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701 Jackson St

1st Floor

Topeka, Ks 66603


ATTORNEYJ. Gordon Gregory and BillWachter of "WILBERTANDTOWNER"of 506 N.

Pine, Pittsburg Kansas for the following case that was a conflict of interest for J. Gordon
Gregory to litigate cases in front of Judge Lori Bolton-Fleming and attorney Bill Wachter
failed to supervise which violated KRPCRule 5.1.

Case Number 2015CR000046-G in Crawford County.

Dear Disciplinary Administrator:

I would like to make a complaint against Crawford County attorney J. Gordon Gregory for
failing to report Judge Lori Fleming for misconduct under KRPCRule 8.3(a) (h) which led to
a violation of misconduct under KRPCRule 8.4 since he did not have subject-matter
jurisdiction to litigate a case in front of Lori Bolton-Fleming his past co-worker within three
(3) years from "Wilbert and Towner". J. Gordon Gregory has a conflict of interest with the
above mentioned judge and went in front of her to have her decide their law case without
disqualifying for contlict of interest under Rule 2.11 (A) of Rules Relating to Iudicial
Conduct and J. Gordon Gregory should have disqualified himself in the same -c~seunder
KRPCRule 1.7 Conflict of Interest

I also think it is a contlict of interest for Lori Fleming to hear any cases of Crawford County
Attorney J. Gordon Gregory's cases because her husband attorney Kyle Fleming previously
owned "WILBERTANDTOWNER"and her father-in-law Robert Fleming previously owned
"WILBERTANDTOWNER"with judge A.J. Wachter and both Robert Fleming, AJ. Wachter
and Kyle Fleming all worked with and all earned money with J. Gordon Gregory. Lori
Fleming worked with J. Gordon Gregory and earned income with him in the year of 2012
which is the same year she became a judge and this is a contlict of interest;

I think it is a total conflict of interest for Lori Fleming to be the criminal judge when the
defense attorney J. Gordon Gregory works with attorney Steve Stockard and according to
the 2008 St. Mary's Colgan Newsletter it shows that a "BAND"that performs at Youth and
Parish events by the name of "TEAMJESUS"consists of Lori Fleming. Michael payoso. and
attorney Steve Stockard of "WILBERTANDTOWNER"and it should be a conflict of interest
for Lori Fleming to hear any case litigated by Michael Gayoso, Steve Stockard, Bill Wachter,

The following rules of KRPC"Kansas Rules of Professional Conduct" have been violated by
attorney J. Gordon Gregory and they are the following:

Rule 1.7 CONFLICTOF INTEREST:GENERALRULE(a) a lawyer shall not represent a client

if the representation of that client will be directly adverse to another client, unless: (1) the
lawyer reasonably believes the representation will not adversely affect th~relationship
with the other client; and (2) each client consents after consultation.(b) a lafYer shall not
represent a client if the representation of that client may be materially limited by the
lawyer's responsibilities to another client or to a third person, or by the lawyer's own
interests, unless: (1) the lawyer reasonably believes the representation will not be
adversely affected; and (2) each client consents after consultation. (b) A lawyer shall not
represent a client if the representation of that client may be materially limited by the
lawyer's responsibilities to another client or to a third person, or by the lawyer's own
interests, unless: (1) the lawyer reasonably believes the representation will not be
adversely affected; and (2) the client consents after consultation. When representation of
multiple clients in a single matter is undertaken, the consultation shall include explanation
of the implications of the common representation and the advantages and risks involved.

Rule 1.16 Declining or Terminating Representation (a) Except as stated in paragraph (c), a
lawyer shall not represent a client or, where representation has commenced, shall
withdraw from the representation of a client if: (1) the representation will result in
violation of the rules of professional conduct or other law; (4) the client persi~ts in a course
of action involving the lawyer's services that the lawyer criminal or

Rule 3.1 Meritorious Claims And Contentions "Alawyer shall not bring or defend a
proceeding. or assert or controvert an issue therein. unless there is a basis f~ doing so that
is not frivolous which includes a good faith argument for an extension, modfflcation or
reversal of existing law. A lawyer for the defendant in a criminal proceeding, or the
respondent in a proceeding that could result in incarceration, may nevertheless so defend
the proceeding as to require that every element of the case be established".

Rule 3.3 Candor Toward The Tribunal (a) A lawyer shall not knowingly: (ll-wake a false
statement of material fact or law to a tribunal; (2) fail to disclose a materigl fa~t to a
tribunal when disclosure is necessary to avoid assisting a criminal or fraudulent act by the
client: (4) offer evidence that the lawyer knows to be false. If a lawyer has offered material
evidence and comes to know of its falsity, the lawyer shall take reasonable remedial
measures. (c) a lawyer may refuse to offer evidence that the lawyer reasonable believes is
false.(d) In an ex parte proceeding, a lawyer shall inform the tribunal of all material facts
known to the lawyer which will enable the tribunal to make an informed decision, whether
or not the facts are adverse.

