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University of South Australia

School of Electrical and Information Engineering

Operational Faults in
Large Synchronous Generators

Tn Van Tran

A thesis submitted for the award of the degree of

Master of Engineering by Research
Electrical Engineering

January 2006 SOUTH AUSTRA IA
25 AUG 2006


Today's societies are critically dependent on the reliable supply of electricity. The

reliable operation of large synchronous generators in power stations is therefore of

paramount importance. Thus, power utilities are most keenly concerned in taking

measures to avoid catastrophic failures and to minimise the impact of generator outages

due to faults. Each generator constitutes one of the most expensive single pieces of

equipment in the power station. Although they are mostly reliable and generally require

minimal maintenance, faults can and do occur with varying degrees of consequences

ranging from minor outages to catastrophic failures.

When faults occur, cause-effect relationships need to be identified systematically. This

is necessary for having a better understanding of the fault formation mechanisms so that

preventive measures can be taken, although sometimes the immediate pressures for

returning a generator to service may impede a thorough investigation.

This thesis is borne of the Author's experiences in dealing with large synchronous

generators of various sizes and designs. The purpose of this thesis is to report on

practical problems in the operation of large synchronous generators and offer advice on

remedy. It presents carefully documented cases of faults. These vary from fractured

stator conductors and core overheating to cracking of rotor retaining rings and winding

short circuits. Symptoms of various faults are discussed along with the extent of damage

and remedial solutions. Emphasis is placed on being able to prevent the fault recurrence

and prolong the mean time between failures (MTBF).

Most problems within large generators can be traced back to two main original sources:

machine design and operating regime. The former may explain why fracturing of some

components is more common in some topologies than in others, whereas the latter may

have to do with the temptation in meeting the raised generation requirements due to

market demands. The thesis presents examples of both types, with detailed accounts

being given in each case. Particular attention is paid to condition monitoring, both on-

line and off-line, as a basis for developing preventive maintenance strategies to achieve

reliable operation with extended service life. Practical examples of remedial action are



I declare that this thesis does not incorporate without acknowledgement any material

previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any university and that, to the best of

my knowledge, it does not contain any material previously published or written by

another person except where due reference is made in the text.


29 January 2006


I hereby express my deepest gratitude to my research supervisor, Professor Ozdemir

Göl, for his invaluable guidance, untiring support, indefatigable encouragement and
patience on my long journey to completing this research. I am particularly grateful to
Professor Ozdemir Göl for facilitating a research scholarship through the School of
Electrical and Information Engineering, University of South Australia, which made the
journey, culminating in this thesis, possible.

I sincerely thank my managers at Torrens Island Power Station who have supported this
work in terms of study leave and financial assistance, as well as granting me permission
to use information from my technical reports in this thesis. I also thank Siemens Pty Ltd
and to Richard Heggie Associates Ply Ltd for their permission to publish technical
information from their company reports in this thesis.

Many thanks go to all my friends and work colleagues who have given their supports,
encouragement and best of all, their consistent belief in this work.

Closer to home, I take this opportunity to express my deepest thanks and respect to my
grandfather and to my parents who have always believed in me and have inspired me to
keep going through this journey, even at times when I could not see the way forward and
when I was on the verge of giving up.

Finally, my thanks go to my wife, Yen for her patience and support. I am particularly
indebted to my lovely daughters Vienna and Alma for fuelling my research journey with
their enthusiasm, encouragement, motivation, understanding and fun.










1 Introduction 2


2 Faults in Large Synchronous Generators 9

2.1 Faults of the Stator Core 10
2.1.1 Constructional Features of Stator Core 10
2.1.2 Stator Core Faults due to Lamination Relaxation 14
2.1.3 Stator Core End Plates Hot Spots 16
2.1.4 Back-of-Core Burning Fault 19
2.2 Faults of the Stator Windings 22
2.2.1 Constructional Features of Stator Windings 23 Conductors 23 End-Winding Support System 26 Waterbox 29
2.2.2 Sub-Conductor Cracking Problem 30
2.2.3 End Winding Looseness Problem 35
2.2.4 Conductor Damage by Foreign Objects - Magnetic Termites 41 A Case Study of Magnetic Termite Fault 43

2.3 Rotor Faults 45

2.3.1 Constructional Features of Synchronous Generator Rotor 45 Rotor End Winding Retaining Rings 48 Rotor Windings 54 Rotor Radial Connectors 55
2.3.2 Rotor Retaining Ring Faults 56 Stress Corrosion Cracking 56 Electrical Arcing on Rotor Retaining Rings 58 A Case Study 59
2.3.3 Copper Dusting Problem in Rotor Windings 61 Consequences of Rotor Copper Dusting 67
2.3.4 Rotor Coil Overheating 68
2.3.5 Rotor Inter-Turn Short Circuit 70
2.3.6 Rotor Radial Connector Faults 71
2.3.7 Rotor Up-Shaft Lead Fault 75


3 Fault Detection and Diagnosis 78

3.1 Test and Inspection Plan 78
3.2 Diagnostic and Inspection Techniques 82
3.2.1 Visual Inspection 82
3.2.2 Stator Core ELCID Test 87
3.2.3 Stator Core Ring Flux Test 90
3.2.4 Stator Core Lamination Tightness Test 93
3.2.5 Stator Slot Wedge Tightness Test 96
3.2.6 End Winding Vibration Testing 100 On-line Condition Monitoring 101 Off-line Evaluation 102
3.2.7 Stator Windings Pneumatic Tests 103
3.2.8 Stator Core End Plate Hot Spot Inspection 104
3.2.9 Generator Rotor Retaining Ring Inspection 105 Traditional Dye-Penetrant Inspection 106 In-Situ Inspection 109
3.2.10 Rotor RSO Test 114
3.2.11 Rotor Coil Volt-Drop Test 117
3.2.12 Thermographic Examination 119
3.2.13 Radiographic Examination 122


4 Remedial Solutions 126

4.1 Solutions to Stator Problems 126
4.1.1 Remedy for Stator Lamination Relaxation 128
4.1.2 Dealing with Stator Core End Plate Faults 134

4.1.3 Dealing with Back-of-Core Burning Fault 139

4.1.4 Subconductor Cracking 143 Blocking Cracked Sub-Conductors 143 Removing Cracks by Shortening the Conductor 145 Replacing the Cracked Conductor 147
4.1.5 Stator Coolant Leakage Repair: A Case Study 149
4.1.6 End Winding Looseness 155 SOLUTION 1: Modifying Existing Generator Stator
Winding Support Systems 156 SOLUTION 2: Conversion of the Existing End
Windings to PTFE Hose Design 164 SOLUTION 3: Complete Stator Rewind 165
4.1.7 Conductor Damage by Foreign Objects - Magnetic Termites 167
4.2 Solutions for Generator Rotor 170
4.2.1 Dealing with Stress Corrosion Cracking on Rotor Retaining
Rings 170 Regular Examination 172 Ultrasonic Examination 174 Environmental Control 175 Surface Protection 178 Crack Removal 179 A Case Study 180
4.2.2 Remedy for Electrical Arcing on Rotor Retaining Rings 185 Fault Prevention 185
4.2.3 Dealing with Copper Dusting Problem in Rotor Windings 187 Modification of Rotor Coil Top Insulation Pads 188 Replacement of Rotor Coil Top Insulation Pads 189 Modification of Rotor Windings 192 Replacement of Rotor Windings 194 Strategy for Rotors with Copper Dusting Problem 194
4.2.4 Remedy for Rotor Coil Overheating 196
4.2.5 Dealing with Rotor Inter-Turn Short Circuit 199
4.2.6 Remedy for Rotor Radial Connector Faults 201 Overheating 201 Fracture of Main Connection Tube 205
4.2.7 Remedy for Up-Shaft Leads Fault 210




Appendix A 223
Case study: Hydrogen leakage record of a 200 MW generator stator 223

Appendix B 246
A sample of slot wedge tightness test result of a 200 MW generator
stator 246

Appendix C 247
A sample of voltage drop test result of a 200 MW rotor windings. 247

Appendix D 248
Electromagnetic Core Imperfection Detection (ELCID) 248

Appendix E 250
Demonstration of setting up details in TOFD examination on rotor
retaining rings 250

Appendix F 252
Sub-Conductor Inspection Record: Torrens Island Power Station Unit
Bi 200 MW Generator in 2002 252

Appendix G 253
Sub-Conductor Inspection Record: Torrens Island Power Station Unit
B2 200 MW Generator in 1999 253

Appendix H 255
Sub-Conductor Inspection Record: Torrens Island Power Station Unit
B3 200 MW Generator in 1999 255

Appendix I 257
Sub-Conductor Inspection Record: Torrens Island Power Station Unit
B4 200 MW Generator in 1997 257

Appendix J 259
A typical example of Maintenance Requirement Analysis (MIRA) of a
hydrogen-water cooled synchronous turbo-generator. 259



Figure 1. Typical arrangement in the back of stator core of a 200 MW

synchronous generator. 11

Figure 2. Typical arrangement of a 200 MW stator core, showing core

steps, lamination packets and Pistoye laminations. 13

Figure 3. Core lamination looseness causing a thicker protective end plate

of a stator core lamination packet to rattle and break away,
resulting in arcing, overheating and mechanical damage. 15

Figure 4. Typical magnetic field distribution in the end winding region of

a synchronous generator [Courtesy of ABB]. 17

Figure 5. Typical core end plate hot spots in a 120 MW generator stator. 18

Figure 6. Back-of-core burning in a 200 MW stator, showing evidence of

arcing between stator core laminations and a core key bar. 21

Figure 7. End winding view of a 200 MW waterbox generator with end

doors and rotor removed during a routine overhaul [1]. 23

Figure 8. Arrangement of a conductor termination. 24

The Author
has been employed at Torrens Island Power Station, Adelaide - Australia,
in various pos itions from 1991 to the present, dealing directly with asset management
and maintenance of large synchronous generators and associated electrical equipments.
The material presented in the Figures and the Case Studies were recorded by the
Author during this period unless otherwise indicated.

Figure 9. End winding support system looking from behind the end
winding involute showing radial support brackets. 27

Figure 10. End winding support cone (half way removed from a waterbox
stator end winding). 28

Figure 11. Original nylon studs and opposing fibreglass wedges used in
waterbox stator end windings. 28

Figure 12. A typical end winding arrangement in a 200 MW generator,

showing waterbox base, coil links, coil end nozzles and spacing
between conductor ends. 30

Figure 13. A close up photograph showing a substantial crack on a

subconductor, resulting from copper work hardening. 32

Figure 14. Visual inspection after the conductor bundle has been cut and
insulation removed showing visible cracks of several
subconductors. 32

Figure 15. Copper work hardening (original cause of cracking) revealed by

visual inspection of internal surface of a sub-conductor using
0.75 mm diameter fibre-optic scope. 34

Figure 16. Insulation fretting damage at a support bracket resulting from

insufficient restraint of stator conductors. 36

Figure 17. End winding relaxation causing abrasion wear on conductor

insulation indicated by insulation fretting dust. 37

Figure 18. Stretched and unlocked nylon tie rods further promoting end
winding relaxation. 38

Figure 19. Fretting dust found on stator conductors at the stator end
winding support comb, an indication of serious conductor
vibration for an extended period of time. 41

Figure 20. Stator conductor insulation damaged by a magnetic termite

(Note the location and the shape of both craters). 42

Figure 21. A typical arrangement of windings, retaining rings and critical

components of a 200 MW 2 pole turbo generator rotor
[Courtesy of C. A. Parsons Pty Ltd]. 47

Figure 22. Common types of retaining ring designs. 49

Figure 23. External view of a typical radial connector fully assembled on a

200 MW synchronous generator rotor. 56

Figure 24. Electrical arcing damage at the interface between a retaining ring
and balance ring of a 120 MW synchronous generator rotor. 58

Figure 25. Cracks confirmed in a retaining ring at the bayonet region,

detected by Time-of-Flight examination. 61

Figure 26. Cross sectional view of rotor winding (a) radial cooling, (b)
axial cooling. 63

Figure 27. Coil construction in a 120 MW radially cooled rotor, two

parallel uninsulated copper strips forming one coil side (offset
cut-outs form zigzag radial cooling ducts). 63

Figure 28. Evidence of copper dust deposit on a 200 MW rotor winding

found during an 8-yearly routine overhaul. 66

Figure 29. Distortion damage in a 120 MW rotor coil resulting from

overheating caused by partial blockage of cooling ducts. 69

Figure 30. Overheated radial connection tube of a 200 MW rotor causing

solder in the negative side (upper section, removed) of up-shaft
lead to melt and migrate toward the positive side (lower section)
posing potential risk of a major rotor internal short circuit. 72

Figure 31. A radial connector assembly removed from a 200 MW generator

rotor. All components are severely overheated due to contact
surface reduction. 73

Figure 32. Fractures found in copper main connection tubes of rotor

inboard radial connectors in a 200 MW synchronous generator.
The tube is designed to carry over 3000 Amperes D.C. 74

Figure 33. A typical crack in up-shaft lead insulation tube in a 200 MW

generator rotor. 76

Figure 34. Illustration of magnetic field behaviour in a faulty generator

stator core [courtesy of ADWEL International Ltd] [26]. 89

Figure 35. Typical ELCID test setup [courtesy of ADWEL International

Ltd] [26]. 90

Figure 36. A typical setup for a ring flux test on a 120 MW generator stator
following extensive core repair. 93

Figure 37. Stator core lamination tightness test using a core knife on a 120
MW generator stator. 96

Figure 38. A typical ripple spring stator slot wedge system. 98

Figure 39. Typical installation arrangement of a ripple spring stator slot

wedge assembly. 98

Figure 40. Stator slot wedge tightness test in a 120 MW generator stator. 100

Figure 41. Typical test set up of an off-line vibration test for a 200 MW
water-cooled waterbox style generator utilising frequency
spectrum analysis. 103

Figure 42. Fluorescent dye-penetrant examination of a 200 MW generator

rotor retaining ring viewed under ultra-violet light - revealing a
12 mm long stress corrosion crack. 107

Figure 43. Graphical illustration of Circumferential Ultrasonic Scanning

Technique TOFD utilised in crack detection of generator
retaining rings [Courtesy of Sonomatic — P. Day] [30]. 111

Figure 44. Typical arrangement of TOFD scanning unit on a 200 MW

retaining ring. 112

Figure 45. Typical example of a TOFD scan image containing diffraction

signals of a crack in a 200 MW generator rotor retaining ring
(using Zip Scan equipment shown in Figure 44) [Courtesy of
Sonomatic] [29]. 113

Figure 46. A crack detected in a 200 MW rotor retaining ring sized and
profiled using ultrasonic techniques illustrated in Figure 44
[Courtesy of Sonomatic]. 114

Figure 47. A typical example of Recurrent Surge Oscillograph (RSO) of a

120 MW generator rotor windings with retaining ring removed.
The discrepancy of superimposed signals indicates a short
circuit. [Courtesy of Siemens]. 116

Figure 48. Voltage-Drop test performed on a 120 MW synchronous

generator rotor winding. 118

Figure 49 A thermographic image of an Isolated Phase Bus (IPB) and its

earthing connectors of a 200 MW generator. 120

Figure 50. A thermographic image of a rotor radial connector at 90% full

load, 2200 amperes in a 200 MW generator rotor, revealing an
abnormally high local operating temperature. 121

Figure 51. A thermographic image of stator windings in a 40 MW air

cooled synchronous generator at full load operation. 121

Figure 52. New collector ring assembly fully installed on brushless AC

main exciter rotor. 123

Figure 53. A radiographic image of a three phase copper collector ring

assembly in a brushless main exciter rotor - showing a fracture
in Phase A. 124

Figure 54. The insulated copper collector ring with fractures, removed from
its rotor; confirming the fractures detected by radiographic
examination. 124

Figure 55. Thin mica sheets inserted between laminations to restore

interlaminar insulation. 132

Figure 56. Fibreglass wedges inserted in the damaged area between a

lamination packet and the 'I' section gas duct spacer to restore
tightness. 132

Figure 57. Small custom made fibreglass wedges, impregnated with

Araldite resin are inserted into 'relaxed' core lamination packets
to restore tightness. 133

Figure 58. A fibreglass wedge (stemming piece) being driven into a

loosened core packet. 133

Figure 59. Section of core lamination in a 200 MW stator after been

tightening with a 3 mm stemming piece. 134

Figure 60. Severe core lamination damage resulting from the propagation
of core end plate burning in a 120 MW generator stator. 136

Figure 61. Thermographic image of a stator core lamination hot spot, due to
core end plate burning fault, detected by ring flux test during a
major overhaul of a 120 MW generator stator. 137

Figure 62. Copper shorting traps connecting stator core key bars used to
remedy back-of-core burning fault [311. 142

Figure 63. Leakage flux distribution in generator stator core [311. 142

Figure 64. Showing a conductor ferrule of a 200 MW water-cooled stator

after the nozzle was removed. Two subconductors were found
cracked and being blocked to stop hydrogen gas leak into stator
coolant system. 145

Figure 65. Original conductor end nozzle assembly removed from a 200
MW stator (left), extended nozzle assembly spare (centre),
standard nozzle assembly spare (right). 146

Figure 66. Installation of an extended nozzle on a cracked conductor of a

200 MW stator. Note the length and position of the new
extended nozzle. 147

Figure 67. Trending of hydrogen leakage rate into stator coolant system of a
200 MW synchronous generator recorded during a fault
investigation and management of a hydrogen-in-stator-coolant
leakage due to a cracked subconductor. 152

Figure 68. Fracture mechanics metallurgical examination of a cracked

copper subconductor showing evidence of crack formation due
to copper work hardening (Microscopic examination x200
magnification). 154

Figure 69. Insulation blocks added to sides of end winding support brackets
to provide backing support for IRPF bags. 159

Figure 70. Modification to the end windings of a 200 MW stator - showing

the added fibreglass reinforcing rings, waterbox and fully
installed conductor cross links. 160

Figure 71. Installation of the Inflatable Resin Pressure Filled (IRPF) bags
and new high tensile fibreglass studs in a 200 MW stator end
winding involute. 163

Figure 72. Typical arrangement of a hose-design generator stator end

windings [courtesy of Rolls Royce Industrial Power Group]. 166

Figure 73. A typical arrangement for electrical heating on a 120 MW rotor

retaining ring on re-installation. 174

Figure 74. A 120 MW turbo-generator rotor and its retaining rings housed
in a temperature controlled enclosure during a routine overhaul. 177

Figure 75. Surface treatment against corrosion on a l8Mn5Cr retaining ring

of a 120 MW generator rotor. 179

Figure 76. Location and geometric details of the 2 main cracks recorded
before machining on the 200 MW generator retaining ring. 181

Figure 77. Machining of a 200 MW generator rotor retaining ring to

remove cracks in the bayonet groove using a high precision
Vertical Turret Boring Machine. 182

Figure 78. Location and geometric details of the remaining cracks after
machining to a depth of 4.95 mm of the inner circumference of
the retaining ring bayonet. 183

Figure 79. Appearance of Crack A (Figure 76) after machining to a depth of

2 mm (viewing at x50 magnification) revealed intergranular
propagation of the crack. 184

Figure 80. Rotor slot wedges of a 200 MW hydrogen cooled generator rotor
- showing nylon insulation blocks designed to prevent electrical
contacts with rotor retaining rings. 186

Figure 81. Modification of coil top insulation pads to improve coils'

freedom of movement and to reduce copper abrasion of a 120
MW generator rotor. 188

Figure 82. New two-part replacement rotor coil top insulation strips. 191

Figure 83. Minimum copper dusting was observed on the same two-part
replacement rotor coil top insulation strips as shown in Figure
82 after 6 years in service. 191

Figure 84. Asset Management Strategy for dealing with copper dusting
problem in large synchronous generator rotor. 195

Figure 85. A damaged rotor coil due to overheating being partially lifted
from its winding and repaired. Note the distortion on the copper
coil and the reshaped cooling slot. 197

Figure 86. Assembly drawing of the rotor end of slot insulation system.
Note the locking arrangement of components to prevent
migration of the top insulation pads. 198

Figure 87 End windings and locations of inter-turn short circuits at the coil
cross-overs of a 28 years old 200 MW synchronous generator
rotor. 200

Figure 88. Typical arrangement of a rotor outboard radial connection

assembly. 203

Figure 89. Discolouration of all components in rotor radial connection

indicating severe overheating damage. 204

Figure 90. The connection palms have been machined and checked for
surface alignment with main connection tubes. 204

Figure 91. Electrical contact surfaces such as those of the main connection
tubes are further improved by electroplating with 8 jim to 12 jim
of silver. 205

Figure 92. A x30 magnification image on fracture surface of a 200 MW

rotor copper radial connection tube [Courtesy of FCA][39]. 209

Figure 93. Pictorial description of modification to the up-shaft lead

assembly for a 200 MW synchronous generator rotor. 213

Figure 94. A 200 MW rotor up-shaft lead assembly: modified and ready to
be inserted into its outer insulation shell. 213



Table 1. Waterbox generators (<300 MW) style that most affected by end
winding looseness problem and solutions adopted. 39

Table 2 1 8Mn4Cr typical specification. 50

Table 3. A case study of a 200 MW generator rotor retaining ring hoop

stress levels. 51

Table 4. Suggested routine test and inspection schedule. 79

Table 5. Suggested condition monitoring requirements. 81

Table 6. Visual inspection summary. 83

Table 7. Summary of modal frequencies before and after modification

[12]. 162

Base load generator Generating unit that normally operates near its rated
output conditions with minimum output variation.

Black-start A major event where all generators in a power system are

shutdown completely and need to be restarted by a small
self-starting generating unit. This usually occurs
following a major system failure in transmission or
generation systems.

Cigré International Council on Large Electric Systems.

(Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Electriques),
a renowned technical organisation based in France.
Copper dusting A phenomenon where excessive abrasion of generator
rotor copper conductors and insulation system produces a
copper and insulation powder. Copper dusting can cause
short circuits within generator rotor windings.
DLA Dielectric Loss Angle: a measurement in percentage of
resistive loss in electrical insulation material.

Earth fault Electrical break-down or short circuit from generator

windings to earth potential.

ELCID Electromagnetic-Core-Imperfection-Detection.
A trade name for an electrical test technique to detect
short circuits between core laminations in electrical

End windings The overhang section of the electrical machine's stator or

rotor windings outside of the magnetic core.

EPRI Electric Power Research Institute. A renowned research

institution specialising in electrical power systems based
in USA.

Ferrule A copper component fitted at the end of each generator

stator conductor to facilitate the electrical and plumbing

connections between the stator conductor strands and the

end nozzle, as illustrated in Figure 8.

Inter-connection Transmission line connecting major load centres or

transmission networks.

IRPF Inflatable Resin Pressure Filled.

Load-following generators Generating units that operate between base load and peak
load modes. They are also known as mid-range
generators. Generators operating in this mode usually
have their power output fluctuating continuously from
20% to full name plate capacity many times in a day to
meet the electricity market demands. Typically, this type
of operation is found in gas fired steam turbine
generating Units.

MRA Maintenance Requirement Analysis: an asset

management tool designed to identify all possible failure
modes of equipment and recommend maintenance
remedial solutions.

MTBF Mean Time Between Failures.

National Electricity grid In Australia, this means the integral network of

electricity generation, transmission and distribution in the
five states of South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, New
South Wales and Queensland which are interconnected
via high voltage transmission system.

NDT Non Destructive Testing: this term is commonly

associated with metallurgical examination of cracks and
defects in materials.

NEMIVICO National Electricity Market Management Company:

a body corporate responsible for the administration and
operation of the wholesale national electricity market in
Australia in accordance with the National Electricity

Nomex A trade name for a synthetic aromatic polyamide polymer

with superior electrical, chemical and mechanical
properties. It is used as a high grade high temperature
electrical insulation material in electrical machines and
other equipment.

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer.


Peak - load generators Generating units that operate in a wide range of output
power and experience a large number of starts. They
usually run up and shut down two or more times per day
to meet peaky electricity demands. Their main function is
'topping up' the daily electricity demand curve.
Typically, this type of operation is suitable for 'fast start'
gas turbine and hydroelectric generating Units.

PTFE Polytetrafluoroethene; also known as Teflon; a high-

performance engineering plastic typically used in
generator stators in the form of flexible hose to reticulate
cooling water into each hollow stator conductor.

rpm Revolutions per minute.

RSO Recurrent Search Oscillograph:

An electrical measurement to detect short circuits or low
insulation resistance between coils within generator rotor

Spinning reserve Spare power generation capacity above actual electricity

demand allowing contingency for unexpected
disconnection of a generating Unit from a network.

Stator slot wedge A strip of insulation material or a system of insulation

packing and non-metallic leaf springs installed in stator
core slots to secure stator conductors in correct position
and tightness.

Stator core end plate Thick alloy steel plate installed at each end of stator core
lamination stack to provide protection for the core
laminations under the core clamping force and stray axial
magnetic flux penetration.

Stator manifold waterbox An insulated manifold box (typically of cast resin) used
to reticulate stator coolant water through hollow stator
conductors for cooling.

System demand The total electric power required by connected systems

under a particular load condition.

Two-shifting A cyclic operational mode of power generating Units

that, in addition to output variation during the day, are
shut down at night to save fuel (i.e. ON day shift, OFF
night shift). Nowadays, this mode of operation is
commonly found in gas-fired steam turbine and gas
turbine generating Units.

TOFD Time of Flight Detection: A high precision sophisticated

technique of crack detection in materials using reflected
ultrasonic waves.

VoLL Value of Lost Load: The maximum electricity market

pool price set by NEMMCO for the condition where
electricity demand exceeds supply. This price can vary
from country to country. For example, it was
AUD 10,000 per MWhour in Australia during 2005.




Over the last half century much advancement has been made in the field of large

synchronous generators. The need for larger unit sizes has driven the development of

better and more innovative designs. Manufacturing processes have steadily improved.

The advent of new insulation materials has contributed to increased reliability in

operation at lower cost. The so-called Class F fibre-glass epoxy insulation system, now

recognised worldwide as the best modern insulation system for commercial high voltage

generators, has all but replaced the hot dip varnish insulation systems known as Class B

insulation [1].

Sophisticated design optimisation, clever use of modern materials and more efficient

cooling systems have been some of the key achievements in the field of design and

manufacturing of large synchronous generators. For example, the emergence of new

technology in internal water-cooled conductors within hydrogen cooled generators in the

1960s was, for the power generation industry, a quantum leap in building higher

capacity generators to answer the quest of the rapid growth in power generation

demands with improved generation efficiency [2].


Toward the end of the 20th

century, privatisation reforms swept through the electricity

industry in many developed countries. It is now widely observed that, especially during

the transition period, there have been shortfalls of capital investment in upgrading and

replacing aged equipment in the electricity supply industry in all areas of generation,

transmission and distribution. Major investment decisions have been heavily influenced

by economic drivers, which predominantly focus on short term interests, causing a

serious decline in support for load growth and difficulties in maintaining a satisfactory

level of reliability for electricity supply. This is reflected in the reduction of spinning

reserve in the national electricity power systems [3]. Due to the economic realities of the

electricity market, there is also a tendency that many old generators built in the 1950's

and 1960's are still kept in service or even recalled from retirement, as in the case of at

least two power stations in South Australia. This has caused major concerns for power

generation companies for whom the reliability of operation of large synchronous

generators is of critical importance. Hence, irmovative measures need to be taken so as

to avoid the risk of catastrophic failures, minimise the impact of generator outages and

ultimately making the best use of existing generating assets.

As participants in the modern electricity market, generating units, inevitably, are

required to be more flexible and responsive. No different from turbines and power

station auxiliaries, large synchronous generators have been operated under increasingly

arduous conditions with significantly greater numbers of start-up and shut-down, faster

loading rates and a wider range of output fluctuation. Cyclic operation in peak load or

load following modes is more suitable to fast response gas turbine driven and hydro-

electric generating units, whereas the traditional large base load machines are designed

for large volume, steady output generation. Changing the operational mode of older

machines from base load to peak load or load following poses significant risks to large

generators, exacerbating problems related to ageing and, ultimately, reducing their

remanent service life. As a matter of fact, a number of problems have emerged over time

in generators, especially in those manufactured during the transition period of the 1 960s

and 1970s [4]. These problems have varied from fractures of stator end winding

conductors, causing hydrogen to leak into the stator coolant, to fretting damage of the

high voltage insulation system, causing partial discharge and, in some severe cases,

electrical short circuits [6][7][8]. Such problems are observed particularly in machines

of the type known as waterbox generator, discussed in further detail in Chapter 2, where

relevant constructional features are described along with a number of internal faults. The

faults described in detail cover stator core localised overheating, fractured stator

conductors, rotor retaining ring cracking, rotor coil deterioration and inter-turn short

circuits [9].

One highlight of these problems is the failures of stator end windings, which emanate, in

one way or another, from mechanical deterioration of the end-winding support

structures. Observations on symptoms are given which include evidence of insulation

fretting dust found in stator conductor interspace and on support structures. Fractures in

conductors have been attributed to copper work hardening due to unrestrained

movement of conductors [1] [10]. Chapter 2 also discusses associated effects such as

hydrogen gas leaking into the stator coolant water, posing an increased risk for failure.

Other problems such as stress corrosion cracking in rotor retaining rings are discussed

and illustrated [11]. It is concluded that electromechanical and thermal stresses are the

most significant contributing factors to mechanical and structure-related failures in

critical components in large synchronous generators.

Typical test and examinations usually carried out on a generator during an outage

including non destructive testing, end winding vibration induced broadband frequency

response measurement, standard routine winding electrical tests, Recurrent Surge

Oscillograph (RSO) and Electromagnetic Core Imperfection detection (ELCID). Some

tests are part of routine condition monitoring, others, gauging the effectiveness of

previous work or to be performed as preventative maintenance activities [12] [13] [14]

[15] [16].

Chapter 3 presents a range of test and investigation techniques commonly employed to

detect faults in large synchronous generators discussed in Chapter 2. An inspection and

test plan is proposed, providing broad guidelines for monitoring the service condition of

generators. The plan includes routine inspection, condition monitoring strategies and

appropriate test techniques. The plan is based on the Author's experience in dealing

with asset management issues and found to be appropriate for a number of specific

generators. It is recommended that the plan should be treated as a guide only as

experience shows that inspection and test regimes are best to be specific to individual

generators and depend on important factors such as operational roles, design specifics,

age, maintenance history and the owner's risk acceptance profile.


Early detection of failure in machines is absolutely critical in avoiding major damage.

Condition Monitoring (CM) is one of the most effective means of failure prevention by

early fault detection in modern asset management practice. In order to optimise the

maintenance strategies, the traditional time-based maintenance routines have been

replaced with condition-based activities. Although capital investment is required to set

up appropriate CM systems, such early fault detection can prevent major failures,

downtime and repay their investment many times over.

Offline diagnostics, on the other hand, play an important role in 'health spot checks' for

synchronous generators. They can be carried out routinely or as required and are great

complement to the online systems. A range of offline inspections and test techniques is

suggested throughout Chapter 3 for detection of specific faults of stator and rotor

components. In general, it is observed that visual inspection by an experienced

inspector, who is familiar with a particular type of generator, does not require

sophisticated equipment and can be by far the most beneficial in discovering many

faults and the early onset of faults.

This thesis focuses its attention on special non-routine tests, without discussing the

electrical test requirements for large synchronous generators governed by the

appropriate Australian and international standards (such as AS/NZS, ANSI, IEEE, IEC)

for specific test categories. It is assumed that the 'standard tests" such as insulation

resistance (IR), polarisation index (P1), dielectric loss angle (DLA), power frequency

(PF), ac and dc hi-pot, partial discharge test are applied by generator owners in

compliance with the applicable standards.

Chapter 4 presents a range of practical solutions which have been implemented in

remedying the faults discussed in Chapter 2. Some of these solutions have involved

repairs of defective components to restore the original designed conditions; others have

involved much more costly major modifications or upgrades to the existing components.

In most cases, the effectiveness of these remedial measures has been assessed by means

of tests before and after the implementation.

In addition, a range of preventive maintenance strategies is proposed based on

appropriate on-line and off-line fault detection and diagnosis techniques. These

strategies provide the basis for effectively monitoring the generator's health and

contribute to the formulation of long-term asset strategies that maximise service life and

reliability of the generators.





Large synchronous generators are critically important to the reliability of power systems.

Any fault, no matter how insignificant it may be perceived to be, is a potential thread to

its operation. Unchecked faults may ultimately lead to catastrophic failure with dire


The majority of internal faults of large synchronous generators are in one way or the

other, related to mechanical related origins, of which the mechanical wear and tear

including structural deterioration are amongst the most common causes. Electrical

components such as the stator conductors are designed with generous safety margins and

rarely develop faults from within themselves, provided that they are operated under the

specified operational conditions.

Some faults originate from inherent weaknesses in generator design or in manufacturing

techniques and are often difficult to be remedied. On the other hand, operating

conditions constitute the other significant contributor to the development of faults in

large synchronous generators. Particularly, excesses in operation beyond the original

design capabilities can cause major damage or exacerbate existing problems within the



2.1.1 Constructional Features of Stator Core

Stator core of a large generator is made up of a large number of stamped thin segmental

magnetic steel laminations. Depending on the design and size of the generator, there

could be from 4 to 12 segments of laminations per layer. The lamination material

usually has high magnetic permeability and low electrical losses. Each segment of

lamination is coated with a thin layer of insulating varnish so that when the core

laminations are compressed together, each lamination is electrically insulated from one

another minimising eddy current losses when the core is excited.

Key bars of trapezoidal cross section are anchored axially along the internal bore of

stator frame to form a robust support structure for the core laminations. Each lamination

segment has dovetail shaped slots stamped on its outer periphery and parallel radial slots

stamped on its inner periphery to accommodate the conductors. When the core is built

up, each lamination segment is sequentially located and locked into the appropriate key

bars at the dovetail slots. This allows the lamination segments to be accurately located,

aligned and supported at the key bars. The lamination stacks are then tightly compressed

at stages under pressure to form a rigid core, providing a strong foundation for stator

windings to be housed at the same time completing the stator magnetic circuit, as

illustrated in Figure 1 and Figure 2.


Figure 1. Typical arrangement in the back of stator core of a 200 MW synchronous


Longitudinally, the core is divided into sections. Each section is sandwiched between

two rings of thicker core plates and I-section spacers. Once built with the adjacent

sections, they form a network of radial cooling ducts. These ducts provide essential

cooling for the deeper parts of core laminations and passage for control of hydrogen

flow. In most generator cores, these cooling ducts are built at short intervals of few

centimetres along the entire length of the core while others are built in a portion of the

core only, depending on the design of cooling gas flow control. Core lamination

intervals are called core packet.


At both ends of the core, where magnetic flux density is the greatest due to the high

concentration of magnetic fringing flux, additional cooling provisions are made. Shorter

core intervals result in more cooling ducts. At each of these intervals, the core internal

bore diameter is made progressively larger so as to increase the air gap reluctance. In

larger generators, a further reduction of eddy currents at these core end packets is

achieved by the use of Pistoye laminations. These laminations incorporate a cut-out

starting from the inner edge of the lamination radially extending outward for a few

centimetres. This slot effectively cuts the lamination surfaces affected by eddy currents

by half in both radial and axial directions, thus reducing the rate of heat generation by a

factor of 4.

In addition to radial cooling, large stator cores also incorporate axial cooling by means

of cooling channels running through the entire length of the core formed by aligning

holes in the laminations.

To maintain the core pressure, one core end plate of similar shape to the laminations is

placed at each end of the core stack to provide mechanical protection. During the core

building stage, both core end plates are pressed against the lamination stack and then

locked in position by the core compression fingers rings. These two rings are finally

secured by a number of large core bolds run full length of the core providing a

permanent static pressure on the core laminations.


Depending on the design chosen by different manufactures, some cores are electrically

insulated from the stator frame while others are solidly earthed at the back of the core

via a network of interconnected cage like copper strips placed axially along the back of

the core.

Figure 2. Typical arrangement of a 200 MW stator core, showing core steps,

lamination packets and Pistoye laminations.

2.1.2 Stator Core Faults due to Lamination Relaxation

As described in Section 2.1.1, the stator core is a cardinal component of a generator. Its

two main functions are to act as the principal magnetic circuit and provide housing for

stator conductors. From a generator construction and maintenance point of view, the

stator core is even more critically important since most other components are built on it.

Experience shows that core related problems are difficult and expensive to rectify. In

large generators, stator cores are inevitably of complex design and, if not constructed

correctly, major problems can and do occur after a few years in service. Some problems

can escalate to damaging stator windings. It is also important to follow the correct

procedures when the stator core is constructed, in addition to having the correct design

and materials. Each core lamination must be adequately insulated, pressed tightly

together and remain tight for the life of the generator. Loose core laminations can lead to

major core damage and catastrophic failures.

Figure 3 illustrates such a core fault. Following the discovery of a core fault during a

routine inspection, a thorough investigation was carried out on a 200 MW generator that

had been in service for 15 years. This particular generator suffered a core relaxation

problem. The condition deteriorates over time due to cyclic thermal and electromagnetic

forces acting on the laminations. In this case, the core was built with a thin layer of

compressed paper base material at approximately 100 mm intervals repeated for the

entire core length. Over time, the paper layers had been slowly compressed further in

service causing the relaxation. As the retaining pressure in axial direction reduces, core

lamination vibration increases allowing the thicker protective end plates on both sides of

the lamination packets to rattle against the 'I' section gas duct spacer and eventually

braking away. At the time of the repair, many similar areas were found to have

looseness and electrical arcing similar to that shown in Figure 3.

Evidently, the broken away pieces of the core lamination material, bouncing around in

the air gap when the rotor is in motion cause mechanical impact damage to both the

stator and rotor surfaces. Lamination short circuits were found in many places on the

stator core. The stator and rotor windings were contaminated with steel debris and

carbon from the areas of core burning.

Loosened core lamination

(ore packet thick end plate brokc 4 .•.,

plus evidence of electrical
% arcing due to lamination rattling

Figure 3. Core lamination looseness causing a thicker protective end plate of a stator
core lamination packet to rattle and break away, resulting in arcing,
overheating and mechanical damage.

2.1.3 Stator Core End Plates Hot Spots

For optimum performance, generator stator core designs incorporate many special

features. Of these, core efficiency is the main design feature measured by core losses.

Other features such as cooling, rigidity, durability against thermal cycling, and ease of

construction are also very important. Magnetic field distribution within the generator

during normal and abnormal operating conditions are also carefully considered in

generator core designs. Improper design or construction can lead to irreparable damage.

Dreaded problems such as core end plate burning is amongst those consequences.

Some older stator cores built in the 1960's and 1970's have been known to suffer a

chronic problem of local overheating at the end regions, labelled core end plate burning.

After the problem was experienced in several generators, it was found that the core end

plates of these generators were made of magnetic materials which are unsuitable and

highly susceptible to induced eddy currents. When generators operate in leading power

factor mode the air gap flux density increases excessively. This leads to a significant

increase in the fringing flux density in the end winding region, inducing eddy currents in

the core end plates, resulting in local overheating and burning. As the burning activities

occur on and behind the core end plate, usually in inaccessible locations, it is difficult to

detect. Figure 4 illustrates a typical magnetic field distribution in the end winding



Figure 4. Typical magnetic field distribution in the end winding region of a

synchronous generator [Courtesy of ABB].

Once the core burning starts, it forms a so called 'hot spot" and gradually grows. The

heat generated from the hot spots can cause damage to the surrounding lamination

insulation, encouraging further burning. In at least three severe cases, the hot spots were

found to have spread through the conductor insulation causing stator winding-to-earth

faults. In other cases, the damage was found to have extended to the generator air gap

and stator core teeth where the magnetic flux density is high, causing rapid core


A survey, carried out on fifteen 120 MW generators, ten in Australia and five in New

Zealand, found that they all suffered core end plate burning faults. In addition, two of

those generators had experienced stator winding earth faults caused by the propagation

of the core end plate hot spots, resulting in extensive damage to the stator windings.

Interestingly, all those generators had a similar stator core design. Figure 5 exemplifies

some typical hot spots on stator core end plate of a 120 MW generator.

The OEM of the affected generators did not anticipate the problem in these stator cores

and did not offer any warning to the generator owners about the fault until the stator

earth faults were experienced.

p Stator conductor

Core compression finger 1

Figure 5. Typical core end plate hot spots in a 120 MW generator stator.

2.1.4 Back-of-Core Burning Fault

Back-of-core burning fault, as its name suggests, occurs in the back of the core between

the stator core laminations and their support key bars. The burning is a result of

electrical arcing from the current transfer between core laminations and the key bars

through poor electrical contacts. The key bars have an important function to provide

accurate alignment and mechanical support for individual laminations through a dovetail

arrangement, as described previously in Section 2.1.1. Generally, there are about 20 to

30 key bars in a stator core of a 200 MW generator.

There are two main types of stator core commonly known as 1) insulated core and 2)

non-insulated core. As their names suggest, the insulated cores are electrically insulated

from the stator frame whereas the non-insulated cores have their laminations directly

built on the dovetail shape key bars, which are electrically earthed to the stator frame.

The insulated cores do not have problems of back-of-core burning and hence are not

discussed further in this thesis.

The key bars are electrically short circuited at the ends to form a squirrel cage, designed

to carry the induced currents caused by the stator leakage flux in the back of the core.

The induced currents flow between the network of key bars, core laminations and core

end plates and are highly complex in orientation, fluctuating in magnitude depending on

the operating condition and the degree of magnetic saturation in the stator core.

Especially during high leading power factor generation, the saturation of magnetic field

can cause the induced currents in the back of the core to intensify near the core ends.

This explains why most cases of back-of-core burning fault are found at the end

sections. Naturally, the induced currents tend to flow in the lowest impedance paths,

highly dependent on the contact resistance between the key bars and the core
laminations. Therefore the core design and construction techniques are critical control

factors for back-of-core burning problems. Back-of-core burning faults have been found

on the top, sides and bottom of turbo-generator stator cores. It is rarely found in hydro-

electrical generators.

Figure 6 exemplifies the back-of-core burning fault of a 200 MW generator found in

2004. The burning areas appeared to have started recently and were not seen in the

previous generator routine inspection in 1998. It is suspected that this fault relates to

two-shifting operations, although further investigation and research are required to

support this hypothesis. The generator had been operated as a base load Units from 1980

to about 1998 and increasingly in two-shifting mode in the last seven years.

Even though the back-of-core burning fault does not threaten an immediate outage to

the affected generator, it poses a major concern. As the electrical arcing activity occurs,

it produces metal globules at the fault location as a result of high temperature burning of

core lamination and key bar metals. Eventually, the globules dislodge themselves from

their 'birth place' and find their way into the generator air gap causing serious

contamination to the generator internal components with thousands of small broken

metal globules. This ramifies to secondary problems such as degrading the high voltage

winding insulation, creating magnetic termites on stator conductors, promoting inter-

turn short circuits on rotor windings, causing interlaminar short circuits to stator core

and other mechanical impact damage to rotor components such as slot wedges and rotor

retaining rings.

Unfortunately, access to the back of stator core is highly limited due to the construction

of gas baffles and chambers to control hydrogen flow within the generator. Generally,

only about 20% to 30% of the back of stator core is accessible. This makes thorough

inspections and repairs for this type of fault extremely difficult without major

intervention to the stator shell structure. Furthermore, the majority generators in the

medium output range below 300 MW are constructed in such a way that the core

laminations are integrated with the stator frame and the core stack can not be removed

as one whole component for repairs outside of the stator shell.

Thick protection plate of core


Core laminations

Metal globules produced from

arcing activity between core
laminations and the key bar

A stator core key bar provides

anchoring for lamination to

Figure 6. Back-of-core burning in a 200 MW stator, showing evidence of arcing

between stator core laminations and a core key bar.


