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Harmonization Payments Switzerland

Sample Settings and Information about PAIN.001
PAIN.008 // CAMT053 CAMT054 PAIN.002
SAP (Schweiz) AG May 4, 2017

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• Harmonization Payments Switzerland

 Pain.001 Batch booking / Type of Advice HR Salary payments
• Pain.008 CH-DD / CH-TA
• Electronic Bank Statement Camt.053 / Camt.054
• Replacement V11
• Pain.002 Status Messages Returns Processing
• SAP Notes
• Appendix

The Information shown in the following slides is intended as a support for customizing the settings needed for processing ISO20022 files (pain.001,
pain.002, pain.008, camt.053, camt.054) without any obligation. The slides are not exhaustive. The notes shown can be replaced or updated by newer
ones at any time.

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Supported Payment Types
Batch booking / Type of Advice
HR Salary payments

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Supported Payment Types pain.001 in CGI_XML_CT

Payment Types 2.1 and 2.2 aren’t supported anymore by recommendation of Postfinance regarding to «IBAN
only». They are covered with Payment Type 3.
Prerequisite: Maintain IBAN in the master data in tab Bank Account data.

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Pain.001: Batch booking and Debit Advice Combinations (settings in

• Parameters Batch booking / Type of Advice allow the following combinations (refer to page 45 of SIX Business Rules):

Meaning of the Code Values in Element

«Debtor Account/Type/Prtry» (<Prtry>):
• NOA No Advice
• SIA Single Advice
• CND Collective Advice No Details
• CWD Collective Advice With Details

Example of combinations at Credit Suisse

(page 33 in )

Please check the implications of above settings with your bank.

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Format parameter setting in OBPM4

In OBPM4 you will set the name space of the XML File
and e.g. Batch Booking and Type of Advice Parameters.

CT Switzerland non SEPA and SEPA

DD Switzerland/ non SEPA
DD Switzerland/SEPA

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Pain.001: Settings for HCM Salary Payments

• Check the implementation of the following notes

• 1930160 SEPA purpose code: Delivery of sample entries
• 1936397 SEPA: Use of purpose code in HCM
• 1874075 SEPA in HCM Composite SAP note
• 2366540 SALA for Payments
• 2398933 DME: SEPA purpose code not available in CE (Needed only with ‘Multi Settlement”)
• It is important to implement all CGI Updates from Note 2253571

• Settings for Purpose Code (in IMG / Payroll International)

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Pain.001: Settings for HCM : Purpose Codes for Payment transactions

Country assignment:

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Supported Payment Types for pain.008 in CGI_XML_DD

• Pain.008 supports the formats of Postfinance and Swiss Banks

• CH-DD direct debit (Swiss debit direct; Postfinance)
• CH-TA LSV+/BDD (Swiss Banks)

• The two different formats are customized in the payment methods customizing via supplements for
payment formats.
• It is important, to make the settings in V_T001I for the parameters like it is shown in the ‘Implementation
Guideline’ attached to note 2324390, if You use CH-DD. For CH-TA You could reuse the existing LSV+
parameters. In the company code’s parameters you maintain the according entries.

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CH-TA / CH-DD: Payment Method in the Country

• Maintain the settings in sequence 1) to 4). You can maintain CH-DD the same way as CH-TA as an own
payment method with supplement for payment methods CH-DD.
• For CH-DD Postfinance recommends to start with the open accounting method: this implies to use payment
orders like with CH-TA. Open items are cleared when receiving CAMT files. Don’t forget to use Prefix ZR in
the XBLNR interval for the payment order number range.

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Electronic Bank Statement
Camt.053 / Camt.054
XSLT_Tool for Transformations

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Electronic Bank Statement with CAMT053 / CAMT054

Because the content of EBS-Files can be different by country, partly even by

bank, SAP provides transformations by country if needed. A transformation is
used for the assignment of external fields to internal fields of camt files. For
Switzerland camt version 04 is supported in the transformation. The
transformation is written in XSLT.

FF_5 CAMT053/54 FEBAN-Tables

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Electronic Bank Statement CAMT

XSLT_TOOL: Creation of a transformation

• Transformations from note 2283622 can be created with transaction XSLT_TOOL. (Developer key is needed).
• After pressing the «Create» Button (1) You have to choose the type of the transformation (XSLT, (2)),
after that You save and choose a package in Your namespace (3), then You first delete the proposed code
in the tab ‘Source Code’ and then copy/paste the code from the word document (4).

