Ramrod Special Math Suggestion

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Sacrificed to,

Ma and Baba…..

Ramrod Special Math Suggestion wb‡q wKQz K_v:

me©cÖ_g K…ZÁZv Rvbv‡bv n‡”Q gnvb m„wóKZ©vi cÖwZ|

K…ZÁZv Rvbv‡bv n‡”Q Team Ramrod Gi mKj †g¤^vi ‡`i cÖwZ hv‡`i wbijm cÖ‡Póv I
mn‡hvwMZvq DU IBA Gi Ramrod Special Math Suggestion ‡ei Kiv m¤¢e n‡q‡Q|

K…ZÁvZv Rvbv‡bv n‡”Q Dremers Club Authority ‡K|

Math Suggestion G 200 Most Tentative Math Exercises mshy³ Kiv n‡q‡Q Ges
me¸‡jv Math ï× evsjvq Explain Kiv n‡q‡Q|

Math Suggestion G Include Kiv n‡q‡Q Ggb wKQz Math Shortcuts ‡h ¸‡jv e¨envi
Kv‡i Avcbviv 10 †_‡K 30 †m‡K‡Ûi g‡a¨ Math Ki‡Z cvi‡eb|
me¸‡jv fv‡jvg‡Zv †kl Ki‡Z cvi‡j 30 Uv Math Gi g‡a¨ wgwbgvg 20
wUi g‡Zv Math Same Pattern, Same Rules-Regulations
Ges Same Shortcuts G ‡c‡q hv‡eb|

DU IBA, Bank Job, GRE, GMAT, SAT, BCS Gi mKj Candidate Gi Rb¨ ïf
Kvgbv iB‡jv|


Md. Biplob Hossain


Dreamers Club

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Math Pattern
DU IBA Gi Math Pattern wb‡q wKQz K_v:

weMZ K‡qK eQ‡ii cÖkœ we‡kølY mv‡c‡ÿ Dremers club Gi m¤¢ve¨ 30 wU Math Gi g‡a¨
Chapter Wise Tentative Pattern ‰Zwi Kiv n‡q‡Q| GLv‡b Avmbœ GB eQ‡ii cÖkœ‡Z wKQz
msL¨vMZ cwieZ©b n‡Z cv‡i| me©vwaK msL¨K Math Avmv Chapter ¸‡jvi cÖwZ Priority w`‡Z
Aby‡iva Kiv n‡jv|

Math Pattern
1. Percentage, Profit-loss, Discount, Interest: 6 wU
2. Number, Divisibility, LCM, HCF: 5 wU
3. Ineqality: 3 wU
4. Average, Conscutive integers: 2 wU
5. Mixture, Roots, Ven diagram: 2 wU
6. Unitary System: 3 wU
7. Ratio: 2 wU
8. Equation, Fraction: 2 wU
9. Speed, Time, distance: 1 wU
10. Probability: 1 wU
11. Geometry: 2 wU
12. Others/IQ: 1 wU
13. Age: 1wU

N.B: The pattern is approximately changeable to any requirement for IBA, GRE, GMAT, Bank Job.

So Please forgive us if any changes happen in the admission test.

Percentage-Profit Loss-Discount Interest

1. In redesigning a warehouse, the length is increased by 20%, the breadth is

increased by 40% & the height is decreased by 25%. What is the net increase in
the volume of the redesigned warehouse compared to the previous design?
(A) 20% (B) 25% (C) 40% (D) 26% (E) 15%

Solution: GB g¨v_ Gi g‡Zv Percentage Increase Decrease Gi Math A‡bK cwigv‡Y Av‡m|
ZvB fvjg‡Zv wk‡L wbb|
GUv Multiplier System-G Lye mn‡R †ei Kiv hvq|
aiæb Starting value = 1
After increase of 20% (0.2), The value becomes = 1.2(1+0.2)
Zvn‡j ev` evwK `yBUv n‡e?
1.4(1+0.40) Ges 0.75 (1-0.25)
Gevi GB 3 Uv ¸Y w`‡jB Avgiv outcome †c‡q hv‡ev
 1.4
 0.75

Zvn‡j c~‡e© wQj 1

Avi GLb 1.26
†e‡o †M‡Q 1.26-1= 0.26 (26%)
Ans. D 26%
* Easily n‡q †M‡jv, Avcbvi †Kvb value ˆZwর Ki‡Z n‡jv bv
*Avevi eo eo msL¨v wb‡q KvR Ki‡Z n‡jv bvর

2. Successive discounts of 20% and 25% are equal to what single discount rate?
(A) 45 (B) 40 (C) 200 (D) 50 (E) None of the above

Solution: Multiplier System:

after 20% discount 0.8 [1-0.20]
after 25% ”  .75 [1-0.25]
0 .600
Zvi gv‡b eZ©gvb value 0.6 (60%)

Zvn‡j Single Discount (1-0.6)
= 0.4 (40%)
Ans. C. 40%

3. A shop sold a pair of shoes for Tk. 1600.00 and a pair of sandals for Tk. 960.00.
If made a profit of 20% on shoes and took a 10% loss on sandals. The shop made
(A) Loss of 17.8% (B) Loss of 15% (C) Gain of 32%
(D) Gain of 75.3% (E) none of there

Solution: Multiplier System †Kvb value `iKvi ci‡e bv

After 20% Profit = 1.2
After 10% Loss = .9
myZivs jvf (1.08-1) = 0.08 (8%)
†KvbValue B cÖ‡qvRb ci‡jv bv
Ans. 8%(অথবা 8% এর কাছাকাছছ ভ্যালু হতে পাতর যেমন 7%)
ব িঃদ্রিঃ Multiplier System এ ভ্যালু এই ধরনের ম্যাথ সাম্ােয assume কনর বেনে হনে পানর
E. None of these

4. Karim received a 10% raise each month for 3

consecutive months. If his salary after the 3 raises is
13310, what was his starting salary?
(A) 9000 (B) 10000 (C) 11000 (D) 12000 (E) None of these

Multiplier System:
 1.1
 1.1

Now, 1.3310=13310
13310 13310 10000
So 1= = =10000
1.3310 13310

Ans. B 10000

5. The sale of TV increased by 30% when the price was reduced by 10%. What
will be percentage change in revenue? (DU IBA BBA: 2016-17)
(A) +14% (B) +15% (C) +17% (D) +18% (E) None of these

Solution: Multiplier System, †Kvb value `iKvi ci‡e bv

After 30% increase = 1.3
After 10% decrease = 0.9
myZivs increase (1.17-1) = 0.17 (17%)
†Kvb Value B cÖ‡qvRb ci‡jv bv
Ans. C. +17%

6. Nipu sold 100 pens, of which 50 are red and 50 are black, at tk. 48 per pen.
He made a profit of 20%. On the black pens and made a loss of 20% on the red
pens. What was the net gain or net loss on this sale? (DU IBA BBA-2016-17,
IBA MBA June-July, 2017)
(A) 0 (B) Gain of Tk. 200 (C) Loss of Tk .200
(D) Gain of Tk. 400 (E) None of these.

Solution: GB g¨v_wU IBA BBA 2016-17 Ges IBA MBA 58th

Intake G wQj|
Just Multiplier System G KiæY
 Loss (1-0.96) = .04 (4%)
Pen Gi total `vg = 48100= 4800
 Loss 4%  4800 = 192 UvKv (ো ২০০ টাকা এর কাছাকাবছ া একটু কম্ ব বি )
ব িঃদ্রিঃ Multiplier System এ ভ্যালু এই ধরনের ম্যাথ সাম্ােয assume কনর বেনে হনে পানর
Ans. (C) Loss of Tk .200

7. At a certain bookstore, the regular price of each book is 20 percent less than
its listed price. If during a sale the price of each book at the store was 15 percent
less than its regular price, the price of book during the sale was what percent
less than its listed price? (IBA MBA-June-July, 2017)
(A) 30% (B) 32% (C) 35% (D) 38% (E) None of these

Solution: Multiplier System

0 .8 (20% Less)
0.85(15% loss)
Less (1-0.68) =0 .32 (32%)
Ans. B. 32%

8. Arif bought a pen at 30% discount on listed price. Few months later, he found
that the price for the same pen has increased by 15% and the discount he got in
taka remained the same. How much discount did Arif get in terms of the new
listed price? (MBA-June/July-17)
(A) 10% (B) 15% (C) 20% (D) 22.5% (E) None of these

Solution: Multiple Systems

0 .7 (30% discount)
1.15 (15% increase)
0.805 (increased value)
Less (1-0.805) =0 .195 (approximately 20%)
Ans. 20%

aiæb Listed Price = 100 UvKv
Discount = 30 UvKv
Price ‡e‡o †M‡jv 50%
Now, 100+50 = 150 UvKv
wKš‘ Discount tk †Z same A_©vr 30 UvKv
 Discount Percentage = 100
= 20%
ans. C. 20%

9. Price of paper has increased by 20%. How much paper usage must be
curtailed so that expenditure for paper remains the same?
(A) 8-66% (B) 12.33% (C) 16.66% (D) 24.37% (E) None of these

c~‡e©i `vg eZ©gvb `vg
100 120
ejyb‡Zv, Kgv‡Z n‡e KZ? Simple, 20tk
Kvi Dci †_‡K Kgv‡Z n‡e? nu¨v, 120 Gi Dci
So, Percentage =  100
= 16.67%
Ans. C. 16.67%

10. A trader normally sells a cow at a loss of 20% on his cost. He would make a
profit of 10% on cost, if he could sell the cow at a price which is Tk. 1500 more
than what he got. What was the cost of the cow to the trader in taka
(A) 4500 (B) 4000 (C) 5000 (D) 3600 (E) None of these

Solution: GwU Ki‡eb 100x Gi wbq‡g|

ধiæY Purchasing Selling
100x 80x (100x-20x)
New Selling= 110x (100x+10x) & 80x + 1500

The two selling prices are equal

110x = 80x + 1500
ev, 110x – 80x = 1500
ev, 30x = 1500
ev, x =
 x = 50
 100x = 10050 = 5,000
Ans. C. 5000

11. Last year 60 students enrolled in the business

communication course. Of the enrolled students, 90% took the final exam. two-
third of the students who took the final exam passed the final exam. What
percentage of the enrolled students did not pass in the exam?

(A) 40% (B) 45% (C) 60% (D) 75% (E) Cannot be determined

Solution: Enrolled = 60
Final Exam w`‡q‡Q = 90%60
= 54
Pass K‡i‡Q =  54
= 36
 Pass K‡iwb = (60-36)
= 24
 Percentage =  100
= 40%
Ans. A. 40%

12. The import duty on a car is 50% of its cost. An additional supplementary tax
of 90% is charged on the cost plus import duty. If the total of import duty and
supplementary tax is Tk. 2,85,000, what is the cost of the car?

(A) 3,00,000 (B) 3,200,000 (C) 3,75,000 (D) 4,00,000 (E) None of

Cost Cost+impoprt duty cost+import duty +tax
100 150(100+50) 195(150+30%150)

 Import duty + tax = 95 (195-100)

GLb, 95 ভাগ = 285000
1 ” =
2,85,000  100
 100 ” =
= 3,00,000

Ans. A. 300000

13. A sales person earns a commission of 5% on all sales

between Tk. 2000 and Tk. 6000 and 8% on all sales over
Tk. 6000. What is his total commission in a week in which his sales total Tk.

