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XI & XII – English Essays

||| Essay 1 |||

Flood Disaster in Pakistan

“He who alleviates the suffering of a brother out of the sufferings of the world, Allah would alleviate his
suffering from the sufferings of the Day of Resurrection.”
Sahee Muslim (Book # 35, Hadith # 6518)

These lines I am writing now are meant to realize the gravity of the situation and the distress
caused by recent floods in all around the country. We are not to be in a fix, facing starvation and
epidemic diseases, thousands of people have been killed, millions of them are without shelter, and
looking for help. We sympathize with the people for undergoing great stress and physical exhaustion in
trying to save their lives from the flood water, people wade through flood waters to a safe place after
their houses were submerged in floods.

The present series of floods struck in August 2010 has inundated almost one-third of the
country. The Mediterranean climate region have created an extremely low pressure over the areas of
Pakistan, resulting in a gigantic rush of monsoon winds from the Indian ocean; with very high contents
of moisture and heavy rain floods. Developing countries like Pakistan suffer from acute resource
constraints. Government alone cannot possibly promote sustainable economic development models
and disaster management. Social aspects and NGO’s have acquired immense importance in this
situation and they are doing tooth and nail. We appreciate the efforts of KKF, PUKAR, Governor Sindh
relief funds and many others are working selflessly in this respect. We also pay high tribute to Pakistan
Army, Navy and other forces playing a vital role and rescuing the suffering humanity. The flood has
destroyed health and home of many farmers, killed their livestock and has displaced them from their
ancestral homes.

Rising fuel and food prices will have the greatest impact of these disasters. Beside a damaged
agricultural system and lack of investment will make it worse. There is an outbreak of disease and post-
flood health problem. Sindh, Punjab, Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan are under the surface of flood
waters. It is a critical moment of our history. The administration sought the Army’s help for evacuation
of suffering areas; while Naval helicopters and boats plucked the marooned from the affected areas. A
team of flood management experts from UNESCO arrived here on August 21, 2010 for an effective help.
We appreciate the generous help of the UNO, USA, UK and Saudi Arabia in this respect; we also
appreciate the sincere efforts of different political leaders and well to do persons who donated for
them with open arms and spirits, Karachiites actively participated to help the suffering humanity
donated with open arms, provided medical aid and food for the needy people. We pay high tribute to
all them who pray for them and contributed in this respect.

Saying of the prophet Muhammad

Whenever mischief and seditions surround you, like a part of the darkness of the night then (take
refuge and) go towards the Holy Quran."

||| Essay 2 |||

What is Democracy?

T he idea underlying the scheme of all democracies is that the ultimate right to govern is
vested in the people themselves who are the real sovereign. The idea of basic democracy

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fosters the system of representative government that is best suited to the culture and genius of our
people. It takes due recognition of the principle that ultimately the people are sovereign and the best
possible way to cater to their want is to associate them, one way or the other with the process of
authority. It is not possible for the people also as a whole to arrive at joint decisions on day-to-day
problems. The only way is to sleet a few individuals to represent large groups. The process of choosing
must be such that it results in the selection of individuals who an correctly estimate effectively interpret
and honestly protect the interest of those whom they represent.

Democracy in Pakistan

In our country more than 85% of our people live in villages. An average villager is able to see the
village as the attention of his which is more than a reality to him. The management of the affair of the
village is something in which he can recognize his own self interest. He can understand very well that
the betterment and welfare of the village in his own welfare, because he lives in the free atmosphere of
the village.
On the other hand the 15% of our people who live in the cities nearby towns are treated in
entirely different way. In order to have a uniform system of choosing all over the countries ought to be
applied to all. That pattern is in no sense unstable for necessities in fact there is very possibility that it
may be more suitable than any other alternative. A city can be broken up for that purpose into
population units of the same size as of villages and the same procedure in then be employed.

