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Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 28, pp. 1281–1299, 2000 0090-6964/2000/28共11兲/1281/19/$15.

Printed in the USA. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2000 Biomedical Engineering Society

Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation of Blood Flow

in Arteries with Structured-Tree Outflow Conditions
Department of Mathematics and Center for BioDynamics, Boston University, 111 Cummington Street, Boston, Massachusetts

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, 251 Mercer Street, New York, New York


Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery and MR-Center, Institute for Experimental and Clinical Research, Skejby
Sygehus, Aarhus University Hospital, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark

Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering and Center for BioDynamics, Boston University, 110 Cummington Street,
Boston, Massachusetts

Math-Tech Inc, Admiralgade 22, 1066 Copenhagen, Denmark

(Received 11 February 2000; accepted 18 September 2000)

Abstract—Blood flow in the large systemic arteries is modeled INTRODUCTION

using one-dimensional equations derived from the axisymmet-
ric Navier–Stokes equations for flow in compliant and tapering The aim of this work is to develop and use a one-
vessels. The arterial tree is truncated after the first few genera- dimensional fluid-dynamical model predicting blood flow
tions of large arteries with the remaining small arteries and
arterioles providing outflow boundary conditions for the large and pressure in the systemic arteries at any position
arteries. By modeling the small arteries and arterioles as a along the vessels. Such a model can be used to study the
structured tree, a semi-analytical approach based on a linear- profile of the flow and pressure waves as they propagate
ized version of the governing equations can be used to derive along the arteries. The form of the waves change as a
an expression for the root impedance of the structured tree in
the frequency domain. In the time domain, this provides the
result of the arteries changing geometry and struc-
proper outflow boundary condition. The structured tree is a ture.19,25
binary asymmetric tree in which the radii of the daughter ves- The systemic arteries are compliant vessels which
sels are scaled linearly with the radius of the parent vessel. taper along their length and become stiffer with smaller
Blood flow and pressure in the large vessels are computed as radii. They are organized in a bifurcating tree in which
functions of time and axial distance within each of the arteries.
Comparison between the simulations and magnetic resonance the cross-sectional area of the vessels expands from ap-
measurements in the ascending aorta and nine peripheral loca- proximately 5 cm2 at the aortic root to approximately
tions in one individual shows excellent agreement between the 400 cm2 at the arterioles.6 The expansion occurs because
two. © 2000 Biomedical Engineering Society. at each bifurcation the combined cross-sectional area of
关S0090-6964共00兲00311-8兴 the daughter vessels is larger than that of the parent
vessel, even though the cross-sectional area of each of
Keywords—Arterial blood flow, Arterial modeling, Blood flow
modeling, Arterial outflow conditions, Biofluid dynamics, the daughter vessels is smaller than the area of the parent
Mathematical modeling. vessel. Furthermore, at the distal end of the arterial tree,
at the arteriolar level, there is a high resistance to the
Address correspondence to Mette S. Olufsen, Department of Math-
flow.10 As a result, the flow and pressure waves are
ematics and Center for BioDynamics, Boston University, 111 Cum- reflected, and the reflected waves propagate backward
mington St., Boston, MA 02215. Electronic mail: through the arterial tree. For example, the reflected wave
1282 OLUFSEN et al.

is diminished in some people suffering from diabetes or

vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis.9,16,19 It has also
been observed that people with stiffer arteries have a less
pronounced reflected wave but increased diastolic and
systolic pressures.3,13,19 The profiles of the flow and pres-
sure waves vary significantly even among healthy
people.10 Hence, being able to construct a model based
on measured geometry and a single noninvasive flow
measurement in the ascending aorta will enable us to
study the wave forms for any given subject. Computed
pressure and flow profiles could be used as part of a
diagnostic tool. For example, for a given subject, mea-
sured pathologic flow profiles could be compared with
computed healthy flow profiles. Studies of how the
model parameters must change to simulate the measured
pathologic flow profiles might lead to a better under-
standing of the pathologic condition. In addition, com-
putation of flows and pressure profiles could be used in
connection with simulators, e.g., in surgical or anesthesia
In this paper we use the one-dimensional fluid-dyna-
mics model developed earlier21 for a case study compar-
ing simulated flow and pressure waves with flows ob-
tained using magnetic resonance techniques. The geom-
etry 共lengths, inlet and outlet radii兲 of the vessels is
obtained using measured data from one subject and other
vessel properties 共mainly elasticity of the walls and the
peripheral resistances兲 are based on the previous model21
but with parameters adjusted to compare with the mea-
FIGURE 1. The systemic arterial tree. The large arteries are
sured data. In addition, the equation specifying how pres- modeled as a binary tree where the geometry of the vessels
sures change from a parent vessel into its daughters has are determined from magnetic resonance measurements.
been modified. Finally, in our previous work,21 the fluid The small arteries are modeled as structured trees attached
at the terminals of the large vessels. The geometry of the
dynamical model was stated but not derived; so we pro- structured trees does not mimic the actual geometry of the
vide a complete derivation of the equations and state the vessels, but is based on general statistical relationships,
algorithms used to solve them. which are estimated from literature data. The numbers of the
vessels refer to the various segments of the large arteries
The model21 consists of two parts: The large arteries, and the dimensions of these segments are given in Table 1.
in which blood flow and pressure are predicted at any The letters show the ten locations where the flows were
point along the vessels, and the small arteries, in which measured. The data for these are also specified in Table 1. In
order to avoid too many artifacts due to entry region flow,
a relation between flow and pressure yields outflow where possible, the flows are measured 2 cm beyond the
boundary conditions for the large arteries 共see Fig. 1兲. bifurcations.
Blood flow and pressure in the systemic arteries 共large
and small vessels兲 are determined using the incompress-
ible axisymmetric Navier–Stokes equations for a New- the model we made the following exceptions: The two
tonian fluid. The one-dimensional model is obtained by coronary arteries, the intercostal arteries, the arteries
integrating these equations over the cross-sectional area branching from the celiac axis, and various branches
of the vessels. from the subclavian, brachial, and carotid vessels are left
The tree representing the large arteries originates at out. Arteries present on both sides of the body are mod-
the heart and includes one or two generations from the eled identically. These include the renal, carotid, subcla-
aorta, iliac, and femoral arteries. The geometry of the vian, brachial, iliac, and the femoral arteries. The coro-
large vessels 共lengths and diameters兲 mimics the actual nary arteries are not included because the inflow into the
geometry of the arteries.4,25,28 These data are obtained by aorta from the aortic valve is measured in the ascending
magnetic resonance techniques. Since we are interested aorta past the coronary bifurcation. However, the coro-
in predicting flow and pressure waves for a given sub- nary arteries take approximately 4%–5% of the cardiac
ject, lengths and diameters for all vessels must be faith- output and hence they should be included if the inflow
ful to the human arterial tree. However, in order to limit into aorta is measured immediately after the aortic valve.
Blood Flow Simulation and Validation in Large Arteries 1283

The intercostal arteries take less than 1% of the cardiac ⳵ u x 1 ⳵ 共 ru r 兲

output and, hence, their neglect does not alter the com- ⫹ ⫽0. 共1兲
⳵x r ⳵r
puted flows significantly. The remaining arteries not in-
cluded in the model are beyond the initial branching
Integrating 共1兲 over the cross-sectional area of the vessel
from the aorta, e.g., the branches from the celiac axis.
We have no measurements in these arteries and including

冕 冉 ⳵⳵ 冊
them would increase the computational time signifi-
cantly. Finally, left and right arteries are modeled as
R u x 1 ⳵ 共 ru r 兲
0⫽2 ␲ ⫹ rdr
identical since we only measured the geometry in one 0 x r ⳵r

␲ 冕
The small arteries are modeled as binary asymmetric ⳵ R ⳵R
⫽2 u x rdr⫺2 ␲ 关 ru x 兴 R ⫹2 ␲ 关 ru r 兴 R . 共2兲
structured trees attached at the terminals of the large ⳵ x 0 ⳵x
arteries 共see Fig. 2兲. Each of the vessels within the struc-
tured trees is modeled as a straight segment of compliant Since the vessel is longitudinally tethered 共i.e., undergoes
vessel.20,21 Unlike the large arteries, the structured trees radial motion only兲 and the fluid sticks to the vessel wall
do not mimic the actual geometry of the vessels, but are 共due to the no-slip condition兲
based on general statistical relationships which are esti-
mated from literature data.5,14 ⳵R
关 u x 兴 R ⫽0 and 关 u r兴 R⫽ . 共3兲

