Soal Soal BHS Inggris

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Question 1 – 15 Listening Section

Reading Section
For questions 16 – 18, refer to the following text
Notice :
To make your shopping at Ambarukmo Plaza’s as easy as possible, you are invited to
use our gate keeper services at the gatekeeper desk. The gate keeper desk is located on
the main level, beside the gourmet food shop. We offer a range of shopper services
including public transportation schedules, direct lines to taxi services, and package
mailing. We also have a complete database of merchandise in our stores, so that we
can direct you to the store that will best suit your needs. You may visit gatekeeper
desk, in person, or you may call from the direct- line telephone at any of the lighted
directory maps in the mall.

Menentukan informasi rinci dari Deskriptive text (company profile)

16. What does gate keeper desk provide?
a. Directions to the tourist attractions
b. Advice on fashion
c. Services for shoppers
d. Information for the hotel quest

Menentukan informasi tertentu dari Deskriptive text (company profile)

17. Where is the gate keeper desk located?
a. In a hotel
b. By the gourment food shop
c. At the tourist bureau
d. Inside the next building

Menentukan informasi tersirat dari Deskriptive text (company profile)

18. What is one way to get in touch with the gate keeper desk?
a. Stop one of their representatives
b. Page them from a store
c. Use the direct phone
d. Visit the manager

For questions 19 – 20, refer to the following text

Malioboro is the name of a street in Yogyakarta. Malioboro street is very populer
and becomes one of the tourist destinations. Even if we want to take pictures next
to the street signs, we have to stand in line. The name of maliboro comes from
sanskrit which means bouquest. What makes malioboro street popular ?
Malioboro street offers the never ending culinary shoping experience. We will see
many street vendors who seel clothes, bags, sandals, key holders, handicrafts, batiks,
accessories, and other unique marhandise in reasonable price at daytime. In the
evening, we will see many local food stalls which provide traditional food along the
The other thing we can enjoy in Malioboro street is some people in unique costumes,
such as traditional armies, and zombies. We can have pitures with them by giving
some mony.

Menentukan pikiran utama paragraf dari Deskriptive text (trevel/cultural spot)

19. What is the main idea of the first paragraph ?
a. Malioboro is one of the tourist destintion in Yogyakarta
b. The history of Sanskrit it related to Yogyakarta
c. People have to stand in line in Yogyakarta
d. Another place to visit is Yogyakarta

Menentukan informasi rinci dari Deskriptive text (trevel/cultural spot)

20. What do the local stalls have in the evening ?
a. Traditional food
b. Beautiful bouquet
c. Traditional
d. Unique merhandise

For questions 21, refer to the following text

Orchard Road
Orchard Road is a Boulevard which becomes business and entertainment center in
Singapore. Orchard Road is surrounded by a lush tropical and flower gardens which
are beautiful. At first, Orchard Road is just a suburban street lined with orchards,
plantations nutmeg, and pepper farming. However, in the 1970s, it turned into a
shopping center in Singapore. In 1960 and 1970 entertainment industries began to
enter this road. Shopping centers such as mall and Plaza was built in 1974.
Orchard Road runs along about 2.2 km. This road is one-way street flanked by a
variety of shopping malls, hotels and restaurants. The shopping area which is nearly
800,000 square meters provides a wide range of Things, food, and entertainment. In
this area there are many options that can satisfy visitors from all walks of life starting
from the luxury branded things to the Popular branded, from exclusive restaurants to
fast food.
There are so many ways that can be accessed to get to Orchard road such as: by taxi,
bus or drive your own car. For those who are driving to Orchard Road can be entered
from the west through the Napier Road. Vehicles from Dunearn Road can turn to left
at the intersection of the Marriott Hotel junction. Vehicles that come from Paterson
can turn right onto Orchard Road. Orchard is always crowded so you have to be
careful in order not to get lost.

