reversed DC,
where the flow ceases after 1 second before resuming in
the opposite direction for at least 1 second; and inter-
rupted reversed DC, which is a combination of both.
Amplitude or intensity

When using DC, one of the electrodes will be the

anode (positive) and one will be the cathode (negative).
x-axis This will remain so unless the direction of current
Time or duration
reverses, as in reversed DC. The most common clinical
uses of DC are for iontophoresis (Fig. 9-10) and wound
care, both of which are covered in Chapter 10.

Alternating Current
In contrast to DC, alternating current (AC) is the unin-
Fig 9•8 Basic x-y axes for time and amplitude. Time
may be in seconds (sec), milliseconds (msec, 10–3), or terrupted bidirectional flow of ions or electrons and
microseconds (µsec, 10–6). Intensity may be in volts (V),
millivolts (10–3, mV), microvolts (10–6, µV), amperes
(amp), milliamps (10–3, mA), or microamps (10–6, µA)

Direct Current Cathode

Direct current is the continuous unidirectional flow of
ions or electrons for at least 1 second1 (Fig. 9-9). Here, ⴚ ⴚ

the term direction implies flow from positive to negative ⴚ

or negative to positive. The most common or familiar

source of DC is the household battery. When the poles
are connected in a circuit, such as when putting batter-
ies in a device, current will flow. Variations of DC exist,
but to accurately be called DC, they must remain uni-
Fig 9•10 Iontophoresis uses direct current to move ions.
directional and uninterrupted for a period of time.1 Negatively charged ions placed under the cathode will
Other forms of DC include interrupted DC, where the be “pushed” or repelled into the tissue.
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216 Modalities

must change direction at least one time per second1,4 pulse, respectively. Descriptions of PC refer to the
(Fig. 9-11). The rate at which AC switches direction is shape or configuration of the pulses (Box 9-5).
termed frequency and is described with the internation- Common forms of pulsed current include square, rec-
al unit hertz (Hz) or in the unit cycles per second (cps). tangular, and triangular pulses (Fig. 9-12).
The most common or familiar source of AC is the elec- The generation of two or more consecutive pulses sep-
tricity coming from the wall outlets in our homes, sup- arated from the next series of consecutive pulses is
plying electricity to most appliances (e.g., your cell termed a burst, and the time between bursts is the inter-
phone charger uses an AC source). Clinical use of pure burst interval1 (Fig. 9-13). The frequency at which bursts
sinusoidal AC is not common; however, modulated are generated is the burst frequency, while the frequency
forms of AC, such as burst modulated AC (i.e., Russian of the underlying AC waveform in the burst is termed
current) and amplitude modulated AC (i.e., interferen- the carrier frequency.1,5,6 In some cases, the uninterrupt-
tial current), are commonly used and will be discussed ed generation of pulses at a fixed frequency is used. This
later this chapter. is termed a train of pulses and is different from bursts
in that there is no interruption of the pulses at a set fre-
Think about it: AC must change direction at
quency (i.e., bursts). The practical use of burst and carri-
least one time per second. If it does not, then what
er frequency is presented later in this chapter.
type of current would it be? DC.
Think about it: What is the longest duration
Pulsed Current a pulse can have and still be termed a pulse? Less
Because the electrophysiological effects of DC or AC than 1 second.
are not well suited for most electrotherapeutic applica-
Pulsed current may be monophasic or biphasic, with
tions, a third category of current has been designated:
a phase being the flow of current in one direction for a
pulsed current (PC). Pulsed current, sometimes termed
pulsatile or interrupted current, is the uni- or bidirec-
tional flow of ions or electrons that periodically ceases Box 9•5 Pulsed Current vs. DC: Effects
for a small period of time before the next electrical on Muscle Stimulation
event.1 Some sources use the terms pulsed DC or pulsed PC is used for stimulating skeletal muscle for strengthening and
AC. However, these terms are not preferred. activity. Because PC is a series of pulses, muscle fibers can be
stimulated frequently, resulting in tetanic contraction. But what
The definition of PC reflects flow of current that
will happen if using DC? Won’t this result in a tetanic contraction
ceases before the next “event.” This event is a pulse—an because DC flows continuously? No! DC will depolarize the muscle
isolated electrical event separated from the next by a and cause a single twitch, but only one. To get a tetanic contrac-
tion, the muscle must depolarize and repolarize before depolarizing
period of time termed the interpulse interval. Referring again. The time between successive pulses of pulsed current
back to the x-y coordinate system, the duration (x coor- allows the muscle fibers to repolarize so they can be depolarized
again. DC results in a sustained state of depolarization. The muscle
dinate) and amplitude (y coordinate) of the pulse give
cannot repolarize until the DC temporarily ceases.
the time and magnitude of the voltage or current of the
(millivolts or milliamps)
Current amplitude

Square Rectangular Triangular

Time Time (microseconds)

0 1 sec
Fig 9•11 Alternating current (AC) as a sinusoidal Fig 9•12 Pulsed current comes in many shapes, includ-
waveform. ing square, rectangular, and triangular waveforms.
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Foundations of Electrotherapy 217

Accordingly, the term monophasic cannot be used to

describe AC.
Current amplitude

Burst Burst
When further describing and differentiating pulsed
waveforms, similarity in amplitude and duration of each
phase must be considered. Amplitude, often referred to
as intensity, is the magnitude of current or voltage with
10 20 30 40 respect to the isoelectric or baseline on the x-y current-
Time (milliseconds)
time plot (Fig. 9-15). Amplitude is reported in units of
current (amps, milliamps, or microamps) or voltage (in
25 cycles in 10 msec ⫽ 2500 Hz carrier frequency volts, millivolts, or microvolts) and can be described in
2 bursts in 40 msec ⫽ 50 bursts per second terms of a single phase or both phases. Most uses of ES
Fig 9•13 Burst and carrier frequency: In this figure, a use milliampere amplitude. The highest current or volt-
2,500 Hz AC carrier frequency is delivered in bursts. The age reached in a phase of a monophasic pulse or in any
figure shows 10 msec bursts with 25 cycles per burst and
10 msec between bursts. Twenty-five cycles in 10 msec
one phase of a biphasic waveform is termed the peak
equates to 2,500 Hz. Two bursts in 40 msec equate to a amplitude. The highest value measured from the peak of
burst frequency of 50 bursts per second (bps). the first phase to the peak of the second phase of a
biphasic waveform is termed the peak-to-peak amplitude.
For monophasic waves, there is no peak-to-peak value.
short period of time1 (Fig. 9-14). A monophasic pulse
KEY POINT!Pulse duration is the total time elapsed
deviates from the isoelectric line in only one direction,
from the beginning to the end of a single pulse,
depending on what direction the current initially flows
including the interphase (intrapulse) interval. If the
before ceasing (i.e., returning to the isoelectric line).
phase durations of the biphasic pulse are 150 µsec
With monophasic pulses, ions or electrons move briefly
each and the interphase interval is 50 µsec, the total
in only one direction before stopping. Monophasic
pulse duration is 350 µsec.
pulsed current (MPC) is the delivery of repeated
monophasic pulses separated from each other by an The time-dependent characteristics used to describe
interpulse interval; it is produced by intermittently waveforms reflect the x coordinate when plotting wave-
interrupting a DC current source. In contrast, a bipha- forms (see Fig. 9-15). Phase duration is the time from
sic pulse is one that deviates from the isoelectric the beginning of one phase to its end. Pulse duration
line first in one direction, then in the other direction is the time from the beginning to end of all phases plus
from the isoelectric line. Biphasic pulsed current (BPC), the interphase interval within one pulse. The interphase
therefore, is the delivery of repeated biphasic pulses interval (or intrapulse interval) is the time between
separated from the next pulse by an interpulse interval phases of a single pulse, whereas the interpulse interval
and is produced by intermittently interrupting an is the time between successive pulses.1 Phase and pulse
AC current source. By definition, with monophasic duration are most commonly reported in milliseconds
pulsed current, a pulse and a phase are synonymous. (msec) or microseconds (μsec).

Monophasic Biphasic
pulses pulses
Current amplitude

Phase Phase Phase Phase

Isoelectric line
Pulse Pulse Time (microseconds)
Fig 9•14 Mono- and biphasic current. For
monophasic pulses, phase and pulse are synony-
Phase Phase mous. Biphasic pulses have phases that deviate
Pulse Pulse from the isoelectric line in different directions.
(A represents the interpulse interval.)
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218 Modalities

Current amplitude

6 6

Time (microseconds)

1. Phase duration
2. Pulse duration
3. Peak amplitude
4. Peak-to-peak amplitude
Fig 9•15 Amplitude and time (duration) characteris- 5. Inter-pulse interval
tics of pulsed current. 6. Intra-pulse interval

KEY POINT! Pulse duration is often labeled pulse width Amplitude Modulation
on many devices. This terminology is not preferred, Modulation of the amplitude characteristics of pulsed
as pulse duration is a unit of time, whereas width current is used for differing effects. Often it is necessary to
implies a unit of linear measure. slowly increase the amplitude of a current to the desired
intensity. Take, for example, stimulating muscle after an
Modulation of Pulsed Current
injury. A gradual increase in current amplitude and mus-
Modulation of pulsed current is widely used in elec- cle activation may be more tolerable and ultimately
trotherapeutics to impart a variety of different effects. beneficial than a rapid increase and abrupt muscle con-
The duration that a series of pulses or bursts is delivered traction. In contrast, a rapid rise in amplitude, and thus
is termed the on-time, and the duration or time between muscle stimulation, may be used to quickly stimulate the
a series of pulses or bursts is the off-time. The percentage tibialis anterior when assistance with ankle dorsiflexion is
of the on-time to the total time (on-time plus off-time) desired for toe clearance during the swing phase of gait.
multiplied by 100% is termed the duty cycle.1 Duty cycle Ramp refers to the progressive increase or decrease in
is a commonly reported parameter of pulsed currents, amplitude (Fig. 9-16). When the amplitude is progres-
but some confusion can arise from the use of this term. sively increased, it is called ramp-up, and when ampli-
Because duty cycle is a relative measure of the “on” to tude is decreased, it is called ramp-down. The terms rise
“total” time, a variety of combinations can result in the time and fall time are used to describe the time required
same duty cycle. For example, a clinical application for
muscle strengthening may use an on-time of 10 seconds
with an off-time of 40 seconds. The duty cycle of this
application would be 10 seconds (on-time) divided by 1 2
Current amplitude

3 4
50 seconds (total-time) multiplied by 100%, or 20%.
However, the same duty cycle also accurately describes
any on-time and off-time ratio of 1 on to 4 off. Thus, Time
applications of 1 second on and 4 seconds off, 15 sec-
onds on and 60 seconds off yield the same duty cycle of
20%. The significance here is that the use of duty cycle
does not always accurately reflect the specific on- and 1. Rise time (microseconds)
off-times. This can lead to errors when using ES in 2. Fall time (microseconds)
3. Ramp up (seconds)
follow-up visits. This can be avoided if actual on- and 4. Ramp down (seconds)
off-times are individually documented in absolute sec- Fig 9•16 Amplitude modulation of pulsed current:
onds instead of expressed as duty cycle. Ramps, rise time, and fall time.
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Foundations of Electrotherapy 219

for the leading edge of a single phase to reach peak

Current amplitude (mAmps)

amplitude and the time required for the trailing edge of
10 sec 7 sec
a single phase to return to the isoelectric line, respec-
2 sec 1 sec 2 sec 1 sec
tively. Ramps are specific to the increase or decrease in
the amplitude of a series of pulses. Time (seconds)
It is important to understand how the use of ramp
times affects the total current delivered to the patient.
Because current is still being delivered to the patient
during both the ramp up and down times, they should Fig 9•18 How ramp times are incorporated with the
be considered part of the on-time. Long ramp times can total on-time varies by devices. For example, suppose a
10-second on-time is desired with a 2-second ramp-up
greatly reduce the total amount of current delivered to and a 1-second ramp-down. The image on the left indi-
the patient and thus greatly impact the overall thera- cates that the ramps are separate from the 10-second
peutic effect. For example, Figure 9-17 shows two series on-time. This equates to 13 total seconds of on-time,
30% longer than initially selected. In contrast, the image
of pulses, each with an on-time of 10 milliseconds. Series on the right shows that the ramps are included as part of
A has a ramp-up time of 1 second and no ramp-down. the total on-time. This then means the current is at peak
amplitude for only 70% of the total on-time.
Series A reaches peak amplitude in 1 second and
maintains that amplitude for the duration of the
on-time—9 seconds in this example. In contrast, series added to a selected on-time of 10 seconds, resulting in
B has a ramp-up of 4 seconds and a ramp-down of a total on-time of 13 seconds. If the clinician is not
2 seconds. Thus, series B is at peak amplitude for only aware of these variations and nuances in the manufac-
4 of the 10 seconds as opposed to 9 seconds in series A. turer specifications, clinical outcomes following treat-
Since series A is at peak amplitude longer than B, the ment may vary greatly.
total amount of current delivered to the patient is
greater in series A. Phase and Pulse Charge
It is important to read the user’s manual for elec- When the amplitude and time-dependent characteris-
trotherapeutic devices so the clinician understands how tics are considered together, waveforms can then be
ramps are incorporated into the total on- and off-times. viewed in terms of the “area under the curve,” or the
For example, some manufacturers include ramp-down integrated sum of current amplitude and duration. This
time in the off-time. However, this is problematic, represents the total charge delivered in each phase or
because current is still being delivered during the ramp- pulse (Fig. 9-19). Phase charge is the charge within one
down and should be considered on-time (Fig. 9-18). phase of a pulse, and pulse charge is the cumulative
In this case, the off-time may not accurately reflect a charge of all phases within a single pulse.1 For
period when there is no current. Still other manufactur- monophasic pulses, phase charge and pulse charge are
ers extend the total on-time to include the ramp-up. synonymous. For biphasic waveforms, determining
Thus, as an example, a 3-second ramp-up may be average current delivered is not as easy and requires
Current amplitude (mAmps)

Series A Series B
9 sec 4 sec y
Current amplitude

1 sec 4 sec 2 sec a a

b b
a a
10 sec 10 sec
At peak amplitude At peak amplitude Time (microseconds)
90% of time 40% of time
a ⫽ phase charge
b ⫽ pulse charge
Fig 9•17 Effect of ramps on total current delivered. Fig 9•19 Phase and pulse charge.
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220 Modalities

further consideration. Note that the area under the are asymmetrical and unbalanced, more current is gen-
curve can be increased by increasing either the pulse erated in one direction than the other. This results in a
amplitude or duration, or both. net charge. The pole with the greater area under the
curve determines the current’s net charge. In this case,
Clinical Principles in Practice: Pulse there will not be an average of zero charge but rather a
Charge net accumulation of charge with a polarity of the phase
Using a handheld TENS unit with controls for pulse duration and with greater quantity. In Figure 9-20, three biphasic
amplitude, set the pulse duration and frequency as low as possi- currents are shown: one with phase charges of ⫹15 μC
ble. Apply the electrodes to the extensor muscles of your fore-
and –15 μC, one with phase charges of ⫹15 μC and
arm. Then begin by increasing the intensity of the device until you
notice small but easily observed muscle twitches. Now leave the – 6 μC, and a third with phase charges of ⫹6 μC and
intensity alone. Slowly increase the pulse duration. What effect is –15 μC. The first results in a current with zero net
observed? The increase in the stimulus intensity is the result of
increasing the total pulse charge (area under the curve) by charge, as the ⫹15 and –15 balance each other out.
increasing pulse duration, not amplitude. However, the asymmetrical phases of the middle exam-
ple will result in a pulse with a net charge of ⫹9 μC
while the third example will result in a net charge of –9
For biphasic waveforms, if the sum of current ampli-
μC. In this case, one electrode will remain more nega-
tude and duration of the first phase (i.e., phase charge)
tive than the other while one remains more positive as
are identical to the second, the phases are termed sym-
long as the current flows. When the current has zero net
metrical. If the amplitude and duration characteristics
charge, there is no sustained polarity and each electrode
between the two phases of the biphasic waveform differ
alternates equally from being the anode or cathode
in any manner, the phases are termed asymmetrical.1 If
according to the frequency. With unbalanced wave-
the phases of a biphasic waveform are not symmetrical,
forms, one electrode will maintain a great negativity and
then it is necessary to determine if the integrated sums
the other positivity; in this case, there is a true anode
of the phases are equal (i.e., have equal phase charges).
and cathode, depending on the net charge under each.
Despite not being symmetrical in shape, the area under
There are only three commonly used currents that
the curve (i.e., phase charge) can be equal or unequal.
do not result in zero net charge and thus can result in
If the area under the curve of the first phase is equal to
that of the second phase, the phases are termed bal-
anced. In this case, the average charge is zero because
Pulse A Pulse B Pulse C
equal amounts of current flow in both directions of the
3 µsec 3 µsec
biphasic wave. If the phases are not of equal area, they
are termed unbalanced. In this case, the average charge 2 µsec
Current amplitude

⫹ 15 5 µsec 15 5 µsec
is not zero and the total pulse charge will have the
6 3 µsec
polarity of the phase with greater charge. Thus, one
electrode will maintain a net negative charge and the
3 µsec 6
other a net positive charge. 15 15
⫺ 5 µsec 5 µsec
2 µsec
The significance of symmetry, asymmetry, and bal-
ance lies in the potential for delivering a current with a 3 µsec 3 µsec
net charge or polarity. This can be thought of again as 0 Net charge ⫹ Net charge ⫺ Net charge
using area under the curve. If the phases of a biphasic Time (microseconds)
waveform are symmetrical or asymmetrical but bal-
Total charge in each phase is in microcoulombs (µC)
anced, the net charge of the current is zero.1 This means
Fig 9•20 The combination of amplitude and duration
there is no sustained polarity, or no sustained positive creates an “area under the curve” that represents the
or negative pole, since equal amounts of current flow in total charge delivered. Pulse A is symmetrical and
balanced with equal amounts of charge in each phase,
each direction and the direction is constantly changing. resulting in zero net charge. Pulses B and C are asym-
If, however, the phase charges of a biphasic waveform metrical and unbalanced, resulting in net charge.
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Foundations of Electrotherapy 221

the accumulation of charge with a specific polarity:

Box 9•6 Describing Pulsed Current:
DC, monophasic pulsed current, and asymmetrical
The Bottom Line
unbalanced biphasic current. The significance of not
When describing pulsed current, three basic characteristics need
having zero net charge is that biological tissues respond
to be specified:
differently when anodal and cathodal stimulation are • The waveform type and shape (e.g., symmetrical biphasic
sustained at an electrode. These reactions are present- square)
• The pulse frequency (e.g., 50 hertz)
ed in the “Electrochemical Effects” section of this
• The pulse duration (e.g., 400 microseconds)
chapter. Figure 9-21 shows a flow diagram of the various waveforms and
Most therapeutic uses of monophasic pulsed current the key parameters to be considered with each.
and asymmetrical unbalanced waveforms incorporate
interphase and interpulse intervals long enough to min-
imize any polar effects while still allowing for therapeu- Period is the inverse of frequency and is calculated as
tic benefit. Monophasic pulsed current is commonly 1/f. In other words, the period is the time from
used in wound care specifically for the effects seen at one point on a waveform to the identical part on the
each pole (see Chapter 14 for treatment details). In next pulse. For example, a pulsed current occurring
contrast, DC does not have such intervals. Thus, charge one thousand times per second (1,000 Hz) has a
continues to accumulate at each electrode. Without period of 1/1,000, or 0.001. Thus a new pulse occurs
attention to amplitude, the polar effect of DC can be every 1 msec.
quite dramatic and potentially harmful. In fact, reac-
KEY POINT!Oftentimes, an electrotherapeutic device or
tions ranging from itching to skin burns can occur.
current used for pain control, edema control, or mus-
However, electrotherapeutic devices that use these three
cle performance enhancement will be described by
currents typically have lower peak amplitudes, lower
its frequency as high, medium, or low. There remains
frequencies, and long interphase and interpulse inter-
no universally accepted definition of these terms;
vals, essentially allowing the charge to dissipate without
therefore, their use is not recommended.
damaging tissue.
KEY POINT!Many clinical electrical devices offering
symmetrical biphasic or asymmetrical balanced wave- Clinical Principles in Practice:
forms have lead wires with a black and red or white Frequency
lead. To those unfamiliar with principles of electrical Delivering pulses more or less frequently can have a dramatic
waveforms, this would seem to indicate a cathode and effect. Using a TENS unit and the electrodes over the wrist exten-
anode, respectively. However, neither of these wave- sor muscles, set the pulse duration and frequency as low as pos-
sible. Increase the intensity until a small but visible muscle twitch
forms result in a net charge or polarity, so the designa- occurs. Now slowly increase the frequency. What happens?
tion of a cathode and anode is meaningless. Delivery of more frequent pulses increases the total amount of
charge delivered per unit time, and the response of the muscle is
Besides the amplitude and time characteristics used greater. The increased muscle response is directly related to the
increased frequency of pulses delivered.
to describe pulsed current, other descriptors aid in
describing and differentiating waveforms and, thus,
therapeutic effects (Box 9-6 and Fig. 9-21). Frequency is
the term used to describe the number of pulses occur- Physiological Response to
ring in 1 second and is reported as pulses per second Electrical Current
(pps). Earlier it was stated that frequency, in hertz (Hz), The effects of ES are variable and are based on the
is used to describe the number of times AC switches specific type of current applied, the parameters of
direction in 1 second. However, hertz and pulses per those currents, and the dosage. There are three gener-
second are both used to describe the frequency of pulsed al electrophysiological effects that occur with the
current. A lesser used derivative of frequency (but still delivery of electrical current: chemical, thermal, and
relevant to the discussion of electrotherapy) is period. physical.
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222 Modalities

Direct What type of Alternating
current current is it? current

Type: Symmetrical Asymmetrical

• Conventional DC
• Reversed DC
Balanced Unbalanced
• Reverse-interrupted DC

Parameters: Parameters: Parameters:

• Polarity • Frequency • Polarity
• Intensity • Intensity • Frequency
• Intensity


Monophasic Biphasic

Symmetrical Asymmetrical

Parameters: Parameters: Parameters:

• Polarity • Intensity • Polarity
• Frequency • Frequency • Intensity
• Pulse duration • Pulse duration • Frequency
• Intensity • Ramps • Pulse duration
• Ramps • On-off times • Ramps
• On-off times

Fig 9•21 Classification of waveforms and key parameters.

Electrochemical Effects extracellular fluid. At the anode, Cl joins with water in
an acidic reaction to form hydrochloric acid (HCl),
The flow or movement of electrical current through the
thereby creating a localized acidic environment with
body is due to the movement of ions in the fluid com-
pH less than 7.4. The localized accumulation of Na+ at
ponent of bodily tissues. Excluding blood, our body’s
the cathode secondary to an applied electrical field
extracellular fluid environment is largely salt water due
causes water to move with Na+ via ionohydrokinesis.7
to the concentrations of sodium and chloride (sodium
The local increase in water at the cathode results in a
chloride; NaCl). In response to electrical stimulation,
NaCl is split into Na+ and Cl ions. Like magnets do
when they come close to other magnets, the Na+ and Box 9•7 Localized Effects of Sustained
Cl ions move according to the principles of charge or Charge7
electricity. Thus, the positively charged Na+ will Anode (+) Cathode (–)
migrate toward the cathode and the negatively charged Attracts Cl– Na+
_ Forms HCl NaOH
Cl will move toward the anode (Box 9-7).
Process Sclerotic Sclerolytic
At the cathode, Na+ joins with water to form sodium Effect Skin hardens Skin softens*
hydroxide, an alkaline reaction. This results in * Increases risk of electrical burn and tissue damage to DC.
a localized area of pH greater than the pH of 7.4 of
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Foundations of Electrotherapy 223

decrease in the protein density of the local tissue, there- caused by alcohol cleansers, and lotions and oils
by softening the tissues and imparting a sclerolytic increase skin resistance; shaving hair and removing
effect. In contrast, the localized accumulation of Cl at lotions and oils reduces skin resistance. The redness
the anode results in an acidic effect, a decrease in local noted under electrodes following stimulation is t
water content with subsequent increase in protein den- he most common result of the thermal or electro-
sity, and a hardening, or sclerotic, effect.7 chemical effects of current.
KEY POINT! To remember the local effects of charge, it
Electrothermal heating is of greater concern when
using DC current than with AC or pulsatile current.
may be helpful to remember the following: If your car
This is due to the nature of the currents. Because DC is
breaks down and you don’t have AAA, you might
a continuous flow of current in one direction, it is nec-
have to take a CAB (anode attracts acid and cathode
essary to keep the current amplitude low so as to avoid
attracts base).
overheating the tissue. Most clinical applications using
If the current is DC or monophasic pulsed current, DC current will be less than 5 mA, permitting applica-
the Na+ and Cl ions will continue to accumulate at tions of several minutes. AC currents pose less risk of
the cathode and anode, respectively, as long as the cur- burn, because current does not flow in one direction for
rent continues to flow. If the current is alternating or very long. Pulsatile current poses significantly less risk
biphasic and changing directions at a specific frequen- of heating because the interpulse intervals result in a
cy, then Na+ and Cl moves back and forth between lower average current. The most common clinical sign
the electrodes. Recall that with AC and biphasic cur- of adverse electrothermal effects is redness of the skin
rents, each electrode alternates being the cathode or lasting longer than a few hours.
anode as the direction of current flow changes. Adverse
effects of ES resulting from acidic or alkaline reactions Electrophysical Effects
at the electrode-skin interface are more common with
The ability to depolarize and propagate electrical sig-
DC current and, to a lesser extent, monophasic pulsed
nals is what allows nerve and muscle cells to be excitable
and to communicate with each other. An understand-
KEY POINT! Most monophasic pulsed currents (e.g., ing of the electrophysical effects of current must begin
high-volt pulsed current [HVPC]) have such short pulse at the cell. The electrophysical responses underlying the
durations and long interpulse intervals that any charge therapeutic effects of electrical stimulation are based on
accumulated at the electrode-skin interface dissipates activation, or depolarization, of cells. The specific types
before causing lasting adverse polar effects. of cells stimulated will differ based on several factors,
including electrode location, current type and ampli-
Electrothermal Effects tude, and the integrity of the patient’s neuromuscular
The laws of thermodynamics tell us that energy is nei- system.
ther created nor destroyed but rather exchanged, and At rest, living cells maintain a separation of charge
during this exchange, some energy will be lost in the across the cell membrane such that a net negativity
form of heat. As charged particles move through a con- exists in the intracellular environment. This separa-
ductor, the friction encountered by the particles results tion of charge represents an electrical potential, or, in
in microvibration of the conductor’s elements.2 This other words, a voltage difference. The separation of
friction and vibration reflect kinetic energy created by charge is maintained by the selective permeability of
moving parts, and heat is a product of this energy. The the cell membrane to specific ions within the intra-
amount of heat produced in biological tissues depends and extracellular environments—chiefly sodium
on the amount of current flowing, the resistance to the (Na+) and potassium (K+).3 The resting membrane is
current, and the duration the current flows. relatively, but not completely, impermeable to Na+,
Because the skin resists the transcutaneous delivery which is held in greater concentration outside the
of current, accumulation of heat at the skin is a con- cell. In contrast, the resting membrane is significantly
cern. Superficial hair, calloused skin, dried skin more permeable to K+, which is held in greater
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224 Modalities

concentration inside the cell. However, driven by Clinical Controversy

concentration gradients, small amounts of Na+ leak
It is a common misconception that electrical stimulation
into the cell and K+ leaks out of the cell. Adenosine
to contract muscle works by directly stimulating the
triphosphate (ATP)–driven Na-K+ pumps help to
muscle fibers. This is not accurate, assuming the muscle
maintain the separation of ions by transporting 3 Na+
maintains normal innervations. The nerve, with an RMP
out of the cell to every 2 K+ back into the cell. The
of –70 mV, will depolarize before the muscle cell with an
resultant effect of 3 Na+ out to 2 K+ in is a net nega-
RMP of –90 mV. Activation of innervated skeletal mus-
tivity on the inside of the cell and the creation of an
cle occurs by first depolarizing the nerve and then prop-
electrical potential. This potential across the cell
agating the stimulus along the motor axon, across the
membrane is termed the resting membrane potential
neuromuscular junction, and the across the sarcolemma.
(RMP) and varies for different types of cells based on
the relative permeability to Na+ and K+. For neuronal Response of Excitable Tissues
cells, the RMP of the membrane (the neurolemma) is to Stimulation
roughly –70 mV, whereas the RMP of the membrane
For an electrical stimulus to depolarize the cell and elic-
of skeletal muscle (the sarcolemma) is closer to –90
it an action potential, it must be of sufficient strength
mV and that of cardiac myocytes is –85 mV.3
and duration. If strength (e.g., current amplitude) and
The separation of charge across the cell membrane
duration (e.g., pulse duration) are insufficient, the cell
by the Na-K+ pump results in the cell’s polarization.
is not depolarized and the generation and propagation
So what is the significance of being polarized? In order
of action potentials is not initiated. The “stimulus” is an
to be depolarized, the cell membrane must have been
electrical pulse or, more commonly, a series of pulses.
polarized. In the presence of a chemical, thermal,
The relationship between stimuli of sufficient ampli-
physical, or electrical stimulus, the permeability of the
tude and duration to successfully depolarize the cell is
cell membrane to Na+ is increased, resulting in a
such that stimuli of increasingly shorter duration
reduction in the RMP. The process of depolarization
require a nonlinearly increasing amplitude. For nerve
reflects a reduction of the RMP and movement of ions
and muscle cells, there is not a single strength and dura-
across the cell membrane; the fundamental physiolog-
tion but rather a range of stimulus combinations with
ical effect of electrical stimulation is depolarization of
varying strength and duration capable of depolarizing
the cell membrane.3
the cell and thus generating action potentials. If these
When applying this information to the clinical use
combinations were determined and plotted for a given
of ES, it should be noted that electrodes are used to
nerve, the graphic depiction would yield a strength-
deliver therapeutic currents. As current flows from
duration curve (S-D curve) (Fig. 9-22). The line of the
positive to negative between electrodes, the concentra-
tion of negatively charged ions or electrons at the
cathode induces the depolarization of the cell mem-
brane that, when a critical threshold of depolarization
amplitude (milliamps)

Strength or current

is reached, will depolarize the cell; this precipitates the

process of depolarization along the cell membrane. A

Because the RMP of the neurolemma has a threshold

for activation at –70 mV, the application of electrical B
stimulation elicits its electrophysical effects by first
depolarizing the nerve. This is a key point when dis-
cussing the differences between using ES to activate Duration (milliseconds)
innervated muscle versus using ES to activate dener- Fig 9•22 Strength-duration curve. Points A and B repre-
vated muscle. More details of using ES to stimulate sent two combinations of stimulus amplitude and duration
capable of eliciting a motor response. The stimulus point
innervated and denervated muscle are presented in C is incapable of eliciting a response, as the pulse dura-
Chapter 11. tion is too short despite the greater intensity.
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Foundations of Electrotherapy 225

curve reflects stimuli of minimally sufficient strength or


amplitude (milliamps)
amplitude and duration to stimulate the tissue.

Strength or current
The various combinations of strength and duration 6
in Figure 9-22 reflect the assortment of parameter
options that can be used to stimulate the given nerve or 4 Chronaxie
muscle. Both stimulus A and B are capable of exciting Rheobase
the cell, but stimulus B, with a much lower amplitude,
may be more comfortable to the patient. Furthermore, 0
as can be seen from the S-D curve, stimuli of very short 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Duration (milliseconds)
duration cannot bring the cell to depolarization despite
Fig 9•23 Chronaxie and rheobase.
the amplitude (see stimulus C). Stimuli exceeding the
minimal strength and duration capable of depolarizing
the cell are termed suprathreshold stimuli. In contrast,
pathology involving the excitability of the tissue.4
stimuli with amplitude and duration not capable of
Technological advances in neurodiagnostics have ren-
depolarizing the cell are termed subthreshold stimuli.
dered S-D testing obsolete, but nevertheless, observing
Earlier in this chapter, the amplitude and duration of
a tissue’s response to stimuli of varying strength and
a pulse were used to draw a visual representation of the
duration is valuable in understanding tissue responses
waveform. The area under the curve, termed the phase
to electrical stimulation (Box 9-8).
charge, was shown to increase by increasing the ampli-
Using a stimulus with an amplitude or duration
tude or the duration of the stimulus. The S-D curve is
greater than that minimally capable of eliciting an
the physical manifestation of this principle, as each
action potential will not alter or change the action
point on the S-D curve represents a different combina-
potential. Action potentials are generated in an
tion of stimulus (pulse) strength and duration that can
“all-or-nothing” manner, so a stimulus with an ampli-
stimulate tissue. Consider Figure 9-22 again: Moving
tude or duration greater than minimally required
from left to right on the curve, as the intensity of the
will not generate a larger or bigger action potential, and
stimulus is decreased, the tissue may still be excited by
no action potential will be generated if the minimally
increasing the duration. In contrast, as the duration of
required amplitude and duration are not reached.
a pulse is decreased, the amplitude must increase to
excite the tissue.
Testing of all the possible combinations of strength
and duration capable of exciting a tissue is not feasible, Box 9•8 Using a TENS Unit for a Modified
as most clinical devices have a limited pulse duration. Strength-Duration Curve
The S-D curve reflects the graphical plot of each nerve If you have a TENS unit with manual controls for pulse duration
or muscle tested during strength duration testing. From and intensity, you can perform a modified strength-duration
curve. (Most clinical stimulators do not have a pulse duration long
the S-D curve, two objective pieces of information are
enough to complete a full S-D curve.) Place two small electrodes
derived. Rheobase is the minimum strength (mA) of a of one channel of the TENS unit on your wrist extensors of one
stimulus of very long duration that is capable of elicit- arm. Set the pulse duration as high as possible and set the fre-
quency at 3 to 5 Hz. Then slowly increase the intensity, looking
ing a minimally detectable motor response (Fig. 9-23). for a small but visible motor response (i.e., twitches). Note the
Once rheobase is determined, it is possible to deter- intensity required to elicit this response. Now slowly decrease
the pulse duration approximately 20% and note what happens.
mine chronaxie—the duration (μsec or msec) of a
The motor response will diminish. To return the motor response
stimulus two times the rheobase strength capable of to the prior level, you must increase the intensity. Repeat this
eliciting a minimally detectable motor response. process of decreasing the pulse duration by 20% and noting the
increase in intensity required to maintain the motor response as a
Chronaxie can be used to assess the integrity of the tis- small but visible motor twitch. If you plot these combinations of
sue, as healthy innervated tissue should have a chronax- pulse duration and intensity, you will have performed a modified
S-D test and experienced firsthand the relationship between
ie less than 1 msec. Prolonged chronaxie, often 10- to
stimulus strength and duration.
20-fold longer, is indicative of denervation or other
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226 Modalities

KEY POINT! When failing to elicit a motor response, a electrode will be excited before those fibers farther away
common misconception is that the patient is dener- (Fig. 9-24). But among those fibers that are stimulated,
vated when in fact the device used probably does not the largest will still be excited before the smaller. Fibers
offer a combination of strength and duration capable deeper or farther from the stimulating current can be
of eliciting a motor response. Further neurodiagnos- stimulated by increasing the amplitude of the stimulus.
tic testing may be needed for patients who show Thus, A-β sensory nerves of the superficial dermis are
abnormal or absent responses to stimulation. activated before the larger diameter A-α, which lie
deeper. This largely explains why you feel the stimulus
The S-D curve is based on the stimulus parameters before a motor response is noted.
capable of eliciting a minimally detectable motor The strength-duration relationship describes the
response, but different nerve types have their own com- amplitude and duration characteristics of a single stim-
binations of strength and duration needed for excita- ulus (i.e., pulse) capable of depolarizing the cell and
tion. When a nerve is excited, the excitatory response is eliciting a single action potential. However, single
dependent on the stimulus parameters but also on two action potentials do not lead to purposeful muscle
other key factors: nerve size and location of the elec- activity. The tension created in a muscle fiber twitch
trodes. Most applications of clinical electrical stimula- from a single action potential will completely decrease
tion involve stimulation of a peripheral nerve. Peripheral unless followed by a subsequent action potential. If
nerves are commonly termed mixed peripheral nerves to the frequency of action potentials is increased, the
reflect the various nerve subtypes contained within a
peripheral nerve. Nerve fibers within a peripheral nerve
differ in diameter and in their resistance to excitation.8 A
In the presence of a stimulus of sufficient strength and
10 mAmp
duration, nerve fibers with the greatest diameter and
lowest resistance will depolarize first. The largest of
the nerve fibers within a mixed peripheral nerve are the Stimulator
A-alpha (A-α) carrying motor and proprioceptive
signals; thus, these are first to be depolarized (Table 9-1).
To excite the smaller diameter A-β fibers (touch and Depth of
pressure sensation) and even smaller diameter A-δ (pain
and temperature) and C fibers (pain), stimuli of progres-
sively greater amplitude and duration are required. In
comparison, to directly depolarize the muscle mem-
brane of a denervated muscle, stimuli of significantly B
greater amplitude and duration are required.
20 mAmp
Although larger diameter nerve fibers are more easily
excited, the location of the fibers to the electrodes will
affect the order of recruitment. The fibers closest to the Stimulator

Table 9•1 Differentiation of Mixed

Peripheral Nerve
Depth of
Function Diameter recruitment
Type A
Alpha (α) Proprioception, motor 12–20 um
Beta (β) Touch, pressure 5–12 um Fig 9•24 (A) With stimulation to a mixed peripheral nerve,
Delta (δ) Pain, temperature 2–5 um large-diameter fibers will be recruited before smaller-
Type C diameter fibers. (B) Increasing the stimulus amplitude will
Dorsal root Pain 0.4–1.2 um recruit more fibers, as the electrical stimulus is able to
reach and depolarize a greater number of nerve fibers.
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Foundations of Electrotherapy 227

subsequent muscle fiber twitches will occur before the

Clinical Principles in Practice:
previous one has decreased, resulting in increased ten-
Electrode Placement
sion. Twitch summation refers to the addition, or sum-
When you attempt to elicit a muscle contraction, your patient
mation, of tension in individual muscle fibers, thereby
reports the onset of strong tingling and then pain, but you do not
resulting in greater whole muscle tension. This occurs see a motor response. What could be the cause of this? If the
because the duration of a fiber twitch may be less than electrodes are not placed over areas of A-α nerves (i.e., motor
tissue), the stimulus is incapable of eliciting a motor response
100 to a few 100 milliseconds, whereas an action because there is little to no motor tissue in the area stimulated.
potential can be generated every 1 to 5 milliseconds, Relocation of the electrodes to regions where the alpha motor
neurons exist or to areas of more depolarizable muscle tissue will
allowing action potentials to come before the muscle
yield the desired motor response.
fibers have completely relaxed. Longer duration and
greater muscle tension occurs with increasing frequency
of stimulation, so even though a single action potential is sometimes used for therapeutic purposes, as will be
in a muscle fiber generates twitch tension, greater ten- described in Chapter 10.
sion can be realized by increasing the frequency of stim- The first time most students and patients use thera-
ulation.3 The relationship between stimulation fre- peutic electrical stimulation, it is common to see a low
quency and muscle force is called the force-frequency tolerance level to stimulation. Upon subsequent appli-
relationship. When the muscle fibers are stimulated so cations, tolerance usually improves, allowing use of
frequently that the tension generated in the fibers does stimulus parameters suitable for the clinical goals to be
not have time to decrease between action potentials, the achieved. If a patient is unable to tolerate the stimulus
tension is sustained; this is termed tetany. parameters required to elicit the necessary therapeutic
effect, the efficacy of this treatment is greatly compro-
Levels of Response to Electrical mised. For example, when using stimulation to
Stimulation improve the strength of skeletal muscle, the patient
There are three levels of response to therapeutic electri- must be able to tolerate an intensity that is sufficient to
cal stimulation: sensory, motor, and noxious (although, activate the muscle at a level consistent with eliciting
most of the time, we are not trying to produce noxious adaptation. If the patient is unable to tolerate the stim-
stimulation). With stimuli of relatively low amplitudes ulus needed to elicit an appropriate motor response, an
that can still excite the nerve, the first perception of an alternative approach to facilitate muscle activation
electrical stimulus is often described as pins and needles should be selected. The first attempt at using ES can be
or tapping secondary to excitation of A-β fibers in the considered a familiarization session, allowing the
superficial dermis. If the amplitude and duration of the patient an opportunity to experience the stimulus while
stimulus is increased, excitation of the A-α fibers (alpha you fully explain the anticipated sensations and effects.
motor neurons) will occur and a motor response will be In addition, to completely educate your patient regard-
elicited. The magnitude of the motor response is pro- ing their experience, you must undergo therapeutic ES
portional to the intensity of the stimulus (up to a yourself.
point); thus, the initial motor response may appear as
fasciculations or small twitches in the muscle. With Therapeutic Currents by
increasing amplitude, the motor response will increase Name: Variations of the
to a more full and robust contraction. Further descrip- Basic Currents
tion of the effect of muscle fiber recruitment and ther-
apeutic effects of ES appears in Chapter 11. Once you choose to include ES in the intervention
With further increases in amplitude or duration plan, you must then determine the stimulus character-
beyond that capable of eliciting sensory and motor istics, including the type of waveform, to elicit the
responses, the A-δ and C fibers are excited, eliciting the desired response, whether that is motor activation (e.g.,
perception of pain. This is the third level of response to muscle contraction), sensory stimulation (e.g., a
electrical stimulation. Eliciting a noxious-level response “buzzing sensation” with no muscle contraction), or
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228 Modalities

something else. Most units in clinical settings today are waveforms will be described here using their popularized
multiwaveform devices offering more than one type of names with some description as to their clinical use.
current waveform and thus more than one type of Greater explanation of their clinical use and evidence for
potential response or effect. Even though all waveforms use will be presented in later chapters addressing specific
are derived from DC, AC, or pulsed current, variations therapeutic applications.
in the specific parameters of these three currents are
what differentiates the many therapeutic currents used Russian Current
today. By modulating previously described basic param- Perhaps the most widely recognized waveform in clini-
eters of current, a myriad of waveforms and subsequent cal use today is Russian current, named after Dr. Yakov
electrobiophysical effects are possible. Therefore, it is Kots, a Russian exercise physiologist credited for popu-
critical to understand currents and waveforms in order larizing this waveform in the 1970s. Touting strength
to maximize the potential of electrotherapeutics. gains up to 40% in elite Russian Olympic athletes,
Much confusion is created by the various and inconsis- Kots’s claims were significant because they represented
tent use of waveform names, in part due to the industry’s gains in healthy individuals, something previously
enthusiasm in marketing equipment and trying to claim unrealized. Significant gains in muscular strength and
the “leading edge” with a new current or feature. When power beyond that accompanying training were attrib-
discussing electrotherapeutics, inconsistency in terminol- uted to use of the Russian current, thus increasing its
ogy leads to confusion and, more often, miscommunica- popularity.9 Russian current is simply a variation of
tion and misunderstanding. Therefore, it is recommended alternating current. Conventional Russian current as
that waveforms be described by the specific parameters described by Kots is a 2,500 Hz alternating sinusoidal
that constitute the waveform rather than terms or names current that is interrupted and delivered in short bursts.
perpetuated by clinical lingo. Often times, these clinical This is termed burst modulation and is a defining char-
names are fleeting, coming and going like fashion trends. acteristic of Russian current. The bursts are delivered at
To help the clinician decide which waveform to use and 50 bursts per second with a burst duration of 10 msec
how to differentiate them, the more popular or common and an interburst interval of 10 msec (Fig. 9-25). The

2500 Hz alternating current

Current amplitude (mAmp)

Time (milliseconds)

Burst modulated alternating current

Current amplitude (mAmp)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Time (milliseconds)

Fig 9•25 Russian current: 2,500 Hz AC is burst modulated at 50 bursts per second using 10-msec bursts.
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Foundations of Electrotherapy 229

frequency of the sine wave that is interrupted into be better suited for muscle stimulation in comparison
bursts is called the carrier frequency (most commonly to the 10-msec burst duration of conventional
2,500 Hz). Within each 10-msec burst, there are Russian current.16,17
25 complete cycles of AC. This results in a waveform
A variation on Russian current is “Aussie”
with a therapeutic, or treatment, frequency of 50 Hz
current—a 1,000 Hz burst modulated AC current
and 400 μsec cycle duration (i.e., 1/2,500 cycles
delivered in 4-msec bursts. Greater torque production
per second), which is well suited for activating skeletal
and decreased rate of muscle fatigue have been
reported with the Aussie current compared to con-
The original Russian 10/50/10 protocol calls for
ventional 2,500 Hz, 10-msec burst waveform of
10-second contraction time and 50-second off-time
Russian current.6,18
for 10 repetitions.9 Because the burst duration is
equal to the interburst interval, Russian current is
often described as having a 50% duty cycle. This duty Clinical Principles in Practice: Using
cycle is different than defined earlier, which was on- Russian Current in the Clinic
time divided by total-time ⫻ 100%. The 50% duty
A patient is referred for strengthening of the quadriceps following
cycle of Russian current is a “relative” duty cycle, right total knee arthroplasty. Assessment reveals 4– strength of
sometimes referred to as Russian duty cycle, while the the right quadriceps. The clinician chooses to use Russian cur-
rent waveform to stimulate the quadriceps to facilitate strengthen-
actual duty cycle of a 10-second on/50-second off ing. A device offering Russian current is selected, and the quadri-
protocol would be 16.7% (10/60 ⫻ 100%). The ceps are stimulated for 10-second contractions with 50-second
50% relative duty cycle and 400-μsec pulse duration rest periods between the 10 maximal contractions used in this
are two of the proposed benefits of burst modulated
AC for muscle strengthening. Simply stated, when
Russian current is “on,” it is on for a long time.
However, the evidence for burst modulated AC (i.e., High-Volt Pulsed Current
Russian current) versus other waveforms for muscle High-voltage currents gained popularity in the 1970s with
strengthening remains inconclusive.9–12 In 2009, interest in using currents of high amplitude. High-volt
Ward13 reported that the evidence for Russian current pulsed current (HVPC), also known as high volt or high volt
ranges from a single case study reporting increased pulsed galvanic, is a twin-peaked monophasic pulsed cur-
strength14 to evidence of no increase in strength.15 rent waveform with peak voltage typically reaching 150 to
Only two studies have examined whether Russian 500 V, a short pulse duration typically lasting 50 to
current is the best form of AC current for increasing 100 μsec, and a frequency of 1 to 120 Hz20 (Fig. 9-26).
strength, and both studies found a 1,000 Hz carrier However, the term galvanic, traditionally given to inter-
frequency elicited greater torque than 2,500 Hz. Data rupted DC, is no longer preferred, as it does not accurate-
also indicated that burst durations of 2 to 5 msec may ly reflect the waveform characteristics of HVPC.
Current amplitude (volts)

500 V

Fig 9•26 High-volt pulsed current is characterized

100 µsec 9900 µsec 100 µsec
by a high peak intensity and short pulse duration
Time (microseconds) (shown at a frequency of 100 Hz).
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230 Modalities

Because use of high-voltage pulses necessitates very

short pulse durations in order to avoid tissue damage,
HVPC uses a twin peak pulse with an almost instanta-
neous rise time and immediate exponential fall-time—
thus the name “twin-peak” monophasic.19 The short
pulse duration, typically up to 100 microseconds, and
long interpulse interval result in a low relative duty
cycle, often 1% or less.21,22 This long interpulse inter-
val permits use of high-peak voltages yet results in a
much lower average current over the entire duty cycle.20
The product is a high-peak voltage but overall low aver-
age treatment voltage.
To understand the high-intensity voltage
Fig 9•27 An identifying characteristic of many high-volt
and short pulse duration of HVPC, think about touch- pulsed current devices is a large dispersive electrode.
ing a very hot stove. The high heat of the stove can
be very dangerous, but if you touch it very quickly and
HVPC is the flow of monophasic pulsed current not
infrequently, there is little to no risk of burn. However,
DC. Continuous mode does not have on and off times,
if you touch the stove for longer time and more fre-
as would be used in activating skeletal muscle, but
quently, you may burn yourself.
rather remains on until the current is turned off. With
HVPC is a monophasic waveform, which means one continuous mode, the amplitude of each pulse remains
electrode will accumulate negative charge (cathode) and constant throughout the duration of the session.
the other will accumulate positive charge (anode). One Reciprocating mode delivers current first to one of the
electrode is placed over the treatment area; this is the active electrodes, then to the other active electrode
active, or treatment, electrode. The other electrode is (assuming more than two active electrodes) in an alter-
placed at some site away from the treatment site; this is nating or reciprocating manner. This mode does not
the reference, or dispersive, electrode. Most devices on alter the flow of current to the dispersive pad but sim-
the market offering HVPC will allow you to select the ply reciprocates the flow between the two active elec-
polarity of the active, or treatment, electrode as either trodes. If only one active electrode is used, reciprocat-
positive or negative. The dispersive, or reference, elec- ing mode is not chosen. Clinicians select the time that
trode consequently becomes the other polarity. Some current flows at each electrode before switching. With
modern and many older versions of HVPC devices use reciprocating mode, the amplitude of each pulse
a dispersive electrode that is much larger in relation to remains constant throughout the duration of the ses-
the active electrodes (Fig. 9-27). This and the ability to sion unless the clinician adjusts it; this is called balanc-
choose a polarity of the current are classic telltale signs ing. Balancing allows the peak intensity of the current
that the device generates a monophasic pulsed current at one or both active electrodes to be decreased by a
and is likely a HVPC unit, but the best way to tell is by selected percentage. For example, the current in one
reading the machine’s user manual. Clinical uses and active electrode may be dampened by 25% to accom-
what specific effects are attributed to the anode or cath- modate a sensitive placement site.
ode of a monophasic waveform are presented in Finally, surge mode modulates the amplitude of the
Chapter 14. pulse train so that the amplitude of each successive
HVPC is typically administered using one of three pulse progressively increases to a peak over the duration
modes: continuous, reciprocating, or surge. Continuous of the on-time. This is similar to the ramp-up function
mode refers to the continuous and uninterrupted flow of other pulsatile currents.
of pulsatile current for the entire treatment session. The specific waveform characteristics of HVPC
This is not to be confused with direct current, as (amplitude, frequency, and pulse duration) make it
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Foundations of Electrotherapy 231

possible to stimulate both sensory and motor nerves, so States, IFC remains a popular waveform here. IFC is
HVPC is used for a variety of clinical purposes. Pain derived from the interference or superimposition of two
modulation, activation of skeletal muscle, and tissue symmetrical but asynchronous, kilohertz frequency,
healing are the most common uses. Because HVPC has sinusoidal alternating currents resulting in a single
a true anode and cathode, it has become a widely used treatment, or interference, current with properties
and evidenced waveform for tissue repair and wound uniquely different than the original input currents.26
healing.23,24 Tissue repair and wound healing are The premise of IFC is that when two asynchronous
undoubtedly the areas of use that have the greatest kilohertz frequency (1 to 10 KHz) sinusoidal currents
degree of support for HVPC. (More information on are directed to intersect or interfere, the waves are peri-
use of electrical stimulation for tissue healing appears in odically in synch or in phase with each other, and the
Chapter 14.) Modifying the pulse duration and fre- amplitudes of the two currents will sum together27,28
quency of HVPC can yield a waveform similar to con- (Fig. 9-28). This is termed constructive interference.
ventional TENS for electroanalgesia, making HVPC Equally periodic, the currents will be out of phase,
useful in managing pain. resulting in destructive interference, and the amplitudes
Because HVPC can stimulate skeletal muscle, it has will negate each other.26 As the two currents go in and
also been used for muscle reeducation. Keeping in mind out of synch, the amplitude of the interference current
the strength-duration relationship of a stimulus, the gradually increases and decreases. Because of the mod-
very short pulse duration of HVPC necessarily requires ulation of amplitude, IFC is referred to as amplitude
a high-intensity stimulus, and this is often perceived as modulated AC.
painful by the patient. In contrast to the 400-μsec pulse The currents are maximally in or out of phase at a
duration and 50% relative duty cycle of Russian current, rate equal to the difference between frequencies of the
the 100-μsec duration and 1% relative duty cycle of currents interfered. For example, interference of a
HVPC is considerably less. To date, there is no sufficient 4,000 Hz and a 4,100 Hz current, the lesser of which is
evidence to support using HVPC to strengthen muscle termed the carrier frequency, results in an interference
despite its ability to stimulate skeletal muscle. The bot- current of 100 Hz. This frequency is termed the beat
tom line for using HVPC to strengthen muscle is this: frequency and typically ranges from 1 to 200 Hz. The
Simply because HVPC can elicit a motor response does amplitude of the IFC will peak and fall at a frequency
not make it suitable—or, more importantly, effective— equal to the beat frequency. The beat frequency reflects
for that purpose. Other waveforms more suitable to the therapeutic frequency—that is, the frequency that
muscle activation and strengthening are available and elicits the therapeutic effect. Most devices on the mar-
are addressed in Chapter 11. ket today allow the clinician to select a specific beat
frequency. A specific beat frequency can be obtained
KEY POINT!Occasionally, therapeutic currents will be
from a number of possible interference currents as long
referred to “high volt” or “low volt”—terms that refer to
as the difference between the currents is the same. The
the magnitude of the voltage used to drive the cur-
physiological effects elicited by IFC are based on the
rent. Conventional use of these terms has led to the
beat frequency, not the frequencies of the input cur-
designation that high volt refers to a current with a
rents. For example, to elicit a tetanic muscle contrac-
voltage in excess of 150 V and typically up to 500 V.
tion, a beat frequency consistent with a tetanic response
In contrast, the term low volt is given to a current with
is used (e.g., 50 Hz). On most contemporary devices,
a voltage less than 150 V.
the clinician selects the beat frequency while the carrier
frequency is prefixed at 4,000 Hz. Still other devices
Interferential Current permit the clinician to adjust the carrier frequency
In the early to mid-2000s, interferential current (IFC) within 1,000 to 5,000 Hz. The effect of a lesser carrier
was reported to be the most popular and commonly frequency is a longer pulse duration; however, there
used form of electrotherapy in Europe and Australia.25 remains no evidence to support the selection of one
Although no such data is available for use in the United carrier frequency over another.
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232 Modalities

In Out of
phase phase
4100 Hz
Two kilohertz frequency alternating currents


Interference ⫹4


4000 Hz


Time (milliseconds)
Fig 9•28 Interferential current is the interference of 2 asynchronous kilohertz frequency currents to form a current with
amplitude modulation.

A 100-Hz beat frequency is obtained from

each of these input currents: 4,000 and 4,100 Hz;
Frequency (Hz)

2,500 and 2,600 Hz; 4,900 and 5,000 Hz; or any com-
bination differing by 100 Hz.

Some IFC devices allow the frequencies of the input

currents to be modulated, resulting in a modulated beat
frequency (Fig. 9-29). This effect is termed sweep but is 10
not available on all devices. Sweep is either a linear or
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
peak-to-peak sweep. With linear sweep, the beat fre-
A Time (seconds)
quency is modulated continuously from a maximum to
a minimum frequency, whereas a peak-to-peak sweep
results in the alteration of the beat frequency between 100
only the maximum and minimum29 (Table 9-2). Swing
Frequency (Hz)

is used to denote the temporal characteristics of the

sweep pattern with “^” used to denote a linear or con-
tinuous sweep and “∫” used to denote peak-to-peak
sweep.29 For example, a 2^2 sweep from 100 to 10 Hz
will decrease continuously from 100 Hz to 10 Hz over 10
2 seconds and then increase continuously and linearly 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
over the next 2 seconds. In contrast, a 2∫2 sweep from Time (seconds)
100 to 10 Hz denotes that the beat frequency remained Fig 9•29 Sweep is modulation of the beat frequency of
at 100 Hz for 2 seconds before switching to 10 Hz for IFC and is either peak-to-peak or continuous. Swing rep-
2 seconds. The proposed benefits of sweep are a modu- resents the temporal characteristics of the sweep or the
timing of the sweep. (A) A peak-to-peak sweep, denoted
lated rather than fixed beat frequency, thus avoiding by “∫”, alternates the beat frequency between only the
accommodation, and the ability to use both high- and lowest and highest beat frequency selected. (B) A contin-
uous sweep, denoted by “^”, results in a beat frequency
low-frequency stimulation within the same treatment, that progressively increases and decreases between the
although these have not been substantiated. lowest to highest beat frequency selected.
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Foundations of Electrotherapy 233

Table 9•2 Language of Interferential Current

Parameter Definition Effect Use
Carrier Lesser frequency of the two currents
frequency interfered
Beat Frequency the interfered currents are Resultant frequency from interference of The beat frequency determines the physio-
frequency maximally in and out of synch two KHz currents logical effect
Sweep Modulation of the beat frequency Varies the beat frequency of the interfer- To provide low and high frequency stimulation
ence wave within the same treatment
“∫” Temporal characteristics of sweep Alters the beat frequency from minimum to To use only the minimum and maximum beat
maximum frequencies
“^” Linear and continuous sweep between the To use a continuously changing beat
minimum and maximum beat frequency frequency from minimum to maximum
Vector scan Amplitude modulation of the input Increases the area of the interference To provide stimulation to a larger tissue area
currents pattern

The increase and decrease in amplitude

KEY POINT! determined because of nonhomogenous tissue resist-
created by asynchronous currents going in and out of ances. Current will take the path of least resistance, so
phase is similar to the effect of jumping on a trampo- the path of one or both currents will probably be
line with another person. When two jumpers are in altered, resulting in interference at some point other
synch, the height of the jump is increased, but when than the one assumed.
out of synch, the jumpers can cancel out each other’s The perpendicular interference of two currents
bounce. results in a pattern that looks like a clover leaf electrical
field (Fig. 9-31). To increase the area of the interference
IFC is administered using four electrodes positioned and stimulate greater tissue area, modulation to the
so that the two currents intersect each other perpendic- interfered currents can be used. Vector scan, offered on
ularly. This is known as quadripolar IFC (Fig. 9-30). some devices, is the modulation of the amplitude of
The point of intersection and site of the new interfer- one or both of the input currents, resulting in a rhyth-
ence current is assumed to be in the geometric center of mic change in position of the interference pattern.26
the electrodes. However, this cannot be accurately This is depicted as an oscillating clover-leaf shape,

Current 1

4100 Hz

2 2
Current 2

4000 Hz

Fig 9•30 Quadripolar interferential current.

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234 Modalities

Vector ⫺ Vector
scan scan

⫹ ⫺

Fig 9•31 With the perpendicular interference of cur-

rents, a clover-leaf-shaped field of current is created.
Vector scan is amplitude modulation resulting in expan- ⫹
sion of the clover-leaf field.

much like the motion of the agitator of a washing

Box 9•9 Premodulated Current Versus
machine rotating back and forth. Interferential Current
There are three proposed and theoretical advan-
Premodulated current is often confused with IFC. However, signifi-
tages of IFC compared to other waveforms: (1) alter- cant differences exist.13 With premodulated current, the two cur-
nating sinusoidal currents with frequencies exceeding rents are interfered within the device before delivery to the patient
1 KHz are hypothesized to more easily penetrate the (see Fig. 9-32). With premodulated IFC, the currents do not inter-
fere within the patient tissues nor is the amplitude summed within
skin due to reduced skin impedance; (2) the ampli- the patient. Premodulated current is often referred to as exoge-
tudes of the two currents summate in the deeper tis- nous or bipolar IFC because it is created outside the patient and
because two electrodes versus four are used with quadripolar IFC.
sues, thereby passing the more superficial sensory
afferent nerves; and (3) a beat frequency of the inter-
ference current can be selected that is similar to other
waveforms used for muscle stimulation and pain Clinical Principles in Practice: Clinical
Use of Interferential Current
More recently, however, the proposed benefits of A patient is referred for acute low back pain secondary to a lifting
IFC have been questioned.13 The proposed decrease in injury. Pain is local to the lumbar paraspinals, and active contrac-
tion of the muscles increases the pain. The clinician chooses
skin impedance noted with kilohertz frequency current interferential current to provide electroanalgesia. A treatment, or
is not specific to the frequency but rather to the short beat, frequency of 100 Hz is desired, so the clinician selects a
carrier frequency of 4,000 Hz from one channel and 4,100 Hz for
pulse duration necessarily associated with kilohertz fre- the second channel. The four electrodes of the two currents are
quencies. Skin impedance is directly related to pulse applied paraspinally, such that the currents are directed to inter-
duration, not frequency, so that at very short pulse sect perpendicularly. The stimulus intensity is increased until the
patient reports a sensory level sensation.
durations, impedance is reduced. If a pulsed current has
a similar pulse duration as the kilohertz frequency cur-
rent, the impedance across the skin is similarly low.13
Furthermore, the interference pattern that characterizes Low-Intensity Direct Current
IFC is not simply in the region geometrically predicted (Microcurrent)
by electrode applications; rather, it is much more Technically speaking, microcurrent is any current with
diffuse based on the nonhomogeneity of resistance in an amplitude less than 1 mA (10–3A).1 The microcurrent
various tissues in the path of the current (Box 9-9). waveforms offered on electrotherapy devices are either
2391_Ch09_209-240.qxd 5/20/11 11:48 AM Page 235

Foundations of Electrotherapy 235

A Two electrodes


B Four electrodes


Unmodulated Fig 9•32 (A) Premodulated (bipolar) IFC

currents is created in the stimulator, resulting in a
single current delivered by two elec-
trodes. (B) Quadripolar IFC is created by
two currents crossing in the tissues and is
delivered by four electrodes.

DC or monophasic pulsed current. While microcurrent is outward flow of current indicated the presence of an
the name by which this waveform is offered on many electrical potential across the skin—termed the transep-
multiwaveform devices, it has also been called low-volt ithelial potential (TEP). Different from the resting
pulsed current (LVPC), microelectrical neuromuscular stim- membrane potential of single cells, the TEP is created
ulator (MENS), or microelectrical stimulation (MES). A by the separation of ions across sheets of epithelial cells
current of microamperage amplitude is insufficient to (i.e., skin; Fig. 9-33). This separation of ions across the
excite sensory or motor nerves. Thus, names implying skin leaves the external skin surface with a net negative
stimulation of nerve or muscle are deceiving. Any notion charge, known as the skin battery.24,32 When the skin is
of therapeutic benefit derived from activation of sensory injured, a pathway is created that allows flow of posi-
or motor nerves is physiologically implausible.20 The tively charged ions from the deeper tissues to the skin
APTA recommends use of the term low-intensity direct surface.32 As positive charges leave the injured tissue,
current (LIDC) for this microamperage current.1 the wound loses it positivity and becomes negative rel-
LIDC is typically DC or monophasic pulsed current ative to the flow of positive ions to the surface. Because
with a peak current amplitude in the microamperage of this, the wound becomes the cathode of the current.
range. If the waveform is monophasic pulsed current, In tissues lateral to the site of injury where the TEP is
the pulse duration is dependent on the frequency. A maintained, the concentration of positive ions now
typical pulse duration is 500 msec (0.5 sec)—much
longer than most other pulsed currents. Frequency on
most LIDC stimulators varies from 1 to 1,000 Hz. Transepithelial Potential
Because LIDC is either DC or monophasic, one elec-
Apical membrane
trode will remain the anode and the other the cathode. Na⫹
Unique behaviors or characteristics demonstrated by epithelial cells
particular cell populations in response to anodal or Itrans
cathodal stimulation have been reported.30,31 A more
specific discussion of cell and tissue responses to electri- Ipara K⫹ Basolateral membrane
cal stimulation appears in Chapter 14. Na⫹
LIDC originated after observations of microamper- Fig 9•33 The transepithelial potential underlies the
age DC flowing out of injured tissue.24,31,32 The “current of injury.”
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236 Modalities

flows toward the wound cathode, creating what is Symmetrical and Asymmetrical
termed lateral currents of injury. The outward flow of Biphasic Pulsed Currents
current and the lateral currents have been termed the
Symmetrical and asymmetrical biphasic pulsed currents
currents of injury. Clinical use of LIDC is based on these
represent a group of waveforms widely used for muscle
endogenously produced currents and is intended to
stimulation and pain modulation. The pulses are com-
augment the current of injury.
monly square, rectangular, or triangular and vary in
At low pulse durations and frequency,
KEY POINT! duration and amplitude based on the physiological
HVPC can result in current with microamperage response desired (Table 9-3). Asymmetrical pulsed cur-
intensity despite its name. If the frequency or pulse rents are often included along with symmetrical bipha-
duration of HVPC is increased, the total current sic pulsed currents on many clinical and handheld stim-
amplitude delivered is likely to exceed microamper- ulators, yet there is little data to support or refute use
age levels, resulting in milliamperage intensity.20 of asymmetrical pulsed current over symmetrical for
purposes of activating muscle or modulating pain.
Symmetrical biphasic pulsed current is one of the
most commonly used waveforms for activating
Clinical Principles in Practice: Clinical skeletal muscle along with the burst modulated AC
Use of Microcurrent (i.e., Russian). Most studies of the effects of electrical
A patient is referred for treatment of a skin wound that has failed stimulation on skeletal muscle have used symmetrical
to close following an open reduction and internal fixation of the biphasic pulsed or Russian current. Examination of the
left distal radius 4 weeks ago. The clinician wants to facilitate tis-
sue healing and chooses to use LIDC to stimulate epithelialization
ability of each current to generate muscular torque has
of the tissues. A device offering LIDC is chosen, and the anode of suggested that either there is little to no difference in
the current is placed over the wound site with the cathode placed the peak torque elicited11 or that torque was greater
adjacent to the wound.
using the biphasic pulsed current.10

Table 9•3 Waveforms, Uses, and Common Parameters

Type Use Waveform Parameters Settings
Russian Activation of Burst Pulse duration: 200–600 µsec
skeletal muscle modulated AC Frequency: 30–100 Hz
10 msec 10 msec 10 msec 10 msec for strengthen- Amplitude: To maximal con-
ing and traction for
endurance strengthening/
(NMES) endurance (NMES)
10 msec 10 msec 10 msec 10 msec Treatment 10 sec on/50 sec
Time: off x ≥ 10 reps
Ramp-up: 1–2 sec
Ramp-down: 1–2 sec
High volt Pain Twin-peak Pulse duration: 50–100 µsec
modulation monophasic Frequency: 1–100 Hz
pulsed Amplitude: Sensory level: to
perceivable level:
Duration: 10–30 min
Amplitude: Motor level: to
visible motor
100 µsec Duration: 1–30 min
Wound/tissue Pulse duration: 50–100 µsec
healing Frequency: 100 Hz
Amplitude: Below sensory
Duration: Several minutes
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Foundations of Electrotherapy 237

Table 9•3 Waveforms, Uses, and Common Parameters—cont’d

Type Use Waveform Parameters Settings
Interferential or Premodulated Pain modulation Amplitude Pulse duration: 200–400 µsec
Frequency 1 modulated AC Frequency: Fixed beat fre-
quency: 100 Hz

Full spectrum
sweep: 10–150 Hz
Amplitude: Sensory level
Duration: 10–30 min

Frequency 2



Microcurrent Wound/tissue Low intensity Pulse duration: 0.5 msec, or DC

healing DC (microamper- Frequency: 1 Hz, or DC
age current) Amplitude: Less than 1 mA
<1 mA Duration: Minutes to hours


Symmetrical biphasic: square or triangular Activation of Symmetrical Pulse duration: 200–600 µsec
skeletal muscle biphasic: square Frequency: 20–60 Hz
for strengthen- or triangular Amplitude: NMES: to maximal
ing and
contraction for
(NMES), or
movement (FES) FES: to level for
functional use
Treatment time: NMES: 10 sec
on/50 sec off x ≥
10 reps
FES: activity
Ramp-up: NMES: 1–2 sec
FES: activity
Ramp-down NMES: 1–2 sec
FES: activity

A newer variation of symmetrical biphasic pulsed cur- per burst (Fig. 9-34). The VMS™ Burst waveform is sim-
rent is a burst modulated form in which three symmetri- ilar to burst modulated AC (i.e., Russian or Aussie cur-
cal square or rectangular biphasic pulses are delivered rents), in that a kilohertz frequency carrier current can be
consecutively in each burst. It may be easier to think of delivered in a burst format with burst durations in the
this waveform as a burst modulated polyphasic waveform millisecond range. The burst duration is dependent on
containing six phases with 100-μsec interphase intervals the phase duration selected. With typical phase durations
2391_Ch09_209-240.qxd 5/20/11 11:48 AM Page 238

238 Modalities

200 µsec 100 µsec 1700 µsec

Amplitude (mA) 18.3 msec

Burst Burst
Duration (µs)
Fig 9•34 Burst modulated pulsed current. With six phase durations of 200 µsec and five interphase intervals of 100 µsec,
the burst duration is 1.7 msec. Six phases (three biphasic pulses) in 1.7 msec equates to a carrier frequency of 1,675 Hz.
At a burst frequency of 50 bps, the interburst interval is 18.3 msec, equating to a duty relative cycle of 9%.

of a few hundred microseconds, as is common for acti- effects remain relatively well understood. Recognizing
vating muscle, the burst duration and effective carrier the role of clinical electrotherapy in patient manage-
frequency of this waveform are consistent with those ment and its potential offerings is a starting point.
examined by Ward and colleagues, 13,17 who suggested
greater torque is elicited with burst durations of 2 to Documentation Tips
5 msec and carrier frequencies less than 2,500 Hz. This Appropriate documentation of the application of elec-
burst modulated polyphasic current appears to be a trical stimulation should include the following:
viable waveform for activating skeletal muscle.
● Waveform:
KEY POINT!When using the VMS™ Burst, it is critical to • Symmetrical biphasic square, twin-peak
note that the phase duration, not pulse duration, is monophasic, Russian, interferential, etc.
selected. Selecting a 200-µsec phase duration, and ● Waveform parameters (these will depend on the
accounting for the five 100-µsec interphase intervals, waveform used)
the total burst duration is 1,700 µsec, or 1.7 msec • Pulse duration and frequency, amplitude, on
(see Fig. 9-34). When the six phases (three biphasic and off time, ramp-up and ramp-down, burst
pulses) in 1.7 msec bursts are compared to 50 phases duration, beat frequency, sweep, scan, swing
(25 sinusoidal cycles) of AC in 10-msec bursts of ● Electrode
Russian current, the effective carrier frequency of the • Type, shape, and size
VMS™ Burst waveform is easily calculated as 1,765 Hz • Placement location
(but only when the phase duration is 200 µsec). If the • Integrity of skin before and after treatment
phase duration is increased to 400 µsec, the burst ● Patient position
duration increases to 2,900 µsec, or 2.9 msec, and ● Dosage
equates to a carrier frequency of 1,034 Hz. • For NMES: the amplitude required to achieve
the desired response
• For iontophoresis: the product of current ampli-
The Bottom Line for tude x treatment duration (e.g., 80 mA ⫻ min)
Electrotherapy ● Treatment duration

Competent, safe, and effective use of electrical stimula-

tion requires that the clinician understand the basics of
1. APTA. Electrotherapeutic Terminology in Physical Therapy.
electrotherapeutic currents and waveforms. Use of elec-
Alexandria, VA: American Physical Therapy Association;
trotherapy offers a variety of physiological effects that 1990:39.
can be used to provide substantial therapeutic benefits 2. Giancoli D. Physics: Principles and Applications. 6th ed. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Prentice Hall; 2009:1040.
to patients. While many variations of electrical wave- 3. Sherwood L. Human Physiology: From Cells to Systems. 7th ed.
forms have emerged over time, the electrophysiological Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole; 2010:78–83.
2391_Ch09_209-240.qxd 5/20/11 11:48 AM Page 239

Foundations of Electrotherapy 239

4. Robinson A. Clinical Electrophysiology: Electrotherapy and 18. Laufer Y, Elboim M. Effect of burst frequency and duration of
Electrophysiologic Testing. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott, kilohertz-frequency alternating currents and of low-frequency
Williams, and Wilkins; 2008. pulsed currents on strength of contraction, muscle fatigue,
5. Palmer S, Martin D. Interferential Current. London, England: and perceived discomfort. Phys Ther. 2008;88:1167–1176.
Churchill Livingstone; 2008:297–315. 19. Newton R. High Voltage Pulsed Galvanic Stimulation:
6. Ward A, Oliver W, Buccella D. Wrist extensor torque produc- Theoretical Bases and Clinical Application. East Norwalk, CT:
tion and discomfort associated with low frequency and burst Appleton Century Crofts; 1987.
modulated kilohertz-frequency currents. Phys Ther. 2006;86: 20. Picker R. Low volt pulsed microamp stimulation. Clinical
1360–1367. Management. 1989;9(2):10–14.
7. Ciccone C. Electrical stimulation for delivery of medications: 21. Alon G. Principles of Electrical Stimulation. Stamford, CT:
Iontophoresis: In: Clinical Electrophysiology. 3rd ed. Appleton Lange; 1999:64.
Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins; 2008:351–388. 22. Gersh M. Microcurrent electrical stimulation: putting it in
8. Lundy-Ekman L. Neuroscience: Fundamentals for Rehabilitation. perspective. Clinical Management. 1989;9(4):51–54.
3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders-Elsevier; 2007. 23. Kloth L. Electrical Stimulation for Wound Healing. Philadelphia:
9. Ward A, Shkuratova N. Russian electrical stimulation: the early FA Davis; 2002:302–303.
experiments. Phys Ther. 2002;82(10):1019–1030. 24. McCaig C, Rajnicek A, Song B, Zhao M. Controlling cell behav-
10. Laufer Y, Ries J, Leininger P, Alon G. Quadriceps femoris mus- ior electrically: current views and future potential. Physiol Rev.
cle torques produced and fatigue generated by neuromuscu- 2005;85:943–978.
lar electrical stimulation with three different waveforms. Phys 25. Robertson V, Ward A, Low J, Reed A. Electrotherapy
Ther. 2001;81:1307–1316. Explained: Principles and Practice. 4th ed. Oxford, United
11. Snyder-Mackler L, Garrett M, Roberts M. A comparison of Kingdom: Butterworth Heinemann; 2006.
torque generating capabilities of three electrical stimulating 26. Goats G. Interferential current therapy. Br Med J. 1990;
currents. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 1989;11:297–301. 24(2):87–92.
12. Walmsley R, Letts G, Vooys J. A comparison of torque gener- 27. Draper D, Knight K. Interferential current therapy: often used
ated by knee extension with a maximal voluntary contraction but misunderstood. Athl Ther Today. 2006;11(4):29–31.
vis-à-vis electrical stimulation. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 28. Ganne J. Interferential therapy. Aust J Physiother. 1976;22(3):
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13. Ward A. Electrical stimulation using kilohertz frequency alter- 29. Johnson M, Wilson H. The analgesic effects of different swing
nating current. Phys Ther. 2009;89(2):181–190. patterns of interferential currents on cold-induced pain.
14. Delitto A, Brown M, Strube M, et al. Electrical stimulation of Physiotherapy. 1997;83(9):461–468.
quadriceps femoris in an elite weight lifter: a single-subject 30. Raja K, Garcia M, Isseroff R. Wound re-epithelialization: mod-
experiment. Int J Sports Med. 1989;10:187–191. ulating keratinocyte migration in wound healing. Front Biosci.
15. St. Pierre D, Taylor A, Lavoie M, et al. Effects of 2500 Hz sinus- 2007;12:2849–2868.
oidal current on fibre area and strength of the quadriceps 31. Zhao M, Song B, Pu J, et al. Electrical signals control wound
femoris. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 1986;26:60–66. healing through phoshatidylinositol-3-OH kinase-y and PTEN.
16. Ward A, Robertson V. The variation in torque production with Nature. 2006;442:457–460.
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Phys Med Rehabil. 1998;79:1399–1404. healing. Curr Top Dev Biol. 2003;58:1–26.
17. Ward A, Robertson V, Ioannou H. The effect of duty cycle and
frequency on muscle torque production using KHz frequency
range alternating current. Med Eng Phys. 2004;26:569–579.
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chapter 10
Clinical Electrical
Application and
James W. Bellew, PT, EdD

onsidering the many waveform parameters pre-
INSTRUMENTATION FOR ELECTROTHERAPY sented in Chapter 9, it should not be surprising
Classifying Electrotherapeutic Devices that many clinicians feel intimidated or confused
Control of Electrical Stimulation: The Dials and Buttons by clinical electrotherapy. However, this is entirely
Electrodes: Types and Choices unnecessary, as a competent and clinically effective
Applying Electrodes
knowledge of electrotherapeutics can easily be obtained
Placement of Electrodes
Electrode Configurations
by understanding how parameters result in the many
effects produced with electrotherapy. Unfortunately,
ELECTROTHERAPY? intimidation and confusion are perpetuated by com-
Deciphering the “Electro Lingo Code” mercial hype, poorly informed clinicians, complex-
Electrotherapy for Activation of Skeletal Muscle: appearing instrumentation, and sometimes misleading
Strengthening and Reeducation
Strengthening: NMES
user’s manuals. Waveforms vary in so many ways, and
Reeducation and Retraining: FES these variations are even more obvious when looking at
Electrical Stimulation of Denervated Muscle the variety of dials, knobs, switches, and lights that are
Electrotherapy for Modulating Pain found on electrotherapeutic devices.
Electrotherapy for Preventing or Reducing Edema
Electrotherapy for Increasing Circulation
Electrotherapy for Promoting Tissue Healing Instrumentation
for Electrotherapy
Physiology of Iontophoresis
Application of Iontophoresis
Classifying Electrotherapeutic Devices
Selecting an Ion Electrotherapeutic devices can be described by the type of
Electrode Selection and Placement current generated and the power sources. Common clin-
Dosage and the Iontophoretic Equation
ical names used to describe devices include Russian, high-
Adverse Effects: Current not Drugs
Recent Advances in Iontophoresis
volt, microcurrent, and interferential. While these names
Iontophoresis Versus Tap Water Galvanism are common, use of more specific descriptors of the indi-
PRECAUTIONS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS vidual waveforms is encouraged. When classifying by
Safety with Electrotherapeutics: “Primum Non Nocere” power source, devices are either line-powered or
2391_Ch10_241-278.qxd 5/20/11 5:56 PM Page 242

242 Modalities

battery-powered. Line-powered devices are powered by rectified current is pulsed. For most line-powered elec-
wall current (110 volt, 60 Hz in North America) and trotherapeutic devices in clinical use today, several wave-
are plugged into a wall outlet for use. These devices are form options are available, whereas battery-powered
sometimes referred to as clinical devices because their devices tend to have only one type of current or a limited
portability is limited. Battery-powered devices obtain few (Fig. 10-1). Because electrotherapeutic devices
their power from a variety of different battery sources, generate an output current, they are sometimes referred
including the common AA, AAA, and 9-volt batteries, to as generators, although this is not as common as it
as well as rechargeable batteries. The major advantage once was.
of battery-powered devices is their portability, allowing
them to be used outside the clinic and while the patient Control of Electrical Stimulation:
is engaged in activity. The Dials and Buttons
Line-powered devices have traditionally been capa-
Various waveform parameters, such as amplitude, fre-
ble of delivering greater current intensities than battery-
quency, pulse duration, and ramp, are often at the prac-
powered devices. This was particularly true with stimu-
titioner’s control. The many dials, buttons, and switches
lators delivering large amplitude currents for muscle
on most devices are controlled by some form of oscilla-
strengthening. For many years, evidence suggested that
tor circuitry. An output amplifier helps modify the
battery-powered stimulators used for muscle strength-
intensity of the current delivered to the patient by con-
ening were insufficient in their ability to activate
trolling either the voltage or the current. Some devices
skeletal muscle when compared to line-powered
available today allow the clinician to choose between a
devices. Recent evidence has altered this opinion. In
current output with constant voltage (CV) or constant
studies of healthy, strong adults, Laufer and colleagues1
current (CC). Voltage and current are directly propor-
and Lyons and associates2 reported evidence that newer
tional. Thus, a change in one necessitates a change in
battery-powered devices can stimulate skeletal muscle
the other based on the resistance of the circuit. With
to levels once considered achievable only by line-
CV devices, the voltage force driving the current will
powered devices.
remain constant. As a result of the varying biological
Clinical Controversies
A common misconception is that because batteries pro-
vide DC, battery-powered devices must deliver DC to
the patient. This is for the most part inaccurate, the
exception being devices used for iontophoresis. While
DC is provided by a battery, electrotherapeutic devices
may provide a variety of other waveforms, none or only
one of which may be DC. Likewise, line-powered
devices receiving AC current from the wall outlet do
not deliver true 60 Hz AC to the patient. Rather, the
alteration of battery-provided DC and household AC
to other therapeutic waveforms occurs through the use
of rectifiers, transformers, filters, and regulators within
electrical devices. These take an input current and
modify the current into a waveform to be used for ther-
apeutic purposes.

Therapeutic electrical devices generally consist of

two primary components—a signal generator and mod-
ulator circuits for modulating the source current into Fig 10•1 Most line-powered units offer a variety of elec-
the output current. For the majority of applications, this trotherapy waveforms.
2391_Ch10_241-278.qxd 5/20/11 5:56 PM Page 243

Clinical Electrical Stimulation: Application and Techniques 243

resistances encountered by current as it passes through offering control for pulse width generate pulsatile cur-
the body, such as bone and fat, the current will increase rent, because neither DC nor AC has pulse duration.
or decrease while the voltage remains constant. If a
Pulse duration is the total time elapsed
patients sweats while receiving stimulation from a CV
from beginning to end of all phases, including the
device, resistance decreases and current may increase to
interphase interval within a pulse.
unsafe levels. This should always be considered when
using heating packs with stimulation. To understand what a device can be used for, simply
A constant current (CC) device maintains a constant look at what parameters the dials and buttons control.
flow of current, despite varying biological resistances, For example, if a device has controls for on-time and
by adjusting the voltage force pushing the current. off-time as well as ramp-up and ramp-down, it is prob-
Regarding which is better for clinical use, it is helpful to ably designed to activate skeletal muscle for strengthen-
keep in mind that without the flow of current, none of ing or functional activity. If a device offers control
the electrophysiological responses elicited by elec- of frequency and pulse duration but lacks on- and
trotherapy would be possible. With constant voltage, off-time controls, it is probably used for electroanal-
the current may decrease to an ineffective intensity, gesia and not strengthening (Fig. 10-3).
whereas with CC, the intensity is maintained closer It cannot be assumed with accuracy that a numerical
to the level required for the desired therapeutic effect change on the control, whether the display is analog or
(Fig. 10-2). digital, will result in the same change in parameter out-
Controls for pulse duration and frequency are also put. For example, many analog or digital controls allow
common to many devices. Pulse duration may often be linear increments from 0 to 10, or something similar.
labeled pulse width, although this is not preferred termi- One cannot assume that with a 0-to-10 range, the
nology, because pulse duration implies a chronological increase from 1 to 2 will result in a 10% change in
unit (i.e., milliseconds) whereas width implies linear parameter output, nor can one assume that a single unit
measurement. Pulse frequency is often labeled as rate, increase from 5 to 6 or from 7 to 8 and so on will result
pps (pulses per second), or frequency, and the clinician in equal change. In addition, it cannot be assumed that
can select the number of pulses per second of pulsatile a half turn of a dial will result in a 50% change in that
current. For waveforms using bursts (e.g., Russian), the parameter. While most handheld and many line-
burst frequency is either fixed or controlled by an alto- powered units have amplitude dials that go from zero to
gether different mechanism. Keep in mind that devices maximum amplitude in one 360-degree turn, some

Constant Voltage
Voltmeter Fat Amp meter

0 0

30 10 10 V 5 mA 2 mA 5 mA 3 mA 5 mA 9 3

20 6

Constant Current
Bone Fig 10•2 Constant voltage
Amp meter Fat Voltmeter
devices maintain the voltage,
0 0 but current flow will vary through
tissues with different resistance.
9 3 5 mA 5 mA 5 mA 5 mA 5 mA 30 10 Constant current devices maintain
current flow by modulating the
6 20 voltage through tissues with
varying resistance.
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244 Modalities

modern electrotherapeutic devices are made with less

manual control is because clinical competency in using
these parameters has declined. A well-educated clinician
should strive to select specific waveform parameters
rather than opt for preprogrammed settings.

