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NS aa SEDRA/SMITH INSTRUCTOR’S SOLUTIONS MANUAL FOR MICROELECTRONIC CIRCUITS BONE Cigar cee ne ECU ner orc cca Ceca tad Oe Wate CL OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ‘Oxford University Pres, Inc, publishes works that further Oxford University’s ‘objective of excellence in researc, scholarship, and education. ‘Oxford New York ‘Auckland Cape Town Dares Salaam Hong Kong. Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melboume Mexico City Nairobi [New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto ‘With otices in ‘Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Coech Republic France Greece Guatemala ‘Hungary tly Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam Copyright © 2011 by Oxford University Press Ine Published by Oxford University Pres, In. 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 ‘upton. cup com ‘Oxford isa registered trademark of Oxford University Press llrightsreserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form of by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, ‘without the prior permission of Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19-976570.6 Printing number: 987654321 Printed inthe United States of America ‘on aci-fee paper Contents Exercise Solutions (Chapters 1 — 16) Problem Solutions (Chapters 1 — 16) Preface ‘This manual contains complete solutions for all exercises and end-of-chapter problems included in the book Microelectronic Circuits, International Sixth Edition, by Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith. We are grateful to Mandana Amiri, Shahriar Mirabbasi, Roberto Rosales, Alok Berry, Norman Cox, John Wilson, Clark Kinnaird, Roger King, Marc Cahay, Kathleen Muhonen, Angela Rasmussen, Mike Green, John Davis, Dan Moore, and Bob Krueger, who assisted in the preparation of this manual. We also acknowledge the contribution of Ralph Duncan and Brian Silveira to previous editions of this manual, ‘Communications concerning detected errors should be sent to the attention of the Engineering Editor, mail to Oxford University Press, 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York, USA 10016 or e-mail to Needless to say, they would be greatly appreciated. ‘A website for the book is available at iv Ex: 1.1 When output terminals are open circuited For circuits, tye = 0) Foreireuith, rye = (XR, ‘When output terminals are short-circuited occa ty = "0 Ry For cireuith.j,. = 140) For equivalency Ryigi) = v0) Ra wo ° igure Ita 6@ Figure 1b Be 12 By Ve=¥s Voc = Wmv lye = WO uA -¥_ mv _ 7” ipa ~ 18° Ex: 13 Using voltage divider Rs v.00 eee 10 = Ox a Given w(1) = 10 mV and Ry = 1k Ik, = 100 ka Exercise 1-1 100. wy = 1 mV x 20 = 99 mv IR, = 10 kD 10 % = 10 mv x mv ° ioe =" WR, = 1k 1 y= Wmvx b= smv 2 wi IR, = 1000 100. ty = Wmv x 100 = OV TOE TR 80 0% of source voltage = 10 mV x source voltage = 10 mV x FR, gives 8 mV when Ry = 1 KE then Re = 10x Rr, = 8 10x Bi oR, = ann Ex: L4 Using current divider yi 15= 1A Re ER ip = ix Bt 0 = EX RR, Given p> 10 MA. Ry = 100K Fee = i oe Rpm UR ig = wax lO or Ry = 5 100 For Ry = 10K iy = 1OHA iO, LI uA foe = x 100 By = 100K I = 10 RA call = SHA For 100K R= UMA ig = 10nAx IK . a, pA: 1OK+IM =09 nA wrent = 10 x 80 = 8056 of source current = 10 80 = 8 pA Ia load Ry, gives 80% ofthe source current, then Bya = 10pax oR, = KO Ex: L7 1F6 MHz is allocated for each channel then 470 MH 0 806 MH2 will aecomexlate 806 = 470 6 Since it starts with channel 14, i channel 4 to channel 69 56 chamels £0 from aixY xr a TR Alteratively, Po PEPE Pct Vy Rx(ietedade Peas a) team be shown by direct calculation that the infite series in the parentheses has 3 approaches 27/8 thas P becomes V2 Foard from direct caution Fraction of energy in fundamental = 8/m' O81 Fanon of emp ls tame -8r¢l. 4d) 9 Sud d) om Fao of cary in int rename (i$) 0 s8(rebe eed) « 006 Note that 904 ofthe energy ofthe square wa inthe first three harmonies tha isin the fonds rental and the thied harmonic Bx: 1.9 (a) D cam represent 15 distnet values between O and +15 V. Thus, = OVD = 0000 Exercise 1-2 y= 1V=D = 0001 vy = 2V=eD = On10 = 1SVeD= 1 0b) +1.V Gi #2V Gi) +4 Ge) 48V (6) The closest discrete value represented by Dis5 V; thus D ~ O101. The error is 0.2 V or 021 52x 100 = ~4% Ex: 10 Voltage gain urren gain 20 og 100 ~ 40 4B, 201192 1000 = 6048 1Olog A, = 100g (A.A) = log 10° = s0aB -1sx8 rg = LPT aw me Peiigenet 120 mw 120-18 = 102 mw 100 = 15% Vv = 10nV 40 10°) yg. M% . W28V mT 02s viv Power gain (A) ~ FE whore P, = 6.25 mW and P, ny 05 V and Lv - 05 “peer | OS Tas, Po 0508 and, 0.25 ww 25x10" 925310" Woe A, = 4B . 