(A) 500 (B) 540 (C) 620 (D) 720 (E) None of these

Solution: 2,000 †_‡K 6,000 Gi g‡a¨ weµq Ki‡j 5% Kwgkb cvq|

ev`evwK ev 6,000 Gi Dc‡i 8% Kwgkb cvq।
Sales= 10,000 UvKv
myZivs 6,000 ch©šÍ Kwgkb 5%6000
=300 UvKv
ev`evwK UvKvi = 4000(10,000-6,000) Gi Dci 8% Kwgkb cv‡e|
 ev`evwK UvKvi Dci Kwgkb =(4,0008%) = 320 UvKv
 †gvU Kwgkb (300+320) UvKv
= 620 UvKv
Ans. C. 620

10 | P a g e
14. A price of a hammer is twice that of a screwdriver. If the price of a hammer
is raised by 5% and the price of a screwdriver is decreased by 4%, how much or
less will it cost to buy 3 screwdrivers and 3 hammers?
(A) 2% more (B) 2% less (C) 4% more (D) 4% less (E) None of these

Solution: bZzb GKwU kU©KvU wkLyb

 Ax  By
x y
A = 1st Percentage Change
B = 2nd Percentage Change
y = 1 [me mgq 1 ai‡Z n‡e]
x = twice
X I y cÖ_g cÖ‡kœi cÖ_g jvB‡b Exist Ki‡e|

Price mgvb ejv _vK‡j X I y `yBUvB 1 ai‡Z n‡e|

GB g¨v_Uv‡Z, A = +5
B = -4
 Ax  By
x y
5  2  4 1
2 1
10  4 6
=   2%
3 3
Ans. 2% more
wet `ªt* cÖ‡kœi jvó jvBb Kv‡R Avm‡e bv|
* djvdj () Avm‡j loss n‡e|

15. In a season, a football team has won 30 games out of 50 played. It has 46
more games to play. How many of these must the team win to make its record
of wins 75% for the season?
(A) 24 (B) 32 (C) 36 (D) 42 (E) 46

Solution: Ratio Equalization এ KiæY

won 30
1st Step 
played 50
30  x
2nd Step,  75%
50  46

11 | P a g e
30  x 75
ev, 
50  46 100
30  x 3
ev, 
96 4
ev, 4(30+x) = 396
ev, 120+4x = 288
ev, 4x = 288-120
ev, x =
 x = 42

Ans. D. 42

16. In a club, 60% members are male and 70% members are graduates also,
50% of the graduate members are male. What percent of the club members are
female and not graduate?
(A) 40 (B) 20 (C) 15 (D) 10 (E) 5

Solution: Box System

1st Step

Male Female Total

Graduate 35 (50%70) 70
Non-Graduate (100-70)
60 40 100
2nd Step
Male Female Total
Graduate 35 35 70
Non-Graduate 25 5 0
60 40 100

So, Female+Non-Graduate = 5%
Ans. E. 5%

12 | P a g e
17. In a shop 40% socks are white and rest are black. 60% socks are made of
cotton & rest are made of wool. 25% white socks are made of cotton & 20 of
the black socks are made of wool. How many black socks are made of cotton?
(A) 100 (B) 80 (C) 60 (D) 50 (E) 25

Solution: Same Math: Box System

White Black Total
Cotton 10(25%40) 50 60
Wool 30 10 40
Total 40 60 100
GLv‡b mKj Value percentage-G wKš‘ As‡K e‡j‡Q, (Black+Wool) = 20
 10 fvM = 20
1 fvM =
20  50
 50 fvM =
= 100
Ans. A

18. Sixty percent members of a club are female. Fifty

percent of the female members are doctors. The number of female doctors is
twice the number of male non-doctors. What percent of members are doctors?
(IBA BBA: 2016-17)
(A) 45% (B) 55% (C) 57.5% (D) 60% (E) none of this

Male Female Total
Doctors 25 30(50%of60) 55
Non 15
Total 40 60 100
Now given,
The number of female doctors is twice the number of male non-doctors
(Female doctors =2Male Non- Doctors)
So, 30=2Male Non- Doctors)

So, Male non-doctors =15

So Doctors = 55 %( 30%+25%)
Ans. (B) 55%
13 | P a g e
19. In a class, 120 students are male and 100 students are female. 25% of the male
students and 20% of the female students are engineering students, 20% of the
male engineering students and 25% of the female engineering students passed the
exam. What percent of the engineering students passed the exam? (IBA BBA:
(A) 5% (B) 10% (C) 16% (D) 22% (E) none of this

Male Female Total
Engineers 30 20 50
Total 120 100 220

Male Engineers= 25%  120 = 30

Female Engineers= 20%  100 = 20
Now, calculate the numbers of the passed students
20%  30 = 6 and
25%  20 = 5
 Passed the exam = 6+5 = 11
 Percentage = Passed  100
Engineerin g
= 100
= 22%
Ans. D. 22%

20. In 1985 a company sold a brand of shoes to retailers for a fixed price per pair.
In 1986 the number of pairs of the shoes that the company sold to retailers
decreased by 20 percent, while the price per pair increased by 20 percent. If
the company’s revenue from the sales of the shoes in 1986 was $3.0 million,
what was the approximate revenue from the sale of the shoes in 1985?
(A) $2.4 million (B) $2.9 million (C) $3.0 million
(D) $3.1 million (E) $3.6 million

Solution: Multiplier System

Percentage changes are = -20%, +20%

.8 (1-0.20)
1.2 (1+0.20)
96 fvM = 3 million

14 | P a g e
1 ”=
3 100
 100 ”=

32100 3.1
Ans. D. 3.1 Million

21. The organizers of a fair projected a 25 percent increase in attendance this year
over that of last year, but attendance this year actually decreased by 20 percent.
What percent of the projected attendance was the actual attendance?

(A) 45% (B) 56% (C) 64% (D) 75% (E) 100%

Solution: +25%, -20%

Multiplier system
Starting G 1 wQj Ending I 1 n‡q‡Q |
myZivs value Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b nq bvB|
100% ev 1 wQj 100% B i‡q‡Q|

Ans. E. 100%

22. In 1986 the book value of a certain car was of the original purchase price,
and in 1988 its book value was of the original purchase price. By what
percent did the book value of this car decrease from 1986 to 1988?
2 1
(A) 16 % (B) 25% (C) 33 % (D) 50% (E) 75%
3 3

Solution: fMœvskœ `ywUi ni 3 I 2 Gi j.mv.¸ = 6

6 †K Original price a‡i,

15 | P a g e
 1986 Gi car Gi `vg wQj 6  4
Ges 1988 ” ” ” ” 6  3
K‡g †M‡Q 4-3 = 1
Percentage Ki‡j,  100 = 25%
Ans. B.25%

23. In a certain pond, 50 fish were caught, tagged, and returned to the pond. A
few days later, 50 fish were caught again, of which 2 were found to have been
tagged. If the percent of tagged fish in the second catch are in the same ratio of
tagged fish in the second catch in the pond, what is the approximate number of
fish in the pond?
(A) 400 (B) 625 (C) 1,250 (D) 2,500 (E) 10,000

Solution: Let N be the number of fish. Now please use ration equalization
tagged1 tagged 2
total1 total 2
50 2

N 50
N 50
ev, 
50 2
50  50
ev, N 
 N = 1250
Ans. C.

24. During a two-week period, the price of an ounce of silver increased by 25

perrcent by the end of the first week and then decreased by 20 percent of this
new price by the end of the second week. If the price of silver was x dollars per
ounce at the beginning of the two-week period, what was the price, in dollars
per ounce, by the end of the period?
(A) 0.8x (B) 0.95x (C) x (D) 1.05x (E) 1.25x

Solution: Please use the multiplier system

Changes are: +25%, -20%
Starting with 1
Multiply the change

16 | P a g e
Starting G 1 wQj Ending I 1 n‡q‡Q |
myZivs value Gi †Kvb cwieZ©b nq bvB|
X wQj X B i‡q‡Q |
Anc. C

25. Ms. Adams sold two properties, X and Y, for $30,000 each. She sold property
X for 20 percent more than she paid for it and sold property Y for 20 percent
less than she paid for it. If expenses are disregarded, what was her total net
gain or loss, if any, on the two properties?
(A) Loss of $1,250 (B) Loss of $2,250 (C) Gain of $1,250
(D) Gain of $2, 500 (E) There was neighter a net gain nor a net loss

Solution: Use Multiplier System please

Given: +20%, -20%
0.96 (selling)
 Loss (1-0.96) = 0.04
 96 fvM selling Ges 4 fvM losses
GLb, 96 fvM = 30,000
1 fvM =
30,000  4 30,000
 4 fvM = =
96 24
1250 ïay GKwU c‡Y¨i Rb¨
2wU c‡Y¨i 2 Loss = 12502
= 2500
Ans. B. Loss of 2,500

25. A union contract specifies a 6 percent salary increase plus a $450 bonus for
each employee. For a certain employee, this is equivalent to an 8 percent salary
increase. What was this employee’s salary before the new contract?
(A) $21,500 (B) $22,500 (C) $23,500 (D) $24,300 (E) $25,000

Solution: 6% of salary + 450 = 8%

That means 450 = 8% - 6%
450 = 2%
Zvigv‡b, 2 fvM = 450

17 | P a g e
 1 ” =
 100 ” = 100 = 22,500
Ans. B

26. A toy store regularly sells all stock at a discount of 20 percent to 40 percent.
If an additional 25 percent were deducted from the discount price during a special
sale, what would be the lowest possible price of a toy costing $ 16 before any
(A) $5.60 (B) $7.20 (C) $8.80 (D) $9.60 (E) $15.20

Solution: Lowest possible price w`‡Z n‡j Highest percentage discount w`‡Z n‡e,
 16 – 40% (16) = 9.6
Avevi discount n‡e 25%
 Price = 9.6 – 25% (9.6)
= 9.6 – 2.4
= 7.20
Ans. B.7.20

27. Of 30 applicants for a job, 14 had at least 4 years

experience, 18 had degrees, and 3 had less than 4 years
experience and did not have a degree. How many of the
applicants had at least 4 years experience and a degree?
(A) 14 (B) 13 (C) 9 (D) 7 (E) 5

Solution: GB g¨v_wU Box system G K‡i †djyb|

at least 4 year less than 4 year total
experience experience
Degree 5 13 18
Not Degree 9 3 12
Total 14 16(30-14) 30

At least 4 years experience + Degree = 5

Ans. E. 5

18 | P a g e
28. Thirty percent of the members of a swim club have passed the lifesaving test.
Among the members who have not passed the test, 12 have taken the
preparatory course and 30 have not taken the course. How many members are
there in the swim club?
(A) 60 (B) 80 (C) 100 (D) 120 (E) 140

Solution: pass Ki‡Q = 30%

pass K‡iwb = 70%
G‡`i †fZi 12 Rb †Kvm© wb‡q‡Q Ges 30 Rb †bqwb
Avm‡j 12 I 30 Gi †hvMdjB 70%
GLb 70 fvM = 12+30
1Ó =
 100 Ó =  100 = 60 Rb
Ans. A. 60

19 | P a g e
Number Properties, Divisibility, L.C.M, H.CF, Function
GB P¨vÞUvi †_‡K 5-6 Uv g¨v_ Avm‡Z cv‡i| ZvB fv‡jvg‡Zv wk‡L wb‡eb|

1. If x is an integer greater than 2 then which of the following statement is not

(A) 2x is always divisible 8 (B) 2x is always divisible by 16
(C) 2x is always divisible by 4 (D) All of these
(E) none of these

Solution: Given, x > 2...X Gi gvb a‡i wb‡q †PK KivUv me †_‡K eyw×gv‡bi KvR|
(A) x = 3 n‡j mZ¨ bq
(B) x = 3 n‡j mZ¨ bq
(C) x = 3n‡j mZ¨ bq
Ans. D. all of these

2. If m is an even integer and n is an odd integer and both are positive numbers,
which of the following must be even?
(A) m2+n2 (B) mn+n2 (C) m3+n2 (D) mn+m2 (E)
None of these

Solution: m I n Gi gvb a‡i wb‡q †PK KivUv me †_‡K eyw×gv‡bi

Gevi †PK Kiæb,
(d) mn + m2
=23+ (2)2
= 6+4= 10
ev`evwK ‡PK K‡i †`Lyb me¸‡jv odd n‡e|
Ans. D. mn+ m2

3. 3 and 5 are factors of F we can conclude that...

(A) 35=F (B) 8 is a factor of F
(C) F is a multiple of 15 (D) 35 are the only factors of F
(E) 15 is a multiple of F.

Solution: 3, 5 are factors of F

Zvigv‡b G‡`i L.C.M = 15 n‡jv G‡`i cÖ_g Multiple Av‡iv A‡bK Multiple n‡Z cv‡i †hgb
30, 45, 60...
20 | P a g e
Gevi option ¸‡jv hvPvB KiæY
(A) me©mgq mZ¨ bq KviY F = 30, 45, 60... BZ¨vw` n‡Z cv‡i|
(B) GBUv GK`g AmZ¨
(C) GBUv GK`g mZ¨ F = 15, 30, 45, 60..... Giv me Multiple of 15
(D) mZ¨ bq, KviY F = 30, 45, 60... BZ¨vw` n‡Z cv‡i
(E) mZ¨ bq, KviY F = 30, 45, 60... BZ¨vw` n‡Z cv‡i
Ans. C

4. If n is an even integer, which of the following must be an odd integer?

(A) 7n-2 (B) 5(n-2) (C) (16n+24)/18 (D) (6n+12)/3 (E) None of these

Solution: aiæY n =2
(A) (72) – 2 = 14-2 = 12 (which is even)
(B) 5(n-2) = 0, (which is even)
16n  24
(16  2)  24
32  24
=7 (which is odd)
6  2  12 12  12 24
(D)    8 (Which is even)
3 3 3
Ans. C

6. You want to make some candy using a recipe that calls for 1 cups of sugar,
cup of boiling water and several other ingredients. You find that you have
only 1 cup of sugar. How much water will you have to use?

1 3 1 1
(A) cup (B) cup (C) 1 cup (D) cup (E) cup
3 4 6 4

Solution: Ratio Equalization System Follow Kiæb;

1 3
1 
2 2

21 | P a g e
suger1 suger 2

water1 water 2
ev, 2 
1 w2
3 1
ev,  2 
2 w2
ev, 3 
 w2 
Ans. A.

7. In a school with the same number of boys and girls, 1/8th of the girls and 5/6th
of the boys are residing in the hostel. What percent of the students consists of
boys who do not reside in the hostel?
(A) 1/12 (B) 1/6 (C) 7/48 (D) 13/48 (E) none of these

Solution: GB ai‡bi g¨v_ msL¨v a‡i wb‡q Ki‡j me †_‡K Better


Same number of boys and girls. fMœvsk¸‡jv ni 8 I 6 Gi j.mv.¸ = 24

aiæb Same number of boys and girls=24
So, girls reside K‡i  24 = 3,
And boys reside K‡i  24 = 20,
Boys reside K‡i bv 24 – 20 = 4
Boys who do not reside 4
 Part = = boys=24, girls=24
Total students 24  24


Ans. A.

