Score: Working With Individuals

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1. Understanding client’s non-verbal and verbal communications
a. Self-awareness b. Attending Skills
c. Interviewing d. mentoring
2. Identification of which problems need to be addressed first, and consider the problem in order
of importance
a. Prioritization b. Partialization
c. Referral d. Intake
3. Personal interviews using carefully planned questions with the client
a. Secondary source of data b. Primary source of data
c. Collateral interview d. Investigation
4. The overall situation that created and tends to perpetuate the immediate problem
a. Working Problem b. Presenting Problem
c. Underlying Problem d. Immediate Problem
5.The task that refers to social worker’s activity during the intake process where s/he elicits
client’s conceptions and expectations of the helping process as well as clarifies discrepancies
between expectations and what realistically could be offered:
a. Initial contact b. Interviewing
c. Role clarification d. Professional deportment
6. The principle of collecting only data or information directly relevant to the situation at hand and
essential to the formulation of valid working judgments
a. Confidentiality b. Partialization
c. Participation d. Parsimony
7. A process and a product on which action is made
a. Assessment b. Evaluation
c. Planning d. Termination
8. Service delivery is a major part of social work practice through:
a. Information and referral b. Creation of network linkages
c. Provision of direct services d. All of the above
9. The link between assessment and intervention
a. Assessment and Intake b. Planning and Goal setting
c. Evaluation and Termination d. Prioritization and Partialization
10. An overall approach to change situation
a. Planning b. Interviewing
c. Goal setting d. Strategy
11. The client’s problem can be best understood by considering the following factors in the
formulation of assessment:
a. Application of knowledge base for practice
b. Observation
c. Assessing values system of the client
d. All of the above
e. Only a and c
12. The goal of ________ is to empower client system which means that client will learn to use
his/ her own resources instead of those of the worker or the agency to manage future
difficulties they may encounter:
a. Evaluation b. Termination
c. Planning d. Engagement
13. An accurate definition of the client’s concern or problem is important because this is the basis
a. Goal formulation b. Action planning
c. Group-focused assessment d. A and B
e. B and C
14. Which of the following accurately describes the context of the social functioning:
a. Person-in-situation/environment b. Person-and-environment
c. Person-with-the environment d. None of the above
15. The level of social work practice refers to
a. Casework, group work and community organizing
b. Micro, mezzo and macro
c. Case management and direct provision of services
d. Intake, admission and discharge
16.The preservation of secret information disclosed in the professional relationship refers to:
a. Self-awareness b. Acceptance
c. Confidentiality d. Monitoring
17. These are the four essential and basic components of social work practice”
a. Interviewing, recording, referral, use of programs
b. People, needs, resources, institutions
c. Client, problem, agency, helping process
d. Casework, groupwork, community organization, social administration
18.The casework intervention which focuses on helping the family deal with the problem it is
experiencing, usually behavioral, so that its members may change their own behavior in order to
improve family life refers to:
a. family counseling b. family casework
c. family therapy d. behavioral approach
19. The diagnosis that are use in psychosocial approach
a. Dynamic b. Etiological
c. Classificatory d. All of the above
20. The year when the National Workshop on Social Work education decided to teach social work
method based on the holistic approach
a.1967 b. 1867 c. 1987 d. none

