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A Position Paper on Restriction of Mining’s in the Philippines

By: Maycae C. Cardoza


Mining’s in the Philippines plays a crucial role in the pursuit of industrial development
because of its ability to provide mineral resources that serve as raw materials for the
manufacturing, construction, utilities as well the services sub-sectors. It is also major
contribution of foreign currency through the experts of mineral ore and other processed and
semi-processed mineral products and provides employment to communities in far flung areas
where the only source of economic activity is mining operations .Although the industry produces
output and provides employment; it also destroys the environment through deforestation, and the
loss of vegetation and biodiversity. It alters the land and the natural terrain due to open pit
mining, soil erosion, and river pollution. There is also the human health impact of cyanide and
other chemicals used in mining and the acid more drainage which encroaches into the settlements
of the people and their communities, which leads to their displacement alongside the loss or of
productive agricultural lands.

We are not generalizing that all mining activities results for this devastating cons. These
are just facts that are visible among those mining activities that do not care to their surroundings
and their only goal is to profit.

Mining is not good for people. It causes pollution.

Counter argument

Without mining, we would not have mineral resource like cold, copper, nickel and a lot
more. Without mining, most probably, we would not have resources in building our
houses our bridges. Without mining, jewelries like diamond necklace and gold rings
would not exist which are products that has a high economic value.
- Hence, with the destruction of the land and water, it is hard to argue why they
effect lazy or indolent to farm.
In economic scale, mining is good in terms of big companies willing to invest in mining
here in the Philippines. More investors more money.
- Although the industry produces output and provides employment, it also destroys
the environment through deforestation, and the loss of vegetation and
Mining’s plays a crucial role in the pursuit of industrial development because of its
ability to provide mineral resources that serve as raw materials for the manufacturing,
utilities as well as the services sub-sectors.
- Furthermore, mining operations usually happen in rural areas mineral resources
are typically found in deep parts of land that are untouched and formed from a
long time ago. Minerals that are being mined are non-renewable resources, once
used, it cannot be used again.


According to Indigenous People Rights Act; our tribes and people who still lives in our
forest have the benefit to live and their lands. Our tribe does not want their ancestral lands to be
destroyed and disrespected like that they want peace in their lands without the intrusion of those
miners. To them, their ancestral lands are sacred. They just want to continue their way of life.

Indigenous Peoples Rights Act/Republic Act No. 8371 damaging land and marine
resources, high legacy cost, risk of increased/induced seismic activity, unproven macroeconomic
benefits-export lead, repatriation of profits, low taxes and high incentives, potential distribution
of exchange rates-Dutch Disease.

Mining’s is not good for people it cause pollution and causes water to become dry, friable
and mud like. Some people say that they will give you money, but really all get is people dying
from pollution. Not only that but land or homes taken from people. Mining’s prevents from
getting clean water or air. Health or livelihood dies. People suffer from mining, so why are we
doing it?

Assert # 1

President Fidel Ramos signed into law the Philippine Mining Act (Republic Act No.
7942) which was designed to revive the mining industry and attract more foreign investment by
defining the agreements for mineral exploitation, and provides the requirements for acquiring
mining rights. It governs the exploitation, development processing and utilization of mineral
resources in the Philippines. It is expected to protect the national interest by ensuring that the
benefits from mining are shared with the government through the Mineral Production Staring
Agreement (MPSA).

Assert # 2

The Philippine Mining Act of 1995 is the main policy/legislation which governs all
mining operations in the country and includes various measures to protect the environment and
defines areas in which mining can be allowed.
Assert # 3

The various cases of environment damage, mining operations evicted indigenous people
from mining sites, it imposes on imminent danger to indigenous culture, destroyed mangeous,
coral reefs, agriculture and biodiversity. The record of mining companies with regard to
environmental protection, disasters and post mining clean up in the Philippines is widely
acknowledged to be my prior (Doyle, et a..,2007)


The Philippine Mining Act was signed into law in 1995, and its constitutionality
challenged for seven years. Questions continue to emerge concerning differences in
interpretation among regulating agencies the (DENR, BIR and the LGU’s to mention a few), and
several documented cases of environmental damage caused by breakdowns in mining waste
disposal systems continue to occur. The contributions of the mining sector to output,
employment, investment and exports to the economy have been at best marginal, despite the
enormous mineral reserve potential existing in the country. Although the Mining Act was created
to revive and enhance the development of the industry, it has not been effective in achieving this
goal as shown by the inconsistent growth of production, it’s marginal contribution to gross,
domestic product, exports and employment and the low levels of net foreign direct investment
inflows relative to five other economies in the ASEAN region. The provision of the law and the
revised implementing rules and regulations appear to be comprehensive enough in order to
protect the environment and secure a substantial share of the benefits for the national and local

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