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Fixed Asset Management System

User Guidance

Version 2.0

Prepared by Software Engineering Team

Central Finance Company PLC.


Tables of Contents

Tables of Contents..............................................................................................................iii
About This..........................................................................................................................iv
How to use ..........................................................................................................................1
Before you begin..................................................................................................................1
Who should refer and where ...............................................................................................2
Configure the system...........................................................................................................3
Logging the Cenfin Stock Control Module.........................................................................4
Navigate through the menu..................................................................................................5
Closing and Refreshing windows........................................................................................5
Create a New Dealer/Modify an Existing Dealer................................................................6
Create Security Cheques......................................................................................................8
Create Orders ......................................................................................................................9
Confirm/Reject/Re-submit Order.......................................................................................10
Create a Good Issue Note..................................................................................................12
Confirm a Good Issue Note...............................................................................................14
The report of TR.Tractor Stock Position...........................................................................15
Create a sale.......................................................................................................................16
Pending Transfer Activate.................................................................................................19
Sales Reversal....................................................................................................................20
Edit prices request..............................................................................................................21
Approve edited prices (Edit prices approve).....................................................................22
Add/Remove/Modify Suppliers [For Trailers] .................................................................23
Commission Payment Request..........................................................................................24
Commission Payment Approval........................................................................................25
Reports ..............................................................................................................................27

About This

This document comprises about how to use the Cenfin Stock Control Module of the
Central Finance Company PLC. The Cenfin Stock Control Module is designed for more
than one user so that the document provides proper guides, to use the system and to avoid
difficulties. The document is prepared, that following those directions each user can
easily navigate through the system. Directions are in line, which provides readers a clear
picture on what they were intended for.

How to use

This section describes how to use the document in order to get the maximum usage of the
Cenfin Stock Control Module. By following the most appropriate section, each user can
accomplish his tasks easily and effectively.

Before you begin

• The steps are presented inline for each process. If there are multiple ways to accomplish
the same process those can be identified by following the approach below.

From 1 to 3 is one
1. To modify the dealer, click on the Modify Button. way to accomplish
2. To modify the dealer, change details at respective fields. the task.
Therefore 1 is bolded
3. To modify the dealer, click on the Update button at the start.
4. To add a new dealer, click on the Add Dealer button. In the same manner 4
is bolded at the start.
5. Verify the Save button is activated.

As an instance consider above steps. If you don’t want to continue with modifying
the dealer you can directly move on to the step No.4, to add a new dealer.

• If there are more than one options to decide on those are describes in the following

1. After done: Option 1 - Click on the Close button to exit and get next inactive
window activated. Refer the Figure 2.
2. After done: Option 2 - Leave the TR.Dealer window and move on to a new

Who should refer and where

This section provides each user of the Cenfin Stock Control Module and certain sections
that they should go through.

Configure the system

Logging the Cenfin Stock Control Module

The system requests login information via the “System Login”. Refer the Figure 1.

Figure 1

1. Select login type.

2. Type your User Name followed by Password.
3. Press Enter Key on your key board. The Branch will be populated with the default
Branch Code.
4. Click on the arrow at “Branch”. Select the appropriate branch from the
collection of branches.
5. Click on the arrow at “User Group”. Select the appropriate user group from the
6. Click on the “Connect” button.
7. The system logs in providing a menu at the uppermost. Then click on the
appropriate menu item to start. For an instance, click on the “CenFin System” at the
menu to start with Cenfin Stock Control Module. Refer the Figure 2.

Figure 2: The menu uppermost

Navigate through the menu

1. Click on the “CenFin System” at the uppermost menu.

2. Follow the directions on the menu to get the appropriate window. Refer Figure 3.

Figure 3: Steps to get window TR.Dealers

Closing and Refreshing windows

Figure 4

The user can either close the window or leave it and move on with the next activity.
This is applicable for windows which come with a close button.

