Professor Mcquerry Eed-480 Student Teaching Evaluation of Performance 7 3

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Student Teaching Evaluation of Performance (STEP)


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Table of Contents
Standard 1- Contextual Factors - Knowing Your School and Community
Standard 2 - Writing Standards-Based Objectives and the Learning Goal
Standard 3 - Assessment and Data Literacy
Standard 4 - Unit and Lesson Planning
Standard 5 - Implementation of Instructional Unit
Standard 6 - Analysis of Student Learning
Standard 7 - Reflecting on Instruction to Improve Student Progress

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STEP Standard 1 - Contextual Factors: Knowing Your School and

Part I: Community, District, School, and Classroom Factors

A. Geographic Location
The Geographic Location of Harlandale School District is in San Antonio, Texas in a suburb.

The population in the of the city of San Antonio is 1.493 million people according to live in San

Antonio Texas the growth continues in San Antonio(United States Census, 2017).San Antonio is

the third largest growth in population city in the United States with (San Antonio Business

Journal, 2018). The affect for planning, instruction and assessments will be to keep in mind the

socioeconomics and diversity in the classroom for all students with the ultimate goal for them to


B. District Demographics
The name of the school is Morrill Elementary. The grades are Pre-k to fifth. The numbers of

schools in the Harlandale School District are thirteen. 100% percent of the students receive free

lunch. Morrill elementary is a small school with the student ratio to teacher helping with the

planning, delivery, assessments in good standing and the demographics not affecting. According

to the Harlandale School District demographics are 95,496 in population. The male population is

47,047, the female population is 48,449. Occupational employment is white collar 3967 and blue

collar is 2393. Total households are 29,998, family households are 23,204, non-family

households, 6.793, households with children 13,572, households without children 16,424.

average people per household 3.16. In the district the education of the population with no high

school 11,983, some high school, 10,641, some college 10,784. Associate Degree 2,346,

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Bachelor degree 2,758, Graduate Degree 1,105. The Marital Status in the District is never

married 21,276, Married 24,2340, Separated 4,420, Widowed 1,239, divorced 7,157.Household

Income and average Income is Median income under 25 years of age 24 is 24,351. Median

income for 25-44 years of age is 33,820. Median income for 45-64 years of age is 39,074.

Median Income over 65 is 31,903. Average household income is 36,401. Median household

income is 31,403. (Harlandale Independent School District, 1996-2018)

C. School Demographics
According to Texas Tribune Morrill Elementary School serves grades Pre-k to fifth and has 509

students and each teacher has 17.4% students in the classroom. One hundred percent of the

students receive free lunch. It is a title one school. The school has 1% African American, 0%

Pacific Islander, 0% American Indian, 8% White, 1% Asian, 499% Hispanic. At risk students is

79%, Economic disadvantaged 90.8% and Limited English proficient 25.7%.(Texas Tribune,


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STEP Standard 1 - Contextual Factors: Knowing Your School and

Part II: Demographic, Environment, and Academic Factors

A. Student Demographic Factors
The grade level is second grade they are twenty students in the classroom. It is a full teach

classroom with no rotations. The content area is reading, math, science and social studies, we

have fourteen boys and six girls. It has fourteen Hispanic boys five Hispanic girls and one

Caucasian girl. The socioeconomic is below the poverty line for the school and class. According

to the Texas Tribune Morrill elementary has 498 students or 98.4% are Hispanic they are equal

females and males in the census for the school. 100% of the students receive free lunch. In 2016

the results for passing the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness test was 78%. The

students that are in the gifted and talented program are 3%. Students have a 25% limited English

Proficiency, 11% have a learning disability. (Texas Tribune, 2017)

B. Environmental Factors

The classroom has tables with chairs and not desks for each student. There is a carpet in the

corner of the room with books for the children to read from the library as well as books the

teacher has readily available to use. The students have access to dictionaries. I pad are

reserved for each student from the library on first come first serve on a weekly basis. The

students have good parental involvement with the teacher. According to Texas Tribune

Morrill Elementary is a school with safety procedure for lock down, fire, and safety as well

as guidance for behavior and nutritional choices are practice in the school. The teaching to

