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Her parents knew about her plan of going to Manila to work as a

SOCIAL WORK COUNSELING domestic worker. The client is the eldest of 4 children in the
SOCIAL WORKERS 2017 family. She wanted very much to help her poor family in Boracay.
During the raid Ana’s faced was accidentally showed on the
1. Counselling is define as a way of enabling choice or change or news because her shawl was pulled by one of the girls in the bar
reducing confusion. It does not involves the following except in an effort to also hide her face from the camera. A neighbour
one: saw her on the news and informed her parents. If you are the
a. Giving advice or directing a client to take a particular course social worker of Ana, how would you conduct the interview using
of action. your counseling skills.
b. Counsellors do not judge or exploit their clients in any way. 10. During the initial stage of the counseling session with Ana, the
c. Solving the problem for the client social worker develops a warm relationship with the client to
d. Judging the clients. enable the client express her problem from her frame of
2. For social work tasks, it is important to have at least basic reference. The skills needed with this stage are the following,
counseling skills, and preferably to have some advanced ones. except:
The following are some of the identified basic counselling skills a.a. attention-giving
except: a.b. Active listening
a.a. Paraphrasing c. Empathic understanding a.c.Emphatic understanding
a.b. Active listening d. Cherrypicking a.d. Referrals to other agencies that serve victims of
3. The history of counselling in social work in the US and in the trafficking.
Philippines started with a group of volunteers and paid
agents except: 11. Assuming that you have already established a warm
a.a. Friendly Visitors c. Home Visitors relationship with Ana, and the issue she raised are her fears of
a.b. Volunteers Commission d. Pastoral workers staying long at the shelter and not being able to send money to
4. In social work practice, the following are the key concepts and her parents and siblings, What could be the appropriate
perspectives to consider in social work counselling, except: response to Ana using the counseling skills of empathic
a.a. Social functioning c. Psychodynamic Theories response. Remember empathic response is being able to
a.b. Person-in-situation d. Ecological Perspective demonstrate your understanding of the feeling of the client.
5. As with all forms of counselling techniques, the social Choose the not so helpful response of the counselor.
worker’s awareness of _____in relation to cultural history, Ana: I am worried that if I stay long at the shelter, my siblings will
gender, power, age, etc. can have impact on the lives of their have to stop their education, and my parents will be worried about
clients; my situation here in Manila.
a. Skills b. Empathy c. Self d. Relationship Counselor :
a. You feel worried about your siblings’s education and the
6. As a counseling skills, a social worker must consider the
possibility of stopping because you are now in our shelter.
client’s _________ which is a place or person who is familiar
How can we help you inform your parents and siblings to
enough to offer a degree of safety and security when anxieties
allay their fears?
are running high as a result of an external event or transition
b. You seem to really be a very responsible child in the family
such as a crisis.
to be taking these responsibilities though you are still a
a.a. Safe haven c. Secure base
minor? What are your suggestion for now that you are
a.b. Therapeutic space d. Boundary
here at the shelter?
c. Well, now that you are here at the shelter, it is time to
7. In social work practice, especially in counseling , emphasis on
inform your parents about your predicament so they won’t
social worker’s capacity to reflect is valuable. The following
expect support for now to your siblings who are studying.
are some of the techniques in self-other reflexivity in
d. Perhaps, we can plan together on the possible things we
counseling with clients, except:
can do to help your parents and the steps on how we can
a.a. Notice the effects of our language (verbal and non-verbal)
help you also adjust with your situation at the shelter.
a.b. Questions our own ideas with colleagues
a.c.Be curious about the theories that are guiding your work
12. Ana: I don’t want to be here at the shelter. Just help me go
a.d. Questions the ideas of the client in the counselling
back to my families in Boracay. I will just look for work there
so I can be with my family (Ana crying to her counselor). The
8. Below are some of the not so helpful features in professional
following counseling skills can be used except:
interviews, except:
a.a. Focusing, helping the client to be specific in her needs
a.a. Daydreaming c. Scoring points
a.b. Information giving
a.b. Labelling d. Watching for non-verbal cues a.c.Communicating deeper empathic understanding of the
9. The following are the characteristics of feminist counseling, client
except: a.d. All of the above
a.a. Uses traditional theories with an awareness of their
cultural implications 13. 14. Granting that you have informed the client about the
a.b. Promotes egalitarian counselor-counselee relationships legality aspect of the case she filed against the perpetrators to
a.c.Encourages personal validation of the client the Dept. of Justice and local DSWD as reasons for her stay at
a.d. Emphasizes women’s adjustment with their roles in the shelter, how would the social worker communicate this
society. message in the counselling sessions.