Stator winding faults can have devastating consequences in terms of generating plant

availability. Although they can occur in any types of generator, some are more prone to

developing stator winding faults due to inherent design weaknesses. One such type is

known as the waterbox generator, which made its debut halfway through the 20th

centuiy. Figure 7 depicts the end view of a typical waterbox generator. Although

reasonably reliable when new, its inherent weaknesses became evident after about 10

years of operation. The design proved to be maintenance intensive and hazardous due to

occurrences of hydrogen leaking into the stator coolant.

Waterbox generators typically have output power ratings ranging from 200 MW to 500

MW. The unique features of these generators are the resin cast waterboxes, end winding

support comb, end winding involute support cone and semi-flexible conductors which

are all visible in Figure 7 with the exception of the conductors hidden behind the

involute support cone. These components characterising the end winding are described

in greater detail below.


Figure 7. End winding view of a 200 MW waterbox generator with end doors and
rotor removed during a routine overhaul [1].

2.2.1 Constructional Features of Stator Windings Conductors

There are two layers of coil side within each stator slot. Each coil side consists of a

bundle of insulated prismatic hollow copper strands, referred to as sub-conductors. The

sub-conductors are individually insulated from each other to minimise internal eddy

currents, and are transposed along the stator core to minimise internal circulating

currents in between the strands, referred to as Roebel transposition, further improving


machine efficiency. These hollow sub-conductors are designed to carry the stator

currents as well as to reticulate the cooling water. At each end of the half coils, the

strands are pneumatically and electrically connected together and soldered to a hollow

termination nozzle making it a gas tight joint. This nozzle is mounted onto the back of

waterbox. Each termination nozzle takes cooling water from the waterbox for conductor

cooling at the same time carries electrical current. Each pair of corresponding

termination nozzles is connected together via copper links to complete the electrical

circuits of the windings. The termination arrangement is depicted in Figure 4 below.

End view Sectional view of stator conductor and

Termination nozzle arrangement

Figure 8. Arrangement of a conductor termination.

Due to the physical arrangement of the waterboxes, there is a larger gap in between the

adjacent waterboxes; the space in between the conductors of adjacent phase groups is

much greater than that of others in the same phase group. Since the stator core slots are

made with equal spacing, there are subtle differences in coil pitch lengths and shape

variations of conductors in the same phase group at the end winding regions as depicted

in Figure 12. This unique feature makes stock-holding of spare conductors difficult and

expensive. Most waterbox generators utilise so called, semi-flexible coils; that is the

middle section of the coil in the core region is more solid. In contrast, the overhang

sections are more flexible. Following the insulation wrapping process, the middle

straight section of the coils in the core section is pressed in formers to exact dimensions

and heated to cure the resin enriched insulation simultaneously. The overhang end

sections are, however, not pressed but insulated differently to the core section in such a

way that they are more flexible making coil installation process easier.

The insulation materials and coil construction methodologies have varied with time and

technologies available. The early generators utilised resin rich mica-bituminous hot dip

varnish insulation whereas the more recent generators have been equipped with resin

rich fibre-glass epoxy insulation system [17] [18]. Whilst the early insulation method is

labour intensive, it offers superior electrical properties to the high voltage windings,

particularly, the immunity to corona discharge. The more recent insulation method

offers a more efficient use of modern materials, better thermal characteristic for the

windings and is less labour intensive to build. However, the coils are more exposed to

risk of corona discharge and are susceptible to end winding vibrations [19].
26 End-Winding Support System

In the case of waterbox generators, a unique end winding support system is utilised in

order to restrain the stator conductors in the correct position against electromagnetic

forces. The stator end winding support system at each end of the generator consists of

one support comb to restrain the conductor ends and support the resin waterboxes, non-

metallic support brackets to provide back bone support for the end windings and to

connect the support comb to the stator frame structure at core end, a frustum cone on the

involute side and a network of nylon tie rods.

Each end-winding support comb consists of six matching segments fabricated from

resin-bonded fabric laminate material. It is mounted on the end of the support brackets

in parallel with stator core laminations to form a locating platform for the ends of the

stator conductors as shown in Figure 12 and Figure 9. Stator conductors are wedged into

the slots in the support comb for exact positioning. The stator conductors are further

secured in position with a resin-bonded fabric laminate ring fitted to the inner periphery

of the support comb by a series of radial nylon studs through the comb width. For

additional stiffness, the comb is secured to the stator core compression plate via a set of

long brass studs in parallel with the support brackets as can be seen in Figure 9. The

support comb also provides a platform for the winding involute support cone as

illustrated in Figure 10.


The support cone is of a frustum shape, its major periphery is mounted to the support

comb and the minor periphery is pulled toward the core datum plate by a series of long

nylon studs as illustrated in Figure 12 and Figure 10. It is designed to provide a strong

backing support for the end winding involute from the inside direction.

A series of opposing fibreglass wedges as shown in Figure 11 is driven in between the

outer surface of the cone and the stator end winding involute. This exerts a compression

force on the conductors of both layers, pushing them outward to the end winding

support brackets. It is expected that this compression force will remain relatively

adequate to retain the conductors tightly in position for the life of the generator.

Core end compression plate

I Stator conductors

Figure 9. End winding support system looking from behind the end winding involute
showing radial support brackets.

Support cone mounting ring I

connected to support "Comb"

Locating grooves for

fiberglass opposing wedges
between the support cone and
stator conductors

Figure 10. End winding support cone (half way removed from a waterbox stator end

Figure 11. Original nylon studs and opposing fibreglass wedges used in waterbox stator
end windings.
29 Waterbox

A waterbox assembly consists of a cast resin epoxy base with conductor mounting holes

and securing studs, a cover and a carbon free rubber gasket. Waterboxes are installed at

both ends of the stator winding for the purpose of reticulating the cooling water into the

hollow stator conductors. They also serve as an additional barrier of electrical insulation

between the high voltage conductors and the nearby outer casing at earth potential. Once

installed correctly with all conductors in position, the waterbox assembly becomes gas-

tight to an operating hydrogen pressure of about 300 kPa. Stator conductors of the same

phase group are mounted through the back of a waterbox in two rows corresponding to

the inner and outer layers of the stator windings. Electrical connections between the

inner conductors and outer conductors are made with copper clamps called 'conductor

links' forming stator windings as shown in Figure 7 and Figure 12.

Stator coolant water is pumped into each waterbox through hollow terminal leads at one

end of the generator. The cooling water is then forced through the conductors to the

corresponding waterbox at the opposite end before returning to the external cooling,

filtering and pumping system.

The waterboxes of generator stators in the 200 MW to 300 MW range are supported

only by the stator conductors themselves. When filled with stator coolant water, each

waterbox weighs approximately 100 kg. This creates significant static and dynamic

stresses on the conductors in service, thus significantly increasing the risk of crack

development within the copper conductor strands. Unlike that demonstrated in Figure

12, the waterboxes of larger generators 500 MW and larger are directly mounted to the

end winding support comb and do not exert strain on the conductor ends.

End winding support comb End-of-phase lead and coolant supply pipe

Stator coil end nozzle

Temporary blue bolt to protect

conductors against foreign
objects during generator outage

Figure 12. A typical end winding arrangement in a 200 MW generator, showing

waterbox base, coil links, coil end nozzles and spacing between conductor

2.2.2 Sub-Conductor Cracking Problem

In normal operation, the generator is filled with hydrogen gas at 300 kPa pressure and

the stator coolant system is charged with demineralised water at 200 kPa. The purpose

for the differential in the pressure is to prevent water leakage into the stator insulation

system. Should any small leaks occur in the stator coolant system due to faults such as

cracks in conductors or leak gaskets, hydrogen gas escapes into the stator coolant water

and is collected in a gas catchment chamber. An alarm is triggered and hydrogen gas is

vented safely into the atmosphere. Usually, hydrogen leaks are small and the loss of

hydrogen pressure is insignificant. However, if the cracks were allowed to grow,

excessive hydrogen gas in stator coolant water could seriously reduce cooling capacity

of the sub-conductors leading to local overheating, eventually, deformation of the

subconductors and severe damage to the stator conductor. Even though most stator

designs incorporate thermal protection features with thermocouples embedded in the

core and various stator slots, overheating of this nature tends to be localising around the

affected conductor and have minute impact on the average thermal distribution of the

stator. If the fault location is away from a thermocouple, its temperature is less likely to

be registered. In the extreme cases, the stator windings could suffer catastrophic failure.

Such a gas leakage into the stator coolant water is commonly called 'gas-in-stator-

coolant leak'.

There are many different causes of failure responsible for gas-in-stator-coolant

leakages; they can range from a defective rubber gasket or seals to cracks in hollow sub-

conductors. Many gas-in-stator-coolant leaks have been observed within waterbox

generators, majority of which have been caused by one or more cracked subconductors

as exemplified in Figure 13 and Figure 14. Fracture mechanic metallurgical examination

on fractured surfaces of a sample conductor removed from a generator suggested that

cracks were formed by copper work hardening [11] [20].


Crack found in a stator

subconductor caused by
copper work hardening

Figure 13. A close up photograph showing a substantial crack on a subconductor,

resulting from copper work hardening.

Four cracks were found in

a stator subconductor
caused by copper work

Figure 14. Visual inspection after the conductor bundle has been cut and insulation
removed showing visible cracks of several subconductors.

In addition to metallurgical examination, visual inspection of internal surfaces of similar

in service conductors were examined visually using a 0.75 mm diameter fibre optic

scope as can be seen in Figure 15. Clear evidence of copper work hardening was found

in many sub-conductors. Such fiberscope examination is a very useful non-destructive

examination technique in locating cracks in stator conductors of generators without the

need of removing the conductors. The most common location of cracks in sub-

conductors is within the proximity of the support comb: the pivoting point. To date, this

technique is still the most successful in finding cracks in stator subconductors. Other

techniques, such as X-ray examination, have been explored but not found successful.

The stator coolant system is designed in such a way that gas bubbles in the stator

coolant water are trapped in a gas catchment chamber. An alarm signal is automatically

sent to the control room should the trapped gas reach a predetermined volume.

The trapped hydrogen itself is strictly controlled and safely released to the atmosphere.

Cracks in subconductors are usually very small and the volume of hydrogen loss is

negligible comparing to the total gas volume in the generator. However, the major

concern is that when excessive hydrogen gas contaminated the stator coolant, the water

becomes saturated with bubbles and significantly looses its cooling capacity. This could

potentially risk total destruction of subconductors due to overheating.


Figure 15. Copper work hardening (original cause of cracking) revealed by visual
inspection of internal surface of a sub-conductor using 0.75 mm diameter
fibre-optic scope.

Gas-in-stator-coolant leakage due to cracked subconductors has to date caused many

shut down outages to large generators. Fortunately, faults of this nature are not

instantaneous and allow the generator to be in service for sometime before taking repair

action, provided that appropriate operational strategies are applied and less than three

subconductors sustained cracks. Specific operational strategies are designed on a case-

by-case basis once the fault is detected and diagnosed. They help 'nursing' the generatOr

over a critical period, such as high load demand, to ensure adequate electricity supply to


2.2.3 End Winding Looseness Problem

Investigation of the end winding structure of many generators have found that in most

cases where cracked subconductors are found there is evidence of excessive inter-

conductor movement within the end-winding and relative to their support structures. As

the conductors vibrate in service, they rub against one another and their support system,

thus generating the so-called insulation fretting dust, as exemplified in Figure 16 and

Figure 17. The fretting dust is relatively harmless to the generator and is a useful

indicator for visual inspection of looseness. However, excessive amount of insulation

fretting dust is a cause for alarm as it is indicative of a significant loss of insulation

material; a sign of dangerous degradation of conductor insulation system, thus increased

risk of discharge and electrical faults!

Visual inspection is arguably the most practical and effective method for detecting

insulation fretting and deterioration of end winding insulation related to conductor


The relaxation of the conductors and their support systems invariably leads to the

loosening of the support comb and the involute frustum support cone, which then

vibrates in sympathy with the conductors, causing insulation fretting, as illustrated in

Figure 18. This accelerates the rate of deterioration of the end winding support system.

I Stator conductors of end windings


Insulation fretting dust generated

by conductor movement against
an end winding support bracket

Figure 16. Insulation fretting damage at a support bracket resulting from insufficient
restraint of stator conductors.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to conclusively monitor the vibration externally while

the generator is in service. This is due to the complexity of the stator end winding

structure and the huge amount of damping associated with conductor insulation. These

factors render diagnosis, difficult.


Figure 17. End winding relaxation causing abrasion wear on conductor insulation
indicated by insulation fretting dust.

Another contributing factor, that is responsible for the loosening of conductors, is the

method of construction of the end windings. Waterbox generators utilise a large number

of nylon studs to restrain the stator conductors in the end winding regions. It has been

found that many of the studs are stretched or have become unlocked in service. This

further exacerbates the relaxation of the end windings as seen in Figure 18.

Figure 18. Stretched and unlocked nylon tie rods further promoting end winding

Apparently, most waterbox design generators suffer from the end winding looseness

problem. The design inherits a so called semi-flexible end winding making it a major

weakness of the generators. There are some 30 waterbox generators below 300 MW

output with a unique end winding construction ever manufactured in the world and at

least 15 of them have been confirmed to have suffered end winding looseness problem

in one form or another as shown in Table 1.


Table 1. Waterbox generators (<300 MW) style that most affected by end winding
looseness problem and solutions adopted.

Power Station 0/P No. Nominal Year Insulation Type No. of Number of
in Average of Loose End Stators with
Location MW Servi Operati Corn Winding Solution
ce ng missi Stators Adopted
Hours on

Torrens Island PS 200 2 220,000 1976- Impregnated 1 1 Stator

Units B! & B2 1977 mica-glass hot adopted
dip bituminous Solution 1

Torrens Island PS 200 2 200,000 1979- Impregnated 2 2 Stators

Units B3 & B4 1980 mica-glass adopted
conformable bag Solution 1

Kwinana PS 200 2 240,000 1975- Impregnated 2 No solution

1976 mica-glass hot adopted
(Australia) dip bituminous

Muja PS 200 2 200,000 1979- Impregnated 2 2 Stators

1980 mica-glass adopted
(Australia) conformable bag Solution 2

Hazelwood PS 200 4 260,000 1960- Impregnated 1 1 Stator

Units 3-6 1968 mica-glass hot adopted
dip bituminous Solution 22

Hazelwood PS 200 2 230,000 1968- Impregnated 1 1 Stator

Units 7-8 1970 mica-glass adopted
conformable bag Solution 1

Huntly PS 250 4 150,000 79-85 Impregnated 4 4 Stators

mica-glass adopted
(New Zealand) bituminous, Solution 1
conformable bag

Camden PS 200 8 220,000 67-69 Impregnated 2 2 Stators

mica-glass hot adopted
(South Africa) dip bituminous Solution

Stator was rewound with hose design windings.
Stators were rewound with original waterbox design windings.

The insulation fretting has been found to occur between the conductors themselves and

involute support cone, end winding support brackets and end winding support comb as

depicted in Figure 16, Figure 17, Figure 18 and Figure 19. In some severe cases,

significant fretting dust was also found at the stator slot emergence region. Such fretting

indicates a serious compromise in high voltage insulation grading system of the

generator windings and that the conductors have suffered vibration for a long time.

Misalignment of stator conductors was also found in more recent waterbox generators

where the manufacturer utilised the so-called 'conformable bags' to create side supports

between adjacent conductors in place of the conventional insulation blocks as separators

as in Figure 16. Again, once the conductors are misaligned from their original position,

end winding looseness is further exacerbated.

It can be confidently concluded that the excessive movement of conductors, due to

insufficient restraining support of the end windings, compounded with the weight of the

waterbox, cause excessive stresses on the conductors, leading to copper-work hardening

and crack formation.


Figure 19. Fretting dust found on stator conductors at the stator end winding support
comb, an indication of serious conductor vibration for an extended period of

2.2.4 Conductor Damage by Foreign Objects - Magnetic


Cleanliness of generator internal space is extremely important. A small metallic object

accidentally left in the generator during an overhaul or a fragment of lamination broken

away from the core, for example, can cause major failures. Figure 20 illustrates damage

to conductor insulation after a small metallic object found its way into the generator end

windings. As the metallic object is pushed into a tight space in the end winding by the

internal cooling gas flow, and together with the strong magnetic field produced by the

stator conductors, it could spin around its own axis, grinding away the conductor

insulation on its path. This leads to rapid degradation of conductor insulation. In some

severe cases, it has been recorded that the metallic object cuts its way through the

conductors causing water leakage and subsequent electrical faults. Through the abrasion

with conductor insulation materials which contain a high percentage of fibre-glass and

mica, the metal object also looses its own mass. In more fortunate cases, like that shown

in Figure 20, the magnetic termite either loses all of its own mass or spun off before

cutting into the copper conductors and stops the process. This type of fault is commonly

known in the generation industries as magnetic termite or generator worming. The

following case study will explain this phenomenon in further detail.

Stator conductor bar insulation was 1

damaged by a metallic foreign object -
a magnetic termite.

Figure 20. Stator conductor insulation damaged by a magnetic termite (Note the
location and the shape of both craters).
43 A Case Study of Magnetic Termite Fault

A 200 MW generator had undergone a major modification to its end winding support

structure in 1998. In the modification process, the end winding involute support cone

was removed for inspection and installation of the new resin filled inflatable bag as

shown in Figure 10. Two stator conductors were found damaged by magnetic termite as

shown in Figure 20. On removal of the end winding support cone, it was observed that

the surrounding area of the insulation crater was excessive contaminated with insulation

powder. This evidenced that some grinding activity between the conductor insulation

and a metallic object had occurred. However, the metal object could not be found. It

could have lost all of its mass in the grinding process or could have been blown away by

the cooling gas at some stage. Fortunately, the magnetic termite did not reach the copper

subconductors. The insulation crater was measured to be approximately 12 mm in

diameter and 3 mm deep. The conductor wall insulation thickness at this location is

nominally about 5 mm. The damaged area was approximately in the middle of the end

winding involute, away from generator earth. The affected conductors, while adjacent to

each other they, were in the same phase group and posed no threat in terms of insulation

grading. The conductors were simply repaired by filling the craters with electrical grade


It has been known that similar incidents in different generators of similar design were

not as fortunate, where a magnetic termite cut its way through the copper subconductors

causing water leakage to the windings following by an electrical fault.


Cause of failure investigation concluded that the most probable origin of the metallic

object was either a fragment of metal that was accidentally brought into the generator

enclosure during a maintenance outage or a small ball of metal produced from a back-

of-core burning that was dislodged and been carried to that location by the generator

hydrogen wind. The dust collected at the craters was analysed. Unfortunately, the result

was inconclusive because an insufficient amount of dust sample was collected. Evidence

suggested both of the above causes are equally probable.

Maintenance history verified that in 1984, four years after initial commission, the

generator suffered a major outage due to a stator coolant leakage. One subconductor was

found cracked and blocked. However, the records also indicated that the generator

cleanliness during the 4 week repair was not satisfactory. Clean condition was not set up

around the generator to prevent contamination by foreign objects. A small metal object

could have accidentally been brought into the generator and become the magnetic


The latter probable source of the foreign object could also be explainable. The generator

stator has been found to suffer back-of-core burning problems as discussed in more

detail in Section 2.1.4. As the back-of-core burning activities occurred, it produced

metal globules made up of a mixture of copper and core lamination steel as shown in

Figure 6. It is highly possible that a globule could have been picked up from a back-of-

core burning area and blown into the end winding involute by the strong hydrogen wind,

from which the magnetic worming process began.



2.3.1 Constructional Features of Synchronous Generator


Only high speed turbo cylindrical generator rotor is discussed in this thesis. Large turbo

generator rotor is manufactured from one-piece alloy steel forging with winding slots

and ventilation slots machined in the forging. The rotor shafts are usually hollow and

supported at both ends by white metal journal bearings. Most high speed turbo

generators of significant size would normally be hydrogen cooled and their rotor shafts

provide a good sealing collar for the hydrogen seal to perform satisfactorily. Some rotor

designs utilise sliprings as means of connecting the rotor windings to the main
excitation DC source, either from a static excitation system or a DC main exciter. Other

designs utilise a brushless excitation system involving an AC main exciter and rotating

rectifiers eliminating the need for rotor sliprings. In both cases, the physical connections

from the rotor winding to its external DC supply are made through axial leads placed in

the centre bore of the shaft at the exciter end called 'up-shaft leads'. Radial connections,

also called 'radial pins' complete the electrical connection between the up-shaft leads

and the rotor windings.

Design considerations of the rotor insulation system are not only to satisfy the electrical

requirements for the windings but more importantly, to withstand the enormous

centrifugal forces acting on the windings. Figure 21 depicts a typical arrangement of a


large turbo generator rotor. The rotor end windings are robustly built with strong

insulation packing blocks in between each coil groups in both radial and axial directions

to prevent coil distortion that could result from mechanical forces under steady state and

transient conditions. Each end winding is held in position by a retaining ring and a

balance ring.

The rotor end windings are insulated from their retaining rings with a strong insulation

wrapping that allows sufficient electrical insulation property but also withstands the

mechanical pressure between the end winding coils and the retaining rings. Furthermore,

it is also critical that the design of insulation system, rotor winding coils and their

retaining systems have careful considerations for thermal expansion for the winding

coils to avoid distortions of the copper coils.



triner Turn Rotor Coil Cop Ring

Packing 1balancc
sstot ;
I - —— - Inboard

/ .t- -— - - - bar
Ou4bocard Rcidial
/ :-
-- ..
.. — .

Rotor . -- --
- .

Uner - -,- .

- / . -< .. --
slot /1
- ----i- - —
- - 4,
...-——. .-
- -' - —— -— :_J/ Direc+gort
_:.:". .v - . / -.
—..—. —
—- .','
/ / \__

— I

Toofh ' Packir,9

Figure 21. A typical arrangement of windings, retaining rings and critical components of a 200 MW 2 pole turbo generator rotor
[Courtesy of C. A. Parsons Pty Ltd].
48 Rotor End Winding Retaining Rings

As the name suggests, retaining rings are of cylindrical shape that manufactured from

extremely high yield strength steel alloy, designed to withstand enormous centrifugal

forces from the weight of rotor copper end windings. The retaining rings' main function

is to retain the rotor end windings. The design details of retaining rings can vary

between manufacturers. However, they commonly have one end of their cylinder

interference fitted to the rotor body and the other to a so called balance ring. On

installation, the end rings are heated to a designed temperature usually about 250°C. As

the thermal expansion overcomes the interferential fit, the retaining ring is slid over the

insulated end winding onto the rotor shrink landing while being hot. It is extremely

important that the interference fit it designed and manufactured correctly so that the end

rings stay tight in position to at least 120% of the rotor rated speed. To further secure the

retaining rings in position and to prevent the retaining rings to move away from the

shrink landing, a locking mechanism is built into the nose section in the form of a

bayonet, step, clip ring or screw thread as shown in Figure 22.

In practice, retaining rings are found to migrate axially away from the rotor centre

especially during rotor over-speed tests and the interference fit does not provide

adequate security. To prevent the retaining rings from migrating out of their designed

location, various methods of additional securing methods are provided. In the case of

parallel cylindrical type as depicted in Item 2 of Figure 22, a large metal annulus is

interferential fitted to the shaft and locked against the outboard end of the retaining ring.

This annulus is also used as a balance ring for trim balancing the rotor.

Other types, so called 'cantilever' design retaining rings as illustrated in Figure 22,

utilise locking mechanisms such as bayonet (Item 1), cir-clip (Item 3) or screw threads

(Item 4) to secure the retaining ring in correct position. The balance ring associated to

this design is simply an annulus interferential fitted to the inner diameter of the retaining

ring at the outboard end but not directly fitted to the rotor shaft.

1. Bayonet 2. Parallel Cylindrical

3. Parallel Cylindrical Stepped 4. Screw Thread

Figure 22. Common types of retaining ring designs.

To withstand the extremely high stress levels produced by rotor end windings under the

influence of centrifugal forces, the retaining rings are manufactured from special steels

with extremely high mechanical tensile strength. A specification of typical high tensile

strength 1 8Mn4Cr austenitic steel is exemplified in Table 2 below.

Table 2 1 8Mn4Cr typical specification.

Nominal Mechanical Properties Chemical Composition

(% by Weight)

Tensile strength 11 5OMPa C 0.55

0.2% Proof Stress 1000MPa Mn 18.5

Impact strength 75 J Cr 4.5

Thermal 16.5E6 0C! N 0.090


Elongation 30% Ni 1.0 max

Reduction in area 45% S 0.0 15 max

P 0.060 max

Si 0.50

Al 0.030

In addition to extremely high mechanical stresses, retaining rings are subjected to high

levels of alternating magnetic flux emanating from stator end windings, resulting in

undesirable additional heating on them. This heat can negatively affect the overall

efficiency of the generator and endangers rotor end winding insulation. To avoid this

overheating, retaining ring must be non-magnetic. Austenitic steels overcome many of

the technical problems and, by warm or cold working, high mechanical strength can be


Table 3 shows typical stress levels that in the rotor retaining ring of a 200 MW turbo-

generator encounters. The calculations were carried out using finite element analysis

utilising data from a case study of reference [21].

Table 3. A case study of a 200 MW generator rotor retaining ring hoop stress levels.

Generator Information

Generator rating 200 MW

Cooling medium Hydrogen

Age of retaining ring 25 years

Nominal dimensions:

OD 1080 mm

..ID 920mm
Length 900 mm

Rotor running speed 3000 rpm.

Retaining ring material 1 8Mn4Cr

Maximum Hoop Stress Levels at Shrink Fit

At Speed 3000 rpm. 604 MIPa

At Speed 3600 rpm. 618 MIPa

The most commonly used metal compositions for generator rotor retaining rings are:

• 8% Manganese, 8% Nickel, 4% Chromium, referred to as 8MIn8Ni4Cr steel alloy,

used prior to mid 1950's;


• 18% Manganese, 4% Chromium, referred to as 1 8Mn4Cr steel alloy. This steel

composition superseded the previous 8Mn8Ni4Cr material. It could be forged to a

much higher level of proof strength. There are about 16,000 to 18,000 1 8Mn4Cr

retaining rings in service worldwide. Both of these grades of austenitic steels are

susceptible to stress corrosion cracking because they do not contain a sufficient

quantity of Chromium to avoid corrosion. Failures of generator retaining rings

were usually catastrophic resulting in total destruction of the generator. In many

cases, the broken segments flew out of the generator, seriously damaging adjacent

machines. Therefore early crack detection is absolutely critical. Routine inspection

4 yearly internals is recommended by most manufacturers.

• 18% Manganese, 18% Chromium, usually referred to as l8Mnl8Cr steel. This

steel is known as the best material to date for generator retaining rings. Replacing

its predecessors l8Mn4Cr and 8Mn8Ni4Cr; l8Mnl8Cr provides superior proof

strength and not susceptible to stress corrosion cracking. Modern steel forging

techniques, especially cold worked in nitrogen atmosphere further improve its

immunity to stress corrosion cracking.

In the making of base material for generator retaining rings, the steel ingot is subjected

to an extraordinary sophisticated forging process to maximise the yield strength of the

steel. The final product is an extremely high tensile non-magnetic stainless steel that is

capable of withstanding enormous forces. The early 1 8Mn4Cr material, although having

very high tensile yield strength, high density, being stainless and non-magnetic, is

susceptible to stress corrosion cracking. This problem was discovered a number of years

after the material had been used in many generator retaining rings. To date, there are

approximately 16,000 generator end ring made from 1 8Mn4Cr Austenitic steel [22].

The stress corrosion cracking phenomenon occurs when the material is subjected to the

presence of moisture while under high stress. Microscopic cracks develop at the

intergranular boundaries of the material and gradually propagate through the retaining

rings. For generator rotors, especially those operating at 3000 rpm. and above, failure of

a rotor-retaining ring can lead to catastrophic failure and intensive damage to nearby


The forging of improved material 1 8Mn 18Cr austenitic steel alloy is identical to the

previous counterpart 1 8Mn4Cr. However, this material has much stronger yield strength

and most importantly, free from stress corrosion cracking. l8Mnl8Cr alloy is now

considered as being the best and the most preferred austenitic steel for generator rotor

retaining rings due to its superior material properties.

Most retaining rings used in on large turbo-generator rotors in the world today are cold

worked, non-magnetic, austenitic manganese steels. The first non-magnetic alloy-

retaining ring was recorded in 1910. The early rings contained Nickel but later, due to

the shortage of this metal in 1930s, Nickel was replaced with Manganese. This material

is also known as l8Mn4Cr material or more scientifically, FeMn18Cr4C05 steel.

Unfortunately, this material is susceptible to Stress Corrosion Cracking in presence of

moisture and even more so with halogens or chlorine. There were a number of

catastrophic failures of 1 8Mn4Cr material retaining rings around the world causing total

destruction of the generator involved. During the early 1 980s this material was replaced

with a much higher corrosion resistance material, designated l8Mnl8Cr material or

FeMn18Cr18C05 steel that provides excellent overall properties and is widely used today

[22]. Rotor Windings

In the case of a high speed, 3000 rpm, large turbo generators, the rotor has a two pole

winding made up from serial connected double helical bare copper coils forming North

— South magnetic poles. Each turn of the rotor winding is insulated from each other with

thin insulation strips, called 'inter-turn insulation' forming rotor coil stacks. The coil

stacks are then insulated from the rotor body with strong fibre-glass insulation troughs

call 'slot liners'. The coils are retained in the slots by strong metallic slot wedges that

are keyed in the rotor slots by their inverted-T shape and the retaining ring at each end.

Cooling circuits are formed in the windings by using a network of hollow conductors

and carefully designed radial cooling ducts made up by cut-out slots or perforated holes

along each coil turn.

In most rotors, the cooling gas is forced through the coils in both axial and radial

directions. Carefully designed ventilation features are incorporated in the coil stack in

each rotor slot and in the slot wedges to maximise the gas flow through the rotor. The

bulk of exhaust gas from the rotor flows into the air-gap and then through stator core

cooling ducts to further remove heat from the stator. As the rotor windings nonnally

carry thousands of Amperes, a properly designed cooling system for rotor coils is

extremely important. Figure 21 depicts a typical construction of a high speed

synchronous generator rotor. Rotor Radial Connectors

Rotor radial connectors constitute another one of the critical components of the

generator rotor. The connectors provide electrical connections from rotor windings to a

DC supply via sliprings or rotating rectifiers. The main components of the connectors

are made of high conductivity hard drawn copper, fitted to and electrically insulated

from the rotor shaft. As the connectors rotate with the rotor, their design must have

robust mechanical construction and must have a locking mechanism to ensure that their

components are secured in position. hi hydrogen cooled generators, they are also

required to be gas tight to prevent gas leakage to the atmosphere. A typical arrangement

of a radial connector assembly is shown in Figure 23.


Figure 23. External view of a typical radial connector fully assembled on a 200 MW
synchronous generator rotor.

2.3.2 Rotor Retaining Ring Faults Stress Corrosion Cracking

When in service, rotor retaining rings endure extremely high levels of stresses, as

explained in Section In addition to the centrifugal forces produced by the rotor

end windings, the retaining rings' own mass and the shrink fit forces contribute a

significant radial loading on the rings. Iii fact, studies have found that only
approximately 25% of the force is contributed by the end windings' mass and 75% from

the retaining ring itself. These forces stress the retaining rings to over 50% yield

strength at the normal operating speed [24]. For this reason, all retaining ring designs

pay special attention to avoiding stress raisers such as sharp corners and tight radii,

aiming for as simple geometry as practicable.

In-service failure of rotor retaining rings is catastrophic. Many studies and failure

investigations on generator rotor retaining rings have been undertaken in the 70's and

80's by large power generation utilities and technical organisations such as EPRL They

all come to the same conclusion, namely that the intergranular stress corrosion cracking

of nonmagnetic materials such as 1 8Mn4Cr steel is responsible for most failures of rotor

retaining rings [33].

Statistically, while the failure rate of rotor retaining rings is less than 0.01 percent, the

consequence of this type of failure is enormous. In most cases where a retaining ring

contained cracks greater than the critical crack size, its failure leads to a total destruction

of the generator [34]. The majority of retaining ring replacements is due to crack

discovery below critical crack size by routine Non Destructive Testing (NDT), risk

management or preventative asset management initiatives. For example, according to

the experience of one OEM, about 80% of non-magnetic 1 8Mn4Cr retaining rings

inspected had indications of stress corrosion defects either requires replacement or

remedial work, of which, approximately 5 percents requires immediate replacement

because of critical size defects, and the rest was refurbished and returned to service for

later replacement [24]. To date there is still a considerably large number of 1 8Mn4Cr

retaining rings remaining in service with strict control of generator internal environment

and regular NDT programs.

58 Electrical Arcing on Rotor Retaining Rings

This fault, while considered minor and often overlooked, is quite common especially in

older generator rotors. Electrical arcing damage is often found at the interface between

the retaining rings and rotor body or balance rings or rotor slot wedges. The arcing spots

are a result of electrical arcing across the components driven by negative phase sequence

currents generated on the rotor surface during generator's abnormal operations such as

motoring, pole slipping or lost of excitation. A typical retaining ring arcing spot is

shown in Figure 24. Such arcing spots could alter the material properties locally,

especially hardness. In the worst case, an arcing spot could lead to initiation of cracks

and eventually cause catastrophic failure to the retaining ring.

Rotor retaining ring

230 40 50 60


Electric arcing damage on a

retaining ring caused by negative
phase sequence currents

Figure 24. Electrical arcing damage at the interface between a retaining ring and
balance ring of a 120 MW synchronous generator rotor.
59 A Case Study

The following is a case study involving a 200 MW hydrogen cooled, 2-pole

synchronous generator rotor, in which, the retaining rings utilised bayonet locking

design as illustrated in Item 1 Figure 22 and Figure 25. During a routine in-situ

ultrasonic examination, two significant cracks were discovered amongst a cluster of

microscopic cracks in the turbine end retaining ring. In-situ ultrasonic examination, such

as described in Section 3.2.9, is an alternative metallurgical NDT technique searching

for cracks and other material defects in rotor retaining rings from outer surface without

removing the retaining ring from the rotor.

Following the discovery of cracks, the retaining rings were removed from the rotor for a

more detailed dye penetrant examination. A major crack measured 12 mm long x 6.68

mm deep and a minor crack measured 8.6 mm long x 0.9 mm deep were discovered in

the bayonet locking area {25].

The cracks were removed by initial machining to a depth of 5 mm recommended by the

OEM. Further local grinding was carried out until all cracks were completely removed.

Following a finite element analysis of the repaired retaining ring, the OEM approved the

retaining ring to go back in service while new replacement rings were purchased.

Maintenance history showed that the generator had a good track record of hydrogen

dryness and purity. However, in the initial delivery, the rotor was found to have been

contaminated with seawater during transportation from the factory to the power station.

Instead of a thorough dismantling and cleaning, only the turbine end retaining ring was

removed for inspection and two slot wedges were replaced due to heavy corrosion.

Unfortunately, records of the original cleaning procedure and NDT inspection of this

work were not found.

Giving that the crack location was found to be near the original watermark on the rotor,

and the historical evidence, it was concluded that the cracks would most probably have

started at the initial corrosion piuing on the retaining ring.

Following the repair as explained above, both retaining rings were ultrasonically

examined in 1994, 1996, significantly more frequent than normal industry practice, and

finally replaced with l8Mnl8Cr material in 1999. While the old l8Mn4Cr retaining

rings were confirmed to be free of cracks, the replacement was decided on the basis of

asset risk management and insurance recommendation.


Cracks still visible after 5 mm Area of retaining ring been

machining and 0.5 mm grinding machined off 10 mm in diameter
excavation and polishing to remove the cracks

Figure 25. Cracks confirmed in a retaining ring at the bayonet region, detected by
Time-of-Flight examination.

2.3.3 Copper Dusting Problem in Rotor Windings

Copper dusting has been a difficult problem for power generation industries for decades.

This problem is more commonly found in high-speed two or four poles distributed

winding rotors with construction similar to that described in Section 2.3.1.

Up until the 1990's the two traditional rotor designs that dominated the market were the

axial cooled and radial cooled rotors. They gained their names by the design philosophy

of their cooling circuits.


The radial cooled rotor design utilises channels underneath each winding slot, called sub

slot, to deliver the cooling gas to the centre of the rotor from both ends. The cooling gas

is forced under the rotor end windings to pressurise the sub slots, then bleeding radially

outward through perforations along the rotor coils as depicted in Figure 26(a). The

cooling gas continues its travel past the air gap and exhausts through stator core cooling

ducts before transfer its heat to Hydrogen coolers typically placed horizontally behind

the stator core or vertically at each end of the stator. In order to maximise heat exchange

efficiency between the copper coils and the cooling gas, each coil turn in the slot section

of the rotor winding is made up of two layers, so called half coil, of bare copper strips

uninsulated from each other. The half turns are brazed to the curved sections in the end

windings to complete the coil. Each copper strip has elongated slots cut-out for its entire

straight length. The slots are slightly offset from the centre in opposite direction so that

when stacked up together they form a zigzag path for cooling gas to flow through as

shown in Figure 27.

In radial cooled rotors, a significant proportion of copper dust is generated in between

the pairs of half turns. The rest is generated by the rubbing action at the interfaces

between the copper coils and the fibre glass insulation surrounding them such as slot

liner, top insulation pads and inter-turn insulation.


Rotor Surface Rotor Surface


Slot wedge Slot wedge


[Top insulation pad Top insulation pad

Top half turn Hollow Copper

Copper conductor conductor

Bottom half turn Axial vent duct

copper conductor

Iritertum insulation Slot liner

Zigzag gas duct Inter-turn

for radial gas flow insulation

Slot liner

Sub-slot for axial

gas flow
(a) (b)

Figure 26. Cross sectional view of rotor winding (a) radial cooling, (b) axial cooling.

Rotor tooth Rotor coil assembly in rotor slot Elongated cut-out slot of double IT
1 layered copper rotor coil
forming zigzag cooling ducts

Figure 27. Coil construction in a 120 MW radially cooled rotor, two parallel
uninsulated copper strips forming one coil side (offset cut-outs form zigzag
radial cooling ducts).

The axial cooled rotor design, on the other hand, utilises individually insulated hollow

copper conductors with no copper-to-copper contact as demonstrated in Figure 26(b).

The cooling gas is forced along the internal space of hollow conductor coils in the axial

direction to remove the heat. This rotor design is inherently less susceptible to copper

dusting problem due to the absence of the parallel half turns.

Copper dusting is generated both when generator is on-line and off-line with a different

dynamic mechanism. When the generator rotor is rotating at full speed, all rotor coils

are pushed outward against the rotor slot retaining wedges by enormous centrifugal

forces. This causes the rotor coils and their insulation system to lock up together [36].

As the rotor current varies, the differences in the rate of thermal expansion between the

copper coils and their adjacent components such as the fibre glass top insulation strips

and slot liners generate relative movement between them. Fibre glass is a popular choice

for generator rotor insulation slot liner and top insulation strip for its superior

mechanical strength and electrical insulation properties. Unfortunately, after few years

in service, the glossy epoxy layer on fibreglass breaks down and the sharp glass fibre is

exposed, bringing it in contact with the rotor copper coils, accelerating copper dust


The frictional force between the copper coils and their fibre glass insulation system is

proportional to the friction coefficient of the materials and the centrifugal forces of the

coils, both of which can assume significant proportions. On the other hand, the thermal

expansion of copper coils is much greater than that of insulation materials and overcome

radial friction forces. This results in abrasion between the copper coils and its
surrounding insulation system. While the differential movement is relatively small, its

forces and friction coefficient are very high causing significant abrasion on the copper


Once produced, the fine loose copper dust is spread over the entire generator internal

components including the high voltage stator windings, terminal bushings and rotor

coils, resulting in further reductions in insulation resistance, thus increasing the risk of

electrical flashover failures.

It is commonly found that hydrogen cooled generator is contaminated with oil from the

hydrogen seals. Subsequently, the copper dust tends to form a copper and oil paste

around the rotor coils where the dust was generated. Naturally, this paste is highly

conductive and could cause turn-to-turn short circuits in the rotor windings, again

increasing the risk of electrical faults.

The most severe scenario occurs when the generator is operated in two shifting mode;

that is to say that the generator is run up and shut down daily operating with the full

range of output variation. In this operating mode, thermal variation of rotor coils is

maximal in terms of rubbing action. Figure 28 shows a typical case of copper dusting in

a 200 MW generator rotor after eight years in service, the last three years of which

deployed in two shifting mode of operation.


Following a shut down, turbo generators are required to be rotated at low speed,

typically 5 rpm. to 50 rpm. for a few days allowing the turbine rotors to cool down

preventing turbine shaft distortion called shaft hogging resulting from uneven thermal

dissipation. This slow rotation process is commonly referred to as barring or turning.

While on barring the rotor coils are not affected by centrifugal forces and are free to

move in a flopping motion within the slot liners under the influence of gravity. In each

revolution, the coils are lifted by the rotor's rotation from one side and dropped on the

other side of the rotor slot. Ironically, this motion causes all copper coils half turns to

rub against the slot liners and each other in both transverse and tangential directions

causing significant generation of copper dusting within the rotor windings.


Rotor coil top insulation Rotor copper coil Copper dust deposit generated from
pad, showing exposure of top turn rubbing action between copper coils
sharp glass fibers and fiber glass insulation

Figure 28. Evidence of copper dust deposit on a 200 MW rotor winding found during
an 8-yearly routine overhaul.
67 Consequences of Rotor Copper Dusting

The generation of copper dusting can have a devastating impact on the operation and

reliability of generators. The copper dust is highly conductive and can cause short

circuits between rotor turns, commonly called rotor shorted turn, or to ground,

commonly called rotor earth fault.

In relative terms, the rotor shorted turn problem is relatively less serious. The voltage

between two adjacent coils is in the order of only a few volts. However, the inter-turn

insulation is very thin: once a sufficient amount of copper dust is deposited across two

adjacent coils, the rotor current would partially by-pass the rest of the winding causing

imbalance in the magnetic field, resulting in an increase in shaft vibration. Sudden step

changes in shaft vibration with the fundamental component at the exact generating

frequency is usually the tell tail of a rotor winding inter-turn short circuit fault.

The rotor earth fault, on the other hand, is much more serious and usually leads to

extensive secondary damage to the rotor. Due to the massive inductance of the rotor

windings, an earth fault could produce devastating arcs leading to burning damage to

rotor components surrounding the fault. Fortunately, earth faults in rotor windings,

directly caused by copper dusting alone, are relatively uncommon. They normally occur

in cohort with other problems within the rotor or its protection systems. In addition to

continuous online vibration monitoring systems, most of large turbo generators have a

rotor earth fault protection system that continuously monitors the rotor impedance.

Furthermore, because the rotor DC current source is independently supplied from its

main exciter or static excitation system and the generator rotor bearing pedestals are

electrically insulated from the station grounding to protect the bearings. The first rotor

earth fault would normally trigger an alarm from the rotor earth fault protection system

but would not cause any damage. However, if a second rotor earth fault occurs

concurrently, the damage can be extensive. The rotor forging now provides a current

path connecting the two faults causing extensive arcing. For this very reason, once

receiving the first rotor earth fault alarm, the power station staff must investigate and

repair the problem as a matter of urgency to avoid the devastating consequences of a

second earth fault.

Such rotor earth faults can also cause secondary damage to the core and stator windings.

As the debris generated from the rotor electrical arcing faults bombard the high voltage

stator windings, extensive damage can be inflicted on electrical insulation and core


2.3.4 Rotor Coil Overheating

Distortion damage of rotor coils is commonly found amongst large turbo generator

rotors. hi comparison to salient pole rotors, large high speed distributed winding rotors

have a relatively complicated system of rotor coils, insulation, separator blocks,

retaining rings and so on. In addition, all components in the rotor windings are designed

to move in harmony with each other, within certain design limits, to cope with the

inevitable thermal expansion and contraction of rotor coils. The ventilation systems in

these rotors are complex and play a very important role in their operation.