Menentukan pikiran utama paragraf Recount text (International businessmen)

21. Which statement is TRUE?
a. At first Orchard Road is a crowded settlement
b. Orchard road became business and entertainment center since 1974
c. Vehicles from Dunrean road turn to the left at intersection of the Marriott Hotel
d. Orchard road is infamous place at Singapore

For questions 22, refer to the following text

Steven Paul Jobs was born on 24 February 1955 in San Francisco, California,
to Abdulfattah Jandali and Joanne who gave him up for adoption. He was taken in by
Paul and Clara Jobs, and grew up with them in Mountain View, California.
The Apple II followed in 1977 and the company Apple Computer was formed
shortly afterwards. By the time production of the Apple II ended in 1993 it had sold
over 6 million units. In 1985 Jobs was fired from Apple and immediately founded
another computer company, NeXT.
In the meantime, in 1986, Jobs bought The Computer Graphics Group from
Lucasfilm. The group was responsible for making high-end computer graphics
hardware but under its new name, Pixar, it began to produce innovative computer
animations. Their first title under the Pixar name, Luxo Jr. (1986) won critical and
popular acclaim and in 1991 Pixar signed an agreement with Disney, with whom it
already had a relationship, to produce a series of feature films, beginning with Toy
Story (1995). In 1996 Apple bought NeXT and Jobs returned to Apple, becoming its
CEO. In 2003, Jobs was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and underwent surgery in
2004. Despite the success of this operation he became increasingly ill and received a
liver transplant in 2009. He returned to work after a six month break but eventually
resigned his position in August 2011 after another period of medical leave which
began in January 2011. He died on 5 October 2011.

Menentukan informasi tersirat dari Descriptive text (International Businessman)

22. Steve Jobs resigned from his position because…
a. Apple fired him.
b. he signed an agreement with Disney.
c. he won critical and popular acclaim.
d. his health condition became worse.

Questions 23 – 24 refer to the following text.

To open the child resistant cap on this medicane bottle, match the arrow on the cap
with the arrow on the bottle. Prees down to release. Then, twist cap to the right to
open bottle.
Menentukan informasi tertentu dari Procedur text (How to operate
23. What kind of cap is on the bottle?
a. Easy-open
b. Child resistant
c. Waterproof
d. Metal cap

Menentukan informasi tersirat dari Procedur text (How to operate

24. What does a person have to do before twisting the cap off?
a. Turn upside down
b. Press Downward
c. Lift upward
d. Squeeze the bottle

For questions 25 - 26, refer to the following text

A French giant cosmetic company announced taht is has applied for a license
to construct a $7,5 milion cosmetic factory in the Dietaka Industrial Park in Cong
Tum. The facory will be similar in design to the one they built five years ago outside
Malacca in Malaysia. The Completely foreigen-owned enterprise will produce skinn
care products, cosmetic, and parfume. According to a study done by the company,
75% of the raw materials will be sourced locally and the plant will employ up to 450
workers from Cong Tum and neighboring Qui Nohn and Play Cu. The new
Vietnamese factory is expected to enjoy sales totaling two milion dollars within the
first year, with an additional milion the year after.
Menentukan informasi rinci dari Announcement teks (at the office)
25. What the text about?
a. A big cosmetics factory
b. A Malay Industrial plant
c. New skin care products
d. Raw material plants

Menentukan informasi tersirat dari Announcement teks (at the office)

26. What can be implied from the text?
a. The factory has difference in design
b. The company produces beauty product
c. The workers of teh company are from Malaysia
d. The plant will employ less than 450 workers from Cong Tum

Menentukan informasi rinci dari sebuah teks dialog (Daily activities)

Read the following dialog and answer the question
27. Vita : Have you prepared everything for your exams?
Rudy : I have studied hard.
According to the dialog above we understand that ...
a. Rudy has the intention to be more diligent
b. Vita has lots of suggestion to Rudy
c. Vita has learned her lesson alone
d. Rudy wants Vita to help him

Menentukan informasi rinci dari teks dialog (Profession)

28. Roy : Jimmy, what is up? What are you doing in this office?
Jimmy : I am working here now as a marketing manager.
Roy : Really? That is good. When did you apply for that job?
Jimmy : It was about two months ago. Are you still working as an accountant?
Roy : Yes, I am. I enjoy my job.