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Electronic Bank Statement CAMT

For use in FF_5 we have to customize a mapping of the transformation to the

EBS format in SPRO.

Transformations: refer to Attachments of Note 2283622


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Electronic Bank Statement CAMT.053/054
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Electronic Bank Statement CAMT.053/054

Unified ISO-BankTransactionCodes for all Banks…

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Electronic Bank Statement camt.053/054
Example: Received Credit Transfer PMNTRCDTAUTT Challenges
You would need a transformation table from your bank(s) to allocate MT940 BTC’s
to camt.053/054 BTC’s:
Copy actually used BTC’s; adapt
Search Strings if used, too.

Transaction type
used for all BTC’s that
are not assigned.

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Electronic Bank Statement CAMT.053/054
CAMT053 /CAMT054 Notification has to be set per Bank Account
Your Bank will allow You to decide per bank account, if You would receive
CAMT.053 files with or without details. If you use both variants you have to
customize two transaction types like in the example below. This is needed due to
different postings of in either of the two variants.

CAMT053 with Transaction Type:

Details CAMT53D

CAMT053 only Transaction Type:

sums, details in CAMT5354

One Bank Account can only be assigned to one Transaction Type!

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Electronic Bank Statement camt.053/054
CAMT053 with Sum Posting and Detail Notification
BTC’s from CAMT053 need to post to Bank Accounting and Subledger.

Example setting for Received Credit Transfer, BTC is PMNTRCDTAUTT:

Algo 909 provides FEBAN-Data with ISR-

Information (replaces V11)

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Electronic Bank Statement camt.053/054
CAMT053 with Sum Posting / Detail notification with CAMT054
BTC’s from CAMT053 may only post to Bank Accounting; Subledger postings are made via
CAMT054-BTC’s. FF_5 is run twice, once for CAMT053 and once for CAMT054.

Sample setting for Received Credit Transfer, BTC is PMNTRCDTAUTT, only

posting to Bank account:

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Electronic Bank Statement CAMT.053/054
CAMT053 with Sum Posting / Detail notification with CAMT054 (ISR)
BTC’s from CAMT053 may only post to Bank Accounting; Subledger postings via CAMT054.

Sample setting for Received Credit Transfer, BTC is PMNTRCDTAUTT, only

Posting of Detail in CAMT054:

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Electronic Bank Statement CAMT.053/054
(only for Contract Accounting) Implementation
CAMT053 with Sum Posting / Detail notification with CAMT054
BTC’s from CAMT053 may only post to Bank Accounting; Subledger postings are
made via CAMT054-BTC’s

Sample setting for Received Credit Transfer, BTC is PMNTRCDTAUTT:

To put the relevant positions into the Payment lot, View V_TFK028G has to
be maintained with SM30:

‘‘ no transfer

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Electronic Bank Statement camt.053/054
CAMT053 / CAMT054 Returns Processing in FI

Sample setting for Returns Processing via CAMT, BTC is PMNTICDTRRTN:

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Electronic Bank Statement CAMT.053/054
CAMT053 / CAMT054 Returns Processing in FI-CA

Sample setting for Returns Processing Vendors, BTC is PMNTICDTRRTN:

No Interpretation, because of transfer to Returns lot:

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Electronic Bank Statement camt.053/054
CAMT053 / CAMT054 Returns Processing FI-CA

Sample setting for Returns Processing Vendors, BTC is PMNTICDTRRTN:

SM30 Transfer to Returns lot:

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Replacement V11
Customer algorithm 909
Enhancement FEB00001

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Replacement of RFESR000 V11 File Processing with camt.054

• The existing processing of ISR incoming payments files of type V11 with transaction FESR (Report RFESR000) doesn’t exist anymore and is replaced by the
processing of camt.054 files.
• Customizing transaction OBAV for table T049E is still existing, in OBAV you set e.g. per ISR-participant, on what position of the ISR reference You’ll find the document
number and the customer number. The account numbers customized in OBAV could be used according to the next two slides.
• To interpret the information of the ISR reference, interpretation algorithm 909 is used that is attached to note 2283622. Algorithm 909 has to be assigned in OT83 to
BTC’s that are used in ISR-Processing, i.e. for example PMNTRCDTVCOM. System tries to clear the open item based on OBAV settings. If it is unsuccessful,
standard interpretation is taken. We assume the banks will provide a dedicated BTC (like VCOM) for incoming ISR Payments.
• In the above example the assignment for the processing with transaction type ZAMT5354 with camt.053 (sums) and camt.054 (details) is set under the assumption,
that there are also other BTC’s than ISR processed. If You would only replace FESR standalone with camt.054, You could use the settings for a transaction type that is
used to post sums and detail at once accordingly to post Bank- and Subledger Accounting from one single file.