2s 0! ‘This figure belongs to Exercise 1.15 |. wor aw" 1x Bx: L13 Open circuit (no load) output voltage 4 ‘Outpot voltage with load connected AM RT Re mat x (100 x 7H) J 09 = 2509 5x 10" WW 1Otee A,» 48 88 Tx LS Without stage 3 igure above) - (1M 100K 2° Gare ra) oor Te) 100s!) 2 (0:909)(10)40.9901 (100)(0.0509) Ex: L16 Given ¥ n= dmv TiS a.909 0 yy = 009 8, = 09091 = 0900 mV 9.90900 = 9 Viv For x, > Pmv fy = 9M A DEL = OV S18 Exercise 1-3 1K ~ A mee cos A = 99x99 «0.900 Foe w= Dm ty > SIB 4 = BIST = BIR MV %y = 0.909 ¥ 909% 9.9 0,900 = 744 For ¥, = 1 mv Vj, dx tv, 744 mv Ex: 117 Using voltage amplifier model, team be represented ss R= Mo wo Ae = Ags yg = 99 909 = 900-VIV ‘The oval voltage gain Yon 8 x4 ve RRS For Rp = 10.0 Overat yo iM TM 10K Fork, 1000 Overall volage gain IM Tarr ioe Be ean 09 vv ye imo 9 Range of voltage gain is from 409 to 810 V/V sioviv 8 ” SR, Rod RS” - Gan - Ry 4 SRR, ty = Gato RD) 5. Ry Gasp ig Rol RL) Thos, % R, Bm Gag yegRoll RO Bx: 1.20 Using wransresstance circuit model the circuit will be Rags x Ru RR, RY Ry Ry Exercise 1~4 = iret B+ DER, alr +B # DRT t Goin 10H == 0aB WkHz = 4008 WOOK 2048 IMHe 048 Vo = GaVARo | Ri Ci CAA era ce Eee Ly Yo. _G, Tes P= ® Re Exercise 1-5 ty be Gu - 10 _ oi may 100 x Rs Tg Re 4+ 08 ma Reeth ‘TR : ‘which sa HP STC fonction nyegigka = 2540 1 , = 100 Hz fia 2wC(Ry + Ry 4 = 0.16 pF 2a +910" x 100 Bx:1.25 Te 50K n= Brno 3 10" (90)! erm xaea = 96% 10 fem! T=390K = BP tT = 73x 10350)" = 4.15% 10"/em* Ex: 1.26 Ny = 10m’ From Bxercise 3. at T= 350K = 4.15 x 10"/em* n= Np = 10" em? = 172% 10%em? Bx: 1.27 A300 K, n, Pp = Na ‘Want electron concentration 15x 10" em" won, SX" 5x tate? sor = 15x 1h Na = Pp 2 USx 10"? 15x 10" 3X 10"%em? Be2.28 adi! = =1,E ere negative sign indicates that electrons ‘move in a direction opposite to B Weuse wedi = =p, 1 2x10 = 6.75 x 10" emis = 6.75 x 10° mis = 1350% Pym = 10° em Exercise 1-6 Inn. deff current density Jy in J oan = 16% 107 10" « 1350 % EY Daw = 1,08 x 10° Alem? 4 Daitfeuneat y= Ag vat = Agnags = 025% 10"* x 1.08% 108 = 27uA Note 0.25 ym? 25 «10° cm? Ber a4, = ¢D St From Figure E228 rng = 10"Femn* = 10° (um)? D, = Bemis = 35% 0 F ums 35x 10" Gum's 10 10" wm T an) as 1.6% 10°" x 35 x 10" x 10" = 56x 10° tum)? 56 w Alum)" For Jy JnXA Ex: 1-30 Using equation 1.45 Ve = 480% 25.9% 10" = 24 em'hs kx: 1-31, quation 3.50 wo Fee, wn Exercise 1-7 ‘As one can sce from above equation to increase minority carier-concentration (p,) bya Factor of 2, ome must lower Np (=n, by a Tet of 2. ra Be 1.34 a a, >, , », Vo ion 2.381, = Agn;( Pe + Pe Eiquat ls = Ag is * tae) Py ay Ps reese since TE an 7 ee aproimaely Inap* n diode N,>> Np eZ Sina ves >> Np then he term Eanatnn. sow ye aN a Wy D, > Np = asx 10" A beer ay NAN, re ag agen Fauation 2.530) ~ ag( Me.) 1, 145% 10 Mat Wo 02ma NsNp we Agta Wine Ny 99 Np Ny Ex: 1.36 wo FECES Dea ¥p 4 16x10? 1.66% 10% em = 0.166 yum AAR Ry: 1.37 Es: 1.33 5 , nexamples.29y = 10"! and Inthe n-zegion of this pn juetion dows Vo 6xio n= Ny > 10" Fem" 6.08 © 1D em = 0,608 jum) m OS 210°) 3.95 < 10%em" Exercise “4 Be 1.40 = 0416 x 10 Equation 1.74 a 163 pC wD Reverse Current J = Is = aani( Pe ae is = Aan (72 exe 10 x 16x 10" (1.5 x 10") 25 ns (2 1) Byun 2 Sx 10x 10" 10% 10x 10! c= (2)! = 7310 A v Inexample3.30N, = 10"? , Exr2.38 > Bquaon 2.72 Np = 10m’ Assuming Ny >> No ty at, = 25a iy ea Tx16x10") =. pF Bx: 1.39 ~@. 4G, Cee B= Senn = Lex ner Srxnste”— 1 = ts Ger ) Ly sls! Bxre Exercise 2-1 Ex:24 ‘The minimum numberof terminals required by a single op amp is five: two input terminals, one output terminal, one terminal for positive power supply and ‘one terminal for negative power supply. ‘The minimum number of terminals required by a ‘quad op amp is 14: each op amp requires two pt terminals and one output terminal (account ing for 12 terminals for the four op amps). In addition, the four op amp can all share one termi- nal for postive power supply and one terminal for negative power supply. Ex:2.2 Equation are vy = A(vy ~ 04): = tH hem = H+ tg = Bh ow = 54 +O) a) a= 4-8 = 0-2, = ~0mv=-2mv A 10’ ths = Hm = 0 (-0.002) = +-0002.V 2mv 2mV +0) = -1mv b) -10 = 1015 =n) 9m = SOLV 5-501 = 001 v= 10 ta =m vem = 4(n, +9) = {s01+5) = tem = 30% +) = S014 5) = S005 v =5V ° uy = A(m— %) = 10°(0:998 ~ 1.002) 0.998 ~ 1.002 = -4 mv 4v = Som tw) = M1002 + = Yon = Hoi +m) = 410.002 + 0.998) = 1V » =3.6 = 10'Lvy = (-3.6)] = 10°(% + 3.6) = 8 = ~3.6036v Wg = t= B= — 3.6036 - (-3.6) = 0.0036 V = -36 mv 1 1 Yen = An ty) = N= 364 (= tem = 30 + a) 6+ (-36)1 -36V Bx: 2.3 From Figure E2.3 we have: Vy = yxV,and Vg = (Gu¥2~ GV IR = GyRVs~ ¥)) ‘Therefore: Vs = wGyR(V2~ Vi) ‘Thats the open-loop gain ofthe op amp isA = WG,R.For Gy = 10 mA/V and = 100 we have A = 100 10x 10 = 10" V/V Or equiva- lently 80 4B Ex:24 ‘The gain and input resistance of the inverting amplifier circuit shown in Figure 2.5 are AAR, respectively, Therefore, we have Ry = 100kO and Ry ‘Thus: R, = 10 100k0 = IMO = -10R; = 108, Ex: 25 R= 10k0. 1. From Table’ We have: i.e, output is open circuit ‘The negative input terminal of the op amy V, isa virwal ground, thus thus &, =R = 00 Since we are assuming thatthe op amp in this transresistance amplifier is idea. the op amp has zero output resistance and therefore the output resistance of this tanstesistance amplifier is also zero. That is Ro = 0.0 Exercise 2-2 R=10KQ Connecting the signal source shown in Figure E255 to the input ofthis amplifier we ha Visa virwal ground that s V =O, ths the eve: Fen flowing through the 10 kA. resistor com nected between ¥, and ground is zero, Therefore Vo = i= RX OS mA = 0- 10K X05 mA “sv 0 ra Assuming an ideal op amp, the current lowing imo the negative input terminal ofthe op amp i ‘ero, Therefine, i = iy = ly = 1 mA = tma Y= ify = 0 TAX IO KR = -10V i= Ye = IY toma jg = pip = = WmA=TmAm =A Votiage gain = Ye = =10Y = W10vv 2048 (Current gain A * = -10ANA or 20dB ‘ Power gain = =1=10mA) — J99 wav or 2048 Nett ower giin a oA Forth ct shown above we ne: (Re Re vo~ (Bevis Bev) Since tis requ a Vy, = We want toe By Ry Ro tae (4 5¥5), {is aso desired that fora maximum