Etherdelta Ethb Guide

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Table of Contents
1 ……………….. Cover
2 ……………….. Table of Contents
3 ……………….. Introduction
4 ……………….. Getting Prepared: Creating a MyEtherWallet Account
8 ……………….. How to Buy EtherBTC At Ether Delta
9 ……………….. Disable MetaMask
10 ………………… Import An Account
12 ………………… Understanding the EtherDelta Balances Section
13 ……………….. Understanding The Order Book
15 ……………….. How to Buy a Sell Order
16 ……………….. How To Place A Buy Order
17 ……………….. How To Withdraw Tokens From EtherDelta
18 ……………….. How To Sell EtherBTC On EtherDelta
21 ……………….. How To Sell To A Buy Order
23 ……………….. How To Place A Sell Order
23 ……………….. How To Cancel A Sell Order
23 ……………….. How To Withdraw Your Tokens And Ether From EtherDelta
24 ……………….. Pro Tips and Tricks


EtherBTC is a hybrid cryptocurrency that combines the speed and affordability of

the Ethereum blockchain with the limited nature of bitcoin.

Because ETHB utilizes the Ethereum blockchain, it is faster and less expensive to
transfer than bitcoin.

Unlike Ether (ETH) which has an unlimited supply (over 90,000,000 ETH currently
exist, which is more than 5 times the circulating amount of bitcoin), ETHB is
limited to just 21,000,000 units, which is the same maximum number as bitcoin.

One of benefits of holding bitcoin is receiving “free coins” whenever there is a

hard fork of BTC. EtherBTC intends to market itself to other projects as a means
of distributing their tokens to wallets that hold at least 100 ETHB and that are
registered on the website to receive “airdrops”. This should be
considered a forward looking statement as there are currently no projects that
have agreed to distribute tokens through ETHB, and this may or may not come to
pass. For this reason, no one should purchase ETHB simply to receive airdrops of
additional tokens in the future.

Currently ETHB can be bought and sold on EtherDelta, which is a decentralized,

Ethereum-based exchange. The purpose of this guide is to familiarize you with
the unique processes of buying and selling on

Getting Prepared: Before You Buy At EtherDelta
EtherDelta is an Ethereum based, decentralized exchange, specializing in ERC20 tokens.
Whenever a new token is released, you’ll usually find it for sale on EtherDelta, before the bigger
exchanges begin to carry it. The more transactions that take place on EtherDelta, the more the
bigger exchanges will take notice.

To buy ETHB using EtherDelta you will need to have a MyEtherWallet with the amount of ETH
you wish to use for your purchase + 0.2 ETH that you will keep in your wallet to pay miners.
(Ex: If you want to buy 1 ETHs worth of ETHB we recommend you transfer 1.2 ETH into your

Creating a MyEtherWallet
Go to The home page will look like this:

4 5
1 2 3

Key to numbers on image above:

1. New Wallet – Default starting point. If not, click to create a new wallet.
2. Send Ether & Token – Click if you want to send
3. View Wallet Info – Click if you want to check your balance
4. Gas Price – How much the miners will get paid for processing your transaction. The
higher the number, the more expensive the transaction and the faster miners will
process it.
5. Network ETH – Different ETH nodes to use: MyEtherWallet, EtherScan, Infuria. Default
is MyEtherWallet. (Disregard all other options.)

Pro Tip: MyEtherWallet does not automatically refresh, so after transfering ETH or Tokens,
you can switch back and forth between Network ETH nodes to manually refresh the page.
To create a MyEtherWallet go to

1. Make sure New Wallet is underlined, indicating you are in the section to create a wallet.
2. Enter a password, then open a Microsoft Note file (.txt) and type your password for future
reference. It is recommended that you do NOT save your .txt file on your computer and
instead, save it to a removable thumb drive for extra security (save to your computer if you
have no other options). This way, if your computer crashes, gets hacked, or goes in for service,
you will still have access to your MyEtherWallet account.