21.What is the goal and objective of Community Organization?
A. Empower the people so they can attain a self-reliant and self-managed
B. Facilitate development of groups
C. Unleash the potentials for decision-making
D. Interactive development activities
22. Which is not a concern of CO intervention
a. Functions b. Policies
c. Programs and Services d. Engaging in clinical treatment
23. Which is not a characteristic of bottom-up planning?
a. Plans from the barangays are forwarded to the municipal development council
b. Municipal plans are submitted to the provincial development council
c. Provincial plans are forwarded to the regional development council
d. Preference of the department head is reflected in the budget allocation for each
regional office
24.Which is not a characteristic of a community?
a. A group of people gathered together
b. In a large or small geographic area
c. Who have common interests, actual or potentially recognized in social welfare
d. Having the same dysfunctions
25.As a social system, what are the 2 types of community?
a. Geographical and functional in nature b. Geographical and locational
c. Geographic and relational d. Geographic and situational
26.Which is not a functional community?
a. Community Chest b. Professional community
c. Fisherfolk community d. Village
27.Which is not a geographic community?
a. Banking community b. Purok
c. Sitio d. Barangay
28.What is the definition of an organization?
a. The orderly arrangement of group effort to provide unity of action in the
pursuit of common purpose
b. People who hold common values and share some functions
c. People in a specific geographic area as the village
d. Group of people gathered together in a large or small geographic area
29.Which is not a definition of Community Organization?
a. Acceptance of the right of the community to decide what it wants rather than
having the organizers views
b. Identifying problems and needs, prioritizing them and formulating and
implementing solutions
c. Matching needs with resources and as a conscious process of social
interaction concerned with three (3) goals
e. Finding solutions to social problems by redistributing resources, functions and
decision making power
30.Which is not an objective of Community Organization?
a. The meeting of broad needs and bringing about and maintaining adjustment
between needs and resources in a community
b. Helping people to deal more effectively with this problems, needs and aspiration
c. Bringing about changes in community group relationship in policies and in the
distribution of decision making power
d. Inciting people to resist the oppressor
31.Which of the following is not a goal of Community Organization?
a.Function b.Task c.Process d.Relationship
32.Which is not a feature of Community Organization?
a. It deals with problem solving
b. It seeks social change for the greater good
c. It involves the process of social interaction
d. It involves people’s emancipation in social planning
33.Which of the following is not a value of Community Organization?
a. Commitment to democratic processes and goals
b. Right to a client community to self-determination
c. Belief on the capacity of people to change
d. Right of women to abortion
34.Which of the following is not a value of Community Organization?
a. Belief on the capacity of people to change
b. Belief on the inmate dignity of the individual in the community
c. Commitment to seek justice
d. Ask people to take on the priorities of the Organizer
35.Which is not an assumption of Community Organization?
a. Women are second class citizens as written in the Bible
b. Changes in which individuals, groups, and communities determine their own
destiny in a democratic process have a better change of enduring than changes that are
c. Readiness to change is a variable which affects the potential and the rate of
community change obtainable at a given time
d. Skills in participating in democratic process, can be taught and learned by
individuals groups
36.Which of the following is not a Community Organization assumption?
a. Men should always be the leaders of Community Organizations because they
are more stable
b. Society can provide ways to achieve maximum compatibility of individual and
community interest
c. Social Welfare provisions, services and programs can enhance human welfare and
reduce and prevent social ills
d. Social ills are interrelated and social welfare provisions are interdependent
37.Which of the following is not a focus of Community Organization?
a. Removal of blocks to growth
b. Release of the potentialities in the group and community as a whole
c. Development of the capacity of indigenous leader to lead, manage their projects
d. The full use of external resources before tapping inner/indigenous resources
38.Which of the following is not a focus of Community Organization?
a. Developing the ability of different sectors in the community to function as an
integrated whole
b. Strengthening of people’s capacity to solve problems, decide and cooperate
c. The full use of inner/indigenous resource before tapping external resources
d. Strengthening people’s capacity to cause conflict
37. Which of the following is not a purpose of Community Organization?
a. Solve certain problems and meet needs
b. Make people subservient
c. Achieve selected social goals
d. Strengthen the people capacity in dealing with their problems, needs and aspirations
38. Which is not a problem of Community Organization?
a. Drug abuse b. Street children
b. Beauty contest d. Crime
39. What is the definition of Task Goals?
a. Social functioning concerns
b. Concerned with concrete tasks to be done to meet specific needs, peoples
aspirations or to solve particular problems
c. Refers to helping people in a community or group strengthen their quality of
d. Help people grow and develop for their roles in community building
40. What is the definition of process goals?
a. Activities that unite activities
b. Concerned with the process of helping people in a community or group
strengthen their quality of participants, self direction and cooperation
c. Activities to be undertaken to meet needs and problems
d. Changing certain types of relationships
41. What is the definition of relationship goals?
a. Focused in changing certain types of relationships and decisions making
process in a community by diffusing power to a wider base
b. Help people develop to prepare them for specific roles in community development
c. Task to meet people aspirations
d. Goals to guide them in their work
42. What is not the existing block to growth identified by community leaders and Community
Organization Workers?
a. Ignorance b. Negative social values/patterns
c. Regionalism
d. Facilitative power structures that take advantage of the poor and the weak
43. What is not a model of Community Organization?
a. Community Development b. Social Planning
c. Social Action d. Caritas
44. What body popularized the Term Community Development?
a. United Nations b. PACD
c. DILG d. MHS
45. Which is not an element of Community Development?
a. Community is approached as a whole
b. Activities undertaken correspond to the general needs of the people to change in
social policy or to lobby for the formulation of needed policies or laws
c. Educational organizational process moves from an awareness of problems to a
definition of problems followed by study
d. Community Development activities are long range terms
e. None of the above
46.Which is not an element of Community Development?
a.Widespread participation and involvement is sought with decision making place at the
lowest level
b.Resources of governmental and non-governmental organizations are not used
c.Both professional and lay participation are sought in community development
d.The identification, encouragement, and training of local leaders are central features of
community development programs
47.Which is not an element of Social Planning?
a.Programming b. Measurement and feedback
c. Policy formulation d. Deprogramming
48.Which is not an outcome of Social Planning?
a.New Policies b. Program policies
c. Service integration d. None of the above
49.What is not a function of a Community Organization Worker?
a.Coordination b. Education
c. Support and participation d. Facilitator
e. None of the above
50.What is not required knowledge of a Community Organization Worker?
a.Research b. Situation Analysis
c.Social Change Theories d. None of the above
51.Which is not a required skill of a Community Organization Worker?
a.Committee work b. Planning and policy work
c.Verbal and written communication d.Gossiping
e.None of the above
52.Which is not a technique of a Community Organization Worker?
a.Situation analysis b. Problem analysis
c.Ground working d.Computerization
53.What is not a technique of a Community Organization Worker?
a.Role playing and socio-drama b.Education and promotion
c.Demonstration d.Computerization
e.None of the above
54.What is people empowerment?
a.Process of harnessing the potentials of people so they take control of their lives and
manage their communities
b.Refers to caring and bigayan attitude of members
c.Desire to be appreciated and recognized for efforts and ideas
d.Group members awareness of common goal and objectives
e.All of the above
54.Which is not a source of power?
a.Knowledge and wisdom b.Mental and moral efficacy
c.Beauty and height d.Ability to act or produce and effect
55.Which is not a way of facilitating people empowerment?
a.Identify with the people the blocks that hinder people’s growth and development
b.Make people remove the blocks to growth and development
c.Accessing the people for the enhancement of their potentials to its highest and
productive level
d.Do the things for people
56.Which is not an indigenous model of Community Organization?
a. Zone One Tondo Organization b.Baranganic Approach
c. Basic Christian Communities d.Human Settlement Ministry
57.What is the project of the Roman Catholic Church using the Community Organization Method
of Social Work?
a. Basic Eclesiastical Communities (BEC) b.Basic Catholic Communities (BCC)
c.Basic Roman Catholic Communities (BRCC) d.Basic Community Churches (BCC)

58.Which is not a feature of the Baranganic Approach?

a. Develop the people’s capacity in the barangay for planning, problem solving and
b. Assisting the Barangay Development Councils in identifying needs/problems
formulating plan to solve these problems
c. Development of a healthy lifestyles
d. Implement and evaluate their plans for their benefit and welfare
59.Which is not a description of the strategy of alliance building?
a. Tapping resources and outside the community
b. Establishing links with private and government institutions here and abroad
c. Getting support groups outside the community
d. Refusing assistance from government
60.Which is the rallying point of the members of Zone One Tondo Organization (ZOTO)?
a. Customs Guard confiscated the merchandize of vendors
b. Customs Guard will not allow vending inside the pier
c. Customs Guard playing favoritism
d. The squatter status of the resident
61.What was the organization that led the poor and landless to organize and empower themselves
to enable them to contend with their poverty, social injustice and the dictatorial rule during the
Marcos Regime?
62.Which is not the feature of the Alinsky Strategy?
a. How to arouse the people’s interest
b. How to make the people aware of the issues/problems
c. How to organize the people and secure their commitment and involvement
d. How to harass the community
63.Which is not a foundation of Alinsky’s Community Organization?
a. Local indigenous leadership b.Local organizations ad agencies
c. Local people d.Outside Organization
64.Which is not an objective of the purpose of Community Organization Practice?
a. Solve certain social problems
b. Provide dole outs
c. Achieve selected goals
d. Strengthen their capacity for problem solving and cooperation
65.Which is not an attitude requirement in Community Organization?
a. Respect for the individual in all his dignity and worth
b. A commitment to the democratic process, goals and seek changes in society
c. A recognition for the diversity of groups and organizations with different emphasis
on country welfare provisions services and programs
d. A commitment to engage in partisan politics
66.Which does not refer to Social Action?
a. An activity to pacify the peoples’ issues and concerns to have peace in society
b. An actual or potential conflict situation and the promotion of a cause or objective
by a party to the conflict
c. Public promotion of a cause, measure, or objective in an effort to obtain support or
official action
d. Organized efforts to influence public opinion or official policy or executive action
through support enlistment
67.What is not a model of Community Organization as identified by Jack Rothman?
a. Locality development b.Social Planning
c. Social Action d.Baranganic Approach
68.Which is not a quality of people empowerment?
a. An affirmation to assert b.Nurturing
c. Liberating d.Condescending
69.What is networking?
a. A strategy of CO where functionally specialized social organization linking
together numerous associations and groups for a common set of activities or
b. To assemble and prepare or put into action for a purpose or contingency
c. Provision of community-based services with people playing the lead
d. Its strengthens, develops and future group cohesion
70.Which is not a network?
a. National Council of Social Development Agencies (NCSD)
c. Union Leagues and Associations of the Philippines (ULAP)
d. Philippine Association of Social Workers, Inc. (PASWI)
e. All of the above
71.Which is not a role of a Community Organizer?
a. Manager/Education/Trainor b.Service Provider/Organizer
c. Coordinator/Facilitator d.Dictator/Authoritarian
e. None of the above

