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1. A remote control that is used to turn on or off some machine is also called a(n) _____.

A) class
B) interface
C) message
D) instance

2. In a student grading system, Student Last Name, Student Address, and Final Course
Grade would all be classified as what?
A) Inheritance
B) Information
C) Encapsulation
D) Polymorphism

3. What part of object-oriented technology defines superclass and subclass relationships?

A) Inheritance
B) Scalability
C) Encapsulation
D) Polymorphism

4. In a student grading system, objects from different classes communicate with each
other. These communications are known as _____.
A) inheritance
B) polymorphism
C) messages
D) concealment

5. When an object has many forms, it has _____.

A) Inheritance
B) Scalability
C) Encapsulation
D) Polymorphism

6. What term is used to describe the internal representation of an object that is hidden
from view outside the object's definition?
A) Encapsulation
B) Expandable
C) Polymorphism
D) Inheritance

7. What programming language model is organized around "objects" rather than

A) Java
C) Perl
D) C+
8. What are the instructions called that tell a system what, how, and when to do
A) Object-oriented technology approach
B) Object-oriented database
C) Program
D) Database management

9. What common technique attempts to save time and energy by reducing redundant work
in object-oriented programming?
A) Reduce lines of programming
B) Reuse of code
C) Reduce size of systems being developed
D) Merging different systems together

10. What kind of programming language is Java?

A) Object-oriented programming language
B) Relational programming language
C) Sixth-generation programming language
D) Database management programming language

11. First object oriented language 'Smalltalk' were first appeared in

A. 1972
B. 1982
C. 1992
D. 2000

12. Complex real object contains

A. attributes
B. variables
C. constants
D. strings

13. Member function will access data and return value to user when it is

E. called
F. declared
G. initialized
H. deleted
14. Language which is called pure object oriented language because everything in it is treated
consistently as an object, from primitives such as characters and punctuation, all way up to
whole classes, prototypes, blocks, modules, etc. is

A. SmallTalk
C. C
D. Matlab

15. In object oriented language, single unit which has data and its function is termed as

A. attribute
B. object
C. constant
D. loop

16. Data in an object oriented language is safe from accidental alternation as it is

A. buged
B. compressed
C. hidden
D. error free

17. If we want to read a data item in an object, member function in an object is

A. call
B. declare
C. initialize
D. delete

18. Data encapsulation and data hiding are key features of

A. procedural language
B. machine language
C. structural language
D. object oriented language

19. Which of following language designed mainly for object oriented programming, but
with some procedural elements?

A. Java
C. Visual Basic
D. Matlab

20. Object oriented language has single unit which combines

A. data and function

B. data and constant
C. function and simulation
D. string and character

21. Wrapping of private data in classes in object-oriented programming languages is

termed as

A. data encapsulation
B. data declaration
C. data initialization
D. data deletion

22. In Smalltalk language, object functions are named as

A. member functions
B. methods
C. local functions
D. linear functions

23. Sending a message to object is referred to as

A. calling object
B. declaring object
C. sending object
D. initializing object

24. Object provides an approach to program organization by helping to

A. delete program's data

B. maintain program's data
C. send program's data
D. initialize program's data

25. Attributes are also known as

A. characteristics
B. behavior
C. constants
D. loops

26. Complex real object must have some particular movement, referred to as

A. behavior
B. variables
C. constants
D. strings

27. The method of design encompassing the process of object oriented decomposition and a
notation for depicting both logical and physical and as well as static and dynamic models of
the system under design is known as:
a) Object- Oriented Programming
b) Object- Oriented Design
c) Object- Oriented Analysis
d) None of the mentioned

28. What is the programming style of the object oriented conceptual model?
a) Invariant relationships
b) Algorithms
c) Classes and objects
d) Goals, often expressed in a predicate calculus.

29. The essential characteristics of an object that distinguish it from all other kinds of
objects and thus provide crisply defined conceptual boundaries, relative to the perspective
of the viewer is called:
a) Encapsulation
b) Modularity
c) Hierarchy
d) Abstraction
30. Abstraction is classified into _______ types
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1

31. The process of compartmentalizing the elements of an abstraction that constitute its
structure and behavior is called as
a) Hierarchy
b) Encapsulation
c) Modularity
d) Entity Abstraction.

