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Civil Engineering: fc and fcu, Cylinder and Cube Strengths for Concrete Page 1

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Civil Engineering
Volunteer Expert: Arshad Khan - 7/ 15/2008
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QUESTION: What's the difference between f 'c and fcu? How do I convert f'c to fcu?
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Tell friends This is service and ultimate stresses in concrete and roughly the factor is 1.5 to 1. 6
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QUESTION: is there a standard conversion formula?

About Arshad Khan Hi Ben ,
I can answer any questions
to do with engineering
On reflection , fc could mean cylinder crushing strength (usually in USA) and fcu could be a cube crushing strength (used in UK), and both
consultancy and construction are at 28 days age . The conversion is fc x 1.2 = fcu
industry in East Africa and
the Middle East , and
specifically with the analysis
and design of reinforced
concrete structures . My http :// 1cis.htm
particular expertise is in the
aseismic design and
optimisation of tall buildings.

If what you are looking for is conversion from service stress to ultimate stress, then the factor is about 1 .5
Employment history: 35
years in Construction and
consultancy in the UK,
Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Add to this Answer Ask a Question
Ethiopia, Eritrea, South
Africa, Somalia, Austria,
Bahrain and the U .A. E.
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.Fellow of Institution of
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.Fellow of Institution of Civil • CIVIL ENGINEERING CORPS
Engineers(UK) .Member of
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the Institution of Engineers,
Kenya . Registered Engineer, • CIVIL ENGINEERING CORPS
ERB, Kenya .Chartered
Engineer (UK)

•1984: International
Conference on the Art and
Practice of Structural Design,
London •1994: 3rd Int.
Kerensky Conference in
Structural Engineering,
Singapore •2008:
International Conference on
High-Rise Towers, Abu Dhabi

BSc in Building Engineering,
University of Bath, UK MSc in 6/18/2010 11:56:08 AM

Civil Engineering: fc and fcu, Cylinder and Cube Strengths for Concrete Page 2

Concrete Structures and

Technology, University of
London. Diploma of Imperial
College, UK.

Awards and Honors

•Science Congress Special
Award (for 2-seater
Hovercraft - 1968)
•Institution of Civil Engineers
Award for outstanding
performance at Bath
University (1975) •Concrete
Society Postgraduate study
Bursary Award (1976)
•Consular Representative for
British High Commission,
Nairobi. (1995 to 1998)
•Examiner for Institution of
Civil Engineers Professional
Interviews, Nairobi. (1997 to
1998) •Branch Representative
in Vienna for PI assessment
for Inst. of Struct. Engrs.
(1999 to date)

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