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Section II: Permission in Akhbaar

When there are three types of akhbaar or news, as Sahib-ur-rasail SA

states: akhbaar [news] has three types, its either from the past, or from
something that is hidden from sight or from something that will exist in a time or
place, it is examined by it was, it is, and it will be . It was, is for the past, it will be
is for the future, and it is, is present what is currently happening . So in
compiling in these types of news there are two possible ways - either it’s
compiling is with permission or it is without permission;
In these two options I will discuss the issues and problems that are
affected by it. Firstly I will discuss that compiling without permission leads to
issues because people tend to write whatever they please , and this leads others
to ignorance, they even write lies as they see fit because there is no one to
check or stop them. Now those who compile and write with permission , write as
the perimeter permits him and even changes and interprets as he is told , so they
can ‘fix’ what they see fit in their regime or government .

Compiling the Past

I will first discuss in this chapter, writing history [which is compiling the
past] without permission. Michael H Romanowski says, “Textbooks do not
deserve their reputation as impartial educational tools that simply teach students
facts and skills. History textbooks incorporate attitudes and ways of looking at
the world. Therefore, in making judgments about what should be included and
what should be excluded, and how particular episodes in history should be
summarized, textbook authors assign positive or negative interpretations to
particular events, thereby asserting a set of values . The fact, that these values
are often not declared explicitly , but remain implicit, does not make them less
powerful.”2 “In textbooks, being ‘factual’ does not necessarily mean being
unbiased or value-free. As any good lawyer knows , it is possible to present
extremely biased arguments that can be alleged to be ‘factual’ because they are
compatible with a given set of facts . By the careful choice of what facts to include

‫ الرسالة السابعة عشرة من الجسمانيات الطبيعيات في علل اختلفا اللغات ورسوم الخطوط والعبببارات‬1
‫من رسائل اخوان الصفاء‬

2 Problems of bias in history textbooks, Romanowski, Michael H , Social Education; Mar 1996; 60, 3,
Research Library, pg170
or exclude, it is possible to construct arguments that can be wholly one-sided ,
yet can be asserted to ‘fit the facts’.”
An example he gives an example that “Americans also suffered deep
anxieties and fears. However, these fears did not lead to the widespread
repressions of minority groups that occurred in world war I( Todd and Curti
1990,807)” the communication of the idea that there was no ‘widespread’
repression of minority groups in World War II allows the authors to present the
impression that an improvement had taken place in American treatment of
minorities. Yet the treatment of Japanese Americans- not to mention continuing
discrimination against many minorities- was surely sufficiently dramatic in its
violation of human rights.”3
“Although textbooks claim rhetorically not to promote a particular
understanding of history and to be objective , they advance a value-laden
perspective of reality… textbook authors select particular language that creates
impression in the minds of students . These impressions have power and
authority because they are presented in the printed and bound textbook with its
aura of an authority that is beyond question and criticism .” 4
In this passage we can clearly see the many problems identified
associated with writing history without permission from a specific authority . So
then the author simply uses his own orientation as he sees fit , and that can
include things that may even seem like facts but are truly lies . And by distributing
this type of history the impression of values on children is strongly in their control
which makes them ignorant from haq.

Now, the opposite i.e compiling history with permission and authorization
also seems to have issues in writing . Just as “Hitler demonstrated his belief, that
controlling information was as important as controlling the military and the
economy. He appointed Josef Goebbels to direct this department . Goebbels’s
strategy as Propaganda Minister was guided by the maxim , “If you tell a lie big
enough and keep repeating it , people will eventually come to believe it .” He
penetrated virtually every sector of German society , from film, radio, posters,
and rallies to school textbooks with Nazi propaganda about the dominance of the

3 Problems of bias in history textbooks, Romanowski, Michael H , Social Education; Mar 1996; 60, 3,
Research Library, pg170

, , ,
4 Problems of bias in history textbooks Romanowski Michael H Social Education; Mar 1996; 60 3 , ,
Research Library pg170
Aryan people and the threat posed by the Jews… . The Nazis’ distribution of anti-
Semitic films, newspaper cartoons, and even children’s books roused centuries-
old prejudices against Jews and presented new ideas about the racial impurity of
So even though the situation regarding the permission and authority is
different from the first instance the problem of ignorance and lies is similar . That
is why Hitler used his power to spread lies to its extreme limit , killing many Jews
and other in the process. These poisonous compilations all came from Hitler’s
command or authority. So if this is the case in writing with or without permission,
then what is the right proper way to compile?
Likewise Al-dai Al-ajal Syenda Qazi-Al-Noman RA states in context to the
description of Moawiya given by the ummayads , these arguments and what we
saw before is what is put by those who wish to appease and become closer to
the usurpers of Aal e-Sufyaan and Aal-e-Marwan . 6

Compiling the present

The compiling of news and current events of the present also has a similar
situation. When a reporter or compiler compiles without any permission or
authority their writing still has faults. The most extreme example is Wikipedia.
This example is from an article that is actually on the Wikipedia website
about the criticism of Wikipedia where it states that , “Wikipedia community—
covers many subjects, topics, and themes about the nature of Wikipedia as
an open source encyclopedia of subject entries that almost anyone can edit .
Wikipedia has been criticized for the uneven handling , acceptance, and retention
of articles about controversial subjects . The principal concerns of its critics are
the factual reliability of the content; the readability of the prose; and a clear article
layout; the existence of systemic bias; of gender bias; and of racial bias among
the editorial community that is Wikipedia.
Further concerns are that the organization allows the participation of
anonymous editors (leading to editorial vandalism); the existence of social
stratification (allowing cliques); and over-complicated rules (allowing editorial
quarrels), the conditions of which permit the misuse of Wikipedia… These
assertions sometimes give rise to predictions of Wikipedia's end . Wikipedia is