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learning for the student is good size class with a ratio of 1 to 17 students more or less. The

classrooms have a sink for hand washing the school has one science lab, cafeteria, three

student bathrooms and four staff bathrooms, the offices have easy access for faculty and staff

and each student has a desk. (Texas Tribune, 2017)

C. Student Academic Factors

Student Subgroup ELL IEP Section 504 Gifted Oth r or
er Cogniti
Serv ve
ices Needs
(Exp Receivi
lain) ng No
Boys 0 0 2 1 0 1
Girls 0 1 2 0 0 0
Instructional Non Extra time Avoid penalizing The teacher none Behavio
Accommodations and e for oral for spelling will have high r log for
Modifications response, errors. Monitor order thinking parent.
(Describe any allow assignments that questions with Face to
instructional misarticul require timed the delivery of face
accommodations and ating, oral the lesson. The commun
modifications regularly picture administration planning and ication
used to meet the needs of cards, for the test. Oral assessments with
students in each speech individual will be the parent
subgroup.) therapy 15 administration same. when
min. 5x reduces length question
per 6 and use explicit s arise.
weeks etc. instruction
Explain in small
distinct steps
extended time
make sure they

In the space below, discuss the possible affect these characteristics could have on the planning,
delivery, and assessment of your unit. Refrain from using student names.
The lessons will be planned for all students the same. The delivery will be modified and

accommodated according to the Individual Education Plan, 504, and gifted and talented as stated

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in the columns above. The assessments will also be modified and accommodated according to

the IEP and 504 specifications.

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STEP Standard 2 - Writing Standards-Based Objectives and the
Learning Goal

Unit Topic: Maps

Unit Title: Map skills and location

National or State Academic Content Standards

“§113.13. Social Studies, Grade 2” (Social Studies TEKS-Texas Education Agency –, 2017).

(5) “Geography. The student uses simple geographic tools such as maps and globes. The

student is expected to:” ( Social Studies TEKS-Texas Education Agency –,


(A) “ Interpret information on maps and globes using basic map elements such as title,

orientation (north, south, east, west), and legend/map keys” ( Social Studies TEKS-

Texas Education Agency –, 2017).

(6) “ Geography. The student understands the locations and characteristics of places and

regions in the community, state, and nation. The student is expected to:” (Social Studies

TEKS-Texas Education Agency –, 2017).

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(A) “Identify major landforms and bodies of water, including each of the continents and

each of the oceans, on maps and globes; “(Social Studies TEKS-Texas Education Agency

–, 2017).

Learning Goal
The overall learning goal for the unit is for the student to learn the seven continents on a map.
The student will be able to identify where the continents are in a Map at the end of this unit.

Measurable Objectives
The measureable objectives are as follow.
 To use a compass rose to identify cardinal direction north, South, East west.
 To identify the continents by name.
 To identify on a world map where they live.

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STEP Standard 3 - Assessment and Data Literacy
Pre-Assessment - Copy and paste the pre-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’
knowledge of the topic prior to implementing the unit lessons. Include the scoring criteria used
to determine whether the student Exceeds, Meets, Approaches, or Falls Far Below the learning
goal and measurable objectives.

(Free Clipart, 2017)

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Compass Rose
North America
South America

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(Free Clipart, 2017)

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(Compass Handout, 2017)

The criteria scoring:

To identify compass rose, Cardinal Directions, and continents in with the world map.

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Maps Pre-assessment and Post Assessment Rubric
Second Grade Social Studies
Expectations 100 75 50 25 0

Identify the The student The student The student The student The student
continent labeled the labeled half labeled is labeled some did no label
where you continent on of the partial of of the the
live on the a map where continent on the continent on continent on
map. they live. the map continent on the map the map
where they the map where they where they
live. where they live. live.
Map has all Map has Map has Map has Map has
Identify and seven five three two zero
label all continents continents continents continents continents
Seven labeled. labeled. labeled. labeled. labeled.
All Only five Only three Only two Zero
Continents continents continents continents continents continents
are outlined are outlined are outlined are outlined are outlined
on the map. on the map. on the map. on the map. on the map.
Draw a A Compass A Compass A compass A Compass There is no
Compass Rose is Rose is Rose is Rose is Compass
Rose drawn missing two missing missing two Rose drawn
completely points on three points points on on the map
on the map. the map. on the map. the map.
Identify and A Compass A Compass A compass The The
draw north, Rose has all Rose is Rose is Compass Compass
south, east cardinal missing missing Rose is Rose is not
and west on identification North and South and partially drawn or
a Compass labeled. West. East. drawn on identified.
Rose the map is
not colored.
Cut and Map has all Map has Map has Map has Map has
paste to seven five three two zero
Identify the continents on continents continents continents continents
Continents the map on the map on the map on the map on the map
on the Map correct. correct. correct. correct. correct.
color each