Rule 3.4 Fairness To Opposing Party And Counsel; A Lawyer shall not: (a) unlawfully
obstruct another party's access to evidence or unlawfully alter, destroy or conceal a
document or other material having potential evidentiary value. A lawyer shan not counsel
or assist another person to do any such act; (b) falsify evidence, counselor assist a witness
to testify falsely, or offer an inducement to a witness that is prohibited by law; (c)
knowingly disobey an obligation under the rules of tribunal except for an open refusal
based on an assertion that no valid obligation exists;


Statement to Others In the course of representing a client a lawyer shall not knowingly: (a)
make a false statement of material fact or law to a third person; or (b) fail to.gisclose a
material fact to a third person when gisclosure is necessary to avoid assisting a criminal or
fraudulent act by a client. unless disclosure is prohibited by or made-discretionary under
Rule 1.6.

Rule 4.4 Respect For Rights of Third Persons; In representing a client. a lawyer shall not
use means that have no substantial purpose other than to embarrass. delay, Qt; burden a
third person. or use methods of obtaining evidence that violate the legal right~ of such a

Attorney BillWachter has violated KRPCRule 5.1 by allowing J. Gordon Gregory to litigate a
law case in front of Judge Lori Bolton-Fleming which BillWachter knew was, a conflict of
interest under KRPCRule 1.7 and he is the current supervisor of "WILBERT:-1'-ND
TOWNER". Did he allow J. Gordon to do this since he and Lori Bolton-Fleming already are
working together to cover un the email sent to him on February 19, 2015 from the 11th
judicial computer?

LAWFIRMSANDASSOCIATIONS;Rule 5.1 Responsibilities of a Partner or Supervisory

Lawyer (a) A partner in a law firm shall make reasonable efforts to ensure th~ the firm has
in effect measures giving reasonable assurance that aUlawyers in the firm conform to the
rules of professional conduct.(b) A lawyer having direct supervisory authority over another
lawyer shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the other lawyer conforms to the rules
of professional conduct, (c) A lawyer shall be responsible for another lawyer'~ violation of
the rules of professional conduct if: (1) the lawyer orders. or. with knowledge pf the
specific conduct. ratifies the conduct involved:(2)The lawyer is a partner in the law firm in
which the other lawyer practices. or has direct supervisory authority over the other lawyer.
and knows of the conduct at a time when its consequences can be avoided or mitigated but
fails to take reasonable re-medial action.

INFORMATIONABOUTLEGALSERVICES;Rule 7.1 Communications Concerning A Lawyer's

Services A lawyer shall not make a false or misleading communication about the lawyer or
the lawyer's services. A communication is false or misleading if it (a) contains a material
misrepresentation of fact or law, or omits a fact necessary to make the statement1

considered as a whole not materially misleading; (b) is likely to create an unjustified

expectation about results the lawyer can achieve, or states or implies that the lawyer can
achieve results by means that violate the rules of professional conduct or other law; or (c)
compares the lawyer's services with other lawyer's services, unless the comparison can be
factually substantiated


Disciplinary Matters "An applicant for admission to the bar, or a lawyer in connection with
a bar admission application or in connection with a disciplinary matter, shall not(a)
knowingly make a false statement of material fact; or (b) fail to disclose a fact necessary to
correct a misapprehension known by the person to have arisen in the matter, or knowingly
fail to respond to a lawful demand for information from admissions or disciplinary
authority, except that this rule does not require disclosure of information otherwise
protected by Rule 1.6

Rule 8.2 Judicial and Legal Officials; (a) a lawyer shall not make a statement that the lawyer
knows to be false or with reckless disregard as to its truth or falsity concerning the
qualifications or integrity of a judge, adjudicatory officer or public legal officer, or of a
candidate for election or appointment to judicial or legal office.(b) a lawyer who is a
candidate for judicial office shall comply with the applicable provisions oftll~ code of
judicial conduct. \

Rule 8.3 Reporting Professional Misconduct (a) a lawyer having knowledge, of any action,
inaction, or conduct which in his or her opinion constitutes misconduct of an attorney
under these rules shall inform the appropriate professional authority. (b) having
knowledge that a judge has committed a violation of applicable rules of judici,l conduct
that raises a substantial question as to the judge's fitness for office shall infoml the
appropriate authority.

Rule 8.4 Misconduct; It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to: (a) violate or attempt to
violate the rules of professional conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do

so through the acts of another;(b) commit a criminal act that reflects adverse!y on the
lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects; (c) engage in
conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation; (d) engage in conduct
that is prejudicial to the administration of justice; (e) state or imply an ability to influence
improperly a government agency or official; (t) knowingly assist a judge or-judicial officer
in conduct that is a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct or other law; or (g)
engage in any other conduct that adversely reflects on the lawyer's fitness to practice law.