Predicting blood flow and pressure in compliant ves- Moreover, since the cross-sectional area A⫽ ␲ R 2 ,
sels requires three equations. Two equations ensure con-
servation of volume and momentum, and an equation of ⳵R ⳵A
2 ␲ 关 ru r 兴 R ⫽2 ␲ R ⫽ . 共4兲
state relates the fluid influence on the vessel wall to its ⳵t ⳵t
compliant properties.
A typical vessel is modeled as an axisymmetric com- Let us define
pliant cylinder. The velocity of the fluid enclosed within
the cylinder is denoted by u⫽ 关 u r (r,x,t),u x (r,x,t) 兴 ,
where r is the radial coordinate, x is the position along
the vessel, t is time, u r is the radial velocity, and u x is
q⫽2 ␲ 冕0
u x rdr 共5兲

the axial velocity. The blood vessel wall is assumed to

be impermeable. Hence, the no-slip condition is satisfied as the flow 共volume/time兲 through the vessel. Then, the
if the velocity of fluid at the wall equals the velocity of one-dimensional continuity equation can be obtained us-
the wall. The density ␳ and the viscosity ␮ are taken to ing 共3兲–共5兲 in 共2兲:
be constant. Let p(x,t) represent the pressure of the fluid
and let p 0 共which is constant兲 represent the diastolic ⳵q ⳵A
pressure. We assume that the pressure does not vary ⫹ ⫽0. 共6兲
⳵x ⳵t
much over the cross-sectional area of the vessel, i.e., p is
approximately independent of r. Let R(x,t) be the radius
Momentum Equation. For axisymmetric flow with no
of the vessel and let A(x,t)⫽ ␲ R 2 (x,t) be the corre-
swirl the x-momentum equation reads7
sponding cross-sectional area. The vessel is assumed to

冉 冊
taper exponentially, i.e., the equilibrium radius is r 0 (x)
⫽r t exp(log(rb /rt)x/L) when p(x,t)⫽ p 0 . Here, r t and r b ⳵ux ⳵ux ⳵ux 1 ⳵p ␯ ⳵ ⳵ux
⫹u x ⫹u r ⫹ ⫽ r . 共7兲
denote the inlet 共top兲 and outlet 共bottom兲 radii of the ⳵t ⳵x ⳵r ␳ ⳵x r ⳵r ⳵r
vessel, and L denotes the vessel length. Finally, it is
assumed that the wall of the vessel undergoes radial The first three terms represent the axial acceleration of
motions only, i.e., that the vessel wall is longitudinally the fluid, and the remaining terms represent the sum of
tethered. all forces acting on the fluid. In this model the forces are
composed of pressure and viscous contributions ( ␯
Fluid Dynamic Equations for the Large Arteries ⫽ ␮ / ␳ is the kinematic viscosity兲. Generally, the previ-
ous equation contains an additional viscous term acting
Continuity Equation. For axisymmetric flow, the continu- in the longitudinal direction ( ␯⳵ 2 u x / ⳵ x 2 ). In this deriva-
ity equation requires that the divergence of the velocity tion we have neglected the longitudinal viscous term
field vanish, yielding7 since it is small compared to the radial term 关the right-
1284 OLUFSEN et al.

hand side of 共7兲兴. The longitudinal viscous term is small Here ū x (x,t) is the axial velocity outside of the boundary
because blood vessels are very long in comparison to layer. According to Lighthill17 the boundary layer thick-
their radii. ness ␦ 共for the large arteries兲 can be estimated from
As in the case of the continuity equation a one- ( ␯ / ␻ ) 1/2⫽( ␯ T/(2 ␲ )) 1/2⬇0.1 cm, where the kinematic
dimensional model is obtained by integrating over the viscosity ␯ ⫽0.046 cm2 /s, ␻ is the angular frequency,
cross-sectional area, keeping in mind that p is assumed and the period of the cardiac cycle T⫽1.1 s. The inte-
constant over that area grals in 共9兲 can be expressed as power series in ␦ :

2␲ 冕 ⳵⳵
R ux
rdr⫹2 ␲ 冕冉 R

⫹u r
⳵r 冊
A ⳵p
␳ ⳵x
q⫽2 ␲ 冕 0

u x rdr⫽Aū x 1⫺

⫹O共 ␦ 2 兲 冊
⫽2 ␲␯ r 冋 册 ⳵ux
⳵r R
. 共8兲 and

Using Eqs. 共3兲 and 共5兲 the first term in 共8兲 can be written 2␲ 冕 0

u 2x rdr⫽Aū 2x 1⫺
4 ␦
3 R
⫹O共 ␦ 2 兲 .冊
Combining these two terms, gives

2␲ 冕 0


2␲ 冉 冕 0
u x rdr ⫺冊⳵R
2 ␲ 关 ru x 兴 R ⫽ .
2␲ 冕 R
u 2x rdr⫽
2 ␦
⫹O共 ␦ 2 兲 . 冊
0 A 3 R
Through integration by parts, the continuity Eq. 共1兲 and
the relationships in 共3兲 can be used to simplify the sec- The viscous drag force can be evaluated using the ve-
ond term of 共8兲: locity profile in 共10兲:

2␲ 冕冉R

⫹u r
rdr 冊 冋 册
2 ␲␯ r
⳵r R
2 ␲␯ Rū x

2 ␲␯ R q
␦ A
共 1⫹O共 ␦ 兲兲 .

冕冉 冊
R ⳵ux ⳵ 共 ru r 兲
⫽2 ␲ ru x ⫺u x dr
0 ⳵x ⳵r Keeping the leading terms in each component and insert-

冉 冕 冊
ing them into 共9兲 yields the one-dimensional equation
⳵ R u 2x ⳵ R
⫽2 rdr⫽ 2␲ u 2x rdr .

冉 冊
⳵ x ⳵x
0 0
⳵q ⳵ q2 A ⳵p 2 ␲␯ R q
⫹ ⫹ ⫽⫺ . 共12兲
⳵t ⳵x A ␳ ⳵x ␦ A
Combining the earlier terms with the remaining terms in
共8兲 gives In the above derivation we assumed that the viscous
stress 共by the fluid on the wall兲 is perfectly in phase with

⳵t ⳵x

2␲ 冉 冕 R

u 2x rdr ⫹ 冊 A ⳵p
␳ ⳵x
⫽2 ␲␯ r
⳵r 冋 册 R
. 共9兲
the mean velocity. Young and Tsai among others28,33
defined the viscous stress as a combination of two terms,
one accounting for the part in phase with the mean ve-
locity and a second term which is proportional to the
So far we have not made any assumptions about the time derivative of the velocity. Their derivation is based
form of the velocity profile. For pulsatile laminar flow in on oscillatory flow in a rigid vessel where the unsteady
slightly tapered vessels, the velocity profile is rather flat term is included. In a rigid vessel ū x can be found in
except for a thin boundary layer of width ␦ ⰆR, in which terms of Bessel functions with complex arguments de-
the transition to zero velocity at the wall is made 共the pending on the frequency of the oscillatory flow. The
no-slip condition兲.19,23 Based on these considerations we result can be expanded in the limit of either small or
suggest the following model for the velocity profile large frequencies. In the low frequency limit Poiseuille
flow is recovered and at high frequencies the equivalent

u x⫽ 再 ū x
ū x 共 R⫺r 兲 / ␦
for r⭐R⫺ ␦
for R⫺ ␦ ⬍r⭐R.
to 共11兲 is obtained. The solution by Young and Tsai33 is
equivalent to what we have obtained for the small arter-
ies where the viscous effects are more significant 共see
Blood Flow Simulation and Validation in Large Arteries 1285

section on Small Arteries兲. For the large arteries the relationship is derived from the linear theory of elastic-
viscous effects are small, and hence, we have not in- ity. Using a purely elastic model is reasonable because
cluded the unsteady term in the earlier equation. How- viscoelastic effects are small within the physiological
ever, such a term can easily be included by changing the ranges of pressure.29 Assume that the vessels are circu-
coefficient of ⳵ q/ ⳵ t in the momentum Eq. 共12兲. lar, that the walls are thin (h/r 0 Ⰶ1, h being the wall
The continuity 共6兲 and momentum 共12兲 equations can- thickness兲, that the loading and deformation are axisym-
not be solved analytically so a numerical method is metric, and that the vessels are tethered in the longitu-
called for. In this work, the equations are solved using dinal direction. Hence, the external forces can be reduced
the two-step Lax–Wendroff method, which requires the to stresses acting in the circumferential direction2 and
equations to be written in conservation form. A conser- from what is known as Laplace’s law the circumferential
vation form can be obtained by introducing the quantity tensile stress can be found in the form
B defined below. Note that the cross-sectional area A is
regarded as a function of pressure r 共 p⫺ p 0 兲 E 共 r⫺r 0 兲
␶⫽ ⫽ ,
h 共 1⫺ ␴ x ␴ ␪ 兲 r0
B 共 r 0 共 x 兲 ,p 共 x,t 兲兲 ⫽

A 关 r 0 共 x 兲 , p ⬘ 兴 dp ⬘ ⇒
where (r⫺r 0 )/r 0 is the corresponding circumferential
strain, E is Young’s modulus in the circumferential di-
rection, ␴ ␪ ⫽ ␴ x ⫽0.5 are the Poisson ratios in the cir-
⳵ B A ⳵ p ⳵ B dr 0
⫽ ⫹ . cumferential and longitudinal directions. Solving for
⳵ x ␳ ⳵ x ⳵ r 0 dx p(x,t)⫺ p 0 give

The last term can be evaluated explicitly and may, there-

fore, be added to both sides of the momentum Eq. 共12兲.
As a result the conservation form is obtained
p 共 x,t 兲 ⫺ p 0 ⫽
4 Eh
3 r0
冉 冑冊
, 共14兲

where A 0 ⫽ ␲ r 20 is the cross-sectional area when p⫽p 0 .