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Draw a line All seven Only six Only five Only four Zero
to the name questions are questions questions questions questions
of the correct. are correct. are correct. are correct. are correct.
continent to
the picture
of the

Pre-Assessment Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ knowledge on the topic,
collect and analyze the pre-assessment data to determine if you will need to modify the standards,
learning goal, or measurable objectives that will be addressed during instruction.

Number of Students

Exceeds 2

Meets 19

Approaches 2

Falls Far Below 1

Pre-Assessment Analysis: Whole Class

The state academic content standards will remain the same. The learning goal and
measureable objective will also remain the same
The teacher has the data that reflects on each student and determines that they had no
prior introduction to the content material and had no knowledge based on the end data
results. Each day the student will have a clear instruction of what they are to do. Then
planning is based on the teacher to have stations with different content for each
measureable objective and walk around the class to assist the student to learn the goal.

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The vocabulary will be discussed daily to build up on background. The student will be
given explicit on what text features to read along books for compass rose, continents each
day the description and place on the globe, where they live on the map. The use of a timer
will help the teacher deliver the lesson steadily. The teacher will let the student know the
sequence of what instruction will be for the time block. The learning goal will be discussed
daily as well as the measureable objective. The teacher will convey to the whole group what
they will be doing on a daily basis. The teacher has all materials ready. The teacher has
technology ready for instruction with directions written for visually and verbally
instruction by writing them on the board for smooth transition for differentiated
instruction checking that each student understand by asking them as a whole group. The
teacher will deliver instruction explicitly for all students based on their IEP, 504. Speech
impairments and general intellectual quotients to meet each individual students needs. It is
important to associate the lesson to their background, give them a choice, real life
scenarios, use technology, and teach them to focus on how they are progressing with
different experiences with visual handouts to cut and paste for understanding and
engagement. The instructional strategies to keep student focused they are to Engage,
Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate within the week each strategy is done. The pre-
assessment and post assessment will be based on all individual needs for differentiated
instruction for IEP, speech impairment, general intelligence quotients for each student.

Post-Assessment – Copy and paste the post-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’ knowledge
of the topic after implementing the unit lessons. The post-assessment can be the same as the pre-
assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures the same concepts. Include the
scoring criteria used to determine whether the student Exceeds, Meets, Approaches, or Falls Far Below the
learning goal and measurable objectives.

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(Compass Handout, 2017)

(Free Clipart,2017)

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(Free Clipart,2017)

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Compass Rose
North America
South America

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Maps Pre-assessment and Post Assessment Rubric
Second Grade Social Studies
Expectations 100 75 50 25 0

Identify the The student The student The student The student The student
continent labeled the labeled half labeled is labeled some did no label
where you continent on of the partial of the of the the
live on the a map where continent on continent on continent on continent on
map. they live. the map the map the map the map
where they where they where they where they
live. live. live. live.

Map has all Map has five Map has Map has two Map has
Identify and seven continents three continents zero
label all continents labeled. continents labeled. continents
Seven labeled. labeled. labeled.
All Only five Only three Only two Zero
Continents continents continents continents continents continents
are outlined are outlined are outlined are outlined are outlined
on the map. on the map. on the map. on the map. on the map.
Draw a A Compass A Compass A compass A Compass There is no
Compass Rose is Rose is Rose is Rose is Compass
Rose drawn missing two missing missing two Rose drawn
completely points on the three points points on the on the map
on the map. map. on the map. map.
Identify and A Compass A Compass A compass The The
draw north, Rose has all Rose is Rose is Compass Compass
south, east cardinal missing missing Rose is Rose is not
and west on identification North and South and partially drawn or
a Compass labeled. West. East. drawn on identified.
Rose the map is
not colored.
Cut and Map has all Map has five Map has Map has two Map has
paste to seven continents three continents zero
Identify the continents on on the map continents on the map continents
Continents the map correct. on the map correct. on the map
on the Map correct. correct. correct.
color each
Draw a line All seven Only six Only five Only four Zero
to the name questions are questions questions questions questions
of the correct. are correct. are correct. are correct. are correct.