Steve Melton ~~

60 l t !/lJh way IfRrJ

rr'l//Vfe~tAL- /e.J' It!Jl~
.J" FEB 1J P 4 :12




Plaintiff, )
vs. } Case No. 20l2-LM-356 P
Defendant. )


This matter comes on for determination of the Motion for Disqualification of

Judge Lay filed by Defendant. The court has reviewed the Motion and Affidavit, Judge

Loy's response, and the Kansas Code of Judicial Conduct. For the reasons set out below,

the motion is denied.

Defendant argues that Judge Loy should be disqualified because of his previous

relationship with Mark Werner who has now entered an appearance in the case.

His first allegation that Werner and Judge Loy were law partners does not create a

showing of prejudice, impropriety, or an appearance of impropriety. This partnership

ended in 1994. After 20 years this prior relationship cannot bc said to have an effect on

Judge Loy's impartiality. It is not uncommon fOT Judges to hear cases in which former

t partners appear as attorneys in as little as five years after leaving the partnership 10

become a judge.

His second allegation is that Werner represented Judge Loy in litigation during the

same period. Here Defendant is mistaken as the client in that case was Kenneth I. Loy,

not Judge Loy (Kurt L Loy). Even if Werner had represented Judge r ,oy almost 20 years

ago, that relationship is so distant as 10 have no effect upon Judge Loy's impartiality.

Finally, Defendant claims that both Werner and Judge Loy donated to the same

political campaign. Numerous people appear to have donated to the same campaign. The

coincidence of both Werner and Judge Loy donating to the same campaign is not

indicative of a relationship that would disqualify Judge Loy from hearing this case .

. Defendant next claims that Judge Loy should be disqualified from hearing any

cases "with allegations of forged, altered or fraudulent notes or retail installment

contracts" because of allegations in Deere and Co. v. Loy, 872 F. Supp. 867 (D. Kan.

1994). 'Ibis is the case discussed above wherein Kenneth I. Lay was sued and Wcrner

and Judge Loy acted as counsel for him. There is no factual basis to support this claim as

Defendant is confused about who was the Defendant in that case. There is no legal basis

to support this claim because even if Judge Loy had been a party in a lawsuit wherein

such allegations occurred, it would not disqualify him from hearing cases 20 years later

with the same subject matter. By Defendant's logic, if Judge Loy had ever gotten a

speeding ticket. he would not be able to hear a speeding case.

Defendant's allegations of prejudice individually or in combination do not support

a basis to reasonably question Judge Ley's impartiality.

11is therefore ORDERED that the Motion for Disqualification filed by Defendant

herein is denied.



13 SEP23 All:04
IV ._ .
Plaintiff, )
¥S. ) Case No. 2012-LM-356 P
Defendant. )


The defendant herein filed a motion for recusal and affidavit in support thereof

seeking recusal of the Hon. A. J. Wachter. The case has been transferred to this court for


At the heart of the defendant's request is the earlier filing of a small claims suit

with this defendant as plaintiff and Judge Wachter as defendant, being case number 2010

SC 139P. His legal basis derives from the recusal procedure set out in K.S.A. 20-311d.

While he cites several of the "Rules Relating to Judicial Conduct" being Rules 1.1,2.1,

.:u A judge -
and 2.3 which are within Supreme Court Rule 6OlB, the more relevant rule is 2.11 (A):

shall disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding in which the

7J'"" judge's impartiality might reasonably be questioned ...

As Judge Wachter indicated on the record in the proceedings of June 25, 2013,

herein, he is satisfied that he can put aside any prejudice he may feel for the defendant


and decide the case impartially. He demonstrates the same in the proceedings transcribed

by patiently hearing out the defendant and allowing the defendant to make any and all

arguments he may have had. Judge Wachter then fairly applied the law and rendered

appropriate rulings.

The standard of review ofrulings on disqualification ofajudge are stated in Smith

v. Printup, 262 Kan, 587.1997, at Syl. 8:

The standard to be applied to a charge of lack of impartiality is whether

the charge is grounded in facts that would create reasonable doubt
concerning the court's impartiality, not in the mind of the court itself: or
even necessarily in the mind of the litigant filing the motion, but rather in
the mind of a reasonable person with knowledge of the circumstances.

This court is satisfied that a jurist of Judge Wachter's experience can easily put

aside any prejudice he may have against the defendant and decide the case only on the

law and the evidence. This court is satisfied that it could do the same under similar

circumstances. This court is satisfied that most if not all lawyers who practice before

Judge Wachter would be satisfied of the same.

However, Judge Wachter's or this court's satisfaction that he could rule

impartially does not resolve the case. The issue is the appearance to a "reasonable

person with knowledge of all of the circumstances". Such a person might well question

the ability of a judge to be impartial under the circumstances.

· I

The court notes Judge Wachter's noble intentions to prevent burdening another

judge with the case, however, this concern does not override how an outside "reasonable

person" would view the circumstances.