72.In the helping process, authorization lies within the relationship when one participant accepts
the order as an authority for him. The social worker authority emanates from:
a. The agency
b. The professional code of ethics
c. The client and the agency
d. The client only
73.The holistic approach is social work practice in which the individual, the group and the
community are used as functional points of entry by the social worker and develop skills based on
the generic aspects of the methods used is commonly knows as:
a. Systems approach
b. Integrated social work practice
c. Team approach
d. Generalist approach
74.In the context of Philippine setting, direct social work practice requires a social worker to be
multi-purpose worker because:
a.Social problem is multi-faceted
a. A social worker works with individuals, groups and communities as client system
b. There are several social welfare programs and services
c. A social worker performs a variety of roles and functions with and in behalf of
different client systems
75.A social worker who has developed competence in working with individuals, groups and
community in ay social work setting who has the knowledge and skills necessary and in engaging
people in problem-solving, bringing needs and resources together and in systematically using
practice experience to document the level of effectiveness of policies and services is considered.
a. Consultant b. An expert c. A generalistd. A partner
76.In this approach, the individual, the group and the community are interrelated parts of a larger
system and therefore cannot be taken separately but in the context of the whole in relation to
a. Total family approach b. Baranganic approach
c. Systems approach d. Generalist approach
77.If a situation arises wherein a client presents a problem that a social worker knows he or she
does not have the training or expertise to handle, the worker needs to link the person with available
services. In this case, the role of the worker is a:
a. Broke b. Mediator c. Enabler d. Facilitator
78.A direct service social worker in a community helps individuals or groups to express their
needs to clarify and identify their problems, to explore solutions and develop the people’s
capacities to deal with their own problems more effectively. The worker is performing the role of:
a.Broker b. Enabler c. Facilitator d.Mediator
79.When a client or citizen’s group is in need of help and existing institutions are uninterested in
providing services or negative or hostile to the client group, the social worker may provide the
leadership in gathering data support to the correctness of the client’s need and request, and
influence the institution to change its negative attitude. In this situation, the social worker is
exercising the role of an:
a.Advocate b. Mediator c. Educator d. Enabler

80.If a social worker practitioner designs / develops a program or promote technologies to meet
social needs, the role is that of:
a.Social planner b. Program developer
c.Social work administrator d.Social welfare supervisor
81.The social work practitioner seeks in this role to provide guidance to agencies and
organizations through suggesting ways to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of services:
a.Social work Administrator b. Social work Supervisor
c.Consultant d. Guidance Councilor
82.By overseeing the direct service workers and staff to increase the effectiveness and efficiency
of the delivery services to the different client systems, the social worker plays the role model of:
a.Case manager b. Supervisor
c.Administrator d.Facilitator
83.The social worker in this role seeks to improve a delivery systems through increasing
communication linkage and coordination between human service resources:
a.Community outreach worker b.Mobilizer of resources
c.Coordinator d.Resource provider
84.Performing the activities necessary to plan and implement programs and services is the major
role of:
a.Policy maker b. Social planner
c.Administrator d.Human resource developer
85.When a social worker engages persons who have conflict in a process that provides a neutral
forum wherein they are encouraged to find a mutually satisfactory solution to their problems,
he/she is modeling the role of:
a.Mediator b. Counselor c.Advocate d.Facilitator
86.This is very crucial in the helping process which involves effective communication in reducing
the level of threat and gaining the trust of client:
a.Acceptance b.Interviewing
c.Establishing rapport d.87Intake

87.This is a process whereby the worker explores the client’s problems by eliciting facts
information about the person, the problem and the environmental factors:
a. Fact-finding
b. Data gathering
c. Social investigation
d. Social case study
88.Oftentimes, there is a difference between what a client sees as a problem and what the worker
sees, the definition of the problem must be based on:
a.The nature of the problem itself
b.The client sees and what appears relevant to the client
c.What the worker perceives and believes
d.Theoretical definition of what the problem is
89.A mother goes to residential facility to seek temporary shelter for her 12 year old daughter who
is allegedly abused by her jobless husband whenever she is out of work. The need for protective
service is an example of:
a. Psychosocial problem b. Immediate / presenting problem
c. Underlying problem d. Working problem
90.Working problems are those contributory factors which stand in the way of both remedy and
prevention and which must be dealt with if change is to take place. In question #19, the working
problem is:
a.The helplessness and fear of the daughter of her father
b.The idleness of unemployment of the husband which keeps him at home and in
constant company with the daughter
c.The intimacy of the father and daughter as a result of constant company
d.The lack of maternal guidance and supervision
91.Underlying problem refers to the overall situation that creates and tends to perpetuate to
immediate problem. The underlying problem in #19 is:
a.The double load of the mother as aspirant, home-maker and income producer
b.The lowering of moral and spiritual values in the social environment
c.Lack of job opportunities which contribute to unemployment
d.Poverty due to lack of education, ignorance and low level of unemployable skill
92.Which of the following options DOES NOT describes what a voluntary client is:
a. Somebody who is committed to an agency by the court, by the police or by
concerned persons
b. A person who is aware of a need for help because of a problem
c. A person who feels does not have the coping capability and resources in managing
his / her problem
d. Somebody who will only act when he is fairly compensated
93.The heart of the problem solving is:
a. Goal-setting and formulation of contract between worker and client
b. Data gathering
c. Problem identification
d. The implementation and goal attainment phase
94.In social work practice, assessment is referred to as the professional judgment of the worker
about the client’s situation based on:
a. What the client thinks and feels about the difficulties
b. Theoretical knowledge, clinical observation, analytical skills in understanding
the client’s personality and factors that seem to cause the current difficulties
c. Data gathering / gathered from primary and secondary resources
d. Case study report
95.Interdisciplinary emphasis among sectors and professionals in the problem-solving process is
important in:
1. Case conference b. Diagnostic formulation of the problem
c. Psycho-social case study d. Team approach model
96. The legitimate power to control, influence the behavior of another is referred to as:
a. Dominion b. Influence c. Coercion d. Authority
100. In the helping process, authorization lies within the relationship when one participant accepts
the order as an authority for him. The social worker authority emanates from:
a.The agency b.The professional code of ethics
c.The client and the agency d.The client only


Situation 1:
The subject of “Program Activities for Groups” has been put on the agenda for the next Social
Service Staff meeting. This has become an issue because a nurse in the Cancer Ward had
complained to the Ward social Worker that her group’s loud singing of religious hymns was
creating a disturbance in the ward. An attendant had also told his social worker that the nurses
were talking about whether conducting Bible studies is a social work tasks.