32. Single inheritance, multiple inheritance, and Aggregation comes under _______
a) Modularity
b) Typing
c) Hierarchy
d) None of the mentioned

33. In which of the following mechanisms, types of all variables and expressions are fixed at
compilation time.
a) Strong Typing
b) Weak Typing
c) Static Binding/ early binding
d) Dynamic Binding/ late binding

34. In which of the following mechanisms, types of all variables and expressions are not
known until runtime
a) Strong Typing
b) Weak Typing
c) Static Binding/ early binding
d) Dynamic Binding/ late binding

35. Which of the following statements about Persistence is correct?

a) It is the enforcement of the class of an object, such that objects of different types may not be
interchanged, or at the most they may be interchanged only in very restricted ways.
b) It is the property of an object through which its existence transcends time and/or space.
c) It is the property that distinguishes an active object from one that is not active.
d) All of the mentioned
36. What is that concept in type theory in which a single name may denote objects of many
different classes that are related by some common super class referred to ______
a) Monomorphism
b) Type Checking
c) Polymorphism
d) Generalization

37. Object oriented technology is built upon a sound engineering foundation, whose
elements are collectively called as _________
a) Von Neumann Model
b) Object Model
c) Structured Model
d) Programming Model

38. Which of the following programming language are object oriented in nature
a) Smalltalk and Simula
c) C and Ada
d) Perl and Python

39. Callback is an operation provided by

a) Inheritance
b) Encapsulation
c) Modularity
d) Abstraction

40. :reader, :writer or :accessor are the slot options in

a) Smalltalk
c) Object Pascal

41. Dependencies among files can then be asserted using the macro
a) #define
b) #undef
c) #include
d) #endif

42. Inheritance is an example of which type of hierarchy

a) Class Structure
b) Object Structure
c) Both
d) None of the mentioned

43. Superclass represents ______________ abstractions

a) Generalized abstractions
b) Specialization abstractions
c) Both
d) None of the mentioned

44. Subclass represents _______________ abstractions

a) Generalized abstractions
b) Specialization abstractions
c) Both
d) None of the mentioned

45. _____________ is the property that distinguishes an active object from one that is not
a) Persistence
b) Typing
c) Aggregation
d) Concurrency

46. Which of the following property is associated with objects?

a) State
b) Behavior
c) Identity
d) All of the mentioned

47. Which of the property of a object encompasses all of the (usually static) properties of
the object plus the current (usually dynamic) values of each of these.
a) Semantics
b) Behavior
c) State
d) Identity

48. Which of the following object types are generally autonomous, meaning that they can
exhibit some behavior without being operated upon by another object.
a) Passive
b) Active
c) Both a and b
d) None of the mentioned

49. A ________ is a description of a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations,
relationships, and semantics.
a) Structure
b) Class
c) Constructor
d) Function

50. A ________ is a special member function whose task is to initialize the objects of its
a) Constructor
b) Destructor
c) Selector
d) Iterator

51. Which of the following statements about a constructor is not true?

a) We cannot refer to their addresses.
b) They cannot be inherited, though a derived class can call the base class constructor.
c) An object with a constructor can be used as a member of a union.
d) Constructors cannot be virtual.
52. The constructors that can take arguments are called ___________
a) Default Constructor
b) Copy Constructor
c) Parameterized Constructor
d) Dynamic Constructor

53. When an object is created and initialized at the same time, a _________ constructor gets
a) Inline Constructor
b) Copy Constructor
c) Default Constructor
d) Parameterized Constructor

54. Destructor is defined as _______

a) Const matrix X(m, n);
b) matrix:: ~matrix(){ }
c) matrix:: matrix(void)
d) matrix()

55. Which of the following is the functionality of ‘Data Abstraction’?

a) Reduce Complexity
b) Binds together code and data
c) Parallelism
d) None of the mentioned

56. Which of the following mechanisms is/are provided by Object Oriented Language to
implement Object Oriented Model?
a) Encapsulation
b) Inheritance
c) Polymorphism
d) All of the mentioned

57. Which of the these is the functionality of ‘Encapsulation’?

a) Binds together code and data
b) Using single interface for general class of actions.
c) Reduce Complexity
d) All of the mentioned

58. What is ‘Basis of Encapsulation’?

a) object
b) class
c) method
d) all of the mentioned
59. How will a class protect the code inside it?
a) Using Access specifiers
b) Abstraction
c) Use of Inheritance
d) All of the mentioned

60. Which of the following is a mechanism by which object acquires the properties of
another object?
a) Encapsulation
b) Abstraction
c) Inheritance
d) Polymorphism

61. Which of the following supports the concept of hierarchical classification?

a) Polymorphism
b) Encapsulation
c) Abstraction
d) Inheritance

62. Which Keyword from the following is used to inherit properties from one class into
a) extends
b) subclasses
c) native
d) all of the mentioned

63. Which of the following concept is often expressed by the phrase, ‘One interface,
multiple methods’?
a) Abstraction
b) Polymorphism
c) Inheritance
d) Encapsulation