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Replacement of RFESR000 V11 File Processing with camt.054 (2)

Several ISR participant numbers with differentiated Account Determination

• If you’ve got multiple ISR participant numbers and/or You would use the account determination according to the settings of OBAV, You will achieve this by using
account modification constants. If you’ve got only one ISR-participant number You probably don’t need the account modification constants and could use the
normal account determination customizing in OT83.
• In the example below we slightly modified the settings from Customizing Document «Settings for FF_5 Incoming Payments ISR using OBAV» (note 2283622).
The document’s account symbols were replaced: OBAV_EING by BANK, OBAV_VERR by GELDEINGANG.
• The ISR Incoming Payments Account 10100 is used as account modification constant and assigned to the account symbols BANK and GELDEINGANG, the
Incoming Payments Account is assigned as GL account to account symbol BANK, the ISR-Clearing account to the account symbol GELDEINGANG.


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Replacement of RFESR000 V11 File Processing with camt.054 (3)

Algorithm 909 and User-Exit FEB00001

• Interpretation algorithm 909 has to be created as Z_FIEB_909_ALGORITHM as a Function module. Program code and a documentation for the creation of the Function
module are attached to note 2283622. Please note that in the instruction the FM is created as local object, this would be correct only in a test environment.
• Enhancement FEB00001 and Exit ZXF01U01 are used to create the Account Modification constants when you would use the accounts set in OBAV. If not already in use,
you’ll have to create a Customer enhancement in transaction CMOD first. Then You can assign FEB00001 to the Customer enhancement. Afterwards you create Exit
ZXF01U01: use copy/paste to insert the code. Program code and instruction are also attached to note 2283622. If ZXF01U01 contains already code, take care to place
the new code at the right place.

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Pain.002 Status Messages
Returns Processing

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PAIN.002 Status Messages / Confirmations
for FI / Credit Transfer / Direct Debit with use of BCM

You could import PAIN.002 Status Messages with Report

RBNK_IMPORT_PAYM_STATUS_REPORT into Bank Communication Management
(BCM). As a prerequisite You will need a valid license of SAP-BCM.
SAP-BCM is not available for Contract Accounting (FI-CA, RE-FX).

Refer to Notes
1075859 – 1722284 – 1769711 – 1957980 Bank Communication Management

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PAIN.002 Status Messages / Confirmations
Content of the END-TO-END-ID
Definition of the Information to be submitted with the END-TO-END-ID. This setting
allows a unique assignment of a RJCT-Position to the original payment document.
Minimal setting in type 2 of OBPM2 is: &FPAYH-DOC1R+4(10)&
<press F4>
Transaction OBPM2:


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PAIN.002 Status Messages / Confirmations
for FI / Credit Transfer / Transformation settings for FF_5

Transaction: FF_5 Electronic Bank Statement

PAIN.002 Status Messages need also the Definition of a Transformation:

Transformation: refer to SAP Note 2336242 (RFIEB_PAIN002_NOTE_2336242 implements the transformation)

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PAIN.002 Status Messages / Confirmations
for FI / Credit Transfer / Sample Settings

Transaction: OT83 Global Settings Electronic Bank Statement.

The following settings were made on internal SAP Test Systems: they need to be
adapted to customer requirements (Documentation: refer to note 2311257)

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PAIN.002 Status Messages / Confirmations
for FI / Credit Transfer / Sample Settings

Create Keys and Text for posting rules

REJ7 (DD) und REJ8 (CT) are used, if additional activities are needed for
RJCT (refer to slides about returns customizing).
REJ9 can be used when no additional activities are needed. E.g. you could
default all not explicitly customized RJCT’s to REJ9.