⳵ q2
⳵t ⳵x A 冉
⫹B ⫽⫺
⫹ 冊
2 ␲␯ qR ⳵ B dr 0
⳵ r 0 dx
. 共13兲 The theory that we have just outlined has the property
that ⳵ p/ ⳵ A decreases with increasing p 共or A), contrary
to the behavior of real blood vessels, in which E is not
Equations 共6兲 and 共13兲 constitute our basic one- constant but increases as the arterial wall is stretched.
dimensional model for propagation of blood flow and This will be addressed in future work. Here, however,
pressure. However, there are two equations for three we assume that E is constant 共strain independent兲 at any
dependent variables, p, q, and A. Therefore, a third rela- given location in the arterial tree. We do, however, allow
tionship 共a state equation兲 is needed. the Young’s modulus E to vary from one location to
another. This reflects changes in the elastin content of
State Equation. The aorta and the large arteries contain the vessel wall at different levels of the arterial tree.
smooth muscle, elastin, and collagen. The presence of Specifically, small arteries are stiffer, and we model this
elastin makes the large arteries capable of considerable by making the Young’s modulus E be a function of the
expansion and recoil 共distensibility兲. The distensibility of diastolic vessel radius r 0 according to the following for-
the vessels enables them to store pressure energy as their mula based on compliance estimates27,28,31
walls are stretched 共during systole兲 and release it as ki-
netic energy of flow when the walls are relaxed 共during Eh
diastole兲. The storage and release of energy helps to ⫽k 1 exp共 k 2 r 0 兲 ⫹k 3 . 共15兲
propel the blood toward the tissues during the diastolic
phase of the cardiac cycle and promotes a more even Here k 1 ⫽2.00⫻107 g/共s2 cm兲, k 2 ⫽⫺22.53 cm⫺1 , and
flow into the arterioles. The arterioles have a smaller k 3 ⫽8.65⫻105 g/共s2cm) are constants.21
amount of elastin fibers but more smooth muscle fibers,
which enables them to regulate the flow by constriction Boundary Conditions for the Large Arteries
or dilation of their lumen, e.g., during exercise. How- The model derived in the previous section predicts
ever, we assume that the subjects studied are at rest and, blood flow and pressure for a single vessel segment. In
hence, only the mechanisms of stretch and recoil via the order to extend the model to the arterial tree it is neces-
elastin fibers are considered. The distensibility of the sary to establish relevant boundary conditions.
large arteries is not purely elastic but the vessels exhibit The system of equations is hyperbolic with a positive
a viscoelastic behavior.6 However, in order to keep the wave-propagation velocity much larger than the velocity
model simple, viscoelasticity is disregarded and a simple of the blood. Consequently, three types of boundary con-
1286 OLUFSEN et al.

In a one-dimensional model the loss coefficients cannot

be estimated analytically, but they can be found either by
three-dimensional computations or by physical experi-
ments. In addition, the Bernoulli equation is derived for
steady flow in a rigid pipe and hence it does not strictly
apply for pulsatile flow in elastic vessels. Previous
studies1,17,28 show that a good approximation which does
account for some loss of energy is assuming pressure
continuity, i.e., that

p pa⫽ p d 1 ⫽ p d 2 . 共18兲
FIGURE 2. The structured tree „adapted from Olufsen… „see
Ref. 21…. At each bifurcation the radii of the daughter vessels
are scaled by factors ␣ and ␤ . Because of the structure in In the simulations presented in this paper Eq. 共18兲 is
the scaling, some of the subtrees scale with the same factor used at all bifurcations except for the bifurcation from
and for these, the impedance should only be computed
once. For example, the impedance of the subtree „scaled by
ascending aorta into the aortic arch. At this bifurcation
␣␤ … branching off to the left of the branch scaled by ␤ has we used 共17兲 with loss coefficients K 5 ⫽0.75 and K 2
already been computed in the subtree branching off to the ⫽0; the numbers in the subscripts refer to the vessels
right of the branch scaled by ␣ . shown in Fig. 1. These coefficients are estimated based
on studies of flow around a bend of a rigid pipe12 and
adjusted to compare with the measured flows. This bi-
ditions must be established: 共a兲 An equation at the inlet furcation is special because the velocity is maximal be-
to the arterial tree 共i.e., at the aortic valve兲; 共b兲 an equa- fore this first major bifurcation which in addition makes
tion at the outflow from each of the terminal vessels of a 90° turn. This gives rise to more pronounced vortices
the arterial tree 共where the small arteries are attached and, hence, a larger loss of energy.
through structured trees, see Figs. 1 and 2兲; and 共c兲 three
equations at each of the bifurcations, since three vessels Outflow Boundary Conditions. The small arteries com-
共a parent and two daughter vessels兲 meet at each such prise a collection of binary and asymmetrically struc-
junction. Each of these boundary conditions should be tured trees 共see Fig. 2兲. Each such tree has a variable
specified by an equation for either flow, pressure, or a number of generations before the arteriolar level is
combination of both. reached, since that level is defined by a particular vessel
radius, and it takes a variable number of generations in
Inflow Boundary Condition. At the inlet to the arterial an asymmetrically branching tree to reach a specified
tree the flow is specified using a magnetic resonance radius. In the small arteries that connect the large arteries
measurement of the flow in the ascending aorta 共see Fig. to the arterioles, viscous effects are more important than
3兲. in the large arteries, and inertial effects are correspond-
ingly less important. Accordingly, we drop the nonlinear
Bifurcation Conditions. Assuming that all bifurcations terms, but model the viscous effects in greater detail.
occur at a point and that there is no leakage at the Another simplification is that we treat each vessel as
bifurcations, the outflow from any parent vessel 共pa兲 straight. Together, these assumptions allow for an
must be balanced by the inflow into the daughter vessels impedance-based analysis, similar to what would be used
(d 1 and d 2 ): for a tree of electrical cables. In particular, we are able to
compute the root impedance of each tree of small arter-
ies by a recursive numerical procedure. These root im-
q pa⫽q d 1 ⫹q d 2 . 共16兲
pedances then provide the outflow boundary conditions
for the large arteries. This is the subject of the next
Vortices can be created at the inlet of the daughter ves- section.
sels resulting in some loss of energy. In general the loss
of energy at bifurcations is minor.12 Such a loss is cus-
tomarily expressed in terms of a loss coefficient K which SMALL ARTERIES
appears on the right hand side of the Bernoulli equation
In order to construct the structured trees located at the
terminals of the large arteries 共see Figs. 1 and 2兲, the
␳ K di␳ characteristics of the small vessels must be modeled.
p d i ⫽p pa⫹ 共共 ū x 兲 pa
⫺ 共 ū x 兲 d2 兲 ⫺ 2
共 ū x 兲 pa , for i⫽1,2.
2 i 2 Relevant parameters are radius, a bifurcation relation-
共17兲 ship, asymmetry and area ratios, length, and compliance.
Blood Flow Simulation and Validation in Large Arteries 1287

factor ␣ , and n – k choices of the scaling factor ␤ , where

The structured tree continues to branch until the ra-
dius of any vessel is smaller than some given minimum
value (r min). The arterioles are muscular vessels which
are able to dilate and contract severalfold regulating the
supply of blood to the tissue. Assume that the subject
studied is at rest. Then, the minimum radius can be
selected such that the resistances of the structured trees
correspond to the resistances of the vascular beds.
The asymmetry of the vessels can be characterized
from the area ( ␩ ) and asymmetry ( ␥ ) ratios,34 which can
be defined by
FIGURE 3. The inflow as a function of time. The inflow is a

冉 冊
periodic repetition of data measured in the ascending aorta
„at A in Fig. 1… during one period lasting 1.1 s.
共 r 0 兲 d2 1 ⫹ 共 r 0 兲 d2 2 共 r 0 兲d2 2

␩⫽ and ␥ ⫽ .
共 r 0 兲 pa 共 r 0 兲d1
The structured tree is constructed such that it is geo-
metrically self-similar. All parameters can be specified in
The parameters ␰ , ␩ , and ␥ are not independent but are
terms of the vessel radius. A power law determines how
related by
the radius changes across bifurcations