65. Analysis process which involves analyzing and designing of system from an object-
oriented programming is termed as

A. Object Analysis
B. Object Oriented Analysis
C. Overall Oriented Analysis
D. System Analysis

66. Process used for determining respective project's requirements and than develop a
design for that project is termed as

A. initializing
B. requirement checking
C. analysis
D. project study

67. Lines, rectangles and circles are

A. hardware objects
B. graphic objects
C. control system objects
D. circuit designing objects

68. Data type which holds its own data members and member functions, which can be
accessed and used by creating an instance of that class is known as

A. user defined data type

B. by default data type
C. integer data type
D. string data type

69. A base class contains elements common to a group of

A. parent classes
B. derived classes
C. sub classes
D. variables

70. An object in a class is often called

A. element
B. instance
C. bit
D. baud
71. Many companies find that being able to reuse classes on a second project provides
original programming investment

A. decrease return
B. increase return
C. no return
D. infinite return

72. In an economical model, physical object is

A. economics
B. transport
C. probability
D. country

73. In C++, original class is called

A. base class
B. derived class
C. sub class
D. object

73. Provision of a single interface to entities of different types is termed as

A. polymorphism
B. dimorphism
C. trimorphisim
D. automorphism

74. A Class is a user defined data-type which have data members and

A. data function
B. variable
C. member function
D. linear function

75. Element of computer-user environment is

A. windows
B. matlab software
C. paint
D. joystick

76. Overloading is kind of

A. polymorphism
B. dimorphism
C. trimorphisim
D. automorphism

77. A dictionary is example of data

A. object
B. entity
C. collection
D. types

78. Subroutines or functions are simplest form of

A. reuse
B. object
C. function
D. class

79. As functions do in procedural program, inheritance element shortens an

A. object oriented program

B. machine program
C. procedural program
D. structural program

80. Employees in an office is human's

A. object
B. entity
C. data type
D. object

81.Automobile in a traffic flow simulation is

A. object
B. function
C. data
D. variable

82.One object oriented class can become parent of several

A. objects
B. sub classes
C. sub objects
D. variables

83. In object oriented language, program is divided into

A. objects
B. functions
C. data
D. loops

84. Objects are members of

A. classes
B. functions
C. variables
D. data

85. Once a class has been written, created and debugged, it can be distributed to other
programs for use in their own program. This is called

A. reusability
B. usability
C. robust
D. reboot

86. Process used for determining respective project's requirements and than develop a
design for that project is termed as

A. initializing
B. requirement checking
C. analysis
D. project study
89. Building block of C++ that leads to object oriented programming is termed as

A. class
B. object
C. function
D. construct

90. Data type integer is declared by syntax

A. int
B. integer
C. INt

91. Arrays in object oriented language can be referred to as data storage

A. constructs
B. entities
C. collection
D. types

92. Use of existing assets in some form within software product development process is
termed as

A. reusability
B. usability
C. robust
D. reboot

93. Parameter which clarifies relationship among program elements is

A. inheritant
B. base class
C. derived class
D. object

94. Using operation or function in different ways depending what they are operating on is

A. polymorphism
B. dimorphism
C. trimorphisim
D. automorphism

95. Class which share its characteristics to parent class but also add its own is termed as

A. base class
B. derived class
C. sub class
D. object

96. Defining class

A. creates object
B. doesn't creates object
C. creates variable
D. creates function

97. Use of existing software, or software knowledge, to build new software, following
reusability principles is termed as

A. exist reuse
B. code reuse
C. hardware reuse
D. dead reuse

98. Data type integer 'int' can't

A. create variable
B. create data type
C. declare integer
D. initialize integer

99. C++ was originally called

A. C with objects
B. C with classes
C. C with functions
D. C with loops

100. Functions ability to act in different ways on different data types is termed as
A. polymorphism
B. dimorphism
C. trimorphisim
D. automorphism

101. Point on a plane is data type which is

A. by default
B. randomly defined
C. user defined
D. not a data type

102. Code reuse is also known as

A. software reuse
B. hardware reuse
C. exist reuse
D. dead reuse

103. Match between programming objects and real world objects is result of combining

A. variables and constant

B. variables and data
C. functions and data
D. functions and loops

104. In a one class, we can define

A. one object
B. two objects
C. multiple objects
D. no object

105. Stack in object oriented language can be referred to as data storage

A. constructs
B. entities
C. collection
D. types
106. Container of objects that are inserted and removed according to last-in first-out
principle is termed as

A. customized array
B. stack
C. binary tree
D. decimal tree

107. When an existing operator, such as + or =, is given capacity to operate on a new data
type, is said to be

A. overloaded
B. loaded
C. unloaded
D. None of these

108. Aircraft in an air traffic control system is

A. object
B. entity
C. collection
D. construct

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