22 | P a g e
8. A student completed the of the math problems in a chapter in 1 day, Had
he completed 3 more problems, he would have completed the of the total
problems. How many problems were there in the chapter?

(A) 18 (B) 36 (C) 54 (D) 64 (E) 72

Solution: 3Uv Problem †ewk Ki‡Z cvi‡j fMøvsk n‡Zv . Zvigv‡b bZzb fMœvsk I cyivZb
fMœvsk Gi Zdvr-B Avm‡j 3Uv Problem Gi mgvb|
5 7
 
6 9
15  14


 fvM = 3 Uv cÖe‡jg
1 fvM = 318
= 54 Uv Problem
Ans. C. 54

9. Half of the graduates of the MBA programm became members of the IBA
alumni association. One third of the graduates became members of the MBA club.
If 1/5th of the graduates were members of both Alumni Association & MBA club,
what fraction of the graduates were members of only the MBA club?
(A) 1/8 (B) 1/15 (C) 1/12 (D) 2/13 (E) None of these

Solution: aiæY Graduates Gi msL¨v = x

IBA Allumini Association =
MBA Club =
Both =
x x
 Only MBA Club = 
3 5

23 | P a g e
5 x  3x
Only MBA Club
 Fraction =
 15
2x 1
 
15 x

Ans. E

10. A cake is divided into three pieces so that the first piece is three times as big
as the second and the second piece is three times as big as the third. What
fraction of the entire cake is the smallest piece?
(A) 1/8 (B) 1/12 (C) 1/13 (D) 1/16 (E) None of

Solution: aiæb, third piece = 1

 2nd piece = 3 (3 ¸Y)
Ges 1st piece = 9 (33)
 Fraction =
Entire Cake

Ans. C.

11. Seventy five percent of the students entering BBA program are from Dhaka
city. Two third of them majored in finance and of the finance majors worked
in multinational companies. What fraction of the entire class worked in
multinational companies?
1 1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) None of these
2 4 8 12

24 | P a g e
75 3
Solution: 75% =  (Dhaka City)
100 4
2 3 1
So Finance Major =  
3 4 2
3 1 3
Multinational Company †Z i‡q‡Q   
4 2 8
Ans. E. None of these

12. In a class, 25% of the students voted for Mr. X. Two thirds of the remaining
students voted for Mr Y. The remaining 11 students didn’t cast their vote. How
many students are there in the class?

(A) 64 (B) 44 (C) 36 (D) 22 (E) 16

Solution: 25% = (Voted for Mr. X)
 1  4 1  3
 Remaining = 1   =
 4 4 4
2 3 1
Voted for M. Y =  =
3 4 2
1 1
Now, Remaining = 1  
4 2
4 1 2
ejv n‡q‡Q Remaining n‡jv 11 Rb students
ev,  11
 1 = 114
= 44
Ans. B. 44

25 | P a g e
13. Kim purchased n items from a catalog for $8 each. Postage and handling
charges consisted of $3 for the first item and $1 for each additional item. Which
of the following gives the total dollar amount of Kim’s purchase, including
postage and handling, in terms on n?

(A) 8n + 2 (B) 8n + 4 (C) 9n + 2 (D) 9n + 3 (E) 9n + 4

Solution: 8 UvKv per piece n‡e total = 8n

Others charges (postage and handling) = 3 + 1 (n-1)
Total charges = 8n + 3 + 1 (n-1)
= 8n + 3 + n -1
= 9n + 2
Ans. C

14. A car dealer sold x used cars and y new cars during May. If the number of
used cars sold was 10 greater than the number of new cars sold, which of the
following expresses this relationship?

(A) x > 10y (B) x > y + 10 (C) x > y - 10 (D) x = y + 10 (E) x = y - 10

Solution: Simple,
x is y + 10
x = y + 10
Ans. D

15. A certain electronic component is sold in boxes of 54 for 16.20 and in boxes
of 27 for 13.20. A customer who needed only 54 components for a project had
to buy 2 boxes of 27 because boxes of 54 were unavailable. Approximately
how much more did the customer pay for each component due to the
unavailability of the larger boxes?
(A) 0.33 (B) 0.19 (C) 0.11 (D) 0.06 (E) 0.03

Solution: 27 Gi 2Uv e· Gi `vg

10 .2
 LiP †ewk jvM‡e = 0.19 (Approximated)
Ans. B

26 | P a g e
16. If x is an integer and y = 3x + 2, which of the following CANNOT be a divisor
of y?
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7 (E) 8

Solution: x Gi gvb a‡i Avgiv hvPvB Ki‡Z cvwi

A) X = 2 so y=8, 8 †K 4 w`‡q fvM Kiv hv‡e| [(32)+2]
B) X = 1 ewm‡q nq 5... 5 †K 5 w`‡q fvM Kiv hv‡e|[(31)+2]=5
C) 6 w`‡q fvM Kiv hvq bv x Gi gvb hvB aiæb bv †Kb|
D) x = 5, 3x+2 = 35 hv 7 w`‡q fvM Kiv hvq|
E) x = 2, 3x+2 = 8, hv 8 w`‡q fvM hv‡e|

17. Envelopes can be purchased for $1.50 per pack of 100, $1.00 per pack of 50,
or $0.03 each. What is the greatest number of envelopes that can be purchased
for $7.30?

(A) 426 (B) 430 (C) 443 (D) 460 (E) 486

Solution: me †_‡K †ewk Envelopes cvIqv hv‡e

1.50 Gi Rate-G Envelopes purchase Ki‡j 1.54=6 UvKv;
400(1004) Uv Envelopes
50 Gi Uv ‡`Iqv hv‡e GKUv Pack
6+1 = 7tk
GLv‡b, ($7.30-$7) = $0.30
0.30 30
AviI AwZwi³ Envelopes purchase Kiv hv‡e  =10 Uv
0.03 3
 Greatest Envelop number
= 400+50+10
= 460
Ans. D. 460

27 | P a g e
18. If s, u, and v are positive integers and 2s = 2u + 2v, which of the following
must be true?
I. s = u II. u  v III. s > v
(A) None (B) I only (C) II only (D) III only (E) II and III

Solution: “2s = 2u+2v”

Equation Gi w`‡K ZvKv‡j eyS‡Z cv‡ib,
(I) n‡e bv GLv‡b, S Ges U mgvb n‡Z cvi‡e bv|
(II) n‡e bv, KviY U I V mgvb n‡ZI cv‡i Avevi bvI n‡Z cv‡i Z‡e Aek¨B Must be true
III. S Aek¨B V Gi †_‡K eo n‡e| (KviY U I V 2 w`‡q ¸b K‡i †hvM Ki‡j S Gi mgvb n‡e|
Zvi gv‡b S Aek¨B eo)|

Ans.D. III only.

19.If x * y = xy – 2 (x + y) for all integers x and y, then 2 * (-3) =

(A) -16 (B) -11 (C) -4 (D) 4 (E) 16

Solution: Given function, x*y = xy-2(x+y)

 2*(-3) = 2-3 – 2 (2 - 3) [x = 2, y = -3]
= -6 – (2-1)
= -6 + 2 = -4
Anc. C

20. In a certain class consisting of 36 students, some boys and some girls,
1 1
exactly of the boys and exactly of the girls walk to school. What is the
3 4
greatest possible number of students in this class who walk to school?
(A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 11 (D) 12 (E) 13

Solution: aiæY Boys Gi msL¨v = x

 Girls Gi msL¨v = (36-x)
1 1
Now, x+  (36-x)
3 4
4 x  3(36  x)
4 x  108  3x
x  108

28 | P a g e
x 108
= 
12 12
= 9
GB Equation Uv †`L‡j Avgiv eyS‡Z cvwi 9 Gi mv‡_ †hvM n‡e|
GLb x hw` 36 Zvn‡j, 9 Gi mv‡_ = 3 †hvM n‡e| wKš‘ boys 36 n‡e bv| KviY †mLv‡b
girls I i‡q‡Q|
 2 GUv n‡e Maximum
 9+2 = 11
Ans. C. 11

21.If m is an integer such that (-2)2m = 29-m, then m =

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) 6

Solution: (-2)2n ‡`Lyb GUv‡K wKfv‡e GKUz †PBÄ K‡i wb‡Z nq,
= {(-2)2}m
= (-2-2)m
= (4)m
= (22)m
= 22m
GLb, 22m = 29-m
ev, 2m = 9-m [Base same excluded]
so, m=3

ans: C

22. A positive number x is multiplied by 2, and this product is then divided by

3. If the positive square root of the result of these two operations equals x,
what is the value of x?
9 3 4 2 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
4 2 3 3 2

Solution: depending on the conditions


29 | P a g e
 2x 
x  2
  

 3 
x2 
ev, 3x2 = 2x
ev, 3x = 2 [Dfq cÿ‡K x w`‡q fvM K‡i]
 x

Ans. D.

23. If a, b, and c are nonzero numbers and a + b = c, which of the following is

equal to 1?
a b ac bc ba
(A) (B) (C) (D)
c b b c
c b

Solution: 1 n‡Z †M‡j je I ni‡K mgvb n‡Z n‡e

Given.........a+b = c
aiæb, 1 +1 = 2
GLb, GB gvb ¸‡jv w`‡q option check Kiæb
‡KvbwUর je I ni mgvb
c  b 2 1 1
E.   1
a 1 1
Ans. E.

24. If x, y, and z are positive integers such that x is a factor of y, and x is

multiple of z, which of the following is NOT necessarily an integer?
xz yz x y xy yz
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
z x z z x

First of all, please understand what Factors and multiples are..
Just See the example: 62(Factors) = 12 (Multiple)

GLb GUv‡Z e‡j‡Q, x is a factor of y

aiæb, x = 6

30 | P a g e
y = 12
Avevi, x is a multiple of z
aib, z = 3 [32=6 nq ev 6 †K fv½‡j 3 I 2 cvIqv hvq|
Gevi, x = 6, y = 12 z = 3 GB gvb¸‡jv
Option ¸‡jv‡Z ewm‡q †`Lyb †KvbwU fvM Kiv hvq bv|
y  z 12  3 15
Option B.   [GBUv fvM Kiv hvq bv|]
x 6 6
ev` evKx me¸‡jv fvM Kiv hvq|
Ans. B

25. The positive integer n is divisible by 25. If n is greater than 25, which of
the following could be the value of ?
(A) 22 (B) 23 (C) 24 (D) 25 (E) 26

Solution: n > 25
ev,  n  > (25)2 [Dfq cÿ‡K square K‡i]

ev, n > 625

n 625
ev, > [Dfq cÿ‡K 25 w`‡q fvM K‡i]
25 25
> 25
Option গুন ার বভেনর শুধু GKUv value ই 25 এর উপনর রনে‡Q
Ans. E. 26

26.Which of the following CANNOT yield an integer when divided by 10?

(A) The sum of two odd integers (B) An integer less than 10
(C) The product of two primes (D) The sum of three consecutive integers
(E) An odd integer

Solution: Option A.  1; integer n‡e,
 10
Ó B.  1; integer n‡e
5  2 10
Ó C.   1; integer
10 10
9  10  11 30
Ó D.   3 integer
10 10

31 | P a g e
But E GKUv odd integer KL‡bv 10 w`‡q fvM Kiv hvq bv|
Ans. E

27. For all numbers s and t, the operation * is defined by s * t = (s – 1) (t+1). If

(-2) * x = -12, then x =
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 6 (E) 11

Solution: Function w`‡q‡Q,

s*t = (s-1) (t+1)
Ges GKB function follow K‡i,
(-2) * x = -12
ev, (-2-1) (x+1) = -12
ev, -3(x+1) = -12
 12
ev, (x+1) = 4
ev, x = 4-1
Ans. B. 3

28. at a certain pizzaria, of the pizzas sold in one week
were mushroom and of the remaining pizzas sold were pepperoni. If n of
the pizzas sold were pepperoni, how many were mushroom?
3 3 7 7
(A) n (B) n (C) n (D) n (E) 3n
8 7 16 8
= mashroom
1 7
 Remaining = 1  
8 8
1 7 7
 Pepperoni =  
3 8 24
 n
 1 [1 fvM ম্ানে m¤ú~Y© Ask]
1 24 n
 Mashroom Gi msL¨v = 
8 7
32 | P a g e
Ans. B. .
29. A collection of books went on sale, and of them were sold for $2.50 each.
If none of the 36 remaining books were sold, what was the total amount
received for the books that were sold?
(A) $180 (B) 135 (C) $90 (D) $60 (E) $54

 2
Solution: Remaining books fraction = 1  
 3
fvM = 36 n‡j
1 fvM = 363
= 108
 Sold n‡qwQj 108
= 72
Amount = 722.5
= 180
Ans. A. 180

30. Three machines, individually, can do a certain job in 4, 5 and 6 hours,

respectively. What is the greatest part of the job that can be done in one hour by
two of the machines working together at their respective rates?
11 9 3 11 5
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
30 20 5 15 6

Solution: 3 Machines Gi cÖwZw`‡bi job Gi

1 1 1
part , ,
4 5 6
eo `yBUv n‡jv  1  1 
4 5
 1 hour G greatest part n‡e
1 1= 9
  
 4 5  20
33 | P a g e
Ans. B.