共 r 0 兲 pa ⫽ 共 r 0 兲 ␰d ⫹ 共 r 0 兲 d␰ . 共19兲 1⫹ ␥
1 2 ␩⫽ . 共21兲
共 1⫹ ␥ ␰ /2兲 2/␰
As in 共16兲, the subscript pa refers to the parent vessel,
and the subscripts d 1 and d 2 refer to the two daughter Consequently, if the area-ratio ␩ and the exponent ␰ are
vessels. The power-law has been derived by Murray, known, the asymmetry-ratio ␥ can be calculated. Using
Zamir, and Uylings among others18,30 based on principle an area ratio of ␩ ⫽1.16 and the power ␰ ⫽2.76, the
of minimum work in the arterial system. The relationship asymmetry-ratio ␥ ⫽0.41. The area-ratio ␩ and the ex-
is valid for a range of flows; ␰ ⫽3.0 is optimal for lami- ponent ␰ have been estimated based on studies by Papa-
nar flow and ␰ ⫽2.33 for turbulent flow. In arterial blood georgiou et al.22 and Uylings30 The scaling parameters ␣
flow a good choice26 for the exponent is ␰ ⫽2.76. and ␤ can be found from ␰ and ␥ :
Combined with equations determining the area and
␣ ⫽ 共 1⫹ ␥ ␰ /2兲 ⫺1/␰ ⫽0.9 and ␤ ⫽ ␣ 冑␥ ⫽0.6. 共22兲
asymmetry ratios, the power law can be used to deter-
mine linear scaling ratios between the radii of the daugh-
ter vessels and the radius of the parent vessel
The length of each vessel can be related to the radius
using a constant length-to-radius ratio. Based on studies
共 r 0 兲 d 1 ⫽ ␣ 共 r 0 兲 pa , 共 r 0 兲 d 2 ⫽ ␤ 共 r 0 兲 pa
by Iberall11 we have chosen the length-to-radius ratio
l rr⫽L/r 0 ⬇50. Iberall estimated this length-to-radius ratio
and based on branches from the small arteries such as the
renals, the femoral arteries, the mesenteric arteries, and
共 r 0 兲 k,n ⫽ ␣ k ␤ n⫺k r 0 . 共20兲 the cerebral artery.
In order to compute the compliance of the small ar-
In these equations ␣ and ␤ are constants that character- teries, information on how the wall-thickness h and
ize the asymmetry of the tree 共see Fig. 2兲. Their values Young’s modulus E change or depend on other param-
will be determined later. The generation number is de- eters throughout the tree is needed. Such a relationship
noted by n, with n⫽0 corresponding to the vessel that has been estimated for the large arteries and the small
forms the root of the tree. The constant r 0 , with no arteries are essentially composed of the same types of
further subscript, refers to the radius of the root vessel. tissue, hence, 共15兲 has been taken to apply for the small
There may be as many as 2 n vessels in the nth genera- arteries and arterioles.
tion; however, because some branches may already have As in the case of the large arteries, equations for
terminated, this number will often be smaller. In addi- blood flow and pressure in the small arteries can be
tion, there are at most n⫹1 different size branches in derived from the axisymmetric Navier–Stokes equations.
generation n, corresponding to k choices of the scaling However, while inertia effects are more important in the
1288 OLUFSEN et al.

large systemic arteries, viscous effects become more im-

portant in the small arteries.6 Hence, we neglect the
nonlinear inertial terms. This approach is based on the

A 0r 0
⫹O共 w40 兲 Q⇔ 册
冋 册
work originally discussed by Womersley, but later re-
fined by Pedley and Atabek and Lew.2,20,24,32 Assuming 4␮ r 20 d
␶ rx ⫽⫺ 1⫹ ⫹O共 ␻ 2 兲 q.
that the flow and pressure are periodic, the momentum A 0r 0 24␯ dt
Eq. 共7兲 can be written as a Bessel equation, which can be 共29兲
solved analytically. This analytical solution provides a
frequency-dependent relationship between flow and pres- The first term of 共29兲 is similar to the viscous stress 共11兲
sure in the form of an impedance condition. obtained from the simple boundary-layer consideration in
共10兲 except that the above term corresponds to a para-
Fluid Dynamic Equations for the Small Arteries bolic velocity profile. The second term corresponds to
the unsteady term obtained by Young and Tsai.33 How-
Linearizing the momentum Eq. 共7兲 yields ever, they modified the coefficients based on empirical

冉 冊
⳵ux 1 ⳵p ␯ ⳵ ⳵ux The one-dimensional continuity equation for the small
⫹ ⫽ r . 共23兲
⳵t ␳ ⳵x r ⳵r ⳵r arteries is the same as the one for the large arteries.
Using the state Eq. 共14兲 the continuity 共6兲 can be written
Assuming that all variables are periodic they can be as
written in the form u x (r,x,t)⫽U x (r,x)e i ␻ t , p
⫽ P(x)e i ␻ t . Hence, 共23兲 can be written as ⳵p ⳵q ⳵A
C ⫹ ⫽0, C⫽ ,
⳵t ⳵x ⳵p
i ␻ U x⫹
1 ⳵P ␯ ⳵

␳ ⳵x r ⳵r
. 冉 冊 共24兲
where C is the compliance. The compliance can be ap-
proximated by linearizing the state Eq. 共14兲:
Since the small vessels do not taper, the solution to 共24兲
is given by
⳵ A 3A 0 r 0
⫽ 1⫺ 冉
3pr 0
冊 ⫺3

3A 0 r 0
, 共30兲

冉 冊
2Eh 4Eh 2Eh
1 ⳵P J 0 共 rw0 /r 0 兲
U x⫽ 1⫺ , 共25兲
i ␻␳ ⳵ x J 0 共 w0 兲 since EhⰇpr 0 .
Because the inflow into the arterial tree is periodic the
where w20 ⫽i 3 w2 (w2 ⫽r 20 ␻ / ␯ is the Womersley number兲 flow and pressure will be periodic, and hence they can
and J 0 (x) and J 1 (x) are the zeroth and first order Bessel be expressed using complex periodic Fourier series of
functions. Similar to the large arteries the flow-rate q the form
⫽Qe i ␻ t is given by

Q⫽2 ␲ 冕0
U x rdr⇔i ␻ Q⫽
⫺A 0 ⳵ P
␳ ⳵x
共 1⫺F J 兲 , 共26兲
␾ 共 x,t 兲 ⫽
⌽ 共 x, ␻ k 兲 e i ␻ k t ,

where ⌽ 共 x, ␻ k 兲 ⫽
冕 T/2

␾ 共 x,t 兲 e ⫺i ␻ k t dt,

2J 1 共 w0 兲
F J⫽ . 共27兲 where ␻ k ⫽2 ␲ k/T. The Fourier series should be used for
w0 J 0 共 w0 兲
␾ ⫽ p(x,t),q(x,t),z(x,t) or in the frequency domain ⌽
⫽ P(x, ␻ ),Q(x, ␻ ),Z(x, ␻ ). Using the Fourier series and
The viscous stress ␶ rx ⫽Te i ␻ t by the wall on the fluid can the compliance approximation in 共30兲 the continuity
be determined from the solution to the linearized equation can be transformed as
Navier–Stokes Eq. 共23兲:
T⫽ ␮
冏 r⫽r 0

␮ w20 F J
A 0 r 0 2 共 1⫺F J 兲
Q. 共28兲
i ␻ C P⫹
⫽0. 共31兲

The momentum 共26兲 and continuity 共31兲 equations

Expanding 共28兲 for small values of w0 yields determine the flow resulting from an oscillatory pressure
Blood Flow Simulation and Validation in Large Arteries 1289

gradient in a straight vessel where the amplitude and ig ⫺1 sin共 ␻ L/c 兲 ⫹Z 共 L, ␻ 兲 cos共 ␻ L/c 兲
phase depend on the compliance of the wall and the Z 共 0,␻ 兲 ⫽ . 共35兲
cos共 ␻ L/c 兲 ⫹igZ 共 L, ␻ 兲 sin共 ␻ L/c 兲
viscosity of the blood. The equations are periodic with
period T and apply to any vessel of length L. Differen-
For any vessel, the input impedance for zero frequency,
tiating 共31兲 with respect to x and inserting the result in
or in the electrical terminology the direct current 共DC兲
共26兲 gives a reduced wave equation of the form
impedance, can be found as

␻2 ⳵ 2Q ␻2 ⳵2P
Q⫹ ⫽0 or P⫹ ⫽0 共32兲 8 ␮ l rr
c2 ⳵x2 c2 ⳵x2 Z 共 0,0兲 ⫽ lim Z 共 0,␻ 兲 ⫽ ⫹Z 共 L,0兲 , 共36兲
␻ →0 ␲ r 30

with the wave-propagation velocity

where l rr⫽L/r 0 is the length-to-radius ratio. Equation
共36兲 suggests that in general 共for any network兲 the root
c⫽ 冑 A 0 共 1⫺F J 兲
. 共33兲
impedance will be proportional to r ⫺3
0 . Since the struc-
tured tree is terminated when the radius of any branch is
smaller than some given minimum value, r min , the con-
stant of proportionality cannot be derived analytically.
Solving 共31兲 and 共32兲 yields

Q 共 x, ␻ 兲 ⫽a cos共 ␻ x/c 兲 ⫹b sin共 ␻ x/c 兲 , Boundary Conditions for the Small Arteries

