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Natapong William Collins UNIT 7 Course Work

1a.Justify your choices - colours / layout and design - why have you
used it and does it work
For My website, I wanted to create this page that would be viewed as a blank canvas. The
kind of layout I sent out to make was a very minimalistic website. The whole blank Canvas
idea was a way to for my website to represent the animated and drawn aspects of my
animated film. So the design and layout of the website would be a very kinetic page that was
not only kinetic and fun but also interactive and engaging. As I have stated many time before
Aardmen web page was a large influence on my own website page. It’s layout and features
are very interactive and the website was very engaging because of this. Instead of just
having static pages with normal tabs, and blocks of text under images, Aardmen decided to
do something different. Instead of just having images of their productions, their photos flip
over when you hover them and the give descriptions on the specific property that the image
relates too; this then also acts as a link to a video of which you can watch trailers and behind
the scenes for this particular product. These more kinetic features and details also matched
and display the tone of their properties. As my film was an animated feature I wanted my
website to inherit this and so I spent a lot of time animating my home page, and other tabs
and buttons to create an immersive website that was just as animated as my actual film was.
I took the features from Aardmen’s page and adapted them into my website, and after
completing my site, the feedback from responders has been overwhelmingly positive. When
I asked people how easy it was to navigate my website (10= easy and 1= impossible) my
overall rating out of 10 it a
9.4 overall (94%). This I
think is adequate proof that
my website is effective and
is easy to navigate and
works. However if I were to
improve it, one of the main
things that I could edit is
the animation of the
opening titles of my home
page. One responder said
that having the titles open
slowly the first is very cool
and is a nice feature
however having it happen every time you click back onto the homepage and the titles reset
the animation it becomes repetitive. There’s also some complaints about the fonts. Some
people have noticed that some of the titles with my B.O.B branding in particular, some of the
fonts vary for the title cards and faults in that the branding is not consistent. The colours I
used for my website were mainly Brown, White, Black, and Blue. I tried to implement a lot of
white and black to the website as I wanted to keep this idea of a blank canvas as my
production is basically filmed on a canvas that I then have filled in, just like I have filled in my
website with information and videos. The Brown was mainly sourced from my home page
screen and is the brown paper that I had used for my production. I do think However that I
could have made this brown paper backdrop, more of a recurring things so that my pages
were more consistent as a whole. This is especially noticeable on my about me page when
I’m using dark yellows and greens. I believe if I were to improve this I would at least set my
background to a brown paper background for consistency and then also change the yellows
and greens to Blues and blacks to keep my colour scheme consistent as well. When getting
feedback however I had got no sort of issues with colours so I don’t believe this is an
important improvement to fix as it it’s a small colour design inconsistency.
Natapong William Collins UNIT 7 Course Work

2. Discuss whether you feel that you have effectively branded your
online promotional package in keeping with your Unit 6 production
With my promotional package I believe that I have mostly done a good job at selling my
production to users and the my overall target audience. I believe that my website is a very
well layed out and designed website. I have seen that everyone who has used the website
are very happy with the website’s animated and interactive elements and but also the fact
that the website hasn’t compromised It’s easy to navigate format in favour for a flashy
interactive website and has struck a good balance between the two. The overall branding of
my actual product has stayed pretty close to the original production, with some branding
inconsistencies arising with some of the font choices and I think the main inconsistency, my
trailer. Now although I am pretty happy with my trailer, the context and tone of which the
trailer advertises my film is completely different to what the tone of what the actual
production is. I think this is probably the biggest flaw/ misguiding part of my marketing. In the
trailer, the video begins with a series of loud bells of which set across a darker tone for the
film before we even see an image. Since my film is an adventure/fantasy film with a comedic
tone, this song did not represent the overall movie at all. Although the lyrics of ‘Run Boy Run’
do fit in well with the film quite well, and the swelling instrumental parts do create a very
dramatic and inspirational feel to the movie, these feelings go against all the character traits
of Bob. The large percussion sections of the song also frame this feature as an action filled
animation however there is little to no action at all in this film. I think the overall
misrepresentation of the film may damage the overall response from the audience. I think if
viewers watched the trailer first, they would not like the actual production as much due to the
fact that the way the film was marketed in the trailer made it look more of an action
adventure film and I think this inconsistency would cause some backlash and negative
overall reviews. With the Behind the scene’s however, I think I did a good job in taking
interviews an B-ROLL and showing viewers an in depth inside into the production process of
creating this animation and I think people would be interested in how all these different
elements came together to make this short feature.

3. Discuss your audience's response to your website and social

When it comes to my website the responses that I got were immensely positive, most of the
people that filled up a survey had praised the website for being interactive and very easy to
use and navigate. A great number of responses said that the website was very functional
and easy to follow. With that in mind, when I asked what improvements I could make to my
website many people couldn’t find any problems with my website.

One user stated: ‘If I’m a 100% honest, I can’t find anything wrong with it. It tell you what you
need to know’. From this I can tell that the majority of people like the simple but interactive
layout of my website and that my website tell the user everything they need to know.