Average & Consecutive integers:

1. After 2 quizzes, Apu had an average of 15 marks per
quiz. In order to increase the average by n marks, what should be his score in
the 3rd quiz?
(DU IBA BBA: 2016-17)

(A) 3n (B) 30+3n (C) 15n (D) 15+3n (E) None of these

Solution: 2Uv quiz Gi †hvMjdj = 152

= 30
n marks average G †hvM n‡j (15+n)
 3 bs quiz Gi ci total n‡e (15+n)3
= 45+3n
3 quiz G Obtain K‡i‡Q {(45+3n) – 30}

= 3n+15
Ans: D

2. Average mark of 10 students is x. If 5 other students each earned 84 marks,

find the average grade of the centre group?

34 | P a g e
(A) (10x+420)/15 (B) (10x+84)/15 (C) (x+420)/5 (D) (x+84)/2 (E) None

Solution: 10 Students Gi total mark = 10x

AwZwi³ 5 R‡bi total mark = 584
= 420
10 x  420
Average of entire group =
10  5
10x  420
Ans: A

3. Average of 17 even consecutive integers is 42. What is the third integer from
the beginning of the series when the integers are arranged in an increasing
(A) 28 (B) 30 (C) 28 (D) 34 (E) 36

Solution: 17 Uv b¤^‡ii Middle point n‡jv average

+ 0.5 = 9th number
 9th number n‡jv average
 9th 8th 7th 6th 5th 4th 3th 2nd 1st
42 40 38 36 34 32 30 [‡h‡nZz even conswcutive

Ans. B. 30

4. Francis had an average of 75 on her first four geography tests. After taking
the next test, her average dropped to 72. How much did she get in the fifth text?
(A) 54 (B) 56 (C) 58 (D) 60 (E) 73.5

Solution: 4 Uvi total 754 = 300

5 Uvi total 725 = 360
 5th test G obtain K‡i‡Q
= 60
Ans: D. 60

5. Average weight of 8 persons is 120 lb. One person leaves the group and a
new person comes in & the new average weight becomes 122 lb. If the weight
of the outgoing person is 110 lb. What is the weight of the incoming person?
(A) 118 (B) 120 (C) 122 (D) 126 (E) None of these

35 | P a g e
Solution: Average weight cÖwZ Person †e‡o †M‡Q (122-120) =2
 †gvU weight †e‡o‡Q = 28= 16 lb
Zvi gv‡b New Person 16 lb †ewk IRb wb‡q G‡mwQj|
 Incoming person Gi weight
= Outgoing person + 16
= (110+16) lb
= 126 lb
Ans. D. 126

6. If the average (arithmetic mean) of the four numbers K, 2K + 3, 3K – 5, and

5K + 1 is 63, what is the value of K?
3 3
(A) 11 (B) 15 (C) 22 (D) 23 (E) 25
4 10

k  (2k  3)  (3k  5)  (5k  1)

Solution:  63
ev, k + 2k+3+3k-5+5k+1 = 252
ev, 11k -1 = 252
ev, 11k = 253
ev, k =
= 23
Ans. D

7. A necklace is made by stringing N individual beads together in the repeating

pattern red bead, green bead, white bead, blue bead, and yellow bead. If the
necklace design begins with a red bead and ends with a white bead then N could
(A) 16 (B) 32 (C) 41 (D) 54 (E) 68

Solution: Series Uv †`Lyb Red, Green, White, Blue, Yellow (5 numbers)

Avevi Repeat Ki‡j Red, Green White, Blue, Yellow
‡h‡nZz white 3 b¤^‡i †kl nq| Zvn‡j option Gi †KvbUv 3 gvBbvm Ki‡j 5 w`‡q fvM Kiv hv‡e|
E. 68 †K GiKg Kiv hv‡e|
Ans. E

36 | P a g e
8. On 3 sales John has received commission of $240, $ 80, and $110, and he has
1 additional sale pending. If John is to receive an average (arithmetic mean)
commission of exactly $150 on the 4 sales, then the 4th commission must be
(A) $164 (B) $170 (C) $175 (D) $182 (E) $185

240  80  110  x
Solution:  150
ev, 430+x = 150 4
ev, x = 600-430
 x = 170
Ans: B. 170

9. A club sold an average (arithmetic mean) of 92 raffle tickets per members.

Among the female members, the average number sold was 84, and among the
male members, the average number sold was 96. What was the ratio of the number
of male members to the number of female members in the club?
(A) 1: 1 (B) 1: 2 (C) 1: 3 (D) 2: 1 (E) 3: 1

Solution: cÖkœg‡Z, 84f + 96m = 92 (f+m)

ev,84f+96m = 92 f + 92m
ev,96m – 92 m = 92f – 84f
ev,4m = 8f
ev, 2m = 4f
m 4 2
ev,  
f 2 1
 M: f = 2: 1
Ans. D

Mixture, Ven diagram, Roots and Exponents

1. Box 1 contain of 500 marbles 24% of which are black. Box 2 contains some
markble of which 10% are black. You put the marble together in another box
and found that the percentage of black marbles is 20%. How many markbles
were there in box 2? (DU IBA MBA: June-July, 2017)
(A) 100 (B) 150 (C) 200 (D) 250 (E) None of these

Solution: Mixture Gi m~ÎwU jÿ Kiæb

1g wgkÖY + 2q wgkÖY = Ultimate Rate
(R1Q1) + (R2Q2) = RuQt or total amount
Where, R1 = Rate1
37 | P a g e
R2 = Rate2
Q1 = Quantitity1
Q2 = Quantitity2
Ru = Ultimate Rate
Qt = Total Quantity
GLb g¨v_ Kiæb,
(R1Q1) +(R2Q2) = RuQt
(24500) +(10X) = 20(500+x)
ev, 12,000+10x = 10,000+20x
ev, 120,000-10,000=20x-10x
ev, 2,000 = 10x
ev, 10x = 2,000
ev, x=
 x = 200
Ans. C. 200

2. Coffee a normally costs 100 taka per pound. It is mixed

with coffee B, which normally costs 70 taka per pound, to
form a mixutre which costs 88 taka per pound. If there are 10 pounds of the
mix, how many pounds of coffee A are used in the mix?

(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7 (E) None

Solution: (R1Q1) + (R2Q2) = (RuQt) or total amount

(100X) + {70(10-x)} = 8810
ev, 100x +700  70x = 880
30x = 880-700
30x = 180
30 6
Ans. C

38 | P a g e
3. In 24 kg of salt water 80% is salt of another mixture, 40% is salt. How many
kg of the 2nd solution must be added to the first mixture to get a solution that is
5% salt?
(A) 24 (B) 36 (C) 48 (D) 72 (E) 96

Solution: (R1Q1) + (R2Q2) = RuQt

(8024) + 40  x = 50 (24+x)
ev, 1920 + 40x = 1200 + 50x
ev, 1920 – 1200 = 50x – 40x
ev, 720 = 10x
ev, 10x = 720
ev, x =
x = 72
Ans. D

4. In a box, there are equal numbers of 10 paisa, 25 paisa and 50 paisa coins. If it
contains Tk. 170 in total of the three coin denominations, then what is the number
of 10 paisa coins?
(A) 2 (B) 20 (C) 200 (D) 2000 (E) 80

Solution: 170 tk = (170100) paisa

= 17,000 paisa
Assume Equal number paisa = x
(R1Q1) + (R2Q2) + (R3Q3) = total
(10x) + (25x) + (50x) = 17,000
ev, 10x+25x + 50x = 17,000
ev, 85x = 17000
17,000 200
ev, x =
x = 200
Ans. C. 200

39 | P a g e
5. A trader purchased some pens for Tk. 8 and some pencils for tk. 4.5 per piece
respectively. If he purchased a total of 12 pens and pencils for Tk. 82, how
many pens did he purchase?
(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9 (E) None

Solution: (R1Q1) + (R2Q2) = total

8 x + 4.5 (12-x) = 82
ev, 8x + 54 – 4.5x = 82
ev, 3.5x = 82 – 54
ev, x =
3 .5
4 28 10 2
ev, x =
x=8 7
Ans. C

6. Arif bought 17 pens of three color-black, green and red, which cost Tk. 5, Tk.
10 and Tk. 25 each. The total amount that Arif paid was Tk. 205. If Arif bought
twice as many green pen, red pens, how many black pens
did he buy? (DU IBA BBA: 2016-17)
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 8 (E) None

Solution: Assume, The numbers Green Per = x

 Red = 2x
 Black = 17 – x – 2x
= 17 – 3x
(R1Q1) + (R2Q2) + (R3Q3) = total
5 (17-3x) + 10  2x + 25 x=205
ev, 85 – 15x + 20x + 25x = 205
ev, 30x = 205 – 85
ev, x =
Ans. A. 4

40 | P a g e
Unitary System
1. A ferry can carry 20 buses or 32 cars. If there are 15 buses on the ferry, how
many cars can be loaded into it?
(A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 12 (D) 15 (E) None

Solution: 20 buses = 32 cars

ev, 54 buses = 46 cars
ev, 5 buses = 6 cars
Ferry †Z evm i‡q‡Q 15 Uv, AviI 5Uv bus Gi RvqMv i‡q‡Q
 AviI 6 Uv car load Kiv hv‡e
†h‡nZz 5 buses= 6 cars
© Ans. A. 6

2. A man and a boy together can complete a job in 81 days. Two men and three
boys together can complete the same job in 36 days. In how many days can four
men together complete the same job?
(A) 21 (B) 27 (C) 30 (D) 36 (E) 38

Solution: 1 man + 1 boy together K‡i 31 days G

Iw`‡K 2 man + 3 boys K‡i 36 days G
cÖ_g condition Uv‡K hw` Avgiv
3 man + 3boys Ki‡Z cvwi Zvn‡j c‡ii condition minus Ki‡j ïay 1 man Gi KvR †ei
1g condition,
1 man + 1 boys K‡i 81 days G
3 man + 3 boys ” ”G
= 27 w`b
 G‡`i Rate
2nd condition G Rate =
 1 1 
 1 man 1 w`‡b K‡i    Ask
 27 36 

41 | P a g e
1 man K‡i Ask
1 1
4 ” ” 4=
108 27
 27 days (inverse of part of work=day)
Ans. 27 days

3. In a hostel there was food supply for 20 students for 25 days. After 5 days,
some students left the hostel and rest of the food lasted for 25 days. How many
students left hostel? (104)
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 7 (E) 8

Solution: 25 w`‡b †L‡q †d‡j 1 Ask food

1 ” ” ” ” ”
5 ” ” ” 5 ” ”
 1 4
Lvevi evwK Av‡Q 1    Ask
 5 5
2 eviB 25 days nIqv‡Z Benchamark mgvb| Avjv`v Avi Day Calculate Ki‡Z n‡e bv|
1 Ask Lvq 20 Rb
4 20 4
 ” Lv‡e 4
5 5
= 16 Rb
 Leave K‡iwQj (20-16)
= 4 Rb
Ans: A. 4

4. An empty water tank can be filled in 40 minutes by opening one pipe and the
full tank can be emptied in 120 minutes by opening the other pipe. If both pipes
are opened together while the tank is empty, in how many hours time will the
tank be completely filled.
(A) 1.5 (B) 1.2 (C) 1.0 (D) 2.0 (E) 1.6
Solution: cÖ_g Pipe Gi Rate =
wØZxq Ó Ó Rate =

42 | P a g e
 1 1 
  
 40 120 
3 1
 60 days (inverse of )
Ans. 1 hour

5. A team of 2 men and 5 women completed one forth of a job in 3 days. After 3
days another man joined the team and they took 2 days to complete another one-
fourth of the job. How many men can complete the whole job in 4 days?
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 9 (E) None

1 1
Solution: 2m + 5w Gi As‡ki Rate (Inverse of day)
4 4
Avevi bZzb GKRb add nIqv‡Z
1 1
3m + 5w Gi As‡ki Rate (Inverse of day)
4 2
1 1
 One man Gi Kv‡Ri part   
 2 3
32 1
= =
6 6
 6 days (inverse of part)
1 man Ask K‡i 6 w`‡b
 1 ” 1 ” ” 64 ”
= 24 w`b
24 w`‡b K‡i 1 Rb
1 Ó Ó 124 Ó
1 24
4 Ó Ó
= 6 w`b

43 | P a g e
Ans. B.6 days

6. 6 men or 8 women can do a work in 18 days. How many days will it require
to complete the work if 3 men and 5 women work together?
(A) 10 (B) 12 (C) 14 (D) 16 (E) 18

Solution: 6 men = 8 women

3 man = 4 women
jvó jvB‡bi (3 men and 5 women) GUv‡K ïay women convert Ki‡Z n‡e
(3 men + 5 women)
= (4 women+ 5 women) [†h‡nZz 3m = 4 w]
GLb 8w K‡i 18 w`‡b
 1w ” 188 ”
18 8
9 ” ” ”
= 16 w`‡b|
Ans. D. 16 w`b

7. Alam starts working on a job and works on it for 12

days and complete 40% of the work. Then Babu joins
Alam and together the complete the rest of the work in 12
days. How long will it take Babu to complete the job if he
works alone? (DU IBA BBA: 2016-17)