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continent to
the picture of

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STEP Standard 4 - Unit and Lesson Planning
Note: When implementing the unit of study, you will be choosing one of these activities to video record, review, and reflect on your teaching later
in the STEP process,

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Title of Lesson or All about Maps My World Using Globes Our Earth Assessment
Standards and (5) (5) (5) (5) (5)
What do students “Geography. “Geography. “Geography. “Geography. “Geography.
need to know and
be able to do for The student The student The student The student The student
each day of the
unit? uses simple uses simple uses simple uses simple uses simple

geographic geographic geographic geographic geographic

tools such as tools such as tools such as tools such as tools such as

maps and maps and maps and maps and maps and

globes. The globes. The globes. The globes. The globes. The

student is student is student is student is student is

expected to:” expected to:” expected to:” expected to:” expected to:”

( Social ( Social ( Social ( Social ( Social

Studies Studies Studies Studies Studies

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TEKS-Texas TEKS-Texas TEKS-Texas TEKS-Texas TEKS-Texas

Education Education Education Education Education

Agency – Agency – Agency – Agency – Agency –,,,,,

2017). 2017). 2017). 2017). 2017).

(A) “ (A) “ (A) “ (A) “ (A) “

Interpret Interpret Interpret Interpret Interpret

information information information information information

on maps and on maps and on maps and on maps and on maps and

globes using globes using globes using globes using globes using

basic map basic map basic map basic map basic map

elements elements elements elements elements

such as title, such as title, such as title, such as title, such as title,

orientation orientation orientation orientation orientation

(north, (north, (north, (north, (north,

© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 23 of 38

south, east, south, east, south, east, south, east, south, east,

west), and west), and west), and west), and west), and

legend/map legend/map legend/map legend/map legend/map

keys” ( keys” ( keys” ( keys” ( keys” (

Social Social Social Social Social

Studies Studies Studies Studies Studies

TEKS-Texas TEKS-Texas TEKS-Texas TEKS-Texas TEKS-Texas

Education Education Education Education Education

Agency – Agency – Agency – Agency – Agency –,,,,,

2017). 2017). 2017). 2017). 2017).

(6) “ (6) “ (6) “ (6) “ (6) “

Geography. Geography. Geography. Geography. Geography.

The student The student The student The student The student

understands understands understands understands understands

© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 24 of 38

the locations the locations the locations the locations the locations

and and and and and

characteristic characteristic characteristic characteristic characteristic

s of places s of places s of places s of places s of places

and regions and regions and regions and regions and regions

in the in the in the in the in the

community, community, community, community, community,

state, and state, and state, and state, and state, and

nation. The nation. The nation. The nation. The nation. The

student is student is student is student is student is

expected to:” expected to:” expected to:” expected to:” expected to:”

(Social (Social (Social (Social (Social

Studies Studies Studies Studies Studies

TEKS-Texas TEKS-Texas TEKS-Texas TEKS-Texas TEKS-Texas

Education Education Education Education Education

Agency – Agency – Agency – Agency – Agency –

© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 25 of 38,,,,,

2017). 2017). 2017). 2017). 2017).

(A) (A) (A) (A) (A)

“Identify “Identify “Identify “Identify “Identify

major major major major major

landforms landforms landforms landforms landforms

and bodies and bodies and bodies and bodies and bodies

of water, of water, of water, of water, of water,

including including including including including

each of the each of the each of the each of the each of the

continents continents continents continents continents

and each of and each of and each of and each of and each of

the oceans, the oceans, the oceans, the oceans, the oceans,

on maps and on maps and on maps and on maps and on maps and

globes; globes; globes; globes; globes;

© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 26 of 38

“(Social “(Social “(Social “(Social “(Social

Studies Studies Studies Studies Studies

TEKS-Texas TEKS-Texas TEKS-Texas TEKS-Texas TEKS-Texas

Education Education Education Education Education

Agency – Agency – Agency – Agency – Agency –,,,,,

2017). 2017). 2017). 2017). 2017).