Electrodes: Types and Choices

An electrode is defined as the device that serves as the
interface relaying current between an electrical stimula-
tion device and the patient. Often, little consideration
is given to the choice of electrodes, preparation for elec-
trode placement, placement sites, and care of elec-
Fig 10•3 A look at the controls will likely indicate what a
device can do. A muscle stimulator allows control of the trodes. This is ironic because electrodes can be consid-
on- and off-time, ramp, and frequency. TENS units ered the most important link between the device and
often have controls for pulse duration, frequency, and
modulation. the patient. Successful use of electrotherapy depends on
correct selection of electrodes so the appropriate tissues
are stimulated.
line-powered devices have rotary dials that are not fixed There are two classes of electrodes: (1) surface or
to one complete turn and must be rotated several times transcutaneous electrodes and (2) invasive or indwelling
to increase or decrease the current output. electrodes. Most clinical applications of electrotherapy
use surface electrodes to deliver current transcutaneously
KEY POINT!To understand the linearity of the output
from the device to the patient. Surface electrodes can be
controls, clinicians should familiarize themselves with
used in reverse fashion to relay electrical signals from the
each device and observe the electrophysiological
patient to a device during electromyographic biofeed-
effect on tissue when changing parameters. It is pru-
back. The most common use of invasive electrodes is
dent to never deliver to a patient a current that you
for recording the electrical activity of subjects during
have not first tried yourself. Only through personal
electrodiagnostic examinations. Invasive or indwelling
experience and familiarity can one truly understand
electrodes may also be used to deliver therapeutic stim-
and describe the feeling of the current to the patient.
ulation, but this is much less common and typically
Two noticeable changes in electrotherapeutic devices used for kinesiologic examination where fine-wired elec-
have evolved due to advances in technology. The first is trodes are inserted into muscle.
the transition from analog controls (often dials) to digi- Electrodes vary in many ways, such as shape,
tal controls (often buttons). While the progression from dimensions, flexibility, method of adherence to the
analog to digital control may seem like technological skin, cost, and material (Fig. 10-4). Electrodes must
progression, there are limitations to the use of digitally conduct current well, be flexible enough to conform to
controlled parameters. For example, some devices used varying body surfaces, and be durable. Metal elec-
for activation of skeletal muscle only allow the practi- trodes are usually made of tin, steel, or aluminum and
tioner the option of selecting 30, 50, or 100 pps. These require a wet sponge as an interface between the metal
may be suitable for many applications, but the use of any and the tissue. Electrodes made from metal are excel-
other frequencies is not possible. The second noticeable lent conductors and are usually durable, but they often
technological change is the advent and inclusion of pre- lack the flexibility to allow them to conform over body
programmed clinical treatment protocols. While these contours. Use of metal electrodes is associated with
are designed to assist the practitioner in clinical decision- increased risk of electrical burns and has largely given
making and parameter selection, choosing parameters way to commercially manufactured disposable elec-
based on patient-specific needs and desired electrothera- trodes. The most common use of metal electrodes is
peutic effects is encouraged. One of the main reasons seen in handheld applicators and stimulating probes.
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Clinical Electrical Stimulation: Application and Techniques 245

Flexible electrodes are usually made of carbonized

silicon rubber, having the advantage of pliability while
maintaining good conductivity. Flexible electrodes may
be designed for long-term repeated use, short-term use
(several days to weeks), or one-time use. Short-term or
one-time-use electrodes are intended for single-patient
use and are disposable. They are often coated with a
conductive coupling agent, such as karaya gum (an
organic extract of sterculia trees), whereas reusable clin-
ical electrodes may not have a conductive agent and,
A therefore, require the addition of electroconductive gel
before use.
Disposable electrodes come in many different sizes
and shapes, including those designed for small sites,
such as the fingers, to much larger sites, such as the
lumbosacral region. One disadvantage of disposable
electrodes is that they need to be replaced often, yet the
number of times that reusable electrodes can be safely
and effectively used varies greatly. Disposable electrodes
used for strengthening typically have a life of 18 to
20 applications before patients notice a change in toler-
ance to the stimulus or a greater intensity stimulus is
needed to achieve the same effect.3 The number of uses
of each electrode should be recorded. A subjective and
more obvious indication that electrodes need to be
replaced is when the perceived quality of the stimulus
changes as in a prickling sensation or a decreased feeling
of current (assuming the parameters are the same as in
previous applications). For sanitary reasons, each patient
should be issued a set of electrodes that are not to be
shared with others; these can be kept in their chart.
The interface where the pin lead from the electrical
stimulation (ES) device joins the electrode should be
examined. The pin may enter directly into the electrode
or may connect to a small lead wire connected to the
electrode. This junction is clinically referred to as a
pigtail. This pigtail junction is a common site of break-
down in the machine-to-electrode interface. A compro-
mise of this interface can lead to current leakage and the
C potential for electrical burn. The conductive surface of
Fig 10•4 Electrodes come in many shapes and sizes, the electrodes should be checked before and after use.
indicating a variety of uses, including (A) carbon and The surface should appear uniform and without pitting,
sponge reusable electrodes; (B) adhesive disposable
electrodes; and (C) needle, bar, disk, ring, and probe pocking, tears, or other areas of compromised integrity
electrodes used for diagnostic studies. (Fig. 10-5). All of these increase the risk for adverse
events and, at the very least, reduce the effectiveness of
the application (e.g., current delivered to the patient).
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246 Modalities

conductive polymer that serves as both the conductive

medium and the adhesive. Electrode adhesiveness can
be improved by applying a drop or two of water. This is
especially true after repeated applications, but with too
many uses, conductivity will be reduced. Following
treatment, sponges used must be sanitized with soap or
bleach solutions between patient use. It may be prudent
for each patient to have sponges issued that are not
shared with others. Even flexible carbonized silicon
rubber electrodes deteriorate over repeated use and
need to be replaced. If the patient reports a decrease in
the tolerance to the current or noticeably more current
Fig 10•5 Visual inspection of electrodes prior to and after
use is recommended. Breakdown of the connector and is required to elicit the same effect, the electrodes likely
conductive surface is common after several uses. need to be replaced.
Short-use disposable electrodes also begin to deteri-
orate, with erosion of the coupling agent occurring
Applying Electrodes after repeated use. Often the patient will report a
Before applying electrodes, the skin surface must be burning sensation under an electrode. These “hot
evaluated and prepared to ensure optimal conductance spots” are often due to a compromise or erosion of the
and to limit impedance. A thorough cleansing of the conductive medium. To prolong the life of short-use
skin with soap and water is recommended to remove disposable electrodes, care should be given to keeping
oils, dirt, and lotions, which act as resistance to current. the conductive surface from drying out. Electrodes
Preparing the skin with alcohol-based cleaners is com- should be stored on the plastic sheet from the pack-
mon, but this should be used with caution, as the dry- age. Most of these plastic sheets are marked “NO” on
ing and desiccating effect on the skin can lead to one side and “ON” on the other side. The “ON” side
increased resistance to current. It is recommended to is covered with a special polymer to prolong the life of
shave hair at the electrode placement site to improve the electrode, so electrodes should be placed on the
adherence of the electrodes, but shaving should occur “ON” side.
the day prior to application of electrotherapy, because The choice of electrode size should be made with
scraping of the skin acts to acutely denude the stratum two things in mind: the goal of the treatment and the
corneum, reducing overall skin impedance; this can size of the area to be stimulated. Usually, the larger the
result in uncomfortable stimulation. More aggressive area to be stimulated, the larger the electrodes need to
preparation of the skin by abrasive scrubbing, often be. For example, electrodes used to stimulate the
with alcohol wipes, is not necessary, again considering quadriceps muscles should be larger than those for the
the acute effect of reducing skin impedance to current forearm muscles. Electrode size and the amount of cur-
and exposing the more sensitive layers of the dermis. rent it conducts determine current density. Current den-
Electrodes using sponges for interfaces must be wet sity is the current per unit area of the electrode
with a conductive liquid. Tap water is commonly used (mA/cm2 or mm2). This assumes that there is uniform
because it is a good conductor; distilled water will not conduction of current across the electroconductive sur-
conduct as well because the natural impurities that act face of the electrode, that the electrode surface is in full
as conductive ions have been removed. Saline is a good contact with the skin, and that no hot spots are present.
conductor and is often used, but it is more costly than Current density is inversely proportional to electrode
tap water. Flexible carbonized silicon rubber electrodes size. For the same amount of current, the current den-
that are not manufactured with a coupling agent sity in a smaller electrode will be greater than that in a
require the addition of a hypoallergenic aqueous gel larger electrode (Fig. 10-6).
(“electrode” or ultrasonic gel). Most flexible adhesive High levels of stimulation are generally not used with
electrodes are manufactured with a self-adhesive small electrodes, because the greater current density may
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Clinical Electrical Stimulation: Application and Techniques 247

the conductive surface is over the tissue to be treated and

that the full surface remains in contact with the skin.

 Use of adhesive tapes and elastic bands are an effective

  way to keep electrodes in place. Sometimes, small
weights are placed atop the electrode to keep them in
 position, but this method and the use of tape or elastic

bands must be used with attention. It is not uncommon
to see flexible electrodes bend or curl under the pressure
of weights or excessively tight tape or elastic bands
(Fig. 10-7). This can result in a lack of contact of the
outer edges of some electrodes and increased current
density, impedance, discomfort, and risk of electrical
burn under the compressed area of the electrode.
Insecure or loose attachment of electrodes can result
in their movement and in changes of the electrode-to-
skin contact. Loose contact is usually an early sign that
self-adhesive electrodes need to be replaced. Special
Fig 10•6 With the same amount of current delivered to attention needs to be given to electrodes specifically
electrodes of differing size, the current density will be designed for iontophoresis, which use DC current.
greater under the smaller electrode.
These should not be attached with additional tape,
bands, or weights because these may greatly increase the
result in uncomfortable burning sensations. If electrodes current density with DC and result in skin irritation,
of different shapes are used at the same time, the current discomfort, or electrical burn. Sleeping with active elec-
density across the smaller electrode will be greater, trodes could also be dangerous because the electrode
resulting in the perception of a stronger stimulus under may peel and lose full contact with the skin, increasing
the smaller electrode. Some electrode configurations will the current density to a dangerous level.
take advantage of this, as we will see shortly. It is more
common that the electrode size is equal for most clinical Placement of Electrodes
applications. Electrode size should reflect the size of the Where electrodes are placed is determined by the
area that is to be stimulated. Although larger electrodes goal electrotherapy is trying to accomplish and what
will have less current density than smaller electrodes tissues need to be stimulated to achieve that goal.
(assuming like current amplitude) and will be more
comfortable for the patient, use of larger than necessary
electrodes can lead to stimulation of tissues that are not
necessary and even counter to the purpose of the stimu-
lation. Take, for example, using electrical stimulation to
activate the anterior tibialis with the goal of dorsiflexing
the ankle to clear the toes during swing phase of gait.
Electrodes that are larger than necessary may likely stim-
ulate the peroneus longus and introduce a plantarflexion
and eversion component, which opposes the desired
effect of the anterior tibialis.
Attaching electrodes to the skin also requires some
consideration. While self-adhesive electrodes usually
require no additional adhesive or means of fixing the Fig 10•7 When using elastic or tape to place electrodes,
avoid curling or bending of the electrode. Curling will
electrodes to the skin, other electrodes will. The primary reduce the conductive area of the electrode, increase the
consideration when attaching electrodes is to make sure charge density, and increase the risk of burn.
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248 Modalities

Dermatomal, sclerotomal, or myotomal sensory distri-

butions can be used. If, for example, stimulation of sen-
sory nerves is desired, electrodes need to be placed over
the relevant sensory nerves. If motor stimulation is
desired, the stimulus needs to be placed over the motor
nerve innervating the muscle to be activated. In nor-
mally innervated patients, the neurolemma (nerve
membrane) of a motor nerve has a lower threshold for
activation than the sarcolemma (muscle membrane);
therefore, ES will depolarize the motor nerve, not the
muscle directly. Motor nerves are traditionally stimulated
over the motor point, which is the region where the
motor nerve is most easily excited and thus accessible to
stimulation. It is typically found in the muscle belly or
proximal third of the muscle. In electrophysiological
terms, the motor point is the place where the greatest
motor response is found for a given amount of stimu-
lus, or in other words, the place where resistance to the Fig 10•8 Moving or gliding small, gelled electrodes over
current is least. While motor point charts have tradi- the muscle belly while providing stimulation will assist in
locating the motor point. The area with the greatest motor
tionally been used and are still widely available and dis- response to the stimulation is the motor point.
tributed by manufacturers as clinical guides to electrode
placement, variability does exist between individuals.

Clinical Application
It is relatively easy to find the motor point of a muscle in most
patients. Using a stimulator capable of eliciting a motor response,
place two small, gelled electrodes (versus adhesive) on the mus-
cle to be stimulated. Set the parameters to produce a motor
response and increase the amplitude. Slowly move or glide the
electrodes on the surface of the muscle belly while observing for
the greatest muscle response. The area demonstrating the great-
est response is likely the motor point and the area where elec-
trodes should be placed during muscle stimulation (Fig. 10-8).
Another technique used to identify the location for electrode Fig 10•9 Creating a circuit between the patient and clini-
placement uses direct palpation by the clinician.99,100 To do this, cian allows for a moving palpation to identify the motor
the clinician applies one electrode to his or her forearm, palm, point. One electrode is in the hand of the clinician and
or dorsum of the hand while placing the other electrode on the the other is on the patient. Finger contact with the patient
patient (Fig. 10-9). completes the circuit.
The clinician then applies conductive gel to three or four fin-
gers of the hand used to palpate and places the fingers on the
patient in the intended area of stimulation. (The current density
through the therapist’s fingers will be higher if only one or two When placing electrodes for motor stimulation, a
fingers are used, so use three or four fingers.) Finger contact with
very common mistake occurs when one electrode is
the patient creates a circuit between the patient and the subject.
In this manner, the clinician’s fingers become an electrode, which placed over the motor point and the other over a more
will be used to explore and locate the region of least resistance. distal site. The problem with this can be twofold:
After increasing the intensity of the stimulus, the clinician simply
moves his or her fingers around the intended area of stimulation, (1) the distal electrode is often placed away from the
looking for the site that elicits the greatest motor response. region of the motor nerve where the optimal response
Electrodes are then applied to this area for stimulation in the
is obtained, rendering the stimulus less effective, and
customary manner.
(2) the distal electrode is often placed in a region where
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Clinical Electrical Stimulation: Application and Techniques 249

there is significantly less or no depolarizable muscle tis-

Clinical Application
sue (Fig. 10-10). Thus, when the clinician increases the
intensity, the patient is more likely to report a strong Recall from Chapter 9 that the normal order of response to ES is
a sensory followed by motor and then noxious (e.g., painful)
sensation of the stimulus but with little to no motor response. During stimulation of muscle, if the patient’s sensation
activity. This problem seems to be very common in goes straight from a sensory to a noxious response, it is probably
because one or more of the electrodes is not over an area of
motor stimulation of the muscles of the forearm and
muscle tissue. A relocation of electrodes closer to the motor point
lower leg, where the majority of the muscle mass lies in will result in the appropriate order of response.
the upper one-half of the limb segment. An electrode is
commonly placed over the proximal muscle mass and
one placed distally near the wrist or ankle. While the The distance between electrodes is termed interelec-
proximal one is likely near to the motor point, the dis- trode distance. Considering that current will take the
tal electrode is not over the muscle group but rather a path of least resistance, the clinician must ensure that
large tendon area. Besides not achieving the motor the stimulus current has the best chance of reaching
response desired, stimulation of nonmotor tissues with the desired tissue. Electrodes should not be so close
motor-level stimulation can cause discomfort and will together that they may come in contact with each
likely require a decrease in the stimulus amplitude, thus other. This may result in increased current density in
diminishing the effect of the treatment. the superficial tissue between the electrodes and
increase the chance of burning the patient. Making
sure the stimulus current reaches deeper tissues where
motor nerves, muscles, and bone lie requires appropri-
ate spacing of electrodes. With electrodes appropriately
spaced, the current is less likely to travel in the
superficial tissues between electrodes. Instead, current
travels in the deeper tissues, thus increasing the likeli-
hood that the desired tissues will be stimulated
(Fig. 10-11). With wider spacing, greater current
amplitude can often be used to reach the deeper tis-
sues. Wider spacing can also lead to more motor units
being activated (for an NMES application) or more
A sensory fibers activated (in a TENS mode).

Electrode Configurations
The placement, or configuration, of electrodes will
greatly impact the effect of ES. The majority of elec-
trotherapy techniques consist of a single circuit and two
electrodes placed over the target tissue. The most com-
mon electrode configuration is a bipolar electrode config-
uration, in which all the electrodes of a single circuit are
placed over the treatment area (Fig. 10-12B). A bipolar
configuration is most commonly used with biphasic
B pulsed currents, burst modulated AC (e.g., Russian),
and premodulated current during stimulation of
Fig 10•10 Electrodes should be positioned over the mus-
cle tissue to be stimulated. Placement of electrodes distal muscle (i.e., NMES and FES) and electroanalgesia
to the muscle fibers (A) results in stimulation over areas (i.e., TENS). The electrodes are usually the same
without muscle tissue and may be uncomfortable or result
in lesser response from the muscle. Placement over more size, so the current density through each electrode
muscular tissue (B) results in a more robust response. is equal. If the two electrodes differ in size, the smaller
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250 Modalities

Fig 10•11 The interelectrode distance will affect the

depth of penetration of current. Wider placements (A) will
result in greater depth of penetration than narrower (B).

of the two will necessarily have a greater current densi- B

ty and impedance than the larger electrode. All the elec-

trodes are considered treatment or active electrodes
with a bipolar electrode orientation.
Sometimes it is desirable to have stimulation only
under a single electrode. In this case, an electrode of a
single circuit may be positioned over the treatment area
while the other electrode is placed at a site where a ther-
apeutic effect is not intended. This configuration is
termed a monopolar arrangement (Fig. 10-12A).
Monopolar electrode placement is most commonly
used with DC, and monophasic pulsed currents during
iontophoresis and many applications for wound or tis-
sue healing. It is important to recognize that the lead
wires from a device generating a single circuit can be
split, or bifurcated, allowing two (or even more) elec-
trodes to be used at the treatment site. If a lead wire is
bifurcated to allow more than one electrode at the treat- C
ment area with a third placed over a nontreatment area, Fig 10•12 (A) Monopolar, (B) bipolar, and (C) quadripolar
it is still considered a monopolar arrangement. With a electrode placements.
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Clinical Electrical Stimulation: Application and Techniques 251

monopolar electrode orientation, the electrode(s) over A third electrode configuration exists, which involves
the target tissue is the treatment or active electrode, the application of two or more electrodes from two sepa-
whereas the other electrode is termed the reference or rate circuits. The electrodes are placed so that the currents
inactive electrode. are intentionally crossed, or interfered, as in interferential
current. This configuration, using at least four electrodes,
is termed a quadripolar configuration (Fig. 10-12C). True
Clinical Principles in Practice: quadripolar interferential current is the most common
Monopolar Electrode Configuration application using a quadripolar electrode configuration.
With One or Two Active Electrodes
Table 10-1 summarizes these configurations.
and a Single Inactive Electrode
The clinician treating a stage IV pressure ulcer with twin-peak
KEY POINT!Simply using four electrodes does not con-
monophasic current may choose to place an active electrode stitute a quadripolar orientation. It is not uncommon
over the wound to deliver cathodal (negative) stimulation while
to see four electrodes used for muscle activation or
placing the inactive or reference electrode adjacent to the wound.
In this application, there are only two electrodes of a single circuit— pain modulation over large areas. These uses are
one treatment and one reference. If treating acute swelling of the usually two separate circuits with bipolar electrode
lateral and medial ankle secondary to sprain, the clinician may
choose to bifurcate the lead wire of the active electrodes to deliv- arrangement applied to treat the larger area.
er cathodal (negative) stimulation to both sides of the joint while
placing the inactive electrode on the leg. In this application, there The name monopolar is misleading because there are
are three electrodes—two over the treatment area and one away always two poles—an anode and a cathode—required to
yet still maintaining a single circuit.
make a complete circuit. The electrode with the greater
concentration of negative ions or electrons is the cath-
As with bipolar orientation, if electrodes differ in ode, whereas the anode has a lesser concentration of
size, the smaller electrode will have a greater current negative ions or electrons. The greater concentration of
density. Because of the electrochemical effects of DC negative ions near the cathode reduces the resting mem-
and monophasic pulsed current, asymmetrical elec- brane potential across the cell, thereby depolarizing the
trode size with these currents must be considered so nerve. In contrast, the lesser concentration of negative
as to avoid adverse effects. More often than not, ions at the anode results in hyperpolarization of the cell
if one electrode of an electrotherapy device uses a and decreased responsiveness to stimulation. Because
much larger electrode (2 in.  4 in. and ranging the cathode is the site of depolarization and the anode is
up to 8 in.  10 in.), then the device likely provides the site of hyperpolarization, the cathode is termed the
DC, monophasic pulsed current, or unbalanced active electrode and the anode the inactive electrode.
asymmetrical pulsed current. In these currents, one However, with AC and biphasic currents that regularly
electrode will remain the anode and the other the alternate or change direction of current flow, the elec-
cathode. trodes also alternate from being the cathode or anode.
Bifurcation of lead wires can allow a greater area to Whether an electrode elicits the effect of a specific
be treated but decreases the current density at each pole (i.e., has a polar effect) is a matter of whether
individual electrode since the current is now shared polarity is sustained under that electrode. For example,
between the electrodes. For example, if a monopolar
electrode arrangement with a single active electrode Table 10•1 Basic Electrode Configurations
placed over the gastrocnemius with current ampli- and Clinical Use
tude of 50 mA is then bifurcated to allow two elec- Name Electrode Location Common Use
Monopolar Active electrode of single Pain modulation, iontophore-
trodes over the gastrocnemius, the current density circuit over target area; sis, tissue healing
under the two electrodes is now 25 mA (assuming inactive over nearby non-
both electrodes are of equal size and impedance and treatment area
Bipolar Both or all electrodes of Muscle activation, pain
total current output remains 50 mA). The overall single circuit over target modulation
effect of the change in stimulus amplitude must be tissues
considered when choosing to use more than one Quadripolar Four electrodes of two cir- Pain modulation
cuits over target tissues
active electrode.
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252 Modalities

AC, symmetrical biphasic pulsed current, and balanced a few hundred microseconds because the current is reg-
asymmetrical pulsed current result in no net charge ularly “alternating” between positive and negative,
(sometimes termed zero net DC); thus, the electrodes depending on the frequency. Consider the polarity of
do not remain a true anode or cathode for longer than each electrode to be constantly changing from positive
to negative, never maintaining or accumulating enough
charge to induce a polar effect (i.e., a cathodal or anodal
Box 10•1 Which Color Wire Should I Use effect). In contrast, three waveforms—DC, monopha-
Where? sic pulsed current, and unbalanced asymmetrical bipha-
The lead wires of many electrotherapy devices are manufactured sic pulsed current—can cause true polar effects, because
with red and black ends. Many clinicians assume this indicates
the positive and negative leads, respectively. However, with cur-
current either flows in only one direction (DC) or flows
rents that continually change direction, such as AC and biphasic in one direction more than the other. This results in
currents, the polarity is continually changing, so the red or black greater-than-zero net charge at the electrodes. A sus-
lead is neither the anode or cathode for more than the duration of
a single phase of a biphasic pulse (i.e., microseconds). Only when tained anode and cathode with polar effects are present
using DC, monophasic pulsed current, or unbalanced asymmetri- only with the latter three waveforms (Fig. 10-13). It
cal pulsed current would the red and black truly indicate an
anode and cathode.
should be noted that the pictures of waveforms in a
manual depict what is happening only at one electrode.

5 mA

Net charge  5

5 mA

5 mA

Net charge  5

5 mA

5 mA

biphasic Net charge  3
2 mA

5 mA

5 mA

Net charge  0
Fig 10•13 Direct current (DC), monophasic current
pulsed, and unbalanced asymmetrical biphasic
pulsed currents will develop a net charge and 5 mA
thus have a sustained anode and cathode
because current flows in only one direction or
one direction more than the other. No net charge 5 mA
is accumulated with alternating current (AC),
symmetrical biphasic pulsed current, and bal- Balanced
Net charge  0
anced biphasic currents. Note that net charge biphasic
would be negative if current flowed only in the
negative direction or more current flowed in the 5 mA
negative direction than positive.
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What is happening at the other wire is a mirror image

Box 10•2 Clinical Decision-Making
of this, reflected about the isoelectric line. With ES
Regardless of the purpose, when deciding to use ES, the steps in
Electrotherapy Application the clinical decision-making process remain the same. Questions to
and Techniques: Why Use ask when considering use of electrotherapy include the following:
1. What is the clinical goal?
Electrotherapy? 2. Is the patient appropriate for an electrotherapeutic agent?
3. Is there a type of electrotherapeutic agent that can assist in
Deciphering the “Electro Lingo Code” achieving this goal?
4. If there is an identifiable goal and the answers to the latter two
Clinical applications of ES are most commonly used for questions are yes, then use of electrotherapy is indicated. The
clinician must then continue with the following questions.
the following purposes: to activate skeletal muscle for
5. Is equipment with the appropriate waveform available?
improving muscle performance or strengthening, to 6. What are the specific parameters of the selected waveform?
attenuate or alleviate pain, to improve blood flow, to 7. What electrodes and electrode configuration should be used?
8. What factors would necessitate a change in the treatment plan?
decrease or control edema, or to facilitate tissue healing.
The clinician should always explain the procedures to the
For various reasons, ES for these purposes has come to patient and interpret the effectiveness of the treatment, making
be known or recognized by a variety of acronyms, abbre- appropriate accommodations as necessary. It is prudent for the
clinician to apply to patients only an electrotherapeutic agent that
viations, or clinical lingo. Activation of skeletal muscle they themselves have tried. In this manner, the clinician can offer
for strengthening is referred to as neuromuscular electri- a more factual description of the sensation and effect. This can
only serve to enhance the patient-clinician relationship and trust.
cal stimulation (NMES). Activation of skeletal muscle
for reeducation or movement training for functional use
is referred to as functional electrical stimulation (FES). ES
for modulation of pain is called transcutaneous electrical immobilization, or detraining; increasing or maintaining
nerve stimulation (TENS), despite nearly all forms of range of motion; and reeducating, retraining, or facilitat-
clinical electrotherapy being transcutaneous. ing muscle for movement and posture. Neuromuscular
Use of ES to skeletal muscle below the threshold for electrical stimulation (NMES) has generally come to
muscle contraction has recently become known as ther- imply use of ES for purposes of increasing strength in
apeutic or threshold electrical stimulation (TES).4-6 ES innervated muscle, whereas electrical muscle stimulation
for scoliosis—scoliotic electrical stimulation (SES)—is (EMS) implies the stimulation of denervated muscle. The
not as common as it once was but nevertheless repre- fundamental difference between NMES and EMS is the
sents another use of an acronym to describe a type of tissue that is actually stimulated and depolarized to elicit
application or ES.7-8 the therapeutic effect. With NMES in innervated muscle,
Other forms of ES are often recognized and referred the intact peripheral nerve, which has a lower threshold
to by the type of current used—for example, interferen- for depolarization, depolarizes first and initiates contrac-
tial current (IFC), high-volt pulsed current (HVPC), tion of the skeletal muscle—thus the name neuromuscular
Russian current, microcurrent (low-intensity direct cur- electrical stimulation. In contrast, ES in denervated mus-
rent), and others not listed in this chapter. Because of cle does not depolarize the peripheral nerve, but rather
all the confusion in terminology, documentation of the muscle itself—thus the name electrical muscle stimu-
electrotherapy should more appropriately specify the lation. The term functional electrical stimulation (FES) has
type of waveform used and any pertinent parameters, come to describe ES of innervated or denervated skeletal
particularly if the treatment is to be replicated in subse- muscle for the purposes of facilitating or enhancing func-
quent sessions (Box 10-2). tional movement (e.g., to assist in dorsiflexion of the
ankle or wrist extension in the paretic anterior tibial
Electrotherapy for Activation of Skeletal muscles or wrist extensors, respectively).
Muscle: Strengthening and Reeducation
Clinical electrotherapy for muscle strengthening Strengthening: NMES
and reeducation is often directed toward treating The effect of ES for activating skeletal muscle, whether
or preventing muscular atrophy following disuse, for strengthening or for reeducation, has been studied
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254 Modalities

much more than some other common physical therapy A bipolar electrode configuration is used with
techniques. ES for strengthening in healthy, nonweak NMES, and the electrodes are placed directly over the
subjects has shown that (1) use of electrical stimulation muscle to be stimulated. Keep in mind that in healthy,
for strengthening yields better results than no exercise innervated muscle, depolarization of the peripheral
at all,9,10 (2) there is no difference between the strength nerve innervating the muscle results in contraction, so
gains resulting from voluntary exercise or the use of the electrode placement should be consistent with the
electrical stimulation alone,9,11 and (3) there appears to anatomic location of peripheral nerve to the muscle(s)
be no benefit to the use of ES combined with exercise being treated (i.e., near the motor point). Typical treat-
versus using each separately.12,13 ment sessions should consider the number of contrac-
Using ES for strengthening in weak but normally tions (i.e., repetitions) rather than the duration of the
innervated subjects has shown that (1) in the initial treatment (e.g., 15 minutes) in the same manner a
periods of rehabilitation when voluntary exercise may strength training program would count repetitions. A
be difficult, ES results in greater gains in strength than more detailed discussion of using ES for muscle
voluntary exercise or no exercise at all; (2) in the postre- strengthening and musculoskeletal applications appears
habilitation stages, there is often little to no difference in Chapter 11 (Box 10-3).
in strength between subjects who used ES and those
who did not; and (3) there appears to be a significant Reeducation and Retraining: FES
positive relationship between the intensity of the ES ES is often used in patients with paralysis or in those
and the strength gained.14,15 who have an inability to volitionally activate skeletal
muscle secondary to stroke, cerebrovascular insult,
Most studies examining the effect of ES on
head injury, spinal cord injury, peripheral nerve injury,
weak but innervated subjects have examined the
or other neurological disorders. ES is used to facilitate
and improve purposeful movement, assist with ambu-
The most commonly used waveforms for strength- lation, reverse cardiopulmonary deconditioning, atten-
ening are burst-modulated AC current (e.g., Russian) uate bone demineralization following spinal cord
and symmetrical biphasic waves of square, rectangular, injury (SCI), and improve circulation. By virtue of its
or triangular shape (Table 10-2). Evidence suggests that use for functional purposeful activity, FES is used for
the most effective waveform for eliciting muscle force this application of ES and is differentiated from
varies between patients, so more than one waveform NMES in that the primary goal is not increased
may need to be tried.16 The typical pulse duration used strength (Fig. 10-14).
to activate muscle for strengthening is 200 to 600 μsec, Use of ES as a substitute for the intact nervous
with frequencies ranging from 20 to 100 pps. system was popularized in the 1960s by Liberson and
Interestingly, abdominal stimulators commonly adver- colleagues, 17 who reported using ES as a means of
tised on television do not offer pulse duration and improving gait in patients with hemiparesis and com-
frequency suitable for contracting skeletal muscle; these mon peroneal nerve palsy. This example of nervous sys-
devices are merely gimmicks. tem plasticity underlies much of the continuing clinical

Table 10•2 Parameters for NMES and FES

Indication Type Waveform Pulse Frequency Pulse Duration Amplitude Duration
Muscle NMES Biphasic PC or burst 20–100 pps or bursts 200–600 µsec As high as tolerated 10–20 strong
strengthening modulated AC per sec with a goal of reaching contractions
(e.g., Russian) more than 60%–70%
Muscle FES Biphasic PC or burst 20–60 pps or bursts 200–600 µsec To level commensurate Task specific
contraction for modulated AC (e.g., per sec with functional activity
functional use Russian)
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More recently, electromyographic (EMG) FES was

Box 10•3 How Long Is a Treatment
of NMES? used to trigger muscle stimulation in paretic muscles
(primarily wrist and finger extensors) following neuro-
Many applications of ES and other modalities are applied for a
logical compromise. EMG-triggered muscle stimula-
fixed duration. But ES for muscle strengthening should be con-
sidered differently. Use of defined sets and repetitions are the cor- tion requires the patient to generate a threshold level of
nerstone of strength and conditioning programs and should like- muscle activation from either the paretic muscle or
wise be used when determining ES duration. For example, figure
out the number of contractions, or repetitions, a patient should other muscle of the same extremity in order to elicit or
do and calculate the duration of the treatment from the contrac- trigger an electrical stimulus to the paretic muscles,
tion (i.e., on-time) and rest time (i.e., off-time) of the ES. If using
often the wrist and finger extensors.18-20 This technique
10-second contraction time with 50 seconds between contrac-
tions, the subject would complete one contraction with a rest is held to link motor intention of the extremity with
period every minute. To complete 20 contractions would require a motor response.19
treatment duration of 20 minutes.
The use of contralateral controlled functional electri-
cal stimulation (CCFES) has emerged from the EMG-
triggered stimulation and uses sensors placed on the
contralateral hand. Motions performed in the con-
tralateral hand are detected and used to trigger or stim-
ulate muscles in the contralateral side paretic hand.19
The stimulated hand can then perform functional tasks
or complete exercise retraining activities. Knutson and
colleagues19,21 have shown promising results using
CCFES in patients with loss of hand function second-
ary to hemiplegia.
ES to facilitate functional movement is based on
activation of the skeletal muscle. Thus, the stimulus
parameters used will be similar to those used to
strengthen muscle; however, some parameters differ,
reflecting the difference in the clinical goals of each type
of stimulation. Whereas ES use for strengthening
requires intensities at or near those maximally tolerated,
the intensity for FES should only be enough to meet
the demands of the specific functional task. For exam-
ple, to assist in dorsiflexion of the ankle to clear the toes
during the swing phase of gait, the intensity need only
be enough to move the ankle through enough range of
motion so the functional task of clearing the toes is
accomplished. The pulse rate or frequency of the stim-
ulus should be considered in light of fatigue. A higher
Fig 10•14 Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) frequency will result in fatigue sooner than a lesser fre-
and functional electrical stimulation (FES) are used in a quency; thus, lower frequencies are desirable with FES
variety of ways. (Courtesy of Bioness, Inc., Valencia,
California.) to avoid or delay fatigue of the activated muscle.
However, keep in mind that the parameters chosen
must still be capable of activating the muscle to accom-
and investigative efforts given to better understanding plish the task.
how stimulation can be used to enhance purposeful and The most common waveforms used for FES are
functional movement in patients with compromised symmetrical biphasic square and triangular waves and
nervous systems or difficulty voluntarily activating their burst-modulated AC (e.g., Russian; see Table 10-2).
muscles. The pulse duration must be capable of activating the
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256 Modalities

muscle and typically will range between 200 and functional activity and specific treatment techniques
600 μsec. When stimulating muscle for functional appears in Chapter 12.
activity, pulse frequency typically ranges from 20 to 60
pps—less than NMES. Ultimately, the determination Electrical Stimulation of Denervated
of specific stimulus parameters depends on whether the Muscle
muscle activation accomplishes the functional task. In The majority of evidence regarding ES for increasing
this regard, slight variations will exist within and strength has involved healthy, nonweak or healthy, weak
between patients. Further description of FES for subjects, but all of the subjects remained innervated.


A patient is referred for strengthening of the right ankle Intensity: Maximally tolerated contractions with a
secondary to chronic lateral instability. Upon testing, goal of 60% to 70% of the maximal isometric
the patient shows laxity in the ligaments of the lateral contraction of the uninvolved side
ankle and weakness of the peroneals. Duration: 10 to 20 strong contractions
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING 6. What are the proper application procedures for
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, electrotherapy?
or problem that can be improved with the use of Answer:
electrotherapy? Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the purpose
Answer: Yes, the patient has weakness of the later- and procedure. Be sure to explain the anticipated
al muscles of the ankle that is associated with sensation and effect of the stimulation. In this case,
chronic instability. a strong sensation of stimulation should be noted in
the muscles of the lateral leg that will lead to con-
2. Is the patient appropriate for electrotherapy (i.e., do
traction of the muscles.
any of the general precautions or contraindications
Preinspection: Clean the area to be treated and
to electrotherapy apply, or are there any specific
check for skin compromise. Identify any surface
considerations regarding application of electrother-
abnormalities that may prevent optimal placement
apy to this patient)?
of electrodes.
Answer: The patient does not present with any con-
Electrode placement: Identify the motor point for opti-
traindications or precautions.
mal electrode placement over the peroneus longus.
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the Both electrodes should be placed over muscular
use of electrotherapy? tissue, avoiding placement of the distal electrode
Answer: To increase strength of the lateral muscles over more tendinous area. Electrodes may be
of the ankle to reduce ankle instability. adhesive-disposable or carbon-gelled but should
be proportionate to the size of the area to be stim-
4. Do you have the specific type of electrotherapy that
ulated. Too-large electrodes may result in cross-
is appropriate for the patient?
stimulation of additional muscles, and too-small
Answer: NMES can be used to strengthen the
electrodes will increase current density and likely
lateral ankle muscles.
result in an uncomfortable sensation.
5. Can you select the specific parameters of elec- Patient position: The ankle may be rested on the
trotherapy that are appropriate for the patient? treatment table with the patient supine or recum-
Answer: bent. The patient should not be positioned so that
Waveform: Biphasic PC or burst-modulated AC the electrodes are compressed by body weight.
(e.g., Russian) may be used Postinspection: Remove the electrodes and inspect
Pulse duration: 200 to 600 microseconds the skin for any signs of skin irritation or adverse
Pulse frequency: 30 to 80 pps effects. If redness appears, explain that this is
On:off time: 10 sec on (contraction) with 30 to not uncommon and should disappear in less than
50 seconds off (rest) 24 hours.
Ramps: Ramp-up 1 to 2 sec; ramp-down 1 to 2 sec
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A patient suffered a fracture of the fibular head, result- Ramps: Ramp-up 1 sec; ramp-down 1 sec; modi-
ing in damage to the deep peroneal nerve, and fied to the patient’s gait pattern.
remains unable to actively dorsiflex the ankle against Intensity: In contrast to NMES, where maximal con-
gravity. The patient is referred for electrical stimulation tractions are desired, contraction intensity for FES
for orthotic substitution during gait. Manual muscle is to a level commensurate with the desired effect.
testing reveals trace volitional contraction of the ante- In this case, the functional goal is dorsiflexion that
rior tibialis. permits normalized gait. Therefore, the intensity
should be increased to elicit contractions of this
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or
problem that can be improved with the use of elec- 6. What are the proper application procedures for
trotherapy? electrotherapy?
Answer: Yes, the patient has decreased ability to Answer:
volitionally contract the anterior tibialis and has gait Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the purpose
impairment with decreased dorsiflexion secondary and procedure. Be sure to explain the anticipated
to recent nerve injury. sensation and effect of the stimulation. In this case,
a sensation of stimulation should be noted in ante-
2. Is the patient appropriate for electrotherapy (i.e., do
rior tibialis with muscle contraction upon unloading
any of the general precautions or contraindications
and clearing the foot from the floor during gait.
to electrotherapy apply, or are there any specific
Preinspection: Because this patient will use FES
considerations regarding application of electrother-
often and for prolonged periods of time, it is critical
apy to this patient)?
to properly clean the area to be treated and check
Answer: The patient does not present with any con-
for skin compromise and to instruct the patient in
traindications or precautions.
these procedures for future applications.
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the Electrode placement: Identify the motor point for opti-
use of electrotherapy? mal electrode placement over the anterior tibialis.
Answer: To facilitate recruitment of the anterior Both electrodes should be placed over muscular
tibialis to provide dorsiflexion during gait. tissue, avoiding placement of the distal electrode
over more tendinous area. Electrodes may be
4. Do you have the specific type of electrotherapy that
adhesive-disposable or carbon-gelled but should
is appropriate for the patient?
be proportionate to the size of the area to be stim-
Answer: FES can be used to recruit the anterior
ulated. Electrodes that are too large may result in
cross-stimulation of the peroneus longus and result
5. Can you select the specific parameters of elec- in unwanted ankle eversion. Electrodes that are too
trotherapy that are appropriate for the patient? small will increase current density and likely result in
Answer: an uncomfortable sensation.
Waveform: Biphasic PC or burst-modulated AC Postinspection: Remove the electrodes and inspect
(e.g., Russian) may be used the skin for any signs of skin irritation or adverse
Pulse duration: 200 to 300 microseconds effects. If redness appears, explain that this is not
Pulse frequency: 20 to 40 pps (less than NMES so as uncommon and should disappear in less than
to prevent fatigue) 24 hours. It is prudent to reiterate that the patient
On:off time: To be set based on patient’s cadence or should inspect the skin if getting frequent FES
use of heel-switch to trigger stimulation to muscle treatments.

FES has likewise focused primarily on patients with The process of activating denervated muscle by ES is
intact peripheral nervous systems (i.e., intact lower uniquely different from stimulating innervated muscle.
motor neurons). Thus, for NMES and the majority of In innervated muscle, the electrical stimulus depolarizes
applications for FES, ES works via an intact peripheral the peripheral nerve, which results in depolarization
nervous system supplying the muscle(s) to be activated. and activation of the skeletal muscle. In the case of
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258 Modalities

denervation, the peripheral nerve can no longer be Electrotherapy for Modulating Pain
depolarized. Thus, activation of the muscle requires
Using ES to modify or modulate pain may be the most
depolarization of the muscle membrane itself—the
common utilization of electrotherapy. Interest in the
sarcolemma. This requires a stimulus of significantly
use of ES for pain modulation or electroanalgesia
greater amplitude and duration than is required for
greatly heightened in the 1960s with Melzak and Wall’s
depolarizing intact peripheral nerve and thus inner-
gate theory of pain control. Their theory asserted that
vated muscle (see Chapter 9). Pulse durations of
selective stimulation of the large diameter afferent
10 milliseconds or greater may be required, and the
A-beta sensory fibers can result in a gating, or block-
majority of electrical stimulators on the market do
ing, of noxious afferent input from smaller diameter
not offer a pulse duration of this magnitude. DC has
unmyelinated nociceptive C fibers and small myelinat-
been used with the clinician applying the electrode to
ed A-delta fibers at the level of the spinal cord.32
the muscle for several seconds. Modern devices offer-
Melzack and Wall’s gating theory led to an increase in
ing DC cannot deliver sufficient amplitude to acti-
the production and use of handheld, battery-operated,
vate denervated muscle. If the muscle has not been
electrical stimulators for treatment of pain via TENS.
activated for an extensive period (e.g., several
To this day, the term transcutaneous electrical nerve
months), either by stimulation or volition or if den-
stimulation implies the use of ES for purposes of atten-
ervation occurred some time ago, the contractile
uating or alleviating pain.
mechanisms of the muscle may have fibrosed and will
TENS has been used for modulating pain and has
no longer be able to operate.22
been reported in a variety of patient populations. It is
The major premise underlying use of ES in dener-
generally divided into applications for acute or chronic
vated muscle is that ES will maintain contractile prop-
pain. The majority of studies examining the effect of
erties of the muscle while awaiting reinnervation, but
TENS on pain have used portable stimulators, most of
the literature remains controversial. Supporters of using
which are handheld and battery-powered despite simi-
stimulation to denervated muscle contend that atrophy
lar waveform options on line-powered clinical units.33
and fibrosis can be attenuated and delayed while
The majority of clinical applications of electrotherapy
improving recovery;23–25 however, opponents assert
are based on pain modulation through stimulation of
that stimulation may interfere with or interrupt
sensory and motor nerves. To a lesser degree is the use
endogenous mechanisms for reinnervation and collateral
of ES at subsensory levels.
nerve sprouting26–31 (Box 10-4).
Sensory-level stimulation, often termed conventional,
sensory, or high-frequency TENS, is characterized by a
pulse frequency approximately 100 pps and a short
Box 10•4 Stimulation of Denervated pulse duration of 50 to 100 μsec (Table 10-3). These
Muscle: Continued Controversy parameters appear well suited for selective stimulation
Use of ES for denervation of the muscles innervated by the facial, of the large A-beta fibers for gating pain.34 Electrodes
or seventh cranial, nerve (i.e., Bell’s palsy) was once a common are placed over or adjacent to the site of pain or along
yet controversial use of ES. Despite recent reports of modest
improvements in voluntary control of facial muscles following use the dermatome or myotome, usually in a bipolar
of high-volt pulsed current (e.g., twin-peak monophasic) up to arrangement. With conventional TENS, the patient
6 hours per day,98 evidence for ES of denervated muscle remains
sparse and with questionable design and validity. Collectively,
will likely describe a sensation of tingling or buzzing.
these factors have resulted in a declining use of ES for denervated Sensory-level TENS appears to be effective only during
muscle over what was once seen years ago. the treatment, with little evidence of benefit lasting
Bottom line: Electrical stimulation can be used to effectively
activate innervated skeletal muscle for purposes of strengthening beyond the actual application. For this reason, the gate
and for participation in functional activity. Although the type of control theory of pain is thought to underlie sensory-
stimulus parameters used for both are similar (pulse frequency,
duration, waveform, etc.), the specific determination of each
level TENS and acts as an ascending method of pain
parameter (i.e., frequency or intensity) can vary greatly, depending modulation. Sensory-level TENS is often used during
on the goals. ES for denervated muscle remains controversial and activities and for prolonged periods of time, making it
the most common form of TENS used.
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Table 10•3 Parameters for Pain Modulation (TENS)*

Indication Type Waveform Pulse Frequency Pulse Duration Amplitude Duration
Acute pain: for Sensory-level Mono- or biphasic High: approximately Short: mA to comfortable sen- 20–30 min (longer if
relief during stimulation pulsed current 100 pps 50–100 µsec sory perception used during activity)
Acupuncture Motor-level Mono- or biphasic Short: less than 10 High: greater mA to visible muscle 20–45 min
stimulation stimulation pulsed current pps than 150 µsec twitches
Brief-intense Motor-level Mono- or biphasic High: approximately High: greater mA to visible strong Less than 15 min
stimulation stimulation pulsed current 100 pps than 150 µsec muscle twitches
Noxious-level Hyperstimula- DC or monophasic High: 100 pps Long: greater mA to highest tolerated 30–60 sec to each
stimulation tion (point Low: 1–5 pps than 250 µsec, painful stimulus area
stimulation) up to 1 second
*These parameters are not specific to traditional TENS units and can be repeated on many line-powered clinical stimulators.

Motor-level stimulation for electroanalgesia is based known as brief-intense TENS. The stimulus is increased
on stimulation of muscle and is commonly referred to to a patient’s maximal tolerance, resulting in a motor
as low-frequency or acupuncture TENS. The pulse fre- response of marked fasciculations or tetanic nonrhyth-
quency is typically 1 to 10 pps, and because a motor mic muscle contraction. Brief-intense TENS is applied
response is desired, a longer pulse duration of 150 μsec similarly to motor-level TENS in periodic and brief
or greater is required (Table 10-3). The intensity should applications but usually not greater than 15 minutes
elicit a strong visible motor response, which is often (Table 10-3). This type of stimulation is often uncom-
seen as robust twitches corresponding to the frequency. fortable for the patient and is considered a form of
Electrodes are placed over the affected area or in areas noxious-level stimulation thought to elicit the release of
related to the pain, such as dermatomes or acupuncture endogenous opioids.
points—thus the name acupuncture TENS. A bipolar Hyperstimulation, another form of noxious-level
electrode arrangement is most common. The patient’s stimulation, is usually applied locally via probe elec-
sensation should be of obvious muscle twitching and trodes or small electrodes and uses monophasic currents
may be associated with prickling and stinging. In con- with long pulse durations approaching 1 second or
trast to sensory-level TENS, motor-level TENS is direct current. Either a low pulse frequency (1 to 5 pps)
thought to act via descending methods of pain modu- or high pulse frequency (100 pps) is used.
lation by the release of endogenous opioids (e.g., endor- Hyperstimulation is often applied over acupuncture
phins and enkephalins).35,36 points or dermatomal distributions of a peripheral
The effects of motor-level stimulation appear to last nerve but not over areas of motor nerve where a strong
several hours, longer than sensory-level stimulation, and motor response would be elicited.33 Hyperstimulation
appear to be more beneficial for chronic pain than acute. is thought to lessen pain through descending methods
Because of the stronger stimulus intensity and activation via release of endogenous opioids. Collectively,
of muscles, use of motor-level TENS during activity or acupuncture (low-frequency TENS), brief-intense, and
work is not recommended. Motor-level stimulation is hyperstimulation TENS are considered to work via
often used periodically throughout the day in 15- to descending opiate-mediated electroanalgesia.
30-minute applications instead of continuously. Sensory- Current waveforms used for pain modulation differ
level TENS is often used in the acute stages of recovery but are generally characterized by variations in two
when motor-level stimulation may not be indicated or basic parameters—pulse frequency and duration.
tolerated. In later phases of rehabilitation, motor-level Pulsed currents, including monophasic waveforms such
stimulation may be used. In this manner, a clinician may as twin-peaked monophasic (e.g., high volt), symmetri-
use both forms of TENS on the same patient. cal and asymmetrical, balanced and unbalanced, and
A method of ES combining both sensory TENS biphasic currents as well as amplitude-modulated AC
(high frequency with short pulse duration) and motor (e.g., interferential current) are commonly used. With
TENS (low frequency with long pulse duration) is TENS, there are no on-times or off-times or ramp-up
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260 Modalities

or ramp-down controls, as with NMES or FES. The

parameters manipulated for TENS are not specific to
handheld units and are found on many line-powered
clinical units, but, by convention, many clinicians
would not consider these TENS units. Traditionally, a
TENS unit could be identified by analog controls or
dials for pulse duration and frequency with amplitude
dials for each of two channels. The dial for pulse dura-
tion often ranged from 50 to 250 μsec while frequency
ranged from less than 10 pps up to 200 pps. The last
two decades have shown an increase in digital units
with preprogrammed settings and clinical protocols
designated for pain of a particular type or region (e.g.,
neck, shoulder, knee). Some newer handheld TENS
units no longer allow the clinician to manipulate the
specific parameters apart from selecting a prepro-
grammed protocol and the treatment intensity.
Common to many TENS units are options to select Fig 10•15 A typical handheld TENS unit with controls for
burst and modulated TENS. The burst function of pulse duration, frequency, and options for modulating the
current output.
most TENS units delivers the selected current in brief,
intermittent periods of stimulation or packages of pulses
(i.e., bursts). Modulated TENS varies per manufactur- below the motor threshold may be best at limiting
er, but in general, modulation implies that the specific edema formation in the acute posttraumatic period
waveform parameters (usually pulse duration and fre- when vessel permeability is increased.41–49 Evidence
quency) are periodically altered or modulated by the suggests that although four 30-minute applications
internal circuitry of the device. Modulation is used to 30 to 60 minutes apart resulted in significant edema
prevent or lessen the chances of developing accommo- reduction,45,47 continuous applications of 3 to 4 hours
dation to the electrical stimulus, thus rendering the are more effective.41,43,44,46,49
stimulation less effective. A patient experiencing a What appears clear is that cathodal high-voltage
modulated waveform is likely to describe the sensation electrical stimulation is an effective means of limiting
of the stimulus as changing, moving, waving, or the onset of swelling but only during the acute period,
increasing and decreasing (Fig. 10-15). when vascular permeability is increased. After leakage
has occurred and localized swelling has been produced,
Electrotherapy for Preventing or management of swelling becomes more challenging.
Reducing Edema This is frequently the case, as patients are often not seen
Edema, or swelling, from soft tissue injury or trauma for treatment for days or weeks after their injury.
can hinder tissue repair and can lead to pain, reduced After edema has accumulated and become chronic,
mobility, and delayed return to maximum possible management must focus on clearing the swelling, rather
function.37–39 Edema at the knee and ankle has been than preventing it. Evidence for management of chron-
clearly associated with motor inhibition and decreased ic edema is limited to a few studies, mostly given to
excitability, which further reduces function and pro- chronic hand edema, and all used electrically stimulated
longs rehabilitation.29,40 Increased capillary permeability muscle contractions (e.g., NMES). It is thought that
and leakage of plasma proteins, leukocytes, and water repetitive contractions of the muscles compress venous
into the interstitial space following soft tissue injury and lymphatic vessels, helping to reduce swelling while
results in localized swelling.37 The effects of ES on increasing venous and lymphatic return.50,51
vascular permeability in rats have suggested that catho- The waveform most supported for edema manage-
dal high-voltage pulsed current (i.e., twin-peaked ment in the acute phase is high-volt monophasic pulsed
monophasic current) at 120 pps frequency and 10% current (e.g., twin-peak monophasic), but when using
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A patient involved in a motor vehicle accident 2 days Pulse frequency: 100 pps for acute musculoskeletal
ago presents with soft tissue injury to the posterior pain
cervical spine and the upper thoracic region on the Intensity: To a noticeable and comfortable sensation
right side. Active and resisted ROM is painful and lim- of tingling without visible motor response.
ited. Palpation is more revealing of tenderness in the Modulation of the stimulation may be used to mini-
right upper trapezius. mize effects of accommodation.
Duration: 20 to 30 min or longer as needed
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, 6. What are the proper application procedures for
or problem that can be improved with the use of electrotherapy?
electrotherapy? Answer:
Answer: Yes, the patient demonstrates decreased Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the purpose
ROM, pain, and tenderness to palpation of the and procedure. Be sure to explain the anticipated
upper trapezius following a motor vehicle accident. sensation and effect of the stimulation. In this case,
a perceivable yet comfortable sensation of stimula-
2. Is the patient appropriate for electrotherapy (i.e., do
tion should be noted in the muscles of the paracer-
any of the general precautions or contraindications
vical spine.
to electrotherapy apply, or are there any specific
Preinspection: Clean the area to be treated and
considerations regarding application of electrother-
check for skin compromise. If excessive hair is
apy to this patient)?
present in the area, shaving it off may enhance the
Answer: Given that there are no contraindications or
delivery of the stimulation.
precautions, this patient is appropriate for the use of
Electrode placement: Two electrodes in a bipolar
electrical stimulation.
configuration are placed over the right upper
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the trapezius.
use of electrotherapy? Patient position: The patient may be supine or prone
Answer: To decrease the acute pain associated with with head resting on pillows or may be sitting
soft tissue injury stemming from the accident. upright.
Postinspection: Remove the electrodes and inspect
4. Do you have the specific type of electrotherapy that
the skin for any signs of skin irritation or adverse
is appropriate for the patient?
effects. If redness appears, explain that this is
Answer: TENS can be used to address acute mus-
not uncommon and should disappear in less than
culoskeletal pain. Because the patient demon-
24 hours.
strates increased pain with resisted testing of the
paracervical muscles, sensory-level TENS is indi- Six weeks later, the patient demonstrates the
cated. Keep in mind that use of TENS is not limited ability to perform active and resisted ROM but
to handheld stimulators, as many line-powered remains symptomatic in the right upper trapezius. The
stimulators offer the same stimulus parameters as clinician now opts to use motor-level or acupuncture
the handheld ones. TENS. The same waveform and device may be used,
but now the pulse duration is increased to 250 µsec
5. Can you select the specific parameters of elec-
while the pulse frequency is reduced to 10 pps. The
trotherapy that are appropriate for the patient?
electrodes are placed over the muscle tissue of the
right upper trapezius, and the intensity is increased to
Waveform: Mono- or biphasic pulsed current may be
elicit visible muscle contraction of the muscle up to
patient tolerance.
Pulse duration: 100 microseconds secondary to acute
pain and pain with resisted ROM

muscle activation, other waveforms suitable to motor the joint and the dispersive pad placed nearby
activation can be used (Table 10-4). High-volt pulsed (a monopolar arrangement; Fig. 10-16). The size of the
current is often applied with the active or treatment electrodes should reflect the size of the joint or area.
electrodes placed in the immediate area of injury. Thus, larger electrodes are used at the knee than at the
In many cases, this may be directly over a peripheral wrist. The clinician should designate the active electrodes
joint or soft tissue region, with the electrodes bracketing placed over the swollen area as the cathode. In the acute
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262 Modalities

Table 10•4 Parameters for Edema Management

Indication Type Waveform Pulse Frequency Pulse Duration Amplitude Duration
Acute (within Sensory level Monophasic pulsed 100–125 pps 2–100 µsec mA to comfortable sen- 20–45 min to several
24–72 hours) stimulation (e.g., twin peak) sory perception hours
(approximately 10%
below motor threshold)
Existing Motor-level Biphasic PC or burst- 20–80 pps or bursts 100–600 µsec if mA to tetanic contrac- 1:1 on:off ratio (e.g.,
edema stimulation modulated AC (e.g., per sec PC tion 10–20 min of rhyth-
(subacute or (e.g., NMES) Russian) mic contractions at
chronic) 3 sec on–3 sec off)

stages, where motor activation is not desired, a pulse Treatment duration in the acute phase can range
frequency of 100 to 125 pps is common, with an inten- from several minutes to hours, but additional precau-
sity eliciting a perceptible sensory response but below tion should be taken if applying stimulation consis-
the motor threshold. If using high-volt pulsed current tently for several hours secondary to the electrochemi-
(e.g., twin-peak monophasic), the twin-phase pulse cal effects that can occur at the anode and cathode
duration is most likely fixed at 2 to 100 μsec. when using monophasic current. When using stimu-
lated muscle activation for reducing edema in the
KEY POINT!There has remained some clinical opinion
postacute and chronic stages, the waveform selected
that changing the polarity of the active or treatment
must be suitable for stimulating muscle. Symmetrical
electrodes halfway through a treatment session from
or asymmetrical biphasic pulsed currents (e.g., square,
negative (cathodal) to positive (anodal) provides
rectangular, or triangular waveforms) and burst-
some additional benefit over continual negative stim-
modulated AC (e.g., Russian) are commonly used.
ulation. This practice has never been supported by
Because muscle activation is desired, electrodes must
the literature; thus, continuous use of negative stimu-
be placed over muscle tissue of the swollen joint. The
lation over the swollen area remains recommended.
bracketing of joints used in the acute stage would not
allow for stimulation of muscle, since little muscle
exists directly over joints. The specific parameters
should allow for rhythmic contraction and relaxation
of the muscle (e.g., 10-second contraction followed by
10-second rest). Pulse frequency may range from 20 to
80 pps and pulse duration from 100 to 600 μsec with
an intensity capable of eliciting rhythmic tetanic con-
tractions. Typical treatment sessions of muscle pump-
ing last 10 to 20 minutes. Stimulation beyond 10 to
20 minutes may increase blood flow to the area and
provoke further swelling.
KEY POINT!In the acute and, particularly, subacute
periods following injury, the local vasculature may
remain weakened and prone to further leakage. It is
possible that repeated muscle contractions via
NMES may result in increased local blood flow
and may overload weakened local vasculature.
Fig 10•16 Use of electrical stimulation to reduce swelling. Therefore, use of NMES for managing edema is rec-
Cathodal stimulation with high-volt pulsed current is used
in the acute stages. Muscle stimulation for pumping is ommended only when swelling has stabilized or does
used after the acute stage. not increase following use of motor-level stimulation.
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Clinical Electrical Stimulation: Application and Techniques 263


Karen is a 17-year-old lacrosse player who sprained Pulse frequency: Approximately 100 pps
her ankle in a match yesterday afternoon. She pre- Intensity: Increase intensity until a small but visible
sents to the clinic the next morning with acute swelling motor response is elicited and then reduce the
of the left lateral ankle and laxity in ligaments of the lat- intensity to a level approximately 10% below the
eral ankle. ROM is decreased secondary to discomfort motor threshold.
and swelling. Duration: 15 to 30 minutes.
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING 6. What are the proper application procedures for
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or electrotherapy?
problem that can be improved with the use of elec- Answer:
trotherapy? Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the purpose
Answer: Yes, the patient has acute swelling, pain, and procedure. Be sure to explain the anticipated
and decreased ROM following musculoskeletal sensation and effect of the stimulation. In this case,
injury to the ankle. a sensation of buzzing or strong tingling should be
noted at the ankle. Depending on the amount of
2. Is the patient appropriate for electrotherapy (i.e., do
swelling at each malleoli, the patient may have more
any of the general precautions or contraindications
or less sensation of the electrical stimulus.
to electrotherapy apply, or are there any specific
Preinspection: Clean the area to be treated and
considerations regarding application of electrother-
check for skin compromise. Observe any bony
apy to this patient)?
areas where appropriate electrode contact may be
Answer: The patient does not present with any con-
a challenge.
traindications or precautions.
Electrode placement: Electrodes are placed on the
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the lateral and medial aspect of the ankle bracketing
use of electrotherapy? the joint. A dispersive pad is placed on the posteri-
Answer: Reduction of acute swelling to reduce pain or thigh to complete the circuit. The treatment pads
and permit ROM exercises as indicated in the ther- are designated as the cathode and the reference as
apy plan the anode.
Patient position: Because the intervention is
4. Do you have the specific type of electrotherapy that
addressing swelling, the patient should be posi-
is appropriate for the patient?
tioned with the ankle elevated above torso. Supine
Answer: High-volt pulsed current (i.e., twin-peak
positioning with the ankle elevated by pillows or a
monophasic) is selected, as it may assist in reduc-
bolster is recommended.
ing and preventing further swelling.
Postinspection: Remove the electrodes and inspect
5. Can you select the specific parameters of elec- the skin for any signs of skin irritation or adverse
trotherapy that are appropriate for the patient? effects. If redness appears, explain that this is not
Answer: uncommon and should disappear in less than
Pulse duration: 100 microseconds 24 hours.

Electrotherapy for Increasing Circulation high-frequency TENS (e.g., 100 pps at 100 μsec).54
ES is often used to increase blood flow in superficial and Deeper arterial blood flow does not appear to increase
deep tissues. This can be accomplished using various with sensory-level stimulation, but it does with motor-
types of ES, but all generally fall into either sensory or level stimulation using rhythmic muscle contrac-
motor-level stimulation (see Table 10-5). Local increase in tions.55–58 Miller and colleagues55 reported that the
skin blood flow occurs by vasodilation of cutaneous ves- increased blood flow following motor-level electrical stim-
sels;52,53 low-frequency TENS at a sensory level (e.g., ulation resulted in a longer lasting increase in flow than was
4 pps at 250 μsec) appears to be more effective than measured following voluntary muscular contraction alone.
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264 Modalities

Table 10•5 Parameters for Increasing Peripheral Blood Flow

Indication Type Waveform Pulse Frequency Pulse Duration Amplitude Duration
Vasospastic Sensory-level Mono- or biphasic 4–100 pps 4–600 µsec mA to comfortable sen- 15–30 min
disorders stimulation pulsed current sory perception
Motor-level Mono- or biphasic 1–5 pps 200–600 µsec mA to visible muscle 15–30 min
stimulation pulsed current twitches
Diminished Motor-level Biphasic pulsed cur- 20–80 pps or bursts 100–600 µsec mA to robust tetanic 1:1 on:off ratio (e.g.,
arterial blood stimulation rent or burst-modulat- per sec muscle contractions 10–15 min of rhyth-
flow (e.g., NMES) ed AC (e.g., Russian) mic contractions)

To promote superficial local blood flow via cuta- showed a 144% greater healing rate when compared to
neous vasodilation, sensory-level stimulation is used the normal rate of healing; the greatest effect was noted
with electrodes placed paraspinally, over peripheral in pressure ulcers. Use of ES for wound healing is based
nerves, acupuncture points, dermatomes, myotomes, on the transepithelial potential (TEP) and injury cur-
or other tissue areas where increased blood flow is rent, which is presented in Chapter 14. Wounds that
desired. Because low-frequency TENS appears most fail to heal properly appear to have lost the injury cur-
effective, a stimulus with a pulse frequency between rent and are unable restore the TEP. The application of
4 and 100 pps and a pulse duration of 4 to 600 μsec exogenous or clinical ES is thought to replace or aug-
at a sensory-level intensity is recommended. To ment the natural or endogenous current associated with
promote deeper blood flow via arterial or venous healing.
flow, ES capable of eliciting a motor-level response The benefit of ES for chronic wounds appears
at least 10% of the maximal voluntary contraction greatest in recalcitrant stage III and IV ulcers.
is required. Stimulation at a frequency of 20 to Reimbursement standards support use in these condi-
80 pps, a pulse duration of 100 to 600 μsec, and tions. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
5- to 10-second on-time and 5- to 10-second off- Services (CMS) recognize ES for treating wounds only
time is recommended. Electrodes should be placed if the wound is a chronic stage III or IV ulcer and
over muscle of the area where increased blood flow there have been no measurable signs of healing for at
is desired. Treatments for both sensory- and motor- least 30 days of treatment with standard wound care.
level stimulation are recommended for 15 to 30 minutes. Therefore, documentation of the stage of the ulcer,
Because of the resistance to blood flow created by duration of standard care, and any responses to treat-
muscle contraction, sustained contractions without ment (such as wound size, presence of granulation
rest intervals are not recommended. The rhythmic tissue, and epithelialization) is essential for reimburse-
effect of muscular contraction with intermittent ment of services.
relaxation may assist in venous blood flow and There are a variety of cellular and tissue responses
prevention of deep-vein thrombosis in the lower to ES. It appears that cells associated with tissue heal-
extremities during period of immobilization, when ing, such as neutrophils, macrophages, and lympho-
voluntary motor activity is impaired, or following cytes, are charged and are attracted to migrate toward
surgery59 (Table 10-5). the opposite charge when exposed to an electrical
field.61,62 This migration of cells to a specific pole of
Electrotherapy for Promoting an electrical field is termed galvanotaxis. Intracellular
Tissue Healing influx of calcium (Ca2+) increases when cells are
Use of ES for healing of chronic wounds is well sup- exposed to electrical fields, increasing activity of
ported in the peer-reviewed literature. In a meta-analysis cytoskeletal elements, such as actin microfilaments,
of ES helping to heal chronic wounds, Gardner and that underlie the galvanotaxic properties exhibited by
associates60 concluded that wounds treated with ES some cells.61,62
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Clinical Electrical Stimulation: Application and Techniques 265


A patient with diabetic neuropathy and decreased 5. Can you select the specific parameters of elec-
sensation in the plantar aspect of both feet is referred trotherapy that are appropriate for the patient?
for exercise and intervention. The clinician wants to Answer:
increase arterial circulation in the feet to decrease the Waveform: Mono- or biphasic pulsed current may
risk of ulceration. be used.
Pulse duration: 300 microseconds—suitable for
motor-level stimulation
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or
Pulse frequency: 5 pps for low-frequency motor
problem that can be improved with the use of elec-
Intensity: Until small but visible muscle twitches are
Answer: Yes, the patient has diabetes-related
produced in the plantar muscle region
peripheral neuropathy with decreased sensation of
Duration: 15 to 30 min
the plantar aspects of both feet.
6. What are the proper application procedures for
2. Is the patient appropriate for electrotherapy (i.e., do
any of the general precautions or contraindications
to electrotherapy apply, or are there any specific
Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the purpose
considerations regarding application of electrother-
and procedure. Be sure to explain the anticipated
apy to this patient)?
sensation and effect of the stimulation. Decreased
Answer: The patient has decreased sensation in the
sensation in the treatment area may limit the
intended treatment area. Decreased sensation is a
patient’s perception of the stimulation. Careful mon-
precaution for electrotherapy, so the clinician must
itoring by the clinician is required to ensure proper
carefully monitor the treatment both prior to and
administration of the stimulation.
after stimulation.
Preinspection: Clean the area to be treated and
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the check for skin compromise and possible ulceration.
use of electrotherapy? Excessive callus formation on the plantar areas may
Answer: To increase local blood flow in the plantar increase resistance to the stimulation.
aspect of the feet to facilitate improved sensation. Electrode placement: Two electrodes in a bipolar
configuration are placed over the plantar aspect of
4. Do you have the specific type of electrotherapy that
each foot.
is appropriate for the patient?
Patient position: The patient will be placed supine on
Answer: Motor-level stimulation is indicated to
a treatment table.
increase local blood flow. Waveforms and parame-
Postinspection: Remove the electrodes and inspect
ters used for eliciting motor-level stimulation may be
the skin for any signs of skin irritation or adverse
used. The stimulation should produce rhythmic
muscle twitches in the plantar intrinsic muscles.

Other specific cell activities are noted in response to KEY POINT! An understanding of the effects of ES
ES. The large negatively charged surface membrane pro- on tissue healing has come from studies using
teins of the fluid-mosaic phospholipid cell wall show calcium (Ca2+) channel antagonists (e.g., lan-
movement to the side of the cell facing the anode. thanum) or blockers (e.g., nitrendipine or vera-
Certain cells, such as endothelial cells, elongate and ori- pamil). These drugs can slow or even stop
ent themselves to the field lines created by ES. Cell adhe- increased cell activity observed in response to an
sion molecules, such as fibronectin, show increased bind- electrical field.61,72
ing of cells within the extracellular matrix. Intracellular
second messenger systems, such a cyclic AMP and High-volt pulsed current (e.g., twin-peak monopha-
G-proteins, show increased activity. Additionally, protein sic) remains the most commonly used and supported
kinase activity is increased, resulting in increased expres- current for tissue healing. The current may be applied
sion of epithelial and fibroblastic growth factors.61,62 directly into the wound or in the region around it. Prior
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266 Modalities

to application, the specific polarity to be used must be

determined and is termed the active or treatment elec-
trode. In general, the cathode is used first in the early
period of wound inflammation and infection. The
anode is then used for debridement (e.g., phagocytosis
and autolysis) and for promotion of epithelialization
during the later proliferation stage of healing. The other
electrode (dispersive or inactive electrode), and thus
pole, is placed nearby on the skin (approximately 15 to
30 cm from the wound) in a monopolar arrangement.
If stimulation is to be introduced directly into the
wound, the active electrode should be placed in a Fig 10•17 Use of electrical stimulation for wound healing.
saline-moistened sterile gauze and placed into or onto Electrodes may be placed on either side of the wound. The
the wound. (Keep in mind that distilled water will not clinician should rotate the dispersive electrode or the pair
of electrodes 30 to 90 degrees on subsequent treatments
conduct, so saline is best used.) If the stimulus is to be to fully expose all edges of the wound to the current.
delivered near the wound, the electrodes are placed on
either side of it so current will travel through the
(Table 10-6). Further discussion of ES for tissue healing
wound (Fig. 10-17).
is presented in Chapter 14.
A pulse frequency of approximately 100 to 125 pps
at a sensory-level intensity is recommended. Pulse dura- KEY POINT! Because current flow will be greatest direct-

tion is usually maintained on most high-volt pulsed ly between the electrodes, the electrode placement
devices at 2 to 100 μsec. Low-intensity direct current sites should be rotated around the wound edge
(e.g., microcurrent) is also used and by definition is approximately 45 to 90 degrees on subsequent appli-
below the sensory threshold. Like high-volt pulsed cations to ensure the wound is fully exposed to the
monophasic current, the anode and cathode of DC are stimulation. Failure to do so may result in the wound
used for their specific properties. In patients with com- closing on only one side.
promised sensation in the wound area, a trial applica-
tion of the stimulus over an area of intact sensation can Biofeedback
be used to gauge patient comfort and tolerance. Daily Electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback differs from
treatments of 45 to 60 minutes are recommended the previously described uses of ES in that no current is

Table 10•6 Parameters for Enhancing Tissue Healing

Indication Type Waveform Pulse Frequency Pulse Duration Amplitude Duration
Epithelialization, Sensory-level Monophasic pulsed 100 pps 4–100 µsec mA to comfortable 60 min, 5–7 days
autolysis, and stimulation; current (e.g., twin- sensory response per week
reactivation anode placed peak monophasic)
of inflammatory at wound
Promotion Sensory-level Monophasic pulsed 100 pps 4–100 µsec mA to comfortable 60 min, 5–7 days
of granulation stimulation; current (e.g., twin- sensory response per week
of wound cathode peak monophasic)
placed at
Bactericidal Sensory-level Monophasic pulsed 100 pps 4–100 µsec mA to comfortable 30–60 min of
effect for stimulation; current (e.g., twin- sensory response cathodal stimulation
infected cathode or peak monophasic) or 20 min of cath-
wound cathode odal stimulation fol-
followed by lowed by 40 min of
anode placed anodal stimulation
at wound
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Clinical Electrical Stimulation: Application and Techniques 267


A 49-year-old man with diabetes is referred with a 5. Can you select the specific parameters of elec-
stage IV recalcitrant pressure ulceration at the lateral trotherapy that are appropriate for the patient?
lower leg. There have been no observable signs of tis- Answer:
sue healing for the last 30 days of standard wound Waveform: Monophasic (high-volt) pulsed current
care. The clinician wishes to facilitate granulation in Pulse duration: 100 microseconds
the wound area. Pulse frequency: 100 pps
Intensity: To produce a mild sensory sensation
Duration: 60 min
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or
problem that can be improved with the use of elec- 6. What are the proper application procedures for
trotherapy? electrotherapy?
Answer: Yes, the patient has a stage IV recalcitrant Answer:
pressure ulceration at the posterior lower leg. Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the purpose
and procedure. Be sure to explain the anticipated
2. Is the patient appropriate for electrotherapy (i.e., do
sensation and effect of the stimulation. Decreased
any of the general precautions or contraindications
sensation in the treatment area may limit the
to electrotherapy apply, or are there any specific
patient’s perception of the stimulation.
considerations regarding application of electrother-
Preinspection: The ulceration represents an area of
apy to this patient)?
decreased resistance to current and should be
Answer: Diabetes may be associated with
inspected prior to stimulation.
decreased sensation in the treatment area.
Electrode placement: The treatment electrode is
Assessment of sensation is recommended prior to
placed within a saline-moistened sterile gauze pad
stimulation, and close monitoring of treatment is
placed directly within the ulceration, and the refer-
warranted if compromised sensation is noted.
ence or inactive electrode is placed adjacent to the
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the ulceration. The treatment electrode is designated
use of electrotherapy? as the cathode and the reference the anode.
Answer: To promote and encourage granulation of Patient position: The patient will be placed supine or
the wound bed. side-lying on the opposite side.
Postinspection: Remove the electrodes and inspect
4. Do you have the specific type of electrotherapy that
the ulceration and adjacent skin for any signs of
is appropriate for the patient?
adverse effect.
Answer: High-volt pulsed current (i.e., twin-peak
monophasic current) may be used, as this
monophasic waveform can deliver cathodal and
anodal stimulation.

actually delivered to the patient. In contrast, EMG details and clinical applications of EMG biofeedback
biofeedback involves the assessment and recording of are presented in Chapter 11.
skeletal muscle activity so that the practitioner and
patient can use the information to alter future muscle Iontophoresis
activity, whether that be to increase or decrease move-
ment.63 Improvement in function and decrease in pain Iontophoresis is a technique in which current is used
are still the primary goals with EMG biofeedback, to induce the transcutaneous movement of ions across
despite the differences with other forms of electrother- the skin into target tissues. Clinical use of iontophore-
apy. Oftentimes, EMG biofeedback is not included in sis is based on the fundamental concept that like
the same category as other electrotherapeutic applica- charges repel and opposites attract. An ion is an atom
tions where current is applied to the patient, but EMG that has lost or gained electrons and thus becomes
biofeedback can be used to enhance volitional muscle positively or negatively charged. To mobilize or deliver
activation, thereby providing therapeutic benefit. More negatively charged ions into the treatment area, an
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268 Modalities

electrode containing the negative ions attached to the movement of ions in a solution.86 Following ES, a tem-
cathode of an electrical circuit is placed over the treat- porary increase in the skin’s porosity allows ions to more
ment area. For a positively charged ion, the anode is easily penetrate the tissues. The exact mechanisms by
used. For the majority of clinical applications, ion- which electroporation occurs are not known, but it is
tophoresis implies the delivery of a medicinal ion for clear that cell organization and function of skin are altered
therapeutic benefit. The electrode containing the in response to ES.83–85
medicinal ion is termed the treatment, active, or deliv- Another mechanism that is used to explain the
ery electrode, and the other electrode is termed the migration of ions into the tissues is based on “volume
inactive, reference, or dispersive electrode. Note that flow,” or the bulk movement of solute in response to an
either the anode or cathode can be used as the treat- electric field. Not to be confused with simple diffusion,
ment electrode, depending on the polarity of the ions this movement is in response to an applied electrical
being delivered. field and not concentration gradients.82 When elec-
Current is delivered to the electrodes via a device. trodes are applied to the skin, ions of positive charge
Most devices used for iontophoresis use DC and are within the extracellular fluid—that is, sodium (Na+)—
small and portable and battery-operated. The DC pro- are attracted to the cathode, whereas negatively charged
vides a unidirectional electric current to induce ion ions such as chloride (Cl–) are attracted to the anode.
movement. There are some devices that use alternating The bulk movement of solute such as Na+ and Cl– in
current, although evidence for their use is limited.64,65 response to the electrical field is thought to provide a
It has been proposed that the alternating nature of AC mechanism by which ions are moved into the tissues.
current may increase the permeability of the tissue, This process is termed electroosmosis, or ionohydrokine-
facilitating the passage of the ions.66 Still, some units sis82,87 (Fig. 10-18).
using AC for iontophoresis do so using AC with a “DC Electroosmotic flow occurs in the same direction as
offset” that in essence mimics the properties of DC that flow of counterions (ions of charge opposite the skin).
induce ion movement.67 Because human skin maintains a net negative charge,
Iontophoresis has been used for many conditions, the direction of electroosmotic flow is from the anode
including soft tissue inflammatory conditions,68,69 neu- to the cathode.82 For positively charged ions delivered
ralgia,70 edema,71 ischemic skin ulcers,72 hyperhidro- from the anode, electroosmotic flow may assist in
sis,73,74 plantar warts,75 gouty arthritis,76 calcific ten- transdermal delivery, but in contrast, electroosmotic
donitis,77 scar tissue,78 Peyronie’s disease,78–80 and other flow may hinder delivery of negatively charged ions
disorders of connective tissue. For most of these uses, from the cathode.82 This opposition to delivery of
the evidence is generally favorable.81 The most studied
use of iontophoresis is of corticosteroids, such as dex-
amethasone, which is used to reduce inflammation of
Anode 1 Cathode
local soft tissues.
2 ⴙ ⴙ ⴙ ⴙ
Physiology of Iontophoresis ⴙ ⴙ ⴙ ⴙ
ⴙ ⴙ ⴙ
Underlying the process of iontophoresis is the electrical ⴙ ⴙ ⴙ
ⴙⴙ Naⴙ
repulsion of ions. Using ES to move charged ions into ⴙ
ⴙ ⴙ
the target tissues has long been the cornerstone expla- Naⴙ Na
Na ⴙ
nation for iontophoresis and is termed electromigration. H2O Naⴙ
However, more recent explanations of the physiological H2O H2O
mechanisms underlying iontophoresis have been H2O 3
Fig 10•18 Movement of ions into tissue by three mecha-
Electroporation is an increase in the porosity of the nisms: (1) electrical repulsion of like charges; (2) electro-
superficial skin in response to ES and may facilitate move- poration, increasing openings in the skin surface for ions;
and (3) electroosmosis or movement of water and sodium
ment of ions into the tissues.82–85 Skin is naturally (Na+) toward the cathode, creating a stream by which
hydrophobic, so it presents a barrier to the transcutaneous ions are moved.
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Clinical Electrical Stimulation: Application and Techniques 269

negative ions from the cathode is increased only when inflammation and pain, an ion with anti-inflammatory
using larger current amplitudes, as the increased force capability is recommended. Because iontophoresis is a
of the electrical field will necessarily increase the ionic procedure in which ions are transferred across the skin,
movement. it is critical to specify what specific ion or medicine is
When considering the collective effects of electro- to be phoresed. A number of both pharmacological and
migration, electroporation, and electroosmosis, there nonpharmacological ions are used in therapeutic ion-
is reason to consider use of smaller amplitude current tophoresis (Table 10-7). The most common of these is
for delivery of negative ions to minimize the coun- dexamethasone sodium phosphate. Because of the
terflowing electroosmosis. The “wear-home” ion- widespread use of this drug, the term iontophoresis has
tophoresis systems with self-contained electrocircuitry conventionally come to imply the use of dexametha-
use this principle by delivering a smaller amplitude sone, although this does not accurately reflect the pro-
current over a longer period of time versus in-clinic cedure of iontophoresis. Therefore, it is recommended
systems. Likewise, the effect of electroosmosis and that use of the term iontophoresis be clarified by specify-
counterion flow makes anodal delivery of negatively ing what type of ion or medication was used. In sum-
charged ions or neutral drug molecules such as glu- mary, when performing iontophoresis, you should
cose a future consideration. This use of anodal deliv- always answer the question, “Phoresis of what?”
ery for negatively charged ions has been termed
wrong-way iontophoresis but reflects the idea that Effective iontophoresis is predicated on

delivery of larger, negatively charged ions may be several factors, one of which is the concentration of
more effective when delivered secondary to properties the ion or drug used. It is advised that drugs for ion-
of electroporation and electroosmosis.82 tophoresis be obtained from a licensed pharmacist to
ensure proper concentrations and storage.
Application of Iontophoresis
There are two important aspects of iontophoresis: Electrode Selection and Placement
(1) knowing the polarity of the ion or drug to be used Current density is the amount of current per unit of the
and (2) having good conductivity so there is not a electrode’s conductive surface area and is calculated as:
chemical burn under the electrodes. If the incorrect current amplitude (mA)
pole is used during the procedure, there is little to no Current density (CD) =
conductive surface area
chance the ions will make it into the desired tissue. of the electrode (cm2)
Selecting an ion with a known polarity may
It is critical to note that an electrode’s size and its con-
seem obvious, but at one time there was consider- ductive surface area are not the same. Most commercially
able controversy over the polarity of dexamethasone, manufactured electrodes for iontophoresis have a region of
the most commonly used drug for iontophoresis. adhesive material extending beyond the edges of the con-
Dexamethasone was once considered to be positively ductive surface area (Fig. 10-19). This renders the conduc-
charged, and many textbooks and guidelines for ion- tive surface area smaller than the apparent electrode size. A
tophoresis instructed in using the anode to deliver maximal current density of 0.5 mA/cm2 (3.3 mA/in.2) at
dexamethasone. It was not until 1992 that dexa- the cathode and 1 mA/cm2 (6.6 mA/in.2) at the anode
methasone was shown to be best phoresed from the have been recommended as safe.87,89,90 Caustic damage to
cathode. This is now the standard procedure for using the tissue at the cathode caused by formation of sodium
dexamethasone.88 hydroxide is of great concern. Therefore, it is recom-
mended that the cathode’s electroconductive surface area
Selecting an Ion exceed that of the anode, even up to twice the area.
The primary determinant in selecting an ion or drug When using cathodal stimulation to the smaller
for iontophoresis is whether the ion has a therapeutic active electrode, it is recommended that the current
effect on the condition being treated. For example, if amplitude be monitored to minimize risk of tissue dam-
treating an inflamed tendon with the goal of reducing age. Most commercially manufactured iontophoresis
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270 Modalities

Table 10•7 Indications and Drugs Commonly Used With Iontophoresis

Delivery Electrode
Indication Drug Solution Polarity Effect
Inflammation Dexamethasone 4 mg/mL in aqueous solution Negative Anti-inflammatory
Calcific tendonitis, Acetic acid 2–5% aqueous solution Negative Believed to increase solubility of
myositis ossificans calcium deposits
Adhesive capsulitis Iodine 5–10% solution or ointment Negative Sclerolytic effects
and other soft
tissue adhesions
Soft tissue pain Lidocaine 4–5% solution or ointment Positive Local anesthetic effects
and inflammation
Muscle and joint Salicylates 10% trolamine salicylate ointment or Negative Analgesic and anti-inflammatory
pain 2–3% sodium salicylate solution
Local subacute Hyaluronidase Reconstitute with 0.9% sodium chlo- Positive Dispersion of local edema
or chronic edema ride to provide a 150 mg/ml solution
Skeletal muscle Calcium chloride 2% aqueous solution Positive Decreased excitability of peripheral
spasms nerves and skeletal muscle
Skeletal Magnesium sulfate 2% aqueous solution or ointment Positive Muscle relaxant
muscle spasms, myositis
Skin ulcers Zinc oxide 20% ointment Positive Acts as a general antiseptic and
may increase tissue healing
Hyperhidrosis Tap water N/A Alternating polarity Decreased sweating of palms, feet,
or axillae
Source: Ciccone, CD: Pharmacology in Rehabilitation, ed. 3. FA Davis, Philadelphia, 2002, p 651.

electrodes have a conductive surface area that allows a cur- The placement of electrodes for iontophoresis is
rent density within acceptable ranges for most ion- directly dependent on the site being treated. The active
tophoresis devices, with a maximal current output of electrode delivering the therapeutic ion is placed over
4 to 5 mA. Many of the commercially prepared electrodes the desired treatment area. In many cases, palpation to
include chemical buffers within the electrode to minimize identify the most painful area will reveal the local area
the chance of electrical burn. Although the process of ion- best suited for application. Prior to application, inspect
tophoresis can theoretically be administered using any the skin for color and integrity and record this in the
type of electrode placed over a porous material containing patient’s treatment record. Repeat this upon removing
the ions (e.g., a sponge or towel), for reasons of safety, the electrodes to determine the skin’s tolerance of the
commercially prepared electrodes should be used. current. The inactive electrode is placed at a site distant
from the treatment electrode, but some consideration
should be given to the distance between electrodes (i.e.,
the interelectrode distance). The closer the electrodes,
the more superficial will be the current and potential
movement of ions. A greater interelectrode distance will
facilitate greater depth of current penetration and
potentially ion delivery.

