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ENGLISH (Class – XI) 2016

Sir naYYar
2 4 T H M A R C H



NOTE: (i) This section consists of 20 part questions and all are to be
answered. Each question carries one mark.
(ii) Do not copy down the part questions in your answer book. Write
only the answer in full against the proper number of the question and
its part.
(iii) The code number of your question paper is to be written in bold
letters in beginning of the answer script.

Q1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options.

(i) Quaid-e-Azam was the ________ and first Governor General of Pakistan.
(a) founder (b) originator (c) leader (d) Pakistani
(ii) The White hart Hotel was situated at ____________ town about 32 kilometers south of Darlington.
(a) Yorkshire (b) France (c) Edinburgh (d) Germany
(iii) Complete the line: This is my own, my native ______________.
(a) earth (b) land (c) country (d) wealth
(iv) The instruments existed, notably the telescope and the ____________.
(a) glass slab (b) test tube (c) experiments (d) prism
(v) “The Character of Happy Life” is a ________ poem.
(a) gorgeous (b) religious (c) precious (d) pompous
(vi) Lucy Gray was written in _____________.
(a) 1797 (b) 1799 (c) 1800 (d) 1801
(vii) Albert and Count of Monte Cristo were to meet at ______________ for duel.
(a) eight O’ clock (b) nine O’ clock (c) ten O’ clock (d) eleven O’ clock
(viii) At ________ in the early morning the Birkenhead was nearing Cape Town.
(a) one o’ clock (b) two o’ clock (c) three o’ clock (d) four o’ clock
(ix) ___________ is the poet of the poem “Abou Ben Adhem”
(a) Leigh Hunt (b) Walter Scott (c) Henry Wotton (d) Robert Browning
(x) I’m ____________ Sire! And his chief beside, smiling the ___________ fell dead.
(a) wounded-girl (b) killed-boy (c) sad-man (d) happy-boy
(xi) What’s the difference between the girl who makes munitions and the man who uses them in the
(a) trenches (b) tunnel (c) war (d) boarder
(xii) When author went into the Bank; he got frightened by ____________.
(a) desk, clerks and sight of money (b) accountant and manager (c) bank

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ENGLISH (Class – XI) 2016

Sir naYYar
2 4 T H M A R C H
(xiii) Urdu is ________ easy language.
(a) a (b) the (c) an (d) none
(xiv) The poet of “The Deserted Village” is _________.
(a) Oliver Goldsmith (b) Walter Scott (c) Leigh Hunt (d) William Wordsworth
(xv) The phrase that it is ‘inexact’ means ____________.
a) scientific (b) unscientific (c) scientists (d) observation
(xvi) King John ruled ____________ with main and with might.
(a) Scotland (b) Wales (c) Ireland (d) England
(xvii) A sonnet is a poem of _________ lines.
(a) twelve (b) fourteen (c) sixteen (d) eighteen
(xviii) “Who doth ______ shun, And loves to live I’ the sun”
(a) passion (b) fashion (c) ambition (d) emotion
(xix) ‘She is pretending to be an important person’, said the _________.
(a) Conrad (b) maid (c) Baroness (d) Baron
(xx) The Chief Officer of the UN has important __________ responsibilities.
(a) office (b) organizational (c) political (d) social

TIME: 2 Hours 40 Mins SECTION “B” MAX. MARKS: 80


Attempt any 10 Parts from this Section.

i. Write a brief note on the functions / working of WHO, FAO, UNICEF and UNESCO.
ii. According to the author, what is the effect upon him on entering a bank to do business?
iii. What kind of education should be imparted to young people?
iv. Describe some of the most outstanding qualities of a happy man?
v. What is a Sonnet? What inspired Wordsworth to write the Sonnet Composed upon West Minster
Bridge? How he felt?
vi. Why did the name of Abou Ben Adhem lead all the rest?
vii. What did Coventry Patmore find when he visited his son’s bedroom? What does the son do to comfort
his sad heart in the poem “The Toys”?
viii. What were the feelings of Napoleon when he heard about his success?
ix. What is meant by doubly dying in lines from the Lay the Last Minstrel?
x. Why does the Countess of Morcerf visit the house of the Count of Monte Cristo? Was the visit of The
Countess of Morcerf before the duel successful? Describe briefly.
xi. Why did Albert want to fight a duel with Count of Monte Cristo? Why did Albert decide not to fight a
duel with the count of Monte Cristo? On what account did Albert refuse to fight a duel with the count
of Monte Cristo?
xii. How does Prof. Henry Corrie want to revolutionize warfare? Describe the bomb that Prof. Corrie had
xiii. Who were Tom and Eddie, how did they die? What was the truth about Eddie’s death that Mrs. Meldon
comes to know on 3rd death Anniversary?

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ENGLISH (Class – XI) 2016

Sir naYYar
2 4 T H M A R C H
xiv. Match the following idioms in Column ‘A’ with their meaning in Column ‘B’ & then use these in your
own sentences.
Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
1. At a snail’s pace in progress
2. On the cards to move very slowly
3. In the pipeline likely to happen

xv. Use articles, prepositions and correct verb in the following sentences:

I am ___________ the view that people ___________ abide ___________ traffic rules. Violation
___________ the law is ___________ most serious offence.


Attempt any 3 Questions:

1. Essays
(a) Terrorism & Ideas Exhibition (d) Cricket Match / World Cup
(e) Wonders / Importance of Science (f) Environmental Pollution

2. Character Sketch:
(i) Mrs. Meldon (ii) The Son of Morcerf (iii) Countess of Morcerf

3. Letters
Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper telling him/ her about the law and order situation of the city.

4. Translate any FIVE from the following sentences into English: (05)

Good Luck

“Success principles: faith, sincerity, and consistent hard work”

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