1. After done the task: Option 1 - Click on the “Close” button to exit and get next
inactive window activated. Refer the Figure 4 and Figure 2.
2. After done the task: Option 2 - Leave the TR.Dealer window and move on to a
new process.

If the user wants to start the task from the beginning he should click on the
“Refresh” button.
Note: The option refresh can be found with several windows.

Create a New Dealer/Modify an Existing Dealer

1. Select Tractor Order  TR.Dealers to get the TR.Dealers window. Refer the
Figure 5.

Figure 5

2. Click on the down arrow at the “Select Dealer”.

3. To view dealer’s detail, select a dealer from the list.
4. To modify the dealer, click on the “Modify” button.
5. To modify the dealer, change details at respective fields.
E.g.: To change the text in the “Dealer Name” select/highlight and type new text
6. To modify the dealer, click on the “Update” button.

7. To add a new dealer, click on the “Add” button.
8. See the “Save” button is activated.
9. Provide dealer’s details at respective fields.
10. Click on the “Save” button.
11. Correct details if there were discrepancies and click on the “Save” button.
12. After done: Option 1 - Click on the “Close” button to get next inactive window
activated. Refer the Figure 2.
13. After done: Option 2 - Leave the window TR.Dealer and move on/open to a new

The Bank Guaranty and the FD (Fixed Deposit) of a dealer

For a given dealer there should be a fixed deposit started by him at the Central Finance or
a guaranteed amount at a recognized bank.
1. Select a dealer from the list.
2. Option 1- To check guarantees available click on the “Bank Guarantees”. Refer
the Figures 5 and 6.
3. Option 2- To check fixed deposits at the Central Finance click on the “Fixed
Deposits”. Refer the Figure 5.

Figure 6

Create Security Cheques

1. Select Tractor Order  TR.Security Cheques to get the TR.Security Cheques

2. Click on the down arrow at the “Dealer”. Refer Figure 7.

Figure 7: Window TR.Security Cheque

3. To modify a Security Cheque, click on the “Modify” button.

4. To modify the Security Cheque, click on the grid to select the certain cheque

5. To modify the Security Cheque, expand the list at the “Bank” by clicking on the
down arrow there.
6. To modify the Security Cheque, select a bank code from the list.
7. To modify the Security Cheque, select a bank branch code at “Bank Branch”.
8. To modify the Security Cheque, provide/enter the cheque number at “Cheque
9. To modify the Security Cheque, click on the “Update” button.
10. Correct details if there were discrepancies and click on the “Update” button.
11. To add a Security Cheque, click on the “Add” button.
12. To add a Security Cheque, select a certain dealer.
13. To add a Security Cheque, expand the list at the “Bank” by clicking on the down
arrow there.
14. To add a Security Cheque, select a bank code from the list.
15. To add a Security Cheque, select a bank branch code at “Bank Branch”.
16. To add a Security Cheque, provide the cheque number at “Cheque Number”.
17. To add a Security Cheque, click on the “Save” button.
18. Correct details if there were discrepancies and click on the “Save” button.

Create Orders

1. Select Tractor Order  TR.Order to get the TR.Order window.

2. In “Vehicle Details” panel select the model order at the “Vehicle Modle”.
3. Provide the number of vehicles at the “No of Vehicles”.
4. In “Order To” panel: Option 1- Select “Branch”.
5. In “Order To” panel: Option 2- Select “Dealer”.
6. When Option 2- Click on the down arrow at “Dealer:” and select a name. Refer
the Figure 8.

Figure 8.
7. Click on “Add” button in the “Vehicle Details” panel.
8. In the grid click under the “Security Cheque” to get all cheque numbers
available. Refer the Figure 9.

Figure 9.
9. Select a cheque from the list for each item.
10. Click on the “Confirm Order” button.
11. Make sure the items chosen and click on the “OK” on the message box.
12. Click on the “Save” button.
13. View/recall the Order No. at the “Order Number” field.