101.What should be clearly defined before the social worker and the group decide on the activities
for its sessions in the hospital?
A. The patients’ medical conditions
B. The purpose for the group program
C. The hospital’s realities
D. The administrative support available
102.Which of these is appropriate program media for a group of hospital patients?
I. Discussion of illness-related concerns, fears and
II. Audio-visual materials
III. Resource persons for spiritual needs
A. I C. I, II and III
B. I and II D. II
103.What should be a social worker’s response to negative feedback about her group’s activities?
A. Revise the activities
B. Review the activities to see if feedback is justified and act accordingly
C. Ignore it as one cannot please everybody
D. Let the group decide what to do about the feedback
104.Who should decide the program media for a social work group of hospital patients?
A. The social worker
B. The social worker and the group
C. The patients/group
D. The medical team
105.Should social work group sessions be used for the discussions about the Bible and for
engaging in activities of a religious nature?
A. Yes, if the patients ask for them
B. No, these are best left for the religious like ministers and priests
C. It depends on the situation
D. Yes, if the social worker is comfortable in doing these
Situation 2:
As a social worker in the Probation Office, you decided to organize a group of nine “new adult
probationers whose suspended court sentences enable them to continue with their lives in the
community. You believe that the socialization model of groupwork would be very appropriate to

106.What will you do if during the group formation meeting, the members ask for an election of
officers for the group?
A. Agree but tell the group to just have a few officers
B. Agree to the request
C. Explain why it is not necessary
D. Add more members to justify having officers
107.Which program media would be very appropriate for this group if you are using the
socialization model?
I. Play activities
II. Resource person on laws and social norms and rules
III. Values and role-related exercises

A. I, II, III C. II and III

B. I and II D. I and III
108.Which of the following would you need to do to get data you still need for the groupwork you
are planning to undertake with these probationers?
A. Additional individual C. Collateral interviews
interviews D. Intake
B. Marginal interviews
109.What will you do if after 3 weekly sessions and despite having set rules on attendance the
same two/three members are always absent?
A. Ask the rest of the group to decide what to do about the absentees
B. I’ll ignore it since group membership should be voluntary
C. Switch to casework for the absentees
D. Reiterate that the group sessions are court-required activities for probationers and
inform the absentees promptly about this
110.What would be appropriate tasks in this group if you are using the socialization model?
I. Teaching
II. Modeling
III. Setting expectations

A. I, II and III C. I and II

B. I and II D. II and III

Situation 3:
111.Cora, a social worker in Pagasa, a home for unwed mothers was assigned to work with six
women, ages 22 to 33, all of whom were admitted to the facility during the last two weeks. All
the women are on their third, fourth, or fifth month of pregnancy and sought admission to Pagasa
for varied reasons: fear of parents’ reaction to the pregnancy, decision to keep the matter a secret
from family and friends, inability to meet the financial requirements of hospital confinement
during delivery, need for guidance/assistance relating to the plan for the baby to be given up for
adoption, having no place to stay in and no resources after being abandoned by the boyfriend,

112.What reasons might the individual women have for joining the group?
I. To overcome boredom, loneliness and/or idleness
II. To get advice/support from the group
III. To show cooperation out of gratitude to the agency

A. I, II and III C. II and III

B. I and III D. I and II
113.Given the situation of the mothers, which groupwork model/approach seem most appropriate
to guide the social worker’s actions with the group?
A. Crisis-centered C. Mediating
B. Task-centered D. Psychosocial
114.If you were Cora, which of these would you cite to motivate the prospective mothers to join
the group?
I. The group will provide them the opportunity to share their feelings, concerns, tech.
relating to their situation
II. The group will clarify their different options relation to the baby after birth
III. The group will allow the participants to share, plans relating to their lives after
discharge from Pagasa

A. II and III C. I and III

B. I and II D. I II and III
115.What do you think would be the most appropriate goal for this group of unwed mothers in
A. Reconciliation/reunion with their families after delivery
B. Stay physically and emotionally healthy is a successful delivery
C. Arrive at a realistic and sensible post delivery plan for themselves and their babies
D. Utilization of existing community resources now and after discharge from Pagasa
116.What should the social worker do if, during a group discussion session, one participant gets
very upset emotionally, starts sobbing so that the rest of the group become very uncomfortable,
not understanding what triggered the behavior?
A. Ignore her continue with the discussion so the participant will not feel guilty
about disrupting the session
B. Touch the participant to show acceptance and ask her if she wants to be excused
from the group for a while
C. Ask the participant to share with the group what brought it about
D. Remind the group that one of the rules agreed on is that there will be no disruptive
behavior during sessions
Situation 4:
Barrio Salvacion was visited by a local government social worker because of an outreach
program to establish social services in depressed communities with large “under 5” population.
The worker found that the residents, particularly a group of nine mothers who are in-charge of
maintaining a chapel that provide religious services to the barrio, see the great need for family
planning services in their community. The rural health clinic is in town proper (“Central”) and
can be reached only by way of an expensive 30 minute motorboat trip. The clinic is open only
on weekdays and it is very difficult for the mothers and/or their husbands to take off from work
and household responsibilities. An additional problem is the priest who says mass in the barrio
every Sundays as he has been telling the parishioners that family planning involves the
termination of life and is therefore a “mortal sin.”

117.Which of these is the most appropriate initial action in relation to the priest of Salvacion?
A. Call on him and explain the nature of family planning services being provided in
the country
B. Request the barrio officials to talk to the priest
C. Call a barrio assembly and motivate the residents to put pressure on the priest to
change his stand
D. Ignore his stand and work on the residents’ expressed need
118.A rural health clinic services all residents. However, as in the case of Barrio Salvacion,
inaccessibility of the clinic deprives the residents of use of its services. This is likely true of all
other social services that are located in the town proper. Given this reality, what helping
approach/model would be most appropriate?
A. Developmental C. Task-centered
B. Remedial D. Resource provision
119.What would you consider to be the “presenting problem” in barrio Salvacion?
a. The attitude of the priest b. The large “under 5” population
c. The inaccessibility of the rural health clinic
e. The lack of family planning services
120.What would be the most logical point of entry for problem-solving in Barrio Salvacion?
a. The Barrio official
b. The entire community
f. The group of nine mothers
g. The priest

121.Which of the following statements is a correct meaning of “family planning”?
A. Not having more children than a couple can afford
B. Spacing or limiting the number of children using acceptable methods
C. Planning a couple’s quality of life
D. Terminating conception
Situation 5:
Tita P. a social worker at Bukang Liwayway, a home for victims of sexual abuse, has selected
five 10 to 13 year old girls to compose the treatment group she wants to organize in the Home.
Two days before the first formal group session, Millet, an 11-year old victim of rape by a well-
known politician, was admitted. Her identity and whereabouts are being closely guarded for her
protection. Tita P. was assigned to be her social worker. After reading the records on Millet, Tita
P. is convinced that membership in treatment group will be very helpful to her. However, Tita P.
is feeling ambivalent because of the “delicate” situation her client.