The student will be The student will be The student will be The student will be The Student will
able to know all able to Identify able to learn what is able to label, cut, have an assessment
about maps and continents. a Globe and parts of and color continents on identifying the
features. Identify a Globe. and paste them on a name of the
continent where balloon to create a continent to the
they live. globe.. pictures trace and
label the continent.
Academic Maps Maps Maps Maps Maps
Language and Globe Globe Globe Globe Globe
Vocabulary landforms landforms landforms landforms landforms
What academic Continents Continents Continents Continents Continents
language will you Oceans Oceans Oceans Oceans Oceans
emphasize and Compass Compass Compass Compass Compass
teach each day Key Key Key Key Key
during this unit? Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale
Latitude Latitude Latitude Latitude Latitude
Longitude Longitude Longitude Longitude Longitude
Compass Rose Compass Rose Compass Rose Compass Rose Compass Rose
North North North North North

© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 27 of 38

South South South South South
East East East East East
West West West West West
North America North America North America North America North America
South America South America South America South America South America
Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica
Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe
Asia Asia Asia Asia Asia
Africa Africa Africa Africa Africa
Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia

Summary of Shared reading on Shared reading on Shared reading on Shared reading on Shared reading on
Instruction and maps and maps and maps and maps and maps and
Activities for the continents. continents. continents. continents. continents.
Lesson Introduction of Transition to the Transition to the Transition to the Transition to the
How will the vocabulary. introduction of introduction of introduction of introduction of
instruction and Transition to vocabulary words vocabulary words vocabulary words vocabulary words
activities flow? interactive journal to and build on and build on and build on and build on
Consider how the color cut and label background. background. background. background. The
students will map features with Transition to Transition to Transition to teacher will handout
efficiently guided instruction. interactive social interactive social labeling with a out a map and the
transition from one Transition to studies journal to studies journal for pencil all continents student will trace
to the next. independent practice color cut and label parts of a globe. and coloring a copy where they live. The
instruction to draw my world with Transition to of all continents students will label
and color each guided instruction. independent practice with different the continents. The
feature. Technology Transition to to write about what colors. Transition to students will draw a
shows a video on independent practice a globe is and color cutting all of the line to the picture
brain pop for maps, instruction to color the globe. continents and and name of the
and map skills. North America red pasting them on continents.

© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 28 of 38

on a map. blue balloon.
Differentiation Repeat for the Repeat for the Repeat for the Repeat for the Repeat for the
What are the students that have students that have students that have students that have students that have
adaptations or speech 504. Seat speech 504. Seat speech 504. Seat speech 504. Seat speech 504. Seat
modifications to students in the front students in the front students in the front students in the front students in the front
the with special seating with special seating with special seating with special seating with special seating
instruction/activitie for explicit for explicit for explicit for explicit for explicit
s as determined by instruction. The instruction. The instruction. The instruction. The instruction. The
the student factors teacher will scaffold teacher will scaffold teacher will scaffold teacher will scaffold teacher will scaffold
or individual learning based on learning based on learning based on learning based on learning based on
learning needs? the IEP and 504 the IEP and 504 the IEP and 504 the IEP and 504 the IEP and 504
instructions for all instructions for all instructions for all instructions for all instructions for all
students to meet students to meet students to meet students to meet students to meet
individual needs. individual needs. individual needs. individual needs. individual needs.
The teacher will re- The teacher will re- The teacher will re- The teacher will re- The teacher will re-
teach a practice that teach a practice that teach a practice that teach a practice that teach a practice that
is ongoing is ongoing is ongoing is ongoing is ongoing
throughout the throughout the throughout the throughout the throughout the
lesson for lesson for lesson for lesson for lesson for
understanding and understanding and understanding and understanding and understanding and
comprehension for comprehension for comprehension for comprehension for comprehension for
each instruction and each instruction and each instruction and each instruction and each instruction and
activity. activity. activity. activity. activity.
Required Song for Continents. Song for Continents. Song for Continents. Song for Continents. Song for Continents.
Materials, Shared reading book Shared reading book Shared reading book Shared reading book Shared reading book
Handouts, Text, on maps and on maps and on maps and on maps and on maps and
Slides, and continents from the continents from the continents from the continents from the continents from the
Technology library. A library. A library. A library. A handout library. A video on
Geography Geography Geography of the continents to Brain pop jr. on
Interactive Interactive Interactive label, cut, and paste continents.()
Notebook handout Notebook handout Notebook handout on a balloon. A
by Whitney by Whitney by Whitney video on Brain pop
Grantham. Grantham My Grantham Using jr. on continents.

© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 29 of 38

World (Grantham, Globes (Grantham,
Whitney, 2015). Whitney, 2015).
Instructional and The teacher will use The teacher will use The teacher will use The teacher will use The teacher will use
Engagement the strategies to the strategies to the strategies to the strategies to the strategies to
Strategies building on building on building on building on building on
What strategies are background background background background background
you going to use knowledge, engage knowledge, engage knowledge, engage knowledge, engage knowledge, engage
with your students by shared reading by shared reading by shared reading by shared reading by shared reading
to keep them with books on maps with books on maps with books on maps with books on maps with books on maps
engaged and continents doing and continents doing and continents doing and continents doing and continents doing
throughout the unit a picture walk and a picture walk and a picture walk and a picture walk and a picture walk and
of study? read aloud, Explore read aloud, Explore read aloud, Explore read aloud, Explore read aloud, Explore
the globes and maps the globes and maps the globes and maps the globes and maps the globes and maps
in the classroom, in the classroom, in the classroom, in the classroom, in the classroom,
explain with the explain with the explain with the explain with the explain with the
books on maps and books on maps and books on maps and books on maps and books on maps and
continents, elaborate continents, elaborate continents, elaborate continents, elaborate continents, elaborate
with the globes and with the globes and with the globes and with the globes and with the globes and
maps in the maps in the maps in the maps in the maps in the
classroom and classroom and classroom and classroom and classroom and
evaluate with the evaluate with the evaluate with the evaluate with the evaluate with the
handouts using the handouts using the handouts using the handouts using the handouts using the
social studies social studies social studies social studies social studies
interactive book. interactive book. interactive book. interactive book. interactive book
Formative The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will The teacher will
Assessments have questions that have questions that have questions that have questions that have questions that
How are you going are examples: what, are examples: what, are examples: what, are examples: what, are examples: what,
to measure the how, and why to how, and why to how, and why to how, and why to how, and why to
learning of your elaborate. The elaborate. The elaborate. The elaborate. The elaborate. The
students teacher will share a teacher will share a teacher will share a teacher will share a teacher will share a
throughout the reflection, wait for a reflection, wait for a reflection, wait for a reflection, wait for a reflection, wait for a
lesson? response and ask by response and ask by response and ask by response and ask by response and ask by
the raise of hand the raise of hand the raise of hand the raise of hand the raise of hand

© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 30 of 38

while performing while performing while performing while performing while performing
and informal and informal and informal and informal and informal
assessments to assessments to assessments to assessments to assessments to
check for check for check for check for check for
understanding. The understanding. The understanding. The understanding. The understanding. The
teacher will check teacher will check teacher will check teacher will check teacher will check
interactive Social interactive Social interactive Social interactive Social interactive Social
Studies journals for Studies journals for Studies journals for Studies journals for Studies journals for
understanding. understanding. understanding. understanding. understanding.
Summative, Post- The Post Assessment will be the same as the Pre-Assessments.
What post-
assessment will
measure the
learning progress?
Note: This can be
the same as the
pre-assessment or
a modified version
of it.

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STEP Standard 5 - Implementation of Instructional Unit
Implement the unit you have designed including the pre-assessment, all lesson activities,
correlating formative assessments, and summative post-assessment. Choose one of the activities
to video record, review, and reflect on your teaching. Have your cooperating teacher/mentor
review the recording and provide feedback, if possible.

Video Recording Link: The video is in three parts as noted.


