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I am currently working as a front end developer with Blue Cross Blue Shield, as it is an insurance

company we are doing an application for field employees. It’s an hybrid application written in ionic
framework. I am lucky being part of this application as we are dealing with new age technologies such as
angular and node.

We incorporated ngcordova and angular google maps into this application, with ionic, we can have
native builds for android and iOS, we used SASS as a CSS preprocessor and gulp as a javascript task
runner. By taking every minute detail into account, our unit test every single line by using mocha and
karma, we accomplished test coverage of 100%.

I have developed single Page application using angular js

I have written many custom Directives and services using angular
And also Unit tested them Using chai and mocha.

50 Beale Street
San Francisco, CA

Angular Notes

ng-app – ng-app directive tells AngularJS that this is the root element of the AngularJS application.



Your application ID is 799468

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