122.In addition to guided group experiences appropriate for rape victims, what other helping
interventions would you consider for your group members?
I. Work with their “significant others”
II. Use of appropriate community resources
III. Individual counseling
123.If you are in the place of this social worker, what should be your first move to be able to
decide whether or not to include Millet in the group?
A. Meet the group first to assess whether Millet would fit in
B. Interview Millet
C. Consult my supervisor/director
D. Invite Millet to the group’s first meeting to see if she would fit in
124.Which of these behaviors are likely to be manifested by victims of sexual abuse?
I. Aggressiveness
II. Suspiciousness
III. Withdrawal
A. I, II, III C. I, II
125.What will you do if after interviewing Millet you find her to be withdrawn and
I. Warn her about the negative consequences of such attitude/behavior
II. Understand/accept her behavior, exert effort to establish a positive relationship with
III. Consider one-on-one helping relationship until she is ready for group membership
A. II only C. I, III
B. II, III D. I only
126.What can you do so that confidentiality is strictly observed/protected in relation to your
group members?
I. Set group norms/rules relating to confidentiality
II. Use appropriate program media that show negative consequences of not observing
III. Allow group members to give each other names that help hide their identity
B. I, II D. I, II, III

Situation 6:
Two weeks after the Bagong Buhay Community Center was opened in the government housing
project, Lina Flores, one of the social workers who have made it a point to observe the youth in
the area noticed that about a dozen teenagers, all males tended to group at the corner around half
a block from the Center. She assumed they were either school drop outs or truants as they were
always together just chatting, or engaged in horseplay when other young people were in school.
She thought that the boys were wasting their time and energies when they could be engaging in
worthwhile activities that could benefit themselves as well as the community.

127.What community resources could be utilized for a development youth group whose
members are faced with socio-economic problems?
I. Skills training agencies
II. Leadership training institutions
III. Capital/money lending organizations
A. I, II, III C. I, II
128.If I were Lina Flores, the Social Worker, given the above situation, the first step I will take is
A. Discuss/brainstorm the matter with the Center Staff and agree on the purpose of
the group program
B. Invite the boys to the Center to offer the Center’s services
C. Get acquainted with the boys and offer the Center’s services
D. Prepare a concept paper containing my ideas about a group program for the boys
129.If Miss Flores finds that all the street corner boys are motivated to participate in the Center’s
group program, but she wants to start with one “open” group of only seven boys (the Center is
planning other programs and want to have only one group at this time) how will she decied
which seven of the dozen boys to accept?
A. Set more specific criteria for group composition
B. User her intuition to select those likely to be most suitable for group membership
C. Let the boys decide among themselves who will comprise the first group
D. Ask the boys to draw lots
130.How should Miss Flores deal with the boys who are very disappointed because they are not
among the seven selected for membership?
A. Work with them on a one-to-one basis
B. Form even just a “token” group so that no one feels disappointed
C. Promise to me them members as members of the first group are terminated from
time to time
D. Explain the reason(s) for limiting the group to seven and clarify their prospects
for membership later
131.If the Center Staff agreed that the Center’s group program in the community will be
preventive and development in nature, which of the following activities will you NOT expect
Miss Flores to undertake in your group?
a. Psychodrama sessions b.Sexuality-Management discussions
c. Self-awareness exercises d.Values exercises
132.This approach involves the reduction of the immediate harmful effects of the stressful
events, helping clients mobilize their latent capacities and external resources to cope effectively
with the effects of a critical situation:
a. Family therapy b.Crisis intervention
c. Psychosocial approach d.Behavioral approach
133.The task centered approach can be applied to the following clients’ situations except:
a. Helping an unwed mother decide whether to go home and keep her baby or work
and leave her baby for foster care
b.Teaching a father to secure resources for the operation and medical needs of his son
c.Helping a teen-age girl resolve communication gaps that exist between her and her
d.A suicidal mother who have not slept for several nights because of her fear of death
134.In the psycho-social approach, there are 3 types of approaches to diagnosis used to
determine client’s problems. These are:
a. Dynamic, etiological, epistemological
b. Etiological, neurological classificatory
c. Medical, social, biological
d. Dynamic, etiological, classificatory
135.These are the four essential and basic components of social work practice”
a. Interviewing, recording, referral, use of programs
b. People, needs, resources, institutions
c. Client, problem, agency, helping process
d. Casework, groupwork, community organization, social administration
136.This approach is sometimes referred to as the “organismic approach” or “diagnostic school
of thought” and often associated with the Freudian theory:
a. Humanistic theory b. Bio-physiological theory
c. Medical theory d. Psycho-social approach
137.Encouraging and enabling the client to talk freely and to express his/her feelings, showing
understanding of the client’s problems and feelings, providing reassurance, and attending to
his/her non verbal behaviors, etc. are examples of:
a.Psychological support b.Environmental modification
c.Clarification d.All of the above
138.A casework technique that helps client carry and elevate his / her understanding of his/ her
situation and problem to a deeper level may be referred to as:
a.Insight development b. Reflection
c.Meditation d.Problem solving
139.An accurate definition of the client’s concern or problem is important because this is the
basis of:
a.Goal formulation b. Action planning
c.Group-focused assessment d. A and B
e. B and C
140.These are terms used to describe specific statements of what will be done to achieve the
defined ends:
a. Helping goals b. Intermediate goals
c. Objectives d. A and B
b. B and C
141.This step or stage in the helping process is also termed ‘social study’ and ‘diagnosis’ which
involves information-gathering and analysis towards an understanding and consequently a
definition of the need or problem of the client:
a. Assessment b. Intake c.Establishing Rapport
d. Engagement e. Beginning phase
142.Evaluation in relation to social work can mean any of the following:
a. Regular or periodic evaluation which means on-going evaluation of actions taken
during the period of plan implementation
b. Terminal evaluation which follows implementation and is done primarily to assess
the outcome of the helping efforts
c. Assessment of data gathered
d. A and B
143.This model of intervention involves the process of negotiating and connecting with the
different services available for the use and on behalf of clients:
a.Intercession-mediation b. Advocacy
c.Resource provision d.Broker
144.The SW practice approach or technology for alleviating specific target problems which the
client and practitioner expressly contract to work on and the client acts in sequence to move the
work from “problem to goal” refers to:
a. problem-solving b.task centered
c. remedial d.functional
145.A systems theory approach which is concerned with both the inner realities of human beings
and the social context in which they live. It is basically associated with authors like Mary
Richmond, Gordon Hamilton, and Florence Hollis and with the Freudian theory of personality.
a. Developmental b. Problem solving
c. Functional d. Psychosocial
146.The SW intervention which focuses on the here-and-now; involves the elements of person,
problem, place and process; help is usually by partializing down complex problem to a
manageable size; and in which help is given in the context of meaningful worker-client
a. functional b. problem solving
c. developmental d. task centered
147.A SW approach whereby the social worker’s technique is to make the unknown known by
being clear about his agency’s services, the conditions under which it is available, what can be
expected of it, and of him as a worker, and what the requirements and expectations of the client
refers to.
a. Functional b. Developmental
c. Psychosocial d. Remedial
148.A SW model which is eclectic in nature, time limited, oriented to the here & now, and
focuses on relevant tasks the client must perform. The emphasis is on helping client make
decisions and take actions during the period when his state of equilibrium is upset by a stressful
a. Developmental b. Problem solving
c. Functional d. Crisis intervention
149.Which of the following best describes a person in a state of crisis?
a. Pathological condition b. State of shock
c. State of total or partial psychological disability
d. Temporary state of disequilibrium
150.The person who conceived the basic steps/procedures for task-centered practice.
a.Mary Richmond b.William Schwartz
c.Laura Epstein d.Helen Harris Perlman
151.The treatment of illness, or some disorder, usually a pathological condition, in which the
treatment unit is the family rather than the individual member refers to:
a. family casework b. family therapy
c. family medicine
152.The casework intervention which focuses on helping the family deal with the problem it is
experiencing, so that its members improve on their relationship and communication between and
among each other and in the end improve family functioning. counseling casework therapy d.behavior modification
153.An assessment tool that depicts the person’s connections and the nature of his/her
relationships with the different social systems in his/her sustaining and nurturing environments
refers to :
a.Genogram b.Rapid assessment instrument
c.Eco-map d.Sociogram
154.Who was the main proponent of the Problem-solving approach?
a.Emmanuel Tropp b.Florence Hollis
c.Laura Epstein d.Helen Harris Perlman
155.A helping approach that highlights ventilation of feelings or catharsis as well as corrective
relationship refers to:
a.Problem solving b. Task-centered
c.Crisis intervention d.Psycho-social
156.Which of the following are considered mode of adaptation?
a.Pairing b.Flight
c.Fight d.All of the above
157.The worth a person attaches to certain things, objects or person based on his/her concept of
truth, goodness, usefulness and beauty refers to:
a. value b.principles c. ethics