Figure 29. Distortion damage in a 120 MW rotor coil resulting from overheating
caused by partial blockage of cooling ducts.

Deterioration or misalignment of insulation components in the rotor windings often

cause blockages to the ventilation system and coil overheating. In the case shown in

Figure 29, a minor deterioration of the step locking mechanism at the end of the fibre

glass insulation pads allowed the insulation system to migrate axially toward the

retaining rings causing partial blockage of the rotor coil cooling duct. This results in

local overheating and thus the distortion damage to the copper coils shown in Figure 29.

There is no known condition monitoring technique available to detect this type of

problem other than routine visual inspection.


2.3.5 Rotor Inter-Turn Short Circuit

As described in Section, large synchronous generator rotors have relatively solid

copper coils and a thin insulation layer between each turn with elaborate cooling

arrangements. As the voltage between the adjacent coils is only a few volts, such inter-

turn insulation is typically as thin as 0.5 mm to 1 mm. It is usually made of strips of

asbestos based insulation material in older rotors or Nomex insulation in modem rotors.

Due to the movements of rotor coils in operation and the enormous centrifugal forces,

the inter-turn insulation is abraded against the copper coils and being compressed over

time. This deterioration exposes turbo generator rotors to a risk of short circuits between

contiguous coils. This kind of fault is so called 'rotor inter-turn short circuit'. Older

rotors and those subjected to arduous two operations are more likely to develop

this type of fault.

The effect of rotor inter-turn fault is less dramatic than some other types of fault and a

rotor with a single fault can continue to be in service for some time. In many cases, the

majority of rotor short circuits are in the end windings where the crossovers between

coil groups are made. Never the less, this kind of fault is a warning that the rotor is

approaching the end of its designed life and will require a complete rewind in the

foreseeable future [37].


2.3.6 Rotor Radial Connector Faults

The two most common faults with radial connectors are overheating of their
components and cracking of the thread forms of the main copper connection tube near

the rotor up-shaft leads as exemplified in Figure 31 and Figure 32, respectively. The

former fault can escalate to secondary heat damage to the gas seals within the assembly

resulting in dangerous hydrogen leaks. The later fault can cause overheating of the main

copper connection tube and retaining mechanism leading to dangerous risk of

dislodgement of the radial assembly.

Thermographic examination has been successfully used to monitor the overheating fault

of radial connectors. A typical thermal image of an overheated outboard radial

connector is given in Figure 50. Following hydrogen leak alarm in the rotor radial

connector compartment of a 200 MW generator, thermal imaging was carried out while

the generator was online with the rated rotor current of 2500 amperes and rated speed of

3000 rpm. A special thermal imaging camera together with a high speed video recorder

was used to capture the image. Following the detection of the hot spot, the radial

connectors were dismantled revealing evidence of serious overheating damage to all

electrical components of the radial connector assembly as shown in Figure 31. All

electrical components of the defective radial connector assembly and all seal

components had suffered extensive heat damage.


The heat generated from the faulty radial connector was so intense that it caused the

solder in the associated negative D-section of the up-shaft leads to melt and migrate

toward the positive side as shown in Figure 30. The solder was found within 2 mm from

bridging the two polarities, posing a major damage risk from an internal short circuit

within the rotor bore.

'Up shaft lead insulation tube

/ Soft solder melted from one side

of up shaft lead (removed),
/ migrated toward the other side

j Up shaft lead conductor - "D-Section"

designed to conduct full rotor current.

Figure 30. Overheated radial connection tube of a 200 MW rotor causing solder in the
negative side (upper section, removed) of up-shaft lead to melt and migrate
toward the positive side (lower section) posing potential risk of a major
rotor internal short circuit.


Evidence of heavy electrical

current flow in the stainless
steel tie bolt causing severe

Insufficient electrical contact surface

on the main connection palm causing

Figure 31. A radial connector assembly removed from a 200 MW generator rotor. All
components are severely overheated due to contact surface reduction.

With the second failure mode, unfortunately, there is no known online condition

monitoring technique of crack detection in the connection tubes. This type of fault can

only be detected through routine examination when the radial assemblies are
disconnected and removed from the rotor. In the case shown in Figure 32, the inboard

radial connector assemblies were removed from their rotor after 18 years in service

during a routine overhaul. It was noticed that there was no indication of abnormalities in

the generator performance prior to the overhaul. On removal, both inboard connection

tubes were found to have been broken at their thread forms near the rotor in bore up

shaft leads. This forced the rotor current to flow through the stainless steel tie bolt.

However, it was interesting that the stainless steel tie bolt or any other component in the

radial assembly did not show any evidence of overheating damage. The most logical

explanation is that being the inboard radial connectors, in service they are always

immersed in a dry hydrogen gas and receive sufficient cooling. If so, this would

emphasise once again the tremendous efficiency and benefits of hydrogen cooling in

synchronous generators. Further metallurgical examination was carried out on the

fractured components, as described in Section 4.2.6.


Figure 32. Fractures found in copper main connection tubes of rotor inboard radial
connectors in a 200 MW synchronous generator. The tube is designed to
carry over 3000 Amperes D.C.

2.3.7 Rotor Up-Shaft Lead Fault

Up-shaft lead assembly provides electrical connection from the outboard radial

connectors to the inboard radial connectors of large hydrogen cooled synchronous

generator rotors. The up-shaft lead assembly is inserted in the rotor shaft bore and

usually contains gas tight seals to prevent hydrogen leaks. The up-shaft lead assembly

functions as an electrical conduit conducting DC current to energise the rotor windings.

A typical up-shaft lead assembly comprises two heavy 'D' cross sectional copper bars,

an insulation separator between the D-sections and an insulating tube that doubles up as

a shell for the whole assembly as shown in Figure 33. The outer end of the leads is

connected to the outboard radial connector assembly and the inner end is connected to

the inboard radial connectors as depicted in Figure 21.

Cracks similar to that shown in Figure 33 are routinely found in insulation tubes through

regular inspections. It is also observed that cracks recur on the same connection tube.

The insulation tube is made from paper resin impregnated bakelite or fibre glass based

insulation materials in modem rotors. Given that the rated rotor voltage is usually

around 400 volts, even with a crack the insulation tube should provide adequate

electrical insulation grading. However, the concern is that when the crack is

contaminated with moisture or conductive dust, it can develop a significant risk of

electrical earth fault or across the windings within the rotor shaft bore. Such faults,

whilst relatively rare, can cause considerable damage to the rotor.


It would seem that some up-shaft lead designs are prone to cracking inevitably. Design

features coupled with the centrifugal forces from the D-sections in service and the

pulling forces of radial connectors during assembling could induce excessive strain on

the insulating tube thus initiating crack development.

Figure 33. A typical crack in up-shaft lead insulation tube in a 200 MW generator rotor.







There is a wide range of inspection and test techniques that are available for large turbo

generators. Individual techniques are designed for specific purposes. Generator owners

usually select and apply a set of inspection and test regimes to monitor the service

condition of their generators aiming to optimise the risk profile and economic balance


Thisthesis describes a range of inspection procedures and tests that are appropriate and

have been applied to particular types of large turbo generator. The degree of detail given

varies depending on its relevance to the objectives of the thesis.

The following Table 4 and Table 5 show typical inspection and test plans for hydrogen

and water cooled large synchronous generators.


Table 4. Suggested routine test and inspection schedule.

Description Routine Required Required Comments

Frequency Rotor Generator
Removed Degassed


Stator DLA measurement 4 yearly No No More frequent as


Insulation resistance test 4 yearly No No More frequent as


Core ELCID Test 8 yearly Yes Yes

Core ring flux test As required Yes Yes Usually after major
core repairs

AC power impedance tests As required No No

Winding pneumatic tests 4-6 yearly No Yes Water cooled stator


Winding visual inspection 4-6 yearly No Yes

End winding vibration test 8 yearly No Yes Off-line test

Core front visual inspection 8 yearly Yes Yes

Back-of-core inspection 4 yearly No Yes

Core lamination tightness 8 yearly Yes Yes


Slot wedge tightness test 8 yearly Yes Yes

Slot wedge NIDT As required Yes Yes

Waterbox dye-penetrant 8 yearly No Yes Waterbox generators

examination only


Retaining ring dye-penetrant 8 yearly* Yes Yes * 6-8 yearly for

examination (rings removed 1 8Mn4Cr material,
from rotor)
* 8-12 years for
l8Mnl8Cr material.

Description Routine Required Required Comments

Frequency Rotor Generator
Removed Degassed

Retaining ring in-situ 4 yearly** Either Yes ** 4 yearly for

ultrasonic examination 1 8Mn4Cr material,
** as required only
for l8Mnl8Cr

Rotor bore inspection 8 yearly Yes Yes

Slot wedge NDT 8 yearly Yes Yes

Insulation resistance test Annually No No

AC power impedance tests As required No No

Rotor Volt-drop test 8 yearly Yes Yes Retaining rings


RSO test 1 yearly No No

Radial connection contact Annually No No

surface resistance check

Radial connection IR test Annually No No


Table 5. Suggested condition monitoring requirements.

Description Routine Rotor Comments

Frequency removed


Partial discharge test Annually/online Online is preferable

Hydrogen dew point monitoring Online

Stator temperature monitoring Online

Gas in stator coolant monitoring Continuous

Hydrogen purity measurement Continuous

Hydrogen pressure measurement Continuous

Stator coolant conductivity Continuous


Stator coolant pressure Continuous



Shaft vibration measurement Online

Rotor shorted turn detection Online

Rotor resistance measurement Offline

Rotor Voltage measurement Continuous

Rotor shaft current measurement Continuous



3.2.1 Visual Inspection

Experience shows that visual inspection is one of the most practical and useful

techniques in inspection and condition monitoring, hi addition to being simple and cost

effective to perform, visual inspection covers a wide range of examination criteria and,

in many cases, it invariably discovers new defects that have not been detected by

sophisticated equipment. However, visual inspection should only be utilised as a

preliminary examination technique and not replace other analytical inspections and tests.

In general, visual inspection is carried out at the beginning and the end of generator

overhaul or outages. A quality assurance system is prepared to guide the inspector who

performs the visual inspection and to record all findings.

Table 6 gives a summary of important areas in large synchronous generators that should

be inspected. It also suggests typical indications for different types of faults that the

inspector should pay particular attention to and advises appropriate remedial solutions.

Table 6. Visual inspection summary.

Stator Conductor Conductors, Insulation brown Tighten or replace or

Winding looseness slot entries, dust andlor modify support
Inspection end winding support paste structure as required
Conductor Conductor nozzles Foreign objects, Remove objects,
nozzle through opening oxide built up, investigate origin of
internal blockages foreign objects
Subconductor Subconductor Crack indication, Assess nature and
work opening through oxide build up, extend of crack,
hardening conductor nozzle blockages remove cracks or
with a small distortion blockages.
fiberoptic scope If necessary, install
extended nozzle or
replace conductor
Partial All conductors, White/black Confirmation with PD
discharge winding support powder/paste, measurement
structures, slot sight of history, rectify faults
entries, insulation semi-conductive
wrapping paints, replace
delamination conductor if
Insulation All conductors in Bulge of Plan for next
bitumen flow end windings conductor inspection, replace
particularly near insulation conductor as
slot entries wrapping required
Conductor All conductors in Non uniform Confirm history of
distortion end winding gaps in between external system
involute conductors, disturbances, inspect
particularly the changes in levels support structure &
straight sections of conductors repair damage,
check protection
Conductor All winding support Movement, Repair/tighten support
support structures, brackets, fretting dust, structure
structure lacing cords, tie grease,
looseness bolts, bracing distortion,
system non-uniformity.
Stator winding Terminal bushings, Cracks, oil leaks, Investigate cause of
terminals terminal connection Evidence of failure, repair
palms overheat, copper defects as required
insulation burn

i. Jnding cross All winding cross Distortions, Investigate cause of

phase leads phase leads coolant water failure, repair
including joints leakage, defects as required
Stator Slot Slot wedge Interface between Movement, Perform slot wedge
Retaining looseness wedges and stator fretting tightness test, tighten
Wedge core laminations dust/paste wedges as required
Inspection Slot wedge Slot wedge top Visible cracks, Replace wedges,
cracking surface insulation dust or retighten all wedges
grease on slot
Slot wedge Stator core slots, Slot wedges have Re-wedge the entire
migration Slot entries moved away slot, perform slot
from original wedge tightness test
location to all slots
compare to
Conductor Stator core slots Fretting dust, Remove all wedges,
movement in partial discharge inspect conductors,
the core slot dust, migration remove conductor
section of conductors for inspection if
necessary, tighten all
slot wedges
Stator Core Front of core Core laminations in Lamination burn Repair hot spot, tighten
Inspection abnormalities stator bore mark, core lamination by
lamination stemming if
looseness and necessary
fretting, impact
Back-of-core Back-of-core Hot spots behind Review future routine
burning through hydrogen key bars, inspection schedule
coolers particularly fretting, metal to monitor progress
where the core is in globules and of the burning
contact with burn marks. activities.
support key bars
and stator frame.

Core end plate Core end plates near Burn marks on Monitor development
hot spots lamination core end plates, of hot spots by
compression high temperature installing
fingers readings of core thermocouples or
thermocouples temperature
sensitive stickers on
the spots, restrict
operation to lagging
power factor only.
Stator Inner doors Connecting flange Electrical arc Repair flanges as
Inner Door surfaces between pitting, sight of necessary, ensure
Inspection segments overheat, conductive grease is
cracking correctly applied on
installation of doors
Rotor End windings End winding coils Distortion, Reform coil if required,
Winding abnormalities and separator Overheating, investigate cause of
Inspection insulation blocks wear and tears fault, rebuild end
winding to original
End winding End winding Burn marks, Investigate cause of
insulation insulation wrapping wear and tears, faults, replace
wrapping under retaining movement from insulation wrapping,
rings original location confirm adequacy of
insulation build-up.
Rotor bars Inspect through Distortion or Repair coils as
cooling ducts of blockage of required, ensure all
each rotor bar at cooling ducts, coils are free to
the straight sections rotor coils, expand axially,
discolouration of replace all coil caps
rotor coils, and refurbish or
copper dust and replace top
paste build-up insulation pads
Up shaft leads Remove leads from Cracks on Replace insulating
bore for inspection insulating tube, tube, repair thread
overheating of forms as required,
copper leads further investigate
particularly at for cause of fault
the connection and repair leads if
to radial overheating is found.
damage of thread

Radial Electrical contact Overheating and Replace all seals, repair

connectors surfaces, thread hot spots, defects as required,
abnormalities forms, seals and o- damaged replace connection
rings. threads, cracks tube if crack is
of components found
Rotor Rotor bore Rotor bore Corrosion, crack Remove corrosion and
Forging abnormalities indications pitting by horning,
Inspection perform ultrasonic
examination if
suspect crack
formation, remove

Pole faces Rotor pole faces Indications of Investigate history of

abnormalities crack, external power
overheating, system disturbances,
loose balance perform ultrasonic
weight, impact examination if
damage suspect crack
formation, check and
correct radii of
transverse slots,
tighten and lock
loose weight as
Hydrogen seal Hydrogen seal Crack or rough Perform ultrasonic
collars collars surface due to examination if
abnormalities rubbing suspect crack
formation, re-
machine collars if

Rotor sub-slots Applicable to sub- Crack indication Perform ultrasonic

abnormalities slot rotor design on rotor forging, examination if
only. Inspect with a corrosion, suspect crack in the
long, flexible fibre damage to rotor rotor forging, if
scope under rotor coil stack serious damage is
coil stack from insulation liner found in the slot
ends liner, total rotor
rewind may be

3.2.2 Stator Core ELCID Test

ELCID (Electromagnetic Core Imperfection Detection) is a test method devised in

United Kingdom by the Central Electricity Research Board Laboratories, U.K., which

was later commercially developed by ADWEL Industries as portable test equipment. It

has been found to be useful in many applications of large generators and motors and

provides a reliable, low cost alternative core test technique to the traditional ring flux

test [26].

Traditionally, stator core interlaminar insulation is tested using the ringflux test method.

This test involves an excitation of the stator core to near rated flux density in the yoke

by means of temporary coils wound perpendicularly to the core yoke and an external

voltage source, simulating similar magnetic condition of a core in service. Should short

circuits of core lamination exist, the heat generated by localised eddy currents is then

detected using an infra-red camera. Whilst this test method has been proven successful

over decades for its reliability in detecting core faults and quantifying the severity of the

faults, it unfortunately requires a large power source and considerable time, and

resources to complete. Depending on the size of the core subjected to test, it usually

requires many thousands of volts to adequately excite the core to near its rated flux

density. It is a rather cumbersome test to set up and to perform. In contrast, ELCID test

has been proven to be very reliable in detecting and locating the majority of short

circuits within stator cores. Offering advantages of simplicity and reasonable accuracy,

it has become the far more popular test than and the more preferred alternative to the

traditional ring flux test. [27]

Since its development, ELCID test has been a useful tool for the power generation

industry as a simple, flexible and safe test to perform on large generators and motors.

The test only requires the stator core to be excited to approximately 4 percent of its rated

flux. Thus, the excitation power source required is much smaller and at a much lower

voltage. The test typically only requires two persons to set up and perform, taking

approximately 4 to 8 hours in comparison with approximately 1 week in the case of ring

flux test. Any imperfections in the core such as interlamination short circuits cause fault

currents to circulate, which are detected by a Chattock sensor head coil and measured by

an ELCID signal processing unit.

However, ELCID test accuracy is somewhat compromised at the extremities of the core

where the turbogenerator core begins to step out in diameter as described in Section

2.1.1 and Figure 2. The test operator is required to use a smaller sensor head to manually

scan individual stator tooth in this area. In addition, whilst the ELCID is excellent in

detecting core faults at the core teeth from up to bottom of stator slots, its accuracy and

the reliability in detecting faults deep in core yokes is debatable. Therefore choosing the

most suitable test method to detect core faults must be made on a case by case by case

basis. In practice, majority of stator core faults occur in core teeth near the air gap, for

which ELCID test is an excellent choice. On the other hand, if a full core assessment is

required following a major stator core repair or a core fault deep in the stator yoke has

been suspected, the ring flux test is a better choice. Appendix D describes a typical test

procedure of ELCID test and gives some typical test results.

ELCID test is particularly useful as a confirmation test following a minor core repair or

a condition monitoring routine for turbo-generators and large motors.

BARS —_.


Figure 34. Illustration of magnetic field behaviour in a faulty generator stator core
[courtesy of ADWEL International Ltd] [261.

Figure 35. Typical ELCILD test setup [courtesy of ADWEL International Ltd] [26].

3.2.3 Stator Core Ring Flux Test

In contrast with ELCID test, stator core ring flux test is a high energy test employed to

verify the integrity of stator core lamination insulation. In this test, the core is excited to

near 80% of the designed rated magnetic flux at the core yoke, emulating similar

operating condition of the generator in service. Should a short circuit have occurred

between core laminations of the stator under test, circulating current will be induced at

the fault location resulting in local heat generation. An infra-red camera is then used to

scan the core temperatures to determine the location and extend of the fault.

To produce the magnetic flux required, a temporary high voltage coil similar to an iron

core toroidal inductor as depicted in Figure 36 is affixed to the core under test. The

excitation coil is designed with correct number of turns looped around the core and

energised with alternating currents at generator operating frequency via an auto

transformer for voltage control. The number of ampere-turns required can be calculated

from any of the many references available. The IEEE Standard 432-1992 provides the

following expression:

Voltage per turn of test coil
2x xN

Where: VLL = Rated line-to-line voltage

= Winding factor

N = Number of series turns per phase in the stator winding

Once the desired flux is established in the stator core, it is maintained for one hour,

allowing the core temperatures to become stable. The core temperatures should be

maintained below that encountered during normal operation. The temperature rise of the

core is monitored while thermal imaging is used to search for hot spots. By means of

comparison, the temperature rise of the good core areas is then compared to the

temperature rise profile of any defect locations. If a fault is found it is characterised,

marked and repaired appropriately.


Core repair method can vary significantly to best suit the defect. Usually, core defects at

the air gap are minor and may only involve core stemming, core edging or lamination

re-insulation. Significant defects that occur deep within the core yoke would inevitably

require lamination re-stacking. Chapter 4 discusses in detail the repair processes.

The ring flux test method has proven to be successful over many decades and is the best

verification for the condition of a core lamination insulation system. It is almost always

employed as one of the factory proof tests during new stator core construction and in

conjunction with major core repairs. However, this test is quite expensive to perform

and it requires a large medium voltage power source, significant time and resource. The

excitation voltage for this test is usually in the order of several kilovolts for a large

stator core. The high voltage application and the high magnetic field generation

implicate occupational health and safety concerns of personnel and equipment involved.

It is also important that care must be taken in determining the ampere-turns required for

the excitation coil so that the average core temperatures does not exceed its designed


Excitation coils energised by a

6.6kv auto-transformer

3.2.4 Stator Core Lamination Tightness Test

Looseness of stator core lamination in turbo-generators and large motors is one of the

most common causes leading to serious core damage if left undetected. Large generator

stators rely on the remanent compression of the core restraining structure to remain tight

throughout their lives. It is acceptable that some degree of relaxation of core laminations

and their support structures such as tie bolts settle in after a few years in service or after

the generator suffers overheating or major system disturbances. However, core designs

should have allowed for this and the core pressure should still remain adequate after

those disturbances. Unfortunately, some stator cores do not have the design margin or

the ability to recover the compression forces and become loose. When core laminations

become excessively loose, they vibrate under the influence of core electromagnetic

forces. The chafing of adjacent laminations causes damage to their insulation leading to

interlamination short circuits. Heat produced from the short circuits causes further

deterioration of the core interlaminar insulation surrounding the fault. From this point,

the process could spread rapidly resulting in major core failure in the form of local

overheating. In some cases, the core faults release metal debris into the air gap resulting

in secondary damage to the rotor and contamination to the high voltage windings.

It is impractical to monitor this type of fault online. Experience has shown that in most

cases of core failure of this nature, the fault can go undetected for a long time.

Eventually the heat generated from the fault burns through the wall insulation of the

nearby stator conductors causing electrical earth fault protection trip to the generator.

Section 2.1.2 is described core faults due to lamination relaxation and Figure 3 depicted

a typical core fault due to lamination relaxation at its early stage. Fortunately, on that

occasion the fault was detected early by an inspection engineer during a routine

maintenance. The repair was relatively simple and no damage was found on the nearby

conductors. The core was tightened by using a technique called core stemming, restoring

adequate pressure on the lamination. This solution will be discussed in more detail in

Section 4.1.1.

It is therefore very important to check the tightness of stator core laminations as part of

generator routine inspection program. The inspection procedure is relatively simple but

effective to detect such faults. The tightness is checked by inserting a thin tapered

toughened knife blade between the core laminations by hand. Such a tool is commonly

called a core The thickness and the taper angle of the core knife are precisely

machined to predetermined dimensions so that a consistence assessment criterion is

applied throughout the inspection. The depth of insertion of the knife blade is noted

during the test. The test heavily relies on the experience of the test technician. Although

somewhat subjective, it is usually quite obvious to an experienced inspector when loose

laminations are found. The test is still the simplest and the most practical way to

determine the tightness of core laminations with the least intrusion and minimal risk of

damage to stator core lamination insulation [35].

Either full or partial test can be applied to stator cores. A full test is defined such that

each core lamination packet is tested at a minimum of one location. With the cores that

do not have radial cooling ducts the test is carried out at approximately every 100 mm

interval along each core tooth. This test is more effectively applied in conjunction with

visual inspection by an experienced inspector and the test resolution can vary depending

on the condition of the core.

It is recommended that a full test is carried out at least twice in the lifetime of a

generator, usually once in the initial 5 years in service then once at its mid-life or after a

significant overheating incident. Then a follow up partial test or visual examination is

applied at subsequent major overhauls when the generator rotor is withdrawn.


Figure 37. Stator core lamination tightness test using a core knife on a 120 MW
generator stator.

3.2.5 Stator Slot Wedge Tightness Test

Stator conductors rely entirely on their slot wedges to retain them tightly in position. It

is extremely important that all stator conductors remain tightly restrained in their slots to

avoid conductor vibration due to the electromagnetic forces during operation. Excessive

conductor vibration in stator slots, also known as bar bounce, will cause loss of wall

insulation resulting in reduction of conductor's dielectric strength and damage to the


semi-conductive lining4, promoting partial discharge [42]. Therefore detection of loose

stator slot wedges and ensuring their tightness in stator slots are very important

condition monitoring and maintenance activities.

Similar to the core tightness test, the stator slot wedge tightness test, also called tap test,

is relatively subjective and requires experience of the test technician to make

assessment. The test objective is to determine the degree of relaxation of the stator slot

retaining wedges. The slot wedges are lightly tapped along their entire length with a 200

gram ball peen hammer or a steel rod of similar weight while the test technician listens

to the sound of the wedge and feels its vibration with his fingers simultaneously. When

being tapped, a loose wedge produces a noticeable hollow sloppy sound and sometimes

accompanied by a small movement. On the other hand a tight wedge produces a solid

ringing sound with no movement. From this observation, an experienced test technician

can determine the degree of looseness of the wedges and record the result for mapping.

A typical example of stator slot tightness test result is given in Appendix B.

There are many different designs and constructions of stator slot wedge systems, largely

dictated by the size of the generator, the mechanical characteristics of insulation system

and the wedge material. Wedge designs can vary from a simple solid slot wedge to more

sophisticated systems utilising fibre glass residual tension springs known as ripple

springs as shown in Figure 38 and Figure 39.

Used in I-IV machines as a counter measure to control partial discharge between conductors and core.

Figure 38. A typical ripple spring stator slot wedge system.

Insert: magnifying view of arrangement of

all components under a main slot wedge
including ripple spring, two-part opposing
wedges and filling spacer.

Figure 39. Typical installation arrangement of a ripple spring stator slot wedge

The test criteria for a decision of wedge tightening are well established on the basis of

experience. Whist they can vary between generator manufacturers and the owners, as a

guide, it is generally accepted that any given slot should be re-wedged if:

• more than 1/4 number of wedges are found not to be sufficiently tight, or

• three or more adjacent wedges in the same slot are loose.

In addition, given the importance of the first and last wedges, also known as end

wedges, which are subjected to much higher level of stress than the remainder, these

should be re-wedged if they become loose.

There is no fixed frequency of the wedge tightness test. It depends on the operational

utilisation of the generator, its operating temperatures, cleanliness (particularly freedom

from oil contamination), the design of the stator coil insulation system and the wedges.

It is strongly recommended that the wedge tightness test is carried out on the stator core

each time the rotor is withdrawn. The test records should be compared with the previous

test records to monitor the trend of any deterioration. A sample of test results is
provided in Appendix B.

There is semi automatic test equipment commercially available that emulates the

manual testing with a small tapping robot. However, the test equipment is expensive and

not always available. While the manual test is highly subjective, to date it is still the

most popular, effective and economical test method to implement.


Figure 40. Stator slot wedge tightness test in a 120 MW generator stator.

3.2.6 End Winding Vibration Testing

High vibration on stator end windings can lead to a variety of failures including cracked

stator sub-conductors, conductor high voltage insulation abrasion damage and partial

discharge [42]. It is therefore important to measure the vibration of end windings.

Infonnation collected from the measurements can be a valuable contribution to

predictive maintenance programs.


In most cases, to obtain comprehensive measurements, a relatively large number of

vibration transducers must be installed, amounting to a high cost of installation.

Statistically, there is a small percentage of faults attributable to end winding vibration.

The stator end windings and their support systems, especially of larger generators, are

designed with a high degree of robustness. In addition, routine inspection of the stator

also provides reliable information about the tightness of the end windings. Experience

shows that, in most cases, insulation fretting dust is found wherever the end windings

have become loose. Generator owner should consider monitoring vibration levels of the

end windings. Trending of the vibration will help determine the optimum time to

strengthen the end windings preventing further deterioration. On-line Condition Monitoring

Continuous on-line vibration measurement is accomplished by installing vibration

transducers to strategic locations on the windings such as coil end connections,

waterboxes, winding leads, support structures and so on. For components such as

waterboxes, the transducers are installed to measure vibrations in both tangential and

radial directions. Naturally, the transducers are installed with appropriate insulation in a

manner that the high voltage electrical integrity of the winding is not compromised in


Acceptable vibration limits vary significantly from generator to generator. Generally,

however, a good rule of thumb is to keep the maximum vibration to less than 50

micrometres peak to peak (unfiltered), with no natural resonance within the frequency

range between 50 Hz to 70 Hz and 100 Hz to 140 Hz. These limits can normally be

advised by the OEM's. Off-line Evaluation

An alternative to the on-line measurement is the off-line technique utilising frequency

spectrum analysis. This technique is also known as Modal Analysis. With the generator

rotor withdrawn, vibration accelerometers are installed temporarily at strategic locations

on the end winding depending on particular vibration modes one desires to measure.

Each end winding is then excited with a broadband electro-dynamic actuator used as a

controlled vibration source connected to the end winding structure at the inner perimeter

of the support comb or a suitable location at the region of conductor ends via an input

force transducer and a transmitter. The input force is measured at the input transducer

and the vibration response measured from the temporary accelerometers on the end

winding structure, the waterboxes and the conductors. The forces are measured in

vertical and horizontal directions but not the axial direction. By analysing these signals,

the natural resonance frequencies of the end windings and their support structures at

different vibration modes can be determined [12][13][14][15][16].


Figure 41. Typical test set up of an off-line vibration test for a 200 MW water-cooled
waterbox style generator utilising frequency spectrum analysis.

3.2.7 Stator Windings Pneumatic Tests

For water-cooled generator stators, it is critical to ensure that the stator coolant system is

gas tight. Pressure and vacuum tests are performed on the stator windings to prove that

the stator coolant system is gas tight after a routine overhaul or to detect and diagnose

leaks. Specific test procedures together with safety precautions are provided by the

OEM of the generators and must be strictly adhered to.


It is very important to note that, prior to applying pressure test, water must be

completely removed from the stator conductors. It has been found that the simplest and

most practical procedure is to first completely drain the stator coolant water from the

windings. Each conductor is then blown with dried compressed air to further remove the

remained water in stator winding subconductors. The entire windings or each individual

phase is evacuated at near absolute vacuum for several hours. This is not only to

absolutely ensure that all water droplets and moisture are removed from the

subconductors but also to prove that there is no air leaks in the system. Only when the

vacuum test satisfies the criteria set by the OEM, the pressure test can be applied. This

procedure is extremely important to eliminate the risk of water ingress into the winding

high voltage insulation system.

3.2.8 Stator Core End Plate Hot Spot Inspection

The core end plate burning fault is difficult to be detected with a reasonable degree of

confidence while the generator is in service. To date, visual inspection is still the best

known method to detect and monitor this problem. Unfortunately, it requires an outage

of the generator with the end covers removed. For a hydrogen-cooled generator, this task

can take a few days and some considerable cost.

In some rare fortunate cases, the fault is detected by the thermocouples embedded

immediately behind the core end plate within a few centimetres of fault location.

Unfortunately, there is a practical limit of the number of thermocouples that can be

embedded in the core and they can not be relied on for detection of localised

overheating faults such as core end plate burning. A core end plate hot spot that occurs

more than a few centimetres away from a thermocouple may not be detectable.

3.2.9 Generator Rotor Retaining Ring Inspection

As discussed in Section, rotor retaining rings are critically important to

generators. Therefore, they require appropriate inspection and testing regimes. The early

magnetic materials used in manufacturing retaining rings are satisfactory in terms of

strength and resistance to corrosion but they are undesirable in terms of electromagnetic

properties and contribute significant efficiency loss to generators. In contrast, the non-

magnetic materials, also known as austenitic steels, such as l8Mn4Cr and its group,

offer greater mechanical strength and superior electromagnetic properties. Unfortunately

they are susceptible to stress corrosion cracking when exposed to humidity.

Before stress corrosion cracking was discovered in l8Mn4Cr material family, the

material had already found its way into a great number of generators causing massive

problems to the power generation industry. In order to eliminate the risk of catastrophic

failure to large synchronous generators, either the retaining rings of such materials have

to be replaced or their operating environment must be kept dry to avoid stress corrosion.

Giving the criticality of rotor retaining rings, generator manufacturers and power

generation research organisations recommend that all retaining rings must be routinely

inspected to detect early sights of defects such as stress corrosion cracking and electrical

arcing. Furthermore, the inspection regime of the older materials such as 1 8Mn4Cr,

1 8Mn5Cr, 8Mn4Cr4Cr and magnetic steels should be far more stringent than that of the

newer materials l8Mnl8Cr. There are several inspection techniques, which will be
discussed next. Traditional Dye-Penetrant Inspection

This inspection technique requires the retaining rings to be removed from the rotor, with

corrosion protective coating removed and thoroughly cleaned. The rings are then soaked

in a highly sensitive fluorescent solution called dye-penetrant for 10 to 16 hours as

recommended by the manufacturer. The fluorescent solution is designed to penetrate

into microscopic cracks, surface defects and pitting on the ring surface. The rings are

then thoroughly cleaned to remove excess dye-penetrant solution on the surface. A

developer solution is sprayed over the entire surface of the rings as a thin layer of very

dry powder specifically designed to extract the dye concealed in any minute cracks or

pitting by capillary action. The rings are then examined under an ultraviolet light to

reveal defects.

To date, Dye-Penetrant inspection is highly regarded as the most reliable inspection

technique in detection of stress corrosion cracking on generator retaining rings.

Although the inspection technique does not give any indication of the crack depth, it can

detect very small cracks and helps measure crack length relatively accurate. During the

examination stage, even minute surface defects such as corrosion pitting and scratches

are clearly revealed with striking clarity in addition to identifying stress corrosion cracks

as in Figure 42.

Figure 42. Fluorescent dye-penetrant examination of a 200 MW generator rotor

retaining ring viewed under ultra-violet light - revealing a 12 mm long stress
corrosion crack.

Next, a metallurgical assessment is carried out by an experienced technician to

determine the nature of the fluorescent indications. The defects are then removed by

local grinding and polishing if they do not meet the acceptance criteria.

Acceptance criteria can widely vary between manufacturer and professional engineering

organisation, and are widely affected by the nature of the indication, operational history

of the retaining rings and the owner's attitude to risk.

A reasonable set of criteria adopted by EPRI and Ontario Hydro - Canada is as follows:

i. Linear defects greater than 1 mm in length, in the form of cracking,

ii. A linear array of 3 or more point defects with less than 3 mm between points,

iii. Random groups of 3 or more point defects within a circle of less than 5 mm

in diameter,

iv. Random groups as (iii) above but less than 5 mm from a similar group.

A point defect is defined as a surface defect of less than 0.5 mm in diameter. Any defect

detected by inspection to match any of the above criteria is regarded as a significant

defect and must be removed by grinding or polishing.


While the above criterion is not a fix ruling and the owners can adopt their own

examination criteria it has been derived from a great deal experience and research

efforts. Many of NDT service providers base their criteria on the above [311. In-Situ Inspection

Even though the dye-penetrant examination is accepted as the best technique to detect

stress corrosion cracking it requires the retaining rings to be removed from the rotor and

thoroughly cleaned. The process is labour intensive and involves lengthy outage of the

generator. Especially in the last 10 years, the competitive power generation market

increasingly puts more pressure on generators to reduce routine maintenance outage

time and frequency.

In-situ inspection of retaining rings using ultrasonic sound waves becomes more widely

employed. Using this technology, the retaining rings can be examined without the needs

of withdrawing the rotor and removing the protective coating that usually applied to

1 8Mn5Cr retaining rings.

A newer ultrasonic examination technique is the Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD)

technique. Presently, it is a very popular technique to inspect generator retaining rings

for stress corrosion cracking (SCC) without needing to remove retaining rings from the

rotor. Despite some minor technical limitations, the test method provides generator

owners a welcome alternative to the traditional liquid dye penetrant NDT and a better

replacement for the older manual Pulse Echo (PE) technique, which inherently have

difficulties in detecting very small cracks where there are no ultrasonically reflective

substrates. With the help of modern computer technology TOFD technique has been

significantly refined and automated in the last ten years giving the users a much higher

degree of confidence and time savings. The technique is generally recognised as having

a high level of accuracy to detect cracks greater than 1 mm. The limitation relates to the

nature of SCC, where the crack roots have the tendency to branch out following

material intergranular boundaries, making crack detection difficult. For this reason the

test accuracy and liability can not be guaranteed for very small cracks of less than 1 mm

deep {29].

Typically, diffraction responses arising from the tip of a crack occur at a different time

than those arise from the interference fit making defect discrimination relatively simple.

In the case of a crack growing from a back wall, the difference between the travel time

from the crack tip and the back wall standing wave is the critical measurement. The

TOFD method uses two transducers; one operating as a transmitter, the other as a

receiver. The transducers are aimed from opposite directions and focused on the area of

interest; all mounted on a motorised scanning unit as depicted in Figure 43 and Figure

44. A longitude mode is normally used so that the signals of interest, those from the

crack tip and the back wall arrive before any mode converted signal, thereby simplifying

interpretation of the measurements. The transducers are custom made to suit the

geometry of the retaining rings under test. A suitable coupling fluid such as glycerine or

thin oils is pumped between the transducers and the retaining ring to provide ultrasonic

coupling and lubrication. The measurements can then be presented in the form of

graphical images or raw data as exemplified in Figure 45.

Figure 43. Graphical illustration of Circumferential Ultrasonic Scanning Technique

TOFD utilised in crack detection of generator retaining rings [Courtesy of
Sonomatic — P. Day] [30].

This technique has been proven very successful provided that the test is carried out by

an experienced technician who has high level of competence to interpret the

measurements. Figure 45 shows a typical TOFD image of raw test results from a 200

MW rotor retaining ring that contained a significant crack described in the case study in

Section 2.3.3. Following the initial detection with TOFD scanning the cracked was

confirmed and more accurately sized using Pulse Echo ultrasonic technique. The crack's

profile was predicted as shown in Figure 46. The end ring was then removed; the crack

was confirmed at the exact location indicated by TOFD examination. The crack was

subsequently removed by a combination of machining, grinding and polishing. The

actual crack was found to have similar profile and measured to be less than 0.5 mm

deeper than the prediction by ultrasonics examination, an impressive accuracy. Further

more during the crack removal, it was also observed that at its root, the crack branched

out to multiple finer cracks. This confirmed the fundamental limitation of the TOFD

method as described above and the typical characteristic of stress corrosion cracking


Figure 45. Typical example of a TOFD scan image containing diffraction signals of a
crack in a 200 MW generator rotor retaining ring (using Zip Scan equipment
shown in Figure 44) [Courtesy of Sonomatic] [291.


4.58mm depth Rotor Retaining Ring


"Bayonet" Area

Retaining ring "shrink face"

Figure 46. A crack detected in a 200 MW rotor retaining ring sized and profiled using
ultrasonic techniques illustrated in Figure 44 [Courtesy of Sonomatic].

3.2.10 Rotor RSO Test

Recurrent Surge Oscillograph (RSO) is designed to detect inter-turn short circuit in

generator rotors and symmetrical windings. The test is very sensitive and gives an

indication of the early stages of an inter-turn fault. It can detect high resistance short

circuits of up to 10 [37].

RSO test is based on the principle of time domain reflectometry by sending a fast

fronted step voltage waveform in order of a few volts from both sides of the rotor

windings. The reflected signals are measured and compared using a suitable

oscilloscope. A digital storage oscilloscope is preferable as it is fast and can store the

waveforms, for future reference.

If the waveforms are identical, the windings do not contain short circuits. Otherwise, a

short circuit may be present. The variations can be easier to determine by superimposing

the signals. Variations closer to the beginning of the waveforms (left hand side) suggest

the short circuit is nearer to the slip-rings and the contrary for those nearer to the middle

of the windings [31]. Figure 47 illustrates a typical RSO waveform of a 120 MW, two-

pole, synchronous generator rotor windings. The oscillograph was recorded after the

retaining ring was removed during a routine overhaul. It indicated that the rotor

windings did have a short circuit nearer to the pole cross-over.


Channel 1: 1 V/div
Channel 2: 1V/div

Time: 5

Figure 47. A typical example of Recurrent Surge Oscillograph (RSO) of a 120 MW

generator rotor windings with retaining ring removed. The discrepancy of
superimposed signals indicates a short circuit. [Courtesy of Siemens].

RSO test has many advantages. It is quick and simple to perform. It has a major

advantage over the traditional volt-drop test as described in Section 3.2.11 in monitoring

the windings while the rotor is rotated and can be performed with the retaining ring on

or off. It is also useful to rotor manufacturers in verifying the integrity of rotor windings

at progressive stages during construction [37]. Furthermore, it is a highly sensitive test

and can detect high resistance faults. A slight discrepancy of the waveforms can cause

uncertainty whether a high resistance short circuit is present or winding contamination.


3.2.11 Rotor Coil Volt-Drop Test

It is important to assess the integrity of inter-turn insulation in generator rotor. Failure of

inter-turn insulation causes short circuits between the adjacent rotor coils resulting in

local overheating, increase in rotor shaft vibration and deformation of rotor coils.

Complementing the online Recurrent Surge Oscillograph (RSO) technique, the rotor

Volt-Drop test offers a useful offline measurement technique that provides an accurate

map of inter-turn insulation condition.

With the retaining rings, end winding insulation wrapping and all coil separator blocks

removed from the rotor as shown in Figure 48, the rotor windings are energised with a

current of 100 amperes DC from a constant current source. The voltage between every

pair of adjacent coils is accurately measured at all four corners of each rotor coil. The

overall supply voltage and current are recorded and kept as constant as possible for the

entire duration of the test. The ambient temperature at the rotor is also recorded. The

measurements are recorded in a tabular format as shown in Appendix C. This test data

form a map of voltage drops between each section of rotor coils from which the

resistances can also be calculated.

Detailed assessment is then carried out based on the voltage drop measurements. An

abnormally low voltage reading indicates a partial or complete short circuit of the

adjacent coils. Recording the coil resistances using this mapping technique makes the

finding of fault locations relatively simple.


3.2.12 Thermographic Examination

Thermographic examination is a useful tool to monitor the conditions of generators. It

has been widely used for checking the hot joints in earth connections, rotor radial

connectors, stator terminal connections and stator winding temperature profile as

illustrated in Figure 49, Figure 50 and Figure 51.

The examination technique is particularly useful in air-cooled generators, where

thermographic examination has been successfully utilised to monitor temperature

distribution of stator end windings. An infra-red camera is used to view through special

crystal windows installed on the stator casing. Thermographic images are strikingly

informative about the actual operating temperature profile of individual conductors in

the stator end windings and local hot spots while the generator is operating online. This

information allows an accurate assessment of stator end winding operating conditions,

cooling system efficiency and local winding hot spots to be made. Figure 51 illustrates

the utilisation of thermographic examination technique in assessing the stator end

winding temperature profile of an air cooled synchronous generator.

Unfortunately the same benefit can not be obtained for hydrogen cooled generators due

to the safety concerns. The thermal vision can only be obtained by an infra-red camera

in direct visual view. Despite some limitations in applying thermal imaging to hydrogen

cooled generators, this examination technique has great potential for wider use adding

new dimensions to condition monitoring and diagnostic strategies for large synchronous

generators and other electrical machines.

47.2 oc

S outer shell
Normal earth Connector 1;: 32
Figure 49 A thermographic image of an Isolated Phase Bus (IPB) and its earthing
connectors of a 200 MW generator.

Hot spot on main connection L

palm indicated poor electrical
contact surface

Figure 50. A thermographic image of a rotor radial connector at 90% full load, 2200
amperes in a 200 MW generator rotor, revealing an abnormally high local
operating temperature.