output volt age of 10 V the cureat in te Feedback resistor oes not exceed I mA. ets voxn Let shane be IDK town onan, = = 240 Ry Rey, (Rey Rey vo Gag) GEER) We wan iodine Ven M4 Yea, Thx we ced have (RG) > (EMR) = om = + From the above three equation, we have to Find Sis unknown resistors, therefore, we ean ahi it such that warily choose three ofthese resistors. Leta choose: Then we have Exercise 2-3 Re y= = WL aso BeBe) = 2,09 10x 0m 2, = (Bi(Re) = 2 ld = aoe, = san Ha) e) a 1-5 010 toy, = 10K GR) - RX Bx 29 Using the superposition principle to find the con- Usibution of to the output voltage, we st V3 Onn reo 2ko. v. =v, yoy ko 10x 06V, = 6, of V, tothe ouput vot OX OAV, = 4Vy ‘Combining the contributions of v1 and v2 To Vo wehave Vy = 6V, + 4V; 9K. ako the soper postion principle, to Find the con- tribution of V, 10 Vgwe set Vs = Vy = 0 Then swe have (refer to the solution of exerese 2.9) Vo = Oy “To find the contebution of V3 to Vp we set Vy = Vy 0, then: Vy = 4Ve ‘To find the contribution of ¥ 10 Vy we set Vy = Va = 0, then kN y . oy, fq = ~ TERY, = -9¥5 ‘Combining the contributions of V3 and V5 10 Vo we have: Vp = 6V, + 4V,—9Vs Bx 2M Vo py Rta reg kta toe a IF, = 10.V then its desired that i> 10 qa. = topasns a, = HOY = Wouasen ea = (OY 1 MO and RAR: Ry = RR, = B; os ma x 2:12 ry Yo Vo = AW,~ Via ¥. = v2 Row = (kta 1 Rally Gg RR 1 LER a (0) Fer Ry = 1 Kf and = 9K the ea value theca gin ie 42, hat i 10M credo sini = “RK ICA = 10° then G 0 9.901 and X 100 = ~099% ~ -1% 10 TV, Vo = GX Vy = 9.901 V and For Vy Yo . 9901 = AW.-Vo=v.- V2 22 = Vy = AW,—V)=2¥.— v= 32 = 250H = 9.9mV IA = 10° then G For ¥) = 1V, Vo therefore, v-¥ = 9.99 and e = —0.1% = GX, = 9999, Yo a 22 ~ 0.999 mv 1 mv 10 IA = 10° then G = 9999 and 001% For ¥; = 1¥, Vg = GX V, = 9,999 thus, Vo = Vy tXOkA = 141X9 = 10V Yo. 10V © Ten ~ reg = 1A ig = pth = mA IOV _ 16¥ oe 1OY ~ 19¥ or 2008 Exercise 2-4 Wma . io Pe. YoXte . 10x10 7 Veh” Dae fx 28 (a) oad votage = tk xiv mv Ta wa () load voltage = 1V Bx: 215 (a) Ry = Ry= DKW, Ry = Ry =200K0 Since RyRy = RJR, we have: ~ 200 Va-Va Ry 2 (0) Ry=2R, =2x 2kN= 4K Since we are assuming the opamp is ideal R00 Ay= = wov/v Ag ‘The worst ease common-mode gain Acg happens when] bas its maximam value, the resistors have 1% tolerance, we Ry, Raya 1+ 001) Ry” Regen 0.01) where Rygun Hd Rng af Homi valves for Ry ‘and Ry respectively. We ave : Ragan ® KAD ad Rin * 20012, ths, 200 0.99 < Re < 200 x 1.01 ‘2x 101 Bx 099 = 10202 Simtaty, we ean show that R <% onan = te Heenee, ~ 102.02 = ‘Therefore, Re Ry taht Be Inthe worst case & x Re 8 ye, 1p Be Tom Mel 008 R [Note thatthe worst case Ay happens when R R Fe = 902 ana = 10202 ‘The differential gain Ay of the ampliier R & EMR for the worst e886 Ag say = therfore the corresponding value of Ad jog W202 CMRR ~ 20 oeift4 = 20 08 Tor MRR = 20 log(2550.5) = 6848 16 We choose Ry = Rj and Ry = Ry Then for the fncuit to behave asa difference amplifier with ‘of 10 and an input resistance of 20 kA = kN R, = KA and 10x 10k = 100k R= AR, Therefore, Ry = Ry = 10M and R= Ry = 100kN. 7 Given Vig = + 5V Vig = 1Osinat mv = 5 ~ 0.005 sinat V L en Ment Ho = $+ 0005sineat V v(Op AmpA,) = Vy = 5~ 0.005sinat V Exercise 2-5 e(Op AmpA;) = Viz = 5+ 0.005sinuat V Ha = h2— Mh = O01 sine The to voltage at the output of op amp A. Co Rox = 5 ~ 0.005 sinut ~ 500 k x 201 sinet $5 ~ 0005 sinat ~ $00 x OO sn ny The ole athe cuit of opamp A2 Vag = ay + Rx BH ™ 2R, = (54+ S005sineV RL wo Bre” +10 ko (Op Amp As) = sia % Ry Ry Jae = H+ 5008 say = 25+ 25m5snwov 0p Ang As) = VAP AMD A) as + 250580 V wo i038} 1O4(, 4 95MO) fi. and wetzow 20 op, = 106 anf, ~ 2 MMe therefore fon 15Me By definition the open-loop gain (in JB) at fy Aplin dB)—3 = 106-3 = 1030 “To find the open-toop gain at Frequency f we can vse equation 2.31) (especially when f>>f, which isthe case inthis exercise) and write: penton en a= 20) Their Oper loop ein at 3001 = 3 Mit 20 tog MHz tog ME $0 an Open toop gan a 3k = 20 10g MIE = 60 4s Tele Operctoop gain at 12 kttz = 20 tog Open-loop pain a GO Ktty ~ 20 tog Ex: 227 c k wed r ‘The waveforms forone period of the input al the ‘ouput signals are shown belo: 0 i won Lis ° wv Weave == 2- Zf wa 9-20 = bx 10% 1 ms = oct ms = 05 ms cn = Bictm=0s Be 228 Since de gain ofthe op amp is much larger than ‘the de gain of the designed non-inverting amplifier, we can use equation(2.35). ‘Therefore: Sau = fi = 2Mi 7 Hence fags = 2 MEE = 20 eit x 229 For the input voltage step of magnitude V the out- ‘put waveform will stil be given by the exponen- tial waveform of equation(2.40) MwV Sse SR. Def, ‘Thatis v= SB v V5 0.16 V, thus, the largest possible input volt- age step is 0.16 V. From Appendix F we know that the 10% to 9056 rise time ofthe output waveform ofthe form of equation (2.40) is , = 2.24 Thus, 1, = 05 ws {an input step of amplitude 1.6 V (10 times as large compared tothe previous case) is applied, the the output is slewsrate limited and is Tnearly rising with a slope equal the slew-rate, a5, showin inthe following figure. 09% 1 = 01x16 TVs aH 2 128s Bx: 230 From equation (2.41) we have: 1591S kHz = 15.9 ke Using equation (2.42), for an npr sinusoid with frequency J = 5 Jy. the maximum possible amplitude tha canbe accommodated a the output without incuring SR distortion i: Yo" Vom( Zit) = 10x! = 2¥ ges Exercise 2-1 Bx 3.1 Refer to Fig3- 3a). for V, > 0, the diode con- dducs and presens a zero voltage drop. Thus Vo. V; For ¥,<0, the diode is cut-off, vero current flows through R and Vy = 0,The esults isthe transfer characteristic in Fig 23.2. kx: 3.2 sce Figure}. 