(A) 24 days (B) 30 days (C) 45 days (D) 60 days (E) None of these

40 2
Solution: 40% = =
100 5

Alam, 12 w`‡b K‡i Ask KvR
2 1
1 ” ”  Ask
5  12 30
awi, Babu x w`‡b K‡i 1wU KvR
 1 ” ” ” ”
2 3
Kv‡Ri cvU© evwK i‡q‡Q = 1  =
5 5
`yR‡b GKmv‡_ 12 w`‡b K‡i Ask KvR
44 | P a g e
” ” 1 ” ” ” ”
5  12
GLb, Alam Gi Rate + Babu Gi Rate =
1 1 1
 
30 x 20
1 1 1
ev,  
x 20 30
1 32
ev, 
x 60
1 1
ev, 
x 60
ev, x = 60
Ans. D. 60 days

8. If 20 men or 24 women or 40 boys can do a job in 12 days, how many men

working with 6 women and 2 boys can complete the same work in 32 days?
(IBA, BBA-16/17)

(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 10 (D) 12 (E) None of these

Solution: 12 w`‡b K‡i GKwU KvR 20 Rb Men

1 ” ” ” ” 2012” ”
20  12
 32 ” ” ” ”
= 7.5
ev, 8 (approximated)
Ges women Ges Boys †K Men G Convert Kwi
24 women = 20 men
1 ” = men
20  6
6 ” = = 5 men
40 boys = 20 men
 1 boy = men

45 | P a g e
20  2
 2 boy =  men
= 1 man
‡gvU Men jvM‡e = 8
Already KvR K‡i‡Q (5+1) Rb men
= 6 men
AwZwi³ Men jvM‡e = (8 – 6) Rb men
= 2 Men
Ans. E. 2 Men

1. The ratio of boys to girls in a class is 2/5. If 2 boys
leave and 4 girls join the class, the ratio of the boys to the girls becomes .
Originally how many girls were in the class?
(A) 16 (B) 20 (C) 21 (D) 24 (E) None

Solution: Use Ratio Equalization System

Boys 2
Girls 5
2x  2 1
Now = 
5x  4 4
ev, 4(2x-2) = 5x
ev, 8x – 8 = 5x + 4
ev, 8x – 5x = 4+8
ev, 3x = 12
ev, x =

46 | P a g e
Boys Gi msL¨v = 2x
= 24
Girls ” ” = 5x
= 54
= 20
Ans. B. 20

2. 2 partners, x and y have 60% and 40% shares in a business. After sometime,
a 3rd partner z joined the business by investing five lakh taka and thus having
20% share in the business. What is y’s share now in the business?

(A) 32% (B) 48% (C) 36% (D) 50% (E) None of these

Solution: x:y = 60: 40

= 3: 2
3 Party †h UvKv Uv wb‡q Avmj Avm‡j †mUvB 20% Gi mgvb

evwK _v‡K (100-20) = 80%

 80 †K 3:2 Abycv‡Z fvM K‡i w`‡j nq = 48:32
 y cv‡”Q 32%
‡Kvb value B cÖ‡qvRb cij bv
Ans. A. 32%

3. A jar contains white, red and green marbles in the ratios 2:3:4. Five more
green balls are added to the jar and so the ratios become 2:3:5. How many white
balls are there in the jar?
(A) 40 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 10 (E) None

Solution: †`Lyb Ratio †Z ïay cwieZ©b n‡q‡Q Green marble. Gi KviY Green marble add
n‡q‡Q Ab¨ `yBwU AcwieZ©bxq
2:3:4  2:3:5
 (5-4) = 1 fvM
GB 1 fvMB 5 Uv green marble Gi mgvb
 1 fvM = 5 n‡j
2 fvM = 52
= 10
Ans. D. 10

47 | P a g e
4. The ratio of boys and girls in a class is 1:2 and the classroom has 24 students.
How many boys would have to be admitted to make ratio of boys to girls 1:1?

(A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 10 (D) 12 (E) 16

Solution: The ratio of Boys and girls = 1:2 and their total = 24
myZivs Ratio †Z fvM K‡i w`‡j nq
Boys = 1  8
Girls =  2  16
GLb Ratio Equalization Apply KiæY
Boys 8  x 1
= 
Girls 16 1
ev, 8 + x = 16
ev, x = 16 – 8
Ans. B. 8

5. A certain pole casts a shadow 24 ft long. At the same

time another pole which is 3 feet high costs a shadow 4
feet long. How high is the first pole, given that the heights
and shadows are in proportion?

(A) 17 (B) 13 (C) 20 (D) 21 (E) None

Solution: Ratio Equalization

Pole1 Pole 2

Shadow1 Shadow2
x 3

24 4
3  24
ev, x =
 x = 18
Ans. 18

6. If the area of a square increases by 69%, then the side of the square increases
(A) 13% (B) 30% (C) 20% (D) 69% (E) 130%

Solution: Multiplier System

48 | P a g e
Backward c×wZ‡Z Answer Check up Ki‡Z n‡e|
Option Gi †Kvb increase Gi Kvi‡Y multiplier system G ¸Y †`Iqvi ci Value 1.69
(1+69%e„w×) nq?
Check it….

B. 30% Zvigv‡b 1.3

Ans. B

7. If the side of a square increase by 20% then its area increases by what
(A) 40% (B) 44% (C) 400% (D) 80% (E) None

Solution: Multiplier System

Square Gi GKevû †e‡o hvIqv gv‡bB Aci evû e„w× cvIqv;
1 .2
 1 .2
†e‡o †M‡Q (1.44-1) = (0.44)
Ans. B

8. A, B and C can complete a job individually in 6, 8 and

12 hours respectively. If all three of them work together to complete a job and
earn Tk. 3600, what will be c’s share of the earnings? (DU IBA BBA: 2016-17)
(A) 800 (B) 820 (C) 875 (D) 950 (E) none of these

Solution: †h‡Kvb UvKv Day Gi Ratio †Z fvM Kiv hvq bv| Kv‡Ri Part Gi Ratio †Z fvM
Ki‡Z nq|
Day †K Dwë‡q w`‡j Kv‡Ri Part cvIqv hvq|
A: B : C
Day’s Ratio 6 : 8 : 12
1 1 1 2 12, 8, 6
 Kv‡Ri Part Gi Ratio : :
6 8 12 3 6, 4, 3
1 1 1
=  72: 72: 72 2 2, 4, 3
6 8 12
1, 2, 3
= 12 : 9 : 6
Gevi, 3,600 UvKv fvM K‡i w`‡j =72
c cv‡e 6

49 | P a g e
3600 3
= 1200
Ans. E. none of these

9. A 60 litre mixture of sugar and water contains sugar and water in the ratio 2:3.
How many litres of the mixture should be replaced by sugar so that the ratio of
sugar and water becomes 1:1? (IBA, BBA-2016-2017)
(A) 6 (B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 20 (E) None

Solution: 60 wjUvi fvM Kiæb 2:3 †Z

 Sugar : Water = 27 : 36
GLb Ratio Equalization
s 24  x 1
 
w 36  x 1
ev, 24+x = 36 – x
ev, x + x = 36 – 24
ev, 2x = 12
Ans. A. 6

10.The ratio of two quantities is 3 to 4. If each of the

quantities is increased by 5, what is the ratio of these two new quantities?
3 8 18 23
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 9 19 24
(E) It cannot be determined from the information given

Solution: x  3
y 4
x 5 35
So, 
y5 45

Again the ratio can also be 6( x)  5  11
8( x)  5 13
So it varies from value to value
Ans. E

50 | P a g e
11.The annual budget of a certain college is to be shown on a circle graph. If the
size of each sector of the graph is to be proportional to the amount of the budget
it represents, how many degrees of the circle should be used to represent an item
that is 15 percent of the budget?
(A) 150 (B) 360 (C) 540 (D) 900 (E) 1500

Solution: GKwU circle G total degree _v‡K 3600

 100 fvM = 3600
360 0
1Ó =
360 0  15
 15 fvM =
= 54
Ans. 54

12.The amounts of time that three secretaries worked on a special project are in
the ratio of 1 to 2 to 5. If they worked a combined total of 112 hours, how
many hours did the secretary who worked the longest spend on the project?
(A) 80 (B) 70 (C) 56 (D) 16 (E) 14

Solution: GUv GK`g mnR| 112 hours †K Ratio বে fvM Kiæb

112  5

8(1  2  5)
112  5

= 70
Ans. B. 70

13. In a certain company, the ratio of the number of managers to the number of
production-line workers is 5 to 72. If 8 additional production-line workers
were to be hired, the ratio of the number of managers to the number of
production-line workers would be 5 to 74. How many managers does the
company have?
(A) 5 (B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 20 (E) 25
Manager 5
Solution: Given, 
Wor ker 72
5x 5
Now, 
72 x  8 74
ev, 745x = 5(72x+8)
ev, 370x = 360x + 40

51 | P a g e
ev, 370x – 360x = 40
ev, 10x = 40
ev, x =
So managers=5x=54=20
ans. D.20

1. If x/y = -1, and xy = -1 then x-y=?
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 0 (D) -2 (E) A or D

Solution:  1 Ges xy = -1
GB `yBwU Equation †`L‡j †evSv hvq
x–y A_ev, - 1 – (+1)
= 1 – (-1) = -1 – 1 =
=2 = -2
2 A_ev -2
Ans. E

y 2y
2. What is 10% of , if is 10% of 600?
3 3
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) None

Solution: Given,
is 10% of 600
ev, =10%600
2 y 10 600
ev, =
3 100
ev, = 60
60  3
ev, y = =60

52 | P a g e
 10% of
10 60
= 
100 3
Ans. B. 2

xy y2 1
3. If = 27 and = what is the ratio of z toy?
z2 zx 3 3
3 (B) 3
(A) (C) 1/3 (D) 3 3 (E) None of these

Solution: `yBUv Equation ¸Y K‡i cvq

xy y 2 1
  27 
z zx 3 3
ev, 3  27
z 3 3
2 3

ev,     
y 3
 z  3
y 3
 =
z 3
 z to y = 3: 3
Ans. B. 3

4. 3 friends invested equals share in a business. After careful calculation, they

realized that each of them would have invested Tk. 3000 less if they had found 2
more friends with equal shares. Find the total investment in the business
(A) 7500 (B) 7,000 (C) 22,500 (D) 6000 (E) Can not be determined

Solution: 2 Rb AwZwi³ Avmv‡Z ev`evwK 3 R‡bi Per Person Kg c‡i 3,000 UvKv
 3 R‡bi total Kg jv‡M = 3,0003= 9,000 UvKv
GB 9,000 UvKv-B 2 R‡bi UvKv
 1 R‡bi UvKv =
= 4,500 UvKv
 5 R‡bi UvKv Investment = 4,5005= 22,500
Ans. C. 22,500
53 | P a g e
5. There are 200 questions in a 3-hour examination. Among questions are 50
mathematical problems. It is suggested that twice as much time be allowed for
each mathematics as for each of the other questions. How many minutes should
be spent in the mathematics problems?
(A) 36 (B) 60 (C) 72 (D) 100 (E) 120

Solution: Mathematical Problems = 50 Uv

 Other ” = (200-50)
=150 Uv
awi, Other Problem G per question G UvBg †`q x UvKv
 cÖwZ Mathematical cÖkœ time †`q 2x UvKv
Now, Mixture System
R1Q1 + R2Q2 = total time
2x50 + x150 = 180
ev, 100x+150x = 180
ev, 250x = 180
ev, x =
 Mathematical cÖkœ time jv‡M = 502x
= 502 = 72
Ans. (C) 72

x y
6. If is 1 more than , then y =? (IBA, BBA-16/17)
z z
(A) x-1 (B) zn-1 (C) x-z (D) (x-1)/z (E) none

x y
Solution: cÖkœg‡Z, = +1
z z
y x
ev, + 1=
z z
y x
ev, = 1
z z
x 
ev, y = z   1
z 
ev, y = z
Ans. C. x –z

54 | P a g e
7. If x is an integer and y= -4x+17, what is the least value of x for which y is
less than 1? (IBA, MBA-June/July)
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) None of these

Solution: y = - 4x + 17
Pjyb Avgiv Answer option ¸‡jv check
A. 2, y = -42+17
= -8+17 = 11
B. 3, y = -43 + 17
= -12+17
C. 4, y = -44+17
= -16+17
D. 5, y = -45+17
= -20 + 17
= -1 [GUv Less than 1]
Ans. D. 5

8. Raju has x number of books, which is 3 times as many

as siam and as many as payel. How many books do the
three of them have all together in terms of x? (IBA, MBA-June/July)
5x 7x 10x 7x
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) None of these
6 3 3 2

Solution: Raju Siam Payal

x 2x
Raju Siam Gi 3 ¸Y gv‡b Siam Raju Gi ¸Y|
Avevi, Payal Gi n‡jv Raju
 Payel Raju Gi 2 ¸Y
 Books they have all together
= x   2x

55 | P a g e
3x  x  2 x
= 2x
Ans. E. None

9. A restaurant buys fruit in cups containing 3 cups of fruit each. If the
restaurant uses cup of the fruit in each serving of its fruit compote, what is
the least number of cans needed to prepare 60 servings of the compote?
(A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 10 (E) 12

Solution: The restaurant uses fruit  60
= 30 Uv
cÖwZUv Cup G Av‡Q =
Cup jvM‡e = 3
= 30
= closes to 9
Ans. C. 9

10. In a nationwide poll, N people were interviewed. If of them answered “yes”
to question 1, and of those, answered “yes” to question 2, which of the
following expressions represents the number of people interviewed who did
not answer “yes” to both questions?
N 6N 5N 7N 11N
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
7 7 7 12 12

Solution: Yes to question 1 = n/4

56 | P a g e
1 N
G‡`i †fZi yes to question 2 = 
3 4
N 11N
 did not answer yes to both question = N – =
12 12
Anc. C.