2. Click the blue “Create New Wallet” button.

3. Download the Keystore File (UTC / JSON) -- Find it in your Downloads folder and move it to
your thumbdrive. (This can be used to recover your wallet should you need to in the future,
and removes it from your computer so hackers or computer repair persons can’t access it.)

4. Click the “I Understand, Continue” button.

5. Highlight, copy and paste your Private Key into the note file that has your password, then
save it to your thumbdrive, overwriting the previous version of the file. Your Private Key allows
you to access the contents of your wallet. As the name implies, you must always keep this key
PRIVATE. If you share it or lose it, you will lose any crypto you stored in your wallet.

6. With your Private Key copied, click “View Wallet Info”

7. Select “Private Key” from the list of options on the left.

8. Paste your private key into the form field that will pop up and click “Unlock.”

This will put you inside your new wallet.

9. Highlight and copy the code appearing under “Your Address” (also known as your “Wallet
Address” or your “Public Key”), then paste it into the same .txt file as your Private Key and click
Save. Your wallet address will always start with 0x… and is the address you can share with
others to receive ETH or tokens.

Your .txt file should look something like this:
Password: yourpassword
Account Address: (always starts with 0x)
Private Address: (always longer than your wallet address).

Double check all info, making sure the first and last characters of your public and private keys
are correct, then save the file to your thumb drive, overwriting the previous version.

10. Transfer ETH into your MyEtherWallet by logging into whatever exchange your ETH is on
(Coinbase, etc) and send it to your Account Address. Make sure you add at least 0.2 more ETH
than you want to use for your purchase to pay miners their transaction fees. If you don’t have
the extra ETH to pay the miners, your wallet will stop working until you add more.

(NOTE: Always double check before sending ETH to make sure your public address begins and
ends with the correct first and last 3 characters. If so, everything in between will be correct.
Depending on the amount of gas spent when you send your ETH, it should arrive in seconds, up
to a few minutes. If your gas rate is really low, it could take a lot longer (even weeks) so it’s
best to check at to check to see how much gas you
need to receive it in the timeframe you want to.

Once you have your ETH added to your MyEtherWallet, it’s time to create an account at


EtherDelta is a decentralized exchange specializing in Ethereum based ERC20 tokens.

Decentralized means that there is no middle man holding your tokens, instead your ETH and
Tokens are stored within an Ethereum smart contract. This means no one can pull an exit scam
and run off with your crypto. That does not mean, however, that the site is hackerproof.

On, you’ll see a list of sell orders and the prices associated with them. All prices
shown are a priced in ETH. To determine the dollar amount, you would multiply the price
shown on EtherDelta by the current price of ETH to see how much they are selling their tokens

You can go to the lowest price, and if it’s a larger quantity than you wish to purchase, you can
change the quantity to the amount of tokens to what you want to buy, submit your order, and
purchase the quantity you want at the lowest price possible.

If you don’t see a sell order you like, you can place a buy order and wait for a Seller to fill it.

In this section you will learn:

1. How to import your MyEtherWallet to EtherDelta
2. How to deposit ETH to your EtherDelta smart contract
3. How to Buy an existing Sell Order on EtherDelta
4. How to placing a Buy Order on EtherDelta for a seller to fulfill
5. How to Sell by creating Sell Order on EtherDelta for a buyer to purchase
6. How to transfer the tokens you purchased from MetaMask to your MyEtherWallet

Enjoy! 

1. Disable MetaMask
(IMPORTANT: Always use the Chrome browser. If you are not already running MetaMask
you may skip this step and go straight to Step 2.)

If you are running MetaMask you should disable it before starting with EtherDelta. If you leave
MetaMask running, it is too easy to get confused between accounts. Using MyEtherWallet is easier than
using MetaMask and allows you to directly withdraw funds from EtherDelta right back into your wallet
with ease.

To disable MetaMask, (with Windows):

A) Click the three dots for “Customize and Control Google Chrome.”

