Intensive English Program

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Intensive English Program

Topic A : Verb Tenses and adverbs

Present Past Future

Simple A. Present Simple B. Past Simple C. Future simple
Continuous D. Present continuous E. Past Continuous F. Future continuous
Perfect G. Present Perfect Simple H. Past Perfect Simple I. Future perfect simple
P. continuous J. Present perfect continuous

Topic B. Comparative and superlative sentences

Higher degree
Same degree
Lower or upper degree
Modifying comparisons

Topic C. Conditionals
First conditional
Second conditional
Third conditional
Mixed conditional
Advanced conditionals
As if/ as though

Topic D. Habits
Used to
Get used to

Topic E. Expressing ability

Will be able to
Could/ was, were able to
Managed, know how to

Topic D. Expressing Obligation

Must/ Mustn´t
Have to / have got to/ don’t have to /don’t need to/
Should /ought to

Topic E. Although / but/ however/ Nevertheless

Topic D. Wishes and regrets
Topic F. Countable and uncountable nouns
Topic G. Passive voice
Topic H. Its time / I´d rather / I´d better
Topic I. Relative clauses
Topic J. Reflexive pronouns
Topic K. Articles
Intensive English Program

Topic A : Verb Tenses and adverbs

Present simple

We use the present simple for:

Habits and routines

For routine or regular repeated actions (often with adverbs of frequency like always ,
usually often, sometimes, never , every Saturday morning, twice every week)

We go running every evening

She doesn’t do any work at weekends
I never get home before eight o´clock in the evening

Things that are always true or permanent

When we are talking about permanent situations

German comes from San Juan de Rio Seco

Bogotá is the capital of Colombia

Scientific facts

Water boils at 93°C

Water freezes at 0°C

Describing a state

With stative verbs which are not normally used in the continuous forms, (be, have,
depend, know, think, understand, disagree, like, want, hear, love, see, smell, taste)

That perfume smells so strong

Does she understand?
They don’t´ have a car


When we are talking about the future as expressed in time tables , regulations and

The plane leaves at 8:45

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