The court finds that the ~otion for disqualification should be and is granted. -K'


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Steve Melton
October 5·
You have got to be freaking kidding me, the man that ran me over got 18 months probation
& told the court he was sorry. That just goes to prove in Crawford County you can have
money and get away with damn near murder because that's what he damn near did. I don't
know about anybody else but I think it's time for new judges and new lawyers in this
county. Justice system here isn't worth shit. All I can tell you guys out there is I hope
everything is better for you
Like Comment
89 people like this.


Janelle McCormick Who was it that ran over you Steve?

Like -.B&nlY. October 5 at 2:36pm

Mark HiKKinsHoly hell, after he aimed the damn truck at you? Good grief.....Smh
Like· .B&nlY. October 5 at 2:39pm

Mike YOKerthats f#$%#@cked up

Like· .B&nlY'.2.. October 5 at 2:40pm

Steve Melton Matt Grotheer

Like· .B&nlY. October 5 at 2:42pm

John Willey That's BULLSHIT.

Like· .B&nlY..2. • October 5 at 2:43pm

Danny Bell I can't believe this shit

Like·.B&nlY·October 5 at 2:45pm

Janelle McCormick I guess I don't know him .. but-If months kinda sounds like a slap in
the face to you, sorry bud - but hopefully karma will catch up to him
Like- .B&nlY.October 5 at 3:00pm
Cheryl Gilstrap Miller Damn!!! That is totally messed up
Like . ~
~= .
. October 5 at 3:03pm

Todd Windsor If there was ever a need for a "dislike" button ...this is it. Sorry bro. Karma
will catch up to him. That you can be sure of.
Like . ~ . 1·October 5 at 3:06pm

Tonya Cleffman That is messed up I know someone who got 3 years in prison
Like- ~. October 5 at 3:10pm

Jason Mitchell Wow, really messed up, our system is so screwed up. Sorry bro!!!!!
Like· ~
p. ~,:
·1·October 5 at 3:13pm

Melanie Ronnie Wells That is totally bullshit

~ike~~~. October 5 at 3:15pm

David Brown That's BS.

~ike.· ~. October 5 at 3:20pm

Jared Warford Thats some horseshit big time ... every dog will have his day right'niaybe
not today but someday
fumly . 2:. October 5 at 3:21pm
Phyliss Meyer The woman that hit the little boy March 17,1999 got 1 year she had to wear
a monitoring bracelet and in7 months was released. I had my bus at Braums and she and
her husband walked in like not had happened. I lost my food. There is not a time that I go
bye the place that it happened and csn still see the child flying over the top of my bus. I
truly know how you feel.
Like . ~ . October 5 at 3:26pm

Lynnette Moore Thats bs !!!It's like the girl who broke into my house I caught her in the
act she got one yr probation had to write registered letter of apology. The judge didn't Want
to ruin her record cause she was young. If it happen to the judge or their family they would
get time for the crimes
Like· ~. 2:. October 5 at 3:29pm

Ross Rhuems That's complete bull shit dude! All the pain and suffering you have been
through. Complete bullshit!!!!
Like . ~ ·1·October 5 at 3:32nm
Mary Lynne Bower Are you freaking kidding me! ! That's BS
Like- Reply' October 5 at 3:36pm

Tara Stewart The man that killed my brother never even seen a day in court.
Like· . October 5 at 3:39pm

Jayme Wickham WTF?!

Like- . October 5 at 3:44pm

Dorinda Doss Williams Wth? That's bsl!l He shud do some time & then probation!!! Does
he have to pay ALLyour medical bills? I'm glad to see your doing good chickie baby!Miss
Like- October 5 at 3:47pm· Edited

Ana:ela Lowrie Basically he got away with attempted murder or aggravated assault with a
deadly weapon! There is definitely something wrong with the system in Crawford county!
Like· ·1· October 5 at 3:51pm

Ana:e1aLowrie Sorry Steve u deserved more than that all the pain etc.
Like· . October 5 at 3:52pm

Thomas Cooper What a load.of bs give that asshole life

Like· . October 5 at 3:52pm

Timothy Taylor Wow man, I guess I should not be surprised when mine goes next month.
Should prove interesting,sorry for the ruling Steve!!!!
Like- Reply' October 5 at3:55pm

Tracy Colea:rove-Lindsey THats BSSteve. Sorry

Like· Reply· October 5 at 3:58pm .