Confirm/Reject/Re-submit Order

1. Select Tractor Order  TR.Confirm Order to get the TR.Confirm Order

window. Refer the Figure 10.

Figure 10

2. Click on the down arrow at “Pending Orders” to get the orders list.
3. Select an order from the list.
4. View/examine.
5. Option 1-Confirm the order. Click on the “Confirm Order”.
6. Option 2-Reject the order.
7. Option 2-Enter a comment at “Remarks:” area and press “Reject Order”.
8. Option 3-Re-Submit the order.
9. Option 3-Provide a comment at “Remarks:” field and click on the “Re-Submit”.
10. Option 4-To start again, click on the “Refresh”.

View Re-Submitted Orders
1. Select Tractor Order  TR.Re-submit Order to get the TR.Confirm Order
2. Select the order from “Orders to Re-submit:”
3. View/examine.
4. Click on “Re-Submit”/Click on “Close” to exit.

Create a Good Issue Note

1. Select TR.Goods Issue Note  TR.Create Goods Issue Note to get the
TR.Create Goods Issue Note window.
2. View/examine the “Approved Orders”.
3. Select the order to create a Good Issue Note from the collection.
4. View/examine “Order details” and make sure.
5. Click at the down arrow under the “Chassis Number” at the right to get all
available chassis numbers. Refer the Figure 11.
6. Option 1-If available: Select a chassis number from the list.
7. Option 2-If not available: Type an appropriate chassis number from the collection
you have.
8. Click under the “Driver:” to get all derivers available.
9. Option 1-If driver is available select the driver.
10. Option 2-If driver is not available click on “Add Drivers” to add a driver.
11. Option 2-Provide Driver details at the dialog and click on “Save”.
Note: You can omit at any time by clicking on “Cancel”.
12. Option 2-Follow the step 7 to add the driver.

Figure 11
13. Option 1- Click on “Create GIN”.
14. Option 1- Recall the generated GIN number. Refer the Figure 12.

Figure 12

15. Option 2-To get/view the consignment note click on the “Print”.
16. Option 2- Examine the report and click on “Print Consignment Note” to print it.
Refer the Figure 13.

Figure 13

17. Option 3- Refresh to start a new by Clicking on “Refresh”.

18. Option 4- Close the window by clicking on “Close”.

Confirm a Good Issue Note

1. Select TR.Goods Issue Note  TR.Create Goods Issue Note to get the
TR.Create Goods Issue Note window.
2. Click on the down arrow at the top left corner to Select GIN numbers. Refer the
Figure 14.
3. Select a GIN number.
4. View/examine details appeared.
5. Click on the down arrow under the “Status” change the status of the Goods
Issuing. Refer the Figure 14.

Figure 14

6. Option 1- Click on the “Confirm” to confirm the Good Issuing status.

7. Option 2- Click on the “Close” close the window.

The report of TR.Tractor Stock Position

This report illustrates how the stock is sited among the yard at Kelaniya and the branches
all over the island.
Note: If you access through the yard at Kelaniya, the chassis which are still in the status
of pending will be shown in highlighted. Refer Figure 15.

1. Select TR.Reports  TR.Tractor Stock Position Report to get the TR.Tractor

Stock Position Report window.
2. Click on the down arrow at “Branch” to expand and see the branches.
3. Select the branch number.
4. Click on view.
5. Wait till the report appears.
6. If it is the yard at Kelaniya, the stock available in there will be highlighted. Refer
Figure 15.

Figure 15

Create a sale

1. Select TR.Sales  TR.Create Sale to get the TR.Create Sale window. Refer
Figure 16.
2. A window appears which includes following major sections.
• Branch Information (at the top left)
• Dealer Details
• Customer Information
• Sales Information
3. Click on the “New Sale” at the top left buttons to start a new sale.
4. Option 1- Click on the “Branch” at the “Sales Category” to proceed with a sale
for a branch.
5. Option 2- Click on the “Dealer” at the “Sales Category” to proceed with a deal
for a dealer.
6. Click on the down arrow at “Sales Type” to get the two types of sales.
7. Select either “outright” or “facility” in the list.