158.The written expression of the principles and rules of conduct that guides a professional
group refers to:
a.professional oath b.professional principles
c.code of ethics d.norms
159.The principle which has privacy as its essence:
a.individualization b.acceptance
c.secrecy d.confidentiality
160.The principle which has as its essence the recognition of the uniqueness of each client:
a. self-awareness b. self-determination
c. individualization d. acceptance
161.The principle which means that client makes his own decision refers to:
a. participation b.autonomy
c. self-determination d.maturation
162.Which of the following will you undertake when a woman who is very angry and upset with
her husband approaches you for the help stating that she wants separation?
a.accept her statement and immediately help her plan for the separation
b.explore the problem with the client before planning the next steps
c.ignore the client
d.refer the woman to a family court
163.All except one of the following describe the social functioning triangle:
a. satisfaction with roles in life b.feelings of self-worth
c. positive relationship with others d.satisfaction with life
164.Environmental manipulation is a
a.A program in community development b.A treatment technique in casework
c.A skill in groupwork d.All of the above
165.Which of the following accurately describes the context of social functioning:
a. person-in-situation/ environment b.person-and-environment
c. person-with the-situation/ environment d.none of the above
166.All except one of the following are concepts related to ‘planned change’
a.change agent b.client system
c. phases of change functioning
167.The skill of communicating by sharing oneself in a natural, sincere, spontaneous, open, and
authentic manner refers to:
a.genuineness b.empathy c. respect d.all of the above
168.The term use to refer to MICRO practice that entails linking clients to needed resources and
orchestrating the delivery of services in a timely fashion:
a. case management b.counseling
c. community organization study
169.An example of social functioning problem caused by the factors in the person is:
a. lack of resources problems
c. lack of social networks d.wrong attitudes
170.The social work practice with or on behalf of the family and its members covering a wide
range of services that may include material assistance, problem-solving, education advice,
environmental intervention, counseling, therapy, and other types of services refers to:
a. family counseling casework therapy medicine
171.Which one of the following refers to the process in social work which entails gathering,
analyzing and synthesizing salient data into a formulation that serves as basis for determining the
nature of the problem, what causes it and what can be changed to minimize or resolve it?
a.intake b.assessment c.problem-solving d.evaluation
172.A systems theory approach which is concerned with working through both the inner realities
of the individual and his/her social context. It is basically associated with authors like Mary
Richmond, Gordon Hamilton, Florence Hollis and with the Freudian theory of personality.
a.developmental b.problem solving
c.functional d.psychosocial
173.The casework intervention which focuses on helping an individual who is in to substance
abuse by providing him with stimulations, encouragement, and positive reinforcements to
achieve a desired behavioral change.
a.Functional approach b.psychosocial approach
c.behavioral approach d.task centered approach
174.This stage of the helping process is also termed as ‘social study’ and ‘diagnosis’
a. Assessment b. Intake
c. Establishing rapport d. All of the above
175.The SW approach which is essentially based on learning theories refers to:
a.problem-solving b.remedial
c.behavioral d.task centered
176.The following except one are examples of a social welfare agency
a. Municipal Social Welfare & Development Office
b. Philhealth c.Home for the Aged
d. Hospicio de San Jose e.Home for Abused Girls
177.Can casework proceed with out an agency?
a.Yes b.No
c.It dependes d.Sometimes
e.All of the above
178.Counseling is a helping relationship aimed at the following, except:
a. assisting the client make an informed choice.
b. enabling a client to explore a personal problem.
c. improving the client’s planning and decision-making.
d. giving the client advice on how to deal with the problem.
e. none of the above.
179.Which of the following statements are true?
a. Social workers must not engage in counseling because they lack the necessary training in
doing so.
b. All direct work with clients are considered counseling.
c. Counseling skills are necessary in all social work processes.
d. Effective social workers must influence their clients to become good Christians.
e. None of the above.
180.To become effective in counseling, social workers must exhibit basic qualities, except:
a. encouraging b.emotionally stable
c. nonjudgmental d. highly intelligent e.artistic
181.A pregnant client told you that she is thinking about having an abortion. As a social worker,
you realized that the first thing you have to do then is:
a. discourage her about having such thoughts because abortion is a sin.
b. explore what her circumstances are that led her to think about abortion.
c. emphasize to her that abortion is a criminal act in the country.
d. tell her that she must not worry because everything will be okay.
e. all of the above.
182.Ana had been your client for quite some time. Whenever she would see you, she would tell
you that nothing has changed in her situation and she keeps on talking about the same concern all
over again despite several sessions you had on the issue. What skill is particularly applicable in
this case on how to confront the client’s behavior?
a. paraphrasing b. mind reading c.immediacy
d. empathic communication e. none of the above
183.Jenny, the social worker, failed to hear the last phrase uttered by the client. What she can do
a. pretend that she heard it and just ask the client what she meant by what she said last.
b. tell the client that she has not heard clearly the last phrase and clarify that part.
c. paraphrase what the client just said.
d. summarize the last part and let the client correct her interpretation.
e. none of the above
184.Angelica told her social worker that she ran away from home because she can no longer
stand the frequent quarrels of her parents and she’s getting affected negatively. The social worker
immediately responded that she should have not ran away from home because she is still a minor
and that she should have just sought help from her relatives. This scenario only shows that the
social worker lack:
a. non-judgmental attitude b.respect to client’s agency
c. immediacy d.empathic understanding
e. all of the above
185.Social workers should be able to describe their roles and functions in the helping
relationship. This skill refers to the process of:
a. immediacy b.listening
c. clarifying d. summarizing e. structuring
186.The following are roadblocks to active listening, except for:
a. interrupting b. side-stepping sentiment
c. labeling d. tolerating silence
e. mind reading
187.During counseling, the use of “why” questions are to be avoided because of the following
reasons, except:
a. it sounds accusing. is overly authoritarian.
c. it prompts the client to talk more about her situation than needed.
d. it makes the client respond defensively. e.all of the above.
188.When talking to clients, social workers must be able to observe the client’s body language as
it also conveys emotion, and must be checked with the client. This is done as the social worker
applies the skill of:
a. summarizing b. listening
c. paraphrasing d. reflecting back
e. all of the above
189.Social workers must facilitate the sharing of thoughts of the client without interrupting much
by using:
a. minimal encouragers questions
c. understanding defenses d. all of the above
e. none of the above
190.Social workers must adopt an open posture when attending to clients to:
a. show interest on the client’s story. b.encourage the client to open up.
c. help making the client feel comfortable. d.all of the above
e.none of the above
191.This refers to the worker’s ability to “stand in other person’s shoes”.
a. Sympathy b. Immediacy
c. Empathy d. Confrontation
e. None of the above
192.Questions that invite the answer Yes or No are called:
a. rhetorical b. closed c.imperative
d. open e. none of the above
193.There are instances that social workers need to confront a client’s behavior in order to
facilitate change in the client’s lives, but they have to:
a. avoid loaded remarks and expression of moralizing.
b. choose words carefully because “difficult messages” are hard to hear.
c. phrase questions in ways that can reduce hostility and anxiety.
d. all of the above.
e. none of the above.
194. The social worker clarified with the client if her disgust with her daughter has something to
do with her past experience with the child’s father that the client mentioned earlier. This
illustrates the skill of:
a. immediacy b. linking
c. summarizing d. paraphrasing
e. none of the above
195.Genuine communication can only be achieved if practitioners lessen or remove barriers to
communication. Which of the following is an attempt to remove barriers to communication?
a. The social worker’s room provides privacy and confidentiality.
b. The social worker checks her watch from time to time.
c. The social worker explains to the client that she only has 15 minutes to spare for their
d. The social worker is busy taking down notes while the client is talking.
e. None of the above.
196.Interviewing a child needs more creativity on the part of the social worker to engage them in
building a working relationship. The social worker should:
a. give the child whatever s/he wants during session to gain their trust.
b. bring in the parents during interview so that the child would answer the questions
c. communicate sensitively with the child around complex and painful experiences.
d. force the child to speak up because it will be for his/her own good.
e. none of the above.
197.Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Attentive listening leads to appropriate understanding and interventions.
b. Counseling is a significant component of the social worker’s job.
c. Social workers are expected not to disclose anything about their selves to their clients.
d. Counselors and social workers must be patient with the goal of achieving overall
therapeutic movement.
e. None of the above.
198.The following are evidences of social worker’s self-awareness, except:
a. awareness of their limitations. b.biases are controlled.
c.worker exhibits self-acceptance. d.worker advises client what to do.
e.none of the above.
199.It is in this stage of the counseling process that the counselor must create an atmosphere of
trust and confidence.
a. Planning b.assessment
c. termination d.relationship building e.evaluation
200.Which of the following statements is true?
a. Empathy is innate to all helping professionals.
b. It is difficult to be empathic if you haven’t been into the same experience.
c. Empathizing involves the professional use of self in intervention in the lives of others.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
201.Which of the following may be considered as barriers to communication in the counseling
a.Language b.Power and authority
b.Gender d.Location of meeting
e.All of the above
202.Which of the following characterizes the social work interview?
a.Context and setting b.Purposeful and directed
c.Limited and contractual d.Specialized role relationships
e.All of the above.
203.Which of the following is to be avoided by social workers during counseling?
a. Tolerating long pauses from the client.
b. Speaking too soon, too often, or too long.
c. Remembering details of the session.
d. Observing the client’s body language.
e. None of the above.
204.To become effective and skillful social worker, one needs to:
a. practice employing counseling skills in their day-to-day social work operations.
b. pretend to be confident and knowledgeable in dealing with cases, even when you are not.
c. be a good citizen and do not depart from your own personal values.
d. All of the above. e.None of the above.
205.In dealing with clients showing resistance, social workers must be able to:
a. change the attitude of the client. b.identify the source of the resistance.
c. make the client realize the need to change. d.lower the resistance.
e. none of the above.
206.Communicating to the client a feeling of self-worth is an experience of:
a. empathy b.self-acceptance
c. unconditional positive regard d. immediacy
e. none of the above
207.Sympathy is different from empathy, and when used in counseling, the social worker may:
a. understand the client better.
b. tend to take sides upon hearing the whole story or problem.
c. get a clear picture of the situation.
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
208.The ethic of valuing and respecting others are both true in the counseling and social work
practice as demonstrated in the following, except:
a. practice in a manner that does not stigmatize or disadvantage individuals, groups or
b. respecting uniqueness and diversity of clients
c. recognizing and building on client’s weaknesses
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
209.Ventilation of feelings is central to the process of clients in dealing with their problems, and
the following should be practiced by social workers, except:
b. encourage more expression of feelings.
c. make the client stop crying and feel better.
d. use minimal encouragers.
e. all of the above
f. none of the above
210.Counseling skills are applicable in various social work processes, such as:
a. intake b. referral
c. goal-setting d.problem exploration e.all of the above
211.One battered women came to consult you about her violent partner, but she told you that she
is not open to any possibilities of separation. What can you do?
a. Affirm her decision of not wanting to separate.
b. Help her identify her reasons for staying in the violent relationship.
c. Challenge her desire to stay and agitate her into taking concrete action.
d. All of the above e. none of the above
212.After the client narrated her concerns, the social worker tried to identify the major concerns
that the client mentioned. This is an application of the skill of:
a. empathic understanding b. paraphrasing
c. linking d.immediacy e.summarizing
213.It is the first time that the client has talked to a social worker and she finds it helpful having
someone to express her problems and feelings, but at the same time, she finds it difficult to
identify which of her numerous concerns needs her immediate attention. In this case, which skill
of the social worker may help the client?
a. confronting b. challenging c. fosucing
d. linking e.none of the above
214.What kind of questions should be asked if you want to prompt the client to tell more about
an experience or situation?
a. rhetorical b. closed c.imperative
d. open e. none of the above
215.If you have a client who appears to be contradictory and incoherent with some of her
statements about her situation, the social worker must be able to address such concern. Which of
the following is the skill that she needs to apply in the situation constructively?
a. Confronting b. emphatic understanding
c. focusing d. structuring
e. none of the above