Summary of Unit Implementation:

The lesson was planned with an activity. As I write about how the transition of each lesson progressed
throughout each day I felt that the students were so eager to learn about the unit I chose for maps, the
globe and the continents. The activity for the introduction on Monday for map skills and the classroom
had a computer lab block for Social Studies and it was perfect to do a brain pop video planned for them
to learn the continents. The plan was shared reading and using a globe as a model the activity on the
website was a winner and the students enjoyed it. On Tuesday the activity was a success, we did
independent and guided instruction the students on what a globe is. The activity to cut and paste the
continents with the globe as a model was fun and they loved to explore. The activity to trace where
they live North America was a bit of a challenged for them to trace and color North America red. The
assessment naming the continents and tracing where they live was good.

Summary of Student Learning:

The students were engaged with by singing a song about the continents and read aloud daily. They
explored the globe and where asked questions of what, when and where. They will elaborate also with
cut and paste continents and oceans on the globe. The teacher used the strategy of evaluating the
students with informal and formal assessments with using a globe, map and technology such as a video
using brain pop junior for comprehension of the continents. The students were able to have a great
learning experience because the teacher used all four strategies throughout the week on a daily basis.

Reflection of Video Recording:

The outcome of the video for the lesson on learning about the continents was a great lesson. The
students started with a song. It was a breath of fresh air they loved the song. The shared reading gave
them understanding of the continents and how many there are. The introduction as a whole group on
the carpet was good; they have been relaxed and learning about the vocabulary words and the meaning
to help them to learn about the map and continents. The students took turns reading each vocabulary
word asking and engaging in what it meant to them and what was their take away. The teacher asked what
the meaning was and as she reflected with them on how it turned out that they were able to comprehend
is when she realized that they were so focused and interesting on what was discussed on the subject

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previously on Monday and Tuesday. As the teacher transitioned from the carpet to the table it was smooth
and the students were given an explanation of the guided and independent work they would be doing. It
was a good lesson and they were happy and engaged the teacher walked around and understood how the
student’s were able to do their own work with the independent part and the guided work she helped for
understanding. As she reflects that time is not enough for more activities less is more and it is good for
the student too much information in a short period of time will confuse them. She also understands that
she needs to help the students that have dyslexia, behavior and IEP to meet each students individual
modification and accommodation for each subject and block. The students were very happy and
comprehension of maps, continents, and globe was a success.

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STEP Standard 6 - Analysis of Student Learning

Post-Test Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ learning on the topic, collect and
analyze the post-test data to determine the effectiveness of your instruction and assessment.
Number of Students Number of Students
Pre-Test Post-Test

Exceeds 2 13

Meets 19 10

Approaches 2 1

Falls Far Below 1 0

Post-Test Analysis: Whole Class

There were thirteen students that exceeded the post test, which was with the instruction, a hands
on activity, visualizing the continents using both technology and hands on globe to understand
kinesthetically where the landforms and continents were in the world. According to 5 E’s the
student will engage and make connection with activities, explore using skills for the globe and the
teacher will explain through verbalization and provide opportunities through definitions for
explanation of skills to learn while elaborating on the concept and evaluation with assessment to
develop the skill(Enhancing Learning, 2002).

The students did great when the teacher had a shared reading with different books for the
continents. The teacher had a one to one with hands on time with the globe for each student to
name the continents on the globe. The teacher used a map to trace the continent where they live
and it was successful. The teacher had an activity of a blowing up a blue balloon to represent the
globe. The student named the all of the continents on a hand out and colored each continent. The
students cut each continent and proceeded to paste them on the blue balloon that represented the
globe. The teacher based this activity on meeting all students’ needs for general education but
mostly for dyslexia and IEP student to meet all modifications and accommodations. The students
performed the assessments effectively based on the instruction it met the student needs with
accommodation and modifications that were met. The instruction and assessment was a success.
The teacher will continue to re-teach for approaches need with student and documentation will be
filed as needed for accountability. According to 5 E’s the student will engage and make
connection with activities, explore using skills for the globe and the teacher will explain through
verbalization and provide opportunities through definitions for explanation of skills to learn while
elaborating on the concept and evaluation with assessment to develop the skill(Enhancing
Learning, 2002).

Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup Selection

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The subgroup that is chosen is the 504’s. The student demonstrated eagerness to learn and
followed instruction, activities, and shared reading with the teacher. The teacher used explicit
instruction with explaining, exploring, elaborating, evaluating and constructivism with each of the
students that are receiving accommodation and modification on a daily basis.
Post-Assessment Data: Subgroup (Gender, ELL population, Gifted, students on IEPs or 504s, etc.)