8. To follow the option 1(4) - Move on to the “Dealer Details”.

Figure 16

9. To follow the option 1- Click on the down arrow at the “Dealers” to get all
10. To follow the option 1- Select a dealer.
11. Otherwise, move on to the “Customer Information”.
12. To select the individual type, click on the “Individual”.
13. To select the individual type, enter his identification number at the “Customer ID
no.” along with other details*.
14. To select the company type, click on the “Company”.
15. To select the company type, enter the business registration number of certain
company at the “Business Registration no” with other details*.

Note: In 13 and 14 the other details* are similar for both. They are the “Last
Name/Business Name”, “Customer Address” and “Contact no.”

If those details were entered in an earlier process those will be appeared in respective
fields as you’ve entered either the “Customer ID no” or the “Business Registration

16. Move on to the “Sales Information”.

17. Click on the down arrow at the “Vehicle Model” to get all vehicle models.
18. Select the vehicle model.
19. Click on the down arrow at the “Chassis Number” to get all available chassis
20. Select the chassis number.
21. The base price and the sales price of the selection appear at the “Base Price” and
“Sales value” respectively.
22. Option 1- To select the general ledger as the receipt type click on the “GL”.
23. Option 2- To select the credit system as the receipt type click on the “Credit”.
24. Enter the receipt number at the “Receipt No”.
25. The receipt amount is displayed at the “Receipt Amount”.
26. System validates the receipt number.
Note: For one sale, more than one receipt can be utilized. Conversely one receipt
can be utilized in more than one payment. The Figure 17 explains this further.

Receipts Available Receipt Number

GL Credit

Amount Available

Allocate All Allocate a share

Figure 17

27. View/Examine details.

28. Enter the amount to be allocated at the “Allocation Amount”.
29. Click on the “Add” to complete.
30. View the receipts added in the grid.
31. Option 1- Right click on a row to remove the receipt. Click on the “Remove
32. Option 2- To add another receipt for the same sale repeat from 22 to 28.
33. Examine the total amount of receipts at the “Total Receipts Amount”.
34. Option 3- To cancel all, click on the “Cancel”.
35. Option 3- To finalize the process click on the “Save”.
36. Option 3- Recall the code generated at the “New Sales No.”
37. Either close or leave the window and move on to another process.

Pending Transfer Activate

1. Select TR.Sales  TR.Pending Transfer Activation to get the TR.Pending

Transfer Activation window. Refer Figure 18.

Figure 18
2. Select the date range at “Date Range”.
3. Click on the down arrows to select the start and end dates.
4. Click on “Inquire” to retrieve the details.
5. All chassis numbers which are facilitated but NOT updated in the credit system
will be displayed in detail*.

6. To get a report on those information click on “View Report”.
Note: * The chassis numbers displays along with the Sales No., Branch, Customer
NIC and Vehicle Ref. Id.

Sales Reversal

1. Select TR.Sales  TR.Sales Reversal to get the TR.Sales Reversal window.

Refer Figure 19.

Figure 19

2. Click on the down arrow at the “Chassis No.” to expand the list.
3. Select the chassis number which is to be reversed.
4. View/examine the details displays in “Sales Information”, “Customer
Information”, “Contract Detail” and “Receipt Information” and branch
5. Option 1- Click on the dotted button at right of the “Security Cheque No” to get
all security cheque numbers available.

Note: Until the security cheque value is provided the “Reverse Sale” button will
remain deactivated.
6. Option 1- Provide a reason for this reversal.
7. Option 1- Select a security cheque number to utilize in the sales reversal process.
8. Options 2- If a receipt number is available provide a reason for this reversal.
9. Click on the “Reverse Sale”.
10. Confirm the message to complete.