216.Counseling is a helping relationship aimed at the following, except:
a.assisting the client make an informed choice.
b.enabling a client to explore a personal problem.
c.improving the client’s planning and decision-making. the client advice on how to deal with the problem.
e.none of the above.
217.Which of the following statements are true?
a. Social workers must not engage in counseling because they lack the necessary training in
doing so.
b. All direct work with clients are considered counseling.
c. Counseling skills are necessary in all social work processes.
d. Effective social workers must influence their clients to become good Christians.
e. None of the above.
218.To become effective in counseling, social workers must exhibit basic qualities, except:
a.encouraging b.emotionally stable
c.nonjudgmental d.highly intelligent
219.A pregnant client told you that she is thinking about having an abortion. As a social worker,
you realized that the first thing you have to do then is:
a. discourage her about having such thoughts because abortion is a sin.
b. explore what her circumstances are that led her to think about abortion.
c. emphasize to her that abortion is a criminal act in the country.
d. tell her that she must not worry because everything will be okay.
e. all of the above.
220.Ana had been your client for quite some time. Whenever she would see you, she would tell
you that nothing has changed in her situation and she keeps on talking about the same concern all
over again despite several sessions you had on the issue. What skill is particularly applicable in
this case on how to confront the client’s behavior?
a. paraphrasing b. mind reading
c. immediacy d. empathic communication
e. none of the above
221.Jenny, the social worker, failed to hear the last phrase uttered by the client. What she can do
a. pretend that she heard it and just ask the client what she meant by what she said last.
b. tell the client that she has not heard clearly the last phrase and clarify that part.
c. paraphrase what the client just said.
d. summarize the last part and let the client correct her interpretation.
e. none of the above
222.Angelica told her social worker that she ran away from home because she can no longer
stand the frequent quarrels of her parents and she’s getting affected negatively. The social worker
immediately responded that she should have not ran away from home because she is still a minor
and that she should have just sought help from her relatives. This scenario only shows that the
social worker lack:
a. non-judgmental attitude b.respect to client’s agency
c. immediacy d.empathic understanding
e.all of the above