Part 2 Give the most unhelpful response from the counselor.
Ana, 16, grade 8, a child victim of trafficking was brought to a
temporary shelter after she was rescued from the bar in a.a. I understand it must be difficult for you to stay in a shelter
Sampaloc, Manila. She was recruited from Boracay by a because you have no friends and relatives around you,
neighbour who promised her job as a domestic helper in Manila. except for social workers and children who are also victims.
Perhaps we can share some information and orient you on Ana: I have fears of meeting my Mama Pimp at the DOJ? Can you
your situation as background and reasons why you are represent me instead so I will not see her ? I fear for my family also
here at the shelter. in the province if I testified against her. Choose the not so helpful
a.b. You just have to understand that you are in our custody response.
because you were referred to us by the DOJ and the DSWD
and because you are a victim of trafficking. When the case a.a. It seems to me that you know very well your Mama Pimp
is cleared we will send you back to your family in Boracay. and how far she can do to hurt your family. Can you tell me
a.c.I hope that you can adjust with the new environment at some of the things you know your Mama Pimp had done in
the shelter. This is only temporary as we are processing hurting your family or other people.
your case and waiting for the perpetrator to be arrested.
We will keep you posted on the developments of your case. a.b. I understand your dilemma and anxiety of facing your
a.d. You seem so bothered about your stay at the shelter. I Mama Pimp in court. Most of the children here at the
hope you can take some rest here as you were working all shelter had the same fears as yours when they attended
days at the bar. You also need to focus on your health and their first hearing and saw their abusers in court. But we
study also as a minor while we are processing your case. manage to help them overcome those fears. They are
giving you their full support and also we will be there to
14. As days passed by, Ana was feeling restless, ambivalent and support and protect you.
unruly at the Shelter. She wilfully violated some of the policies a.c.You feel so nervous to see your Mama Pimp in court? That
such as not cleaning her room and personal things. How would is normal and everyone felt the same way when you have
you counsel Ana about her violations and misbehaviour at the to face your enemy, especially in courts. We will prepare
shelter ? well for the hearing and bring many of our friends at the
shelter to provide support to your case. Can these
Ana: I told you I want to go home. I am getting lonely each day at suggestions help you overcome your fear?
the shelter. I also cannot sleep and eat well because I think a.d. This is the time you need to put a lot of courage so you
everyday of my siblings and parents. can put your Mama Pimp in jail so you can return home to
What are the counseling skills needed for the social worker your family. We will be there to support. Just think of
handling Ana? your family and the other children who were victims of
Mama Pimp and those more children to come. You are
a. Communicating deeper empathic understanding of their hero.
the client 18. Ana has appeared in court and has seen her Mama Pimp. She
b. Managing hostility and ambivalent behaviors of client said her hands were cold when she saw her Mama Pimp
c. Linking, connecting throw a fierce look at her. She told her social worker that she
d. All of the above knows what that look means. She felt afraid for the safety of
her family in the province. She also expressed her happiness
15. Granting that you have talked to Ana and discuss her that at last her case is moving and the possibility of going to
misbehaviour at the shelter, how would you discuss these her family in the province might be near. If you are the social
concerns with her in the counseling session? Select the not so worker of Ana, what could be the counseling skills you will use
helpful response from the counselor. in the counseling session?
a.a. I remembered we made a plan before on how to go a.a. Checking and Reflecting feelings
about the concerns you raised in our initial counseling a.b. Helping the client understand court dynamics and
sessions, can we review it together and see how far have processes
we done so we will know the progress of our plan? a.c.Goal-setting/decision-making
a.b. It seems you are getting impatient and not focused on our a.d. All of the above
agreed plans, what do you think your misbehavior can 19. After the initial hearing, Ana expressed how she felt about the
contribute to our plans that we made regarding your case hearings and thought that her parents and siblings might be at
and stay at the shelter? risk due to the seeming fierce look of Mama Pimp on her.
a.c.You feel so bored and uncooperative at the shelter these How would the social worker process this fear in the
past few days, can you suggest some activities that might counseling session after the hearing? Choose the not so
help you overcome your boredom and be focused on our helpful response.