Analogous to the large arteries, Eqs. 共26兲 and 共31兲

P 共 x, ␻ 兲 ⫽i 共 ⫺a sin共 ␻ x/c 兲 predict blood flow and pressure for a single vessel seg-
CA 0 共 1⫺F J 兲 ment. In order to compute the impedance at the root of
⫹b cos共 ␻ x/c 兲兲 , the structured tree it is necessary to establish relevant
boundary conditions. In this case, the relevant boundary
conditions are outflow boundary conditions and bifurca-
where a and b are arbitrary constants of integration.
tion conditions.
Using the terminology from electrical cables, with P
playing the role of voltage and Q playing the role of
Bifurcation Conditions. The bifurcation conditions are
current, the impedance Z(x, ␻ ) can be related to pressure
similar to those established for the large arteries. As in
and flow by
the case of the large arteries we assume that there is no
leakage at the bifurcation so that the flow is conserved.
P 共 x, ␻ 兲 ig ⫺1 共 b cos共 ␻ x/c 兲 ⫺a sin共 ␻ x/c 兲兲 Moreover, the pressure is continuous since any pressure
Z 共 x, ␻ 兲 ⫽ ⫽ ,
Q 共 x, ␻ 兲 a cos共 ␻ x/c 兲 ⫹b sin共 ␻ x/c 兲 difference across a junction, which would arise due to
the nonlinear terms, is being neglected. Therefore, the
where g⫽cC⫽ 冑CA 0 (1⫺F J )/ ␳ . At x⫽L bifurcation is analogous to a transmission-line network
where the admittances (Y ⫽1/Z) add
ig ⫺1 共 b cos共 ␻ L/c 兲 ⫺a sin共 ␻ L/c 兲兲
Z 共 L, ␻ 兲 ⫽ 1 1 1
a cos共 ␻ L/c 兲 ⫹b sin共 ␻ L/c 兲 ⫽ ⫹ . 共37兲
Z pa Z d 1 Z d 2

and at x⫽0:
Outflow Boundary Conditions. Since viscosity is taken
into account in the fluid dynamics of the structured tree,
i b it is not necessary to include lumped resistance elements
Z 共 0,␻ 兲 ⫽ , 共34兲
g a at the leaves of the structured tree, i.e., the terminal
resistance of the structured trees can be set to zero. The
where various parts of the body serve different needs and hence
show a variation in the peripheral resistance. Having a
zero terminal resistance for the structured trees thus re-
b sin共 ␻ L/c 兲 ⫺igZ 共 L, ␻ 兲 cos共 ␻ L/c 兲
⫽ . quires that the minimum radii (r min) at the terminals are
a cos共 ␻ L/c 兲 ⫹igZ 共 L, ␻ 兲 sin共 ␻ L/c 兲 chosen individually for each of the structured trees.
While r min may vary among the different structured
Inserting b/a into 共34兲 gives trees, it is kept constant within each of them.
1290 OLUFSEN et al.

THE ROOT IMPEDANCE OF THE SMALL large arteries 共see Algorithms for the Small Arteries in
LARGE ARTERIES In order to evaluate the above convolution integral
共38兲 for all times during a period, the impedance Z( ␻ )
As described earlier, all parameters for the structured should be determined for all discrete angular frequencies
tree are determined as functions of the vessel radius. ␻ k ⫽2 ␲ k/T, where k⫽⫺N/2, . . . ,N/2 and N is the
Hence, g and the length L can be determined as func- number of timesteps per period. Assuming that z(x,t) is
tions of the vessel radius. Furthermore, the geometric real, Z must be self-adjoint
self-similarity makes it possible to compute the root im-
pedance Z(0,␻ ) for each of the structured trees shown in
Z 共 0,␻ ⫺k 兲 ⫽Z 共 0,␻ k 兲 .
Fig. 1. Since the terminal impedance is known 共and con-
stant兲 within each of the structured trees, the impedance
at the beginning of all the terminal vessels can be found Hence, only Z(0,␻ k ) for k⫽0,1, . . . ,N/2 need to be
using 共35兲. Jumping up one generation, the impedance at determined.
the end of all parent vessels can be found using 共37兲.
Again 共35兲 can be used to find the impedance at the
beginning of the vessels at this level. Continuing in this RESULTS
manner the impedance can be found at the root of the Our aim was to show that the structured tree model
structured tree 共for details see Algorithms for the Small provides a feasible outflow boundary condition for deter-
Arteries in Appendix B兲. Computing the root impedance mining blood flow and pressure in the large arteries. We
using the method described earlier would be very expen- verified that our model can reproduce the essential char-
sive if the structure of the small arteries were not ac- acteristics of the arterial pulse both qualitatively and
counted for. As shown in Fig. 2, some subtrees scale quantitatively by comparing our model with data mea-
with the same factors as subtrees in which the impedance sured using magnetic resonance techniques.
has already been computed. Assuming that all terminal All simulations in this paper were based on the same
branches are terminated with the same peripheral resis- set of parameters. Most lengths and diameters were
tance, subtrees with identical paths will have the same based on magnetic resonance measurements. At locations
root impedance, and need not be re-evaluated. This struc- where measured data were not available, lengths and
ture reduces the computation from order O(2 n ) to O(n 2 ) diameters were estimated from combining literature data
where n is the maximum number of generations of the with measured and computed flows. All geometric pa-
structured tree. rameters used to specify the large arteries are shown in
As stated earlier, a complete binary tree has 2 n Table 1. The parameters representing Eh/r 0 were chosen
branches at the nth generation. In our case the tree is using 共15兲, while density ( ␳ ⫽1.055 g/cm3 ) and viscosity
structured such that the radii of the vessels at the nth ( ␮ ⫽0.049 g/共cm s兲兲 were kept constant. The parameters
generation are given by 共20兲. For the whole tree with n for the structured trees followed the choices discussed in
generations there would be the section on Small Arteries. The terminal resistances
for the small arteries were all set to zero. In order to take
n j
共 n⫹1 兲共 n⫹2 兲 the variation in peripheral resistance into account, four
兺 兺 1⫽
j⫽0 k⫽0 2
⫽O共 n 2 兲 different minimum radii r min⫽0.01,0.02,0.03 cm were
chosen for the structured trees 共see Table 1兲.
different impedances which must be calculated. For the The total cross-sectional area of the systemic arteries
structured tree 共see Fig. 2兲 some branches terminate early increases from 5 cm2 at the root of the aorta to 400 cm2
and hence the number of impedances that must be cal- at the arterioles. The maximum 共systolic兲 pressure of the
culated is smaller. large arteries increases away from the heart, towards the
By inverse Fourier transform the results for Z(x, ␻ ) periphery, while the mean pressure decreases.6 The in-
can then be transformed to obtain z(x,t). Using the con- crease of systolic pressure is mainly due to tapering and
volution theorem it is possible to arrive at an analytic branching of the large arteries and the peripheral resis-
relationship between p and q: tance in the arterioles. As a result of these features the
flow and pressure waves are reflected. In the large arter-

冕 t
ies, the reflected wave is superimposed on the pressure
p 共 x,t 兲 ⫽ q 共 x, ␶ 兲 z 共 x,t⫺ ␶ 兲 d ␶ . 共38兲 wave, increasing the systolic pressure. At the same time
t⫺T the large increase in cross-sectional area causes a de-
crease in mean pressure. Within each of the vessels the
This new outflow boundary condition for the large arter- same effect can be seen on the flow wave, however, at
ies should be evaluated for each of the terminals of the the bifurcations the flow decreases. These effects were
Blood Flow Simulation and Validation in Large Arteries 1291

TABLE 1. Geometrical data, i.e., length, inlet „top… and outlet

„bottom… radii, and the minimum radius for the structured
trees. The numbering in the left column refers to the numbers
shown in Fig. 1. Data labeled m are measured on the magnetic
resonance images and data labeled e are estimated. All the
measured radii and lengths have an accuracy of Á 1 mm. In
the computations, the values listed in the table are used „with
two decimal points…; these values are selected so as to
approximately match the measured radius accounting for the
exponential tapering defined in Large Arteries.

L r min
No. Artery (cm) r t (cm) r b (cm) (cm)

