March 2018 Newsletter

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March 2018

NEA-Dallas Board of Directors

President Delna Bryan
Vice President Sheila Walker
VP of DISD ESPs Carmen Behrend
Secretary Vivian Bryant
Greetings Dear Dallas ISD and DCS Members; Treasurer Angela Davis

March 2nd is Texas Independence Day. March 20th is the official first day of spring. March is here
after some very rainy and windy days in February. In Dallas ISD, we have Spring Break from Vote Early February 20 – March 2
March 12th – 16th. It is the time taken to rejuvenate ourselves. We are approaching the last leg of Election Day is Tuesday, March 6
the train ride that we are on at this year. The New Dawn Express train is running along after
many stops and turns with this year’s Spring Break on the horizon. Whether you are reading this
Proposal for Improving Security Procedures in Our District
before, or after the break, we know that we had been ready for some down time. You might be  BY GAIL PERRY • Thomas Jefferson High 
reading this as you are sitting on a veranda during a relaxing break in some balmy weather with
Key Points of the Proposal
the sounds of the music from the waves waking you up for the week of relaxation, sipping some
• Dallas Police (DPD) are the experts in safety; educators are
coconut water, and simply walking on the beautiful sandy beaches. You might be reading this
after your return that week from climbing some of the most gorgeous peaks that you had ever
• Collaboration between DISD & DPD to create the best
lockdown plan for each school
Whichever scenario will fit your vacation that you had, or that you had dreamed of having, we • Tactical police officers walk the schools with the principals
now know that we are back on the track for Semester II STAARs, ACPs, and AP Exams with glee. and DISD Central Office representative making
As teachers, we have extra tutoring for our students, Saturday School and UIL Competitions. suggestions to improve student protection
For some, the Summative for our TEI is staring us in the face. However, as the fantastic teachers • DPD & DISD collaboratively created plans should remain
and educational support personnel that we are, we never lose focus of our mission: to educate the procedures even if the school administration changes
all students! • Anytime schools are renovated, DPD should review the
plans for the updated areas
Spring is around the corner with blooms of all the beautiful flowers, with the rebirth of the trees • Lockdown plans should be reviewed with all school
that had gone to sleep for the winter. It is here with some of the most wonderful days we can employees during the meetings at the beginning of each
only imagine having this time of year. It also brings to mind that our students are like these school year before students return to school.
blooms. We, the adults are the gardeners, and our students the seedlings that we water each
Examples of areas that can be improved with collaboration between
day with loving care. The students will get some nourishment from Mother Nature, but they
come to us the adults for that extra special touch that is needed. That touch at times goes
• Morning entry procedures for students and employees
beyond the “good morning, the content in the classroom, or what else are you having on your
• The monitoring of entryways during the day
tray for lunch today?” • Protection for portables and other rooms with outside
We have prepared all of our students to face all that they need to be successful on these exams entryways
with aplomb. The students all have the calmness and the confidence that they will pass each • Making parking lots safer
and every exam that they take. The students have the knowledge, the strategies and the skills • What to do to help prevent alarms from being used to
for excelling on the tests. We, the exemplary teachers, educational support staff and assist mass shootings.
administrators at all the outstanding schools that we have in Dallas ISD know that they are
ready to move on to the next year of learning. They have mastered all that we have taught them
Our Member in the National Spotlight
this year, and have grown much. We are pleased that we have brought all of them farther along
on their dreams towards their life-long career path that they might have chosen as students.
We labor each day not only to teach our students, but to keep them safe as well. Please take a Up before dawn and into the night, many educators struggle with
few minutes to look at HB 460, HB 3224 and HB 3225. Let us join hand in getting help to second jobs to help make ends meet.
recognize the students who are having difficulties with more than the content that we teach.  BY JOHN ROSALES • January 2, 2018 
Most of us have a passion for teaching which we do daily with love and care because we are
training young impressionable minds to be the great leaders and professionals of tomorrow. Teacher-coach Rashad Bolds, 29, earns $20 an hour tutoring a half
dozen students several evenings a week and on weekends. While
As I close, I congratulate and thank all the awesome adults that we have in our district dealing paying back various loans and credit card debt, he hopes to begin
with students each day. Thank you for your caring, your giving, and your sharing with the saving to buy a house.
157,000 students that we have in Dallas ISD this year!
Last thing to remember is to VOTE! VOTE!! VOTE!!! Yes, VOTE! Vote early: February 20th - March
2nd. Election Day is Tuesday, March 6th.
Happy spring!!! Read the full article in NEA TODAY or go to the following website:
Delna jobs/

3/8/18 DISD Board Briefing @ 11:30 am

3/11/18 Daylight Savings Time Begins
Spring forward!
3/12-16/18 Spring Break
DISD & NEA-Dallas will be CLOSED
TSTA Help Center 1-877-ASK-TSTA
3/22/18 DISD Board Meeting @ 6 pm
3/26/18 DCS Dissolution Committee Meeting @ 10 am
3/30/18 Inclement Weather Day
DISD & NEA-Dallas will be CLOSED
TSTA Help Center 1-877-ASK-TSTA