plan? a.a. I understand that this is the first time you see Mama Pimp
a.d. There is an activity for children next week. It is an outdoor after the raid, it must really be very frightening to you.
activity. I suggest you attend the activity to make you busy Perhaps it might be of help if we explore seeing her in the
and perk up your mood at the shelter. courtroom through a vacant chair representing Mama
Pimp to lessen your fear next hearing. Pretend we are also
16. Ana is to attend her first hearing at the Department of Justice. in the courtroom.
She will face her Mama Pimp and the owners of the bar where a.b. You seem so natural inside the courtroom. I was looking at
she worked as an entertainer. She said she is afraid because you and I did not see the fears in your eyes. I am happy
her Mama Pimp is influential and told her before that she will that you were able to handle the courtroom scene
get back at them if she files cases against her for working in the yesterday.
bar even if she is put behind bars. Ana expressed her fears a.c.You seem to feel better after the first hearing. Perhaps it
with her counsellors. What are the counseling skills needed to would be good to plan ahead of your scheduled hearing so
allay the fears of Ana? we will much better prepare next hearing. Do you have
a.a. Linking c. Focusing techniques suggestions on how to prepare for your next hearing?
a.b. Immediacy d. All of the above a.d. I can see you a little bit fidgeting in court. Do not let
17. Granting Ana will have her initial hearing, how would the them see how nervous you are because the more they see
social worker incorporate in her counseling sessions the issues you nervous, the more they will bully you in court.
of fear of Ana in facing her Mama Pimp at the DOJ?
Part 3
Specific Counseling Techniques he was repairing their ceiling. Actually Mario had a conflict
20. Feminist Counseling was developed by and for women with his wife over money matters that led to a short squabble
( Orozco & Lee & Blando, & Shooshani, 2014). Some of the between them. Each time they had a physical fight Mario
techniques used in feminist counseling are the following except would take the blows because he does not like to hit his wife.
one: Instead of taking the blows he will embrace his wife tightly to
a.a. Social and gender analysis c. transference stop the fight. He did not tell anyone about his being a
a.b. Self-disclosure d. Power analysis battered husband, except to his friend doctor who treated
21. Maria, 45, a battered woman with 4 minor children came to him for his bruises or hematoma as a result of their fights
the Women’s Desk of Bgy. Banga, Mindoro to seek help
concerning her husband who beats her and their children Mario: I really do not know to handle my wife. Each time we have
when he is drunk. She said she wanted her husband to leave a fight I have to prepare myself from her punches and scratching.
their house when he is drunk because their children had She is really the more aggressive and stronger person in our
developed fears and trauma whenever they saw their father relationships. I love her but I am really full. I wanted to leave her
drunk. She also added that she has also fears that her husband but I love my children. I don’t want them to have a dysfunctional
might abuse their two daughters sexually when she is out of families. Our children witnessed our fights and they are affected
the house. She however does not want to separate from her also.
husband but would like him to change for the sake of their
family. If you are the counselor of Mario, how would you respond to him:
Choose the most unhelpful response to Mario.
Maria: Can you order my husband to leave our house when he is a.a. I sense that you are having a great problem with your
drunk. Can you also tell him that our children have developed relationship with your wife especially the physical fight
fears because of his vices and behavior. I don’t really want to between the two of you. Can you share more about this
separate from my husband, because I don’t want to have a broken violence?
family for the sake of my children. What could be the response of a.b. You were saying your wife is the more aggressive and
the feminist Counselor to the request of Maria? Select the most stronger person in your relationships, can you describe your
unhelpful response: wife to us? What do you think are the possible options to
increase your assertiveness capacity in dealing with your
a. You feel worried each time your husband gets drunk. It wife’s aggressive and violent behavior?
seems even your children had developed fears of your a.c.You feel tired and full of the physical fights with your wife,
husband whenever he is drunk. Can you tell us how long how has this affected you and the children? If you do not
is this happening. like to answer this question, it is all right, I can understand.
b. I understand how difficult for you to handle the situation a.d. Would you like to try to learn some body-building program
whenever your husband gets drunk. I was in a similar to increase your capacity to defend yourself each time you
situation with you years back. I thought I would not have have a squabble with your wife? If he sees you strong
freed myself from that abusive relationship. The support of enough, that can lower the aggressiveness to violence of
my friends and family enabled me to leave that violent your wife.
c. I believe that your dilemma is similar to the cases of Solution-Focused Counseling
other women in violent relationship. They are caught in the 24. Solution focused counseling began as a problem-focused
same cycle of violence with their partners who believe alternative to family and marital psychotherapy, but evolved
that women are subordinate to men, especially in their into a solution-focused method that is frequently use upon
relationship with men. There is a need to educate and raise individual (Nunnally, 1993). The founder of the approach is
the awareness of women and men on gender issues and Steve de Shazer that takes special note of exceptions - those
power differentials. occasions when the problem does not occur. The following are
d. I understand it is difficult to be in violent relationship the techniques used in solution-focused counseling, except
especially if you have children to consider in the family. one.