Democracy Chances of Survival

The doctrine of the ‘survival of 14th fittest” survives as a biological truth. In every branch of
human experience and experiment it is no less true. Ideological systems do not crop up, overnight, but
are the product of age-long development. This is true only of systems which have evolved and continue
to persist by virtue of their inherent value. Upstart ideologies droop and die in a day. The fact of
success is the supreme and well-defined test that governs the survival-possibility. For any system of
government which claims to grow and overcome formidable challenges, there must always be a certain
amount of basic ingredient, morality, and infinite capacity for expansion and growth within the
organism itself.

“In its simple phraseology, democracy is the rule of the people, by the people and for
the people.”
Democracy in the Modern Times

Democracy in the modern times has been defined as “the greatest good of the greatest
number”. The greatest number of the people, therefore, taught to be in favour of democracy. The
corrupt and self-seeking politicians of our country were fighting tooth and nail to dismantle the very
fabric of democracy. They preferred the greatest good to be distributed among a tiny minority other
people, in this manner the smaller minority procures more than if the same amount of good was
distributed among the entire cross-section of the people. These very politicians “turned an otherwise
sound country into a laughing stock”. People are persuaded in their own interest to do something in
them at the same time must develops sense of fellowship and responsibility, in order to have a peaceful
change everywhere of life. They will have to throw their weight in all development schemes i.e. social,
economical, religious, political, industrial and agricultural. They will have ample opportunities to
exchange their views with other before arriving at a final decision.

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Democracy is acknowledge of representative government cannot be reduced to a cut and

definition for its final stage has yet to come. However our representatives have reached the assemblies
and the 1973 Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is now not under any suspension, we hope
them to remain sincere to their people, their land and their religion. More than hundred and forty
million people are looking for the bright future by trusting their representatives. They should look upon
democracy as a classless society, which is based upon justice and equality. In short, it must be a unique
blend of co-operation, organization and co-ordination.

||| Essay 3 |||

(Just a fever or a great Challenge)
What is Dengue

Dengue fever , acute infectious disease caused by four closely related viruses and transmitted by
the bite of the female Aedes mosquito; it is also known as breakbone fever and bone-crusher disease.
The disease occurs in both epidemic and sporadic form in warm climates.

What are dengue fever symptoms and signs?

The classic symptoms, following an incubation period of five to eight days, are high fever, chills,
severe headache, pain in the joints, pain behind the eyes, rash, sweating, and prostration, but infected
persons may experience milder symptoms. Symptoms subside in two to four days, but after a remission
lasting from a few hours to two days there is another rise in temperature, and a generalized rash
appears. Convalescence is sometimes prolonged, with weakness and low blood pressure.

What is the treatment for dengue fever?

Because dengue fever is caused by a virus, there is no specific medicine or antibiotic to treat it.
For typical dengue, the treatment is purely concerned with relief of the symptoms. Rest and fluid intake
for adequate hydration is important. Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should only be
taken under a doctor's supervision because of the possibility of worsening hemorrhagic complications.
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and codeine may be given for severe headache and for the joint and muscle
pain (myalgia).

Dengue in Pakistan
Dengue fever is now rapidly spreading in all corners of Pakistan. Earlier this disease was spread
in Lahore and Karachi but now cases of Dengue fever are coming from all major cities and towns. The
first case of this disease in Pakistan reported in year 1994 in Karachi. After that this disease spread
slowly and in 2006 there were large number of patients affected with Dengue fever. In 2006 World
Health Organization for the first time recognized the disease in Pakistan and according to their official
statistics more than 4800 persons were affected by disease and almost 50 died till 2006. First case of
Dengue fever in Lahore was reported in 2007 and since then the cases and causalities are increasing
with rapid pace.

It is tropical disease and the mosquito responsible for that disease cannot fly long distance.
Some years before when there was attack of Dengue Disease in the USA they investigated the matter
and found that the disease was caused by some recycled imported tyres hence it is evident that this

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disease was also came in Pakistan through that way and Karachi is the main Sea Port city and worst
affected by this disease. All imported material is delivered from Karachi to the all parts of Pakistan and
this way the disease is now reached in all corners of Pakistan.

The mosquito with Dengue virus is found in clean water such as in grounds or gardens and
hence one cannot avoid it only by keeping neighbourhood clean. Now government is taking preventive
measures by using chemical sprays against mosquitoes but more efforts are required to control this
epidemic disease.