~. , .:~;

Terri HammI guess!l That's insane! Alter some one's life'& get a patonthehackPgll
Like.' Reply . October 5 C!t4:04pm .
Chad Swezey sorry buddy and thats fucked up
Like . ~. October 5 at 4:10pm

lustin Todd Warford WTF!! Keep your head up Steve. With time he will get what he
Like . ~. October 5 at 4:12pm

Patricia Sherman The same thing happened to my daughters friend and the girl Walked
away with nothing against her
Like- Reply ·1·October 5 at 4:18pm

Sandy Mitchell Steve, it has been that way way back when my Dad was running his
business. Ihave heard so much about CRcounty law system.
Like . ~ . October 5 at 4:37pm

Walt Blockbur&er That's fucked up man ...Glad I finally moved away from all that. .. 30
miles may not seem like much ....But it's world's different. .. Sorry Steve
Like . ~ . October 5 at 4:37pm

David Mcnabb That's fucking bullshit buddy

Like . ~ . October 5 at 4:44pm

Michelle Shipman That's a bunch ofBS!! Sorry Steve

Like- Reply· October 5 at 4:57pm

Pam Bushehri Well Steve I greatly agree with you 100%. MONEY!!TALKS.!!are says good
buy. And theirs ~ays HELLO.
Like . ~ . October 5 at 4:58pm

Melissa Forbes WOW!!!!That is a total crock ofSHIT!!!! I'm so s()rry Steve.

Like· Reply· October 5 at 5:17pm .

Bill McManis Jr.It's definitely BSsteve, I agree with you 100%

Like.' Reply' OctoberS at 5:19pm

Jimmy Emerson That's fucked up hope he gets what'scominghi~ way ka~mawbrk:sjn

rnJsterious \I\lflY~·
Like- fumly . .2.. October 5 at 5:22pm

John W Tripp if your not one of the good ole boys in Pitt your screwed. his lawyer is prob.
buddys with the judge. sorry to hear Steve just remember Karmas a bitch ..sound like a civil
law suit tome ...
Like·fumly· .3.. October 5 at 5:26pm

Stacy Dayton Good ole Crawford County!


Like- Reply 5 at 5:31pm

Fred Clothier I vote often. Tell me the judges name.

Like· fumly ·1·October 5 at 5:36pm

Alishia Lemieux Windsor That is some major B5... sorry to hear this ...
Like . ~. October 5 at 5:47pm

Corrie Goad Omg!!! Total BS! Wish you could try him for-other offenses. Wow. Yep it's
about $....
Like· fumly ·1·October 5 at 5:48pm

DeeDee Pouche So sorry to hear this ...Crawford County Court systemjs ahuge joke!My
daughter was slapped by another mom at public pool! They did nothing to her ...but
guaranteed if I slapped my kid and she wentto schooI...they would be allup inmy.shit! Our:
system sucks!!!!
Like- Reply ·1·October 5 at 5:51pm

Chuck Martin Wow. That's messed up. Sorry bro.

Like .~; October 5at 6:01pm

Gerald Ross And not reporting at the night before

Like· Reply' October- 5 at 6:12pm
Tasha McCoySo sorry Steve!
Like . ~ . October 5 at 6:20pm

Rosezina Scott Ehen my brother got hit by a car when he was 7-8 all that lady got was a
slap on her hand. And she ran the bus stop sign when we was getting off the bus. So no
nothing has ever changed around here
Like . ~ . October 5 at 6:24pm

Michelle Scott Amen to that Steve depends on who u know ... I'm so sorry
Like . ~ '1' October 5 at 6:28pm

Samantha Cummins Durrant Unbelievable. Glad you are recovering and still here with us.
Like . ~ . L: October 5 at 6:33pm

Melissa Wray Sorry to hear Steve. YOUare a better man than him ...Karma will find him ....
Li . ~ . October 5 at 6:34pm

: '. ~
David Bates I knew his daddy would buy his way out of it.
Like . ~ . 1·October 5 at 6:38pm

Teresa lones I can't believe that can you apeal? are they making him pay anything?
Like . ~ . October 5 at 6:49pm

Brandon Buck I love you brother

Like . ~. October 5 at 6:56pm

Becky Vena Pace Unbelievable! I couldn't believe how Iamethe charges were in the first
Like . ~ . October 5 at 7:03pm

KjPhillips Eye for an eye!

Like . ~ . 1· October 5 at 7:08pm

Mandi Newell Wow ....

Like- Reply ·..October 5 at 7:12pm·
Mark Russian that is bull shit Steve and you are right, everyone can be bought
Like- ~. 2.. October 5 at 7:12pm

Jim Everitt BS
Like- Reply· October 5 at 7:13pm

Janice M. Hines Wow that's fucked up Steve, I am so sorry, that is unreal...anything we can
do, or ids that final.
Like- ~. October 5 at 7:22pm

Cheryl Shipman That is pure BULLSHITsteve!!! They say money talks and bullshit walks
Like· ~ ·1·October 5 at 7:32pm· Edited

Sharon Westpfahl I'm so sorry Steve. I want you to look at only yourselfand be thankful
you are still alive. Hewill get what is coming to.him the Lord works that
Like- ~ ·1·October 5 at 7:41pm

Terry Nowell Yea steve thats the bullshit that controls this town ...the struggling working
person get screwed by the ones that have money and no soul... also some companieshere
will destroy ur life a not even give it a second tgought ...
Like- ~. October 5 at 7:45pm

