Wavelength of Laser Beam

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Wavelength of Laser Beam


The wavelength means the distance when the wave’s shape repeats which is symbolized with Greek
letter lambda (λ). Wavelength is inversely proportional to the frequency. When the wavelength is
longer the frequency is shorter and this situation is the same for opposites. In lectures say the
dependence of wavelength is frequency and median.

General Background

Double slit experiment, the other name is Young’s experiment can help us to find wavelength of the
laser beam or any other wave. This experiment is applied by Thomas Young. In double slit experiment
when the waves go through the slits and passed, they intersect. The intersections points reflect on
the screen; then, dark and bright fringes can be observed. Where crest meets crest, there will be
constructive interference. That is seen bright on the screen. Where crest meets through, there will be
destructive interference. That is seen black on the screen.


Picture 1: Black parts are the destructive interferences and bright parts are the constructive interferences.
Research Question

Does the wavelength of laser beam can be found by Young’s double slit experiment?


The wavelength of laser beam is constant if the other conditions are stable and can be found by
Young’s double slit experiment.


To prove the wavelength can be found by Thomas Young’s double slit experiment.


 Laser beam
 Ruler
 Knife
 Plastic ice cream cup cover
 2xHolder
 Stable smooth white screen
 Pencil
 Sunglasses


 Take the plastic ice cream cup cover and cut two parallel lines with the distance 0,1mm with
 Make it stable with holder and parallel to the ground but the lines should be perpendicular
to the floor
 Make the laser beam stable with the holder
 Find a big ground and dark place (recommended to do experiment at night)
 Replace the laser beam and put double slit ice cream cup cover front of the laser
 Replace the screen on the same line with the laser and double slit and should the double slit
to observe the patterns

 Switch on laser beam
 Wear sunglasses
 Switch of the lights (room should be dark to observe the patterns)
 Try to capture the patters by moving laser beam forward and backward
 When patterns are clearly seen draw the bright fringes with the pen on the screen
 Turn on the lights and measure the distance between double slit and the screen
 Measure the length between the bright fringes and central maximum
 By using the formula
λ is wavelength of the laser beam
x is the distance between the bright fringes and central maximum
L is the distance between slits and the screen
d is the distance between slits, separation of slits
n is the central maximum
find the wavelength of the laser beam


Picture2: The picture is taken during the experiment that shows patterns clearly and how it should be
like after settle the tools.

Controlled Variables:

 Laser Beam
 Distance between the screen and the slits
 The length of slits’ separation

Independent Variables:

 The distance between the bright fringes and the central maximum
 The central maximum

Dependent Values:

 Do not exist for this experiment

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