40 ‫ ص‬6 ‫ شرح الخابار ج‬6

described as unreliable at times . Journalist Edwin Black has characterized the
editorial content of articles as a mixture of "truth , half-truth, and some
falsehoods".[1] and Oliver Kamm has said that articles are usually dominated by
the editors with the loudest and most persistent editorial voices (talk pages and
edit summaries), usually by an interest group with an ideological "axe to grind"
on the subject, topic, or theme of the article in question.[2]
The British librarian Philip Bradley said that "the main problem is the lack
of authority. With printed publications, the publishers have to ensure that their
data are reliable, as their livelihood depends on it. But with something like this,
all that goes out the window ."[] Likewise, Robert McHenry, editor-in-chief
of Encyclopædia Britannica from 1992 to 1997, said that readers of Wikipedia
articles cannot know who wrote the article they are reading—it might have been
written by an expert in the subject matter or by an amateur” 7
These are the many issues with Wikipedia which uses no system or
authority or permission in writing their articles; however reliability of this article is
also questionable because it comes from the infamous website itself .
The opposite is writing reporting and compiling news with permission and
authority, an example is in North Korea . “In North Korea there is no true ,
professional journalistic profession. “All domestic journalists are members of the
ruling party, and all media outlets serve as mouthpieces for the regime . State-
owned outlets dominate the media landscape ,” according to Freedom House .
Because of this, North Korean journalists censor themselves and write articles
that praise the regime. Television and radio stations are controlled by the state .
Although outside reporters have attempted to establish free journalistic
enterprises in North Korea , these operations are under-cover and are not
accessible by the majority of North Koreans.

In China, the press is more established and more free but is still lacking in
many areas. Although the constitution guarantees freedom of speech- journalists
are severely limited in reality . “The CCP maintains direct control over news
coverage through its Central Propaganda Department (CPD) and corresponding
branches at lower administrative levels that determine the boundaries of
permissible reporting (Freedom House).” These agencies limit what journalist
can report on, and even who can report, as journalists need to obtain a
government permit to begin reporting . “Only the misbehaviors of local officials , 7
local government work, and rich individuals are criticized; the political system ,
the central leadership, the ruling Party and high-ranking officials are left
untouched. Such investigative journalistic work is thought to help the ruling Party
gain legitimacy, instead of challenging its authoritative rule (Tong)” 8

As we saw that permission and authority is how the government protects

its power, unfortunately it is problematic and harmful for their people and keeps
them ignorant of the truth and controlled in their grasps .

Compiling about the future

The information about future events is not like the past and present . As
Sahib-al-Rasa’il states, because human knowledge cannot understand future
events or predicting them using astrology , but only what is the very immediate
future. That is why those who claim to know information about future events is
not accurate unless it is from the right path . Syedna Al-Qazi al-Nomaan clarifies
this when he says, Abdullah bin Umar says :‘ the people of Kufa are not better
than the people of Basara because most of them will follow al-Mahdi’ this is not
said by Abdullah with his own view , it is something he heard from Rasullah SA or
reached him from Rasulallah SA , because this or anything pertaining to future
events should not be taken from anyone but the messengers [anbiya] of Allah . 9

In conclusion
As we’ve discussed both instances compiling with permission or without
permission is attributed to issues . Both refrain us from knowing Haq, the truth,
and proper values. Then what is the proper path of compiling history and news?
The proper path is when the permission is from that person who is infallible , all
knowing, because then his barakat , truth and haq is joined in the compiling
through his permission.
When there is someone who knows what happened what is happening
and what will happen, isn’t he more legitimate to inform it than he who first has to
learn it then proceeds to informing . Imam Ahmad al-Mastur while explaining the
extent of human knowledge states that “This is the extent of the knowledge of
man and information regarding to past events , events that are from a long time

8 Bourgault, Adam (2015) "Freedom of the Press Under Authoritarian Regimes," Susquehanna
. , .
University Political Review: Vol 6 Article 3 Available at:
120 ‫ ص‬14 ‫ شرح الخبار ج‬9
ago are not possible for him to reach but only that which was in the immediate
past, such as knowing about his parents and close grandparents such as our
knowledge about the history of bani Isreal and what happened after the flood , or
even before that until Adam AS . Not anything that happened before Adam in
history of malaikat and the events of the jinn that gave way to the earth before
the creation of Adam AS, is not possible for man to understand or have , they
don’t even have the way to understand it but only with the path of wahye from
malaikat. 10That is Rasulallah SA and after him, Imam AS as He is the khalifa of
Allah TA on earth, his knowledge and permission is what permits the writing of
history or past and also about the events of present and future, because Imam
AS understands and knows the merit of the people and the merit of their
capabilities in every time period . So to get permission and authority of Imam AS
is the answer to this problem of permission and authority , which is what Duaat of
Imam AS use in their compilations.

‫ الرسالة الرابعة عشرة من الجسمانيات الطبيعياتفي بيان طاقة النسان في المعارفا والىاي حببد هببو و‬10
‫مبلغه من العلوم والى أي غاية ينتهي واي شرفا يرتقي من رسائل اخوان الصفاء‬

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