Stacy Hamblin I'm so sorry bub! You have suffered more than anyone should in a variety
of wayslll I love you and I'm so greatfull that your still with us even thoughthis has 110t
turned out like it should have. Maybe you should appeal this or get a huge petition going
with all this support you have and get this outcome changed!! SOMEBODYNEEDSTO
Like . ~ .2. . October 5 at 9:12pm

Kim Brooks Hey Steve. So sorry to hear this. Have you contacted Crime victims
compensation? I worked trauma ip Florida and.they hglp~d alot·N9t su~e..~h.fltthgy.gQ.j6
I}S.So sorry. Stay strong ..Don't know the details but glad you sUrvlved:Prayingforu!
Like- Reply· October 5 at 9:14pm
Mark Monsour again - civil court
Like- ~. October 5 at 9:31pm

Amanda Gepford Not only did he run you over once, he did it twice. How exactly did they
explain away attempted murder??? ....
.I think I'd be going to some higher ups on this one. Seriously RIDICULOUS!!!!!
Like . ~. October 5 at 10:33pm
Gina Rasnic Rice That's bs he should have got life in my eyes
Like . ~ . October 5 at 10:41pm

Brad Coop Howard Sorry to hear this buddy, yet another reason I moved to the
, .
.~ . October 5 at 10:48pm

Kevin Laird I agree with ya Steve, that's a bunch of BULLSHIT,this County sucks anyway
Like- ~. October 5 at 11:12pm

Dustin DeSirant That's total B.S.Wish judicial system would remove heads from asses.
Hey guess since technically ur my family now since married Wendy I can do what grandpa
taught me. Stand with & for ur family. So steve can I b sneeky, coldhearted, calculating, non
remorse, IiI ass I used to b? if I should oh u know cross paths with a certain non-driving,
pole smoker, wanna b country boy.
Like . ~. October 5 at 11:58pm

Dustin DeSirant Real country folk is: God, Family, Friends. As I remember you've treated
me like friend b4 Wendy & me married & then u became family 2. So that 2 out of 3. Figure
as for God he took my parents for reason. To have people like u come n2 my life to help
r...See More
Like . ~ ·1·October 6 at 12:14am

Spencer McCabe Crawford County Judicial system is a joke.

Like- ~'.2.' October 6 at 12:16am

- ..
Doue Warner Thats messed up. There is alot wrong with the justice system in this county.
I hsve know alot of people who have gotten arested for failure to appear. When they never
got a notice. But to let someone off on attempted murder. I wrong.
Like- Reply· October 6 at 3:36am
Joel M Miller So sorry to hear that buddy. Judgement day will come to him one way or
another. Just keep being the good man that you are!
Like . ~. October 6 at 7:03am

Kenny Roedel Revenge is a dish, best served cold... One shouldbe judged by their peers,
not always in a courtroom. Just my opinion ...Nothing more.
Like- Reply' .3. • October 6 at 9:03am

Kendra Richello Tackkett you can always appeaL find astate licensed personal injury
lawyer ...explain. if there's a case worth investigation andworthanything., they'll.take it
because it would be a huge case for any lawyer to turn up truths about a county. that-is
your ri...See More
Like- Reply· 1.October 6 at 9:45am· Edited

Chad Lancaster Sorry to hear this buddy. I hope-you don't give ongoing after.this Fuck .
for what he deserves. 1agree that their has to be mote that-can be donethroughthecourt~.
Like- ~. October 6 at9:36pm

Willy Maples Hmmmmmm there is alway something else

Lik~~.ReI>ly·9~tober 6at 10:33Prn
Steve Melton
October 25 at 11:03pm .
Facebook friends I would like to clear something up about my accident, ifme speaking the
truth is offensive to anyone .I'm not apologizing. matt and I were friends pryor to that
night.and fighting don't really solve anything, so if some of you think I started that fight
your wrong, but regardless of who or what started it, the fact remains that I had a gun stuck
in my face was run over not once but twice, went through all kinds of hell in the hospital
had to move to a handicap accessible house, lost my job .had to have someone wait on my
every need, was told I would not walk again, because of fractured pelivs and tail bone, had
a catheter for 3-1/2 months, not to mention a severd yariethia tube, had a breathing
machine due to punctured lung & broken ribs, I have since then taught myself how to walk
again I get approximately three to four hours a night sleep due to pain when I am laying
down, and I never even got an apology so if I seem a little pissed about the county letting a
guy that did that go with just probation you damn right I'm pissed, for those of you who
think I'm wrong put yourself in my position, and let's just see how happy and cheerful and
upbeat you are. So there you have it I'm not trashing anyone simply stating facts if this
offends anyone delete me & don't worry about hurting my feelings because in the last year
I've dealt with enough, I'll deal with that too
Like Comment
Deni Phillips and 195 others like this.