3aand3 3 During the positive half ofthe sinusoid, the diode is forward biased, 0 it conducts resulting in ‘v9 O During the negative half of the input sig- nal, the diode is reverse blased. The diode does not conduct resulting in no current lowing inthe Eire $0 vy = O and ty = = Hy = ‘This results inthe waveform shown in Figure 83.2 Bx 3.3 BIR, Be 3.4 @ 2ma ® asin 3 40a © sv ® = 4 veov asin -sv © av 2 aw Vv ne ama fo sv vo fet veiv 11V 0k = re 3-5 Vag = @ 0 tee ze a 333 kA Exercise 3-2 For an output voltage of 2.4V, the voltage drop @ Now 1 the current through each diode is afar 0") 1m te"? = 91x10" e 546 ma, Wo-24 S4ox 10 = B00 23.12 o © In to ta= 10x10 Bx 3.14 For small signal model, using equation 3.15 a For exponential mode! in he Sin ~ ine toy > toe =i inte ay 2 Inthis problem jy, ~ fy ~ Ema Using equations (1) and (2) results and using vy = 28 mv AVGMV) AéglMAY Aigtmay sonal expo. ee) i on 0 » sox . 02 wR a 41009 bx: 3.15 visv Se h b= oy, this problem Ye. 2OmV _ 29 Int poem Ate = BMY = 0 9 “Tota ll spl resistance of he Fr ods 2001 Foreach diode ry = 22 = $62 Bury ty and R Exercise 3-3 befor Vy, = 3.V. voltage drop across each stu = 2 = 075.V de 2-0 in he af are" €W ip = S— fh = S—1 = AMA ‘ers ach de he vag dis vn = vant) 2s 10° ora v Voltage deop across 4 diodes 4073 = 2977 sochangein V4, = 3 2977 = mV kx: 3-16 For a vener diode Vu ® Viet bore w= Vv, | 001 x 50 Vi, > OS Fort, = Sma Vg = 95 + 0.005 x0 = 975V b =30 SOV Nuss “Te einimum zener catent shoud be Sk lg = SX 1 = Sm, Since the oa eure can be a large as 15 mA, wwe should select R so thal with /, = IS mA ‘ener curren of $m avaiable Thus the eur Fen! shoald he 20 m9 Leading to 18-36 Bima. Maximum poner dissipated inthe diode cecurs when f= Os 70.0 Pas WS = 12 MV Exercise 3-4 Bx: 3.18 Be: 3.19 isv Atno load Vy = 5.1 The diode starts conduction at = Vy = OT 4 = Vesinet, bore Vy = 1248 Mat =0 vy = Yysind = Vy = 07 123sino = 0.7 --92 o> sin 22 inn ‘Conduction stans at @ and stops at 180 ~ 0. ‘Total conduction angle = 180 ~ 20 = 1752° 2m " = & | crsne — voras as = El-Vscoss - Veo Ven’ Mt ELV se080 ~ Vcost = 9) = Vit = 201 a But cos0 = 1, cos(a ~ 6) = and 7-20 > Yo ome % Ms For Vy = 12/3 and Vy = 0.7 V omy = PL 82 « sasy Exercise 3-5, «The peak lode caret ose al he peak diode - Ps m= eakeamem = 128=07 _ 165 ma = 07 Now zero op occurs fot angle = 2 — 20) LJ “The fraction ofthe eycle for which 1p > 0 is — Ma= 29) ne = e210 sin (07) bo Ga) = x 100 = 74% Average outpat voltage Vo is Peak diode current fis j= Yeo. B= 07 ® 100 163 ma PIV = Va~ Vn t Vs 1-07 + 18 4 As shown inthe diagram the output i 240 = m2v between (x ~ 8) to ( +0) ars Be 3.21 Here 0 is the angle at which the inputs reaches Vip Vgsind = Vp But cos= 1 cost w= ~ «Peak current ocvers when ¢ nom Peak Corres Vysin(e2)— Vy Y= Yop vay Wry is 12 Viens then Vy Exercise 3-6 (©) Peak diode current ~ Peak Voltage R = Vs 2¥p . 1ayB= 14 108) = 186 ma, PIV = Vp Vy = 1242-07 = 163 Bx: 3.22 Full wave peak Rectifier: Da “The ripple voltage isthe amount of discharge that ‘eeurs when the dindes are not conducting. The ‘output voltage is given by: tip = Vee ME Vpn Ve = ye ‘alte period. discharge is only Te find the average current, note thatthe charge supplied during conduction is equivalent othe ‘charge lst during discharge. sur = QLose iuut = CV, SUB (@) Ve, tae tee Me Iyat= este = 7B oar ‘where wis the conduction angle [Note the conduction angle isthe same expression ‘forthe half wave rectifier and i given in FQ 3.30 ware Substituting for wAr we get o Since the output is approximately held at Vis qi Mom by. Ths: mde Tm ow te fF +h [rsa fie] eno f= Ois at the peak, the maximum diode current ‘occurs at the onset of conduction orat 1 ~ wat. During conduction, the diode current is given by: ict he oy ath i i tin assuming i, isconst i, ~ SP 4, = cL, cosut) +f CL ,cosmt) —Csinat x oY, +I = ~Csin(—wA1) Xa, + I, fora small conduction angle sin(wA) = wat, Thus: inn © COMIX OV, + hy Sabb) to get: ma fiom = ¢JMEWV, +t cfr SUB © = 2nf sub(adforf anata VRC oF “ese if v2.22] ano Bx: 3.23 “The cunpat voltage, sg an be expressed as ty > Wp = Voge tthe end ofthe discharge interval t= (¥,~ Woo ~ ¥,) Te discharge occurs almost over half ofthe time period = 172 time constant RC >> Z For Keo T V, = Vy Wood sh Here V,, = 12v3 and ¥, = 1 Vig = O8V 1 TeeaK THRE 16) ; 2eepseiog StF Without considering the ripple voltage the de ouipat voltage ~~ 2x08 « AY che the output vokage is 1B- 208-4» ev ‘The conduction angle wA\r can be ebtained using equation 4.30 Y, 2x wat = fe [2X0 - 016 Vy din b= 2x08 rad) = 207° ‘The average and peak diode curents can be calcu ated using equations? 34 and 3 - 35 tone = (t+ 4 ER) te = BY and ¥, = 128 -2%0. iE vey Las 7, airs an f% Inga = (+26 fF) = 2744 PV of the des Ve Yao wav “To keep the safety margin, select a diode capable cof a peak current of 15 «4A and having a PIV rating of 20.V. Bx: 3.24 inp St “The diode has 0.7 V deop at mA cure in = bee Tma © san = vy! For 4) = WMV, vy 1 = 1Omv Inisideal i, = i = 0 i, = Wmv Tie = nA Wma i WA) 407 = OSV Tin) 07 iy 25. 