4$ 3.
iOO.0 0C

0 4


Figure 51. A thermographic image of stator windings in a 40 MW air cooled
synchronous generator at full load operation.

3.2.13 Radiographic Examination

Many faults in electrical machines have been detected using radiographic examination.

It is a useful technique in finding mechanical failures in electrically insulated

components where removal of the insulation is not practical. Cracks in generator

components such as stator conductors, rotor radial connectors and collector rings in air

cooled main exciters have been successfully detected using this technique.

Figure 53 illustrates a case study in utilisation of radiographic examination technique in

electrical machines for fault finding. The case study involved a three phase brushless

main exciter of a 200 MW synchronous generator. The main exciter rotor utilises a

collector ring assembly that comprises four electrically insulated copper rings connected

to the rotor's three phase parallel windings. The collector assembly provides the parallel

paths for the rotor windings and to congregate the rotor currents to the rotating diode

system. The collector ring assembly is located under the rotor retaining rings as shown

in Figure 52. The original design of the individual rings involved three expansion

chevrons allowing for material settlement under the centrifugal forces and thermal

expansion. The collector ring assembly of this particular design has experienced

fractures at the expansion chevrons. Thus, a non destructive routine inspection

technique was required to monitor the condition of the copper rings without removing

the ring's insulation wrapping.


In setting up, a small radioactive source is placed approximately 600 mm in front of the

collector ring's expansion chevrons and a suitable radiographic film is placed directly

behind the chevrons. With a precise exposure time applied, radiographic images such as

that shown in Figure 53 are obtained revealing the remaining shape of the individual

chevrons without the need for removing the electrical insulation wrapping. From these

images, the condition of the rings can be assessed based on the curvature of the

chevrons, allowing cracks to be detected. In this particular case, a fracture in the A-

phase ring was clearly shown in the radiographic image. Subsequently, the collector ring

assembly was removed, disassembled and the crack was confirmed as shown in Figure


AC. main exciter end


Three-phase copper
collector ring assembly

Expansion chevrons

Figure 52. New collector ring assembly fully installed on brushless AC main exciter


Figure 53. A radiographic image of a three phase copper collector ring assembly in a
brushless main exciter rotor - showing a fracture in Phase A.

Figure 54. The insulated copper collector ring with fractures, removed from its rotor;
confirming the fractures detected by radiographic examination.




This chapter offers discussions on failure mechanisms, cause and effect relationships

and, most importantly, practical remedial solutions for each problem described in

Chapter 2. Where possible, the effectiveness of remedial solutions is appraised in terms

of verification testing or comparative inspection.

Options for remedial solutions can range from simple repairs to major modification of

original design or a complete rewind of the generator. Best decision does not only take

into account the best technical solution but also economic justification against the back

drop of the generator's whole of life.


Some generator stator designs are more maintenance intensive than others. Majority of

generators below 180 MW output are hydrogen cooled or air cooled. They are relatively

simple in design and maintenance in comparison with their larger water-cooled

counterparts. There are two main types of water-cooled generator stators; the most

popular design is the so-called 'hose design' stator. They constitute the largest number

of water-cooled generators in the world. The other type is the so-called 'waterbox

design' stator: by far less popular in the global fleet! Details of this stator design were

explained in Section 2.2.1 of this thesis.

Apart from being more maintenance intensive and having limitations in terms of

operating temperatures compared with 'hose design' generators, waterbox generators

inherit many technical problems as described in Section 2.2. These problems hinder the

operations, commercial availability and flexibility of these generators. They have rapidly

become unpopular due to these problems whilst the other type of stators proved to be

cost effective and reliable.

A compromise in the reliability of generators can be translated into major financial risks

in terms of loss of generation opportunities or energy contract obligations. For example,

in the worst case scenario, where electricity demand exceeds supply, electricity price can

reach VoLL value of AUD 10,000 per MWhr, thus failure of a 200 MW generator could

incur a financial penalty of as much as of AUD 2 million per hour (This calculation is

based on Australian electricity market VoLL price in 2005). Therefore, finding optimum

solutions for each of the problems in the generators is critically important.

Experience has proven that optimum technical solutions are obtained from good

collaborations between the OEM and the generator owners, where design knowledge is

in good mix with practical user experience.


Stator end windings have a relatively low stiffness and complicated geometry making

them vulnerable to a range of problems as described in Section 2.2. These problems are

even more pronounced in waterbox generators. Investigation into the root causes of

failures have revealed that problems such as sub-conductor cracking, insulation fretting

and waterbox cracking, which seriously impede the operation of the generator, can be

traced back to one common cause: end winding relaxation!

4.1.1 Remedy for Stator Lamination Relaxation

As described in Section 2.1.2, core laminations must remain tightly pressed together for

the entire life of the generator to avoid local overheating related problems. In the

presence of a strong magnetic field such as in the air gap any short circuits between

stator core laminations can quickly set up low resistance paths for eddy currents on the

core surface leading to destructive core faults. Loosened core laminations, particularly

in the tooth region can rattle and eventually can even break away as was shown in

Figure 3. The broken away segments then collide with the high-speed rotor causing

further impact damage to rotor surface and other stator laminations.

There is a number of condition monitoring techniques available on the market

attempting to monitor the stator core against local overheating. For example, one of

these techniques is to paint each major section of the generator such as core front, core

back, core end plate and end windings, with a different special type of paint. In the case

of local heating occur in a particular area, the paint will release specific chemicals that

can be detected by routine gas analysis. This technique is used at a number of power

stations because it provides an additional means of monitoring generator stator for this

particular parameter: local overheating. There are limitations to this technique though.

Many areas in a generator stator are not accessible and can not be painted such as back

of the core, the sections between conductor layers and under stator wedges. The

coverage of the special paint is limited to about 60% of sections where local overheating

can occur. Faults can not be detected if they occur outside of the painted areas. In

addition, a core fault can develop very quickly depending on its cause. In many cases,

the gas analysis may not be adequately frequent to detect the fault before it becomes a

major problem. However, as generally accepted by the power generation industry, no

condition monitoring technique is perfect and partially successful condition monitoring

is still better than none [35].

In the case of a stator core fault due to lamination relaxation, core stemming is the most

popular repair technique. This repair technique aims to restore the lamination tightness

economically without disturbing the rest of the core such as re-stacking. It effectively

reduces vibration of stator core laminations at the most highly stressed area of the

generator: the air gap.

The case illustrated in Figure 3 involves loss of material from the thick plate of

lamination packet and the 'I' spacer. This type of damage is repaired as follows:

After a thorough cleaning to remove contaminant at the fault area, small

sheets of mica are inserted in between each of the laminations in the fault

region to ensure that the interlaminar insulation is restored as shown in

Figure 55. Invariably, a core knife - as depicted in Figure 57 - may be

required to separate the laminations for successful insertion of mica sheets.

Small custom-made fibreglass wedges can then be used to replace the

missing thick end plate of the lamination packets as shown in Figure 56. It is

important that all the fibreglass wedges are permanently locked in position

with appropriate electrical grade epoxy to ensure they will not dislodge in

service. Further tightening can be achieved by inserting more fibreglass

wedges between laminations in the nearby regions. Again each fibreglass

wedge should be locked in position with appropriate epoxy as demonstrated

in Figure 57 and Figure 58.

ii. The worked area is then closely examined and electrically tested to ensure no

interlaminar short circuits remain, using ELCID test equipment. The

procedure is repeated for all fault areas.

iii. An overall lamination tightness examination is then carried out to the entire

core surface of the stator bore as described in Section 3.2.4. Where

lamination tightness is not satisfactory, further tightening is carried out

(Figure 59).

iv. To ensure that the stator core is free from interlaminar short circuits, a

complete ELCID test is then carried out. If short circuits are found, the

affected area is etched with 10% Phosphorous acid to remove any possible

short circuits.

v. All worked areas, especially where the fibreglass wedges have been inserted,

are painted with very low viscosity thread locking adhesive such as

Loctite29O Super-Wick-in. The low viscosity high capillary action adhesive

penetrates deep into small gaps between laminations to prevent any future

vibration of core laminations.

vi. Finally the core surface is painted with appropriate light colour electrical

varnish to assist future follow up visual inspections.

Effectiveness of this repair technique on the affected generator was verified by a follow

up inspection five years later. It was found that all laminations in the stator bore

remained tight and no local core 'hot spot" was detectable.



Figure 55. Thin mica sheets inserted between laminations to restore interlaminar

Thick fiberglass insulation wedges

inserted between lamination packet and
damaged "I" section spacer to replace
the missing thick plate of core packet
and the material lost of the "I" spacer

Figure 56. Fibreglass wedges inserted in the damaged area between a lamination packet
and the 'I' section gas duct spacer to restore tightness.

Fiberglass stemming piece with

Araldite resin

Figure 57. Small custom made fibreglass wedges, impregnated with Araldite resin are
inserted into 'relaxed' core lamination packets to restore tightness.

Araldite coated fiberglass

stemming wedge

Figure 58. A fibreglass wedge (stemming piece) being driven into a loosened core

Lamination packet after

tightening. Note the black paste
was squeezed out of lamination
after tightening.


Figure 59. Section of core lamination in a 200 MW stator after been tightening with a 3
mm stemming piece.

4.1.2 Dealing with Stator Core End Plate Faults

Prevention is better than cure for the stator core end plate burning faults. As the hot

spots result from excessive eddy currents generated on the core end plates, their

propagation can be stopped by minimising the fringing axial magnetic flux

perpendicular to the core end plate or replacing the core end plate with one made of

non-magnetic material, together with significantly increased cooling at the core ends.

The above action is by far the more economical and effective approach for an existing

core. However, to minimise the fringing axial magnetic flux in the core end region, the

generator's reactive power capability needs to be confined to lagging power factor

operations. Thanks to the technological advancements in modem power electronics,

Static VAr Compensators (SVC) can be utilised to make up for the shortfall in leading

reactive power supply of the power system. This operational restriction option has been

adopted in all cases of generators affected by core end plate burning fault, known to the


A case study for this type of fault was conducted on a 120 MW generator, first

commissioned for service in 1970. The generator has the type of core end plates that are

susceptible to localised burning. The generator was operated as per its original

specification, including supplying leading reactive power to the grid at night time on a

regular basis. In 1983, the generator was tripped due to a stator earth fault. Fault

investigations revealed that the conductors were damaged due to extensive core

lamination burning. Further, it was found that the core end plate had been suffering

local burning for a long period of time without being detected. Figure 60 illustrates the

extent of the damage to the core end plate, core laminations and stator conductors. The

heat generated from the hot spots caused extensive damage to the surrounding core

laminations and eventually burnt through the stator conductor insulation resulting in a

stator earth fault. Two stator conductors were damaged beyond repair and were

subsequently replaced. Burning damage was found on many core teeth.



Stator conductor

Core lamination damaged resulted -

from core end plate burning

] — — -

Figure 60. Severe core lamination damage resulting from the propagation of core end
plate burning in a 120 MW generator stator.

Remedial action involved the following: all burnt areas at the air gap boundaries and

elsewhere accessible were cleaned and inspected. They were then ground using non

conductive aluminium oxide grinding stone followed by an etching process to remove

any possible short circuits of core lamination. The core's damaged areas were etched

using electrolytic probes driven by a 20-ampere DC current source and 10% phosphoric

acid as electrolyte.

The effectiveness of the core repair was verified, at several stages, by conducting a ring

flux test as described in Section 3.2.3 and illustrated in Figure 36 to ensure that the core

was completely free from lamination short circuits. Figure 61 depicts a stator core 'hot

spot' found during the first ring flux test. Once proven to be free from core lamination

short circuits, the damaged areas were coated with very low viscosity Loctite29O Super-

Wick-in to provide the lamination additional strength. The entire core front surface was

finished with two coats of a suitable electrical grade varnish.

Figure 61. Thermographic image of a stator core lamination hot spot, due to core end
plate burning fault, detected by ring flux test during a major overhaul of a
120 MW generator stator.

Twenty two hot spots, similar to those shown in Figure 5, were found in both core end

plates behind the core retaining brackets. Due to access limitation those hot spots were


In preventing further propagation of the hot spots, the generator was permanently

restricted to operate in lagging reactive power only and visual inspections were carried

out on the core end plates to monitor the hot spots approximately every four years.

Twenty two years since the reactive power restriction was first applied to the generator,

no evidence of propagation of the hot spots has been found. This has proven the

effectiveness of the fault prevention strategy: the diagnosis of the cause of failure

analysis was thus proven to be correct!

For an existing core, the repair of the core ends to totally remove the risk of core end

plate burning and to restore its full operating capacity at leading reactive power is very

expensive and time consuming. To achieve this objective, all stator conductors, the core

end plates and a section of laminations at core ends will have to be removed. The core

end plates will then have to be be replaced with non magnetic materials. The core end

regions would also incorporate additional features to remove the heat and to minimise

eddy currents on the end laminations due to the influence of fringing magnetic flux.

Fortunately this type of fault is much less common in modern generators than before.

The end sections of stator core are specifically built to prevent this type of problems.

The following main design features have been adopted in modern generators:

• Use of non-magnetic materials for the core end plates.

• Increased magnetic reluctance at core end regions: This is achieved by a gradual or

step increase in the internal diameter of the core ends by utilising core step

packets as illustrated in Figure 2. These end lamination packets are usually shorter

than the normal packets to allow for more heat dissipation. This technique has

been widely used and has proven to be very effective to reduce magnetic stresses

in this core region.

• Increased cooling at the core end regions: This is achieved by incorporating as

many cooling channels in between the end lamination packets as possible.

• Reduced eddy currents in the end core packets: This is achieved by building the

end packets with special laminations, commonly known as Pistoye laminations.

This type of lamination contains a small air gap in each tooth running radially

from the top of the tooth to about the bottom of the stator slot. This special

lamination is designed to significantly reduce the effects of eddy currents in the

core end regions as illustrated in Figure 2.

4.1.3 Dealing with Back-of-Core Burning Fault

As discussed in Section 2.1.4, back-of-core burning fault occurs in the back of the stator

core between the laminations and the core key bars. The complexity of stator
construction makes it extremely difficult to access the back of the core, making routine

inspection, fault finding and rectification a very challenging task. The two main factors

responsible for back-of-core burning faults are:


• the movements of stator core laminations relative to the core key bars, and,

• the magnetic leakage flux in the axial direction and in the back of the core.

Remedial solutions for this type of fault can vary depending on the physical construction

of the generator stator, in particular, how the core stack was designed and manufactured.

In the case of larger generators, greater than 300 MW, the stators become exceedingly

heavy for transport loading capacity of some bridges. For this reason, large stators are

commonly built in two separate components: the inner core and the outer shell. The

inner core consists of stator core lamination stack that is built into a sub-frame and the

stator windings. The outer shell consists of the stator main frame (the outer casing),

footings and facilities to accommodate the inner core, gas baffles and hydrogen coolers.

The inner core and the stator main frame are transported to the power station site as two

separate components. Following installation of the main frame to foundation, the inner

core is then slid into the stator main frame to form the complete stator. This type of

construction is more expensive to manufacture but it allows the inner core to be

extracted from the stator for inspection and repairs for faults such as back-of-core


A remedial solution has been adopted in a number of large generators to control the

damage due to the back-of-core burning fault. Copper shorting straps are installed to

electrically connect the adjacent key bars forming a squirrel cage arrangement in the

back of the core. This provides a low impedance path for the stray currents to flow

between the key bars and therefore by-passing the intermittent high impedance interface

between the key bars and core laminations. This modification has been successful and

has been proven to stop the further propagation of back-of- core burning faults [31].

In contrast, the core laminations of smaller generators are built directly into the stator

main frame as one integral part. While this construction is less expensive to
manufacture, it does not allow the core stack and the core end sections to be removed

from the stator shell. This limitation exacerbates the difficulties in repair and inspection

for back-of-core burning faults.

Notwithstanding, 'prevention is better than cure' approach can be effective by deploying

the following actions:

• minimise core vibration,

• minimise two-shifting operation to reduce core thermal expansion I contraction,

• minimise the stray currents in the back and the end of the core by minimising

leading reactive power generation,

• carry out regular visual inspection and record core conditions and ultimately,

• replace the affected core with an insulated core.


Core key bar


Stator core laminations


Figure 62. Copper shorting traps connecting stator core key bars used to remedy back-
of-core burning fault [3 1J.

Leakage Flux ——

Figure 63. Leakage flux distribution in generator stator core [311.


4.1.4 Subconductor Cracking

Experience shows that stator subconductor cracking fault is more common in waterbox

design generators than hose design generators and crack location is more often found at

the support comb as exemplified in Figure 12. Consequently, the solutions reported here

are specific to waterbox generators. Fewer hose design stators experience similar

subconductor cracking but less consistent in crack locations. Solutions for such

generators differ from case to case. All stator conductors in the same layer of a hose

design generator stator are identical making strategic spare holding is simple and cost

effective. In most cases, if spare conductors are available, conductor replacement is a

preferred option. In contrast, as alluded to in Figure 12, conductors in each phase group

of a waterbox design stator are different due to the physical arrangement of the cast

resin waterboxes making spare holding expensive.

There are several options to repair cracked sub-conductors as explained in the following

sections. Blocking Cracked Sub-Conductors

Following a normal dismantling procedure to gain access to the defective conductor, the

conductor nozzle (as shown in Figure 8) at each end is removed. Individual

subconductors are pressure tested and visually inspected using a small fiberscope to

locate the cracks. Once identified, the cracked sub-conductors are blocked at both ends

with small rectangular titanium plugs and high temperature soft-soldering. The original

conductor nozzles are then soldered back to the conductor's ferrules with a lower

melting temperature solders. Vacuum and pressure tests are then carried out on the

whole conductor to prove that it is gas tight before reinstating the rest of the generator.

This repair procedure is relatively simple and usually rectifies the problem. However, it

has three limitations. Firstly, it is only recommended for a maximum of three cracked

subconductors in the same conductor. In the case of more than three cracked

subconductors being found, either all the cracks have to be removed by shortening the

conductor end or the entire conductor is replaced as explained next. Secondly, once the

subconductors are blocked, they will no longer have cooling water to remove their

internal heat and become hotter than surrounding ones. The heat load has to be carried

away by the surrounding subconductors. Thirdly, the cracked subconductors will now

have a slightly higher internal resistance due to the reduction in the conductive cross

sectional area at the fracture and carry less current, putting additional load on the

surrounding parallel contiguous subconductors. Historically, this repair method has been

successfully applied to many generators without any negative consequences.


End winding support comb

Stator conductor

Conductorferru/e with
• nozzle de-soldered and

Cracked subconductors blocked with -

Titanium wedees and soft solder

• —•',

00 •••

0 0

Figure 64. Showing a conductor ferrule of a 200 MW water-cooled stator after the
nozzle was removed. Two subconductors were found cracked and being
blocked to stop hydrogen gas leak into stator coolant system. Removing Cracks by Shortening the Conductor

Where there are more than three cracked subconductors at the same end of a conductor

and provided that all the cracks are within 200 mm from the end of the conductor, it is

recommended that all the cracks be removed by shortening the conductor as illustrated

in Figure 65. Once all cracks are confirmed completely removed, a new ferrule is

installed at the new location, further inward from the end winding support comb.

Because the joint between the ferrule and conductor strands carries half of the stator

current and also need to be gas-tight it is commonly made with high quality silver solder

bronze brazing. An extended conductor nozzle is then installed to the new ferrule. Soft

soldering is used as sealing media, ensuring a gas tight joint. The extended conductor

nozzle is similar to the original nozzle with a longer barrel section to make up the

conductor length that is cut away. It is installed in such a way as to restore the location,

functionality and alignment of the conductor at the waterbox as illustrated in Figure 66.

Although this method is more invasive than the previous one, it eliminates the need to

replace the entire conductor. Especially, in the case where the defective conductor is in

the outer layer, in order to replace one outer conductor, a large number of inner

conductors would have to be removed for gaining access resulting in great expenses

(refer also to Figure 8, Figure 12, Figure 65)

Figure 65. Original conductor end nozzle assembly removed from a 200 MW stator
(left), extended nozzle assembly spare (centre), standard nozzle assembly
spare (right).

End winding support comb

temporarily cut away for access
Original conductor nozzle

New location of ferrule

A new extended nozzle

Restored conductor alignment

and sealing flange position to

Figure 66. Installation of an extended nozzle on a cracked conductor of a 200 MW

stator. Note the length and position of the new extended nozzle. Replacing the Cracked Conductor

Where both of the above options are not suitable, a third option can be adopted: the

complete conductor is replaced with a spare. Replacing the entire stator conductor is

technically the best solution to remove all problems associated with cracked

subconductors or any other defects. However, it is much more expensive, apart from the

additional physical work required such as removal of the generator rotor and
dismantling of the stator end winding support structures. As explained in previous

section, if the defective conductor was in the outer layer, a large number of inner

conductors must be removed to gain access. The removal of the inner conductors also

exposes the stator conductors to a significant risk of potential damage while they are

temporarily removed, handled and reinstalled. For example, in the case of a 66 slot, 2-

pole distributed winding stator, a total of 27 inner conductors would have to be removed

before a defective conductor in the outer lay can be removed. This process is labour

intensive, expensive and highly risky to conductors, especially in older generators. The

risk is exacerbated in the case of mica-bituminous type insulation systems. As the

conductors have been installed tightly in the stator core for many years of operation, the

soft mica-bituminous insulation tends to form itself into the core slot profile. Especially

at the core cooling ducts, with the absence of side restriction, the insulation layers are

free to expand causing noticeable increase in the conductor overall dimensions.

Furthermore, expansion of the wall insulation accelerates while the conductors are

temporarily kept outside of the stator with the presence of moisture and elements in the

ambient air. This causes difficulties in reinstalling the conductors back to their exact

original position without damaging to the conductor outer insulation layers and the

semiconductor lining. Consequently the conductors could develop new problems,

especially increasing potential of partial discharge [42J.


4.1.5 Stator Coolant Leakage Repair: A Case Study

This case study is about a hydrogen leakage incident into the stator coolant system of a

200 MW hydrogen-water direct cooling synchronous generator. The generator stator

windings have a total of 627 0-rings installed at the conductor end nozzles and 12

synthetic rubber gaskets in the cast resin waterboxes to seal the hydrogen from entering

the stator coolant system as illustrated in Figure 12. A minor defect in any one of these

0-rings or a waterbox gasket or a crack in a waterbox would cause hydrogen to find its

way into the stator coolant water system in a similar manner to that of a crack in sub-

conductors, as explained in Section 2.2.2.

Following a gas in stator coolant alarm, in order to be better prepared for the outage, it

is important to determine the cause of the leakage and to predict whether the seal system

or the cracked sub-conductors are responsible. With a large number of possible sources

of leakage as described above, diagnosis can be a challenge. In addition, if the fault

occurs during the high demand periods such as summer, it is economically critical that

the generator remains in service as long as possible and if possible, be repaired in

autumn; a lower generation demand time. Thus understanding the leakage

characteristics and exercising appropriate actions to delay the outage without

unacceptable risk to the generator is very important.

The hydrogen-in-stator-coolant-leakage occurred in summer 2000, a high demand

period. As an important part of the fault investigation, the leakage rate was continuously

monitored to gain understanding of the nature of the leakage. At the beginning of the

investigation, a 'step temperature" test was carried out where the generator was operated

at approximately constant but several different steps of slightly elevated temperatures of

about 5°C to 10°C each step. The generator was also started up and shut down several

times while the leakage rate was monitored. The main objective of the test was to

determine whether the seal system was defective or a cracked subconductor was

responsible for the leakage. Experience has shown that if the hydrogen leakage rate

significantly varies during or after the temperature excursions, it is more likely that the

hydrogen has leaked through the seal system. On the other hand, if the leakage rate

deteriorates only slightly over time and is less independent of temperature, cracks in

subconductors are the likely cause of the leakage.

The rate of hydrogen leakage is calculated from the time it takes to fill up the hydrogen

catchment chamber. Should this time be less than 20 minutes; the generator has to be

shut-down for repair to avoid major damage to the generator.

Should the diagnosis be that the generator is suffering from a possible cracked

conductor the following emergency procedures are instituted:

• minimise reactive power generation (unity power factor operation is the most

benign mode of operation in this case);

• minimise fluctuation of generator power output including the number of start-ups

and shut-downs;

• reduce loading rate (also called ramp rate to 1 MW per minute instead of

normally 5 MW per minute;

• minimise the duration of high active power output.

This procedure aims at minimising the thermal and electromechanical stresses on the

generator conductors reducing the rate of deterioration of the cracked conductor, at the

same time keeping the generator in service for power generation demand at maximum

availability. Although such operational strategy can be onerous to achieve at times of

high electricity demand, it is an effective strategy to delay the outage to a more

convenient time, thus avoiding financial penalties to the generator's owner.

In the case study presented here, the leakage rate was recorded throughout the

investigation, concurrently with the output generation parameters such as active power,

reactive power and stator current, as shown in Figure 67. This information is helpful for

predicting the outage time for the repair. Appendix A offers the actual data for the

construction of this graph.


Trending of Hydrogen Leak Stator System of A Synchronous Generator

Date of Releases


1 Period 2 Period I
I a
07:12 a
06:00 C
04:48 a
80 -ItliflUiflhli) E
03:36 I.-



MW Mvar Stator Amps (x 100) Hours between release (Hours between

Figure 67. Trending of hydrogen leakage rate into stator coolant system of a 200 MW
synchronous generator recorded during a fault investigation and
management of a hydrogen-in-stator-coolant leakage due to a cracked

As can be seen from Figure 67, hours between releases (the red trace) showed three

important indications:

In the early phase from January 2000 to 21St January 2000, where the

generator was operated at the normal market demand without any restrictions to its

output, the leak deteriorated quite rapidly from approximately 6 hours between

releases to approximately 4 hours in 11 days. The 'step temperature' test was also

carried out in this period, which suggested that the generator may have suffered

cracks in stator subconductors. The restrictive operational strategy was imposed

on January 2000.

• In the next period from January 2000 to 31st January 2000, the generator was

operated at contained minimal outputs as much as practicable, mostly at 60 MW

and 0 MVAr. The leakage rate was observed to be steady at approximately 3.0

hours between releases with virtually no deterioration.

• During the period from 1st 20th

February 2000 to March 2000, the leakage

mechanism were investigated for better understanding and a more flexible

operational strategy was implemented that allowed the generator to produce as

much active power output as possible close to 200 MW when required, reducing

to a minimum output of 60 MW at night. The leakage rate responded well with

this operational strategy and showed a slow but steady deterioration. From this, an

approximate prediction of the outage time was projected as shown by the smooth

red exponential graph in Figure 67. The prediction showed that the leakage rate

would have reached 20 minutes between releases by middle of April 2000; a

convenient time to carry out the repair to the generator.

During this period, the generator was operated under strict supervision to ensure the

restrictive operational strategy was followed as much as possible.

Inspection revealed that two subconductors contained cracks. The defective

subconductors were repaired by the blocking method, described in Section A

fracture mechanics metallurgical examination on the cracks suggested that copper work

hardening was responsible for the fault. A microscopic examination at a x200

magnification is depicted in Figure 68.


Once again, this fault strengthened the conclusion that the excessive movement of the

conductors in the end winding region due to inadequate support and the stresses acting

upon the conductor ends by waterboxes have caused the copper work hardening within

the sub-conductors.

Figure 68. Fracture mechanics metallurgical examination of a cracked copper

subconductor showing evidence of crack formation due to copper work
hardening (Microscopic examination x200 magnification).

4.1.6 End Winding Looseness

Relaxation of stator end windings has been recognised as a major cause of failure

leading to many generator problems described in Chapter 2. It impacts many large

synchronous generators and, to some extent, large induction motors with different end

winding designs. Specifically in the case of waterbox design stators, this problem is

widespread for an unacceptable number of machine outages.

Generator stator end windings structure is complex but low in stiffness and has highly

nonlinear damping coefficients. Unless provisional re-tensioning features are built into

the end winding support structure as in some large hose design stators, re-tensioning of

the end winding structure can involve major re-design and implementation. Such

modifications to the original end winding structures should have the primary objective

of improving the overall stiffness to minimise the vibrations of conductors. The success

is measured by how much the natural resonance frequency is shifted away from the 100

Hz fundamental [12] [38].

In order to effectively manage this problem, several solutions have been implemented.

Notably, the solutions were selected mainly on the basis of economic considerations.

Since this problem is more common in waterbox generators, special attention was paid

to this type of generator. A sample of twenty six waterbox design generators below 300

MW reveals that, to date, Solution 1 was implemented in 8 generators; Solution 2 was


implemented in 4 generators. Two stators were rewound to the original waterbox design

windings. Table 1 provides further details from the survey.

Following is a set of solutions which has been successfully applied to remedying the end

winding looseness problem. SOLUTION 1: Modi7ying Existing Generator Stator Winding

Support Systems

Detailed investigations on ten large generators that suffered similar problems of loose

stator end windings concluded that there were four main contributors to the problem:

(1) inadequacy of structural bonding between the conductors themselves and their

support structures,

(2) inadequate strength of non-metallic tie rods over time at elevated operating

temperatures, causing them to stretch and become ineffective,

(3) overall inadequacy of structural stiffness of the end winding support combs, and

(4) inadequate bonding support of conductor ends to support combs.


Thus, this solution aims to improve the stiffness of stator winding support structures and

reduce the vibration of stator conductors resulting in a significant reduction of risk of

subconductor fracturing. It is a trade-off solution in balancing the effectiveness and

economic benefits in comparison with complete rewinding. It involves a major

modification of the existing end winding support structures but retains the original resin


One of the key features of this solution is the utilisation of the unique propriety product

called Inflatable Resin Pressure Filled (IRPF) bags. Compared with the original

opposing fibreglass wedge system, the IRPF bags system offers a superior alternative of

tightening the conductors in end winding regions. The large contact surface area

between the bags and the conductors produces much less pressure on the insulation

while exerting strong overall forces on the conductors. This eliminates the risk of

indentation and spot abrasion of conductor wall insulation. This technique is particularly

effective on waterbox generators where the conductor insulation in the end winding

region is relatively soft. After having been installed in the required locations, the bags

are filled with slow curing resin under pressure, producing strong forces on conductors

and other components. Once the resin is fully cured all conductors are tightly held

together in their permanent positions and the bags conform to the conductor profiles,

thus achieving a superior restraining system for the end windings.

To effect this solution, various sections of the existing end winding restrain system are

removed and the following modifications implemented:


1) Inner Involute Modification:

The original end winding support cone (Figure 10), also called involute cone, provides a

support structure for the conductors. A system of long fibreglass opposing wedges was

driven between the cone and the inner layer of conductors to retain the conductors in the

end winding involute tightly together as described in Section The original

fibreglass opposing wedges was replaced with Inflatable Resin Pressure Filled (IRPF)

bags as shown in Figure 71.

During the installation, the bags are injected with a high pressure synthetic resin. This

process is designed to exert strong forces on both conductor layers pushing them

together and toward the end winding support brackets. The pressure is maintained until

the resin is fully cured, locking the conductors tightly in position.

One of the major advantages of this technique is that the flexible IRPF bags conform

themselves to the irregular profile of conductors minimising the pressure on the

insulation while maintaining strong forces to retain the conductors in desired position.

For this reason, the IRPF bags are nicknamed 'conformable bags'.

2) Outer Involute Modification:

A similar system of IRPF bags is also installed behind the outer layer pushing the

conductors toward the generator centre line. New insulation blocks are added on the

sides of the existing end winding support brackets providing backing support for IRPF

bags as illustrated in Figure 69. Similarly, once the bags are pressurised with resin, they

push the conductors away from the end winding support brackets alleviate the rubbing

between the conductors and the end winding support brackets and together with the bag

system from the inner involute, tighten the conductors more effectively.

New axial fiberglass tie rods for

end winding support cone

Original end winding support


Added insulation block to provide

backing support for the IRPF bag

A fully inflated LRPF bag installed

between the added insulation block J
and end winding conductors

Figure 69. blocks added to sides of end winding support brackets to provide
backing support for 1IRPF bags.

3) End Support Comb Modification:

The end winding support comb consists of six separate segments individually mounted

on triangular support brackets. Investigation concluded that this construction did not

provide adequate strength for the comb, especially in the radial direction. To improve

the structural stiffness of the end winding support comb, a large fibreglass ring is

installed to the outer and inner perimeters of the existing support comb. The rings are

locked onto the comb with a system of high tensile fibreglass tie rods and small IRPF

bags as illustrated in Figure 70.

IRPF bag between new

rAddCd single piece fiberglass
ring installed to the original fiberglass reinforce ring
support comb and support comb

Original end winding support



\ 1
Resin waterbox with all
conductor cross links installed
Fiberglass reinforcing rings
added to the inner involute
cone to improve stiffliess

Figure 70. Modification to the end windings of a 200 MW stator - showing the added
fibreglass reinforcing rings, waterbox and fully installed conductor cross

4) Tie Rods Uptirade:

Investigation had revealed that the nylon rods used in tightening major parts of the end

winding, especially those used with the end winding support cone, did not have

sufficient tensile strength. Many of the rods were found stretched or to have come

undone in service. Thus all nylon rods were replaced with modern high tensile fibreglass

rods. The new rods offered 4 to 5 time higher strength than the original nylon ones,

contributing to higher stiffness of the end windings.

5) Support Comb Slot Modification:

Before entering the back of waterbox for termination stator conductors were supported

in the locating slots of the end winding support comb. The conductors were originally

wedged in position with small solid fibreglass wedges. Looseness of conductors was

found in the comb slots with evidence of insulation fretting dust. The solid fibre glass

wedges were removed and replaced with small IRPF bags. Once inflated to the designed

pressure and the resin was fully cured, the total contact support area was found

approximately double the original system. This provides significantly better support for

the conductors in the region of highest mechanical stress in the end windings.

6) Effectiveness Assessment

Effectiveness of the modification was assessed using the comparative technique of

modal analysis. Before and after the modification, each end winding was excited with a

broadband electro-dynamic actuator used as a controlled vibration source. The actuator

was affixed to the end winding structure at the inner perimeter of the support comb via a

force transducer and a thin force transmitter. The input force was measured at the force

transducer and the vibration response was measured at selected locations using

accelerometers temporarily attached to the end winding structure and the waterboxes.

The forces were measured in vertical and horizontal directions but not the axial

direction. Improvements in the stiffness of the end windings were gauged by analysing

of the signals. Table 7 shows typical values for the natural resonance frequency of the

end winding structures within a waterbox generator before and after the modification


Table 7. Summary of modal frequencies before and after modification [12].

Mode Natural frequencies (Hz) Description of mode shape

number Exciter End Turbine End

Before After Before After

1 59.8 69.1 58.5 69.1 Vertical bounce

2 69.6 77.1 68.2 79.8 1St Ringing mode

3 85.8 95.5 87.7 99.1 Ringing mode

4 1St
99.1 108.1 99.8 107.4 waterbox mode

109.6 116.6 2nd

5 112.4 123.7 waterbox mode
125.6 133.9 3rd
6 123.3 136.7 waterbox mode
141.3 154.3 4th
7 142.6 149.7 waterbox mode
150.9 5th
8 163.2 148.9 157.3 waterbox mode

Mode number 2, the so-called first ringing mode, is the most important mode in modal

analysis of generator end windings. It reflects the dynamic strength of the end windings:

the higher the frequency measured, the stiffer the end windings. This test result indicates

that at this ringing mode alone, stiffness of the modified end windings improved

considerably: at least 10% at the exciter end and 17% at the turbine end.

Table 7 also shows an increase in the natural resonance frequencies for all respective

natural modes. The general increase in the natural resonance frequency of these modes

implies a 20% to 40% global rise in stiffness of the end windings after the
modifications. From this it can be concluded that the modifications achieved their

objective of providing superior binding strength between the end windings and their

support structures. [15]


Stator conductors of inner layer

in the end winding involute

New IRPF bags installed prior

to installation of involute
support cone to replace the
original fiberglass opposing

New axial fiberglass tie rods

replaced the original nylon tie

Figure 71. Installation of the Inflatable Resin Pressure Filled (IRPF) bags and new high
tensile fibreglass studs in a 200 MW stator end winding involute.
164 SOLUTION 2: Conversion of the Existing End Windings to

PTFE Hose Design

Further tests were carried out on the modified end windings with all resin waterboxes

removed from the end windings. It was found that all modes of frequency response

improved by an order of magnitude [12].

This important finding suggested that a further reduction of end winding vibration and

arduous mechanical stresses on stator conductors can be achieved by eliminating the

resin waterboxes and converting the stator coolant reticulation system to PTFE hose

system such as shown in Figure 72. By eliminating the main sources of vibration on the

end windings, the conversion is expected to deliver significant improvement in

reliability of the generator stator against any further end winding looseness and cracked


A complete design feasibility study was carried out to consider all technical details for

the conversion. It was concluded that it is technically feasible to convert the stator

coolant reticulation system of a waterbox generator stator to a hose design system

without replacing the stator conductors.

While the conversion will eliminate the use of resin waterboxes, alleviating static

stresses on the conductor ends and significantly reducing maintenance requirements, it

has one major drawback: because the stator conductors are retained, any existing copper

work hardening already present within some conductors can not be eliminated. In the

long-term, these could develop into cracks causing gas-in-stator-coolant-leakages.

However, the cost of this conversion is significantly less than that of a complete rewind,

as discussed in Solution 3 below. SOLUTION 3: Complete Stator Rewind

Complete rewind of the generator stator will totally eliminate the three major
contributing factors of fault:

i. the existing insufficient strength winding support system,

ii. stator conductors that already have experienced copper work hardening as

depicted in Figure 15,

iii. the resin waterbox system.

In the case of waterbox style stators, additional benefits are gained in terms of reduction

in on-going maintenance and improvement in operating temperature limitation as the

cast resin waterbox will be eliminated. The modern PTFE hose design stators have

proven to be much more reliable and of low maintenance. The complete rewind option

would invariably incorporate the conventional hose design and modem class 'F'

fibreglass epoxy insulation system. However, this ultimate technical solution has a

major draw back: - its price! Figure 72 illustrates a typical hose design generator stator


Depending on the generator particulars, specific requirements of generator owner such

as delivery time and contractual issues, for example, in 2005, a complete stator rewind

of a 200 MW would cost approximately AUID 7 millions.

Figure 72. Typical arrangement of a hose-design generator stator end windings

[courtesy of Rolls Royce Industrial Power Group].

4.1.7 Conductor Damage by Foreign Objects - Magnetic


The damage caused by magnetic termites is regarded as a hidden failure. It can not be

detected by standard condition monitoring equipment. Once started, the worming

activity proceeds undetected until the symptoms such as gas in stator coolant leakage or

stator electrical faults are detected. At that stage, the termite has already cut its way

through the stator conductor wall insulation.

In some known fortunate cases, similar to that described in Section 2.2.4, the termite

stops before reaching the copper conductor because either its body mass is completely

eroded in the process or blown away by the hydrogen wind within the generator. In such

a case, the damaged conductor is reparable. Repairs of this type of damage greatly

depend on the extent and the location of the fault:

• If the fault occurs in the end-winding region away from stator core and there is

neither an electrical fault nor stator coolant leakage, the repair is relatively simple.

The 'worm crater' can be filled with an appropriate electrical epoxy filler to

restore the insulation rating and to prevent contamination. Where possible,

additional mica-glass insulation tape can be applied to the damaged area for added


• If the fault occurs in the end-winding region away from the stator core and there is

no electrical fault but gas in stator coolant is detected, the magnetic termite has cut

its way through at least one subconductor. Again, since the location of the fault is

adequately away from earth, repair may be possible without the need of conductor

replacement. However, extreme care must be taken during the shutdown and de-

gassing process of the generator to prevent water ingress into the stator conductor

insulation. The designed differential pressure between the stator coolant system

and hydrogen gas must be maintained until the stator coolant system is completely

drained from the generator. Hydrogen gas should then be removed from the

generator as soon as possible to minimise the risk of hydrogen leakage into the

subconductor inner space forming hydrogen pockets in the stator coolant system.

It must be also noted that, in an event of gas in stator coolant leakage, it is not

possible to determine the exact location of the fault until the generator is

dismantled and all conductors are pressure tested. In any case, to avoid potential

risk of wetting conductor insulation, the same precautionary measures, as

mentioned above are to be applied to all water-cooled generators during the

degassing process. Provided that the number of damaged subconductors is no

more than three, they can be blocked to stop hydrogen in stator coolant leakage;

similar to that discussed in Section 4.1.4. The conductor insulation is then repaired

as described in the previous part of this section.

• If the fault occurs close to the stator core, it usually leads to a secondary failure

involving an electrical fault or a deterioration of DLA measurement. In this

situation, it is recommended that the affected conductors be replaced: on-site

repairs of high voltage stator conductors do not ensure an acceptable degree of


Preventative measures are the best solution for this type of fault. The following

measures have been successfully implemented in generator maintenance practice and

recommended as a minimum requirement to prevent magnetic termites.

i. Ensure cleanliness of the generator inner space. Especially during overhauls

and repairs the end doors are removed, exposing generator stator to

contaminations such as weather and foreign objects. It is absolutely critical

that a 'clean condition" in the form of a lockable enclosure is set up around

the generator stator as soon as possible after the end doors are removed. All

personnel and tools entering the enclosure should be monitored. Some power

stations even go to the extent of guarding the entry of the enclosure. To

prevent small metal objects from being accidentally carried under footwear

into the generator space, aids such as stick mats placed at enclosure entrance,

dedicated non-metallic part rubber sole shoes or fabric overshoes are used.

ii. Arrange routine visual inspection and cleaning of generator stator core, end

windings, back of core, inner frame and all compartments within the stator


iii. Carry out routine core lamination tightness test and ELCID test.


4.2.1 Dealing with Stress Corrosion Cracking on Rotor

Retaining Rings

There is a significant amount of research and experience on this subject, the bulk of

which was done and acquired in the 1970's and 1980's when the power generation

utilities provided extensive resources into the studies of this problem. Retaining ring

failure in service is much more than a major catastrophe for the generator involved: but

it constitutes a potential safety risk to personnel and the surrounding equipments in the

power station..

Studies point to a main cause of failure: stress corrosion cracking, a phenomenon of

crack propagation in the austenitic steel alloy initiated by corrosion pitting and

propagating under influence of high tensile stresses, invariably leading to catastrophic

failure of rotor retaining rings. It has been found that stress corrosion cracking occurs

along and through grain boundaries of the material. These cracks form under a

combination of tensile stress and corrosive environment. The failure mechanism has

been described in Section

Although retaining ring failure is catastrophic, such failure constitutes a small

percentage compared with the total number of retaining rings in service. There is no

exact record available for the total number of retaining rings have been replaced,

however, is it believed that over 50% of non magnetic retaining rings have been

replaced with the latest material 18-Magnesium 18-Chromium alloy, also known as

l8Mnl8Cr or l8Mnl8Cr material. The majority of retaining ring replacements is

through either asset management initiatives or risk management initiatives or from

small, under critical crack size cracks, discovered during routine inspections. The

remaining 1 8Mn4Cr and 1 8Mn5Cr retaining rings in service are operated under strictly

controlled operating environment in terms of exposure to moisture and corrosive gases.

In 1991, Cigré Study Committee SC11 published Guidelines in the journal Electra,

Number 139 in December 1991, which also reported that '...The new l8Mnl8Cr

material is immune to stress corrosion and does not require periodic inspection for that

reason. The economics of the periodic inspection of 1 8Mn5Cr rings may justify the use

of the superior l8Mnl8Cr material with its improved fracture toughness..." [32].