Edit prices request

1. Select TR.Sales  TR.Edit Prices Request to get the TR.Edit Prices Request
window. Refer Figure 20.

Figure 20

2. Click on “New” to get a new price request editor.

3. The “New” button will be deactivated.

4. Click on either “Model” or “Chassis” at the “Changing Price Type” to select
one of two categories.
5. Option 1-If the “Model” is selected “Vehicle Type” will appear.
6. Option 1-If the “Model” is selected click on the “Tractor” or “Tailor” at the
“Vehicle Type” to select one of two categories.
7. Monitor/examine the vehicle details appear in the grid.
8. Click on the grid to select a vehicle.
9. View/examine “Model”, “Model No”, “Vehicle No”, “Current Base Price”,
“Current Sales Price”.
10. Enter new a base price and a sales price at “New Base Price” and “New Sales
Price” respectively.
11. Option 1-Enter a note at “Note”.
12. Option 1-Click on “Save”.
13. Option 2-Click on “Refresh”.
14. Option 4- Click on the “Close” button to close the window.
15. Option 5- Leave the window and start another process.

Approve edited prices (Edit prices approve)

1. Select TR.Sales  TR.Edit Prices Approve to get the TR.Edit Prices Approve
window. Refer Figure 21.

Figure 21

2. Click on the grid to select a row which related to requested prices.

3. The details which are related to the selected appear.
4. View/examine the details.
5. Option 1- Click on the “Approve” button to approve the request.
6. Option 2- Click on the “Reject” button to reject the request.
7. Option 3- Click on the “Refresh” button to start from the beginning.
8. Option 4- Click on the “Close” button to close the window.
9. Option 5- Leave the window and start another process.

Add/Remove/Modify Suppliers [For Trailers]

1. Select TR.Trailer  TR.Supplier to get the TR.Supplier window.

2. Option 1- Click on “Add” to insert a new supplier.
3. Option 1- Provide suppliers’ first name, last name, national identification number,
contact number, address, email and fax at “First Name”, “Last Name”, “NIC
number”, “Contact number”, “Address” fields, “email” and “Fax” respectively.
4. Option 1- Click on the “Save” button.

5. Option 1- Recall the supplier code generated at “Supplier Code”.
6. Option 2- Click on down arrow at “Supplier Code” get the list of suppliers.
7. Option 2- Select one of them to modify.
8. Option 2- Click on “Modify” button to edit related details.
9. Option 2- Modify details at “First Name”, “Last Name”, “NIC number”,
“Contact number”, “Address” fields, “email” and “Fax”.
10. Option 2- Click on “Update”.
11. Option 3- Click on down arrow at “Supplier Code” get the list of suppliers.
12. Option 3- Select one of them to remove.
13. Option 3- Click on “Delete” to remove from the collection.
14. Option 4- Click on “Cancel” to start again.
15. Option 5- Click on the “Close” button to close the window.
16. Option 6- Leave the window and start another process.

Commission Payment Request

1. Select TR.Commission  TR.Commission Payment Request to get the TR.

Commission Payment Request window. Refer the Figure 22.

Figure 22

2. Click on the grid to select a row which contains a commission detail.

3. View/examine details appear in section below.
4. Option 1- Click on “Save”.
5. Option 2- Click on “Cancel” to clear details.
6. Option 3- Click on the “Close” button to close the window.
7. Option 4- Leave the window and start another process.

Commission Payment Approval

1. Select TR.Commission  TR.Commission Payment Approval to get the TR.

Commission Payment Approval window. Refer the Figure 23.
2. View/examine the details in the grid.

Figure 23
3. Option 1- Click on a row to select that particular commission details.
4. Option 1- Click on “Save”.
5. Option 2- Click on “Select All” to select all commissions.
6. Option 2- The button swapped to “De-select All”.
7. Option 2- Click on “Save”.
8. Option 3- Click on “De-select All” to select all commissions.
9. Option 4- Click on “Cancel” to de-select the selected.
10. Option 5- Click on the “Close” button to close the window.
11. Option 6- Leave the window and start another process.


