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machines of start of year 1 energy Nuclear

destruction (mods) - Silent bid for turn order devastation

- Ties broken by dice 5 energy (impassable
- All energy bid is spent territory)

turn sequence (each phase is done in turn order)

Space station
1 MOD 3 MODs 5 MODs Collect and places MODs and energy
- Cost 5 energy to purchase MODS & energy per territory chart
- May only be placed in land territory, one per territory Bonus continent/colony MODs
- 4 maximum per player Bonus MOD in territories with Space Station
- Produce 1 MOD in territory at start of turn Buy & place Commanders & Space Stations
- All units in territory defend with 8-sided die
- Only units in territory w/ Space Station may attack Moon Commanders cost 3 energy each
- May be captured (remove & replace with attacker station) Space Stations cost 5 energy each
Buy Command Cards
commanders Must possess appropriate commander
Cost 3 energy to purchase Cost = 1 energy each
Defend with 8-sided die Maximum of four cards
May be replaced on the next turn if killed Must purchase all before looking at any
Play Command Cards
diplomat Must possess appropriate commander
- Attacks with 6-sided die Energy cost is paid as it is played
- Must possess to purchase/play Diplomat cards Each card resolves before the next is played
Attack Phase (each player may attack multiple times)
1. Attacker declares which territory they are attacking
land commander 2. Attacker declares which territory they are attacking from
- Attacks with 8-sided die from/into Land territories 3. Attacker declares number & type of dice they will be using
- Must possess to purchase/play Land Command cards
4. Defender declares number and type of dice they
will be using
Once an attack is declared, there must be at least one
Naval commander dice roll.
- Attacks with 8-sided die from/into Water territories Attacker can call off attack any time after one roll
- Must possess to attack from/into Water territories If an attacker is successful, they immediately receive
- Must possess to purchase/play Naval Command cards 1 energy and 1 command card (only once per turn)
Fortify position (free move)
Space commander - Move MODs from one territory to another
- Attacks with 8-sided die from/into Moon territories - Must be a ‘safe’ path between territories
- Must possess to attack from/into Moon territories - Travel to/from Moon must be via Space Stations
- Must possess to purchase/play Space Command cards

final scoring
Nuclear commander end of year Number of territories
- Attacks with 8-sided die - Move Year Marker + Continent/Colony bonuses
- Must possess to purchase/play Nuclear Command cards + Play & score influence cards

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