Dosage and the Iontophoretic Equation

Because iontophoresis usually involves delivery of a
drug, it is necessary to specify the dose that is delivered.
The iontophoretic equation is used to calculate the dose
and is based on the current amplitude of the DC
Fig 10•19 The electroconductive surface of most elec- current and the duration the current is delivered:
trodes used for iontophoresis is less than the apparent
size of the electrode. Dosage (mA·min) = Current (mA) x Duration (min)
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Clinical Electrical Stimulation: Application and Techniques 271

Typical clinical dosages range from 20 to 80 mA·min

Table 10•8 Associated Reactions at Each
with maximal dosages reaching 160 mA·min. As of yet, Electrode During Iontophoresis
there has been no clearly defined dosage that is more Anode Cathode
effective than another and, in many cases, is decided Attracts Cl Na+
upon by patient response and tolerance.64 Current Forms HCl NaOH
Process Sclerotic Sclerolytic
amplitude with clinical iontophoresis at dosages of 20
Effect Skin hardens Skin softens*
to 80 mA·min typically range from 0.1 to 4 mA,
* Increases risk of electrical burn and tissue damage to DC
depending on patient tolerance and the duration cur-
rent flows to obtain the desired dose. Duration is vari-
able and has been a source of discussion. There remains
Recent Advances in Iontophoresis
disagreement as to the optimal dose and specific param-
eters used to obtain it. Some evidence has suggested If using typical peak current amplitudes of 4 mA, typi-
that longer duration with lower amplitude facilitates cal clinical treatments of 20 to 80 mA·min require a
greater depth of delivery.91 5- to 20-minute duration. At peak amplitude, patients
may report stinging, tingling, or itching and mild
To date, there remains no universal agree-
reversible irritation.92 Because maximal amplitude can
ment as to whether the process of iontophoresis is be uncomfortable and patients are required to remain
specific to the administration of a medicinal ion or in the clinic, manufacturers designed wireless, dispos-
simply implies the use of current to mobilize ions. able, battery-operated electrodes. These electrodes can
Thus, it is suggested that when performing ion- be worn home by the patient, eliminating the need to
tophoresis, the clinician should clearly state what ion remain in the clinic for the treatment, and they can
was “phoresed.” deliver a low amplitude current for a longer duration,
even up to 24 hours.93 Newer iontophoresis electrodes
Adverse Effects: Current not Drugs consist of a single adhesive “patch” containing a com-
There is a greater risk of skin irritation and redness when plete microcircuit. A small button-sized battery delivers
using DC than with other currents. This is why it is crit- DC from 0.1 to 4 mA to an embedded anode and cath-
ical to inspect the skin both before and after treatment. ode to which the ionized drug and saline have been
The tingling, itching, and redness that can occur with added (Fig. 10-20).
iontophoresis have inaccurately been attributed to the These newer iontophoresis electrodes may be initially
drug(s) used when actually it is the DC current that charged while the patient is in the clinic. This charging
causes these effects. Cations such as Na+ that form sodium provides an initial voltage that overcomes the skin’s
hydroxide (NaOH) are attracted to the cathode. The initial resistance to the current. After a few minutes of
formation of NaOH creates an alkaline reaction, and charging and a reduction in skin resistance, the wear-
the movement of water with sodium via osmosis results home disposable electrode then delivers a lower inten-
in a decrease in protein density (sclerolysis) in the tissues sity current to phorese the drug. The electroconductive
under the cathode, which softens the tissue. This surface area is generally 6 to 9 cm2, keeping the current
increases the risk of tissue breakdown or electrical burn. density well within a safe range. Protocols for these
At the anode, an acidic reaction is created as anions such electrode systems provide dosages similar to in-clinic
as Cl– are attracted to it, reducing the local pH in the tis- procedures but seem to be gaining popularity for their
sues near the anode. Likewise, as water moves away from ability to provide the same dose but at a lower (i.e.,
the anode with Na+, protein density increases (sclerosis) more comfortable) amplitude.
and tissue hardens. These factors must be considered At the time of this writing, the literature is void of
even after a single treatment but certainly when ion- studies examining efficacy for these new wireless ion-
tophoresis is applied multiple times per week. In some tophoresis systems, but studies are under way. Positive
patients showing skin compromise, it may be necessary evidence does seem to exist for the iontophoretic deliv-
to skip a treatment to allow the skin to heal. A summary ery of fentanyl, a rapid-acting opioid, for management
of these reactions is presented in Table 10-8. of acute pain.94,95
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272 Modalities

Box 10•5 Guidelines for Use of

1. Select an ion appropriate for the pathology or condition.
2. Identify the correct polarity of the ion to be used.
3. Determine if the patient is allergic to the ion or drug.
4. Select an iontophoresis device providing DC current.
5. Select electrodes with appropriate size to maintain current
density in recommended range.
6. Inspect and prepare area to be treated before application.
7. Place active electrode over target tissue(s) and inactive
electrode away at a distance not less than twice the diameter
of the cathode.
8. Select an effective dosage by selecting an appropriate duration
and amplitude.
Fig 10•20 Wireless disposable electrode systems for 9. Slowly increase the amplitude to peak.
iontophoresis. After treatment, inspect the skin integrity for signs of adverse
effect to current.

Iontophoresis Versus Tap Water

Galvanism sweat glands, typically of the hands and feet.74,96 The
Although iontophoresis is the movement of ions in hands or feet are placed within water, becoming part of
response to ES, conventional clinical use of the term the electrical field as a low-amplitude DC current is
has led the process to be associated with delivery of a applied (Fig. 10-21).
pharmacological ion. Tap water galvanism (TWG) TWG’s mechanism of action remains unclear, but
is the use of DC in tap water to create a constant, uni- two mechanisms have been proposed: (1) DC current
directional electrostatic field.74 The naturally occurring encourages hyperkeratinization in which waxy, ker-
impurities found in tap water, such as magnesium, atinous plugs form and act to obstruct the sweat
calcium, and chloride ions, are sufficient enough to glands, and (2) DC may induce a functional distur-
conduct electrical current. TWG has long been shown bance that interferes with the stimulus-secretion cou-
to help reduce the symptoms of hyperhidrosis, a con- pling, impairing the electrochemical gradient of
dition of excessive sweat production from the eccrine sweat output and thus decreasing sweat production.97
Evidence for the use of TWG in the management of
hyperhidrosis has existed for decades,74,96 with the
most recent evidence showing therapeutic benefit
using a commercial iontophoresis device delivering
DC current73 (Box 10-5).

Precautions and
Effective use of ES is founded on two primary factors:
(1) careful differentiation of patients who stand to
benefit from the intervention from those for whom
electrotherapy is not appropriate and (2) careful,
Fig 10•21 Most devices used for iontophoresis deliver knowledgeable, and safe application of the interven-
direct current which can be used to treat hyperhidrosis. tion. Thus, precautions and contraindications to appli-
Placement of the hands in a water bath with an electrical
field created by direct current can be used to address cation of electrotherapy must be considered during
palmar hyperhidrosis. treatment selection (Box 10-6 and 10-7).
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The patient is a 28-year-old female recreational tennis 4. Do you have the specific type of electrotherapy that
player who developed right lateral elbow pain 6 weeks is appropriate for the patient?
ago. She presents to the clinic with a chief complaint Answer: Iontophoresis offers a method for deliver-
of right elbow pain during tennis and when grasping ing dexamethasone sodium phosphate transcuta-
with her hand. Palpation reveals tenderness and elic- neously to a localized soft tissue area.
its pain over the lateral epicondyle and common
5. Can you select the specific parameters of elec-
extensor tendon of the right elbow. Wishing to
trotherapy that are appropriate for the patient?
address the acute soft tissue inflammation of the
extensor tendon, the practitioner chooses to use ion-
Waveform: DC
tophoresis and selects dexamethasone for its anti-
Dosage: 40 to 80 mA·min
inflammatory properties. After choosing an electrode
Intensity: Up to 4 to 5 mA
with a 3  3 cm conductive surface area, the dex-
Duration: 10 to 20 min, depending on dosage and
amethasone is applied to the electrode, and the
electrode is placed over the lateral epicondyle and
extensor soft tissue. Because dexamethasone is a 6. What are the proper application procedures for
negatively charged ion, the cathode of the DC current electrotherapy?
will be delivered to the electrode containing the dex- Answer:
amethasone. To complete a circuit, saline is placed on Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the purpose
the inactive electrode, which is placed at a distance and procedure. Be sure to explain the anticipated
not less than twice the diameter of the smallest elec- sensation and effect of the stimulation.
trode. The amplitude of the current is increased to Preinspection: Inspect the skin in the area to be
4 mA, creating a current density of 0.44 mA/cm2 treated as well as the area where the reference, or
(4 mA/9 cm2). A 40 mA·min dosage is selected, so at inactive, electrode will be placed.
4 mA, the duration of the treatment will be 10 minutes. Electrode placement: The appropriate volume of dex-
To complete the treatment, the clinician removed the amethasone is applied to a commercially manufac-
electrodes and inspected the tissue for signs of tured electrode and placed over the lateral epi-
adverse effect of the current. condyle. The volume of medication is dependent on
the electrode size and is often marked on the elec-
trode. The reference electrode is placed on the tri-
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation,
ceps of the same arm away from the treatment
or problem that can be improved with the use of
electrode. Because dexamethasone is a negatively
charged ion, the treatment electrode is designated
Answer: Yes, the patient exam reveals relatively
as the cathode and the reference electrode as the
acute and localized tenderness to the extensor ten-
don of the lateral epicondyle.
Patient position: The patient may be placed sitting
2. Is the patient appropriate for electrotherapy (i.e., do with the arm resting on the treatment table.
any of the general precautions or contraindications Postinspection: Remove the electrodes and inspect
to electrotherapy apply, or are there any specific the skin beneath the treatment and reference elec-
considerations regarding application of electrother- trode for any signs of adverse effect. The practi-
apy to this patient)? tioner must be aware that frequent treatments
Answer: The patient is a 28-year-old female and of may result in tissue breakdown at the lateral epi-
reproductive age. Pregnancy is contraindicated with condyle (cathode) and hardening at the triceps
iontophoresis, so the practitioner should explain this (anode).
concern and ask the patient if she is pregnant.
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
use of electrotherapy?
Answer: To decrease local tissue inflammation and
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274 Modalities

Box 10•6 Contraindications

Electrodes should not be placed over: • Carotid bodies
• The trunk or heart region in patients with demand-type pace- • Located on the anterolateral neck between the sternocleido-
makers or implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) mastoid and trachea; stimulation of these bodies may induce
• In patients where use of electrotherapy is desired but con- abnormal heart function. For this reason, proper electrode
traindicated for pacemakers or ICDs, electrocardiographic placement when treating posterior cervical musculature must
examination by a cardiologist during a trial application of stim- ensure that carry-over of stimulation to the anterolateral neck
ulation can determine the potential for interference with these does not occur.
devices. • Phrenic nerve or urinary bladder stimulators
• The pelvic, abdominal, lumbar, or hip region in pregnant women • Interference from electrical stimulators may alter or compro-
• Although the effects of electrical stimulation on the fetus or mise the function of these stimulators
uterus are not clearly known, caution is recommended if using • Areas of known peripheral vascular disease, including arterial or
stimulation near these areas. For this reason, it is advised to venous thrombosis or thrombophlebitis
ask all premenopausal women about the possibility of being • Because stimulation may increase blood flow to the treatment
pregnant prior to administering stimulation in these areas. area, avoid stimulating areas of compromised blood flow
• Pregnant women with known history of miscarriage may not • The phrenic nerve, eyes, or gonads
be suitable to receive electrical stimulation, regardless of the • Areas of active osteomyelitis
area of application. The unknown effects of electrical stimula- • Areas of hemorrhage
tion on fetal health should be disclosed to the patient.

Box 10•7 Precautions

1. Electrotherapy should be used with caution in patients: • Use of electrotherapy over sites of inactive neoplasm or
• Without intact sensation, as they may be unable to sense or elsewhere in patients with history of cancer should be done
detect and recognize abnormal sensations. An exception to only after thorough explanation of the anticipated risks and
this is when using low amplitude current for wound healing. benefits.
• Who are unable to communicate, as they may be incapable • Written documentation of patient and physician consent is
of accurately providing feedback regarding the stimulation. recommended.
• With compromised mental ability or lack of cognition, as they 3. Electrodes should not be placed over:
may be unable to understand directions. • Compromised skin (except if treating for wound/tissue repair).
• With cardiac dysfunction, including uncontrolled hypertension • Tissues vulnerable to hemorrhage or hematoma.
or hypotension, or irregular heart rate or rhythm. • Cervical (i.e., neck) or craniofacial regions in patients who
• With epilepsy or other seizure disorders. have a history of cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or seizures.
2. Over neoplasms (active or previous): 4. Do not use electrical stimulation devices within approximately
• Use of electrotherapy in patients with active cancer should 5 yards of diathermy units or other source of electromagnetic
include consultation with the patient’s physicians and docu- radiation.
mentation of patient consent.

Safety With Electrotherapeutics: harmful levels, the danger of electrical shock lies in the
“Primum Non Nocere” current flowing between the electrotherapeutic device
Latin for “first, do no harm,” the phrase primum non and the wall current (household current). So while
nocere should always be considered when preparing to battery-powered devices may present less risk than line-
use an electrotherapeutic agent. The use of electrical powered ones, attention must nevertheless be given to
current by nature brings with it inherent risk, danger, ensure the safest environment for the patient and clini-
and potential for adverse events. However, clinicians cian. Any excess or short circuit must be terminated
aware of safety measures and safety practices can before it reaches a patient or the clinician.
greatly minimize these risks and safely and effectively Perhaps the most common and effective safety
deliver therapeutic electrical stimulation. The primary measures regarding electrical current from line-pow-
concern with the use of electrical current is shock. ered devices are the hospital-grade, three-prong plugs
While the intensity of the current flowing from the that have a safety ground in direct connection to the
therapeutic device to the patient is often well below earth ground and the ground fault circuit interrupters
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of Modalities
Chapter 11
Electrotherapy for Musculoskeletal Disorders
Chapter 12
NMES and FES in Patients with Neurologic Diagnoses
Chapter 13
Pain and Limited Motion
Chapter 14
Therapeutic Modalities for Tissue Healing
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chapter 11
for Musculoskeletal
C. Scott Bickel, PT, PhD | Chris M. Gregory, PT, PhD |
James W. Bellew, PT, EdD

euromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is
commonly used in a variety of clinical settings to
RATIONALE FOR NMES mimic or augment voluntary contractions and to
NMES FOR MUSCLE STRENGTHENING enhance the rehabilitation of human skeletal muscles.1–3
Examination, Evaluation, and Prognosis This chapter will (1) review early training studies that
Intervention incorporated NMES training of skeletal muscle, (2) pro-
Voluntary Versus NMES Exercise: Differences in Muscle
vide data to support the idea that properly designed
Selecting a Stimulator NMES training protocols can result in improved neuro-
Stimulation Parameters muscular performance, (3) provide guidelines for the
Electrode Placement implementation of NMES training for individuals with
Intensity or Dosage musculoskeletal disorders, (4) provide an overview of
Monitoring Treatment
NMES-induced muscle recruitment, and (5) outline
NMES AND MOTOR UNIT RECRUITMENT some of the drawbacks associated with NMES training.
Limitations of NMES
This information is intended to help practitioners pro-
ELECTRICAL MUSCLE STIMULATION (EMS) APPLIED vide evidence-based treatment when utilizing NMES to
Examination, Evaluation, and Prognosis
improve muscle size and strength.
Rationale for NMES
Recording and Displaying the EMG Signal
Electrode Type and Electrode Placement Considerations The common goal of using NMES is to mimic voluntary
for EMG Biofeedback contractions to obtain the physiological improvements
Patient Training Strategies with EMG Biofeedback that result from training. NMES is a widely accepted
modality that is used to treat atrophic muscle after injury
or disease, although a consensus on specific programs
and parameters to improve neuromuscular performance
has yet to be reached. Early studies targeting increases in
muscle mass were not consistently successful. However,
recent studies have demonstrated the potential of NMES
training protocols to elicit a hypertrophic response in
skeletal muscle; this suggests that this training modality
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282 Clinical Applications of Modalities

has the potential to be a valuable tool for rehabilitation if

utilized in an appropriate manner.
The neuromuscular system is perhaps the most highly
plastic system in the human body, showing dramatic

adaptations in response to changes in activity. Skeletal
muscle can adapt by increasing or decreasing the amount
of contractile proteins, by changing its fiber type compo-
sition, or by altering its metabolic profile to sustain force
production.4,5 Adaptations resulting from activity are not
limited to peripheral skeletal muscle, with concurrent Frequency
adaptations occurring in neural systems in response to Fig 11•1 Force-frequency relationship. Note that as fre-
activity.6,7 Specifically, enhanced recruitment of motor quency of activation is increased, force is progressively
increased until tetany is reached (the point where further
units (an alpha motor neuron and all the muscle fibers increases in frequency do not produce increases in force
innervated by it) is accomplished through improved cen- production). (Adapted with permission from Gregory CM, Dixon W, Bickel CS. Impact
tral control of firing frequency or synchronization of of varying pulse frequency and duration on muscle torque production and fatigue. Muscle
Nerve. 2007;35(4):504–509.)
motor units—that is, by activating motor units more fre-
quently and in unison, muscle force can be increased.
These factors underlie the use of NMES. current health-care environment, where shorter
supervised training and reduced visits are typical.
Increases in strength observed in the initial weeks of
NMES for Muscle training are due to changes in motor unit recruitment.
Previous studies have investigated the effects of
NMES is used as a method to strengthen weakened mus- NMES on muscle strength in participants without dis-
cle in persons with musculoskeletal disorders and is sup- ability. These studies often compared the effects of
ported by evidence in the scientific literature. Muscle NMES, voluntary isometric exercise, and no exercise on
strengthening is thought to result from two primary strength of the quadriceps femoris.10–13 Results generally
mechanisms: increased muscle size or improved motor showed that both the NMES and exercise groups dis-
unit recruitment (nonmuscle mass adaptations).8 played increased strength, but there were no differences
Increasing muscle mass usually takes several weeks to between these two groups. As expected, strength in the
occur, while nonmuscle mass adaptations occur more no-exercise control group was unchanged. One criticism
rapidly. The nonmuscle mass adaptations are typically of these studies is that NMES and voluntary exercise may
due to increased motor unit recruitment, which is caused not have produced equivalent forces during treatment,
by increasing the frequency that motor units are recruit- leading to inequality in training doses. Many early
ed and recruiting motor units in a more synchronized NMES studies did not in fact try to maximize the
manner (i.e., at that same time) (Fig. 11-1).7,9 The man- amount of stimulation delivered. Therefore, activated
ner in which NMES-induced motor unit recruitment motor units were not necessarily being exercised to the
increases muscle force is similar to the game of tug-of-war. same degree in both the voluntary and NMES groups,
If the team pulls more frequently and at the same time, which potentially impacted results. Despite this poten-
the result is a more forceful pull or tug. tial, studies have shown gains in strength following
NMES training to be similar to voluntary exercise.
KEY POINT!Improved muscle size is an adaptation that
occurs with repeated muscle overload and is consis- KEY POINT! Similar gains in strength have been

tent with the principles of voluntary muscle strength- observed in studies comparing voluntary exercise
ening. Increases in muscle mass typically take several and NMES. However, voluntary exercise often used
weeks to occur; this may not be a reasonable maximal contractions, whereas less-than-maximal
expectation during rehabilitation programs in the contractions were used with NMES.
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Electrotherapy for Musculoskeletal Disorders 283

A few studies have investigated changes in muscle contractions with high training loads (about 70% to
size after NMES training in healthy, nonweak individ- 80% of maximal voluntary isometric contraction) in an
uals; the results provided a foundational basis for effort to mimic voluntary training studies that are
understanding the effects of NMES on muscle. These known to result in muscle hypertrophy (i.e., progressive
studies have reported increases in voluntary strength resistance training). Ruther and associates20 studied
after NMES training; however, this finding alone does subjects who trained 2 days per week for 9 weeks with
not imply a resultant hypertrophy, because factors other either voluntary or NMES-induced isokinetic exercise.
than increases in muscle size can account for improved Stimulation intensity was set to elicit 70% of maximal
voluntary force generation after training (i.e., nonmus- voluntary isometric torque. The results indicated a 10%
cle mass adaptations). For example, in a single subject and 4% increase in quadriceps femoris muscle size in
design, Delitto and colleagues14 reported impressive NMES and in voluntary training groups, respectively,
strength gains despite average fiber size decreasing by suggesting that resistance training with NMES may be
approximately 16% following NMES training. Although superior to voluntary training—at least during the early
a reduction in fiber size is surprising, strength gains were phase of a resistance-training program. These findings
realized without remarkable muscle fiber hypertrophy. are consistent with data showing that early strength
These findings confirm that improvements in strength gains are not typically due to muscle fiber hypertro-
and size after NMES are not necessarily related. phy.22 Stevenson and Dudley21 used a similar protocol
There is evidence that NMES can prevent atrophy in subjects who reported active participation in a volun-
and induce hypertrophy in individuals with weakness tary resistance-training program at least 2 days per
caused from neurological disorders15,16 or from ortho- week. One leg received NMES training at approxi-
pedic injury,3,17 but clear, foundational data on the mately 70% of maximal voluntary isometric torque.
effects of NMES on muscle size are limited. However, Stimulation intensity was progressively increased, and
there are studies demonstrating that NMES can elicit by the end of 8 weeks of training, muscle size increased
muscle hypertrophy in skeletal muscle when utilized by about 10% in the NMES-trained leg. Table 11-1
appropriately (i.e., suitable mode, dosage). For exam- summarizes the results of these studies and others for
ple, the triceps brachii in primates was trained using NMES for muscle strengthening or hypertrophy.
NMES, and skeletal muscle biopsies were obtained pre- For several decades, neuromuscular electrical stimu-
and post-training.18 NMES was used to cause contrac- lation has been used after various surgical procedures
tion of the elbow extensors (60 Hz, 5 sec on/10 sec off for the knee. This probably stems from the fact that
⫻ 60 min) 5 days per week for 3 weeks at the maxi- quadriceps force is reduced with knee effusion due to
mum contraction intensity tolerated “without causing neural inhibition (i.e., arthrogenic muscle inhibi-
discomfort to the animals.” The results showed that tion).23,24 Because the quadriceps femoris is an impor-
average size of all muscle fiber types increased between tant muscle to focus on during rehabilitation of the
13% and 45%. It should be noted that these gains were knee, practitioners will often turn to NMES for assis-
realized over an extremely short training period. In tance if the patient is unable to volitionally activate the
another study, the triceps surae was stimulated for quadriceps. Studies using NMES following knee sur-
21 consecutive days with 15 to 20 contractions per ses- gery have shown positive changes in muscle perform-
sion at an amplitude of 40 to 45 mA. Skeletal muscle ance. Several reports in the literature address the use of
biopsy analyses revealed that muscle fiber size increased NMES in patients following anterior cruciate ligament
approximately 16% after 21 days of stimulation.19 The (ACL) reconstruction surgeries (Tables 11-2 and 11-3).
fact that such increases in fiber size can be realized in Several studies have examined the effect of NMES on
such short training programs illustrates the potential the quadriceps femoris muscles after ACL reconstruc-
impact of NMES. tion,2,25–28 and some suggest that early intervention
Additional data examining the effects of NMES with intense NMES enhances recovery of strength and
training on muscle size have also shown promise.20,21 function.26,27 Early studies compared the use of NMES-
These studies have incorporated the use of dynamic evoked contractions to voluntary exercise during the
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284 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Table 11•1 NMES for Muscle Strengthening or Hypertrophy

Author Training NMES Parameters Outcome
Cabric et al.19 Isometric PC Increased type I muscle fiber area
15–20 contractions Group 1: 50 Hz
1 time/day Group 2: 2,000 Hz
21 days
Caggiano et al.12 Isometric PC: biphasic symmetrical Increased strength
10 contractions 200 µsec
3 days/week 25 pps
4 weeks 36% MVIC
Currier et al.10 Isometric Burst-modulated AC (Russian) Increased strength
10 contractions of 15 sec with 15 sec 2,500 Hz
of rest 50 bps
3 days/week > 60% MVIC
5 weeks
Delitto et al.14 Isometric Burst-modulated AC (Russian) Increased strength
10 contractions/ session 2,500 Hz Increased type I fiber area
3 days/week 75 bps Reduced type II fiber area
4 weeks Max tolerable current (95%–126% MVIC)
Iwasaki et al.63 Isokinetic Burst-modulated AC (Russian) Increased strength
10 sets of 10 5,000 Hz
3 days/week 20 bps
6 weeks Max tolerable current
Laughman et al.11 Isometric Burst-modulated AC (Russian) Increased strength
10 reps 2,500Hz
5 days/week 50 bps
5 weeks 33% MVIC
McMiken et al.13 Isometric PC Increased strength
10 contractions 100 µsec
4 days/week 75 pps
3 weeks Max tolerable current
Mohr et al.64 Isometric PC: twin-peak monophasic pulses Increased strength in voluntary exercise
10 contractions 45 µsec only
3 days/week 50 pps
5 weeks Max tolerable
Ruther et al.20 Isokinetic PC: symmetrical biphasic pulses Increased muscle cross-sectional area
3 to 5 sets of 10 500 µsec with NMES (10%)
2 days/week 50 pps
9 weeks 70% MVC
Stevenson et al.21 Isokinetic PC: symmetrical biphasic pulses Increased muscle cross-sectional
3 to 5 sets of 10 450 us area (11%)
2 days/week 70 pps
8 weeks 70% MVC
PC = Pulsed current

early phase of rehabilitation (first 6 weeks)25 or com- strengthening treatment groups: high-intensity NMES,
pared the addition of NMES to the rehabilitation pro- high-intensity voluntary exercise, low-intensity NMES,
grams.27 These studies utilized burst-modulated AC and a combination of high- and low-intensity NMES.26
(Russian current) at intensities that were “maximally tol- The groups that trained with high-intensity NMES and
erated”; a greater increase in quadriceps muscle strength the combination of low- and high-intensity NMES
was seen in those subjects in the NMES groups.25,27 showed significant improvements in strength and knee
One study randomly assigned participants who were flexion/extension during gait when compared to the
1 week post-ACL reconstruction into four isometric other two groups.26 The intensity of stimulation used
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Electrotherapy for Musculoskeletal Disorders 285

Table 11•2 NMES for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

Author Training NMES Parameters Outcome
Delitto et al.25 Isometric Burst-modulated AC (Russian) Increased strength
15 contractions 2,500 Hz
5 days/week 50 bps
3 weeks Max tolerable current
Fitzgerald et al.2 Isometric Burst-modulated AC (Russian) Increased strength
10 contractions 2,500 Hz
2 days/week 75 bps
11 weeks Max tolerable current
Paternostro-Sluga et al.28 Isometric PC: biphasic symmetrical Increased strength (no difference between
48 5-sec and 24 10-sec contractions 220 µsec groups)
7 days/week 100 pps
6 weeks Tolerable, strong visible contraction
Snyder-Mackler et al.26 Isometric Burst-modulated AC (Russian) Increased strength
15 contractions 2,500 Hz
3 days/week 75 bps
6 weeks Max tolerable current
Snyder-Mackler et al.27 Isometric Burst-modulated AC (Russian) Increased strength
15 contractions 2,500 Hz
3 days/week 75 bps Improved gait pattern
3 weeks Max tolerable current

Table 11•3 NMES for Total Knee Arthroplasty

Author Training NMES Parameters Outcome
Lewek et al.31 Isometric Burst-modulated AC (Russian) Single case study, patient showed improvements in strength
10 contractions 2,500 Hz and met goals
11 sessions 40–75 bps
Max tolerable current
Petterson et al.32 Isometric Burst-modulated AC (Russian) Improvements in strength and function (no differences
10 contractions 2,500 Hz between groups that did not receive NMES)
2–3 days/week 50 bps
6 weeks Max tolerable current (min level = 30% MVIC)
Stevens et al.3 Isometric Burst-modulated AC (Russian) Increased strength
10 contractions 2,500 Hz
3 days/week 50 bps
6 weeks Max tolerable current

was the “maximum tolerated” by each participant, sug- quadriceps femoris similar to that seen following ACL
gesting the training was intense enough to evoke neuro- reconstruction.29 Data have shown that 1 year after
muscular adaptations. It should be noted that not all TKA, muscle atrophy, weakness, and functional limita-
studies that have utilized NMES in the treatment of tions persist.30 Case studies done on patients post-TKA
patients following ACL reconstruction have shown sig- surgery found promising results using burst-modulated
nificantly better results with NMES28 (see Table 11-2). AC (Russian current) delivered to evoke 10-second
NMES is also commonly used in patients following contractions for a total of 10 repetitions at “maximally
total knee arthroplasty (see Table 11-3). Individuals in tolerated” intensity.3,31 The case studies suggested that
this population have considerable knee effusion, pain, after 6 weeks of training, some subjects showed greater
and impaired ability to voluntarily activate their strength in the surgical leg at 6 months post-TKA than
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286 Clinical Applications of Modalities

the limb that was not surgically repaired. A randomized sensation of electrical stimulation and a lack of motor
controlled trial has been published that investigated response, further neurophysiological testing may be
how a progressive strengthening program with or without indicated (see Chapter 16). If this is the case, the prac-
NMES influenced function after TKA and compared titioner may need to refer to another health-care
them to a group that received conventional rehabilitation provider who can conduct electromyography tests to
with perhaps a less intense training protocol.32 Their evaluate the degree of injury. Additional tests for
results indicated that as long as the individuals were strength, ROM, pain, and functional status are indicat-
participating in a structured progressive strengthening ed to evaluate the appropriateness of NMES compared
program (with or without NMES), they made signifi- to other interventions (Table 11-4).
cantly greater improvements than those who were
Stimulation of denervated muscle requires
undergoing standard rehabilitation. This study high-
long pulse durations (greater than 1 millisecond),
lights the importance of training intensity, and in this
which most stimulators are unable to deliver.
case, function was apparently achieved regardless of
whether NMES was used. In some cases, NMES may Intervention
be required to achieve sufficient intensity during reha-
Patients with decreased muscle strength caused by muscu-
bilitation due to impairments with voluntary muscle
loskeletal dysfunction can benefit from NMES, especially
those with muscle atrophy. However, it should be noted
Examination, Evaluation, and Prognosis that the intensity of training is a key factor in the efficacy
of NMES strengthening protocols. Most studies that have
The initial examination should evaluate the patient’s
shown effectiveness have used intensities or dosages that
medical history, paying specific attention to possible
were “maximally tolerated” and resulted in approximately
precautions and contraindications for the use of
70% of maximum voluntary contractions (see Tables 11-1
NMES. Individuals with musculoskeletal disorders will
through 11-3). It is important to realize that prescription
typically have some degree of impairment with volun-
of NMES exercise should be done in a similar fashion as
tary muscle activation, but they may still benefit from
voluntary training programs. Thus, the sets and reps per-
neuromuscular electrical stimulation. The practitioner
formed as well as the load (i.e., % MVC [maximal volun-
should assess the muscle innervation status of patients
tary contraction]) used should be carefully prescribed and
who have a possible neurological injury, such as periph-
monitored in NMES training programs.
eral nerve injuries (e.g., nerve compression, crush, or
Practitioners need to consider several factors when
laceration), or who have a history of neurological disor-
applying NMES: electrode placement, on- and off-
ders (e.g., multiple sclerosis, stroke, spinal cord injury).
times, number of repetitions, frequency, and duration
It is important to note whether the patient has an upper
of treatment, and it’s important to choose the appropri-
or lower motor neuron injury, because lower motor
ate muscle stimulator, based upon the desired stimula-
neuron injuries do not respond to NMES. (See the
tion parameters to achieve the neuromuscular response.
“EMS Applied to Denervated Muscle” section.)
NMES is utilized in an effort to facilitate the contrac-
If innervation status is unknown, the practitioner can
tion of skeletal muscle when there is sufficient need to
test for this by applying NMES to the involved muscle
do so. Understanding the differences between voluntary
and observing its response. Electrodes should be applied
and artificial activation of skeletal muscle is necessary to
so that the motor nerves of the weak muscles are within
determine whether NMES is indicated (Box 11-1).
the area where current will flow. Ask the patient to report
the first sensation of electrical stimulation, noting the mil-
liamps when this occurs and understanding that if sensa- Voluntary Versus NMES Exercise:
tion is compromised, the patient may not feel anything. Differences in Muscle Recruitment
Continue to increase the current until you see a motor Recruitment of skeletal muscle during voluntary con-
response. If the patient reports sensation and there is an tractions (i.e., without NMES) follows a predictable and
observed motor response, then the muscle is innervated orderly pattern—starting with smaller and progressing
and able to respond to NMES. Should there be no to larger motor units as increasing forces are required. It
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Table 11•4 Examination for NMES for Strengthening

Tests of Question Reason
Muscle innervation Has innervation status been compromised? NMES for strengthening typically requires innervation of the muscle.
Strength What is current voluntary strength (manual muscle test To determine effect of treatment.
or muscle dynamometry)?
Range of motion Are there any ROM limitations present? Decreased ROM may impact functional outcomes.
Sensation Is sensation present, absent, or diminished? More frequent monitoring of skin integrity is needed with reduced
Pain Is there pain at rest or with activity? How severe? Pain could be a limiting factor for the strength-training program.
Spasticity Is spasticity present? Antagonist spasticity may affect ability to accurately assess strength.
Function What functional limitations are present? To determine effect of treatment on function.
Cognitive status Is cognitive status sufficient to provide feedback? To ensure safety of use.

should also be noted that the number of motor units development of muscle and activating a large percentage
and the firing frequency can be altered during voluntary of the muscle fibers in an effort to provide muscle over-
activities. In contrast, artificial activation (e.g., during load. Studies have examined the use of small portable
NMES) does not follow these same principles and stimulators versus larger line-powered devices with mixed
results in a more random pattern of activation of motor results (Fig. 11-2). Snyder-Mackler et al.17 initially report-
units (e.g., small and large motor units will be recruited ed that significantly greater forces were created using a
even when low forces are produced). Additionally, alter- line-powered stimulator as compared to a portable one in
ations in the number of motor units or firing frequency participants who had had ACL reconstruction. However,
are typically not available with clinical stimulators with- they also acknowledged that there might be other
out stopping and starting the treatment multiple times. portable stimulators available that may create more force.
Consequently, all activated motor units have the same More recently, Laufer and colleagues33 compared
firing rate and will produce relatively similar forces, two portable stimulators and one line-powered device
which could be 100% of their force-producing capacity and reported that when stimulation parameters were
at higher frequencies of stimulation. When the decision kept constant across stimulators, the portable stimula-
is made to utilize NMES, the practitioner should apply tors created more force. Other reports have also indicated
the basic principles of muscle conditioning to the design that portable stimulators can evoke similar torque out-
of the protocol (i.e., current intensity, repetitions, sets, puts as line-powered stimulators.34 Based upon these
and frequency of treatment) while considering the dif- studies, practitioners should realize the importance of
ferences in motor unit activation. It is also important to understanding the capabilities of their available stimu-
monitor the patient’s initial response to treatment and lators and choose one appropriate for the intervention
all subsequent contractions. desired (Table 11-5).

Selecting a Stimulator Clinical Controversies

The electrical stimulation device should be able to Until recently, most battery-powered, handheld NMES
deliver parameters that are capable of maximizing force stimulators were incapable of delivering current inten-
sities sufficient to elicit muscle contractions to improve
strength. More modern battery-powered devices have
Box 11•1 Factors to Consider When shown the ability to elicit contractions similar to those
Applying NMES evoked by line-powered clinical stimulators.
• Line or battery-powered stimulator
• Stimulation parameters Stimulation Parameters
• Electrode placement
• On- and off-times
When selecting the parameters, there are several
• Dosage (intensity) options from which the practitioner can choose to
• Number of repetitions/sets achieve the desired response. If the goal of NMES is to
• Frequency of application
enhance muscle strength, the highest pulse duration
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288 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Table 11•5 NMES Parameters

Typically Used for Muscle
Waveform Symmetrical or asymmetrical biphasic pulsed
current, burst-modulated alternating current
(e.g., Russian current)
Pulse duration 200–600 µsec
Frequency 20–100 pps (bursts per second)
Amplitude To obtain strong muscle contraction (maximum
tolerated or current necessary to achieve
ⱖ 50% of MVC)
Ramp-up time 1–5 seconds
Ramp-down time 1–2 seconds
Duty cycle 1:3 to 1:5 with on-time up to 10 seconds and
off-time up to 50 seconds
Treatment time At least 10 contractions or up to 1 hour/day
and duration 3–5 times/week
4–8 weeks
Carrier frequency* 1,000–2,500 Hz
A Burst duration* 2–10 msec
Relative duty cycle* 10%–50%
*Specific to burst-modulated AC (BMAC)

50%, a carrier frequency of 1,000 to 2,500 Hz, and the

highest amplitude tolerated.36
It is important to understand that higher stimula-
tion frequencies (pps or bursts per second) will also
lead to greater muscle fatigue. Therefore, choose an
on-time to off-time ratio that allows for sufficient
muscle recovery between repetitions. Support for this
is provided by a study that investigated the effects of
duty cycle on metabolic changes within the calf mus-
culature; there was a significantly greater force
decline during contraction and a significantly
decreased muscle pH with a 10-sec on/10-sec off
Fig 11•2 Examples of (A) portable and (B) clinical on:off time ratio as compared to 10 sec on/50 sec
plug-in stimulators. off.37 If muscle fatigue is an ongoing problem, the
practitioner can reduce frequency and increase the
and amplitude tolerated by the patient should be rest time between contractions, so each stimulated
used.35 The frequency should be adjusted to achieve a contraction is evoking maximum force.
smooth, forceful contraction, generally achieved with
To decrease the effect of fatigue and
greater than 30 pps (see Fig. 11-1). If one chooses to
ensure that NMES is eliciting as much muscle force
use burst-modulated AC (BMAC), then we recom-
as possible, it may be necessary to increase the rest
mend a burst frequency of 50 bursts per second.
period between maximally tolerated contractions.
Although Russian current may be the most recognized
form of BMAC, other variations are available that may Ramp time is often used for patient comfort during
be more effective at eliciting muscle torque.36 electrical stimulation, allowing time for the current to
Therefore, when using BMAC for muscle strengthen- increase and decrease slowly rather than abruptly.
ing, the following parameters are recommended: a burst However, a longer ramp-up time is not always the
duration of 2 to10 msec, a relative duty cycle of 10% to most comfortable for each patient and will reduce the
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amount of time that all motor units are activated. It is size of the target muscle. Figure 11-3 shows examples of
recommended to have shorter ramp times so the muscle different electrode configurations. The practitioner
can be activated for sufficient periods of time. It is pru- should recognize that current density is inversely pro-
dent to be mindful that the patient’s feedback and muscle portional to electrode area and should select electrodes
response are critical to assist with guiding these decisions. of an appropriate size for the targeted muscle. A photo
image of electrode placement can be taken to record
Electrode Placement treatment and make it easier to reproduce a successful
Electrode placements for NMES applications depend stimulation session.
on the size and location of the targeted muscle (Box 11-2).
If the goal is to optimize muscle strength by facilitating Intensity or Dosage
the contractions, the electrode placement should be The appropriate intensity or amplitude of the electri-
arranged to recruit as many motor units as possible. cal stimulation is perhaps the most important
Electrode configurations may be monopolar, bipolar, or
quadripolar, depending on the size of electrodes and the

Box 11•2 Tips for Electrode Placement

• If electrodes are too small for the targeted muscle, increased
current density may lead to discomfort.
• If large electrodes are not available, splitting or bifurcating the
two electrodes into four or using two channels will increase the
target area.
• It may take several attempts to optimize the electrode place-
ment to get the desired response.


Fig 11•3 (A) A monopolar arrangement involves placing one electrode over the target muscle(s), such as the wrist
extensors pictured here, and a larger electrode in another area where muscle activation is not desired, such as the
triceps. Two different sizes of electrodes are used because the current density needs to be greater over the targeted
muscle. (B) A bipolar arrangement places two electrodes over the targeted muscle(s) pictured here for the quadriceps
femoris. (C) Another example of a bipolar arrangement splits or bifurcates the lead wires from the single circuit to use
four electrodes over the target area. Two separate circuits in bipolar arrangement can also be used.
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290 Clinical Applications of Modalities

parameter of NMES and the one most often under- specific submaximal percentage of the opposite side is
used by practitioners. The “overload” principles of recorded and used as the dosage for subsequent applica-
strength training and prior studies of NMES clearly tions of NMES. The patient can then be moved to a
show that contractions near maximal tolerance are treatment table or area using the newly quantified inten-
required for increasing strength. Contractions near sity or dosage. Typical target percentages for NMES
70% of the MVC of the opposite limb are common training sessions may be 50% or greater, although initial
in studies reporting increased strength following applications may need to be closer to 30%. This process
NMES. Many practitioners do not deliver an appro- of quantifying the dosage of stimulus intensity should be
priate intensity to elicit contractions of this level; repeated at regular intervals throughout rehabilitation as
thus, patients are less likely to realize the benefits strength improves so as to optimize the effects of the
of NMES. treatment (see Figs. 11-3 and 11-4).
Determining or quantifying the appropriate stimulus
The amplitude required to elicit a specific
intensity for NMES is easy and should be performed
level of muscle force can be measured and is termed
prior to the first session. To ascertain an appropriate
dosage. A dosage eliciting greater than 50% of the
treatment intensity or dosage, the maximal isometric
MVC is recommended for strengthening.
strength of the patient’s uninvolved side should be meas-
ured first. This can be completed with an isokinetic
dynamometer, a standard pulley-style weight stack, or a Monitoring Treatment
handheld dynamometer. The patient is then positioned Similar to voluntary exercise, treatment with NMES
on the same device to test the involved side. Following may lead to delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
appropriate setup of the NMES, the intensity of the Consequently, the practitioner needs to educate the
electrical stimulation is increased as muscle force is patient regarding the possible effects of muscle sore-
measured. The stimulus intensity required to reach a ness as would be done following volitional exercise.


Fig 11•4 (A) This picture demonstrates one possible placement of electrodes to stimulate the quadriceps femoris mus-
cle. To cause this large muscle group to contract, the practitioner should use appropriately sized electrodes, which may
vary between patients. (B) Electrodes to posterior rotator cuff muscles; the exact location to optimize the response will
vary among patients. The goal is to move the humerus superiorly into the glenoid fossa without creating abduction.
(C) This picture demonstrates one possible placement of electrodes to obtain balanced dorsiflexion. This placement will
vary among patients, and the practitioner may need to try several different placements before obtaining the desired
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It is normal for the skin under the electrodes to may not be possible to achieve the targeted intensities
feel warm and appear pink after treatment due to on the first day of treatment, as the patient may be a
the electrothermal effects of the stimulus. However, little apprehensive with the new program. Treatments
skin should be checked for any excessive redness or from day to day may change. It is recommended that
irritation. As with any exercise program, adjustments each time that electrical stimulation is utilized, prac-
may need to be made to the NMES regimen based titioners proceed with caution, being aware of the
upon individual patient responses. For example, it patient’s response (both verbal and nonverbal).


A 42-year-old police officer presents with a chief Amplitude: A dosage set to obtain as strong of a
complaint of decreased strength of the knee exten- contraction as tolerated or according to specific
sors following left ACL reconstruction 4 weeks ago. percentage of MVC
The ACL rupture occurred 6 months prior while play- Ramp time: 1 to 2 seconds
ing basketball. Duration: Select 1:5 ratio of 10 seconds on,
50 seconds off. Perform at least 10 contractions, 3
days per week.
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or
problem that can be improved with the use of neu- 6. What are the proper (i.e., effective and safe) appli-
romuscular electrical stimulation (NMES)? cation procedures for NMES related to this case
Answer: Yes, decreased strength secondary to ortho- example?
pedic injury can be improved with NMES. Answer:
Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the purpose
2. Is the patient appropriate for NMES (i.e., do any of
and procedure and explain the anticipated sensation
the general precautions or contraindications to
and effect of the stimulation. The goal of treatment is
NMES apply to the patient, or are there any specif-
a motor response, so explain to the patient how much
ic considerations regarding application of NMES to
contraction is expected and required for the treatment
this patient)?
to be effective. Initially, it may be necessary to offer the
Answer: If the patient has been screened to ensure
patient a familiarization session to become accus-
general precautions or contraindications do not
tomed to the sensation of electrical stimulation.
apply, then it is appropriate to use NMES.
Preinspection: Generally observe the area to be
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the treated for skin integrity.
use of NMES? Electrode application: Two electrodes in a bipolar
Answer: Increase strength of the quadriceps femoris arrangement using a single channel, one proximally
muscle by using NMES to evoke strong contractions and laterally over the vastus lateralis and rectus
in accordance with principles of muscle strengthen- femoris and one distally and medially over the vas-
ing. A functional goal would be a return to full duty tus medialis. Application of the electrodes may take
at work. several attempts to optimize the response.
Patient position: Patient is positioned on an isokinetic
4. What specific form of electrical stimulation would be
dynamometer or table with the knee flexed 45º to
appropriate for the patient?
90º. The distal extremity should be securely fixed to
Answer: A waveform that evokes muscle contrac-
ensure isometric contraction.
tions. This would be either biphasic pulsed current
Treatment monitoring: Observe the muscle response
or burst-modulated AC (i.e., Russian).
and the reaction of the patient to NMES. The ampli-
5. What specific parameters of NMES are appropriate tude may need to be increased during the session
for the patient? to achieve the effect, if tolerated.
Answer: Postinspection: Remove the electrodes and inspect
Current: Biphasic pulsed current (or burst- the skin for any signs of skin irritation or adverse
modulated AC) effects. If redness occurs, explain to the patient that
Pulse duration: 400 to 500 µsec this is not uncommon and should disappear in less
Frequency: 50 Hz (or 50 bursts per second) than 24 hours.
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292 Clinical Applications of Modalities


A 16-year-old female gymnast has chronic posterior- 5. What specific parameters of NMES are appropriate
lateral glenohumeral joint instability that increases for the patient?
toward the end of practice sessions. Answer:
Type of stimulator: A portable stimulator that can
meet desired parameters is preferable so treatment
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or
can be done outside of the clinic.
problem that can be improved with the use of
Current: Biphasic pulsed current (or burst-
modulated AC)
Answer: Yes, assuming there are no structural prob-
Pulse duration: 400 to 500 µsec
lems that require surgery, it appears that muscles
Frequency: 50 Hz (or 50 bursts per second)
involved in shoulder stability are susceptible to mus-
Amplitude: A dosage set to obtain as strong of a
cle fatigue, and NMES-induced exercise can improve
contraction as tolerated.
neuromuscular performance.
Ramp time: 1 to 2 seconds
2. Is the patient appropriate for NMES (i.e., do any of Duration: Select 1:2 ratio of 10 seconds on,
the general precautions or contraindications to 20 seconds off. Perform at least 15 contractions,
NMES apply to the patient, or are there any specif- 3 to 5 days per week. As treatment progresses,
ic considerations regarding application of NMES to gradually decrease the off-time and increase the
this patient)? on-time to improve fatigue resistance and increase
Answer: If the patient has been screened to ensure the number of contractions.
general precautions or contraindications do not
6. What are the proper (i.e., effective and safe) appli-
apply, then it is appropriate to use NMES. She may
cation procedures for NMES related to this case
have even experienced NMES during her knee
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the Preinspection: Generally observe the area to be
use of NMES? treated for skin integrity.
Answer: Improve neuromuscular performance of spe- Electrode application: Two electrodes in a bipolar
cific muscles that contribute to stabilizing the shoul- arrangement—one over the supraspinatus and one
der during activity. A functional goal would be a return over the posterior deltoid. Additional electrodes
to full workouts without pain. may be added to scapular stabilizers, if necessary.
Application of the electrodes may take several
4. What specific form of electrical stimulation would be
attempts to optimize the response.
appropriate for the patient?
Answer: A waveform that is appropriate for evoking
muscle contractions. This would be either bipha-
sic pulsed current or burst-modulated AC (i.e.,

NMES and Motor Unit unit recruitment as well as the amount of fatigue real-
Recruitment ized when using NMES versus voluntary contractions.
These issues are the subject of some debate,38 and their
The ability to discriminately select and properly imple- impact on skeletal muscle function must be considered
ment NMES requires an awareness of the physiological in the design of appropriate training paradigms when
and functional differences that exist between electrically using this modality.
elicited and voluntary contractions. Specifically, it is The Henneman size principle of voluntary motor unit
important to understand potential differences with recruitment describes the progressive recruitment of
respect to temporal (i.e., firing pattern of recruited alpha-motorneuron cell bodies in order of increasing size
motor units/fibers) and spatial characteristics (i.e., loca- from small to large.39 Although this principle describes
tion of recruited fibers within the muscle) of motor the activation of motor units based on their size rather
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Electrotherapy for Musculoskeletal Disorders 293

than their type, it is often associated with the progressive firing frequency of active motor units. However, during
recruitment of slow, typically small, motor units followed NMES, firing frequency is fixed based on the selected
by the fast, typically large, motor units. Some have sug- frequency of the current used.48 Thus, the ability to
gested that the use of NMES results in a reversal of the counter fatigue (i.e., maintain external force produc-
size principle, therefore recruiting fast motor units prior tion) in voluntary efforts can be accomplished by one
to slow.40,41 This rationale is based on the fact that larger or both of the following: (1) recruiting additional
cell bodies are more easily depolarized due to less imped- motor units as those initially recruited become fatigued
ance to current flow, and their axons have faster conduc- (i.e., asynchronous recruitment) or (2) activating more
tion velocities than their smaller counterparts.42,43 motor units at lower (i.e., subtetanic) firing frequencies.
Although the premise of a reversal in the size principle Neither of these recruitment strategies is available dur-
may hold true during direct nerve stimulation, evidence ing NMES-induced muscle contractions. Therefore,
surrounding transcutaneous application of NMES sug- recruitment of muscle fibers using NMES is spatially
gests that muscle fiber recruitment during electrical stim- and temporally fixed and results in a subsequent drop
ulation occurs in a nonselective, spatially fixed, and tem- in force whenever any of the fibers being activated
porally synchronous pattern rather than a reversal of the becomes fatigued. This increased fatigability is a
physiological voluntary recruitment order.38,44,45 fundamental problem when using NMES for function-
al activities and could potentially limit training
KEY POINT!There is a fundamental difference between
activating motor units voluntarily versus passively via
A common misconception associated with motor
electrical stimulation. Voluntary activation results in a
unit recruitment through NMES is that only motor
predictable order of recruitment, resulting in activa-
units near the skin’s surface can be activated. Patterns of
tion of fast, fatigable fibers typically at high relative
activation after NMES of the quadriceps femoris have
intensities, whereas with electrical stimulation there
been mapped using magnetic resonance imaging
is no predictable order of recruitment—thus the
(MRI).46 MRI is a valid and reliable method of quanti-
potential to activate fast fibers at lower contraction
fying the amount of muscle utilized during both volun-
tary and electrically stimulated activities.49 Images
In addition to recruitment order, differences exist in reveal that even during lower levels of stimulation
the amount of muscle fatigue when voluntary and NMES intensity (about 25% of maximum voluntary isometric
activities are compared. A functional consequence of contraction), skeletal muscle fibers near the femur are
NMES is an increased fatigability relative to voluntary activated. Even if the electrical current activates only
activation, which is independent of stimulation intensi- the most superficial nerves, the muscle fibers innervat-
ty.46,47 Reasons other than recruitment order (i.e., recruit- ed by these nerves are seemingly spread throughout the
ing fast, fatigable fibers) can account for this outcome. muscle; this results in the recruitment of muscle fibers
One explanation for this phenomenon is that during located deep within the muscle (Fig. 11-5).
voluntary actions, asynchronous motor unit recruitment
patterns allow for additional motor units to be activated
when muscle fibers that were initially recruited become
fatigued.48 As previously mentioned, NMES recruitment
is not based on motor unit characteristics, such as size or
fiber type, and is not spatially fixed. Thus, NMES recruit-
ment does not allow for alterations in recruitment
between repeated contractions during treatment and Fig 11•5 Representative single slice T2 maps of the
quadriceps femoris from one subject at rest (control) and
therefore contributes to increased fatigability. after NMES at a level that elicited an initial torque equal
An additional mechanism explaining increased fati- to 25%, 50%, or 75% of MVIT. Dark regions represent
“activated” skeletal muscle. (Adapted with permission from Adams GR,
gability during NMES is that during voluntary actions, Harris RT, Woodard D, Dudley GA. Mapping of electrical muscle stimulation using MRI. J Appl
muscle force can be maintained by modulating the Physiol. 1993;74(2):532–537.)
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294 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Because of differences in the way motor

KEY POINT! frequencies are lower than what is typically applied dur-
units are activated during voluntary activity versus ing clinical NMES. Oftentimes, practitioners utilize
during electrical stimulation, repeated contractions frequencies of 50 Hz or more to ensure tetanic contrac-
with electrical stimulation will result in greater and tions that produce large amounts of force.
earlier muscle fatigue than with voluntary actions. KEY POINT! The indiscriminate activation of fast and slow
motor units at firing frequencies that are higher than typ-
Limitations of NMES ically achieved voluntarily may contribute to increased
fatigue and may potentially limit the amount of training
Although there are some distinct advantages for using
that can be completed. This can be addressed to some
NMES-evoked contractions to activate skeletal muscles,
degree by providing sufficient rest periods between con-
these same factors can be used to suggest limitations of
tractions or by lowering the activation frequency.
its use. For example, consideration should be given to the
Previous studies have had success by using 10-second
fact that synchronous or fixed recruitment of motor units
contractions with 50-second rest intervals.
may not be advantageous from a metabolic perspective.
Needle EMG has been utilized to measure the frequency
of activation of human skeletal muscles during voluntary Clinical Controversies
activation and has shown that slow and fast skeletal mus- Because commonly used stimulation frequencies of
cles have in vivo firing frequencies of approximately NMES can exceed in vivo firing frequencies of some
10 and 30 Hz, respectively, during MVC.47 These motor units, fatigue may happen sooner and may limit


A 38-year-old postal carrier is being treated for chronic 4. What specific form of electrical stimulation would be
mechanical low back pain aggravated by prolonged appropriate for the patient?
walking while carrying his mailbag. He has decreased Answer: NMES with emphasis on parameters for
endurance of the lumbar paraspinals. increasing endurance. Biphasic pulsed current or
burst-modulated AC (i.e., Russian) can be used.
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or 5. What specific parameters of NMES are appropriate
problem that can be improved with the use of for the patient?
NMES? Answer:
Answer: Yes, conditioning of the lumbar paraspinals Pulse duration: 400 to 600 usec
is a key component to many rehabilitation programs Frequency: 60 to 80 pps; higher frequency will train
for low back pain. Electrical stimulation can be used the muscle for endurance
to address both gross strength and endurance for Amplitude: Maximally tolerated contractions are not
his occupational demands. necessary since we are addressing endurance of
the muscles.
2. Is the patient appropriate for NMES (i.e., do any of
Ramp time: 1- to 2-sec ramp-up
the general precautions or contraindications to
Duration: At least 10-sec contractions and up to
NMES apply to the patient, or are there any specific
20 sec with progressively decreasing off-time.
considerations regarding application of NMES to
this patient)? 6. What are the proper (i.e., effective and safe) appli-
Answer: Yes, the patient is appropriate with no pre- cation procedures for NMES related to this case
cautions or contraindications noted. example?
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
Electrode application: Bipolar electrode placement
use of NMES?
using two channels, one for each of the left and
Answer: To increase the endurance of the patient’s
right lumbar paraspinals. One electrode placed
lumbar paraspinals with consideration of his pro-
paraspinally just proximal to L5 with the other on the
longed walking while carrying the mailbag.
ipsilateral side placed just above.
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Electrotherapy for Musculoskeletal Disorders 295

the extent of training that can be completed with Clinical Controversies

NMES. Longer rest periods between contractions are
NMES is often criticized because it does not involve
recommended to limit the potential for this fatigue.
muscle activation during multijoint activities, as tradi-
Contraction-induced muscle injury and the resultant tional resistance-training programs can. However,
DOMS is typically associated with eccentric muscle NMES can be used during rehabilitation to retard loss
actions.50,51 While this phenomenon is common to most of and increase strength when multijoint activities
resistance-training paradigms, the magnitude of this cannot be performed.
response may be exaggerated using NMES and could
potentially limit training volume and subsequent adapta-
tions. For example, in a traditional resistance-training Electrical Muscle Stimulation
program, eccentric and concentric forces are dictated by (EMS) Applied to Denervated
the external load applied. In addition, the amount of Muscle
muscle recruited to accomplish these actions is less dur-
ing the eccentric phase of the contraction. However, pro- The efficacy of electrical stimulation with muscles that
grams that incorporate electrically evoked actions may be have been denervated is controversial and has been
performed on an isokinetic dynamometer where external questioned in the scientific literature.54 It should be
loads are not predetermined or limited. The spatially noted that when referring to the use of electrical stimu-
fixed recruitment strategies previously discussed keep the lation with denervated muscle, the term NMES is no
amount of activation constant during NMES, thus longer appropriate, because this assumes the peripheral
resulting in eccentric forces well above those measured nervous system is intact and the muscle is being activat-
concentrically.52 Thus, the use of high-intensity eccentric ed through stimulation of the peripheral nerve. When
contractions during NMES could potentially induce using ES for denervated muscle, the practitioner is
greater muscle damage than a voluntary training pro- attempting to directly activate the muscle through
gram. These are limiting factors because practitioners depolarization of the sarcolemma. This act requires dif-
often see the need to reduce eccentric loading with elec- ferent stimulation parameters than standard NMES.
trical stimulation. However, it has been reported that Differences include utilizing longer pulse durations,
eccentric contractions are necessary to obtain sufficient greater amplitude of stimulation, and often a different
degrees of skeletal muscle hypertrophy.53 waveform (direct current). Many commercially avail-
A final limitation to NMES training is the limited able stimulators may not allow modulation of these
number of muscle groups that can be trained. As previ- parameters to accomplish direct stimulation of muscle.
ously mentioned, high-intensity NMES is facilitated by In addition, using direct current increases the risk of
the use of an isokinetic dynamometer or a similar piece electrode-related burns, especially when using higher
of equipment that can safely secure the limb and con- amplitudes of stimulation.
trol joint motion during training. While traditional The literature on stimulating denervated muscle
resistance-training programs favor large-muscle group, generally reports mixed results regarding its effect on
multijoint exercises (i.e., dead lift, squat, bench press), preserving muscle and its potential effect on reinnerva-
it is difficult to incorporate NMES with these activities. tion.54–58 Previously published studies have utilized a
NMES training is limited to muscle groups using variety of stimulation parameters, because most practi-
isolated joints and within a given plane of motion. tioners and researchers do not agree on the optimal
Examples of potential muscle groups to be trained method to stimulate denervated muscle. Some have sug-
include those that elicit flexion and extension about the gested that a low-frequency current (2 to 4 pps) pre-
ankle (triceps surae and tibialis anterior), knee (quadri- serves denervated muscle tissue better while others argue
ceps femoris and hamstrings), and elbow (biceps and that a higher-frequency current (20 to 40 pps) is opti-
triceps brachii). Thus, although the benefits of NMES mal. However, most would agree that the pulse duration
training are potentially great, significant limitations do should be greater than or equal to 1 millisecond (msec).
exist to its use and resultant application to training. In fact, many studies have greatly exceeded this value.54
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296 Clinical Applications of Modalities

There is some controversy as to whether nerve growth is

suppressed when electrical stimulation is used or if rein- Table 11•6 EMS Parameters Typically
Used for Stimulating
nervation is suppressed due to the activity at the motor Denervated Muscle54,56
end plate with electrical stimulation. A review of rele- Waveform Monophasic or DC
vant studies using electrical stimulation for denervated Pulse duration 1–450 ms (long)
muscle suggests several conflicting conclusions.54 Frequency 1–500 pps
Clinically, electrical stimulation for denervated mus- Amplitude To obtain contraction but low to prevent
cles has most commonly been applied to facial muscles Ramp-up time Not identified
after facial nerve palsy (i.e., Bell’s palsy) to preserve the Ramp-down time Not identified
muscle while reinnervation occurs. Some studies sug- Duty cycle Highly variable
gest using stimulation could be beneficial55 and some 30 minutes, 8 hours per day
Treatment time and duration 5–7 days per week
claim it could be harmful.59 In cases of lower motor
4 days to 4 years
neuron injury at the cauda equina, it has been reported
that the affected muscle can be trained with a long
pulse duration (30 to 50 ms), moderate frequency opposed to μs) are required to stimulate denervated
(16 to 25 pps), and high amplitude (250 mA).56 muscle. One potential risk associated with this is burn-
However, it took these researchers 1 to 4 years to induce ing the patient. Careful attention must be given to the
significant muscle hypertrophy. More research is need- skin during treatment, especially since these patients are
ed to determine whether EMS for denervated muscle likely to also have impairments in sensation.
shows any future promise as a clinical intervention. Electrodes used for denervated muscles tend to be
There is a renewed interest in this topic for using func- either very large to cover the entire bulk of the muscle
tional electrical stimulation (FES) to provide function or very small to attempt to isolate the motor end plate.
or to preserve muscle to allow for future regenerative A probe type of electrode is often used for stimulating
techniques. However, this requires specialized equip- small muscles (Fig. 11-6).
ment, and results are inconclusive thus far.56,60,61
The stimulation of denervated muscles is

Examination, Evaluation, and Prognosis not widely endorsed but is often done despite ques-
If ES for denervated muscles is to be considered, tests tionable efficacy. We suggest practitioners proceed
of strength, ROM, sensation, and function are impor- with caution.
tant—just as with applying NMES for innervated mus-
cle. A review of the patient’s medical history should
include the cause and length of time of denervation.
Electromyography tests should be conducted by a
trained electromyographer to evaluate the degree of
denervation (see Chapter 16). Patient prognosis for
improvement with EMS appears to depend upon
length of time since denervation and the number of
remaining motor units. Overall, the prognosis for
strengthening denervated muscle with EMS is not as
good as it is for innervated muscle.
Because of the high variability between studies, param- Fig 11•6 An example of a stimulator designed to stimu-
late denervated muscle. The small tip is placed over the
eters are more difficult to select in trying to stimulate muscle. With denervation, the practitioner needs to move
denervated muscle. Table 11-6 provides the range of the point of the stimulator along the muscle to attempt to
activate any intact motor units. The long pulse duration
parameters used by the majority of studies reviewed. As with this stimulator allows muscle fibers to be stimulated
shown in the table, very long pulse durations (ms as directly.
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Electrotherapy for Musculoskeletal Disorders 297


A 43-year-old female awoke 10 days ago with insidi- 5. What specific parameters of ES are appropriate for
ous onset of right-sided facial paralysis with inability to the patient?
fully close her lips and eye on the right side following Answer:
a recent sinus infection. Examination shows only trace Pulse duration: At least 1 msec or greater. Since
contraction of the right-sided facial muscles. many clinical stimulators do not offer pulse dura-
tions greater than 1 msec, practitioners should use
the longest pulse duration possible. DC or
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or
monophasic currents are often used with a probe
problem that can be improved with the use of
electrode and manual trigger controls to administer
stimulation (see Fig. 11-6).
Answer: Yes, the patient has loss of volitional muscle
Frequency: Low frequency (1 to 4 pps) or higher
control of the right-sided facial muscles. Electrical
frequency (20 to 40 pps)
stimulation may be used to activate these muscles.
Amplitude: A dosage set to elicit as much muscle
2. Is the patient appropriate for NMES (i.e., do any of contraction as tolerated by the patient
the general precautions or contraindications to Ramp time: 1 to 2 seconds for comfort
NMES apply to the patient, or are there any specif- Duration: Contractions should be sustained for
ic considerations regarding application of NMES to several seconds as tolerated; on-times of 3 to 10 sec
this patient)? with off-times of 30 to 50 sec between contractions.
Answer: No specific contraindications or precautions
6. What are the proper (i.e., effective and safe) appli-
are present.
cation procedures for NMES related to this case
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the example?
use of ES? Answer:
Answer: To stimulate the involved muscles in order Electrode application: Because of the smaller facial
to facilitate restoration of volitional control of the muscles, electrodes should be appropriately small
right-sided facial muscles. for the area to be stimulated. Practitioners should
be aware of the increase in current density when
4. What specific form of electrical stimulation would be
using smaller electrodes. A probe electrode should
appropriate for the patient?
be appropriately small and allow for more localized
Answer: Based on the strength-duration relationship
stimulation of specific facial muscles. Practitioners
discussed in Chapter 9, activation of muscles
should also be aware that there is an increased risk
demonstrating denervation requires a pulse dura-
of burning the patient, so close monitoring of the
tion and amplitude greater than that required for
skin is essential.
innervated muscle.

Biofeedback never reaches the patient, biofeedback is not generally

considered an electrotherapeutic agent; however,
Electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback is the monitor-
because the electrical activity is still part of the thera-
ing, detection, or assessment of skeletal muscle activity
peutic process, biofeedback is discussed with other
so that the information gained can be used by the
forms of electrotherapy used for therapeutic purpose.
patient and clinician to influence future activity of
skeletal muscle, whether for increasing or decreasing KEY POINT! Biofeedback does not involve the delivery

activity.62 Biofeedback shares the same purpose as other of electrical current. It can be offered as an option in
forms of electrotherapy—to improve function and the initial therapy sessions when patients are appre-
decrease pain. Where biofeedback differs is that none of hensive about electrical stimulation or when the clini-
the currents or waveforms previously described is actu- cian wants to provide kinesthetic awareness of
ally delivered to the patient. Instead, the electrical activ- motion. After a trial or two of biofeedback, many
ity generated by contraction of skeletal muscle is detect- patients feel more comfortable receiving electrical
ed and used for therapeutic purpose. Because current stimulation for muscle activation.
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298 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Clinically, EMG biofeedback is generally used to

either increase or decrease activity of skeletal muscle.
Techniques in which increased volitional activity of
muscle is desired are considered facilitatory; techniques
in which decreased activity is desired are considered
inhibitory. Examples of facilitatory and inhibitory
EMG biofeedback are listed in Table 11-7.

Recording and Displaying the

EMG Signal
EMG biofeedback requires specialized equipment to
detect and record the electrical activity associated with
muscle recruitment (Fig. 11-7). A device for detecting
and transducing the electrical activity of muscle con-
traction into visual or audio feedback to the patient is
required. Most biofeedback devices offer both visual
and audio feedback and are portable.
Electrical activity associated with skeletal muscle Fig 11•7 An example of biofeedback device and
depolarization is measured in units of microvolts electrode placement.
(1,000,000 uV = 1 V) and is then amplified to milli-
volts for transduction to audio or visual feedback. The such that at the highest sensitivity, the gain setting is
degree to which these electrical signals are amplified lowest. For example, at the lowest gain setting of 1 uV,
reflects “sensitivity,” which refers to the ability to detect the sensitivity is greatest, capable of detecting as little as
an event. In terms of biofeedback, sensitivity refers to one microvolt (uV) of change in muscle activity. In
the ability to detect the electrical activity associated contrast, a high gain setting of 1,000 uV is much less
with muscle contraction. Typical devices used for EMG sensitive, only capable of detecting change of 1,000 uV. As
biofeedback offer sensitivity settings (sometimes called the need for sensitivity decreases, the gain setting will
gain) of 1, 10, 100, or 1,000 microvolts (uV). This be increased accordingly. The sensitivity of a biofeed-
means the smallest level of muscle activity that can be back device is set depending on the need for amplifica-
detected is 1 uV. Sensitivity and gain are inversely tion and the clinical goals. Less sensitivity is needed
related, although the terms are often used synonymously, when muscle activity is very high. More sensitivity is
needed when volitional muscle activity is low.

Table 11•7 Clinical Examples of Electrode Type and Electrode Placement

Facilitatory and Inhibitory Considerations for EMG Biofeedback
Biofeedback The electrodes used for biofeedback are often specifically
Facilitatory • To increase muscle activity following surgery or injury made for detecting electrical activity of muscle, but some
when volitional recruitment is impaired
• To normalize the balance of muscles acting at a joint devices that serve as electrical stimulators also offer EMG
where one muscle group may be insufficient biofeedback and use conventional disposable adhesive
• To improve volitional motor control following dysfunc-
tion of the central nervous system electrodes similar to those used with other forms of elec-
• To increase volitional control of pelvic floor muscles trotherapy. Placement of electrodes should consider the
for rehabilitation of urinary incontinence
Inhibitory • To help decrease activity in muscles demonstrating
intent of the biofeedback (i.e., facilitatory or inhibitory)
spasticity caused by dysfunction of the central nerv- and whether the muscles are demonstrating high or low
ous system activity. The muscle fibers most likely to be detected are
• To help decrease activity in muscles demonstrating
increased activity caused by postural stress or anxiety those closest to the electrodes, if, in fact, these are activat-
• To help decrease muscle activity associated with ed. A wider electrode placement will detect electrical
chronic pain
activity from a larger volume of muscle than will a
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Electrotherapy for Musculoskeletal Disorders 299

narrower electrode placement. When trying to assess As a patient is able to increase volitional activity, the
“very active” muscles, closer electrode placements are rec- sensitivity can be decreased and the electrode placement
ommended. In contrast, when the volitional activity of can be narrowed to focus on more specific areas that
muscle is decreased, there is a greater need to assess or may need additional facilitation. As a patient is able to
monitor a larger muscle volume. In this case, a greater relax or quiet a highly active muscle, the sensitivity may
sensitivity and wider electrode placement is recommend- need to be increased and electrode placement widened
ed to detect activity over more muscle volume. Electrode in order to continue assessing muscle activity.
size does not increase the amplitude of the activity detect- EMG biofeedback provides a clinically useful and
ed but rather simply detects more area of muscle fiber. indirect intervention to increase or decrease volitional
muscle control by recording muscle activity and using
Patient Training Strategies With this information to allow the patient to alter future
EMG Biofeedback muscle activity. Because no electrical stimulus is
A requirement for the use of clinical EMG biofeedback is applied to the patient, there are no contraindications
that the muscle be at least partially innervated, and the to using EMG biofeedback, assuming volitional acti-
patient must be able to somewhat activate the muscle. vation of the muscles to be examined is appropriate
The level of muscle activity the patient is able to reach, (Box 11-3).
whether it be increased or decreased activity, is termed the
threshold. If the clinical goal is to increase volitional acti-
vation of a muscle, then a facilitatory threshold is set so Box 11•3 Six Questions to Answer When
Considering Use of Biofeedback
that when the patient increases the muscular activity to a
threshold target, audio or video feedback is provided. If 1. Is the patient appropriate for use of biofeedback?
2. What are the muscles to be monitored?
the clinical goal is to decrease volitional activity of muscle, 3. Is the intent to facilitate or inhibit muscle activity?
then an inhibitory threshold may be set so that when the 4. How sensitive must the assessment be?
5. Should the electrodes be placed close together or wider apart?
patient decreases the muscular activity to a threshold
6. How will these factors change as the patient improves?
target, audio or video feedback is likewise provided.


A 76-year-old female with right total knee arthroplasty 3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
completed 4 weeks ago is referred for strengthening use of NMES?
of the knee extensors. She is unable to tolerate NMES Answer: To enhance the patient’s ability to volitionally
at a dosage intensity sufficient for increasing strength. recruit her muscle for purposes of increasing strength.
Biofeedback is chosen to assist her in activating her
4. What specific form of electrical stimulation would be
appropriate for the patient?
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING Answer: EMG biofeedback for facilitation.
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or
5. What specific parameters of EMG biofeedback are
problem that can be improved with the use of
appropriate for the patient?
Answer: Initially, the clinician chooses a higher sensitiv-
Answer: Yes, the patient has postoperative weakness
ity setting (gain of 1uV) and wider electrode placement
and dysfunction with contracting her quadriceps.
over the proximal muscle belly and the distal vastus
2. Is the patient appropriate for NMES (i.e., do any of medialis, because the patient demonstrates
the general precautions or contraindications to decreased volitional activity of the quadriceps. Two
NMES apply to the patient, or are there any weeks later, the patient’s right knee extensor strength
specific considerations regarding application of is measured at 60% of the left. Because the patient is
NMES to this patient)? demonstrating increased ability to volitionally activate
Answer: Yes, given that biofeedback only records the quadriceps, the clinician chooses to decrease the
electrical activity from the patient rather than deliv- sensitivity (gain increased to 100 uV) and place the
ering it, EMG biofeedback is appropriate. electrodes closer together over the vastus medialis.
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300 Clinical Applications of Modalities

13. McMiken DF, Todd-Smith M, Thompson C. Strengthening of

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14. Delitto A, Brown M, Strube MJ, Rose SJ, Lehman RC.
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● Waveform type lifter: a single subject experiment. Int J Sports Med.
● Russian, biphasic pulsed, etc. 15. Mahoney ET, Bickel CS, Elder C, et al. Changes in skeletal
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● Pulse duration and frequency, contraction and resistance training in subjects with chronic spinal cord injury.
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● Type, shape, and size 17. Snyder-Mackler L, Delitto A, Stralka SW, Bailey SL. Use of elec-
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chapter 12
NMES and FES in
Patients with
Neurological Diagnoses
Therese E. Johnston, PT, PhD, MBA

atients with neurological conditions have specific
impairments and functional limitations that may
EXAMINATION NEEDS be addressed through the use of electrical stimu-
NEUROMUSCULAR ELECTRICAL STIMULATION (NMES) lation. For example, a person who has sustained a
NMES for Muscle Strengthening stroke may have multiple impairments, such as
NMES for Increasing Range of Motion decreases in strength, motor control, and passive ROM;
NMES for Decreasing Spasticity
compromised balance; and spasticity. These impair-
NMES for Decreasing Urinary Incontinence
ments contribute to the functional limitations and dis-
ability that often result from a stroke. Mobility is com-
FES for Shoulder Subluxation
FES for Upper Extremity Function
promised, so an important component of rehabilitation
FES for Ambulation is to improve mobility to allow for greater independ-
FES for Exercise ence. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES)
BIOFEEDBACK and functional electrical stimulation (FES) may be used
clinically to address some of these areas. NMES is
defined as the use of electrical stimulation (ES) to acti-
vate muscles through stimulation of intact peripheral
motor nerves. FES is the use of NMES to promote
functional activities.1

Examination Needs
A thorough examination must be performed to deter-
mine the patient’s appropriateness for receiving ES
(Box 12-1). Table 12-1 identifies items that should be
considered when determining if a patient with a neuro-
logical condition is suitable for ES. This table is not all-
inclusive. Other pertinent examination items specific to
the patient should be included.
One of the examination items is testing muscle inner-
vation, which is critical to deciding appropriateness

2391_Ch12_303-332.qxd 5/20/11 12:09 PM Page 304

304 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Box 12•1 Concerns Specific to Diagnosis

Stroke Cerebral Palsy
• Cognitive status • Orthopedic issues
• Preexisting medical issues • History of seizures
• Spasticity • Implanted devices
• Blood pressure • Cognitive status
Spinal Cord Injury Multiple Sclerosis
• History of spontaneous fractures (osteoporosis) • Spasticity
• History of autonomic dysreflexia • Fatigue
• Sensation • Cognitive status
• Orthopedic concerns • Preexisting medical issues
• Respiratory demands Pediatric Onset Conditions
• Spasticity • Scoliosis
• Pressure sores • Hip subluxation
• Preexisting medical issues • Torsional deformities of bones
• Osteoporosis

Table 12•1 Examination and Rationale for the Use of Electrical Stimulation in
Populations With Neurological Conditions
Tests of Question Reason
Muscle innervation If a neurological condition is present, are muscles capable of being Electrical stimulation applications typically require inner-
stimulated? vation of the muscle (an upper motor neuron injury).
Strength What is current strength (manual muscle test or muscle torque)? To determine muscles to treat and effect of treatment.
Range of motion Are any ROM limitations present? Decreased ROM may impact functional outcomes.
Electrical stimulation may increase ROM.
Sensation Is sensation present, absent, diminished? More frequent monitoring is needed with insensate skin.
Pain Is pain present at rest or with activity? How severe? To determine any positive or negative effects on pain.
Spasticity Is spasticity present? Spasticity can impact the choice of stimulation parame-
ters. Spasticity may be positively or negatively impacted
by electrical stimulation.
Function Are any functional limitations present? To determine effect of treatment on function.
Cognitive status Is cognitive status sufficient to provide feedback? Safety of use.
Caregiver assistance Does patient require caregiver assistance to use electrical stimula- Determine availability of assistance.
tion at home if needed?
Other treatments Are any other treatments being used or modified that may impact May impact ability to assess effects of intervention.
the intervention with electrical stimulation?

for ES. The patient must have an upper motor neuron degree of denervation and appropriateness for electrical
injury to the targeted muscles in order to obtain a mus- stimulation.
cle response with standard clinical stimulation. A quick
test for gross innervation is to apply electrical stimulation
and observe if the muscle achieves a fused contraction. Neuromuscular Electrical
However, a more in-depth evaluation may be needed if Stimulation (NMES)
sensation or spasticity prevents a visible response. An
examination of the signs of an upper motor neuron NMES for Muscle Strengthening
lesion (i.e., presence or absence of spasticity) should also NMES has been applied to patients with neurological
be performed. If denervation is suspected, nerve conduc- conditions to enhance strength in a variety of affected
tion velocity or electromyography tests can be conducted muscles groups (Table 12-2). Primary diagnoses studied
by a trained electroneuromyographer to evaluate the include stroke, cerebral palsy (CP), spinal cord injury
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NMES and FES in Patients with Neurological Diagnoses 305

Table 12•2 Summary of Studies Using NMES for Strengthening

Authors Population Method Results
Powell et al.3 Acute stroke Rehab + NMES to wrist extensors 3⫻/wk, 8 wks vs. Increased isometric strength and hand
rehab alone function
Kimberley et al.4 Chronic stroke NMES to wrist and finger extensors vs. sham treatment Increased finger extensor strength, grasp
and release ability, and cortical activity
Knutson et al.5 Chronic stroke NMES for hand opening (on/off times started in cycles of Increased finger extension AROM, torque
5/20 sec with on-times increasing and off-times decreas- production, and upper extremity function
ing over the 12-week intervention
de Kroon and EMG triggered NMES to the wrist extensors vs. cyclical Improvements in grip strength and func-
IJzerman6 NMES tion with no differences between groups
Wright and Granat7 Hemiplegic CP 35-day program of NMES 30 min/day to wrist extensors Increase wrist extension strength and
hand function
Kamper et al.8 Hemiplegic CP NMES to wrist extensors and flexors (15 min, 6 days/wk, Improved wrist extension torque and
for 3 months) muscle coactivation with movement
Vaz et al.9 Hemiplegic CP NMES to wrist extensors (3⫻/wk for 8 wks) Increase in wrist strength without
functional change
Ozer et al.10 Hemiplegic CP NMES to wrist extensors and dynamic bracing vs. Increased grip strength and ROM
dynamic bracing alone
Hazlewood et al.11 Hemiplegic CP NMES to dorsiflexors 1 hour a day for 35 consecutive Increase dorsiflexion strength and PROM
days vs. matched controls
van der Linden et al.12 Diplegic, hemiplegic, NMES to gluteus maximus for 1 hour/day, 6 days/wk for No effects on strength, gait, or PROM
quadriplegic CP 8 weeks
Stackhouse et al.13 Diplegic CP Intensity of isometric quadriceps and plantar flexor stimu- Larger strength and walking speed gains
lation based on ≥ 50% of maximal voluntary contraction compared to volitional exercise group
(percutaneous electrodes)
Bélanger et al.18 SCI NMES to quadriceps 5 days/wk, for 24 wks, one leg given Greater rate of increase seen on the resis-
resistance, the other no resistance ted side. Both sides increased distal femur
and proximal tibia bone density
Livesly et al.22 MS NMES to quadriceps and hamstrings, 12 min, 5 days/wk, No to small effect on strength
for 6 wks vs. sham

(SCI), and multiple sclerosis (MS). In the neurological muscles. FES studies are described in the FES section of
population, studies have examined NMES using a this chapter, because these two techniques in theory use
strengthening paradigm and have shown that patients a different approach.
who display decreased muscle strength due to a neurolog-
KEY POINT!It is important to keep in mind that tradi-
ical problem may benefit from the use of NMES, espe-
tional strengthening protocols require overload for
cially when muscle atrophy is present. However, a recent
strengthening to occur. Although this principle also
systematic review2 concluded that NMES primarily has
applies to NMES for strengthening, many studies
modest support in the stroke population and that it is dif-
investigating NMES involving those with neurological
ficult to make conclusions for other neurological popula-
conditions do not overload the muscle to the extent
tions because of the small number of low-quality studies.
used for treating musculoskeletal diagnoses without
NMES can lead to improvements in strength and
neurological injury.
other impairments in those with neurological condi-
tions, so the practitioner may have combined goals of
enhancing strength, ROM, and functional outcomes in Stroke
these patients. Overall, studies are very difficult to com- Research has shown improvements in upper extrem-
pare due to the different outcome measures, stimula- ity strength and function following an NMES
tion parameters, and treatment durations. Table 12-3 strengthening program. Improvements have been
identifies the ranges of parameters used. reported in isometric strength of the wrist3 and finger
This section will focus on NMES applications. extensors,4,5 grip strength,6 hand function,3,5 grasp
However, many studies have used FES to improve func- and release ability,4 and cortical activity (seen via
tion yet reported a strengthening effect of the treated functional MRI).4
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306 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Table 12•3 Parameters Typically Seen for Muscle

Waveform Symmetrical or asymmetrical biphasic, burst-modulated AC (i.e., Russian current)
Pulse duration 100–700 µsec
Frequency 30–85 pps
Amplitude To obtain strong contraction (may be related to a percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction)
Ramp-up time 1–5 seconds
Ramp-down time 1–2 seconds
Duty cycle 1:3 to 1:5 with on-times up to 10 seconds
Treatment time and duration At least 10 contractions or up to 1 hour/day, three to five times per week, for 4 to 8 weeks

Cerebral Palsy reported increases in strength,17,18 self-care,18 and mobil-

Improvements have been reported following both ity.18 Another application of NMES for SCI involves
upper and lower extremity NMES applications in chil- stimulation to the gluteal muscles to improve seated pres-
dren with CP. Upper extremity changes have included sure for skin protection and prevention of pressure ulcers.
improved wrist extension strength,7–9 hand function,7 Studies have reported decreased seating interface pres-
muscle coactivation with movement,8 grip strength,10 sures,19,20 decreased pain,21 increased skin pliability,21 and
and ROM.10 NMES to the dorsiflexor muscles has led increased muscle bulk21 using NMES.
to gains in dorsiflexion strength and passive ROM,11
while NMES to the gluteus maximus resulted in no Multiple Sclerosis
gains.12 The quadriceps and plantar flexor muscles were One study (NMES vs. sham treatment) has examined
stimulated in another study using percutaneous elec- NMES strengthening for people with MS22 and showed
trodes (electrodes implanted into the muscle but exiting no to small effects on quadriceps and hamstrings muscle
the skin), resulting in larger strength and walking speed strength following a 12-minute, 5 times weekly, 6-week
gains compared to volitional exercise.13 NMES program (3, 10, or 35 pps; 200 ms).
For children with CP, a technique that gained popu-
larity in the 1990s and early 2000s is threshold electri- Examination for Muscle Strengthening
cal stimulation (TES). This technique involves low- Specific examination items for strengthening are listed
level (sensory only) stimulation delivered overnight in Table 12-4.
with the theory that muscle strength would result from
an increase in blood flow. Even though an earlier report Intervention for Muscle Strengthening
showed some benefits of this approach,14 more recent The practitioner needs to make many decisions to
randomized control trials (RCTs) have shown it to have determine the optimal means of applying NMES. The
no impact on motor or walking function,15 spasticity,16 appropriate muscle stimulator must be chosen based
ROM,16 or muscle growth.16 upon the desired stimulation parameters to achieve a
strong muscle response. Electrode placement, on- and
Spinal Cord Injury off-times, number of repetitions, and frequency and
For patients with a diagnosis of complete SCI (no motor duration of treatment are all important considera-
function below level of injury), electrical stimulation has tions. The practitioner should apply the basic princi-
been studied to increase muscle mass and stimulated mus- ples of muscle strengthening in designing the inter-
cle strength, often with goals of decreasing secondary vention, always monitoring the patient’s response to
complications of SCI. However, most of these studies treatment. However, there are some differences
have used FES rather than NMES to achieve outcomes between voluntary exercise and exercise with NMES
(see the “Functional Electrical Stimulation” section). Two in terms of muscle fiber type recruitment that should
studies have looked specifically at NMES for strength and be kept in mind.
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NMES and FES in Patients with Neurological Diagnoses 307

Table 12•4 Examination and Rationale for NMES for Strengthening

Tests of Question Reason
Muscle innervation Are muscles capable of being stimulated? NMES for strengthening typically requires innervation of
the muscle.
Strength What is current strength (manual muscle test or muscle torque)? To determine effect of treatment.
Range of motion Are any ROM limitations present? Decreased ROM may impact functional outcomes.
Sensation Is sensation present, absent, diminished? More frequent monitoring needed with insensate skin.
Pain Is pain present at rest or with activity? How severe? To determine effect of strengthening on pain.
Spasticity Is spasticity present? Antagonist spasticity may affect ability to accurately
assess strength.
Function Are any functional limitations present? To determine effect of treatment on function.
Cognitive status Is cognitive status sufficient to provide feedback? Safety of use.

Stimulation Parameters
Box 12•2 Critical Considerations for
See Table 12-3 for typical strengthening parameters. Strengthening With NMES
The practitioner does have options in selecting these • Overload of muscle is important.
parameters in order to achieve the desired response, and • Longer ramp-up times may be uncomfortable when trying to
as with any intervention, patient response will guide the get a maximal contraction.
• There is some evidence for the use of NMES in neurological
practitioner in determining stimulation parameters. If populations, but stronger research is needed.
the goal of NMES is to enhance muscle strength, the • A wide range of stimulation parameters are reported, making it
difficult to determine optimal parameters and dosing.
highest pulse duration, amplitude, and frequency toler-
ated by the patient should be used.23 It is important to
realize, however, that maximizing stimulation parame-
stimulation. For example, sensation may be decreased
ters will also lead to greater muscle fatigue. Therefore,
over the targeted area, hypersensitivity may be pres-
it is critical to choose an appropriate duty cycle to allow
ent, or spasticity may be triggered by NMES. As with
for muscle recovery between repetitions (Box 12-2).
any exercise program, adjustments may need to be
KEY POINT! Ramp-up and ramp-down times are often made to the NMES program based upon patient
selected for patient comfort. However, it is important response. A patient should not be sent home with a
to remember that a longer ramp-up time will lead to a home-based NMES program until the practitioner is
slower generation of force and is not always the most confident that it can be properly carried out at home
comfortable for the patient. The patient’s feedback (Box 12-3).
and muscle response will help guide decision-
making. In patients with neurological conditions NMES for Increasing Range of Motion
who have spasticity, a longer ramp-up time is often NMES has been applied as an alternate method to
required when stimulating the antagonist muscle to increase tissue extensibility or ROM. Chapter 13
avoid a quick stretch of the spastic muscle. discusses the principles behind the use of modalities to
address decreased ROM. NMES is potentially advan-
Electrode Placement tageous for increasing ROM, as it can provide repeti-
Electrode placement for NMES applications depends pri- tive motion of the shortened musculotendinous com-
marily on the size of the targeted muscle. Because the goal plex and surrounding tissues over a period of time by
is to optimize muscle strength, the electrode should be of stimulating the antagonist muscle. NMES used in this
sufficient size to recruit as many motor units as possible. manner may be an efficient way for a practitioner to
increase ROM, as the patient or family can often be
Monitoring Treatment taught to perform this technique safely at home,
Patients with neurological conditions have impair- increasing the amount of time that the tissues are
ments that require close monitoring during electrical exposed to stretch.
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308 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Box 12•3 General Application and Monitoring Information for NMES

and FES
• Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the purpose and pro- • Treatment monitoring: Monitor the patient’s response to treat-
cedure. Be sure to explain the anticipated sensation and effect ment by observing the muscle response and his reaction to it.
of the stimulation. Since you want a motor response, explain to The amplitude may need to be increased during the session to
the patient how strong of a contraction is expected and achieve the effect if tolerated. If the patient has cognitive deficits,
required for the treatment to be effective. Initially, it may be nec- ask the patient for feedback about how the electrical stimulation
essary to offer the patient a familiarization session to become feels. If the patient is unable to respond, stop the treatment after
accustomed to the sensation of electrical stimulation. With a several minutes, remove the electrodes, and check the skin. If
child, make a game of it or distract the child with a video or there are no skin issues, the treatment can resume.
other activity. • Postinspection: Remove the electrodes and inspect the skin for
• Preinspection: Inspect the area to be treated for skin compro- any signs of skin irritation or adverse effects. If redness occurs,
mise and assess for intact sensation over the area to be explain to the patient that this is not uncommon and should
treated. disappear in less than 24 hours.