Dengue Fever At A Glance

 Dengue fever is a disease caused by a family of viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes.
 Symptoms such as headache, fever, exhaustion, severe joint and muscle pain, swollen glands,
and rash. The presence of fever, rash, and headache is particularly characteristic of dengue fever.
 Dengue is prevalent throughout the tropics and subtropics. Outbreaks have occurred recently in
the Caribbean, including Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Cuba, and Central America.
 Because dengue fever is caused by a virus, there is no specific medicine or antibiotic to treat it.
For typical dengue fever, the treatment is purely concerned with relief of the symptoms.
 The acute phase of the illness with fever lasts about one to two weeks.
 Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a specific syndrome that tends to affect children under 10
years of age. It causes abdominal pain, hemorrhage (bleeding), and circulatory collapse (shock).
 The prevention of dengue fever requires control or eradication of the mosquitoes carrying the
virus that causes dengue.
 There is currently no vaccine available for dengue fever.

||| Essay 4 |||

Status of Women in Islam

The principles of Islam have quite explicitly defined the status, or what is generally known as the
place of a woman in a Muslim society.

Quranic injunctions have irrefutably made it clear that so far as social, spiritual and cultural
evaluation of human relations is concerned, men and women stand on equal footing. The Holy Quran

“O mankind: reverence your Guardian-lord who created you from a single person: created you of like
nature. His mate and from them scattered (like seeds) countless men and women.”
Thus Islam, more than any other system of life operative in this world, ensures the essential
human dignity and fundamental equality of women. From practical aspects it is the only way of life
which, by virtue of its unprecedented traditional heritage contemplates each person as a separate
individual with well defined rights and responsibilities both to his Creator and to each other,
irrespective of whether the individual is a man or woman. It has for the first time in the history of
mankind, taught humanity how to recognize women as respectable individual equal to and at the same
time, distinct from men with additional privileges that fit the weaker sex according to their biological
requirements. A man under Islamic tradition has, therefore, been declared to be responsible for
fulfilling the social, economic and domestic needs of a woman related to him as wife, mother, daughter
or sister.
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Status: The phenomenal bondage generated by relationship between man and a woman as
husband to wife, father to daughter, son to mother and brother and sister is unique of its nature and in
the context of Islamic tradition has exercised significant influence upon social status of women. The
essence of this relationship is reflected through a dimensional contribution towards dependence upon
each other and, hence, establishes an atmosphere of love, affection, fraternity and brotherhood among
all the members of the family. In such a situation each one feels obliged to be responsible for the
other’s needs and comforts. Male members ad guardians are entrusted with the obligatory duty of
providing protection as well as safeguarding the interests of female members of the family. The Holy
Prophet (SAWS) displayed great concern and compassion for women. It is reported that he said,
“whoever doeth good to girls, it will be a curtain to him from the hellfire.” He is also reported as saying
that “the best of you are those who behave best to their wives”. There are many instances before us
where the Holy Prophet (SAWS) himself granted protection, relief, assistance to those women who
became widow or were subjected to any sort of discrimination. Thus, the Muslim social set-up presents
an equal as well as a special status for women. The mode of relationship between men and women has
secured for the better a place quite different and distinct from what is usually witnessed in the West. In
Islamic society man woman are equal partners sharing similar objectives in the struggle of life, with
man being responsible for preserving and promoting the special status of woman.

||| Essay 5 |||

Newspapers – Their Good and Evil Effects

ORThe Power of the Press & Media
The newspaper forms a prominent feature of modern society and civilization. An educated gentleman of
today can miss his meals but he cannot go without his newspaper. It is his first interest in the morning
along with tea and his last interest at night in a club. Never before in the history of mankind, the
newspapers were so popular as they are today. America alone publishes 20,681 newspapers and possesses
more than 107 colleges for the purpose of teaching journalism. The ‘Times’ and ‘Daily Mail’ are leading
newspapers of England. It is said that ink worth Rs. 60,000 is spent yearly over the publication of the ‘Daily
Mail’. The organizers of this newspaper once wrote. “Become a permanent customer of Daily Mail. If any
customer dies of any accident, then for the maintenance of his family we will give from 5 to 10 thousand
pounds.” Such a popularly and richness is enjoyed by nearly all the famous papers of the world. Every
newspaper, it is said, has to publish so much paper that if it is spread in a single stretch, it will cover an
area of 50 to 60 miles.