6500 Greenville Avenue, Suite 520
Dallas, Texas 75206

Vote Education First Monday – Friday

8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Lunch Break 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
[Closed Saturday, Sunday & all DISD holidays]
If we, as educators, do not cast our votes based TSTA Help Center 1-877-ASK-TSTA
on a candidate’s position on education issues, who will?
Our votes – or our failure to vote - will decide what student success and education
policy look like today, tomorrow and in the future. Here’s what’s at stake:

• Better funding for public schools or state funds for private school
Malinda McKee Raya Staley
TSTA Staff Office Manager
• Freedom to teach and learn or teaching to the test (214) 923-2768 – cell (214) 821-2061
• Smaller class sizes or crowded classrooms
• Professional pay and benefits or inadequate pay and insurance coverage
Elections have consequences. When you take the Vote Education First pledge, you
pledge to cast your votes based on which candidate is best for students, educators NEA-Dallas neadallas1
and public education. Together, we can determine the future of public education,
elevate our profession and provide every child the opportunity to receive a quality TSTA Help Center
education, but we have to vote education first. 1-877-ASK-TSTA
To take the pledge, go to:

NEAMB Signature Discount

Call or Email Your Congressman Now! When you enroll in the AT&T Signature Discount program, through
Urge them to Pass the CLEAN DREAM Act your organization-and have a qualified wireless service agreement-
you'll save on your monthly service charge for qualifying plans.
NEA-Dallas is partnering with TSTA and NEA to urge our members of Congress to As an AT&T Signature Discount member, you’ll receive:
pass a “clean” Dream Act, that will protect our Dreamers (DACA recipients) • 15% off qualified wireless plans & services
without a lot of political add-ons. • 20% off eligible wireless accessories
We are asking for your help with this important effort. If you will go to the link
below, it will take you to a site where you can quickly and easily send an e-postcard
to your own members of Congress urging them to support a clean Dream Act. For more information and details go to the website listed below:
Union Member discounts available at
In solidarity,
Delna Bryan, President

NEA Auto & Home Insurance Program

Brandon Watson – (512) 520-7248
Hope Lee Robert Sears
Blair Elementary School ; Dallas ISD Kleberg Service Center ; DCS

Getting involved with NEA is one of the best things I have ever done. I “Time brings about a change!” Well, I have found that quote to be
had belonged to another organization before, but they weren’t small quite true. I am ROBERT SEARS and currently a Callas County Schools
enough to know me, grow me, educate, or serve me: BUS DRIVER. I came to DCS in 2008, and I have been with DCS for 10
My name is Hope Lee. I am a prekindergarten teacher at William years. My daily quest is molding the minds of children through
Anderson Blair. I have been an educator for eighteen years at my conversation and positive actions as I transport them to and from
school. school. I enjoy sharing my expertise of DCS Transportation Policy with
colleagues as a Union Representative for NEA Dallas. Some days are
During my involvement with the NEA I have been presented with the hard, but most days are rewarding, and it has been an adventure that
opportunity to learn and serve. I have been the campus Association will not be forgotten.
Representative, NEA/Dallas board member, and TSTA Credentials and
Election committee member. During my 16th year in education I was It is a shame that the drivers, monitors, and especially the crossing
falsely accused of harming a child by a parent. My principal and district guards have to suffer on the behalf of mismanagement! I’ve always
investigations cleared me, and I was never placed on leave. However, I believed that DCS should have had an Oversight Management Team
still had to go through a CPS and TEA investigation which lasted nine consisting of experienced drivers, monitors, crossing guards, and
months. Due to my knowledge of how NEA served members I had a community representatives that would oversee the business aspect to
peace regarding the process. From the first day I contacted TSTA to make sure that this type of behavior would be eliminated. Well, my
begin service to the day I was clear support is what I received. When darkest nightmare became a reality….
my faith waivered Arlington attorney’s Daniel and Giana Ortiz guided
my path. Being a part of NEA Dallas has allowed me opportunities to use my
platform, as a Union Representative, in a positive manner. I, along with
I continue to thank God I was a member of NEA during others, have fought the fight by registering voters,
the 9-month investigation. Had I been a member of any passing out flyers, attending meetings with NEA
other union I may have exceeded the dollar amount Dallas / Dallas ISD Board / City of Dallas, as well as
cap for my legal assistance. having face-to-face conversation with fellow DCS
employees. The sad thing that I found during this
Take it from me involvement is fight…. Everyone was not on one
the only true way to experience accord! Unless we are unified, this
what the organization has to will not work out for the good; but
offer you in terms of support, I do believe that this is a learning
education, training, and experience, and with God’s
protection. guidance, those that fall down, will
rise up on TOP!

Early Voting started February 20, 2018 and will go until March 2, 2018

Election Day is Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Please consider those candidates who are Pro-Public Education. Read about them in the Dallas County Edition of
the League of Women Voters

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