Although most of my feedback was positive, there are a few adjustments that reviewers have
noticed and have asked if I could edit. One user said that ‘The animated title comes in a bit
too slow, so possibly change it to come in faster.’ This can be altered very easily and I can
Natapong William Collins UNIT 7 Course Work

make the animation quicker so that the title appears on the home page a lot quicker. Another
small thing that I was asked to alter was the font styles. I at first wasn’t sure how the fonts
could have been a problem but then I had discovered that my fonts for the different BOB
logos had changed. This however will also be easy to change, I will likely change the font
from the Home page so that it fits with the other logos. For my social media pages however I
think I could have done a lot more to help promote my movie. Especially for my Instagram
and Facebook pages I have not posted any videos or pictures and I think I could have paid
more attention and effort to these pages. As I have not posted anything on these pages, any
users that have followed me will see nothing and it will not create any interest for my film.
However one thing I have included is in my bio on Instagram I have left a link to my website
so people still have a way to get information and videos however I would make more of an
effort to post and keep active on my social media sites.

4. Discuss how effective you feel your promotional package is

for your production
I believe that my promotional package for my production is overall very effective. From users
that have tested my website, I have got immensely positive feedback from everyone, with
only a few small nit-picks that were pointed out. My page was praised for its ‘easy to
navigate’ layout and interactive design. This website also contains all of my promotional
videos for my film including, my trailer, behind the scenes and a live commentary. With these
videos, of which I’ve marked as’ exclusive’ videos are mainly videos that are for those who
are interested in the process of animation and these videos are to help give a more in depth
insight into what it takes to make an animated feature film. Although I am quite proud of my
promotional package I do feel my trailer could have been more effectively edited to fit the
tone more accurately as the trailer that is up on my website and YouTube channel at the
moment does not fit the tone or story of the animated feature that it is based off.

5. What would you do next time to improve your promotional

If I were to improve anything from my promotional package I would probably re edit my trailer
for my animation. I would do this due to its misguiding tone. In the trailer the film is framed to
be some action packed action adventure film, whereas in reality it is about a lonely
fisherman that get sent on this quest of whom has a self-aware narrator. With the mix of the
dramatic music and segment of action that I have included, the trailer is pitching a different
film and I think if people watch the trailer first they will be completely confused to when they
watch the actual movie, and it’s a fantasy adventure comedy. So If I were to do this again I
would change the tone of the trailer and make it more comedic. How I would achieve this
would be putting in lighter music and implementing the narrator into the trailer as he is the
main source of comedy in the film. What this will do will properly set up the viewers for what
film they are about to watch.

6. How effective was your planning? Explain why.

When it came to planning my website and Trailer, I took a lot of inspiration from several
studios and film makers. I believe that my planning was very effective due to the fact that I
managed to structure an interactive website from looking at website from Aardmen and
being able to create a trailer inspired by Wes Andersons trailer for ‘The Isle of Dogs’.
However due to time restrictions I did not get to make up a mock-up of my website before
creating it so, it took a lot longer to develop and finalise my idea and I had to recreate
massive sections of my website 2 or 3 time which
Natapong William Collins UNIT 7 Course Work

7. Which elements of your planning were particularly useful? Explain

The elements of my planning that I found most useful was when I was research websites, as
what I’d learnt from analysing and comparing several different websites I managed to form
the basic layout and design for my website, and this in turn would then be used to promote
my videos. This deemed to be very useful as in just a couple days the views on all 3 of my
promotional videos have been visited by several users, with over 37 minutes being watched
within the past week. SO with these statistics at hand I believe that this was particularly
useful as it actually attracted more viewers to the videos and to the channel.
8. Which elements of your planning were weak? How did this impact
your production?
I think overall the element that was weakest was probably my early research into social
media, and also my mock website. My research right at the beginning of the unit when I had
to compare and contrast different social media sites to see which site best fit my
demographic, I did not thoroughly research on this particular subject so I wasn’t completely
sure of which social media site that I should push to promote my product . Also due to me
not being able to make a mock website it took me longer to fine tune my website, of which I
had to do whilst creating meaning that I would spend hours making certain layouts and
elements, only to reconstruct them to go along with a newer design.

9. What would you do next time to improve the weaker elements?

I think for next time, when researching social media sites id spend more time finding certain
statistics and facts that I can base my choices off of, and as a result ill better equipped to
properly promote my products on the right social media sites that will get to my specific
target demographic. Then for my website I would make a basic mock that I will use to test
out my ideas and then develop it forward when I actually go to make my real website. This
will not only allow me to develop ideas before I go to create my real website, but doing this in
the earlier stages it will save a lot of time allowing me to complete other things. This would
have been ideal as it would have given me time to create a teaser and to create my

For my website I
included SEO settings
applied as an attempt to
try and help promote my
website. SEO target key
words and Tabs on your
website and so when
people search for
specific Words or
phrases my website has
a better chance of being
put onto googles results
page after someone has
searched something.
This SEO is a way to
promote your website by
the literal words on the page, and YouTube links. This helps increase traffic on my website and is
another that I thought has helped my viewership

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