223.Social workers should be able to describe their roles and functions in the helping
relationship. This skill refers to the process of:
a.immediacy b.listening c.clarifying
d.summarizing e.structuring
224.The following are roadblocks to active listening, except for:
a.interrupting b. side-stepping sentiment c.labeling
d.tolerating silence e.mind reading
225.During counseling, the use of “why” questions are to be avoided because of the following
reasons, except: sounds accusing.
b. it is overly authoritarian.
c. it prompts the client to talk more about her situation than needed.
d. it makes the client respond defensively.
e. all of the above.
226.When talking to clients, social workers must be able to observe the client’s body language as
it also conveys emotion, and must be checked with the client. This is done as the social worker
applies the skill of:
a.summarizing b. listening c.paraphrasing
d.reflecting back e.all of the above
227.Social workers must facilitate the sharing of thoughts of the client without interrupting much
by using:
a.minimal encouragers b. open-ended questions
c.understanding defenses d. all of the above
e.none of the above
228.Social workers must adopt an open posture when attending to clients to: interest on the client’s story. b.encourage the client to open up. making the client feel comfortable. d.all of the above
e.none of the above
229.This refers to the worker’s ability to “stand in other person’s shoes”.
a.Sympathy b.Immediacy
c.Empathy d.Confrontation e.None of the above
230.Questions that invite the answer Yes or No are called:
a.rhetorical b.closed c.imperative e.none of the above
231.There are instances that social workers need to confront a client’s behavior in order to
facilitate change in the client’s lives, but they have to:
a. avoid loaded remarks and expression of moralizing.
b. choose words carefully because “difficult messages” are hard to hear.
c. phrase questions in ways that can reduce hostility and anxiety.
d. all of the above.
e. none of the above.

231. The social worker clarified with the client if her disgust with her daughter has something to
do with her past experience with the child’s father that the client mentioned earlier. This
illustrates the skill of:
a.immediacy b.linking c.summarizing
d.paraphrasing e.none of the above
232. Genuine communication can only be achieved if practitioners lessen or remove barriers to
communication. Which of the following is an attempt to remove barriers to communication?
a.The social worker’s room provides privacy and confidentiality.
b.The social worker checks her watch from time to time.
c.The social worker explains to the client that she only has 15 minutes to spare for their
d.The social worker is busy taking down notes while the client is talking.
e.None of the above.
233. Interviewing a child needs more creativity on the part of the social worker to engage them
in building a working relationship. The social worker should:
a.give the child whatever s/he wants during session to gain their trust.
b.bring in the parents during interview so that the child would answer the questions
c.communicate sensitively with the child around complex and painful experiences.
d.force the child to speak up because it will be for his/her own good.
e.none of the above.
234. Which of the following statements is not true?
a.Attentive listening leads to appropriate understanding and interventions.
b.Counseling is a significant component of the social worker’s job.
c.Social workers are expected not to disclose anything about their selves to their clients.
d.Counselors and social workers must be patient with the goal of achieving overall
therapeutic movement.
d.None of the above.
235. The following are evidences of social worker’s self-awareness, except:
a.awareness of their limitations.
b.biases are controlled.
c.worker exhibits self-acceptance.
d.worker advises client what to do.
e.none of the above.
236.It is in this stage of the counseling process that the counselor must create an atmosphere of
trust and confidence.
a.planning b.assessment c.termination
d.relationship building e.evaluation
237.Which of the following statements is true?
a.Empathy is innate to all helping professionals.
b.It is difficult to be empathic if you haven’t been into the same experience.
c.Empathizing involves the professional use of self in intervention in the lives of others.
d.All of the above.
d.None of the above.

238.Which of the following may be considered as barriers to communication in the counseling

a. Language b.Power and authority
c. Gender d. Location of meeting e.All of the above
239.Which of the following characterizes the social work interview?
a.Context and setting b.Purposeful and directed
c.Limited and contractual d.Specialized role relationships
e.All of the above.
240.Which of the following is to be avoided by social workers during counseling?
a.Tolerating long pauses from the client.
b.Speaking too soon, too often, or too long.
c.Remembering details of the session.
d.Observing the client’s body language.
e.None of the above.
241.To become effective and skillful social worker, one needs to:
a.practice employing counseling skills in their day-to-day social work operations.
b.pretend to be confident and knowledgeable in dealing with cases, even when you are not. a good citizen and do not depart from your own personal values.
d.All of the above.
e.None of the above.
242.In dealing with clients showing resistance, social workers must be able to:
a.change the attitude of the client. b.identify the source of the resistance.
c.make the client realize the need to change. d.lower the resistance.
e.none of the above.
243.Communicating to the client a feeling of self-worth is an experience of:
a.empathy b.self-acceptance c.unconditional positive regard
d.immediacy e.none of the above
244.Sympathy is different from empathy, and when used in counseling, the social worker may:
a.understand the client better.
b.tend to take sides upon hearing the whole story or problem.
c.get a clear picture of the situation.
d.all of the above
e.none of the above
245.The ethic of valuing and respecting others are both true in the counseling and social work
practice as demonstrated in the following, except:
a.practice in a manner that does not stigmatize or disadvantage individuals, groups or
b.respecting uniqueness and diversity of clients
c.recognizing and building on client’s weaknesses
d.all of the above
e.none of the above
246.Ventilation of feelings is central to the process of clients in dealing with their problems, and
the following should be practiced by social workers, except:
a.encourage more expression of feelings. b.make the client stop crying and feel better.
c.all of the above d.none of the above

247.Counseling skills are applicable in various social work processes, such as:
a.intake b. referral c.goal-setting
d.problem exploration e.all of the above
248.One battered women came to consult you about her violent partner, but she told you that she
is not open to any possibilities of separation. What can you do?
a.Affirm her decision of not wanting to separate.
b.Help her identify her reasons for staying in the violent relationship.
c.Challenge her desire to stay and agitate her into taking concrete action.
d.All of the above
e. None of the above
249.After the client narrated her concerns, the social worker tried to identify the major concerns
that the client mentioned. This is an application of the skill of:
a.empathic understanding b.paraphrasing
c.linking d.immediacy e.summarizing
250.It is the first time that the client has talked to a social worker and she finds it helpful having
someone to express her problems and feelings, but at the same time, she finds it difficult to
identify which of her numerous concerns needs her immediate attention. In this case, which skill
of the social worker may help the client?
a.confronting b.challenging c.focusing
d.linking e.none of the above

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