Surprisingly, whilst the new l8Mnl8Cr material has many superior metallurgical

properties, especially to stress corrosion cracking over the earlier 1 8Mn5Cr material,

small cracks were discovered in ten 1 8Mn 18Cr retaining rings in a sample of 10,000

retaining rings manufactured. Fault investigations concluded that those defective rings

were subjected to exceptionally aggressive chemical contamination such as halide

solutions or other corrosive gases. Some of the cracks were up to 65 mm long and 40

mm deep but no catastrophic failure had occurred [23]. This has reinforced the claim

regarding the inherently very high fracture toughness of the 1 8Mn 18Cr material. OEM

recommendations on routine inspection strategies for 1 8Mn 18Cr rotor retaining rings

now specify their operating environment. In the case of closed cooling circuit generators

such as air, hydrogen, hydrogen-water cooled generators, periodic examination is not

mandatory for l8Mnl8Cr material as long as the cooling media is maintained at

acceptable level of dryness.

In the case of austenitic steel retaining rings made of common materials used previously

— such as 8Mn8Ni4Cr, 1 8Mn4Cr, 1 8Mn5Cr, the rings must be replaced if they have

detectable cracks, however small. Otherwise, the following strategies are acceptable and

commonly adopted by many machine owners in order to manage the retaining rings at

minimum risk. Regular Examination

Generator rotor retaining rings made of older materials should be removed from the

rotor and non-destructively examined on a regular basis; usually every 4 to 6 years

depending on the operational duty and environmental conditions. More frequent

examination is recommended for those generators subjected to more start-stop

operations and less rigorously controlled cooling media for elements such as moisture

and corrosive gases. The most successful examination technique for stainless retaining

rings is dye-penetrant examination as described in Chapter 3 Section 3.2.9. In addition

to the benefits of thorough examination of retaining rings, this practice also provides an

opportunity to inspect and overhaul the rotor windings.


Despite the above benefits it is, however, costly to remove the retaining rings from the

rotor and there is a degree of measurable potential risk of overheating and mechanical

damage to the retaining rings in the removal and refitting processes. To be removed

from the rotor, the retaining rings are heated with either electrical heating elements

strapped on the outside surface or with gas fire heating ring or more recently, with

induction heating coils. Figure 73 shows a typical arrangement of a rotor retaining ring

been refitted with electrical heating elements. In carrying out the removal and refit

procedure, it is critically important that well proven work procedures are employed to

minimise the risk of damage to the retaining rings. Incidents such as local overheating of

retaining rings due to improper heating rate, incorrect installation of heating elements

causing flash-over on the ring surface, an inexperience technician applying excessive

force to the rings before they are sufficiently expanded causing physical damage to the

shrink fits could cause excessive damage.

174 Ultrasonic Examination

An alternative method of the dye penetrant inspection is ultrasonic examination as

described in Section 3.2.9. Here, the in-situ NDT examination utilises ultrasonic

techniques to search for cracks in the retaining ring material without the need to remove

the retaining rings from the rotor. Much refinement of this technique has been made in

the last 20 years and it has become much more reliable and more widely accepted by the

power generation industry. Nowadays this technique is further refined by the use of a

small robotic arm to examine retaining rings without removing the rotor from the

generator housing.
175 Environmental Control

To minimise the risk of onset corrosion and therefore avoiding stress corrosion cracking

on retaining rings, it is absolutely critical that they are kept dry in service and during

routine outages. The operating environment should be maintained at maximum

practicable dryness by means of dehumidification equipment such as hydrogen driers

and monitored with hydrogen dew point monitoring systems - either manual or

For example, in the case of steam driven hydrogen cooled generators, for economic

reasons, it is common that the turbine lubrication oil system is shared with hydrogen

seal oil system. Gland steam from turbine rotors often contaminates the lubrication oil

system, especially during start-up. The moisture contained in the lubricating oil then

finds its way into the generator hydrogen seals system and contaminates the generator

hydrogen gas. The moisture contamination problem is further exacerbated in those

generators which are subjected to a large number of start-stop operations. For this

reason, it is critical that generator hydrogen driers and moisture removers in lubricating

oil system, such as static filters or centrifuge water-oil separators, are well maintained at

a high performance standard to ensure their optimum performance and minimise the risk

of wet hydrogen.

This strategy is however somewhat impractical for open circuit single pass air cooled

generators, since the moisture content in the atmospheric cooling air is, most of the

time, much higher than desirable and very expensive to control. For this reason, the only

safe solution for this type of generator is to replace the older material retaining rings

with modern l8Mn 18Cr material.

It is equally important that the environment surrounding the retaining ring is kept dry

during the routine overhauls, repairs or inspections. This critical aspect is, unfortunately,

often overlooked by generator owners and service contractors. Under unfavourable

ambient condition, such as 80% relative humidity at 5°C ambient temperature, surface

rust has been found on rotor retaining rings and other rotor components overnight. The

retaining rings ought to have been housed in a hermetically controlled enclosure in such

a way that the surrounding air is warmer or drier than the outside atmosphere to prevent

initiation of corrosion. This can be achieved by simply utilising enclosures such as the

one shown in Figure 74. in conjunction with electric heaters, heat lamps and

dehumidifier units. The environmental control method can significantly vary with the

geographic location of the rotor; however, experience has shown that as long as the

retaining rings are maintained at approximately 2°C above the ambient temperature at all

times, corrosion on retaining rings is successfully prevented. Normally, it is easier and

more practical to control the storage temperature than humidity as the enclosure is

regularly accessed by technicians who work on the rotor and the retaining rings during

the outage.

Furthermore, it is extremely important that under no circumstances the retaining ring is

covered with plastic material in direct contact as this could promote a risk of moisture

formation on the ring in a relatively short time.

In the case of air cooled generators and most modern hydrogen cooled generators, off-

load heaters are automatically switched on as soon as the generator is de-synchronised

to prevent moisture condensation on the retaining rings and other components.

Rotor and retaining ring

temporary storage enclosure

Rotor end winding I week

after cleaning and overhauling

Figure 74. A 120 MW turbo-generator rotor and its retaining rings housed in a
temperature controlled enclosure during a routine overhaul.
178 Surface Protection

In assisting to combat the stress corrosion cracking problem, surface protection against

corrosion on generator rotor retaining rings is an important practice for 1 8Mn4Cr,

1 8Mn5Cr and other previously used materials. Usually, the external surface of retaining

ring is painted with appropriate epoxy based paints and the inner surface with Teflon

based paints that can offer low friction coefficient as well as corrosion protection.

However, it is not practicable to achieve a complete coverage on all surfaces; for

instance, shrink fit surfaces can not be painted. Whilst there is some debate as to

whether retaining rings should be painted for corrosion protection, there is general

acceptance in power generation industry and on the part of OEM's that, for older

materials, painting does provide an acceptable degree of corrosion protection.

In contrast, due to the superior material properties and the immunity to stress corrosion

cracking of l8Mnl8Cr stainless steel alloy, retaining rings manufactured from this

material do not require surface protection. This does not only eliminate one maintenance

activity but more importantly further improves the sensitivity of in-situ ultrasonic non-

destructive examination.

Retaining ring re-installed

and painted for protection
aeainst S

Electric heater with automatic thermostat to

control temperature surrounding retaining ring

Figure 75. Surface treatment against corrosion on a l8Mn5Cr retaining ring of a 120
MW generator rotor. Crack Removal

It is common that small cracks are detected from the older materials such as 1 8Mn5Cr

during routine inspections. Often they are microscopic cracks adjoining the corrosion

craters called pitting. As the corrosion pittings are very small they tend to intensify the

stress concentration leading to cracking. When cracks are detected in retaining rings it is

absolutely critical that they are completely removed by machining or local excavation

and polishing using appropriate abrasive discs. It is also critical to examine the defective

area with high precision surface replication during crack removal to ensure that all the

cracks and their roots are completely removed. Stress calculations either by traditional

methods or finite element stress analysis should be performed to verify the remaining

strength of the retaining ring after the cracks are removed. In most cases, the OEM of

the retaining rings can provide assistance in performing stress calculations and repairs.

For economical reasons, it is uncommon for a power generation utility to keep spare

retaining rings, unless they have a large number of identical generators in their fleet. On

the other hand, delivery times are long due to strong demand and special material used.

Thus, the utilities may not have any other options but to repair the defective retaining

rings and return the generator to service while obtaining the replacement rings.

Fortunately, in most cases retaining rings can be repaired by completely removing the

cracks and performing stress calculations to confirm the remaining strength, unless

cracks are larger than so called critical sizes. A Case Study

In the case study described in Section 2.3.2, cracks were detected by ultrasonics Time-

of-Flight-Detection (TOFD) method with the retaining rings in-situ, as described in

Section 3.2.9. The defected retaining ring was later removed from the rotor and further

examined using a combination of microscopic examination, replication and ultrasonics

techniques. Two main cracks, denoted as Crack A and Crack B were found amongst a

constellation of microscopic cracks as recorded in Figure 76.


.' ---j



f L12 35
is ,(

•1•• 1 1 If I,


Figure 76. Location and geometric details of the 2 main cracks recorded before
machining on the 200 MW generator retaining ring.

Fortunately, the cracks had occurred in the bayonet region of the retaining ring where

the operational stress is relatively low. Following the initial estimate of crack depths

using ultrasonic examination techniques, the bayonet region of the retaining ring was

machined to a depth of 4.95 mm to remove Crack B and part of Crack A.

The retaining ring was set up on a high precision Vertical Turret Boring (VTB) machine

as shown in Figure 77. Influenced by the enormous centrifugal forces of rotor end

windings, retaining rings almost always become slightly elliptical. A special clamping

system was deployed as shown in Figure 77 to restore the parallel cylindrical shape of

the retaining ring during the machining operation.


In addition, a temperature controlled enclosure was erected covering the entire VTB

machine and the retaining ring to prevent stress corrosion cracking from occurring

during the machining operation.

Temporary clamping ring to

force the retaining ring back into
round shane during machinino
Retaining ring being machined
Figure 77. Machining of a 200 MW generator rotor retaining ring to remove cracks in
the bayonet groove using a high precision Vertical Turret Boring Machine.

After machining to a depth of 4.95 mm of the inner circumference of the retaining ring

bayonet, Crack B was completely removed and Crack A had changed its shape and size

as shown in Figure 78. It was found that Crack A had broken up to many smaller cracks

branched out in different directions following the material grain boundaries; a

distinctive characteristic of stress corrosion cracking.


Figure 78. Location and geometric details of the remaining cracks after machining to a
depth of 4.95 mm of the inner circumference of the retaining ring bayonet.

At various stages of the machining process, microscopic replica examinations were

carried out to monitor the development of the cracks. It was observed that while

penetrating deeper into the material, the cracks changed their directions and shape

rapidly following intergranular boundaries. This observation confirmed the surface

stress corrosion cracking to be of the same nature as intergranular stress corrosion

cracking. Figure 79 illustrates this finding with a x50 magnification of Crack A after 2

mm of material thickness was removed.


Stress corrosion crack propagation was found

along material inter-granular boundaries

I •

Figure 79. Appearance of Crack A (Figure 76) after machining to a depth of 2 mm

(viewing at x50 magnification) revealed intergranular propagation of the

4.2.2 Remedy for Electrical Arcing on Rotor Retaining


When arcing damage such as that shown in Figure 24 is detected, it is critical that it is

completely removed, either by local grinding excavation or polishing. The actual

removal technique can vary depending on the severity of damage. Similar to crack

removal, the arcing defect should be monitored with metallurgical techniques such as

microscopic visual and dye penetrant examinations progressively in conjunction with

hardness testing while material is removed from the retaining ring. It must be ensured

that all hardened material and all possible microscopic cracks, especially at the bottom

of the arcing spot, are completely removed. Fault Prevention

The most effective means of preventing the arcing spots on the retaining rings is to

avoid negative phase sequence currents generated on the rotor. This can be achieved by

ensuring that the generator protection system is well maintained, reliable and all

protection tripping logic and timing are set to appropriate values.

In addition, the fitting arrangement between retaining rings and other rotor components

can be designed to avoid stray electrical currents from crossing the components. This is

somewhat impractical and uneconomical to implement on existing rotors with older

designs as usually there is little scope for modification in this part of the rotor. Modem

generators have adopted many new features to prevent this fault. Figure 22 shows an

example. The so called bayonet design (1) has its balance ring shrunk onto the outboard

end of the retaining ring barrel, making good electrical contact, hence preventing arcing

between the two components in contrast to the parallel cylindrical design (2).

Conversely, nylon insulation blocks are fitted at the end of the slot wedges to prevent

arcing from occurring between the retaining rings and rotor slot wedges, as

demonstrated in Figure 80. With features such as these, electrical arcing damage on

retaining rings is rarely seen in the modern generator rotors.

Rotor slot wedges

Nylon blocks designed to prevent

rotor wedges from making electrical
contacts with retaining ring rings

Figure 80. Rotor slot wedges of a 200 MW hydrogen cooled generator rotor - showing
nylon insulation blocks designed to prevent electrical contacts with rotor
retaining rings.

4.2.3 Dealing with Copper Dusting Problem in Rotor


Copper dusting can have devastating effects on the reliability of synchronous generators

as explained in Section 2.3.3. The problem is more common in high speed turbo

generators and can be further exacerbated by operating regimes involving wide range of

load fluctuation or a large number of starts as in the case of gas turbine driven

generators and two sh(fting operations.

Optimum solutions for copper dusting in rotor windings vary depending on the severity

of the problem, design and construction, economic life and operational requirements of

the generator. They can range from minor modifications to complete replacement of the

windings and redesign of the rotor.

In some severe cases of rotor copper dusting, more radical solutions may need to be

adopted. Modification to the existing copper windings or a complete replacement of the

rotor windings incorporating newer technology can eliminate rotor copper dusting

problem. Examples of some practical solutions to remedy copper dusting are presented

188 Modification of Rotor Coil Top Insulation Pads

Modification of the top of slot insulation pads is deemed to be the most cost effective

solution. In the case of a generator rotor, where copper dusting is not severe and the

bulk of copper dust being produced between the top rotor coil and its associated

insulation system, the following modifications are recommended:

• The inner surface of the original top insulation pads is machined to accommodate a

new insulation layer of low friction coefficient material and to provide a clean

surface for appropriate adhesive to work effectively.

• A layer of low friction but high mechanical strength insulation material such as

Nomex is then adhered to the machined surface with appropriate epoxy. In contact

with the copper coil instead of the abrasive glass fibres, materials such as Nomex

will allow the copper coils to slide more freely without generating copper dusting.

Figure 81 exemplifies the modification.

Figure 81. Modification of coil top insulation pads to improve coils' freedom of
movement and to reduce copper abrasion of a 120 MW generator rotor.

This solution is designed to address only the interface between the rotor winding top

turn and the top insulation packing. It is a very cost effective solution and in many cases

eliminates the majority of copper dusting generation. It is, however, critical that the

laminating process is carried out correctly with high level on confidence to prevent

delamination of the Nomex insulation sheet in service risking blockages to rotor coil

cooling ducts. Difficulties have been experienced when the laminating process is carried

out without special machinery. For this practical reason, it is recommended that only

short insulation pads of a maximum length of 600 mm be modified for this kind of

retrofit operation.

This solution has been adopted on at least four selected 120 MW generators. Follow up

inspections have revealed a significantly reduced copper dusting activity after the

modification. Replacement of Rotor Coil Top Insulation Pads

In single wedge rotor designs, the coil top insulation pads are made of single strips of

fibreglass insulation, usually between 2 m to 5 m long, depending on rotor rating,

covering the whole length of rotor slots. It is impractical to modify the existing strips

using the same procedure for the shorter pads shown in Figure 81, unless special milling

machinery is available. It is better that the original strips be replaced with new strips

machined from fibreglass sheets which are already laminated with Nomex insulation,

fabricated in a controlled manufacturing environment. This ensures a far superior

quality, eliminating the risk of delamination in service. In addition, taking the

opportunity of the replacement, further refinements can be incorporated by utilising

back-to-back laminated strips to prevent abrasion between the insulation pad, copper top

coil and the rotor slot wedges. Two thinner strips of laminated fibreglass strips are

sandwiched together so that the fibreglass sides faced each other: with one Nomex side

in contact with the top rotor coil and the other Nomex side in contact with the slot

wedge. To maintain the alignment of the two half strips they are glued together only at

the middle.

An added benefit from this retro-fit is that the new two-part insulation strips can be

machined, on the fibreglass sides, to custom fit individual slots to compensate for the

excessive gaps created by the compression and abrasion wear of the rotor coil stack.

This further reduces coil movement and copper dusting, generated during the so called

barring - idle rolling of stock. This is particularly beneficial for aging rotors where the

compressions and wear in rotor coil stacks are not uniform.

This modification is slightly more expensive and requires forward planning; however, it

offers better quality of lamination and further reduces metal to fibreglass abrasion as

well as other added benefit. Figure 82 shows the two-part replacement insulation strips

prior to installation. This retrofit solution was successfully implemented in a 200 MW

generator rotor. A follow up inspection after 6 years of load following operation



observed significant reduction in abrasion wear on both copper top coils and the

aluminium slot wedges with negligible amount of copper dusting as shown in Figure 83.

Figure 82. New two-part replacement rotor coil top insulation strips.

Black paste was analysed and

found contained about 10%
copper/aluminum dust and 90%
of other non metallic

- —

Thicker half Nomexlfiberglass
Thinner half Nomex/fibergiass
laminated strips in direct
• laminated strips that glued to
contact with aluminum
the underside of the main strips

Figure 83. Minimum copper dusting was observed on the same two-part replacement
rotor coil top insulation strips as shown in Figure 82 after 6 years in service.
192 Modification of Rotor Windings

The main objectives of rotor winding modification are:

• to remove the rubbing action between the interfaces of the uninsulated half turns in

each individual coil as previously described in Section 2.3.3: This modification

requires the rotor windings to be dismantled and completely removed from the

rotor. Following a thorough inspection and overhaul of the half coils, a thin,

(usually 25 microns to 40 microns), insulation strip of very low friction coefficient

high electrical insulation property material such as Nomex is installed between the

half-turns, usually with a strong adhesive. Each strip is glued to one half-turn only

to prevent delamination due to differential thermal expansions. The insulation

strips contain perforated slots matching the cooling holes in the rotor coils

allowing the rotor ventilation system to function correctly.

• to eliminate abrasion wearing of the rotor top coils and the aluminium slot wedges

against the fibreglass top pads: This area is addressed in Section

• to eliminate the copper abrasion wearing on the sides of rotor coils against their

slot liners: The previous slot liners are replaced with new fibreglass slot liners,

with laminated Nomex lining on the inner side.

This modification has been incorporated in the rewind of many radially cooled rotors

where the copper coils are in serviceable conditions. Since the copper coils are reused,

the modification offers a significant saving compared with complete winding


replacement. However, there is a number of disadvantages to the modification and some

rotors have experienced problems after the rewind. The most common problem has been

the migration of the thin insulation strips installed between the half turns causing

blockages to the rotor winding cooling ducts. The risk of this kind of blockage is

relatively small, yet, even with only one insulation strip failing to remain in position, the

rotor would have to be completely stripped and rewound.

In contrast, another modification commonly used in the industry involves spot welding

of the half turns together at their centres instead of using the insulation strips. While this

modification does not have the risk of cooling duct blockages, it can result in restriction

of coil movement under influence of rotor coil thermal expansion and contraction. Some

coils can have a tendency to migrate to one end of the rotor resulting in severe coil

distortion, short circuits in the end winding regions and imbalance problems.

For the above reasons, radical modifications such as those discussed are unpopular.

Instead, generator owners more often elect to replace the entire rotor windings. The

benefits of long term reliability can easily justify the additional costs.
194 Replacement of Rotor Windings

This is technically the best solution. Complete replacement of rotor windings and its

insulation system offers a great opportunity to upgrade the rotor to incorporate modern

design features including conversion to a combined radial/axial cooling coil system and

eliminating the half turn coil design. As illustrated in Figure 26, the axial cooling rotor

winding does not include the half turn coils; instead the cooling gas is pressurised into

the insulated hollow rotor coils and exhausted along their perforations [43].

Naturally, the replacement would include new design Nomex laminated slot liners and

better top of slot insulation system. In most modern rotors with axial or hybrid

axial/radial cooling systems copper dusting is found to be negligible. Strategy for Rotors with Copper Dusting Problem

Future strategy for large synchronous cylindrical rotors largely depends on specific

design features, precondition, operating regimes and service life requirement. It is

crucially important that a correct asset management decision is made to maximise the

required service life of the rotor at minimum cost. The following flow chart suggests a

decision making process in asset management of a rotor that has suffered copper dusting


Figure 84. Asset Management Strategy for dealing with copper dusting problem in large
synchronous generator rotor.

4.2.4 Remedy for Rotor Coil Overheating

The case described in Section 2.3.4 addressed the importance of routine visual

inspection practice in the case of large synchronous generators. In this particular case,

the fault was in its infancy; hence relatively simple to remedy. However, it had the

potential to escalate to a major failure of the rotor windings and could have led to a

partial rewind.

For repair, the damaged coil was first partially lifted above the rotor slot to enable

access and thorough examination. The coil was found to be badly distorted and had

expanded against the slot liner making removal relatively difficult. The affected area

showed heavy blue discolouration indicating that it was very hot for a long period of


The coil was reshaped to its original dimensions by filing and sanding as shown in

Figure 85. Although a small amount of copper was lost in the repair, the remaining coil

cross sectional area was checked and confirmed to be sufficient for the required rotor

current. The fibre glass insulation pads above the coil were found partially destroyed

and replaced.

The insulation system at the end of rotor slots is critically important. It ensures adequate

insulation grading for the rotor coils and prevents the top insulation pads from migrating

axially, causing blockages to the rotor winding cooling ducts. Figure 86 depicts the new

assembly arrangement of the insulation system at the end of each slot. To prevent fault

from recurring, a modification was incorporated into the end of slot insulation system,

which included:

• a replacement of the original rubberised asbestos coil caps with stronger reinforced

fibreglass Nomex lining troughs.

• new design laminated Nomex flexible end flags, bridging from the end wedges to

the end winding insulation wrapping. After the retaining rings are installed, the

flexible end flags function as an anchor point for the end wedges as well as the top

of slot insulation pads, as illustrated in Figure 86.

• new end wedges, redesigned to suit new coil caps and Nomex flexible end flags.

Damaged areas on a rotor coil from

overheating being lifted and repaired

-- .a

Figure 85. A damaged rotor coil due to overheating being partially lifted from its
winding and repaired. Note the distortion on the copper coil and the
reshaped cooling slot.

In addition, the underside of each top of coil fibreglass insulation pad (in contact with

copper top coil) was laminated with a layer of 0.75 mm Nomex insulation, a material

with a low friction coefficient, to improve the coil's freedom of movement due to

thermal expansion and to reduce copper dusting as in Figure 81, Section


105.8 nevt (onry to —lire1

ROtOr Cod (Top Turn)

Rotor Body. 4521n,r, length

5th leOn.. .. ..... ..,,.

5th layer O.75n-nl Nonleo (On top & 40000 fron, end Of FlegOl
4th layen Nonleo (On top & 2orroe 500, end Of
3rd toynt: 0.250,,, Noreen (nente Noel & bolt egeo,ot - End
2nd layer 0.37n-.o P.T.F.E (nenre level & 301.0 front T-Eed Flagol
lot layen 0.75rrnn Noreen (inner ornot. under 1-End Ft &
105.8 rrn,, (very to suit) butts against the

Generator Rotor I
Arrangement of Slot Insulation Packing and a. a. File EPADASS.SKD
End Winding Insulation Wrap Assembly

Figure 86. Assembly drawing of the rotor end of slot insulation system. Note the
locking arrangement of components to prevent migration of the top
insulation pads.

An inspection was carried out on the same rotor 5 years after the modification. Despite

significant increase in the number of Unit starts, it was observed that the end of slot

insulation system had functioned well. No defects were found in the rotor coil

ventilation system and all end of slot components were found to be in very good

serviceable conditions.

4.2.5 Dealing with Rotor Inter-Turn Short Circuit

Detection of rotor shorted turn fault is relatively simple since it is accompanied by a step

change in shaft vibration at synchronous speed and a small increase in excitation current

from the Automatic Voltage Regulator [37].

A more sophisticated online monitoring method is available to detect this type of fault

using a rotor shorted turn detector. This system involves installation of a quadrature

axis detection coils in the generator air gap, usually on a stator slot wedge. Waveform

generated from the detection coils is analysed and compared with that of a healthy rotor.

Abnormalities of a waveform would indicate a short circuit between coils within the

rotor windings. Despite the high cost of installation and associated analysing equipment,

this online monitoring technique offers a high degree of accuracy and a high level of

confidence in detecting rotor shorted turns in large cylindrical synchronous generator


It is recommended that an online rotor shorted turn detection system is installed to

rotors of more than 30 years in service operated in peak load mode, especially if they

have a high risk of shorted turns.


Figure 87 End windings and locations of inter-turn short circuits at the coil cross-overs
of a 28 years old 200 MW synchronous generator rotor.

4.2.6 Remedy for Rotor Radial Connector Faults Overheating

Following discovery of the fault as described in Section 2.3.6. A close examination on

all Items shown in Figure 88, found that the electrical contact surface between the main

connection tube (Item 2) and the connection palm (Item 1) was less than 5%
(approximately 250 mm2) of the total designed surface area. This forced a large portion

of rotor current to flow in the alternative but higher resistance path through the

compression nut (Item 5 - made of tOO! steel), the stainless steel tie bolt (Item 3) and the

conical locking nut (Item 10 - made of tool steel) resulting in severe heat damage as

shown in Figure 89.

The finding was most alarming as the stainless steel tie bolt (Item 3) was designed to

hold the components of the radial assembly together; not to carry electrical currents!

During installation, the stainless steel tie bolt is tensioned to lOONm and remained

under tension in service to secure the radial connector assembly in position. Once

overheated, its strength is lowered, risking dislodgement of the whole radial assemble

while the rotor is rotating at high speed. This type of fault also has a dangerous side

effect of hydrogen leaks if also the rubber gas seals suffer heat damage.

In this particular case, it was concluded that improper installation and inadequate quality

assurance were responsible for the failure. To restore the radial assembly and prevent

future failure, the following actions including improvements were taken:


• All electrical components such as the connection palm (Item 1) and the main

connection tube (Item 2) were machined and aligned to ensure maximum

electrical contact surface area.

• All electrical contact surfaces were further improved by electroplating with to

1 of silver as shown in Figure 91.

• The heat affected stainless steel bolt was replaced to ensure safety.

• All gas seals were replaced and upgraded to higher temperature synthetic

compounds. The square cross section seal (Item 13) was redesigned to new

dimensions and geometry for better sealing and easier installation.

• All components within the radial connection assembly were checked and upgraded

where possible ensuring correct installation.

• Quality assurance and installation procedures were developed in parallel with the


A follow-up inspection 4 years later revealed no deterioration or defect on the radial


Generator Rotor Radial Connection Assembly

200 MW Synchronous Generator
DATE:20/1Q/95 PAGE:lofl

Inadequate electrical contact surface on main palm connector

Figure 89. Discolouration of all components in rotor radial connection indicating

severe overheating damage.

Electrical contact surfaces of main

connection palm was machined

Figure 90. The connection palms have been machined and checked for surface
alignment with main connection tubes.

Figure 91. Electrical contact surfaces such as those of the main connection tubes are
further improved by electroplating with 8 to 12 of silver. Fracture of Main Connection Tube

As depicted in the assembly drawing of Figure 88, the main connection tube (Item 2) is

first assembled with its associated components including gas seals (Items 6, 8, 10, 13)

then screwed into the up-shaft lead D-section, making electrical and mechanical

connections. Electrical connection is completed by installing the connection palm (Item

1) to the main connection tube and tightened together with the compression nut (Item 5).

Finally, the stainless steel tie bolt (Item 3) is screwed into the internal conical nut that

has already been placed in the cavity at the bottom of the main connection tube and

tightened. This locks the complete radial connector assembly together and secures all

components. As the stainless steel tie bold is tightened to correct tension, the internal

conical locking nut (Item 10) exerts a radial force on the segmented section of the main

connection tube causing it to expand outward and its threads lock onto the up-shaft lead


The initial observation on the design of the radial connection assembly, particularly

where threads on the main connection tube meet to the up-shaft leads suggests that this

section of threads endures high bending stresses once the internal conical locking nut is

fully engaged and tightened. The fracture line was found on the bottom of the first

thread immediately above the interface to the up-shaft lead D-section; the high bending

stress region.

A metallurgical examination on the fractured radial connection tube was carried out to

determine the failure mechanism and the root cause of failure as explained below.

First, the fracture surface was visually examined using a stereomicroscope at x30

magnification revealed the following:

• The polygonal formation as shown Figure 92 indicates a typical intergranular

fracture [39].

• The fracture had occurred for a long time and has patches of discolouration

resulting from possible contamination in a corrosive environment; not heat stress!


• There was a total absence of electrical arcing and overheating damage that could

have resulted from excessive current density.

Next, a more in-depth microscopic examination was carried out. A small section of one

broken segment selected randomly was cut across the fracture surface and prepared

metallographically to show the fracture profile and the microstructure of the metal. It

was confirmed that the fracture had an intergranular path and intergranular subsidiary

cracks. The metallurgical report stated: "The structure of the metal was typical of an

annealed high conductivity copper with, however, evidence of a grain boundary

precipitate of an impurity, and a large grain size. The precipitate would have grown in

the grain boundaries during annealing process of the material" [39].

As stress corrosion cracking will occur in a susceptible material if a threshold stress is

exceeded in the presence of a specific environment. As explained above, the region of

the connection tube where the cracks occurred had been found to have high levels of

mechanical stress, especially bending. The hydrogen environment, however, under

normal circumstances, should be very dry and clean. The contamination as found on the

fractured surface could not have been from the hydrogen, but either from the insulation

breakdown of the up-shaft lead outer insulation tube or from handling contamination

after the radial connectors were removed from the rotor.

It was concluded that the two most probable major contributing factors causing cracking

in the radial connection tubes are:


• Stress corrosion cracking: The ever present bending stress, combined with the

contamination of the connection tubes with moisture and chemical residue during

routine overhaul together with the inherently large grain boundaries of material

could have initiated the cracks. In addition, it is not uncommon that copper stock

contains impurities such as arsenic or cadmium, or intentional additives required

for de-oxidisation and improved machining properties (such as phosphorous).

• Excessive bending stresses on the connection tube at the interface with up-shaft

leads is further aggravated under the influence of thermal expansion on the

connection tube during start-ups and shut-downs. This contributing factor is more

apparent in the recent years since the operational regime of the affected generators

has changed from base load to peak load.

From the above analysis, the following improvements were incorporated in all

generators with similar types of radial connection assemblies and in the future
maintenance strategy of the power station:

• All subsequence replacements of the radial connection tubes are made of better

grade of copper, compatible with AS 1657 grade 110 that containing much less

impurities with finer material grain boundaries.

• The threads section on the main connection tube is electroplated with to

l2jim of pure silver to reduce the possibility of external chemical contamination

and to reduce friction, therefore the residue stresses, on the threads during

installation and removal of the main connection tube.


• The inspection period on the radial connection assembly was reduced to a

maximum of 10 years. addition, all components of radial assemblies are non-

destructively tested using a dye penetrant examination technique each time of the

rotor's major overhaul.

• Extreme care is taken to ensure that all components of the radial connection

assembly are stored and handled correctly, especially against contact with

chemicals and moisture.


4.2.7 Remedy for Up-Shaft Leads Fault

The traditional solution for this type of fault is to replace the insulation tube during each

major overhaul of the generator to restore the electrical insulation grading and to

minimise the risk of internal bore short circuit as described in Section 2.3.7.

However, this solution is not permanent and a root cause of failure analysis suggested

that that the insulating tube could have developed cracks during installation of the radial

connection assemblies or soon after the rotor was run up to full speed.

To permanently eliminate the risk electrical faults in the up-shaft lead assembly, the

following solutions were considered:

• Replace the insulation tube at more frequent intervals: This option is very

expensive and impractical. To safely replace the insulation tube, the up-shaft leads

must be extracted from the rotor bore. For most rotor designs, this involves the

removal of the rotor and its associated components such as retaining rings, balance

ring, outboard radial connectors, inboard radial connectors, cooling fans and so


• Replace the entire up-shaft lead assembly with a moulded design such that the

complete assembly comes in one piece and the outer shell is machined to exact

dimension to suit individual rotor shaft bore in order to avoid crack formation.

This design has been utilised in some older generators. However, experience has

shown that while relatively solid in construction, this style of up-shaft lead

assembly has been known to be difficult in installation and removal for

maintenance. Often they are found to be stuck in the rotor shaft bore after some

years in service and suffer damage on removal due to excessive forces. A new up-

shaft lead assembly of this construction would cost approximately AUD $50,000

(1998 price).

• Replace the existing up-shaft lead assembly with new design leads where each D-

section is individually moulded with its own fibreglass / epoxy insulation system

and installed separately. This design eliminated the needs for the insulating tube

shell and the middle separator insulation strip as depicted in Figure 30. Most

modem generators utilise this design as it is simple to manufacture and easy to

install and remove for maintenance. A new up-shaft lead assembly of this design

costed approximately AUD $50,000 (1998 price).

• Modify the existing up-shaft leads in such a way that their electrical insulation

grading is always adequate regardless the condition of the insulating tube shell.

This modification involves:

o wrapping and gluing one layer of 0.63 mm Nomex insulation sheets

directly onto each individual D-section.

o machining a new insulating tube with diameters to suit the new overall

diameter of the modified D-sections and the rotor bore.


Once fully assembled, the electrical insulation of the leads is provided more than

adequately by the Nomex insulation layer. In addition, being completely wrapped with

the Nomex sheet, the D-section is well protected against any possible contaminant and

moisture in the shaft bore. The outer insulating tube merely provides a mechanical shell

for the assembly. This modification would provide the same result as the total

replacement options with the added benefits that the modification can be done in-house,

the existing D-sections can be reused and the total cost is around AUID $2,000 (1998


This solution has been successfully implemented in four 200 MW generator rotors. A

follow up examination 6 years after the first generator was modified found that while

the insulating tube had developed two 300 mm long cracks, the Nomex insulation

wrapping on both D-sections was in perfect order with no deterioration in the overall

insulation resistance of the up-shaft lead assembly. The insulation resistance was

measured to be greater than 50 The modification was then verified as successful

and implemented in three more identical rotors. Figure 93 and Figure 94 provide the

technical details of this modification.


00 of insulating tube to fit rotor bore

Original ID of insulating tube before modification

Dimensions: Approx. 1021mm ID, 114.3mm 01) (=Bore dia.)
New ID of insulating tube
Dimensions: Approx. 104.1mm ID, 114.3mm OD (=Bore dia.)

Added 0.06mm Nomex sheet. Complete wrapped around

and glued onto each copper "(2' Sections with 'Anchor WeId'-lOl
Laminate Contact Adhesive with 12mm scarfing as shown.

-Scaff Joint at Insulation Ends

Rotor Up-Shaft Lead Assembly Modification SIGNATURE

200 MW Synchronous Generator SLEAO2V2.SKF

Figure 93. Pictorial description of modification to the up-shaft lead assembly for a 200
MW synchronous generator rotor.

Outer insulation shell

Up-shaft lead D-Seciions

assembly after being wrapped
with Nomex insulation

End view of up-shaft

leads after modification

Figure 94. A 200 MW rotor up-shaft lead assembly: modified and ready to be inserted
into its outer insulation shell.




The main objective of this thesis has been to outline the experience on some of the

significant operational faults in large synchronous generators. It has offered a range of

appropriate inspection and diagnostic techniques that have been employed to detect,

diagnose and formulate appropriate action for a variety of faults. Finally, it has

suggested practical solutions that have been successfully implemented. The thesis

completed the picture with suggestions on future directions in terms of fault prevention

and long term asset maintenance strategies of large synchronous generators.

The electricity market plays a major role in driving the operational regime of large

synchronous generators. Inevitably, it demands from the participating generators

capacity, flexibility and availability. The arduous operating conditions coupled with

machine ageing and, in some cases, unsuitable designs have been responsible for a range

of operational faults in large synchronous generators.

A number of inspection and diagnostic techniques has been presented, ranging from the

obvious to the sophisticated. Visual inspection is still one of the most effective detection

and diagnosis technique. An experienced 'inspector' is irreplaceable in discovering

developing faults. However, a well balanced combination of visual inspection, online


condition monitoring and offline routine examination is by far the best health check for

large synchronous generators.

Faults such as stator core lamination burning and core end plate hot spots can rapidly

escalate to extensive damage to stator conductors resulting in costly repairs and

significant down-time. Unfortunately, core faults such as core end plate hot spots are

difficult to be repaired without a complete core replacement. However, in the case of

many generators, it is more practical and economical to stop further propagation of the

hot spots by simply limiting the generator output to lagging reactive power generation.

Stator windings, on the other hand, have problems of their own. An insufficiently

restrained stator end winding can cause the conductors to vibrate excessively under the

influence of mechanical vibration and electromagnetic forces. This ultimately leads to

faults such as cracks in subconductors and insulation fretting, eventuating in hydrogen

leakage into stator coolant water. Generators of waterbox design are particularly prone

to subconductor cracking due to the weight of the waterboxes.

Other faults with devastating consequences are the so-called magnetic termites in the

case of stator windings and copper dusting, local overheating and inter-turn short

circuits in the case of the rotor. These and more have been discussed in considerable

detail with illustrative examples.


The thesis also offers a range of solutions in providing remedial action for diverse faults

in large synchronous generators. Although not a focal point in the thesis, a long term

asset management strategy is seen to hold the promise of providing the best insurance to

ward off catastrophic failures of large synchronous generators. Such strategy needs to be

based on an intimate knowledge of the individual machines. Such knowledge is

collected from individuals' experiences and many other sources including condition

monitoring databases, machines' fault history, operational history, Maintenance

Requirement Analysis (MRA) and the OEM expertise [44].

Appendix J exemplifies the setting up of an MRA for large synchronous turbo-

generators, which de-mystifies cause-effect relationships in the evolution of faults.

Evidently, the decision as to whether to replace or refurbish a generator in the case of a

major fault is influenced by a host of other factors such as economic benefits, the

predicted longevity of the balance of plant and the electricity market pressures. A major

point out of all this is that a comprehensive programme of condition monitoring, routine

inspection and diagnostic is critically important to the early detection of faults and

averting operational disasters. Such a programme can constitute the bedrock toward

formulating effective operational and maintenance strategies to optimise reliability and

availability, maximising returns from the most important asset in a power plant — the

large synchronous generator!


