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Education is every individual's absolute right, and regardless of one's income he should be

entitled to be educated for free from the basics of elementary to the advances of college
education. I agree to this statement and opine strongly to the idea that it is undoubtedly a
wise investment for governments to spend huge sums of money to fully educate their

Everyone has the right to be educated and it is one of the primary responsibilities of
governments around the world to educate their people. In fact, it is stated in each country’s
constitution that upon birth a child has the right for good health and competitive education.
In connection to this, failure of the parents to provide their child’s mentioned needs is
punishable by law and from there the state should take full responsibility to be the
immediate provider. For example, in the Philippines where most of the families cannot
afford to send their children to school, a law had been passed to give every citizen equal
rights for quality education, and it is clearly cited in the Republic Act 232 also known as
Education Act of 1982.

A country with poorly educated citizens is a burden to its government. This is true because if
most people in a certain place are not educated about the basic things around them like that
in health, technology, politics, and economy, the quality of living will become poor. In
Zimbabwe and Ghana, for instance, where seven out ten individuals are not educated, the
prevalence of simple and manageable diseases are frequently killing the lives of thousands
every year. Furthermore, the same nations are experiencing massive hunger and alarming
chaos within their countries because of extreme poverty and absence of help coming from
other nearby nations. Seen in this light, if only they have funded the education of their
people, the successful and effective prevention of these unwanted problems of societies
might have been discovered long before.

To sum it all up, aside from being a right to be claimed, and possible unpleasant problems
education may cause in a society if failed to achieve, equipping people with right and quality
of it through government funds can be undoubtedly a wise, good and profitable investment.

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