An agency of Information and Education: The interest which the newspapers hold for the modern mind is
due to certain obvious advantages. The newspaper is swift vehicle for the conveyance of newspaper from
all the four directions of the world. Hence some interpret the meaning of the word NEWS, which is more or
less a play on the world, but quite revealing, as North, East, West and South, i.e., the newspaper is an
instrument of informing us about all the parts of the globe. It keeps us in touch with the events of the
world in general and those of our country and provinces in particular. The educative value of the periodical
is unmistakable. Article on all subject scientific, educational, cultural, literary, commercial, etc., appear in
their pages. These articles add to our knowledge and broaden our outlook. To quote a writer. “The careful
reader of a few good newspapers can learn more in a year than most scholars do in great libraries.” Their
services as “schoolmasters or educators of the common people” cannot be put to question.

The Evil of the Newspaper: But like every other institution of human making the system of newspapers is
also attended by peculiar evisls and shortcomings of its own. Journalism cannot acquire the status of
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literature. One is practical and short lived, the other is ideal and everlasting. Newspapers are, thus, things
of the moment: they have no slolidity or permanence of interest. They are read today and thrown away
tomorrow in the waste paper-basket, whereas a genuine work of the dividend of pleasure. With certain
people newspaper-reading develops into a morbid craze which must be discouraged in the interest of true
literature. It is one thing to go through a newspaper and get the news of the day.

But in spite of all the havoc that the press has done, we have to recognize it as one of the potential factors
in the development of human civilization. As a cheap and public educator, holding up the torch of
knowledge in the midst of darkness, as a trenchant and impartial critic of public administration of law and
justice, as a social reformer patiently reforming the abuses of society, as the champion of freedom in a
country, the destroyer of the barriers which separate man from man and nation from nation, and lastly as
an advocate of universal liberty, equality and fraternity, the newspaper in modern times has come exercise
a tremendous influence on the public as well as private life of man. It has become an industry for the
capitalist, art for the author, and a pulpit for the preacher.
||| Essay 6 |||

The Problem of Unemployment in Pakistan

It is no figure of speech to say that the problem of unemployment is hanging like a sword of Damocles on
the head of our country. Workless people are always dangerous to the security of the state. The “fire of
stomach”, as it is said, can lead them to commit any crime in the calendar. If they are not given a job by
which they may earn their living honestly, they will have no other alternatives than their food,

“Or with a base and boisterous sword enforce a thievish living on the common road.”

Unemployment is the mother of measureless ills. It is a poison, it pollutes the society and wrecks the
political fabric of the country. It turns law-abiding and honest men into criminals and dacoits. It encourages
dishonesty, patronizes corruption, glorifies falsehood, and brings into light the dark side of human
character. It is difficult to expect truth, nobility and honesty from a person who cannot have two square
meals a day and who cannot provide a morsel of food or a dose of medicine to his sick wife or ailing
children. He can have no sense of self-dignity for he has no sense of security. “A ploughman on his feet,”
says Franklin, “is higher than a gentleman his knees”. A long spell of poverty and unemployment is a great
menace to the Sate. It creates discontent; discontent generates disaffection, disaffection breads sedition
and sedition may culminate in revolution. It is, therefore, the first and foremost duty of a State to give
employment to its citizens and keep them busy doing some work or the other so that they may have no
time to nourish unhealthy, disaffectionate and seditious thoughts. According to Sir W. Beveridge, it is
“better to employ them on digging holes and filling them up again than not to employ them at all”.

The Extent of this Problem:

Although the problem of unemployment is not new for our country, yet what makes us feel more
disturbed is the alarming proportions it has assumed lately. There is no doubt, that the Pakistan
Government are no fully alive to the seriousness of the situation, nevertheless they have so far failed to
demonstrate a positive proof of the radical remedies needed to check its further growth.