10 Vy = vet Wmv 038 + 001 = 059 For = 1¥ yey AY ip = te ike ~ Tt % = OT Vy = OV 4 UKE Ema sary For yy © 1 V, the diode is cutoft ov V, = =12V because its ideal amplifier Ee 3.25 }—0 x, " Rote 17 20 ~ diode is ewotr ty = OV ncon ide conducts and opamp sinks load Bx: 3.26 1K Both diodes are eu-off for -$5 545 and 1, 0 Exerclee 3-8 For 1 s-5V Diode D, condes and ~seley selene) (-25-#)v For y=5V Diode D, conduets and ty 2 $54 My 5) (se3)v Bx 3.27 Reversing the diode results i the peak outpot voltage being clamped at OV: Here the de component of uy = Vo = —SV Exercise 4-1 of le= emt Yee ~ Maes = Vein (2) ses = 100 +25 [24] = or mv ney = 700+ 2510 [2] 25 x 29.9336 = 748 mV > 158 mv bn 46 4.2 “ Vee 45V mn Royse < Wri" isoet ke 098 <0 < 0993 ious rc Bx 4.3 2 fe den le =1460 mA=0.01446 m9 Ble = 146 mA, ee var = 690 nV te = ma For active range Vo = Vp Retmax) = Yec= 0.650 7 I= WA Areag = 100% Areay. Noe = 100% 15 = 107 A Bx 4.8 iw tell ge ete forig= 0 Bx: 4.5 Given: Ig = 1A, B = 100, te = LA ar = tye + be = beef + Exercise 4-2 Be: 4.12 visy Fig 612 B= 100, Vgp = OR Vat le = Ema Vaes~ Vary ~ Vela Ves! teal 250693 = 0.01733 | Blsel ts Vex = 0817 V em 100 FPF 100 x 100 = 109 02219 ~ 22.2 Bx 4.10 Iyer tg = Be ama = Shoe te? w 25 2510 Be 4.11 mT ASA pints 10") ao 2s 25734 -iny 643 mv > 50,Vjg = 07V Vp = V_-07V = 0-07 = -07v = 07+ 10 te = “8A 10K 093 mA = 1.6 mA v=o fe ok = 001 ma ears ~ 65 ma, Ye 168 a LS om» 1 pote 16s 6 by Vem Veo # tee Woe 165% Exercise 4-3 Bx 4.15 2mA ake -3v Vie decreases approx 2 mV/°C rise for MFC rise Vg = -2 30 60 nV AV, = -@ mv Sinee Ji eonstant J, is constant 4 AVe = OV Bx 4.16 B orp oF = he 1 6 Bin + inFigtay PCE sein Figiby Exercise 4-4 Bx 4.17 ~Ys Ww OTe — 7 10 05 ma Vor + Toe 07+ 10x 001 osv (b)edge of saturation veg = 03 V wo-03 97 1 = 92 = astm « 0K To” OST mA Je © Tel = 091/50 = 00194 mv Bx 4.18 a " Vg = 0.7 + 0.0194 x 10 = 0.894.V (6) saturated Veg = 02 V Te = (10~02)/10 = 098 md Jy = Te BF = 098/10 ~ 0.098 mA, Vy = 0.7 + 0.008 x 10 = 168.V z Fx: 4.20 Nar HV Kees SY Yun 4 Fie 4.18 7 r By similar ages ABD v ACE 1. Ak 1K Sk ry Wee ve o iw Fig 6.20 For Vag = 0 Ky nao ts Teansistor is OFF ° ‘ fe=0 mi We = Veo= take i v=o hoy Re 1k B= 50 avactive Vee SV Vo ov ty le orn STK —Ve 0 For Vag = LTV ty = Wot te™ Bln = 5001 = SmA Vos = 5x 1k 4SV > Vyp (0 Active) (4) edge of saturation Ver ~ 03 ‘eo Ver. 1003 fe = Yoo Ver « W508 (b) deep saturation yep 02V Jy = 0.1 mA (unchanged) Je Brawealy = 10X01 * 1 ma, Re = 9202 = o8ko Tima kx: 4,22 Hov tig 4.22 Atclge of saturation yp = O3V Vor = eRe 034 tek Tele + Rel +03 1, = 9=02 ~ ars areas Vow = Wee + 07 = 122833407 -47V Exercise 4-5 Bx 4.23 +10v +4y osm’ “Ve : Ve +10v Yu 47k 02v aaKo ov Brecat = 5 Then l= Sly ha6h w-02 te STATS 6X = 0.200mA Vn 6x33 aay Va Ve 4 07 sisv Exercise 4-6 Ex: 4.25 voy s10v 1SV Re aa sorv— 100k }), oav 03 Lye 03 T*. i v fe tin sop = 150 -10v Inactive range w SOT v=0 fe op = O03 ma 407 V, lowest fr lagest 8 be hop = 465 mA Rens 1 0991, = 13th Reo & For 8 = 50 099 4.65 Y= 10 ~ 50% 0083 = 678V = 22k0 Forp = 150 [Wamax) = 0+ 07-04 +0) v.=03V Bx 4.26 Ex 4.28 nov Hisv { Ym ska. tov B30 5x50 - Vn = BEM 2 sy nek 130 ky = 9592 93x ay = SO] 100 ees vows a wv he Yan Var - RvR BOT Pn rn Rye 17) 1 31 07 v3 Lisa, Exercise 4-7 0 te B= a5 ma change = 128115 change ae 39.8% as “Total current drawn = 0.103 + 1.252 + 2.75 ma = 4.135 ma, Power Consumed = V1 15% 4135 = 62 mW 8 100 Jes unchanged Je unchanged Vis = Veo = 07¥ ve Ie, om = 101 gs ror 18 Hence ve [aerag or ae nn Hoar ov ve = 100 ¥ ve Ve or 07 100) io 626 he 1a ma Ex: 4.31 Ie 5-07 “io T0051 = 01039 ma Ans: Ye -394V Bx: 4.32 OV, by Ge ov te, v,+07 ssv lass io 045 aa, Obey 48 heats as 4.35 m0 1x 0 fe 96 << 30 dy, Sat" on Be Dy 78 mA X Sat® ot 1p3 48 A vy fi iv 1) 248A 10 “ons Veg = WB = 20V ne > Waker. Wa? aan Veg Swing = 20-03 = 17 Ay» Mex Woe 1V al fe. sma fn 20mav B30 B= 20 20maNV ex: 4.37 B10) fe tims \ gomary ry Be as x Ww ae Exercise 4-8 320 viv Bx: 4.38 nisv a woKn tour | Sima En 1s-1 Nain = Ve = as a5 TR x10=5V Nan FoR Aye) 10) — 400 > 0.005 sinor 2sin wt (0) IW) fy + thet) 104 2sinar (Ay Fx 4.39) © tat adis Bx: 4.40 092 ma “10v Change Reto 7.5 KO Vo= -10 +092%75 =-RIV iy = 276% 10 my 276¥ Be 4.41 ov gue or ol ~ wR qpoz Pima Ie = Uma 10 0.99 m 1c = 1 ama H 0.09 tq = Gh = 9.0009 ma Ve = 10 8 «099-248 Vp 10 0.0089 > ~0099 ~01V Vp = 01-07 = -0Rv cise 4-9 wen few BB = mommy 253K 400 thus etfect of ry is = 3.9% Bx @4.41 Av ~ ~falto! Red Ry > oll Rod Rul, RAR, ol RRL GoD ROTR, trol Red Ry) fa ® bx: 4.42 Fore 1m fe LBA ay maiy i” os 6 1045 Be xe my A 1 one eT asin (ry | Red = —40¢5 | 100). - 976 Exercise 410 ote = TAS = SZ noasan = 500 Tor 7 a Ry = Sk+ (B+ 03S 40.4 KO Bleol Reb Ri) _ 100% 10 Rigt By WO Fad =~ 198vv For fc #05 mA and Re Be 4.44 Je A OS an m pone 1 om Ba Boas MAN oe Wo soKa 25ko 200 Ke san Ayo = ~20(200 kf 10x) Avo = Saltoll Re) = take 005 viv 40%5 = 200vV Ro = Rel ta ‘00 ww iy = 100 ~ 10K 200% aes = 95k _ = 10s x5 ay 5495 =~656vN G, = te Lxo56 ~ -msvw Hos - 50 Desay mt 32 poh = mv lied = 32.8 x 10m = 033. mee © 25/50 = OS mA Ay = + eee = 20S = ION VV be 443 6, = bea = sow aw Ya 8 aah Ry 2 Bx 4.46 k & ki = 80/20 ~ 488 LT bs re BER Vy Rr HUB DR k refs 7 fy = BEBE and og = aN Re 1 Bs 100 ue . = BE DR, Exercise 411 = 054 101%! = 105k Gyo = MR, moved, ro = >I mths . O54 101 ogy Tor R, a ty RytR,” diorey ONY Bx 4.47 Veo #12 Ay = 4Re ipgiven 2. maximize Re WRe+ 24034 TR Vee 07 RAR TBA Ret R BTN Sa Ret Ry MBH 1) = A3kO For independence from B, set Ry = OCOK