The CenFin System contains a wealthy set of reports. Those help users to get an idea on
the current situation in stocks, dealers, branches etc. The section below summarizes the
each report in the order as on the menu (Refer the Figure 24).

Report Description

TR.Branch Orders Report Includes information for a dealer or a branch

for a completed or an uncompleted order on
specific date range*.

TR.Sales Report Includes sales information of either a specific

branch or a dealer of it. That information can
be filtered on the sales type and on the
vehicle category. The information is based
on a given date range.

TR.Tractor Stock Position Specifies where the tractor stock is

Report positioned on a particular day. Stocks can
be retrieved for a particular branch or for all
branches. The report highlights the stock
remained in the yard in Kelaniya.

TR.Trailer Stock Position Report Specifies where the trailer stock is

positioned on a particular day. Stocks can
be retrieved for a particular branch or for all
branches. The report highlights the stock
remained in the yard in Kelaniya.

TR.Unconfirmed/Confirmed GIN Reports about the Good Issue Notes based

Report on their status that is either confirmed or
unconfirmed. The information should be
retrieved on a given date range.

TR.Pending Sales Report Includes the sales which are on the status of
pending for a given date range. Information
can be collected for all branches or for a given

TR.Exceptional Sales Report Generates reports specifically for branches

when they’ve sold items without keeping a
commission(The difference between the

sales price and the base price is 0)

TR.Commission Payment Includes information specifically for branches

Summary on commission payments made for a given
date range.

TR.Dealer List Report Lists down all the dealers of a branch.

Alternatively this lists down all dealers who
have opened FD (Fixed Deposits) at Central
Finance or all who have guarantees.

TR.Tractor Location History Describes how a tractor had been moved

Report from one location to another from it was in the
Kelaniya yard till it was sold.

TR.Returned GIN Report Includes all the Good Issue Notes which have
been returned for a given date range.

TR.Stock Age Analysis Report Provides an analysis about the stock in a

particular branch. Supplies the chassis
details, model details, GIN details and dates.

TR.Stock Scanning Information Contains all the information gathered during

Report the scanning process.

TR.Stock Scanning Summary Provides a summary of the chassis scanned.


Date Range* = The period between given two


Figure 24

Controlling Buttons

The buttons which makes easier to work on a report, can be seen just above the viewing
area. Refer the Figure 24.

Close Refresh Zoom

First Page
Go to
Previous Page Last Page Export
Next Page

Figure 24

First Page - If the report contains more than one page clicking on this will take you to the first
page. (Disabled if the report contains only one page)

Last Page - If the report contains more than one page clicking on this will take you to the last
page. (Disabled if the report contains only one page)

Previous Page - Click on this to move on to the previous page. (Disabled if the report contains
only one page)

Next Page - Click on this to move on to the next page. (Disabled if the report contains only one

Close- Will close the report opened.

Print- Displays the printer information to print the report.

Refresh- Generates the report from the origin.

Export- Displays to choose a location to export/save the report.

Zoom- Click on the down arrow to select zoom options.

Search- Finds specific text on the report.

How do I view reports?

TR.Branch Orders Report

1. Click on the down arrow at the “First”.

2. Select the first day.
3. Click on the down arrow at the “Second”.
4. Select the second day.
5. Click on the down arrow at the “Type”.
6. Select the vehicle type.
7. Click on the down arrow at the “Order Type”.
8. Select the type.
9. Option 1- Click on the “View”.
10. Option 2- Click on the “Close”.

TR.Sales Report

1. Click on the down arrow at the “Report Type”.

2. Select the type.
3. Click on the down arrow at the “Sale Type”.
4. Select the type.
5. Click on either “All” or “Single” at the “Branch”.
6. If the “single” is selected click on the down arrow to select the branch.
7. Select the branch.
8. Click on the down arrow at the “From”.