11.If (b-3) (4+ ) = 0 and b  3, then b=?
1 1
(A) -8 (B) -2 (C)  (D) (E) 2
2 2
Solution: (b-3) (4+ ) = 0

Either, b-3 = 0 2
ev, b = 3 or 4 + =0
ev, = -4
ev, =b
b= 
wKš‘, b is not equal to 3
b= 
Ans. C. 

12. The population of a bacteria culture doubles every 2 minutes.

Approximately how many minutes will it take for the population to grow from
1,000 to 500,000 bacteria?
(A) 10 (B) 12 (C) 14 (D) 16 (E) 18
57 | P a g e
Solution: 2n  (1000) = 5, 00,000
ev, 2n =
ev, 2n = 500
ev, 2n = 222222222
 (2)n = (2)9 [9 Approximately]
 Time jvM‡e 29 = 18
Ans. E. 18

13. Marion rented a car for $18.00 plus $0.10 per mile driven. Craig rented a car
for $25.00 plus $0.05 per mile driven. If each drove d miles and each was
charged exactly the same amount for the rental, then d equals
(A) 100 (B) 120 (C) 135 (D) 140 (E) 150

Solution: Marion Gi charge = 18+0.10d

Ges craig Gi 25 + 0.05d
cÖkœg‡Z `yBR‡bi PvR© mgvb
 18+0.10d = 25+0.05d
ev, 0.10d – 0.05d=25-18
ev, 0.05d=7
ev, 0.05d=7
ev, d =
D=140 miles

14. Tickets for all but 100 seats in a 10,000 seat stadium were sold. Of the
tickets sold, 20 percent were sold at half price and the remaining tickets were
sold at the full price of $2. What was the total revenue from ticket sales?
(A) $15,840 (B) $17,820 (C) $18,000 (D) $19,800 (E) $21,780

Solution: 100 seats sold nq bvB, ev`evwK sold n‡q‡Q?

 (10,000-100) = 9900
Revenue (total)
( 0.2  9,900  $1 )+( 0.8  9,900  $2 )
= 1980+15840
= 17820
Ans. B. 17,820

15. Rene earns $8.50 per hour on days other than Sundays and twice that rate on
Sundays. Last week she worked a total of 40 hours, including 8 hours on
Sunday. What were her earnings for the week?
58 | P a g e
(A) $272 (B) $340 (C) $398 (D) $408 (E) $476

Solution: Other days Gi rate = 8.5

Sunday Gi Rate = 8.52
= 17
 Total earning
178+8.5 (40-8)
= 136+272
Ans. D

16. A certain grocery purchased X pounds of the produce for P dollars per
pound. If Y pounds of the produce had to be discarded due to spoilage and the
grocery sold the rest for S dollars per pound, which of the following represents
the gross profit on the sale of the produce?
(A) (x –y)s - xp (B) (x – y)p - ys (C) (s – p)y - xp
(D) xp - ys (E) (x-y) (s – p)

Solution: Purchasing price = xp

if y pounds discarded = (x-y)
Selling price = (x-y) S
 Gross profit = selling price – purchasing price
= (x-y) S - xp
Ans. A.

17. Jan lives x floors above the ground floor of a high-rise building. It takes her
30 seconds per floor to walk down the steps and 2 seconds per floor to ride the
elevator. If it takes Jan the same amount of time to walk down the steps to the
ground floor as to wait for the elevator for 7 minutes and ride down, then x equals
(A) 4 (B) 7 (C) 14 (D) 15 (E) 16
Solution: cÖwZ floor mgqjv‡M 30 seconds. Total floor i‡q‡Q x Uv
 †gvU mgq jvM‡e 30x Uv
7 minutes = 420 seconds elevator Gi Rb¨ AwZwi³ jv‡M
Zvn‡j GLv‡b †gvU mgq = (2x+420)
cÖkœg‡Z, 2Uv mgq same
30x = 2x+420
ev, 30x-2x = 420
ev, 28x = 420

59 | P a g e
ev, x =
 x = 15
Ans. D.

18. A dealer originally bought 100 identical batteries at a total cost of q dollars.
If each battery was sold at 50 percent above the original cost per battery, them, in
terms of q, for how many dollars was each battery sold?
3q 3q
(A) (B) (C) 150q
200 2
q 150
(D) +50 (E)
200 q
Solution: Battery Gi total cost q dollar
Battery i‡q‡Q = 100 Uv
 cÖwZ Battery Gi `vg =
 150% = 1.5
`vg evovi ci n‡e= 1.5
1.5  q
15  q
100  10

a 2
19. If  , which of the following NOT true?
b 3
ab 5 b ab 1
(A)  (B) 3 (C) 
b 3 ba b 3
2a 4 a  3b 11
(D)  (E) 
3b 9 b 2
a 2
20. 
b 3
a Gi gvb = 2 Ges
b ” ” = 3 a‡i me¸‡jv Ackb †PK K‡i †`Lyb

60 | P a g e
ïay c b¤^i wgj‡e bv|]
Ans. C

21. The weights of four packages are 1, 3, 5 and 7 pounds, respectively. Which
of the following CANNOT be the total weight, in pounds, of any
combination of the packages?
(A) 9 (B) 10 (C) 12 (D) 13 (E) 14

Solution: Option A = 9 (1+3+5)

” B = 10(3+7)
” C = 12 (5+7)
” D = 13 (1+5+7)
but ” E evbv‡bv hvq bv
Ans. E

22. If x and y are different integers and x2 =xy, which of the following must be
I. x = 0 II. y = 0 III. x = -y
(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II
(E) II and III

Solution: x2 = xy
x = y
GRb¨ (iii) x = -y n‡e bv
(ii) y = 0, x = 2 n‡j 22 = 20
4=0 n‡e bv
(I) x = 0 Ges y Gi †h‡Kvb gvb n‡jI
O2 = 0.2
O = 0, it must be true
Ans. A. I only

23.If X and Y are sets of integers, X  Y denotes the set of integers that belong
to set X or set Y, but not both If X consists of 10 integers, Y consists of 18
integers, and 6 of the integers are in both X and Y, then X  Y consists of how
many integers?
(A) 6 (B) 16 (C) 22 (D) 30 (E) 174

Solution: xy denotes only x A_ev y wKš‘ both bq|

Avmyb Avgiv GwU venn diagram w`‡q K‡i †dwj

61 | P a g e

4 6 12

x = 10 y = 18
both = 6 both = 6
only x = 4 only y = 12
 X or y = 4+12
 Xy = 16

25. A certain population of bacteria doubles every 10 minutes. If the number of

bacteria in the population initially was 104, what was the number in the population
1 hour later?
(A) 2(104) (B) 6(104) (C) (26) (104) (D) (106)
(104) (E) (104)6

Solution: 10 minutes G Double n‡j,

1 hour n‡e double n‡e =  6 times
(26) (104) [104 = initial]
Ans: E

26. During a certain season, a team won 80 percent of its first 100 games and 50
percent of its remaining games. If the team won 70 percent of its games for the
entire season, what was the total number of games that the team played?
(A) 180 (B) 170 (C) 156 (D) 150 (E) 105

Solution: aiæb Total game played =x

 0.80 100 +0.50 (x-100) = 0.70x
80 + 0.50x -50= 0.70x
ev, 0.70x – 0.50x = 30
ev,0.20x = 30
ev, x =
ev,x = 150
Ans. D.150
62 | P a g e
27. A certain manufacturer produces items for which the production costs consist
of annual fixed costs totaling $ 130,000 and variable cost averaging $8 per item.
If the manufacturing selling price is $15 per item, how many items must the
manufacturer produce and sell to earn an annual profit of $150,000?
(A) 2,858 (B) 18,667 (C) 21,429 (D) 35,000 (E) 40,000

Solution: Profit = Revenue – Cost (fixed+variable)

Profit = 1,50,000
Let the number of items = x
 Revenue = 15x
cost = fixed cost + variable cost
= 1,30,00 + 8x
profit = Revenue – cost
ev, 1,50,000 = 15x – (1,30,000+8x)
ev, 1,50,000 = 15x – 1,30,000 - 8x
ev, 1,50,000+1,30,00 = 15x-8x
ev, 2,80,00 = 7x
ev, x =
x = 40,000
Ans. E. 40,000

Age Problem:
1. 7 years ago, Samir was 3 times as old as Sourav. In 4 years, Samir will be
twice as old as Saurav. What is Saurav’s present age? (DU IBA MBA June-
July, 2017)
(A) 40 years (B) 18 years (C) 30 years (D) 20 years (E) None of these

Samir Sourav
7 years ago 3x x
Now, 3x+7 x+7
In 4 years 3x+7+4 x+7+4

So, 3x+7+4 = 2(x+7+4)

So Saurav’s present age= 11+7=18
Ans. (B) 18 years

2. Today is Arif’s 12th birthday and his father’s 40th birthday. How many years
from today will Arif’s father be twice as old as first at that time?

63 | P a g e
(A) 12 (B) 16 (C) 18 (D) 24 (E) None of these

Depending on the condition,

40+X = 2(12+X)

Ans. 16

3. Mr. Rahim who is 28 years of age has a son who is 4 years old. In how many
years will Mr. Rahim be 4 times as old as his son?
(A) 10 (B) 12 (C) 13 (D) 14 (E) 15

Depending on the condition,

28+X = 4(4+X)

Ans. B. 12

4. Rahim is 10 years older than his brother Sabbir.

However, P years ago Rahim was twice as old as Sabbir. If
Sabbir is now n years old and n>p, find the value of (n-p).
(A) 10 (B) 15 (C) 20 (D) 30 (E) 25

Rahim Sabbir
Now, n+10 n
P years ago n+10-p n-p
Depending on the condition,
n+10-p= 2(n-p)
ev, n+10-p=2n-2p
ev, 10=2n-2-n+p
ev, 10=(n-p)
(n-p) =10

ans. A. 10

5. If man was r years old s years ago, how many years old will he be t years
from now?
(A) s+r+t (B) rs+t (C) s-r+t (D) r-s+t (E) none
64 | P a g e
A man was r years old s years ago .
so now the present age of the man = r+s
So the age will be after T years= r+s+t
ans. A

6. Today Rose is twice as old as Sam and Sam is 3 years younger than Tina. If
Rose, sam and Tina are all alive 4 years from today, which of the following
must be true on that day?
I. Rose is twice as old as Sam
II. Sam is 3 years younger than Tina
III. Rose is older than Tina
(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II (E) II and III

Solution: Math Uv GKUz critical

Pjyb cÖ_‡g (i) bs option Uv Avgiv hvPvB Kwi,
“today rose is twice as old as sam”
ejv Av‡Q today but fwel¨‡Z Rose, Sam Gi wظY bvI n‡Z cv‡i|
†hgb, today sam = 3
rose = 6
3 eQi c‡i, sam 3 +3 = 6
Rose, 6 +3=9, not twice
(ii) Sam is 3 years younger than tina GUv eZ©gvb, fwel¨Z memg‡qi Rb¨B cÖ‡hvR¨
(iii) R = 2s, s = (t-3)
 R = 2(t-3)
R = 2t-6
myZivs Rose, tina Gi †_‡K eo bq|
Ans. Only (ii) ev B

7. The sum of the ages of Doris and Fred is y years. If Doris is12 years older
than Fred, how many years old will Fred be y years from now, in terms of y?
y 3y 5y
(A) Y – 6 (B) 2y – 6 (C) – 6 (D) – 6 (E) –6
2 2 2
D+F = y
Given, D = F + 12
 F+12+F= y
ev, 2F+12 = y
ev, 2F = y – 12

65 | P a g e
y  12
ev, F =
y  12
y years c‡i n‡e, y
y  12  2 y
3 y  12
3 y 12
= 
2 2
= 6
Ans. D. 6

Motion:( Speed, time, distance)

1. A plane travelling at 600 miles per hours is heading for
Chittagong Airport at 3:58 p.m it is 30 miles from the
airport. At what time will it arrive at the airport?
(A) 3:59 pm (B) 4:00 pm (C) 4:01 pm (D) 4:02 pm
(E) 4:03 pm

Solution: 600 miles hvq 60 minute G

1 ” ” ”
60 30
1 ” ” ”
= 3 minutes G
3 minutes ci †cŠQv‡e
4 : 01 p.m G †cŠQv‡e
Ans. C. 4:01 p.m

2. Two cars start towards the same destination at the same time. One car is 5 km
behind the others. If the speed of the car at the front is 750 meter per minute and
that of the other car is 1000 meter per minute, after how many minutes will the
two cars meet?
(A) 20 (B) 24 (C) 25 (D) 30 (E) None

66 | P a g e
Solution: 5km = 5000 mter
The difference between speed of the two cars is = (1000-750)
= 250
 They will meet = = 20
Ans. A. 20

3. Two cars start towards each other from points 200 km apart. One car travels at
40 km/hr and the other travels at 35 km/hr. How far apart will the two cars be
after four hours of continuous travelling?
(A) 100km (B) 75km (C) 40km (D) 20km (E) 160km