Children do need a father as they grow up to protect them a.a. Miracle questions
against bullying and discrimination in school. Thus we have a.b. Exceptions
to also understand our husband who sometimes indulge in a.c.Reframing client’s viewpoints and perspectives
vices because that is part of their social upbringing as men. a.d. Reinforcement
25. Juana and Tonyo always quarrel over the delayed payments of
22. Counselling men is another unexplored field in counseling in the house they are renting, They have 2 children who are in
social work. Men like women also experienced gender role their elementary years. When it’s the end of the month, the
conflict due to society’s expectation of men’s role. Gender role tension between the couple builds up making the atmosphere
conflict of men has been reportedly linked to depression, lower tense and tight. But after they have paid the monthly rental to
psychological well-being, physical illness, poor self-care in men the owner, the couple are able to relax and begin to be at
(Enns, 1993). Boys were told that “big boys don’t cry; or in peace again. This has been the routine each time the couple
sports, that they should learn to play ‘with pain”, that serve to has to pay their monthly rental bill. But for other payments like
train them to be out of touch with their feelings. Select which school fees, water and lights, the couple seemed to be not so
is the most unhelpful technique in counseling men tense. They have become used to meeting the payments of
a.a. Use of direct, analytical, educational techniques the monthly bills to these without having to quarrel over the
a.b. Use of action-oriented strategies payments.
a.c.Recognition of silence
a.d. Use of drama and other emotionally laden intervention Juana: I always told him to prepare in advance the payments of
the house rental so the owner will not be frustrated when she
23. Mario, 40, office messenger, with 3 minor children, came to comes to get the monthly payment of the house rental.
the clinic to have his bruises check. When asked what Tonyo : I always do, but it seems that my effort to save for the
happened to him, Mario said he accidentally fell on the floor as monthly house rental always fall short. There are other expenses
that are to be met, hence the payment allotted for the house rental
was spent to meet other needs.
As a counselor using solution-focused counseling, what is the most
unhelpful response to the problems of Juana and Tonyo?

a.a. I understand that there are many pressures in meeting the

many expenses at home, it must have been really difficult
for you as a couple to meet all these needs. Can you share
what are the other expenses that are to be met every
month? How do you feel about meeting these other
a.b. You really feel upset in meeting your monthly rental
payments? What if you have your own house and you do
not have to pay monthly rental fee, do you think the tense
atmosphere would be eradicated. How would you feel
about those changes?
a.c.Do you remember instances when you do not quarrel about
payment of bills at home? Are these similar instances
happen more often? Can we explore the same
atmosphere in the payment of monthly rental bills? How
would you feel about that?
a.d. I believe you as a couple should plan well the payments of
your household bills so there won’t be quarrels. Anyway,
every household has bills to pay every month. Treat it as
part of your basic requirement in the maintenance of the
family’s upkeep.

Crisis counselling
26. Crisis theory originated with the work of Lindemann (1944) and
Caplan (1964) but was soon developed for social work
intervention by Parad (1991: Parad ,1990) Techniques in crisis
counseling are the following except;
a.a. Immediacy c. Active involvement
a.b. Purposive listening d. All of the above
27. The very first professional method of social work intervention
practiced in the Philippines was introduced by the
______________, a welfare agency that employed “ Home
a.a. Associated Charities de Manila
a.b. War Relief Office
a.c.Catholic Women’s League
a.d. Public Welfare Commissioner
28. The dimension that clearly differentiates counseling from social
work is _______.
a.a. Skills b. Values c. Context d. Practice
29. __________is the process of helping people make important
choices that affect their lives such as choosing a preferred
lifestyle. It focuses on helping individuals choose what they
value most such as making decisions on a course or study or a
a.a. Psychotherapy c. Counseling
a.b. Guidance d. advice

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