for Cp) 2 Rp = 43K Ve(min) = ¥p+03.V = 03 VCQ = Vetmin) +2V = +10 = hima ee cecnange = HM= 0937 9p re = Hence - = nasi “tone Be 4.49 Design 2 wey % nav Ky c B= 100 4 ov Exercise 412 (cont) Ve-¥, fy H Yt. ies—07 = 77 Ko Using $¢ resistors: Re= TSKOR, = IDEA 074 1pRy§ leRe~ Veo = 0 Ww -07 "MWB Jy = 992 Ie = OLX Ty 1,002 ma, Ve = 107.501.0029 = as Bx 4.50 Vex Jerr fe ¢ Cy Os “Vi Yn 10V Bo 100k, = WOK Ro TSKO Jy = Te/AB ON) fe 100 = 001 ma Vg = Om IgRy = ~1¥ Ve = Va O7V = 19 = Boxcix7s = 92 phy xix7s = r2srv ® Yoc=07+ Ver. 193 - ann 7 Taee ry 4.51 Retort Fig E451 Jes ay Tama By > BOL ma Ve Week = 2¥ p10 89L im) = AY po bear nay B= 100: upper timit=> Vee~ Wp = 8 lower value > Vp Ve = OV there Vee May) Swing: -14-2=-34V B = 50: upper sill 8V, lower 31 = 0.0196 mA 50 Vy = ~1.96.V =1.96V ~04—2= -44V 8 = 200: upper sit 8V, lower => Ly = 0.005 mA so Vy = -05V =05~04-2= -29v v= 10 r= 12 = soos Je Am Be = Be OMA n= B= Ww Be gh = 25mm =a or Bx: 4.52 Example 4.50 a Porn 25en Ri = Ral re © 10H) 25 = Dat KO Avy = Role = ~40 x8 > =320,V/V Ry Re BRA Aug = Aalto H Re | Ry) AO 3S hoviv Ry = roll Re = WOO} 8 — TARO Aye © Balto 1 Re) Wx 74 = =296.VV 3.1 Ret Ry v= 1s mv Re 39.115 = S86 mV Exerclee 413 Example 4.50 no dOmAN or, y= 100K ¥ tag = SHO Rem re + QHD, Ry = Rall Ry = AX Rug = 20K R= 100K oarke ~ 23.0 4008) waa ~ “RY ; =HeRel RY Gy = ge ie Reps de, eR OY ae ay = DK OR Gy way = Erna Nove: withoat Re Ay = gue f RD 23 Vv swith Re: Vig _ 5420 5 ie = $420 - Soy. = 625m it, = ERB = Savy, = 625mv wo, ig = OSL Bay, sav smV (25) 100) 1 Wel = MiP Ay = 5124 ~ 62 mv Br: 4.54 4Omav v= 100 oun = 100 ree 25K a= 099 20 = 1m R= na 2580 “Faa(Rel Fo) 40x 10°" x (Bk || 100k) -296vNv Raa ry = 7440 tea(Rell Re rod = 40% 3 = 120VV Lot Rte, OTS 0.008 VV 500 2oKe Mo = (B+ Di(rod RD ¥y_ iB + Grol Ri) 4 Ex 4.56 blank Exercise 414 ta Hem r+ (B+ rol RD 05+ (101)20} 1) 96.7 st Ay = Rall Ry = 40] 967 = 28340 G, = Yen iy Yo vy, R, (B+ rol Rd REF Rig” (RT Ry) + B+ Der, + oD) RD = 0796VKv = My OK 090" WRT BR se 51 200) Gyo Gy = 08 IV Roa = Toll e+ UR RAB + VD = 20] 10.05 + 0.079] ks =s0 fy = VX Urol n) _ 001 098 fy = “2X Uol 1) - O01 098 49 T woos 1 ForRQQ 0S 10 20 GN) 068 07350765 Bess Cap = Sw MELE 8 gas (ym? by = 480 cm? VS eC, = 388 ASV? = (tes ¥) = 05 V 1 Wyo oe = KEV yee Ho sus for Tk" £ 1 = 018 wm, so W = 0.93 wm Be s2 ¢ BS OFM. a9 Fyn i aam by = $80 em? VS. BC ye = OT WAY tn = 20 Vow = 0.40 V. Vicia = Yow = 940 V, for saturation Bx:5.3 fy Change in J, is (a) double L. 0.8 () double W, 2 ‘modulation) () changes (a) =) 4 (6) would cause leaving saturation if Vox < Vo ly Wy2 to = ah T ov = 0.25 mA forall Ups = Voy = 05 Ve Bx:56 50x08 = 40, Vp = LV >Vyy = 05 V = Saturation: Ip = 1 200 x 18 x asta + es In = 4% 200% 38 x as*c1 + 0025.1) = 051 ma = 2. 02s ma x 1sv om v= -1¥, Kn 60 pA Mo 10h, © aa wary? (2) Conduction occurs For Yes ores ¥ HVS FAY, (by Triede region oeeurs FoF UI, Vip or ty ~ ys —1 fe) Conversely. for saturation pity (Given d = 0 TBA ww, z [aul = 05 V = tos Vy Exercise 5-2 w= +35. Ys vet 45V. (e) Pork = —002 Vand [Voy = 05 V. Ip = TS pAande, = = 667 ko 1 ian, Ary, = av. Le Yiveata «unite fo = 5K Fo + least) = 75 WAL) = 78 pA AV = OV. Ip = 7S WACLID) = 825 pA Wes ave Bos 2 BV = gt kn Bly ~ 35 pA x5 Ley Ly 0 Hy Corte Voy 903 — Lx Fo = pinGong Vow 08 = 3 * Top iw = Voy = 05 V=3 Vax = asst isv Ve-¥, a s To A, Ry 7k v9 OSV Co, © 94 MAL 18-08 TEMA 19 ka, Bx: 5.10 + 1av R x Fy a From Exe. $9, Vay OR Vy Vi, = OS Vy Vow = 03V. Jy = 72 WA (saturation) At the tiode/saturation boundary Vp ™ Vor = 03 Ry = AX2 = MBKN Vag = 5 Vy Assume triode region: Flos ~ VWs ~ — Yo = Vos ® = Vig~ RaRY,, + 04 ~ 0 3 Vyy © O05 V = Vy =o triode 1 5 = 005 _ a8 Bx: 8.2 As indicated in Example 3.5 Vac = ¥, foe the sransstor 1 be in 02 ma region, Vo wa = VorVe = S-1 av Yop —¥; Ip = 05 mA R, ab Sh nie ‘omen Tp 0 oot = ake Rx: 5.13, Ip = O32 mA = Voy = 08Y Vos = O8 +1 = 18V Vo = Ve4 Vor = 16 +18 Bax Rar Vs ® Vor 9 Vy = Voy + Ve Vp 08 +16 = 24 e Assume Vp = 34Y, then Ry = sen x: Sad iav md ty, Vy = 0a v Ke Ot masy? Ww. 10 um : Ls wok, = 556 mAs V E> oa wm Voy = <6 4 Vy = LO 18 [yk = O8V. for Vay = 06 ¥ ty = Hv 2, = 04 ma R= 00 Exercise §-3 Re 55 1% ~ 0: Since the cieuit is perfectly symmetical V, =Oand therefore Vag=0 which implies the transistors ar tamed off nd Jpy = top V, = 25 Vi If weassume that the NMOS is turned on then x, would be less than 25 V and this implies that PMOS is of (Vgsp> 0) toy = vy 2sv roe v-25ve— Yo wo = txias-v,-1y on 5 yy = OSS = V5) AO: Ve = Rugg = (01, Igy ~ OSAS—10Iyy)° = 100F3. — = 0104 ma Tgp = 02 ¥y = 10% O4OE LOEW Vi, = 25 V: Again if we assume thit Qpis en V,> —2.8 Vand Ves) <0 hich implies the NMOS Qy is tarned of fo Exercise 5-4 1, leMiy, - 1, Beg Mau = Wel? Yo 10 yy May = Wy +18 inf Ea, slope ~ VIDE mA=2 V,, ~~ 10% 0108 = Lowy " Fx: 816 Von v= ody. eS fm ; Voo ~ 18V. poe Var NOV. + w = 1 Vg = 18 ky ska By = 17S KO 3) Vip 02 Vay 2 OAV. , AMV oy = 800 BAY A amar! i hoo For Aye egy ~~ 105 make (A) Cuot Saturation Boundary ky = 125 ko Was = VO Vict = ty = RY Ns 06 Vis fy = 08 mA. (15) Saturation! Tris Boundary ea Maye th Wo 4. vo oe Ao) keep Ry) = 178.KSE 2 tus [Wan = Akaltas = Vip'Rp] = Oo Bak Stl WAVY Moy ELK S802, OR tag FOOSE = ad Vor = 0.48 V BB Ui5— iy t= Yay = O54 V. fy = OOH mA tas = 613 V.. 0.1585, ; Ym LY. y= 97 WA ee ty = Oat V (CIF Hane Vn = 1S Yo ie Voy AY Ry Foy = OV = 19 A ts wos +f, Vole Yasle