Mastering Public Relations

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Mastering Public Relations - Table of Contents


Mastering Public Rela ons

v. 1.0

Table of Contents
Licensing Information
Chapter 1: The Importance of Public Relations: UPS Case
A Conflict Unfolds
What Can Be Learned From the UPS Case?

Chapter 2: What Is Public Relations?

Defining Public Relations
The Function of Public Relations
Naming the Public Relations Function
Chapter Summary

Chapter 3: Models and Approaches to Public Relations

The Historical Development of Modern Public Relations
The Subfunctions of Public Relations
Chapter Summary

Chapter 4: Public Relations as a Management Function

Functions of Management
Public Relations Roles
The C-Suite
Chapter Summary

Chapter 5: Organizational Factors for Excellent Public Relations

Value of Public Relations
Organizational Culture
Organizational Structure
Chapter Summary

Chapter 6: Public Relations and Organizational Effectiveness

Goal Attainment Approach
Systems Theory Approach
Stakeholder Management Approach

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Mastering Public Relations - Table of Contents

Chapter Summary

Chapter 7: Identifying and Prioritizing Stakeholders and Publics

Stakeholder Management and Prioritizing Publics
The Situational Theory of Publics Predicts Active or Passive Behavior
A Contingency Approach to Public Relations Strategy
Case: Building a Corporate Headquarters in a Prestigious Neighborhood
Chapter Summary

Chapter 8: Public Relations Research: The Key to Strategy

Importance of Research in Public Relations Management
Purpose and Forms of Research
Types of Research
Chapter Summary

Chapter 9: The Public Relations Process—RACE

Constructing the Strategic Plan for a Public Relations Campaign
Chapter Summary

Chapter 10: The Practice of Public Relations

Corporate Public Relations
Responsibilities and Focus of the Chief Communications Officer
Agency Public Relations
Government Relations and Public Affairs
Issues Management and Public Policy
Nonprofit, NGO, and Activist Public Relations
Activism Case: No Place for Gaddafi to Pitch His Tent
Chapter Summary

Chapter 11: Ethics, Leadership and Counseling, and Moral

Conducting Moral Analyses
Case: Home Depot’s Leadership Crisis
Chapter Summary

Chapter 12: Best Practices for Excellence in Public Relations

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Mastering Public Relations - Table of Contents

Effectiveness and Excellence

Best Practices Case: Entergy Responds to Hurricane Katrina
Chapter Summary

Chapter 13: References

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