Studies have reported that NMES helped prevent tissue extensibility. The general precautions and
wrist flexion contractures following acute stroke,24 contraindications for using NMES mentioned in
increase wrist extension passive ROM (PROM) follow- Chapter 10 are still applicable and should be included in
ing stroke,25 increase wrist flexion PROM and the examination.
improvability to manipulate objects for children with
CP,7 and increase ankle dorsiflexion PROM for chil-
dren with CP.26 Other studies have reported increases
in passive ROM when NMES has been applied for a Electrodes should be selected based upon the size of
variety of reasons,27–29 including strengthening, reduc- the antagonist muscle. Table 12-6 identifies com-
ing spasticity, and increasing function. monly used stimulation parameters to improve tissue
ROM improvements have been seen with NMES extensibility.
either used directly to increase ROM or as a result of KEY POINT!A critical factor when using NMES for tissue
NMES applied for another application. Due to these extensibility is to minimize fatigue so the patient
findings, more controlled research is needed to identify can then increase treatment time. Fatigue can be
the best method to apply when using NMES to increase minimized by using the lowest frequency and highest
tissue extensibility and to predict anticipated outcomes. amplitude that creates the needed force.23

Examination, Evaluation, and Prognosis Amplitude should be set to achieve a 3⫹Ⲑ5 contrac-
Table 12-5 indicates some important aspects of an tion that will stretch the tightened muscle. A contraction
examination when considering using NMES to increase stronger than this may cause discomfort, because the

Table 12•5 Examination and Rationale for NMES for Tissue Extensibility
Tests of Question Reason
History Is there a history of bony injury or deformity? NMES will address only soft tissue impairment.
Strength Is voluntary movement present in agonist or antagonist? Potential for strength improvement using NMES.
Range of motion What is available ROM? How long has decreased ROM been present? Significantly decreased ROM and chronic contracture
have poorer prognosis.
Sensation Is sensation present, absent, diminished? More frequent monitoring needed with insensate skin.
Pain Is pain present at rest? With activity? How severe? To determine effect of increasing ROM on pain.
Spasticity Is spasticity present? Strong spasticity may impact outcomes if not addressed.
Function What are the functional limitations due to decreased ROM? To determine effect of treatment on function.
Cognitive status Is cognitive status sufficient to provide feedback? Safety of use.
Caregiver assistance Does patient require caregiver assistance to use NMES at home? Determine availability of assistance.
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NMES and FES in Patients with Neurological Diagnoses 309


An 8-year-old boy with mild spastic diplegic cerebral rectus femoris and one distally and medially
palsy is experiencing an increase in his crouched gait over the vastus medialis and the rectus femoris
pattern (increased hip and knee flexion during stance) (Fig. 12-1).
that you feel is due to decreased quadriceps muscle Patient position: The exercise can be done a few dif-
strength. ferent ways and may require some creativity of the
physical therapist. The child can work with the stim-
ulation, or you can have the child try to relax and let
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be
the stimulation turn on the muscle.
improved with the use of NMES? ● The child can sit in a comfortable chair with the leg
Answer: This patient may benefit from quadriceps
moving against gravity. Weights can be added if
strengthening with NMES.
more of an effect is needed.
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of NMES ● The child can sit on a computerized dynamometer

(i.e., do any of the general precautions or con- with the knee fixed at 60° of flexion. An isometric
traindications to NMES apply, or are there any spe- contraction can then be performed.
cific considerations regarding application of NMES ● The activity can be turned into a functional activity

to this patient)? (as FES) by having the child do step-ups, squats,

Answer: Considerations include orthopedic con- or other closed-chain quadriceps exercises. The
cerns, cognitive status and ability to understand physical therapist can trigger the FES through a
treatment, seizure history, ROM limitations, and remote switch to time the stimulation with the
spasticity. activity.
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
use of NMES?
Answer: Increased strength of the quadriceps mus-
cles and decreased knee flexion during stance. A
functional goal could be to have him play soccer
with his friends.
4. What specific parameters of NMES would be
appropriate for the patient?
Answer: Pulse duration: 200–400 µsec
Frequency: 50⫹ pps
Amplitude: To obtain a strong contraction as tolerated
Ramp time: 1–2 seconds
Duration: Start low to get him used to the stimulation
(5 seconds on, 25 seconds off) and work up to
10 seconds on, 30 seconds off. Perform at least
10 contractions, 3 days per week.
5. What are the proper (i.e., effective and safe) appli-
cation procedures for NMES related to this case
Electrode application: Two electrodes, one proxi- Fig 12•1 Electrode placement for stimulation of the
mally and laterally over the vastus lateralis and quadriceps femoris muscle.

joint will be more forcefully moved to its limits in ROM. treatment times and duration. Therefore, the practitioner
As maximal stimulation parameters aren’t used, a should base the treatment times first on patient tolerance
portable stimulator may be sufficient for this application, (monitoring for muscle soreness) and then on clinical
making home treatment more feasible. The greatest judgment based upon the goals of the treatment and the
variation in treatment recommendations involves the patient’s current status (i.e., acute versus chronic stroke).
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310 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Table 12•6 Parameters Typically Seen Box 12•4 Critical Considerations for
for Enhancing Tissue Using NMES to Increase ROM
Extensibility26–29,31,32,122 • Parameters should be set so that stretching principles are fol-
Waveform Symmetrical or asymmetrical biphasic lowed (low load, prolonged application).
Pulse duration 200–300 µsec • Stimulation parameters should be set to minimize fatigue (low
frequency and amplitude), since goal is longer treatment time.
Frequency 12–33 pps
• A wide range of stimulation parameters are reported, making it
Amplitude To obtain 3⫹/5 contraction difficult to determine optimal parameters and dosing.
Ramp-up time 3 seconds (for comfort) • Stronger research is needed.
Ramp-down time 1–2 seconds
Duty cycle 1:1 (typically 10 seconds on, 10 seconds off)
Treatment time 15 minutes to 6 hours per day, 1 to 4 times/day,
and duration for 2 weeks to 6 months agonist muscle. 31 Reciprocal inhibition occurs
through inhibitory interneurons within the spinal
cord.32 The second theory proposes that NMES
In starting a program using NMES, the practitioner may applied to the spastic agonist muscle works by fatigu-
begin with a longer off-time and a shorter treatment time ing the muscle or by providing recurrent inhibition
and advance quickly to a 1:1 duty cycle and longer treat- via Renshaw cells.31 Stimulating the motor units of
ment times in order for the patient to develop tolerance the spastic agonist muscle excites the Renshaw cells,
and muscle endurance for the length of the treatment which then inhibit the same spastic motor units.32
(Box 12-4). The third theory states that electrical stimulation that
delivers only sensory stimuli (doesn’t create a muscle
NMES for Decreasing Spasticity contraction) leads to sensory habituation that then
Spasticity is defined as a velocity-dependent increase in leads to a decrease in spasticity.31
tone that is frequently assessed by moving the limb Clinically, NMES has been used to address spastic-
quickly and observing the response.30 Clinically, ity in many patients who have neurological condi-
spasticity can interfere with function. Three theories tions with or without voluntary movement. Table 12-7
have been proposed for the mechanisms for decreasing reviews studies that address spasticity in different
spasticity using NMES. The first theory states that populations. Several problems exist with much of the
NMES applied to the antagonist muscle decreases literature. Few studies include a control or compari-
spasticity through reciprocal inhibition of the spastic son group, and inconsistencies exist in regard to

Table 12•7 Literature on NMES for Decreasing Spasticity

Authors Population Method Results
Kamper et al.8 CP NMES to wrist flexors and extensors No change in spasticity
King123 Stroke NMES to wrist extensors: passive stretch NMES group had greater decrease in spasticity of wrist flexors as
and NMES groups measured by torque meter.
Miller et al.124 MS TENS to quadriceps muscles Decreased spasticity per Global Spasticity Scale after 2 weeks for
group using TENS 8 hrs/day but not for group using 1hr/day.
Potisk et al.125 Stroke Sensory stimulation over sural nerve Decreased plantar flexor spasticity as measured by an electrohy-
draulic brace.
Robinson et al.126 SCI NMES to quadriceps femoris Decreased quadriceps spasticity immediately after treatment only.
Scheker et al.127 CP NMES to wrist and finger extensors while Decreased wrist flexor spasticity as measured by a compliance
wearing a wrist splint scale. Increased upper extremity function.
Seib et al.128 SCI, TBI NMES to anterior tibialis: sham and Treatment group had subjective decrease in plantar flexor spasticity
treatment groups lasting 24 hours after treatment.
Wang et al.31 Stroke Sensory stimulation to T12 and L1 Decreased passive resistance of plantar flexors as measured by
paravertebral areas to decrease plantar dynamometer.
flexor spasticity
Weingarden et al.28 Stroke, TBI NMES to wrist and finger extensors Decreased wrist flexor spasticity
CP, cerebral palsy; MS, multiple sclerosis; SCI, spinal cord injury; TBI, traumatic brain injury.
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NMES and FES in Patients with Neurological Diagnoses 311

Table 12•8 Examination and Rationale for NMES for Spasticity Management
Tests of Question Reason
Strength Is voluntary movement present in agonist or antagonist? Potential for strength improvement using NMES and for
decreased antagonist spasticity to allow weak agonist to move.
Range of motion Is a fixed contracture present? A decrease in spasticity may have limited results if significant
ROM deficits are present.
Sensation Is sensation present, absent, diminished? More frequent monitoring needed with insensate skin.
Pain Is pain present? How severe? To determine effect of decreased spasticity on pain.
Spasticity How significant is the spasticity? To determine effect of intervention.
Function Does spasticity affect functional abilities? To determine effect of treatment on function.
Cognitive status Is cognitive status sufficient to provide feedback? Safety of use.
Caregiver assistance Does patient require caregiver assistance to use NMES at home? Determine availability of assistance.
Other treatments Are antispasticity medications or other treatments being used or May impact ability to assess effects of intervention.

treatment duration, length of time of effect, and how for this response and adjust the ramp-up time
spasticity is measured. accordingly.
Studies using sensory-level electrical stimulation use
Examination, Evaluation, and Prognosis similar parameters except that the amplitude is kept low
Table 12-8 provides some important aspects of the to avoid a muscle contraction. Another difference is that
patient examination when considering using NMES the stimulation typically is delivered continuously for the
to decrease spasticity. Based upon the literature, the treatment time, rather than using a duty cycle. A higher
treatment needs to be provided on an ongoing basis frequency (up to 100 pps) is often used.
to maintain the effect and a longer treatment time As with other NMES applications, electrode size
may be necessary. must be relative to the muscle size. A small, portable
stimulator may be sufficient for using NMES to reduce
Intervention spasticity, because the goal is not to maximize force pro-
Table 12-9 identifies parameters reported in the liter- duction. A portable stimulator also offers the advantage
ature for decreasing spasticity by creating a muscle of being easily used at home after patient/caregiver
contraction with NMES. One important parameter training has occurred (Box 12-5).
when treating patients with spasticity is the ramp-
up time. When stimulating the antagonist to the NMES for Decreasing Urinary
spastic muscle, a short ramp-up time may create Incontinence
a spastic response of the agonist due to the quick NMES has mainly been used to decrease inconti-
stretch. The practitioner should monitor the patient nence for people without neurological conditions;

Table 12•9 Parameters Typically Seen for Decreasing Muscle Spasticity

Using NMES8,28,31,123–128
Waveform Symmetrical or asymmetrical biphasic, burst-modulated AC (i.e., Russian current)
Pulse duration 250–500 µsec
Frequency 20–60 pps
Amplitude To obtain a contraction (at least a grade 3⫹/5)
Ramp-up time 0.5–3 seconds
Ramp-down time 0–3 seconds
Duty cycle Variable (1:1, 3:4, 10:7) but typically larger ratio than for muscle strengthening
Treatment time and duration 10–60 minutes per day except one study treated for 8 hrs. Treatment typically needs to continue for effect to remain, unless
recovery of movement is occurring.
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312 Clinical Applications of Modalities


A 71-year-old woman presents with complaints of
tightness and spasticity in her left hand and wrist and
the inability to use the hand functionally. She holds her
hand and wrist in flexion. Her past medical history
reveals a right cerebral vascular accident 1 month prior,
hypertension, and coronary artery disease. She cur-
rently lives with her daughter. Her goals are to become
independent with several activities of daily living.
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be
improved with the use of NMES?
Answer: Yes, she has decreased ROM, spasticity,
and likely has decreased strength.
Fig 12•2 Electrode placement for stimulation of the wrist
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of NMES extensors.
(i.e., do any of the general precautions or con-
traindications to NMES apply, or are there any spe-
cific considerations regarding application of NMES
5. What specific parameters of NMES would be
to this patient)?
appropriate for the patient?
Answer: This patient may have decreased cognition
and sensory awareness that may impact safety of
Pulse duration: 200–300 µsec
using NMES. Her PROM needs to be assessed. If
Frequency: 20–30 pps
her contracture is significant (little motion), the issue
Amplitude: To obtain a 3⫹ contraction
may involve more than just soft tissue, and NMES
Ramp-up time: Up to 3 seconds (watch for spastic
would not be appropriate. However, since her
stroke was 1 month ago, she likely has primarily a
On/off time: Start with 10:30 and change to 10:10
soft tissue limitation.
as endurance improves
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the Duration: 15-minute sessions to start, working up to
use of NMES? several hours
Answer: Your immediate goals can be to increase
6. What are the proper (i.e., effective and safe) appli-
ROM and decrease spasticity. If successful, later
cation procedures for NMES related to this case
goals can focus on strength and functional out-
comes. A functional goal could be for her to hold a
fork in that hand or to use that hand as an assist for
Electrode application: Electrodes should be placed
bimanual activities.
in a bipolar arrangement using a single channel
4. What is an appropriate electrode placement for this to the wrist and finger extensor muscles on the
patient to address both immediate goals? forearm. The best response will allow her wrist
Answer: Place electrodes on the wrist extensor mus- and fingers to move through their full available
cles to provide a stretch to the wrist flexors (Fig. 12-2). passive ROM.
Spasticity reduction will be targeted based on the Patient position: With her seated comfortably with
principle of reciprocal inhibition using this approach. good posture, place her forearm on a towel or other
If your clinic has access to a NESS H200 (see soft surface on a table. Position her forearm in neu-
“Functional Electrical Stimulation” section), this tral pronation/supination to allow the wrist to extend
device may be assessed with this patient to also in a gravity-eliminated position. If her hand quickly
meet her goals. The device would then allow the returns to a fully flexed position after each muscle
advancement to functional use once sufficient contraction, place a soft roll in her hand to maintain
passive ROM is gained. a better position.
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NMES and FES in Patients with Neurological Diagnoses 313

conditions, success has been shown with patients with

Box 12•5 Critical Considerations for
Using NMES to Decrease multiple sclerosis.34
Examination, Evaluation, and Prognosis
• There is some evidence to support the use of NMES, but more
research is needed. Precautions and contraindications for NMES for uri-
• A wide range of stimulation parameters are reported, making it nary incontinence include decreased sensation, preg-
difficult to determine optimal parameters and dosing.
• NMES can be provided to the agonist or antagonist muscle.
nancy or plans to become pregnant, recurrent vaginal
or urinary infections, vaginal lesions or fistulas, anal
fissures, prolapsed uterus, atrophic vaginitis, recent
pelvic surgery, pelvic irradiation, and neurological
however, some studies have addressed its use for conditions.37,38 Examination may include an assess-
patients with neurological conditions. An RCT with ment of strength of the pelvic floor muscles using an
subjects with MS showed a greater reduction in intravaginal probe that measures intravaginal pres-
incontinence episodes when intravaginal NMES was sure. A patient diary is recommended before and
added to a program of pelvic floor training and after treatment to document changes in incontinence
biofeedback (85% reduction compared to 47% (Box 12-6).
reduction with sham NMES).33
Implanted sacral nerve stimulators have been Intervention
approved by the FDA for patients with urinary reten- Intervention strategies have varied in terms of elec-
tion or with urge incontinence who have failed all trodes, waveforms, and parameters used. Table 12-10
conservative therapies. The device stimulates the third provides the range of parameters typically used. The
or fourth sacral nerve root through a quadripolar frequency is important based on different physiological
electrode placed in the sacral foramen and an mechanisms. Lower frequencies are used to create inhi-
implanted stimulator placed in the upper buttock34 bition (primarily for urge incontinence), and the higher
(Fig. 12-3). Reduction in symptoms has been
sufficient for Medicare to provide coverage for the
device beginning June 2001.35,36 In addition to reduc-
ing symptoms for patients without neurological Box 12•6 NMES for Urinary Incontinence
With Non-neurological
• Typically for stress incontinence (leakage with cough/exertion) or
urge incontinence (sudden strong urge to empty bladder due to
abnormal bladder contractions).108
• Recommended for patients who fail other more conservative
treatments, including medication and pelvic floor exercise.108,109
• Common cause is damage to the type II fibers of pelvic floor
muscles and possible partial denervation of the pudendal nerve
during childbirth.110
• NMES can activate type II fibers to increase intravaginal
• NMES mechanisms:
• Facilitation of urine storage through reflex inhibition of the
overactive detrusor muscle109
• Increased urethral pressure through pudendal efferents to the
Fig 12•3 An electrode is surgically passed through the striated urethral muscles.109
skin and placed immediately adjacent to the S3 nerve • Electrodes are placed intravaginally, intrarectally, or on the skin
root within the sacral foramen. The implanted stimulator is surface.38,111–113
placed subcutaneously in the buttock. This completely • Some studies show decreases in the episodes of inconti-
implanted system allows a signal to be delivered to the nence,38,112 but other studies report no effect.111,114,115
S3 nerve root to control incontinence. (Reprinted with the permission • Medicare approved for those who fail conservative treatment. 108
of Medtronic, Inc. © 2004.)
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314 Clinical Applications of Modalities

during gait, and exercise to maintain joint mobility,

Table 12•10 Parameters Used cardiovascular function, and lean mass, among other
for Decreasing
Incontinence33–35,37,39–41,115 things.
As mentioned earlier, patients with neurological
Waveform Symmetrical or asymmetrical biphasic, amplitude-
modulated AC (i.e., interferential current)
conditions and spasticity usually require a longer ramp-
Pulse duration 250–1,000 µsec up time when stimulating the antagonist muscle to
Frequency Urge incontinence: 5–20 pps (12 pps common) avoid a quick stretch of the spastic muscle. However,
Stress incontinence: 20–50 pps (50 pps common) with FES applications, ramp time needs to be consid-
Amplitude To maximum tolerable levels (max 100 mA)
ered in relation to the length of the contraction
Ramp-up time 2 seconds
Ramp-down time 2 seconds required for the activity. For example, dorsiflexion to
Duty cycle 1:3, 1:2, 1:1 (typically 5 seconds on time) clear the foot occurs quickly during gait. If using elec-
Treatment time 15–30 minutes, 1–3 times/day, 4–12 weeks trical stimulation to create dorsiflexion while walking, a
and duration
long ramp time would be inappropriate and may delay
the onset of the contraction or extend the length of
frequencies are used to activate motor units (primarily the contraction beyond the needs of the activity (the
for stress incontinence). Typically a vaginal electrode is muscle would be on too long).
used for women (Fig. 12- 4) and a rectal electrode for
men. Studies have also used surface electrodes applied FES for Shoulder Subluxation
to the anus or pubic symphysis39,40 or to the posterior Subluxation of the shoulder is a common problem after
tibial nerve.41 Several companies manufacture stimula- an acute stroke, occurring in up to 80% of patients
tors specific for treating urinary incontinence, includ- within the first few weeks following stroke. This prob-
ing the typically used parameters and vaginal/rectal lem results from the lack of musculature support
electrodes. around the flaccid shoulder girdle, creating stress on the
supporting ligaments and joint capsule as gravity cre-
Functional Electrical ates a traction-type force. As a result, the humerus
Stimulation subluxes inferiorly42 (Fig. 12-5). Subluxation is usually

FES is the use of NMES within a functional activity.

There are many activities in which FES can be incor-
porated, and the practitioner can be creative in how
it is applied. There are some more common uses of
FES, such as for reducing shoulder subluxation,
improving hand function, decreasing foot drop

Fig 12•4 Examples of incontinence electrodes. A vaginal

electrode is typically inserted to stimulate the pelvic floor
muscles to decrease incontinence. This figure shows a
stimulator and two types of vaginal electrodes. (Courtesy of Fig 12•5 This patient, who sustained a stroke, presents
Utah Medical Products, Inc., Midvale, UT.) with a resulting shoulder subluxation.
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NMES and FES in Patients with Neurological Diagnoses 315

painful and can limit the patient’s ability to participate

in rehabilitation of the upper extremity. Subluxation is
typically treated with a supportive sling. However, the
use of a sling does not address the flaccid muscles that
caused the subluxation and can interfere with rehabili-
tation of the rest of the upper extremity.
FES using electrodes on the skin surface was intro-
duced in the 1980s as a potential way to decrease
shoulder subluxation by stimulating muscles around
the shoulder girdle, most commonly to the posterior
deltoid and supraspinatus muscles. This orthotic assist
can help to provide more normal glenohumeral align-
ment and create stability for distal movement during
rehabilitation.43 Fig 12•6 Percutaneous electrodes are implanted near
Several studies, with a meta-analysis,44 have reported the nerve or the motor point. In this picture, an electrode
on the benefits of FES for shoulder subluxation; find- was implanted to the quadriceps femoris via the femoral
nerve. To protect the electrode throughout the day, an
ings indicated that FES was successful for subluxation occlusive bandage is placed over the electrode and con-
in the acute stage following stroke but not the chronic nector block. Percutaneous electrodes can be tunneled
underneath the skin to exit in any location. When more
stage (Table 12-11). Across the studies reviewed, a than one percutaneous electrode is implanted, they
subluxation on average of 6.5 mm was reduced by an typically all exit in the same location.
average of 1.9 mm with the use of FES as compared to
conventional treatment alone.
An alternative method for providing FES for the skin surface.29,46 Yu and colleagues46 reported
shoulder subluxation is the use of percutaneous elec- that 9 out of 10 patients perceived less discomfort
trodes as opposed to electrodes applied to the skin with percutaneous electrodes.
surface. Percutaneous electrodes are thin wires
implanted near the motor point of a muscle. The Examination, Evaluation, and Prognosis
electrode exits the skin to allow connection of the When determining if a patient is suitable for receiving
cables that attach to a stimulator (Fig. 12-6). Some FES for shoulder subluxation, the examination should
potential advantages of this type of electrode are include tests of upper extremity strength, ROM, spas-
decreased discomfort, ease of use because electrodes ticity, the degree of shoulder subluxation, and function
do not need to be reapplied for each treatment ses- (Table 12-12). Ratings of pain should be obtained, and
sion, and repeatability of muscle responses.45 Similar medical history should be reviewed to determine time
outcomes have been reported with the use of percuta- since stroke and any medical contraindications for use
neous electrodes as compared to electrodes applied to of FES.

Table 12•11 Studies Using FES to Decrease Shoulder Subluxation

Authors Population Method Results
Faghri et al.42 Acute stroke FES for 6 weeks vs. conventional Decreased shoulder subluxation, spasticity, and pain.
physical therapy
Linn et al.129 Acute stroke FES vs. conventional physical therapy Decreased shoulder subluxation and pain after 4 weeks. No differ-
ence between groups after 12 weeks.
Chantraine et al.130 Acute stroke FES vs. conventional physical therapy Increased motor scores and decreased pain and subluxation in the
FES group after 5 weeks.
Chae et al.131 Acute stroke Percutaneous FES vs. sling (6-week Greater decreases in pain than subjects treated with a sling. Effects
program) lasted for 12 months.
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316 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Table 12•12 Examination and Rationale for FES for Shoulder Subluxation
Tests of Question Reason
History Onset of stroke? Greatest effect seen with acute stroke
Strength Is voluntary movement present in involved upper extremity? Potential for improvement
Range of motion What is upper extremity ROM? Potential for improvement
Sensation Is sensation present, absent, diminished? More frequent monitoring needed with insensate skin
Pain Is pain present at rest or with activity? How severe? To determine effect on pain
Spasticity Is spasticity present? Potential for improvement
Function What are the functional limitations? To determine effect of treatment on function
Pain Is shoulder or upper extremity pain present? Potential for improvement
Cognitive status Is cognitive status sufficient to provide feedback? Safety of use
Caregiver assistance Does patient require caregiver assistance to use NMES at home? Determine availability of assistance

Intervention injury (TBI), CP, and SCI. Some studies conducted

Electrodes are typically applied to the posterior deltoid in the 1970s demonstrated the feasibility of using
and the supraspinatus muscles. The middle deltoid may FES in patients following stroke.43 Using commercial
be used if there is difficulty isolating the posterior deltoid. devices such as the NESS H200, FES has been more
The practitioner may find a better response by placing a recently applied for hand function in patients who
smaller electrode on the posterior deltoid to increase the have had a stroke as well as for TBI. The NESS H200
current density and a larger one on the supraspinatus in is a forearm- and hand-molded orthosis with five
order to create the feeling of the humerus being pulled electrodes to stimulate the extensor digitorum, the
superiorly without creating significant abduction of the extensor pollicis brevis, the flexor digitorum superfi-
upper extremity. Activation of the upper trapezius muscle cialis, the flexor pollicis longus, and the thenar mus-
should be avoided. Table 12-13 provides typical parame- cles. The wrist is held in approximately 10° to 20° of
ters used for FES for shoulder subluxation. extension within the orthosis (Fig. 12-7). The H200
can provide both exercise and functional grasping
FES for Upper Extremity Function abilities. Studies have reported effects on spastic-
FES has been applied to improve hand and upper extrem- ity,28,47 range of motion,28 motor function,47,48 and
ity function in patients following stroke, traumatic brain functional abilities48–50 with the use of the NESS

Table 12•13 Parameters Typically Seen

for FES for Shoulder
Waveform Symmetrical or asymmetrical biphasic
Pulse duration 200–350 µsec
Frequency 30–40 pps
Amplitude To achieve effect without abduction or shoulder
Ramp-up time 3 seconds
Ramp-down time 3 seconds
Duty cycle Range 1:5 to 15:1. Typically start with a 1:5, 1:3, or
1:1 but goal is to quickly increase on-time and
decrease off-time as muscle endurance improves.
On-times up to 30 seconds can be used if tolerated
by muscles.
Treatment time 30 minutes to 6 hours (start low and increase as
and duration endurance improves), 5–7 days per week, for Fig 12•7 Patient following a CVA using the NESS H200
4–6 weeks for upper extremity functional activity. (Courtesy © 2009 Bioness, Inc.,
Valencia, CA.)
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NMES and FES in Patients with Neurological Diagnoses 317


A 65-year-old man sustained a left CVA 2 weeks ago. 5. What are the proper (i.e., effective and safe) appli-
He has been complaining of right shoulder pain in the cation procedures for FES related to this case
past week and is hesitant about attempting to use example?
the right upper extremity for function. A radiograph Answer:
showed the presence of a 7 mm inferior subluxation of Electrode application: Two electrodes, one over the
the humerus from the glenoid fossa. He has been posterior deltoid and one over the supraspinatus
wearing a sling during the past week. His medical (Fig. 12-8). Goal is to move the humerus superiorly
history reveals hypertension. His goal is to decrease into the glenoid fossa without creating abduction.
the pain. The middle deltoid can also be tried instead of the
posterior deltoid if needed.
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be
improved with the use of FES?
Answer: Yes, FES can help to decrease the shoulder
subluxation and pain.
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of FES
(i.e., do any of the general precautions or con-
traindications to FES apply, or are there any specific
considerations regarding application of FES to this
Answer: FES is appropriate for this patient. Special
considerations include any possible cognitive and
sensory deficits that may limit safety.
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
use of FES?
Answer: The goals are to decrease the degree of
subluxation and reduce pain so that he can partici-
pate in functional upper extremity training.
4. What specific parameters of FES would be appro-
priate for the patient?
Fig 12•8 Electrodes to reduce a shoulder subluxation
Stimulator: Portable stimulator preferred so treat- are typically placed over the posterior deltoid and the
ment can continue outside of therapy. supraspinatus. The exact location to optimize the
Pulse duration: 200–350 µsec response will vary between patients. The goal is to
Frequency: 30–40 pps move the humerus superiorly into the glenoid fossa
Amplitude: Enough to achieve effect of seeing visi- without creating abduction.
ble reduction in subluxation (elevation of head of
humerus). If shoulder abduction is seen, amplitude
Patient position: To start, the patient’s arm needs to
is too high.
be supported on a table or with a sling. As sublux-
Ramp time: 3 seconds
ation and pain reduce, the support may be
Treatment: You decide to start with on-times of
10 seconds and off-times of 30 seconds, providing
Treatment monitoring: Monitor his response to the
treatment for 30 minutes, three times per day. If tol-
treatment by observing the decrease in subluxation
erated, increase on-times and total treatment time
and asking about pain.
with goals of reaching up to 30-second on-times
and 2-second off-times for up to 6 hours.
Progression should be made as quickly as possible.
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318 Clinical Applications of Modalities

H200 (and its earlier counterpart, the Handmaster) and release patterns. The Freehand, which was clinically
in patients following TBI and stroke. Two of these available, is no longer on the market.
studies were RCTs48,50 that compared traditional
therapy and traditional therapy plus FES. Both stud- Examination, Evaluation, and Prognosis
ies included subjects with acute stroke, but Thrasher In considering the use of FES for hand function,
et al.48 also included those with chronic effects of important tests include those of strength, ROM, sen-
stroke and reported that the effects were only signifi- sation, function, and spasticity. The diagnosis and
cant when applied after an acute stroke. presence of voluntary movement will help the practi-
Other studies have used different devices to apply tioner decide if functional benefits are expected only
FES for hand function, using a variety of techniques, with the stimulation turned on or if functional bene-
including EMG control6,51 or intensity control using fits with it off are anticipated due to muscle reeduca-
the other hand,5 bilateral hand activities,52 percuta- tion. For example, a patient following stroke may
neous electrodes,51 and clinically available stimula- gain enough muscle strength and motor control to
tors.53 These studies have reported similar effects on be able to function without the FES. However,
decreasing spasticity, increasing motor ability, and another patient may not make these same gains and
increasing function. However, one study that provided thus want to use the device throughout the day to
the intervention for only 4 weeks concluded that more provide the ability to grasp. Another important con-
sessions would be needed to have a significant effect sideration is that if FES is to be used for the hand or
compared to a control group.53 forearm only, the patient needs to have sufficient
More limited research has been done on FES for shoulder and elbow strength and ROM to operate the
upper extremity function in children with CP. Several device functionally.
case studies have looked at FES for hand function.
Carmick54 applied FES for finger and wrist extension Intervention
and finger flexion in a child with hemiplegic CP. The In a clinical environment, FES for upper extremity
child initially wore a splint to control wrist position applications can be applied using a surface stimulator.
while using FES. The therapist or the parents triggered If the practitioner wants to control the stimulation dur-
the FES to create flexion or extension while the child ing functional activities, remote switches are available
attempted to use the hand functionally. After 9 months for some stimulators. The practitioner then needs to
of treatment, the child was able to perform activities trigger the FES when appropriate for the activity. For
such as tying his shoes without the splint or FES. In example, grasp can be triggered during a functional
another report, Carmick55 indicated increased aware- reaching activity and then turned off when the patient
ness of the involved upper extremity after treatment is ready to release the item. It is important that the
with FES in one child with hemiplegic CP and practitioner be creative in selecting activities that may
increased bilateral hand use in another child, also with be aided by FES in an attempt to provide a new func-
hemiplegic CP. Although these are all case studies, they tional movement or to enhance one already present
do suggest that FES can impact functional hand use in (Box 12-7). Table 12-14 identifies typically used stimu-
these populations. lation parameters.
More research effort has been directed toward pro-
viding hand function for patients with complete FES for Ambulation
tetraplegia at the fifth and sixth cervical levels. Studies Much focus with FES has centered on ambulation—
have reported improved function with the use of the either in enhancing it for those with some voluntary
Handmaster®53 and with implanted FES systems.56,57 muscle movement or in creating it for those with no
Numerous studies of implanted FES systems have voluntary lower extremity movement. It is common for
reported increased functional independence using a practitioners to use FES as a dorsiflexion assist for
device (called the Freehand®) that stimulates eight patients who present with decreased foot clearance
upper extremity muscles and provides a control source (foot drop) during the swing phase of gate (Fig. 12-9).
that allows the user to activate and control the grasp This technique has been applied to patients with stroke,
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NMES and FES in Patients with Neurological Diagnoses 319

Box 12•7 Key Points for Using FES to

Increase Upper Extremity
• Patients with an acute stroke can increase their functional abili-
ties following combined programs of traditional therapy and
FES. The intervention may need to last longer than 4 weeks for
an effect.
• FES can be delivered through commercially available systems
specifically designed for the forearm/hand or other types of
• More research is needed on FES for upper extremity function in
children with CP.
• Patients with tetraplegia at C5 or C6 levels can improve hand
function with an implanted FES system.

Table 12•14 Parameters Typically Seen for

Hand Function28,47–51,53,55–57,133
Waveform Symmetrical or asymmetrical biphasic
Pulse duration 200–350 µsec Fig 12•9 A child with hemiplegic cerebral palsy using
Frequency 12–40 pps FES to assist with clearance during the swing phase
Amplitude To achieve desired movement for function. Keep as of gait.
low as is feasible.
Ramp-up time Very short to achieve effect
Ramp-down time Very short to achieve effect application. Two systems are currently on the market in
Duty cycle N/A. Stimulation is timed with demand of functional the United States: the WalkAide and the NESS L300.
Both systems involve placing a cuff containing the elec-
Treatment time 30–45 minutes once or twice per day, 3–6 times per
and duration week, 6–16 weeks trodes around the upper calf to deliver the stimulation
(Fig. 12-10). The WalkAide uses a tilt sensor that
detects the leg’s position in order to trigger the FES.
TBI, CP, and incomplete SCI, but is not limited to The NESS L300 uses a sensor mounted on the shoe
these populations. and computer-based algorithms to control the timing
of the simulation (Fig. 12-11). For both devices, the
The most common clinical application of

FES for ambulation involves using it as a dorsiflexion

assist for decreased foot clearance during swing.
FES applied in this manner may replace the use of an
ankle foot orthosis, and functional ambulation has
been shown to be comparable with an ankle foot
orthosis versus FES following stroke.58

Timing of the stimulation is controlled with a

remote switch or a foot switch placed in the shoe, typ-
ically underneath the patient’s heel. When pressure is
removed from the foot switch, as in the initiation of
swing, stimulation will begin. It will end when pressure
is again placed onto the foot switch. If a patient does
Fig 12•10 This figure shows, from left to right, the sensor
not achieve heel contact during gait, alternate positions that detects pressure increasing and decreasing beneath
for the foot switch can be investigated. the heel, the cuff that contains the electrodes that is
wrapped around the patient’s proximal tibia/fibula to stim-
Other means for triggering FES for foot drop are ulate dorsiflexion during swing, and the FES controller.
incorporated into devices made specifically for this (Courtesy © 2009 Bioness, Inc., Valencia, CA.)
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320 Clinical Applications of Modalities

practitioner determines the specific needs of each nerve in patients with MS or following stroke.65
patient during the initial training phase. The stimula- However, another study that involved subjects with MS
tion levels provided by the WalkAide are 50 to found increased walking speed and decreased physio-
250 μsec, 16.7 to 33 pps, and up to 200 mA. Those for logical cost of walking when subjects walked with or
the NESS L300 are 200 μsec, 30 pps, and approxi- without FES (which was applied for foot drop).66
mately 30 to 35 mA. As of January 2009, Medicare
approved coverage for the WalkAide and the NESS Cerebral Palsy
L300 for people with incomplete SCI. Research on FES for gait has received less attention in
children with CP. Of the work that has been done, out-
Stroke and Multiple Sclerosis comes have included increases in ROM and improve-
Early studies showed effects of FES for foot drop fol- ments during ambulation with the FES turned off.67
lowing stroke with improvements reported in dorsiflex- Other studies have reported improved ambulation and
ion during swing,59 spontaneous recovery,59 recovery in other functional improvements with FES applied to
muscle force three times greater than controls,60 and both the gastrocnemius and peroneal nerve or to just
walking speed.61 A more recent study reported the gastrocnemius muscle in this population.68,69 One
improvements in function, social integration, and walk- study examined the immediate effects of percutaneous
ing speed for subjects following stroke who had used FES on the anterior tibialis and gastrocnemius muscles
the NESS L300 for 1 year.62 Other studies have exam- during gait; findings showed improvements in dorsi-
ined the outcomes with implanted electrodes for FES flexion during gait whenever the anterior tibialis was
for foot drop. Implanted electrodes have the advantage stimulated in swing either by itself or in combination
of being in a consistent place, so the muscle response with the gastrocnemius (stimulated during terminal
should be more consistent. Reported findings include stance).70 Another study applied FES to the gastrocne-
increased walking speed61,63,64 and distance.61 mius during gait and reported an increase in force pro-
Improvements in walking speed and energy expendi- duction during walking.71
ture have been seen with FES applied to the peroneal
Spinal Cord Injury
FES for walking in those with SCI has received consid-
erable focus. FES for dorsiflexion assist alone or in
combination with FES to other muscles has augmented
swing, increased walking speed, and increased strength
for patients with incomplete SCI.72–74
Much focus has also been directed to providing
ambulation for patients with complete thoracic SCI
using surface or percutaneous electrodes or implanted
systems.75–79 The Parastep® is an FDA-approved device
for ambulation that stimulates the peroneal nerve to
create a flexor withdrawal response for stepping and
stimulates the gluteal and quadriceps muscles for
stance. It is controlled through push buttons on a
walker (Fig. 12-12). The Parastep has been reported to
improve lower extremity blood flow,80 cardiovascular
status,81 muscle size,82 and lean tissue;82 however, it had
no effect on bone density.83 In July 2002, a Medicare
review panel concluded that FES is at least comparable
Fig 12•11 Patient using the NESS L300 following a CVA. to interventions currently covered, such as orthoses, so
(Courtesy © 2009 Bioness, Inc., Valencia, CA.) Medicare approved the use of FES for standing and
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NMES and FES in Patients with Neurological Diagnoses 321

are newer and less common, these combined tech-

niques show promise.

Examination, Evaluation, and Prognosis

Clinically, the main application of FES for ambulation
is to assist dorsiflexion. Because this technique is typi-
cally applied to those with neurological conditions, the
practitioner must know if the targeted muscles are
innervated. As with other applications, tests of strength,
ROM, sensation, function, and spasticity are impor-
tant. Walking speed is an additional test that may be
helpful in evaluating results of the treatment and
describing the gait pattern before treatment. The diag-
nosis and presence of voluntary movement will help the
practitioner to decide if functional benefits are expected
with the stimulation turned on or if functional benefits
Fig 12•12 A woman with a spinal cord injury uses the with it off are anticipated due to muscle reeducation.
Parastep system to ambulate down a hallway at the
Miami Project. The push buttons are located on the walker Intervention
handles, enabling this woman to initiate steps as desired.
(Reprinted with the permission of Sigmedics, Inc.) In applying FES for dorsiflexion assist, two electrodes
are applied to create balanced dorsiflexion—meaning
walking for individuals with SCI. Coverage is limited to the foot is balanced between inversion and eversion. A
those individuals who continue to use FES following a small amount of eversion is acceptable. However, exces-
trial period, and the goal must be ambulation.84 sive inversion places the patient at risk of an inversion
Other methods for standing and walking involve per- ankle sprain. Electrodes are typically applied to stimu-
cutaneous or implanted electrodes to create stepping or a late the anterior tibialis and the peroneal muscles. Some
swing-through gait pattern (advancing both limbs simul- portable stimulators can be equipped with a remote
taneously).77,78,85–88 These other methods all involve switch that the therapist will control or a foot switch
research devices. Long-term benefits of these devices have that will react to the patient’s movement. A foot switch
not yet been established. Other research designs combine is placed into the shoe on the patient’s affected side.
FES with orthoses, such as reciprocating gait orthoses.89 When weight is removed from the switch to initiate
swing, stimulation will be triggered. When weight is
FES Gait Combined With Treadmill Training reapplied at initial contact, stimulation stops. This
The combination of FES for gait and treadmill training method is the ideal way to create a dorsiflexion assist in
has received some recent attention in people who have the clinic, as the therapist can focus on the patient’s
had a stroke or who have incomplete SCI. These stud- response rather than the timing with the remote switch.
ies range from stimulating for dorsiflexion and stepping Again the practitioner should be creative in other
only90 or for multiple muscles.91 A study with incom- ideas for enhancing ambulation using FES or using
plete SCI showed that dorsiflexion for walking on the FES as a tool for muscle reeducation (Box 12-8).
treadmill led to an increase in overground walking Table 12-15 identifies typically used stimulation
speed and in muscle strength.90 A pilot study for one parameters for dorsiflexion assist.
subject following stroke used FES to the dorsiflexors
FES for Exercise
and plantar flexors while walking on the treadmill with
the assistance of a robotic device. Improvements were FES Cycling
reported in the Timed Up and Go test, walking speed, FES has also been applied as a form of exercise, mainly
and gait.92 Although these applications on the treadmill for patients with diagnoses of SCI. One method for this
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322 Clinical Applications of Modalities

additional calories to improve overall fitness and

Box 12•8 Key Points for Using FES to
Increase Foot Clearance showed a pronounced effect on cardiovascular health.
During Ambulation Another technique for FES cycling is to add voli-
tional arm exercise at the same time. A study by
• The patient’s response to the device can be assessed using
any portable stimulator that provides some type of trigger to Raymond et al.97 showed that subjects could obtain
time the FES to walking. higher oxygen uptake and power output, which may
• Two devices (WalkAide and NESS L300) specific for foot drop
lead to better cardiovascular benefits.
are currently on the U.S. market. Each company can be con-
tacted to try a device with a patient. Although FES cycling has primarily been used by
• Medicare has approved coverage for the WalkAide and NESS patients with complete SCI, this technique is now
L300 for patients with incomplete SCI. Insurance coverage for
other conditions varies and is dependent on the insurance being used for patients following stroke and for those
company. with MS or incomplete SCI. In the past, these popu-
• The use of FES for foot drop can have a large impact on
lations were typically excluded due to concerns with
walking function.
the inability to tolerate the sensation of FES.
However, many patients can tolerate levels that are
sufficient for making gains. Studies have shown a
Table 12•15 Parameters Typically Seen reduction in spasticity98,99 and improved cycling
for Dorsiflexion smoothness99 for people with MS. For patients who
had had a stroke, a small RCT100 with chronic stroke
Waveform Symmetrical or asymmetrical biphasic
experienced gains in aerobic capacity in a 6-minute
Pulse duration 200–350 µsec
Frequency 30–40 pps walk test and in the Berg Balance Scale after a 6-week
Amplitude To achieve 3⫹/5 contraction program of FES cycling two times per week. However,
Ramp-up time 0–1 second these gains were not different from the subjects
Ramp-down time 0–1 second cycling without FES.
Duty cycle N/A. Stimulation is timed with demand of functional
activity. FES cycling is usually done on a stationary cycle,
Treatment time Determined by muscle fatigue either one that the user transfers onto or one that allows
and duration the user to stay in his or her wheelchair (Fig. 12-13).
However, cycling with FES overground is another
is FES cycling. A specially designed bicycle that pro-
vides cyclical stimulation to the quadriceps, gluteal, and
hamstring muscles is used. Treatment, as described in
the literature, is typically provided for 30 minutes,
three times per week. However, a recent study applied
FES cycling five times per week for 60 minutes—a pro-
tocol that is being adopted by more people who use the
device at home. Studies of FES cycling have reported
improvements in muscle volume and fiber size, fat-free
tissue, bone density, cardiovascular fitness, and lower
extremity circulation.93 Numerous studies have exam-
ined the effects of FES cycling on the cardiovascular
system of adults with SCI.93 Studies involving cycling
training 2 to 3 days per week for 12 to 16 weeks have
shown increases in peak oxygen uptake,94,95 cardiac
output,94,96 stroke volume,96 and pulmonary ventila-
tion.94 Overall, these results indicate that FES cycling
has a positive effect on individuals with SCI. People Fig 12•13 A young woman with a spinal cord injury using
undergoing this exercise regimen were able to expend the RT300 FES cycle. (Courtesy of Restorative Therapies, Inc., Baltimore, MD.)
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A 16-year-old female with an acute C8 incomplete 5. What are the proper (i.e., effective and safe) appli-
spinal cord injury is experiencing recovery in both cation procedures for FES related to this case
lower extremities and has started gait training with a example?
walker. However, recovery for her left ankle muscles is Answer:
slower, and she is unable to clear her left foot while Electrode application: Two electrodes, one over the
walking. anterior tibialis and one over the peroneal nerve (or
muscles; Fig. 12-14). The peroneal nerve electrode
(for eversion) may be placed proximally near the
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be
fibular head or posterior to the lateral malleolus. The
improved with the use of FES?
goal is to achieve dorsiflexion without inversion.
Answer: This patient may benefit from FES to
Inversion is never acceptable due to the risk of an
achieve dorsiflexion during gait.
inversion sprain.
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of FES (i.e.,
do any of the general precautions or contraindica-
tions to FES apply, or are there any specific consid-
erations regarding application of FES to this
Answer: This patient is appropriate for FES. Since
her spinal cord injury was at C8, she should
have an upper motor neuron lesion to her dorsi-
flexors. This can be tested by applying NMES
and looking at the response. Other considerations
for this patient include possible autonomic dysre-
flexia, decreased sensation (including propriocep-
tion), ROM of her ankle, and plantar flexor
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
use of FES?
Answer: The immediate goal is to eliminate the foot
drop so that she can obtain sufficient foot clearance
during gait.
4. What specific parameters of FES would be appro-
priate for the patient?
Answer: There are a couple of options for a stimula- Fig 12•14 Electrode placement to obtain dorsiflexion.
tor. A portable stimulator with a foot switch can be Placement will vary between patients, and the clinician
may need to try several different placements before
used. The foot switch is placed in the shoe under obtaining the desired response.
the patient’s heel. With the switch in place, the FES
will be activated when pressure is removed from it
during terminal stance/preswing. Another option is Patient position: If possible, position the knee in a
to use one of the commercially available devices position that mimics terminal stance, since that is
designed specifically for foot drop (WalkAide or when the FES needs to be activated. The orienta-
NESS L300). tion of the skin to the peroneal nerve can change
Pulse duration: 200–350 µsec with the position of the knee. You may need to
Frequency: 30–40 pps readjust the electrode position once the patient is
Amplitude: Enough to achieve sufficient dorsiflexion standing.
for foot clearance. Treatment monitoring: Monitor response to the treat-
Ramp time: None, since contraction needs to occur ment by observing her gait.
Duration: Timed with gait. Monitor patient for fatigue
of dorsiflexors.
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324 Clinical Applications of Modalities

option and is more widely used in Europe. Due to the

Box 12•9 Critical Considerations for
power output required to cycle outdoors and muscle Using FES Cycling in the Clinic
fatigue, cycling distance is limited. Nevertheless, one
• Set initial stimulation levels lower for patients with remaining
study added a motor to a cycle in order to provide
power from the legs through FES and through the • Encourage volitional movement if present as long as it doesn’t
motor.101 interfere with the cycling motion (i.e., if volitional movement
causes significant spasticity during cycling).
Upper extremity cycling is another technique that • Typical muscles are quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteal muscles,
has recently been used for people with tetraplegia. but others may be possible, depending on patient needs and
the cycle being used.
Using the RT300 FES Cycle, an arm attachment can be
• Cycling for 30 to 60 minutes, three times per week is supported
added to provide unilateral FES to up to six muscles by the literature for patients with SCI. Cycling five times a week
around the shoulder, elbow, and wrist, or it can provide is reported but may be overly fatiguing.
• Typical cycling cadence (speed) is 40 to 50 rpm with resistance
bilateral FES to three muscles per upper extremity. increasing as the patient is able.
There is no research with this specific device; however, • Read the precautions and contraindications for the FES cycle
that is being used.
one study102 with a different device reported gains in
oxygen uptake and power output for one subject with
C6 tetraplegia, and power output only for another sub-
ject, also with C6 tetraplegia. In that study, only the be comparable to those achieved with combined FES
bilateral biceps and triceps were stimulated. cycling/upper extremity exercise and upper extremity
When initiating an FES exercise program, there are exercise alone.
several decisions to be made in regard to stimulation
levels, which muscle to stimulate, and treatment Biofeedback
dosage. Typically there is a preset limit on the current
level, and the cycle will adjust the amplitude delivered Biofeedback (Fig. 12-15) is another option for improv-
based upon the cadence (speed) that the user is trying ing function in patients with neurological conditions,
to maintain. For example, the patient may have a target and it can be combined with FES. For this technique,
cadence of 50 rpm and a maximum amplitude
of 140 mA. If the patient can cycle at 50 rpm with
only 80 mA, the cycle won’t increase the amplitude.
However, if the legs start to slow down, the amplitude
will increase to keep the legs cycling at 50 rpm (Box 12-9).
FES Rowing
A newer FES exercise technique is FES-assisted row-
ing for people with SCI. It is currently not available in
the United States, but hopefully it will be in the
future. This technique starts with a standard rowing
ergometer and makes modifications to the seating to
accommodate the needs of people with SCI. The user
pulls back on the rowing handle and activates a but-
ton on the handle to turn on the stimulation to the
quadriceps. The amount of pressure through the but-
ton determines the amount of stimulation delivered.
The user then slowly releases the button to return to
the flexed position. One study103 showed gains in oxy-
gen uptake and distance rowed after a program of FES Fig 12•15 This figure displays biofeedback to the biceps
and triceps muscles. This technique could be used to
rowing sessions performed for 30 minutes, three times teach a patient to contract the biceps while relaxing the
per week for 12 weeks. The increases were reported to triceps. (Courtesy © 2010 Thought
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A 45-year-old man with a T8 complete spinal cord a preset speed (usually 40 to 50 revolutions per
injury is concerned about his health and fitness. He minute). A common maximum amplitude is 140 mA
has gained 10 pounds in the past year and feels that for each muscle.
he has become more sedentary. He also complains Ramp time: None, since contraction needs to occur
about increased fatigue with pushing his wheelchair. quickly.
Duration: Goal is to improve endurance to achieve
30 to 60 minutes of cycling, 3 days per week.
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be
improved with the use of FES? 5. What are the proper (i.e., effective and safe) appli-
Answer: This patient may benefit from FES cycling to cation procedures for FES related to this case
improve his fitness level. example?
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of FES (i.e.,
Electrode application: Electrodes are placed bilater-
do any of the general precautions or contraindica-
ally on the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteal
tions to FES apply, or are there any specific consid-
muscles. Attach the stimulation cables correctly, as
erations regarding application of FES to this
the cycle turns the proper muscles off and on
through the cable. If connected incorrectly, the
Answer: Considerations for FES cycling include
wrong pattern will occur.
osteoporosis, decreased sensation, spasticity, res-
Patient position: If the patient is using a cycle with-
piratory status, skin integrity, and any preexisting
out a seat (e.g., RT300), the patient will remain
medical issues.
seated in his wheelchair for cycling. It is recom-
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the mended that his knees have a minimum flexion
use of FES? angle of 30° to 45° while cycling. Place his feet on
Answer: Improvements in fitness levels (i.e., oxygen the pedals and secure them with the straps over the
uptake, resting heart rate), bone density, and mus- foot and the calf.
cle volume. A functional goal could be to improve Treatment monitoring: Monitor his response to the
his endurance for functional tasks (i.e., wheelchair treatment by watching blood pressure and heart
propulsion). rate. Suspend treatment if he exceeds safe
changes in these responses to the exercise and
4. What specific parameters of FES would be appro-
decrease the stimulation intensity.
priate for the patient?
Postinspection: Inspect the skin under the straps
and any bony prominence that was in contact with
Pulse duration: 150–400 µsec
the wheelchair while cycling (i.e., low back, ischial
Frequency: 30–40 pps
tuberosities). Extra care needs to be taken with his
Amplitude: Enough to achieve the cycling motion.
skin due to his lack of sensation.
FES cycles usually have a limit that can be set, and
the stimulation will adjust to keep the legs cycling at

the patient can volitionally activate a muscle by trying who have had a stroke;104 however, the studies to date are
to reach a target EMG amplitude. The FES can then small, not well designed, and report varying outcomes,
complete any remainder of the motion that the patient which makes comparisons difficult. A few studies have
is unable to finish. This combined technique allows the reported clinical changes after stroke patients followed a
patient to obtain feedback about the level of volitional program of EMG biofeedback. One study105 reported
activation and do as much as possible, but still have suf- greater improvements in upper extremity ROM and
ficient force generation to perform the functional task. function for subjects at least 6 months after their stroke
Biofeedback has been used as a tool to aid recovery who had biofeedback added to a 1-year program of occu-
following stroke, teach new movement patterns, and pational therapy (OT) and FES. Subjects receiving only
decrease bladder dysfunction. Current evidence does not OT and FES also made gains, but not as much as those
show support for the technique when used in patients receiving OT, FES, and biofeedback.
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326 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Other studies have examined biofeedback for other the added biofeedback training showed reductions in gas-
populations. In ambulatory subjects with incomplete trocnemius spasticity and increases in active ROM at the
SCI, biofeedback training for the gluteus medius muscle ankle. Biofeedback combined with traditional training
during gait led to significant reductions in their did not provide greater improvements in gait over the tra-
Trendelenburg gait pattern. The biofeedback device in ditional program alone.107 However, biofeedback was not
this study gave the subjects feedback if they were insuffi- used during gait, suggesting specificity of treatment.
ciently activating the gluteus medius muscle while walk- These few studies show that biofeedback may be a
ing.106 For children with CP, a program of biofeedback to useful tool in the clinic with patients with neurological
increase activity (excitation) of the anterior tibialis mus- conditions. The same principles for use with any popu-
cles and to decrease the activity (inhibition) of the gas- lation can be applied, either for trying to facilitate
trocnemius muscles was added to a more traditional desired motion, to inhibit unwanted motion, or to
strengthening and functional program. Children who had improve a functional task.


A 35-year-old woman with MS wants to work on walk- plantar flexors in order to set the targets for the
ing without her ankle foot orthosis. She can inconsis- EMG activity level. Since she is weak, sensitivity of
tently activate her dorsiflexors while walking and while the signal from the dorsiflexors should be high to
seated, but she often coactivates both the dorsiflexors start (low gain) so that you can detect muscular
and the plantar flexors when she tries to dorsiflex her contractions. Sensitivity to the plantar flexors will
ankle. Her goal is to gain enough control of her ankle likely need to be set lower, as this muscle is very
muscles so that she can walk around her home with- active. However, the sensitivity may need to be
out her ankle-foot orthosis. increased if her attempts to decrease the activity
are not being detected. Auditory and visual feed-
back may both be used. Visual alone may not
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be
be sufficient if she has visual disturbances related
improved with the use of biofeedback?
to MS.
Answer: This patient may benefit from biofeedback
to increase the activity of her dorsiflexors and 5. What are the proper (i.e., effective and safe) appli-
decrease the unwanted activation of her plantar cation procedures for biofeedback related to this
flexors. case example?
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of biofeed-
Electrode application: Dorsiflexors: Two electrodes
back (i.e., do any of the general precautions or con-
over the muscle belly of the anterior tibialis. The
traindications to biofeedback apply, or are there any
electrodes should be placed far apart, as the mus-
specific considerations regarding application of
cle is weak and you want to detect electrical activ-
biofeedback to this patient)?
ity from a greater volume of the muscle. Plantar flex-
Answer: Considerations include the amount of voli-
ors: Two electrodes placed closer together over the
tional activity that she has in the muscles and her
gastrocnemius muscle. The close placement is
innervation status.
needed, as the muscle is likely very active; you want
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the her to focus on a small area of the muscle at a time.
use of biofeedback? Patient position: If her proprioception is impaired, she
Answer: Improved control of her ankle muscles and may need to be able to see her ankle, so the sitting
the ability to walk at home without an ankle-foot position will likely be the best choice to start. Once
orthosis. she gains control, biofeedback can be attempted in
4. What specific parameters of biofeedback would be
Treatment monitoring: Monitor her response to the
appropriate for the patient?
treatment and adjust the sensitivity as needed to
Answer: An assessment needs to be done as to her
obtain the best signal.
ability to activate the dorsiflexors and to relax the
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chapter 13
Pain and Limited Motion
Stephanie C. Petterson, PT, MPT, PhD |
Susan L. Michlovitz, PT, PhD, CHT

ain and loss of motion, whether from disease or
CLINICAL REASONING injury, are two of the most common impairments
SOURCES OF PAIN MEDIATION treated by rehabilitation practitioners. The causes
Peripheral Nociceptive of pain and loss of motion are multifaceted and need to
Peripheral Neurogenic be considered in selecting modalities to address these
Central Pain impairments. This chapter will discuss the use of
Pain Related to Sympathetic Nervous System modalities in intervention plans that are designed for
Affective Pain
pain control and for increasing motion due to reduced
joint mobility and range of motion (ROM).
Edema and Pain Following Injury
Joint Stiffness Associated With Arthritis
Joint Contracture Following Injury and Immobilization Clinical Reasoning
Pain is considered one of the most challenging impair-
Pain Interview ments to remediate because of the complex physiologi-
Pain Rating Scales cal mechanisms involved in the normal response to
Body Diagrams or Pain Drawings pain as well as maladaptive pain states that frequently
The McGill Pain Questionnaire occur in persistent or chronic pain conditions. The
Reduction in Pain Medications
variable nature of the pain associated with muscu-
MOBILITY AND RANGE OF MOTION ASSESSMENT loskeletal injuries, disease processes, and medical condi-
MODALITY INTERVENTIONS: USE OF MODALITIES tions of other body systems contributes to the challenge
of measuring and evaluating pain. A comprehensive
Thermotherapy assessment of pain and motion will enhance the devel-
Ultrasound opment of an appropriate plan of care, including the
Electroanalgesia judicious use of modalities. Consequences of injury,
Laser Therapy immobilization, and arthritis include loss of joint
Transdermal Delivery of Medications or Other Substances
mobility and range of motion. Intervention strategies
ASSOCIATED IMPAIRMENTS are based upon examination findings and knowledge of
USE OF MODALITIES TO INCREASE MOTION the course of recovery from injury.
Contractures From Burn Scar
AND PRECAUTIONS Sources of Pain Mediation
CONTROL AND LOSS OF MOTION During the examination, the practitioner will develop a
SELECTION OF THE APPROPRIATE MODALITY FOR PAIN hypothesis about the primary source and nature of the
MODULATION OR LOSS OF MOTION patient’s pain impairment. Frequently this is easily

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334 Clinical Applications of Modalities

determined by the referral diagnosis or history of source of pain mediation is most commonly associated
present illness. It may be more difficult to determine the with acute inflammation and tissue damage, pain is
primary source of pain mediation in patients with expected to subside as healing occurs. Failure to heal
long-standing pain complaints. The International may lead to the development of chronic or persistent
Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) has developed a pain. Pain following surgery is a specific type of noci-
classification system for pain that includes definitions for ceptive pain. Common therapy interventions used to
pain terms and descriptions of pain syndromes.1 This modulate pain, such as rest, modalities, and therapeutic
established taxonomy enhances communication in the exercise, are usually effective in reducing pain.
scientific literature and clinical practice. Gifford and
Nociceptive pain is regarded as acute
Butler2 have used the components of the IASP classifica-
somatic pain that serves as a warning signal of tissue
tion system to promote clinical reasoning among practi-
tioners about the primary source of pain mediation in
patients whose chief complaint is pain. This is presented
as one way to organize thoughts about examination and Peripheral Neurogenic
intervention strategies for pain management. This source of pain is an injury or dysfunction in the
Determining the source of the pain mediation allows peripheral nervous system.1,2 Lesions or areas of dys-
practitioners to develop an effective plan of care to man- function are referred to as abnormal impulse generator
age pain symptoms. Table 13-1 outlines these concepts. sites (AIGS). Pain is mediated by mechanical or chemi-
cal stimulation of injured neural tissue. Examples of
Peripheral Nociceptive this source of pain mediation are radicular pain associ-
This source of pain lies with injured musculoskeletal ated with spinal dysfunction and pain associated with
tissues.1,2 Nociceptors located in the injured tissue are peripheral nerve entrapment, such as with carpal tunnel
stimulated by noxious chemical, mechanical, or ther- syndrome. The nature of the pain is localized to the
mal stimuli associated with inflammation and tissue nerve root or peripheral nerve sensory distribution and
healing. Peripheral nociceptive fibers (A delta and is usually accompanied by other sensory abnormalities
C fibers) transmit this noxious stimulation to the dor- such as paresthesia. The quality of the pain is often
sal horn, and these impulses are cortically interpreted as described as “sharp” and “shooting.” Common therapy
pain. This type of pain mediation is sharp and well interventions used to modulate pain, such as rest,
localized to the area of tissue damage. Because this modalities, and therapeutic exercise, should be effective

Table 13•1 Sources of Pain Mediation and Suggested Interventions

Primary Pain Source Location(s) of Lesion(s) Nature of Pain Suggested Intervention
Peripheral nociceptive • Injury to musculoskeletal or skin/ • Sharp, well localized • Rest
subcutaneous tissue • Subsides as healing occurs • Modalities
• Acute inflammation due to tissue • Therapeutic exercise
• Postoperative pain
Peripheral neurogenic • Radicular pain from spinal dysfunc- • Paresthesia and pain • Rest
tion • Localized to sensory distribution • Modalities
• Entrapment neuropathy, such as • Sharp, shooting • Therapeutic exercise
carpal tunnel syndrome
Central pain • Central nervous system lesion • Inconsistent • Pharmacological agents
• Often little correlation between stimulus • Behavior modification
and response • Modalities not likely helpful
Pain related to sympathetic • Sympathetic nervous system • Intense burning • Modalities
nervous system • Out of proportion to expectations follow- • Pharmacological agents
ing injury • Therapeutic exercise
• Vasomotor instability • Functional activities
Affective pain • Limbic system • Pain behaviors linked to pain tolerance • Patient education
• Modalities not likely helpful
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Pain and Limited Motion 335

if the pain is treated early after onset. Long-standing

Box 13•1 Complex Regional Pain
nerve injury may require surgical decompression or Syndrome
may result in a chronic pain condition.
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain condi-
Central Pain tion that most commonly affects upper or lower extremities.
It is characterized by severe pain, changes in skin, and sweating.
This pain is mediated by a lesion or dysfunction within There is no obvious nerve damage in type I CRPS or RSD,
whereas nerve damage is present in type II CRPS or causalgia.
the central nervous system (CNS).1,2 It is theorized that The primary symptom of CRPS is intense burning pain associ-
there is an abnormal sensitivity or discharge of CNS ated with vasomotor instability.1 Causalgia is identified when this
type of pain occurs with a known peripheral nerve injury. The pain
neurons or synapses.3 The nature of these pain symp-
is usually localized to the sensory distribution of the peripheral
toms is inconsistent; pain differs in characteristics from nerve. The diagnosis of RSD is given when it is unknown if there
the peripheral sources of pain. There is usually little or is any peripheral nerve involvement. Although this type of pain
mediation may be seen in any body region, it is more common in
no correlation between stimulus and response. Sudden the distal extremities. Complex regional pain syndromes identified
incidences of unprovoked pain may occur due to abnor- early respond best to medical and therapeutic management.
Pain is primarily modulated by pharmaceuticals, and modalities
mal CNS nociceptor activity. Abnormal pain states,
may be used as an adjuvant intervention to facilitate patient par-
such as allodynia and hyperalgesia, are centrally medi- ticipation in therapeutic exercise and functional activity. Additional
ated.1,3 Common therapy interventions, such as modal- information on therapeutic intervention of CRPS is available.4,5

ities, are usually ineffective. Medical management, such

as pharmacological agents and behavior modification,
are key components of a structured and monitored plan individual can take. Variables that affect pain tolerance
of care that includes therapeutic intervention. include fatigue, lack of control, stress, and anxiety.6
Practitioners should determine if any of the factors that
Allodynia refers to pain provoked by a
modulate pain tolerance are present during the exami-
mechanical or static stimulus that does not typically
nation. Therapy interventions, such as patient educa-
cause pain. Pain may occur at a site away from the
tion about the rehabilitation process and positioning
stimulated area. Hyperalgesia refers to a heightened
during hours of sleep, may be extremely helpful in
response to a painful stimulus.
reducing some of the variables associated with pain tol-
Pain Related to Sympathetic erance and affective pain. Modalities are not likely to be
Nervous System as effective in pain modulation as addressing the factors
that influence pain tolerance.
The primary source of this type of pain is thought to be
a function of the sympathetic nervous system. Both
types of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) are
Sources of Loss of Mobility
linked to this source of pain mediation (Box 13-1):1,2 and Range of Motion
● CRPS type I (reflex sympathetic dystrophy, or Patients referred for therapy with musculoskeletal and
RSD) neuromuscular problems often have a loss of active or
● CRPS type II (causalgia) passive ROM. Chapter 1 provided an overview of the
principles of injury and tissue repair; this should serve
Affective Pain as a foundation for understanding tissue changes that
This source of pain is within the CNS and is primarily can lead to limited ROM. This section of the chapter
related to neurons or pathways concerned with affect or discusses the sources of loss of motion; later sections
emotion.1 The limbic system is likely to be involved in discuss the assessment of loss of motion and interven-
this source of pain mediation. Other sources of pain tion strategies.
mediation can be influenced by changes in the patient’s
emotional state or cognition. The pain behaviors dis- Edema and Pain Following Injury
played are related to the concept of pain tolerance. Swelling and pain following injury indicate an inflam-
Tolerance implies a question about how much pain an matory process. Both can limit motion. Edema fluid
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336 Clinical Applications of Modalities

within the interstitium of an arm or a leg can increase trauma. In both of these forms of arthritis, osteophytes
the volume of an extremity enough to mechanically (e.g., bony outgrowths) and loss of joint space will also
limit motion. In addition, prolonged fluid can lead to impinge on motion. Severe joint degeneration can lead
fibrosis of tissue, which in turn leads to motion losses. to joint instability. Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic
disorder associated with changes in the joint capsule’s
Joint Stiffness Associated With Arthritis synovial lining and the lining of tendon sheathes. Other
Arthritis causes degenerative changes to joints and con- systemic changes can occur. Table 13-2 outlines charac-
tracture of the periarticular joint structures.7 teristics of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Osteoarthritis, the “wear and tear” kind of arthritis, is Modalities may be used to increase ROM if joint space
the most common and is often associated with aging. is not reduced, if osteophytes are not impinging on
Traumatic arthritis can occur as a result of prolonged motion, and if there is no subluxation and instability (as
impact to joints (e.g., as a result of prolonged heavy in the case of rheumatoid arthritis). Intervention goals
labor jobs) or as a long-term consequence to joint for patients with arthritis are outlined in Box 13-2.

Table 13•2 Features of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis

Findings Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis
Joints Commonly Involved

Joint swelling Mild, hard tissue enlargement Common, synovial, symmetric arthritis, fewer than three joints involved
Morning stiffness Less than 30 minutes Often greater than 1 hr
Joint changes Osteophytes, asymmetric joint space narrowing Pannus (synovial membrane proliferation), instability, erosion
Sedimentation rate Normal or slightly elevated Elevated
Additional findings Heberden’s and Bouchard’s nodes Rheumatoid nodules
Baker’s cysts
Osteoporosis + Rheumatoid factor
Source: Adapted from Fields et al.6
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Pain and Limited Motion 337

Box 13•2 Potential Intervention Goals for Pain Assessment

Patient With Arthritis
Pain assessment is an integral part of a thorough clini-
• Decrease joint swelling*
• Decrease pain*
cal examination. The most basic assessment is to have
• Decrease stiffness* the patient describe their pain. However, many assess-
• Increase cardiovascular endurance ment tools have been designed to quantify and qualify
• Increase functional mobility
• Increase muscle strength* the pain experience and to determine the impact of
• Increase ROM* pain on functional capacity. Several factors should be
• Promote weight loss
considered when reporting and interpreting pain infor-
* Indicates goal where modality intervention may be appropriate.
mation. These include the patient’s age, ethnicity, cog-
nitive status, and reading ability. Specific tools to meas-
Joint Contracture Following Injury ure pain in infants, children, and adolescents have been
and Immobilization developed. A child’s stage of development and ability to
A variety of injuries and conditions can lead to joint self-report pain complaints are significant considera-
contracture and soft tissue adhesions (Box 13-3). tions when selecting appropriate pain assessment meas-
Following joint surgery for reconstructing ligament ures.9 Ethnicity can also play a role in the pain experi-
injuries and other soft tissue problems, joint motion ence, influencing reports of perceived pain and the
will often be limited and contracture can occur. The utilization of pain interventions.10 Cognitive level and
effects of injury and immobilization on soft tissue emotional status likewise affect the reliability of the
involve structural changes in length of collagen fibers, pain assessment. Information provided by numeric
random reorganization of collagen fibers, and biochem- scales may be more reliable in patients who are illiterate
ical changes leading to reduction of water content and or who have poor cognition than information provided
glycosaminoglycans.8 In an ideal situation, contracture from multidimensional or functional pain assessment
will be minimized; if not, interventions need to be questionnaires.11
employed to restore motion. The selection of the appropriate measure is also
dependent on the dimension of pain you are trying to
Assessment of Pain and Loss capture. Table 13-3 identifies common pain instru-
of Motion ments with the appropriate dimension of pain. Most of
the measures described in this section assess only one
Tests and measurements have been developed to quan- dimension of pain. These measures usually work well in
tify pain and to attempt to objectify the pain experience clinical practice when the patient’s pain complaint is
and to quantify loss of motion. First, we will discuss relatively straightforward, such as in postoperative pain
pain assessment and then continue with examination or peripheral nociceptive pain associated with a recent
strategies for joint stiffness and contractures. The ankle sprain. For complex or chronic pain cases, multi-
emphasis for this chapter is on pain assessment; there is dimensional measures, such as region- or condition-
abundant information in physical therapy texts on specific self-report questionnaires, are more beneficial.
motion assessment. Frequently, these types of outcome measures integrate
an intensity pain measure with certain functional activ-
ities at specific points in time. One limitation to the
Box 13•3 Conditions Associated With region- or condition-specific questionnaire is that it still
Joint Contracture limits the scope of pain assessment to a particular body
• Burns part and does not consider the impact of the pain expe-
• Fractures rience on the whole person. Additional questionnaires
• Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
• Prolonged inactivity or immobilization that expand the scope of pain intensity and the impact
• Scarring following injury on physical function should also be considered with
• Spasticity
complex or chronic pain patients. These questionnaires
• Tenosynovitis (inflammation of a tendon and its sheath)
may provide information about the impact of the pain
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338 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Table 13•3 Pain Dimension in Relation

Pain Rating Scales
to Assessment Measures Many rating scales have been suggested in the literature
Dimension of Pain Assessed Pain Measure Used as a way to measure the intensity of the patient’s
Spatial (location) Body diagram pain.11,15–17 These pain-rating scales are relatively quick
Intensity (how much) Rating scale
Patient interview
and easy to administer. They can be presented in a ver-
Quality or nature Patient interview bal or visual format. Rating scales can be used as part of
Temporal Patient interview the initial assessment of pain as well as before, during,
Pain diary or after therapy interventions. The information gained
Repeated rating scales
from the rating scales is momentary and may therefore
Repeated pain drawings
Impairments or disability Patient interview provide the practitioner with only limited information
Self-report questionnaires regarding the effectiveness of a particular intervention
Multidimensional Patient interview in providing overall pain relief.
McGill Pain Questionnaire To administer a verbal numeric rating scale, the prac-
Self-report questionnaires
titioner generally asks the patient to rate his pain on a
scale of 0 to 10, with 0 referring to no pain and 10 being
the worst pain that the patient has ever experienced. This
on the patient’s emotional, psychological, and social 11-point scale is commonly used in clinical practice.
adaptations to persistent pain.12 Several resources are A 101-point scale16 that assesses pain intensity on a scale
available for obtaining additional information on from 0 (no pain) to 100 (pain as bad as it could be) may
multidimensional pain measures and self-report ques- be more responsive to change, but it may be more diffi-
tionnaires related to pain, functional limitations, and cult for patients to select a number.17 Spadoni and col-
disability.13–15 leagues11 developed an 11-point numeric pain intensity
measure, the P4, which has the patient rate pain intensity
Region- or condition-specific assessment
at four different time points over a 2-day period: morn-
scales are limited to evaluating a particular body part.
ing, afternoon, evening, and with activity. The P4
Information regarding the impact on the social and
demonstrated better ability to assess change in pain inten-
mental components of health is often lacking.
sity than a single-item, 11-point numeric rating scale.
There are several versions of the visual analog scale
Pain Interview (VAS). Commonly, there is a 10-cm horizontal or ver-
A key element of the clinical examination is a series of tical line that represents a range of levels of pain.15–17
questions regarding the patient’s perception of pain.15 The line may have no marks or descriptive words except
Questions should elicit information regarding the inten- at the ends of the line, which represent no pain or the
sity, quality, temporal aspects, and physical characteris- worst pain possible. The patient places a mark on the
tics of pain. Intensity is usually described in terms of the line, and the “intensity” is measured by the distance
severity of the pain. The quality of the pain may include that the point is placed from 0 in either centimeters or
such descriptions as burning, sharp, and stabbing. The millimeters. Other visual scales may place more word
temporal aspects of pain include whether the pain is descriptors along the continuum. The patient places a
constant or intermittent. They may also include the mark on the line. In pediatrics, the use of facial expres-
time of day the pain is better or worse and what activi- sions that vary from happy to sad instead of descriptor
ties seem to exacerbate it. The physical characteristics of words or numbers is frequently used.
pain refer to the location of the pain and whether it is A problem that may occur when using the rating
radiating, localized, or diffuse. When conducting the scales is that the patient may initially start marking near
interview, the practitioner needs to be careful not to ask or at the top end of the scale, indicating the worst pain,
leading questions. Broad-based questions (e.g., Do you and then the patient’s pain experience becomes worse
have pain at all times?) should also be avoided. during subsequent examinations. In this situation,
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there is no way to indicate the increased severity of The remaining parts include a body diagram and a
pain, unless other measures of pain as related to func- questionnaire regarding the temporal aspects of pain.
tion are used in addition.
Reduction in Pain Medications
Body Diagrams or Pain Drawings Usage of pain medications is another important com-
The patient or the practitioner can fill out a diagram ponent of assessing pain characteristics. Physicians,
of the human body with both front and back views.15 nurses, and practitioners will monitor pain medication
An enlarged diagram of a specific body part may be consumption when modalities are used to remediate
an appropriate alternative to a full-body diagram. pain, especially in postoperative cases. Although there
This would allow more detailed information regard- is no formal instrument for this dimension of pain
ing the location, intensity, and quality of the pain to assessment, observations of decreased use of pain
be illustrated. However, when examining a patient medications have been correlated with modality effec-
with complex or persistent pain, some practitioners tiveness.19–25 Consumption of pain medications should
prefer to use a full-body diagram to determine all be documented, including the type of pain medication,
potential pain complaints. Colored pencils, degrees dosage, frequency of administration, and time of intake.
of shading, or symbols can be used to represent the
intensity and the quality of the pain. (If notes must Mobility and Range of Motion
be sent for reimbursement purposes, remember to Assessment
photocopy on a color printer.) Numbness and pares-
thesia associated with pain can be included in this Assessing the patient’s loss of motion due to tissue
format by using different identification markings, changes may be more obvious than assessing pain.
such as dotted areas for paresthesia and crosshatches Through a structured examination, taking into
for areas of numbness. Letters, such as E and I, may account patient history and present condition, it may
be used to indicate whether pain is located externally be determined that a modality can be beneficial and
(superficial) or internally (deep). Numbers that indi- can be incorporated into an intervention for enhanc-
cate the intensity dimension of pain may be used to ing motion. The assessment of motion will lay the
give a numeric rating to the different areas of pain foundation for determining whether a modality can be
located on the diagram. used to facilitate an increase in ROM and which would
be most effective. There are numerous sources available
The McGill Pain Questionnaire to the practitioner on how to administer these tests
This specific pain questionnaire (Fig. 13-1) provides a and measures; therefore, they will not be reiterated in
comprehensive look at the multidimensional aspects of this chapter.26,27
pain.18 One part of the questionnaire involves word Scar tissue, particularly when crossing over a joint
descriptors for pain that are categorized and ranked in surface, can limit motion (Fig. 13-2). Recently, a self-
regard to quality and intensity. The patient selects only rated score for scarring following surgery has been
one word from each group of words. A particular group developed.28 The scale includes items to rate:
of words may be omitted if it does not match the ● Presence of symptoms (e.g., itch, red, painful)
patient’s perception of pain. The selection of the word ● Concern for each symptom (e.g., bothered by
descriptors provides information about the affective,
itch, tightness, pain, redness, height of scar)
cognitive, and sensory components of pain. Unfortunately, ● Pain at rest and during (hand) use
some of the words are complex and are not well under- ● Color
stood by patients.17 Another part of the questionnaire ● Scar compliance
includes a rating scale that could be a modified visual
analog scale or a present pain index (PPI). This consists Suggested clinical tests and measures for motion are
of a numeric value assigned to a descriptive word. outlined in Table 13-4.
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340 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Modality Interventions: Use of modalities are known to alleviate pain and inflamma-
tion; however, the specific underlying mechanisms are
Modalities for Pain Modulation
not well understood. The concept of counterirritation
The rationale for the use of heat and cold for pain con- is probably similar to the gate control theory.29 The
trol is largely based on clinical observation. These increased firing rate of thermoreceptors within the

1. Where is your pain?

Please mark, on the drawings below, the areas where you feel pain.
Put E if external, or I if internal, near the areas which you mark.
Put EI if both external and internal.

2. Please mark on the scale how much pain you have.


Fig 13•1 Adapted from 1, 2, and 3 of the McGill Pain Questionnaire. Included are (1) a body diagram to be marked by
the patient and (2) a visual analogue scale to quantify pain. Word descriptors that provide a quantitative description of
pain are included in (3) the Pain Rating Index.
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Pain and Limited Motion 341

Fig 13•1 Cont’d

3. Pain Rating Index

There are many words that describe pain. From the list below, select only those words
that describe your pain as it feels right now. Only select one word in each column, and
only if it applies to your pain. YOU DO NOT NEED TO MARK A WORD IN EVERY

1. 2. 3. 4.
Flickering Jumping Pricking Sharp
Quivering Flashing Boring Cutting
Pulsing Shooting Drilling Lacerating
Throbbing Stabbing

5. 6. 7. 8.
Pinching Tugging Hot Tingling
Pressing Pulling Burning Itchy
Gnawing Wrenching Scalding Smarting
Cramping Searing Stinging

9. 10. 11. 12.

Dull Tender Tiring Sickening
Sore Taut Exhausting Suffocating
Hurting Rasping
Aching Splitting

13. 14. 15. 16.

Fearful Punishing Wretched Annoying
Frightful Grueling Blinding Troublesome
Terrifying Cruel Miserable
Vicious Intense
Killing Unbearable

17. 18. 19. 20.

Spreading Tight Cool Nagging
Radiating Numb Cold Nauseating
Penetrating Drawing Freezing Agonizing
Piercing Squeezing Dreadful
Tearing Torturing
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342 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Too little Excessive Cryotherapy—the use of modalities to lower tissue
temperatures—can be used for pain management and
Delayed healing
treatment (Fig. 13-3). Cold may reduce the painful
Contracture Adhesion Hypertrophic scar/keloid response to injury by reducing blood flow and pre-
venting the excessive release of chemical mediators
associated with inflammation. A variety of cold
Cosmesis issues and limitation of function
modalities can be used, including ice packs, ice mas-
Fig 13•2 Potential consequences of scar tissue.
sage, frozen gel packs, and vapor coolant sprays. (See
Chapter 2 for a more detailed description of cold
Table 13•4 Assessment Measures modalities.)
for Motion Limitation: Cryotherapy can increase pain threshold and toler-
Differentiation of Tissues ance. The analgesic effect of tissue cooling may
Causing Limited Motion raise pain threshold and reduce muscle spasms via
Motion-Limiting Factor Technique for Assessment neuromuscular and hemodynamic mechanisms. A
Scar Scar assessment
reduction in tissue temperature causes vasoconstriction
Scar self-assessment28
Describe scar (keloid versus hypertrophic of the surrounding vessels, reducing blood flow to the
scar), scar color (hyperemia, pale) injured area and decreasing bleeding and the inflamma-
Edema Girth measurement with tape measure tory response. By limiting this inflammatory response,
Figure-of-eight measurement (for foot and
ankle, hand and wrist)
Water displacement technique with volume-
ter (for foot and ankle; hand and wrist)
Muscle length Compare joint motion with muscle slack-
ened and muscle lengthened
Active insufficiency Comparison of active and
(e.g., muscle passive ROM of joint
or loss of tendon
Periarticular joint Comparison of active and passive ROM
structures of joint
(joint contracture)
Joint mobility testing: accessory motions

cutaneous tissue may block the input from the primary A

nociceptive afferents to the dorsal horn. Pain may be

modulated by affecting the pain-muscle spasm-pain
cycle. When at least one component of the cycle is
removed, pain may be reduced. Reduction of muscle
spasm has been described for both heat and cold.30–33
Although this may be an effective manner for decreas-
ing pain, the intensity of the thermal agent should be
monitored to avoid dosages that cause thermal damage
to the soft tissues.
According to the opinion of the Philadelphia
Panel,34 which evaluated the use of thermotherapy for B
spine, knee, and shoulder conditions, pain modulation
Fig 13•3 Lateral epicondylitis. (A) Ice massage to the
via both heat and cold is short-lived. Most of the heat lateral elbow. (B) Transverse friction massage to the area
studies reviewed used short application heat therapy. of lateral epicondylitis.
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fewer irritants are released in the injured area, mediating warranting the use of superficial cold modalities for
the pain response. Tissue cooling also reduces nerve pain management. Continuous cooling of the hip for
conduction velocity, inhibits nociceptors, and decreases 4 days after total hip arthroplasty at a constant cool-
muscle spasms.35 Nerve conduction velocity has been ing temperature of 5°C (41°F) immediately after sur-
shown to decrease by as much as 33% at tissue temper- gery had a positive effect on patient-reported postop-
atures of 10°C (50°F).36 By slowing the transmission of erative pain.37 If the pain source was located in the
pain signals, the transmission of pain by nociceptors deeper hip region, superficial cooling would not have
and pain fibers is reduced or blocked. been successful in mediating this pain. In addition,
Cryotherapy is commonly used for pain control continuous cooling may improve sleep quality (i.e.,
with acute soft tissue injuries. Ice is more effective less pain, more uninterrupted sleep) and improve tol-
than no ice, and it may be beneficial to apply cold erance to rehabilitation in the immediate postopera-
before therapeutic exercises for pain control.23 Studies tive phase.38
have also shown a reduced consumption of analgesic The use of controlled cooling devices for the man-
medications when cryotherapy is used in acute agement of postoperative pain has gained popularity in
injuries.23 There is a paucity of evidence to support the past decade.20–25 Table 13-5 presents an overview of
the optimal parameters for cold application (i.e., the studies that discuss the use of cryotherapy after sur-
duration of application, frequency of application, gery and other conditions.
mode of delivery). Therefore, clinical decisions must
be made based on a case by case basis, taking into Thermotherapy
account the injury, the patient’s response, and the best Thermotherapy—the use of modalities to raise tissue
evidence in the literature. temperatures—can also be utilized for pain manage-
The use of continuous cold application has been ment and treatment. Heating modalities include moist
shown to have a positive effect in postoperative hot packs, heating pads, warm whirlpools, short-wave
pain.37,38 Postoperative pain may be more related to diathermy, continuous ultrasound, and pulsed ultra-
incisional pain and the surrounding superficial tissues, sound with parameters sufficient to elevate tissue

Table 13•5 Literature Using Cryotherapy for Pain Modulation

Authors Population Method Results
Morsi, 200219 Postoperative total Staged bilateral total knee replacements. Continuous- Lower VAS score and analgesic con-
knee arthroplasty flow cooling device applied immediately postoperatively sumption noted with cooling device.
for 6 days on one knee, but not the other knee when the
same surgery was performed on the same patient
weeks later.
Hochberg, 200120 Postoperative carpal Controlled cold therapy compared with conventional ice Lower VAS score and analgesic con-
tunnel release therapy for 3 days postoperatively. sumption noted with cooling device.
Barber , 2000125 Postoperative ACL Randomized, controlled trial comparing continuous flow Lower pain measures (VAS, Likert
reconstruction cold to crushed ice. Cryotherapy was applied for 3 days, scale), decreased use of analgesic
then “as needed” for an additional 4 days. medication, greater usage, greater
knee flexion, and higher self-rated
performance in the continuous cold
Fountas et al., 1999126 Postoperative lumbar Randomized, controlled trial comparing the use of a cold Significant reduction in postoperative
microdiscectomy (18°C [64°F]) pain, earlier ambulation, and shorter
5% bacitracin solution for 5 minutes followed by length of hospital stay.
cooling with a microtemperature pump for 24 hours
after surgery.
Kullenberg et al., 2006127 Postoperative total Prospective study comparing cold compression or Less pain, greater knee flexion ROM,
knee arthroplasty epidural analgesia for 3 days after TKA. and shorted hospital stay in the cold
compression group.
Sellwood et al., 2007128 Delayed-onset mus- Prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled trial No differences in pain, tenderness,
cle soreness follow- comparing body submersion in ice water (5⫾1°C isometric strength, swelling, hop-for-
ing eccentric training [41°F]) or tepid water (24°C [75°F]) distance or serum creatine kinase.
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344 Clinical Applications of Modalities

temperature.39 (See Chapter 3 for a more detailed continuous short-wave diathermy (SWD) was made for
description of heating agents.) trigger-point therapy.43 Moist heat packs or SWD were
The primary mechanism of pain control through the administered for 20 minutes over trigger points in the
use of heating agents is vasodilation. Increased blood thoracic, lumbar, or gluteal region. Heat was adjusted
flow as a result of vasodilation may facilitate healing by to patient tolerance. Pain was measured at the trigger
supplying nutrients to the wounded area and removing points by tolerable grams of pressure from a pressure
pain-inducing chemical mediators known to activate or algometer. Both moist heat packs and SWD were
sensitize nociceptors. Heating also improves soft tissue effective in reducing pain at the most sensitive
extensibility, which can reduce soft tissue tension’s con- trigger points. SWD was more effective in treating less-
tribution to the pain response. Conversely, heating an sensitive trigger points.
area of acute inflammation may further exacerbate Williams and colleagues44 compared the use of
movement of plasma proteins and fluids into the inter- moist heat packs and exercise versus ice packs and exer-
stitial tissue, which may facilitate activation of nocicep- cise on patients with rheumatoid arthritis of the shoul-
tors by chemical mediators. Sound clinical decision- der. Both the ice and heat groups demonstrated
making is important to facilitate rather than impede the decreases in pain and increases in shoulder range of
healing process when considering heat for pain control. motion, and there were no significant differences
Selection of superficial versus deep heating modali- between groups. These findings suggest that either heat
ties is dependent on the target tissues. Continuous- or cold can be of benefit before exercise in this scenario
wave ultrasound (US) and short-wave diathermy are or that the heat or cold provided no added benefit to
capable of affecting structures deeper than 2 centime- exercise.
ters under the skin and therefore may be more effective When treating a patient with pain, muscle spasm, or
than conductive heating agents in relieving joint and both, the patient’s position for intervention must be
muscle pain. carefully selected and should be as comfortable as pos-
The ease of joint movement secondary to the sible, particularly considering that the patient may need
increase in collagen extensibility associated with heating to remain in this position for up to 30 minutes. If mus-
may add to the patient’s perception of decreased pain cle spasm is present, the muscle(s) should not be in a
and allow the patient to participate in therapeutic exer- position of “undue stretch” until some pain relief has
cise. Published clinical papers on the use of hot packs occurred. If the patient has joint pain, the joint should
for patients with adhesive capsulitis40 and paraffin for be positioned in an open-packed position, with the
patients with rheumatoid arthritis41 support this phe- ligaments and joint capsule in a slackened position.26 In
nomenon. In addition, the use of thermal agents before this position, intra-articular pressure and stress on joint
isokinetic exercises in women with knee osteoarthritis structures will be lessened.45
has been shown to have a positive effect on exercise per- Another option to reduce pain and increase flexibil-
formance, pain, and function. Hot packs used in con- ity is through the use of wearable heat wraps, which
junction with a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimula- are designed for self-application. (The use and design
tion or short-wave diathermy have been shown to have of these heat wraps are discussed in Chapter 3.) A num-
a more favorable outcome than ultrasound.42 ber of studies (Table 13-6) have examined the use
Easing pain symptoms and raising pain threshold of these wraps in managing low back pain and other
can be justification for giving a heat modality before conditions.46–49
exercising, posture training, or gait training if it
increases patient participation. Muscle guarding spasm Ultrasound
can perpetuate pain and limited motion. Alleviating the There is a lack of evidence from well-designed, con-
spasm can be accomplished by using a heat modality. trolled, randomized studies that ultrasound is effective
Some older studies are worth reviewing, because they in pain modulation for conditions other than calcific
may spark interest in further areas of research. For tendonitis of the shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome, or
example, a comparison between moist heat packs and rheumatoid arthritis. A meta-analysis by Gam and
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Table 13•6 Literature Using Continuous Low-Level Heat Therapy

for Pain Modulation
Authors Population Method Results That Support Use
Mayer et al., 2006129 Subjects without low back pain Prevention substudy: randomized Prevention substudy: Heat wrap group had less pain and
who performed an eccentric to heat wrap 4 hours before and disability and greater self-reported physical function.
exercise program to elicit low 4 hours after exercise or a con- Treatment substudy: Greater pain relief with the heat
back delayed-onset muscle trol group. wrap. No significant differences in disability or self-
soreness (DOMS) Treatment substudy: randomized reported function.
to heat wrap or cold between
18 to 42 hours postexercise.
Michlovitz et al., 200446 Wrist sprains and strains (SS), Randomized to heat wrap 8-hr Pain relief and increased grip strength (day 3) for SS/OA
osteoarthritis (OA), carpal wear over 3 days and placebo heat group; pain relief, increased grip strength,
tunnel syndrome (CTS) analgesic. decreases stiffness and CTS symptoms (Boston Carpal
Tunnel Scales*) for CTS heat group.
Nadler et al., 200348 Acute nonspecific low back Randomized to continuous low- Self-reported pain reduction and decrease in muscle
pain (no traumatic injury within level heat wrap group 8-hr wear stiffness in heat wrap group.
last 48 hrs) or acetaminophen/ibuprofen Both groups reported decreased perceived disability.
Nadler et al., 200349 Acute nonspecific low back Randomized to heat wrap during Heat wrap group had pain relief throughout the next
pain sleep or oral placebo for 3 day, reduced muscle stiffness and disability, and
consecutive nights. improved trunk flexibility.

