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10 th standard -2015-16
Social science –GLANCE ME ONCE.
1. How was the European trade conducted with India in the beginning?
2. Scientific developments led to sea voyages, justify this statement
3. What are the results of the Battle of Plassing?
4. What are the causes and results for the Battle of Baxar
5. What are the causes and results for the Plassywar
6. How did Hyder Ali fight the British?
7. The “Srirangapatna Treaty” was inevitable for Tippu – Explain
8. What are the causes for the Second Mysore war?
9. Which are the areas of Hyderabad Karnataka?
10.Describe the role of GuddemaneAppayyagowda in the Coorg
11.Explain how Mumbai-Karnataka area became part of British
12.What are the causes and results for the fourth Anglo Mysore war?
13.What are effects of the arrival of the British on the writing of
14.Explain the linear Model of writing of History?
15.3.How can History be written based on oral sources?
16.Write the structure and features of Foll History
17.Write the importance of Folle History
18.How did the British estlablish their supremacy in the
19.Explain the Doctrine of subsidry alliance
20.Analysis the first angle-Maratha war
21.How are the main features of the Regulating Act
22.What are the reforms brought down by the 1909 Act?
23.Explain the importance of Trade capitalism
24.Write the importance of Industrial capitalism
25.Swamy Vivekananda was a great inspiration of the youth Explain
26.Analyse the call of Dayananda Saraswathy to return to the Vedas
27.Analyse the objectives of the Aligarh movement. Which are the
reforms brught by Annie Besant?
28.What were the effects of Doctrine of lapse? Analyse

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29.The economic changes if the time were responsible for the result
1857 How?
30.What were the factors that disturbed the religious sentiments of the
soldiers during the 1857 revolt?
31.What were the immediate causes for the First war of Independence
32.Make a list of the reasons for failure of the revolt
33.What were the features of the Declaration of British Queen in 1857?
34.How did the uniform system of Administration of the British help in
developing Patriatism among the Indians?
35.What is Mahalwars system
36.What are the reforms brought about by the British in Educational
37.Developments in Transport and Communication led to Independent
struggle Discuss
38.Write note Journalism
39.Analyse the theory of wealth drain
40.Which were the organisation in Indian before establishment of the
Indian National Congress
41.What were the demands put forward by modern fes to the British
42.Analyse the theory of wealth drain
43.Name the revolutioneries in freedom movement
44.What were the reasons for withdrawing of partition of Bengal
45.What were the reasons for the failure of the Quit India movement?
46.Name the revolutioneries who took part in the Indian freedom
47.What were results of Second round table conferene

48.Describe the tribal revolts in the freedom struggle?

49.Explain the contributions of Nehru after becoming Prime Minister.
50.What were the problems Faced by India after Independence?
51.How did the country del with the problem of refugees?
52.Describe the manner in which Pondicherry was liberated from the
53.How was Goa liberated from the Portugees?
54.Describe the process of linguistic organisation of states.

55.Describe merger of Jammu and Kashmir with Indian Unioin

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56.Describ about commercial riots .
57.Describe Lenin rule in the Resistance Revolution
58.What were the reforms adopted by Stalin in Russia
59.Explain the immediate cause for World war-I
60.Ideology Destroyed Germany? Justify this statemen
61.What were the causes for the World war-II
62.What is meant by cold war?
63.Explain how America over came its economic depression
64.What were the effects of Chinese revolution
65.Write Note on Hitlor Nazi Philosophy
66.Write the causes for the II World war
67.Communalism is harmful to national progress – How?
68.Regionalism is against t national development – Discuss
69.What are the measures to spread illiteracy?
70.Population is deemed as human resources –Explain
71.What are the plans to eradicate poverty? Explain
72.What is ment by suggestions? What are you suggestions to control
73.Profiteering brings loss both for Producer and Consumer – Explain
74.What are the suggestions to improve the position of woman?
75.What is smuggling what are the measures taken to curb smuggling?
76.What is meant by foreign policy?
77.How foreign policy is helpful for national
78.What are the objectives of the foreign policy?
79.Why is India against
80.What are the principles of Panchasheela?
81.Why is India champions the cause of Disornament as very important
for the present day world – Explain
82.What are the fundamental factors of Indian Foreign policy?
83.What is disarmament what are the measures taken to crub
84.Why there should be good relationship with neighbours?
85.What are the reasons for tension between India and Pakistan?
86.Why relationship between India and Chaina has been strained in
these days?

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87.The relationship between India Srilanka are historical with this
statement discuss the relationship
88.Explain the relationship with Russia
89.What were the main problems faced after Second World war?
90.Explain Indian role in favour of human rights
91.Arms race will lead to world destruction
92.Explain in the effects of Arms competition in this background
93.What are the features of Economic back wardners of nation what
are the reasons? for this
94.What are the measures taken to curb terrorism in India?
95.Which are the main organs of U.N.O
96.What are the objectives of U.N.O
97.Prepare the list of activities of International Labour Organisation
98.List out the objectives of U.N.O
99.Explain the formation of U.N.O.
100. What are the activities of Economic and Social council?
101. What are the functions of UNESCO?
102. List out the objectives of communication of Nations
103. Explain the European union.
104. What are the types of unemployment?
105. Explain the nature of
106. What are the measures for removal of unemployment?
107. What are the difference between organised and unorganised
108. What is unemployment?What are the types of unemployment?
109. What are the remedies for unemployment?
110. What is meant by social stratification?
111. How has social stratification created?
112. What is meant by prejudices?
113. What are your suggestions to stop the social evil of
114. What are the examples of collective behaviour?
115. What is mob? Give examples
116. Describe the nature of mob
117. Describe nature the meaning and nature of environmental
118. Explain the importance of womensself-help groups