Becky Hale Well said Steve Melton u deserve way more than an apology! U are a'
inspiration to many and a very brave man! Love ya man
Like- &ulY . Q' October 25 at 11:09pm

Rita Cure Miss Ya Steve! I Pray for you daily Hun
Like· ~
·1·October 25 at 11:10pm

Jared Warford Amen Steve couldnt agree with you more! Thoughts and prayers
Li~e' Reply ·1·October 25 at 11:18pm

Stacy Hamblin Steve, don't worry about what anyone says or thinks. If they were your
TRUEFRIENDSthey would have seen what you went thru, been by your side and defended"
you to the end!! ifthey didn't do all these things they are NOT WORTHEXPLAINING
Like· ~. 13· October 25 at 11:20pm

Sheri Garza Yes it's pretty sad someone can run over you and almost kill u and get
probation what the hell is wrong with the freaking justice system??? This just pisses me
Like . ~ . 1· October 26 at 1:33pm

__ -,IWrite a reply ...

Thomas Cooper You tell them steve thought s and prayers are with you y friend
Like- ~. October 25 at 11:20pm

BeckY Hale Stacy u are exactly right!

Like . ~. October 25 at 11:23pm

Christopher Bledsoe I agree man county should have done more I think you should get
you a attorney and go after him it's sad that our county attorney didn't pursue this! Steve
he will get his Karma is a bitch and money can't help him answer to the man upstairs for
what he did to you
Like· ~ . .3.' October 25 at 11:24pm

Michelle Emerson Wow! Steve, you've always been a strong man and this just proves how '
strong you are! I'm thankful for your tenacity and impressed by your progress. You have
every right to be angry and ifpeople don't understand. that's their problem. Keep up the
good work!
Like- ~. 2.' October 25 at 11:35pm

Dan Lowman behind u all the way my friend!!

Like . ~ . October 25 at 11:37pm

.shawn Collins I told you years ago a shit hole weare in trapped by time names of the
community the moodys ,grimaldis. The coutny attourney is the same its a fam biz just vote
keep me in ....rigjt dude you see where your case is its like making vanbeaslor family you're :
protector ...they are there until there cousins live down the road
Like· ~ . .2.. October 26 at 12:01am

Robert Phelps Very well said will continue cPJayers for healing and strength .•.......
·1·October 26 at 12:17am
Like- .B&lliY

Tammy Redd He was never a true friend then Steve. Karma is a bitch! Your life will never
be the same. Bounce back and keep on keeping! He got away with tempted murder. So
speak your mind.
Like· .B&lliY'.s. . October 26 at 12:24am

David Mcnabb I agree with you buddy

Like '.B&lliY'October 26 at 12:26am

(eff Stevens He needs to pay a hell of a lot more than just probation
. .3. • October 26 at 12:28am
Like· .B&lliY

Nate Gross Had a lady trying to tell me earlier he didn't deserve to be trashed and all sorts
ofbs. Nobody deserves what happened, let alone a guy Iikeyou. Always have been and
always will be one of my favorite people to be around. Proud to call u my friend.
Like· .B&lliY
. October 26 at 12:28am

Dusty Commons True friends always shine through in yourdarkest moments, I'm sorry it
all happened however I'm very happy you are on the mend! Stay strong and positiveand
know you AREloved, supported, cared for, and prayed for by so many more than you
realize. smile emoticon
Like· .B&lliY. 1·October 26 at 12:42am

Chuck Buset Steve Melton. I couldn't have said it better myself'with a script! smile
emoticon you have every right to be angry, harsh and even vengeful as far as r canseel
You've been screwed by the" good 01' boy'; bullshit mentality in our.area, Have you
considered getting ...See More
Like- Reply' .3. • October 26 at 12:43am

Gina Rasnic Rice Steve Melton I agree with Stacy Hamblin love you
Like·.B&lliY·October 26 at 12:47am

Jayme Wickham Love you brother.

Like- Reply· October 26 at 5:24am

Stella Lynch Can't blame you for feeling the way you do; Screw~hat others
amazing you 're still.~ere and with that you can feel any \'tTayyouwant!
Like . Reply ·1·October 26(it 5:29am.
Iustin Todd Warford He will get what he deserves one day! Keep your head up brother!
Like- ~ ·1·October 26 at 5:54am

Randy Wilson I saw you 2 weekends ago Steve Melton at Home Depot. It was.soo great to
see you out and about. You told me about what happen to him. Basically he had to stand in
a conner for time out. If I would have been you in that situation after the fact. I would of
been in jail right now. And you know what I mean. 1mjust sayn. God's speed my brother.
Glad to see you out and about
Like . ~ . 1.October 26 at 6:22am

Tammy Marker Amen Steve! That SONOFA BITCHgot away with attempted murder. Not
sure but money or name must of had something to do with that. Just my opinion ...
Karma is a bitch and I know it's not nice but I pray he gets it soon. Hang in there bud and
just focus on improving yourself. You've got a lot of family and friends that care and love
you. That's what matters.
Like . ~ . 1·October 26 at 6:28am