Johannsen50 and systematic reviews by Robertson and tionship between these modalities and pain modulation
Baker51 and van der Windt and colleagues52 demon- as well as their effect on improving functional outcome.
strated that randomized, controlled clinical trials gener-
ally do not support the use of ultrasound as an inter- Electroanalgesia
vention to decrease pain in musculoskeletal disorders, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
such as knee osteoarthritis53,54 and patellofemoral pain uses externally applied electrical stimulation with sur-
syndrome.55 These conclusions are enlightening, par- face electrodes (Fig. 13-4). TENS has been commonly
ticularly considering the frequency with which ultra- used to describe pain suppression with electrotherapy
sound is used in many outpatient facilities. The since Melzack and Wall proposed the gate theory in
Philadelphia Panel, composed of health-care practition- 1965.66 Electroanalgesia is a general term that describes
ers from physical therapy and medicine, concluded the outcome of using electrical stimulation or TENS
from their systemic reviews that ultrasound may offer for pain modulation.67
some benefit in the management of shoulder pain. This Three modes, or levels, of stimulation have been
group also concluded that there was either no evidence described to promote electroanalgesia. Sensory- or
or insufficient evidence to recommend the use of ultra- motor-level stimulations are commonly used to modu-
sound for pain management of low back, neck, or knee late peripheral nociceptive or neurogenic mediated
conditions.34 Evidence also supports the use of ultra- pain. These modes of stimulation may be produced
sound for rheumatoid arthritis with purported benefits using pulsed current generators, interferential current
that include a decrease in the number of swollen and (IFC) devices, and high-volt pulsed current (HVPC)
painful joints, improved ROM and stiffness, and units. Noxious-level stimulation is recommended when
improved grip strength.56 Table 13-7 presents a sample other methods of pain modulation have failed or when
of the literature that supports or refutes the use of ultra- managing CRPS or centrally mediated pain.
sound for pain modulation in the past two Overall, the evidence is inconclusive for the use of
decades.57–65 TENS for pain control. Comparison of the effects
Additional research is needed with thermotherapy on pain is problematic, because it is difficult to catego-
and ultrasound in clinical populations, controlling rize the different types of pain or pain syndromes.
for placebo when possible, to determine the causal rela- Inconsistent terminology, parameter selection, or
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346 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Table 13•7 Literature Using Ultrasound (US) for Pain Modulation

Authors Population Method Results That Support or Refute Use
Dogru et al., 2008130 Adhesive capsulitis Randomized trial of US and sham US. No significant differences between groups at
of the shoulder 3 months in pain or shoulder pain and disability
index (SPADI) score.
Ainsworth et al., 2007131 Shoulder pain Double-blind, randomized trial. Manual therapy No difference between groups at 6 weeks or
plus US or manual therapy plus sham US in 6 months on the Shoulder Disability
conjunction with home exercises. Questionnaire—UK.
Giombini et al., 2006132 Supraspinatus Randomized, controlled trial of 434 MHz Hyperthermy yielded greater pain relief than US or
tendinopathy hyperthermy, 1 MHz continuous ultrasound, exercise on VAS score and pain reported with
and an exercise control. movement.
Almeida et al., 200357 Fibromyalgia Randomized study of two groups using Quantity and intensity of painful areas measured
combined therapy of pulsed and interferential through body diagrams and VAS score were lower
current (CPTI) and a sham group for following treatment before and after sleep. Touch
12 sessions. tolerance increased.
Ebenbichler et al., 1999133 Calcific tendinitis in Double-blind, randomized study of two treat- Significant differences in pain intensity and calcium
shoulder ment groups receiving either pulsed US or absorption noted in pulsed US group at the end of
sham US over area of calcification for twenty- 24 treatments (6 weeks). No significant differences
four 15-minute sessions. were found at 9-month follow-up evaluation.
Ebenbichler et al., 199859 Carpal tunnel Double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical VAS scores for pain complaints were significantly
syndrome trial consisting of two treatment groups receiv- lower in US group at end of 20 sessions and at
ing either pulsed US or sham US over the area 6 months. Improved nerve conduction was also
of carpal tunnel for twenty 15-minute sessions. observed in the US group.
D’Vaz et al., 2006134 Lateral epicondylitis Double-blind, randomized, controlled trial of No significant difference between groups in VAS
pulsed low-intensity ultrasound therapy or pain score, Patient-Related Forearm Evaluation
placebo US daily for a 12-week period. Questionnaire (PRFEQ), and grip strength.
Gam et al., 199862 Myofascial trigger Single-blind, randomized, controlled clinical No significant differences between groups on VAS
points (MTrP) trial; two treatment groups and control group, scores or analgesic medication usage.
which did not receive any treatment. Two treatment groups had lower MTrP indices
Difference between two treatments groups (quantity and intensity) than control group.
was that either US or sham US was given
along with massage and exercise.
Ozgonenel et al., 2009135 Knee osteoarthritis Double-blind, randomized controlled trial of Lower pain VAS pain scores, higher WOMAC
1 MHz continuous US at 1 W/cm2 and sham scores, and faster 50-m walk time.
US for 10 treatments.
Falconer et al., 199263 Knee osteoarthritis Single-blind, randomized treatment groups No significant differences between groups in knee
receiving either continuous US or sham US AROM or VAS scores after 12 treatments or follow-
prior to exercise for 12 treatments. up evaluation at 2 months.
Johasson et al., 2005136 Shoulder Single-blind, randomized controlled trial in The acupuncture group had greater improvement at
impingement which patients received acupuncture or US 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up on the Constant-
for 10 treatments in conjunction with a Murley Shoulder Assessment, the Adolfsson-
home-exercise program. Lysholm Shoulder Score, and the University of
California at Los Angeles End-Result Score.
Kurtais Gursel et al., 2004137 Soft tissue disorder Randomized, placebo-controlled trial with No difference between groups in pain, joint ROM,
of the shoulder patients receiving either continuous US or or Shoulder Disability Questionnaire Score.
sham US treatment.

omitted stimulation parameters contribute to the lack of of electrotherapy, including interferential current and
comparable data. The importance of stimulation param- diadynamic currents, is less abundant.69 Deyo and col-
eters has been demonstrated in producing an analgesic leagues68 concluded that there was no significant bene-
effect.68,69 Some studies investigate only the effective- fit to treatment with TENS or placebo TENS with or
ness of a single treatment of electrical stimulation, while without exercise in patients with chronic low back pain.
others look at multiple applications over time. This The results of this analysis demonstrate that it is diffi-
makes comparing study results difficult as well. cult to control for placebo using a sham treatment and
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation using that patients with low back pain do not have the
portable pulsed current generators is more commonly same source of pain mediation. TENS was effective in
used in studies than are other waveforms that can managing intractable pain of known etiology, such as
produce electroanalgesia. The literature on other forms musculoskeletal disorders, but patients with chronic
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Pain and Limited Motion 347

trical stimulation and pulley traction into gleno-

humeral abduction for up to 2 hours. Greater ROM
gains were observed in the TENS group than the heat
group. The authors concluded that TENS produced a
greater analgesic response that allowed the subjects to
tolerate the prolonged stretch with pulley traction. The
TENS group also achieved pain-free sleep after 4 to
6 weeks compared to 4 to 5 months for the heat group.
The Philadelphia Panel’s34 conclusions support the
use of TENS with therapeutic exercises for patients
with osteoarthritis of the knee. Other studies on arthri-
tis populations have also demonstrated improved joint
function, theorizing that TENS allows patients with
arthritis to participate in other therapy interventions,
such as exercise and functional activities.73–76 However,
a 2009 Cochrane Review concluded that there was a
lack of sufficient evidence to support the use of TENS
in the management of arthritis-related pain.77

Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is the use of light radiation to alter cellu-
lar and tissue functions to promote healing. Both low-
level laser therapy (LLLT) and high-level laser therapy
(HLLT) can be used as an adjunct to physical therapy
treatment to decrease pain and disability. The thera-
peutic use of laser therapy is discussed in Chapter 6.
There is conflicting evidence to support the use of
LLLT in the management of soft tissue disorders of the
shoulder and elbow. Several studies report successful pain
reduction and reversal of weakness when LLLT was used
as an adjunct to physical therapy for the management of
supraspinatus tendonitis.78–82 However, conflicting evi-
dence suggests that LLLT is no more effective than
B placebo treatment.83–85 A systematic review of LLLT in
Fig 13•4 Cervical radiculopathy. (A) TENS with two patients with rheumatoid arthritis in the hand supports
electrodes. (B) TENS with four electrodes. its use to reduce pain and morning stiffness.86 In addi-
tion, clinical studies in patients with lateral epicondyli-
pain who had a strong affective pain component did tis,84,87 knee pain,88 and myofascial pain89 have shown
not respond well to TENS.70,71 positive outcomes in pain and function with LLLT.
Rizk and colleagues72 reported that the use of However, LLLT does not appear to be effective in
sensory-level electrical stimulation and pulley traction managing pain for patients with nonspecific low back
improved ROM and facilitated pain-free sleep in pain.90 As with other modalities, one of the major lim-
patients with adhesive capsulitis. The subjects were itations of research on the use of LLLT for pain is the
divided into two treatment groups. One group received lack of homogeneity in treatment parameters.
heat prior to therapeutic exercises that consisted of Research supports the use of HLLT as a promising
Codman’s pendulum exercises, wall climbing, and pulley intervention in the management of subacromial
exercises. The second group received sensory-level elec- impingement syndrome.91 A neodymium yttrium alu-
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348 Clinical Applications of Modalities


A 45-year-old female is referred for chronic history of Pulse duration: 100 µsec
upper quarter pain over the past 3 years. She has had Pulse frequency: 100 pps
intermittent pain in the left paracervical region from C4 Intensity: Strong enough to achieve perceptible tin-
to T1, the left upper trapezius and levator scapulae gling without muscle contraction as tolerated
muscles, and the left proximal dorsal forearm and lat- Duration: 30 minutes
eral elbow region pain in the C5 and C6 dermatomes Type of device: A portable pulsed current stimulator
for the past 4 weeks, unrelated to any specific incident (TENS unit) should be used so that the patient can
or injury. Cervical flexion and right lateral rotation use it following exacerbation of pain either at work
reproduces her pain. or home.
Motor-level stimulation parameters may also be
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or
problem that can be improved with the use of elec- 6. What are the proper application procedures for
trical stimulation? sensory-level TENS?
Answer: Yes, sensory-level transcutaneous electrical Answer:
stimulation can be used to reduce pain. Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the purpose
and procedure, including the anticipated sensation
2. Is the patient appropriate for electrical stimulation
and effect of the stimulation.
(i.e., do any of the general precautions or contraindi-
Preinspection: Inspect the area to be treated for skin
cations to electrical stimulation apply to the patient,
compromise and assess for intact sensation over
or are there any specific considerations regarding
the area to be treated.
application of electrical stimulation to this patient)?
Electrode application: Prepare area by cleansing with
Answer: Yes, as long as sensation is intact and none
soap and water or alcohol wipe. Electrodes should
of the generalized precautions or contraindications
be placed over areas of pain in left paracervical
region and along the distribution of pain. One or
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the two channels of stimulation can be used with two or
use of electrical stimulation? four electrodes, respectively.
Answer: To decrease pain to allow patient to perform Patient position: The patient should be positioned
activities of daily living. prone or supine to take tension off antigravity cervi-
cal muscles and to avoid an upright forward head
4. What specific electrical stimulation would be appro-
priate for the patient?
Postinspection: Remove the electrodes and inspect
Answer: Parameters appropriate for sensory-level
the skin for any signs of skin irritation or adverse
effects. If redness occurs, explain to the patient that
5. Can you select the specific parameters of electrical this is not uncommon and should disappear in less
stimulation that are appropriate for the patient? than 24 hours.
Answer: Sensory-level stimulation for pain control
requires the following parameters:

minum garnet laser with a pulsating waveform was used Transdermal Delivery of Medications or
to deliver a 2,050 J total dose of energy over a 10-minute Other Substances
treatment duration. Ten treatment sessions were pro- Iontophoresis and phonophoresis can be used to deliver
vided over a period of 2 consecutive weeks. Compared to analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents parenterally to
continuous US at a frequency of 1 MHz and an intensity resolve pain and inflammation. Iontophoresis delivers
of 2 W/cm2 for 10 minutes, HLLT provided a greater ionizable substances through the skin using electrical
reduction in pain and a greater improvement in articular stimulation. Phonophoresis delivers topically applied
movement, function, and muscle strength. Table 13-8 medications using ultrasound waves. The potential ben-
presents an overview of the studies that support the use efits of transdermal delivery include direct application
of laser therapy in musculoskeletal disorders. to the target tissue, resulting in higher concentrations
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Pain and Limited Motion 349

Table 13•8 Literature Using Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) for Pain Modulation
Authors Population Method Results That Support Use
Oken et al., 200887 Lateral epicondylitis Single-blind, randomized controlled trial of Pain significantly improved in all groups at
brace plus exercise, continuous ultrasound the end of treatment but was only significant
(1 MHz, 1.5 W/cm2, 5 minutes) plus exercise, at 6 weeks in the US and LLLT groups. Grip
or LLLT (HeNe laser, wavelength 632.8 nm, strength also improved after treatment in the
output 10 mV, 10 minutes) plus exercise. US LLLT group.
and LLLT treatments were applied 5 days per
week for 2 weeks.
Dincer et al., 2009140 Carpal tunnel syn- Randomized trial of splinting, splinting plus US, LLLT plus splinting was the most effective
drome or splinting plus LLLT. treatment for decreasing symptom severity
and pain and increasing patient satisfaction.

Shirani et al., 200989 Myofascial pain Double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized The laser therapy group exhibited a greater
trial of laser therapy (2, 600 nm diode laser reduction in VAS pain post-treatment com-
probes, 6.2 J/cm2, 6 min, continuous wave, pared to the placebo group.
and 890 nm, 1 J/cm2, 10 min, 1,500 Hz), and
placebo laser 2 times per week for 3 weeks.
Yeldan et al., 2009141 Subacromial Randomized trial of laser therapy and placebo No significant differences in pain, function,
impingement laser. Treatment was applied 5 days a week for disability, and strength between groups after
syndrome 3 weeks in conjunction with cold therapy and a treatment.
progressive exercise program.
Hegedus et al., 200988 Mild to moderate Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of LLLT The LLLT showed a significant improvement in
knee osteoarthritis (diode laser, 830 nm wavelength, continuous VAS pain, knee circumference, pressure sensi-
wave, power 50 mW, 6 J/point dose) versus a tivity, flexion ROM, and improvement in circula-
placebo control group (power 0.5 mW) 2 times tion compared to the placebo laser group.
per week for 4 weeks.

of medication to the area and elimination of gastroin- treatment than the sham-iontophoresis groups.
testinal absorption or liver metabolism factors, which is However, more recent work by Kaya and colleagues98
a side effect of many oral anti-inflammatory medica- suggests that lidocaine iontophoresis was no more
tions. Injections are also an alternative to oral medica- effective than direct current stimulation without lido-
tions that may produce higher concentrations caine in the treatment of cervical and periscapular trig-
of medication to the target tissue. However, injections ger points. Similar findings have also been reported in
are an invasive procedure that poses a risk for injury patients with temporomandibular pain99 and plantar
and tissue damage with repeated injections, and they heel pain.100 Other factors to consider are advancing
may be painful to the recipient. age and degenerative changes, as these have been shown
Numerous investigations assessing the clinical effec- to adversely impact response to iontophoresis treat-
tiveness of iontophoresis and phonophoresis have been ment.95,96 Table 13-9 presents more recent studies that
conducted in the past two decades, including case have evaluated the effectiveness of iontophoresis.101–104
reports and clinical trials without a control group or There is limited evidence to support the use of
placebo group.92–94 Some authors have reported a phonophoresis in the management of tendinopathies.60,105
decrease in pain and increased joint ROM using a com- It is difficult to interpret the results of many studies
bination of lidocaine and dexamethasone iontophore- because control groups were not included in the study
sis.95–97 The technique of applying both medications is design; however, the evidence suggests that the use of a
no longer popular because of the concern about com- specific drug as the coupling medium appears to have no
peting ions within the same delivery electrode. added benefit than continuous-wave ultrasound alone in
Iontophoresis treatment has been shown to be supe- managing upper and lower extremity tendinopathies,
rior to ultrasound and muscle relaxants in alleviating such as lateral epicondylitis, supraspinatus tendonitis,
myofascial shoulder girdle pain and tendonitis.95–97 De Quervain tenosynovitis, biceps tendonitis, patellar
The iontophoresis groups responded more favorably to tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, and Achilles tendonitis.60
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350 Clinical Applications of Modalities


A 53-year-old male mechanic is referred for a diagno- 5. Can you select the specific parameters of LLLT that
sis of lateral epicondylalgia. He reports difficulty using are appropriate for the patient?
work tools and a weakening of his grip. Pain over the Answer: The following parameters are appropriate
common extensor tendon is provoked with rested for LLLT:
wrist and long finger extension and passive stretch of Laser average power: 1 to 500 mW
the common extensors. Wavelength: 600 to 1,000 nm
Pulse frequency: 2.5 Hz to 5 KHz
Dosage: 10 to 15 J/cm2
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or
Duration: Determined by painful treatment area; irra-
problem that can be improved with the use of LLLT?
diate each area for 20 to 50 seconds.
Answer: Yes, LLLT can be used to treat soft tissue
Optimal treatment parameters are not known.
6. What are the proper application procedures for
2. Is the patient appropriate for LLLT (i.e., do any of the
general precautions or contraindications to LLLT
apply to the patient, or are there any specific con-
Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the purpose
siderations regarding application of LLLT to this
and procedure, including the anticipated sensation.
Preinspection: Inspect the area to be treated for skin
Answer: Yes, as long as none of the generalized pre-
compromise and assess for intact sensation.
cautions or contraindications apply and there are no
Application: The laser probe should be completely in
open wounds over the treatment area.
contact with the skin, perpendicular to the treat-
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the ment area.
use of LLLT? Patient position: The patient should be positioned in
Answer: To decrease pain and allow patient to return sitting or supine to allow access to the common
to work. extensor tendon.
Postinspection: The skin should be inspected for any
4. Do you have the specific type of laser that is appro-
signs of irritation or adverse effects. A mild discom-
priate for the patient?
fort or ache may be felt in the treatment area and
Answer: A low-level laser or cold laser is appropriate
should resolve within 24 to 48 hours after treatment.
for its photochemical effects.

Table 13•9 Literature Using Iontophoresis for Pain Modulation

Authors Population Method Results That Support Use
Nirschl et al., 2003101 Acute lateral Double-blind, randomized, controlled study in Dexamethasone iontophoresis group showed
epicondylitis which patients were assigned to either treat- significantly lower VAS scores compared to
ment group that received iontophoresis with saline iontophoresis group 2 days after all
dexamethasone sodium phosphate or placebo treatments were delivered.
group that received iontophoresis with saline Pain scores at 1 month post-treatment not
solution. Current dosage for both groups was significantly different between groups.
40 ma-min, and each subject received six
treatments of iontophoresis within 13–17 days.
Runeson et al., 2002138 Lateral epicondylitis Double-blind, randomized clinical trial of corti- No significant difference between groups in
costeroid iontophoresis (0.4% dexamethasone pain with palpation of the lateral epicondyle,
sodium phosphate) or placebo (saline) ion- pain with resisted wrist extension, or pain with
tophoresis. Current dosage was 4 mA for gripping.
10 minutes for 4 treatment sessions over a
1-week period.
Cleland et al., 2009100 Plantar fasciitis Randomized, clinical trial: iontophoresis with The manual physical therapy and exercise
dexamethasone (dose, 40 mAmin) and exercise group showed greater improvement on the
versus manual physical therapy and exercise. Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS), the
Both groups received 6 treatments over a Foot and Ankle Ability Measure (FAAM), and
4-week period. the Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) com-
pared to the iontophoresis and exercise group
at 4 weeks and 6 months.
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Pain and Limited Motion 351

Table 13•9 Literature Using Iontophoresis for Pain Modulation—cont’d

Osborne and Allison, 2006139 Plantar fasciitis Double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled All groups showed a significant improvement in
trial of LowDye taping plus either 0.4% dexam- morning pain, average pain, and morning stiff-
ethasone, placebo (0.9% NaCl), or 5% acetic ness. Acetic acid yielded a greater improvement
acid iontophoresis for 6 treatments over a in morning pain than dexamethasone. Long-
2-week period to the site of maximum tender- term treatment effects on pain only remained
ness on the plantar aspect of the foot. significant for acetic acid and taping and dex-
amethasone and taping. Only acetic acid main-
tained treatment effect for morning stiffness.


A 38-year-old male runner is referred for left medial Type of device: Portable direct current generator
plantar heel pain. Pain is worst first thing in the morn- specifically used for iontophoresis.
ing, after walking prolonged distances, and is re- Current dosage: 40 to 80 ma · min.
created with palpation of the proximal insertion of the Amplitude: Should be set to patient tolerance. Most
plantar fascia into the calcaneus. units have a maximum output of 4 mA.
Duration: Calculated by the unit to deliver the set
current dosage once the amplitude has been deter-
1. Does the patient have a dysfunction, limitation, or
problem that can be improved with the use of ion-
tophoresis? 6. What are the proper application procedures for ion-
Answer: Yes, iontophoresis can be used for the tophoresis?
transdermal delivery of medication to reduce pain Answer:
and inflammation. Instruct the patient: Inform the patient of the purpose
and procedure, including the anticipated sensation
2. Is the patient appropriate for iontophoresis (i.e., do
and effect of the stimulation.
any of the general precautions or contraindications
Preinspection: Inspect the area to be treated for skin
to electrical stimulation apply to the patient, or are
compromise and assess for intact sensation.
there any specific considerations regarding applica-
Electrode application: The skin should be gently
tion of iontophoresis to this patient)?
cleaned with soap and water over the electrode
Answer: Yes, as long as sensation is in tact, none of
sites. Attach the negative lead (cathode) to the
the generalized precautions or contraindications
delivery electrode filled to capacity with dexametha-
apply, and there are no drug allergies.
sone sodium phosphate. The medication should be
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the absorbed within the electrode, and the contact sur-
use of iontophoresis? face of the electrode should be wet before applying
Answer: To decrease pain and allow patient to the delivery electrode to the left medial plantar sur-
reduce/eliminate compensations during gait. face of the heel. Attach the positive lead (anode) to
the dispersive or reference electrode and place on
4. What type of stimulation and specific iontophoretic
the lower leg over the gastrocnemius muscle belly.
medications would be appropriate for the patient?
Patient position: The patient should be positioned
Answer: A direct current stimulator is needed for the
prone or supine to allow access to the plantar sur-
transdermal delivery of medication. Dexamethasone
face of the heel.
sodium phosphate, a glucocorticoid, would be
Postinspection: Remove the electrodes and inspect
appropriate for chronic inflammation. Acetic acid
the skin for any signs of skin irritation or adverse
could also be used if heel spurs were present to
effects. If redness occurs, explain to the patient that
help reduce soft tissue calcifications.
this is not uncommon and should disappear in less
5. Can you select the specific parameters of ion- than 24 hours.
tophoresis that are appropriate for the patient?
Answer: The following parameters are appropriate
for iontophoresis:
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352 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Associated Impairments
Many factors can contribute to a patient’s perception of
pain. Some of these include the following:
• Joint stiffness due to arthritis or injury
• Muscle weakness due to immobilization or a cen-
tral nervous system lesion, such as a cerebrovas-
cular accident
• Edema A
• Open or closed wounds
Interstitial edema can contribute to pain by increas-
ing pressure on mechanoreceptors or by affecting
chemical mediators located within the inflammatory
exudate that sensitize or activate nociceptors.
Choosing a modality may depend on the presence of
other impairments. For example, if acute edema is
present, using a heating agent may not be the best
choice to promote pain modulation because the
increased blood flow within the target area could
increase the amount of edema and subsequently
increase pain.
The use of electrical stimulation using NMES Fig 13•5 (A) Use of moist heat packs around the ankle
joint. (B) Prior to joint mobilization of the ankle.
parameters to strengthen weak shoulder girdle muscles
has been successful in reducing shoulder pain in patients
following stroke (e.g., cerebrovascular accident).106,107 (Fig. 13-6). Electrical muscle stimulation can also be
Chantraine and colleagues106 reported that pain meas- used to facilitate gains in ROM.
ures (VAS and presence of pain with motion) were lower Heating modalities alter both collagen viscoelasticity
in subjects with shoulder pain following hemiplegia and extensibility, allowing for tissue elongation and
with subluxation who received NMES to shoulder gir- plastic deformation. Plastic deformation refers to the
dle muscles than in the control group, which used an permanent change or elongation in tissues that occurs
upper extremity orthotic. Yu and associates107 reported when a sufficient stress is applied. Because heating
similar findings of pain reduction in a multicenter, increases collagen elasticity, greater changes in tissue
single-blinded, randomized clinical trial that used intra- length can occur. Early studies in both frog and rat ten-
muscular or percutaneous neuromuscular electrical dons suggest that tissue temperatures of greater than
stimulation. 40°C (104°F) are necessary to induce permanent
Use of Modalities to Increase Deep-heating modalities may be more effective than
Motion superficial heating modalities at elevating tissue tem-
peratures to the appropriate level.112 Deep-heating
The use of modalities to reduce tissue contractures and modalities are capable of raising tissues temperatures by
restore ROM and function is well documented. Both 4°C to 4.6°C (7.2°F to 8.3°F),113,114 whereas superficial
superficial and deep heating modalities (e.g., hot heating modalities can raise tissue temperature by only
packs, short-wave diathermy, and ultrasound) are 1°C (1.8°F) at a 3-cm depth.115 However, the use of hot
commonly used adjuncts to treatment in preparation pack application in combination with ultrasound can
for joint mobilization (Fig. 13-5) and passive stretch also raise tissue temperatures above 4°C (7.2°F).116
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Pain and Limited Motion 353

no more effective than short-duration stretching

alone.118 However, heat in conjunction with prolonged
stretching (e.g., 10-minute duration) can induce
changes in muscle flexibility.119 Short-wave diathermy
and long-duration stretching have been shown to have
a positive effect on both hamstring and gastroc-soleus
flexibility more than prolonged stretching alone.119,120
When considering the use of heat to elevate tissue
temperature, the modality must be able to affect the
intended tissue. Several recent studies on normal sub-
A jects have shown that diathermy and ultrasound in
combination with stretch can be more effective in
increasing hamstring length or dorsiflexion ROM
more than just stretch alone.119–121 In one study,
Draper and associates119 determined that there was a
cumulative effect of consecutive treatments of
diathermy and stretch applied to shortened hamstring
Pulsed short-wave diathermy offers advantages over
ultrasound for heating tissues prior to stretching.113
Short-wave diathermy units can heat a much larger tis-
sue area than ultrasound devices in the same amount of
B time. In addition, tissue temperatures remain elevated
Fig 13•6 (A) Application of ultrasound to the lateral three times longer when heated with pulsed short-wave
retinaculum of the knee. (B) Prior to passive stretch of the diathermy.113 Similar to short-wave diathermy, super-
lateral retinaculum.
ficial hot packs can heat a larger volume of tissue; how-
ever, the depth of heating is only 1 to 2 cm, so hot
Joint mobilization or stretching should be done packs can target only superficial tissues.
immediately after the application of a heat modality to Many of the studies using heat modalities and
take advantage of the “stretch window.” Tissue temper- stretch to enhance motion have been done in normal
atures can remain elevated for approximately 3.3 minutes subjects. We can extrapolate information from these
following the application of 3 MHz US to 5°C (9°F).117 studies to apply to a patient population, but we are still
The stretch window is longer if the stretch is applied in need of well-designed clinical trials to clarify the can-
during the application of the modality. The application didates and dosages for these techniques. Michlovitz
of 1 MHz US to target deeper structures may also and colleagues122 performed a systematic review of
increase the stretch window, because deeper structures techniques to restore joint motion in patients following
are higher in temperature and the superficial structures upper extremity injuries and found no studies in the
serve as a barrier to heat loss.117 literature that examined the contribution of modalities.
The duration of tissue stretch is also an important Techniques that had moderate evidence in the literature
consideration in the management of joint contractures. of increasing motion after joint contracture included
To have a permanent effect on remodeling of connec- joint mobilization, a supervised exercise program, and
tive tissue, the application of a low-load force should be the use of splinting and casting. Heat may be used to
applied over an extended period of time (e.g., minutes, precondition the tissue prior to stretch or lengthening
hours, or days, depending on the severity of contrac- techniques. A number of intervention strategies are
ture). Studies have shown that heat in conjunction with used to increase the length of adaptively shortened
short-duration stretching (e.g., 30-second duration) is tissues (Box 13-4).
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354 Clinical Applications of Modalities

of toweling were used to maintain the heat for 20 to

Box 13•4 Management of Joint
Contractures 30 minutes. In a review of 20 patients, joint ROM
measurements taken immediately upon removal of the
• Heat in conjunction with or followed by “stretch” via:
wax demonstrated an increase of 2° to 20°, averaging 8°.
• Joint mobilization
• Passive ROM exercises The skin appeared softer and was more pliable and
• Splinting or casting at end ROM more comfortable to the patient. Patients also reported
• Surgically lengthening muscles and tendons
• Surgically releasing joint capsule a decrease in joint pain following the wax intervention.
• Gradual stretching provided by external fixation

Further Clinical
In addition to heat decreasing the pain associated Contraindications
with stretching, elevating the temperature of adaptively
shortened and contracted structures to high but tolera-
and Precautions
ble levels results in tissue being stretched so that ROM A comprehensive patient history and physical examina-
can improve. The stretch should begin after tempera- tion will identify the presence of precautions or con-
ture levels have reached their maximum, and a slow, traindications and must be completed prior to modality
prolonged stretch should be held throughout the period application. Impaired sensation or circulation will limit
necessary for the tissues to cool back to preheated the use of heat and cold modalities for pain modulation
values. This increased tissue “length” should be main- because of diminished temperature-regulation capabili-
tained over a long duration—that is, up to hours. ties. In this situation, electroanalgesia may be the best
Devices such as splints and casts can be used to main- choice for pain modulation. Before using electrotherapy,
tain motion increases obtained by facilitating increases however, the practitioner should consider the patient’s
in ROM.122 skin condition and whether active muscle contraction is
contraindicated. The skin’s condition will influence elec-
Contractures From Burn Scar trode selection and placement. If muscle contraction
Two reports have examined the use of heating modali- must be avoided, then only sensory or noxious levels of
ties and their effect on burn contractures. Burns and electroanalgesia can be used. There are many scenarios
Conin123 advocated the use of paraffin wax daily for 2 to that are patient-specific. Earlier chapters in this text pro-
3 weeks (on average). The paraffin was applied and left vide details regarding the contraindications to and pre-
on for 15 to 20 minutes, and the patient’s limb was held cautions for the use of each of the modalities.
in a position of maximum stretch using some other
form of restraint, often a 500-g (1-pound) weight. Their Home Use Versus Clinic Use
recommendation was to apply the wax to a larger area of Modalities for Pain Control
than necessarily required in order to lubricate the sur- and Loss of Motion
rounding skin and therefore ease the discomfort of the
tight skin and scars that result from burns. Initial modality selection will most likely occur in the
Head and Helms124 described a similar intervention clinic; therefore, selection will be based on equipment
protocol utilizing paraffin wax and sustained stretch to availability. Budgetary demands of the clinic limit
treat burn contractures. Patients whose joint ROM had equipment expenditures, so purchasing decisions are
plateaued were chosen for this intervention regimen. frequently based on evidence of best practice. Because
The temperature of the wax was lowered to 33°C there is a paucity of literature to support the use of spe-
(91.4°F) to accommodate decreases in skin sensitivity cific modalities for specific conditions, there is likely to
and the decreased viability of any newly healed skin. A be a variety of modalities available; however, it is highly
variety of body parts and joints were treated either by likely that certain modalities will not be available for
the wax dip method or the wax paint method. The area some conditions. Based on sound clinical reasoning,
was covered by a sheet of plastic, and several layers practitioners will select an appropriate modality from
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Pain and Limited Motion 355

the available equipment. Most of the equipment is Commercial heat and cold modalities are readily
line-powered, so appropriate electrical outlets must be available for home use, so these are frequently used for
convenient to patient treatment areas. at-home pain modulation. They are also easy for the
The use of modalities at home will also be patient or practitioner to apply in the home setting.
dependent on: Practitioners need to be diligent with patient instruc-
tions to ensure safe use at home (Box 13-5). It is strongly
● Equipment availability
recommended that the initial heat or cold application
● Ease of application
occur in the clinic where the practitioner can observe
● Nature of the patient’s pain condition
for harmful signs, such as intolerance to heat or cold
● Patient’s cognitive status or availability of
sensitivity, respectively. Patients and practitioners
should also use caution when using homemade meth-
Practitioners who provide in-home services rely on ods of cold or heat applications. It may be perfectly safe
the use of portable ultrasound and electrotherapy to use a bag of frozen vegetables (with a moist towel
devices. The availability of the equipment in this interface between the bag and the skin) in place of a
method of service delivery is similar to that of clinical commercial cold pack. However, the use of a home-
use previously discussed, except that some of the made paraffin bath using a double boiler or electric pot
devices have a battery power source. may lead to a burn or an electrical shock; therefore,
Modalities may be incorporated into a home pro- commercial brands of paraffin baths are recommended,
gram for pain control and for improving flexibility of not the home-concocted versions.
soft tissues. Ultrasound units and iontophoresis devices
are not available for home use without a practitioner’s
Selection of the Appropriate
supervision, so they are excluded from the selection
process. If a portable electrotherapy device such as a
Modality for Pain Modulation
TENS unit is indicated for pain modulation, then the or Loss of Motion
patient’s insurance coverage needs to be considered.
The practitioner should consider the physiological
These devices may be rented to purchase price or pur-
rationale, biophysical properties, proposed mecha-
chased for a patient who requires long-term use.
nisms of pain modulation or loss of motion, and pre-
Medical insurance may cover a portion or all of the
cautions or contraindications for each modality to
costs. Practitioners considering this for a patient must
ensure the safe and effective use. Selection of a partic-
determine whether the patient has durable medical
ular modality will depend on the source of pain medi-
equipment (DME) coverage within an insurance plan.
ation, location of the target tissue, and the presence of
Patients most likely will not know this without check-
other impairments such as edema or loss of motion.
ing with their insurance provider. Another aspect to
Earlier chapters in this text provide details of these
determine is whether DME coverage is for the device
considerations. Modality selection may be influenced
only or if supplies such as electrodes are also covered.
by the availability of equipment and supplies. Finally,
Practitioners may also have a limited selection of
modality selection should be based on evidence of best
electrotherapy devices to choose from, depending on
practice as reported in the peer-reviewed literature and
whether the insurance provider requires that the device
systematic reviews.
come from a specific vendor. A prescription from the
patient’s physician is often required, along with a letter
of medical necessity from either the practitioner or the
Box 13•5 Items to Include in Instructions
physician. There are many considerations for the use of for Home Use of Modality
electrotherapy in the home setting related just to
• Duration of application
obtaining the device. If the patient does not have the • Frequency of application
necessary insurance coverage or is unable to pay for • Timing of application: before or after exercise
either the device or supplies, an alternative pain control • Observation of harmful signs
• Contact number for practitioner
technique must be selected.
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356 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Decision Making. Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;

Documentation Tips 2002.
When applying modalities to reduce pain or improve 15. Ecternach JL. Clinical evaluation of pain. Phys Ther Pract.
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chapter 14
Therapeutic Modalities
for Tissue Healing
Ed Mahoney, PT, DPT, CWS

ffective tissue healing requires that the practitioner
have a thorough understanding of the normal heal-
THE NORMAL HEALING PROCESS ing process along with well-developed diagnostic
CONVENTIONAL ULTRASOUND: THERAPEUTIC ULTRASOUND skills and appropriate interventions. When used as part
AT 1 AND 3 MHZ of a treatment plan based on an accurate assessment of
LOW-FREQUENCY ULTRASOUND the patient’s condition, modalities can be effective in pro-
ULTRAVIOLET LIGHT moting healing or reducing the effects of pathology. This
ELECTRICAL STIMULATION chapter provides an overview of modalities used in reha-
bilitation practice, along with information regarding the
most appropriate uses of each modality.
The Normal Healing Process
HYDROTHERAPY Understanding the normal healing process will facilitate
LASER THERAPY proper use of a given modality. There are three basic
NEGATIVE-PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY phases of wound healing: inflammation, proliferation,
and remodeling. The inflammatory response is the
body’s nonspecific defense mechanism and begins
almost immediately following injury. Inflammation can
be triggered by a variety of causes, including trauma,
disease, invading pathogens, or allergic reactions. Acute
inflammation is characterized by varying degrees of
redness, warmth, pain, swelling, and loss of function.
During the inflammatory phase, hemostasis occurs
first. It begins almost immediately after injury and is
responsible for stopping bleeding at the injury site. The
most important cellular component is the platelet,
which responds to the injured area, adheres to exposed
collagen, and forms a clot that stops the bleeding. In
addition, platelets play a role in later stages of healing
because of the growth factors that they produce. After
the bleeding has been stopped, edema continues to
accumulate in the injured area due to extravasation,
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362 Clinical Applications of Modalities

which is movement of fluid from the blood vessels into This section will focus on how the physical properties
the extravascular space. This excess fluid results in of US contribute to tissue healing. When continuous-
swelling, redness, and elevated local temperature. In wave (100% duty cycle) ultrasound at a sufficient
addition, distention of the tissues and irritation of the intensity is used, tissue temperatures are elevated as
nerve ends in the area result in pain. Although inflam- acoustic energy is transferred to the tissues in the form
mation is usually perceived as being negative, a healthy of heat. This thermal effect has been shown to reduce
inflammatory process is critical to successful healing. pain and muscle spasms in chronic injuries but has not
The tissue distention allows for increased space for the been shown to affect tissue healing directly. Most of the
influx of phagocytic cells and proteins that set the stage beneficial effects in regard to tissue healing stem from
for later phases of healing. These cells, specifically neu- the proposed nonthermal effects of ultrasound, often
trophils and macrophages, are responsible for cleaning delivered with a 20% duty cycle pulsed mode.
the wounded area of nonviable material so the prolifer- Pulsed ultrasound transfers energy to the tissues in
ative phase can begin. the same manner that continuous ultrasound does, but
The inflammatory phase leads to the proliferative the off-time of each pulse period allows the thermal
phase, in which fibroblasts and keratinocytes predomi- energy to dissipate, so the net tissue temperature is not
nate. The function of this phase is to repair the defect. elevated. A principle nonthermal physiological effect of
It can last several weeks, depending on the injury. pulsed US is cavitation. When high-intensity ultrasound
Fibroblasts are attracted to the wound by macrophages is applied, gas bubbles form in the tissue that expand
in the inflammatory phase and typically arrive in the and compress in response to the vibration caused by
area 48 to 72 hours after injury. They lay down colla- ultrasound. If the ultrasound intensity is too high, the
gen and elastin, which replace the tissue that was dam- bubbles will burst and damage the tissue. At therapeutic
aged in the initial injury or removed during the inflam- intensities, the bubbles may expand and contract to a
matory process. If the injury resulted in a break in the smaller extent without bursting. This is referred to as
skin, keratinocytes will also be important to cover the stable cavitation and is not by itself clinically significant.
wound with a new layer of epithelium. The stable vibration of the gas bubbles does set the
The final stage is remodeling. During this phase, the stage for the remaining nonthermal effects, namely
newly formed collagen matrix is rearranged and contin- acoustic streaming and microstreaming. The vibration
ues to gain tensile strength. This stage is by far the of gas bubbles leads to pressure differences within the
longest and can last in excess of 1 year. tissue. The pressure differences cause a circular flow of
Tissue healing can become problematic at any phase. cellular fluids; this is known as acoustic streaming.
Tissues may remain chronically inflamed or may fail to Acoustic streaming is thought to be responsible for
regenerate as needed to heal the defect. In an effort to transporting materials within the ultrasound field,
maximize healing, modalities have been used in all which can be used to alter cellular activities. The same
phases of wound healing. The remainder of this chap- general process is occurring at a cellular level and is
ter focuses on common physical modalities and their called microstreaming. These microscopic currents are
effect on tissue healing. A more encompassing discus- thought to assist with moving ions that have accumu-
sion of the healing process itself is available elsewhere.1 lated next to the cell membrane, which will improve the
cell’s activity. The use of ultrasound shortly after injury
Conventional Ultrasound: has been shown to accelerate the inflammatory
Therapeutic Ultrasound at process.2 Since applying ultrasound during the inflam-
1 and 3 MHZ matory phase causes mast cells to release histamine, it is
hypothesized that ultrasound may also cause the release
Ultrasound (US) at 1 and 3 MHz frequency, which we of other chemical mediators that are stored in mast
will call conventional US, uses sound energy to promote cells, which would lead to wound healing.3
tissue healing. The physics relating to the generation Several studies have demonstrated that pulsed ultra-
and transmission of US are discussed in Chapter 4. sound can affect different aspects of cellular metabolism
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Therapeutic Modalities for Tissue Healing 363

in vitro, including alterations in the amount of calcium

uptake and growth factor production.3–5 Many clini- Table 14•1 Contraindications and
Precautions to Therapeutic
cians recommend ultrasound in the inflammatory Ultrasound
phase because these factors can lead to a rapid onset of
the proliferative phase of wound healing. In the prolif- Pregnancy or using US over reproductive tissue
erative phase, pulsed ultrasound increases collagen syn- Circulatory impairment
thesis by human fibroblasts in vitro.6 Another proposed Over eyes
mechanism by which pulsed ultrasound promotes Implants
Over epiphyseal plates in children
tissue healing in the proliferative phase is by increasing
Sensory impairment
the rate that capillary beds and blood vessels form; this Bleeding/acute trauma
has been demonstrated in ischemic muscle.7 Animal Over neural tissue
studies examining the role of ultrasound in the remod- Infection
eling phase of healing are largely inconclusive and
appear to support the belief that ultrasound is most shares many of the same principles of conventional
effective if begun within the week following injury. ultrasound but has a frequency in the 20 to 40 kHz
More recent clinical studies have produced variable range (i.e., 20,000 to 40,000 Hz), compared to 1 to
results when investigating the effects of ultrasound on 3 MHz (1 million to 3 million Hz) for conventional
wound healing. It is difficult to synthesize all the data ultrasound. Low-frequency US is further divided
pertaining to tissue healing to determine if ultrasound is into low-intensity and high-intensity forms. The low-
effective because many of the studies lack control groups intensity form uses a fine saline mist to transmit the
or are designed with different parameters. Even in stud- ultrasonic energy to the tissues (Fig. 14-1). This form is
ies with similar populations and methods, results are nonthermal and is used to promote wound healing by
often inconclusive. A meta-analysis by Johannsen et al.8 cleansing the wound and performing maintenance
reviewed the available literature pertaining to ultrasound
in the treatment of chronic leg ulcers. Results showed
Two randomized studies by Ennis et al. and Kavros
that US significantly reduced wound size at 4 weeks and
et al., combined with five retrospective studies and one
8 weeks compared to controls but did not demonstrate
prospective controlled study, have shown this form of
a statistical improvement in the percentage of ulcers that
ultrasound to be effective. Ennis et al.11 reported that
healed completely. Another meta-analysis reported evi-
dence that ultrasound has a mild positive effect in heal-
ing venous ulcerations, but the authors point out that
the studies were poor-quality research with limited sam-
ple sizes.9 For pressure ulcers, pooled results of randomly
controlled trials do not support the use of conventional
ultrasound for wound healing.10 Despite the evidence
supporting ultrasound for wound healing in vitro, the
results in human wounds are equivocal at this point.
More well-designed, controlled trials with larger patient
samples are required to determine the true effectiveness
of therapeutic ultrasound. Table 14-1 lists contraindica-
tions and precautions to US (Table 14-1).

Low-Frequency Ultrasound
The use of low-frequency ultrasound for wound care has Fig 14•1 MIST low-frequency, low-intensity ultrasound
recently gained popularity. Low-frequency ultrasound device. (Courtesy of Celleration, Inc., Eden Prairie, MN.)
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364 Clinical Applications of Modalities

40.7% of diabetic foot ulcers healed within 12 weeks Ultraviolet Light

when treated with ultrasound, compared to 14.3% that
were treated with a sham device. Kavros et al.12 Ultraviolet (UV) radiation has a shorter wavelength
reported a 63% reduction in wound size compared to a (100 to 400 nm) than visible light and lies between the
29% reduction in the control group. violet end of the visible spectrum and x-rays on the
The second form of low-frequency US involves a electromagnetic spectrum. UV is a form of light energy
higher intensity and is delivered through a probe that is and can be further divided into ultraviolet light A
in direct contact with the tissue and causes tissue (UVA), ultraviolet light B (UVB), and ultraviolet light
heating. This is the newest form of US on the market. C (UVC). All are produced naturally by the sun, but
It is best described as ultrasound guided debridement UVC is blocked by the ozone layer. As a result, the
(Fig. 14-2). ambient sunlight we receive contains primarily UVA,
Randomized, controlled studies have not been per- small amounts of UVB, and no UVC.
formed to verify low-frequency US to promote wound
KEY POINT! Although UVC light is blocked by the ozone
healing, but numerous case studies and in vitro evi-
layer, therapeutic UVC is administered to the tissue
dence demonstrate effectiveness in the removal of non-
via specialized lamps.
viable tissue and the destruction of bacteria. In vitro,
ultrasonic debridement was found to reduce bacterial In terms of wavelength and energy, UVA is closest to
colonization by greater than 1 log10 compared to irriga- visible light and is the longest (i.e., wavelength) and
tion with saline13 and was shown to increase the peri- least energetic, while UVC is the shortest and most
wound skin perfusion pressure.14 powerful, lying closest to x-rays on the light spectrum.
That ultraviolet light has been shown to stimulate skin
KEY POINT!High-intensity, low-frequency ultrasound is
pigmentation, cell proliferation, and epidermal thick-
intended to be used as a debridement agent and
ness; to enhance blood flow in cutaneous capillaries; to
therefore should be administered only if debridement
facilitate wound debridement; and to kill bacteria,
is indicated.
which supports its use for healing.15–20
Because of the vastly different effects of UVA and
UVB versus UVC, each will be discussed separately.
The most common use for UVA and UVB is the treat-
ment of skin disorders, including psoriasis, vitiligo,
lichen planus, dermatitis, and more. When UVA is
used to treat skin problems, a skin-sensitizing agent,
such as psoralen, is typically applied first to maximize
the amount of energy delivered to the tissue. UVB is
delivered as broadband or narrowband ultraviolet
energy. Broadband UVB (BB-UVB) encompasses the
wavelengths of 290 to 320 nm. The lower end of this
range (between 290 and 310 nm) has been associated
with nontherapeutic responses, such as burning and
premature aging, because those wavelengths carry more
energy than higher wavelengths do.
In attempts to eliminate the undesirable effects of
these lower wavelengths, narrowband UVB (NB-UVB)
has been developed. NB-UVB, with a wavelength of
311 to 313 nm, has spread in popularity as the pre-
Fig 14•2 Arobella low-frequency, high-intensity US ferred treatment for skin conditions because it avoids
device. (Courtesy of Arobella, Inc., Minnetonka, MN.) the burns and carcinogenic risks associated with
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Therapeutic Modalities for Tissue Healing 365


A 58-year-old patient with sensory neuropathy devel- nonviable tissue rapidly. This is not a pain-free pro-
oped a heel ulcer due to driving a taxicab for an cedure, but given the patient’s neuropathy, that
extended shift. The ulcer presents with a thick layer of should not be a factor.
adhered fibrinous slough with a moderate odor.
5. What specific parameters of low-frequency ultra-
Posterior tibial and dorsalis pedis pulses are palpable.
sound would be appropriate for this patient?
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING Answer: Duty cycle: Continuous
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be Frequency: 22.5 to 35 kHz (dependent upon the
improved with the use of low-frequency ultrasound? brand; the frequency is preset)
Answer: Yes, low-frequency ultrasound is intended Intensity: 100% (reduce if uncomfortable)
for the debridement of nonviable tissue, such as Duration: Depends on the size of the wound. Typically
slough and eschar. less than 10 minutes
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of low- 6. What are the proper application procedures for low-
frequency ultrasound (i.e., do any of the general frequency ultrasound related to this case?
precautions or contraindications to low-frequency Answer:
ultrasound apply, or are there any specific consider- • Remove any excess exudate and loosely adhered
ations regarding application of low-frequency ultra- slough from the wound surface.
sound to this patient)? • Examine the wound for any contraindications to
Answer: Yes, this patient could benefit from ultra- ultrasound therapy.
sound since he does not have any hardware in the • Explain the procedure to the patient and position
area or vascular compromise that could be made the patient prone if possible to allow for optimal
worse by debridement. viewing of the heel ulcer.
• Drape the wound and don personal protective
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
equipment (i.e., gloves, gown, mask) to avoid
use of low-frequency ultrasound?
Answer: Remove nonviable tissue from the wound
• Treat the wound by placing the probe in direct
bed and reduce the risk of infection associated with
contact with the wound surface and moving it
the presence of that nonviable tissue.
slowly, as in conventional ultrasound.
4. What specific low-frequency ultrasound would be • Continue treating as long as a visible reduction in
appropriate for the patient? wound bioburden is occurring.
Answer: Low-frequency, high-intensity ultrasound
would be most appropriate to debride extensive

BB-UVB and does not have the side effects of oral pso- The evidence for ultraviolet light as an effective
ralen. Because NB-UVB eliminates the lower wavelengths modality for treating skin disorders is overwhelmingly
that are primarily responsible for producing erythema, positive. Two of the most common disorders treated are
positive results for the treatment of skin conditions have vitiligo and psoriasis. The application of NB-UVB or
been achieved with fewer burning episodes.21 psoralens and UVA (PUVA) are considered to be the
Wavelengths longer than NB-UVB do not have an effect most important treatments for patients with vitiligo
on psoriasis and vitiligo. Shorter wavelengths produce that affects more than 10% to 20% of the skin sur-
more burning, which could potentially be more carcino- face.24 Several articles have demonstrated NB-UVB to
genic.22 NB-UVB was found to have comparable healing be superior to PUVA treatment as assessed by stability
results with fewer burns and has longer duration of remis- of the disease after treatment and color match of the
sion of psoriasis compared to those treated with broad- repigmented skin for generalized vitiligo.25–27
band therapy.23 Because of the lower energy emitted, It is proposed that repigmentation occurs when
larger starting doses are needed compared to broadband NB-UVB is applied to vitiligo because it stimulates pro-
and more lamps are needed because of the reduced power. liferation and migration of melanocytes, which are the
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366 Clinical Applications of Modalities

cells responsible for skin pigment.28 This has been shown 250 nm wavelength range. At this wavelength, the ery-
in vitro but has not been demonstrated in vivo to this themal effectiveness peaks but rarely causes burning as
point. The results of NB-UVB in the treatment of psori- UVB and UVA do, even at high doses.18 This is due to
asis are also very positive. Narrowband therapy has been the poor penetration of UVC, as it is almost completely
shown to produce similar responses compared to broad- absorbed by the epidermis. In addition, it is thought
band therapy, with a lower risk of burn, and has demon- that UVC is less carcinogenic because any mutations it
strated a longer period of remission between flare-ups.23 may cause will be sloughed off by the constantly chang-
In addition to its effectiveness, UVB has proved to ing epidermis.33
be a safe treatment option. There is a low incidence of UVC has repeatedly exhibited effectiveness against
acute adverse events, and it can be used effectively at bacteria, including those that are resistant to antibi-
suberythemogenic doses, which eliminates the discom- otics. Both in vivo and in vitro studies have impressive
fort associated with burns and reduces the risk of can- outcomes. In vivo results have demonstrated 100% kill
cer.22,29 However, there is conflicting evidence regard- rates of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus at
ing the cancer risk associated with UVB treatment. In 180 seconds. In vitro studies have demonstrated effec-
animal studies, narrowband therapy has been impli- tiveness in reducing bacteria in artificially inoculated
cated with DNA damage typically seen in cancer, and animal wounds.34,35 The total exposure time to eradi-
some human studies report a higher carcinogenesis of cate bacteria from chronic wounds is longer; this is due
narrowband compared to broadband.30 There are also to several factors, including increased amounts of bac-
studies reporting no evidence for increased skin cancer teria and bacteria that have invaded the tissue. Studies
risk with UVB treatment.31 Ultimately, a greater long- of a 3-minute exposure time of UVC to wounds of var-
term risk is expected with higher doses. As a result, the ious etiologies showed greatly reduced numbers of bac-
smallest amount of UVB exposure necessary to achieve teria, but the bacteria were not completely eradicated
results should be used. Equivocal results have been from the wound (Fig. 14-3). Colonized superficial
shown in the treatment of psoriasis when NB-UVB was wounds respond well, but results are not as strong for
administered twice per week or four times per week.32 heavily infected wounds or deep wounds.36
Based on this, two times per week as opposed to four For any ultraviolet treatment, the proper dose needs
may be the preferred treatment frequency. to be calculated. The power of the lamp, the distance
the lamp is held from the skin, the patient’s previous
Clinical Controversy
Exposure to ultraviolet light is associated with certain
cancers. However, it is an effective treatment for several
skin diseases. Due to this conflict, it is recommended
that the smallest effective dose be utilized to minimize
the cumulative effects of ultraviolet light.

Unlike UVA and UVB, UVC is effective at reducing

bacterial colonization in wounds and has been used for
that purpose for the better part of a century. During the
middle of the last century, its use fell out of favor as new
antibiotics came into use and the effects of long-term
radiation became apparent. However, there has been a
resurgence in the use of UV as bacteria continue to
develop resistance to antibiotics and clinicians revert to
previous methods to eradicate them.
Fig 14•3 DermaWand UVC applicator and control unit.
UVC radiation has wavelengths between 200 and Wand can be changed to provide UVB as well. (Courtesy of
280 nm and is typically delivered from a lamp in the National Biological Corporation, Twinsburg, OH.)
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Therapeutic Modalities for Tissue Healing 367

exposure to ultraviolet energy, and any medications

Box 14•1 Performing a Minimal Erythema
that may sensitize the patient to UV light must all be
Dose (MED) Test
recorded. The most important factor that needs to be
Equipment needed: MED card, stopwatch, eye protection, sun
determined is treatment duration, which ultimately
protectant, drape for exposed skin
depends on the patient’s skin color. Individuals with • Create a card with four 2 cm x 2 cm cutouts (Fig. 14-4).
light skin will burn faster than those with darker skin • Choose a test area of skin that is similar in pigmentation to the
area to be treated, if possible.
and must be treated with a smaller dose. As the
• Cleanse the skin in the area to be tested to remove all oils,
amount of pigment increases in the skin, the amount lotions, dry skin, etc.
of UV therapy applied will have to be raised to get the • Apply a sun protectant (SPF 30 or greater) or a 2 mm layer of
petrolatum and a paper towel to adjacent skin that may be
desired benefit. This is the same thing that occurs at exposed.
the beach when fair-skinned people burn easily but • Apply UV goggles to both the clinician and the patient.
• The card from step 1 is placed over the test area, and the
those with a tan do not. Dosing for UV therapy is
3 squares to the right are covered.
determined by performing a minimal erythema • The lamp is positioned and turned on. At 15 seconds, the
dose (MED) test. In this test, the smallest amount of second square is uncovered followed by the third square at
30 seconds and the final square at 45 seconds.
time needed to produce a mild sunburn is calculated • The lamp is turned off at 60 seconds. At this point, the square
(Box 14-1). on the far left has received 60 seconds of UV light, followed by
45, 30, and 15 seconds in the other three squares.
• Twenty-four hours later, the skin is assessed for the area with
Electrical Stimulation barely perceptible redness. The time corresponding to that
square is the MED.

A review of the general principles of electrotherapy is

suggested prior to reading this section. For an in-depth
discussion on the basics of electrotherapy, refer to
monly used waveforms to promote tissue healing are
Chapters 9 and 10 of this text.
high-volt pulsed current (HVPC) and low-intensity
Electrical stimulation (ES) for tissue healing is
direct current (LIDC, or microcurrent; for a review of
intended to accentuate the normal healing process
the specifics of these current types, see Chapter 9).
that occurs when skin is injured. Foulds and Barker37
HVPC and LIDC are both monophasic currents that
identified a separation of charge between the interior
result in a net flow of charged particles, which in turn
and exterior of the human skin. Based on these find-
yields the desired effects of wound healing. The process
ings, they were able to determine that the skin’s exterior
of attracting charged cells to an electric field of oppo-
has a negative polarity relative to the skin’s interior. This
site polarity is known as galvanotaxis. When a positively
difference creates potential energy in the same way that
charged electrode (anode) is placed over a wound, cells
a battery stores energy; thus, it is referred to as a human
and ions that are negatively charged will be drawn
skin battery (see Chapter 9). A primary factor in the
toward the electrode. Cells and ions that are positively
production of the negative external polarity is the
charged will be repelled.
movement of sodium (Na⫹) along its concentration
gradient from the external skin surface into the epithe-
lial cells. When there is a break in the skin, the interior
of the wound is positively charged compared to the
periwound area, which creates a voltage difference at
the wound margin. This difference in electrical charges
drives the healing process—as cells and ions are drawn
to areas of opposite polarity and repelled from areas
with the same polarity. 60 sec. 45 sec. 30 sec. 15 sec.
When ES is applied to the skin to promote tissue
healing, it produces current flow in the tissues that
mimics the natural skin battery. The two most com- Fig 14•4 Card for calculating a minimal erythema dose.
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368 Clinical Applications of Modalities


An 80-year-old female is referred for treatment of an 4. What specific ultraviolet light would be appropriate
infected venous ulceration on the medial lower leg. for the patient?
Upon removal of the dressing, you note a strong, foul Answer: UVC radiation (200 to 280 nm wavelength) is
odor with a green tint to the drainage. most effective for reducing bacterial loads on a wound.
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING 5. What specific parameters of ultraviolet light would
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be be appropriate for this patient?
improved with the use of ultraviolet light? Answer: Treatment with UVC ranging from 250 to
Answer: Yes, this patient could benefit from ultravio- 280 nm is most effective for destroying bacteria. A
let C (UVC) in order to reduce the bacterial coloniza- minimal erythema dose is not typically performed with
tion of the wound. UVC. Therapy for infection is typically 180 seconds
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of ultravio-
let light (i.e., do any of the general precautions or 6. What are the proper application procedures for
contraindications to ultraviolet light apply, or are ultraviolet light related to this case?
there any specific considerations regarding applica- Answer:
tion of ultraviolet light to this patient)? • Cleanse the wound and pat it dry.
Answer: If cancer, acute psoriasis, herpes simplex, • Apply sun protectant or layer of petrolatum to any
or eczema is not present in the periwound periwound skin that may be exposed.
skin, then the patient is appropriate for UVC • Both the patient and therapist should wear eye
therapy. protection.
• Allow the lamp to warm up prior to treatment.
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
• Position the patient so the UVC lamp can be held
use of ultraviolet light?
1 inch from the wound surface, and treat for
Answer: Eradicate bacteria from the wound, which
180 seconds daily.
will reduce wound odor.

KEY POINT!When the electrodes are placed close in protein and DNA synthesis, which is important for
together in a direct current circuit, an increased the production of granulation tissue.
amount of charge builds up because there is less None of the cellular mechanisms that occur in
area for it to disperse. This can be damaging to the response to ES would be of any significance if they did
skin and must be monitored carefully. not translate into improved clinical outcomes. There is
an abundance of clinical evidence supporting both the
Studies pertaining to the effects of galvanotaxis on dif- LIDC and high-voltage approaches to tissue healing.
ferent cell types have led to a general understanding of (See Table 14-3 for a brief summary of the effects of
which electrode setup will be most effective during dif- LIDC on tissue healing in humans.)
ferent stages of healing. For example, if the goal of stim-
ulation is to produce granulation tissue, the cathode is
placed over the wound to attract fibroblasts that are pos-
itively charged. (See Table 14-2 for an overview of the Table 14•2 Choosing the Appropriate
Current Based on the Goal
appropriate polarity for each aspect of wound healing.) of Treatment
In addition to the effects of galvanotaxis, which is Treatment Goal Cells Recruited Polarity of Current
responsible for cell migration, ES has also been shown to Debridement Macrophages (⫹)
increase cellular proliferation (the creation of new cells) in Neutrophils (⫹)
Infection Activated neutrophils (⫺)
fibroblasts. An increase in DNA and protein synthesis has
Granulation Fibroblasts (⫺)
been identified in several studies involving the application Wound contraction Myofibroblasts (⫺)
of stimulation.39–42 In one study by Bourguignon,43 an Epithelialization Keratinocytes (⫺)
increase in calcium uptake and an upregulation of insulin Epidermal cells (⫹)
receptors was reported. These changes led to an increase Adapted from Kloth, 2005.38
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A 74-year-old male sustained a skin tear to his left
upper arm as a result of a fall in his bathroom. The
wound has not responded to 6 weeks of conservative
therapy and remains red with no signs of new skin
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be
improved with the use of electrical stimulation?
Answer: Yes, impaired wound healing can be
addressed through the application of electrical
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of electrical
stimulation (i.e., do any of the general precautions
Example electrodes used for electrical stimulation.
or contraindications to electrical stimulation apply,
Nonadhesive electrodes and conducting gel are on the
or are there any specific considerations regarding left, and adhesive electrodes are on the right.
application of electrical stimulation to this patient)?
Answer: As long as there is no cancer in the wound • Select the desired polarity of the treatment elec-
or osteomyelitis in the arm and the electrodes are trode based on the desired effect; in this case,
not placed over the neck or thorax, the patient is positive for epithelialization.
appropriate for electrical stimulation.
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the Positive Negative
Epithelialization Granulation
use of electrical stimulation?
Autolysis/debridement Infection
Answer: Promotion of epithelial growth to close the
Promote inflammation Edema reduction
4. What specific electrical stimulation would be appro- • Place desired electrode over treatment area and a
priate for the patient? larger dispersive electrode 15 to 30 cm away. If an
Answer: Monophasic current applied as either open wound is present, the treatment electrode
microampere direct current, or high-voltage pulsed may be placed directly over the wound or adja-
current. cent to it.
• Voltage: Will be dependent upon waveform used.
5. What specific parameters of electrical stimulation
• HVPC: Should be set to a strong tingling pares-
would be appropriate for this patient?
thesia in patients with intact sensation. If patient
Answer: Low-intensity direct current (LIDC) applied
is insensate, voltage can be increased until
between 100 and 800 µA or high-voltage pulsed cur-
slight muscle twitching is evident and then
rent (HVPC) between 75 and 150 V with the positive
reduced until twitching stops. This voltage
pole at the wound site to promote skin growth. Apply
range is typically between 75 and 150 V with
directly over the wound to avoid damaging fragile
periwound skin. Duration is ideally 60 minutes daily.
• LIDC: This form of electrical stimulation will be
6. What are the proper application procedures for subsensory, so feedback from the patient is not
electrical stimulation related to this case? possible. Positive effects of this form of stimula-
Answer: tion have been reported with current ranging
• Cleanse the skin to remove oil and dry skin that from less than 100 µA to 800 µA.
will impair electrical current. • Duration: Ideally, 60 minutes per day, 7 days per
• Select a device capable of producing a low-intensity week.
direct current or pulsed monophasic current
• In the case of dry, reusable electrodes, apply gel
or hydrogel moistened gauze to the entire elec-
trode surface. Gel is not needed for adhesive
electrodes (see photo).
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370 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Clinical evidence for the use of high-voltage pulsed factor in the development of foot ulcers.55 Many practi-
current is also strong and corroborates the findings in tioners have used monochromatic infrared energy
animal and in vitro models. In human studies, HVPC (MIRE) to restore sensation to affected limbs. The
has led to improved blood flow,52,53 faster healing MIRE device delivers an 890 nm wavelength of infrared
rates,54 and higher percentages of wounds that heal ver- energy that is transmitted directly to the skin via pads
sus a control group.54 A meta-analysis by Gardner et al.54 containing 60 diodes each.56 (Figs. 14-5 and 14-6).
examined the effects of various forms of ES on chronic MIRE was initially approved by the FDA for
wound healing. Based on data from the 15 studies increasing circulation and reducing pain.
reviewed—consisting of 591 ulcers in the treatment KEY POINT!The proposed mechanism of action is the
group and 212 in the control group—the authors found stimulation of nitric oxide (NO) release from hemoglo-
a significant increase in the overall healing rates when ES bin into the circulation when hemoglobin absorbs the
was used compared to the control group. A statistical infrared energy. Since NO is a strong vasodilator,
difference was not obtained when healing rates for dif- increased amounts of it under the diodes will lead to
ferent forms of ES were compared. Other forms of ES improved circulation in that area.56
have been successfully used in wound care, but a discus-
sion of them is beyond the scope of this chapter. The current use of MIRE is to improve sensation
and is thought to work in the same manner, with
Infrared Energy increased circulation leading to healthier nerves and a
return of sensation.
Initially, infrared energy was used for its local heating Experimentally, results from studies using MIRE to
(i.e., thermal effect), but this is no longer a common improve sensation are equivocal. A number of studies
practice for most clinicians. Currently, the primary use report that MIRE had a positive effect on loss of
for infrared energy is to restore protective sensation, protective sensation, ranging from mild improvement to
which is often lost in diseases that affect the peripheral complete resolution.57–61 Conversely, there are independ-
nerves, most notably diabetes, and is a primary risk ent studies that did not find MIRE to be beneficial for

Table 14•3 Low-Intensity Direct Current and Tissue Healing in Humans

Author Study Type and Population Parameters Polarity Results
Junger et al., 199744 15 pt case series; venous ulcers 630 µA at 128 pps with (⫺) for 7–14 d, then Improved capillary density; ulcer size
pulse duration of 140 µs (+) for 7–10 d, then reduced 63%
with for 30 min/day (⫺)
Assimacopoulos, 196845 Three case reports; venous ulcers 50–100 µA continuously (⫺) All healed within 42 days
Wolcott et al., 196946 5 pts in a clinical trial; venous ulcers 200–800 µA for ⱖ 2 hr/d (⫺) Higher rate of healing than control
Wolcott et al., 196946 75 ulcers in a clinical trial; 200–800 µA for ⱖ 2 hr/d (⫺) 40% healed in treatment group;
ischemic ulcers 0% of controls healed
Gault et al., 197647 Controlled trial; 106 ulcers in 200–800 µA for 6 hr/d (⫺) for 3 days or until 48% healed and another 11%
76 patients; ischemic ulcers 3 days after infection improved > 95%; no control ulcers
cleared, then (+) healed
Wolcott et al., 196946 6 pts in a clinical trial; multiple 200–800 µA for ⱖ 2 hr/d (⫺) 5/6 of wounds treated with stimula-
pressure ulcers tion healed; 0/6 of controls healed
Barron et al., 198548 Prospective study; 6 pts with 600 µA, 3x/wk for Biphasic 5/6 healed in 1 month; 95% average
nonhealing pressure ulcers 3 weeks area of reduction
Wood et al., 199349 Double-blind, controlled study; 600 µA pulsed current (⫺) Treatment: 58% healed; 72.9%
74 pts with chronic stage II and 3x/wk for 8 weeks reduced > 80%; 0 increased in size
III pressure ulcers Control: 3% healed; 12.9% reduced
> 80%; 32.3% increased in size
Huckfeldt et al., 200750 RCT; 30 pts with full thickness 50–100 µA dependent (+) 36% faster healing in treatment
burns upon wound resistance group
Carley et al., 198551 30 pt clinical trial with wound of 300–700 µA depending (⫺) for first 3 days, Treatment group healed 1 to 2.5x
various etiologies on innervation of skin then reversed faster than paired controls after
3 weeks of stimulation
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Therapeutic Modalities for Tissue Healing 371

Fig 14•5 Anodyne pads with 60 diodes per pad used to Fig 14•6 Pad placement for MIRE treatment of neuropa-
deliver MIRE. (Courtesy of Anodyne Therapy, LLC, Tampa, FL.) thy: two pads on lower leg and one each on the plantar
and dorsal aspects of the foot.

treating impaired sensation when compared to control Clinical Controversy

groups.62–64 The authors of many studies point out that
In addition to the controversy over MIRE’s effective-
small sample sizes may limit the power of the study, mak-
ness, there is also disagreement pertaining to the dura-
ing it difficult to identify a difference between the control
tion of effect, if any, once the modality is discontinued.
and treatment group.


A 60-year-old patient with diabetes is referred for 4. What specific infrared energy would be appropriate
the treatment of an open, noninfected foot ulcer. for the patient?
Examination results reveal strong pulses with decreased Answer: Monochromatic infrared energy (MIRE)
sensation on the plantar aspect of both feet. applied at 890 nm through multiple diode pads that
are secured to the skin.
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be 5. What specific parameters of infrared energy would
improved with the use of infrared energy? be appropriate for this patient?
Answer: Some evidence exists that infrared energy Answer: Specific data regarding optimal duration
can be beneficial in reversing sensory loss associ- and frequency have not been determined for the
ated with diabetes. This may be helpful in healing use of MIRE.
the foot ulcer, as the patient would become more
6. What are the proper application procedures for
aware of how often he is walking on it.
infrared energy related to this case?
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of infrared Answer:
energy (i.e., do any of the general precautions or • Cleanse the skin to remove any dirt, oil, dry skin,
contraindications to infrared energy apply, or are and so on.
there any specific considerations regarding applica- • MIRE diodes can be applied directly to the skin or
tion of infrared energy to this patient)? over a plastic covering to avoid contamination.
Answer: Yes, the patient does not have any condi- • The diodes are secured in place to achieve
tion that would preclude the use of infrared energy. optimal contact with the skin but should not be
so tight that they cause indentations or cut off
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
use of infrared energy?
• The machine is turned on and the area is treated
Answer: Improve sensation to the feet for the pur-
for 20 to 30 minutes per day, 3 to 7 days per
pose of increasing the patient’s awareness of his
foot and weight-bearing activities.
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372 Clinical Applications of Modalities

At present, there are still many unexplored factors that amount of blood that pools in the sinuses around
may play a role in the effectiveness of MIRE therapy. the valves.66 When the pooling of blood is reduced in
Severity of neuropathy at the initiation of therapy appears the veins, the pressure there will also be reduced. This
to be related to the effectiveness of MIRE.59 In addition, creates a larger pressure gradient between the arterial
there is no clearly defined frequency and duration of treat- system and the venous system, which leads to increased
ment in the literature that offers the best evidence for suc- blood flow to the affected limb. With more oxygenated
cessful outcomes. To truly determine the effectiveness of blood in the vessels, there is more blood available for
MIRE, well-designed, double-blind studies with larger tissue healing, including soft tissue and bone.67,68 The
sample sizes need to be performed. There is currently no theory that increased blood flow caused by compression
consistent body of evidence supporting MIRE as a will bring nutrients to tissues to assist with the healing
modality for the treatment of sensory neuropathy. process seems to be supported by the studies discussed
in Chapter 8.
Intermittent Pneumatic The other proposed mechanical effects pertain
Compression specifically to injured bone. Applying IPC to muscles
proximal to a fracture site has been shown to increase
This section will focus on the physiological effects of cyclical loading in the bones of sheep. It is hypothe-
compression therapy that promote wound healing. The sized that the same effect would be achieved in
use of intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) is humans, leading to increased bone formation at the
covered in more detail in Chapter 8. fracture site.69 The third proposed mechanical effect is
Despite the wide use of intermittent compression, a redirection of blood flow that occurs when the
no single theory has been proven regarding the exact venous system is compressed. When compression is
mechanism of action. Proposed effects of IPC can be applied to the leg, raising the pressure in the venous
mechanical or chemical in nature. The mechanical system, venous channels in the long bones are
effects, as identified in a study by Khanna et al.,65 recruited to assist with venous circulation. Ultimately,
include improved vascularity, cyclical loading, and a adding IPC increases blood flow to the bone in the
redirection of blood flow. When IPC is applied, it area being compressed, which is thought to assist with
squeezes the limb, which compresses blood vessels and bone healing. Significant increases in blood flow to the
causes blood to move forward through the vessel periosteum following IPC have been demonstrated in
(Fig. 14-7). The increased force leads to an increased rabbits.67 In humans, adding IPC to one limb follow-
peak flow velocity, which is thought to reduce the ing the injection of a radiopharmaceutical agent led to
significantly increased uptake by the long bones, indi-
cating that more blood was being delivered to the
bones under compression.70
One of the proposed chemical effects of IPC is an
increased production of nitric oxide. This effect has
been demonstrated experimentally in cultured endothe-
lial cells by exposing them to a cyclic strain at 60 cycles
per minute and in rats following 30 minutes of
IPC.71,72 It is thought that nitric oxide is produced in
response to the shear stresses on the endothelium of the
blood vessels created by compression.73 Since nitric
oxide is a vasodilator, it is believed that an increase in
nitric oxide will lead to increased blood flow to the area.
A second chemical effect of pneumatic compression is
an increase in certain proinflammatory agents. The pro-
Fig 14•7 Intermittent pneumatic compression applied to
treat an ulceration caused by venous insufficiency. (Courtesy
posed benefit of this relates to the secondary effect of
of Bio Compression Systems, Inc., Moonachie, NJ.) these agents. In addition to their role in promoting
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Therapeutic Modalities for Tissue Healing 373

inflammation, chemical mediators, such as substance P KEY POINT! Tissue temperature will increase faster when
and calcitonin gene-related peptide, play a role in the superficial heat is applied under compression therapy.
early phase of tissue healing.74 An investigation by Dahl If compression must be applied (e.g., with a patient
et al.68 identified increased levels of these mediators, lying on a hot pack), extra layers of towels should be
along with elevated sensory neuropeptides following placed over the hot pack to avoid tissue trauma.
daily compression therapy given to rats with imposed
Achilles tendon injuries. The increased levels of media- Similarly, paraffin wax transfers heat to the skin
tors were accompanied by increased production of through conduction. To accomplish this, the affected
fibroblasts and a higher blood vessel density in the area extremity is repeatedly dipped in wax until a layer of wax
of treatment. 2 mm to 3 mm thick is produced. It is then wrapped to
provide insulation. Wax can be comfortably applied at
Clinical Controversy temperatures of 50°C because the wax will cool and solid-
Despite the widely held belief that arterial compro- ify when it contacts the skin. The wax is typically left in
mise is a contraindication to compression therapy, place for 15 to 20 minutes, at which point it is adding a
there is evidence that high pressures applied for short small amount of heat to the tissue and providing insula-
durations may promote healing when ischemia is tion that greatly reduces the amount of heat loss. This is
present.75 a common superficial heating modality in the treatment
of rheumatoid arthritis and burns in areas of potential
contracture formation, most notably the hands.
Superficial Heating Modalities Although studies using superficial heat to promote tis-
sue healing are lacking, superficial heating is known to
There are several modalities available to the practitioner
raise the local skin temperature and lead to vasodila-
that are designed to produce superficial heating
tion.76,77 An elevated local metabolism and increased
through conduction. The primary indications for
blood flow accompanying increases in temperature also
superficial heating are to reduce pain, promote tissue
assist tissue healing. A second proposed mechanism by
distensibility, and relieve muscle spasms. However,
which superficial heat could promote healing is the reduc-
heating injured tissues does have a theoretical benefit in
tion of muscle spasms, which can lead to local ischemia.
regard to healing, so the proposed mechanisms for how
Wright and Sluka78 describe the role that heating could
this may occur with superficial heat will be addressed
play on reducing ischemia by increasing the firing of the
type Ib Golgi tendon organ afferent fibers. This reduces
The superficial heating modalities most commonly
the firing of the agonist muscles, which would reduce
used are hot packs and paraffin wax. Hot packs can
muscle spasms and, in turn, reverse localized ischemia.
be divided into disposable and reusable varieties as
Despite the documented local improvement in blood
well as moist and dry. The disposable hot packs are
flow that could potentially contribute to tissue healing,
rarely used in clinical practice because of the excessive
there is a lack of evidence that supports superficial heat as
cost and waste associated with them. When a hot
a primary modality to promote tissue healing.
pack is heated in a microwave or hydrocollator or
If superficial heating is used, either as a primary
through an exothermic reaction (in the case of a dis-
modality to increase blood flow or in conjunction with
posable pack), the pack absorbs heat. The hot pack is
another modality, several concerns need to be
then placed on the skin over a protective layer of tow-
addressed. The skin should always be inspected prior to
els to prevent burning. The heat will be transferred
initiating therapy with a hot pack. The clinician should
from the hot pack to the skin, with a 1 cm to 2 cm
assess for skin sensitivity to hot and cold and arterial
layer of towels acting as insulation to prevent the skin
perfusion, and he or she should perform a thorough
temperature from rising too high. This layer is criti-
history to identify any condition or medication that
cal since hydrocollator temperatures are typically set
may make the tissue intolerant to heat. Because metal
between 70°C and 80°C (158°F and 176°F), and the
conducts heat faster than soft tissue, caution must be
desired skin temperature achieved is approximately
taken when applying heat to any area with implants.
40°C (104°F).
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374 Clinical Applications of Modalities


A 49-year-old male with a history of peripheral vascu- 3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
lar disease presents with a painful lesion to the dor- use of superficial heat?
sum of the foot. The limb is cool to the touch, and he Answer: Low-level warming should take place to
reports hanging the foot off the side of the bed to get prevent vasoconstriction.
minor pain relief.
4. What specific superficial heat would be appropriate
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be Answer: Conservative mechanisms would be more
improved with the use of superficial heat? appropriate to provide warmth to the foot, such as
Answer: Although the application of superficial heat a lamb’s wool boot or similar device.
would cause vasodilation and theoretically increase
5. What specific parameters of superficial heat would
blood flow to the ischemic leg, it would not be a
be appropriate for this patient?
safe option when applied with a hot pack.
Answer: Superficial heat should not be applied to
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of superfi- the ischemic area of this patient. Little evidence
cial heat (i.e., do any of the general precautions or exists pertaining to the effectiveness of heat applied
contraindications to superficial heat apply, or are more proximally.
there any specific considerations regarding applica-
6. What are the proper application procedures for
tion of superficial heat to this patient)?
superficial heat related to this case?
Answer: At this point, the patient is not appropriate
Answer: Avoid excessive heating mechanisms. Keep
for the application of superficial heat due to the lack
limb covered and warm with boot, socks, blankets,
of blood flow to the leg. Heat applied at tempera-
and so on.
tures typical of hot packs and paraffin wax could
cause further damage, as there is no mechanism to
dissipate the heat.

