Distinguish Between The Ultra Liberal, Moderate, and Ultra Conservative Chiropractor

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Distinguish between the ultra liberal, moderate and ultra conservative positions of our profession by

reviewing the differences in their metaphysical, epistemological and logical viewpoints.

The Ultra Liberal, Moderate, and Ultra Conservative are the three faces of Chiropractic. Each
having their own views and beliefs on the philosophies of Chiropractic, and how the practice should be
approached and conveyed to the general public. The first difference between the three has to do with
one of the cornerstones of chiropractic, the subluxation hypotheses. The ultra liberal views the
subluxation through a vitalistic lens dealing with innate and how this relates to the body healing. They
also embrace mechanistic components, but explain this through vitalism. The moderate and ultra
conservative chiropractor both view this with a more mechanistic view. The moderate chiropractor take
some of the concepts of vitalism, but do not directly place them in their definitions of subluxations. The
ultra conservative chiropractor defines the subluxation with mechanistic components only. They deny the
vitalistic component and do not include it in the definitions.

The ultra liberal chiropractor rejects monism and embraces dualism. This allows the ultra liberal
to embrace rationalism to think through the problems of chiropractic without the need for science to
understand their beliefs. The liberal uses deductive reasoning to accomplish this. The ultra conservative is
the opposite of the ultra liberal. The conservative rejects the dualism and embraces the monism. The
conservative embraces empiricism and science. They use inductive reasoning to work through their
problems. Lastly the moderate chiropractor considers all both monism and dualism. They also emphasize
empiricism and rationalism. The moderate accepts science and vitalism. They embrace a true place of
philosophy being open to the strengths of the two opposing sides. Each has its benefits, but as a
profession the moderate position is the only position that will move us in a forward direction.

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