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Date:22/2/2016 Maximum marks:50

Session:AN Time: 2 hours

PART A Answer all the questions

1) Define sensitivity and linearity?

2) What is Po2 electrode?
3) What is EMG?

4) What is biopotential electrode?

5) Draw and explain P, Q, R, S, and T in ECG wave form? (5X2=10)

PART B Answer any four questions

6) What is biometrics? Explain in detail.

7) Write a note on problems encountered in measuring a living system.

8) What is the physiology of respiratory system?

9) Draw and explain the components of man instrument system

10) What is EEG? Explain in detail.

11) What is pH Electrode? (4X5=20)

PART C Answer any two questions

12) What is a transducer? What are the applications of transducer in biomedical?
13) What are action and resting potentials? Draw and explain the propagation of action potential
wave form.

14) Give a brief account of working of heart and cardio vascular system (10x2=20)

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