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119. Give brief note on Chipco movement
120. Mention social problems plaughing in India
121. Mention the courses for the problem of child labour
122. Explain the measures for eradicating the problem of child
123. What are the evils of Dowry system?
124. What are the solutions for the problem of Dowry?
125. What is the difference between Female foeticide and female
126. What are types of communication?
127. Mention the impotence of communication.
128. What is GPS? Mention it uses.
129. Write about remote sensing Technology.
130. What is Global positioning system (Gps)?
131. Write its method of working.
132. What are natural disasters?
133. What are cyclones? Mention the effects of cyclones.
134. What are floods? Mention the causes of floods.
135. What is coastal Erosion? Mention its management.
136. What is meant by population?
137. What is meant by density o1 ‘population’?
138. What are the factors influencing on distribution of population?
139. What are the problems of migration? And what are the measures to
control of Migration.
140. What are the density population Zones?
141. What are the effects of population growth?
142. Which are the facilities necessary for people to have a good
standard of Living?
143. What are the features of undeveloped countries?
144. It is not appropriate to measure the development of a country based
on its national income why?
145. What are the indicators of human development?
146. Which are the factors responsible for enhancing man’s life
147. Who is the ‘Father of Indian economic planning’? List the
achievements of Five year plans.
148. What is meant by ‘Green Revelation’? What are the factors that led
to the Green revolution?
149. What steps has the government taken towards liberalization?

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150. Explain ‘Globalisation’?
151. Explain Gandhiji’s concept of ‘Grama swarajya’ in the light of
152. decentralization,
153. What is the rote of panchayat raj institutions in rural development?
154. Give the meaning of Deficit Budget.
155. What are direct Taxes?
156. Express fiscal deficit in the form of a formula.
157. Explain the difference between personal finance and public
158. Explain the aspects of non- tax revenue of the central government.
159. What is fiscal deficit? Mention the four kinds of fiscal deficit.
160. List out the Characteristics relating to bank transaction.
161. Make a list of the difference between life Insurance and General
162. What are the principals to be followed by the insured?
163. What are the advantages of insurance companies?
164. What are the steps to be taken at the time of taking an insurance
165. “Entrepreneur ship is a creative activity” How?
166. What are the ‘Characteristics of entrepreneur ship?
167. Explain the importance of an entreneur.
168. What is the part played by the district centres is the development of
169. Enterprises?
170. What is globalisation? Explain
171. “Globalisation the world wide economic movement” substantiate
your answer.
172. What are the advantages of globalisation?
173. Make a list of the characteristics of globalisation.
174. Explain the negative aspects of globalisation with examples.
175. What are the aims of world Trade organisation?
176. 821/2 E longitude
177. Tropic of cancer.
178. Indira point
179. Kanyakumari
180. Coramandel coast
181. Bhakranangal
182. Nurmada
183. Hirakud
184. Damodar Vally
185. Kaiga

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186. Bombay high
187. Kalpakkam
188. Vishakapatnam
189. Chennai
190. Haldia
191. Kolkata
192. Marmagoa
193. Kandla
194. What is India’s position in the world? Describe the latitudinal and
195. longitudinal position of India.
196. Name the Fortier’s and neighbouring countries of India.
197. Draw the outline
198. Map and locate the following places.
199. 821/2 East longitude
200. Tropic of cancer
201. Indira point
202, Lakshadweep
a. What are the advantages of Himalayas?
b. The Northern plains are called deposited plains why?
c. Explain the extend of peninsular pleated.
d. Which is recently formed land mass of India.
202. What are monsoon winds?
203. What are the factors influenced on climate of India?
204. Indian Agriculture gambling with the monsoon winds Discuss.
205. Describe about Retreating monsoons?
206. What are the types of soils founding India?
207. What is soil erosion? What are if effects which types of soils are
found in the (Himalayan Mountains)
208. What are the methods adopt to conserve soil.
209. What are the effects of soil erosion?
210. Name the national parties of Karnataka?
211. What is meant by natural vegetation name the types?
212. What is meant by Bio-Diversity?
213. Explain the characteristics and distributes from of deciduous
forests in Indian.
214. What is consecration of forest? Explain its significance and
methods of conservation.
215. What are mangrove forests where if found what are the
216. What are the types of Irrigation?

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217. What is multipurpose river valley project what are its objectives.
218. Name the hydro- electrics power projects of Karnataka.
219. Rain water harvesting is compulsory foder how?
220. What is national power grid?
221. What is meant by land name the factors influenced land use.
222. What are the factors essential for growing cotton?
223. What are the types of Agriculture?
224. What is the difference between in ten five farming and subsistence
225. Write about flowery culture.
226. What are the important mineral resources available in India?
227. Which are major states manganese in India.
228. What is non- Conventional energy resource? Explain their
229. Which are the important energy resources of India describe them.
230. What are the advantages of Jrams port.
231. What are the four types of major roads?
232. Which of the pots have laities with national highways?
233. Draw the map of India and mark the important fans national High
ways and Port.
234. Make a list of Industrial zones.
235. Sugar Industries are concentrated on the Ganga river plain why?
236. What are the effects of Biotechnology on Agriculture?
237. What are the changes resolutions from the use of advanced
238. Write about knowledge based Industry.

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