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Appendix A
Case study: Hydrogen leakage record of a 200 MW generator stator
Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
53 3/01/2000 2:31 03/01 - 02:31 12:21 0 0 0.00
54 3/01/2000 8:00 03/01 - 08:00 05:29 0 0 0.00 Manual release of
55 3/01/2000 20:34 03/01 - 20:34 12:34 0 0 0.00
56 4/01/2000 2:41 04/01 - 02:41 06:03 0 0 0.00
57 4/01/2000 8:58 04/01 - 08:58 06:17 0 0 0.00
58 4/01/2000 16:00 04/01 - 16:00 07:02 0 0 0.00
59 5/01/2000 8:57 05/01 - 08:57 12:57 0 0 0.00
60 5/01/2000 14:43 05/01 - 14:43 05:46 0 0 0.00
61 6/01/2000 12:35 06/01 - 12:35 21:52 0 0 0.00
62 6/01/2000 17:38 06/01 - 17:38 05:03 0 0 0.00
63 6/01/2000 22:45 06/01 - 22:45 05:07 0 0 0.00
64 7/01/2000 2:55 07/01 - 02:55 04:10 0 0 0.00
65 7/01/2000 8:46 07/01 - 08:46 05:51 0 0 0.00
66 7/01/2000 18:13 07/01 - 18:13 09:27 0 0 0.00
67 7/01/2000 23:11 07/01 -23:11 04:58 0 0 0.00
68 8/01/2000 3:59 08/01 - 03:59 04:48 0 0 0.00
69 8/01/2000 8:49 08/01 - 08:49 04:50 0 0 0.00
70 8/01/2000 13:26 08/01 - 13:26 04:37 0 0 0.00
71 8/01/2000 18:06 08/01 - 18:06 04:40 0 0 0.00
72 8/01/2000 22:52 08/01 - 22:52 04:46 0 0 0.00
73 9/01/2000 3:32 09/01 - 03:32 04:40 0 0 0.00
74 9/01/2000 8:13 09/01 - 08:13 04:41 0 0 0.00
75 9/01/2000 12:45 09/01 - 12:45 04:32 0 0 0.00
76 9/01/2000 17:19 09/01 - 17:19 04:34 0 0 0.00
77 9/01/2000 21:59 09/01 -21:59 04:40 0 0 0.00
78 10/01/2000 2:32 10/01 - 02:32 04:33 0 0 0.00
79 10/01/2000 11:40 10/01 - 11:40 09:08 85 75 40.90 Start plot from
80 10/01/2000 15:30 10/01 - 15:30 03:50 167 98 69.87
81 10/01/2000 20:05 10/01 - 20:05 04:35 98 55 40.55
82 11/01/2000 1:11 11/01 -01:11 05:06 0 0 0.00
83 11/01/2000 5:43 11/01 -05:43 04:32 0 0 0.00
84 11/01/2000 10:12 11/01-10:12 04:29 172 55 65.16
85 11/01/2000 14:24 11/01 -14:24 04:12 161 94 67.27
86 11/01/2000 18:41 11/01-18:41 04:17 145 75 58.91
87 11/01/2000 23:11 11/01-23:11 04:30 147 16 53.36
88 12/01/2000 3:53 12/01 - 03:53 04:42 40 12 15.07
89 12/01/2000 8:18 12/01 -08:18 04:25 128 65 51.80
90 12/01/2000 12:25 12/01 - 12:25 04:07 140 95 61.05
91 12/01/2000 16:22 12/01 - 16:22 03:57 167 97 69.69
92 12/01/2000 20:40 12/01 - 20:40 04:18 149 64 58.52
93 13/01/2000 1:17 13/01 -01:17 04:37 102 49 40.83

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
94 13/01/2000 5:51 13/01 -05:51 04:34 113 2 40.78
95 13/01/2000 10:08 13/01 - 10:08 04:17 138 69 55.67
96 13/01/2000 14:06 13/01 - 14:06 03:58 180 85 71.83
97 13/01/2000 18:14 13/01 - 18:14 04:08 180 80 71.08
98 13/01/2000 22:48 13/01 - 22:48 04:34 126 30 46.74
99 14/01/2000 3:29 14/01 -03:29 04:41 58 10 21.24
100 14/01/2000 7:35 14/01 - 07:35 04:06 144 53 55.37
101 14/01/2000 11:30 14/01 - 11:30 03:55 181 85 72.16
102 14/01/2000 15:28 14/01 - 15:28 03:58 195 84 76.62
103 14/01/2000 19:47 14/01 - 19:47 04:19 170 34 62.56
104 15/01/2000 0:45 15/01 - 00:45 04:58 60 12 22.08
105 15/01/2000 4:52 15/01 - 04:52 04:07 60 12 22.08 Enforced
106 15/01/2000 8:52 15/01 -08:52 04:00 182 25 66.29
107 15/01/2000 12:33 15/01 - 12:33 03:41 172 23 62.62
108 15/01/2000 16:08 15/01 - 16:08 03:35 193 53 72.22
109 15/01/2000 20:06 15/01 -20:06 03:58 193 53 72.22
110 16/01/2000 0:08 16/01 -00:08 04:02 190 56 71.48
111 16/01/2000 4:00 16/01 -04:00 03:52 60 14 22.23
112 16/01/2000 7:54 16/01-07:54 03:54 60 12 22.08
113 16/01/2000 11:27 16/01 - 11:27 03:33 110 60 45.21
114 16/01/2000 14:57 16/01-14:57 03:30 127 65 51.48
115 16/01/2000 18:25 16/01 - 18:25 03:28 150 80 61.34
116 16/01/2000 21:56 16/01 -21:56 03:31 151 32 55.70
117 17/01/2000 1:52 17/01 -01:52 03:56 57 28 22.92
118 17/01/2000 5:33 17/01 -05:33 03:41 57 30 23.24
119 17/01/2000 8:51 17/01 -08:51 03:18 176 74 68.89
120 17/01/2000 12:10 17/01-12:10 03:19 150 84 62.04
121 17/01/2000 15:42 17/01-15:42 03:32 180 85 71.83
122 17/01/2000 17:00 17/01 - 17:00 01:18 176 80 69.76
123 17/01/2000 22:24 17/01 -22:24 05:24 177 67 68.29
124 18/01/2000 1:56 18/01 -01:56 03:32 110 44 42.75 New graph
18/01/00 to
125 18/01/2000 5:42 18/01 - 05:42 03:46 60 45 27.06
126 18/01/2000 8:51 18/01 -08:51 03:09 177 88 71.33
127 18/01/2000 12:04 18/01 - 12:04 03:13 176 82 70.06
128 18/01/2000 15:20 18/01 - 15:20 03:26 192 84 75.62
129 18/01/2000 18:54 18/01 - 18:54 03:34 131 4 47.29
130 18/01/2000 22:29 18/01 - 22:29 03:35 135 -4 48.74
131 — 19/01/2000 2:14 19/01 -02:14 03:45 60 7 21.80
132 19/01/2000 5:49 19/01 -05:49 03:35 115 8 41.60
133 19/01/2000 9:12 19/01 - 09:12 03:23 120 2 43.31
134 19/01/2000 12:28 19/01 - 12:28 03:16 176 4 63.52
135 19/01/2000 15:29 19/01 - 15:29 03:01 167 5 60.29
136 19/01/2000 19:16 19/01 - 19:16 03:47 165 5 59.57
137 19/01/2000 22:57 19/01 -22:57 03:41 58 -14 21.53

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
138 20/01/2000 2:23 20/01 -02:23 03:26 58 -8 21.13
139 20/01/2000 5:53 20/01 -05:53 03:30 58 -7 21.08
140 20/01/2000 9:16 20/01 -09:16 03:23 190 22 69.02
141 20/01/2000 12:27 20/01-12:27 03:11 168 54 63.68
142 20/01/2000 15:35 20/01 - 15:35 03:08 180 58 68.24
143 20/01/2000 18:49 20/01 - 18:49 03:14 176 8 63.57
144 20/01/2000 22:14 20/01 - 22:14 03:25 122 -4.5 44.05
145 21/01/2000 1:43 21/01 -01:43 03:29 77 4.2 27.83
146 21/01/2000 5:01 21/01 -05:01 03:18 78 5.7 28.22
147 21/01/2000 8:23 21/01 -08:23 03:22 77 5.3 27.85
148 21/01/2000 11:39 21/01-11:39 03:16 80 4 28.90
149 21/01/2000 16:02 21/01 - 16:02 04:23 64 -1.05 23.10
150 21/01/2000 19:22 21/01 - 19:22 03:20 58 -4 20.98
151 21/01/2000 22:40 21/01 -22:40 03:18 67 -4.5 24.23
152 22/01/2000 1:59 22/01 -01:59 03:21 67 3.7 24.21
153 22/01/2000 5:15 22/01 - 05:15 03:16 59 -0.01 21.29
154 22/01/2000 8:34 22/01 - 08:34 03:19 59 23 22.85
155 22/01/2000 11:50 22/01 - 11:50 03:16 59 20 22.48
156 22/01/2000 15:00 22/01 - 15:00 03:10 58 19 22.02
157 22/01/2000 18:15 22/01 - 18:15 03:15 59 21 22.60
158 22/01/2000 21:49 22/01 -21:49 03:34 58 20 22.14
159 23/01/2000 1:20 23/01 -01:20 03:31 57 5 20.65
160 23/01/2000 4:48 23/01 -04:48 03:28 57 - 21.29
161 23/01/2000 8:21 23/01 -08:21 03:33 58 -5.75 21.03
162 23/01/2000 11:46 23/01 - 11:46 03:25 58 -3 20.96
163 23/01/2000 15:06 23/01 - 15:06 03:20 59 -2 21.30
164 23/01/2000 18:34 23/01 - 18:34 03:28 59 -8 21.48
165 23/01/2000 21:57 23/01 - 21:57 03:23 59 -0.13 21.29
166 24/01/2000 1:21 24/01-01:21 03:24 59 2 21.30
167 24/01/2000 4:44 24/01 - 04:44 03:23 58 -1.9 20.94
168 24/01/2000 8:09 24/01 -08:09 03:25 60 0 21.65
169 24/01/2000 11:29 24/01 - 11:29 03:20 75 -5 27.12
170 24/01/2000 14:52 24/01 - 14:52 03:23 77 9 27.97
171 24/01/2000 18:11 24/01-18:11 03:19 78 10 28.38
172 24/01/2000 21:20 24/01-21:20 03:09 59 -3 21.32
173 25/01/2000 0:56 25/01 - 00:56 03:36 58 2 20.94
174 25/01/2000 4:20 25/01 - 04:20 03:24 58 -4 20.98
175 25/01/2000 7:44 25/01-07:44 03:24 59 -1 21.29
176 25/01/2000 11:00 25/01-11:00 03:16 78 0 28.15
177 25/01/2000 14:20 25/01 - 14:20 03:20 78 -1 28.15
178 — 25/01/2000 17:22 25/01 - 17:22 03:02 77 -9 27.97
179 25/01/2000 20:34 25/01 - 20:34 03:12 79 -5 28.56
180 25/01/2000 23:50 25/01-23:50 03:16 58 47 26.94
181 26/01/2000 2:54 26/01 - 02:54 03:04 59 47 27.22
182 — 26/01/2000 5:58 26/01 - 05:58 03:04 59 48 27.45
183 26/01/2000 9:06 26/01 - 09:06 03:08 57 3 20.60
184 26/01/2000 12:08 26/01 - 12:08 03:02 59 -1 21.29

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
185 26/01/2000 15:12 26/01-15:12 03:04 59 -2 21.30
186 26/01/2000 18:12 26/01-18:12 03:00 59 -6 21.40
187 26/01/2000 21:19 26/01 -21:19 03:07 60 -3 21.68
188 27/01/2000 0:20 27/01 -00:20 03:01 59 -5 21.37
189 27/01/2000 3:20 27/01 -03:20 03:00 59 -5 21.37 Calculated
190 27/01/2000 6:25 27/01 - 06:25 03:05 75 -2 27.07
191 27/01/2000 9:23 27/01 - 09:23 02:58 180 7.75 65.01 Load increased
due to trip of
another Unit
192 27/01/2000 12:25 27/01 - 12:25 03:02 78 -2 28.16
193 27/01/2000 15:24 27/01 - 15:24 02:59 79 -5.75 28.58
194 27/01/2000 18:27 27/01 - 18:27 03:03 80 - 29.10
195 27/01/2000 21:31 27/01 -21:31 03:04 79 -5 28.56
196 28/01/2000 0:32 28/01 - 00:32 03:01 79 -8 28.65
197 28/01/2000 3:32 28/01 -03:32 03:00 58 -6 21.04
198 28/01/2000 6:32 28/01 - 06:32 03:00 80 -9 29.05
199 28/01/2000 9:32 28/01 - 06:32 03:00 80 -4 28.90
200 28/01/2000 12:30 28/01 - 12:30 02:58 77 -2.5 27.80
201 28/01/2000 15:33 28/01 - 15:33 03:03 78 -6.2 28.23
202 28/01/2000 18:34 28/01 - 18:34 03:01 76 -2.5 27.44
203 28/01/2000 21:36 28/01 -21:36 03:02 77 -7 27.90
204 29/01/2000 0:35 29/01 - 00:35 02:59 77 -6 27.87
205 29/01/2000 3:35 29/01 - 03:35 03:00 59 -6 21.40
206 29/01/2000 6:31 29/01 - 06:31 02:56 58 57 29.34
207 29/01/2000 9:30 29/01 - 09:30 02:59 61 50 28.46
208 29/01/2000 12:17 29/01 - 12:17 02:47 57 42 25.55
209 29/01/2000 15:04 29/01 - 15:04 02:47 59 43 26.34
210 29/01/2000 17:51 29/01 - 17:51 02:47 57 42 25.55
211 29/01/2000 20:40 29/01 -20:40 02:49 58 47 26.94
212 29/01/2000 23:31 29/01 -23:31 02:51 60 45 27.06
213 30/01/2000 2:18 30/01 -02:18 02:47 60 -2.5 21.67
214 30/01/2000 5:05 30/01 - 05:05 02:47 60 -4.9 21.72
215 30/01/2000 8:00 30/01 -08:0 02:55 60 -5 21.73
216 30/01/2000 10:24 30/01 - 10:24 02:24 60 -3 21.68
217 30/01/2000 13:10 30/01-13:10 02:46 60 10 21.95
218 30/01/2000 15:50 30/01 - 15:50 02:40 60 10 21.95 Calculated
reading, not
219 30/01/2000 18:37 30/01 - 18:37 02:47 59 10 21.59
220 30/01/2000 21:25 30/01 -21:25 02:48 59 27 23.41
221 31/01/2000 0:08 30/01 - 0:08 02:43 85 32 32.77
222 31/01/2000 2:52 31/01 -2:52 02:44 61 29 24.37
223 31/01/2000 5:39 31/01 - 5:39 02:47 60 33 24.71
224 31/01/2000 8:28 31/01 - 8:28 02:49 62 -1 22.38
225 31/01/2000 11:12 31/01-11:12 02:44 85 -4.2 30.71
226 31/01/2000 13:43 31/01 - 13:43 02:31 120 -8 43.40
227 31/01/2000 16:07 31/01 - 16:07 02:24 180 2 6496
228 31/01/2000 18:39 31/01 - 18:39 02:32 170 4 61.36

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
229 31/01/2000 21:24 31/01-21:24 02:45 99 1.5 35.73
230 1/02/2000 0:12 1/02-0:12 02:48 60 -3 21.68 Slighttyrelaxed
restriction strategy for
more flexible
231 1/02/2000 2:52 1/02 - 2:52 02:40 60 -2 21.66
232 1/02/2000 5:35 1/02 - 5:35 02:43 61 -2 22.02
233 1/02/2000 8:16 1/02-8:16 02:41 60 -3 21.68
234 1/02/2000 10:50 1/02 - 10:50 02:34 88 0.5 31.75
235 1/02/2000 13:23 1/02 - 13:23 02:33 89 -4 32.15
236 1/02/2000 15:51 1/02 - 15:51 02:28 88 -2.7 31.77
237 1/02/2000 18:36 1/02 - 18:36 02:45 89 -9.5 32.30
238 1/02/2000 21:17 1/02-21:17 02:43 89 -2 32.12
239 1/02/2000 23:57 1/02 - 23:57 02:40 60 -3 21.68
240 2/02/2000 2:39 2/02 - 2:39 02:42 60 -1 21.65
241 2/02/2000 5:20 2/02 - 5:20 02:41 60 -3 21.68
242 2/02/2000 8:05 2/02 - 8:05 02:45 60 14 22.23
243 2/02/2000 10:35 2/02 - 10:35 02:30 138 0 49.80
244 2/02/2000 12:55 2/02 - 12:55 02:20 181 5.5 65.34
245 2/02/2000 15:16 2/02-15:16 02:21 196 3.5 70.74
246 2/02/2000 17:40 2/02 - 17:40 02:24 200 1.5 72.17
247 2/02/2000 20:23 2/02 - 20:23 02:43 120 -5 43.34
248 2/02/2000 23:05 2/02 - 23:05 02:42 80 -5 28.92
249 3/02/2000 1:40 03/02 - 01:40 02:35 67 -14 24.70
250 3/02/2000 4:22 03/02 - 04:22 02:42 60 -6 21.76
251 3/02/2000 7:02 03/02 - 07:02 02:40 98 1 35.36
252 3/02/2000 9:28 03/02 - 09:28 02:26 185 7 66.80
253 3/02/2000 11:48 03/02 - 11:48 02:20 194 8 70.06
254 3/02/2000 14:12 03/02-14:12 02:24 191 7 68.97
255 3/02/2000 16:35 03/02 - 16:35 02:23 193 5 69.67
256 3/02/2000 19:07 03/02 - 19:07 02:32 188 2 67.84
257 3/02/2000 21:52 03/02-21:52 02:45 100 -4.5 36.12
258 4/02/2000 0:32 04/02 - 00:32 02:40 60 -7 21.80
259 4/02/2000 3:04 04/02 - 03:04 02:32 60 -6 21.76
260 4/02/2000 5:44 04/02 - 05:44 02:40 61 -6 22.12
261 4/02/2000 8:14 04/02 - 08:14 02:30 149 -4 53.79
262 4/02/2000 10:29 04/02-10:29 02:15 196 9 70.80
263 4/02/2000 12:52 04/02 - 12:52 02:23 180 5.25 64.98
264 4/02/2000 15:16 04/02 - 15:16 02:24 180 5.5 64.98
265 4/02/2000 17:49 04/02 - 17:49 02:33 139 -0.3 50.16
266 4/02/2000 20:19 04/02 - 20:19 02:30 158 -5 57.04
267 4/02/2000 22:50 04/02 - 22:50 02:31 144 -1 51.96
268 5/02/2000 1:26 05/02 - 01:26 02:36 98 -10 35.55
269 5/02/2000 4:04 05/02 - 04:04 02:38 60 -4 21.70
270 5/02/2000 6:45 05/02 - 06:45 02:41 60 7 21.80
271 5/02/2000 9:23 05/02 - 09:23 02:38 93 18 34.18
272 5/02/2000 11:56 05/02-11:56 02:33 93 12.3 33.85
273 5/02/2000 14:27 05/02 - 14:27 02:31 93 26.5 34.89
274 5/02/2000 17:04 05/02 - 17:04 02:37 93 5.5 33.62

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
275 5/02/2000 19:45 05/02 - 19:45 02:41 78 7 28.26
276 5/02/2000 22:32 05/02 - 22:32 02:47 60 4 21.70
277 6/02/2000 1:14 06/02 - 01:14 02:42 59 5 21.37
278 6/02/2000 3:57 06/02 - 03:57 02:43 60 7 21.80
279 6/02/2000 6:43 06/02 - 06:43 02:46 60 7 21.80
280 6/02/2000 9:23 06/02 - 09:23 02:40 60 12 22.08
281 6/02/2000 11:49 06/02 - 11:49 02:26 60 13 22.15
282 6/02/2000 14:11 06/02-14:11 02:22 60 15 22.32
283 6/02/2000 16:33 06/02 - 16:33 02:22 60 12 22.08
284 6/02/2000 19:00 06/02-19:00 02:27 60 10 21.95
285 6/02/2000 21:29 06/02-21:29 02:29 59 10.2 21.61
286 6/02/2000 23:57 06/02 - 23:57 02:28 59 9 21.54
287 7/02/2000 2:21 07/02-02:21 02:24 59 8.1 21.49
288 7/02/2000 4:44 07/02 - 04:44 02:23 59 7.4 21.46
289 7/02/2000 7:14 07/02 - 07:14 02:30 68 13.5 25.02
290 7/02/2000 9:37 07/02 - 09:37 02:23 80 13 29.25
291 7/02/2000 12:00 07/02 - 12:00 02:23 82 13 29.96
292 7/02/2000 14:20 07/02 - 14:20 02:20 60 12 22.08
293 7/02/2000 16:43 07/02 - 16:43 02:23 60 8 21.84
294 7/02/2000 19:08 07/02 - 19:08 02:25 60 9 21.89
295 7/02/2000 21:32 07/02-21:32 02:24 60 6 21.76
296 7/02/2000 23:55 07/02 - 23:55 02:23 60 4 21.70
297 8/02/2000 2:14 08/02-02:14 02:19 60 6.5 21.78
298 8/02/2000 4:37 08/02-04:37 02:23 60 10 21.95
299 8/02/2000 6:58 08/02 - 06:58 02:21 78 15 28.66
300 8/02/2000 9:22 08/02 - 09:22 02:24 78 8 28.29
301 8/02/2000 11:43 08/02 - 11:43 02:21 80 10 29.09
302 8/02/2000 13:53 08/02 - 13:53 02:10 138 13 50.02
303 8/02/2000 16:02 08/02 - 16:02 02:09 153 13.5 55.42
304 8/02/2000 18:32 08/02 - 18:32 02:30 79 7 28.62
305 8/02/2000 20:55 08/02 - 20:55 02:23 78 10 28.38
306 8/02/2000 23:17 08/02 - 23:17 02:22 78 5 28.20
307 9/02/2000 1:35 09/02 - 01:35 02:18 78 2 28.16
308 9/02/2000 3:55 09/02 - 03:55 02:20 60 2 21.66
309 9/02/2000 6:18 09/02-06:18 02:23 60 9 21.89
310 9/02/2000 8:38 09/02 - 08:38 02:20 78 11 28.42
311 9/02/2000 10:54 09/02-10:54 02:16 118 11 42.76
312 9/02/2000 13:03 09/02 - 13:03 02:09 150 12 54.30
313 9/02/2000 15:07 09/02 - 15:07 02:04 180 22 65.44
314 9/02/2000 17:14 09/02-17:14 02:07 178 18 6456
315 9/02/2000 19:25 09/02-19:25 02:11 180 16 65.21
316 9/02/2000 21:38 09/02-21:38 02:13 180 16 65.21
317 10/02/2000 0:00 10/02 - 00:00 02:22 180 16 65.21
318 10/02/2000 2:14 10/02-02:14 02:14 78 17 28.81
319 10/02/2000 4:24 10/02 - 04:24 02:10 78 0 28.15 No megavar
reading recorded
320 10/02/2000 6:40 10/02 - 05:40 02:16 79 10 28.73
321 10/02/2000 8:54 10/02 - 08:54 02:14 101 13 36.75

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
322 10/02/2000 10:55 10/02 - 10:55 02:01 178 23 6476
323 10/02/2000 13:00 10/02 - 13:00 02:05 183 16 66.29
324 10/02/2000 15:08 10/02-15:08 02:08 177 16 64.13
325 10/02/2000 17:18 10/02-17:18 02:10 177 18 64.20
326 10/02/2000 19:29 10/02-19:29 02:11 177 19 64.24
327 10/02/2000 21:43 10/02 - 21:43 02:14 166 1 59.90
328 11/02/2000 0:03 11/02 - 00:03 02:20 116 0.7 41.86
329 11/02/2000 2:20 11/02 - 02:20 02:17 78 -1.5 28.15
330 11/02/2000 4:32 11/02 - 04:32 02:12 77 -1.7 27.79
331 11/02/2000 6:47 11/02 - 06:47 02:15 77 -1.5 27.79
332 11/02/2000 9:05 11/02-09:05 02:18 116 1.5 41.86
333 11/02/2000 11:15 11/02-11:15 02:10 135 2 48.72 Estimated reading,
334 11/02/2000 13:15 11/02-13:15 02:00 177 3 63.88
335 11/02/2000 15:25 11/02-15:25 02:10 177 2 63.87
336 11/02/2000 17:39 11/02-17:39 02:14 157 -5 56.68
337 11/02/2000 19:57 11/02 - 19:57 02:18 80 -10 29.09
338 11/02/2000 22:20 11/02-22:20 02:23 80 12 29.19
339 12/02/2000 0:38 12/02 - 00:38 02:18 80 5 28.92
340 12/02/2000 2:55 12/02 - 02:55 02:17 80 -4 28.90
341 12/02/2000 5:14 12/02 - 05:14 02:19 60 -5 21.73
342 12/02/2000 7:35 12/02 - 07:35 02:21 60 -2 21.66
343 12/02/2000 9:54 12/02 - 09:54 02:19 60 -1 21.65
344 12/02/2000 12:10 12/02-12:10 02:16 60 -2 21.66
345 12/02/2000 14:24 12/02 - 14:24 02:14 59 -7 21.44
346 12/02/2000 16:38 12/02-16:38 02:14 60 -9 21.89
347 12/02/2000 18:53 12/02-18:53 02:15 60 -10 21.95
348 12/02/2000 21:11 12/02-21:11 02:18 60 -7 21.80
349 12/02/2000 23:28 12/02 - 23:28 02:17 60 14 22.23
350 13/02/2000 1:42 13/02 - 01:42 02:14 60 -4 21.70
351 13/02/2000 3:57 13/02-03:57 02:15 60 4 21.70
352 13/02/2000 6:11 13/02-06:11 02:14 60 7 21.80
353 13/02/2000 8:23 13/02 - 08:23 02:12 60 24.25 23.35
354 13/02/2000 10:39 13/02 - 10:39 02:16 60 33 24.71
355 13/02/2000 12:51 13/02 - 12:51 02:12 60 30 24.21
356 13/02/2000 15:02 13/02-15:02 02:11 60 33 24.71
357 13/02/2000 17:11 13/02-17:11 02:09 60 31 24.37
358 13/02/2000 19:22 13/02 - 19:22 02:11 60 28 23.89
359 13/02/2000 21:35 13/02-21:35 02:13 60 10 21.95
360 13/02/2000 23:49 13/02 - 23:49 02:14 60 10 21.95
361 14/02/2000 1:52 14/02-01:52 02:03 60 9 21.89
362 14/02/2000 3:51 14/02-03:51 01:59 60 9 21.89
363 14/02/2000 5:51 14/02 - 05:51 02:00 60 14.5 22.27
364 14/02/2000 7:48 14/02 - 07:48 01:57 60 14.25 22.25
365 14/02/2000 9:45 14/02 - 09:45 01:57 79 17 29.16
366 14/02/2000 11:45 14/02-11:45 02:00 79 13 28.89
367 14/02/2000 13:44 14/02 - 13:44 01:59 78 13 28.53
368 14/02/2000 15:38 14/02 - 15:38 01:54 78 13 28.53 Estimated reading,

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)

not recorded
369 14/02/2000 17:32 14/02-17:32 01:54 78 8 28.29
370 14/02/2000 19:28 14/02 - 19:28 01:56 79 10 28.73
371 14/02/2000 21:25 14/02-21:25 01:57 78 9 28.33
372 14/02/2000 23:22 14/02 - 23:22 01:57 80 8 29.01
373 15/02/2000 1:19 15/02-01:19 01:57 78 8 28.29
374 15/02/2000 3:18 15/02-03:18 01:59 59 10 21.59
375 15/02/2000 5:16 15/02 - 05:16 01:58 62 11 22.72
376 15/02/2000 7:10 15/02 - 07:10 01:54 78 18 28.89
377 15/02/2000 9:06 15/02 - 09:06 01:56 81 13 29.60
378 15/02/2000 10:58 15/02-10:58 01:52 135 17 49.10
379 15/02/2000 12:50 15/02-12:50 01:52 135 17 49.10 Make upfigure,no
reading taken
380 15/02/2000 14:45 15/02-14:45 01:55 135 17 49.10 Make upfigure,no
reading taken
381 15/02/2000 16:40 15/02-16:40 01:55 135 17 49.10 Make upfigure,no
reading taken
382 15/02/2000 18:35 15/02-18:35 01:55 135 17 49.10 Makeupfigure,no
reading taken
383 15/02/2000 20:30 15/02-20:30 01:55 118 10 42.73
384 15/02/2000 22:26 15/02-22:26 01:56 118 8 42.68
385 16/02/2000 0:26 16/02 - 00:26 02:00 79 12 28.83
386 16/02/2000 2:23 16/02-02:23 01:57 79 13 28.89
387 16/02/2000 4:21 16/02-04:21 01:58 60 7.75 21.83
388 16/02/2000 6:19 16/02-06:19 01:58 59 12.75 21.78
389 16/02/2000 8:14 16/02-08:14 01:55 80 11 29.14
390 16/02/2000 10:05 16/02-10:05 01:51 94 -1 33.92
391 16/02/2000 11:57 16/02 - 11:57 01:52 92 -7 33.29
392 16/02/2000 13:45 16/02 - 13:45 01:48 135 0 48.71
393 16/02/2000 15:34 16/02 - 15:34 01:49 138 1 49.80
394 16/02/2000 17:27 16/02-17:27 01:53 138 -2 49.80
395 16/02/2000 19:17 16/02-19:17 01:50 138 -11 49.95
396 16/02/2000 21:09 16/02-21:09 01:52 138 12 49.98
397 16/02/2000 23:05 16/02 - 23:05 01:56 78 9.75 28.36
398 17/02/2000 0:59 17/02 - 00:59 01:54 78 9.75 28.36 Estimated reading,
not recorded
399 17/02/2000 2:53 17/02-02:53 01:54 60 - 22.00
400 17/02/2000 4:46 17/02 - 04:46 01:53 59 -14 21.88
401 17/02/2000 6:39 17/02 - 06:39 01:53 60 -12.5 22.12
402 17/02/2000 8:30 17/02 - 08:30 01:51 60 -8 21.84
403 17/02/2000 10:14 17/02-10:14 01:44 100 0 36.08
404 17/02/2000 11:59 17/02 - 11:59 01:45 138 -2.5 49.80
405 17/02/2000 13:35 17/02 - 13:35 01:36 156 3.7 56.31
406 17/02/2000 15:16 17/02-15:16 01:41 160 -2 57.74
407 17/02/2000 16:56 17/02 - 16:56 01:40 157 -3.5 56.67
408 17/02/2000 18:38 17/02 - 18:38 01:42 138 1.75 49.80
409 17/02/2000 20:19 17/02 - 20:19 01:41 159 10.7 57.50
410 — 17/02/2000 22:01 17/02 - 22:01 01:42 155 -1 55.93
411 17/02/2000 23:43 17/02 - 23:43 01:42 131 -6 47.32
412 18/02/2000 1:30 18/02-01:30 01:47 77 -5.5 27.86

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
413 18/02/2000 3:13 18/02-03:13 01:43 58 -8 21.13
414 18/02/2000 4:56 18/02 - 04:56 01:43 58 -8 21.13 Estimated reading,
not recorded
415 18/02/2000 6:45 18/02 - 06:45 01:49 60 -8 21.84
416 18/02/2000 8:29 18/02-08:29 01:44 120 -2.5 43.31
417 18/02/2000 10:06 18/02-10:06 01:37 160 4 57.75 287kPa
418 18/02/2000 11:43 18/02-11:43 01:37 160 19 58.14 290 kPa
419 18/02/2000 13:22 18/02-13:22 01:39 160 0 57.74 291 kPa
420 18/02/2000 15:02 18/02 - 15:02 01:40 157 4 56.67 291 kPa
421 18/02/2000 16:42 18/02 - 16:42 01:40 157 4 56.67 290 kPa
422 18/02/2000 18:22 18/02 - 18:22 01:40 158 1 57.01 289 kPa
423 18/02/2000 20:01 18/02 - 20:01 01:39 158 1.75 57.02 289 kPa
424 18/02/2000 21:42 18/02-21:42 01:41 138 -3 49.81
425 18/02/2000 23:25 18/02-23:25 01:43 118 -1.25 42.58 286kPa
426 19/02/2000 1:08 19/02 - 01:08 01:43 77 -4 27.82 284 kPa
427 19/02/2000 2:52 19/02 - 02:52 01:44 60 -4 21.70 284 kPa
428 19/02/2000 4:35 19/02 - 04:35 01:43 60 -4 21.70 284 kPa
429 19/02/2000 6:22 19/02 - 06:22 01:47 60 -2.5 21.67 281 kPa
430 19/02/2000 8:08 19/02 - 08:08 01:46 60 0 21.65 280 kPa
431 19/02/2000 9:53 19/02 - 09:53 01:45 100 -7 36.17 282 kPa
432 19/02/2000 11:34 19/02-11:34 01:41 117 -4 42.24 285kPa
433 19/02/2000 13:14 19/02-13:14 01:40 120 -5 43.34 286kPa
434 19/02/2000 14:55 19/02-14:55 01:41 120 -5 43.34 286kPa,
Estimated reading
435 19/02/2000 16:33 19/02 - 16:33 01:38 123 -5 44.42 286 kPa
436 19/02/2000 18:15 19/02-18:15 01:42 118 -1 42.58 285 kPa
437 19/02/2000 19:58 19/02-19:58 01:43 118 4.5 42.61 284 kPa
438 19/02/2000 21:42 19/02 - 21:42 01:44 80 0 28.87 283 kPa
439 19/02/2000 23:25 19/02 - 23:25 01:43 78 -1 28.15 282 kPa
440 20/02/2000 1:05 20/02-01:05 01:40 78 -1 28.15 282 kPa,
Estimated reading
441 20/02/2000 2:48 20/02 - 02:48 01:43 78 -2.7 28.16 283 kPa
442 20/02/2000 4:31 20/02 - 04:31 01:43 60 0 21.65 281 kPa
443 20/02/2000 6:20 20/02 - 06:20 01:49 60 0 21.65 278 kPa
444 20/02/2000 8:04 20/02 - 08:04 01:44 60 -7 21.80 278 kPa
445 20/02/2000 9:50 20/02 - 09:50 01:46 60 -7 21.80 278 kPa,
Estimated reading
446 20/02/2000 11:30 20/02 - 11:30 01:40 59 2.5 21.31 278 kPa
447 20/02/2000 13:11 20/02 - 13:11 01:41 59 -5 21.37 279 kPa
448 20/02/2000 14:53 20/02 - 14:53 01:42 59 -4 21.34 279 kPa
449 20/02/2000 16:33 20/02 - 16:33 01:40 59 -3 21.32 279 kPa
450 20/02/2000 18:26 20/02 - 18:26 01:53 60 -3 21.68 278 kPa
451 20/02/2000 19:58 20/02-19:58 01:32 60 -2 21.66 277 kPa
452 20/02/2000 21:39 20/02 - 21:39 01:41 60 -1 21.65 277 kPa
453 20/02/2000 23:22 20/02 - 23:22 01:43 60 -5 21.73 277 kPa
454 21/02/2000 1:03 21/02 - 01:03 01:41 60 2.7 21.67 277 kPa
455 21/02/2000 2:43 21/02 - 02:43 01:40 60 0 21.65 277 kPa
456 21/02/2000 4:23 21/02 -0423 01:40 60 -4 21.70 277 kPa
457 21/02/2000 6:02 21/02 - 06:02 01:39 60 -4 21.70 277 kPa
458 21/02/2000 7:40 21/02-07:40 01:38 78 -0.5 28.15 277kPa

Reading Date Time Time of Aiarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
459 21/02/2000 9:19 21/02-09:19 01:39 114 2.5 41.15 276kPa
460 21/02/2000 10:54 21/02 - 10:54 01:35 138 3.25 49.81 278 kPa
461 21/02/2000 12:32 21/02-12:32 01:38 138 2.25 49.80 279kPa
462 21/02/2000 14:09 21/02 - 14:09 01:37 138 4.5 49.82 279 kPa
463 21/02/2000 15:46 21/02 - 15:46 01:37 138 0.75 49.80 279 kPa
464 21/02/2000 17:24 21/02-17:24 01:38 137 -2.25 49.44 279kPa
465 21/02/2000 19:05 21/02-19:05 01:41 78 -4 28.18 276kPa
466 21/02/2000 20:46 21/02 - 20:46 01:41 77.8 -1 28.08 283 kPa
467 21/02/2000 22:25 21/02-22:25 01:39 77.8 -1 28.08 283kPa,
Estimated reading.
468 21/02/2000 23:56 21/02-23:56 01:31 79 -5 28.56 284kPa
469 22/02/2000 1:28 22/02 - 01:28 01:32 77 -3 27.81 284 kPa
470 22/02/2000 3:03 22/02 - 03:03 01:35 61 -3 22.04 284 kPa
471 22/02/2000 4:37 22/02 - 04:37 01:34 60 -5 21.73 282 kPa
472 22/02/2000 6:13 22/02 - 06:13 01:36 60 -5 21.73 282 kPa
473 22/02/2000 7:48 22/02 - 07:48 01:35 77 -1.5 27.79 281 kPa
474 22/02/2000 9:23 22/02 - 09:23 01:35 89 -3.25 32.14 281 kPa
475 22/02/2000 10:55 22/02 - 10:55 01:32 128 -3 46.20 283 kPa
476 22/02/2000 12:26 22/02 - 12:26 01:31 137 -5 49.47 284 kPa
477 22/02/2000 13:57 22/02-13:57 01:31 139 -4 50.18 285 kPa
478 22/02/2000 15:30 22/02 - 15:30 01:33 138 -2.75 49.81 284 kPa
479 22/02/2000 17:02 22/02 - 17:02 01:32 138 -2.75 49.81 284 kPa
480 22/02/2000 18:34 22/02 - 18:34 01:32 135 -7.5 48.79 284 kPa
481 22/02/2000 20:10 22/02 - 20:10 01:36 77 -9 27.97 281 kPa
482 22/02/2000 21:46 22/02 - 21:46 01:36 77 -9 27.97 281 kPa,
Estimated reading.
483 22/02/2000 23:24 22/02 - 23:24 01:38 80 -6 28.95 280 kPa
484 23/02/2000 0:58 23/02 - 00:58 01:34 79 -7 28.62 280 kPa
485 23/02/2000 2:33 23/02 - 02:33 01:35 60 -5 21.73 280 kPa
486 23/02/2000 4:08 23/02 - 04:08 01:35 60 -8 21.84 280 kPa
487 23/02/2000 5:44 23/02 - 05:44 01:36 60 -8 21.84 279 kPa
488 23/02/2000 7:20 23/02 - 07:20 01:36 79 -5 28.56 278 kPa
489 23/02/2000 8:58 23/02 - 08:58 01:38 97 -2 35.01 278 kPa
490 23/02/2000 10:31 23/02 - 10:31 01:33 138 2.2 49.80 280 kPa
491 23/02/2000 12:05 23/02 - 12:05 01:34 138 -1 49.80 282 kPa
492 23/02/2000 13:20 23/02 - 13:20 01:15 137 2.5 49.44 282 kPa
493 23/02/2000 15:12 23/02-15:12 01:52 138 -1.7 49.80 282 kPa
494 23/02/2000 16:06 23/02 - 16:06 00:54 138 -1 49.80 282 kPa
495 23/02/2000 18:21 23/02-18:21 02:15 122 -6 44.08 281 kPa
496 23/02/2000 20:01 23/02 - 20:01 01:40 78 -7 28.26 278 kPa
497 23/02/2000 21:20 23/02 - 21:20 01:19 78 -1.5 28.15 276 kPa
498 23/02/2000 23:16 23/02 - 23:16 01:56 78 -2.75 28.16 277 kPa
499 24/02/2000 0:53 24/02 - 00:53 01:37 78 -2.75 28.16 277 kPa
500 24/02/2000 2:30 24/02 - 02:30 01:37 59 -4 21.34 277 kPa
501 24/02/2000 4:06 24/02 - 04:06 01:36 59 -3 21.32 276 kPa
502 24/02/2000 5:44 24/02 - 05:44 01:38 59 -3 21.32 276 kPa
503 24/02/2000 7:22 24/02 - 07:22 01:38 77 -3.7 27.82 276 kPa
504 24/02/2000 8:57 24/02 - 08:57 01:35 77 -3 27.81 295 kPa

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
505 24/02/2000 10:19 24/02 - 10:19 01:22 124 -3 44.76 296 kPa
506 24/02/2000 11:40 24/02 - 11:40 01:21 136 0 49.07 299 kPa
507 24/02/2000 13:02 24/02 - 13:02 01:22 146 -1 52.68 300 kPa
508 24/02/2000 14:22 24/02 - 14:22 01:20 147 2.75 53.05 301 kPa
509 24/02/2000 15:42 24/02 - 15:42 01:20 168 2.2 60.63 303 kPa
510 24/02/2000 17:02 24/02 - 17:02 01:20 168 1.5 60.62 303 kPa
511 24/02/2000 18:27 24/02 - 18:27 01:25 138 -3.2 49.81 301 kPa
512 24/02/2000 19:54 24/02 - 19:54 01:27 98 -7 35.45 298 kPa
513 24/02/2000 21:23 24/02-21:23 01:29 98 -7 35.45 298 kPa,
Estimated reading
514 24/02/2000 22:59 24/02 - 22:59 01:36 60 -9 21.89 294 kPa
515 25/02/2000 0:23 25/02-00:23 01:24 59 -7 21.44 295 kPa
516 25/02/2000 1:45 25/02-01:45 01:22 60 -7.5 21.82 296 kPa
517 25/02/2000 3:06 25/02-03:06 01:21 59 -7 21.44 297 kPa
518 25/02/2000 4:29 25/02 - 04:29 01:23 60 -8 21.84 296 kPa
519 25/02/2000 5:53 25/02-05:53 01:24 59 -3 21.32 296kPa
520 25/02/2000 7:16 25/02 - 07:16 01:23 78 -6 28.23 295 kPa
521 25/02/2000 8:41 25/02 - 08:41 01:25 80 1.7 28.87 294 kPa
522 25/02/2000 10:02 25/02 - 10:02 01:21 118 -4.5 42.61 295 kPa
523 25/02/2000 11:22 25/02 - 11:22 01:20 136 -3 49.09 298 kPa
524 25/02/2000 12:41 25/02 - 12:41 01:19 159 0.5 57.37 300 kPa
525 25/02/2000 14:01 25/02 - 14:01 01:20 157 1 56.65 302 kPa
526 25/02/2000 15:22 25/02 - 15:22 01:21 157 2.5 56.66 303 kPa
527 25/02/2000 16:44 25/02 - 16:44 01:22 158 -3.75 57.03 302 kPa
528 25/02/2000 18:06 25/02 - 18:06 01:22 156 -3.25 56.30 301 kPa
529 25/02/2000 19:30 25/02 - 19:30 01:24 158 -3.25 57.03 300 kPa
530 25/02/2000 20:54 25/02 - 20:54 01:24 158.8 -1 57.30 299 kPa
531 25/02/2000 22:18 25/02-22:18 01:24 136 -4.2 49.10 297kPa
532 25/02/2000 23:40 25/02 - 23:40 01:22 137 4.5 49.46 297 kPa
533 26/02/2000 1:05 26/02 - 01:05 01:25 105 -2.75 37.90 297 kPa
534 26/02/2000 2:28 26/02 - 02:28 01:23 67 -9.75 24.43 295 kPa
535 26/02/2000 3:52 26/02 - 03:52 01:24 59 -6.25 21.41 295 kPa
536 26/02/2000 5:16 26/02 - 05:16 01:24 57 -10 20.88 294 kPa
537 26/02/2000 6:42 26/02 - 06:42 01:26 59 -3.75 21.33 294 kPa
538 26/02/2000 8:07 26/02 - 08:07 01:25 60 -2.5 21.67 293 kPa
539 26/02/2000 9:31 26/02-09:31 01:24 90 12 32.76 292kPa
540 26/02/2000 10:54 26/02 - 10:54 01:23 109 -2.5 39.34 294 kPa
541 26/02/2000 12:18 26/02-12:18 01:24 137 -1.5 49.44 295 kPa
542 26/02/2000 13:39 26/02 - 13:39 01:21 136 -0.25 49.07 297 kPa
543 26/02/2000 15:03 26/02 - 15:03 01:24 136 2.25 49.08 297 kPa
544 26/02/2000 16:26 26/02 - 16:26 01:23 136 2.25 49.08 297 kPa
545 26/02/2000 17:52 26/02 - 17:52 01:26 98 -8 35.48 295 kPa
546 26/02/2000 19:19 26/02-19:19 01:27 60 -9 21.89 292 kPa
547 26/02/2000 20:48 26/02 - 20:48 01:29 60 -8.5 21.87 291 kPa
548 26/02/2000 22:16 26/02-22:16 01:28 60 -9.5 21.92 289kPa
549 26/02/2000 23:43 26/02 - 23:43 01:27 59 -9 21.54 289 kPa
550 27/02/2000 1:10 27/02 - 01:10 01:27 60 -6.25 21.77 290 kPa
551 27/02 - 02:36 01:26 59 -6.75 21.43 289 kPa

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
552 27/02/2000 4:02 27/02 - 04:02 01:26 60 -6 21.76 290 kPa
553 27/02/2000 5:29 27/02 - 05:29 01:27 59 -6.75 21.43 289 kPa
554 27/02/2000 6:56 27/02 - 06:56 01:27 59 -7 21.44 289 kPa
555 27/02/2000 8:24 27/02 - 08:24 01:28 66 -5 23.88 288 kPa
556 27/02/2000 9:52 27/02 - 09:52 01:28 75 -2 27.07 288 kPa
557 27/02/2000 11:18 27/02-11:15 01:26 98 1.1 35.36 290 kPa
558 27/02/2000 12:44 27/02 - 12:44 01:26 98 -5 35.41
559 27/02/2000 14:09 27/02 - 14:09 01:25 105 -2 37.90 291 kPa
560 27/02/2000 15:31 27/02 - 15:31 01:22 147 1.9 53.05 295 kPa
561 27/02/2000 16:53 27/02 - 16:53 01:22 146 -0.6 52.68 295 kPa
562 27/02/2000 18:21 27/02 - 18:21 01:28 87 -7 31.49 295 kPa
563 27/02/2000 19:49 27/02 - 19:49 01:28 77 -13 28.18 290 kPa
564 27/02/2000 21:51 27/02 - 21:51 02:02 60 -6 21.76 288 kPa
565 27/02/2000 22:43 27/02 - 22:43 00:52 60 -8.5 21.87 287 kPa
566 28/02/2000 0:11 28/02 - 00:11 01:28 60 -4.75 21.72 257 kPa
567 28/02/2000 1:37 28/02 - 01:37 01:26 60 -7.75 21.83 257 kPa
568 28/02/2000 3:04 28/02 - 03:04 01:27 60 -4.25 21.70 287 kPa
569 28/02/2000 4:32 28/02 - 04:32 01:28 60 -2.75 21.67 285 kPa
570 28/02/2000 5:59 28/02 - 05:59 01:27 60 -1.75 21.66 287 kPa
571 28/02/2000 7:25 28/02 - 07:25 01:26 79 -8 28.65 288 kPa
572 28/02/2000 8:53 28/02 - 08:53 01:28 78 -5 28.20 288 kPa
573 28/02/2000 10:18 28/02-10:18 01:25 114 4 41.16 289kPa
574 28/02/2000 11:39 28/02 - 11:39 01:21 165 4.75 59.56 293 kPa
575 28/02/2000 13:01 28/02 - 13:01 01:22 177 10.5 63.98 295 kPa
576 28/02/2000 14:26 28/02 - 14:26 01:25 177 10.5 63.98 295 kPa
577 28/02/2000 15:50 28/02 - 15:50 01:24 178 3 64.24 296 kPa
578 28/02/2000 17:14 28/02 - 17:14 01:24 177 -0.25 63.87 295 kPa
579 28/02/2000 18:37 28/02 - 18:37 01:23 178 2 64.23 295 kPa
580 28/02/2000 20:03 28/02 - 20:03 01:26 157 1.5 56.66 293 kPa
581 28/02/2000 21:30 28/02 - 21:30 01:27 138 -1 49.80 290 kPa
582 28/02/2000 23:00 28/02 - 23:00 01:30 89 -2 32.12 288 kPa
583 29/02/2000 0:28 29/02 - 00:28 01:28 75 -0.25 28.15 288 kPa
584 29/02/2000 1:55 29/02 - 01:55 01:27 78 -1.25 28.15 286 kPa
585 29/02/2000 3:22 29/02 - 03:22 01:27 78 2 28.16 286 kPa
586 29/02/2000 4:47 29/02 - 04:47 01:25 78 -1.25 28.15 256 kPa
587 29/02/2000 6:12 29/02-06:12 01:25 78 -4 28.18 287 kPa
588 29/02/2000 7:37 29/02 - 07:37 01:25 82 -4 29.62 287 kPa
589 29/02/2000 9:01 29/02 - 09:01 01:24 129 3.25 46.56 288 kPa
590 29/02/2000 10:23 29/02 - 10:23 01:22 130 3.25 46.92 288 kPa
591 29/02/2000 11:43 29/02-11:43 01:20 172 6 62.10 290 kPa
592 29/02/2000 13:03 29/02 - 13:03 01:20 177 8.7 63.95 292 kPa
593 29/02/2000 14:24 29/02-14:24 01:21 177 6 63.91 293 kPa
594 — 29/02/2000 15:44 29/02 - 15:44 01:20 177 8 63.93 293 kPa
595 29/02/2000 17:04 29/02 - 17:04 01:20 174 -0.5 62.79 294 kPa
596 29/02/2000 18:27 29/02 - 18:27 01:23 157 0.5 56.65 293 kPa
597 29/02/2000 19:50 29/02 - 19:50 01:23 138 -0.75 49.80 291 kPa
598 29/02/2000 21:15 29/02-21:15 01:25 137 1 49.44 289 kPa