Von oii mv. nar 1 Design for A= 22 = 25, Ry = 500 kD Rally = 25 = honky ken Y= Yon iam Ry = 26K. = BMD ToRy (fav yey 3h oy eatVoy = 125 Vow ant Vow = Von ¥,~ tty = 43 ~ 128 Yay Yor = 0310 V ke = MOUALY hy = HS Vos = Yor + fen = 04 268) V, av. Som |b 4g Ley | abo Exercise 5-5 ia Bete Been 1 nea = Er 2 ar520 Yo inf F Ry i Yoo = SV. Vo = 2, wey. K=O parv? fy = 1040 Wo 7 200 uA fos Ay = ey (@) %, ~ 02 sinor ¥ Uy. © 08 sinew, Uns © Vg + Uy. 9 22S Ups 38 V. (e) Using 5.43) tn = May YO 1 UAVs Vide + bah ut Meet She iy = 20 WA + (80 wA)sinuat + (8 wArsin'wr Exercise 5-6 = [200 + $0 sinwr + (4 ~ 4 cose) nA Ip sbiftsby 4 pA 2uD 4A 0 eA Ex: 5.21 Mp ites Dee Geto peo x40 LS 1 Jy = 300 WA = 03 MA, Yor ~ OSV 12 maly, by hx we wr oss Ww n> LSS MALY a eens) 522 Jy = OL mAs gy > EMA, R= SORAIV av Cov yy Same bia conditions, so BCE Moe Same bias and g for bath PMOS ‘same Vy ad also same and NMOS, HaCaally = agCaglhy BE = Od = me ve as Bx: 524 = Mee ty = AE Vs0 — WAY «bx 60% Sx ae— 1" 3x00 M8 xa6~ 0) Ip = 216 pA 720 paly 0.72 malv d= 001 Vy VAX = Vy Los wma, = 10 viv Be 8.26 570) Ay, = ~ Reto Po) 15.72) Ry = Roll to Avot Re tay eRe Ry Ags a, = neko NOR R Ag > —8alBal RY > —RalRoll rl Red (5.78) 25.27 pd, Exercise 5-7 Ip = 0.25 mA, Voy = 025 V, A Vv, = 50 Atete ~ Belo To) = —BoRo $)a9 mar vnc key Ro > Rall ro = Ry = 20K0 - to Ay = Ge = ~se(Rol ry Rd x: 5.30 CD amplifier 1 ~aa(Rol Ry) = 20 VIV 100 = gq = 10 MALY for Gye = (0%) 2Vyy = 005 VY. u My _ 2p iy = (Ayie| = ve we Ge GGA S lo = LS mA 528 oe ost y. ko A ot mv. "AMS 100K + a= 1000 o9v Assuming V9 From Ex $27 a fn = 2 ms CD fore ftlower) in somv ; Ruy © 200 = hag, = SMAIY Pek, 200 mv : Rem ASAD * ov = A MAT) Gy Ay Tali B20 g (was vy2¥ = so le In ~ LM vd, = 01628 ma 2» ue Gy = tat ali for Ko R= OK O83 © G = 09% Exercise 5-8 Bx: $32 ~ TH eer A Ny, for v, gy = 090 = —! oe Vay = 040, ty Noe 4a Bx S.3 1 od bys =) Vos © 2 WF Y,= 15 V then L ty = Axixe- My 0s Vs—Vp = hh Ry = 62k0 I we choose Ry = Ry = 6.2 kO then 1, will, lightly change: XD Wes — 1 Also Vis = —Vs = 5~ Ral Up = A~ 6p)" 9 3BAMI;, — S161, +16 = 0 3 I, = 049 mA, 086 mA 120.86 results in V,> Or V,> V0 acceptable, therefore fy = 0.49 mA Vom 5462 x 0a9= 196 Vi=5~ 62 0492 +196V A, should be selected in the range of 1 MEL 10 10 MQ. have tow curr 35 = os ma = tM vie VE Bp = OS md = SEV 29 Viv os x2 Vow = 129 Vy = Vp => Ry = Ry, ~ 62 AM standard value, For this Ry we have to eealelate J: 1x Vey — nv (es > Vn = Yon ~ Roly) Vp = 5-62-4049 = 1.96 ¥ Fx: 5.36 Using Eg. 3-53. ww. erry, Shay © 08%) lage | OL MA Le) yo, oe vt a= MQ) vy eer = 1 = A(T) Vane Vin = KZ gases tyy OSV on Veg Vy A, 2 SY By = S41 = asy Exercise 5-9 Por ry 9 Ry = Re ATMO Aggy % ~ Ray = = 1S Ray Ry = ISK For ry = 150 RM, Ry = 1S kM Re 47 MO Ay = ~BalRoll 10) = ~136 at ob op = 136 KO k : ; = -10 ne Ls i = 25.V4 GMOS Vp) 1 428 Vp. sims sperinposed pom —o ~25V a25V de voltage. res39 eas > _ 3 Ves = V, + Voy © 25V — ° va = 0 7) 1 Vy = -25. B Vo = Yoo ~ InRn +25 ¥, = = mary te = EV oy © EMA = 50 ko yn rot Bs "Ry Fru PRAT * Rata) 2%, rok Bayo ¥ s(* Rare) ‘sing @) = LaBaroly Ca Ry = Ret te). aes ko Tate busedon Ry = 1S. K. ro = 180 Ky fe = Tims Be: S40 Forother Ro ie won ion KP Exercise 510 150 KO Re [a7 Me u7 Mo Ro [10 [ooo ‘A, [0938 0932 1 ko 0993 ka 6, 0.768 Ex5a2 See the next page Exercise 5-11 sing ey. (5.107 Ye Mg tt $F Vey Poel V, = 08 + 04{/07 43 — JT) ¥,= 123V Exercise 5-12 Bx $43 Vag = 41VY, = -2V Vg~¥ =3V ‘TO OPERATE IN SATURATION REGION: Vora = Yas" ¥e = 3 in = KM (Veg ~ v9? in = PM Wer~ v0) Las = oma Bx: 6A.1 (a) The minimum valve of /, occurs ‘when Vou 02 and = O.L, that is Lye M Iw = 5 eC Von = OBA ‘The maximom value of fy occurs when Y OAV and 100, that larrange of curreat in an npn transistor, we have yeteny x: GA.2 Foran NMOS Fabricated inthe 05 the sm pres, wi M10, we wa transconductance and the intrinsic gain obtained for the following drain currents: (2. 0.5m) (iY Ty = 10) WA, 8 Pes ac (190) HA v LETOXTOR TD = 02 MA Vy 2 Wak. = 1Mo iowa 2m x 200 ¥ + gare = 0298 v1 = 20 ¥ Por Jy = 100 BA we ba: 100 ke tn WO RA ger, = 062 MA se WO KD = 62 Ve v Exercise 6-1 = 274 x 0Kn = 26 v/' sare 7 2A x 10K = V/V Bx:6.A.3 For an NMOS fabricated inthe 0.5 ym ‘CMOS technology specified in Table 7.A.1 with = 05 ym, W= Sym, and Vy = 03V We have 190 BA S x03? vas *® SHA 057 masv a3V 2x05 ASS wa ~ r= O67 VV n7ka Gu me Cy 2 xsx05%38~ 04x oP XSKOS x 38~ 04 x5 Cy © BIER Cy = ConW © 04x 5 =2 0 Sn RET Ea Sr 88GHx Ex 6.1 Fert obi, neo (6-2 7), 2) Sin Feety = WA, sa > PAGRIWATY AON pw) = 0.28 mA sing eg. 16.15 pus A, = SOV Exercise 6-2 For ¥, ® Moy, yok a re Ro £ 100» Tmaw ~ SM OV 500 n ka PAX + somo = fay = MALY) (500 KO) ~ 2000 V/V AL= gating = MANY (3000 500 KD) = 1000 vv Since all wansistors have the same W 22ym Fes. 4th halved: OSM apg 7 O36 um weave Wal = Walt tu = Fo Joy = NO WA 1M] = 5 Von 1375 ¥ sae pwc) do NG), Mom = WM Wa). 