B) Scroll down and click “More Tools” then click “Extensions”

C) Scroll down to find MetaMask and if “Enable” is checked, uncheck it.

D) Close the “Extensions” tab.

2. How to Import your MyEtherWallet (IMPORTANT: Use Chrome browser.)

Go to
You will see a screen that looks like this. Click “Select
account” in upper right corner of screen.

If you see an account number pre-loaded into

EtherDelta, click “Forget Account” to delete it.

From the “Select Account” drop down menu, select “Import Account.”

In the popup menu that appears , copy and paste your
Public and Private Keys to the MyEtherWallet you created
to use with EtherDelta, then click “Import account.”
PRO TIP: Create a MyEtherWallet just for use with
EtherDelta that only contains the ETH and tokens you
want to use for EtherDelta transactions. This will limit
your risk you should a hacker ever attack EtherDelta.

On the left hand side of the

screen, under “Balance,”
you will see the amount of
ETH in the MyEtherWallet
you connected.


Where most people get confused with EtherDelta is in understanding the different sections and
what different terms mean. Please pay extra careful attention to this section and refer back to
it as you move funds between your MyEtherWallet and EtherDelta.

The Balances section there are 3 different tabs across the top: Deposit Withdraw Transfer

Beneath them you have two different columns: Wallet and EtherDelta

Then you have two rows. The first row is for the token (ETHB). The second row is for ETH.

In the above example you can see that your imported wallet (middle column) contains
0.000 ETHB and 0.246 ETH

You have 0.000 ETHB or and 0.000 ETH in the EtherDelta smart contract column.

To make a purchase you must DEPOSIT into the EtherDelta column from your Wallet. Do this:
1. Make sure you have clicked the Deposit tab at the top.
2. Under ETH, where it says amount, enter the amount you want to transfer. (You should keep
0.1 ETH in your Wallet. Anything beyond that may be deposited into the EtherDelta column.)

So in the case above, I could enter 0.146 in the “Amount” line under ETH and click the blue
“Deposit” button. It can take a few minutes, but eventually, you will see 0.146 on the ETH link
in the EtherDelta column.

To recap, “DEPOSIT” lets you deposit into the EtherDelta smart contract from your Wallet.

How To Buy a Sell Order on EtherDelta
Now that you have ETH in your EtherDelta smart contract, it’s time to make a purchase.

There are two ways to purchase on EtherDelta:

1. Filling a Sell Order

2. Placing a Buy Order (and waiting for a Seller to fill it).

Understanding the Order Book

Next to BALANCE is the ORDER BOOK which is divided into Sell Orders (Asks) and Buy Orders

The lowest Sell Order (Ask) is 0.000155999 (in red).

The Seller is offering 800 ETHB at 0.00015599 ea. To buy the entire order would be 0.125 ETH.
(The cool thing is … you don’t have to buy the entire order to get the lowest price!)

The highest Buy Order (Bid) is 0.0000250001 (in green).

This Buyer is willing to pay 0.0000250001 for up to 1111 ETHB for a total of 0.028 ETH.
(If you had ETH and this price was acceptable, you could fill all or part of this order.)

This is a free market and buyers and sellers can offer any prices they want.
If Sell orders are priced too high, no buyers will fill them.
If Buy orders are priced too low, no seller will fill them.

On the far right of the EtherDelta screen you’ll see a section called “TRADES.”

This section tells you what the token has been selling for. That allows you to decide if a Seller is
offering a fair Sell price, or if a Buyer is offering a fair Buy price.

In the chart above, you can see the price of ETHB has been steadily rising and the last price
ETHB sold for at this time was 0.00016 for 90 units. This tells us that the lowest SELL order
(previous page) of 0.000155999 is indeed a fair price. It also tells us that the highest Buy order
of 0.000025001 is a “low ball offer” compared to recent transactions.

As a Buyer you can decide to either fill the lowest Sell order (in red), and purchase at the
current market rate, or you could place a Buy order that is less than the lowest Sell order, to try
to get a better deal.