1 Ascending aorta m 7.0 1.25 1.14 •••

5 Aortic arch m 1.8 1.14 1.11 •••
7 Aortic arch m 1.0 1.11 1.09 •••
9 Thoracic aorta m 18.8 1.09 0.85 •••
11 Abdominal aorta m 2.0 0.85 0.83 •••
13 Abdominal aorta m 2.0 0.83 0.80 •••
15 Abdominal aorta m 1.0 0.80 0.79 •••
17 Abdominal aorta m 6.0 0.79 0.73 •••
19 Abdominal aorta m 3.0 0.73 0.70 •••
20 External iliac m 6.5 0.45 0.43 •••
21 Femoral m 13.0 0.43 0.40 •••
24 Femoral e 44.0 0.40 0.30 0.01
22 Internal iliac e 4.5 0.20 0.20 0.01
23 Deep femoral e 11.0 0.20 0.20 0.01
2 Anonyma e 3.5 0.70 0.70 •••
3, 8 Subcl. and brach. e 43.0 0.44 0.28 0.01
4 R. com. carotid e 17.0 0.29 0.28 0.02
6 L. com. carotid e 19.0 0.29 0.28 0.03
10 Celiac axis e 3.0 0.33 0.30 0.02
12 Sup. mesenteric e 5.0 0.33 0.33 0.02
14,16 Renal e 3.0 0.28 0.25 0.02
18 Inf. mesenteric e 4.0 0.20 0.18 0.01
FIGURE 4. The graphs show pressure „mmHg… as a function
of space x and time t. The top graph shows the pressure
along the aorta and the bottom graph shows the pressure of
the subclavian and brachial arteries. The reason why the
aortic pressure has a discrete jump after 7 cm is the loss of
energy between the ascending aorta, anonyma, and the aor-
also present in our simulations 共see Figs. 4–6兲. Further- tic arc „vessels 1, 2, and 5 in Fig. 1…. The pressure in the
more, the velocity of the reflected wave is slower than subclavian and brachial arteries initially increases and then
decreases in order to accommodate the boundary condition
the velocity of the main wave. Consequently, the re- arising from the structured tree.
flected wave separates from the incoming wave and be-
comes more prominent at peripheral locations than at
proximal locations9,16 共see Fig. 4兲. Finally, the steepness CONCLUSION
of the incoming pressure and flow profiles increases to-
The purpose of this study was to derive the equations
wards the periphery. This is due to changes in the wave-
and boundary conditions needed for predicting blood
propagation which, because of an increased Young’s
flow and pressure in the systemic arteries and to use
modulus, is larger for the small vessels4 共see Fig. 5兲.
these in a case study in which the geometry was based
The flow data were measured using magnetic reso- on anatomical data and the other model parameters were
nance techniques in a 32 year old male weighing 65 kg based on physical laws but adjusted to compare with the
and being 178 cm tall. His average heart rate at rest was measured flow profiles. This was achieved by using a
51 beats per minute and his systolic and diastolic blood one-dimensional fluid-dynamics model, including the
pressures were 120/80 mmHg 共measured with a cuff兲; for large and small arteries. The geometry of the large ar-
further details see Appendix A. These pressure measure- teries was modeled combining measured data for the
ments corresponded well to the pressures computed at vessel length, inlet 共top兲 and outlet 共bottom兲 radii with an
the left subclavian artery 共see Fig. 8兲. empirical law modeling the exponential taper of the ves-
The flows shown in Fig. 7 were measured at the sels. The geometry of the small vessels was based on
locations identified in Fig. 1. The corresponding pres- literature data and adjusted such that the peripheral re-
sures, computed using our model are shown in Fig. 8. sistance matched the measured flows. For large and
1292 OLUFSEN et al.

excellent quantitative agreement with measured data. For

a correct quantitative comparison, measurements and
computations were carried out in vessels where the ge-
ometry and inflow were matched. The reason for this
was that the pressure and flow profiles are highly depen-
dent on these factors and vary significantly even among
healthy young people.19
The advantage of modeling the small arteries by ap-
plying structured trees at all terminals of the large arter-
ies is that it gives a physiological boundary condition
which is able to include wave-propagation effects. Fur-
thermore, the structured tree model has only two param-
eters that need to be estimated, the compliance of the
FIGURE 5. The graph shows the aortic pressure at four lo-
cations along the aorta. From these profiles it becomes easy
vessels and the radii at which the structured trees are
to see that the steepness of the wave front is increased at terminated. Because we did not apply any impedance at
more peripheral locations. the terminals of the structured tree, the peripheral imped-
ance for the large arteries was obtained entirely from the
solution to the linearized equations in the binary asym-
small vessels the flow and pressure were determined metrically structured tree.21
using the one-dimensional theory derived from the As mentioned in Small Arteries, the diameter of the
Navier–Stokes equations. For the large arteries, flow and small arteries varies considerably and so does the periph-
pressure were determined at all points along the vessels eral resistance of these very small vessels which have a
but for the small arteries 共the terminals of the large strong muscular wall. This is consistent with the
arteries兲 an impedance relationship 共pressure versus flow兲 observations10 that it is the arterioles, and not the capil-
constituting a boundary condition for the large arteries laries, which generate the peripheral resistance. The total
was determined. peripheral resistance of the different organs vary, hence,
Figures 4–6 show that the resulting pressure and flow it is important to choose the minimum radius individu-
profiles all have the correct characteristics. The systolic ally for each of the structured trees, i.e., for each of the
pressure increases away from the heart. The mean pres- terminal branches of the large arteries. However, unless
sure drops slowly. The steepness of the incoming pres- the diameters of the small vessels are changed dynami-
sure profile increases towards the periphery. Finally, the cally during the time course of a simulation the model
wave propagation velocity of the reflected dicrotic wave does not reflect dynamics due to auto- or baroreceptor
is slower than that of the main wave, and hence, the regulation. The simulations in this paper do not incorpo-
reflected wave separates from the main wave peripher- rate dynamic change of the small vessels and hence re-
ally. This can be seen in Fig. 4, where the distance flect that the individual studied is at rest.
between the main pressure wave and smaller reflected In summary, our study has shown the feasibility of
共the dicrotic兲 wave is increased towards the periphery. In limiting the computational domain such that blood flow
addition to showing reasonable characteristics, our re- and pressure can be predicted using a one-dimensional
sults reveal that the one-dimensional model provides an model consisting of large and small arteries. The com-
putational domain is limited because of our use of the
structured tree outflow conditions. The structure of the
trees representing the smaller vessels allows the com-
plexity of the computations to be decreased from O(2 n )
to O(n 2 ), where n is the number of generations in the
structured tree. Furthermore, since the structured trees
represent branching vessels, we are able to model the
propagation of the wave through the small vessels and
thus determine a dynamic impedance characterizing the
underlying physiology.19,21
One might argue that the structured tree model is too
complicated and that the much simpler windkessel model
is adequate because it can also provide a dynamic out-
flow boundary condition. The windkessel model is based
FIGURE 6. The graph shows the decrease of the mean pres- on parameters describing the total resistance and
sure along the aorta. compliance.28 It has been shown that the windkessel
Blood Flow Simulation and Validation in Large Arteries 1293

FIGURE 7. Measured and simulated flows. The letter in parenthesis indicates where the flow is measured as shown in Fig. 1.
The figure shows the nine flows measured peripherally to the ascending aorta „the inflow into the arterial tree, see Fig. 3….

model cannot capture the dynamics of higher the arterial system that it models. Second, the structured
frequencies.21 Moreover, it is not obvious how the wind- tree model can predict flow and pressure not only in the
kessel parameters should be estimated for the large ves- large but also in the small arteries, i.e., shifting the pur-
sels. However, it is possible to relate the parameters of pose of the structured tree from being a boundary con-
the commonly used windkessel model to our structured dition to being a more active part of the model.
tree model, which would enable comparison of the two The idea of using a structured tree in which a simpler
models. The total resistance of the windkessel model set of equations is solved could also be applied to other
corresponds to the DC impedance of the structured tree, areas involving flow in tree-like structures such as flow
while the peripheral resistance corresponds to the high- and water depth in a river delta. However, the use of the
frequency limit of the structured tree. Finally, the total outflow boundary condition presented here is only appli-
compliance of the windkessel model can be related to the cable to phenomena in which there is some scaling law
slope at which the impedance of the structured tree de- that gives rise to a structured tree.
creases from zero frequency towards higher frequencies.
Nevertheless, we find that the structured tree model APPENDIX A: MAGNETIC RESONANCE
has several important advantages. The structured tree is IMAGING
based on the underlying physiology and it includes wave
propagation effects which enable our model to capture Written informed consent was obtained from the sub-
the observed oscillations of the impedance in the part of ject in accordance with the regional ethical committee on
1294 OLUFSEN et al.

FIGURE 8. Simulated pressures corresponding to the flows shown in Fig. 7.

human research and the Helsinki Declaration. The sub- quired. The imaging parameters were echo time 6.3 ms,
ject was a 25 years old healthy male subject without any time resolution 30 ms, flip angle 20°, spatial in-plane
known cardiac disease with a body surface area of 1.94 resolution 1.25⫻1.25 mm, slice thickness 6 mm, two
m2 . The magnetic resonance imaging 共MRI兲 investiga- signal averages, and velocity encoding ⫾80 cm/s. Total
tion was performed on a 1.5 T whole body system 共Gy- imaging time for a complete measurement series was
roscan ACS-NT 15, Philips Medical Systems, Best, The approximately one hour with an average heart rate of 51
Netherlands兲. The subject was examined in the supine beats per minute.
position. To minimize motion artifacts caused by heart
motion, image acquisition was synchronized to the R MRI Data Analysis
wave of the electrocardiogram 共ECG兲. The body coil was
used for radio frequency transmission while circular sur- The volumetric flow rates from the different vessels
face coils and a dedicated five-element cardiac synergy were calculated as the product of the cross-sectional area
coil was used as receiver for the peripheral and greater and spatial mean velocity in each time frame. The ve-
vessels, respectively. Multistack, multislice gradient-echo locity was calculated from the magnetic resonance phase
scouts were performed at each vessel location to estimate images assuming linearity between magnetic resonance
the geometry of the different vessels for the quantitative signal phase and velocity. The vessel cross-sectional ar-
flow measurements. Based on these scout images, trans- eas were automatically segmented using active contour
verse gradient-echo, velocity-encoded images were ac- model algorithms to define the vessel boundaries.15 In
Blood Flow Simulation and Validation in Large Arteries 1295

addition, velocities above the Nyquist limit of ⫾80 cm/s

were manually unwrapped by adding the velocity value
corresponding to ⫾2 ␲ .