Three phases of Unemployment in our Country:

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The problem of unemployment in our country has now become a national problem. It has affected
educated classes as well as uneducated masses, machine-workers as well as the tillers of the soil. Broadly
speaking, there are three important phases of unemployment in our country. The first and foremost phase
of this problem is the countrywide unemployment among the educated class of people. There are
thousands of matriculates and graduates in Pakistan for the absorption of which no adequate demand
exists. Pale and specter-thin, these white collars pass from street to street tapping at various offices from
dawn to dusk only to be told that there is no vacancy. The second phase of this problem in industrial
unemployment. The post-war slump and de-control, the enforcement of prohibition and heavy taxation,
introduction of new mechanical processes and labour-saving devices, frequent strikes and lock-outs and
the cycle of recurring depressions in trade and commerce have resulted in thousands of mill and factory
labourers being thrown out of employment. The third phase of this problem, equally serious, is agricultural
unemployment. As nearly 80 percent of our total population is dependent on agriculture unemployment
among field-workers has meant misery and hardship to thousands. Our peasants depend wholly on
agriculture. They work only four or five months while the rest of the year they sit idle. Moreover, Pakistani
agriculture depends upon the various of monsoon. Proverbially speaking, it is “a gamble in rains”. Among
the other causes that have contributed towards unemployment among the peasants, mention may be
made of their ignorance of modern scientific methods of production, the sub-division and fragmentation of
their holdings, their chronic indebtedness, increasing pressure on soil and the gradual decline in the
productive power of the land.

Causes of Unemployment:
There are many causes of unemployment in our country. The post-war conditions, economic depression,
deflation, illiteracy and ignorance of modern methods of scientific farming among the peasants,
backwardness of agriculture, liberal education which turns out an ever increasing army of unwanted
educated persons neglect of cottage industries, the growing menace of expanding population, low
standard of living, excessive industrialization and cut-throat competition – all these factors have been
responsible for the wave of unemployment that has swept like a hurricane over Pakistan, causing much
distress to all classes of people.

Hence, one of the greatest concerns of the government at present should be to provide gainful
employment to every able-bodies citizen of Pakistan. It is a constitutional obligation on the part of the
government, for one of the main directive principles of our constitution is that “the citizens have the right
to an adequate means of livelihood”. All our plans and projects of national development, if they do not
take into account the question of poverty and unemployment, are bound to be looked with disfavor by the
public and end in failure. To thousands of our unemployed countrymen, the National plan can have some
meaning only if it gives them bread and work. Instead of asking for “Light, more light, they want us to
provide them with employment.
||| Essay 7 |||

Terrorism means the deliberate creation and exploitation of fear for bringing about political change. The
word terrorism was first used in France to describe a news system of government adopted during the
French Revolution (1789-1799). All terrorist acts involve violence or the threat of violence. These violent
acts are committed by those who are neither part of the military forces, law enforcement agencies,
intelligence services, or other governmental agencies.

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Terrorists attempt not only to sow panic but also to undermine confidence in the government and political
leadership of their target country. Terrorism is therefore designed to have psychological effects. Terrorism
has occurred throughout history for a variety of reasons. Its causes can be historical, cultural, political,
social psychological, economic, or religious. In broad terms, the causes that have commonly compelled
people to engage in terrorism are grievances borne of political oppression, ethnic discrimination, and
religious persecution.

Modern day terrorism has taken the form of suicide attacks. Suicide attacks differ from other terrorist
operations, because the perpetrator’s own death is a requirement for the attack’s success. Suicide
bombers, therefore, are highly motivated, passionately dedicated individuals who decide voluntarily or
upon persuasion to surrender their lives in fulfillment of their mission.
A wave of suicide attacks began in 1981 in Beirut, Lebanon, when a group called al-Dawa used a car bomb
to blow up the Iraqi Embassy. Al-Dawa was a terrorist organization composed of Shia Muslims from Iraq.
Al-Qaeda staged suicide attacks on the United States embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, causing
nearly 300 deaths; and on the World Trade Center and Pentagon in 2001, causing about 3,000 deaths.