If you offered to buy 100 units of ETHB for 0.00012 ETH each, your offer to buy would be
significantly more than the next highest price. Who knows? A Seller might fill your Buy order
instead of placing a Sell order on EtherDelta. If a Seller filled it, you’d be getting a great deal
compared to the most recent sales prices. If they don’t, however, the Sell Order prices could
keep going up and it could end up costing you more in the long run.

These are the things you’ll need to weigh when deciding if you want to buy by filling a Sell order
or by placing your own Buy order.

How to buy a Sell Order:

Look at the red section of the ORDER BOOK.

The left column (in red) is the price per unit in ETH.
The center column tells you how many units of ETHB is available at that price.
The right column tells you the total amount of ETH needed to purchase the entire order.
ou do not have to fill an entire order to get the lowest price.

To buy a Sell Order, click on the lowest priced Sell Order (in red). Next, you’ll then see a popup
with details of your order:

Change the amount to buy to whatever amount you’d like to purchase (up to the maximum
amount being offered for sale) then click the blue Buy button.

Your order will begin to process, and will be moved into the Transactions section as “pending.”

The confirmation process can take anywhere from 1 minute to an hour to complete, depending
on transaction volume on the Ethereum network. When your purchase is successful, you’ll see
the amount you purchased in Balances, under EtherDelta, in the ETHB row.

Now, let’s say you wanted to offer less than any of the amounts people wanted to sell their
ETHB for . . .

How to Place a Buy Order

To place a Buy Order, complete the “NEW ORDER” section located under the Order Book.

Figure 1 Figure 2

Line 1: Enter the amount of ETHB you wish to purchase.

Line 2: Enter the price you are willing to pay denominated in ETH.
Line 3: Will automatically calculate the total amount of ETH for your order.
Note: You must have this much ETH deposited into your EtherDelta balance to place this order.
Line 4: This is the number of Ethereum blocks that must process before your order will expire.
10,000 blocks is about 2.5 days. If you set it to 10000000, it wouldn’t expire for about 2,500
days. You can always cancel your order at anytime should you change your mind.

If everything looks good, click the green Buy button.

Your order will be added to the green buy orders in the order book, which can take 1 minute to
an hour depending on the amount of business being conducted thru the Ethereum network.
Once it has been added, your order will be highlighted in blue to make it easy for you to spot
(See Figure 2, above).

You can place up to 5 buy orders at a time, per wallet that’s been imported to EtherDelta.

How to Cancel a Buy Order
Near the middle of the screen you’ll see “MY TRANSACTIONS.” Click on “Orders” then click on
the blue “Cancel” button. If no one has already agreed to fill your buy order, your transaction
will be cancelled.

How to Withdraw from EtherDelta to your MyEtherWallet

OK, so you successfully purchased ETHB. Under “BALANCES” it shows you have 50 ETHB under
the EtherDelta column.

The first thing you need to do is click the “Withdraw” tab.

Next, enter the amount of ETHB you want to withdraw, then click the blue “Withdraw” button.

Your ETHB will move from the EtherDelta column to your Wallet column.

Because you imported your MyEtherWallet, once you have withdrawn from the EtherDelta
column to the Wallet column, that’s it! The “transfer” button can be completely ignored as it
does not apply when you import a MyEtherWallet.

Note: If you run the Metamask Chrome extension, make sure you disable it prior to going to EtherDelta
so you don’t have too many wallets being imported into EtherDelta.

1. Go to:
2. Click “Select Account” in top right hand corner of EtherDelta screen then click “Import

 Click “Import account”

You will then see a popup that will let

you enter your public and private key to
the MyEtherWallet you want to use.
Always copy and paste your keys to
avoid typos then click “Import Account.”

Within a couple minutes, the page should refresh to show you the balances in your wallet
under BALANCE.