9. Select the first day.
10. Click on the down arrow at the “To”.
11. Select the second day.
12. Option 1- Click on the “View”.
13. Option 2- Click on the “Close”.

TR.Tractor Stock Position Report

1. Click on the down arrow at the “Branch”.

2. Select the branch.
3. Click on the down arrow at the “Date”.
4. Select the day.
5. Option 1- Click on the “View”.
6. Option 2- Click on the “Close”.

TR.Trailer Stock Position Report

1. Click on the down arrow at the “Branch”.

2. Select the branch.
3. Click on the down arrow at the “Date”.
4. Select the day.
5. Option 1- Click on the “View”.
6. Option 2- Click on the “Close”.

TR.Unconfirmed/Confirmed GIN Report

1. Click on either “Confirmed” or “Unconfirmed” at the “Select Type”.

2. Click on the down arrow at the “From Date”.
3. Select the first day.
4. Click on the down arrow at the “To Date”.
5. Select the second day.
6. Option 1- Click on the “View”.
7. Option 2- Click on the “Close”.

TR.Pending Sales Report

1. Click on either “All” or “Single” at the “Branch”.

2. If the “single” is selected click on the down arrow to select the branch.
3. Select the branch.
4. Click on the down arrow at the “From”.
5. Select the first day.
6. Click on the down arrow at the “To”.

7. Select the second day.
8. Option 1- Click on the “Print”.
9. Option 2- Click on the “Close”.

TR.Exceptional Sales Report

1. Click on the down arrow at the “From Date”.

2. Select the first day.
3. Click on the down arrow at the “To Date”.
4. Select the second day.
5. Option 1- Click on the “View”.
6. Option 2- Click on the “Close”.

TR.Commission Payment Summary

1. Click on the down arrow at the “Payment Status”.

2. Select either “Paid” or “Approved”.
3. Click on the down arrow at the “From Date”.
4. Select the first day.
5. Click on the down arrow at the “To Date”.
6. Select the second day.
7. Option 1- Click on the “View”.
8. Option 2- Click on the “Close”.

TR.Dealer List Report

1. Select either “Dealer Guarantee Expiry Report” or “Dealer FD Maturity Report”

or “Dealer List Report” at the “Select Report”.
Note: -Dealer Guarantee Expiry Report provides guarantees owner in detail.
-Dealer FD Maturity Report provides FD details.
-Dealer List Report provides a list of dealers.

2. Click on either “All” or “Single” at the “Branch”.

3. If the “single” is selected click on the down arrow to select the branch.
4. Select the branch.
5. Click on the down arrow at the “From”.
6. Select the first day.
7. Click on the down arrow at the “To”.
8. Select the second day.
9. Option 1- Click on the “View”.
10. Option 2- Click on the “Close”.

TR.Tractor Location History Report

1. Enter a chassis number at the “Enter the chassis No”

2. Option 1- Click on the “View”.
3. Option 2- Click on the “Close”.

TR.Returned GIN Report

1. Click on either “All” or “Single” at the “Branch”.

2. If the “single” is selected click on the down arrow to select the branch.
3. Select the branch.
4. Click on the down arrow at the “Date”.
5. Select a day.
6. Option 1- Click on the “View”.
7. Option 2- Click on the “Close”.

TR.Stock Scanning Information Report

1. Click on the down arrow at the “From”.

2. Select the first day.
3. Click on the down arrow at the “To”.
4. Select the second day.
5. Option 1- Click on the “View”.
6. Option 2- Click on the “Close”.

TR.Stock Scanning Summary Report

1. Click on the down arrow at the “From”.

2. Select the first day.
3. Click on the down arrow at the “To”.
4. Select the second day.
5. Option 1- Click on the “View”.
6. Option 2- Click on the “Close”.



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