Superficial heating should be avoided in cases of poor wide use of cold therapy, few studies have been per-
vascularity because the lack of blood flow will impair formed to determine the optimal parameters of treatment
heat dissipation via convection. Finally, because heating (i.e., duration and frequency of treatment and tempera-
leads to vasodilation and increased blood flow to the ture of the cold pack at the beginning of treatment).
area, it is contraindicated in the presence of cancer and A study by Enwemeka et al.81 investigated the effects
is generally harmful in the presence of heavily draining of cold pack therapy at different tissue depths. For super-
wounds, as drainage will increase. Even if there are no ficial tissues (1 cm deep) in healthy individuals, a significant
contraindications, the patient should still be frequently drop in temperature was observed following 8 minutes of
reassessed during the treatment. The patient should be cold pack therapy. Although there was a rapid change
given some mechanism, such as a bell, to call for the superficially, 20 minutes of cold pack therapy did not
therapist if the heat source is getting too hot. reduce the temperature of tissues deeper than 2 cm.
Interestingly, the authors noted a temperature reduction
Cryotherapy in the deeper tissues after the cold pack was removed.
One factor that may play a role in this is the shunting of
Because of its role in reducing edema, cryotherapy, in the blood from the superficial vessels to the deep vessels due
form of ice or cold packs, is a common treatment during to vasoconstriction followed by a reversed flow of blood
the initial inflammatory process following soft tissue from the deep to superficial vessels to reheat the tissue.
injuries. As the cold pack is placed on the skin, energy is The effective depth of penetration depends on the
transferred between the two through conduction, leading amount of circulation in the area as well as the type and
to warming of the ice pack and cooling of the tissue. As amount of tissue that is present. Ice used to lower the
tissues cool, blood vessels in the area constrict and temperature of deeper tissues will be impaired by adipose
microvascular permeability decreases.79,80 Despite the tissue because of its insulating qualities.
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Therapeutic Modalities for Tissue Healing 375

KEY POINT!With the exception of ice massage, ice effective than heat or alternating heat and cold on
should never be placed directly on the skin due to the edema management.83 This review pointed out the lack
risk of frostbite. of consistent protocols, making an evidence-based rec-
ommendation for treatment duration difficult. A gen-
Due to different quantities of adipose tissue between eral consensus is that 15 to 20 minutes is an acceptable
species, it is difficult to base recommendations for treat- time frame because it is long enough to decrease tissue
ment duration and frequency of cryotherapy on animal temperature but is not likely to cause tissue dam-
studies, but the physiological changes may be the same. age.81,83–85 The majority of studies involve superficial
Closed tissue injuries in rats responded favorably to the injuries to ankles and knees, so caution must be taken
application of cryotherapy. Improvements in functional when attempting to extrapolate these findings to deeper
capillary density, decreased intramuscular pressures, injuries, such as a hamstring tear.
reduced number of granulocytes, and reduced tissue Investigations into the most effective temperature
damage were all noted with cryotherapy.82 for cryotherapy are predominantly related to the acute
These findings support the use of ice in the inflam- treatment of burns. Although a specific temperature has
matory phase to reduce edema, which can speed up the not been identified as most effective, cold tap water at
healing process. Although ice is commonly used in all 12°C to 18°C (54°F to 64°F) has proven to be more
phases of rehabilitation to manage pain and muscle effective than ice in reducing the amount of tissue dam-
spasms, there is no evidence that it promotes healing age following a burn.86 In fact, the application of ice
beyond the inflammatory phase. A systematic review of caused more tissue damage to burned tissue than no
randomized controlled trials showed ice to be more treatment at all.86,87


A 14-year-old girl sprained the extensor ligaments of Answer: An ice pack or crushed ice because it can
her wrist when she fell during a high school field conform to the wrist.
hockey game. Her goal is to return to the team as
5. What specific parameters of cryotherapy would be
soon as the ligaments are healed.
appropriate for this patient?
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING Answer: No specific parameters have shown to be
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be most effective. Ice packs and gel packs are typically
improved with the use of cryotherapy? stored in ⫺10°C to ⫺20°C (⫺50°F to ⫺68°F) ranges.
Answer: Yes, in the acute stages of healing, cryother-
6. What are the proper application procedures for
apy can be beneficial to reduce edema.
cryotherapy related to this case?
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of cryother- Answer:
apy (i.e., do any of the general precautions or con- • Assess for adequate circulation to the area to be
traindications to cryotherapy apply, or are there any treated.
specific considerations regarding application of • Assess for hot/cold sensation.
cryotherapy to this patient)? • Cover cold pack in a pillowcase or place ice in a
Answer: Cryotherapy would be an appropriate plastic bag and wrap loosely to hold in place on skin.
method to reduce edema, thus speeding up the • Note: Compression, from wrapping too tight or
inflammatory process, as she has no contraindica- lying on the ice pack, will increase the rate of
tions and the area is superficial. cooling and can produce burns.
• Duration: Treat for 15 to 20 minutes.
3 What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
• Frequency: There is no evidence to support how
use of cryotherapy?
often treatment should occur, but the effect from
Answer: Reduce edema in the injured area to assist
cryotherapy has been demonstrated to last up
with the transition out of the inflammatory phase.
to 4 hours in some investigations and as little as
4. What specific form of cryotherapy would be appro- 18 minutes for superficial tissue in others.81
priate for the patient?
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376 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Hydrotherapy Table 14•4 Hydrotherapy Indications

Whirlpool Pulsed Lavage
Hydrotherapy, in the form of whirlpools, has been a • Stage III or IV pressure Variety of wound types including:
mainstay in wound care for decades. Initially used in ulcers with heavy amounts • Pressure ulcers
of necrotic tissue • Diabetic foot ulcers
burn units to assist with removing adhered dressings, • Burns • Venous insufficiency ulcers
whirlpool use expanded in some clinics to cleaning the • Removal of adherent dressings • Deep or tunneling wounds
• Greater than 50% necrotic tissue • Infected surgical sites
majority of wounds, not just burns. Since that time, the
• Heavily contaminated wounds
use of whirlpools has been curtailed due to concerns • Burns
over cross-contamination and the development of new • Multiple wounds
methods to deliver hydrotherapy to wounds (Fig. 14-8).
The primary indication for hydrotherapy in wound
healing is mechanical debridement (Table 14-4). Despite the proposed benefits, there are also many
Loosely adhered necrotic tissue and slough, exudate, potential side effects associated with whirlpool therapy.
dirt, and contaminants in and around the wound are This modality has the potential to transmit bacteria
removed by the movement of the water.88 The use of from one patient to another as well as from an infected
whirlpools for wound cleansing has several proposed wound to a noninfected wound on the same patient if
benefits. First is the reduction in pain associated with both wounds are immersed in water.91 This risk can be
dressing removal because it soaks the bandage and reduced by cleansing the whirlpool effectively, which
allows it to come off slowly. The warm water in a can be time-consuming, and by adding antimicrobial
whirlpool can also improve blood flow to the immersed agents to the water, which can be hazardous to healthy
area, potentially improving healing. In the past, tissues.92–94 Prolonged immersion in water also has the
whirlpool use in addition to standard dressing changes potential of macerating the periwound skin and
showed improved wound healing in stage III and IV increasing edema when positioned in a dependent
pressure ulcers compared to standard dressing changes position. This is particularly problematic for venous
alone.89 However, when a RevMan analysis was per- ulcers of the lower limb.95 Another issue with
formed on this data, no significant differences were whirlpools is that it is difficult to control the pressure
found.90 The mechanisms by which whirlpool therapy of the water at the wound’s surface. When whirlpool is
improves wound healing have not been analyzed in any used, it is typically used for 20 to 30 minutes, three to
form of a controlled study. Proposed methods include five times per week. The use of whirlpool should be
reducing bacterial colonization and increasing the tissue discontinued once the wound has a healthy bed of
temperature due to the warm water. granulation.
In response to many of the problems inherent in
whirlpool therapy, newer, more directed approaches to
debridement have been developed. Pulsed lavage or
pulsed lavage with suction (PLWS) have become
increasingly popular as alternatives to whirlpool ther-
apy for the treatment of open wounds (Box 14-2).
Pulsed lavage involves irrigating (typically with saline)
the wound at a set pressure (Fig. 14-9).
The recommended water pressure range is 4 to
15 psi. Pressures less than this have proved to be inef-
fective for removing debris, and pressures higher than
this range are implicated in tissue damage and possibly
a spread of bacteria.96 Not only has pulsed lavage been
shown to be effective for debridement, but it also
Fig 14•8 Whirlpool tank with agitator. (Courtesy of Whitehall, City of increases the rate of granulation tissue formation com-
Industry, CA.) pared to whirlpool.97 PLWS is not without risk of
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Clinical Controversy
Box 14•2 Proper Use of Pulsed Lavage
Opinions on the use of whirlpool therapy are varied
• Coordinate therapy with patient’s medication schedule to
maximize comfort. (Box 14-3). Many wound care clinicians feel there are
• Position the patient comfortably with treatment area exposed very rare instances in which a whirlpool is appropriate,
and easily accessible.
• Assemble sterile, single-patient pulsed lavage unit, including
given other methods to cleanse the wound, while other
irrigants, suction canister, and lavage gun. (Note: It may be clinicians use whirlpool at the majority of patient visits
beneficial to warm the irrigants under warm running water prior (Tables 14-5, 14-6, and 14-7).
to therapy.)
• Ensure that the patient is appropriately draped and that
the therapist is wearing personal protective equipment
(i.e., gloves, mask, gown) to avoid backsplash. The lavage Box 14•3 Proper Use of Whirlpool
gun should be covered with a plastic barrier to reduce
aerosolization. • Assess patient and patient’s record for any contraindications or
• Treat wound at 4 to 15 psi to remove nonviable material. concerns regarding whirlpool therapy.
• Treatment duration will vary based on wound size, patient • Coordinate therapy with patient’s medication schedule to
tolerance, and amount of nonviable tissue. maximize comfort.
• At the completion of treatment, the unit is disposed of in • Set the water temperature to 35.5°C to 39°C (96° to 102°F) for
accordance with facility policy; in some cases, the device may most wound care applications. For total immersion, the temper-
be saved for subsequent use on the same patient. ature should be at the lower end of the range; higher tempera-
tures are okay for local immersion.
• Remove clothing from the area to be treated and immerse
patient in water.
• Turn on agitators after patient is safely positioned.
contamination, as aerosolization of particles may occur, • Typical treatments last approximately 20 minutes.
• The whirlpool is cleansed and disinfected after each use.
but this risk can be minimized by treating the patient
in a private room and using a plastic shield to protect
the area. Different attachments are also available to
assist with the treatment of open tracts and tunnels. Table 14•5 Contraindications and
As with whirlpool, the use of pulsed lavage should be Precautions for Full-Body
Immersion in Whirlpool Therapy
discontinued once a clean wound is achieved.
Contraindication Rationale
Cardiac dysfunction Inability to regulate temperature/dissipate
heat if submerged in warm water
Bowel incontinence Contamination of wound and whirlpool
Impaired consciousness Risk of drowning
Severe peripheral vascular Inability to dissipate heat may lead to tissue
disease damage
Infectious conditions Risk of contamination
that can spread in water
Multiple sclerosis Hot water contraindicated
Uncontrolled bleeding Risk of hemorrhage
Pregnant women Risk of injury to fetus with high
Granulating wounds No need for debridement
Confusion Risk of drowning
Urinary incontinence Contamination
Certain medications Reduced tolerance to heat

Laser Therapy
The use of lasers in tissue healing remains controversial
Fig 14•9 Simulated use of pulsed lavage with suction on
a sacral ulcer. Note the plastic splash protector. (Courtesy of
because of conflicting results. On the positive side, a
Davol, Inc., Cranston, RI.) meta-analysis performed by Enwemeka and colleagues98
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378 Clinical Applications of Modalities

Table 14•6 Contraindications and Table 14•7 Contraindications and

Precautions for Local Precautions for Pulsed Lavage
Immersion in Whirlpool Therapy Contraindication Rationale
Contraindication Rationale Uncontrolled bleeding; May exacerbate the problem
Uncontrolled bleeding Increases blood flow to area; risk of blood vessels in the wound
hemorrhage Granulating wounds No need for debridement
Maceration Weakens skin; may increase risk of skin Precautions
infection Recent skin grafts in area Potential to disrupt graft
Venous insufficiency Prolonged dependent positions and warm
ulcers environment will exacerbate edema
Granulating wounds No need for debridement stress, strength, and overall flap survival. Several other
Precautions studies on diabetic rats, which were not included in
Infections that can Risk of contamination
spread in water
Enwemeka’s analysis, produced similar results. Wound
Impaired cognition Potential injury from falling; contact with collagen content was stimulated and a reduction in
turbine wound area was noted with laser therapy compared to
Recent skin grafts Graft destruction
control groups.99,100 In the inflammatory stage of heal-
ing, reduced edema, reduced number of inflammatory
cells, increased phagocytosis by white blood cells, and
examined the effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) proliferation of inflammatory cells have all been attrib-
on in vivo tissue repair in animals and humans. Their uted to laser therapy.101–103 The effects continued to be
results revealed a positive effect of laser therapy on tis- positive in the proliferative phase with an increased
sue repair and revealed specific indices of tissue repair, number of myofibroblasts, collagen deposition, and
including collagen formation, rate of healing, tensile epithelial cells observed.103,104


A 54-year-old female with a history of venous insuffi- 4. What specific hydrotherapy would be appropriate
ciency and diabetes presents with an open, infected for the patient?
Charcot foot ulcer to the plantar midfoot. Answer: Pulsed lavage with suction (PLWS) would
be the best choice, as it can limit maceration, does
not require the limb to be soaking in water in
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be
a dependent position, and reduces the risk of
improved with the use of hydrotherapy?
Answer: Yes, the wound could be effectively cleaned
with hydrotherapy. 5. What specific parameters of hydrotherapy would be
appropriate for this patient?
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of hydrother-
Answer: PLWS between 4 and 15 psi, typically
apy (i.e., do any of the general precautions or con-
toward the higher range for heavily contaminated/
traindications to hydrotherapy apply, or are there any
infected wounds. Suction is usually set to 60 to
specific considerations regarding application of
100 mm Hg.
hydrotherapy to this patient)?
Answer: The patient is appropriate for the application 6. What are the proper application procedures for
of hydrotherapy. Prolonged dependent positions and hydrotherapy related to this case?
warm water may exacerbate swelling associated with Answer: A sterile lavage gun is used for each treat-
venous insufficiency. Excessive moisture can lead to ment. Ensure that the lavage gun is in contact or
maceration and weakening of skin in diabetics. in close proximity to the wound before pulling the
trigger to avoid water spraying in all directions.
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
use of hydrotherapy?
Answer: Removal of loosely adhered nonviable
tissue as well as bacteria that may be causing a
localized infection.
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Therapeutic Modalities for Tissue Healing 379

In addition to the multitude of studies that have current literature, there appears to be a positive effect of
demonstrated positive outcomes using LLLT, there are laser on cellular activities. However, the evidence that
many studies that did not find an effect of laser ther- this translates into wound healing in humans is lacking.
apy.105–111 A literature review by Posten et al.112 Table 14-8 lists contraindications and precautions for
pointed out many positive effects that have been LLLT (Table 14-8).
observed with laser therapy but concluded that there is
not an adequate body of literature to support wide- Negative-Pressure Wound
spread use of lasers in wound healing. Flemming and Therapy
Cullum113 performed a Cochrane review that examined
laser’s effects on venous ulcer healing and did not find Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) involves
any benefit. Factors that are thought to contribute to the application of subatmospheric pressure to wound
the discrepancy between studies with positive and neg- tissues. The concept of using negative pressure is not
ative findings include the duration and frequency of new. It has been used in drains to remove body fluids
laser therapy, the wavelength of the laser, and the for much of the last century.115 Within the last
species of animal being studied.
Currently, not enough research has been performed
to determine the most beneficial parameters for laser Table 14•8 Contraindications to Low-Level
therapy. Positive results have been demonstrated with Laser Therapy
different forms of laser, including helium neon (632.8 • Exposure to eyes
nm) and gallium arsenide (904 nm), with helium neon • Over cancer
• Pregnancy
having the largest body of evidence.114 Based on the


A 27-year-old female is referred for treatment to Answer: Gallium/aluminum arsenide laser would be
address a partial tear of the Achilles tendon sustained most appropriate because it has a deeper penetra-
in a soccer injury. tion than helium-neon lasers.
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING 5. What specific parameters of laser therapy would be
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be appropriate for this patient?
improved with the use of laser therapy? Answer: Gallium/aluminum arsenide laser is applied
Answer: Yes, laser therapy can be used to assist at a 904 nm wavelength at an intensity ranging from
with tendon healing because of its role in stimulat- 1 to 48 J/cm2.
ing collagen synthesis.
6. What are the proper application procedures for
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of laser laser therapy related to this case?
therapy (i.e., do any of the general precautions or Answer: The patient should be treated in a private
contraindications to laser therapy apply, or are there room to minimize the risk of exposing others to the
any specific considerations regarding application of laser. Position the patient so that laser therapy can
laser therapy to this patient)? be comfortably applied to the Achilles area. The
Answer: This patient is appropriate for laser therapy. laser probe is applied to the skin before turning the
Eye protection should be worn during treatment to machine on and is held in direct contact with
avoid inadvertent exposure. the skin. Treatment occurs in a grid pattern with a
laser spot applied in each square over the entire
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the
treatment area. At this time, there is no set data on
use of laser therapy?
duration or frequency of laser therapy; however, it is
Answer: Promote tendon repair by increasing colla-
typically applied three to five times per week.
gen formation at the site of injury.
4. What specific laser therapy would be appropriate
for the patient?
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380 Clinical Applications of Modalities

20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in the use The first of the subatmospheric devices designed
of negative pressure therapy in wound care (Tables 14-9 specifically for wound care was the VAC device; as a
and 14-10). result, a large proportion of negative-pressure studies
NPWT is currently available in several different were performed with this device (Fig. 14-10). Based
forms, all of which involve using a power source that on the outcomes of VAC therapy, several proposed
is connected to a dressing on the wound. The power mechanisms of action have developed, including
source, either battery or line power, creates suction removal of wound exudate and bioburden, edema
that pulls fluid from the wound into a collection can- reduction, improved blood flow, and a promotion of
ister or, in some cases, into the absorbent dressing. fibroblasts in the wound.116 Although all of these
The dressing is left in place for from 1 to several days, may contribute to wound healing, microdeformation
depending on wound characteristics, but therapy can is thought to be the primary means by which NPWT
be adjusted so that negative pressure is applied contin- influences wound healing. Microdeformation is the
uously or intermittently (e.g., 5 minutes on and mechanical deformation of cells in response to a
2 minutes off ). stimulus—in this case, the application of subatmos-
pheric pressure. This theory has been supported by
Clinical Controversy studies that identified increased cellular proliferation
A major difference between NPWT devices is the con- and angiogenesis in response to mechanical stress on
tact layer, which can be foam, gauze, or absorbent tissues.117,118
dressings. Controversy exists regarding the proposed Negative-pressure wound therapy has changed the
risks and benefits associated with using different mate- way wound care is performed in many facilities. An
rials with negative pressure. important benefit of negative pressure is the ability to
leave the dressing in place for several days, compared
to twice-daily dressing changes that were typical of
wet to moist dressings. The ability for a dressing to
Table 14•9 Indications for remain in place has several positive effects, including
Wound Therapy120 cost and time for health-care professionals to change
Acute Wounds Chronic Wounds the dressing and, most importantly, less pain for the
• Traumatic and surgical wounds • Stage III and IV pressure ulcers patient due to the reduced frequency of dressing
• Dehisced wounds • Diabetic foot ulcers
• Skin grafts and graft substitutes • Arterial ulcers (post- revascularization)
• Fasciotomy and venous ulcers
• Partial thickness burns
• Flap salvage

Table 14•10 Contraindications

and Precautions for
Negative-Pressure Wound
Contraindications Precautions
• Exposed vital organs • Active bleeding
• Inadequately debrided wounds • Anticoagulant medications
• Untreated osteomyelitis or • Exposed blood vessels
sepsis in the vicinity of the wound
• Presence of untreated
• Necrotic tissue with eschar
• Malignancy in the wound
• Non-enteric and unexplored
• Allergy to any component of the Fig 14•10 The use of negative pressure to manage a
device dehisced abdominal wound. (VAC device shown courtesy of Kinetic
Concepts, Inc., San Antonio, TX.)
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Therapeutic Modalities for Tissue Healing 381


A 21-year-old female is referred for treatment of a not recommended because the pressure at the
dehisced surgical wound following a cesarean section. wound surface cannot be regulated, and there is no
Sutures were removed 2 days ago due to infection, and alarm system to signify a problem.
the wound has been packed with moistened gauze.
5. What specific parameters of NPWT would be
CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING appropriate for this patient?
Answer: For the initiation of therapy, 125 mm Hg of
1. Does the patient have a problem that can be
negative pressure applied continuously is recom-
improved with the use of NPWT?
mended. After that, evidence suggests that inter-
Answer: Yes, this open postsurgical wound could
mittent therapy (5 minutes on and 2 minutes off) is
benefit from the application of subatmospheric
more beneficial. If it is difficult to obtain a seal, con-
pressure to remove exudates and facilitate approxi-
tinuous therapy may continue to be the best option.
mation of the wound margins.
6. What are the proper application procedures for
2. Is the patient appropriate for application of NPWT
NPWT related to this case?
(i.e., do any of the general precautions or con-
traindications to NPWT apply, or are there any spe-
• Review patient history to rule out any contraindi-
cific considerations regarding application of NPWT
cations/precautions to NPWT.
to this patient)?
• Cleanse wound and debride necrotic tissue, if
Answer: As long as there is no malignancy and the
patient’s bleeding is controlled, this patient would
• Apply skin protectant to periwound to reduce risk
be appropriate for NPWT.
of breakdown from maceration.
3. What are the specific goals to be achieved with the • Cut foam or adjust gauze to fit inside wound to
use of NPWT? maximize contact with wound bed while avoiding
Answer: Promote removal of exudates, control bac- contact with intact skin.
terial bioburden in the wound, and promote wound • Obtain a seal and connect tubing to dressing.
contraction and proliferation of granulation tissue in • Set parameters to 125 mm Hg continuous ther-
the wound. A secondary goal is improved pain due apy for initiation of therapy.
to the less frequent dressing changes. • Ensure that suction is achieved with no leaks.
• Recommended frequency of dressing change is
4. What specific NPWT would be appropriate for the
every 48 hours for most wounds, every 24 hours
in the presence of infection, and up to 5 to 7 days
Answer: An approved device intended specifically
over skin grafts.
for providing NPWT should be used. Wall suction is

KEY POINT!When applied correctly, the contact layer of negative pressure, refer to the guidelines document by
the dressing should touch the entire wound bed but Bollero and colleagues.120
should not connect with intact skin. In cases of
Clinical Controversy
wounds with any sort of tunneling or depth, all areas
should be filled in loosely. A common mistake is over- Despite the moderate to strong evidence that NPWT
packing the wound with the contact dressing. promotes healing, the majority of the wounds treated
have been acute/postsurgical, so controversy still exists
Evidence has demonstrated positive clinical out- concerning its effectiveness compared to other therapies
comes with NPWT, including improved healing times, in chronic wounds.
shorter hospital stays, reduced infection rates, and
increased survival of flaps and grafts. NPWT is typi- Documentation Tips
cally not intended to be used until complete wound ● Tissue area stimulated
closure; rather, it is used as a method to prepare the ● Stimulation settings
wound bed for definitive closure.120 For a thorough • Polarity, type, and placement of electrodes
review of expert guidelines pertaining to the use of • Type and size of electrodes
(continued next page)
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382 Clinical Applications of Modalities

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77(5):394–398. power laser and healing of burns: a preliminary assay. Plast
90. Moore Z, Cowman S. A systematic review of wound cleansing Reconstr Surg. 1996;97(3):555–558.
for pressure ulcers. J Clin Nurs. 2008;17(15):1963–1972. 110. Walker MD, Rumpf S, Baxter GD, et al. Effect of low-intensity
91. Embil JM, McLeod JA, Al-Barrak AM, et al. An outbreak of laser irradiation (660 nm) on a radiation-impaired wound
methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus on a burn unit: healing model in murine skin. Lasers Surg Med. 2000;26(1):
potential role of contaminated hydrotherapy equipment. 41–47.
Burns. 2001;27(7):681–688. 111. Hunter J, Leonard L, Wilson R, et al. Effects of low energy
92. Cardany CR, Rodeheaver GT, Horowitz JH, et al. Influence of laser on wound healing in a porcine model. Lasers Surg
hydrotherapy and antiseptic agents on burn wound bacterial Med. 1984;3(4):285–290.
contamination. J Burn Care Rehabil. 1985;6(3):230–232. 112. Posten W, Wrone DA, Dover JS, et al. Low-level laser therapy
93. Lineaweaver W, Howard R, Soucy D, et al. Topical antimicro- for wound healing: mechanism and efficacy. Dermatol Surg.
bial toxicity. Arch Surg. 1985;120(3):267–270. 2005;31(3):334–340.
94. Rodeheaver G, Bellamy W, Kody M, et al. Bactericidal activity 113. Flemming K, Cullum N. Laser therapy for venous leg ulcers.
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95. McCulloch J, Boyd V. The effects of whirlpool and the depend- 114. Albaugh K. What else can we do? Therapeutic interventions
ent position on lower extremity volume. J Orthop Sports Phys (MIRE, ES, and LASER). 11th Annual Wound Care Congress.
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96. Bergstrom N, Allman R, Alvarez O, et al. Treatment of pressure 115. Fox JW, Goden GT. The use of drains in subcutaneous sur-
ulcers: clinical practice guideline No. 15. Rockville, MD: gical procedures. Am J Surg. 1976;132(5):673-674.
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97. Haynes LJ, Brown MH, Handley BC, et al. Comparison of rose by any other name.” Ostomy Wound Manage. 2005;
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sue granulation (abstract). Phys Ther. 1994;74(5 Suppl):S4. 117. Iwasaki H, Eguchi S, Ueno H, et al. Mechanical stretch stim-
98. Enwemeka CS, Parker JC, Dowdy DS, et al. The efficacy of ulates growth of vascular smooth muscle cells via epidermal
low-power lasers in tissue repair and pain control: a meta- growth factor receptor. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol.
analysis study. Photomed Laser Surg. 2004;22(4):323–329. 2000;278(2):H521–H529.
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son of different lasers. Photomed Laser Surg. 2007;25(2): trolled, expanded tissue. Plast Reconstr Surg. 1983;72(5):
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119. Apelqvis J, Armstrong DG, Lavery LA, et al. Resource utiliza- 121. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.).
tion and economic costs of care based on a randomized trial Negative pressure wound therapy devices: Technology
of vacuum-assisted closure therapy in the treatment of dia- assessment report. Available at
betic foot wounds. Am J Surg. 2008;195(6):782–788. ta/hegpresswtd/. Accessed April 19, 2011 http://www.ahrq.
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Modalities and
Chapter 15
Alternative Modalities for Pain and Tissue Healing
Chapter 16
Electrophysiological Testing of Nerves and Muscles
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chapter 15
Alternative Modalities
for Pain and Tissue
Thomas P. Nolan Jr., PT, DPT, OCS | Susan L. Michlovitz, PT, PhD, CHT

e have chosen to operationally define alterna-
tive modalities as “technologies that have
MAGNET THERAPY become popularized for treatment of condi-
Physical Principles of Magnets tions involving chronic pain and delayed tissue heal-
Pulsed Magnetic Fields ing.” There are many thoughts about why these tech-
Proposed Physiological Effects of Magnets
niques may be of interest to the therapist and the
Review of the Literature on Magnet Therapy
Clinical Applications of Magnet Therapy patient. Our patients want to get better. We want our
patients to get better. For a variety of reasons, previous
Physical Principles of MIRE interventions may have been unsuccessful—thus the
Proposed Physiological Effects of MIRE search for another option. In many cases of chronic
Review of the Literature on MIRE pain and delayed tissue healing, attempts may be made
Clinical Applications of MIRE to maximize recovery of function at any cost. In this
HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY chapter, we discuss the use of magnet therapy, mono-
Physical Principles of HBOT chromatic infrared therapy (MIRE), hyperbaric oxygen
Proposed Physiological Effects of HBOT therapy (HBOT), and extracorporeal shock wave ther-
Review of the Literature on HBOT
apy (ESWT). The popularity of these interventions
Clinical Applications of HBOT
may not parallel their published effectiveness. Magnet
therapy, MIRE, and HBOT are within the scope of
Physical Principles of ESWT
Proposed Physiological Effects of ESWT practice of non-physician practitioners; ESWT is used
Review of the Literature on ESWT by physicians and surgeons.
Clinical Applications of ESWT
Magnet Therapy
The use of magnets for therapeutic purposes dates back
2,000 years.1,2 Greek healers in AD 200 used magnetic
rings as a treatment for arthritis. During the emergence
of complementary/alternative medicine (CAM) in
the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, there
has been increasing interest in the use of magnets for

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390 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

therapeutic benefit.3 The use of pulsed electromagnetic use. Field flux density helps determine the magnetic
fields (PEMF) for promotion of fracture healing and field’s tissue penetration, which can be considered its
other orthopedic problems, such as osteoarthritis, has “effective dosage.” The gauss listed by the distributors
been commonplace during this time.4 or suppliers of four out of five magnets they measured
differed significantly from the measurements taken
Physical Principles of Magnets with the gaussmeter.
Magnets are metals such as iron that exhibit an attractive KEY POINT!All magnets have two poles. However, the
or repulsive force. This force can be represented by field
application of magnets for therapeutic purposes can
lines drawn around a magnet (Fig. 15-1). The force one
be unipolar or bipolar. Unipolar magnets are arranged
magnet exerts on another magnet can be described as the
so that only one pole is facing or touching the skin,
interaction between the magnetic fields of each magnet.
usually the north pole. The south pole of the magnet
The number of lines per unit area representing the mag-
is facing away from the skin. Bipolar magnets are
netic field is proportional to the magnitude of the field.
arranged so that both the north and south poles are
The direction of the magnetic field at a given point is
facing the skin or in contact with it, usually using mul-
defined as the direction that the north pole of a compass
tiple magnets.6,8
needle would point when placed at that position. The
pole of a freely suspended magnet that points north is the Pulsed Magnetic Fields
north pole. The other pole, which points south, is called
Movement of charges in an electric current will produce
the south pole. The earth acts as a huge magnet with a
a magnetic field. The magnetic field produced by a cur-
magnetic field and north and south poles.5 For thou-
rent in a straight wire is represented by lines in the form
sands of years, voyagers have used compasses for naviga-
of circles, with the wire at the center (Fig. 15-2).5 There
tion; these devices are attracted to the earth’s north pole
are electrical devices that can create strong magnetic
by the earth’s magnetic field.
fields in a coil into which a body part can be placed.
Magnets used for therapeutic effects are
KEY POINT! Other devices that create a weaker magnetic field use
known as static or permanent magnets. The strength a flat coil placed in contact with the body part.
of the magnetic field produced by a permanent magnet Therapeutic application of a pulsed electromagnetic
is expressed in units known as teslas (T) or gauss (G). field (PEMF) is also known as magnetotherapy. The
The relationship of tesla to gauss is 1 G = 10–4 T. physiological effect of pulsed magnetic fields is likely
secondary to induction of currents in the tissues exposed
The magnetic field of the earth at its surface is about
to the fields, resulting in movement of ions across cell
0.5 G—or 0.5 ⫻ 10–4 T.5 Most magnets marketed for
membranes and stimulation of DNA transcription.4,9
therapeutic effects have an advertised strength of 500 to
1,000 G compared to the 15,000 G produced by mag- Proposed Physiological Effects
netic resonance imaging (MRI) devices.6 Blechman and of Magnets
colleagues7 used a gaussmeter to determine the field
For many years, there has been speculation on the phys-
flux density in gauss for magnets marketed for medical
iological effects of magnets. Most manufacturers’ claims
for the therapeutic effects of magnets and PEMF have



Fig 15•1 Magnetic field lines drawn around a bar mag- Fig 15•2 Magnetic fields generated around a live electric
net having north (N) and south (S) poles. wire. Arrows represent the direction of current.
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Alternative Modalities for Pain and Tissue Healing 391

not been substantiated.6,9 However, there is an abun- ● Magnets with a static magnetic field greater than
dance of experimental and clinical data demonstrating 500 G were not shown to be more effective than
that magnetic fields may have a profound effect on bio- placebo in decreasing pain following intense exer-
logical tissues at the cellular level. Magnetic fields are cise and for chronic neck and shoulder pain;22,25
capable of inducing selective changes in the microenvi- however, a device with four static magnets arranged
ronment around and within the cell, including the cell in alternating polarity with a strength of 1,900 G
membrane. Modifications of cellular activity may occur and a control device with one magnet at 720 G
with exposure of the cell to magnetic fields, and these were both shown to significantly decrease knee
modifications may correct certain pathological states. pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.17
These modifications appear to strongly depend on the ● Static magnets measured at less than 500 G do
parameters of the applied magnetic field. Practitioners not appear to have any effect on the cardiovascu-
need to consider that the known effects of magnetic lar system, including heart rate and blood pres-
fields on the cellular level may not translate into thera- sure,3 blood flow,13 and surface and intramuscu-
peutic effects at the clinical level.10 lar temperature.16
● There is no effect on muscle force production
Review of the Literature when static magnets are applied to the skin
on Magnet Therapy overlying the muscle.19,22
● The effect of magnetic fields on nerve excitability
Table 15-1 reviews some of the relevant literature on
and conduction velocity is insignificant.24,25
magnet therapy. An analysis of these studies allows for
● “Repetitive magnetic stimulation” to trigger
the following conclusions:
points may decrease pain and improve cervical
● Some evidence exists that static magnetic fields spine range of motion (ROM) more effectively
of 300 to 500 G will decrease pain associated than TENS and placebo for patients who have
with postpolio syndrome23 and diabetic myofascial pain.26
neuropathy.11,20,21 ● Pulsed magnetic fields (PEMF) were not effective
● Magnets may not be effective for chronic low for treating subacromial impingement syndrome;27
back pain.18 however, some studies have demonstrated effec-
● The evidence for use of static magnets for tiveness in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis,28
osteoarthritis is insufficient to demonstrate a cervical osteoarthritis,29 and pain and swelling
clinically important benefit.12 associated with distal radius fractures.30

Table 15•1 Selected Literature Review: Magnet Therapy

Author and Year Patient Population Intervention(s) Results Conclusions
Harlow et al, OA of hip or knee Wore standard strength, weak, or Pain decreased more in subjects Uncertain whether results were
200431 (n = 194) dummy magnetic bracelets for who wore standard-strength secondary to effects of magnets
12 weeks bracelets. or to placebo effect
Weintraub et al., Diabetic peripheral Wore magnetized insoles or sham Significant decrease in symptoms Static magnetic fields penetrate
200311 neuropathy (n = continuously for 4 months during months 3 and 4 in group up to 20 mm and analgesia is
375) that wore magnetized insoles achieved over time.
Hinman et al., Chronic knee pain Wore pads with magnets or Significant improvement in pain, Suggests that application of static
20023 (n = 43) placebos on knees for 2 weeks physical function, and gait speed magnets over painful knee joints
in magnet group compared to reduces pain and enhances func-
placebo group tional movement
Martel, et al., Young, healthy Wore static magnets or placebos Average blood flow not signifi- Static magnets do not result in
200213 males (n = 20) on anterior surface of forearms cantly different between groups significant alterations in resting
for 30 minutes blood flow.
Hinman, 200214 Adults without Subjects lay on mattress with No “clinically meaningful” Results support the safe use of
symptoms of cardio- 42 magnets or a placebo for changes in heart rate or blood unipolar static magnetic fields
vascular disease or 15 minutes. pressure < 1,000 G.
cardiac problems
(n = 75)
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392 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

Table 15•1 Selected Literature Review: Magnet Therapy—cont’d

Author and Year Patient Population Intervention(s) Results Conclusions
Jacobson et al., Patients (n = 176) Exposed to magnetic fields for Significantly greater relief of pain Low-amplitude, extremely low-
200115 with diagnosis of 48 minutes or a placebo (magnetic in treatment group compared to frequency magnetic fields are
knee pain 2° to field off) for eight sessions in control safe and effective for patient with
osteoarthritis 2 weeks osteoarthritis and chronic knee
Sweeney et al., Healthy student Single 5 ⫻ 11 cm magnet or No difference in skin or intramus- Flexible therapeutic magnets
200116 volunteers (n = 13) sham applied to anterior thigh for cular temperatures measured were not effective for increasing
60 minutes at 20, 40, and 60 minutes of skin or deep temperatures.
Segal et al., Patients with Four quadripolar static magnet Average changes in pain intensity Both MagnaBloc and control
200117 rheumatoid arthri- devices (MagnaBloc) or control were significant for both groups; devices were significantly effica-
tis and persistent devices with one magnet were not significant between groups cious in decreasing pain from
knee pain (n = 64) attached around the knees and for percentage pain reduction. baseline.
worn for 1 week.
Collacott et al., Stable low back Bipolar permanent magnets and No significant differences Application of one variety of per-
200018 pain (n = 20), sham applied to the low back for between real and sham magnets manent magnet had no effect on
mean duration total of 18 hours for both groups for pain and lumbosacral spine a small group of subjects with
19 years (1 week with magnets and 1 week ROM chronic low back pain.
with shams)
Tis et al., Knee surgery or Application of pad with seven No significant difference in isoki- Application of magnetic pad to
200019 knee injury in past bar magnets, placebo magnet, or netic force production among all quadriceps muscle does not
6 months (n = 20) no magnet to anterior thigh for three groups appear to increase isokinetic
10 minutes prior to isokinetic force production.
Weintraub, Diabetic (n = 9) Wore magnetic foot insoles for one Ninety percent decrease in pain Magnetotherapy may be a safe
199920 patients and non- foot and sham on other foot for 30 in diabetic patients and 33% and unique therapy in neuro-
diabetic patients days; then sides of magnets and in nondiabetic patients after pathic foot pain.
with neuropathic sham were switched for 4 weeks; 4 months
pain (n = 9) then subjects wore new magnet
insoles on both feet for 8 weeks.
Weintraub, Diabetic neuropa- Wore magnetic footpad insoles for Seventy-five percent of diabetic Results suggest that wearing
199821 thy (n = 8) and 24-hour periods up to 4 months. patients and 50% of nondiabetic magnetic footpads may be a
nondiabetic neu- No control group. patients had reduction of symp- modifiable factor in intractable
ropathy (n = 6) toms; 64% of all patients experi- peripheral neuropathy.
enced a clinical benefit.
Borsa and Induced biceps Application of flexible magnet, No significant differences No significant therapeutic effects
Liggett, 199822 brachii muscle sham, or nothing over biceps between groups for pain, upper on pain control and muscular
microinjury follow- brachii after exercise for 72 hours arm girth, ROM, and static mus- dysfunction were observed
ing intense exer- cle force production in subjects wearing flexible
cise (n = 10) magnets.
Vallbona et Postpolio syn- Application of active or placebo Active device group who reported Application of static magnetic
al.,199723 drome and muscu- magnetic devices to the affected a pain score decrease greater fields of 300 to 500 G over pain
lar or arthritic-like area for 45 minutes than the average placebo effect trigger point led to significant
pain (n = 50) was 76%, compared to 19% in and prompt relief of pain in post-
the placebo device group. polio subjects.
Hong, 198724 Normal volunteers Six-inch round electromagnet No significant change in nerve Excitability of motor nerve
(n = 10) placed perpendicularly over per- conduction velocities (NCV) of increased when exposed to
oneal nerve and median and ulnar median and peroneal nerves; sig- static magnetic field with
nerves for 15 sec; no control nificant increase in excitability for density of 1 T.
group. all nerves measured at 5-, 10-,
and 15-sec exposure
Hong et al., Chronic neck and Subjects wore either static mag- Intensity and frequency of pain Wearing magnetic necklace had
198225 shoulder pain (n = netic field necklace or nonmagnetic significantly reduced in both no significant therapeutic effect
52), and without necklace 24 hr/day for 3 weeks. magnetic and nonmagnetic on patients with chronic neck
pain or neurologi- groups and shoulder pain and stiffness.
cal signs (n = 49)
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Alternative Modalities for Pain and Tissue Healing 393

Clinical Applications of Magnet Therapy Monochromatic Infrared

Magnet therapy may be an alternative intervention for Photo Energy
pain control in patients with postpolio syndrome or
peripheral neuropathy. Patients with pain in the knees During the last century, the use of infrared radiation
associated with rheumatoid arthritis may also benefit lamps to heat biological tissues was a common clinical
from magnet therapy. However, the effectiveness of practice.32 Today, the use of infrared lamps as superfi-
long-term use of magnets for these applications has cial heating agents has largely been replaced by hot
not been determined. At this time, magnet applica- packs because of the increased risk of burns from the
tion for any other intervention is not supported by the constant heating effect of these lamps. Recently the
literature. emergence of devices that provide monochromatic
Static magnets are readily available and relatively infrared energy emitted from diodes has reintroduced
inexpensive. Patients can wear static magnets during the use of infrared radiation to clinical practice. These
the day, without the need for direct clinician supervi- devices, known as monochromatic infrared energy, or
sion. Precautions and contraindications for static mag- MIRE, are thought to work by influencing vasoactive
nets are not currently known; some possible precau- mediators rather than by heating tissues.
tions and contraindications are listed in Box 15-1.
Physical Principles of MIRE
Adverse effects from exposure to static magnets are
unlikely because of the relatively weak magnetic fields MIRE devices produce energy waves from the near-
generated by these devices (usually less than 1,000 G). infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. This
Previous concerns about possible harmful effects from portion of the spectrum has wavelengths ranging from
exposure to electromagnetic fields, such as increased 780 to 1,500 nm, which are the infrared wavelengths
risk of cancer, neurobehavioral dysfunction, and repro- closest to visible light. Devices that produce near-
ductive dysfunction, have largely been discounted by infrared radiation are known as luminous devices
recent epidemiological studies.1,2,10 because the light produced is visible.6 MIRE devices
Pulsed magnetic fields are primarily used to promote generate monochromatic near-infrared photo energy at
healing of delayed-healing or nonhealing bone frac- 890 nm from a series of 60 gallium aluminum arsenide
tures. The clinical use of PEMF for other musculoskele- diodes on a flexible pad.33–35 Figure 15-3 shows a
tal problems is rather limited despite some studies that MIRE device. Horwitz et al.36 used a photodiode to
have shown effective outcomes. More studies are measure the uniform average power over a MIRE pad
needed to demonstrate comparative effectiveness of with a surface of 22.5 cm2 and found that the diode
PEMF with other therapeutic modalities, including array on the pad produced 9.0 mW/cm2. Each pad had
treatment cost comparisons. a total energy density of 43.2 J/cm2 per 30-minute
Another device reported in the literature that pro-
Box 15•1 Magnet Therapy: Precautions duces near-infrared radiation uses a superiodine lamp
and Contraindications for light generation and an optical fiber for the light
• Do not use magnets near cardiac pacemakers, defibrillators,
path to emit a near-infrared ray.37 This device produces
insulin pumps, or any other internal or external electronic
devices, because magnets may interfere with their function.
• Do not place magnets over the low back or pelvic region of a
pregnant woman because the effect on the fetus is unknown.
• Avoid placing magnets over or near cancerous tissues to pre-
vent the possibility of facilitating growth or spread of the cancer
by magnetic fields.
• A protective barrier between the skin and the magnet may help
to prevent skin irritation.
• There are some reports of dizziness, light-headedness, discom-
fort, and malaise after exposure to magnetic fields, so monitor
patients closely during and after treatment. Fig 15•3 MIRE device with diode arrays on flexible pad.
(Courtesy of Anodyne Therapy, LLC, Tampa, FL.)
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394 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

a linear polarized near-infrared ray and is similar to Several studies have reported improved sensation in
low-level laser devices. patients with peripheral neuropathy who were treated
with MIRE.33,35,39,40,42,43 However, in a randomized,
Proposed Physiological Effects of MIRE double-blind, placebo-controlled study, Clifft and col-
The physiological effects of MIRE on biological tissue leagues41 found that 30 minutes of active MIRE
are believed to occur primarily by photochemical reac- applied 3 days per week for 4 weeks was no more effec-
tions rather than by thermal effects. Leonard and col- tive than placebo MIRE in increasing sensation in
leagues35 found that MIRE treatments were more effec- 39 subjects with diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
tive in improving sensation in patients with peripheral
neuropathy than in patients who received placebo pads Review of the Literature on MIRE
that emitted a comparable thermal effect. Horwitz and
Table 15-2 provides a review of the relevant literature
colleagues36 reported that applying MIRE to the skin
on MIRE. An analysis of these studies allows for the
for 30 minutes increased plasma nitric oxide (NO).
following conclusions:
Photo energy releases NO from red blood cells, which
is believed to result in vasodilation and increased circu- ● MIRE may reduce the pain and spasm
lation in the treated tissues. NO is believed to promote associated with temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
vascular perfusion by dilating arterioles, resulting in dysfunction.34,37
enhanced tissue oxygenation, nutrient delivery, and ● MIRE may promote healing of chronic venous
removal of waste products of metabolism.33,36 Human ulcers, diabetic ulcers and wounds, and ulcers
blood lymphocytes irradiated with MIRE had an associated with scleroderma.36
increased level of ATP in cells.38 These effects may ● There is some evidence that MIRE can improve
explain the enhancement of wound healing in patients plantar sensation,33,35,39,40,42,43 although one
treated with MIRE.36 Improving circulation and thus study failed to show improvement.41
oxygenating tissues treated by MIRE may promote ● MIRE may help improve balance and reduce falls
nerve growth in patients with peripheral neuropathy. in patients with peripheral neuropathy. 35,39,42,43

Table 15•2 Selected Literature Review: Monochromatic Infrared Energy (MIRE)

Author and Year Patient Population Intervention(s) Results Conclusions
Clifft et al., Diabetic peripheral Active or placebo MIRE 3x/week No significant difference between MIRE may not be any more
200541 neuropathy for 4 weeks subjects who received active or effective than placebo in improv-
(n = 39) placebo MIRE ing plantar sensation.
DeLellis et al., Medical records Association between treatment Seventy-one percent decrease in MIRE seems to be associated
200542 of 1,047 patients with MIRE and increased foot insensate sites on both feet; only with significant clinical improve-
with peripheral sensitivity 43.9% of patients had persistent ment in foot sensation.
neuropathy lack of protective sensation.
Powell et al., Diabetic peripheral Questionnaire to determine rela- One out of 68 patients who Improved foot sensitivity following
200443 neuropathy, over tionship between improved foot completed the questionnaire MIRE treatments appears to be
age 64 (n = 68) sensitivity following MIRE and developed a new foot wound. associated with a lower incidence
incidence of new foot wounds of new foot wounds in patients
with diabetes.
Kochman, Diabetic peripheral MIRE daily for 30 to 40 minutes All patients had restoration of Comprehensive therapy interven-
200439 neuropathy (n = 27), using two pads, one each placed protective sensation measured tion that includes infrared photo
polyneuropathy medially and laterally on lower leg. by SWM, and significantly higher energy has potential to improve
secondary to alco- No control group. Tinetti scores, reduced Tinetti fall sensation and balance and to
hol abuse (n = 6); risk category by one level, and decrease fall frequency.
decreased sensa- average falls per patient reduced
tion secondary to by 93% for 3 months after
peripheral vascular treatment.
disease (PVD)
(n = 5)
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Alternative Modalities for Pain and Tissue Healing 395

Table 15•2 Selected Literature Review: Monochromatic Infrared

Energy (MIRE)—cont’d
Author and Year Patient Population Intervention(s) Results Conclusions
Prendergast Peripheral MIRE pulsed at 292 per second Significant improvement in sen- MIRE seems to be safe and
et al., 200440 neuropathy and duty cycle on time 50%, sory impairment based on scores effective in reducing sensory
(n = 27) power density 8 mW/cm2, applied of current perception thresholds impairment associated with
for 10 treatments over a 2-week taken by neurometer; 16/27 peripheral neuropathy due to
period. (59%) patients had a score of 0, diabetes and other causes.
No control group. which indicates normal sensory
responses in all nerve fiber
Leonard et al., Diabetic peripheral Subjects received 12 MIRE treat- Significant decrease in average MIRE treatments improve sensa-
200435 neuropathy ments to one leg and sham sites insensitive to 5.07 SWM in tion in the feet of subjects with
(n = 27) devices (created heat but no IR) subjects who had not progressed diabetic peripheral neuropathy,
to the other leg. to profound sensory loss (almost improve balance, and reduce
50% improvement in restoration pain.
of protective sensation); substan-
tial improvement in self-reported
balance after six treatments.
Kochman Diabetic peripheral MIRE pads on foot and lower leg; Eighty-five percent improvement Results suggest that in an outpa-
et al., 200233 neuropathy total of four pads with diode in sensory perception docu- tient setting, MIRE consistently
(n = 49) arrays, 30 minutes for 12 mented by Semmes-Weinstein improves neural function in
treatments. monofilaments. patients with diabetes.
No control group.
Horwitz et al., Lower extremity MIRE at home for 30 minutes, fre- All subjects with ulcers had heal- Additional research is needed to
199936 venous ulcers quency of treatment varied; one ing of ulcers; subject with wound show whether MIRE is independ-
(n = 3), diabetes subject with ulcer treated in clinic dehiscence had complete closure ently responsible for wound heal-
and wound dehis- once per week initially, then every of wound; subject with sclero- ing in these patients.
cence (n = 1), scle- other week. derma had healing of ulcer.
roderma with an No control group.
ulcer on the hand
(n = 1)
Thomasson, Patients with ten- MIRE in clinic 9.0 mw/cm2 for Patients rated percentage of relief MIRE can be considered a first
199634 donitis/tendinosis, 45 minutes for 3 sessions; at- of pain or spasm: 88% total/ line of physiotherapeutic treat-
(n = 102) with TMJ home device 7.5 mw/cm2 for excellent relief for tendonitis/ ment for soft-tissue disorders
capsulitis (n = 100), 30 minutes daily for 1 week. tendinosis; 88.7% total/excellent encountered in pain management.
with myofascial No control group. relief for TMJ capsulitis; 89.8%
pain and spasm total/excellent relief for myofas-
(n = 361) cial pain and spasm

Clinical Applications of MIRE on the dorsal aspect of the foot after a patient fell asleep
for several hours with a MIRE device.43 No other
The FDA has approved the use of MIRE for enhancing
harmful effects of MIRE have been reported in the lit-
circulation and reducing pain.36 Currently, clinical
erature. See Box 15-2 for a list of precautions and con-
devices are marketed for use by inpatient or outpatient
traindications for MIRE.
facilities and portable devices for at-home use. The
wavelength of these devices is set at 890 nm. The flexi-
ble pads containing the diode arrays are placed on the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
skin. This allows for hands-free application of treat-
ment—an advantage over low-level laser, which The use of hyperbaric oxygen chambers to treat divers
requires hands-on treatment. When placing over an who have decompression sickness (the “bends”) has
open wound, a transparent dressing such as OpSite can been a common practice for many years. Other uses of
be situated over the wound to prevent contamination.36 hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) approved by the
Most of the success reported with MIRE has occurred Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society include
with 30- to 40-minute treatments performed daily or treatment for air or gas embolism, carbon monoxide
several times a week. One study reported a topical burn poisoning, refractory osteomyelitis, delayed radiation
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396 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

Box 15•2 Monochromatic Infrared

Energy: Precautions and
• Do not perform MIRE over the low back or pelvic region of a
pregnant woman because the effect on the fetus is unknown.
• Avoid placing MIRE pads over or near cancerous tissues to pre-
vent the possibility of facilitating growth or spread of the cancer
by the effects of the infrared radiation.
• Goggles are not required during treatment because the flexible
pads containing the diode arrays block the infrared radiation
from the eyes; however, avoid placing the pads over the eyes.

injury, compromised skin grafts and flaps, and thermal

burns. It is also approved to enhance wound healing.
Recently there has been increased interest in the therapeu-
tic effects of HBOT for musculoskeletal problems such as
Fig 15•4 A monoplace hyperbaric oxygen chamber.
delayed-onset muscle soreness and fibromyalgia.44 (Courtesy of Perry Biomedical, Riviera Beach, FL.)

Physical Principles of HBOT

HBOT involves inhaling 100% oxygen in a pressur- vasoconstriction caused by inflammation.48 The benefi-
ized hyperbaric chamber at a pressure greater than cial effects of hyperoxia occur primarily through
1 absolute atmosphere (ATA), which is the atmos- improved oxygen delivery to tissues. The result is
pheric pressure at sea level (1 ATA = 760 mmHg). preservation of tissue viability in ischemic areas, pro-
Typically, HBOT is administered at 2 to 3 ATA for a vided there is no occlusion of major arterial vessels.
duration of 30 to 120 minutes. HBOT can be admin- Hyperoxia enhances wound healing by increasing the
istered to a single patient using a monoplace chamber diffusion distance of oxygen through tissues fluids,
in which oxygen pressure is raised to 100% or to more which improves oxygen delivery to ischemic and
than one patient in a multiplace chamber where each hypoxic tissues. Collagen production by fibroblasts is
person breathes oxygen through a mask.45 Patients enhanced, resulting in increased collagen synthesis and
lie supine in monoplace chambers, which are typically angiogenesis, which promotes wound closure rate in
22 inches in diameter and constructed of Plexiglas hypoxic tissues.
with metal ends (Fig. 15-4). Multiplace chambers are Hyperoxia also enhances oxygen-dependent intracel-
typically found only at major medical centers and lular killing mechanisms of leukocytes and prevents
teaching institutions. These chambers can accommo- infection from anaerobic microorganisms by producing
date 12 or more patients who are either sitting in toxic oxygen radicals that kill them.47 Elevating tissue
chairs or lying on gurneys.46 oxygen enhances the “oxidative burst” that ultimately
dispatches ingested pathogens, helping to clear bacteria
Proposed Physiological Effects of HBOT from infected tissues that are suboptimally supplied
HBOT increases the amount of physically dissolved with oxygen. Hyperoxia will also enhance antibiotic
oxygen in plasma, resulting in immediate hyperoxy- uptake in infected tissues and will improve its effective-
genation and hyperoxia. At 2 ATA, there is a 10-fold ness.46 Hyperoxygenation has a direct vasoconstricting
increase in oxygen tension in blood.47 The increase in effect, resulting in decreased capillary transudation flow
dissolved oxygen in the plasma provides tissues with a rates that inhibit edema formation and a reduction of
readily available supply of oxygen so they do not have vasogenic edema in patients with compartment syn-
to rely on hemoglobin-bound oxygen, which is less drome. Hyperoxygenation also enhances microcircula-
accessible to tissues injured by sympathetically-induced tion by reducing local interstitial pressure.47
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Alternative Modalities for Pain and Tissue Healing 397

Review of the Literature on HBOT ● No evidence from randomized trials supports or

refutes the use of HBOT for preventing or treat-
Table 15-3 provides a review of selected studies and
ing poorly healing broken bones.
reviews of HBOT use. An analysis of these studies and
● Insufficient evidence exists to establish the effects
reviews allows for the following conclusions:
of HBOT on ankle and knee sprains and on
● There is some evidence to support HBOT use experimentally induced delayed-onset muscle
for the following conditions: complex regional soreness. Some evidence shows that HBOT may
pain syndrome (CRPS), refractory osteomyelitis, increase interim pain in delayed-onset muscle
wounds and ulcers, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain soreness.
syndrome, migraine and cluster headaches, ● HBOT may be a cost-effective modality that sig-
ischemic leg pain, radiation injury, compromised nificantly reduces length of hospital stay, amputa-
skin grafts and flaps, and thermal burns. tion rate, and wound care expenses.

Table 15•3 Selected Literature Review: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Author and Year Patient Population Intervention(s) Results Conclusions
Goldman, 200949 Systematic review HBOT High level of evidence for decreasing risk Safe technique for treatment of
of 45 studies of at of amputation and healing of wounds. refractory osteomyelitis, wounds,
least five subjects Moderate level of evidence for healing of and ulcers.
arterial ulcers and refractory osteomyelitis. Medicare-approved for diabetic foot
Low to moderate level of evidence for ulcers (Wagner grades III, IV, and V).
healing of ablative or reconstructive sur-
gery and salvage of flaps or grafts.
Yildiz et al., Literature review HBOT Studies reviewed found HBOT to be effec- Evidence for effectiveness for mus-
200645 tive for fibromyalgia, chronic regional pain culoskeletal conditions listed; opti-
syndrome, myofascial pain syndrome, mal treatment protocols need to be
migraine and cluster headaches, and established.
ischemic leg pain.
Bennett et al., Cochrane review of HBOT No studies met inclusion criteria. No evidence from randomized trials
200550 randomized con- to support or refute the use of HBOT
trolled trials that for preventing poor healing or treat-
compared effects ing poorly healing broken bones.
of HBOT to no
HBOT (sham or
control) on healing
of fractures
Bennett et al., Cochrane review of HBOT Nine small trials involving a total of 219 Insufficient evidence to establish the
20051 randomized con- subjects were reviewed. No significant effects of HBOT on ankle and knee
trolled trials of difference found between groups that sprains and on experimentally
effects of HBOT on received HBOT and control or sham HBOT induced delayed-onset muscle sore-
delayed-onset mus- for ankle and knee sprains and delayed- ness. Some evidence that HBOT
cle soreness and onset muscle soreness and no difference may increase interim pain in
closed soft tissue in groups for long-term pain scores, delayed-onset muscle soreness.
injury swelling, or muscle strength.
Kranke et al., Cochrane review of HBOT Four trials with a total of 147 patients HBOT seems to reduce the number
200452 randomized con- with diabetic foot ulcers showed a reduc- of major amputations in people with
trolled trials of tion in risk of major amputation; 1 trial diabetes who have chronic foot
effects of HBOT on with 16 patients with venous ulcers ulcers and may reduce the size of
healing of lower leg showed significant reduction in ulcer area wounds caused by disease to the
chronic wounds at 6 weeks. veins of the leg.
Kilralp et al., Patients with Thirty-seven received Significant difference in pain, wrist flex- HBOT is an effective and well-
200453 chronic regional HBOT, 34 normal air ion, and wrist circumference for the HBOT tolerated treatment for reducing
pain syndrome (control) during fifteen group pain and edema and increasing
(CRPS), n = 71 90-minute sessions in wrist motion in patients with CRPS.
avg. age 29.4 hyperbaric chamber at
2.4 ATA (5 days a
week, 1 session
per day)
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398 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

Table 15•3 Selected Literature Review: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy—cont’d

Author and Year Patient Population Intervention(s) Results Conclusions
Greensmith, Literature review Reviewed basic Indications for HBOT include crush injury, An expensive, technology-intensive
200446 research and clinical compartment syndrome, acute traumatic therapy. More research is needed
studies of HBOT peripheral ischemia, wound healing, to determine optimal indications,
refractory osteomyelitis, radiation injury, timing, and dosing protocols.
compromised skin grafts and flaps,
thermal burns.
Wang et al., Literature review HBOT Indications for HBOT include refractory HBOT is a cost-effective modality
200254 osteomyelitis, nonhealing wounds, non- or that significantly reduces length of
delayed-union fractures, radiation- hospital stay, amputation rate, and
induced tissue injury, thermal burns, wound care expenses.
acute traumatic ischemia, compromised
skin and bone grafts, and muscle flaps.
Staples et al., “Untrained” male Exercise-induced Significant difference in recovery of Exposure to 1 hour of HBOT initiated
199948 university students, delayed-onset muscle eccentric torque compared to sham within 20 minutes after exercise
n = 66, ages soreness treated with group; no significant difference in pain for 3 to 5 days enhances muscle
18–35 HBOT (100% O2 1 hour/ scores. torque recovery but does not signifi-
day at 2 ATA) or sham cantly affect delayed-onset muscle
HBOT (21% O2 1 hour/ soreness.
day at 1.2 ATA)
Borromeo et al., Patients with lat- All subjects sat in No significant difference in dependent Analysis of objective measures of
199755 eral ankle sprains, pressurized hyperbaric variables: perceived pain, edema, active ankle function showed no difference
n = 32, average chamber for 90 min- and passive ROM, function, and time to between subjects who received nor-
age 24.2 utes (first session) and return to preinjury activity level mal air and those who received
60 minutes (last 2 HBOT.
sessions); treatment
group received 100%
O2 at 2 ATA, control
received normal air at
1.1 ATA, for 3 sessions
within 7 days.
Bouachour et al., Patients with Blindly assigned to Complete wound healing without tissue HBOT is a useful therapeutic adjunct
199647 crush injuries, HBOT at 100% O2 at necrosis requiring surgical excision in managing severe trauma of the
24 hours after 2.5 ATA or placebo at occurred in 17 patients in HBOT group limbs in older people. HBOT
surgery, n = 32 21% O2 at 1.1 ATA for vs. 10 patients in placebo group. improves wound healing and
90 minutes 2x/day for reduces repetitive surgery.
6 days

More studies are needed to establish optimal treat- KEY POINT!The use of HBOT is limited by the cost and
ment parameters, such as duration and frequency of availability of hyperbaric chambers. A used mono-
treatment and dosing protocols. place chamber may cost $150,000, and a multiplace
chamber may cost several million.46
Clinical Applications of HBOT
In the United States, HBOT is approved by Medicare Extracorporeal Shock
for treating diabetic foot ulcers (Wagner grades III, IV, Wave Therapy
and V).49
HBOT is considered a relatively safe treatment The concept of using high-energy shock waves is not new
modality. However, Goldman49 identified several to us. Most are familiar with the use of lithotripsy for kid-
possible side effects of treatment: increased cardio- ney stones. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) is
vascular afterload because of the peripheral vasocon- used to treat conditions such as calcific tendonitis, other
strictive effect of oxygen; oxygen toxicity that can tendinopathies, and plantar fasciitis. This modality is used
affect CNS, pulmonary, and ocular function; baro- exclusively by physicians and surgeons and is not cur-
trauma to the inner ear, sinuses, and dental and pul- rently available to other health-care practitioners. It is
monary tissues; hypoglycemia; and confinement important, though, for practitioners to be familiar with
anxiety. See Box 15-3 for a list of contraindications this novel application of sound waves, because our
and precautions. patients may ask us about this as a treatment option.
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Alternative Modalities for Pain and Tissue Healing 399

Box 15•3 HBOT Contraindications
and Precautions46,54 p pmax
Contraindications Precautions
• Undrained hemothorax or • COPD or asthma
untreated pneumothorax
• Currently receiving • Seizure disorders
chemotherapy or radiation
• Pressure-sensitive implanted • Claustrophobia t0 tw
t1 t2
medical device
• Patients taking certain • Chronic sinusitis or upper t
antineoblastic antibiotics, respiratory infection
rarefaction t
such as Bleomycin or • Fever and/or dehydration
Doxorubicin, or the • History of spontaneous
Fig 15•5 A single shock wave used for extracorporeal
antineoplastic heavy metal pneumothorax
shock wave therapy. Note parameters of focused shock
compound Cisplatin
wave. T, change in time; Pmax, pressure maximum; Δt,
pressure rise time; tw, half width time; Pr, negative peak
pressure. (Diagram courtesy of Sonorex, Inc., Fayetteville, NC.)

Physical Principles of ESWT

ESWT uses single-impulse, focused acoustical sound neovascularization, and changes in cell permeability.57
waves that have a rapid rise in pressure. There are The latter two effects have been reported in studies on
several methods by which the shock waves are animal models.
Review of the Literature on ESWT
● Reverse piezoelectric (electrical to mechanical
energy) Table 15-4 provides a review of selected articles on
● Electromagnetic ESWT. In addition, an excellent systematic review of
● Electrohydraulic ESWT use for calcific and noncalcific rotator cuff ten-
donitis (RCT) has been published in the Journal of
The energy is transmitted from the device through Hand Therapy.57
coupling cushions that can transmit acoustical energy. An analysis of these studies allows for the following
The treatment region must be targeted via ultrasound conclusions:
or fluoroscopic x-ray imaging devices to ensure that the
energy is accurately focused to a precise location. The ● There is some support for the use of ESWT for
duration of treatment may be up to 30 minutes. Energy plantar fasciitis.
for ESWT is described in joules per area (mJ/mm2) and ● There is some support for the use of ESWT for
is characterized as high or low.56 calcific tendonitis of the rotator cuff in the shoul-
These shock waves have high-pressure amplitudes der, although disintegration of calcium deposits
and are of very short duration (Fig. 15-5). ESWT sin- may not correlate with improvements in pain
gle pulses are at 1 to 4 per second (at a potential fre- and function.66
quency of 1,000 to 4,000 shock-wave pulses). The total ● There is little support for the use of ESWT for
energy of a treatment includes the number of shock noncalcific tendonitis of the rotator cuff and
impulses and the energy density together. subacromial pain syndrome.
● There is little support for the use of ESWT for
Proposed Physiological lateral epicondylitis.
Effects of ESWT ● A single treatment with high-energy ESWT may
be a safe and effective procedure for chronic non-
Shock waves transmit through and are absorbed by soft
insertional Achilles tendonopathy.64
tissue and are reflected at interfaces of tissues with dif-
ferent densities. The biophysical and physiological Certainly the addition of new studies to the literature to
effects proposed for this energy include ability to disin- support the use of this modality for managing chronic
tegrate calcium deposits, hyperstimulation analgesia, tendinopathies and fasciopathies would be welcome.
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400 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

Table 15•4 Selected Literature Review: Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy

Author(s) and Year Patient Population Intervention(s) Results Conclusions
Engebretsen Subacromial pain Radial ESWT 12-8 Hz, 2,000 Treatment effect favored supervised exercise Supervised exercise
et al., 200963 syndrome pulses per session, pressure group at 6, 12, and 18 weeks. program better than radial
between 2.5 and 4 Bar once ESWT for pain and disabil-
per week for 4 to 6 weeks or ity related to subacromial
supervised exercise program pain syndrome.
twice a week for 12 weeks
Furia, 200864 Chronic noninser- Single dose of high-energy Statistically greater percentage of patients Single treatment of high-
tional Achilles ESWT, 3,000 shocks at who had ESWT had improvement in Roles energy ESWT is a safe and
tendinopathy 0.21 mJ/mm2 for a total and Maudsley scores (patient assessment of effective procedure for
energy flux density of 604 pain and limitations of activity) compared to chronic noninsertional
mJ/mm2 or traditional forms control group. Achilles tendinopathy.
of nonoperative therapy for
6 months.
Wilner and Strash, Chronic proximal ESWT using 1,800 shocks at More than 2 years after treatment, patients ESWT is an effective and
200465 plantar fasciopathy 18 kilovolts and 4 Hz/sec rated level of improvement: excellent/good safe noninvasive interven-
(plantar fasciitis) (under general anesthesia) 87%; fair 11%; no improvement 2% tion for chronic plantar
Pleiner et al., Symptomatic calcific ESWT 2 x 2,000 impulses at Shoulder function significantly improved ESWT can significantly
200466 tendonitis of the 0.28 mJ/mm2 at an interval compared to control; calcifications com- improve shoulder function
shoulder for greater of 2 weeks or < 0.07 pletely resolved in 19% compared to 8% and may help disintegrate
than 6 months mJ/mm2 (control group) in control; significant decrease in pain at calcific deposits but may not
1 week but not at 3 and 7 months. result in reduction in pain.
Chung and Wiley, Lateral epicondylitis ESWT delivered one session Success rates based on level of pain, use of No meaningful difference
200467 of at least 3 weeks per week for 3 weeks at pain meds, quality of life (EuroQoL question- in pain scores, grip
but less than 1 year 2,000 pulses and energy flux naire), and grip strength were 39% for ESWT strength, or quality of life
duration density 0.03–0.17 mJ/mm2 and 31% for sham. between patients who
or sham ESWT received ESWT and those
who received sham ESWT.
Pan et al., Continuous shoulder ESWT 2,000 shocks at 2 Hz, Subjects who received ESWT had greater ESWT is more effective than
200369 pain for at least energy level .26 to .32 functional improvement and pain reduction TENS for relieving pain and
6 months with veri- mJ/mm2 for two sessions than those who received TENS. improving function for
fied calcific tendonitis (14 days apart) or TENS patients with calcific ten-
donitis of the shoulder.
Gerdesmeyer Chronic calcific ten- High-energy ESWT; low- ESWT showed significant improvement in High-energy more effective
et al., 200359 donitis of shoulder energy ESWT placebo (sham) 6-month mean Constant Morrey scale score than low-energy, but both
compared with sham treatment; diminished better than placebo
size of calcifications.
Speed et al., Plantar fasciitis for ESWT 0.12 mJ/mm2 or Both groups improved; no difference No treatment effect of
200362 at least 3 months sham ESWT therapy once a between groups. moderate-dose ESWT
month for 3 months
Buchbinder Plantar fasciitis Ultrasound-guided ESWT Improvement in both groups in pain (morning No difference following
et al., 200258 total dose (n = 81) of at and activity), walking ability, and SF-36 treatment between groups
least 1,000 mJ/mm2; scores at 6 to 12 weeks
placebo to a total dose of
6.0 mJ/mm2 (n = 85)
Speed et al., Noncalcific ten- Fifteen hundred pulses VAS for night pain (SPADI) scores improved No difference between
200260 donitis of the ESWT at 0.12 mJ/mm2 or for both groups at 1 and 3 months, both groups
shoulder sham ESWT treatment, treatments.
monthly for 3 months
Speed et al., Chronic lateral epi- ESWT at 1,500 pulses, Both groups improved in pain, day and night. No better than sham
200261 condylitis ESWT at 0.12 mJ/mm2 vs. No significant differences between groups. therapy
sham ESWT once a month
for 3 months

Clinical Applications of ESWT or without a heel spur), tendonitis of the shoulder, and
The FDA has approved the use of certain devices for tendonitis of the elbow (Fig. 15-6). Another indication
ESWT. The manufacturer of such devices will have evi- for use is in the management of nonunion fractures.
dence of FDA approval. Some side effects can occur after treatment, including
The most common applications for ESWT have hematoma, reddening, petechia, and transient pain.
included management of chronic plantar fasciitis (with Contraindications for ESWT are outlined in Box 15-4.
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Alternative Modalities for Pain and Tissue Healing 401

9. Robertson V, Ward A, Low J, Reed A. Electrotherapy

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11. Weintraub MI, Wolfe GI, Barohn RA, et al. Static magnetic field
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12. Pittler MH, Brown EM, Ernst E. Static magnets for reducing
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chapter 16
Testing of Nerves
and Muscles
Arthur J. Nitz, PT, PhD I James W. Bellew, PT, EdD

What Is
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY REVIEW Clinical electroneuromyography includes observing,
Peripheral Nerve Structure analyzing, and interpreting the bioelectrical activity of
Peripheral Nerve Function
muscles and nerves as they respond to electrical stimu-
EQUIPMENT NECESSARY TO CONDUCT ENMG lation, needle provocation, and voluntary activation.
INDICATIONS: WHO NEEDS ENMG TESTING? Most often, the testing consists of a combination of
Clinical Examples of Diagnostic Dilemma for Which nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography
ENMG Testing Is Important
(EMG), although additional tests may occasionally be
appropriate. These may include somatosensory-evoked
NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES potentials (SSEPs or SEPs), brainstem auditory evoked
General Influencing Factors
potentials (BAEPs), visual-evoked potentials (VEPs),
Motor Nerve Conduction Study
Sensory Nerve Conduction Study intraoperative monitoring, and repetitive stimulation
Central Conduction and Long-loop Responses (F-wave (RS). Of these additional electrophysiological tests,
and H-reflex) somatosensory-evoked potentials and repetitive stimu-
Coming to Some Conclusions: What Do We Know So lation are more commonly accomplished on a routine
basis. However, the focus of this overview will be on
clinical NCS and EMG studies.
What Can Be Learned by Needle EMG That Has Not
Already Been Determined by the NCS?
Insertion Anatomy and Physiology
Minimal Activation
Maximal Activation (Recruitment)
Peripheral Nerve Structure
EVALUATION FINDINGS The anatomic unit of the nervous system is the neuron,
Reporting Results with its various processes or nerve fibers.1 By contrast,
DOES ENMG BEAR ANY RELATIONSHIP TO EMG BIOFEEDBACK? the functional unit of the neuromuscular system is
the motor unit, consisting of the anterior horn cell, the
nerve root, the plexus, individual nerve fibers, the

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404 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

neuromuscular junction, and all the muscle fibers but ENMG is restricted to identifying the location of a
innervated by that axon (Fig. 16-1). neuromuscular impairment.
ENMG testing assesses various aspects of the neuron Peripheral nerves are composed of a variety of ele-
and the motor unit. EMG testing examines the delin- ments and cell types. One naturally thinks of the axon,
eated components of the motor unit, allowing the prac- which is composed of neurofilaments and microtubules
titioner to determine the location of a neuromuscular along with mitochondria interspersed in the cytoplasm
impairment. (Fig. 16-2). Myelinated nerve fibers are surrounded by
Results of ENMG testing cannot be used to identify layers of lipoprotein sheets (myelin) produced by the
the actual cause of a nerve or muscle impairment, Schwann cells that lie on the outside of the axon.
although it is often assumed to do so. For instance, if Periodic interruption of myelin occurs where longitudi-
testing reveals that a patient has slowed neural conduc- nally sequential Schwann cells meet, forming the node
tion in the median nerve across the carpal tunnel of the of Ranvier—an area of relatively decreased resistance to
wrist and the opponens pollicis muscle demonstrates ionic exchange—and more easily permitting depolar-
evidence of denervation with EMG examination, we ization (Fig. 16-3). In large myelinated nerve fibers, this
would refer to this condition as carpal tunnel syn- depolarization “jumps” from node to node, thereby
drome. However, the ENMG testing identifies only the accelerating the speed of conduction while simultane-
location (carpal tunnel) and severity (mild, moderate, ously reducing the space needed for a nerve with this
severe) of the condition, not its cause. The cause could conduction speed. This diminishes the energy needs for
be an abnormally thickened flexor tendon putting pres- depolarization because it is occurring only at the nodes
sure on the nerve, a thickened transverse carpal liga- of Ranvier and not along the entire course of the nerve.
ment (flexor retinaculum), a bony impingement from Nerves are comprised of numerous unmyelinated
advanced arthritis or from a fracture, or a temporary fibers, mast cells, fibroblasts, blood vessels, and exten-
generalized edema accumulation such as can occur dur- sive connective tissue elements. In fact, as seen in
ing the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Figure 16-4, connective tissue surrounds the entire
Imaging studies (radiograph, MRI, etc.) may be able to nerve (epineurium), the fascicles (perineurium), and
identify the anatomical or structural cause of a condition, the individual axons (endoneurium).

Peripheral Nerve Function

As ENMG testing is primarily a functional assessment
Motor neuron of the neuromuscular system, a discussion of a few key
(spinal nerve)

Small diameter
myelinated axon

Small diameter
unmyelinated axon
Muscle fibers
Large diameter
myelinated axon
Fig 16•2 Electron micrograph cross-section of a periph-
eral nerve with axons of various diameter. Note that some
Fig 16•1 The functional unit of the neuromuscular system axons are surrounded by myelin while others are unmyeli-
is the motor unit, which consists of the anterior horn cell, nated. Axons typically consist of numerous subcellular
the nerve root, the brachial or lumbosacral plexus, indi- organelles such as microtubules, neurofilaments, connec-
vidual nerve fibers, the neuromuscular junction, and all tive tissue, and mitochondria, which reflect the complexity
the muscle fibers innervated by that axon. of nerves.
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Electrophysiological Testing of Nerves and Muscles 405

Nucleus of Myelin
Schwann cell Axon

⫺⫺ ⫹⫹
⫹⫹ ⫹⫹
⫺⫺ ⫹⫹
⫺⫺ ⫺⫺

Node of Ranvier

Schwann cell

Myelin sheath
Fig 16•3 Node of Ranvier for a typical myelinated nerve fiber. Absence of myelin at the node facilitates the propagation
of neural impulses via “saltatory” conduction. Saltatory conduction increases speed of conduction, decreases space
needs, and reduces the amount of energy expenditure required for impulse propagation. For myelinated nerve fibers,
depolarization occurs only at the node of Ranvier.

features of nerve physiology is appropriate. The principal When a stimulus of sufficient amplitude occurs, the
basis for the production and conduction of electrical sig- voltage across the nerve cell membrane will exceed a
nals in biological tissue is the separation of charge across threshold value, producing an “all-or-none,” self-
the cell membrane of the major ions—potassium (K⫹), perpetuating action potential (Fig. 16-5). The all-
sodium (Na⫹), and chloride (Cl–). The cell membrane is or-none feature of nerve physiology is especially impor-
designed to permit selective permeability of these ions so tant in nerve conduction testing, because it helps the
that at rest the inside of the nerve and muscle cells are elec- practitioner determine how much stimulus to apply to
trically negative (assisted by the sodium-potassium pump). the nerve during the procedure. It is necessary to apply
This electronegativity is referred to as the resting membrane a strong enough stimulus to exceed the nerve’s thresh-
potential and establishes the excitability of nerve cells. old, thereby achieving a self-propagating action poten-
tial. Once this level of stimulus is reached, no amount
of additional stimulus strength will increase the
Epineurium response. Either the nerve (or muscle fiber) depolarizes
or it does not—that is, all or none.
Finally, an important feature of excitable tissue
related to electrophysiological testing is volume con-
duction. Nerve and muscle are electrically excitable,
whereas skin, subcutaneous fat, connective tissue, bone,

ⴙⴙⴙⴙⴙⴙⴙⴙ ⴚⴚⴚⴚⴚ ⴙⴙⴙⴙⴙⴙⴙⴙ
ⴚⴚⴚⴚⴚⴚⴚⴚ ⴙⴙⴙⴙⴙ ⴚⴚⴚⴚⴚⴚⴚⴚ

Fig 16•4 The connective tissue elements of a peripheral Fig 16•5 The wave of depolarization proceeds in two
nerve are extensive and include the epineurium sur- directions and is self-propagating once a threshold stim-
rounding the entire nerve, the perineurium encircling the ulus is reached. When a threshold stimulus occurs, the
fascicles, and the endoneurium around each axon. axon responds completely (the “all-or-none” feature).
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406 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

blood vessels, and other tissues are not. Because of this, A B

electrical stimulation can be applied transcutaneously,
and the practitioner can be assured that the stimulus
will excite only the tissue laden with electrolytes—
nerve and muscle. As a result, direct visualization and
stimulation of the muscle and nerve are not necessary
and can be accomplished relatively comfortably.
A final important feature of neural conduction
worth considering is referred to as saltatory (literally
“jumping”) conduction (see Fig. 16-3). This property of
neural conduction results from the resistance to depo-
larization produced by the presence of myelin derived
from the Schwann cells associated with many axons. D E C
Consequently, the “path of least resistance” becomes Fig 16•6 Standard EMG/NCS electrodes used in every-
the nonmyelinated node of Ranvier. Therefore, depo- day practice. (A) Surface (“bar”) electrode for NCS.
(B) Surface disk electrodes for NCS and some EMG
larization along a myelinated axon “jumps” from node applications. (C) Monopolar needle electrode for EMG.
to node, rather than being propagated along the entire (D) Concentric needle electrode for EMG. (E) Bipolar
needle electrode for EMG.
length of the fiber in a sequential or contiguous fashion.
Saltatory conduction has at least three benefits for surface electrodes for nerve conduction studies (NCS
nerve conduction. First, the speed of saltatory conduc- and some aspects of EMG) and needle electrodes (most
tion is substantially higher than nonsaltatory conduc- EMG and occasional application for NCS). Nerve
tion. Second, the amount of energy needed to propa- conduction testing requires an adjustable stimulator
gate a nerve response by saltatory conduction is consid- to trigger a stimulus that depolarizes the nerve, whose
erably less, since depolarization and the ATP-driven response is captured on the oscilloscope (Fig. 16-7).
sodium-potassium pump is necessary only at the nodes These responses can be physically manipulated with the
of Ranvier, where the “action” is occurring. Finally, the dials or controlled with computer software in order to
relative physical space needed for a nerve that can con- obtain a variety of measurement properties of the wave-
duct at the speeds necessary to achieve physiological form, including latency, amplitude, and area under the
normalcy (velocities of 40 to 70 meters per second) are curve. Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) can be calcu-
markedly less for myelinated nerves than for unmyeli- lated from these responses by dividing the latency
nated fibers.

Equipment to Conduct ENMG

An EMG machine permits visualization and recording
of human bioelectric signals so that nerves, muscles,
and the neuromuscular junction can be objectively
evaluated. However, the signals are ordinarily so small
that they must be filtered and amplified in order to be
processed, measured, and displayed on an oscilloscope
or a computer screen. Simultaneously, the signal is sent
to speakers that allow the examiner and the patient to
“hear” the muscle or nerve response to activation, serv-
ing as a form of biofeedback—especially for the patient.
Cathode Anode
Electrodes attached to the patient allow the equipment Fig 16•7 A stimulator and recording ring electrodes for
to record the signal. As seen in Figure 16-6, there are nerve conduction velocity testing.
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Electrophysiological Testing of Nerves and Muscles 407

difference between two spatially separated waveforms testing is to delineate such complaints as deriving from
into the distance between the two stimulation sites either the PNS or the CNS. ENMG testing is a partic-
(Fig. 16-8). A more detailed description of this process ularly sensitive procedure for directly evaluating PNS
is presented later in the chapter. complaints while CNS disorders are primarily estab-
lished by inference from relatively normal findings
Indications: Who Needs ENMG with this form of testing and, more commonly, from
Testing? imaging studies such as MRI. One notable exception
would be the patient who has a disease of the anterior
Patients with signs and symptoms of neuromuscular horn cells—such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS,
disorder can usually benefit from the information or Lou Gehrig’s disease)—that are located in the spinal
obtained from ENMG testing. Although there are cord (CNS) but are functionally part of the lower
occasional exceptions, patients who complain of motor neuron. In the case of ALS, the peripheral nerve
numbness, tingling, and pain involving the sensory responses to electrical stimulation are altered during
division of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and motor nerve conduction studies. Needle EMG exami-
weakness (implicating the motor division of the PNS) nation of the muscles supplied by the axons deriving
are usually referred for ENMG testing. Because com- from the affected nerve cells will show evidence of an
plaints and objective findings of sensory and motor unstable membrane (denervation). Nevertheless,
impairment may arise from central nervous system ENMG testing is usually conducted when PNS—not
(CNS) disorders, one feature of electrophysiological CNS—disorders are suspected.

