People Vs Lucena

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PEOPLE VS. LUCENA school in Parañaque City.

But, before allowing

AAA to get off, the appellant repeated his threat
FACTS: to kill her should she tell anyone about the
On 28 April 2003, at around 11:30 p.m., while
AAA, who was then 17 years old, was walking AAA also went to the Coastal Road Police
and chatting with her friends along one of the Headquarters, where she executed her sworn
streets of San Dionisio, Parañaque City, two (2) statement accusing the appellant of rape. AAA
barangay tanods, one of whom is the appellant, was able to identify the appellant as her
approached and informed them that they were assailant because the former was wearing a
being arrested for violating a city ordinance jacket emblazoned with "Barangay Police," as
imposing curfew against minors. AAA’s well as a Barangay Identification Card, at the
companions, however, managed to escape, time of the incident.
thus, she alone was apprehended. AAA was
then ordered by the barangay tanods to board The appellant and Rodel Corpuz (Corpuz) took
the tricycle. the witness stand for the defense. The
appellant, for his part, could only muster the
AAA was then brought by the two (2) barangay defenses of denial and alibi. He, thus, offered a
tanods within the vicinity of the San Dionisio different version of the story. the trial court,
Barangay Hall. Afterwards, one of them alighted giving credence to the categorical,
from the tricycle and went inside the barangay straightforward and positive testimony of AAA,
hall. The appellant, on the other hand, stayed in coupled with the medical findings of sexual
the tricycle to guard AAA. After a while, the abuse, convicted the appellant of three (3)
barangay tanod, the one who went inside the counts of rape as defined and penalized under
barangay hall, returned. But, the appellant told paragraph 1(a) of Article 266-A, in relation to
the former that he will just be the one to bring Article 266-B, of the Revised Penal Code of the
AAA back to her house. Philippines, as amended. Accused Appealed

Instead of escorting AAA back to her house, the ISSUE:

appellant brought her to Kabuboy Bridge in San
Dionisio, Parañaque City. While on their way, the WON THE ACCUSED IS GUILTY OF RAPE
appellant threatened AAA that he would kill her
once she resists or jumps off the tricycle. Upon WON THE ACCUSED IS LIABLE FOR 3 COUNTS OF
arrival, the appellant ordered AAA to alight from RAPE
the tricycle. AAA asked the appellant what he
would do with her but the former did not HELD:
respond. The appellant then took out the
backseat of the tricycle and positioned it in a A.
grassy area. He subsequently pointed a gun at
AAA and commanded her to lie down and to After a careful scrutiny of the entire records,
take off her clothes. The appellant later put the however, this Court finds no justifiable reason to
gun down on the ground and inserted his penis reverse the rulings of the lower courts.
into AAA’s vagina despite the latter’s plea not to
rape her. Satisfied, the appellant stopped. But, Whenever the rape is committed with the use of
after a short while, or after about five (5) a deadly weapon or by two or more persons,
minutes, the appellant, once again, inserted his the penalty shall be reclusion perpetua to
penis into AAA’s vagina. Thereafter, he stopped. death.
On the third time, the appellant inserted again
his penis into AAA’s vagina. Fulfilling his bestial Certainly, carnal knowledge of a woman under
desire, the appellant stopped and finally any of the following instances constitutes rape:
ordered AAA to dress up. The appellant even (1) when force or intimidation is used; (2) when
threatened AAA that he would kill her should the woman is deprived of reason or is otherwise
she tell anyone about what happened between unconscious; and (3) when she is under twelve
them. (12) years of age.

The appellant, thereafter, directed AAA to board The force and violence required in rape cases is
the tricycle. He then brought AAA in front of a relative and need not be overpowering or
irresistible when applied. For rape to exist, it is element of rape and need not be established
not necessary that the force or intimidation be when intimidation is exercised upon the victim,
so great or be of such character as could not be and, the latter submits herself, against her will,
resisted – it is only necessary that the force or to the rapist’s embrace because of fear for her
intimidation be sufficient to consummate the life and personal safety. The victim’s failure to
purpose which the accused had in mind. shout or offer tenacious resistance did not make
Further, it should be viewed from the voluntary her submission to the criminal acts of
perception and judgment of the victim at the her aggressor.
time of the commission of the crime. What is In light of the foregoing, it is beyond any cavil of
vital is that the force or intimidation be of such doubt that the appellant’s guilt for the crime of
degree as to cow the unprotected and rape has been proven beyond reasonable doubt.
vulnerable victim into submission. Force is
sufficient if it produces fear in the victim, such B.
as when the latter is threatened with death.
Accused insists that he cannot be convicted of
AAA’s categorical, straightforward and positive three (3) counts of rape despite the three (3)
testimony revealed that the appellant was penetrations because he was motivated by a
armed with a gun and the same was pointed at single criminal intent. This Court finds this
her while she was ordered to lie down and to contention fallacious.
take off her clothes, to which she acceded
because of fear for her life and personal safety. Here, we quote with approval the observations
The appellant then put the gun down on the of the Court of Appeals, which affirmed that of
ground and successfully inserted his penis into the trial court, to wit:
AAA’s vagina, not only once but thrice. This
happened despite AAA’s plea not to rape her. We agree with the trial court that the [herein
And, after satisfying his lust, the appellant appellant] should be convicted of three (3)
threatened AAA that he would kill her should counts of rape. It appears from the facts that
she tell anyone about the incident. This same the [appellant] thrice succeeded in inserting his
threat of killing AAA was first made by the penis into the private part of [AAA]. The three
appellant while the former was still inside the (3) penetrations occurred one after the other at
tricycle on their way to Kabuboy Bridge. It an interval of five (5) minutes wherein the
cannot be denied, therefore, that force and [appellant] would rest after satiating his lust
intimidation were employed by the appellant upon his victim and, after he has regained his
upon AAA in order to achieve his depraved strength, he would again rape [AAA]. Hence, it
desires. can be clearly inferred from the foregoing that
when the [appellant] decided to commit those
While it is true that the appellant had already separate and distinct acts of sexual assault upon
put the gun down on the ground the moment [AAA], he was not motivated by a single
he inserted his penis into AAA’s vagina and was impulse[,] but rather by several criminal intent.
actually unarmed on those three (3) episodes of Hence, his conviction for three (3) counts of
sexual intercourse, the same does not rape is indubitable.
necessarily take away the fear of being killed
that had already been instilled in the mind of This Court sustains the findings of both lower
AAA. Emphasis must be given to the fact that courts that, indeed, the three insertions into
the gun was still within appellant’s reach, AAA were in satiation of successive but distinct
therefore, he could still make good of his threat criminal carnality. Therefore, the appellant’s
on AAA at anytime the latter would show any conviction for three counts of rape is proper.
resistance to his evil desires. AAA’s lack of
physical resistance, therefore, is understandable
and would not in any way discredit her

It must be borne in mind that when a rape

victim becomes paralyzed with fear, she cannot
be expected to think and act coherently.
Further, as has been consistently held by this
Court, physical resistance is not an essential

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