Solution: 100

x y
140 160

200 km Gi †fZ‡i 1g car 4 N›Uvq hvq 404 = 160 k.m

2q car 4 N›Uvq hvq
354 = 140 k.m
Suppose, they meet at = 100 km. which is half 200.
Zv‡`i g‡a¨ eZ©gvb Distance
(160-100) = 60
(140-100) = 40
(60 + 40) = 100
Ans. A

4. The mile meter of a car misses every mile being travelled. After a certain time
the meter shows that 1251 miles were travelled. How many miles were actually

(A) 1291 (B) 1325 (C) 1376 (D) 1424 (E) None

Solution: 11th mile G wgm Kivi gv‡b n‡jv 10 mile G meter G show K‡i|
10 mile meter G show Kivi gv‡b n‡jv 11 mile travel
1 ” ” ” ” ”
1251 ” ” ” ” = (111251)/10
= 1376

5. Mr. x starts from his house at 9:10 a.m. towards IBA, which is 10 miles away
from his house. He must reach IBA by 9:30 a.m. If he covers half the distance at
67 | P a g e
a speed of 20 miles per hours, his speed for the remainder of the distance must
be (in miles per hours):

(A) 50 (B) 60 (C) 45 (D) 55 (E) None

1 1
Solution: Distance = 10 = 5 mile hvq 20 kmp †Z
2 2
 5 
 time jv‡M =   60  minutes
 20 
= 15 minutes
mgq evwK Av‡Q (20-15) 9:10 †_‡K
= 5 minute
9:30 = 20 minutes
Avevi distance evwK Av‡Q = (10-5)
= 5 mile
 Speed =  60 Distance
5 Speed =
= 60 m/h
Ans.B. 60 mile per hour

6. Asif riding his bike at 24 km/hr reaches his office 5

minutes late. If he would have reached the office 4 minutes
earlier than the scheduled time by travelling 25% faster, how far is his office from
his house in kms (IBA, BBA-16/17)

(A) 18 (B) 24 (C) 36 (D) 40 (E) None

Solution: Distance = D
24 km/h Avm‡j 5 minute late
Avevi; 30(24+25%24) km/h Avm‡j 4 minute earlier Av‡m|
GLb, time1 =
Avevi time2 =
GB `yBUv time Gi Difference B (5+4)
= 9 minute
= hours
D D 9
  
24 30 60

68 | P a g e
5D  4 D 9
ev, 
120 60
9  120
= 18
Ans. A. 18

7. Car X and car Y traveled the same 80-mile route. If car X took 2 hours and car
Y traveled at an average speed that was 50 percent faster than the average speed
of car X, how many hours did it take car Y to travel the route?
2 1 3
(A) (B) 1 (C) 1 (D) 1 (E) 5
3 3 5
Solution: x Gi speed =
= 40
y Gi speed = 40+50%40
= 40+20
= 60
80 4 1
 y Gi time jvM‡e  1
60 3 3
Ans. C

8. One hour after Yolanda started walking from X to Y, a distance of 45 miles;

Bob started walking along the same road from Y to X. If Yolanda’s walking rate
was 3 miles per hour and Bob’s was 4 miles per how many miles had Bob
walked when they met?
(A) 24 (B) 23 (C) 22 (D) 21 (E) 19.5

Solution: `yBRb opposite direction G G‡m wgwjZ n‡j, `yBR‡bi AwZµvšÍ distance Gi
†hvMdjB Avm‡j 45 kilometer
Let Bob distance be D1 and Yolanda D2

 D1+D2 = 45
(speed1 time1)+ (speed2 time2) = 45 [Distance = speedtime]
ev, (4 t) + {3(t+1)} = 45
ev, 4t+3t+3 = 45
ev, 7t = 45-3
ev, 7t = 42
ev, t = 6

69 | P a g e

Bob mgq †bq 6 hours

 Bob Distance AwZµg K‡i‡Q 4T
= 46
= 24
Ans. A

9. Machine A produces bolts at a uniform rate of 120 every 40 seconds, and

machine B produces bolts at a uniform rate of 100 every 20 seconds. If the two
machines run simultaneously, how many seconds will it take for them to produce
a total of 200 bolts?
(A) 22 (B) 25 (C) 28 (D) 32 (E) 56

Solution: Machine A per second G K‡i = 3 bolts
Machine B per second G K‡i = 5 bolts
Simultaneously produce K‡i (3+5)
= 8 bolts per second
 200 bolts produce Ki‡e = 25 †m‡K‡Û
Ans. B. 25

10. Bill’s school is 10 miles from his home. He travels 4 miles from school to
football practive, and then 2 miles to a friend’s house. If he is then x miles from
home, what is the range of possible values for x?

(A) 2  x  10 (B) 4  x  10 (C) 4  x  12

(D) 4  x  16 (E) 6  x  16

Solution: m‡e©v”P distance n‡Z cv‡i straight line distance G

10 4 2
 x = 10+4+2 = 16

me©wb¤œ Distance n‡Z cv‡i,

2 4

70 | P a g e
10 (H to S)
x = 10 – 4 – 2
Ans. D. 4  x 16

11. A Furniture store sells only two models of desks, model A and Model B.
The selling price of model A is $120, which is 30 percent of the selling price of
model B. If the furniture store sells 2000 desks, ¾ of which are model B, what
is the furniture store’s total revenue from the sale of desks?

A. 114000 B. 186000 C. 294000 D. 380000 E. 660000

Solution: Model A Rate = 120 tk.

Model B, Rate = = 400
Model B number = 2000
= 1500
Model A number =2000-1500
= 500
 Total revenue = R1  Q1 + R2Q2
= 120500+4001500
= 60,000+6,00,000
= 6,60,00
Ans. E

1. If x, y and z are consecutive negative integers and x>y>z, which of the
following must be a positive odd integer? (DU IBA BBA: 2016-17)
(A) xyz (B) (x-y)(y-z) (C) x-yz (D) x(y+z) (E) None of these

Solution: aiæb, x> y> z = -1 > -2 > -3

(a) -1-2-3 = -6, negative
(b) Let’s see, (x-y) (y-z)
{-1-(-2)} {-2-(-3)} =1 (Which is positive odd)

(c) x – yz = -1 – (-2-3)
= -1 – 6
= -7, negative

71 | P a g e
(d) -1(-2-3) = 5 positive odd Av‡m
But, x>y>z=-2>-3>-4 ধরন ,
{ -2(-3-4)}=14 (positive even), হন ো
Ans. B

2. If x<10 and 5y-2x = 0 which of the following must be true. (IBA BBA: 2016-
(A) y>-2 (B) y<4 (C) y> 2 (D) y>4 (E) None of these

Solution: x< 10 nIqv‡Z,

a‡i wbjvg, x = 9.9
5y – 2 9.99 = 8
ev, 5y = 19.8
= 3.96 (at least not equal 4 and must be less than 4)
Ans. B

3. If x and y are integers 13<x<25 and -2<y<-13, what is

the greatest possible value of (x-y)? (IBA BBA: 2016-17)
(A) 30 (B) 24 (C) 25 (D) 36 (E) None of these

Solution: Greatest value evbv‡Z n‡j Avcbv‡K x Gi value m‡e©v”P ev 24 Ges y Gi value
me©wb¤œ gv‡b -12 ai‡Z n‡e
=24 – (–12)
= 24 + 12
= 36
Ans. D. 36

4. If -8x2 and -4y10 which of the following represents the range of all
possible rules of xy? (IBA MBA: June-July, 2017)
(A) -8xy20 (B) -80xy32 (C) -32xy20 (D) -8xy32 (E) -

Solution: x = -8 Ges y = 10 n‡j,

xy Gi me©wb¤œ value nq -810
= -80
m‡e©v”P value n‡e xy = -8-4
= 32
72 | P a g e
Ans. B

5. If x  -1 and x  x3 which of the following must be true? (MBA-

(A) x1 (B) 0<x<1 (C) 1x<0 (D) x>0 (E) None of these

Solution: x -1; Zvi gv‡b x Gi value -1, -0.5, 0, 1, 2 G¸‡jv n‡Z cv‡i
wKbÍ,y xx3, 2 n‡Z cvi‡e bv
KviY, 2  (2)3
= 28, n‡e bv
x x †K (-0.5), 0, 1 ewm‡q mwVK cÖgvY Kiv hvq|

Zvn‡j x Gi gvb -1 eo A_ev mgvb wKbÍy 1 Gi †_‡K †QvU A_ev mgvb

A_©vr -1  x  1
hv option G bvB

Ans. E. None of these

6. If x is an integer such that 5 <x<11, 7<x<13 and x+2<12 then how many
integers will satisfy? (DU IBA MBA: June-July, 2017)
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 (E) None of these

Solution: 5<x < 11 Ges 7<x<13 GB `yBUv hvPvB Ki‡j x Gi gvb

cvIqv hvq 8, 9, 10
wKš‘ x+2<12
10+2<12 n‡e bv
8 Ges 9 satisfy K‡i
Ans. B. 2wU

7. If ab<0 then all the following must be true EXCEPT (DU IBA MBA: June-
July, 2017)
a b
(A) <0 (B) a2+b2>0 (C) a3+b3<0 (D) <0 (E) None of these
b a

Solution: ab < 0 nIqv‡Z, ab Gi ¸bdj 0 †_‡K †QvU|

a A_ev b †h‡Kv‡bv GKUv‡K negative n‡ZB n‡e| [-ab<0 A_ev a-b < 0]
a a
(a) <0; Gi gvb 0 †_‡K †QvU n‡eB, Kvib †h‡Kv‡bv GKUv negative
b b
(b) a2+b2>0, a A_ev b †h‡Kv‡bv Uv square n‡j value cwRwUf Avm‡e|
(c) a3+b3<0 me mgq negative Avm‡e hv 0 †_‡K †QvU| (Ña)3

73 | P a g e
(d) < 0 b, a ‡h‡Kv‡bv GKwU negative nIqv‡Z GUvI 0 †_‡K †QvU n‡e|
(e) None of these
Ans. E

8. x, y & z are consecutive integers. If 0<x<y<z and (x+y+z) is and odd integer,
which of the following could be the value of z?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 (E) None of these

Solution: 0< x < y < z

0 < 1 < 2< 3 n‡Z cviZ wKš‘ 1+2+3 = 6, odd bq.\
a‡i wbb 0 < 2 < 3 < 4
Kvib 2+3+4 = 9 (odd)
myZivs z = 4
Ans. C

9. If 0x5 and y<10 which of there can be a value of xy?

I. 2 II. 0 III. 50
(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II only
(E) I and III only

Solution: (I) 2 [x = 1, y =2 xy = 12 = 2]

(II) 0 [x =0 I y = ‡h‡Kvb value xy = 0]
(III) 50 [x = 5 but y = 10 bq xy  50]

Ans. D. I and II only

10. If ab>0 and a<0, which of the following is negative?

(A) -a (B) b (C) -b (D) (a-b) (E) –(a+b)

Solution: ab > 0 and a<0

 a = gvBbvm values
Iw`‡K abGi value 0 Gi eo n‡Z n‡j b ‡KI gvBbvm value n‡Z n‡e|
Ans. B. b

11. How many integers n are there such that 1 < 5n + 5 < 25?
(A) Five (B) Four (C) Three (D) Two (E) One

Solution: 1 < 5n +5 < 25

74 | P a g e
n Gi gvb n‡e,
n = 0; l < 0+5<25
n = 1; 1 < 10 < 25
n = 2; 1 < 15 < 25
n = 3; 1 < 20 < 25
n = 4 n‡e bv
 4 Uv (0,1,2,3)
Ans. 4

12. Which of the following describes all values of x for which 1 – x2  0?

(A) x  1 (B) x  -1 (C) 0  x  1 (D) x  - 1 or x  1 (E) -1  x 1

Solution:1 – x2  0
x Gi value n‡Z cv‡i,
‡`Lyb, 0, 1, - 1
1- 02  0 1-(1)2 0 1-(-1)2 0
ev, 1 > 0 ev, 1-1  0 ev, 1-1  0
ev, 0 = 0 ev, 0 = 0
So the value of x could be 0, 1, -1 which satisfies the
equation of (E) -1  x 1

Ans. E

13. If a basketball team scores an average (arithmetic means) of x points per game
for n games and then scores y points in its next game, what is the team’s
average score for the n + 1 game?
nx  y y y n( x  y ) x  ny
(A) (B) x  (C) x  (D) (E)
n 1 n 1 n n 1 n 1

Solution: n game ch©šÍ total = nx

next game Gi msL¨v = n+1-n [{total numbers (n+1)-n}]
 next game ¸‡jvi total = y 1 = y
 2 Uv total Gi wgwjZ dj
= nx+y
nx  y
 Average =
n 1
Ans. A.