Deposit ETH and EtherBTC (ETHB) into EtherDelta.
Start by typing how much ETH you wish to deposit (minimum recommended amount is 0.1 ETH)
then click the ETH Deposit button.
Next, enter the amount of ETHB you wish to sell and click the ETHB Deposit button.



The deposits should process within a couple of minutes and you’ll see the new balances under

Once you have ETH and ETHERBTC listed under EtherDelta you are able to Sell.

Unlike other exchanges that typically show all other cryptocurrencies denominated in bitcoin
(BTC), on EtherDelta, all prices are denominated in Ethereum (ETH).

There are two ways to sell:

1) Fill an existing Buy Order, or
2) Create a new Sell Order.

How To Sell To A Buy Order

Orders in RED are sell orders. Orders in GREEN are buy orders.

Take a look at the ORDER BOOK.

The first green buy order is for 0.000025001 ETH. As of the writing of this guide, 1 ETH is worth
$749 on Coinbase, so 0.000025001 = $0.018 (almost 2 cents) per ETHB.

This Buy Order is listed at the top because it is the most anyone has offered to pay per ETHB.
This buyer wants to purchase 1111 ETHB for about $21.

Just because that is what someone is willing to pay does not mean you have to sell for their
price. I could offer someone $100 for their Ferrari, that doesn’t mean that’s what their Ferrari
is worth. It is always a good idea to look at TRADES to see recent sales:

Here you can see the last trade was for 0.00016 ETH or $0.12 per
ETHB, so the highest buy offer is a “low ball offer.”

If the highest buy offer was acceptable, the thing to understand is

that they have already locked up their ETH for that purchase in
the EtherDelta contract. If you accept it, the deal is done.

So let’s imagine we had a Buy Order that was closer to $0.12 and
it was acceptable to you . . .

To Sell to the Buy Order, you would click on the first green price, as that is the highest price
being offered. It would then open up the following popup:

Since you only have 100 ETHB, you would type that in the “Amount to sell (ETHB)” field and
click the blue Sell button.

The order would process, and within a few minutes the 100 ETHB would disappear from your
EtherDelta column and the correct amount of ETH would be added to the ETH amount held in
your EtherDelta column.

That’s it! You’re done. Now you just need to Withdraw your ETH back into your Wallet.

How to place a Sell Order
If there was not an acceptable Buy Order, you could then place a Sell Order. To do this, find the
NEW ORDER section (located under ORDER BOOK).

1) Click the SELL tab.

2) Enter the quantity of ETHB you want to sell.
3) Enter the price you’re willing to sell for in ETH (again, look at
TRADES to determine “fair market value.”
4) Add a couple zeros at the end of the Expires number. This is
the number of blocks until your order would expire. By default
it’s about 2.5 days. Add a zero and make it 25 days. Add 2
zeros and make it 250 days. You can manually cancel your
order any time you want.
5) Click the red “Sell” button.

In a few moments, your order will appear, highlighted in blue.


To the right of New Order, you’ll find the MY TRANSACTIONS section.

To manually cancel an order:
1) Click on Orders
2) Find the transaction you wish to cancel.
3) Click the blue Cancel button. That’s it!


OK, so you sold your ETHB and now you want to withdraw your ETH back to your MyEtherWallet …
1) Go to “BALANCE” 2) Click on “Withdraw.” 2) Enter the amount of ETHB you want to withdraw
3) Click the Withdraw button and wait. Repeat this process for any ETH remaining on EtherDelta.
That’s it! Your tokens and ETH are now back in your MyEtherWallet.

Pro Tips and Tricks
1. You can find a list of all tokens offered on EtherDelta by clicking on the symbol of the token you
are currently on. This will produce a dropdown and you can slide thru all the different tokens
currently available. (There are a lot.)

2. To learn more about the token you’re interested in, click on the symbol of the token:

A popup will then appear with info about the token, including it’s smart contract address and
the URL to it’s official website.

Congratuations on completing this instructional guide!

You are now an expert on how to use this amazing, decentralized exchange. 


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