Unfortunately, Pakistan has also been one of the worst victims of terrorism. The most painful among the
terrorist acts were the ones carried out in the Holy Mosques and on the religious congregations. Beside
killing a number of people, the incidents offended the sanctity of Islam and left stigma on the image of the
country worldwide because they were implemented by none other than the Muslim terrorists.
Terrorism today has become a world threat and terrorists may use violence simply as a revenue or
punishment rather than as a means to achieve political change. Therefore, their actions require no
explanation or justification outside the terrorist group itself or its supporters.
||| Essay 8 |||

Merits and Demerits of Science

As we turn over the pages of history, we come across the development made by man in different walks of
life over the centuries. From the primitive Stone Age to the modern computerized era, every step of man
has proved to be the milestone in the history of civilization. Modern science has evolved over a long
period, and has now reached the peak of success. It has worked wonders in our life, but it cannot be said
that it is altogether a blessing. When we look at the other side of the picture, we are filled with a sense of
horror. The fear of war and destruction hangs over our heads all the time. In order to understand the
creative and destructive aspects of modern science, we stand in need of an analysis that will help us
differentiate between the good and the bad.

As we look over the brighter side of the achievements of science, we come to realize that there is hardly
any sphere of life that has not been enhanced by the creative abilities of man. In the field of medical
science, knowledge and research has gone to such an extent that almost all the ailments have found a
cure. The threatening clouds of death no longer haunt the patients who were otherwise filled with despair.
Epidemics have been wiped out, nutritional standards have been improved, drug therapy has been
recognized and hygienic conditions are being created so that the new generation may enjoy a longer and
better life.

In the realm of communication, modern scientific inventions have helped a lot. The far-flung corners of the
world have been linked together with a wide spread air network. Distances have lost their meaning and
thousands of miles can be covered within hours. Travelling today is not only swift, but also full of pleasure
and luxury.

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Modern science has opened new vistas of entertainment. All the new electronic gadgets have filled our
lives with recreational variety. From the small pocket sized transistor to the big screen television and VCR,
we are provided entertainment at home and we owe it all to science. Readers are provided illustrated,
colourful books due to the blessing of modern science in the form of latest printing machines and
techniques. Such means of entertainment have brought about a change in our habits and hobbies.
The advantages of science are not restricted to the urban population. In the fields of agriculture, forestry
and fishery, science has provided the rural population with the latest implements and know-how. The new
methods of agriculture have boosted the production of farms and fields. With the use of different kind
pesticides, the crops remain undamaged and the tillers of the soil get better return of the labour. This
increase in output not only improves the condition of the toiling masses, but also brings about a healthy
change in the economy of the country. This keeps on moving the nations on the path of progress and

As we cast our eyes on the other side of the picture, we cannot help coming to the conclusion that science
is also the monster of death and destruction. Man is selfish and pugnacious by nature. To fulfil his jingoist
designs, he stands in need of the most destructive weapons, which could bring about the annihilation of
his rivals. Man has gained knowledge in the field of science, but due to lack of wisdom, he is misusing this
knowledge. All big nations are thinking of fulfilling the dream of becoming the super power. The wars of
today are not limited to the battlefield. It brings about epidemic killing of the civilian population. The
knowledge of this domain has added immeasurable danger to war. All the leading powers possess fatal
weapons, and it seems that the weaker countries are their mercy. These big nations talk a lot about
reduction in arms and they hold disarmament conferences. However, their practice is quite contrary to
their preaching.

Science, no doubt provides, new ways of entertainment, but these very means of amusement are bringing
a sharp decline in the moral values of the young generation and equally sharp increase in the number of
crimes. The TV and video provide entertainment but they quite often become the channels of vulgarity and
obscenity. Moreover, new ways of crime are shown to younger people, who adopt the path of getting easy

Looking at the two aspects of modern science, we conclude that science by itself is neither good nor bad. It
is the will and intentions of man, which makes him, put it to constructive use or take it to the path of devil.

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