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PAIN.002 Status Messages / Confirmations
for FI / Credit Transfer / Sample Settings

Settings for Posting rules

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PAIN.002 Status Messages / Confirmations
for FI / Credit Transfer / Sample Settings

Define Transaction Type and External Transaction Types (Business Transaction Codes BTC)

External Transaction REJ7 und REJ8 are shown only for illustration: RJCT is the
external Transaction Type where the Posting-Rule’s settings are overridden by the
Returns Processing setting!
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PAIN.002 Status Messages / Confirmations
for FI / Credit Transfer / Sample Settings

Because you can assign only one transaction type to a bank account the examples
shown on the slides before need to be integrated into your usually used transaction

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PAIN.002 Status Messages / Confirmations
for FI / Credit Transfer / Sample Settings

Assignment of Transaction Type to Bank Account

Replace transaction type PAIN_78 by your own transaction

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PAIN.002 Status Messages / Confirmations
for FI / Credit Transfer / Sample Settings

Returns Processing customizing with SPRO:

Return Reason (e.g. AC01) is

automatically added with CT or
DD, to reflect different posting
rules if it is a RJCT from
PAIN.001 or PAIN.008.

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PAIN.002 Status Messages / Confirmations
for FI / Credit Transfer

Transaction: FF_5 Electronic Bank Statement

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PAIN.002 Status Messages / Confirmations
Direct Debit FI with FF_5

Define Return reasons:


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PAIN.002 Status Messages / Confirmations
Contract Accounting with Multicash Transformation

Transactions / Reports
Before ISO 20022:
FPBMC Report RFKKCHINC00 EBS to Multi Cash
FPB7 Report RFKKKA00 Creation Lot from EBS
FPB17 Report RFKKKA00 Creation Lot from MultiCash

With ISO 20022:

FPBMC Report RFKKSEPA_DD_RJCT PAIN.002 to Multi Cash
FPB17 Report RFKKKA00 Creation Lot from MultiCash
Refer also to:
Customizing for Transformation Mapping w/o SPRO: SM30: V_FKK_SEPA_XSLT
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Useful Links and SAP Notes
Validation Portals
Basic Notes

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Useful Links und SAP-Notes

Validation portals

PostFinance (2018)

Credit Suisse


General Links: Information and Roadmap Financial Center Switzerland Recommendations on exchanging of data between customers and banks Informationen zum Zahlungsverkehr ISO20022 / CH (in German)

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Useful Links und SAP-Notes

• There are the following basic notes:

• 2253571 Collective information note: CGI_XML_CT, CGI_XML_DD extended with BAdI enhancement
• Please follow the instructions on page one regarding the creation of the CGI_XML_CT Tree
• Import all assigned Updates (actually 20), consult the attached Excel File in note 2253571
• Be aware that this note can be updated any time. When there is an update check if tree CGI_XML_CT is available in a newer version and
implement this version, too( It is best to make a copy with the version date to keep history).
• Contains documentation: Einstellungen für ISO 20022 Zahlungen für die Schweiz (FBZP)

• 2283622 ISO20022 CAMT053 CAMT054 PAIN002 processing / recommendations and templates for Switzerland
• Contains PPT Templates for camt.053/camt.054 as Attachment
Contains CAMT.053_V4 and CAMT.054_V4 transformations as Attachment
Contains pain.002 Transformation for BCM
Contains OBAV Settings / Exit FEB00001

• 2324390 Switzerland: Introduction of CGI Payment Format(based on ISO 20022)

• Covers pain.008 Formats for direct debit: CH-DD and CH-TA
• Contains documentation: CH_ISO20022_pain_008_impl_guideline.pdf

• 2311257 Payment Rejection (PAIN.002): CT and DD Rejections Processing

• Contains documentation system-setup.docx for the Customizing of pain.002
• Transformation FIEB_PAIN002_TO_FEB is contained in the prerequisite note 2336242
• 2336242 -Payment Rejection (PAIN.002): Manual Activites for CT and DD Rejections Processing

• 2358814 CGI_XML_CT for FI-CA: contains documentation “Note 2358814 manual preimpl steps.pdf”
• 2282051: Pain.002 for FI-CA: Contains transformation TRANS_SEPA_DD_RJCT_CURR , implement also notes 2286740,
2379495, maintain view V_FKK_SEPA_XSLT (like in note 1995926).

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Example ISR-Incoming Payment
ISR-Incoming payment with detail Postings

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Example ISR-Incoming Payment
ISR-Incoming Payment with compressed Postings und Charges.

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Example Pain.002-RJCT
Origin: Credit Transfer

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Contract Accounting FQEVENTS
Event 953 can be adapted to customer’s requirements. The event is maintained in transaction
FQEVENTS, e.g. if You need Your own clearing rules.

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