Issues: Resolution A. COA's Adjudication Function

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Issues: Resolution

A. COA's Adjudication Function

1. Submission of documents - Non-submission of documents is a weak
- Submitted docs should be audited by the
B. Appeal:
1. Can the head of the agency file an appeal in behalf of - Only when it adversely affects the
the Agency? interest of the agency (Sec. 1 Rule XII
2009 RRPC)
2. If he is going to file for himself and not on behalf of - If it is in favor, it will be beneficial to the
the agency, what will be the effect to the other other persons liable even if they did not
person's liable? file. If it is adverse, it will also affect the
other persons liable.
C. Automatic Review
1. Lifting and reducing if the amount is P100,000.00
(COA Resolution No. 2016-023)
2. Single transaction amounting to P500,000.00 but the
auditor issued 5 NDs amounting to P100,000.00 (COA
Reso No. 2016-023)
3. What if consolidated appeals? (COA Reso No. 2016-
4. Preparation of decisions of the Director (COA Reso - Consolidate those NDs subject for
No. 2016-023) Automatic Review and those that are
5. ND 1 – 90,000.00 - Highly unlikely but in the event that it
ND 2 – 90,000.00 promulgated – final & executory does happen, go for the decision of the
ND 3 – 90,000.00 CP.
ND 4 – 110,000.00 subject for Auto Rev
ND 5 – 110,000.00

Presumption: ALL NDs refer to the same/similar


The Director's decision is to lift all the NDs. But the CP

reversed the decision of the Director.

6. What is the difference between lifting, reducing of

an amount not exceeding P100,000.00
D. Period to file an Appeal/Petition for Review
E. Service of Decision/Pleading
What if the respondent refuses to accept the COA The affidavit of the postmaster should be
decision? obtained to that effect.

F. Write Off
1. What if the RD grants the request for write off - Not subject for Auto Rev
amounting to P1, 000,000.00, is it subject for
Automatic Review?
2. Re: COA Reso No. 2016-022, what is the relation of 15 - Particular only to Write Off
working days to appeal to 180-days reglementary - A request for write off is not in the
period? exercise of the adjudication process of
the Commission. It is an accounting
(According to Ascom Zosa, this is still to
be cleared with CP)
3. "Due to and Due from" (Reciprocal accounts)
4. Appeal procedures - If the aggrieved party is not contented
with the decision of the ATL & SA, appeal
may be made to the Regional/Cluster
Director. If still not contented with the
decision of the RD/CD, appeal to the
Assistant Commissioner.
5. Hiring of tax consultants - Should be allowed since this is technical.
Only the clearance from OSG is required
6. Hiring of private collection officers - Needs COA approval
G. Templates for CP Decision
1. Why is CPASSSS still included in the list of parties to - For record purposes
be furnished with the decision?
H. Money Claim
1. If there's a breach of contract and the agency refuses - If the project never started and the
to pay the contractor. contractor is claiming for damages, it is
not under our jurisdiction.
- If there's an accomplishment, necessary
docs/reports (ORs, accomplishments)
should be submitted.
2. If the decision is to grant the claim but the agency - Request for funding
refuses to pay because it has no funds what could be
the remedy?
I. Legal Retainer Review, Legal Opinion, Administrative
Adjudication Pls. see the case of OMB vs. Andutan, G.R.
What is the effect of resignation/retirement on the No. 164679 and Pagano vs. Nazarro, G.R.
administrative investigation? No. 149072 , re: precipitate act of the
government employee in effecting her
What is the effect of exoneration of the charge? resignation from the service

J. Pleadings before the SC/Ombudsman, Issuance of


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