14. If 0  x  4 and y < 12, which of the following CANNOT be the value of
75 | P a g e
(A) -2 (B) 0 (C) 6 (D) 24 (E) 48

Solution: just option †PK KiæY

Pjyb †`wL,
A) xy = 2-1 = -2 [x = 2, y = -1]
B) xy = 010 = 0 [x = 0, y = ‡h‡Kv‡bv value]
C) xy = 32 = 6 [x = 3, y = 2]
D) xy = 46 = 24
but (E) 48 evbv‡bv hvq bv| Kvib x Gi gvb 12 Gi †ewk n‡Z cv‡i bv|\
Ans. E

15. If a, b, c are consecutive positive integers and a<b<c which of the following
must be true?
I. c-a=2 II. abc is an even integer III. is an integer.
(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II (D) II and III
(E) I, II and III

Solution: †h‡nZz consecutive integers

a < b<c condition –G,
b = a+1 and c = a +2
(i) c – a = a+2 – a = 2 mZ¨
(ii) 123 = 6
234 = 24 me mgq even
a  a  1  a  2 3a  3 3(a  1)
(iii)    (a  1) which is always an integer
3 3 3
Ans. E.

16. If u > t, r > q, s >t and t > r, which of the following must be true?
I. u > s II. s > q III. u > r
(A) I only (B) II only (C) III only (D) I and II (E) II and III

Solution: Given, u>t, r>q, s>t, and t>r

Zvn‡j †KvbwU must be true?
1g Uvi Inequality Gi mv‡_ 4th Uvi inequality Gi m¤úK© add Kwi;
2nd inequality e‡j‡Q r>q
Zvigv‡b, u>t>r>q
3rd inequality e‡j‡Q s > t
A_ev, s>t>r>q

76 | P a g e
Zvn‡j t ‡_‡K s ও u Dfq B eo|
‡hLv‡b, s, u Gi †QvU n‡Z cv‡i Avevi eo n‡Z cv‡i Avevi mgvbI n‡Z cv‡i wKš‘ DfqB t †_‡K
eo |
Gevi Option ¸‡jv †`Lyb:
(i) U>s may be mZ¨ wKš‘ must be mZ¨ bq|
(ii) S>q must be true [s>t>r>q]
(iii) U>r must be true [u>t>r>q]
Ans. E.

17.If b< 2 and 2x-3b = 0, which of the following must be true?

(A) X > -3 (B) x <2 (C) x = 3 (D) x < 3 (E) x > 3

Solution: 2x-3b = 0
ev, 2x = 3b
ev, 3b = 2x
ev, b =
‡h‡nZz b < 2
 <2
ev, 2x < 2 3
2 3
ev, x <

Ans. D

18. If the product of the integers w, x, y, and z is 770, and if 1 < w < x < y < z,
what is the value of w + z?
(A) 10 (B) 13 (C) 16 (D) 18 (E) 21

Solution: wxvyz = 770

wxyz = 25711 (factors of 770)
 w+z = 2+11
= 13
Ans. B

19. If the quotient is positive, which of the following must be true?
(A) a > 0 (B) b > 0 (C) ab > 0 (D) a – b > 0 (E) a + b > 0
77 | P a g e
Solution: is positive
gvb a‡i wb‡q †PK Kiæb, = positive
Avevi, = positive
but, = negative
Zvi gv‡b 2 UvB positive A_ev 2 UvB negative n‡Z n‡e;
ab (42) > 0
ab (-4-2)>0

Ans. C. ab>0


78 | P a g e
1. Referring to the figure below, <BAC = 900 and D is the midpoint of BC. If
BC = 10 cm what is the value of AD in cm? (10)

(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 52 (E) None

Solution: A


< BAC = 900, ABC Gi kxl©we›`y w`‡q GKwU e„Ë AvKv hv‡e hvi e¨vm
 AD =  BC
=  10 = 5
Ans. C

2. In the figure, <ABE = <BDC = 900. AB = 4 cm and <BAE = 450.

If CD = AE, what is the Area of the triangle BCE, in sq cm?



79 | P a g e
(A) 8 (B) 8 2 (C) 12 (D) 12 2 (E) None


4 450

4 E

AE = CD = 42  42
 CD = 16  16 = 32

 Area of BCE = BECD
= 4 32
= 2 32
= 2 16 2
= 24 2
=8 2
Ans. B. 8 2

3. In the figure below, what is the sum of the angles labled g, h and c?
b c
d A C e
f g h i

(A) 1800 (B) 2400 (C) 3600 (D) 900 (E) Cannot be determine

Solution: (g+h+c) = (180-B) + (180 – C) + (180 – A)

= 1803 – B – C – A
= 540 – (A+B+C)
= 540-180
80 | P a g e
Ans. 3600
Ans. C

4. ABCD is a rectangle, find the area of DEBC, given that AD = 6-unit, CD=8
unit and AE = m unit.


(A) 48-3m (B) 3m+16 (C) 24+3m (D) 48+3m (E) 24-3m

Solution: Area of Rectangle ABCD = 68 = 48

Now, Area of ADE = ADAE
= 6m
= 3m
 Area of BCDE = Area of ABCD-Area of ADE
=48 – 3m
Ans. A. 48 – 3m

5. A semicircle is attached to a rectangle whose length is 2a and width is a as

shown below. A formula for finding the area of the whole figure is-


(A) 3  a2 (B) 2a2+  a2 (C) 2a2+(  a2)/2 (D) 2  a2 (E) 2a2+2  a2

81 | P a g e
Solution: Circle Gi Radius =  Length
=  2a= a
a 2
 Semi Circle Gi Area
And Rectangle Area = 2aa
= 2a2
a 2
 The area of the whole figure = 2a + 2
Ans. C

6. Area of the following right angle  PQR is 36 units If PQ = 4 and SQ = 5m,

what is the area of  SQR?


(A) 30 (B) 24 (C) 20 (D) 18 (E) 16

Solution: Area of  PQR = 36

PQ = 4, SQ = 5
 (SQ)2 = (QP)2 + (PS)2
ev, (5)2 = (4)2 + (PS) 2
ev, 25 = 16 + (PS)2
ev, 25 – 16 = (PS)2
ev, (PS)2 = 9
 PS = 9 =3
 Area of SPQ = 34
 Area of SQR = 36 – 6
= 30
Ans. A. 30

82 | P a g e
7. A rectangular circuit board is designed to have width w inches, perimeter p
inches, and area k square inches. Which of the following equations must be
(A) w2 + pw + k = 0 (B) w2 – pw + 2k = 0
(C) 2w2 – pw – 2k = 0 (D) 2w2 – pw – 2k = 0 (E) 2w2 – pw + 2k = 0

Solution: We know,
2(Width+Length) = perimeter
ev, 2(W+L) = p
ev, W+L =
L= w
Area w  p  w   k
2 
Now, w  p  w   k
2 
ev,  w2  k

ev,  w2  k  0
wp  2w2  2k
ev, 0
ev, wp  2w2  2k  0
ev, -1(-wp+2w^2+2k)=0*-1 [Dfq cÿ‡K -1 w`‡q ¸Y K‡i]
ev, 2w^2-wp+2k=0
Ans. E

8. If 3 and 8 are the lengths of two sides of a triangular region, which of the
following can be the length of the third side?
I. 5 II. 8 III. 11
(A) II only (B) III only (C) I and II only
(D) II and III only (E) I, II, and III
Solution: wÎfz‡Ri `yB evûi †hvMdj Aci evû †_‡K eo n‡e
Gevi hvPvB Kiæb
I. 5, 3+5 = 8 n‡e bv KviY Aci evûi mgvb, so n‡e bv|
II. GUv n‡e|
III. (8+3) = 11 hv Aci evûi mgvb, so n‡e bv|
Ans. A. 8 only

83 | P a g e
Special Model Test
Math Model Test:

1. If a>b in the figure below, (the figure is not drawn to scale,) then which of the following
must be true?

A. x<0
B. x=0
C. x>0
D. There is no x that fits the information in the question.
E. The information in the question is not sufficient to determine which of the answers
A-C is true.

2. What is sum of the eighty-third and eighty-fourth digits to the right of the decimal point
when the fraction is written as a repeating decimal?
(A) 16
(B) 14
(C) 12
(D) 7

3. Andrew started saving at the beginning of the year and had saved $240 by the end of the
year. He continued to save and by the end of 2 years had saved a total of $540. Which of the
following is closest to the percent increase in the amount Andrew saved during the second
year compared to the amount he saved during the first year?

A. 11%
B. 25%
C. 44%
D. 56%
E. 125%
(E) 5

84 | P a g e
4. If 2^x*3^y*7^z is divisible by 168 and 441. What is the least value of x*y*z if we consider
x, y and z integers?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
E. 12

5. If x and y are positive integers, what percent of three more than y is twice the value of x?
A 1/200x(y + 3)
B y + 3/200x
C 100(y + 3)/2x
D (200x/y) + 3
E 200x/(y + 3)

6. A list of measurements in increasing order is 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and x. If the median of these

measurements is 6/7 times their arithmetic mean, what is the value of x?
A. 16
B. 15
C. 14
D. 13
E. 12

7. In the expression 51840/x^4, for which of the following values

of x will the expression NOT be an integer?

A 1/2
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3
E) 5

8. How many integers from 0 to 50, inclusive, have a remainder of 1 when divided by 3 ?
A. 15
B. 16
C. 17
D. 18
E. 19

9. Before January, the price of a dress was D and the price of a matching pair of shoes was H.
In January, the price of the dress increased by 40% and the price of the shoes increased by
50%. In March, Roberta bought both items with a 30% discount. If D = 5H, which of the
following represents the amount that Roberta paid?

(A) D + 40
(B) D + H – 1
(C) D + 2H
(D) 5.95H
(E) 1.21D

85 | P a g e
10. If a rectangular picture that measures 4 feet from side to side is hung exactly in the
middle of a rectangular wall that measures 13 feet from side to side, then the left edge of the
picture is how many feet from the left edge of the wall?
(A) 2.0
(B) 3.0
(C) 4.5
(D) 6.5
(E) 9.0

11. If n is a positive integer and the product of all integers from 1 to n, inclusive, is a multiple
of 990, what is the least possible value of n?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13
E. 14

12. In the figure above, LMNO and GHJK are rectangles where GH = 1/2 LM and HJ = 1/2
MN. What fraction of the region bounded by LMNO is NOT shaded?

(A) 1/4
(B) 1/3
(C) 1/2
(D) 2/3
(E) 3/4

13. If x+ (1/x) =4, X^2+ (1/x^2) =?

A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 16

14. A tank has both an inlet pipe and an outlet pipe. Working alone, the inlet pipe can fill up
the tank in 5 hours. Working alone, the outlet pipe can empty out the tank in 15 hours. If it is
desired that the tank should be filled, from empty, exactly 6 hours after the inlet pipe is
turned on at 9:30am, then at what time should the outlet pipe be opened ?

A. 10:00am
B. 10:45am

86 | P a g e
C. 12:00pm
D. 12:30pm
E. 1:30pm
E. 18

15. If m pencils cost the same as n pens, and each pencil costs 20 cents, what is the cost, in
dollars, of 10 pens, if each pen costs the same amount? (100 cents = 1 dollar)

A. 200n/m
B. 2n/100m
C. 2m/n
D. 2n/m
E. 200nm

16. (The average of five consecutive integers starting from m) – (the average of six
consecutive integers starting from m) =

(A) –1/4
(B) –1/2
(C) 0
(D) 1/2
(E) 1/4

17. The remainder when the positive integer m is divided by n is r.

What is the remainder when 2m isdivided by 2n ?

(A) r
(B) 2r
(C) 2n
(D) m – nr
(E) 2(m – nr)

18. If 1 < p < 3, then which of the following could be true?

(I) p^2< 2p
(II) p^2= 2p
(III) p^2> 2p
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and II only
(E) I, II, and III

19. If 42.42 = k(14 + m/50), where k and m are positive integers and m < 50, then what is the
value of

(A) 6
(B) 7
(C) 8

87 | P a g e
(D) 9
(E) 10

20. The price of a cycle is reduced by 25 per cent. The new price is reduced by a further 20
per cent. The two reductions together are equal to a single reduction of

(A) 45
(B) 40
(C) 35
(D) 32.5
(E) 30

21. In a certain village, m litres of water are required per household per month. At this rate, if
there are n households in the village, how long (in months) will p litres of water last?

(A) p/mn
(B) mn/p
(C) mp/n
(D) np/m
(E) npm

22. 6 pints of a 20 percent solution of alcohol in water are mixed with 4 pints of a 10 percent
alcohol in water solution. The percentage alcohol in the new
solution is

(A) 16
(B) 15
(C) 14
(D) 13
(E) 12

23. Jo's collection contains US, Indian and British stamps. If the ratio of US to Indian stamps
is 5 to 2 and the ratio of Indian to British stamps is 5 to 1, what is the ratio of US to British

A) 5:1
(B) 10:5
(C) 15:2
(D) 20:2
(E) 25:2

24. Two sets of 4 consecutive positive integers have exactly one integer in common. The sum
of the integers in the set with greater numbers is how much greater than the sum of the
integers in the other set?

(A) 4
(B) 7
(C) 8

88 | P a g e
(D) 12
(E) Can not be determined

25. If n ≠ 0, which of the following must be greater than n?

I 2n2
II n²
III 2 - n

(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only

1. A, 2. B, 3. B, 4. E, 5. E, 6. A, 7. E, 8. C, 9.E, 10. C, 11. B, 12. E, 13.C, 14. D 15. E, 16.B,

17.B,18.E, 19.E, 20. B, 21. A, 22. A,23.E 24.D 25.E

89 | P a g e
Lye kxNªB †ei n‡”Q-
❖ Ramrod Math Book
❖ Ramrod Vocabulary Practice Book.
❖ GRE Math Bible Solutions by Team Ramrod.
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