Genre Book Cover Project 12sep12

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Ponzio Helsel


Genre Book Project


Create a book cover to represent your assigned genre (e.g., science fiction, magazine). The front
must include the following:

___ Title – This should be the name of your genre

___ Pictures – The images you choose should represent your genre. For example, for
science fiction, you might use pictures of aliens.


Left inside cover:

___ Write a paragraph or a list explaining the important details about your chosen
genre. For example, if I did a cover for narrative, I would write, “Narrative is a genre
of literature that tells a story. It may be true or made up. There are characters in a
story that face a conflict and have to come to a resolution. Narratives are often
written to entertain.”

Right inside cover:

___ Make a list of recommendations for your genre. You must give at least 5 examples
of your genre.

 Use at least an 8.5” X 11” piece of non-lined paper.
 Fold the paper along its width.
 Your cover MUST be in color
 You may draw, use a collage, computer, graphics, etc. BE CREATIVE!!!

Narrative is a genre of
literature that tells a
story. It may be true Recommendations:
or made up. There
are characters in a The Other Side of the
story that face a Sky
conflict and have to
come to a resolution. The Hunger Games
Narratives are often
written to entertain. American Born

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