L1 Ulnar nerve L2

Fig 16•8 Motor nerve conduction for the ulnar

nerve: Recording electrode is on the abductor digiti
minimi muscle, and stimulation is applied just proxi-
mal to the wrist to obtain the distal motor latency
(L1). A proximal latency (L2) is obtained by stimulat-
CV ⫽ ing the ulnar nerve at the elbow, and the distance
L2(sec) — L1(sec)
between the two sites of stimulation is recorded.
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408 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

There are two major types of nerve injury—segmental (e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome). The NCS will invari-
demyelination and axon degeneration—that electro- ably demonstrate clear slowing of conduction across
physiological testing seeks to delineate. The first is the wrist (demyelination) as well as reduction in ampli-
segmental demyelination, which represents a focal con- tude of action potentials—motor and sensory (usually
duction abnormality along the course of an otherwise associated with axon injury and loss). In addition, the
normal axon and is best detected by nerve conduction EMG will often show signs of spontaneous potentials,
study.2 Unlike the changes noted by needle EMG, con- another indication of axonopathy. Because of this
duction abnormalities can be present almost immedi- common overlap in demyelination and axon degenera-
ately after the disorder begins or after the onset of nerve tion associated with nerve disorders, it is recom-
injury. Usual causes of segmental demyelination mended that ENMG testing include both nerve con-
include mild to moderate compression, such as seen duction study and needle EMG to thoroughly examine
with carpal tunnel syndrome, or a primary demyelinat- a patient with PNS complaints.
ing condition, as observed after exposure to diphtheria
toxin. Regardless of the cause, the effect on the nerve Clinical Examples of Diagnostic
test is slowed conduction velocity. Dilemma for Which ENMG Testing
The second major type of nerve abnormality is axon Is Important
degeneration (axonopathy). It is best detected by needle A 45-year-old female office worker has had 6 weeks of
EMG examination but usually takes about 21 days after neck pain and numbness in the left nondominant
injury to be demonstrated.2 This is the general length thumb, index, long, and portions of the ring finger.
of time necessary for Wallerian degeneration to proceed The numbness regularly awakens her at night, but the
sufficiently to manifest itself as muscle membrane insta- cervical spine pain makes it difficult to achieve a posi-
bility, which the needle EMG identifies. Causes of axon tion of comfort to fall asleep. An MRI of the cervical
loss include severe nerve compression (e.g., nerve root spine demonstrates some degenerative disk changes at
compression from herniated disc) or direct trauma, C6 and C7, with some slight compression of the nerve
inflammation, and ischemia of the nerve. Most often, root in the foramen. No spinal stenosis is identified by
the speed of conduction is preserved (at least early on), the imaging study. Manual cervical spine distraction
but the amplitude of the compound muscle action alleviates much of the neck pain and some, but not the
potential or sensory nerve action potential is reduced. majority, of the hand numbness. Rotation of the head
These NCS changes are usually preceded by EMG and neck to the left aggravates the radicular symptoms.
spontaneous potentials already mentioned. The patient has a diminished triceps deep-tendon
reflex (DTR) and 3/5 muscle weakness of the left
Wallerian degeneration is the degeneration
triceps muscle, forearm flexors, and extensors. She
of an axon that has been severed from its cell body.
demonstrates a positive median nerve compression test
The myelin sheath also degenerates, but the
and a positive Phelan test, both at the left wrist.
neurilemma does not and forms a tube that will direct
Muscle testing of the intrinsic muscles of the hand
the growth of the regenerating axon.
reveals a 3⫹/5 abductor pollicis brevis voluntary mus-
Both axonopathy and demyelination seem to have cle test. The patient’s family practice physician has
similar clinical manifestations. Both can lead to weak- recently informed her that she is “borderline” type 2
ness, and both often produce complaints of pain or diabetic, and this is currently being monitored and
other sensory manifestations. Even though there is managed by diet and exercise. The patient has been
great value in delineating a condition as primarily aris- referred for physical therapy with the standard “evalu-
ing from one cause or the other, the reality is that ate and treat” prescription.
many dysfunctions encountered in the peripheral Reasonable goals for this patient include a reduction
nervous system (PNS) will have both segmental in C6–7 radicular signs and symptoms in the left upper
demyelination and axon degeneration characteristics. extremity, improvement in cervical spine range of
An example is the patient who has moderate to severe motion (ROM), and reduction in sensory symptoms in
levels of compressive median neuropathy at the wrist the median nerve distribution. Hopefully, this
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Electrophysiological Testing of Nerves and Muscles 409

approach will result in less sleep disturbance for her. It therapy or interventions likely to result in the most suc-
seems appropriate to include cervical traction and neu- cess.9 Oftentimes this allows the patient to spend time
ral glides3–8 in the treatment procedures for this on those aspects of the home program (e.g., home trac-
patient, but there is some uncertainty about this case tion or neural glides) that are more likely to reinforce
that suggests that additional information would allow the in-clinic administered therapy and usually result in
the practitioner to make more informed decisions fewer in-clinic visits to achieve discharge goals.
about management. Specifically: Another example involves a 64-year-old male who
sustained a proximal humeral fracture 6 weeks previ-
1. How much of this patient’s complaint of numb-
ously and has now been sent to initiate physical therapy
ness is the result of a probable median neuropa-
with a request to “concentrate on active arm elevation.”
thy at the wrist (e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome)?
The initial evaluation reveals 115° of passive flexion but
2. How much of the hand numbness is attributed
virtually no active flexion or abduction. Furthermore,
to the radiculopathy that her signs and symp-
palpation of the deltoid muscle during the patient’s
toms suggest?
efforts to abduct and flex the glenohumeral joint sug-
3. Do any of her complaints relate to the recent
gests essentially no discernable muscle activation. There
onset of type 2 diabetes and its tendency to
is decreased sensory acuity to crude and light touch
adversely affect peripheral nerve function?
over the middle deltoid (“deltoid patch”). Two weeks
4. Is it likely that mechanical traction will effec-
later, the patient is noted to have 125° of passive flexion
tively deal with the patient’s radicular com-
but still no active arm elevation. At this point, the ther-
plaints? How severely injured is the nerve root?
apist must ask whether this patient has a low threshold
5. Would this patient benefit from a resting night
of pain tolerance, is poorly motivated, has profound
splint for the wrist along with neural glides, or
“disuse atrophy,” or has actually sustained a neural
would this be wasted effort?
injury (axillary, in this case). A brief needle EMG
Is ENMG testing able to answer these questions so demonstrates that the deltoid muscle is severely dener-
that the intervention can be more focused and a more vated, and the patient essentially is unable to volition-
realistic prognosis can be offered? Here are some rea- ally activate a sufficient number of motor units to ele-
sons that an ENMG examination should be conducted vate the arm—the patient has sustained an axillary
with this patient: nerve injury.
With this information, the focus of therapy efforts,
1. ENMG can establish whether she has a com-
temporarily, must be to protect the limb until reinner-
pressive neuropathic injury at the wrist and
vation occurs and concentrate on those muscles that
determine its severity.
have normal or near normal innervation (i.e., inter-
2. ENMG can determine whether the apparent
scapular stabilizers and serratus anterior and upper
weakness in the upper extremity is the result of
trapezius muscles). In this way, the therapist minimizes
nerve root compression and establish whether
the likelihood of harming the patient by directing ther-
the muscle response is still deteriorating or
apeutic efforts to those structures that have the poten-
beginning to show signs of recovery.
tial to benefit from exercise and stimulation.10–12
3. ENMG can explore the motor and sensory
Additional therapeutic activity for those muscles that
responses of several nerves in both arms to see
are denervated should be withheld until the lengthy
whether the type 2 diabetes has affected neural
process of reinnervation nears completion, at which
function, diffusely.
point more aggressive exercise can begin.
The answers provided by ENMG testing will firmly There are numerous similar clinical scenarios in
establish and document the extent of neural injury and which such questions arise during the delivery of care
involvement in this case and give a much clearer and the standard clinical examination does not suffi-
prospect of improvement. Information such as this will ciently delineate the most appropriate treatment direc-
help ensure the patient is given the appropriate therapy tion. Additional information about the status of the
and will allow the therapist to focus on those aspects of neuromuscular system is needed, and ENMG
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410 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

testing can often provide just such data to guide clinical 3. Be prepared to test upper and lower limbs if the
decisions. preliminary findings warrant this approach.
4. Test when likely to obtain optimal “diagnostic
Precautions yield.” Because NCS findings can demonstrate
Patients with pacemakers represent a precaution for abnormality almost immediately after the onset
conducting ENMG testing because the nerve stimula- of a condition, there is no “bad time” to con-
tor may interfere with the pacemaker signal. This con- duct this test. This is not true for the EMG
cern is especially relevant for the NCS and less so for examination, where it may take approximately
the EMG portion of the study. Individuals taking 3 weeks for abnormalities to manifest.
blood thinners (anticoagulants) are another group that
need to be monitored carefully during and after the
General Influencing Factors
needle EMG to be certain that excessive bleeding does A variety of factors may significantly impact NCS
not occur. In patients who have blood-transmittable results. The examiner must remain alert to their influ-
diseases (e.g., HIV, hepatitis, Jakob-Creutzfeldt dis- ence on the testing procedures listed here:14,15
ease), all universal precautions should be taken (i.e., 1. Upper vs. lower limb study
latex gloves, eye protection, gown) to protect the 2. Age
examiner from possible infection during the ENMG 3. Limb length (height)
testing procedure.13 4. Limb temperature
5. Anomalous innervation patterns.
Nerve Conduction Studies Upper extremity nerve conduction velocity is, on
average, 5 to 10 meters per second faster than the lower
Nerve conduction studies assess motor and sensory
extremity nerves. This may be because the lower
nerve function by recording the evoked response pro-
extremity is longer than the upper extremity, so the cell
duced by electrical stimulation of the nerve. A number
bodies for lower extremity nerves are farther away—
of important clinical questions can be answered by
which may make the lower extremity axons less nutri-
NCS and include the following:13
tionally competent. Presumably this has the effect of
1. Is the peripheral nervous system involved in the slightly slowing down conduction velocity.
patient’s condition? Age has an influence on latency, amplitude, and con-
2. What is the location of the peripheral nerve duction velocity values. Nerve conduction velocity does
condition, and is more than one nerve involved? not achieve the normal adult values until age 7,
3. Is the peripheral nerve condition mild, moderate, although some elements of the PNS may not fully
or severe (conduction block partial or complete)? mature until age 14 to 18. Prior to age 7 (when myeli-
4. Does the condition appear to be focal or diffuse nation is not yet complete), NCV values are roughly
(systemic disorder)? half of adult velocities. This chapter will not provide
5. Does the condition primarily involve motor special information on conducting NCS with pediatric
fibers or sensory fibers, or are they equally clients.
affected by the nerve condition? The relationship of aging on conduction velocity has
been extensively studied, but there remains some
With these questions in mind, an attempt to adhere
debate on the precise effect of age on nerve values. It is
to certain NCS principles should be made. These prin-
generally accepted that beyond the age of 60, values
ciples include:13
decline 1 to 2 meters per second for each decade (over
1. Examine motor and sensory fibers whenever 60). Some authors contend that this decline actually
possible. begins after age 40, but that has been refuted by other
2. Test several segments of nerve suspected to be investigators. In any event, even with this slight slowing
involved. that may occur with age, the conduction velocity
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Electrophysiological Testing of Nerves and Muscles 411

should not drop below the lower limit of normal, even

for those in their 80s.
Median nerve
Height, and consequently limb length, influences
nerve conduction velocities. In general, the longer the
limb, the slower the conduction velocity. This fact rein- Ulnar nerve
forces the importance of comparing conduction veloc-
ity values for both extremities to be certain that slowed
conduction represents a disease state rather than the anastomosis
normal variation associated with limb length.
Limb temperature has a decided effect on distal
latency and nerve conduction values. Because a cool
limb conducts electrical signals more slowly than one of
normal temperature, skin temperature is measured,
recorded, and monitored during the ENMG examina-
tion. Upper or lower extremity limbs whose tempera-
tures fall below 30°C (86°F) must be warmed with hot
packs or warm towels until this threshold is achieved.
Interestingly, sensory action potential amplitudes actu-
ally increase with a cool limb and might be a clue to
warm the limb. If the latency of a sensory nerve action
potential is slowed but the amplitude is higher than
would be predicted, the examiner should suspect a cool
Fig 16•9 The classic Martin-Gruber anastomosis
limb. Efforts should be made to warm the limb to see if between the median and ulnar nerve is one example of
both values will return to the normal range. anomalous innervations. Anatomical variances such as
Anomalous innervation patterns can present a con- this will dramatically affect conduction velocity values.
fusing picture to the ENMG examiner, but teasing this
possibility out is important to provide a clear picture to
the referring individual. Approximately 20% of indi- Motor Nerve Conduction Study
viduals have an anastomosis (nerve connection) Motor nerve conduction studies are often the first por-
between the median and ulnar nerve in the forearm; tion of the ENMG test following the patient history
this is called a Martin-Gruber anastomosis (Fig. 16-9). and clinical examination and provide information
The condition is characterized by median nerve fibers about the function of the axons, myelin, and neuro-
that cross over to join the ulnar nerve in the forearm muscular junction. The physiological response evoked
proximal to the stimulation site at the wrist. When by stimulating the nerve during this portion of the
stimulation is carried out over the normal median examination is called the compound muscle action poten-
nerve sites at the wrist and at the elbow, this pattern of tial (CMAP) and represents the simultaneous depolar-
nerve connection will usually result in abnormally high ization of all the individual motor units under the
conduction velocity calculations (e.g., often as high as recording electrode (Fig. 16-10). The general procedure
100 meters per second). In addition to this abnormally for obtaining motor nerve conduction and relevant
high conduction velocity, there is usually a change in portions of the waveform are described below.
the waveform configuration between the stimulation
sites at the wrist and the elbow—another clue that Procedure
some unusual pattern is present. Being alert to the pos- Motor conduction studies are generally accomplished
sibility of this nerve arrangement will limit the likeli- by placing a pair of surface electrodes on a distal mus-
hood of erroneous interpretation of nerve responses to cle supplied by the nerve being tested and then stimu-
stimulation. lating that nerve at various sites along its anatomical
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412 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

5 mV A effort to obtain a CMAP response. For upper extremity

nerves, this distance is usually 8 centimeters from the
cathode of the stimulating device. For lower extremity
A ⫽ Peak amplitude nerves, it may vary between 8 and 12 centimeters. The
B ⫽ Duration
stimulator’s cathode is oriented so that it is closest to
DML the muscle to be depolarized.
The key point here is to be consistent in electrode
placement and distal stimulation distance. The inten-
12 msec
sity of stimulation should be advanced incrementally
until a maximal CMAP is obtained; this response rep-
B resents the distal motor latency (DML, also termed the
M-wave) and is a reflection of the ability of the fastest
Fig 16•10 Standard compound muscle action potential
(CMAP) for a typical motor nerve study following stimula- conducting axons to conduct the electrical stimulation
tion. The time from stimulus artifact to initial departure to the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), bridge the junc-
from the baseline is the distal motor latency (DML). Other
important features of this response include the peak tion, depolarize the muscle fibers that they innervate,
latency, duration of the waveform, its shape, and the area and contract the muscle. Because there is no consistent
under the curve. way for clinical ENMG testing to accurately calculate
the rate of conduction across and distal to the NMJ,
course. More specifically, the “active” electrode (of the motor conduction velocity measurement requires at
pair) is placed as close to the anatomical motor point as least two stimulation sites; the second site is referred to
possible while the “reference” electrode is placed over as the proximal latency and is generally obtained at some
the nonexcitable tendon of that muscle. These two elec- common anatomical site to ensure consistency within
trodes together are referred to as the recording electrodes. the test and between individuals tested.
A ground electrode is also placed on nonexcitable tis- The examiner measures the linear distance between
sue, often over a bony prominence, ideally between the the two stimulation sites. He or she then subtracts the
stimulating and recording electrodes (Fig. 16-11). difference between the two latencies and simply divides
The mixed peripheral nerve is electrically stimulated the latency difference into the distance between the two
at some set distance from the active electrode in an stimulation sites to obtain the NCV between the two
sites, as noted in the following formula (see Fig. 16-8):
Distance Between Proximal and
Distal Stimulation Sites (mm)
Nerve Conduction =
Velocity (m/sec) Proximal Latency – Distal Latency

Note that the millimeters and the milliseconds can-

cel each other out in this calculation, which leaves the
unit of conduction velocity as meters per second. Often
a third (or even a fourth) stimulation site is warranted
to more thoroughly evaluate the motor nerve conduc-
tion status; for example, above and below the elbow for
the ulnar nerve to identify cubital tunnel syndrome or
Fig 16•11 Standard setup for median nerve motor con-
above and below the fibular head to document fibular
duction study: A ground electrode is placed over the
bony aspect of the dorsum of the hand, the black record- nerve compression at this site. Typical values for distal
ing electrode is placed on the middle of the abductor motor latency, motor conduction velocity, and ampli-
pollicis brevis muscle, and the red reference electrode is
placed on the volar surface of the thumb metacarpal tude of the CMAP for commonly studied upper and
phalangeal joint. lower extremity nerves are noted in Table 16-1.
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Electrophysiological Testing of Nerves and Muscles 413

advanced diabetes, adversely affect the number of func-

Table 16•1 Normal Motor-Conduction tioning motor units in a muscle, thereby leading to a
Values of Commonly Tested
Nerves in Adults decreased CMAP amplitude. Some computer-based
Distal Conduction CMAP ENMG testing units have software programs that can
Latency Velocity Amplitude provide “area under the curve,” which is actually a more
Nerve (msec) (m/sec) (mV) accurate measure of functioning motor units for any
Wrist–APB muscle (8 cm) < 4.2 > 45 >4 given muscle. However, amplitude is a well-accepted
Elbow-wrist representation of this nerve feature. Lower limit of
Ulnar amplitude values are also shown for upper and lower
Wrist–ADM muscle (8 cm) <4 > 45 > 3.5 extremity nerves in Table 16-1.
Duration is the length of time from the initial deflec-
Forearm–EIP muscle (8 cm) < 3.5 > 45 > 2.5 tion of the signal from the baseline until it crosses the
Mid-humerus–forearm baseline again. This feature of the nerve response indi-
Fibular (Deep Peroneal) cates the state of myelination and is excessively pro-
(7 cm) <6 > 40 > 3.5
Ankle–EDB muscle
longed in certain demyelinating disorders. Related to
Above fibular head–ankle duration is the process called temporal dispersion, which
Tibial (10 cm) represents the electrical activity of individual nerve
Ankle–AH muscle <6 > 40 >3 fibers that may be slower in conducting velocity. The
effect of temporal dispersion on the waveform is to
Key: CMAP, compound motor action potential; APB: abductor pollicis brevis; ADM: abductor digiti
minimi; EIP: extensor indicis proprius; EDB: extensor digitorum brevis; AH: abductor hallucis spread it out (prolong the duration) and make it less
uniform in shape (Fig. 16-12).
Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) values are usually
What the Findings Mean
established for each laboratory, although many facilities
Taking a closer look at the distal motor latency CMAP, rely on nationally accepted norms to guide practice and
the ENMG examiner is interested in the time from the decisions. The examiner generally compares the obtained
stimulus artifact (the instant the signal is delivered to NCV values from both limbs for internal consistency
the nerve) to the initial deflection of the waveform from and against standard laboratory ranges to identify abnor-
the baseline. As noted previously, this value in millisec- malities. Nerves that have been injured by trauma or dis-
onds represents the conduction along the nerve, across ease will not conduct signals at normal speeds. Often the
the NMJ, and to all the muscle fibers innervated by the injured segment is identified by carefully comparing
axons stimulated. If sufficient demyelination has sequential segments of each nerve studied.
occurred, this latency value will fall above the upper
limit of normal and will be considered slowed or
delayed. As such, the latency values reflect the state of 2.0 mV

the myelin surrounding the largest and fastest conduct-

ing axons of the nerve under investigation. Typical
DML values for commonly studied upper and lower
extremity nerves are noted in Table 16-1. 10 msec

KEY POINT! Note that an increase in latency reflects a

0.5 mV
decrease in conduction velocity.
The examiner is also very interested in the amplitude 25 msec
of the evoked response, which is measured in millivolts
Fig 16•12 Temporal dispersion of the CMAP is caused
(mV) and is described as representing the number of by the relative difference in velocity of the fastest and
functioning motor units innervated by the nerve being slowest conducting fibers. Disproportionate slowing of
some fibers occurs when nerves are compressed, and
studied. Localized nerve compression (e.g., carpal tun- the result is a CMAP that is increased in duration,
nel syndrome) or diffuse disease processes, such as reduced in amplitude, and less smooth in shape.
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414 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

A reduction in NCV of more than 10 meters

KEY POINT! on the skin directly over a nerve trunk and stimulating
per second between consecutive segments of the the nerve to produce a sensory nerve action potential
same nerve would indicate a possible nerve injury. (SNAP; Fig. 16-13). The SNAP is the summated
response of all the depolarized sensory fibers in the
It should be noted that conduction velocities in the nerve trunk in much the same way that the CMAP is
upper extremities are roughly 10 meters per second the summated response of all the motor units respond-
faster than expected in the lower extremity. Velocities in ing to maximal electrical stimulation. However, there
the order of 45 to 50 meters per second are considered are some important differences that should be noted.
the lower limit of normal for upper extremity nerves, The SNAP is a direct response having no intervening
while a value of 40 meters per second is considered the synapse like the NMJ for motor nerve conduction.
lower limit for lower extremity nerves. One reason for Thus, a single point of stimulation provides sufficient
the lowered conduction velocity for lower extremity information to measure a distal latency, obtain an
nerves is perhaps related to the sheer length difference amplitude, and, unlike motor conduction, obtain a sen-
between upper and lower extremities, which results in sory conduction velocity.
reduced limb temperature, which has a known slowing Secondly, SNAPs are significantly smaller than
effect on conduction velocity. CMAPs (Table 16-2). A typical CMAP may be on the
order of 5 to 10 mV while a normal SNAP response
Which Nerves to Study? may be as small as 5 to 10 microvolts, or μV (remem-
Practitioners should be familiar with the routine motor ber that 1 mV = 1,000 μV). This represents a 1,000-
nerve conduction techniques as they are most com- fold difference, so different sensitivity settings are
monly performed and reported with normal values. required to obtain the much smaller SNAP response.
The most commonly examined nerves and correspon- The profound difference is because the CMAP is the
ding muscles are: summation of numerous muscle fiber action potentials
that comprise several motor units. There are occasions
● Median nerve—electrodes on the abductor
when the sensory response is so diminutive that a spe-
pollicis brevis
cial procedure called signal averaging is used to sum-
● Ulnar nerve—electrodes on the abductor digiti
mate several responses and depict the summated wave-
form as a single response. This kind of additional signal
● Fibular nerve—electrodes on the extensor digito-
rum brevis
● Tibial nerve—electrodes on the abductor hallucis
Familiarization with the standard normal values for
these four nerves will greatly enhance understanding for
reading an ENMG report. Other nerves are less com-
monly studied but might include, among others:
● Radial nerve—electrodes on the extensor indicis
● Axillary nerve—electrodes on the middle deltoid
● Spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)—electrodes on
the upper trapezius
● Femoral nerve—electrodes on the vastus medialis
● Fibular nerve—electrodes on the tibialis anterior Latency

Fig 16•13 Typical sensory nerve action potential (SNAP)

Sensory Nerve Conduction Study showing latency to the “takeoff,” latency to the peak and
“peak-to-peak” amplitude. The amplitude of the sensory
Sensory nerve conduction studies are generally per- response (measured in microvolts) is significantly smaller
formed by placing a surface or ring recording electrode than the CMAP amplitudes (measured in millivolts).
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Electrophysiological Testing of Nerves and Muscles 415

they wish to conduct the signal orthodromically or

Table 16•2 Normal Values of Commonly antidromically—unlike the motor study, which is
Tested Sensory Nerves in
always conducted orthodromically. The recording elec-
trode pair can come in the form of a ring, often used for
Distal SNAP
Latency to Velocity Amplitude upper extremity nerve studies, or typical surface elec-
Nerve peak (msec) (m/sec) (µ V) trodes, used for both upper and lower extremity studies
Wrist–digit (14 cm) 3.5 ± 0.5 50 ± 10 15–60
(see Fig. 16-7). The intensity of stimulation necessary
Palmar (7–9 mm) < 2.5 ––– > 10 to obtain a maximal response is usually less than that
Ulnar necessary in a motor study. For this reason, some exam-
Wrist–digit (14 mm) 3.0 ± 0.5 50 ± 10 15–50 iners prefer to begin with the sensory portion of the
Palmar (7–9 mm) < 2.5 ––– > 10
NCS, as it introduces the patient to the experience of
Superficial Radial
Forearm–wrist < 3.0 50 ± 10 10–50 electrical stimulation a bit more gently than the more
recording (12 cm) intense stimulation necessary for most motor studies.
Superficial Fibular The parameters of interest with the sensory NCS
(Peroneal; 10–14 cm) 2.5 ± 0.5 45 ± 5 > 10
Sural (14 cm) 3.5 ± 0.5 45 ± 5 >5 are, in general, the same as those examined during the
motor study and include the following:

1. Distal sensory latency (DSL)—the time from

processing is rarely needed for motor stimulation,
the stimulus artifact to either the onset or peak
because the responses are usually large enough that it is
of the SNAP. As recording equipment has
become more sophisticated and sensitive over
The depolarization produced by sensory nerve stim-
time, the onset has become a more reliable
ulation is propagated in both directions. As a result,
parameter to measure. This was not true with
sensory nerve can be stimulated distally while recording
most of the first- or even second-generation
proximally on the nerve trunk (the normal direction of
devices. Therefore, many examiners prefer to
afferent fiber depolarization). This is referred to as
report both onset and peak latency values for
orthodromic stimulation. Conversely, the nerve can be
SNAPs in their analysis. The accepted values for
stimulated at some proximal site, and the recording can
these various nerve responses have been estab-
be accomplished distally (the reverse of the normal
lished over predetermined distances between
direction of afferent fiber depolarization). This is
stimulation site and recording electrode.
referred to as antidromic stimulation. Both procedures
2. Amplitude—a reflection of all the individual
are used by most examiners because the results are
SNAPs summated into a compound SNAP. This
nearly identical for the two methods with no distinct
parameter informs the examiner of the general
advantage for either.
function of the nerve axons in the segment stud-
KEY POINT!Orthodromic stimulation refers to propaga- ied. It is also reflective (by inference) of some
tion of the electrical stimulus in the normal or custom- important conclusions. Sensory nerve cell bodies
ary direction. For motor testing, this is proximal to are located in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG)
distal yet distal to proximal for sensory. within the intervertebral foramen. Lesions
located proximal to the ganglion (principally,
Procedure radiculopathies) do not usually affect the cell
The basic premise and setup for performing a sensory body; consequently, the SNAPs are ordinarily
nerve conduction study is much like that of the previ- normal. By contrast, brachial or lumbar plex-
ously described motor stimulation. Stimulation occurs opathies and other neuropathic conditions often
by means of the adjustable stimulating probe placed result in reduced amplitude or absent SNAPs. As
over the course of the nerve, with the cathode (negative such, sensory nerve studies can be useful for
pole) positioned closest to the recording electrode. Of delineating proximal or distal causes for sensory
course, the examiner does need to determine whether complaints. For instance, a lumbar radiculopathy
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416 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

can cause numbness, but the sural nerve SNAPs F-wave

are invariably normal because the lesion (usually With motor conduction studies, we described a proce-
a disk herniation) is proximal to the DRG; dure whereby the motor nerve is stimulated proximally
therefore, the intact nerve cell body keeps the to obtain an orthodromically derived distal motor
nerve and the distal responses normal. latency (DML), also referred to as the M-wave.
3. Waveform, duration, and nerve conduction Simultaneously, the nerve conducts an action potential
velocity are additional parameters that might antidromically to the anterior horn cells in the spinal
be evaluated for a sensory nerve study, but prac- cord that, in turn, send back a small action potential
tically speaking, the DSL and amplitude are that contracts some of the muscle fibers under the
the most commonly reported values for most recording electrode on the distal muscle. This delayed,
sensory nerves. small action potential is referred to as the F-wave, so
named because it was originally recorded from the foot
Which Nerves to Study? muscles (Fig. 16-14). F-wave latencies are usually
Much like the motor conduction studies, there are smaller than 500 μV. Because they must traverse the dis-
basic nerves that tend to be studied routinely along tance of the entire limb length twice, they are much
with a host of less commonly studied sensory nerves. longer than the M-wave latencies (from 20 to 32 msec
The more commonly examined sensory nerves include for upper extremities and 42 to 58 msec for lower
median, ulnar, radial, medial antebrachial cutaneous, extremities). The limb’s length clearly will significantly
sural, superficial peroneal, and saphenous nerves. impact this delayed response, so the patient’s height
(and limb length, itself, in some laboratories) is recorded
Central Conduction and Long-loop for reference to normal values for these latencies.
Responses (F-wave and H-reflex) The usual technique for this procedure is virtually
Although motor and sensory nerve stimulation studies identical to that for obtaining the DML, except that the
as described thus far are the most common procedures cathode and the anode of the handheld stimulator are
undertaken during nerve conduction testing, there are reversed so the primary action potential proceeds
other techniques that have become somewhat routine toward the spinal cord rather than toward the distal
because they are relatively easy to accomplish and they muscle. Besides being a much smaller response than the
provide additional information about the status of the M-wave, the presence and shape of the F-wave is vari-
nerve complex. able. Consequently, it is routine to obtain a number of

CMAP (M-wave)


Fig 16•14 The F-wave is a long-loop response pro-

duced by stimulating the nerve at a distal site. The
stimulus proceeds bidirectionally and produces the
M response (DML) and also sends a volley proximally Stimulation
to the spinal cord. There, a number of anterior horn
cells are activated that then send a small response
back to the distal muscle to be recorded as the F-wave. CMAP
This response is slowed in conditions that affect the
overall conductivity of the nerve (various neuropathies)
and may also be slowed with focal demyelination or F-wave
axonopathy in conditions affecting the nerve roots or
the plexus.
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Electrophysiological Testing of Nerves and Muscles 417

F-wave responses (5 to 10, typically) and report the

shortest latency as the accepted value. Since the series of
5 to 10 consecutive F-waves are obtained in response to
maximal stimulation, this is one procedure that patients
often find uncomfortable during the NCS. Ia afferent
The principal purpose for obtaining an F-wave
response is to examine nerve conduction in proximal
Alpha motor neuron
nerve segments for conditions like thoracic outlet syn-
drome, some radiculopathies, or diffuse demyelinating
diseases. For patients who have significant distal neural
compression (e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome), a pro-
longed F-wave does not contribute any specific infor- Gastrocnemius
mation regarding the location of compression that is H-reflex
not already demonstrated with the normal DML and
NCV testing. However, if a patient demonstrates nor-
mal distal latencies and nerve conduction and yet Fig 16•15 The H-reflex is another long-loop response
evoked by stimulating the tibial nerve at the popliteal fossa
exhibits prolonged F-waves, this strongly suggests that and directing the signal toward the spinal cord. From
compromise of the neural system is located at a more there, a monosynaptic response sends a signal back to
the recording site on the medial gastrocnemius muscle
proximal site, such as the plexus or nerve root. and is recorded as the H-reflex. This response is slowed in
S1 radiculopathies, often when no other abnormalities are
H-reflex noted on the nerve conduction study or the EMG.
Sometimes the standard nerve conduction and EMG
examination does not identify a clear electrophysiolog-
ical explanation for a patient’s pain or numbness and action potential is the H-reflex and ranges from 26 to
tingling in a radicular pattern. More subtle tests of neu- 33 milliseconds in most individuals. Like the F-wave,
ral compromise may be useful at such a time. One such the H-reflex is also a limb length–dependent response.
example is the H-reflex. This is an action potential Nomograms are available that factor in age and height
response first described by Hoffman in 1922 and later (limb length) for this response to see if the values
named the “H-reflex” by Magladery and McDougal in obtained for the patient are falling within a predicted
1950. It is most often undertaken for the tibial nerve range. The H-reflex is a very consistent reflex and rep-
when an S1 radiculopathy is suspected, although it is resents the same pathway as the monosynaptic deep
gaining some acceptance for the median nerve when a tendon reflex for the ankle that is elicited clinically.
C7 nerve compression is suspected. A few investigators Although consistent, it is somewhat sensitive to voltage
have described a femoral nerve H-reflex, but it has not variation and is usually elicited in response to a sub-
become a routine test for ENMG examination.16 maximal, rather than a maximal, stimulation delivery.
As noted previously, when an electrical stimulus is In fact, in many cases, a delivery of maximal levels of
applied to a mixed motor and sensory nerve, action stimulation will cause the H-reflex (elicited by submax-
potentials are propagated bidirectionally. In the case of imal stimulation) to disappear while the M-wave dom-
the tibial nerve H-reflex, an action potential will travel inates the screen. This narrow window between achiev-
from the point of stimulation (popliteal space) to the ing threshold for eliciting the H-reflex and obscuring
spinal cord, where it synapses with an alpha-motor neu- the response by applying stimulation levels that are too
ron in the anterior horn. The activated motoneuron high can make obtaining this response a challenge for
results in an action potential propagated back to the the examiner. However, the information obtained with
peripheral muscle, in this case the medial head of the this procedure is important for corroborating the pres-
gastrocnemius, an S1 innervated muscle (Fig. 16-15). ence of conditions such as S1 and C7 radiculopathies
The time from the stimulus artifact to the muscle and is worth the effort in most cases.
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418 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

To reiterate, the procedure for obtaining a tibial In any event, this is a good time to evaluate what we
nerve (S1) H-reflex is as follows: know so far. First of all, beginning the process of analy-
sis and determining an ENMG diagnosis is based on
1. Place the active surface electrode on the medial
accurate awareness of normal ranges and values for the
head of the gastrocnemius muscle belly and
responses obtained during the NCS. An abridged list of
place the reference electrode on the tendon of
typical latency, nerve conduction velocity, and ampli-
the muscle.
tude, values are noted in Table 16-1. The data collected
2. Stimulate the tibial nerve at the popliteal space
in the study needs to be compared to these normal val-
with the cathode pointed toward the spinal cord.
ues to determine the status of the nerve.
3. Slowly increase the stimulus amplitude until a
When nerves are injured by disease or compression,
depolarization response is first noted. Continue
their ability to conduct electrical signals is diminished
increasing the amplitude until a maximal H-reflex
or abolished. This abnormality, referred to as a conduc-
is obtained.
tion block, is what nerve conduction studies measure. A
4. Compare the obtained H-reflex value to:
conduction block is present when the CMAP elicited
a. The contralateral H-reflex
from a more proximal site has less amplitude than the
b. A predicted H-reflex normalized for age and
CMAP elicited at a distal site. This indicates that some
limb length
of the fibers along the course of the nerve failed to con-
5. Determine whether the difference between
duct a signal but that the axons and myelin are normal
obtained and predicted H-reflex values exceeds
distally. NCS is used to help figure out if a patient’s
acceptable variation (usually a difference of 1 mil-
neural complaints are caused primarily from demyeli-
lisecond is considered the acceptable variation).
nation (e.g., nerve compression or diffuse disease), from
Height and limb length are important factors when axonal degeneration (e.g., dying back neuropathy,
conducting long-loop latency responses (H-reflex, severe axon injury from compression), or from some
F-wave). The length of time for an electrical signal to combination of these two processes.
depolarize the nerve in the direction of the spinal cord,
KEY POINT!The primary indicator of demyelination is
synapse with an anterior horn cell that sends a signal
prolonged distal latencies and slowing of nerve con-
back to the peripheral muscle (H-reflex), or activate a
duction velocity, while the principal feature of axonal
group of anterior horn cells to depolarize and send a
degeneration is reduced amplitude and area under
signal to the peripheral muscle (F-wave) is dependent
the curve of the CMAP or SNAP.
on the distance the signal must travel to accomplish
such electrical events. In fact, nomograms have been Clinically, the most common categorization scheme
devised in which an individual’s height or limb length for neural injuries was first described by Seddon in
and age can be factored to arrive at a predicted latency 1943 and includes neurapraxia, axonotmesis, and neu-
value. rotmesis17 (Fig. 16-16). Neurapraxia is the mildest form
of peripheral nerve disorder and is characterized by
Coming to Some Conclusions: What Do local conduction block without any axonal injury. We
We Know So Far? have all experienced very transient versions of this cate-
At this point in the examination process, the motor and gory when we have slept on our arm for a short period
sensory conduction studies described above have been of time and then were unable to feel or move the limb
completed and the special responses of F-wave and for several seconds to a couple of minutes while blood
H-reflex have been obtained. It is possible that the find- flow was reestablished to the nerves and muscles. More
ings up till now require other nerves to be examined or serious neurapraxias are caused by sustained or intense
even additional limbs (upper or lower, in the case of nerve pressure, stretching, or focal inflammation that
possible polyneuropathy) to be analyzed. Furthermore, are believed to cause localized demyelination. Strictly
we have not described the needle EMG portion of the speaking, the axons and surrounding connective tissue
examination or the findings from such a study. sheath of the nerve are intact with a neurapraxia.
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Electrophysiological Testing of Nerves and Muscles 419


Wallerian degeneration


Fig 16•16 Standard description of nerve injury cate-

gories include neurapraxia (a myelin injury or condi-
tion), axonotmesis (axonal degeneration and myelin
Wallerian degeneration injury in most cases), and neurotmesis (myelin, axon,
and connective tissue injury). Both axonotmesis and
neurotmesis result in Wallerian degeneration, but neu-
rotmesis is a far worse injury because the connective
tissue sheath injury makes nerve regeneration less
Neurotmesis likely.

Classic examples of this category of nerve injury Interestingly, research has shown that this axonal
are the occasional tourniquet palsy associated with degeneration occurs distal to the lesion and one node
compression during surgery and the ever popular of Ranvier proximal to the lesion. However, the
“Saturday night palsy,” so named for the compression connective tissue layers (epineurium, perineurium,
neuropathy of the radial nerve at the spiral groove of endoneurium) remain intact with an axonotmesis, so
the humerus (usually caused by sustained focal nerve the opportunity for recovery is possible. The clinical
pressure from a long period of sleep secondary to ine- effect of this injury is diminished, or there is loss of
briation or drug abuse). The effect on the electro- sensation if sensory nerves are involved and muscle
physiological examination is reduced nerve conduc- weakness if motor axons are injured.
tion velocities and proximal CMAPs (those obtained Electrophysiologically, the effect of axonotmesis is
by stimulation above the focal demyelination). In virtually identical to that of neurapraxia for the first
some severe cases, conduction is blocked entirely, 2 to 5 days following the lesion. Specifically, the NCS
resulting in no response to stimulation across the is normal below the level of the injury, but there is no
injury site. If a pure neurapraxia has been sustained, response across the axons that have experienced con-
the recovery usually takes weeks and occurs when duction block. After this 2- to 5-day period, axonal
remyelination of the large diameter axons is com- degeneration occurs, and the involved axons do not
plete, or nearly so. If recovery takes several months, respond to stimulation above or below the lesion. If
then it is possible that a second level of nerve injury, a sufficient number of axons are involved, the
axonotmesis, has occurred. amplitude of motor- and sensory-evoked potentials
Axonotmesis lesions are caused by more severe nerve (CMAP, SNAP) will be reduced, although the con-
pressure, stretching, or inflammation and are the duction velocity will approximate the normal rate
result of a disruption of axonal continuity leading to because the myelin (especially of the large fibers) is
some level of Wallerian degeneration (axonopathy). still intact.
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420 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

KEY POINT!Provided the connective tissue sheathes are reinnervation by normal nerve regeneration processes is
intact, the prognosis for recovery from an axonotmesis so tenuous for neurotmesis lesions, surgical exploration
is reasonably good, although not nearly as hopeful as and repair may be necessary to extend any hope of
that for neurapraxia. Recovery usually takes some- recovery. Fortunately, most neural injuries do not fall
where between 3 and 12 months for an axonotmesis into this category, so the prognosis for recovery is fair or
and generally is a very incremental process, proceed- good for most patients.
ing at about 1 mm per day in most cases. Additional techniques can identify within 1 cm the
precise location of the conduction block, which is valu-
The most severe category of nerve injury is referred able information for the surgeon if surgical exploration
to as a neurotmesis and involves not only axonal degen- and compression relief is contemplated. One such pro-
eration, but also injury to some aspect of the connective cedure is called the inching technique and involves the
tissue sheath around the nerve. The electrophysiologi- same setup as described for the motor conduction study
cal effects of a neurotmesis are indistinguishable from but with additional stimulation sites at every centime-
an axonotmesis with immediate loss of conduction abil- ter from primary sites below and above the elbow. For
ity across the lesion and loss of distal excitability over a a 12 cm segment, as noted in this brief case, the exam-
2- to 5-day period following the injury. What distin- iner would have 12 separate responses to stimulation to
guishes neurotmesis from axonotmesis is the fact that evaluate.
the former shows no improvement with follow-up This case also underscores the limitation of the nerve
(serial) testing over time, indicating the absence of conduction study, as the presence of axonal degeneration
reinnervation of the injured neural structure. Because


JD is a 48-year-old male training for his first triathlon. conduction of the upper extremities will help to local-
For 6 weeks, he has had increasing right dominant ize the source of the problem more definitively, rule out
elbow pain and numbness in the ulnar nerve distribu- the possibility of co-morbidities (e.g., simultaneous
tion. He especially notices these symptoms when he ulnar nerve compression at the elbow and the wrist),
is training for long periods of time on his bike. In addi- and provide a more sound basis for therapeutic inter-
tion, JD mentions that doing the buttons on his shirt vention and advising the patient about future effects of
has become difficult because of numbness and clum- training.
siness with his hands. He has no family history of
nerve disorders, is not diabetic, and is 6 feet tall. NCS PLAN
Clinical exam shows decreased two-point discrimi- Conduct bilateral upper extremity nerve conduction
nation in the ulnar nerve distribution, a positive Tinel studies; this includes motor, sensory, and long-loop
sign over the ulnar nerve in the cubital tunnel, and a responses (F-waves, H-reflexes) for the median and
mildly positive Wartenberg’s sign (indicative of weak- ulnar nerves.
ness of ulnar-innervated hand intrinsics). Further, he
demonstrates tenderness over Guyon’s canal in the
1. Median motor and sensory latencies and conduc-
hand, which is the area on which he rests his weight
tion values, F-wave, and H-reflexes are normal
during long training bike rides. Cervical spine screen-
ing exam is unremarkable. Thoracic outlet tests do not
2. Left ulnar nerve motor and sensory conduction val-
provoke any diminution in radial pulse.
ues are normal.
RATIONALE FOR NERVE CONDUCTION STUDY 3. Right ulnar nerve distal motor and sensory latencies
This patient has signs and symptoms of ulnar nerve are normal, and the conduction velocity from below
compression at the elbow (i.e., cubital tunnel syn- the cubital tunnel to the wrist is also normal.
drome), although compression of the ulnar nerve at 4. Right ulnar nerve conduction velocity across the
Guyon’s canal, fairly common in competitive cyclists, elbow drops to 35 meters per second, which is
may also explain the hand symptoms and intrinsic below the lower limit of normal for conduction
muscle weakness. Obtaining information from a nerve (45 meters per second); amplitude of the CMAP
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Electrophysiological Testing of Nerves and Muscles 421

CASE STUDY 16-1 cont. from p. 420

drops from 8 mA in the wrist and forearm response the distal motor latency (the one obtained by stimulat-
to 3 mA for the across-the-elbow segment; right ing the ulnar nerve at the wrist) is 3 msec, and
ulnar nerve F-wave is mildly prolonged. the latency just distal to the elbow is recorded as
5. Right ulnar nerve sensory conduction across the 7 msec—a difference of 4 msec; the distance between
elbow is 27 meters per second, well below the these two sites is 24 centimeters (240 millimeters). So
lower limit of normal. according to the formula, our conduction velocity is
obtained by dividing the difference (4 msec) between
INTERPRETATION the two latencies into the distance between the two
1. Findings are consistent with ulnar nerve compres- sites (240 mm), which yields a value of 60 meters
sion at the elbow; moderate severity. per second—well within the normal range of 45 to
2. The nerve conduction slowing and reduced ampli- 70 m/sec. The across-the-elbow segment is 12 cm in
tude of the CMAP across the elbow indicates length (120 mm), and the latency difference between
involvement of myelin (neurapraxia), but definitive the stimulation sites above and below is 2.92 msec.
evidence of coincidental axonotmesis (axonal Dividing 2.92 msec into 120 mm yields a conduction
degeneration) is not established on the basis of value of 35 m/sec—well below the lower limit of the
nerve conduction findings alone. Proximal neural acceptable range (45 m/sec). In addition, the ampli-
compression (nerve root compression, brachial tude dropped precipitously from 8 milliamps (mA)
plexopathy) does not seem likely on the basis of below the elbow to 3 millivolts (mV) at above the
these findings but cannot be strictly excluded with- elbow site—evidence of partial conduction block.
out additional testing. The final segment of the motor study involves stimu-
PROCEDURES lating the ulnar nerve in the axilla and recording the dis-
The portion of the NCS that provided the most useful tance between this new site and the one just above the
diagnostic information was the conduction study of elbow. Here we obtain a latency difference of 2 msec,
the right ulnar nerve. As noted in the illustration, the and the distance is 12 cm (120 mm) once again. This
recording electrode is placed on the abductor digiti results in a return to normal conduction of 60 m/sec,
minimi muscle, and nerve stimulation is carried out at but the amplitude remains at 3 millivolts (mV) because
a minimum of four locations: the signal must go past the area of compression to
reach the target organ where the recording electrodes
1. Wrist: proximal to Guyon’s canal are located (ADM muscle of the hypothenar eminence).
2. Distal to the elbow (just below the cubital tunnel) The F-wave for the right ulnar nerve is 38 msec—
3. Proximal to the elbow (just proximal to the cubital prolonged for a 6-foot individual and significantly longer
tunnel) than the ipsilateral median nerve F-wave value of 29.8
4. Axilla msec. The sensory conduction for ulnar nerve follows
A latency is obtained at each stimulation site, and a similar course with normal distal values (below the
the distance between the contiguous sites is measured level of the compression) and slowed and reduced
with a tape measure. In addition, the amplitude and amplitude responses across the elbow—lending fur-
shape of the CMAP is noted and recorded at each ther evidence to the conclusion that the ulnar nerve is
stimulation site. For the sake of simple computation, compressed at the cubital tunnel.

is not clearly determined unless an EMG is also con- complementary information for clinical decision-
ducted to identify signs of abnormality associated with making. Up to this point, the nerve has been artificially
axonotmesis. stimulated in order to evoke certain motor and sensory
potentials, but now the interest is to monitor and
Clinical Electromyography explore the muscle-nerve complex without this exter-
(EMG) nally applied stimulus. Although it is possible to exam-
ine basic muscle contractility by means of surface EMG
There are certain features of the second part of the electrodes, this technique provides very little diagnostic
ENMG—the needle EMG—that provide important information about the motor unit. By contrast, a pin
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422 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

electrode inserted directly into the muscle belly yields a To assess the integrity of the motor unit, it is neces-
wealth of information, especially about the status of the sary to examine the muscle with an electrode in very
motor unit. The one big disadvantage of needle EMG, close proximity to the injured motor units. This can
of course, is the typical discomfort associated with the only be done with a needle electrode. Furthermore, in
examination. Patients are sometimes comforted by many conditions affecting the neuromuscular system,
being informed that the electrode is very thin (28 gauge the nerve conduction study does not identify a clear
in the case of many monopolar needles) and is coated location of the problem, nor does it accurately delineate
by Teflon so it moves as smoothly as possible through the cause of the complaints. For instance, a lumbar
the muscle. Nevertheless, this portion of the exam is radiculopathy often results in complaints of pain,
somewhat uncomfortable but is generally very tolerable numbness, and tingling. The clinical exam demon-
when conducted well. strates subtle motor weakness in the lower extremity.
The basic equipment needed to conduct an EMG Unfortunately, the motor and sensory NCS is invari-
examination is the same as that used for the NCS, ably normal and sheds no delineating light on the loca-
except that no externally applied electrical stimulation tion of the problem. However, the needle EMG exam
is involved during EMG testing. There are a variety of can often identify patterns of partial denervation that
needle types that can be used, such as a concentric, correspond to a nerve root.
bipolar, or single-fiber needle, but the Teflon-coated
KEY POINT! The pattern of EMG muscle involvement
monopolar electrode is by far the most common (see
confirms the probable location of the problem, identi-
Fig. 16-6). There are specific reasons to use the previ-
fies the severity of individual muscle involvement, and
ously mentioned electrodes, but we will restrict our
provides a hint at the prognosis.
discussion to the typical findings using the Teflon elec-
trode, because that is the choice of most practitioners To summarize the kind of information the needle
conducting ENMG examinations. EMG examination provides, we will provide standard
clinical questions answered by the procedure. Robinson
What Can Be Learned by Needle EMG and Kellogg13 have identified several such questions,
That Has Not Already Been Determined including:
by the NCS?
1. Is the muscle normally innervated, partially
Although the NCS can reveal a demyelinating lesion,
innervated (which means, if true, it is also par-
such as a focal nerve compression of the fibular nerve at
tially denervated), or completely denervated?
the fibular head, NCS cannot determine the particular
2. Is there evidence of motor unit recovery, which
status of the motor units. Specifically, the NCS cannot
means reinnervation is taking place?
accurately tell whether some axons have been injured in
3. Do the specific findings tend to be more consis-
addition to the focal demyelination. Clinical testing is
tent with a neuropathic or myopathic disorder
often not sensitive enough to identify subtle neural
(often determined by the nature of the motor
injury that may be causing symptoms.
unit recruitment pattern)?
This presents a conundrum that EMG examination
4. Is the pattern of EMG abnormality most consis-
is able to elucidate because the intramuscular nature of
tent with involvement of:
the study allows it to depict the discrete characteristics
a. Anterior horn cell (polio, ALS)
of individual motor units. On rare occasion, a patient
b. Nerve root (herniated nucleus pulposus,
with various forms of denervation develops fascicula-
tions that are visible to the naked eye.
c. Plexus (stretch, compression, tumor)
KEY POINT! It has been estimated that a patient with d. Mixed nerve (cubital tunnel syndrome)
50% loss of motor units can still provide two or three e. Neuromuscular junction disease (myasthenia
contractions graded as “normal” by voluntary muscle gravis)
testing, although the patient often complains of f. Myopathic disorder (facioscapulohumeral
fatigue or weakness. muscular dystrophy)
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Electrophysiological Testing of Nerves and Muscles 423

5. If a neuropathic condition is suspected, what is

the location of the lesion?
6. Finally, does the pattern of muscle involvement
correspond to a posterior primary rami distribu-
tion (paraspinal muscles), an anterior primary Needle
rami (extremity muscles), a combination of
both, or is there cranial nerve involvement (such
as seen with anterior horn cell disease like ALS)?

Just as certain principles guided the nerve conduc-

tion study, similar principles guide the EMG examina-
tion. These principles are predicated on the examiner
having committed to memory which nerve root levels
and specific nerves innervate individual muscles in the
Fig 16•17 An example of examining various “quadrants”
limb. The specific principles include the following: of the same muscle belly region through one insertion
site. This limits the number of times the highly innervated
1. Examining several muscles above and below the investing deep fascia must be pierced in order to con-
duct a thorough EMG examination.
suspected site of the pathology. The muscles stud-
ied during an EMG examination are chosen for
symptoms than was first suspected (e.g., a
their likelihood of contributing information to
polyneuropathic process rather than a mononeu-
the eventual or suspected diagnosis. If a nerve
ropathic lesion), then the examiner should
root injury is suspected, then the practitioner is
extend the testing to include other limbs in the
required to choose muscles that would confirm
study to confirm or rule out this possibility.
and disprove this possibility. Alternatively, if a
5. Recalling proper time frame to conduct study to
peripheral nerve lesion is anticipated, muscles
maximize information provided by the exam.
supplied by other peripheral nerves than the one
suspected must be examined along with muscles This last point needs some elaboration, because it is
supplied by the nerve root levels that contribute often not well understood by referring sources for
to the peripheral nerve in question. This ensures patients with apparent neuromuscular involvement. If a
the examiner’s conclusion from the EMG study is patient has a sudden onset of hand numbness and is
correct. In other words, the planning of the EMG referred for “EMG/NCS” just days after the first pre-
exam (just as the planning of the NCS) must be senting symptoms occur, it is possible the NCS may
done to avoid errors of clinical reasoning. show some early signs of neural injury, but the EMG is
2. Examining muscles innervated by other nerves not showing abnormality until approximately 3 weeks.
in the same extremity (as explained in no. 1 The time-honored standard time frame for signs of
above). denervation to develop is 21 days following onset of
3. Sampling several sites in each muscle tested (to symptoms. This is an average value because it is entirely
obtain accurate representation). This sounds possible for muscles in very close proximity to the site
more uncomfortable than it actually is. The of a nerve injury to demonstrate EMG abnormalities as
sampling should be done so that several motor early as 10 to 14 days following onset of symptoms
unit regions can be accessed by means of redi- (e.g., paraspinal muscles with a nerve root compres-
recting the tip of the needle electrode to various sion). It is usually best to delay either the entire test or
depths in the muscle (Fig. 16-17). at least the EMG portion of the study until more accu-
4. Preparing to examine muscles in the contralat- rate results are likely to be obtained.
eral extremity or upper/lower extremity. If the Because the needle EMG study is not entirely pleas-
findings during the EMG examination indicate ant, it is preferable not to conduct this portion of the
a more pervasive explanation for the patient’s exam when little or no diagnostic information is likely
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424 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

to be gained. By the same token, ENMG studies con- should be, there will be prolonged depolarization that
ducted many months after the onset of symptoms and can continue far beyond this upper limit of 500 msec.
signs of neural involvement may yield little helpful In cases of severe denervation in which the muscle
information to guide the practitioner’s clinical decision- membrane is extremely unstable, the insertional activ-
making. The reason for this is that a neural injury is gen- ity (membrane depolarization) will continue unabated.
erally followed by attempts at neural repair, which even- By contrast, sometimes the insertional activity is dimin-
tually clouds the electrophysiological picture. For ished or nearly absent. In most cases, this is the result of
instance, 4 months after a disk herniation in the lumbar long-standing denervation and represents the effect on
spine, the electrical evidence of denervation (sponta- electrical activity of connective tissue or fatty infiltra-
neous potential) has largely dissipated and been replaced tion into the muscle. Terms used to delineate the char-
by more subtle changes in motor recruitment character- acteristics of the insertional activity include normal,
istics. These alterations in recruitment profile are much increased, sustained, decreased, or absent. Abnormalities
harder to quantify and often do not proceed at the same in insertional activity are not pathognomonic of any
rate in the various muscles that were formerly dener- particular neural condition; they simply indicate an
vated. Meanwhile, the patient continues to have com- abnormality of the muscle membrane stability.
plaints of numbness, tingling, and pain in a radicular Most patients find the EMG examination uncom-
pattern. Although there are good clinical reasons to con- fortable because a needle electrode is used to obtain the
duct ENMG examinations even at a late date, the clear- signals. Nevertheless, to obtain a representative sample
est information provided by this test is obtained when of the muscle’s state, several sections of each muscle
the examination is performed in the optimal time frame. included in the study should be examined. In addition,
There is a peculiar feature of EMG testing that is not three to four levels of depth should be explored by the
considered during the NCS portion of the examination— examiner with each section of the muscle to be studied.
the sound of the responses. There is a very distinct sound The discomfort associated with the sheer number of
of the responses to needle provocation and voluntary needle sticks required to obtain reliable and representa-
activation. The characteristic sounds are associated with tive information using these sampling criteria would be
each of the four segments of the EMG examination overwhelming for a majority of patients. Fortunately,
described here, listed in the order in which they are ordi- multiple sections (quadrants) of the muscle can be
narily conducted in a typical patient testing session: accessed through a single needle insertion by carefully
directing and redirecting the tip of the electrode to
1. Insertion
various regions to obtain a valid sample (see Fig. 16-17).
2. Rest
3. Minimal activation Rest
4. Maximal activation (recruitment)
After assessing the insertional activity of a muscle quad-
rant, the examiner will “rest” (cease needle movement)
Insertion to see if the muscle will return to electrical silence or
When a needle electrode is first inserted into the mus- whether spontaneous potentials will appear. At rest, the
cle, there is a brief burst of electrical activity that corre- normal state of the motor unit and muscle fibers is
sponds to the electrode’s movement; this is a normal complete electrical silence. One form of spontaneous
response. Ironically, this activity has historically been electrical activity is entirely normal and is thought to
referred to as injury potentials, although now the most occur when the tip of the electrode is near the neuro-
common designation is insertional activity. It should muscular junction and is producing a localized, tran-
last between 50 and 300 msec, although some practi- sient depolarization. These rapidly firing potentials
tioners doing this test include as much as 500 msec in (2,000 to 3,000 Hz) are of very low amplitude (10 to
the normal range. In any event, normal insertional 50 μV) and are characterized by an initial upward
activity ends abruptly when the electrode movement directed spike (negative); they are referred to as minia-
ceases. If the muscle membrane is more irritable than it ture end-plate potentials (MEPPs; Table 16-3).
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The sound produced by this spontaneous activity is 200 Hz. PSWs have a characteristic sound like a dull
much like that heard when holding a large seashell to thud, much like that of a motor boat engine at low idle.
the ear. These potentials occur only in the endplate Positive sharp waves result from an abnormally sensitive
zone, which is usually found in the middle of the muscle muscle membrane and probably represent the depolar-
belly, the prime target area for needle examination. ization of a single muscle fiber, although their exact eti-
ology has not been completely delineated. A motor unit
KEY POINT!Note this oddity of EMG convention: For
firing from some distance may initially appear as a pos-
ENMG signals, upward deflections are designated as
itive sharp wave, but three clues should alert the exam-
negative and those that are directed downward are
iner to avoid this error in interpretation:
considered positive. Although this is not in keeping
with the usual designation in other areas of scientific 1. There is no negative initial deflection with a
exploration (usually we think of up as positive and PSW, although this is often the case with a
down as negative), it has been the practice for more distant firing motor unit.
than 60 years of ENMG history and is not likely to 2. A motor unit’s rate of firing is usually quite a bit
change in the near future. lower in frequency compared to a PSW and is
fairly rhythmic.
Another form of normal spontaneous potential is
3. With effort, a volume-conducted motor unit
referred to as end-plate spikes, or end-plate noise (see
(coming from a distance away) can be elimi-
Table 16-3). Like the MEPPs, the initial deflection for
nated with sufficient patient relaxation, which is
these potentials is generally upward (negative),
not the case for true spontaneous potentials.
although they are much larger, ranging from 100 to
Often PSWs appear with other forms of sponta-
200 μV. They are very short duration (1 to 4 msec) and
neous potentials, such as fibrillations and com-
usually fire at a slightly higher rate (100 to 300 Hz)
plex repetitive discharges and are seen with both
than the abnormal wave with which they are most often
neuropathic and myopathic conditions and with
confused: fibrillation potentials. The distinguishing dif-
anterior horn cell disease.
ference is the initial upward deflection for end-plate
spikes in contrast to the downward deflection for fibril- Fibrillations are common spontaneous potentials
lation potential. A peculiar feature of end-plate spikes is with an initial positive deflection and are of very short
that they are invariably painful; fortunately, a very duration (usually less than 5 msec). Reported ampli-
slight adjustment of the needle electrode tip will relieve tudes for fibrillations range from 20 μV to over 1 mV,
the symptoms and usually oblate the end-plate signal. and they generally discharge somewhat irregularly at
Common forms of abnormal spontaneous potentials rates between 1 and 30 Hz (see Table 16-3). As with
include: PSWs, fibrillations are the firing of individual muscle
fibers because of membrane instability and hypersensi-
● Positive sharp waves
tivity to acetylcholine. The typical sound of fibrillation
● Fibrillations
potentials has been described as “rain on a tin roof ”
● Fasciculations
when projected through the EMG speaker. Together,
● Complex repetitive discharges
PSWs and fibrillations have been called denervation
● Myotonic discharges
potentials, because the most common cause of these
● Myokymic discharges
spontaneously firing potentials is muscle denervation.
As their name suggests, positive sharp waves (PSWs) Strictly speaking, however, this designation is not cor-
are positive-directed potentials, although this initial rect because myopathic processes and anterior horn cell
phase is followed by a low-amplitude, comparatively disease can generate these abnormal potentials. The
long-duration negative phase (see Table 16-3). The presence of positive sharp waves and fibrillations are
amplitude range noted in the literature is from as little usually graded from 0 to 4. Findings of 3 to 4⫹ PSWs
as 10 μV to as high as 1,000 μV (1,000 μV = 1 mV), and fibrillations indicate more severe muscle membrane
and the rate of discharge is regular and ranges from 1 to instability than a 1 to 2⫹ designation. Consequently,
Table 16•3 Characteristics of Normal and Abnormal Potentials During Electromyography

Wave Image Amplitude Rate Duration Sound Characteristics

Normal Miniature 10–50 µV 2,000– 0.5 to Large Normally occurring insertional
Potentials end-plate 3,000 Hz 1 msec seashell held activity. Found only in the end-
potentials to the ear plate zone. Initial upward
directed spike (negative).

End-plate 100–200 µV 100–300 Hz 1–4 msec Low-level Normally occurring insertional

12:15 PM

spikes murmur activity. Initial deflection upward

Page 426

Motor unit 250 µV to Onset of 5 5 to 15 Sharp, crisp bi- or triphasic waves

potential 5 mV to 15 Hz up msec discharge
to 60 Hz

Abnormal Positive sharp 10 µV to as 1–200 Hz < 10 Hz up Dull thud like Biphasic initially positive with
Spontaneous waves high as to 100 motor boat long, low amplitude negative
Potentials 1,000 µV msec engine phase

Fibrillations 20 µV to 1–30 Hz < 5 msec Rain on a tin Initial positive deflection

> 1 mV roof
Fasciculations Similar to 1Hz to 1 Similar to Popping Considered to be a involuntary
normal every few normal sound motor unit firing. May be normal
motor unit sec motor unit but considered abnormal if
potentials potentials attended by other forms of

spontaneous potentials.

Complex Few to sev- 20 Hz to 10–50 Machine gun High-frequency polyphasic

repetitive eral hundred 100 Hz msec firing potentials initiated by needle
discharges µV movement or tapping, waning to
low frequency. Not specific to
particular condition but usually
associated with chronic neuro-
12:15 PM

pathic processes

Myotonic 10 µV to 20–150 Hz 1–5 msec Dive-bomber Rhythmically waxing and waning

Page 427

discharges 1 mV or chainsaw potentials initiated by needle

(1,000 µV) movement or tapping. Biphasic
initially downward.

Myokymic 250 µV to 2–60 Hz Rapid, Marching Consecutively firing potentials

discharges 2 mV staccato sound that do not wax and wane; not
discharge specific to particular condition
but clearly are associated with
an unstable muscle membrane.

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428 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

their prognosis for recovery is less. This method of (see Table 16-3). The initial frequency of firing for these
quantification of spontaneous potentials is useful when potentials is very high—as much as 150 Hz—and then
serial or repeat studies are undertaken. Progression fade to a rate of 20 to 30 Hz over a period of a couple
from one grade to another over time is a means to gauge of seconds. Myotonic discharges differ from CRDs in
improvement (or lack of it) and provides objective doc- that in addition to waning in frequency, they will also
umentation for making predictions regarding recovery resume a higher frequency—waxing. This characteristic
from neuromuscular injury or disease. waxing and waning sound reminded early ENMG
Another spontaneous potential that may occur dur- examiners of WWII dive-bomber sounds; at one time,
ing the “rest” segment of the study is a fasciculation, these potentials were referred to as dive-bomber poten-
considered to be a nonvoluntary motor unit firing. tials. Usually the waveform for myotonic discharges
Most people have experienced an involuntary twitch of corresponds to that of sharp waves or fibrillations.
the eyelid muscle. This is a benign, albeit annoying, These spontaneous potentials are noted in patients with
form of fasciculation. Fasciculations have the appear- myotonic dystrophy and myotonia congenita but have
ance of normal motor units, but their sound is unique, also been observed in patients with chronic radicu-
probably because they are activated in relative isolation. lopathies.
They are characterized by a popping sound. If there is A final spontaneous potential to be mentioned is the
another motor unit fasciculating at some distance from myokymic discharge. Myokymia is a muscle disorder that
the tip of the needle electrode, it will produce a dull produces wormlike contractions of long sections of
thud sound. Together, the sound is typified by a ran- muscle. The electrical representation of this disorder
dom sequence of pop, pop, thud, pop, pop, thud sounds. appears like consecutively firing fasciculation potentials
Fasciculations may occur in otherwise normal individ- and produces an unmistakable marching sound. Unlike
uals, but they are often observed in patients with ante- myotonic discharges, myokymia does not wax and
rior horn cell disease; if attended by other forms of wane. In fact, volitional activity does not seem to alter
spontaneous potentials, they are considered an abnor- these abnormal potentials, and they have even been
mal waveform. They may also be present in other dis- observed during sleep. Myokymic discharges appear
orders, such as entrapment neuropathies and radicu- most often in chronic conditions, radiation plex-
lopathies. Unlike PSWs and fibrillations, there is no opathies, Bell’s palsy, and the facial muscles of patients
attempt to grade fasciculations; simply noting their with multiple sclerosis. Like positive sharp waves and
presence is the accepted standard. fibrillations, they are not specific to any particular neu-
Complex repetitive discharges (CRDs) are sponta- romuscular disease but clearly are associated with an
neous potentials that are not specific to any particular unstable muscle membrane.
condition but are usually associated with chronic neu-
ropathic processes (see Table 16-3). These were for- Minimal Activation
merly called bizarre high-frequency discharges. These Up to this point in the EMG examination, the patient
waves may vary in shape from linked PSWs or fibrilla- has been asked only to tolerate the procedure and
tions to multiple polyphasic-like waveforms (a phase is remain as relaxed as possible, because insertional activ-
measured as each time the motor unit signal crosses the ity and spontaneous activity at rest are entirely passive
baseline). They usually fire initially at a high frequency electrical phenomena. However, during the third seg-
(up to 100 Hz), are evoked by movement of the elec- ment of the EMG, the patient’s full cooperation is
trode’s tip, and then wane down to a lower frequency of needed to accomplish the goal. Segment three is
20 to 30 Hz. CRDs tend to start and stop abruptly and referred to as minimal activation. The primary goal is to
sound like a machine gun firing. Although CRDs are assess the motor units volitionally recruited by the
not specific to any particular condition, they are usually patient. A normal motor unit potential (MUP) has a
associated with chronic neuropathic processes. duration of 5 to 15 msec, an amplitude of 250 μV to
Myotonic discharges are rhythmic spontaneous poten- 5 mV, and an onset firing frequency of 5 to 15 per
tials often initiated by needle movement or tapping second (upper range less than 60 Hz; Fig. 16-18). The
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Electrophysiological Testing of Nerves and Muscles 429

typical configuration of an MUP is biphasic or tripha- threshold. These tend to be the smallest motor units
sic, although up to four phases is still considered nor- that are innervated by small-diameter alpha (α′)
mal. More than four phases constitutes a “polyphasic” motoneurons and are comprised primarily of slow-
motor unit. Although generally considered an abnor- oxidative, fatigue-resistant muscle fibers. When greater
mal MUP, normal, young to middle-aged individuals levels of motor contraction are needed, these motor
are “allowed” to have up to 15% of their volitionally units increase their firing frequency and more motor
recruited motor units appear as polyphasics. The pro- units are also recruited to meet this demand. Then, as
portion of polyphasic motor units increases with age still greater contraction strength is needed, larger motor
and is considered a normal variation when up to 30% units comprised of fast-twitch, fatigue-resistant muscle
of the recruited motor units are polyphasic in those fibers are activated. Finally, when very strong muscle
60 years or older. contractions are called for, the slow (red muscle fiber)
A polyphasic motor unit is one that has five or more motor units and the fastest-twitch, readily fatigable
phases (Fig. 16-18). Although these abnormal motor motor units are recruited at even faster frequencies.
units can occur during the process of denervation, This process of recruiting motor units according to size
small, low-amplitude, long-duration polyphasics usu- and frequency in response to imposed demand is
ally indicate a recent attempt to reinnervate an injured referred to as rate coding; it can be identified to a certain
or diseased motor unit. They have been given a special extent by electrophysiological assessment during the
name—nascent (polyphasic) potentials—and are seen minimal activation portion of the examination. The
only during the early stages of reinnervation. When col- size of the motor units (amplitude) and their frequency
lateral or terminal sprouting by an injured or diseased will characterize the recruited potentials as large or
axon occurs, the configuration of the motor unit small, although this is often an academic point without
changes because of the poorly synchronized conduction a great deal of clinical utility.
of its distal branches. As a result, the normal biphasic or
triphasic configuration gives way to the polyphasic Maximal Activation (Recruitment)
form. By contrast to the nascent polyphasic motor
The final segment of the EMG examination is to evalu-
units, large-amplitude polyphasics are often observed
ate the recruitment or interference pattern of each mus-
in patients who have chronic neuropathies. Small-
cle. We have mentioned the process of motor unit
amplitude, short-duration polyphasics are believed to
recruitment, but here we are not interested in the char-
be a hallmark sign of myopathic disease.
acteristics of the discrete units. Rather, the focus is to
One principle of volitional motor unit activation is
observe the orderly recruitment of MUPs and the abil-
that the first MUPs recruited are those with the lowest
ity to “fill the screen” with electrical activity while the
patient begins with a minimal contraction and builds to
Normal VMU Polyphasic VMU a maximal contraction (Fig. 16-19). With full muscle

1 mV

Fig 16•18 A normal motor unit is usually biphasic or

triphasic, has a duration of 5 to 15 msec, an amplitude of
250µV to 5 mV, and an onset frequency of 5 to 15 per Fig 16•19 Full-screen interference indicates normal
second. A polyphasic motor unit is characterized by five recruitment of motor units. The baseline is no longer
or more phases and may be small during initial attempts visible because the electrical activity associated with
at reinnervation or large in patients with chronic neu- depolarization of the large number of normal units has
ropathies. obscured it.
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430 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

contraction, the examiner should no longer be able to suggest less-than-complete patient effort from pain,
identify the baseline, as the entire screen will be filled volition, or CNS involvement.
with summated motor units with amplitudes of roughly A myopathic recruitment pattern (Fig. 16-21) is
4 mV from peak to peak (top of the positive phase to the characterized by small-amplitude, short-duration
bottom of the negative phase). The extent of electrical polyphasic motor units that appear almost immediately
activity from maximal activity should “interfere” with with little effort. In fact, it is almost impossible to iso-
the baseline. Many examiners refer to this pattern of late individual motor units in patients who have myo-
activity as the interference pattern. Abnormalities noted pathic processes, because they recruit their existing
during this segment of the study include the following: motor units so readily. Although this may initially
appear as an actual increase in number of motor units
● Neuropathic recruitment pattern
recruited, the fact that it appears with almost no effort
● Myopathic recruitment pattern
and that it is often attended by clinical weakness sug-
● Decreased activation
gests that the muscle itself is diseased.
A neuropathic recruitment pattern is characterized Decreased activation of motor units is an abnormal-
by decreased recruitment for the entire muscle, because ity noted during recruitment, although it is often the
a significant number of motor units have been lost examiner’s subjective sense that leads to this designa-
through denervation (Fig. 16-20). Somewhat counter- tion. In the presence of organic lower motor neuron
intuitively, any individual motor unit (whether healthy disease or injury, motor units may be decreased in num-
or diseased) in a muscle that has an overall decreased ber but will fire more rapidly to accomplish a task such
recruitment pattern will actually fire at a faster than as maximal muscle contraction. If the practitioner asks
normal frequency; this is usually referred to as rapid fir- the patient to give greater effort during a muscle con-
ing rate and is a classic sign of lower motor neuron traction and the firing frequency remains unchanged,
injury or disease. The sound made by motor units several explanations may apply. First, the patient may
exhibiting decreased recruitment and increased firing be experiencing pain that is prohibiting him or her
frequency is like that made by a playing card against from cooperating fully, resulting in the expected
moving bicycle spokes or rapidly running a stick along increase in activation frequency. If this is the case,
a picket fence. The rapid firing rate of the still-viable slightly adjusting the needle’s tip may circumvent the
motor units in a muscle that is partially denervated is problem, reduce the patient’s discomfort, and allow a
one good indication that a patient is fully cooperating more robust contraction (characterized by the expected
during the examination. Failure to see an increased frequency of motor unit firing). This is a fairly common
firing frequency in a muscle exhibiting weakness may occurrence during a typical EMG examination.

100 µV 10 ms 10 µV 200 ms

Fig 16•20 Neuropathic recruitment is characterized by a Fig 16•21 A myopathic recruitment pattern is noted
decreased number of motor units firing; those that are for rapidly filling the screen with small-amplitude, short-
activated usually fire at a faster-than-normal rate—called duration polyphasic motor units accomplished with little
rapid firing rate. effort.
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Electrophysiological Testing of Nerves and Muscles 431

Alternatively, a patient may not be giving full effort

for reasons other than pain, such as secondary gain or
symptom magnification. In this case, the decreased
activation and failure to increase the motor unit firing
frequency is entirely voluntary. It should be noted in
the interpretation report that the motor unit firing is
less than expected based on other findings. Results
inconsistent with a failure to increase the frequency of
motor unit firing and achieve full recruitment include 100 µv

the absence of any muscle atrophy, normal motor and 10 msec/div

sensory nerve conduction values, and no evidence of Fig 16•22 Positive sharp waves and fibrillation potentials
other electrophysiological abnormalities generally asso- are seen during EMG examination when axonal degener-
ation (denervation) has occurred. The extent of abnormal
ciated with denervation, such as positive sharp waves or waves of this nature are usually graded from 1 to 4,
fibrillation potentials (Fig. 16-22). depending on severity of involvement.
Finally, when a central nervous system injury has
resulted in motor weakness, a diminished number of 3. If the examiner determines that the findings are
motor units firing at a set frequency is the result of most consistent with a neuropathic condition,
impaired signal to the anterior horn cells from higher does the lesion seem to affect the myelin or the
centers. The patient may very well give the best effort, axon preferentially?
but the CNS lesion will prevent the lower motor neuron 4. If the lesion is neuropathic in its primary effect,
(anterior horn cells) from being activated, resulting in an does it appear to be focal (discrete site) or sys-
increased firing rate. EMG of patients with CNS lesions temic?
is generally not recommended, as it is not good at iden- 5. Does the condition appear to be mild, moder-
tifying the location and extent of such an injury. A sum- ate, or severe? Often the terminology used is
mary of general EMG findings is noted in Table 16-4. partial or complete, which may refer to the
extent of conduction block on NCS or sponta-
Interpretation of neous potentials (denervation-like potentials) on
Electrophysiological EMG. There is no certain way to distinguish
Evaluation Findings between the denervation associated with an
axonotmesis compared to a neurotmesis, outside
When the information from the NCS and the EMG of serial studies conducted over several months
examination has been obtained, the examiner must after finding a lesion.
provide the referring practitioner with a summary of 6. Is there any hint that recovery might be occur-
the findings and an interpretation that can answer the ring (e.g., presence of small-amplitude, polypha-
following primary questions: sic motor unit potentials on EMG for a neuro-
pathic disorder)?
1. Is this a normal or abnormal study?
2. If abnormal, are the findings more consistent If ENMG examination provides answers to these ques-
with a neuropathic or a myopathic disorder? tions, clinically useful information can be ascertained to

Table 16•4 Summary of EMG Findings

Testing Category Normal Muscle Peripheral Nerve Disorder Myopathic Process
Insertional activity Brief Increased or prolonged Brief or increased
Spontaneous activity None Present Usually present
Minimal motor unit activation Normal Polyphasics, increased duration, Polyphasics, decreased duration,
large or small amplitude small amplitude
Maximal motor unit activation Full interference Reduced Full with nominal activity
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432 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

establish the presence and severity of disease, chart a muscle membrane instability associated with a neural
patient’s course of care, and serve as an important indica- injury are most prevalent in the 3- to 6-week mark. As
tor for prognosis. time progresses, the NCS begins to return to some sem-
Again, the questions used to construct and qualify blance of normalcy, and the acute changes associated
the examination findings are time-dependent—that is, with denervation (e.g., spontaneous potentials on the
in the first few weeks that a disorder affecting the mus- EMG) begin to give way to chronic motor unit recruit-
cle and nerve is present, the abnormal findings (if there ment findings. The full process of reinnervation may
are any) would be primarily noted during the NCS. At take several months to complete and often results in
the 3- to 4-week mark, abnormalities consistent with large-amplitude polyphasic motor units during recruit-
neurapraxia and axonotmesis would be present during ment, but little else will indicate presence of a neural
the NCS and the EMG. The EMG changes, in partic- insult. This is why an ENMG is especially useful for
ular, would be consistent with a recent-onset condition, identifying abnormalities during the early stages of a
because the Wallerian degeneration and consequent neuromuscular disorder.


TM is a 59-year-old female who works as a forklift sensory nerve conduction studies were normal, but
operator for a local bottling company. She has had a the tibial nerve F-wave on the left side was mildly pro-
2-month history of low back pain, left lower extremity longed. In addition, the left H-reflex was significantly
pain, and paresthesias to the lateral side of the foot. prolonged when compared to her uninvolved right
She especially notices the discomfort and numbness in side H-reflex.
the foot after sitting for 30 minutes or longer at work.
TM denies any history of recent trauma, but her physi-
The NCS failed to identify a localized conduction block
cian has told her that she is “borderline diabetic,” and
or area of segmental demyelination to explain TM’s
she has been advised to control this condition with diet
symptoms. The mildly prolonged F-wave and
and exercise. Most troubling for TM is that she recently
markedly prolonged H-reflex on the right side are cer-
began a walking program to lose weight and is notic-
tainly suggestive of a neural problem, but there is no
ing a bandlike feeling around her ankle and a sense of
definitive indication as to the severity or location of the
weakness after walking for 10 minutes or more.
problem. An EMG of the left lower extremity and
Clinical examination shows signs of neural tension
paraspinal muscles should provide evidence of ongo-
in the left lower extremity with straight leg raise test
ing axonal degeneration, should it be present.
and slump testing. Both of these tests refer pain from
Recruitment characteristics of the muscles examined
the lumbar spine into the lateral aspect of the gastroc-
will also provide some information for clinical decisions
nemius muscle. Sensory testing reveals diminished
regarding intervention.
sensory acuity to crude and light touch in the S1 dis-
tribution and muscle weakness at 3⫹/5 in the gastroc- EMG PLAN
soleus complex, the tibialis posterior, and the fibularis Monopolar needle EMG examination of the left and
longus. Great toe extensors are graded at 4/5, as is right T12–S1 paraspinals and the following lower
the tibialis anterior and the tensor fascia lata muscle. extremity muscles will be conducted: tensor fascia lata,
The deep tendon reflexes are normal at the knee, and medial and lateral hamstrings, quadriceps femoris, tib-
the right ankle jerk is graded as 2⫹, but the left ankle ialis anterior, tibialis posterior, fibularis longus, medial
DTR is absent. Exquisite palpation tenderness is head of the gastrocnemius, and the soleus. These
noted in the midline at L5S1. The pain provocation muscles will help to show whether the patient’s com-
tests for the SI joint are normal, and the hip exam does plaints are arising from a radiculopathic process, a lum-
not reveal any joint restriction. bosacral plexopathy, or some other cause.
Bilateral nerve conduction studies included the fibular Monopolar needle EMG study of the left L5S1
and tibial motor nerves and F-waves, sural nerve paraspinals and the lateral hamstrings, tensor fascia
sensory latencies, and the H-reflexes. The motor and lata, medial gastrocnemius, tibialis posterior, and
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Electrophysiological Testing of Nerves and Muscles 433

CASE STUDY 16-2 cont. from p. 432

fibularis longus revealed sharp waves and fibrillation 2. Early signs of reinnervation (small amplitude
potentials, indicating ongoing axonal injury. Motor polyphasic motor units) indicate some attempt at
recruitment in these muscles was impaired, but early neural recovery is ongoing and is likely to proceed
signs of recovery potentials (small amplitude polypha- over time.
sic motor units) were noted. Muscles examined with- 3. No indication of abnormality is noted in the right
out any electrical evidence of abnormality included the paraspinals or lower extremity.
T12–L4 paraspinals, quadriceps, tibialis anterior, and SUMMARY
soleus muscles. The muscles examined revealed no EMG findings are best explained by a nerve root com-
evidence of myopathic motor units, and no fascicula- pression; correlation with clinical exam findings and
tion potentials were noted at rest. No abnormality was any imaging studies is recommended to identify the
identified in any of the similar muscles examined on cause of the compression (herniated nucleus pulpo-
the right side. sus, tumor, etc). The indication of ongoing reinnerva-
INTERPRETATION tion suggests that conservative management is
1. Findings are consistent with a moderately severe appropriate for this patient, but vigilance should be
radiculopathic process primarily affecting the (L5) maintained to detect any signs of progressive neuro-
S1 innervated muscles of the left lower extremity. logical deficit.
Findings of similar abnormality in the left lumbar
paraspinals clearly implicate the location of the neu-
ral injury to the level of the nerve root.

