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TEST 4 UNIT 4 Health and Fitness

Name ____________________________________________________ No. ___________ Class __________

Date _____/_____/_____ Evaluation ___________________ Teacher ______________________________



A. Listen and mark these sentences T (true) or F (false). (10 × 1 = 10 points)

1. Gordon Ramsay was born on 8th November 1966. _____
2. He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, but he grew up in Scotland. _____
3. He studied hotel management. _____
4. After finishing his degree, he worked in several restaurants. _____
5. Later he decided to learn more about Scottish cuisine. _____
6. He is not a very popular chef in Britain. _____
7. He has many restaurants, which are very good. _____
8. He has presented TV programmes about cooking. _____
9. Since 1996, he has written 35 books. _____
10. He writes food-and-drink articles for The New York Times.

B. Listen and complete the paragraph. (5 × 2 = 10 points)

Gordon lives in London with his wife, Tana Ramsay, and their four children, Megan, Holly, Jack and Matilda.
Gordon and his wife have been involved in a series of charitable 1____________________ and organisations.
He eats very little per 2____________________, and he 3____________________ regularly. He loves soccer;
he is a fan of Manchester United. He is a baseball fan, too; he follows teams from Los Angeles. However, he
feels that the game of baseball is often too long, joking that fans spend most of the time
4____________________ or sleeping, which is not 5____________________ at all. (abridged and adapted)


TEST 4 UNIT 4 Health and Fitness

Name ____________________________________________________ No. ___________ Class __________

Date _____/_____/_____ Evaluation ___________________ Teacher ______________________________


A. Complete this list of healthy habits with appropriate words. (5 × 2 = 10 points)

1. having a b___________________ d__________________

2. drinking w__________________ and low-fat m_________________
3. doing ph___________________ e____________________
4. getting e___________________ s____________________
5. going to the d___________________ and d____________________ regularly

B. Complete the following paragraph with the words in the box. (10 × 1 = 10 points)

diseases physical diets fast

malnutrition balanced fats

vegetables healthy salt

A 1____________________ diet helps prevent 2____________________ in all its forms as well as several
3____________________ and conditions. But the increased production of 4____________________ and
pre-cooked food and changing lifestyles have led to a change in people’s 5____________________.
People are now consuming more foods high in energy, 6____________________, free sugars or
7____________________, and many do not eat enough fruit, 8____________________ and dietary fibre.
A healthy diet must be diversified and 9____________________, according to individual needs (e.g. age,
gender, lifestyle, degree of 10____________________ activity), cultural context, locally available foods
and dietary customs. (abridged and adapted)


TEST 4 UNIT 4 Health and Fitness

Name ____________________________________________________ No. ___________ Class __________

Date _____/_____/_____ Evaluation ___________________ Teacher ______________________________




Besides being a popular chef, Gordon Ramsay is also an athlete, and

he knows the importance of eating well and having a balanced diet.
With this idea in mind, he decided to write a book about healthy and
tasty fit food.
The book is divided into three sections, with varied recipes for
breakfast, lunch and supper, thought to improve your health. And yes,
Photography by Jamie Orlando Smith, 2018 you will find ideas for delicious snacks, too!
The Healthy section consists of recipes to balance your weight; the Lean section has recipes that help you
lose weight; and the Fit section offers dishes to give you strength and energy.

“For me, being healthy involves eating well and taking exercise. This sounds obvious, but it is important to
do these things in combination (though not necessarily at the same time!). To improve your diet without
exercising may allow you to lose weight or boost your health. But eating doesn’t have to be boring. As a
chef, I want the food that I eat to be tasty and satisfying as well as good for me. When I’m in training, I
don’t want to eat the same things over and over again. These are my recipes when I want to eat well at
home, and my great hope is that they will inspire you to get cooking to improve your own health, whatever
your personal goal.” (abridged and adapted) (abridged and adapted)


A. Answer the questions on the text. (5 × 3 = 15 points)

1. Who is Gordon Ramsay? _________________________________________________________________
2. Why did he decide to write the book Ultimate Fit Food?
3. What kind of recipes can you find in the book?
4. What are the objectives of the three sections of the book?
5. According to Gordon Ramsay, what can people do to be healthy?

B. Find in the text the words that match these definitions. (5 × 1 = 5 points)

1. with a good taste, a pleasant flavour ____________________

2. different, diverse ____________________
3. make better ____________________
4. seems ____________________
5. objective ____________________

A. Circle the correct alternative. (5 × 1 = 5 points)
1. Gordon would / can cook very well.
2. Tana would / can love to cook as well as he does.
3. Matilda might / doesn’t have to create a new dish for her TV show, if she doesn’t want to.
4. Gordon wouldn’t / might run the London marathon, but he doubts he has enough time to get prepared.
5. His children can’t / couldn’t cook when they were younger, but now they all cook well.

B. Complete the sentences with the appropriate connectors. (5 × 1 = 5 points)

1. Gordon’s dishes are very tasty. ____________________, sometimes, they are a bit spicy.
2. Tana wasn’t feeling very well, ____________________ she went to see the doctor.
3. ____________________ the weather was cloudy, Matilda decided to organize a pool party.
4. The Ramsays have a very healthy diet, ____________________ they rarely eat fast food.
5. The Ramsays have a lot of money. They rarely have a meal out, ____________________.


C. Join the two sentences. Omit the relative pronoun if possible. (5 × 2 = 10 points)
1. Gordon Ramsay is the chef. He wrote the book Ultimate Fit Food.
2. That is the book. It has many tasty recipes.
3. That is the chef. His daughter has a TV show.
4. Those are the ingredients. Matilda bought them to prepare a new dish.
5. Gordon has several restaurants. You can eat delicious meals there.


A. “For me, being healthy involves eating well and taking exercise,” says Gordon Ramsay. Do you agree
with the popular British chef? Write about 90-100 words on the topic. (20 points)












TEST 4 UNIT 4 Health and Fitness

Name ____________________________________________________ No. ___________ Class __________

Date _____/_____/_____ Evaluation ___________________ Teacher ______________________________


The speaking test lasts about 10 to 12 minutes and will be divided into four parts. You take the test with
another student.

2-3 minutes

In this part of the test, you will be asked personal questions.

Suggested questions:
1. What do you think people can do to be healthy?
2. How many hours of sleep do you usually get?
3. Do you exercise? If so, how often?
4. What do you do to relax after working hard or facing stressful situations?
5. Do you think health and fitness apps are useful? Why/ Why not?

2-3 minutes
I am going to describe a situation to you.
Your class is going to prepare a presentation on healthy and unhealthy habits. Talk together about the
different topics you could discuss. Here is a picture to help you.


3 minutes
In this part of the test, you’ll be asked to talk on your own about a picture. Describe your picture in detail.
Say who / what you can see, what they look like, what they are doing, etc.


3 minutes
Your pictures allow us to talk about healthy and unhealthy habits. Talk together about these different
habits and their positive and negative consequences.

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