20. gg Wo? ty, ORV) = Prcas7 wary) (22 12d may we vy Wa $8 nm OD Ae 5 Coo TF Wonl (1 Walls — 6V gem (03 lke Yam O36 gm) — 946 ‘0.1 ma are ke Orallted Y 203 A> = (124 mAV) U8 KO 216M nave Exercise 6-3 al wansistors ate identical andthe gate voliages are fixed, Vou = 07-05 = 02 V Vou = Var = Var ~ Ye Yor = 10-03-02 = 03 V the lowest Vig: cam 208 |Vyy) = 02 V Voss + Vnsz = 03-402 = 05V Vous = 0.7 V Ver #11 + Mod = 08+05+02 = 15.V Vgos €an 20 as Tow as iy. 90 Vi ¥oi~ Vintg, = 1S=02 = 13V = Ke Roy (aahaday = 2 mAVIUO KY 200 kad Roy = estates) © mANVIO ROY 2a) kw R, Ray © 100 KO ay = fend? © 2 mavico Ky 2 7! Ay =~ 200. VV Ip 025 ma 26.7, = 12. Bee The = Fy O25 VE 2 2 maw no Wee SY “Tp 025 mA aoe (a) From Fig. 6.13 Rye by ia teed Ron el Ry Ww PmAWV © (mA) ED) = 09+ Zoe k= 1M hy, ~ 5000+ EMO. 285 ke R,~ WwoKn %q = 5000 + WOK _ 3 Ko R, = 20K0: R,, = 5000 + KD 0 R= 0 R, ~ 300042 = 05 Ko 5 3 (6) From Fig. 6 13 Ro > ret Ret ha dRy Rao Ry = WKA+O+ (OVO) = 20K Ry ko. Roy = RAT KO + OLD = OL KA Re = 10RD: Ky = 20K + 1A + (40)10 KD) = 430K Re = 20 kD: Ry = KO 20RO 4 40)20kO) = 810K Ry > 100 ko: Ry = 20K0-+ 100 KO = 140)¢100 KY = 412 MO bx. By, Ys. 2 Tp ~ Ot wA $0. (ate) = TmMAVOOKM) = 20 (a) For A, = 20K0,, Rt tes Tears Ae = ~HaaCraall Riad) = =] mANVQOKE 19K) = If we use the approximation of eg. 16 « 35 wx Kn 2042049 - Lora avy Hither method is corre! ‘continuing, from eg. 46 . 3. Ay © =9mllgmeraaro dl Rel Ay = <1 mANV{L20)20 KO) 20 KY = 1908 viv = Av . =W08 ay, > S132 (0) Now. for R, = 400 kD, ~ 105 VV maw Ay © =P MAW OKO] 21k) = -102 VV Ay = <1 mANE20)20 KO} 400K} 200 vw Ay = At 196 ay Ex:6 - he circuit of Fig.6.14 ean be modeled as = -Keko so, the ain remains the same It, connected wo the ote. p= he or, Aen pag ako, a ae lr TW geht rahe, R R ~ leer da 1+ gas), Ex: 6.10 Yep eee tay BLT) Mins els, (6) The miniumum voltage allowed across euerent source 1, would be [Vou — 0.2 Vif made with single transistor. Ha. No si allowed A sscing is tobe ne drain of), the highest de bias voltage would be Voy= Wont = Lt Xie ws-02- Lion Lssv (Yeo Yo Wort + WVipi = 02 #08 = OV 07-085 (4) Since current source sis implemented with a scoded current source similar to Fig.6 10 the ‘minimum voltage required across it for proper ‘operation is 2Vow = 200.2 V) = 04 V (6) Feom pars (c) and (2), the allowable range of ignal swing athe output is from 0.4 V to 1.55V = Vow or 138 V. 50, 04V= Vos 135V x6 - UReterring wtp. 6-19, op = (easfeatou 3) and Ru = UarFeaMtonll 2) 17 and Qy canbe selected an oy nd se ery High and have isigiicant effect (>>, then, Ray = Castor Rep = (Bastoras Nee fare = Bo Roy = Bata Since Av = — ea (Rg | Re [Atal = &ai(Botoel Brtosd 12For the npn trasistors, Bat > a = Yama r wa aso rot "Wd From Fig 6.19, Row = (Barto 6, SAMOS KEES KO! 1S KE) or a For the pp tanssons Wd oma sn te MA may r ry = & 50 | 625K ere a Bina ~ OFS Re ay ron ton ary " VW 02ma, " Pag © ast toad Fes) ( maWy(20 LONOKE | 628K) ky We ke AL = Hei Ron Rog) (8 MAY) (1.67 MO 0782 MOY A, = =4.186 VV Exercise 6-5 ‘Ar Occurs whee Q and Qy are selected and bias sothat roy and roy are>> r, Then, Roy = (Reaor’'ee ™ Bator Roy = WOO2SkN) = 25M Fog = UasForres = Bator Ray = 520k) = IM Final Aguae = “(8 MANS MER} LO-MEL) Avaas = “STAIN eld = AMA. 4 ay +1384 Vv, mv 40 mV 100 25 a ska OV . oka 10 ow Referring to Fig. 6.20, roll + Bol Rel re] roxafi +40 ACOs cng 25k) v 1767. out R (thats, R, =O), 1oKa R= ro Bucs .14Fig.6.249) Bat = PCW TE tar ~ 2200 BAZ VV25)0100 nA) tar = 1A, Ge = te = LA ed Ora Ky * Uaatundrorll fon) (4 mAV(50 KO\.50 LOY 25K “C1 AVN 3.33 MY aaa a Oy -3an x 10! vv Fig. 72106) Yoo Vesof Vpn 0- From part (a. mA ay an = AA ry = SOKO Pal Tyg ry = 15 KL ety > AAW Prom Fig. 6-19 Ry Ry > teat 30. Ry = CLMAVY(SO KAYE MAYES RED) (30K 254A) a, = 167 MO Aug = ~aeilt masvile™MQ) 668 % 10" VV x26 . 15th the current source of Example 6 25 wehave fy ~ 100 pA and we want to redoce the change in output current, 3. corresponding toa LV hunge in oop vole, AV, 10 1% of Yo 2 pois 2 LY = ODL 100 A raze EY ema Tea Vax XL ro, = SE i a = Ob fa Tir a, 100. Vim Fis keep Varo the matched transistors the same =) Sym stot ample. 28! of be tomie should rermn the same. Thotefore Exercise 6-6 pi = um w = 50 wm Sum tum a So the dimensions ofthe matched transistors Qy ‘nd Qy should be changed to: W = 50 wm and L= Spm Bx:6 16 For the circuit Figure® -7we have ws owrny h Nee GV7E, 4 tri), = 1S /bs at 9 1A neal chan! engis ar eat bye ly = ee bs = Em and Tey = 10 wAsty = 60 As ty = 20 nA, I= 1 = WwAand f= 0 pA. we haw: fa ha Ww, ° b> henge 2 ro MegMs Is a0 ow, In onder to allow the voltage a the drain of Q3 10 ‘20 down to within 0.2 V ofthe negative supply Volage we need Vpy3 = 0.2 V te Enc.) Hoy Gna ~ 3200 BAT) 029" L (9),~ apap Bam Bx w. Ws W, = 15 ym. 42 = oy = M2 = 25 um we 12 ’ w Ws dogwy = 2% W) = Sm Ww, " In order to allow the voltage atthe dexin of Qs 10 20 p fo within 0.2 V of postive supply we need Vote WM) Von vo wn Lt 8() aay wy) 2x80 - = = DIM = 5014 (2), soxa3s 0 ym soow, = Mm 125 pm Exercise 6-7 Bx: 6.19 25 um, Wy = 1S am, Ws = Sym See next page: 125 mm and Ws = 50 am 1.7 From equation 6 72 we have: m Y= Var 1 af ® 44207) m Ii =02) «mma 100K Ve f Royer Ye tow a Q + From equation 6.74 we have: Ice _(y 4, Yo Vee to ml Vomin = Veusar = 03 V For ¥, = $Y, From equation 6-74. have: trl) 9297 (1 1 $207) — astma 1 teri! * Sa ba 4 a oly | : have he fs ta ~ leteen Feogay tT tees) 1 Iaoggy than ot toe Meter = Hey 4 few Bp bay gt 1 beagg{t ht B Gina 1 beep tt! we From") wehave Fedgee 1 tne > Exercise 6-8 wet faa = Neoqyy* Honey Jase ledger WT ® Foran err not exceeding 10% we need: Sau Sie ena 09,0 meal ena Nat Olay ISO p> NeIstews ‘The maximum numberof outputs for an error not exceeding tobe lessthan 10% then we need Ne10. To this ease the maximunt number of outputs for nd errr of less than 10% is N= 9.

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