From the dialog, we know that...

a. Roy working in marketing manager
b. Roy work it was about two months ago
c. Jimmy is marketing manager
d. jimmy and Roy working in accountant

Menentukan informasi rinci dari sebuah teks dialog (Formal invitation)

29. Rudy : Hallo Nia, we invite you to attend meeting for a job next week
Nia : Hallo, OK Sir. When will be held?
Rudy : Meeting will be held Saturday/11 july 2018 at Aula office, the meeting will
discuss about new job.
Nia : Ok, thank you Sir. I will to come
Based on the text, we know that ...
a. The meeting will be held in restaurant
b. The meeting to discuss about new employe
c. Nia is manager in company
d. Rudy invite Nia to discuss about new Job

Melengkapi dialog tentang ungkapan persetujuan/penolakan

For questions 30 – 41, choose the appropiate expression to complete the dialog
30. Anathony : would you like to visit the park during lunch?
Marry : ...
Anathony : really? well, we'll visit in the park near the office
a. Where is the office?
b. Let’s make an appointment now
c. Sure, I’d love to eat there
d. Today’s lunch menu is delicious
Melengkapi dialog tentang ungkapan permintaan dan pemberian pendapat
31. Rima : Do you think that free education for poor people will be an effective policy?
Rianti : ....because this is what they really need
a. I think this will help them a lot
b I don’t think that this is good
c. I think they will be spoild
d. I disagree with that idea

Melengkapi dialog tentang ungkapan penawaran sesuatu/bantuan

32. Shop Assistant: May i help you?
Milea : .....
Shop Assistant : Certainly, these ones are the new arrivals. They are the latest
a. Would you offer these shoes for free
b. Can i buy the new box offices?
c. Could I try that green dress?
d. Have you sold many items?

Melengkapi dialog tentang ungkapan perintah

33. Salwa : Mom, i feel hungry, what is there food?
Mom : ... mom will cook vegetable for you
Salwa : OK, Mom
a. Go to the market
b. Go to the school
c. May I help you?
d. Be quickly

Melengkapi dialog tentang kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung

34. Aziza : Hi Via, what are you doing in the park ?
Via : ..... I feel bored at home
a. I will buy the book
b. I meet with my friend in the park
c. I just take a walk and enjoy the crowds the park
d. I’m just hungry

Melengkapi dialog tentang ungkapan permintaan/pemberian saran

35. Alex : You look unhealthy, Boy.
Bryan : Yes, I get a headache and a stomachache.
Alex : ... Come on, I will accompany you.
Bryan : Ok.
a. You should go to a doctor
b. It would be better if you meet the teacher
c. I suggested you to follow the trip
d. I should drink madicine

Melengkapi dialog tentang kegiatan sehari hari

36. Adhi : I'm very tired of having non- stop walking for an hour. I feel thirsty.
Dhina : ...
Adhi : That's very kind of you.
a. Can you give me a bottle of milk?
b. Would you like to have some cakes?
c. Would you like some mineral water?
d. Do you want to have some cake?

Melengkapi dialog tentang gerund

37. Andi : “Mom, is it a good idea if I … my holiday in Lampung for a week with my
Mom : “Sorry, I do not think so, I would advise you holiday in your grandmother’s
town, my darling with us”
a. spent
b. to spend
c. will spend
d. spending

Melengkapi dialog tentang pilihan (preference)

38. Mom : what are you doing, Tedy?
Tedy : I’m still reviewing the lessons. I’ll have a test tommorrow, mom.
Mom : .... I think you’ll like it to boostyour energy
Tedy : Thanks mom. It’s my favorite
a. What about a plate of fried rice?
b. Why don’t we watch a movie?
c. You should clean your room
d. You’d better ask your sister