Reporting Results into the computer. Examiners should verify with their
After the examiner completes the technical aspect of own laboratory that these values are appropriate for
data collection for the ENMG and has come to a con- their particular setting; if not, more clinically applicable
clusion after interpreting the information, the next task values should be used for comparison.
is to communicate the results to the referring physician
A categorical statement should not be
in a manner that is readily understandable and usable.
made about the cause of the findings since the
KEY POINT!To arrive at the diagnosis, the information ENMG cannot actually determine this.
from the ENMG testing must be used in light of the
Information from the needle EMG portion of the
clinical and historical information obtained from the
exam would follow and is usually presented in tabular
patient. Imaging studies or other specialist test proce-
format to include muscles studied and the response of
dures (blood analysis) are also complementary in this
each muscle to insertion, rest, minimal activation, and
maximal activation (interference pattern with recruit-
Summarizing the test results is the final step in the ment). The interpretation often presents, in list form, the
evaluation process. A sufficient history and brief details abnormal findings from the study, an impression as to
of a clinical examination should be given to justify the whether the findings are most consistent with segmental
need for the ENMG testing. Then the data from the demyelination or axonal degeneration, and a concluding
NCS are usually depicted in tabular form so the nerves remark about the likely location of the lesion should the
studied and the numerical results are clearly identified ENMG identify one. It is common for a referring clini-
(Table 16-5). Many current EMG machines can gener- cian to call after receiving the report to seek clarification
ate reports that include the values obtained during the regarding prognosis based on the findings and to obtain
study and a comparison list of normal values. The nor- counsel about the potential benefit of conservative man-
mal values usually are obtained from a national data- agement of a patient’s neuromuscular disorder. Clinical
base and the current literature and are programmed experience with such cases gained over the years may
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434 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

Table 16•5 Sample Report Following ENMG Study

Muscle Activity Spontaneous Activity Motor Units Interference Pattern
Cervical paraspinals (C3–T1) Brief None Full Not tested
R and L
Deltoid: R and L Brief None Full Full
Biceps: R and L Brief None Full Full
Triceps: R and L Brief None Full Full
Flexor carpi radialis: R and L Brief None Full Full
Flexor digitorum sublimis: R and L Brief None Full Full
Extensor digitorum communis: Brief None Full Full
R and L
(L) Abductor pollicis brevis and Brief None Full Full
opponens pollicis
(L) First dorsal interosseous Brief None Full Full

(R) Abductor pollicis brevis and Prolonged 1+ sharp waves and Shows partial interference Shows partial interference pat-
opponens pollicis numerous fibrillations pattern with motor unit tern with motor unit dropout and
dropout and rapid firing rate rapid firing rate
(R) First dorsal interosseous Prolonged 1+ sharp waves and Shows partial interference Shows partial interference pat-
numerous fibrillations pattern with motor unit tern with motor unit dropout and
dropout and rapid firing rate rapid firing rate
(R) Extensor pollicis longus Brief None Full Full

(R) Abductor digiti minimi Prolonged Occasional to 1+ Mixed polyphasic and normal Showed slight motor unit
sharp wave and dropout and slight rapid firing
fibrillations rate
R & L = right and left

allow the ENMG examiner to provide additional useful diagnostic test, its purpose is to answer a clinical
information and recommendations based on the results question that leads to a more informed therapeutic
of the testing and brief clinical exam. intervention.
Consider this example: A patient who has had total
Does ENMG Bear Any knee arthroplasty (TKA) 3 weeks previous has been
Relationship to EMG sent to the clinic to begin outpatient physical therapy.
Biofeedback? On clinical examination, you note that the patient has
a 3/5 muscle contraction of the quadriceps, and this
EMG biofeedback (i.e., surface EMG), discussed in finding represents a barrier to the normal course of
Chapter 11, uses electrical signals of muscle depolar- exercise intervention. Although you are aware that pain,
ization in much the same way that diagnostic EMG inhibition, and preoperative disuse atrophy can con-
does, but with two important distinctions. First, tribute to such a finding, you are also familiar with the
EMG biofeedback is an entirely therapeutic procedure literature that indicates that up to 70% of TKA patients
for the purpose of helping a patient increase or have a femoral nerve injury produced by the compres-
decrease skeletal muscle activity. There is little diag- sion of the pneumatic tourniquet used during the sur-
nostic element to the biofeedback procedure. Second, gery to control excessive bleeding in the surgical field.
EMG biofeedback almost always uses surface EMG Since you are not certain what exactly caused this mus-
electrodes (not needles), and the equipment is usually cle impairment, you proceed with brief needle EMG of
smaller and more portable than diagnostic EMG the quadriceps and other thigh muscles. You find that
units. Nevertheless, there is a connection between the patient has no increase in insertional activity and no
the two procedures, because although ENMG is a spontaneous potentials at rest (i.e., no positive sharp
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Electrophysiological Testing of Nerves and Muscles 435

waves or fibrillations). The motor units appear to be • Key findings

primarily biphasic and triphasic, although they are • Insertion
decreased in number. Efforts to recruit a full interfer- • Rest
ence pattern are compromised initially by pain, but • Minimal activation
with continued effort, a full pattern is achieved. From • Maximal activation
this information, you conclude that the patient has not ● List of abnormal findings
sustained a neural injury but is, indeed, suffering from ● Interpretation/impression
postoperative pain, inhibition, and typical muscle atro-
Clinical Controversies
phy. This patient has plenty of viable motor units to
recruit and thus is an ideal candidate for both EMG ● Some controversy exists regarding the use of
biofeedback as a primary adjunct to therapeutic exercise antidromic vs. orthodromic sensory latency and
and high-amplitude neuromuscular electrical stimula- conduction values. Orthodromic technique is
tion. Often, after three to five sessions of EMG biofeed- certainly more consistent with the anatomical
back, the patient has mastered the ability to recruit and physiological direction of impulse propaga-
available motor units without causing significant pain tion (afferent: distal to proximal); however,
or experiencing inhibition. At that point, the biofeed- antidromic technique is easier to use in many
back procedures can be discontinued and the patient cases, and the amplitude of response is often
can concentrate on therapeutic exercise activities. This larger than orthodromically obtained responses
is an example of how ENMG testing leads to a thera- and is therefore easier to see and record.
peutic intervention that makes primary use of EMG ● Many practitioners often identify a neural lesion
biofeedback to optimize outcome without tissue irrita- as a “neurapraxia” or an “axonotmesis,” but cau-
tion or injury. tion should be used here. Most neural lesions are
a combination of myelin and axon involvement.
Documentation Tips Although it is true that a neural injury may be
primarily myelin or axonal, they are rarely one or
When documenting the procedures and results of an
the other. Caution should be exercised in describ-
ENMG, the following should be presented:
ing them as such.
● Medical screening/history findings ● Currently, 48 states and the District of Columbia
● Clinical exam findings allow physical therapists to evaluate patients
• Neuro exam without a prior physician’s referral, and 44 states
• Musculoskeletal screening exam and the District of Columbia further improve
• Height accessibility by allowing physical therapists to
• Age evaluate and treat, under certain conditions,
• Surface temperature of the extremity patients without a referral from a physician.
● Nerve conduction study
• Nerve segment distance REFERENCES
• Latency (motor, sensory) 1. Clark RG. Manter and Gatz’s Essentials of Clinical
• Amplitude (motor, sensory) Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology. 5th ed. FA Davis,
Philadelphia; 1975:1.
• Duration of the action potential 2. Chémali KR, Tsao B. Electrodiagnostic testing of nerves and
• Shape (configuration) of the waveform muscles: when, why, and how to order. Cleveland Clin J of Med.
• Nerve conduction velocity (motor, sensory) 3. Coppieters MW, Hough AD, Dilley A. Different nerve-gliding
● EMG exercises induce different magnitudes of median nerve longitu-
dinal excursion: an in vivo study using dynamic ultrasound
• Needle type (e.g., monopolar Teflon, concen-
imaging. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2009;39(3):164–171.
tric, bipolar, etc.) 4. Burke FD, Ellis J, McKenna H, Bradley MJ. Primary care man-
• Muscles examined agement of carpal tunnel syndrome. Postgrad Med J.
• Specific nerve supply 5. Coppieters MW, Alshami AM. Longitudinal excursion and
• Nerve root derivation strain in the median nerve during novel nerve gliding
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436 Alternative Modalities and Electrophysiologic Testing

exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome. J Orthop Res. 2007; 12. Johnson EW, Braddom R. Over-work weakness in fas-
25:972–980. cioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. Arch Phys Med
6. Michlovitz SL. Conservative interventions for carpal tunnel Rehabil. 1971;52:333–336.
syndrome. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2004;34:589–600. 13. Robinson AJ, Kellogg R. Clinical Electrophysiologic
7. Muller M, Tsui D, Schnurr R, Biddulph-Deisroth L, Hard J, Assessment in Clinical Electrophysiology: Electrotherapy and
MacDermid JC. Effectiveness of hand therapy interventions in Electrophysiologic Testing. 2nd ed. by AJ Robinson and Lynn
primary management of carpal tunnel syndrome: a systematic Snyder-Mackler, Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins;1995:415–416.
review. J Hand Ther. 2004;17:210–228. 14. Halle J, Scoville C, Greathouse D. Ultrasound’s effect on the
8. Rozmaryn LM, Dovelle S, Rothman ER, Gorman K, Olvey KM, conduction latency of the superficial radial nerve in man. Phys
Bartko JJ. Nerve and tendon gliding exercises and the con- Ther. 1981;61:345–350.
servative management of carpal tunnel syndrome. J Hand 15. Oh S, ed. Physiological factors affecting nerve conduction. In:
Ther. 1998;11:171–179. Clinical Electromyography—Nerve Conduction Studies. 2nd
9. Chang CW, Wang YC, Chang KF. A practical electrophysiolgic ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1993:297–313.
guide for non-surgical and surgical treatment of carpal tunnel 16. Sabbahi MA, Khalil M. Segmental H-reflex studies in upper
syndrome. J Hand Surg (Eur). 2008;33E(1):32–27. and lower limbs of healthy subjects. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.
10. Brown MC, Ironton R. Suppression of motor nerve terminal 1990;71:216–222.
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1977;272(1):70P–71P. 237–288.
11. Sanes JR, Covault J. Axon guidance during reinnervation.
Trends Neurosci. 1985;8:523–528.
2391_Glossary_437-446.qxd 5/20/11 12:15 PM Page 437


Absolute atmosphere (ATA) The atmospheric pres- Aquatic therapy A therapeutic intervention, usually
sure at sea level, equal to 1 ATA (760 mm Hg). performed in a pool that uses water to facilitate physi-
Acoustic impedance A material’s ability to transmit ological effects or exercise programs.
sound; related to the molecular density and structure of the Asymmetrical Condition when the amplitude and
material. Impedance is inversely related to transmission. duration characteristics between the two phases of the
Allodynia Pain produced by an otherwise non- biphasic waveform differ in any manner.
noxious stimulus, such as light touch of the skin fol- Attenuation A measure of the decrease in sound
lowing sunburn; a form of hyperalgesia. energy either by absorption, reflection, or refraction.
Alpha motoneuron The large, lower motor neurons Axonotmesis Axonal degeneration and myelin sheath
of the brain and spinal cord that innervate skeletal disruption that occurs distal to and one node of
muscle. Ranvier proximal to the nerve lesion.
Alternating current (AC) The uninterrupted bidirec-
tional flow of ions or electrons that must change direc- Balanced When the area under the curve of the first
tion at least one time per second. phase (i.e., phase charge) of a biphasic pulse is equal to
Ampere (A; amp) The unit of electrical current that of the second phase.
reflecting the volume of current (electrons) passing a Beam nonuniformity ratio (BNR) The ratio between
given point in a given time; 1 amp = 1 coulomb/sec. spatial peak intensity and spatial average intensity of an
Amplification The act of repeatedly bouncing light ultrasound beam.
between two parallel reflectors arranged at opposite Beat frequency The frequency at which peak con-
ends of a lasing chamber, causing the excitation of more structive or destructive interference occurs for interfer-
photons. ential current; calculated as the difference in frequency
Analgesia The decrease or absence of pain. between the currents interfered.
Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) A method used to deter- Bipolar An electrode configuration in which all the
mine the presence and severity of peripheral arterial electrodes of a single electrical circuit are placed over
disease, calculated as the ratio of ankle systolic blood the treatment area.
pressure to the arm systolic blood pressure. Body mass index (BMI) A value that represents a
Anode A point or region of a circuit that has a defi- measure of mass, calculated as body mass (in kg)
ciency of electrons; also referred to as the positive pole. divided by height (in meters) squared (kg/m2).
Antidromic Conduction along a nerve in the direc- Buoyancy A force on a body immersed in a fluid that
tion opposite of normal; for example, proximal to dis- is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by that
tal for sensory and distal to proximal for motor axons. object.
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438 Glossary

Burst A series of pulses or brief periods of alternating Cold packs Flexible frozen ice, gel, or liquid packs
current delivered consecutively and separated from the used for cryotherapy.
next series or period. Cold urticaria Hypersensitivity to cold that results in
Burst frequency The frequency at which bursts are a vascular skin reaction in response to cold exposure; typ-
generated. ically characterized by smooth, itchy, elevated red patches.
Comorbidity Any existing medical illnesses concur-
Capacitance The amount of charge that a material rent with a primary disorder.
can hold for a given voltage imposed upon it. Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) Categorized
Capacitive or electric field method (diathermy) An as either type 1 (RSD) or type 2 (causalgia). Both types
applicator system that requires making the patient’s are forms of pain in the sympathetic nervous system,
tissues part of the dielectric of a capacitor. either with or without known involvement of the periph-
Carrier frequency The frequency of the alternating eral nerves.
current or pulse train that is interrupted into bursts. Complex repetitive discharges Abnormal sponta-
Cathode A point or region of a circuit that has an neous electrical potentials not specific to any particular
excess of electrons; also referred to as the negative pole. condition but usually associated with chronic myo-
Causalgia Type 2 complex regional pain syndrome pathic or neuropathic processes.
identified as painful burning sensations in an extremity Compound motor action potential The summated
that usually occurs along the distribution of a nerve. response of all the depolarized motor units in a
Cavitation Pulsation of gas bubbles in biological tis- nerve.
sues in response to the passage of ultrasound. Compression sleeve Sleeve donned on a limb with
Charge (Q) Electrical state obtained by the addition inflatable chambers to provide a compression force to
or removal of electrons; charge is measured in coulombs the limb.
(C) or microcoulombs (μC). Condensations Areas of compression or increased
Chemical mediators Substances located in inflamma- molecular density in biological tissues in response to
tory cells that attract and activate fibroblasts to the site the passage of ultrasound.
of an injury; for example, histamines, cytokines, and Conduction A method of heat transfer between
leukotrienes. objects in direct contact with each other, where the
Chronaxie The duration of a stimulus that is two kinetic motion of atoms and molecules of one object of
times the rheobase amplitude and capable of eliciting a higher energy (i.e., temperature) is passed to the other
minimally detectable motor response. Chronaxie is used object of lesser energy.
to assess the integrity of tissue, as healthy innervated tis- Conductor A material that permits the flow of elec-
sue should have a chronaxie less than 1 msec. trical current.
Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) Vascular disease Constant current (CC) Related to Ohm’s law (I = V/R)
that begins at the junction of superficial and deep vein where flow of current is directly related to voltage;
systems and creates valvular incompetence. constant current devices maintain a constant current (I)
Chronic wound A wound that deviates from the by continually adjusting voltage (V).
expected sequence of repair in terms of time, appearance, Constant voltage (CV) Related to Ohm’s law (V = IR);
and response to aggressive and appropriate treatment. CV devices maintain a constant voltage (V) by continu-
Classification system for pain Developed by the ally changing current (I).
International Association for the Study of Pain; it Continuous mode (1) Therapeutic ultrasound deliv-
includes definitions for pain terms and descriptions of ered without interruption at 100% duty cycle for the
pain syndromes. entire treatment period; (2) the uninterrupted delivery
Claudication pain Pain in the calves when walking, of pulsed electrical current.
brought on by muscle ischemia; the cardinal symptom Controlled–cold compression unit A device that
of peripheral arterial disease. alternately pumps cold water and air into a sleeve that
Cold bath Immersion of distal extremities in a tub or is wrapped around a patient’s limb to provide cold ther-
basin with circumferential contact of the cooling agent. apy and compression.
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Convection A method of heat transfer in which the Direct current The continuous unidirectional flow
heated molecules move or circulate from one place to of charged particles (electrons or ions) for at least
another, such as the movement of water in a whirlpool. 1 second.
Cosine law Maximum absorption of radiant energy Dosage (1) The total amount of energy or force deliv-
occurs when the source is at a right angle to the absorb- ered by a therapeutic modality to a patient during a
ing surface; when the source is not at a right angle to treatment session; (2) the intensity or amplitude of
the absorbing surface, the angle formed by the source electrical stimulation required to generate a specific
and perpendicular to the absorbing surface determines muscular force or torque.
the effect of the energy. Duty cycle The percentage of the on-time to the total
Coulomb The unit of measure of electrical charge; time (on-time plus off-time) of electrical current, mul-
equal to 6.24151 ⫻ 1018 electrons. tiplied by 100%.
Cryoglobulinemia A disorder characterized by the
presence of an abnormal blood protein that, when Edema Presence of excess fluid in the interstitial space.
exposed to cold temperatures, results in agglutination Effective radiating area (ERA) A measure of the
of serum proteins that can impair circulation, resulting actual cross-sectional area of the ultrasound beam as it
in ischemia or gangrene. exits the metal end plate of the transducer, expressed in
Cryotherapy The use of cold modalities (e.g., ice, square centimeters (cm2).
cold packs, cold compression devices, vapocoolant Electroanalgesia The modulation of pain through
sprays) for therapeutic purposes. the use of electrical stimulation.
Current The movement of ions or electrons in a Electrode The interface relaying current between an
conductor in response to a voltage force; represented by electrical stimulation device and the patient.
I (in amperes). Electromigration Movement of charged particles in
Current density A measure of the electrical charge response to an applied voltage.
per unit area of an electrode’s cross-sectional area Electroneuromyography The recording of nerve and
(mA/cm2 or mm2). Current density is inversely propor- muscle activity in response to an electrical stimulus.
tional to electrode size. Also referred to as charge density. Electroosmosis Bulk or volume fluid flow in response
Cytokines Chemical mediator protein molecules that to a voltage difference imposed across a charged mem-
allow for receptor-mediated communication between brane, such as the skin.
cells to trigger cell transformation, secretion, migration, Electroporation The increase in the porosity of the
proliferation, and death. superficial skin in response to electrical stimulation.
Endogenous opiates Hormones released into the blood
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) The presence of a as a part of the response to stressful stimuli that inhibit the
thrombosis within the venous system. perception and experience of pain.
Denervation Loss of nerve supply to muscles or other End plate spikes Normal nonpropagated spontaneous
tissues. electrical potentials observed when the tip of the EMG
Diabetic polyneuropathy The consequence of a diabetic needle electrode is near a motor end plate. End plate spikes
vasculopathy, presented as multiple areas of nerve damage. are induced by the release of acetylcholine from the pre-
Diathermy A therapeutic modality device that pro- synaptic axon terminal in response to an action potential.
duces radiofrequency radiation, usually used to heat Enkephalin Inhibitory neuropeptide that is widely dis-
through biological tissues. tributed in the central and peripheral nervous systems.
Dielectric constant The ratio of the capacity of a Evidence-based practice The clinical practice of bas-
material (tissue) to that of free space. ing patient-management decisions and interventions
Diode A two-terminal electronic component that on evidence of effectiveness found in the scientific liter-
conducts electric current in only one direction. ature, patient values, and expert opinion.
Diplode A hinged drum connected to a diathermy Examination A sequential, iterative process that con-
device that enables one or more body-part surfaces to sists of three parts: history, systems review, and specific
be treated simultaneously. tests and measures.
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Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) with a relatively low average current yet high peak
Application of single-impulse, focused acoustical sound voltage.
waves with a rapid rise in pressure to biological tissues. H reflex An action potential produced by an ortho-
dromically directed sensory stimulus that is part of neu-
Fall time The time required for the trailing edge of a rodiagnostic testing that assesses the monosynaptic
single phase to return to the isoelectric line. stretch reflex.
Fasciculations Repetitive twitchlike spontaneous Hunting response Cold-induced vasodilation follow-
electrical potentials that reflect discharge of single or ing the initial period of vasoconstriction, resulting in
multiple motor units. cyclic periods of vasodilation and vasoconstriction and
FDA Food and Drug Administration (USA). in cyclic warming and cooling of the skin of the face,
FES Functional electric stimulation, usually indicat- hands, fingers, feet, and toes.
ing the use of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in Hydrostatic pressure Force exerted by water on a
substitution for an orthotic device. body or body part immersed in water.
Fibrillations Abnormal spontaneous electrical poten- Hydrotherapy Therapeutic use of water and water-
tials indicative of unstable muscle membrane; thought based modalities.
to represent depolarization of a single muscle fiber. Hyperalgesia Increased sensitivity to pain.
Fluidotherapy A dry-heat modality that transfers Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) Inhalation of
heat energy by forced convection. 100% oxygen in a pressurized hyperbaric chamber at a
Frequency In electrotherapy, the number of cycles pressure greater than 1 absolute atmosphere (ATA).
per second (Hz or cps) for an alternating current or the Hyperemia Increased blood flow caused by a tissue
number of pulses per second (pps) for a pulsed current. temperature elevation.
Functional limitations The inability to carry out Hyperstimulation A form of noxious-level stimula-
specific functional activities. tion often using monophasic currents of long pulse
F-wave An action potential produced by an antidromi- durations or direct current.
cally directed motor stimulus that is part of neurodiag- Hypertrophic scar Excessive collagen synthesis result-
nostic testing used to examine conduction problems in ing in a raised scar that remains within the original
the proximal and distal region of peripheral nerves. boundaries of the wound.

Gauss (G) Unit used to express strength of a mag- Ice massage A cryotherapy technique in which ice is
netic field; the relationship of the gauss and the tesla is rubbed over a small area of the skin to produce rapid
1 G = 10–4 T. analgesia.
Granulation tissue New tissue that grows inward Impedance Frequency-dependent resistance to the
from surrounding healthy connective tissue; it is filled flow of alternating current.
with new capillaries and is surrounded by fibroblasts Inductive or magnetic field method (diathermy) Use
and macrophages. of an inductive applicator in which an oscillating
Gridding Treatment performed by a series of vertical magnetic field produces “eddy” currents in the treated
and horizontal strokes with a laser applicator over the tissues, usually resulting in a tissue temperature rise.
length and width of an area of skin. Insertional activity Normal brief electrical activity
Ground substance Amorphous gel that forms the noted upon insertion of EMG needle electrode within
extracellular matrix within a wound. a muscle.
Growth factors Factors that stimulate cellular prolif- Insulator A material in which the movement of current
eration and tissue growth and repair. (i.e., electrons or ions) is opposed or not free to move.
Interference pattern Visual disruption of the isoelec-
High-voltage pulsed current (HVPC) A twin-peaked tric line during electromyographic examination reflect-
monophasic pulsed current with voltage up to 500 volts ing electrical potentials of multiple motor units during
and very short pulse duration resulting in a current maximal voluntary muscle contraction. Individual
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motor units cannot be identified when a patient Magnet therapy The use of magnets for therapeutic
demonstrates a full interference pattern. purposes.
Interferential current An amplitude modulated form Manual traction Traction applied to a body part by
of alternating current commonly used for pain modu- the hands of a therapist or other health-care provider.
lation (i.e., electroanalgesia). Mechanical traction Traction applied to the neck or
Intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) A modal- back for a period of time via the use of an electrical or
ity that applies compressive force to a limb through a mechanical motor unit.
sleeve garment that alternately fills and empties with air Microcurrent Current with a peak amplitude less
pumped into the garment by an air compressor. than 1 mA.
Intermittent traction A mechanical device that alter- Microstreaming Flux of ions present within and
nately applies and releases traction to the neck or back around cells; intracellular and extracellular fluids in
at preset intervals. tissue exposed to ultrasound energy.
Interphase interval The time between successive Miniature end plate potentials Normal spontaneous
phases of a single pulse. electrical potentials observed when the tip of the EMG
Interpulse interval The time between successive pulses. needle electrode is near a neuromuscular junction, pro-
Intrapulse interval See Interphase interval. ducing a localized, transient depolarization initiated by
In vitro studies Studies performed outside of a living the spontaneous release of individual acetylcholine
organism. quanta from the presynaptic axon terminal.
In vivo studies Studies performed within a living organism. Minimal erythema dose (MED) The smallest dose of
Ionohydrokinesis See Electroosmosis. ultraviolet light that produces an erythema that appears
Iontophoresis Use of direct current to induce the within 1 to 6 hours and fades without a trace within
transcutaneous movement of ions across the skin into 24 hours.
target tissues. Modulation The changing or alteration of specific
parameters of an electrical stimulus, such as the fre-
Keloid Raised scar that extends beyond the original quency and amplitude.
boundaries of the wound and can invade surrounding Monochromatic infrared energy (MIRE) Refers to
tissue. devices used to produce energy from the near-infrared por-
tion of the magnetic spectrum for therapeutic purposes.
Laser Light amplification by stimulated emission of Monochromatic light Light that has a singular wave-
radiation. length and therefore is one color.
Latency Time between an electrical stimulus and the Monode A drum attached to a diathermy device that
initial deflection of the compound sensory or motor is used to treat a single body surface.
action potential. Monophasic pulsed current The repeated delivery of
Light Electromagnetic energy that is transmitted monophasic pulses produced by intermittently inter-
through space either as a propagated wave or as small rupting a DC current source.
parcels of energy called photons. Monopolar An electrode configuration in which at
Longitudinal waves Ultrasound waves that are paral- least one electrode of a single circuit is placed over the
lel to the direction of the sound beam. intended treatment area with another electrode placed in
Low-intensity direct current (LIDC) See Microcurrent. a nontreatment area. Monopolar electrode placement is
Lymphedema Swelling of an extremity brought on by most commonly used with DC and monophasic pulsed
decreased ability of the lymph system to transport fluid, currents and maintains a constant anode and cathode.
resulting in an increase in protein-rich fluid that dam- Motor unit An alpha motoneuron and all muscle
ages artery and venous systems. fibers it innervates.
Myofascial pain syndrome Pain or autonomic phe-
Magnetic field The attractive or repulsive force repre- nomena referred from active myofascial trigger points
sented by field lines drawn around a magnet. with associated dysfunction.
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Myokymic discharges Abnormal consecutively firing Paresthesia An abnormal sensation often associated
spontaneous electrical potentials that do not wax and with pain localized to the nerve root or peripheral nerve
wane and that are followed by a short period of electri- sensory distribution.
cal silence. Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria Release of hemo-
Myotonic discharges Abnormal rhythmic sponta- globin into the urine from lysed red blood cells in
neous electrical potentials initiated by movement or response to local or general exposure to cold.
by tapping the inserted EMG needle electrode due to Pathology A wide variety of diseases that arise from
independent, repetitive discharges of single muscle different etiologies, including infection, trauma, and
fibers. degenerative processes.
Peak pulse power The power (in watts) delivered
Neurapraxia The mildest form of peripheral nerve dis- during a pulse of ultrasound.
order characterized by local conduction failure or block Percutaneous electrodes Thin wires implanted near
across the affected segment without any axonal injury. the motor point of a muscle.
Neurolemma The outermost layer of the nerve mem- Period The inverse of frequency ( f ) calculated as 1/f.
brane. Period is the duration of one cycle in a repeated event
Neuropeptide Substance secreted at perivascular ter- such as alternating current.
minals of noradrenergic and cholinergic fibers; it has Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) Obstructive athero-
been shown to affect cellular events in all three phases sclerosis or arteriosclerosis obliterans.
of healing. Phase Flow of current in one direction from the iso-
Neurotmesis Nerve injury characterized by disrup- electric line; commonly expressed in microseconds.
tion of the axon with damage to the associated connec- Phase duration The time from the beginning of one
tive tissue layers of the nerve. phase to the end of that phase.
NMES Neuromuscular electrical stimulation. Phonophoresis The use of ultrasound to enhance the
Nociception Response to noxious stimuli that results delivery of topically applied medications through the skin.
in perception of pain; the neural mechanism involved Photobiostimulation Application of laser light on
in detecting tissue damage. biological tissues, causing photochemical interactions
Nociceptor Receptors located in tissues that are stim- between photons and cells that result in increased cellu-
ulated by noxious chemical, mechanical, or thermal lar activity.
stimuli associated with inflammation and tissue healing. Piezoelectricity The phenomenon in which a crystal
Nonionizing radiation Radiation with insufficient generates an electric voltage when mechanically com-
energy concentration to dislodge orbiting electrons pressed.
from atoms. Polarity The property of having charge—either posi-
Numerical pain rating scale A scale used by an indi- tive or negative.
vidual to rate pain. It is most often marked 0 to 10 Positive sharp wave Abnormal spontaneous electrical
from one end to the other. potentials usually initiated by needle movement within
the muscle thought to represent an unstable muscle
Ohm’s law The relationship between resistance (R) membrane.
and the flow of current (I), where current is directly Power The rate at which energy is being produced;
proportional to the voltage force (V) and inversely pro- measured in watts.
portional to resistance (I = V/R). Pressure sores Tissue necrosis that occurs when exter-
Orthodromic Conduction along a nerve in the nor- nal forces are applied for a prolonged period of time.
mal direction of propagation; proximal to distal for Compression of the integumentary tissue between the
motor and distal to proximal for sensory axons. external force and a bony prominence, which results in
a skin wound.
Paraffin wax A conductive thermal modality consisting Prognosis A prediction of the time required to
of a mixture of seven parts wax to one part mineral oil. achieve the goals of therapeutic interventions.
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Proinflammatory Effects of ultrasound that augment Rarefactions Areas of decreased molecular density in
both the quantity and quality of the healing process. tissues in response to the passage of ultrasound.
Proteinases Cellular enzymes necessary for pathogen Raynaud’s phenomenon A vasospastic disorder result-
control, cellular migration, and tissue remodeling. ing in paroxysmal digital cyanosis with cold exposure.
Pulse An isolated electrical event separated from the Reflection The change in the path of propagation of
next by a finite period of time. a beam of energy occurring at a discontinuity in the
Pulsed current The uni- or bidirectional flow of ions acoustical impedance.
or electrons, which periodically ceases for a short period Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) Type 1 com-
of time before the next electrical event. plex regional pain syndrome that is identified when it
Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) A field that is unknown whether there is any peripheral nerve
produces an electric current by inducing the movement involvement.
of ions in body fluids. Refraction The bending of waves as they pass from
Pulsed lavage with concurrent suction (PLWCS) one medium to another, proportional to the difference
Form of mechanical debridement that applies a stream in acoustic impedance.
or spray under controlled pressure to remove loosely Resistance Opposition to current flow.
adherent necrotic tissue or foreign material. Rheobase The minimum strength of an electrical
Pulsed radio frequency radiation (PRFR) Pulses of stimulus of infinite duration that is capable of eliciting
electromagnetic energy from the radiofrequency part of a minimally detectable motor response.
the spectrum. Rise time The time required for the leading edge of a
Pulsed ultrasound Noncontinuous or interrupted single phase to reach peak amplitude.
ultrasound. Russian current A burst-modulated form of alternat-
Pulse duration Time from the beginning to the end of all ing current that is commonly used for activation of
phases of a single pulse, including any interphase interval. skeletal muscle.
Pulse period The pulse on-time plus the pulse off-time.
Pulse train See Train. Saltatory conduction The propagation of action poten-
tials along myelinated axons between nodes of Ranvier.
Quadrant testing Examination of motor units in Sarcolemma The cell membrane of a muscle cell.
multiple regions via single needle insertion completed Scan See Vector scan.
by redirecting the needle tip without completely Segmental demyelination A focal conduction abnor-
removing it from the muscle. mality characterized by the intermittent absence of
Quadripolar An electrode configuration in which the myelin along normally myelinated axons.
electrodes of two separate circuits are placed on the Sensory-level stimulation The threshold at which an
treatment area with intention for the currents to inter- electrical stimulus elicits a sensory response.
sect; used with quadripolar interferential current. Sensory nerve action potential (SNAP) The sum-
mated response of all the depolarized sensory fibers in a
Radiation The process by which energy is propagated nerve.
through space. Sonic Accelerated Fracture Healing System (SAFHS)
Radio frequency (RF) radiation Propagating waves Specific ultrasound units designed to deliver fixed
between the frequencies of 10 kilohertz (kHz) and parameters—20% duty cycle, 1.5 MHz, ISATA =
300 gigahertz (GHz) on the electromagnetic spectrum. 30 mW/cm2 for 20 minutes—for the purpose of pro-
Ramp-down The time it takes for the current to moting fracture healing.
decrease from peak amplitude to zero amplitude during Spasticity Velocity-dependent increase in resistance
any one on-time period. to passive stretch associated with exaggerated deep ten-
Ramp-up The time it takes for the current to increase don reflexes.
from zero amplitude to peak amplitude for any one Spatial average intensity (ISA) A measure of the aver-
on-time period. age acoustic power of ultrasound across the ERA of the
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444 Glossary

transducer; expressed in watts per square centimeter Therapeutic modalities Devices or techniques applied
(W/cm2). to a patient as part of a plan of care for a therapeutic
Spatial average temporal average intensity (ISATA) An purpose.
intensity value calculated by multiplying ISATP by the Thermal conductivity A measure of the efficiency of
duty cycle of the applied ultrasound. a material or tissue in conducting heat.
Spatial average temporal peak intensity (ISATP) The Thermal medium The product of thermal conduc-
spatial average intensity of an ultrasound beam between tivity, density, and specific heat.
interruptions during pulsed ultrasound. Thermoreceptors Receptors in the skin that respond
Spatial peak intensity (ISP) The acoustic power of an to changes in temperature.
ultrasound beam at its highest point. Thermotherapy Modalities primarily used to cause
Specific gravity The ratio of the density of a sub- an increase in tissue temperature.
stance to the density of water at 4°C (39.2°F). Traction The process of drawing or pulling apart a
Specific heat A measure of the amount of energy body part, usually a joint or joints.
(heat) required to heat a material and thus the amount Train The uninterrupted generation of pulses at a
of energy (heat) stored in a material. fixed frequency or a brief period of alternating current.
Standing wave When waves are in phase with each Transducer The part of an ultrasound device that
other, their energies are added together, creating an area houses a piezoelectric crystal where high-frequency
of more intense energy in the tissue. electrical energy is converted to ultrasound energy.
Static magnets Magnets used with constant poles for Transverse waves Ultrasound waves perpendicular to
therapeutic purposes. the direction of the sound beam.
Streamline or laminar flow Occurs when each parti- Trigger point A palpable band or nodule within the
cle of the fluid follows a smooth path without crossover muscle or connective tissue that refers pain, elicits a
of paths. local twitch response when pressed, and is generally
Strength-duration curve A plot of the range of com- hypersensitive.
binations of current amplitude and pulse duration that Turbine A motor that agitates water in a whirlpool
result in depolarization of sensory or motor nerves. tank to create a “whirlpool” effect.
Suberythemal dose (SED) The situation in which Turbulent flow The flow of fluids in erratic, small,
none of the ultraviolet light exposure spots on the skin whirlpool-like circles called eddy currents or eddies.
produces a minimal erythemal dose.
Suprathreshold stimulus An electrical stimulus Ultraviolet An electromagnetic energy, invisible to
exceeding the minimal threshold stimulus required to the human eye, that lies between visible light and X-ray
elicit depolarization. on the electromagnetic spectrum.
Sustained (static) traction Form of traction applied Ultraviolet light A (UVA) Also known as long-wave
continuously to a body part by an electrical or mechan- UV, it is non-ionizing and produces fluorescence in
ical device. many substances.
Sweep Modulation of the beat frequency of interfer- Ultraviolet light B (UVB) Also known as middle-
ential current. wave UV, it is non-ionizing and produces most skin
Swing Denotes the temporal characteristics of the erythema.
sweep of interferential current. Ultraviolet light C (UVC) Ultraviolet light defined
Symmetrical Condition when the amplitude and as the wavelength 180–250 nm.
duration characteristics of the two phases of the bipha- Unbalanced When the area under the curve of the
sic waveform are identical. first phase (i.e., phase charge) of a biphasic pulse is
unequal to that of the second phase; the result is a net
TENS Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. charge, either positive or negative.
Tesla (T) Unit used to measure the strength of a magnetic Urine incontinence Inability to control bladder
field. The relationship of tesla to gauss is 1 G = 10–4 T. function.
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Vapocoolant spray A cold therapy delivery method in Visual analog scale (VAS) A scale using visual input
which one sprays rapidly evaporating chemicals on the for an individual to rate pain, most often a scale 10 cm
skin; used for temporary pain relief and for preparation in length.
prior to stretching muscles with active trigger points. Voltage An electrical force capable of moving charged
Vasoconstriction Contraction of vascular smooth particles through a conductor between two regions or
muscle, which results in decreased diameter of blood points secondary to a potential difference between the
vessels and decreased blood flow. points.
Vasodilation Relaxation of vascular smooth muscles,
which results in increased diameter of blood vessels and Wallerian degeneration Axon degeneration distal to
increased blood flow. the site of nerve transaction.
Vector scan The modulation of the amplitude of one Waveform A description or visual representation of
or both currents of interferential current, which results the characteristics of an electrical current, including
in a rhythmic change in position of the interference shape, magnitude, and duration, depicted on an
pattern or vector. amplitude–time plot.
Venous ulcers Chronic venous insufficiency that
leads to the formation of a chronic wound. Zero net DC A state of no net charge between phases
Viscosity The internal friction present in liquids of a bi- or polyphasic waveform.
secondary to the cohesive forces between the molecules.
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Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures; t, tables; b, boxes.

A in sensory nerve conduction studies Asymmetrical biphasic pulsed current,

Abnormal potentials, during (NCS), 415–416 236–238, 252f
electromyography (EMG), for transcutaneous electrical nerve “Aussie current,” 229
426t–427t stimulation (TENS), 259t Auto-traction, 193
Absorption of ultrasound energy, 91–92 Amputated limbs, stump reduction, use of Axillary nerve conduction study, 414
Achilles tendinopathy, 146 intermittent pneumatic Axon degeneration, 408
Acoustic energy compression (IPC), 200 Axon diameters, 404f
action in biological tissues, 90 Ankle wrap, 53f Axon reflex, 62f
nature of, 85–86 Anodyne pads, 371f Axonotmesis, 31–32, 419–420
Acoustic impedance, 90 Anomalous innervation patterns,
Acoustic streaming, 362 electroneuromyography (ENMG) B
Acute musculoskeletal trauma and, 411 Bacteria
cold application over casts and bandages, Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)
36–37 neuromuscular electrical against, 396
compression and elevation, 35–36 stimulation (NMES) for, 285t ultraviolet C radiation against, 366
Acute pulmonary edema, intermittent Antidromic stimulation, 415 Balance
pneumatic compression (IPC) Anxiety, and whirlpool therapy, 128 of biphasic currents, 252f
and, 201 Application techniques cold therapy effects, 33
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 8 cryotherapy, 43–53 hydrotherapy for, 112
Adipose tissue electrical stimulation, 253–267 of waveforms, 220–221
and diathermy, 166 electrodes, 246–247 Bandages, cold application over, 36–37
thermal conductivity, 23 ultrasound Basic currents, 214
Adverse effects of iontophoresis, 271 direct contact coupling, 103 Baths
Affective pain, 335 indirect coupling, 104–105 cold, 50–51
Age, effect on nerve conduction velocity, keep applicator moving, 102–103 paraffin wax, 72–73
410–411 Aquatic therapy whirlpool, 60t, 66, 73, 75, 77, 78
Air-spaced plates, for capacitive diathermy, documentation, 132 Battery-powered electrotherapy devices, 242
151–152 facilitation of patient’s arousal, 112–113 Beam non-uniformity ratio (BNR), 89f
Allodynia, 335 websites related to, 121b Beat frequency, interferential current (IFC),
Alternating current, 87, 214, 215–216, 252f Arterial insufficiency, use of intermittent 231, 232f
for diathermy generators, 150, 153, 154 pneumatic compression (IPC), 201 Biofeedback
as Russian current, 228, 228f, 288t Arteriovenous anastomoses, 61–62 electromyography (EMG), 266–267,
in waveform classification, 222f Arteriovenous heat exchange, 24f 297–299
Ambulation Arthritis relationship to electroneuromyography
foot clearance during, 322b aquatic therapy effects, 118 (ENMG), 434–435
functional electrical stimulation (FES) joint stiffness associated with, 336 in neurological conditions, 324–326
for, 318–321 low-level laser therapy (LLLT) dosages Biomechanical effects of traction
American Physical Therapy Association for, 144t cervical spine, 173–174
(APTA), 5 low-level laser therapy (LLLT) treatments lumbar spine, 174–175
Amplitude, 217. See also current amplitude. for, 148 Biophysical effects of temperature elevation
in edema management, 262t whirlpool effectiveness, 113 blood flow, 60
electromyography (EMG) waves, Assessment of pain connective tissue, 66–67
426t–427t affecting factors, 337 metabolic reactions, 61
for functional electrical stimulation body diagrams, 339 neuromuscular effects, 64–66
(FES), 254t McGill pain questionnaire, 339 vascular effects, 61–64
modulation, 218–219 pain interview, 338 Biphasic pulsed current, 217
for neuromuscular electrical stimulation pain rating scales, 338–339 symmetrical and asymmetrical,
(NMES), 254t, 308–310 reduction in pain medications, 339 236–238, 252f

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448 Index

Biphasic waveform, 220 Central conduction, and long-loop ice massage, 50

Bipolar electrode orientation, 251, 254, 289f responses, 416–418 ice packs, 45
Blood flow Central pain, 335 intermittent pneumatic compression
cold stimulus effects, 27f Cerebral palsy (IPC), 206
peripheral, increasing with electrotherapy, functional electrical stimulation (FES) iontophoresis, 273
264t, 265 for, 319f, 320 low-frequency ultrasound, 365
skeletal muscle, 62–63 neuromuscular electrical stimulation low-level laser therapy (LLLT), 379
temperature elevation effects, 60 (NMES) for muscle lumbar traction, 186
ultrasound effects on, 94–96 strengthening, 306 negative-pressure wound therapy, 381
whirlpool effects, 127–128 pool therapy, 110 neuromuscular electrical stimulation
Body diagrams, indicating pain areas, 339 Cervical pain, sensory-level transcutaneous (NMES) for muscle
Bone healing electrical nerve stimulation strengthening, 291
effectiveness of whirlpools, 113 (TENS) for, 347 rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE), 47
intermittent pneumatic compression Cervical radiculopathy, 346f selecting parameters for whirlpool, 128
(IPC) effect, 372–373 Cervical spine traction therapeutic heat, 80
regenerative effect of low-level laser biomechanical and physiological effects, for low back pain, 70
therapy (LLLT), 145–146 173–174 for ROM, 77
ultrasound, 98, 99 clinical decision making, 189 thermotherapy for tissue healing, 374
Buoyancy of water, 113–115 contraindication to, 188, 191 vapocoolant spray, 51
Burn areas, paraffin wax use on, 72 home traction, 191–192 whirlpools, 124–126
Burn scar, contractures from, 353–354 indications for, 187 Clinical indications
Burst patient outcome evidence, 193–195 for cold therapy
and carrier frequency, 217f patient safety, 186–187 acute musculoskeletal trauma, 35–37
pulsed current, 216, 238f precautions, 191 myofascial pain syndrome, 38–39
Russian current, 228f procedures and practice pain and muscle spasm, 37–38
Burst function, of transcutaneous electrical essential elements, 177–180 primary goals with cold therapy
nerve stimulation (TENS) units, mechanical preparation, 180 use, 34b
260 traction dosage and decision making, for diathermy
Burst-modulated alternating current (AC), 180–182 shortwave diathermy (SWD),
216, 229, 236, 237, 264t, 288, Charge microwave diathermy (MWD),
291, 311t electrical, 210 and pulsed shortwave diathermy
for anterior cruciate ligament phase and pulse, 219–221 (PSWD), 161–163
reconstruction, 285t Chemical additives to whirlpool, 130 for electroneuromyography (ENMG),
for edema management, 262, 262t Chronaxie, 225f 407–410
electrode configurations using, 249 Chronic leg ulcers, treatment with for hydrotherapy in wound healing, 376
for muscle strengthening, 254, 254t, ultrasound, 363 for intermittent pneumatic compression
284t, 288t, 306t Circulation, increasing with electrotherapy, (IPC), 200–201
for total knee arthroplasty, 285t 263–264 for low-level laser treatments
Circulatory conditions, whirlpool arthritis, 148
C treatments for, 127–128 bone regeneration and fracture healing,
Calcific tendinitis, of shoulder, 95 Cleaning of whirlpools, 124–125 145–146
Calcium channel blockers, 265 Clinical decision making, 3–4 carpal tunnel syndrome, 147–148
Cancer, in area of modality application, 16, cervical traction, 180–182 epicondylitis, 146
274, 366, 374 cold compression units, 52 herpes simplex wounds, 146
Capacitance, 213–214 cold immersion, 54 tendinopathies, 146–147
Capacitive diathermy method, 150–152, 156 cryotherapy, 375 wound healing, 145
Carpal tunnel syndrome, low-level laser diathermy treatment, 166–167 for magnet therapy, 393
therapy (LLLT) for, 139f, 144f, electrical stimulation for tissue for pool therapy, 117–118
147–148 healing, 369 for spinal traction, 187
Cartilage repair, ultrasound effects post- functional electrical stimulation (FES) for for thermotherapy, 76–78
trauma, 98–100 decreasing shoulder subluxation, for ultrasound, 101–102
Casts, cold application over, 36–37 317 Clinical parameters of intermittent
Cellular responses to electrical stimulation, heat vs. cold, 78–79 pneumatic compression (IPC),
264–265 hydrotherapy for tissue healing, 378 202–203
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Index 449

Cognition, diminished, 16 Connective tissue Cryokinetics, 37–38

Cognitive impairments, effect of aquatic disorders of, iontophoresis for, 268 Cryotherapy, 6–7
therapy, 112 elements of peripheral nerve, 405f application methods, 43–53
Coil applicators, in inductive diathermy, temperature elevation effects, 66–67 assessment of effectiveness and expected
152, 153f ultrasound effects, 93–94 outcomes, 53–55
Cold baths, 50–51 Constant current devices, 243f clinical indications for
Cold compression units, 49f Continuous-cold compression units, 49 acute musculoskeletal trauma, 35
clinical decision making, 52 Continuous low-level heat therapy, 344t myofascial pain syndrome, 38–39
manual and electric, 48, 50, 53 Continuous-mode high volt pulsed current pain and muscle spasm, 37–38
Cold gel, 53 (HVPC), 230 primary goals, 34b
Cold lasers, 143 Continuous wave ultrasound, 13f, 87–88 contraindications, 41–42
Cold packs, 6, 22t, 43–46, 374 Contractions, muscle injury induced for decreasing inflammation, 12
Cold urticaria, 42 by, 295 guidelines for, 39–41
Cold water immersion, 29t, 54 Contractures for pain management, 342
for ankle, 40f from burn scar, 353–354 physical principles
strength assessment after, 32–33 joint, following injury and conduction, 22–25
Collagen immobilization, 337 convection, 25
elongation of collagen tissue, 66 Contraindications evaporation, 25–26
low-level laser therapy (LLLT) effect, 378 to aquatic therapy, 117 precautions, 42–43
remodeling properties of, 13 to cryotherapy, 41–42 to reduce swelling and pain, 10f
in tissue healing, 12 to diathermy, 164–166 selecting cooling agent, 41
Collimated ultrasound beam, 86f to full-body immersion in whirlpool vs. thermotherapy, 78–79
Complex regional pain syndrome, 335b therapy, 377t tissue cooling principles
Complex repetitive discharges (CRDs), to heat therapy, 78 hemodynamic effects, 26–28
electromyography (EMG), 428 to hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), muscle performance effects, 32–33
Complications of intermittent pneumatic 399b neuromuscular effects, 33–34
compression (IPC) treatment, to iontophoresis, 272, 274–275 peripheral nerve effects, 30–32
205 to intermittent pneumatic compression posttraumatic edema and inflamma-
Compound muscle action potential (IPC), 201 tion, 28–30
(CMAP), 411–414, 416f to laser treatments, 148 for tissue healing, 374–375
Comprehensive plan, modalities as to magnet therapy, 393b Current, 212
part of, 5 to modalities for pain modulation, 354 alternating, 215–216
Compression techniques, 8–9. See also to monochromatic infrared energy appropriate, choosing, 368t
Intermittent pneumatic (MIRE), 396b basic, 214
compression (IPC) to particular modality, 15–16 direct, 215, 252f
for acute musculoskeletal trauma, 35–36 to spinal traction, 188, 191 and electrothermal heating, 223
Condensations, 86f to ultrasound, 101–102, 363t low-intensity, 234–236, 370t
Conduction block, 418, 420 to whirlpool, 129t interferential, language of, 233t
Conduction principles, 22–25 Contralateral controlled functional electrical magnetic fields and, 390f
of heat transfer, 67–68 stimulation (CCFES), 255 premodulated, 234b
saltatory conduction, 406 Contrast bath, 126–127 pulsed, 216–221
Conductive heat modalities Controlled-cold compression units, 53f therapeutic, 227–238
air-activated, wearable heat wraps, 73–74 Contusions, ultrasound effects, 97 Current amplitude, 218, 219, 220, 235, 236
electric heating pads, 73 Convection principles, 25 Current density, 246, 269
moist heat packs or hot packs, 68–71 of heat transfer, 68 Cycling
paraffin wax, 71–73 Convective heating, fluidotherapy, 74–76 of cold applications, 40–41
Conductive surface area, iontophoretic Conventional ultrasound, at 1 and 3 MHz, with contrast bath, 126
electrode, 269–270 362–363 functional electrical stimulation (FES),
Conductors, 212 Cooling agents 321–322, 324
Configurations of electrodes, 249–253 materials for, 43t
Congestive heart failure selecting, 41 D
intermittent pneumatic compression Cooling vest, 34 Debridement
(IPC) and, 201 Counterirritation, 340, 342 ultrasound guided, 364f
stable, and aquatic therapy, 118 Cryoglobulinemia, 42 with whirlpool, 113, 376
2391_Index_447-460.qxd 5/26/11 5:20 PM Page 450

450 Index

Decreased activation of motor units, 430 Direct contact coupling, ultrasound Duty cycle
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT), use of technique, 103 neuromuscular electrical stimulation
intermittent pneumatic Direct current, 215, 252f (NMES), 307
compression (IPC), 200–201 and electrothermal heating, 223 pulsed current, 218
Delayed-onset muscle soreness, 38, 65, 127 low-intensity, 234–236 pulsed-mode ultrasound, 88
Demyelination, segmental, 408 for tissue healing, 370t
Denervated muscle Disinfecting of whirlpools, 124–125, 130 E
electrical stimulation of, 256–258, Disposable electrodes, 245–246 Eccentric contractions, 295
295–297 Distal motor latency, 412–413, 416–417 Edema
time frame for signs of denervation, Distal sensory latency, 415 management with compression, 9
423–424 Documentation and pain following injury, 335–336
Depolarization, produced by sensory nerve applying modalities to reduce pain, 355 and pain perception, 352
stimulation, 415 diathermy treatments, 161 posttraumatic, 28, 30
Depolarization wave, 405f electroneuromyography (ENMG), 435 prevention or reduction with
Descriptors of pain experience, 341f electrotherapy, 238 electrotherapy, 260–263
Diabetes, use of electrotherapy hydrotherapy, 131–132 use of intermittent pneumatic
for increasing blood flow, 265 intermittent pneumatic compression compression (IPC), 200
for tissue healing, 267 (IPC) treatment, 205 and whirlpool therapy, 125–127
Diathermy, 8f neuromuscular electrical stimulation Effective radiating area (ERA), 88–89,
clinical decision making, (NMES), 300 94–95
166–167 ultrasound treatment, 105 Effectiveness
documentation, 161 Dorsal root ganglion (DRG), 415–416 of cold therapy, 55
dosage, 159–160 Dosage of heat therapy, 81
duration and frequency of treatments, cervical traction, 180–182 of hydrotherapy, 131–132
160–161 diathermy, 159–160 of intermittent pneumatic compression
electromagnetic waves of, 136–137 and iontophoretic equation, 270–271 (IPC) treatment, 205
indications for low-level laser therapy (LLLT), for of lasers, 148–149
PEMF, 163, 164 arthritis, 144t of therapeutic modalities, 13–15
shortwave diathermy (SWD), lumbar traction, 186 Elbow, extracorporeal shock wave therapy
microwave diathermy (MWD), neuromuscular electrical stimulation (ESWT) for tendonitis, 401f
and pulsed shortwave diathermy (NMES), 289–290 Electric field
(PSWD), 161–163 Dressing changes, and NPWT, 380 diathermy method, 150–152
physical principles of, 150 Drugs used with iontophoresis, 270t polarity and, 210–211
physiological effects, 154–158 Durable medical equipment coverage, Electric heating pads, 73
precautions and contraindications, 354 Electrical conductivity, 156
164–166 Duration Electrical current
preparation of patient and device, of cervical traction treatment, 181 electrochemical effects, 222–223
158–159 of diathermy pulse, 154 electrophysical effects, 223–224
therapeutic devices of diathermy treatments, 160–161 electrothermal effects, 223
capacitive method, 150–152 of electrotherapy, in edema management, levels of response to electrical stimulation,
inductive method, 152–153 262t 227
microwave diathermy, 153 of intermittent pneumatic compression response of excitable tissues to
PEMF, 154 (IPC) treatment, 203 stimulation, 224–227
pulsed shortwave diathermy (PSWD), of nerve response, 413 Electrical safety, of turbine in hydrotherapy,
153–154 phase and pulse, 217 124
Differential diagnosis, electroneuromyography pulse, 243 Electrical stimulation, 11f
(ENMG) in, 408–409 of pulsed lavage with suction (PLWS) applications and techniques, 253–267
Digital control of electrotherapy devices, treatment, 130t of denervated muscle, 256–258,
244 and strength, of electrical stimulus, 295–297
Diode lasers, 140 224–227 instrumentation
Dip-and-reimmerse technique for of tissue stretch, 353 dials and buttons, 242–244
paraffin, 72 of transcutaneous electrical nerve electrodes, 244–253
Dip-and-wrap technique for paraffin, stimulation (TENS), 259t electrotherapeutic devices, 241–242
71–72 of whirlpool treatment, 124 iontophoresis, 267–272
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Index 451

precautions and contraindications, 272, minimal activation, 428–429 Elongation of collagen tissue, 66
274–275 rest, 424–425, 428 End-plate noise, 425
for tissue healing, 367–370 stimulation of muscle, 255 Endurance
use in populations with neurological Electroneuromyography (ENMG) muscle temperature elevation effects,
conditions, 304t equipment, 406–407 65–66
Electricity principles indications for, 407–410 neuromuscular electrical stimulation
charge, 210 interpretation of findings, 431–434 (NMES) for, 294
conductors and insulators, 212 nerve conduction studies, 410–421 Energy absorption, 91–92
current, 212 peripheral nerve structure and function, Energy transfer, with cold modalities, 22t
Ohm’s law, 213–214 403–406 Epicondylitis
polarity and electric field, 210–211 relationship to electromyography (EMG) effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT),
voltage, 211–212 biofeedback, 434–435 146–147
Electroanalgesia, 346–347 what it is, 403 lateral, 342f
Electrochemical effects of electrical current, Electronic implants, 16 Equipment. See also Instrumentation
222–223 Electrons, 211–212, 213f cervical spine traction, 177–180
Electrode placement, 247–249 Electroosmotic flow, 268–269 to conduct electroneuromyography
biofeedback device and, 298f Electrophysical effects of electrical current, (ENMG), 406–407
for neuromuscular electrical stimulation 223–224 DermaWand UVC applicator, 366f
(NMES), 289 Electrophysiological findings, interpretation inversion, 195
for stimulation of quadriceps femoris of, 431–434 intermittent pneumatic compression
muscle, 309f Electroporation, 268 (IPC), 201–202
Electrodes Electrotherapy, 7–8 low-frequency ultrasound device, 363f
adhesive and nonadhesive, 369 activation of skeletal muscle, 253 lumbar spine traction, 182–186
application of, 246–247 biofeedback, 266–267 monochromatic infrared energy (MIRE),
configurations, 249–253 currents and waveforms, 214–221 393f
dispersive, 230f documentation, 238 traction table components, 175–177
electromyography (EMG)/nerve electrical stimulation of denervated Evaporation principles, 25–26
conduction studies (NCS), 406f muscle, 256–258 Exercise
for incontinence, 314f for increasing circulation, 263–264 aquatic, 110–112, 116
for iontophoresis, 268, 269–270, 271t for pain modulation, 258–260 functional electrical stimulation (FES)
number of uses, 245 physiological response to electrical cycling, 321–322, 324, 325
recording, in nerve conduction studies current, 221–227 functional electrical stimulation (FES)
(NCS), 412 for preventing or reducing edema, rowing, 324
types and choices of, 244–245 260–262 heat used prior to, 63–64
Electromagnetic radiation, 8 principles of electricity, 210–214 voluntary vs. neuromuscular electrical
Electromagnetic spectrum, 136f, 140 for promoting tissue healing, 264–266 stimulation (NMES), 286–287
Electromagnetic waves reeducation and retraining with Exercise tolerance, 34
diathermy, 150–167 functional electrical stimulation Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT)
effect on ions in tissues, 155f (FES), 254–256 clinical applications, 400
lasers, 138–149 strengthening with neuromuscular literature review, 399–400
properties, 136–137 electrical stimulation (NMES), for pain and tissue healing, 398
Electromyography (EMG) 253–254 physical principles of, 399
biofeedback, 266–267, 297–299 therapeutic currents physiological effects of, 399
relationship to electroneuromyography biphasic pulsed currents, 236–238
(ENMG), 434–435 high-volt pulsed current, 229–231 F
guiding principles, 423–424 interferential current, 231–234 F-wave, 416–417
information provided by, 422–423 low-intensity direct current, 234–236 Facilitatory biofeedback, 298t
interpretation of findings, 431–434 Russian current, 228–229 Falls, in therapeutic pool area, 119–120
needle, 421–422 variations of basic currents, 227–238 Fasciculations, in electromyography (EMG)
quadrants, 423 uses of, 209 rest segment, 428
sounds of responses Electrothermal effects of electrical current, Fatigue, muscle, voluntary vs.
insertion, 424 223 neuromuscular electrical
maximal activation (recruitment), Elevation, for acute musculoskeletal trauma, stimulation (NMES) activities,
429–431 35 293–295
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452 Index

Femoral nerve conduction study, 414 Gridding technique, laser therapy, 144 Hydrocollator pack
Fibrillations, in electromyography (EMG), Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs), in cervical traction, 178f
425, 428, 431f 274–275 in lumbar traction, 182f
Fibular nerve conduction study, 413t, 414 Hydrodynamics, 115
Flexibility H Hydrostatic pressure, 111, 115
increasing, 12–13 H-reflex, 417–418 Hydrotherapy. See also Whirlpool
tissue, diathermy effects, 157 Hamstrings, tight, pulsed shortwave clinical decision making, 131
Flexible electrodes, 245–246 diathermy (PSWD) for, 163 contrast bath, 126–127
Fluidized therapy, 74–76 Hand function, functional electrical effectiveness of aquatic exercise, 110
Foot drop, improvement with functional stimulation (FES) for, 319t facilitation of exercise programs, 111–112
electrical stimulation (FES), 323 Hand volume, whirlpool effects, 125–126 goals and documentation, 131–132
Force-frequency relationship, 282f Harness mechanical effects of water, 117
Fracture healing cervical traction, 176f, 177f, 178f non-weight-bearing positions, 109
use of intermittent pneumatic pelvic and thoracic, 183f, 184f non-immersion irrigation of wounds,
compression (IPC), 201 Healing process, normal, 361–362 130–131
with low-level laser therapy (LLLT), Heat abstraction, 22f physical properties of water, 113–116
145–146 Heat transfer, 67–68 physiological effects of water, 116–117
post-trauma, ultrasound effects, 98–100 via water, 115–116 in pool. See Pool therapy
and use of whirlpool treatments, 127 Heat wraps, 7f, 344 for tissue healing, 376–377
Frequency air-activated, wearable, 73–74, 75f Hyperactivity of skeletal muscle, 11
of diathermy treatments, 160–161 low-level, 63–64 Hyperalgesia, 335
period, 221 Heating modalities Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)
pulse to increase motion, 352–353 literature review, 397t–398t
in edema management, 262t superficial, for tissue healing, for pain and tissue healing, 395–398
for transcutaneous electrical nerve 373–374 physical principles of, 396
stimulation (TENS), 259t Heating pads, electric, 73 physiological effects of, 396
ultrasound, 87 Height, effect on nerve conduction velocity, Hyperhidrosis, iontophoresis for, 272f
Frozen shoulder, 66 411 Hyperoxygenation, 396
low-level laser therapy (LLLT) for, Hemodynamic effects Hypersensitivity
146–147 of tissue cooling, 26–28 to cold, 39
Full-body immersion, 126 of ultrasound, 94–96 disorders of, effect of aquatic therapy, 112
Functional electrical stimulation (FES), of water, 116–117 Hyperstimulation, by electrotherapy, 259
8, 11 Herpes simplex wounds, effect of low-level Hypertension, uncontrolled, 201
clinical decision making, 257 laser therapy (LLLT), 146 Hypertrophy, neuromuscular electrical
muscle reeducation and retraining with, High-boy whirlpool, 122f stimulation (NMES) for, 284t
254–256 High-intensity ultrasound, at low frequency,
for neurological conditions 364f I
ambulation, 318–321 High-level laser therapy (HILT), 347–348 Ice bags, 40f
exercise, 321–324 High-volt pulsed current (HVPC), Ice cups, 6f, 46, 48f
shoulder subluxation, 314–317 229–231, 236t–237t Ice massage, 25, 46, 49, 342f
upper extremity function, 316, 318 for tissue healing, 265–266, 367–368, 370 Ice packs, 45
Hip tank whirlpools, 122 Ice pops, 7f
G Historical perspective, lasers, 138 Immersion
Gait, functional electrical stimulation Home application cold water, 29t, 54
(FES), combined with treadmill of modalities for pain control, full-body, 126
training, 321 354–355 ultrasound technique under water, 104
Galvanism of tap water, vs. iontophoresis, of spinal traction, 191–192 in warm water, 116
272 of therapeutic heat modalities, 80–81 Immobilization, joint contracture following,
Galvanotaxis, 264, 367–368 Hot packs, 68–71 337
Gas/optical-powered laser delivery system, with transcutaneous electrical nerve Impedance, 213–214
141f stimulation (TENS), 343 Implanted electronic devices, diathermy
Gate control theory of pain, 9–10 for tissue healing, 373 and, 165
Gel packs, 6f, 44 Hot tubs, 122 In vitro research, on ultrasound effects
Gel pads, for ultrasound, 104–105 Hubbard tanks, 123 post-trauma, 96
2391_Index_447-460.qxd 5/26/11 5:20 PM Page 453

Index 453

Inching technique, nerve conduction studies Intensity selecting ion, 269

(NCS), 420 of electrical stimulation in neuromuscular vs. tap water galvanism, 272
Indirect coupling, ultrasound technique, electrical stimulation (NMES), Iontophoretic equation, dosage and,
104–105 289–290 270–271
Inductive shortwave diathermy (SWD) of training, 286 Isometric training, and neuromuscular
method, 152–153, 156 ultrasound, 88–90, 92 electrical stimulation (NMES)
Indwelling electrodes, 244 Interelectrode distance, 249, 250f parameters, 284t
Infection, and use of intermittent Interference pattern, electromyography
pneumatic compression (IPC), (EMG), 430 J
201 Interferential current (IFC), 231–234 Jacuzzis, 122
Inflammation Intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) Joint contracture
decreasing, 12 contraindications, 201 following injury and immobilization, 337
posttraumatic, 28, 30 equipment, 201–205 management of, 353b
ultrasound effects, 96–100 evidence of effectiveness, 205 Joint stiffness, 67
Inflammatory phase, of healing process, indications for, 200–201 associated with arthritis, 336
361–362, 375 physical principles, 199 ultrasound effects, 94
Inflation pressure, intermittent for tissue healing, 372–373
pneumatic compression (IPC), Interpretation of electrophysiological K
202–203 findings, 431–434 Kidney function, effects of immersion in
Infrared energy, for tissue healing, 370–371 Interrupted direct current, 215 water, 117
Infrared lasers, 143f Intervals, interphase and interpulse, 217 Knee
Infrared radiation, 8 Intervention plan total knee arthroplasty, 36, 434–435
Inhibitory biofeedback, 298t for extracorporeal shock wave therapy neuromuscular electrical stimulation
Injury (ESWT), 400t (NMES) for, 285t
current of, 235f functional electrical stimulation (FES) for ultrasound application, 352f
edema and pain following, 335–336 dorsiflexion assist, 321
joint contracture following, 337 for hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), L
muscle, contraction-induced, 295 397t–398t Lasers
spinal cord for magnet therapy, 391t–392t contraindications and precautions, 148
functional electrical stimulation (FES) for monochromatic infrared energy to decrease pain and disability,
for, 320–321 (MIRE), 394t–395t 347–348
neuromuscular electrical stimulation neuromuscular electrical stimulation effectiveness, 148–149
(NMES) for muscle strengthen- (NMES) for muscle high- and low-power, 135–136
ing, 306 strengthening, 286, 306 history of, 138
using ultrasound during healing, 97t role of therapeutic modalities, 5 indications for use of, 145–148
Innervation patterns, anomalous, Interview, concerning pain, 338 instrumentation and clinical application,
electroneuromyography (ENMG) Inversion, 195 143–145
and, 411 Ionohydrokinesis, 268 physical properties of, 138–142
Innervation status, prior to neuromuscular Ions, 211–212 physiological effects of, 142–143
electrical stimulation (NMES), selection for iontophoresis, 269 for tissue healing, 377–379
286 Iontophoresis, 215f, 267–272 Lateral epicondylalgia, low-level laser
Insertional activity, electromyography adverse effects, 271 therapy (LLLT) for, 350
(EMG) needle, 424 in analgesia delivery, 349–350 Lateral epicondylitis, 342f
Instrumentation. See also Equipment clinical use of, 267–268 low-level laser therapy (LLLT) for, 147
diathermy devices, 150–154 dosage and iontophoretic equation, Lateral retinaculum, ultrasound application,
electrotherapy 270–271 352f
control dials and buttons, electrode selection and placement, Lead wires, electrotherapeutic, 252b
242–244 269–270 Left ventricular dysfunction, and aquatic
device classification, 241–242 for pain modulation, 349t therapy, 118
electrodes, 244–253 physiology of, 268–269 Ligaments, ultrasound effects, 93–94
lasers, 143–145 for plantar heel pain, 351 on post-trauma healing, 98
pulsed lavage with suction (PLWS), 131f precautions and contraindications, 272, Light
ultrasound, 100–101 274–275 from lasers, 138–140, 141f
Insulators, 212 recent advances in, 271 UV, for tissue healing, 364–367
2391_Index_447-460.qxd 5/26/11 5:20 PM Page 454

454 Index

Limbs in pain management, 347–348 Mean power, pulsed diathermy, 160

amputated, use of intermittent pneumatic for tissue healing, 378–379 Mechanical modalities
compression (IPC) for stump tissue penetration, 142 compression, 8–9
reduction, 200 treatment of herpes simplex wounds, 146 effects of water, 117
temperature of, effect on nerve for wound healing, 145 traction, 9
conduction velocity, 411 Lower back ultrasound, 92–93
Limitations of neuromuscular electrical hot pack application, 69f Mechanical preparation
stimulation (NMES), 294–295 pain for cervical traction, 180
Limited motion and pain pool therapy for, 112 for lumbar traction, 182–186
assessment of therapeutic heat for, 70 Median nerve conduction study, 412f, 413t,
mobility and ROM, 339 Lower extremity 414
pain, 337–339 immersion in whirlpool, 125 Medications
associated impairments, 352 intermittent pneumatic compression pain, reduction of, 339
edema and pain following injury, (IPC) for, 204f transdermal delivery, 348–349
335–336 nerve conduction velocity, 410 and use of therapeutic pools, 121
joint contracture, 337 Lumbar spine traction Metabolic reactions to temperature
joint stiffness associated with arthritis, 336 biomechanical and physiological effects, elevation, 61
selection of appropriate modality, 355 174–175 Metal electrodes, 244
sources of pain mediation, 333–335 clinical decision making, 190–191 Metals, presence in area of diathermy,
use of modalities contraindications to, 188, 191 164–165
home vs. clinic, 354–355 home traction, 192–193 Microcirculation, alterations in response to
to increase motion, 352–354 indications for, 187 cryotherapy, 30
for pain modulation, 340–349 patient outcome evidence, 193–195 Microcurrent, 234–236
Line-powered electrotherapy devices, patient safety, 186–187 Microwave diathermy (MWD), 150t, 153,
242–244 precautions, 191 161–163
Literature review procedures and practice Miniature end-plate potentials, 424,
extracorporeal shock wave therapy essential elements, 182 426t–427t
(ESWT), 399–400 mechanical preparation, 182–186 Minimal activation, electromyography
hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), traction dosage and decision making, (EMG) segment, 428–429
397t–398t 186 Minimal erythema dose test, 367b,
magnet therapy, 391–392 Lymphedema, use of intermittent pneumatic 367f
monochromatic infrared energy (MIRE), compression (IPC), 201 Mixed peripheral nerves, 226
394–395 Mobility assessment, 339
Long-loop responses, central conduction M Mobility loss, sources of, 335–337
and, 416–418 Magnet therapy Modulated transcutaneous electrical nerve
Low-boy whirlpool, 122f clinical applications, 392 stimulation (TENS), 260
Low-frequency transcutaneous electrical literature review, 391–392 Moist heat packs, 68–71, 352f
nerve stimulation (TENS), for pain and tissue healing, 389–390 Monitoring neuromuscular electrical
263–264 physiological effects of magnets, 390–391 stimulation (NMES) treatment,
Low-frequency ultrasound Magnetic field method of diathermy, 290–291
clinical decision making, 365 152–153 Monochromatic infrared energy (MIRE),
for tissue healing, 363–364 Magnetic fields, 136f, 137f 370–372
Low-intensity direct current, 234–236 pulsed, 390 clinical applications of, 395
for tissue healing, 370t Magnets, 210–211 literature review, 394–395
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT), 135 physical principles of, 390 physical principles of, 393–394
anti-inflammatory effect on Manual traction physiological effects of, 394
tendinopathies, 146–147 cervical, 188f Monochromatic light, 139
for arthritis, 148 lumbar, 187f Monophasic pulsed current, 217, 221,
for bone regeneration and fracture Massage, ice, 25, 46, 49, 342f 252f
healing, 145–146 Maturation stage of tissue healing, 12 Monophasic waveform, 230
for carpal tunnel syndrome, 139f, 144f, Maximal activation (recruitment), Monopolar electrode placement, 250–251,
147–148 electromyography (EMG) 289f
for lateral epicondylalgia, 350 segment, 429–431 Motor-level transcutaneous electrical nerve
in management of epicondylitis, 146 McGill pain questionnaire, 339 stimulation (TENS), 259
2391_Index_447-460.qxd 5/26/11 5:20 PM Page 455

Index 455

Motor nerve conduction study Muscles Nerve conduction velocity

interpretation of findings, 413–414 activation, biofeedback for, 299, 326 age effects, 410–411
nerves to study, 414 denervated, electrical stimulation of, height effects, 411
procedure, 411–412 256–258, 295–297 limb temperature effects, 411
Motor nerve conduction velocities, 96 effects of immersion in water, 117 motor nerve, 96
Motor neuron, 404f electrophysiological testing rationale for nerve conduction studies
Motor point, 248–249 anatomy and physiology review, (NCS), 420
Motor response to electrical stimulation, 227 403–406 sensory nerve, 96
Motor unit potential, 428–429 clinical electromyography (EMG), upper and lower extremities, 410
Motor unit recruitment, neuromuscular 421–431 Nerves
electrical stimulation (NMES) electromyography (EMG) biofeedback, electrophysiological testing
and, 292–295 434–435 clinical electromyography (EMG),
Multiple sclerosis electroneuromyography (ENMG) 421–431
biofeedback use, 326 equipment, 406–407 electroneuromyography (ENMG),
functional electrical stimulation (FES) indications for electroneuromyography 403
for, 320 (ENMG), 407–410 electroneuromyography (ENMG)
neuromuscular electrical stimulation interpretation of findings, 431–434 equipment, 406–407
(NMES) for muscle nerve conduction studies (NCS), electroneuromyography (ENMG)
strengthening, 306 410–421 relationship to electromyography
Muscle-bone interface, ultrasound reflection quadrants of same muscle belly region, (EMG) biofeedback, 434–435
at, 92f 423f indications for, 407–410
Muscle fatigue, voluntary vs. neuromuscular reeducation and retraining, with interpretation of electromyography
electrical stimulation (NMES) functional electrical stimulation (EMG) findings, 431–434
activities, 293–295 (FES), 254–256 nerve conduction studies, 410–421
Muscle-guarding spasms, 64 size, neuromuscular electrical stimulation peripheral nerve disorder,
Muscle performance (NMES) effects, 283 electromyography (EMG)
effect of muscle temperature elevation, tight, pulsed shortwave diathermy findings, 431t
65–66 (PSWD) for, 163 peripheral nerves
skeletal muscle, alteration of, 11–12 ultrasound effects, 93 mixed, 226f
tissue cooling effects, 32–33 on post-trauma healing, 97 structure and function, 403–406
Muscle soreness, delayed-onset, 38, 65, 127 Musculoskeletal conditions, whirlpool ultrasound effects on post-trauma
Muscle spasm, cold therapy for, 37–38 treatments for, 127 healing, 97–98
Muscle strength Musculoskeletal trauma, acute, 35–37 tissue cooling effects, 30–32
assessment post-cold immersion, 32–33 Myofascial pain syndrome, 38–39 ultrasound effects, 96
diathermy effects, 157–158 Myokymic discharges, 428 on post-trauma healing, 97–98
improvement with neuromuscular Myopathic recruitment pattern, 430 NESS H200 device, 316, 318
electrical stimulation (NMES), Myotonic discharges, 428 Neurapraxia, 418–419, 435
307–310 Neurological conditions
muscle temperature elevation effects, N biofeedback for, 324–326
65–66 Narrowband UVB, 364–366 examination needs, 303–304
Muscle strengthening with neuromuscular Needle electromyography (EMG), 421–431 functional electrical stimulation (FES) for
electrical stimulation (NMES), Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT), ambulation, 318–321
253–254, 282–291 for tissue healing, 379–381 exercise, 321–324
electrode placement, 289 Nerve conduction studies (NCS) shoulder subluxation, 314–317
evaluation and prognosis, 286 axonotmesis, 419–420 upper extremity function, 316, 318
intensity or dosage, 289–290 central conduction and long-loop neuromuscular electrical stimulation
intervention, 286 responses (NMES) for
monitoring treatment, 290–291 F-wave, 416–417 decreasing spasticity, 310–311
in neurological conditions, 304–307 H-reflex, 417–418 decreasing urinary incontinence,
selecting stimulator, 287 general influencing factors, 410–411 311–314
stimulation parameters, 287–289 motor nerves conduction study, 411–414 increasing ROM, 307–310
voluntary vs. neuromuscular electrical neurapraxia, 418–419 muscle strengthening, 304–307
stimulation (NMES) exercise, neurotmesis, 420 Neurological system, effects of immersion in
286–287 sensory nerve conduction study, 414–416 water, 117
2391_Index_447-460.qxd 5/26/11 5:20 PM Page 456

456 Index

Neuromuscular effects joint contracture, 337 Phase duration, 217

of temperature elevation, 64–66 joint stiffness associated with arthritis, Phonophoresis, 105–106, 348–349
of tissue cooling, 33–34 336 Photons, in laser light, 138–140
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation selection of appropriate modality, 355 Physical agents, defined, 4
(NMES), 8, 11f, 253–254, sources of pain mediation, 333–335 Physical principles
256, 262 use of modalities of cooling
and motor unit recruitment, 292–295 home vs. clinic, 354–355 conduction, 22–25
for muscle strengthening, 282–291 to increase motion, 352–354 convection, 25
in neurological conditions for pain modulation, 340–349 evaporation, 25–26
decreasing spasticity, 310–311 Pain modulation, 9–10 of diathermy, 150
decreasing urinary incontinence, and counterirritation, 340 of extracorporeal shock wave therapy
311–314 electrotherapy for, 258–260 (ESWT), 399
increasing ROM, 307–310 iontophoresis for, 350t of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT),
muscle strengthening, 304–307 Pain reduction 396
rationale for, 281–282 with diathermy, 158 of heat
Neuromuscular junction (NMJ), with extracorporeal shock wave therapy conductive heat modalities, 68–74
412–413 (ESWT), 398–401 convective heating: fluidotherapy,
Neuropathic recruitment pattern, 430 hyperbaric oxygen therapy for, 74–76
Neurotmesis, 420 395–398 heat transfer, 67–68
Nitric oxide, produced by intermittent magnet therapy for, 389–393 of intermittent pneumatic compression,
pneumatic compression (IPC), with monochromatic infrared energy 199
372 (MIRE), 393–395 of magnets, 390
Nociceptive pain, peripheral, 334 with ultrasound, 94, 95 of monochromatic infrared energy
Node of Ranvier, 405f Paraffin wax, 71–73 (MIRE), 393–394
Normal potentials, during electromyography for burn scar contractures, 353–354 of ultrasound
(EMG), 426t–427t for tissue healing, 373 nature of acoustic energy, 85–86
Noxious response to electrical stimulation, Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, 42 production of ultrasound waves, 86–87
227 Patient care management model, role of Physical properties
Numbness, and electroneuromyography therapeutic modalities, 3–16 of lasers, 138–142
(ENMG) testing, 408–409 Patient-controlled safety switch, 176–177, of water
179f buoyancy, 113–115
O Patient outcome, 14 hydrodynamics, 115
Ohm’s law, 213–214 with spinal traction, 193–195 thermodynamics, 115–116
On-time to off-time ratio, 288 with therapeutic ultrasound, 105 viscosity and hydrostatic pressure, 115
Orofacial control, hydrotherapy for, 112 Patient preparation Physiological effects
Orthodromic stimulation, 415 for diathermy, 158–159 of diathermy
Osteoarthritis, features of, 336t for intermittent pneumatic compression effects on tissue flexibility, 157
(IPC) treatments, 203–204 muscle strength, 157–158
P Percutaneous electrodes, 315f pain, 158
Padded wedges, in cervical traction, 179f Period, derivative of frequency, 221 pulse duration, 154
Pain Peripheral nerves thermal effects, 155–157
cold therapy for, 37–38 disorder of, electromyography (EMG) tissue healing, 158
heat-induced relief of, 65f findings, 431t of extracorporeal shock wave therapy
as indicator of modality effectiveness, 14 mixed, 226f (ESWT), 399
low back structure and function, 403–406 of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT),
pool therapy for, 112 tissue cooling effects, 30–32 396
therapeutic heat for, 70 ultrasound effects on post-trauma of lasers, 142–143
Pain and limited motion healing, 97–98 of magnets, 390–391
assessment of Peripheral neurogenic pain, of monochromatic infrared energy
mobility and ROM, 339 334–335 (MIRE), 394
pain, 337–339 Personal protective devices, while of traction
associated impairments, 352 using pulsed lavage with suction cervical spine, 173–174
edema and pain following injury, (PLWS), 131 lumbar spine, 174–175
335–336 Phase charge, 219–221 of water, 116–117
2391_Index_447-460.qxd 5/26/11 5:20 PM Page 457

Index 457

Physiological response to electrical current, for ultrasound, 102 Range of motion (ROM)
221–227 for whirlpool, 129t assessment of, 339
Piezoelectricity, 87f Pregnancy, 16 effect of moist heat packs, 69
Placement of electrodes, 247–249 and use of diathermy, 165–166 increasing, 12–13
and electromyography (EMG) and use of electrical stimulation, 274t neuromuscular electrical stimulation
biofeedback, 298–299 Premodulated current, 234b, 235f (NMES) for, 307–310
for iontophoresis, 269–270 PRICE acronym, 35t use of modalities for, 352–354
for neuromuscular electrical stimulation Proinflammatory agents, produced by knee, 36
(NMES), 289 intermittent pneumatic loss, sources of, 335–337
Plantar fasciitis/fasciosis compression (IPC), 372–373 therapeutic heat for, 77
extracorporeal shock wave therapy Proliferation stage of tissue healing, 12, 362 Rarefactions, 86f
(ESWT) for, 400 Proximal latency, 412 Rating scales for pain, 338–339
iontophoresis for, 351 Pulley traction, 347 Raynaud’s phenomenon, 42
Plastic deformation, 352 Pulmonary edema, acute, 201 Rebound effect, of cervical traction, 181
Polarity, 210–211 Pulse charge, 219–221 Reciprocal inhibition, of spastic agonist
Polyphasic motor unit, 429 Pulse duration, 243, 254t, 259t, 266t muscle, 310
Pool therapy Pulsed current Reciprocating-mode HVPC, 230
for cerebral palsy, 110 amplitude, 217 Recording electrodes, in nerve conduction
clinical applications, 121 amplitude modulation, 218–219 studies (NCS), 412
following shoulder surgery, 111 biphasic, 217 Recruitment, electromyography (EMG)
hot tubs and jacuzzis, 122 symmetrical and asymmetrical, segment, 429–431
indications and contraindications, 236–238 Reeducation of muscle, with functional
117–118 burst, 216 electrical stimulation (FES),
for low back pain, 112 high-volt (HVPC), 229–231 254–256
pool care and safety precautions, modulation of, 218 Reflection, of acoustic energy,
120–121 monophasic, 217, 252f 90–91f
pools and pool area, 118–120 phase and pulse charge, 219–221 Refraction, ultrasound, 92f
Population inversion, 139–140 Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF), 150, Rehabilitation, role of therapeutic
Positioning of patient 154, 158, 163, 164, 390, 393 modalities, 4–5
for cervical spine traction, 177–179 Pulsed lavage with suction (PLWS), Remodeling phase of tissue healing,
for lumbar spine traction, 182–186 130–131, 376–377 362
Positive sharp waves (PSWs), Pulsed-mode ultrasound, 87–88, 362 Reporting results of electrophysiological
electromyography (EMG), 425 Pulsed shortwave diathermy (PSWD), findings, 433–434
Postoperative pain, cryotherapy for, 342 150, 151f, 153–154, 158, Resistance exercises
Posttraumatic edema and inflammation, 161–163, 353 with buoyancy, 114
28, 30 Pumps, intermittent pneumatic compression electrical, 213–214
Power levels, of lasers, 143 (IPC), 202f Respiratory system, effects of immersion in
Practitioner exposure to electromagnetic water, 117
fields, 165 Q Response sounds of electromyography
Precautions Quadrant testing, 424 (EMG)
for aquatic therapy, 117 Quadripolar electrode configuration, 251 insertion, 424
for cryotherapy, 42–43 Quadripolar interferential current (IFC), 233 maximal activation (recruitment),
for diathermy, 164–166 429–431
for electroneuromyography (ENMG), 410 R minimal activation, 428–429
for hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), Radial nerve conduction study, 413t, 414 rest, 424–425, 428
399b Radiation, 68 Rest, electromyography (EMG) segment,
for heat therapy, 78 electromagnetic, 8 424–425, 428
for iontophoresis, 272, 274–275 electromagnetic spectrum, 136f Resting membrane potential (RMP), 224
for lasers, 148 Radio frequencies, for diathermy, 150t Retraining of muscle, with functional
for local immersion in whirlpool therapy, Ramp electrical stimulation (FES),
378t amplitude, 218–219 254–256
for magnet therapy, 393b time, in neuromuscular electrical Reverse piezoelectric effect, 87, 87f
for particular modality, 15–16 stimulation (NMES), 288–289 Reversed direct current, 215
for spinal traction, 191 Ramp-up time, 307 Rheobase, 225, 225f
2391_Index_447-460.qxd 5/26/11 5:20 PM Page 458

458 Index

Rheumatoid arthritis, 67, 72 Side effects neuromuscular electrical stimulation

features of, 336t of extracorporeal shock wave therapy (NMES) for muscle
ultrasound for, 345 (ESWT), 400 strengthening, 306
RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), Spinal cord reflex, 62
acronym, 35, 47 398 Spinal decompression, 194–195
Rowing, functional electrical stimulation Size and shape Spinal traction
(FES), 324 of electrodes, 246–247 biomechanical effects
Russian current, 228–229, 236t–237t of therapeutic pools, 118–120 cervical spine, 173–174
Skeletal muscle lumbar spine, 174–175
S electrotherapeutic activation, 253 contraindications to, 188, 191
S3 nerve root stimulation, 313f performance, alteration of, 11–12 foundations of traction, 173
Safety Skin home traction, 191–193
electrical, of turbine in hydrotherapy, 124 bandaged, cold application over, 36–37 indications for, 187
with electrotherapeutics, 274–275 characteristics of light at tissue interface, inversion, 195
of heat application at home, 80–81 141f patient outcome evidence, 193–195
patient, for spinal traction, 186–187 current of injury, 235f patient safety, 186–187
precautions for therapeutic pools, electrothermal effects, 223 precautions, 191
120–121 heating effects, 64 procedures and practice
Saltatory conduction, 406 preparation for electrode application, 246 cervical spine, 177–182
Scanning technique, laser therapy, 145 temperature changes with cold therapy, lumbar spine, 182–186
Scar tissue, potential consequences of, 342f 24, 40, 44f spinal decompression, 194–195
Scar tissue formation, role of compression Skin battery, 235, 367 traction table components, 175–177
techniques, 9 Skin disorders, ultraviolet light for, Spontaneous emission of light, 138, 139f
Segmental demyelination, 408 365–366 Spontaneous potentials, electromyography
Sensation, compromised, 15–16 Sleeves, for intermittent pneumatic (EMG), 426t–427t, 425, 428
Sensitivity, in terms of biofeedback, 298 compression (IPC) application, Sprains, whirlpool therapy for, 126
Sensory-level transcutaneous electrical 202f, 204 Spurling’s maneuver, 188f
nerve stimulation (TENS), Sonic Accelerated Fracture Healing System Standing wave, 91f
258–259, 346–347 (SAFHS), 98–99 Static shock, 214b
Sensory nerve action potential, 414–416 Sound waves, 86–87 Stiffness, joint, 67
Sensory nerve conduction study Sounds of electromyography (EMG) associated with arthritis, 336
procedure, 415–416 responses Stimulated emission of laser light, 139, 140f
SNAP production, 414 insertion, 424 Stimulators
Sensory nerve conduction velocities, 96 maximal activation (recruitment), 429–431 designed to stimulate denervated muscle,
Sensory response to electrical stimulation, minimal activation, 428–429 296f
227 rest, 424–425, 428 selection for neuromuscular electrical
Shock, static, 214b Spasms stimulation (NMES), 287–289
Shock wave, for extracorporeal shock wave muscle, cold therapy for, 37–38 Straight leg raising (SLR), 175
therapy (ESWT), 399f muscle-guarding, 64 Strength-duration curve, 224f, 225f,
Shortwave diathermy (SWD), 8, 150t Spasticity 224–227
continuous, 344 cold therapy effects, 33–34 Strengthening of muscle, with neuromuscular
heating patterns of, 156 decreasing, neuromuscular electrical electrical stimulation (NMES). See
indications for, 161–163 stimulation (NMES) for, Muscle strengthening with NMES
Shoulder 310–311 Stretching, cold application and, 38
calcific tendinitis, 95 Spatial peak intensity, 89, 89f Stroke
frozen, 66, 146–147 Specific gravity, 114t functional electrical stimulation (FES)
pain, modalities for, 349 Specific heat, 116 cycling for, 322
pool therapy following surgery, 111 Spinal accessory nerve conduction study, functional electrical stimulation (FES)
subluxation 414 for, 320
functional electrical stimulation (FES) Spinal cord injury neuromuscular electrical stimulation
for, 314–317 functional electrical stimulation (FES) (NMES) for muscle
neuromuscular electrical stimulation cycling for, 321–322 strengthening, 305
(NMES) for decreasing, 292 functional electrical stimulation (FES) Structure and function, peripheral nerves,
Shunt vessels, 61–62 for, 320–321, 325 403–406
2391_Index_447-460.qxd 5/26/11 5:20 PM Page 459

Index 459

Subacromial impingement syndrome, 146 Therapeutic modalities normal healing process, 361–362
Subluxation, shoulder assessing clinical effectiveness of, 13–14 promotion with electrotherapy, 264–266
functional electrical stimulation (FES) clinical applications of, 9–13 reparative effects of ultrasound, 96–100
for, 314–317 contraindications and precautions, 15–16 superficial heating modalities, 373–374
neuromuscular electrical stimulation role in rehabilitation, 4–5 therapeutic ultrasound at 1 and 3 MHz,
(NMES) for decreasing, 292 types of, 5–9 362–363
Superficial heating modalities, for tissue Thermal conductivities, 23t ultraviolet light for, 364–367
healing, 373–374 Thermal effects Tissues
Surface electrodes, 244 of diathermy, 155–157 biological, ultrasound interaction with,
Surge-mode HVPC, 230 of ultrasound, 92–93 90–92
Sweep, interferential current (IFC) beat Thermodynamics of water, 115–116 characteristics of light at interface, 141f
frequency, 232f Thermotherapy, 7, 13 as conductors and insulators, 212
Swing, interferential current (IFC) beat biophysical effects of temperature connective, effects of temperature
frequency, 232f elevation, 60–67 elevation, 66–67
Swelling clinical decision making, 78–81 cryotherapy effects at different tissue
reduction contraindications and precautions, 78 depths, 374–375
with cryotherapy, 10f vs. cryotherapy, 78–79 dielectric constants of, 156t
with electrical stimulation, 262f effectiveness and expected outcomes, 81 excitable, response to electrical
role of compression techniques, 9f home application, 80–81 stimulation, 224–227
Symmetrical biphasic pulsed current, indications for, 76–78 heating by diathermy methods, 157f
236–238, 252f for pain management, 343–344 overheating with diathermy, 166
Sympathetic nervous system, pain related to, physical principles of heat, 67–76 penetration depth of laser, 140
335 wet vs. dry heat, 80 specific gravity, 114t
Synthetic materials, and diathermy, 166 Tibial nerve conduction study, 413t, 414 thermal conductivities of, 23t
H-reflex, 418 Total knee arthroplasty (TKA), 36,
T Time frame, for signs of denervation, 434–435
Tanks, 123 423–424 neuromuscular electrical stimulation
Tap water galvanism, iontophoresis vs., Timing of applications, lasers, 142 (NMES) for, 285t
272 Tissue cooling, biophysical principles of, Towels, used with heat, 69
Temperature 26–34 Traction
conversion chart, 23b Tissue extensibility, neuromuscular foundations of, 173
effective, for cryotherapy, 375 electrical stimulation (NMES) spinal
of limb, effect on nerve conduction for, 308t, 312 applications of, 175–188
velocity, 411 Tissue flexibility, diathermy effects, 157 biomechanical and physiological
of water for hydrotherapy, 116t Tissue healing effects, 173–175
Temperature elevation clinical decision making, 267 contraindications, 188, 191
biophysical effects cryotherapy for, 374–375 home traction, 191–193
blood flow, 60 diathermy effects, 158 patient outcome evidence, 193–195
connective tissue, 66–67 electrical stimulation for, 367–370 uses of, 9
metabolic reactions, 61 extracorporeal shock wave therapy Traction table components, 175–177
neuromuscular effects, 64–66 (ESWT) for, 398–401 Training
vascular effects, 61–64 facilitating, 12 intensity of, 286
in muscle during ultrasound treatment, 93t hydrotherapy for, 376–377 neuromuscular electrical stimulation
Temporal dispersion, 413 hyperbaric oxygen therapy for, 395–398 (NMES), 295
Tendinopathies infrared energy for, 370–372 high- and low-intensity, 284–285
low-level laser therapy (LLLT) dosages intermittent pneumatic compression for, patient, strategies with electromyography
for, 144t 372–373 (EMG) biofeedback, 299
low-level laser therapy (LLLT) for, laser therapy for, 377–379 treadmill, functional electrical stimulation
146–147 low-frequency ultrasound for, 363–364 (FES) gait with, 321
phonophoresis for, 348–349 magnet therapy for, 389–393 Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
Tendonitis, extracorporeal shock wave with monochromatic infrared energy (TENS), 4, 8, 13, 258–261
therapy (ESWT) for, 401f (MIRE), 393–395 for pain control, 346–347
Tendons, ultrasound effects, 93–94 negative-pressure wound therapy for, Transdermal delivery of medications,
on post-trauma healing, 98 379–381 348–349
2391_Index_447-460.qxd 5/26/11 5:20 PM Page 460

460 Index

Transepithelial potential, 235–236, 264 pulsed-wave, 88, 88f for edema management, 260–262
Trauma thermal and mechanical effects, 92–93 for enhancing tissue healing, 266t
acute musculoskeletal, 35–37 for tissue healing for functional electrical stimulation
edema secondary to, use of intermittent at 1 and 3 MHz, 362–363 (FES), 255–256
pneumatic compression (IPC), at low-frequency, 363–364 interferential current (IFC), 231–234
200 Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, 8 monophasic, 230
post-trauma ultrasound effects, 96–100 portable lamps, 137 for pain modulation, 259–260
Treadmill training, functional electrical for tissue healing, 364–367 to promote tissue healing, 369
stimulation (FES) gait with, 321 Upper extremity pulse duration, 236t–237t
Trigger points, 38–39 functional electrical stimulation (FES) time-dependent characteristics, 217
Turbine, for whirlpool, 123 cycling, 324 Waves
function, functional electrical stimulation electromagnetic, 137–138
U (FES) for, 316, 318 diathermy, 150–167
Ulcers immersion in whirlpool, 125 effect on ions in tissues, 155f
chronic leg, treatment with ultrasound, nerve conduction velocity, 410 lasers, 138–149
363 Urinary incontinence, decreasing, during electromyography (EMG),
venous stasis, use of intermittent neuromuscular electrical 426t–427t
pneumatic compression (IPC), stimulation (NMES) for, ultrasound
200 311–314 characteristics of, 87–90
Ulnar nerve UVC radiation, 366 production of, 86–87
conduction study, 413t, 414 propagation of, 90–91
motor nerve conduction, 407f V Wheals, from cold exposure, 40f
Ultrasound Vapocoolant sprays, 6, 25–26, 26f, 46, 48, 51 Whirlpool
application techniques, 102–105 Vasoconstriction, 27 cold, 25
characteristics of ultrasound wave, 87–90 Vasodilation, 27–28 documentation, 132
comparison with diathermy, 167t with temperature elevation, 61–62, 63f electrical safety, 124
connective tissue effects, 93–94 Vector scan, 233 proper use of, 377b
continuous wave, 13f, 88, 88f Venous stasis ulcers, use of intermittent role in bone healing, 113
documentation, 105 pneumatic compression (IPC), tank with agitator, 376f
effectiveness and expected outcomes, 105 200 turbine, 123
effects on Verbal numeric pain rating scale, 338 types of, 122–123
joint pain, 94 Viscosity of water, 115 Wound care
nerve, 96 Visual analog scale, 338, 340f nonimmersion irrigation, 130–131
hemodynamic effects, 94–96 Vitiligo, UV light treatment, 365–366 role of whirlpool, 129–130
indications and contraindications, Voltage, 211–212 Wound healing
101–102 constant voltage devices, 243f and use of cold therapy, 42
instrumentation, 100–101 effectiveness of whirlpools, 113
interaction with biological tissues, 90–92 W indications for hydrotherapy, 376
for pain modulation, 344–346 Wallerian degeneration, 408, 419f use of intermittent pneumatic
phonophoresis as option, 105–106 Water pressure, pulsed lavage with suction compression (IPC), 200
physical principles, 85–87 (PLWS), 376 with low-level laser therapy (LLLT),
post-trauma: inflammation and tissue Waveforms, 214–221 145
repair, 96–100 alternating current, 216f for open wounds, 144
precautions, 102 biphasic, 220 ultrasound effects, 96–97

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