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
599 29/02/2000 22:39 29/02 - 22:39 01:24 118 -2.25 42.59 287 kPa
600 1/03/2000 0:05 01/03 - 00:05 01:26 91 -0.5 32.84 286 kPa
601 1/03/2000 1:32 01/03-01:32 01:27 80 -3 28.89 285kPa
602 1/03/2000 2:59 01/03-02:59 01:27 80 -2 28.88 285kPa
603 1/03/2000 4:26 01/03 - 04:26 01:27 80 -2 28.88 285 kPa
604 1/03/2000 5:54 01/03 - 05:54 01:28 78 2 28.16 284 kPa
605 1/03/2000 7:22 01/03 - 07:22 01:28 77 -4 27.82 284 kPa
606 1/03/2000 8:49 01/03 - 08:49 01:27 77 -1 27.79 284 kPa
607 1/03/2000 10:15 01/03-10:15 01:26 115 1.5 41.50 285kPa
608 1/03/2000 11:36 01/03-11:36 01:21 154 5.5 55.61 288kPa
609 1/03/2000 12:53 01/03 - 12:53 01:17 185 6 66.79 291 kPa
610 1/03/2000 14:12 01/03-14:12 01:19 191 10.5 69.03 292kPa
611 1/03/2000 15:32 01/03-15:32 01:20 190 3.7 68.57 293kPa
612 1/03/2000 16:53 01/03-16:53 01:21 191 3.7 68.93 293kPa
613 1/03/2000 18:18 01/03-18:18 01:25 178 -0.5 64.23 291 kPa
614 1/03/2000 19:40 01/03- 19:40 01:22 178 2.5 64.24 290 kPa
615 1/03/2000 21:03 01/03-21:03 01:23 193 2.75 69.65 291 kPa
616 1/03/2000 22:26 01/03 - 22:26 01:23 177 6.5 63.91 290 kPa
617 1/03/2000 23:55 01/03 - 23:55 01:29 90 -2 32.48 285 kPa
618 2/03/2000 1:22 02/03 - 01:22 01:27 80 -7 28.98 284 kPa
619 2/03/2000 2:48 02/03 - 02:48 01:26 79 -7 28.62 283 kPa
620 2/03/2000 4:15 02/03 - 04:15 01:27 79 -7 28.62 282 kPa
621 2/03/2000 5:40 02/03 - 05:40 01:25 78 -3 28.17 282 kPa
622 2/03/2000 7:04 02/03 - 07:04 01:24 97 -0.75 35.00 282 kPa
623 2/03/2000 8:26 02/03 - 08:26 01:22 137 1.75 49.44 283 kPa
624 2/03/2000 9:44 02/03 - 09:44 01:18 192 9.75 69.37 287 kPa,
increased loading
rate to 2 MW/mm.
625 2/03/2000 11:03 02/03- 11:03 01:19 192 10.75 69.39 289kPa, Loading
rate reset to 1
626 2/03/2000 12:22 02/03- 12:22 01:19 191 7.5 68.97 291 kPa
627 2/03/2000 13:42 02/03 - 13:42 01:20 192 9.25 69.36 290 kPa
628 2/03/2000 15:03 02/03 - 15:03 01:21 194 7.75 70.06 290 kPa
629 2/03/2000 16:24 02/03 - 16:24 01:21 195 7.25 70.41 290 kPa
630 2/03/2000 17:43 02/03 - 17:43 01:19 196 8 70.78 289 kPa
631 2/03/2000 19:03 02/03 - 19:03 01:20 196 3 70.73 289 kPa
632 2/03/2000 20:23 02/03 - 20:23 01:20 196 10.5 70.83 289 kPa
633 2/03/2000 21:46 02/03-21:46 01:23 194 6 70.04 288 kPa
634 2/03/2000 23:11 02/03-23:11 01:25 147 0.75 53.04 285kPa
635 3/03/2000 0:38 03/03-00:38 01:27 110.5 1.75 39.88 283kPa
636 3/03/2000 2:05 03/03 - 02:05 01:27 76.25 -4.5 27.56 281 kPa
637 3/03/2000 3:32 03/03 - 03:32 01:27 76.75 -0.75 27.70 279 kPa
638 3/03/2000 4:59 03/03-04:59 01:27 59.95 -1.25 21.64 279kPa
639 3/03/2000 6:28 03/03-06:28 01:29 60 -1.25 21.66 279kPa
3/03/2000 7:55 03/03 - 07:55 01:27 91 -0.25 32.84 279 kPa
641 3/03/2000 9:20 03/03-09:20 01:25 117 3.25 42.24 280 kPa
642 3/03/2000 10:42 03/03 - 10:42 01:22 137 5.75 49.48 283 kPa
643 3/03/2000 12:03 03/03 - 12:03 01:21 153 7 55.27 284 kPa

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
644 3/03/2000 13:26 03/03 - 13:26 01:23 158 8.25 57.09 285 kPa
645 3/03/2000 14:51 03/03 - 14:51 01:25 98 -0.25 35.36 283 kPa
646 3/03/2000 16:20 03/03- 16:20 01:29 112.75 -0.25 40.69 281 kPa
647 3/03/2000 17:44 03/03 - 17:44 01:24 98 -4.5 35.40 279 kPa
648 3/03/2000 19:11 03/03- 19:11 01:27 98 -2.25 35.37 278 kPa
649 3/03/2000 20:37 03/03 - 20:37 01:26 98.38 0.5 35.50 277 kPa
650 3/03/2000 22:06 03/03 - 22:06 01:29 77.38 -5 27.98 275 kPa
651 3/03/2000 23:34 03/03 - 23:34 01:28 78 -6.2 28.23 275 kPa
652 4/03/2000 0:58 04/03 - 00:58 01:24 59 -3.5 21.33 284 kPa
653 4/03/2000 2:20 04/03 - 02:20 01:22 60 -6 21.76 283 kPa
654 4/03/2000 3:42 04/03 - 03:42 01:22 59 -7 21.44 282 kPa
655 4/03/2000 5:04 04/03 - 05:04 01:22 59 -8 21.48 282 kPa
656 4/03/2000 6:28 04/03 - 06:28 01:24 60 -2.2 21.67 283 kPa
657 4/03/2000 7:51 04/03 - 07:51 01:23 60 -0.5 21.65 282 kPa
658 4/03/2000 9:13 04/03 - 09:13 01:22 60 -1.7 21.66 282 kPa
659 4/03/2000 10:36 04/03 - 10:36 01:23 60 1.5 21.66 283 kPa
660 4/03/2000 11:59 04/03 - 11:59 01:23 60 -7.7 21.83 283 kPa
661 4/03/2000 13:21 04/03-13:21 01:22 60 -5 21.73 283kPa
662 4/03/2000 14:43 04/03- 14:43 01:22 60 -6 21.76 283 kPa
663 4/03/2000 16:05 04/03- 16:05 01:22 60 -3 21.68 283 kPa
664 4/03/2000 17:28 04/03 - 17:28 01:23 60 -9 21.89 283 kPa
665 4/03/2000 18:50 04/03 - 18:50 01:22 61 -6 22.12 283 kPa
666 4/03/2000 20:14 04/03-20:14 01:24 60 -7.25 21.81 281 kPa
667 4/03/2000 21:37 04/03-21:37 01:23 60 -4.75 21.72 281 kPa
668 4/03/2000 23:00 04/03 - 23:00 01:23 60 -11.5 22.04 281 kPa
669 5/03/2000 0:22 05/03 - 00:22 01:22 59 -5 21.37 281 kPa
670 5/03/2000 1:46 05/03-01:46 01:24 61 -5.75 22.11 281 kPa
671 5/03/2000 3:11 05/03-03:11 01:25 60 -5.6 21.74 281 kPa
672 5/03/2000 4:35 05/03 - 04:35 01:24 60 -2.2 21.67 281 kPa
673 5/03/2000 5:58 05/03 - 05:58 01:23 60 -8 21.84 281 kPa
674 5/03/2000 7:22 05/03 - 07:22 01:24 60 8.2 21.85 281 kPa
675 5/03/2000 8:48 05/03 - 08:48 01:26 60 -3.5 21.69 280 kPa
676 5/03/2000 10:14 05/03 - 10:14 01:26 59 -3.75 21.33 280 kPa
677 5/03/2000 11:42 05/03- 11:42 01:28 60 -1.5 21.66 281 kPa
678 5/03/2000 13:07 05/03- 13:07 01:25 60 -6 21.76 281 kPa
679 5/03/2000 14:33 05/03 - 14:33 01:26 60 -1 21.65 280 kPa
680 5/03/2000 15:57 05/03 - 15:57 01:24 60 -2 21.66 280 kPa
681 5/03/2000 17:22 05/03 - 17:22 01:25 60 -10 21.95 280 kPa
682 5/03/2000 18:47 05/03 - 18:47 01:25 60 -5.5 21.74 280 kPa
683 5/03/2000 20:14 05/03 - 20:14 01:27 59 -2.75 21.31 279 kPa
684 5/03/2000 21:41 05/03-21:41 01:27 60 -5.5 21.74 279kPa
685 5/03/2000 23:07 05/03 - 23:07 01:26 61 -6 22.12 279 kPa
686 6/03/2000 0:33 06/03-00:33 01:26 60 0.25 21.65 279kPa
687 6/03/2000 2:01 06/03 - 02:01 01:28 60 -3 21.68 279 kPa
688 6/03/2000 3:27 06/03 - 03:27 01:26 60 -1.75 21.66 278 kPa
689 6/03/2000 4:56 06/03-04:56 01:29 60 0.75 21.65 278kPa
690 6/03/2000 6:23 06/03 - 06:23 01:27 59 -4.25 21.34 278 kPa

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
691 6/03/2000 7:50 06/03 - 07:50 01:27 59 -6.25 21.41 278 kPa
692 6/03/2000 9:15 06/03 - 09:15 01:25 66 -0.38 23.82 278 kPa
693 6/03/2000 10:42 06/03 - 10:42 01:27 80 -2.5 28.88 277 kPa
694 6/03/2000 12:07 06/03 - 12:07 01:25 80 -2.5 28.88 277 kPa
695 6/03/2000 13:33 06/03 - 13:33 01:26 80 0.5 28.87 277 kPa
696 6/03/2000 14:55 06/03- 14:55 01:22 118 3.5 42.60 278 kPa
697 6/03/2000 16:17 06/03-16:17 01:22 118 3.5 42.60 278 kPa,
Estimated reading
698 6/03/2000 17:40 06/03 - 17:40 01:23 90 -2.7 32.49 277 kPa
699 6/03/2000 19:03 06/03 - 19:03 01:23 79 -6 28.59 277 kPa
700 6/03/2000 20:25 06/03 - 20:25 01:22 78 -7 28.26 277 kPa
701 6/03/2000 21:47 06/03 - 21:47 01:22 77 -11 28.07 277 kPa
702 6/03/2000 23:11 06/03 - 23:11 01:24 78 -2 28.16 276 kPa
703 7/03/2000 0:33 07/03 - 00:33 01:22 77 2.5 27.80 276 kPa
704 7/03/2000 1:55 07/03 - 01:55 01:22 60 -4.5 21.71 276 kPa
705 7/03/2000 3:18 07/03-03:18 01:23 60 -5 21.73 275 kPa
706 7/03/2000 4:40 07/03 - 04:40 01:22 60 -7 21.80 275 kPa
707 7/03/2000 6:04 07/03 - 06:04 01:24 59 0 21.29 275 kPa
708 7/03/2000 7:28 07/03 - 07:28 01:24 60 0 21.65 275 kPa
709 7/03/2000 8:50 07/03 - 08:50 01:22 77 0 27.78 275 kPa
710 7/03/2000 10:12 07/03-10:12 01:22 100 -6 36.15 276kPa
711 7/03/2000 11:32 07/03-11:32 01:20 117 -2 42.22 275kPa
712 7/03/2000 12:54 07/03-12:54 01:22 103 -1.5 37.17 275kPa
713 7/03/2000 14:12 07/03-14:12 01:18 79 -1 28.51 282 kPa
714 7/03/2000 15:28 07/03 - 15:28 01:16 78 -3 28.17 282 kPa
715 7/03/2000 16:44 07/03 - 16:44 01:16 79 -1 28.51 282 kPa
716 7/03/2000 18:00 07/03 - 18:00 01:16 77 -5 27.84 281 kPa
717 7/03/2000 19:18 07/03-19:18 01:18 79 -7 28.62 281 kPa
718 7/03/2000 20:34 07/03-20:34 01:16 79 -3 28.53 281 kPa
719 7/03/2000 21:52 07/03-21:52 01:18 60 -6 21.76 288 kPa
720 7/03/2000 23:06 07/03 - 23:06 01:14 60 -8 21.84 288 kPa
721 8/03/2000 0:18 08/03 - 00:18 01:12 60 -5.5 21.74 289 kPa
722 8/03/2000 1:31 08/03-01:31 01:13 60 -7.5 21.82 287 kPa
723 8/03/2000 2:43 08/03 - 02:43 01:12 60 -3.5 21.69 287 kPa
724 8/03/2000 3:58 08/03 - 03:58 01:15 60 -6.5 21.78 288 kPa
725 8/03/2000 5:12 08/03-05:12 01:14 60 -7.5 21.82 287kPa
726 8/03/2000 6:26 08/03 - 06:26 01:14 59 -5 21.37 287 kPa
727 8/03/2000 7:39 08/03 - 07:39 01:13 77 -3.2 27.81 288 kPa
728 8/03/2000 8:54 08/03 - 08:54 01:15 78 -2 28.16 288 kPa
729 8/03/2000 10:07 08/03 - 10:07 01:13 79 -1.5 28.51 287 kPa
730 8/03/2000 11:20 08/03- 11:20 01:13 79 -1.7 28.51 287 kPa
731 8/03/2000 12:34 08/03 - 12:34 01:14 79 0.5 28.51 287 kPa
732 8/03/2000 13:50 08/03 - 13:50 01:16 79 0 28.51 287 kPa
733 8/03/2000 15:04 08/03 - 15:04 01:14 98 -0.75 35.36 287 kPa
734 8/03/2000 16:17 08/03-16:17 01:13 103 1.5 37.17 287kPa
735 8/03/2000 17:28 08/03-17:28 01:11 119 -1.7 42.94 287kPa
736 8/03/2000 18:40 08/03- 18:40 01:12 110 0.75 39.69 287 kPa
737 8/03/2000 19:53 08/03 - 19:53 01:13 80 -2 28.88 287 kPa

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
738 8/03/2000 21:06 08/03-21:06 01:13 80 -2 28.88 287 kPa
739 8/03/2000 22:18 08/03-22:18 01:12 79 -7 28.62 285kPa
740 8/03/2000 23:32 08/03 - 23:32 01:14 79 -8 28.65 285 kPa
741 9/03/2000 0:46 09/03 - 00:46 01:14 78 0 28.15 286 kPa
742 9/03/2000 1:59 09/03-01:59 01:13 60 -1.7 21.66 286 kPa
743 9/03/2000 3:09 09/03 - 03:09 01:10 60 -2 21.66 286 kPa
744 9/03/2000 4:23 09/03 - 04:23 01:14 60 -5 21.73 285 kPa
745 9/03/2000 5:37 09/03 - 05:37 01:14 60 -5 21.73 285 kPa,
Estimated reading
746 9/03/2000 6:52 09/03 - 06:52 01:15 60 -6 21.76 285 kPa
747 9/03/2000 8:06 09/03 - 08:06 01:14 60 -3 21.68 285 kPa
748 9/03/2000 9:20 09/03 - 09:20 01:14 87 -5 31.45 286 kPa
749 9/03/2000 10:32 09/03- 10:32 01:12 111 -3 40.07 286 kPa
750 9/03/2000 11:44 09/03 - 11:44 01:12 138 -0.2 49.80 286 kPa
751 9/03/2000 12:57 09/03 - 12:57 01:13 158 3.7 57.03 288 kPa
752 9/03/2000 14:11 09/03 - 14:11 01:14 138 -0.2 49.80 286 kPa
753 9/03/2000 15:26 09/03-15:26 01:15 118 -4 42.60 287 kPa
754 9/03/2000 16:39 09/03-16:39 01:13 118 2.25 42.59 287 kPa
755 9/03/2000 17:53 09/03- 17:53 01:14 133 -1.5 48.00 287 kPa
756 9/03/2000 19:08 09/03- 19:08 01:15 118 -6 42.63 285 kPa
757 9/03/2000 20:20 09/03-20:20 01:12 118 3 42.59 285kPa
758 9/03/2000 21:36 09/03-21:36 01:16 116 -2 41.86 285 kPa
759 9/03/2000 22:51 09/03-22:51 01:15 116 -2 41.86 285kPa
760 10/03/2000 0:06 10/03 - 00:06 01:15 60 -7 21.80 284 kPa
761 10/03/2000 1:21 10/03-01:21 01:15 60 -5 21.73 284kPa
762 10/03/2000 2:34 10/03-02:34 01:13 60 -4 21.70 283kPa
763 10/03/2000 3:48 10/03 - 03:48 01:14 60 -2 21.66 283 kPa
764 10/03/2000 5:03 10/03 - 05:03 01:15 60 -1.5 21.66 283 kPa
765 10/03/2000 6:19 10/03-06:19 01:16 60 -4 21.70 283 kPa
766 10/03/2000 7:34 10/03 - 07:34 01:15 80 -4 28.90 283 kPa
767 10/03/2000 8:49 10/03-08:49 01:15 120 2.75 43.31 284kPa
768 10/03/2000 10:02 10/03 - 10:02 01:13 120 2.75 43.31 284 kPa,
Estimated reading.
769 10/03/2000 11:16 10/03-11:16 01:14 160 4.75 57.76 285kPa
770 10/03/2000 12:35 10/03-12:35 01:19 157 7 56.71 285kPa
771 10/03/2000 13:44 10/03 - 13:44 01:09 158 7.78 57.08 287 kPa
772 10/03/2000 14:59 10/03-14:59 01:15 158 7.78 57.08 287kPa,
Estimated reading
773 10/03/2000 16:14 10/03-16:14 01:15 137 6.5 49.49 286 kPa
774 10/03/2000 17:28 10/03-17:28 01:14 137 0 49.44 286kPa
775 10/03/2000 18:43 10/03-18:43 01:15 117 -4 42.24 285kPa
776 10/03/2000 20:00 10/03 - 20:00 01:17 100 1.2 36.09 283 kPa
777 10/03/2000 21:17 10/03-21:17 01:17 98 -0.5 35.36 282kPa
778 — 10/03/2000 22:31 10/03-22:31 01:14 79 -1 28.51 282kPa
779 10/03/2000 23:46 10/03 - 23:46 01:15 79 -5 28.56 282 kPa
780 11/03/2000 1:01 11/03-01:01 01:15 78 -3 28.17 282kPa
781 11/03/2000 2:15 11/03-02:15 01:14 64 -1 23.10 282kPa
782 11/03/2000 3:30 11/03-03:30 01:15 60 -2 21.66 282 kPa
783 11/03/2000 4:44 11/03 - 04:44 01:14 60 -3 21.68 282 kPa

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
784 11/03/2000 5:57 11/03-05:57 01:13 60 -1 21.65 281 kPa
785 11/03/2000 7:12 11/03-07:12 01:15 60 -4 21.70 281 kPa
786 11/03/2000 8:28 11/03-08:28 01:16 77 -4 27.82 281 kPa
787 11/03/2000 9:43 11/03 - 09:43 01:15 79 -5 28.56 280 kPa
788 11/03/2000 10:59 11/03-10:59 01:16 78 -4 28.18 281 kPa
789 11/03/2000 12:14 11/03-12:14 01:15 104 2 37.53 281 kPa
790 11/03/2000 13:26 11/03-13:26 01:12 137 6 49.48 283 kPa
791 11/03/2000 14:38 11/03-14:38 01:12 137 5 49.47 285kPa
792 11/03/2000 15:49 11/03-15:49 01:11 138 1.5 49.80 285kPa
793 11/03/2000 17:03 11/03-17:03 01:14 138 0 49.80 285kPa
794 11/03/2000 18:19 11/03-18:19 01:16 99 -1 35.73 283kPa
795 11/03/2000 19:37 11/03-19:37 01:18 78 -2 28.16 28lkPa
796 11/03/2000 20:56 11/03-20:56 01:19 77 -5 27.84 28OkPa
797 11/03/2000 22:12 11/03-22:12 01:16 78 -12 28.48 280 kPa
798 11/03/2000 23:29 11/03 - 23:29 01:17 79 -1 28.51 280 kPa
799 12/03/2000 0:44 12/03-00:44 01:15 80 -2 28.88 280 kPa
800 12/03/2000 2:00 12/03 - 02:00 01:16 78 -2 28.16 280 kPa
801 12/03/2000 3:15 12/03-03:15 01:15 60 -5 21.73 280 kPa
802 12/03/2000 4:26 12/03-04:26 01:11 60 -3 21.68 280 kPa
803 12/03/2000 5:38 12/03-05:38 01:12 65 -7 23.59 279 kPa
804 12/03/2000 6:50 12/03-06:50 01:12 80 -9 29.05 278 kPa
805 12/03/2000 8:03 12/03-08:03 01:13 78 0 28.15 279 kPa
806 12/03/2000 9:16 12/03-09:16 01:13 78 4.5 28.19 279 kPa
807 12/03/2000 10:30 12/03-10:30 01:14 79 3 28.53 278kPa
808 12/03/2000 11:43 12/03-11:43 01:13 79 4.5 28.55 279 kPa
809 12/03/2000 12:55 12/03-12:55 01:12 78 -4.25 28.19 279 kPa
810 12/03/2000 14:07 12/03 - 14:07 01:12 102.6 -1 37.02 280 kPa
811 12/03/2000 15:16 12/03-15:16 01:09 138 3.75 49.81 283 kPa
812 12/03/2000 16:27 12/03 - 16:27 01:11 138 7.5 49.87 283 kPa
813 12/03/2000 17:40 12/03-17:40 01:13 138 3.25 49.81 283 kPa
814 12/03/2000 18:54 12/03-18:54 01:14 138 -0.25 49.80 282 kPa
815 12/03/2000 20:06 12/03-20:06 01:12 138 3.25 49.81 281 kPa
816 12/03/2000 21:19 12/03-21:19 01:13 119 4.25 42.97 280 kPa
817 12/03/2000 22:36 12/03-22:36 01:17 92 0 33.20 278kPa
818 12/03/2000 23:51 12/03 - 23:51 01:15 78 -5 28.20 277 kPa
819 13/03/2000 1:03 13/03-01:03 01:12 79 0.75 28.51 279kPa
820 13/03/2000 2:16 13/03 - 02:16 01:13 67 -7 24.31 278 kPa
821 13/03/2000 3:30 13/03 - 03:30 01:14 60 -4 21.70 277 kPa
822 13/03/2000 4:43 13/03-04:43 01:13 60 -4 21.70 277kPa
823 13/03/2000 5:55 13/03-05:55 01:12 59 -1 21.29 277kPa
824 13/03/2000 7:08 13/03 - 07:08 01:13 77 -1.25 27.79 277 kPa
825 13/03/2000 8:19 13/03-08:19 01:11 107 3 38.63 277kPa
826 13/03/2000 9:25 13/03-09:25 01:06 138 3.75 49.81 288kPa
827 13/03/2000 10:34 13/03 - 10:34 01:09 138 6.75 49.86 287 kPa
828 13/03/2000 11:43 13/03- 11:43 01:09 138 2.75 49.81 287 kPa
829 13/03/2000 12:51 13/03- 12:51 01:08 158 -0.25 57.01 288kPa
830 13/03/2000 13:59 13/03 - 13:59 01:08 136 1.25 49.08 288 kPa,
Estimated reading

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
831 13/03/2000 15:10 13/03-15:10 01:11 137 -1.75 49.44 288 kPa
832 13/03/2000 16:27 13/03 - 16:27 01:17 138 7.25 49.87 288 kPa
833 13/03/2000 17:24 13/03 - 17:24 00:57 138 -1.25 49.80 288 kPa
834 13/03/2000 18:27 13/03 - 18:27 01:03 118 0.5 42.58 286 kPa
835 13/03/2000 19:32 13/03-19:32 01:05 78 0 28.15 283kPa
836 13/03/2000 20:35 13/03 - 20:35 01:03 78 0 28.15 283 kPa
837 13/03/2000 21:40 13/03 - 21:40 01:05 78 0 28.15 283 kPa
838 13/03/2000 22:44 13/03 - 22:44 01:04 78 -7 28.26 283 kPa
839 13/03/2000 23:50 13/03 - 23:50 01:06 61 -1.5 22.02 283 kPa
840 14/03/2000 0:54 14/03 - 00:54 01:04 60 -1.4 21.66 282 kPa
841 14/03/2000 2:02 14/03 - 02:02 01:08 58 -6.7 21.07 282 kPa
842 14/03/2000 3:07 14/03 - 03:07 01:05 60 -3 21.68 282 kPa
843 14/03/2000 4:09 14/03 - 04:09 01:02 59 -6.5 21.42 282 kPa
844 14/03/2000 5:15 14/03-05:15 01:06 60 -1 21.65 282 kPa
845 14/03/2000 6:22 14/03 - 06:22 01:07 73 -2.75 26.36 281 kPa
846 14/03/2000 7:28 14/03 - 07:28 01:06 73 -2.75 26.36 281 kPa,
Estimated reading
847 14/03/2000 8:32 14/03 - 08:32 01:04 119 1.5 42.94 282 kPa
848 14/03/2000 9:40 14/03 - 09:40 01:08 .156 3.75 56.31 283 kPa
849 14/03/2000 10:46 14/03- 10:46 01:06 156 3.75 56.31 283 kPa,
Estimated reading
850 14/03/2000 11:54 14/03-11:54 01:08 157 3.75 56.67 284kPa
851 14/03/2000 13:06 14/03- 13:06 01:12 140 6.25 50.57 282 kPa
852 14/03/2000 14:13 14/03-14:13 01:07 138 6.5 49.85 282 kPa
853 14/03/2000 15:21 14/03-15:21 01:08 138 3.5 49.81 282 kPa
854 14/03/2000 16:31 14/03-16:31 01:10 119 0 42.94 281 kPa
855 14/03/2000 17:35 14/03-17:35 01:04 117 1.25 42.22 280 kPa
856 14/03/2000 18:45 14/03- 18:45 01:10 78 -2 28.16 279 kPa
857 14/03/2000 19:55 14/03-19:55 01:10 79 -4.5 28.55 280 kPa
858 14/03/2000 21:04 14/03 - 21:04 01:09 78 -2 28.16 280 kPa
859 14/03/2000 22:12 14/03 - 22:12 01:08 78 -5.75 28.22 279 kPa
860 14/03/2000 23:17 14/03-23:17 01:05 78 -4.75 28.20 279kPa
861 15/03/2000 0:23 15/03 - 00:23 01:06 79 -4 28.54 279 kPa
862 15/03/2000 1:27 15/03-01:27 01:04 79 -2.25 28.52 279 kPa
863 15/03/2000 2:34 15/03 - 02:34 01:07 75 -6.5 27.16 279 kPa
864 15/03/2000 3:41 15/03-03:41 01:07 59 1.25 21.29 279 kPa
865 15/03/2000 4:46 15/03-04:46 01:05 59 -2.5 21.31 279kPa
866 15/03/2000 5:49 15/03 - 05:49 01:03 58 -0.25 20.93 278 kPa
867 15/03/2000 6:52 15/03 - 06:52 01:03 60 -3.25 21.68 278 kPa
868 15/03/2000 7:56 15/03 - 07:56 01:04 60 -5 21.73 278 kPa
869 — 15/03/2000 9:00 15/03 - 09:00 01:04 59 -2.75 21.31 278 kPa
870 15/03/2000 10:03 15/03 - 10:03 01:03 94 -3.25 33.94 279 kPa
871 15/03/2000 11:07 15/03- 11:07 01:04 97 -5 35.05 279 kPa
872 — 15/03/2000 12:10 15/03 - 12:10 01:03 98 -2.75 35.38 278 kPa
873 15/03/2000 13:16 15/03-13:16 01:06 107 -1 36.61 278 kPa
874 15/03/2000 14:17 15/03-14:17 01:01 136 0.2 49.07 280 kPa
875 15/03/2000 15:20 15/03 - 15:20 01:03 139 -0.5 50.16 279 kPa
876 15/03/2000 16:25 15/03- 16:25 01:05 137 -5.5 49.48 278 kPa

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
877 15/03/2000 17:31 15/03-17:31 01:06 117 -5.25 42.26 277 kPa
878 15/03/2000 18:37 15/03-18:37 01:06 118 -8 42.68 278 kPa
879 15/03/2000 19:42 15/03-19:42 01:05 117 0 42.22 278kPa
880 15/03/2000 20:45 15/03-20:45 01:03 118 -1 42.58 286 kPa
881 15/03/2000 21:47 15/03 - 21:47 01:02 98 -6.5 35.44 285 kPa
882 15/03/2000 22:53 15/03 - 22:53 01:06 77 -6.75 27.89 286 kPa
883 15/03/2000 23:54 15/03 - 23:54 01:01 78 -6.25 28.24 285 kPa
884 16/03/2000 0:57 16/03 - 00:57 01:03 78 -7.25 28.27 285 kPa
885 16/03/2000 1:59 16/03 - 01:59 01:02 78 -9.25 28.34 285 kPa
886 16/03/2000 3:01 16/03-03:01 01:02 59 -8.25 21.50 28 kPa
887 16/03/2000 4:03 16/03-04:03 01:02 60 -4.25 21.70 285 kPa
888 16/03/2000 5:06 16/03-05:06 01:03 60 -4 21.70 285 kPa
889 16/03/2000 6:06 16/03-06:06 01:00 60 -4.75 21.72 284 kPa
890 16/03/2000 7:07 16/03 - 07:07 01:01 78 -3 28.17 284 kPa
891 16/03/2000 8:08 16/03-08:08 01:01 78 0 28.15 284kPa
892 16/03/2000 9:13 16/03-09:13 01:05 78 0.5 28.15 284 kPa
893 16/03/2000 10:14 16/03-10:14 01:01 78 0.5 28.15 284kPa
894 16/03/2000 11:15 16/03-11:15 01:01 79 -3 28.53 284kPa
895 16/03/2000 12:16 16/03-12:16 01:01 78 -2 28.16 284 kPa
896 16/03/2000 13:17 16/03-13:17 01:01 78 -4 28.18 284kPa
897 16/03/2000 14:18 16/03-14:18 01:01 79 -8 28.65 284 kPa
898 16/03/2000 15:16 16/03-15:16 00:58 79 -10 28.73 285kPa
899 16/03/2000 16:15 16/03-16:15 00:59 78 -8 28.29 285kPa
900 16/03/2000 17:14 16/03-17:14 00:59 78 -8 28.29 285 kPa
901 16/03/2000 18:16 16/03-18:16 01:02 79 -8 28.65 284 kPa
902 16/03/2000 19:15 16/03-19:15 00:59 78 -6 28.23 284 kPa
903 16/03/2000 20:13 16/03 - 20:13 00:58 78 -2 28.16 284 kPa
904 16/03/2000 21:13 16/03-21:13 01:00 78 -6.5 28.24 284 kPa
905 16/03/2000 22:16 16/03-22:16 01:03 79 1.5 28.51 284 kPa
906 16/03/2000 23:20 16/03 - 23:20 01:04 79 -7.75 28.64 283 kPa
907 17/03/2000 0:30 17/03 - 00:30 01:10 79 -7.75 28.64 283 kPa,
Estimated reading
908 17/03/2000 1:42 17/03 - 01:42 01:12 80 -3 28.89 283 kPa
909 17/03/2000 2:46 17/03 - 02:46 01:04 60 -6.75 21.79 282 kPa
910 17/03/2000 3:48 17/03 - 03:48 01:02 59 -5.25 21.37 283 kPa
911 17/03/2000 4:54 17/03-04:54 01:06 60 -4.25 21.70 282kPa
912 17/03/2000 5:58 17/03 - 05:58 01:04 77 -8.25 27.94 283 kPa
913 17/03/2000 7:00 17/03-07:00 01:02 118 0 42.58 283kPa
914 17/03/2000 7:57 17/03 - 07:57 00:57 158 2.25 57.02 284 kPa
915 17/03/2000 9:05 17/03 - 09:05 01:08 175 6 63.18 284 kPa
916 17/03/2000 10:09 17/03 - 10:09 01:04 175 7.5 63.21 284 kPa
917 17/03/2000 11:10 17/03-11:10 01:01 180 8.5 65.02 285kPa
918 17/03/2000 12:11 17/03-12:11 01:01 199 7.25 71.86 287 kPa
919 17/03/2000 13:12 17/03-13:12 01:01 185 9.75 66.85 287kPa
920 17/03/2000 14:15 17/03-14:15 01:03 175 9.5 63.24 286 kPa
921 17/03/2000 15:17 17/03-15:17 01:02 174 9.5 62.88 286kPa
922 17/03/2000 16:18 17/03-16:18 01:01 173 8.2 62.50 286 kPa
923 17/03/2000 17:20 17/03 - 17:20 01:02 173 4.75 62.45 285 kPa

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
924 17/03/2000 18:24 17/03 - 18:24 01:04 174 2.25 62.79 285 kPa
925 17/03/2000 19:28 17/03-19:28 01:04 158 4 57.03 283kPa
926 17/03/2000 20:28 17/03 -20:28 01:00 158 3.75 57.03 283 kPa
927 17/03/2000 21:30 17/03-21:30 01:02 158 4.5 57.04 282kPa
928 17/03/2000 22:33 17/03-22:33 01:03 136 6.5 49.13 281 kPa
929 17/03/2000 23:36 17/03-23:36 01:03 117 2.2 42.23 281 kPa
930 18/03/2000 0:38 18/03-00:35 01:02 117 -2.5 42.23 281 kPa
931 18/03/2000 1:39 18/03-01:39 01:01 110 1.5 39.70 281 kPa
932 18/03/2000 2:46 18/03-02:46 01:07 63 1.75 22.74 278 kPa
933 18/03/2000 3:48 18/03-03:48 01:02 60 -7 21.80 279 kPa
934 18/03/2000 4:51 18/03-04:51 01:03 60 -4 21.70 279kPa
935 18/03/2000 5:54 18/03-05:54 01:03 60 -1 21.65 278kPa
936 18/03/2000 6:59 18/03 - 06:59 01:05 75 -0.75 27.06 278 kPa
937 18/03/2000 8:02 18/03 - 08:02 01:03 77 3.5 27.00 278 kPa
938 18/03/2000 9:04 18/03 - 09:04 01:02 103 -0.25 37.17 278 kPa
939 18/03/2000 10:04 18/03-10:04 01:00 103 -0.25 37.17 278 kPa,
Estimated reading
940 18/03/2000 11:04 18/03-11:04 01:00 157 5.7 56.69 278 kPa
941 18/03/2000 12:05 18/03- 12:05 01:01 157 5.7 56.69 278 kPa,
Estimated reading
942 18/03/2000 13:06 18/03-13:06 01:01 167 7.5 60.32 279 kPa
943 18/03/2000 14:07 18/03-14:07 01:01 168 8.5 60.70 280 kPa
944 18/03/2000 15:08 18/03-15:08 01:01 168 8.5 60.70 280 kPa,
Estimated reading
945 18/03/2000 16:09 18/03-16:09 01:01 167 4 60.28 280 kPa
946 18/03/2000 17:10 18/03-17:10 01:01 158 -1 57.01 280 kPa
947 18/03/2000 18:12 18/03-18:12 01:02 126 3 45.48 277kPa
948 18/03/2000 19:15 18/03-19:15 01:03 98 -3 35.38 275 kPa
949 18/03/2000 20:15 18/03 - 20:15 01:00 98 -0.5 35.36 289 kPa
950 18/03/2000 21:10 18/03-21:10 00:55 98 -0.75 35.36 290 kPa
951 18/03/2000 22:06 18/03 - 22:06 00:56 98 -1.75 35.37 289 kPa
952 18/03/2000 23:03 18/03 - 23:03 00:57 97 -1.7 35.01 289 kPa
953 18/03/2000 23:59 18/03 - 23:59 00:56 97 3.25 35.02 288 kPa
954 19/03/2000 0:54 19/03 - 00:54 00:55 97 2 35.01 288 kPa
955 19/03/2000 1:49 19/03-01:49 00:55 97 -2.25 35.01 288kPa
956 19/03/2000 2:46 19/03 - 02:46 00:57 63 -4 22.78 287 kPa
957 19/03/2000 3:44 19/03 - 03:44 00:58 60 -6 21.76 287 kPa
958 19/03/2000 4:36 19/03-04:36 00:52 60 -6 21.76 287 kPa
959 19/03/2000 5:33 19/03-05:33 00:57 59 -6 21.40 287 kPa
960 19/03/2000 6:29 19/03-06:29 00:56 59 -6 21.40 287kPa
961 19/03/2000 7:25 19/03 - 07:25 00:56 60 -8 21.84 287 kPa
962 19/03/2000 8:20 19/03-08:20 00:55 60 -5 21.73 287kPa
963 19/03/2000 9:16 19/03-09:16 00:56 59 -3 21.32 287kPa
964 19/03/2000 10:11 19/03-10:11 00:55 59 -2 21.30 285 kPa
965 19/03/2000 11:07 19/03-11:07 00:56 59 0 21.29 285kPa
966 19/03/2000 12:02 19/03 - 12:02 00:55 60 -1 21.65 286 kPa
967 19/03/2000 13:01 19/03 - 13:01 00:59 60 -2 21.66 285 kPa
968 19/03/2000 13:57 19/03 - 13:57 00:56 60 -5 21.73 285 kPa
969 19/03/2000 14:54 19/03 - 14:54 00:57 60 -4 21.70 285 kPa

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
970 19/03/2000 15:52 19/03 - 15:52 00:58 59 -5 21.37 285 kPa
971 19/03/2000 16:50 19/03-16:50 00:58 60 -4 21.70 285kPa
972 19/03/2000 17:47 19/03 - 17:47 00:57 60 -8 21.84 285 kPa
973 19/03/2000 18:45 19/03 - 18:45 00:58 60 -5 21.73 285 kPa
974 19/03/2000 19:42 19/03 - 19:42 00:57 60 -2.25 21.67 285 kPa
975 19/03/2000 20:41 19/03 - 20:41 00:59 60 2 21.66 285 kPa
976 19/03/2000 21:39 19/03 - 21:39 00:58 59 -6 21.40 284 kPa
977 19/03/2000 22:35 19/03 - 22:35 00:56 60 -9.74 21.93 284 kPa
978 19/03/2000 23:32 19/03-23:32 00:57 60 -10 21.95 283kPa
979 20/03/2000 0:27 20/03 - 00:27 00:55 78 -4.25 28.19 283 kPa
980 20/03/2000 1:24 20/03 - 01:24 00:57 79 -4 28.54 283 kPa
981 20/03/2000 2:20 20/03 - 02:20 00:56 78 -4 28.18 283 kPa
982 20/03/2000 3:18 20/03 - 03:18 00:58 60 3.25 21.68 283 kPa
983 20/03/2000 4:15 20/03 - 04:15 00:57 59 -1.5 21.30 283 kPa
984 20/03/2000 5:14 20/03 - 05:14 00:59 59 -2 21.30 282 kPa
985 20/03/2000 6:11 20/03 - 06:11 00:57 78 2.75 28.16 282 kPa
986 20/03/2000 7:09 20/03 - 07:09 00:58 105 6.25 37.96 283 kPa
987 20/03/2000 8:07 20/03 - 08:07 00:58 138 1 49.80 283 kPa
988 20/03/2000 9:05 20/03 - 09:05 00:58 134 -2.25 48.36 283 kPa
989 20/03/2000 10:03 20/03 - 10:03 00:58 128 0.5 46.19 282 kPa
990 20/03/2000 11:00 20/03 - 11:00 00:57 133 1.75 48.00 283 kPa
991 20/03/2000 11:58 20/03 - 11:58 00:58 119 -1.75 42.95 282 kPa
992 20/03/2000 12:55 20/03 - 12:55 00:57 119 -1.75 42.95 282 kPa,
Estimated reading
993 20/03/2000 13:53 20/03 - 13:53 00:58 118 3.25 42.60 281 kPa
994 20/03/2000 14:48 20/03-14:48 00:55 118 1.25 42.58 281 kPa
995 20/03/2000 15:44 20/03 - 15:44 00:56 118 -0.75 42.58 281 kPa
996 20/03/2000 16:40 20/03 - 16:40 00:56 134 -2 48.36 282 kPa
997 20/03/2000 17:36 20/03 - 17:36 00:56 117 1.25 42.22 281 kPa
998 20/03/2000 18:33 20/03 - 18:33 00:57 96 -3 34.66 281 kPa
999 20/03/2000 19:30 20/03- 19:30 00:57 79 -1.2 28.51 281 kPa
1000 20/03/2000 20:27 20/03-20:27 00:57 59 -1.5 21.30 280 kPa
1001 20/03/2000 21:25 20/03 - 21:25 00:58 0 0 0.00 280 kPa
1002 20/03/2000 22:22 20/03 - 22:22 00:57 0 0 0.00 280 kPa
1003 20/03/2000 23:19 20/03 - 23:19 00:57 0 0 0.00 280 kPa
1004 21/03/2000 0:19 21/03-00:19 01:00 0 0 0.00 279kPa
1005 21/03/2000 1:18 21/03-01:18 00:59 0 0 0.00 279kPa
1006 21/03/2000 2:17 21/03-02:17 00:59 0 0 0.00 279kPa
1007 21/03/2000 3:17 21/03-03:17 01:00 0 0 0.00 278kPa
1008 21/03/2000 4:17 21/03-04:17 01:00 0 0 0.00 278 kPa
1009 21/03/2000 5:18 21/03 - 05:18 01:01 0 0 0.00 277 kPa
1010 21/03/2000 6:18 21/03-06:18 01:00 0 0 0.00 276kPa
1011 21/03/2000 7:18 21/03-07:18 01:00 0 0 0.00 276kPa
1012 21/03/2000 8:18 21/03 - 08:18 01:00 0 0 0.00 276 kPa
1013 21/03/2000 9:18 21/03 - 09:18 01:00 0 0 0.00 275 kPa
1014 21/03/2000 10:19 21/03-10:19 01:01 0 0 0.00 275kPa
1015 21/03/2000 11:20 21/03-11:20 01:01 0 0 0.00 275kPa
1016 21/03/2000 12:21 21/03-12:21 01:01 0 0 0.00 275kPa

