A Position Paper About "Giving Condoms To High School Student"

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A Position Paper about

“Giving Condoms to High school Student”

By: Angelica M. Algopera


The Word condom is derived from the Latin word “condos” meaning receptacle. It is a
sheath-shape barrier device used during sexual intercourse to reduce the probability of pregnancy
and the spread of sexually transmitted disease. There is both male and female condom.

Condom protect against pregnancy by stopping the sperm contained in semen coming in
contact with vagina. It can stop the sexual fluids being transferred between partners (Albert

Health secretary Paulyn Ubial encourage the used of condom to stop the spread of STD
and HIV. Starting next year, the Department of Health(DOH) plans to distribute condoms in
school as part of their unusual business.

This paper aims to debunk the positive side of giving condoms to high school student and
to present the argument that will prove the negative effects of such program.

III. Counter Argument

Will condoms in public schools help lower teen pregnancy rates?

If student are having sex they should have the option of having safe sex and they need to
know thw advantage of safe sex. Condoms is an effective way to lower pregnancy teen rates as
such distribution within schools will result in lower teen pregnancy.

If young people believe they will be safe when using condom they much less likely
deferred from engaging in sexual intercourse. And if two young kids are going to have sex,
having sex in underage pregnancy are illegal in most states.

Condoms being distributed in high school student need to be implemented as soon as possible.

By providing condoms in high school it could give protection against pregnancy and STD
to otherwise at risk teens. Society need to face the reality that teens are engaging in
unprotected sex because of the lack of availability of protection. According to New York
Times, a study carried out by the American academy of pediatrics in April 2006.

We went to school to learn not for giving condoms. We have place to sell
condoms and distributing condoms in school can distract students learning and some
students will just go to school for the condoms not for learning. The school is a place to
develop, mold and to guide student’s foe better future..

Is it proper for government to enhance condom distribution exercise in school?

Starting next year the department of health (DOH) plans to distribute condoms in school
as part of their business unusual. They want to avoid the STD that continuously spreading
through sex intercourse and to minimize or to control the number of population that continuously
growing rapidly.

Giving condoms to high school student we are just giving them an idea of having sex and
with the argument of underage pregnancy and with the spread of STD and HIV it’s their fault
they should think what they are going before having sex.

III. Argument

Giving condom is a bad plan school is not a place for giving condoms, school is not a
place we have pharmacy to sell condom and not use school for distributing condom.

Not condom can lessen the spread of HIV and STD and teenage pregnancy its people
decision if they will have sex in whoever and wherever they are.

School is a place form molding, learning, guiding students for their better future. If we
give them condom we are giving them the idea of having sex.

IV. Conclusion

Giving condom to high school student is not a good plan the school is the place for
learning and guiding students for better future. If we give them condom we are just giving them
an idea of having sex. We will encourage the student to be more active in school and not in sex.

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