FIGURE B1. The values of q and A at n ¿1 are determined in
two steps. During the first step, intermediate values at n
Discrete Fluid Dynamic Equations for the Large ¿1Õ2 are determined from values at n. At the second step the
Arteries values at n ¿1 are determined from the intermediate values.

For the large vessels it is necessary to compute flow

and pressure for each of the vessels, but for the small
A ⳵p
vessels only the impedances at the terminals of the large c⫽
vessels 共at the outflow兲 are of interest. For the large ␳ ⳵A
vessels the equations are solved using the two-step Lax–
Wendroff method and for the small vessels the equations is the wave speed 共for details see Olufsen兲.20
are solved using a recursive approach. Define Um n
⫽U(m⌬x,n⌬t) where 0⬍n⭐N denotes
The continuity 共6兲 and momentum 共13兲 equations in the current time step 共and not generations of the struc-
conservation form can be solved using the two-step tured trees as in previous sections兲 and 0⬍m⭐M de-
Lax–Wendroff method. Using the state Eq. 共14兲 the notes the position along a vessel divided into M subin-
pressure terms of the continuity and momentum equa- tervals. Similarly definitions can be made for R and S.
tions can be expressed as functions of A. Hence, the The flow q and cross-sectional area A at time-level (n
continuity and momentum equations can be solved for q ⫹1) can be found from
and A. The flux of 共6兲 and 共13兲 are given by
⌬t n⫹1/2

冉 冊
Um ⫽Um
⫺ 共R ⫺Rm⫺1/2

⌬x m⫹1/2
R⫽ 共 R 1 ,R 2 兲 ⫽ q, ⫹B 共B1兲
A ⌬t n⫹1/2
⫹ 共S ⫹Sn⫹1/2 兲 . 共B3兲
2 m⫹1/2 m⫺1/2
and the right-hand side by

冉 冊
n⫹1/2 n⫹1/2 n⫹1/2
The intermediate values Rm⫹1/2 , Sm⫹1/2 , Rm⫺1/2 , and
2 ␲␯ qR ⳵ B dr 0 Sm⫺1/2 at time-level n⫹1/2 can be found using 共B1兲 and
S⫽ 共 S 1 ,S 2 兲 ⫽ 0,⫺ ⫹ . 共B2兲
␦A ⳵ r 0 dx 共B2兲 combined with

Using the definitions for R and S, and assuming that Unj⫹1/2⫹Unj⫺1/2

U⫽(A,q) the continuity 共6兲 and momentum 共13兲 equa- Un⫹1/2
j ⫽

冉 冊
tions can be written as
⌬t Rnj⫹1/2⫺Rnj⫺1/2 Snj⫹1/2⫹Snj⫺1/2
⫹ ⫺ ⫹
⳵ ⳵ 2 ⌬x 2
U⫹ R⫽S.
⳵t ⳵x
for j⫽m⫹1/2 and j⫽m⫺1/2.
Assume that the grid is uniform with the distance be-
tween any two grid-points being given by ⌬x and ⌬t for Discrete Boundary Conditions for the Large Arteries
the spatial and temporal axes, respectively 共see Fig. B1兲.
Then, the Lax–Wendroff method is stable if the Courant In order to use the two-step Lax–Wendroff scheme at
Friedrichs Lewy 共CFL兲 condition8 is fulfilled for both the boundaries, a boundary condition must be applied.
choices of sign This can be done by combining the boundary conditions
with the Lax–Wendroff scheme 共B3兲 and solving for q

冏 冏 ⫺1 and A. Details follow for the different types of boundary

⌬t q
⭐ ⫾c , conditions that we have to consider.
⌬x A
Inflow Boundary Condition. The inflow q into the aorta is
where q/A⫾c is the characteristic wave-propagation ve- given by the periodic function shown in Fig. 3. Inserting
locity, q/A is the mean velocity and q into 共B3兲 gives a nonlinear equation for A, which can
1296 OLUFSEN et al.

FIGURE B3. The discretized convolution integral „38… runs

over a whole period. For a given time t Ä n ⌬ t the values for p
predicted from this period is used for k Ä1, . . . , n and the
values predicted in the previous period for k Ä n ¿1, . . . , N
FIGURE B2. Left boundary: All variables are known at the À1.
points marked with a cross. In order to determine the value
of A 0n ¿1 , we apply the boundary condition for q 0n ¿1Õ2 at the
point marked with a square, and from taking the average of
this point and the point at „1Õ2,n ¿1Õ2… it is possible to de-
termine an approximate value at the ghost point marked with Bifurcation Conditions. Bifurcations represent an outflow
a circle. Finally, A 0n ¿1 can be found using this construction boundary for the parent vessel and an inflow boundary
and the Lax–Wendroff scheme „B3….
for the daughter vessels. In this case, the bifurcation
conditions 共16兲 and 共18兲 must be combined with the
Lax–Wendroff scheme 共B3兲 to solve for q M and A M ,
be solved using Newton’s method. The Lax–Wendroff M⫽M for the parent vessel and M⫽0 for the daughter
scheme 共B3兲 requires evaluation of q ⫺1/2
which, as vessels. As in the case of the inflow boundary condition,
shown in Fig. B2, can be found as follows ghost points are introduced in order to get these esti-
mates. As described in the section on Boundary Condi-
1 n⫹1/2 n⫹1/2 tions for the Large Arteries, the case study presented in
q n⫹1/2⫽ 共 q ⫺1/2 ⫹q 1/2 兲 ⇔q ⫺1/2
⫽2q n⫹1/2⫺q 1/2
2 0 this paper use 共18兲 for all bifurcations except for the
共B4兲 bifurcation from the ascending aorta into anonyma and
the aortic arc. In the latter bifurcation the energy loss is
Outflow Boundary Conditions. The outflow boundary substantial and 共17兲 is used instead of 共18兲. In the bifur-
condition for the large arteries should be evaluated at cations using 共16兲 and 共18兲 together with the ghost points
each of the terminal vessels 共see Fig. 1兲, i.e., at x L we can find (q i ) M n⫹1/2 n⫹1/2
and (A i ) M , where i
⫽M ⌬x, where x L is the length of the vessel and M is ⫽pa,d 1 ,d 2 . Hence, the bifurcation conditions, at time-
the number of subintervals along the vessel. For any level n⫹1/2 and n⫹1, lead to the following equations.
given terminal vessel the outflow boundary condition is Conservation of flow 共16兲 across the bifurcation
determined by the convolution integral 共38兲
共 q pa兲 M ⫽ 共 q d 1 兲 0j ⫹ 共 q d 2 兲 0j 共B6兲
p 共 x L ,t 兲 ⫽ 冕
q 共 x L ,t⫺ ␶ 兲 z 共 x L , ␶ 兲 d ␶ ,
and the pressure condition 共18兲

which can be discretized by

共 p d i 兲 0j ⫽ 共 p pa兲 M
, 共B7兲

p 共 M ⌬x,n⌬t 兲 ⫽p nM ⫽q nM y 0M ⌬t⫹ 兺
具 n⫺k 典 N k
z M ⌬t, where i⫽1,2 and j⫽n⫹1/2,n⫹1. The latter equation
can be written in terms of A using the state Eq. 共14兲:

where t⫽n⌬t is the current time, N is the number of

timesteps per period, and 具 • 典 N denotes the modulo op-
erator, the range of which is the set 兵 0,1, . . . ,N⫺1 其 .
冉 冑 冊 冉
共 f d i 兲 0 1⫺
共 A di兲0
共 A d i 兲 0j
⫽ 共 f pa兲 M 1⫺ 冑 共 A 0pa兲 M
共 A pa兲 M
冊 ,

The sum in 共B5兲 contains the terms from this and the 共B8兲
previous period depending on the value of k, see Fig. B3.
Evaluating the outflow boundary condition is a bit where i⫽1,2, j⫽n⫹ 21 ,n⫹1, and f (r 0 )⫽4Eh/(3r 0 ) rep-
subtle, since p(x L ,t) 共and hence, A) is not known ex- resents the changing stiffness or compliance of the ves-
plicitly, but only as a function of q. Consequently, in- sels. Note that if 共17兲 is used instead of 共18兲 Eqs. 共B7兲
serting the outflow boundary condition 共B5兲 into the and 共B8兲 should be modified accordingly.
Lax–Wendroff scheme 共B3兲 gives rise to a system of As in the case of the large arteries, combining the
nonlinear equations which can be solved using Newton’s bifurcation conditions 共B6兲 and 共B8兲 with the Lax–
method 共for details see Olufsen兲.20 Wendroff scheme 共B3兲 yields a number of nonlinear
Blood Flow Simulation and Validation in Large Arteries 1297