John Willey Steve who give a rat's ass what people think. Your the one who got run over.
Screw them and what they think.
Lik~. ~ ·1·October 26 at 6:31am

Randy Rakestraw Sr. he will get whats coming to him

Like . ~ . l' October 26 at 6:35am

Tony Melton Holy crap Melton I hadn't met ya but anyone would be pissed off I would

think if that happened to them. Glad to hear your progressing in the positives.
Like . ~ ·1·October 26 at 6:35am

Shawn Clark Have you filed a civil suit you should be entitled to everything he has!
Like . ~ . 1: . October 26 at 6:40am

Thomas Swartz Hang in there bro

Like . ~ . 1.October 26 at 6:40am

Charleen Workman So sorry this happened to you. You do not have to apologize for how
you feel.
Like· ~ ·1·October 26 at 7:54am
Dorinda Doss Williams Amen!!! U have every right 2 speak ur mind! Ur an amazing &
strong person. God bless u!
Like- ~. 2.. October 26 at 7:56am

David Lowe You proved to me many years ago that you are a true friend ...I'll stand rite
next to you anytime
Like . ~ . .3. • October 26 at 8:27am

Gina Pointer You have nothing to prove my dear friend! We love and support you
always! heart emoticon Gina, Paul and family xoxoxoxo
·1·October 26 at 8:45am

Like . ~

Mary Whiteaker Steve, behind you all the way ... Our justice system sucks. Good luck and
God's speed
Like . ~ . 1· October 26 at 9:26am

Stacy Dayton Good ole Crawford county! This town is so corrupt I wouldn't care what
anyone thought Steve .. The only person that you need to worry about is the man upstairs
and obviously he thought u deserved a second chance ..Allthe haters will have to answer to
him someday 0
Like . ~. 2. . October 26 at 9:32am

Dustin DeSirant I've known since first meet you along time ago you was 'a great person &
friend. Now your family I'm honored too say. Don't have to appologize for anything cause
you've been through hell & proved a lot of doctors/people wrong. you have. every right to
be pissed. Let's be honest county never had problem trying to bend me over for street
racing but apparently that's worse than what happened to youI guess or'Ididri'thave
enough money to buy them off
. 1· October 26 at 9:45am


David Brown I know from experience how corrupt the system is locally. I'm withya
brother. Hang in there. . ..
Like - Reply· 1· October 26 at 10:00am
Linda Melton Crocker God bless you Steve, your a strong man, negative people are in their
own world, Sad but true, and by God's grace you are here as a witness that the Lord will
pull you through. Love you your's always your cousin Linda Crocker
Like . ~ . 1· October 26 at 10:16am

Linda Melton Crocker St

Like . ~ . 1·October 26 at 10:17am

Connie Kay Melton Penor Clear the air us good for the sole and may God heal you
completely and in side out an spiritually and you will continue to find strenth and
forgiveness Wi! grow in time god Love Show you the way and may God Continue in your
life always cousin love from Your family Connie Kay Melton Penor
Like . ~ ·1·October 26 at 10:59am

Mary Lynne Bower Amen .. I feel the same way about things going on here. If I loose
people over the truth or offended anyone then they shouldn't have been in mylife in first
place. You know this didn't go fair and we have to have faith in ourselves to deal with it.
Karma we can hope comes to play in some instances in life. Love You Guys
Like· ~'.3.' October 26 at 11:17am

lames Tuxhorn Steve I'm glad you're doing better my friend.

Like . ~ ·1·October 26 at 11:50am

Dani Hatfield Karma will come back and he will get what he deserves. You are a strong
fighter and have done remarkable with your recovery process. I would be livid also.
Like· Reply ·1·October 26 at 12:48pm ..

Sheri Garza I sure as hell would feel the exact way you do!!! He sure as hell should of got
more than probation that's not right. I'm pissed for you!!! Keep your head up your a good
guy and you will find out who your true friends are.
~lke . ~ . ~ . October 26 at 1:25pm

Joel M Miller Stay strong as always man!

Lik~· Rm!lY' October 26 at 1:51pm

Jr Wilson I agree with both randys bubo Hang in there

Like· R§2ly . October 26 at 3:56pm

Eddie Kratz Amen brother

Like . ~. October 26 at 7:02pm

Kenny Melton I think you expressed it just fine. He should have been punished more.
Like . ~ . October 26 at 8:41pm

Cheryl Shipman Iagree with you Steve. Stay strong buddy. Love ya
Like . ~ . October 26 at 8:57pm
t> "

Joel M Miller I sure wouldn't refer to it as an "accident." It was on purpose for sure. He will
get his someday, someway.
Like- ~. October 27 at 11:05am

Teri Rakes-Bley XOXO

Like~:~ . October 29 at 4:05pm

Shannon Schartz Well said bud!! Love ya

Like . ~. November 5 at 2:27am

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