Melengkapi dialog tentang sebuah rencana yang akan datang

39. Rachel : What would you like to do on the long weekend?
Laura : I have made a plan with my mother .....
Rachel : That sounds like a very good plan!
a. We are going to practice baking cookies
b. We have visited the botanical garden
c. We watch the movie at home
d. We made delicious food

Melengkapi dialog tentang kegiatan di waktu lampau

40. Ika : What did you talk about with dina lst night?
Silvy : ...........
a. We are talking to your sister
b. I’m going to the beach now
c. you are my best friend forever
d. We chatted about the films
Melengkapi dialog tentang passive voice
41. Tom : When will they finish this bridge?
Joko : They say, it ..... in November
a. is finished
b. was finished
c. will be finished
d. finishes

For questions 42 – 44, complete the following text with the words provided
PT. Barang Kirim Logistik
A leading internasional forwading organization, (42) ... for its offices in jakarta and
makassar, (43) ... applicants, for the following positions:
1. Accounting staff
2. Administration staff
3. Customer service
Good experience and command in English language is a must. Please send your
application (44) ... email to
Menentukan kata kerja / kata sifat / kata keterangan dari teks surat bisnis
42. a. Seems
b. wants
c. finds
d. seeks

Menentukan kata kerja / kata ganti / kata depan dari teks surat bisnis rumpang
43. a. Concerned
b. forwarded
c. qualified
d. respected
Menentukan kata keterangan / kata benda / kata ganti orang dari teks surat
bisnis rumpang
44. a. Of
b. in
c. for
d. by

For questions 45 – 47, complete the following text with the words provided
The earthquake struck indonesia with a mgnitudes of 5.6 in aceh province on
December 7, 2016, at 05:03 local Western Indonesia Time. The shock was reported to
be at a depth of 8.2 km, categorized as a strong, shallow earthquake. The epicentre
was located nera the village of Reuleut in Pidie jaya Regency, 100 km (62 mi) east of
the province’s capital, Banda Aceh. At least 106 people died in the quake, with at least
1,000 people (45) ...
In the initial hours after the earthquake, structures across Aceh were reported
to have been severely damaged. Massive power outages occured throughout Pidie and
Pidie Jaya as telephone poles and electrical poles tumbled. Several house collapsed
during the quake. Roads were also damaged. (46) ... data suggest that 14 structures
had collapsed during the quake, including a minimarket in Pidie. Indonesian National
Board for Disaster Management later {stated that} “many structures” were damaged
and 25 suffered (47) ... damage. Detailed information revealed that 72 stores had
collapsed, 15 houses had been destroyed, I mall had collapsed, 5 mosques appeared
destroyed and an Islamic school also had collapsed.

Menentukan kata ganti orang / kata kerja / kata sifat dari teks Announcement
45. a. Discovered
b. Injured
c. Polluted
d. Saved

Menentukan kata depan / kata benda / kata keterangan dari teks Announcement
46. a. Preface
b. Foreword
c. Freliminary
d. Prelude

Menentukan kata sifat / kata ganti / kata keterangan dari teks Announcement
47. a. Unimportant
b. Irrelevant
c. Happy
d. Heavy

For questions 48 – 50, complete the following text with the words provided
How to charge a cell phone battery
When the battery level remains around 20% or (48) ... you should charge the
cellphone battery. (49) ... the cable of the charger to the phone, the, plug the charger to
the power supply. When the battery is fully cahrged, (50) ... the charger from the
supply before removing it forms the phone.

Menentukan kata depan / kata benda / kata sifat / kata keterangan dari teks
procedur rumpang tentang penggunaan alat
48. a. Greater
b. Lower
c. Higher
d. Full

Menentukan kata kerja / kata keterangan / kata ganti / kata sifat dari teks
procedur rumpang tentang penggunaan alat
49. a. Find
b. Unplug
c. Connect
d. Discover
Menentukan kata ganti / kata benda / kata depan / kata kerja dari teks procedur
rumpang tentang penggunaan alat
50. a. Uninstall
b. Connect
c. Unplug
d. Draw

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