Number of Students Number of Students

Pre-Test Post-Test

Exceeds 0 3

Meets 3 2

Approaches 2 0

Falls Far Below 0 0

Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup

The analysis of the student is individually analyzed by the teacher, each student has different
needs and my interpretation is learning for each student was accommodated by reading to them
and giving them explicit instruction and the outcome was good. I interpreted that they did learn
and it was a successful unit. I attribute this because dyslexic students have problems with print
therefore I introduce activities with minimal print and explicit instruction on my part and the
students learned to love social studies and were very happy of the outcome which was a
phenomenal success. According to 5 E’s the student will engage and make connection with
activities, explore using skills for the globe and the teacher will explain through verbalization and
provide opportunities through definitions for explanation of skills to learn while elaborating on
the concept and evaluation with assessment to develop the skill(Enhancing Learning, 2002).

The students was giving accommodation and modification with the instruction and assessment by reading
the guided instruction on a daily basis to the students they were able to fulfill the activities and modifying
the activity and instruction with explicit instruction to meet each student individual needs. The teacher will
continue to use constructivism to assist the student if further understanding of the unit is need when
questions arise and further instruction is needed. According to 5 E’s the student will engage and make
connection with activities, explore using skills for the globe and the teacher will explain through
verbalization and provide opportunities through definitions for explanation of skills to learn while
elaborating on the concept and evaluation with assessment to develop the skill(Enhancing Learning, 2002).

Post-Assessment Data: Remainder of Class

© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 35 of 38

Number of Students Number of Students
Pre-Test Post-Test
Exceeds 2 8

Meets 16 10

Approaches 0 1

Falls Far Below 1 0

Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup and Remainder of Class

In comparison to the rest of the classroom the students did need a bit more instruction while the
teacher use redirecting and explaining through different guided instruction but the outcome was
good for the subgroup. The general group was independent and successful without any
modification or accommodation in independent or guided instruction. The teacher walked around
the classroom guiding them if necessary or assisting them yet they were very independent and
working collaborating with each other with the zone of proximal development and prior learning.

The objective to identify the continents has lead to add all the oceans in the world. The teacher
will build on the unit by adding this by reading with shared reading of the oceans, life in the
oceans and identify the location of the oceans to build knowledge by using visual instruction with
the globe as well as using kinesthetic instruction, technology of the creatures of each ocean,
cutting and pasting the oceans on a blue balloon with the continent with independent instruction
and guided instruction of naming all of the oceans by labeling them through these activities.

STEP Standard 7 – Reflecting on Instruction to Improve Student

Improved Practice Based on the Unit of Study
Based on the experience of developing and delivering your instructional unit, list three short-
term goals to improve specific areas of your teaching practice based on the unit of instruction
and describe your plan to reach each short-term goal.

Plan to Reach the Goal (i.e., professional

Short-Term Goal development, research on the Internet,
observation of a veteran teacher, etc.)
1. My goal is to have concise deliver in The plan is to observe a teacher that has been
lesson instruction. with the district for twenty years.

© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 36 of 38

2. My goal is to have continued to The plan is to research the 5’s in depth using
practice the 5 E’s with concise the internet.
instruction in every lesson.

3. My goal is to have shared reading as a I will be able to develop this goal because I
whole group on a daily basis and attended a professional development
develop a good discussion when instruction and received guidance and
closing for each book that is read to information to have good outcomes on a
the student’s. daily basis during shared reading.

Brain Pop Jr.(2017).Retrieved From:

Compass Handout.(2017).Retrieved From:

© 2018. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 37 of 38

EnahancingEducaiton5E’s.(2002).Retrieved from:


Free Clipart.(2017).Retrieved

Grantham, Whitney.(2017).Retrieved from:

Harlandale Independent School District.(1996-2018). Retrieved From:

San Antonio Business Journal.(2018).Retrieved From:

Texas Tribune.(2017).Retrieved from:


United States Census.(2017).Retrieved From:


Social Studies TEKS-Texas Education Agency – (2017). Retrieved From.

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