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
1017 21/03/2000 13:22 21/03-13:22 01:01 0 0 0.00 275kPa
1018 21/03/2000 14:23 21/03-14:23 01:01 0 0 0.00 275kPa
1019 21/03/2000 15:24 21/03- 15:24 01:01 0 0 0.00 275 kPa
1020 21/03/2000 16:26 21/03-16:26 01:02 0 0 0.00 275kPa
1021 21/03/2000 17:29 21/03 - 17:29 01:03 0 0 0.00 275 kPa
1022 21/03/2000 16:31 21/03 - 18:31 01:02 0 0 0.00 275 kPa
1023 21/03/2000 19:33 21/03-19:33 01:02 0 0 0.00 275kPa
1024 21/03/2000 20:35 21/03-20:35 01:02 0 0 0.00 275kPa
1025 21/03/2000 21:38 21/03-21:38 01:03 0 0 0.00 275kPa
1026 21/03/2000 22:41 21/03 - 22:41 01:03 0 0 0.00 275 kPa
1027 21/03/2000 23:44 21/03 - 23:44 01:03 0 0 0.00 275 kPa
1028 22/03/2000 0:46 22/03 - 00:46 01:02 0 0 0.00 274 kPa
1029 22/03/2000 1:49 22/03 - 01:49 01:03 0 0 0.00 274 kPa
1030 22/03/2000 2:52 22/03 - 02:52 01:03 0 0 0.00 274 kPa
1031 22/03/2000 3:56 22/03-03:56 01:04 0 0 0.00 273kPa
1032 22/03/2000 5:00 22/03-05:00 01:04 0 0 0.00 273 kPa
1033 22/03/2000 6:04 22/03 - 06:04 01:04 0 0 0.00 273 kPa
1034 22/03/2000 7:06 22/03 - 07:06 01:02 0 0 0.00 273 kPa
1035 22/03/2000 8:08 22/03 - 08:08 01:02 0 0 0.00 273 kPa
1036 22/03/2000 9:08 22/03 - 09:08 01:00 0 0 0.00 272 kPa
1037 22/03/2000 10:06 22/03 - 10:06 00:58 7 0 2.53 273 kPa
1038 22/03/2000 11:02 22/03- 11:02 00:56 60 -1 21.65 277 kPa
1039 22/03/2000 12:00 22/03 - 12:00 00:58 60 -1 21.65 277 kPa,
Estimated reading
1040 22/03/2000 12:57 22/03 - 12:57 00:57 60 0 21.65 276 kPa
1041 22/03/2000 13:54 22/03 - 13:54 00:57 60 0 21.65 275 kPa
1042 22/03/2000 14:52 22/03 - 14:52 00:58 60 0 21.65 275 kPa,
Estimated reading
1043 22/03/2000 15:50 22/03 - 15:50 00:58 58 -3 20.96 275 kPa
1044 22/03/2000 16:49 22/03 - 16:49 00:59 59 0 21.29 275 kPa
1045 22/03/2000 17:49 22/03 - 17:49 01:00 59 -2 21.30 274 kPa
1046 22/03/2000 18:48 22/03 - 18:48 00:59 61 -3.75 22.05 274 kPa
1047 22/03/2000 19:47 22/03 - 19:47 00:59 60 -1 21.65 274 kPa
1048 22/03/2000 20:45 22/03 - 20:45 00:58 60 -1.75 21.66 285 kPa
1049 22/03/2000 21:44 22/03 - 21:44 00:59 60 3.7 21.69 283 kPa
1050 22/03/2000 22:35 22/03 - 22:35 00:51 59 1.7 21.30 284 kPa
1051 22/03/2000 23:35 22/03-23:35 01:00 60 0.5 21.65 283 kPa
1052 23/03/2000 0:30 23/03 - 00:30 00:55 59 0.25 21.29 283 kPa
1053 23/03/2000 1:25 23/03 - 01:25 00:55 60 4.5 21.71 283 kPa
1054 23/03/2000 2:20 23/03 - 02:20 00:55 60 1.25 21.66 283 kPa
1055 23/03/2000 3:16 23/03-03:16 00:56 59 1.5 21.30 283 kPa
1056 23/03/2000 4:11 23/03-04:11 00:55 59 2.5 21.31 283 kPa
1057 23/03/2000 5:05 23/03 - 05:05 00:54 60 0 21.65 282 kPa
1058 23/03/2000 5:58 23/03-05:58 00:53 60 7.25 21.81 282kPa
1059 23/03/2000 6:52 23/03 - 06:52 00:54 75 0 27.06 282 kPa
1060 23/03/2000 7:47 23/03 - 07:47 00:55 75 0 27.06 282 kPa,
Estimated reading
1061 23/03/2000 8:42 23/03 - 08:42 00:55 100 0 36.08 282 kPa
1062 23/03/2000 9:36 23/03 - 09:36 00:54 90 0 32.48 281 kPa

Reading Date Time Time of Alarm Hours MW Mvar Stator Hydrogen frame
between Amps pressure
release (x 100)
1063 23/03/2000 10:33 23/03 - 10:33 00:57 90 0 32.48 281 kPa
1064 23/03/2000 11:27 23/03 - 11:27 00:54 67 0 24.18 281 kPa
1065 23/03/2000 12:23 23/03 - 12:23 00:56 60 0 21.65 280 kPa
1066 23/03/2000 13:20 23/03 - 13:20 00:57 90 0 32.48 280 kPa
1067 23/03/2000 14:18 23/03-14:18 00:58 67 0 24.18 280 kPa
1068 23/03/2000 15:16 23/03-15:16 00:58 0 0 0.00 280 kPa
1069 23/03/2000 16:17 23/03 - 16:17 01:01 0 0 0.00 280 kPa
1070 23/03/2000 17:15 23/03-17:15 00:58 0 0 0.00 281 kPa
1071 23/03/2000 18:14 23/03 - 18:14 00:59 0 0 0.00 281 kPa
1072 23/03/2000 19:13 23/03 - 19:13 00:59 0 0 0.00 281 kPa
1073 23/03/2000 20:14 23/03 - 20:14 01:01 0 0 0.00 279 kPa
1074 23/03/2000 21:14 23/03-21:14 01:00 0 0 0.00 277kPa
1075 23/03/2000 22:16 23/03 - 22:16 01:02 0 0 0.00 277 kPa
1076 23/03/2000 23:17 23/03 - 23:17 01:01 0 0 0.00 276 kPa
1077 24/03/2000 0:17 24/03-00:17 01:00 0 0 0.00 276kPa
1078 24/03/2000 1:16 24/03 - 01:16 00:59 0 0 0.00 275 kPa
1079 24/03/2000 2:16 24/03 - 02:16 01:00 0 0 0.00 275 kPa
1080 24/03/2000 3:16 24/03 - 03:16 01:00 0 . 0 0.00 275 kPa
1081 24/03/2000 4:15 24/03 - 04:15 00:59 0 0 0.00 274 kPa
1082 24/03/2000 5:16 24/03-05:16 01:01 0 0 0.00 274kPa
1083 24/03/2000 6:16 24/03 - 06:16 01:00 0 0 0.00 272 kPa
1084 24/03/2000 7:15 24/03 - 07:15 00:59 0 0 0.00 272 kPa
1085 24/03/2000 8:15 24/03-08:15 01:00 0 0 0.00 272 kPa,
shutdowned for

Appendix B
A sample of slot wedge tightness test result of a 200 MW generator
— —V.

ER 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TE
r -i -c r 1 T T V 'c r r'1 —c —r - —r

-r M -r r -v -r- M (4 M -r T. —-
1 M —i- ,-. M -1- -c -r —r —r
r -r —r -r M -r M -r -c v -i- -1- —r —i-

T —r —r M —r —r —r —r fi T M —r -r -c

—r r -r r T —r r r r r r -c —r i-
T -r —r M T . —r —r —r -,- -'r -r
—r r —r —r

r -r —r —r
-r —r 1 -r -r
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
11 13 14 15 16 17 TE
SAul D56S56-I
UNIT LIZ - Generator Slot Wedge. Inspection Record RTW.M5lliODr


ER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TE
r —r —v- M tA —r -s- —r T r —r —r —r M r 12

-r -r -i T c r r T r
T —r —r -c —r —r —v- —v T 14
-v —r -r --v M —r ç. —r- —i- 15

—r M -c —r —r —r T M M r M -r r M -r 16

-r —r M --c —i- —r —v- —s- —r —r —r --c --c r r 17
T -T ç ... 18

ç -r -r fri —i- M TTM —r —-c c r 19
M T P4 T T -ç
-r —r -r -v - -r rl m 20

21-rni-_i- 14 r4 14 fri T T 21

T T 1 22
RE I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TE
UNIT B2 - Generator Slot Wedge Inspection Record


Appendix C
A sample of voltage drop test result of a 200 MW rotor windings.


TURN TO 5-YlIT '7 tm,.

TURN No. DA B C 13 No.
1—: 6,471 415.0 615,1. 8'l 6. iS'S 44"s 18'S 72(0 2'S IS'S 63'S 611. '15.5 61 il'S 'fl.4 1-241,1 14'!, '75,4 15384,4 1-2
2-3 .-1 881.66 56$-i S'3.''4 s'.e' 03 -c-sls.i '.s's 3.516,6 '7-cO 'fl's .0-88' 5.9 65-" 860 2-3
3- 4 48's 66' 66-1 (.4o3 14'S 63.0 s4 B'S '.0 ,.,.o .. ,s,s q.s s,.q sos 81' 0 z,+ 85.1 05.1 50,2
4-5 .3 6107 66'a 6.4-1 01-I 103 ,,,a 23.3 '79-2 1½., '71.1 ".6 1' 61.6 8*5 52.5 85i 4-5
5-6 6-1* 611 61. '0 (.6.5 lAb 1,0 65.4 '73-5 140 (.4-I 818 83.8 5-6
6-7 6" 61-8 65 '8 4*4.4. "7.3 104 414-2 8.0 140 a'S '74 .3 IS'S 14.14 84-1 i'll
18.3 816 TI-I 10.4 641 51 13 '3 5o,8 63.5 61.1 81',
5 .3 6-7
7-8 (.2 1.1'S 60' 1 4'4' 681 108 45,4 '7*4 15'' iS'S 342313 016416.1. '488 13'S 'I 141 115 3.1 13 810 51 15 '3 14'3 460 SoS 84.. 7-8
8-9 65.7 811. 85 'S 64'S 1.'4'4 '10.8 65.3 9-b'S 15,5 '74* 14.5 14 -. 12,5 165 5.2 14's 15 '5 13.o 16.6 '11.4 15'S 15 '4 8o'8 56* 87'a 8-9
9 -10 b5'8. 6,1.1 6,5 .4 (.4.7 483 lA'S 85.5 13.1 14,0 '2' 6 14.9 156 155 1203 '14-4' 138 'rIo 14,1 191 8 '4 5.0 84.1 9-10
10-11 65 'I (.51 47.4 65.4 '.q 1',.3 105 19. 3 '58 ½". 14,1'tI 15 .011.1 'V.'! 161 18.7 '76 's 5'8 Os'S So'S 84's 10-11
11 12 483 lIt 61' 14 146 '761 131 10,1 64.14 '4 iS'S 153, 90 'I So'I 15.7. 161 7.1 14 '6 86's 06 81 83's 14' 2 5,3 34'S 841. 85.0 11.12
1-12 12o 1800,16* 3810510 0,13*41.20201588. 820 '810' 08.460 '85, 101595244 P50. 04.,
Ito-vepip 3'5'6*84.l 65* 660.63* 768.66. 6314 1415* 610.2118. 440*3-35* 3231 365. 3.245* 54612541,566451.04 5125,

• Test current should be kept cotistant at 100 A dc

' - . - '

. A11 voltage drop measulEments should be In mV = - - -- - - .

. Coil is the smallestcoii .

• Thrnnumberlisthe topturn - 00
• Record Test Current Test Voltage: At the end pf-the lest o

UNIT B2 - Rotor Winding interturn Volta ge Drop Test" SIGNED BY
DATE, .gc/,o/qJ.. PAGE,

: -


I1JRNTO 19.1 -'n' COTLS — 0.2 COIL 5 COILJ 1JRJ

TURI'iNo. Cl )A BC D A
1-2 6'4'5 61', 16,5 It 666 617 6522 68'S- 685 11'l, 14.1 iS'S I'S lI'S 603 15'S 153 14.1 83'S 3,6 53 11.3 35'S 14.4 'II', 81.1 es_I 1-2
2-3 65'S 61.8 65'S 73'?- 10.1 1214' 15.1 'I 122.0551 'Itt 81.1. tO'S 'fl'S 53,1 55.4 55-5 456 01.1 8071 88.6
10.8 i'll, 4% tI'S 80.20 2-3
3.4 6'7'l 61'b 43'S 88' 11,4 1535.1 rS'S,s". ,5' l,-116'*
os 8o.183. Sla.18150386. OS'S %"58€.S 56.1 35.1
'fl'S 80,5. 3,4
4.5 (CIt 6,5.6683 15-5 104 116 11.4 16.1 18'? 122,6 lIt,) 11'S 5.671'S 11.5 34,5, ..-7 SoS 13'S 34'.. At 50.1 OS'S 04.3 66.4 86'3 55.1 4.5,
56 616, (.01 6107 111 10'' 14-5 il'S 151 11.-b 117,1 'IS'S ill 14'-i 16-1 lb.(. 00". 00-I 60.4 116 34,3 56.5.8*1 56.5 36.1 84.1 86.3 343 54
6-7 60'S (*1,0 687 418 151, S'S '116 11.1 1374 '17.5 1.4,4 '73.1 il'S' I'I 16.6 6.6 tot I, 22.3 6-7

7-8 65.1 66.' 65.1 61.6 'II'S 10"! 124 11.1, 32.815.6 SO'S SN'S 80.4 47.1 85.3 74
5.1 14-3 1'b'l 16'S 'Is'S 85.4 5,0.3 80 3'!

056 '48 60.4 '2.3 10.1-

'760.146, S'S iS'S s's 15815'l 151 ,',. 15510.5 84" 51.4814 SI.. eO'80S.6 85.5 °,4S 8-9
910 4. .,_ 'lt_ 215 14310.5 131. '76'I 144. II 134 15'S 15.0 151 13.7 OIl 81-43*-S OIl 822456., 4,3 9-10
1011 08'S bbS 67.1 66.5 11's 484 L3 '1k? S 6" 64'3 850 So'S 10-11
11-12 'l's 10". 164 1307 5". 151 16.3 s,.i 5*-b. i4 14.12 501 8014 656836 817 11-12
1-12 0.13, 0.15,8-181 08020231. 0,17 0.11,1.040 '3855.45 0.8 0-5,1. 51 1.50-1.5 5.83' '3 33" s3158'84' 1.83' '70,4 '53. S'S 15'S
lto÷ve,,pin b*-6 s.d- o..654. 4-567080 7.04. '65. 4089352 -65,
- 12 12 , '-I
'_ '—


• Test current should be kept constant at 100 A dc -

• All vohege drop meàsuzensenls should be in' mY - ' - , '


• Coiltisthesmallesicoil -

• Turn number 1 is the top Inns

Record Test Current. Test Voltage Ax end of the test

UNIT B2 -Rotor Winding Interturn Voltage Drop Test"
POLE 2 DATE /ro/€j2

Appendix D
Electromagnetic Core Imperfection Detection (ELCID)



'/7 ///, 7/
ELCID Chattock Potentiometer [courtesy of ADWEL International Ltd]

ELCID theoretical responses for difference core fault scenarios

[courtesy of ADWEL International Ltd]

Ripples when scanning head passed core cooling ducts


Stator Slot numbers

'ale I

12/13 /

A sample of a typical ELCID core test scans of a 120 MW generator core. Note the
ripples on the plots generated when the Chattock potentiometer scanning head passed
core cooling ducts. No core faults detected in this test.

Chattock potentiometers
scan head
Simulated fault loop inside of scanning track
and on top of a RHS core packet
• Stator slot wedge

Simulated fault loop inside of scanning track

and on top of a LHS core packet H Simulated fault loop

Simulated fault ioop inside of scanning track

and on top of slot wedge Stator core surface

Simulated fault loon outside of scanning track

Showing calibration scan done before and after an ELCID test on a 120 MW generator
stator core. A 100 fault was simulated using a single turn coil temporarily installed
adjacent to a core packet.

Appendix E
Demonstration of setting up details in TOFD examination on rotor
retaining rings

Demonstration of 45° shear wave inspection incorporating a 27° single crystal wedge
mounted to match with the nose profile of retaining ring for circumferential ultrasonic
scanning [courtesy of Sonomatic Pty Ltd] [30].

Axial movement of scanning probe at predetermined intervals on retaining ring surface

[courtesy of Sonomatic Pty Ltd] [30].

Explanation of creep wave formations [courtesy of Sonomatic Pty Ltd][30].


Appendix F
Sub-Conductor Inspection Record: Torrens Island Power Station Unit
B! 200 MW Generator in 2002
Waterbox Turbine or Conductor Subconductor Location of Minor
no. Exciter End Timer I outer number indication from indication
2 Exciter End 9— Inner 12 165
2 Exciter End 9— Inner 15 155
Total indications per phase group: 2
3 Turbine End 11 — Inner 7 Unable to
3 Turbine End 42 — Outer 6 Partial blockage
Total indications per phase group: 0
4 Exciter End 21 - Inner 180

4 Exciter End 22 — Inner 3 125
4 Turbine End 31 — Inner 3 160
4 Turbine End 31 — Inner 4 160
4 Turbine End 31 — Inner 5 160
4 Exciter End 31 — Inner 3 160 I I

4 Exciter End 31 — Inner 4 160

4 Exciter End 52 — Outer 7 Partial blockage
4 Exciter End 53 — Outer 11 Partial blockage
4 Exciter End 54— Outer 8 Partial blockage
4 Turbine End 55 — Outer 12 Partial blockage
4 Turbine End 56— Outer 12 160 I I

4 Turbine End 56— Outer 11 160 I I

Total indications per phase group: 9

5 Turbine End 34—Inner 6 160 I I

5 Turbine End 34— Inner 12 160


Total indications per phase group: 2

6 Exciter End J
47 — Inner 4 I
Total indications per phase group: 2
Total work hardening indications: 15
Greatest No. of indications in a phase group: 9 (Waterbox group No. 4)
Greatest No. of indications in a conductor: 3 (Cond. #31 Inner, Waterbox #4 TE)

Appendix G
Sub-Conductor Inspection Record: Torrens Island Power Station Unit
B2 200 MW Generator in 1999
Waterbox Turbine or Conductor Subconductor Location of Map of
no. exciter end Inner / outer number indication from indication

1 Exciter End 22 - Outer 15 180 I I

1 Turbine End 17 — Outer 11 170 I I

1 Exciter End 17 - Outer 7 150 I I

1 Exciter End 17 - Outer 11 140 I I

1 Exciter End 17 — Outer 15 125 I I

Total indications per phase group: 5

2 Exciter End 9— hmer 13 168 Corrosion

2 Exciter End 4— Inner 11 170
2 Turbine End 25 — Outer 12 10
Total indications per phase group: 1

3 Turbine End 14— Inner 15 165

3 Exciter End 36 — Outer 14 145
3 Turbine End 46— Outer 6 160
Total indications per phase group: 3

4 Exciter End 28 — Inner 7 155 I I

4 Exciter End 28 — Inner 12 165 I I

4 Exciter End 29 — Inner 4 165 I I

4 Exciter End 29 — Inner 14 165 I I

4 Turbine End 30— Inner 4 170

4 Exciter End 49— Outer 14 164
4 Exciter End 48—Outer 12 150
4 Exciter End 48 — Outer 13 150
4 Turbine End 47 — Outer 7 150 I I
Total indications per phase group: 9

5 Exciter End 35 — Inner 15 140 I I


5 Turbine End 33 — Inner 11

5 Turbine End 2—Outer 11 175 I I

5 Turbine End 2— Outer 13 183

5 Turbine End 2— Outer 13 190 1

5 Turbine End 66 — Outer 4 150

5 Turbine End 66—Outer 7 150 I I

5 Turbine End 66— Outer 11 145

5 Turbine End 66— Outer 13 150 I I

5 Turbine End 66 — Outer 15 150

5 Exciter End 65 — Outer 14 150
5 Exciter End 63 — Outer 6 145
5 Exciter End 59 — Outer 3 150 I I

',I I ,.) U

5 Turbine end 58 — Outer 5 140

Total indications per phase group: 15

6 Exciter End 5— Outer 12 150

6 Exciter End 6— Outer 6 150
6 Turbine End 8— Outer 11 150
6 Exciter End 10 — Outer 13 160
6 Turbine End 13 — Outer 3 134
6 Turbine End Outer** 2 55 11
6 Turbine End 4— Outer** 3 160 11
6 Turbine End Outer** 4 160
Total indications per phase group: 5
* * Confirmed cracked, the conductor was replaced with new spare.

Total work hardening indications: 38
Greatest No. of indications in a phase group: 15 (Waterbox group No. 5)
Greatest No. of indications in a conductor: 5 (Cond. #66 Outer Waterbox #5 TE)

Appendix H
Sub-Conductor Inspection Record: Torrens Island Power Station Unit
B3 200 MW Generator in 1999
Waterbox Turbine or Conductor Subconductor Location of Map of
no. exciter end Inner / outer number indication from indication

1 Exciter End 24 Outer All Not inspected

1 Turbine End 24 Outer 11,15 Not inspected
1 Exciter End 23 Outer 3,6,7 Not inspected
1 Turbine End 22 Outer 11 Not inspected
1 Turbine End 20 Outer 4,5,6,7,12,14 Not inspected
1 Exciter End 20 Outer 5,12 Not inspected
1 Turbine End 19 Outer 13 Not inspected
1 Exciter End 19 Outer 3 Not inspected
1 Exciter End 18 Outer 3 Not inspected
1 Turbine End 17 Outer 3,4,5,6,7,13 Not inspected
1 Turbine End 17 Outer 3,4,5,13 Not inspected
Total indications per phase group: 0

Turbine End
Exciter End
3 Inner
2 Inner

Total indications per phase group:
El 2

Turbine End
Exciter End
45 Outer
45 Outer
42 Outer




3 Exciter End 42 Outer 15 150

3 Exciter End 20 Inner 4 150
3 Exciter End 20 Inner 6 150
3 Exciter End 20 Inner 7 150 I I

Total indications per phase group: 7

4 Turbine End 24 Inner 12 130

4 Exciter End 53 Outer 3,4,5,6,7,11, Corrosion defect 60 mm
12,13,14,15 from sub conductor face.
4 Exciter End 24 Inner 4 155

4 Exciter End 24 Inner 5 155 I I

4 Exciter End 24 Inner 13 140 I I

Total indications per phase group.: 4

5 Exciter End 32 Inner 7 145 I I

5 Exciter End 33 Inner 6 155 I I

5 Exciter End 34 Inner 3 160

5 Exciter End 34 Inner 4 155 I I

5 Exciter End 34 Inner 5 155

5 Exciter End 34 Inner 6 160
5 Exciter End 34 Inner 7 155
5 Exciter End 42 Inner 4 150
5 Exciter End 66 Outer 5 150
5 Exciter End 66 Outer 6 160
5 Exciter End 66 Outer 12 145
5 Exciter End 66 Outer 13 145
5 Exciter End 66 Outer 14 145
5 Exciter End 66 Outer 15 140
5 Exciter End 1 Outer 7 160 I I

5 Exciter End 2 Outer 13 130 I I

Total indications per phase group: 16

Total work hardening indications: 29
Greatest No. of indications in a phase group: 16 (Waterbox group No. 5)
Greatest No. of indications in a conductor: 6 (Cond. #66 Outer Waterbox #5 TE)

Appendix I
Sub-Conductor Inspection Record: Torrens Island Power Station Unit
B4 200 MW Generator in 1997
Waterbox Turbine or Conductor Subconductor Location of indication from
no. exciter end Inner/outer number end (mm)

1 Exciter End 54 —Inner 5,11 No access

1 Exciter End 14 — Outer 12 No access
Total indications per phase group: ?

2 Exciter End 35 — Outer 3 Small mark 40 from ferrule

2 Exciter end 35 — Outer 7 Small mark 40 from ferrule
2 Turbine End 9—Inner 2,15 No access
2 Turbine End 35 — Outer 12 Horizontal line 25 from
2 Turbine End 35 — Outer 13 Horizontal line 25 from
2 Turbine End 35 — Outer 11 Horizontal line 40 from
2 Turbine End 8— Inner 6 No access
2 Turbine End 34 — Outer 2,3 No access
2 Turbine End 66 — Inner 4 Scratch 45 from ferrule
2 Turbine End 25 — Outer 12 Corrosion 70 from ferrule
2 Turbine End 26 — Outer 2 No access
2 Turbine End 65 — Inner 15 Blockage
2 Turbine End 65 — Inner 3 Crack line 70 from ferrule
Total indications per phase group: 8

3 Exciter End 10 — Inner 12 No access

3 — Exciter End 20 — Inner 3 Crack line 42 from ferrule
3 Exciter End 20 — Inner 5,7 No access
3 Exciter End 20 — Inner 14 Crack line 38 from ferrule
3 Exciter End 46 — Outer 3,4 Full of water
3 Exciter End 41 - Outer 7 No access
3 Exciter End 41 - Outer 15 Colour change 68 from
3 Turbine End 45 — Outer 13 Corrosion 50 from ferrule

3 Turbine End 20 — Inner 6 No access

3 Turbine End 37—Outer 2,3,4,5,6 No access
Total indications per phase 4

5 Exciter End 58 — Outer 5,6,7 Damp

5 Exciter End 42 — Inner 3,13 No access
5 Turbine End 42 — Inner 2,5,13,15 No access
5 Turbine End 41 — Inner 2 No access
5 Turbine End 32—Inner 2,3,4,11,15 No access
Total indications per phase group: ?

6 Exciter End 43 — Inner 3,6,13 No access

6 Exciter End 13 — Outer 14,15 Blocked off
Total indications per phase group: ?

Total work hardening indications: 12
Greatest No. of indications in a phase group: 8 (Waterbox group No. 2)
Greatest No. of indications in a conductor: 3 (Cond. #35 Outer Waterbox #2 TE)
(Cond. #20 Inner Waterbox #3 EE)

Appendix J
A typical example of Maintenance Requirement Analysis (MRA) of a hydrogen-water cooled synchronous turbo-

Level I Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

System Sub- Failure Mode Possible Cause of Failure Remedial Solution(s) Condition Monitoring Component Description
system Strategy and Assumptions

Bsaring Normal wear and Subsurface fatigue, cracking of Replace white metal layer. Measure and record bearing The type of generator being
faIlure tear white metal due to lack of temperature continuously, analysed is large turbo-generator
bonding that ultilise large white metal
Routine condition monitoring bearing contains no rolling
of lubricating oil quality elements. White metal (or sleeve)
including at least particle bearings are lubricated with high
counts and viscosity, pressure lubricating oil that is
pumped into the bearing by a
mechanical or electric oil pump(s).

Distortion of bearing and burning Replace or re-machine bearing base As above Usually there is at least one level of
of white metal layer structure and replace white metal redundancy in this system to
layer ensure prevent major bearing
Lubrication Failure Oil pump failure Repair oil pump, inspect, repair or Test lubricating oil for fine
replace impeller. metal particles, water,
foreign objects. Compare
metal particle to that of
Drive motor failure Repair or replace motor. Test motor condition. Check
vibration monitoring
results. Measure running
Lubricating oil failure Replace oil or recondition oil Check oil quality test results

Level I Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

System Sub- Failure Mode Possible Cause of Failure Remedial Solution(s) Condition Monitoring Component Description
system Strategy and Assumptions
Find source of contamination Routine tests for
contamination such as
water and foreign particles.
Wrong lubricating oil used, Replace or recondition lubricating Routine tests for
Manufacturing error, supplier oil, review oil inventory information, contamination such as
error, maintainer error review maintainer's skill and water and foreign particles.
knowledge, review work
Bearing failure by Bearing wrongly installation Improve trade-persons skills, Quality assurance to be
external sources improve quality assurance used during bearing
procedures, and improve working installation, review check
conditions. points.
wrong bearing/parts installed Improve store quality checks and QA procedure in place,
procedures. better progressive testing
procedure is carried out
Store conditions not satisfactory Improve / review storage condition check condition of bearing
and procedures. and parts before
Bearing parts failed premature Review supplier QA, review supplier QA check system in place
specification, review origin of the
parts ensure it is genuine or been
manufactured with correct
specifications; ensure transport
conditions are correct

Part supplied below standard Review supplier QA, review supplier QA check system in place
specification, review origin of the
parts ensure it is genuine or been
manufactured with correct
specifications; ensure transport
conditions are correct

Stator Generator Insulation Insulation deterioration due normal Replace conductors as required. Check CM test records. Any The type of large generator
wlndings failure wear and tear gradual or sudden analysed here commonly
failure deterioration. Check hydrogen cooled with stator
winding vibration level, conductors directly cooled with de-
mineralised water.

Level I Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

System Sub- Failure Mode Possible Cause of Failure Remedial Solution(s) Condition Monitoring Component Description
system Strategy and Assumptions
Conductor and insulation support tighten clamps, replace padding Vibration level
clamps become loose insulation as required measurement.
Presence of foreign objects:
** metal objects left in the Repair the damage, thoroughly Review routine partial Clean condition should be set up
generator clean out generator, improve QA discharge measurements every time the generator is
check and clean condition and other electrical tests overhaul to ensure no objects are
procedures such as dielectric strength, left in side the generator.
** Metal object generated from Identify origin of the objects by Review routine partial
within the generator material checks to matching discharge measurements
against other components within and other electrical tests
the generator. Inspect stator core such as dielectric strength,
front and back. Inspect welded insulation resistance.
brackets and other components for
looseness, crack, broken etc.
Repair as required, clean out
Relaxation of end winding support Tighten end winding and conductors Visual inspection of the end
system as much as accessible. May winding during routine
require carrying out mid-life refit in overhauls. Look out for
the case of older generators. insulation fretting dust and
Improve material as upgrade for accumulation of insulation
end winding support system "grease'. Ensure generator
is operated within its
capability limits. Review
shut down and
Looseness of stator slot wedges Tighten slot wedges Conduct slot wedge tapping
test. Ultrasonic test of slot
wedges for cracks and
delaminating leading to
loss of tension.

Partial discharge Investigate location of discharge,

retighten or replace conductors.

Level I Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

System Sub- Failure Mode Possible Cause of Failure Remedial Solution(s) Condition Monitoring Component Description
system Strategy and Assumptions
Overheating Insufficient coolant flow Check stator coolant flow, pump, Continuously measure
and pipe work. Review stator internal temperature of
coolant temperatures and its heat generator main
exchangers components

Blocked ventilation passages Check for shifting of insulation Continuously measure stator
components, check for foreign coolant and gas flow
objects blocking cooling paths. where possible.
Repair as appropriate to remove
the root cause of failures.

Operated outside of designed limit Review and update operating

procedures as required.
Improve training for operators.
Check control systems.

Turn to turn short Stator coils loosen in the slot. Repair conductors affected by the Test insulation dielectric
circuits Stator winding vibration and coil fault. strength, such as IR, DLA,
looseness. Repair insulation where appropriate. DP, etc.
Deterioration of wall insulation. Check external power system Improve CM.
Overheating, failure record. Improve testing procedures.
Partial discharge for a prolong Improve network electrical protection
periods, where possible.
Failure to carry out routine
Failure to condition monitor.
Deterioration of semi-conductive
tapes as stress control systems.
External electrical faults

Transpositions short Stator coils loosen in the slot. Repair conductors affected by the Test insulation dielectric
circuits Stator winding vibration and coil fault, strength, such as IR, DLA,
looseness. Repair insulation where appropriate. DP, etc.
Deterioration of inter-turn Check external power system Improve CM.
insulation, failure record. Improve testing procedures.
Overheating. Improve network electrical protection
Partial discharge for prolong where possible.

Level I Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

System Sub- Failure Mode Possible Cause of Failure Remedial Solution(s) Condition Monitoring Component Description
system Strategy and Assumptions
Ground faults Stator coils loosen in the slot. Repair conductors affected by the Test insulation dielectric
Stator winding vibration and coil fault. strength, such as IR, DLA,
looseness. Repair insulation where appropriate. DP, etc.
Deterioration of wall insulation. Check external power system Improve CM.
Overheating, failure record. Improve testing procedures.
Partial discharge for prolong Improve network electrical protection
periods, where possible.
Deterioration of semi-conductive Check and rectify hydrogen humidity
tapes as stress control systems. level.
External electrical faults. Repair stator coolant system as
Stator contaminated with water required.
from stator coolant system or
Phase to phase Stator coils loosen in the slot. Repair conductors affected by the Test insulation dielectric
short circuits Stator winding vibration and coil fault. strength, such as IR, DLA,
looseness. Repair insulation where appropriate. DP, etc.
Deterioration of wall insulation Check external power system failure Improve CM.
Overheating, record. Improve testing procedures.
Partial discharge for prolong Improve network electrical protection
periods, where possible.
External electrical faults.
Excessive stator conductor

Stator oore Relaxation of core Ageing. Tighten core clamps and structures. Consider to test core
failure clamping systems Original design not adequately Review protection system to structures by measuring
robust, minimise damage should external core natural resonance
External system faults caused faults re-occurring, frequencies
stator excursions.

Core lamination Front core lamination short circuits Repair lamination, reinstate inter- Carry out ELCID test to
short circuits due to due to physical impact damage lamination insulations, confirm that the core is
physical impact during rotor removal or during Consider core edging to remove all free from short circuits
damage from routine maintenance, interlamination short circuits, between laminations
carelessness Foreign objects left behind or Review / improve training and
objects dislodged from within working quality procedures.
generator found its way into the
air gap.

Level I Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

System Sub- Failure Mode Possible Cause of Failure Remedial Solution(s) Condition Monitoring Component Description
system Strategy and Assumptions
Secondary damage Core damage due to conductor Repair lamination, reinstate inter-
from stator failures, lamination insulations.
conductor failure Usually conductor failure in the Consider core edging to remove all
core region would lead to core interlamination short circuits.
damage, especially stator earth Review / improve training and
fault. working quality procedures.
Some core grinding may be

Overheating due to Failure of hydrogen cooling Rectify the cooling system.

failure of cooling system or other auxiliary cooling Inspect core for looseness, hot
systems systems spots and repair as required

Local hot spots due Failure of excitation system such Rectify excitation system. In the worst case, a fault in
to over-flux as loss of voltage reference. Review / Correct operating excitation system such as loss of
operating conditions AVR failure caused over- procedures voltage reference, the AVR could
excitation. automatically over excite the
Wrong operating procedures. generator to maximum 'ceiling'
voltage and could cause extensive
damage to generator core in a
very short time.
Local hot spots due Wrong core end plate materials Replace core or prohibit operating Continuously monitor core
to unsuitable core the generator in leading power temperature.
material used in factor mode. Regular visual inspection
core end plates for and monitor the
leading power factor propagation of the hot
operation spots.

Stator Cracked insulation Overheating, ageing, over-tighten, Replace bushing insulation. HV test, DLA Test, IR test to
Bushing physical damage from external be carried out before and
Failure forces after repair.
Visual inspection at every
. outage.

Oil or gas leakage Seal system such as seals and o- Replace seals and 0-rings
rings failure.

Failed high voltage Insulation failure or deterioration Replace bushing

test due to ageing

Level I Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

System Sub- Failure Mode Possible Cause of Failure Remedial Solution(s) Condition Monitoring Component Description
system Strategy and Assumptions
Rotor faults Retaining ring faults Stress corrosion cracking Replace retaining rings with Routine ultrasonic Ensure generator internal hydrogen
materials less susceptible to stress examination or dye- cooling gas is adequately dry.
corrosion cracking such as penetrant examination Remove all cracks and perform
1 8Mnl 8Cr. stress calculations before re-use
retaining rings while new retaining
rings are obtained.

Due to arcing Repair retaining ring by removing Obtain OEM advice.

arcing damage by grinding and

Rotor end winding faults Repair end winding and NDE

retaining rings. If extensive
damage to retaining ring, replace

Winding distortion Inadequate routine maintenance Review and improve maintenance Review rotor routine
regime strategies inspection
Shorted turns or blockage of Repair conductor or insulation
cooling system of rotor blocks to clear obstruction.
conductors. Overhaul end windings. Replace
conductors as required.

Inappropriate design of end turns Improve the design by modifying the

end turns to allow better cooling
distribution and thermal expansion.

Earth fault Repair the fault and install rotor Review rotor protection
earth fault protection system. system.
Monitor rotor shaft voltage

Coil stick-slip Overhaul the top insulation system Review routine winding
or make modifications to improve inspection strategy.
the freedom of rotor conductor

Level I Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

System Sub- Failure Mode Possible Cause of Failure Remedial Solution(s) Condition Monitoring Component Description
system Strategy and Assumptions
Vibration Turn to turn short circuits Repair fault by replace or add Install rotor shorted turn
insulation between the conductors detection system.
at the fault location.
Consider to rewind rotor If the it is
more than 40 years old and have
done excessive two shifting

Bearing wipe Overhaul or replace bearings Monitor bearing

Routine test lubricating oil

Rotor radial Defect in electrical contact Realign and machine effected Routine monitor radial High current carrying components
connectors surfaces electrical contact surfaces connectors with thermo- such as rotor radial connectors
overheating graphic examination, and in bore shaft leads required to
Perform voltage drop test have very good electrical contact
across all accessible surfaces. Faults in these
electrical contact surfaces components can result in severe
. during routine overhaul over-heating and hydrogen
outages and re-assemble leakages.
of the_connector_assembly.
Insulation failure Replace electrical insulation Routine monitor Insulation
components within the radial resistance of radial
connection assembly connectors

Hydrogen leakage due to failure of Replace seals and 0-rings. Pressure / vacuum test
seals and internal 0-rings of check in the connectors.
connector assembly

Overheating due to fracture of Replace components and improve Routine monitor radial
main connecting tube or maintenance procedures and QA connectors with thermo-
incorrectly installed components systems. graphic examination.
Perform voltage drop test
across all accessible
electrical contact surfaces
during routine overhaul
outages and re-assemble
of the connector assembly.

Level I Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

System Sub- Failure Mode Possible Cause of Failure Remedial Solution(s) Condition Monitoring Component Description
system Strategy and Assumptions
Stator Contamination Stator coolant water chemistry. Test water chemistry and rectify Online continuous Water cooled large generators using
Coolant problems. conductivity measurement. de-ionized water (stator coolant).

Stator coolant pump Pumps failed or malfunction. Repair or replace pump, clean out Stator coolant flow and
fault, coolant system. differential pressure
Bearing damage. Overhaul pump and motor, replace Regular motor/pump
all bearings, vibration measurement.
Motor damage. Repair or replace motor Motor protection installed.
Flow restriction fault. Blockage of stator coolant filter Clean or replace filter Stator coolant flow and
differential pressure
Flow switch failed and blocked Clear blockage and replace flow
flow, switch

Lack of stator Leakage in system Find and repair leaks. Review / The alarm system should have
coolant check level alarm system, rectify double or triple redundancy to
as required. ensure the status of stator coolant
system is known at all time.
Failure of stator coolant system
could potentially lead to extensive
damage to the generator stator.
System failed to top up Check coolant topping up system.
Rectify faults as required.
Review / check level alarm systems,
rectify as required

Level alarms inoperative Review / check level alarm systems,

rectify as required

Level I Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

System Sub- Failure Mode Possible Cause of Failure Remedial Solution(s) Condition Monitoring Component Description
system Strategy and Assumptions
Hydrogen Blockages Foreign object blocked cooler Inspect and remove foreign objects. Check temperatures in and Hydrogen coolers should very clean
coolers tubes out of coolers on both on the hydrogen side since it is
Check water flow through coolers. hydrogen side and water enclosed within the generator.
side to confirm if the Most of problems such as
coolers are functional blockage and fouling occur in the
correctly. water side.

Leakages Crack of cooler tubes Repair tube or block tube to isolate Install liquid in stator' alarm.

Fouling of cooler Lack of routine cleaning. Improve cooler cleaning procedures. Monitor differential pressure
tubes across all hydrogen
Monitor temperature across
all coolers.
Water chemistry failure Check water purity and improve as

Hydrogen Overheating of white Incorrect of oil flow Inspect and repair or replace seal as Monitor seal's white metal
Seals metal surfaces required. temperature
Excessive oil Wear and tear of white metal Inspect and repair or replace seal as Monitor quantity of oil
ingress into surfaces. required. ingress into generator.
generator Improve routine visual
inspection of spill oil flow in
seal oil sight glass.

White metal surface was Inspect seal for blockages. Review routine visual
incorrectly fabricated. Inspect and rectify seal white metal inspection of spill oil flow in
surfaces for correct oil reticulation seal oil sight glass.
Drain oil from generator.

Oil I hydrogen pressure regulator Repair or replace regulator Differential pressure across the
malfunctions regulator must be set correctly.

Hydrogen leakage to Damage to white metal surfaces. Immediately isolate the area and
atmosphere ensure adequate ventilation to
prevent hydrogen accumulates in
pockets risking hydrogen explosion
Replace or repair white metal

Level I Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

System Sub- Failure Mode Possible Cause of Failure Remedial Solution(s) Condition Monitoring Component Description
system Strategy and Assumptions

Lack of oil flow through sealing Replace or repair seal white metal
faces causing overheating and surfaces.
damage to sealing faces

Oil / hydrogen pressure regulator Repair or replace regulator


Generator Stand off support Crack or broken insulators Thoroughly inspect IPB. Routine HV test, IR test, Assume air cooled free breathing
Isolated bushing failure Replace failed bushings DLA test. IPB system.
Phase Bus Routinely test protection
(IPB) systems.
Water contamination in the inner Replace seals and or repair Routine visual inspection.
space of IPB. breathing system.

Earthing system Broken earth connectors, high Repair I replace joints. Ductor test joints, measure
failure electrical resistance joint, joint resistances of stages
and whole.

Overheating at main High resistance contacts due to Repair joints and improve Routine thermo-graphic
connection joints incorrect installation procedures installation procedures, improve examination where
or joint contamination with training of tradespersons possible.
foreign objects. Routine visual inspection
and Ductor test all joints.

Lack of cooling Rectify cooling system as per Routine thermo-graphic

original design examination where
Routine visual inspection
and Ductor test all joints.

Level I Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

System Sub- Failure Mode Possible Cause of Failure Remedial Solution(s) Condition Monitoring Component Description
system Strategy and Assumptions
Over-current generated Operate generator within original Routine thermo-graphic
designed limit or upgrade IPB to examination where
suit new generation capacity possible.
Routine visual inspection
and Ductor test all joints.
Install fibre-optic
temperature sensors or
heat sensitive stickers.

Generator Failed to protect Lack of maintenance or failure of Replace components as required. Review protection system
Protection generator from protection system such as testing routine regime.
System external or internal protection relays, CT's, VT's. Routine protection tests.

Hydrogen High moisture Excessive moisture ingress Repair steam turbine gland steam Continuously monitor or Hydrogen drying system is very
Drying content through steam turbine gland seals. regular spot check important to the generator health.
System steam system through lubricating Install online hydrogen dew point hydrogen dew point Dry hydrogen significantly reduces
oil and hydrogen sealing oil monitoring system or as minimum risk of faults such as stress
system test hydrogen dew point on a corrosion cracking, core corrosion,
regular basis low IR, DLA, high voltage tracking,
partial discharging.

Failure of hydrogen Desiccant exhausted. Replace desiccant Continuously monitor or

drier regular spot check
Internal heating system Overhaul internal heating system, Continuously record drier
malfunctioned repair as required temperatures.
Control system malfunction Test and rectify control system as

High moisture High moisture content hydrogen Improve QA check of hydrogen Continuously monitor or
content in top up delivered, purchased or generated. regular spot check
hydrogen hydrogen dew point
Check hydrogen dew point prior to

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