The array ‘‘art’’ comprises information about the ves-

sels shown in Fig. B4; art关3兴 comprise vessel 7, art关2兴
vessel 6, and art关1兴 vessel 5. The number of the vessels
in Fig. B4 correspond to the numbers in the full arterial
tree 共see Fig. 1兲. However, since vessels 6 and 7 do not
correspond to terminal vessels in the full arterial tree, we
have left out values for the minimum radii and instead
noted that a minimum radius must be provided at the
appropriate location.
FIGURE B4. An arterial tree with three branches. For each
branch its length, inlet and outlet diameters are specified. Algorithm 2: Solving the Equations for the Large
The example shown in this figure corresponds to the bifur- Arteries
cation from the aortic arc into the carotid artery and the
descending aorta „from 5 into 6 and 7 on Fig. 1…. 䊏 While t ⬍ finaltime 关-1.125cm兴
䉴 For all vessels do 关-0.75cm兴
䊊 Check that the CFL-condition applies.
equations which can be solved using Newton’s method 䊊 Solve the equations for all interior points
共again, see Olufsen20 for details兲. using the Lax–Wendroff scheme 共B3兲.
䊊 Update the inlet boundary condition 共B4兲
for the vessel connected to the heart
Algorithms for the Large Arteries
In the case study presented in this paper the loss 䊊 Check if the vessel has daughters. Use the
coefficients are set to zero, except in the bifurcation from bifurcation conditions 共B6兲 and 共B8兲 if
the ascending aorta into the aortic arc and anonyma. This the vessel has daughters, otherwise the
has the advantage that all parameters specific to a given vessel is terminal and the outflow bound-
vessel can be specified locally. The parameters specified ary condition 共B5兲 should be used.
for each vessel are: length (L), inlet radius (r t ), outlet
radius (r b ), pointers to daughter vessels d 1 and d 2 共art Algorithms for the Small Arteries
关 d 1 兴 and art关 d 2 兴兲, radius at which the structured tree
The recursive approach to compute the root imped-
should be terminated (r min), number of points per vessel
ances of the structured trees is described in algorithms 3
(#), the vessel stiffness constants (k 1 , k 2 , k 3 ), and loss
and 4. Assume that the number of timesteps N, a root
coefficients (K d 1 , K d 2 ) where appropriate 共as discussed
radius (r root) and the minimum radius (r min) has been
earlier兲. Note, if the vessel has daughters, the parameter given.
specifying the minimum radius should be zero. If the
vessel is terminal, no pointers are needed for daughter Algorithm 3: The Root Impedance Z(0,␻ )
vessels, but the parameter specifying the minimum radius
must be set. For each vessel, the parameter values spe- 䊏 For each frequency determine Z(0,␻ ) as follows:
cific to the vessel will be specified when the tree is Compute the impedance for N values of ␻ . Since
initialized. Algorithm 1 describes initialization of the ar- Z is self-adjoint the impedance can be computed
terial tree shown in Fig. B4 and algorithm 2 describes using the following two steps.
the solution to the hyperbolic equations in 共6兲 and 共13兲. 䉴 For k⫽N/2⫹1,N⫹1 do
䊊 Let all previous computed results be reset
to zero. Use the list ‘‘comp’’ to store
Algorithm 1: The Arterial Tree temporary results such that it is not nec-
䊏 Number of vessels in the network 共nbrves⫽3兲. essary to reevaluate identical parts of the
䊏 Starting time for the simulation 共tstart⫽0兲. structured tree.
䊊 Find Z(0,␻ ) recursively using the func-
䊏 Ending time for the simulation 共finaltime⫽6兲.
䊏 initialization of the arterial tree 共art⫽new tion Z 0 ( ␻ k ,0,0), which is described in Al-
ves*关nbrves兴兲. gorithm 4.
䉴 Apply self-adjointness by
䊏 art关3兴⫽new ves关1.0,1.11,1.09,0,0, (r min)3,4,k 1 ,
k 2 , k 3 ,0,0兴.
䊏 art关2兴⫽new ves关19.0,0.29,0.28,0,0, (r min)2,4,k 1 , Z 共 0,␻ k 兲 ⫽Z 共 0,␻ k⫹N/2兲 .
k 2 , k 3 ,0,0兴.
䊏 art关1兴⫽new ves共1.8,1.14,1.11,art关2兴,art关3兴, 0,4,k 1 , 䊏 Determine z(0,t) by inverse Fourier transform of
k 2 , k 3 ,0,0兲. Z(0,␻ ).
1298 OLUFSEN et al.

Algorithm 4: Recursive computation of Z 0 ( ␻ k ,n ␣ ,n ␤ )

共1兲 Compute all parameters for the vessel and initialize
the array ‘‘comp’’ to zero:
䊏 Radius r 0 ⫽ ␣ n ␣ ␤ n ␤ r root .
Note, n ␣ and n ␤ correspond to specific values of
k and n⫺k in Eq. 共20兲; this new notation is more
convenient for the present description.
䊏 Cross-sectional area A 0 ⫽ ␲ r 0 .

This definition is similar to the one for the large

arteries defined above Eq. 共4兲.
䊏 Stiffness/compliance f (r 0 )⫽4Eh/(3r 0 ).
This factor is defined below Eq. 共B8兲. FIGURE B5. Aortic pressure 8 cm after the aortic valve. The
䊏 Vessel length L⫽r 0 l rr . plot shows that p „ x , t … converges after about four periods.
This factor is defined below Eq. 共36兲.
共2兲 Compute the wave-propagation velocity c 共33兲 and
the scalar g 关defined above Eq. 共34兲兴. These depend
on F J 共27兲 and thus on the Womersley number w
关defined below Eq. 共25兲兴. Algorithms 共3兲 and 共4兲 only determine the frequency-
共3兲 Recursive algorithm: dependent impedance, while the outflow boundary con-
䊏 If r 0 ⬍r min then dition 共38兲 for the large vessels require a time-dependent
䉴 Z L ( ␻ k ,n ␣ ,n ␤ )⫽terminal resistance. impedance. However, the response function z(0,t) and
䊏 else hence the impedance that appears in the convolution
䉴 If the root impedance of the left daughter integral in 共38兲 can be found by inverse Fourier trans-
(n ␣ ⫹1,n ␤ ) has been computed previously then form of the root impedance Z(0,␻ ). The convolution
䊊 Z 0 ( ␻ k ,n ␣ ⫹1,n ␤ )⫽ comp(n ␣ ⫹1,n ␤ ). spans one period, hence, knowledge of the solution at all
䉴 else timesteps during that period is required. Since Eqs. 共6兲
䊊 Compute the root impedance of the left and 共13兲 are solved using the explicit two-step Lax–
daughter by calling Z 0 ( ␻ k ,n ␣ ⫹1,n ␤ ) re- Wendroff method, the solution is not simultaneously
cursively. available at all times during the period. Because we
䊊 If the root impedance of the right daughter
assumed that propagation of the flow and pressure waves
(n ␣ ⫹1,n ␤ ) has been computed previously is periodic this difficulty can be overcome using an it-
then Z 0 ( ␻ k ,n ␣ ,n ␤ ⫹1)⫽ comp(n ␣ ,n ␤ erative approach. At any time t values from the previous
⫹1). period 共for t ⬘ 苸 关 t:T 兴 ) are used together with the ones
䊊 else Compute the root impedance of the
already available for t ⬘ 苸 关 0:t 兴 共see Fig. B3兲. Iteration is
right daughter by calling Z 0 ( ␻ k ,n ␣ ,n ␤ carried out over a number of periods until a stable solu-
⫹1) recursively. tion is reached. Experiments suggest that a stable solu-
䊏 Z L ( ␻ k ,n ␣ ,n ␤ )⫽1/关 Z 0 ( ␻ k ,n ␣ ⫹1,n ␤ )
tion is reached after about four periods 共see Fig. B5兲.
⫺1 Another possibility would be to investigate whether the
⫹Z 0 ( ␻ k ,n ␣ ,n ␤ ⫹1)], 共37兲.
equations can be solved using a self-similar approach.
共4兲 If ␻ k ⫽0 then
This does not seem to be possible because of the viscous
䊏 Z 0 ( ␻ k ,n ␣ ,n ␤ )
treatment of the momentum equation and the manner in
ig ⫺1 sin(␻L/c)⫹Z(L,␻)cos(␻L/c)
⫽ , which the tree is terminated when a fixed radius is
reached. We have, however, been able to solve for the
input impedance of an inviscid, infinite, self-similar tree
共5兲 else, if ␻ k ⫽0 then 共for details see Olufsen兲.20
8 ␮ l rr
䊏 Z 0 ( ␻ k ,n ␣ ,n ␤ )⫽ ⫹Z L ( ␻ k ,n ␣ ,n ␤ ), 共36兲.
␲ r 30
共6兲 Update the table of pre-computed values:
䊏 comp(n ␣ ,n ␤ )⫽Z 0 ( ␻ k ,n ␣ ,n ␤ ).
For all of our simulations the terminal resistance is
taken to be zero and the impedance is predicted solely This research was made possible by the Group Infra-
from the structured tree. However, it is easy to modify structure Grant No. DMS-9631755 from the National
the algorithm to incorporate an additional terminal im- Science Foundation and by the Danish Eureka Project
pedance beyond that provided by the tree itself. No. 1063.
Blood Flow Simulation and Validation in Large Arteries 1299
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